HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-09, Page 6JUNE 9, 1898.
0 0
are reasonable.
are Pure.
The money you
pay us for Goods
is returnable on
demand if the
Goods do not
turn out as repre-
sented by us.
On this basis
the solicit your
Completeness is the only •
word that expresses our as- •
sortrnent of Jewelry. Things O
that you see everywhere. •
Things that you can't find •
everywhere and things that •
l •
• you've never seen )efore.
• We are showing dainty
• styles in
• every conceivable style is
•here, every price is repre-
• sented from 10c. upwards
• for a sett.
some plain, some fancy, some set
• with jewels. A larger and more
• varied assortment than you'll ex-
•• poet to see. Close buying on-
e able us to offer them at lower
••prices than elsewhere. Are yon
interested 9' If so we'll be glad to
• let you see the new things, pick
• out your choice.and we'll astonish
• you with the lowness of price at
• "The Satisfactory Store"
J. B. HurnaI1
• Jeweller. •
•• Agent Bell Telephone Company. •
per boat from Owen Sound $$1.5.130.
per boat from Oweu Sound $43.80.
and Return $$4.10.
and Return $3.3.
For all information in reference to
travel apply to
W. JACKSON, c.� g'ent
Between all Stations in Canada
GENAS MAY 24, '98
Will issue Round Trip Tickets at
Single First Class Fare
Going May 23rd and 24th,
returning Until May 25th.
Single First Class Fare&One-Third
Going May 20th, 21st and 22nd,
returning until May 25th, 1898.
For rates and all information, apply to G. T.
R. System Agents, or write
M. C. DICKSON, D.P.A., Toronto.
G.T.R. Depot. Town Agent.
To Let or For Sale.
ft The undoraranea otters for sale or rent that l
story brick residence on Baglan St. There ere b
goodsi ble. Innconnectio sitting
the rtesilence are
two scree of Innd and a large number of fruit trees.
For partlenlars apply to
y OANTF.LON BROS., Bunton.
r n BARRY CANTELON, Mt. Frored.
Marsh 14112•
To Improvers of Stook.
Tho undersigned has on his premises, rah
concession, Godorich Township,
A Thoroughbred Jersey 13n11. Terms: -$1
and $2.
' A Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, rogis-
tered. Terms: -$1, with thoprivilege of return-
Tem: -i, thoroughbred Tamworth
This in it rare chance to improve your stook
O Wnor,
Our Timepieces, be they
either Watches or
Clocks, so you run no
risk in buying from us.
It has paid us to sell
Good Goods and we
shall continue to do so.
Does the Watch or
Clock you have need
Bring it to us and have
it made well. This
branch of our business
is a specialty with us.
Jeweller and Expert Watch
Our work is an ad for us, be-
cause we do repairing of
Watches, Etc., so t hor'ouiihly
that the owners coal; hack to
us if they have anything else
in our line, and they not only
come themselves but also sug_
gest to their friends that, A. J.
0rigg's is the place to go, Do
See Our Stock and hear Our
Prices. We sell Good Goods.
Successor to .. • .
saves labor and time, clean
the way for the horses and
machine and prevents the
shelling of grain. It has
only to be seen to be ap-
preciated. Those who
have used it willingly give
Can be attached to any
Reaper or Mower.
�9.. `rCLit Ilia: INT K
Implement Warorooms Huron St., nearly -
opposite Commercial Hotel, Clinton. „
For Over Fifty Years
used by Trillions of mot hors for their children
while teething, if disturbed et night rind
broken of your rest by a sick chilil suffering
and crying with pain of Cutting Perth nand et
once and get it bol tle of "Mrs. \1 inslow's vont 11 -
Ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re-
lieve the poor little sufferer horned let ely. De-
pend upon It, mothers, there is no mistake about
it. it mires Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach
and bowels, euros Wind ('olio, softens the
Gums, reduces inflammation, and Kicostone and
energy to the whole system. "Mrs. \Vinslow's
Soothing Syrup" tor children teething is plea-
sant to the Taste and is the proscription of one
of the oldest, and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States. Price t wenty-five
fonts a bottle. Sold by all druggists lhronght
out the world." Re sure and nod( for "Moa
James Fox was drowned at Parry
Because Doctors Couldn't Help Iler-
South American Nervine Cured
Mrs. Geo. Sehlee, wife of a well-
known contractor, of Berlin, Ont., was
for about eight years unable to attend
her household duties -at times confined
to her bed -suffered great weakness and
nervousness. She was waated to a
skeleton ; doctors diagnosed her case,
womb trouble. She despaired of ever
being well again. She was introduced
to try South 'American Nervine ; a few
doses gave great relief. She took in all
eight bottles and was completely cured,
and every day she sings the praises of
this wonderful remedy. -Sold by Watts
(' Co.
