HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-09, Page 2I fl J THE PROCESSION HATED, long to tb�t school. 1 can tell it from lrst$'0 fortune, end all luxuries brought � the wary they mourned over him. pe lto our table and your wardrobe was (('QQCp i� II kyr iJl1li SUNDAY SCHOOL• ninth hour, "This darkness was pre- ter•natural ; not an eclipse, for awn , shawl pressed against my &Vy,'utb,which the water from _ was to be the companion of his mother, u , and your home wee beautiful by ec- lipse could not take the /full A Moonlight Sail• prervented smo�hor•ing REV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES Ha was to be his mother's protectox. music+, and sculpture aatd painting, and A INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JUNE 12. place at mO°n "All the laird" iw really all the Me. Poor Miss Martin was lase for tun. SERMON TO YOUN(f HIEN. (Ile would mturn now some of the kind- thronged by the elegant and educated, news he hitd reoeived in the days of and them soles Tough Miusfortune —•— earth and there Is no sufficient reqs- ea to __ This story was related to me by ate. Ser body was not recovered till a not r � childhood and boyhood. Aye, Ae would should striike you in the 1'e4se> and `� Jesus IJrnclned." ltlKtt. e17. 3a -Go. Gorden conclude that the darkness \vas confined to Judea. Our Lord was cru- lady leveed whose narrow esoalte from the next morning, w was laud ill a casket and forwarded to her friends The Funeral% In the City of Nalu-ne was An Only tion—Was 1116 Mother's Prolee• with his strong hand uphold that form , trample your treasures, and taunt already enfeebled with age. Will he j your chiildren for their faded dress, und Text. 1. Cor. Il}.a, PRACTICAL NOTES. c•ified at the third hour, which is nine o'clock, and hours drowning I give below in her own "Several in New Brunswick, accompanied by Mr, tor—C4rlut Appears Utxih the Scene- sewn We do it d No. In one hour all that pro- send you into commercial circles an un- derlin w g here once you waved astele- mise of ha and of, hie Verse. 35. The crucified him. The y' remained six on the cross, the sixth• hour would be noon." words: eax•e a. o in the month Y B of Jar+ge, ,while on a visit to a friend's Russell, whose fiance, she wart, The ` poor man was uJmust heart-brok,n. ue ]raises rho Yoaag ►1pn wend -Useful Lessens urawn teem the h gone. There is a world of anguish in that one tee of gold don't you thiin]t you would anguis executioners ,were four Roman soldiers. In --'Churton. The ninth hour would be about three in the afternoon, when the boons, situated in a New England vii- And, now I never see the moonli ght sbining on the \rater without Text. Washington short phi ase, "The only bon of his,ery then?• I thank you would, Hut mother, and she aw•itlow.>' Christ comes and meets all such to -day. the sot oY crucifixion they Pirat laid the cross on the ground, and taking avenin.' sacrifice was laid on the altar before the temple. lege, I met with up accident, from the a Blhud- der, when I think of the golden sheen A despatch says:—The the Now, my friends, ii was upon this He sees all the straits in which you off the cloth' Imlg of the criminal, the 40 .Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? The efdects oP which m y pervos have never of the river on thab melpnorable ni ht ti . Rev. Dr. Talntage preached from wards: "Now when he came nigh to scene that Christ broke. He came in have been thrust. He observes the without any introduction. He atoplred sneer ar that nam who once was proud made him lip down Oran its main beam Y first words of Psalm 22 in the Aramaic dialeot of titre Hebrew tongue, the diar fully recoivered. This village overlooked a large na- ,'• "" "�'-" The Case of Ylllcent Pyrwhit .' the gate of the city, behold, there was the procession. He bad only two ut- to walk in your shadow and glad to terances the get help. He sees the and stretch out his armB along the loot that Jesus spoke in' his childhood. vigable river, where crafts of different • "" a decd man carried nut, rho only son to make ; the one to your protested mourning mother, the other to the note, the uncancelled. judgment, the transverse beam. The cross was low. The arms Thus with his last breath does our Lord give honor to the Father and bear wit kinds plyed during the day, and some- '-- "' he death of Vincent Yyrwhit, J.F.. 1 of his mother, and she was a widow; ,much people