The London Conference,
REV. MR. RiosliY, ole BLYTH,
Chatham, Ont.,June 3. -The third
day's meeting of the conference open-
ed at 9 a. m. lleay. J. Gallaway pre-
sented a report df the Committee on
the Rearrangement of Circuits, who
found that five young men oould be die-
pensed with, and that other fields could
be consolidated where young mon have
formerly been employed. This means
that no young men will be received
into the conference this year, but
young men will be taken from the col-
lege to fill the circuits when such
young men are requited. This reso-
lution was passed on to the Stationing
Committee fur final readjustment. An
amendment as follows was read and pas-
sed :-"'That the report under consider-
ation be referred to the Stationing
Committee, and that the main feature
of the report be carried out."
The general session was then opened .
The election of president for the ensu-
ing year was proceeded with. On the
first ballot 261 votes were polled ; Rev.
W. Rigsby got 60, Dr, Hammond 40,
John Russell 20, 5. Learoyd 42. On
the third ballot Rev, W. Rigsby was
elected president of the next confer -
The Rev. Walter Rigsby, the newly
elected president, occupied the chair
•when conference reassembled at 2 p. m.
R. D. Ilamilton, of Kingsville, was cho-
sen secretary of the conference on the
third ballot. The secretary chose ltev.
11, D. Crews as his first assistant, Rev.
(1. LI. Thompson second, and Rev. Wm.
Goodwin third,
Rev. Dr. Potts was here introduced,
and addressed the conference upon the
subject of the "Educational Relations of
Methodism in Canada." Ile said that
Victoria University had been much im-
proved, and was growing yearly. The
Educational Society showed a most
gratifying improvement, and with the
active interest and co-operation of
every Epworth league and Sunday
School, it would be made a still grander
success. Ile also spoke in favor -of
the 20111 century trillion Boller fund,
which the British Conference had pro-
posed to raise. Such a fund would aid
both the Superauuation fund and the
educational institutions.
Rev. Dr. Briggs reported that the
circulation of the Guardian and the
Sunday School papers had increased,
and $10,000 had been granted to the
Superanuation fund from tho profits of
the year's business.
Rev, Walter Rigsby, who has been
elected president of conference, was
born in Hamilton, December 2911, 1847.
Ile was for a number of years with tho
old Western Telegraph Company, but
in 1862 he entered the ministry, and
has spent all his pastorates in the Lon-
don; ('cnference. His sterling advo-
cacy of democratic views in regard to
the \vorking of the conference has long
been known by his associates.
The candidates for ordination on Sun-
day were received into full connection
this evening, addresses being delivered
by George Daniel, Ph. B., and the pro•
sident, Rev. Walter lligsby.
Ash field Municipal Council.
Council met pursuant to adjournment
on Saturday the 281h day of May.
Members all present except dep. reeve
Dalton. Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved. The court for the
Revision of the assessment roll was com-
menced at 2.30 o'clock p.m. The only
charge made, being Alex. Mc3Iusriry
entered on the roll as tenant for the N,
part of lots con 13 W.D. A large num-
ber of accounts were paid. Council
adjourned to meet again on the loth
day of.June.
Ten Years of Rheumatic 'Torture Had
Sapped all joy From Life, but South
American Rheumatic Cure Prov-
ed the Life Nectar,
"For over ten years 1 was a great sufs
fer from rheumatism. I tried many
remedies and was under treatment of
best medical men, but nothing gave me
any hope of a cure. I procured a bots
tle of South American Rheumatic Cure;'
its effects on me were truly wonderful,
for when 1 had taken but one bottle
every pain and symptom of rheumatism
had left me. I heartily recommend it."
-W. IT. Sherman, Morresburg, Ont. -
Sold by Watts & ('o.
Colborne Municipal Council.
The Court of Revision of the assess-
ment'roll for the township of Colborne,
met in the townsbip Hall, all members
having qualified. The appeal of John
Roesler of too high assessment was
brought before the court. It was decid-
ed not to take any action and sustained
the assessor after making an examina-
tion of the roll and a few alterations.
Nathan Johns moved, seconded by ,John
Taylor that it be accepted as correct.
Carried. The court then formed a coun-
cil for despatch of regular business. All
the members were present, the minutes
of the previoua meeting were read and
signed. A number of accounts were
paid. The council then adjourned to
meet again on the 2lth day of June at 2
o'clock p.m,
For the early stage Scott's Emulsion
is a euro. For the second stage, it cures
many. And for the last stages of cons
sumpion it soothes the cough and pro-
longs the life.
Rheumatism Banish -
eh Like Magic.
A Marvellous Statement — Re-
lief from Ono Dose.
Mr. 111. W. Sherman, proprietor of the
Sherman house, Morrlsbnrg, Ont, Is known
by thousands of Canadians, hence the fol-
lowing statement from Mr, Sherman will
bo rend with great. Interest and pleasure.
"I have been cured Of rheumatism of ten
years' standing In three days. One bottle
CURE performed this most remarkable cure.
Tho effects of thy first (Mee of Sontli Ameri-
can Rhemmntle ('are were truly wonderful. I
have only taken one bottle of the rem-
edy, and now haven't nny sign of rheuma-
tism In my system, it did me mnre good
than all 0,o doctoring 1 ever did In my
Sold by Watts RI ('o.
This Council.
Court of Revis
essary oath as
The appeal of G. T. Railway
ed and the assessment was reduced
$1117. The appeal of W, .1. Patton
was sustained and his assessment re-
duced $10U. The following names were
planed on the roll : -'1'. 1'. Naltel, M. ,1 .
c'. '1'. Nafte', R. E. H. Naito', A. Tay-
lor, John Gardner, Philip Rundle; also
the following changes in assessment: -
John Taman, lot S. pt. ti con., B. 17
acres ; J. Jewell, lot N. E. 13 con. 1\I.,
15 acres ; Chas. Oakes, lot pt. 13, con.
11., 101; acres. The revised roll was
read and passed. Minutes of last meet-
ing of council read and passed. The
clerk was instructed to notify the coun-
cil of Godrricb to open drain on Huron
road. The following accounts were
paid : --F McCartney, services assess-
ing, $60; postage $1. Council adjourn-
ed to meet on June 20111.
Stanley Township Council.
Stanle* Council met as a Court of
Revision on Monday May 30th. The
appeal of ,Lae. foster against his assess'.
went on lot 6 Con. N, was dismissed,
twenty one dogs were taken off the roll,
lot 1 of 19 B. R.S. was changed from
Thos. Ward to Benj. Higgins, west half
lot 18 S.B. was changed from Non -Resin
dent roll to Christfua Richert, S. halt' lot
9, S.R.E. was changed from John 1\'ats
son, owner, to \V..1. Stinson, tenant,
The regular business of the Council con-
sisted of the following :-'rhe assessor's
salary $70 and postage iff was paid ; Mul-
lett & Co. account for eavotroughing
hall '100.50 was paid and W. Cooks ac-
count for cleaning hall and )roving fur-
niture $4 was paid appropriations to
the amount of $780 were made for the
maintainance of roads. Council meets
again on Monday June 20111 at 1 o'clock
J. '1', CAIRNS, Clerk.
West Wawanosh
Municipal Council.
Council met as Court of Revision.
There being no appeals, after adding a
few names, the (toll was received and
adopted. The 'Treasurer's statement
showed a balance on hand of $632.07. -
Filed. Alex. Pentland asked to have
earth taken from rood way to bank up
his barn. Privilege was granted.
Road Commissioners were appointed
to put in drain across road at Dungan-
non on motion by Cameron and Medd.
The roadwork of Mrs. Mill and Mrs. .f.
Alton was ordered to be struck oft' the
road lista. Mrs. Robinson was granted
'6 charity. .Putting,, in drain at 5t.
Augustine was left in the hands of the
Road Commissioners on motion of Medd
and Cameron an appropriation \vas
made for roads of ``500. Several accounts
were paid after which the council ads
juurned to meet July 11 at 10 o'clock.