of the city was with her. dead. He cried out to the mourning foreclosed mortgage, the heartbreak- in one': " Weep not," and then, touching g exasperation,and He says: "Weep ,were nailed in lace; the P feet wore sometimes tied, but more gen- nese to the fulfilled words of the Old times far into the elvenin I often eat g• ^') of Ellerdon house, Ellerdon, in the And when the Load saw her, be had tlye hien un which the son lay, He cried not," I ow•n the cattle on a thousand orally transfixed by a single large nail, Testament. What did Jesus mean by thus quotin the B psalmist's pathetic for hours on the cool broad veran- dab, County of Buckingbamshiro, would in compassion on her, and said unto her, out : " Young man, I sa • unto thee hills. 1 will never let year starve. From y When the criminal had been seotu'ely reproach, "Aly God, my God, why hast watching them pass and repass, tiro ordinary way have received no more Vi'eep not. And be came and touched Arise I And he that was dead sat up." my hand the fowls of heaven peck all I Ie two from their food, And \will I let you starve P Fastened the cross was raised to an thou Forsaken me ?" Dr. Abbott gives admiring the graeefwl elms on its attention than ten death oII any; otbely the bier; and they that bare him stood R rn or three things this subject ; and first, that Christ was Never—no, my chilld, never." J upright position and slidden or dro d PPe a commonly received explanation when he considers it t•epresentative of that banks \+'hose green foliage was ro- fhcted �in sins], country gentleman, The circum - still. ,And he said, Young man, I say a man. You see h,w that sorrow play-' Or perhaps this tramp at the gate of into a hole• dutg to receive its lower phuse of Christian experience, in which the de the below. P stances of his death, bowev4k*^"-- , unto thee, Arise. And he that teas ed upon all th, eb•,rde of his heart, F Nain ha,s am echo in your ow'n bereft end. Death came ver slow] eneral- Y y' g while the iutelle,et still holds fast to One particular day the weather had now long since for otten, were seraea- dead sat up, and began to speak. And think we forget tbis too often. Christ spirit. You went out to the grave, and was a man more certain] than you felt you 'love'- could come back IY after hours, sometimes after days, its belief in God, the hear., feels it no been warmer than wvual, and the hours tional, and attracted some notice he delivered him to his mother,"—Luke y you a.re, for Hie was a perfect man. No agaitr. You loft your heart there. 'Phe of agony. Agcording to Murk, Jesus more, and the soul i in dsr•knees do spite of its faith in God. Psalm L2, how- had been passed indoors away from the es rho tune. was one of those oases vii, 12-15. sailor ever slept in ship's haus",A.k whi,te snow of death covered all the was fastened to the cross at the third ever, has often been used by holy He - glare of the awn; but the evening came jl ,etch i oasily forgotten within u yetis, The text calls us to stand at the more soundly than Christ slept in chat garden. You listen for the speaking of hour—about nine o'clock. John sa •s it y brews as a sort of death chant, and on cooler, with a breeze off the wat- except just in the locality whore i4 gate of the city of Nain. The streets boat on Gennessaret. Tn every nerve voices that will never be heard again and in ever muscle, and bone. and and the sounding of feet that ,will nev- 3 was about the sixth hour. To harmon- !t is not atrainin g the meaning of verse 48 er, and the bright radiance of a full occurred. The most sensational circum- { ure full of business a.nd gaiety, and fibre of His body—in every emotion er move in your dwelling again, and ize these a ,arentl • contradictor Pl 3 Y to understand that the sentence quoted atattds fur the whole psalm. Just moon transforming the scene into fair y stances of the case never came before- the ear is deafened with th, hammers and affection of Hie heart there is this mornim in g, while I speck, a statements it is assumed by many as we would say that a man sang, land, Lite public at all. I give them here alm- o,f (mechanism and the ,+'beefs of t af- ?; every action and decision• of His mind, droll, heavy, leaden pressure he your i TIe was a man. FIe looked off u. ,nn ],cart, God has dashed out the li hi } g scholars that Juhn, when writing this "Jesus, Lover of my soul," and by 3iy busLamd came hasti]y up from