What people are saying about Ilood's
Sarsaparilla? It is curing the worst
cases of scrofula, dyspepsia, rheumatism
and all forms of blood disease, eruption,
sores, boils and pirnplei. i1 is giving
strength to weak and tired women.
\Vhy should y3U hesitate to tako it when
it is doing so much for others ?
Boon's Pius are the best family cathe
artic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable,
East ®taw:Inosit Council.
The first sitting of the court of Revi-
sion was held in the council room on
May 26, members all present, having
each severally subscribed to the declara-
tion required by statute. There being
no appeals against assessments, the fol-
lowing business was brought up and dis-
posed of :-.William Johnston to be
assessed as tenant of South half of
lot 31 con. 3: James Wilson a
tenant of 5 1 lot 40 con. 3;' Nathaniel
.Johnston as owner of S. ; lot 30 con. 4,
Amos Challenger as tenant of part lots
29 and 30 con 6 and Wm. Killougb as
owner of same property ; Frederick
Cook as owner of S. ; N. ; lot 40 con. 7 :
Jos. Johnston as owner of W. ; lot 41
con. 12. Application was made to
have the following names added to the
roll :-Jas. B. Redmond lot 29 con, 5
1T. F.0 ; John Petts lot 32 con. 6 M.l'';
J. Taylor to be M.P.0. instead of tenant
C. part lot 42 con 7 ; John Vannorman
lot 42 con. 9 M.F,; Albert Morrow joint
owner of 5. part of lot 36 con. 11 ; Geo.
Ray lot 34 con 11 M, I'' ; Thos. Misurat
lot 32 con 13 M.F. The court closed
for the present, to be re opened again
on Thursday 23rd .lune next. ' Council
resumed for the transaction of ordinary
business. Minutes of last meeting read
and confirmed. David Clow con. 13,
having deolined to act as pound keeper,
and Andrew Fox con. 12 was appointed
in his place. Jeremiah Parks and son
of lot 28 con 4 were present offering to
buy back from the road allowance on
the south end of lot 28 same concession.
The Iteevo was instructed to negotiate
with the Messrs. Parks regarding this
matter. Communications from E. L.
Dickinson Esq., Wingham, received on
behalf (l• Armour ,L ?,lcAllister, egg mer-
chants of that town, claiming a certain
amount of damage sustained by them
by having a quantity of eggs destroyed
of the 7th of this month opposite the
12th concession while certain repairs
were being made on the gravel road,
and threatening to bring an action
Against the township if a settlement
could not be made. Filed. Robert
Currie sen end Roht. Scott sen. both
directors of East Wawanosh Agricultural
Society at Belgrave, were present solicit-
ing a grant of money frotn the township
in the aid of the Society. Resolved,
that the sum of $100 be expended this
season on the Eastern gravel road from
Wingham to Blyth, as an equivalent to
the amount already granted by the
township of Morris ; and further, that
the Reeve and Treasurer he authorized
in the meantime to borrow from the
Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, at least
$500 to meet current expenditure.
By -Law No. 5, 1898, cot firining the ap-
pointment of Pathinasters, Poundkcep-
ors and 1'eneeviewers for the current
year. By -Law No 6, 1898, to order and
regulate return of road lista within
the township. By -Law No. 7, 1808,00n -
firming the appointment ofJohn II. Mo-
('linton collector of taxes for the our -
rent year, and By -Law No. 8, 1898, to
borrow money from the Bank of ilamits
ton, Wingham, each severally read end
passed. The) Council then adjourned
011 Thursday 23rd of .Tune next.
ray' ■ *
Do you understand just what Dr. J. C.
Ayer's medicines will do for you? Are
they helping you as fast as you think they
ought? Write to our doctor. He will
answer all qaestions, and give you the
best medical advice, absolutely free.
Address the J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
Toronto Farmers' Market.
'l'oaoNTo, June 3rd.- -The receipts of
grain on the street market here to -day FULL STOCK
OF Milk Cans, Milk Pans, Milk Pails
were fair, prices were lower for peas
and oats and about steady for other I Daisy Churns, Dairy Supplies, etc,
Wheat -Steady, 500 bu. selling at
92o to 93c for white standard, 97o to 990
for red winter, and Ole to 9210 for
Harley -Easy, 200 bu. selling at 38c.