the ply and plainly. Th, psychical people fit•, \l'or'e, ,\ith its thousand arms, the sea just as you look off upon lbs of your eyes, and rho heavy spirit that letter in Ephesus and among Gentile that phrase mean that Ire sang the whole Lymn which thtta ltegins, the wharf with the proposal of a soil by may malts what they lik, of them. ani} thousand a •es, and thousand feet, y t waters. ,Tie went into Diartha's house hat. ,vomtan curried out of the gate uP sttrruundings, followed the European so evangelist may mean that Jesus moonli ht, for which purpose he had g Yyrwhit himself w•as a ver y ordinary, fills all the street, ,oboe suddenly the just as you go into a cottage. 110 Nain is nu heavier than yours. And Breathed h•crd when He was tired, just yuu open the dour, but he comes nut in mode of reckoning time. Parted his re- cited this psalm, as was the custom procured a boat, Our hostess was en- country' gentleman, a good fellow, but crowd arts, apd a funeral ,asses. Be- P 1 tween as you do when you are exhausted, He And you enter the nurser but he is y' garments, It has been usual in moat of od] Hebrews. $ y 47. Some 'Who gaged, bort ,]vias Martin and• fir. Rus- in nu way brilliant. lie was devoted to ' the wheels of work and pleasure felt after sleeping out a night in the not there. And you siL at the table, ages and countries for the executioner df them. must have been Jews. Elias. Possibly a misund- sell (also visitors), were only too bale his wife, who was some iffteen yearas I there Domes along procession of ruourning �1 ho is it I A storm ,just like you do when you have but there is a vacant chair next to you. leen expo.ed to a tempest, It was And the sun dues riot shine as brigbOy to regard the personal property of the erstaeding of the word Eli, but more py, and consented with pleasure. I was younger than himself, and remarkably people. trifler sa "Oh, it is but Juat as humiliating for Him to Lel; as it used to. And the .voi:;es of affec- criminal as his own. Ala,tl hely notes probabl a bitter mocker •. Elijah ,vas y y J delighted, but wished to wait long an- beautiful. Sits was gutta a good wa s: nothin y B u funeral. It may brive come up from bread. as it ,would be for you to become tune da not strike you with so quick the general fulfillment of a prophecy expected by the Jews as the forerunner of the mossiab. ough to change my thin muslin waist man, but she had hen faults. She was fund admiration, and she was an the hospital of the city, or the alms- a pauper. H, felt just as much insult- , a thrill and your cheek has not so ed by being sold for thirty pieces of sil- healthy a bus, and your eye has not in Psaelm 2.2, 18• fora still more spec Took a sponge, and £dlhd it ,the for a thicker one, but my husband o of r cleverly, flirt. she misled men ,cry 1house, or some lo+v place of the town; Vel' as you would if you were sold for so deep a fire, Do I not know•? Do o Tal coincidence see John 19, .3, L4. This is to have been ne vinegar, That ia, with sour wine, tiro ordinary drink of the soldiers, Put it o jetted to the delalq sand' begged me to dev,rly, and was ,Len sincerely angry for having been misled. Her but nut so, says the+ serious observer. the ,rice of a do from the crown we wit all know•? There ice an unlift- 1 6• of the head to the sole of his foot: He ,eel ++ae on your heart. You have been psalm supposed written during the exile by a godly on a reed. So as to put it within reach come just tis I wee, eo catching up a from the chair, I has- ,with them husband never troubled his head about There are so many evicicnoes of tired ixareavement that we know• tit the first w•as a man, Oh when the thorns were carrying out your loved one beyond the twisted for His brow•, they hurt llim. gate of the city of Nain. But lo.,k Jew in captivit • at Babylon. Castin ) B of th, sufferer's mouth. 49. Let he. Another speech of mock- shawl verandah tilt' threw it over my shoulders, and these flirtations, nein assured uite B q rightly that she was a good wumun. tri.Luce some Dna has been taken away Just as much as they would hurt your'yneder, Some one slauds watabing. ]le brow, if they were twisted for it. lie seems vvadtin for ou, As ou come g y y lots. Garments which would not be spoiled by cuttin would be divided B er y' 50• Cried again. (,See John 19, 80; Lnuke declared myself ready. tof H, was not jealous; eh,, un the urban grand, cies csaeesed of a ealuus am - E early beloved; and to out inquiry: "�l'!ta took not nn Him the nature of nngPls ; ' u Hr stretches out His han•1 of bele. Y . 6 egttall anon the executioners, but 23. 40.) The words were, "It is fin- ished," "Into roacdeto the wh'arfh ,merry party punting almost to insanity. Thka might is this that is carried outwith eras many offi•_es of kindness and affec- He took on Him the seed of Abraham. His voice is full of teradern,ss. yet Fece Homo—Behold the man ! with eternal • st.rength. \PhD is other articles, su,•h as the girdle and and, thy hands I com- mend my spirit," Yielded up the host. g f I P w moments we had board- mr, n a. e it into have caused trouble if he had ever pro• vided bar with the slightest basis on tiutn?" 4he re ly c;ome.�: "'J h,• on] •son p y ;thrills Hut 1 must also draw front this soh- tt? '.The very Une w•hu Accosted the turban and sandals and the seamless Yielded up his spirit, as if his spirit ed the boat, und shaved nut the stream. w•hi.:h her ealuus could work, but he j y' of Lia mother, and she a wi,lo\v." Sl.iind tact that He was a God. Sut os, That 'vrrournrr aC the ata of Naim and He a man should now attem tt tofreak u t sa st "\Vee not." l'hitnn, woven of fine ,wool and corn was his servant, whom he now voltrn- tartly dismissed, (See John 10.18, ) I don't think I over saw a more per- dial. lith the exception of his wanton Lured him. 1 believe she bw,k and let the rcreaion ,ass out 1 P 1 i } Y P funeral obsequies. He would he seized ' -Perhaps it is a worse grief than that. next the body, w'uulci lose ,herr value if for lot Isar night. In the brilliant light of the moon ever thin looked different Y g wife> cif,, did once or twice try to make a steno kiuvh ail rho noises of mirth and pleas- by the law, he would be imprisoned, if i It may be a living ]Lome trouhle cut, and so them the +sus Prem the common light of day, and \ye fur soma preposterous reason, which ure! Let ever • head be uncovered I y he were not actually slain by the mob that you cannot speak about to before resorted t.o. At this juncture our THE WOMEN OF CUBA B joked, and thought our- las hed and wga no reason at all, but nothin g ser Vl'eep,•;ith thi: passing procession and the officers could secure him. if our best friend. It ma • be some oto- y y Pru ed, "f:'ather, for the them• Lord y g , selves both fortunate and happy to be ious came of yt, and] there was never let it be told through all the market Christ bad Leen a mere mortal, would meatic unhappLness. It may be an evil He have had a right to come in upon suspicion, it may be the disgrace fol- for they know not what they do" (L'uke 23. 34). ---+ Cuban, women are Also they the participants of so match pleasure. The foal, just fast enough a real quarrel between them. On the death of his wife, after a pro- 1 ,laces and bazaars of Nain, that in `itch a procession ? Would He have )owin in the footsts g prs of a son tbNt 36. '('hey watched him ]here. Appre- pretty. hold t mod d, create a pleasant motion as we glid, longed illness, Pyr\vbit wrote and ask- �` Galilee, to -day, the se pulchre bath 1 •'ucceeded in His interruption ? He was is wayward, or a companion w•ho is hcnding an attempt at rescue. on to their beauty until they are ed racefull alum the ''hits sail Bet ed Fee to come down to Ellerdon Pur the I gathered to itself '•tbe' (;;ily son of his more than areae for when he cried cruel, or a father that will our do out: "1 Any unto thee setae I" tie that right; and for years cher, may have 37, S,o,t up over his head his accuse- ll>Jrg Past the age ,vLen the fairness features to the refreshing breeze. Thle coast funeral and to remtain at least afew 9 him.. He would be uite days q another, and she a widuw.' w•as dead sat up. Oh, what excite- lven a vulture striking its beak in- tion. l� hether this was clone before the trans with its sufferers had been usual] Y leaves. The chief of this beaut • are: E ea as black as el'ces, y seemed com'parativel clear, unci with B c hinder our progress, \ve sail- nothin t with alone, and 1 was his oldest friend. I Thor.' are two ur three things that, meet there must hivebeen Ihereibodts. to the vitals of your soul, und gnu The body had lain pro.Arate. It' ]tad , sit Lhere to -day feeling it worse llrtn placed erect we do not -kruow. On the Y hair like the raven's wing, figtirea that ed on and out over an enchanted hate attending funerals, but 1 was ble I