Oats -Were lc to 2c lower, 500 bu.
selling at 33;o to 36o.
Peas -Were lo to 2c lower, 300 bus
selling at 57c to 59c.
Hay and straw -The receipts of hay
were large, the demand was only fair,
and the market was lower, 50 loads sel-
ling at $6 to $8.50; straw was steady, 7
loads selling at $6 to $7.
Dressed Hogs -The receipts were not
large, the demand was rather slow, and
the market was easier at $6 to $6.15.
Wheat, white, standard$ 92 to $ 03
do goose , , 91 to 924
do red 117,tp 09
Barley per bush.. 36 'to 00
Oats per bush 334 to 36
Rye per bush.. 54 to 00
13uckwheat 48 to (10
Peas per bush.. 57 to 59
Hay, per ton 6 00 to 8 50
Straw. 6 (A) to 7 00
Dressed hogs (3 00 to 615
Butter, Ib. rolls 10 to 00
do tubs, dairy . 1.1 to 16
Spring chickens ( 110 to 65
Chickens 50 to' 60
Eggs, 10 to 00
Turkeys 10 to ]1
Potatoes ... , 60 to 00
Beef, carcases 54 to 7
do hind 6 to 8
do fore 4 to 5
Yearling lamb 8 to 9
Mutton 5 to 6
Veal, 6 to 8
NA Elsr.e'�..
CIL STOVEStLLI�r tris �__e.. sr.
Stove on the market. The balance of our old pattern Oil
Stoves at less than cost to clear them out.
CHARCOAL STOVES prices one to two
dollars, unexcelled for summer use and very economical as a
meal can be prepared at R cost less than one cent, Just per
fection for Toasting and Broiling.
Cliareo,l.l 1I0e. per Bag. or 3 13u -,s for ,-tESe.
Bear Silent Witness to the Ravages of
Kidney Disease.
An alarming fact -but statistics show
that in pont mortem examinations as to
death from all causes, that in over 90
per cent, of such cases kidney disease is
at present. This almost increditahle
statement is born out by years of com-
parison by most eminent medical men.
A warning of humanity that the per-
centage of those not cursed with kidney
taint is very small.- South American
Kidney Cnre relieves in six hours -is
nature's preventive -clears the clogged
parts -heals and permanently cures. -
Sold by Watts & Co.
The Live Stock Market.
TORONTO, June 3• -There was a fairly
heavy run of stuff at the western
cattle yards to -day, but mostly every-
thing was cleared up before the close of
the day. Receipts to -day were 71
car -loads, and there were as welt several
loads which arrived yesterday. The
offet•ir1 ;s included 200 sheep and Iambs
and 1,500 hogs and about 20 mulch cows
and springers. Prices generally were
Export cattle -The demand is only
steady and prices rule weak at from 310
to 41c per lb. Some few fancy heads
sell for about $4.30.
Butchers' cattle -Sales were a little
slow and some of the poorer cattle were
on the boards a long time. Prides
show very little change. Choice butch-
ers' cattle sell for 31c to 40 per lb. only
a few fancy heads for immediate killing
going above the latter figure. Common
to medium cattle sold for from 3o to 31c
per lb.
Bulls -There was a fair demand for
bulls for export at from 3'to to 316 per
lb. Feeding bulls are quiet and un-
Stockers and feeders -Buffalo men
were acting not quite so freely and the
result was that prices sagged a little
selling from $3.75 to $3.90 per cwt.
Sheep and lambs -There was only a
quiet trade done in this line. The of-
ferings were light and the demand slow.
Yearlings sell from 4;c to 5c. Spring
lambs are dull at from $2.50 to $4 each.
Shoop for both export and butchers
sold from 21c for bucks to 31c and 4c
for choice muttons.
Calves --Light run and prices un-
changed at frotn $3 to $5 per head
mostly. Some fancy steals would fetch
Milch cows and springers -Dairymen
are about supplied, and the market was
slightly weaker, at from $22 to $42 each.
Hogs -There is no change in this line,
but the feeling is weak. The top figure
was 5c per lb for the best singers weigh-
ed of the oars. 'There were perhaps a
few fancy heads sold for $5.05 and $5.10.