friend, and 1 was, moreover, a in m mind, ive esiecial y g p pathos to this scene. The first is, be was a been mourned over with agonizing death. It. is. It. is worse than death, tears, sad yet now it Begins to mow, And them is humiliatin this actuation r, soarried inafront r -re charmin a manner that is fas- B, _ We had grown strangely quiet each oilier distant relativ, of Lis ,wife. 1 had net young Aman that „•as being carried out. yet relief. I'hou;h the in the shroud, and to he flushed ,with � night may be the blackest, though the of a,Tus. It is aA3ct to have been cos- tomary to write this accusation• in ednati n6' and a voice that is melodious, Teeming to realize that though 'speech was was and choice and 1 went down. There were many visitors in the To the aged, death hecontes beautiful. life ; and at the command of Christ he voices of bell (nay tell you to curse ri:.es up and looks into the faces the � black letters on boards smeared with well modulated, sw,et and eonfidin g• Cul>am silver, silence golden,' each one seemed busy with his, or her, house for the funeral, w'h•ich took place The old'man halts and pants along the of God and die, look up anti hear the voice astonished spectators. Oh. this was the that accosted the +\Duan of the teat, white gypsutu. Thi is Josue the Fling the Je,ca. The variations in the women a not all smokers. When the average man conjures up a ow'n thoughts. For my part, I „as thinking home trod friends far away. in the village churchyard, but they i f g left immedyately afterward. The a r o road 'fere once be butinded like the rue.. From the midst of immedicable work oG a God. I hear it in His voice ; as it says: "Weep not," r see it do the flash of His eye : 1 he- "Lamb form are notable. Compare with vision of a Uasfilian or her sister in of Man of t'he'm had passed over the mys- bridge heavy gloom which bad hung over the The ' • ? ailment and sorrows, he cries out; has no sorrow- hold. it in the snapping of death's „ That Leaven cannot cure. this verse dark 15.26; Luke 2;3.38; and Jahn 19. 19. It was written in three the Gere of rho Antilles be usually tic them spans this world and the next, but somehow they seemed house seemed to lift a little. Be` wants, servants are always very .'mo- "Ho.+• long, oh Lord, how long?" Foot- ~hackles ; I see it in the face of the ris- ing slumherer ; I hear it in the outcry � T learn again from all this that. languages—Greek, Latin and Hebrew-. Places a cigarette in the mouth of the black beauty strangely near me on this night. The tional, continued to break down at in- Pyrwhit's man, Wil- sure and hardly bestead on 'the hot of all those who w•e.re spectators of the Christ is the master of Lbe grave, Just The wards, "The Bing of the Jews," eyed he bas brought to very air seemed peopled with spirits dear tervals, noticeably liams, butt Pyrwhit-himself was self- jcatrney, he wants to get home. ' He scene. If, \then I see my Lord Jesus outside the gate of the city Death and are founcd in each ot,Ahe evangelists. in three his mental eye. He is mistalken. That bright and beautiful from out the detid lir .'puke cf ]Lis wife with eits in (he church and sins, with a b Cbriyt mourning with the i,ereared T Christ measured lances, and when the 1 gut m bands ole His shoulders, young man rose, Dei,th dropped. Now One might expect that the languages there would be differences. is as a rule lt, is. There are eaeep past. I was awakened from my reverie by possessed. great affection and regret, but still very tremulous voice, some tune he and y w•e .are :,ure of our resurrection. Qh I say : ''AS•y brother," now ]hat I hear Verhat translation was not demand- tions, however, and q goon many. But a dark object cuing unexpectedly in- bo could speak of Ler and not un- he a ke of tang forty years ago, and longs to join HIM proclaim supernatural deliver.