Light hogs and thick fat Bold for 410 per
Ib. Stags are dull at from 2c to 2;c,
and sows for breeding fetch 3o to 3,10
per Ib.
\Ve quote :- -
Milch cows, each. $22 01) to $42 00
Export cattle, per cwt.. 3 75 to 4 25
Butchers' fancy cattle,
cwt 3 00 to 4 (10
Butchers' choice cattle
per cwt 3 50 to 3 75
Butchers' good cattle,
cwt 3 00 to 3 30
Bulls, per cwt 2 50 to 3 75
Feeders, per cwt 3 30 to 3 00
Stockers, per cwt 3 30 to 3 00
Expos t sheep, per cwt3 50 to 4 0()
Butchers' sheep, per
cwt, 3 25 to 300
Yearling Lambs, per
cwt 4 75 to 5 00
Spring lambs, each3 00 to 4 50
Bucks, per cwt 3 00 to 3 5()
Calves, per head. 3 00 to 5 00
Choice bacon hogs, per
cwt, 500 to 5 05
Light hogs, per cwt. . 4 70 to 4 75
Thick fat hogs, per cwt 4 65 to 4 70
Sows, per cwt 3 00 to 3 25
Stags, per cwt 2 00 to 2 25
No other preparation has ever 'done
so many people so mush good an Hood's
Sarsaparilla, Amorioa'a Greatest Medi -
Use it on your corn, use it on your roots, use it on your
grass lands, use it on your clover, use it on your potatoes.
Just the thing for all kinds of plants, vegetables, sweet
peas, lawns, etc, Try it—
it will payyou.
A SNAP -3 inch. to 6 inch. Steel Cut ails only $2 per keg
or 10 pounds for 2i c.
VICTOR FIRE PROOF SAFES just the proper thing for
flrIners use $15 to $40.
and Beautiful Laces.
Pretty Russian Blouses and Nice Things in
Belts are what are in demand nowa-
days. They're here in great variety and
prices suit every purse.
From the tiniest little pattern up to the 3 •
Wide Skirt Width.
Cream and Butter Laces
In all the desirable widths from the very
narrow Valencienes to the wide widths
also Insersions to match.
Handsome Things in Parasols
Both Plain and Frilled all in the latest
WCJYpay the middleman's profit when you can buy direct from the ntann-
�1 r fa(atu•ers, We manufacture our own Furniture consequently you can
buy from us cheaper than from the ordinary Retail Dealer.
FROM the very fact that our Goods are in such great demand in te (?1d
Country markets, is strong proof that for quality,' finish and prico'they are
FOR the Spring Tracie we are offering a line of Bedroom Suites and Side-
boards that for valve cannot he surpassed in Western Orita rio.
DO not buy till von have seen Our Stock. 'We will have your trade if
Good Goods at the lowest prices will secure it.
1N this department our stook is complete and our
prices are low as the lowest.
OUR Hearses are the best in the County.
L uruitlire Manufacturers and Unde'rtalcors.
J. €illilidley, Manager
....Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence of our
....Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley, King St., opposite Foundry.
1898 New Dried. Fruits 1898.
Raisins—Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas.
Currants —Filiatras and Fine Vostizzas.
California Prunes and Elime Figs.
CROSSE and I3LACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron.
NUTS-Filharts, S. S. Almonds and \Vallnuts.
COOKING FIGS for 5c. a lb, NICE OLD RAISINS for 5c. a lb
--headquarters for
J. W. IRWIN, McKay, Block,
iawwt r i(2L(i
Wanted in exchange,
12 lbs. Choice 1 bus Oats.
Oatmeal for
13 lbs. Choice 1 bus Oats
Family Flour for t
These are our present, rates
but, we don't know how
long they will Inst.
Oats token in exchange fot' (Iroceriee.
Thla school floes first-class wort' In every depart-
ment and onJoyee a large patronage. A Commmt-
cial achcol of tho highest grade—none hatter In
Canada. 8tudeuts can enter at'any time. Catalogue
W. J. ELLIOTT. Pr(nofal. '
If yon wont a fleet -Maas, well mode pomp, one Dia
will give yen ent.infaetinn, send )oar order t0 th
undersigned, Ile will dig and clean welia end do it a
tho cinema pricer'. Ile Mao handles n flre£-ciao
Oppoalt Qnoon'e hotel • High ftroet Clinton