- what a scene it w -as wben that young ed. the \well -reared, dater y, charming Cub- to view as we sundae] the river bend. It steadily. At dinner also Pu two subjects, of politioe ti the letter assemblage of the one bun- antes, I look up into His face and say man carne hack 1 The mother never \\ith Thomas; Nify Lord and God.' expected to bear him speak again. She 38. Two thieves, Robbers were always put to death by crucifixion an girl does not smoke. What we is w'as only a small steamer puffing along, bu't coming noarer to us witb one or Othier and of his duties as a magistrate, and Bred and forty and four thousand, and my Do you not think TTe ,vas a God ? A never thought, that he would kiss her Great bands of "thieves"—robbers— mean that i't (Goes not follow that be- eery stroke of the paddles that churn- of course he mlade the requisite fuse the lhuusands of thousands who have great many people do not believe that, again. How the tears started and her I at this time infested the country ak:out cause a girl is a Cuban she incessant- ed the waiter with a rmc;hing sound, abotut his gratitude to rale for coming ,. After ,. ] awed the flood. How sweetly he sleeps and they compromise the . matter. or heart throbbed' as she said : "Oh my Jerusalem. 'they were what are now ly soma'kes. From 'the first I felt there ,vas a dawn to Ellerdon at that time, in the library, aroom ). rte last sleep. Push ,Lack the white they think they compromise it. They Son, toy' son, my son l" And that scene a He was a ver , ' g but He is goin to be. repeated, It is called banditti, and represented a half -organized political movement The average Cuban irl is not as g danger but Clifford bade me not to worry we would soon pa s it in safety, dinner we sat well and expenaicely furnished, but •' to ky from the wrinkled temples; they y y good man, going \vas not a. God. That is iml ossible, Ile ' EO. lie repeated ten thousand times. that chronic rebellion which disturbed dark as a mulatto. She is mare like I drew ray shawl closer around my without the least attempt at w ill never ache again, I cid the hands the was either• a Gocl or a wretch and I will i These broken family circles have gut it, If to he that to come together. 'Phase both Herod and Pilate through nearly the of their official terms. These a girl who has passed all summer at sboalcdsom, and waited, for what.-- We were drawing rapidly nearer, taste. There were a few oil painting,, on the walls—a presentation portrait over still heart; they „ill never prove a man professes extinguished which he, is n.ot. what is he? Ho is a household lights have got to tie re- whole "thieves" w'e're probably already und- a fashionable resort and has succeed- when I thought the steamer cast an of himself, and a landscape or two— 1 toil a sin. Close t; gently the eyes; liar, an Imps -.ter, a hypocrite. Thitt i.s kindled. There will be a stir in the er sentence of death at the timle of ed in nccomplis,hing a tan that is just extrem,ly•dark shadow before it, trod all mono or less bad as far ae I remem- ` they will never weep again. your unanimous verdict. Now, Christ; family Jut in the cemetery, and there our Lord's trial, According to legend tow cute for anything. And the beat I think the sense of danger occurred to ber. Hua had eaten next to nothing i liar this man that i aro s ,eakin 1 g of Profs -geed to be A God. Ho said over I will be a rush into life at the com- their names wero D) smas and G suras. y 3' of it all is that this prettiness remains us all at the same time. The dense at dinner, but he had dr•�nk _a good wa: a young man, He was just put- ting and river again Ile was a God, took the I nand. "young ma.n, I say unto tbee, One. leader of mountain robbers, accord- 'into until a is very old. She, in fact nev- shadow was a sand'barge, heavily load- being'propell'ed doal; the wine, however, did not seer thea leash upon him, con the armour of life, and, Le. was exwtin'g tai think how his sturdy attri}>utey of -a C=ods :and assumed the tt-arttiPl" As the •ch'ilYT shiLk'ei3' off Lbe works and offices of a God. Dare you I dust of the toml, and comes forth ing tx, Jo�epltus. dasb,il Jericho and burned ids palaces, and Another for er dces become really homely. 6be ed and forward by the larger craft. to have effect had got the conversation definitely off • blows would ring out above the clan- now' say He w•as not' TTe was a God fresh, and fair, anti beautiful, and tw•ent.y years wasted a � wide spread rather talker on a.sort of an old bronze Our little boat, under full sail, was the subject of his \wife when I made a '.: gour of the battle. I suppose he bad a or He was a wretch., Choose ye, Do, you throw- your arias around it and country with'fire and s,vord• color, which is not at all objectionable. too close before we discovered it, to blunder. I noticed an Erichsen's ex- yycrur�g can's hopes, a young man's am- you think I cannot prove by this Bible •press it to your heart, angel t.o ang- 69. 1)hey tha.t.passed by. Multitsidea Cuban ,•amen ase not often seen in change her course, and my husband tension standing on his writing table. `1 'i bitiom, turd a young ma.n's courage. He that He \vas a God ? If you do not el wP11 repeat the story of Nain: "He -would be journey-img to Jerusitdean on the streets after nightfall. Only rare- seeing the peril we were in from a I said: .01 said: "Df I live many years, I will feed h,lieve the Bible. of course there is nn delivered him to his mother." Did you the clay of re ration for the ass- ly are the to be witnessed abroad i�n collision, called out for each one to " I didn't know that telephones ha.d i the hungry and claith, the naked. In need of my tAlking with you. There i notice that 1>ussuge in the teat as 1 . oyer. In tbe.t ll�iasklarir ago the nigh- rho daytime. And never without a jrrmaP on to the barge as she struck. penetrated Into the villages yet.' �i this city of Nain, where there are sd is no coni::,nn data, from which to start. read at I "He delivered him to his mu- est d'iguile,ries were not ashamisil to chaperone --either parent, brother or It w'as all over i,n a, minute. The ' Yes," he said, ' 'I believe they are � niamy bad young men, I will Ste sober, SuPpc--e }•ou do 1`elieve it ? Then Tcan tber." Oh, ye troubled soulsl oh, ye taste t inn mocking a dying man. The husband. Tn the cant Pony one of mon landed safe] y on the sand, and common enough now•. I bad tbta one f'''I and ll,nest, and pure, and ma na,nim- g demonstrate that He was Uiwine. T. who have lived to see ever y pros]>,ct brui.ali,ty ar�companying Christ.'s death these the Cuban ,coram goes to the s tried •to assist the women, bort I Bow fitted up during mry w-ife's illness to t�- , .• .sus, and my mother shall never be can prove that He was creator, John L blasted, paled, scattered, consumed 1 was characteristic of execution through park in the evening and enjoys the Miss Martin make the jump and fall Fommunieate with her bedroom on the ,,.. , ashamed of me." But all these pros- 9: All things \sere made by Him; wait a little, The seed -time of tears all the ages until comparatively re- band coneert—when there is one. Or, back before Mr. Rmosell could assist floor above us on the other side tsects are blasted in one hour. There and without Him \vas not anything will become the \vheat harvest, In a cent tames. Reviled him, wag- in the same company, she visits the her. ,As for myself, I tripped over of the house." o passes lifeless in the procession. Be- ' made that was made." He was eternal, clime cut of no w int ry blast., under ging their headily, See Psalm 2.2. doctks and looks at the arrival or de- the seat, Vd. went down between the At that moment the, bell of the tele- , bold all that is left on earth of the Rev. xxii. 13: "I am Alpha and Omega, a sky pullecd by nu liurtling tempest, 7. This psalm seems to have parture of a steamer. If she has a beats. As I struck the water I had phone rang sbarply. high -hearted young man of the city the beginning and the end, the first I amid redeemed ones that weep not,, boon in DLatthew's mind during friend or r,lative on board, either Presence of mind enough to force a We both looked at each other. I of Nain. i'bere is another thing that and the last." I can prove fie --ass' that part not, that. die nut, friend omnipotent. Heb. 1. 10 : "The heavens I will to the penning of this entire narrative. coming from or going away tche coca- corner of the shawl into my mouth, it said with the, stwpid affection of oal,m- when one 'is adds very much to this scene, anch that is he was come friend, ancb kindred will are the work of Thine bands." T, can loin kindred, and the long procession Very likely, because our Lord a little later recited it, or part of it. soon of this visit is made quite a little event. The Awimen are taken •out to and press my band firmly againat to keep out the water, and then l ness one ahvays puts on a little bit frightened: an only son. However large the fam- prove He was omniscient. John ii. 2,i: i that marrh:+s along the avenues of 'He 4O. Thou that destroyest the tem- the ship in a small boat, and the gaudy went down, down to the bottom of the "Proba.bly a servant in that room BY flocks may be, we never could think knew wbat was in man." Oh. yes, I gold will lift. up their• psalms as again ple, and builde-tit, 4n three days. The dresses, the bright conversation and river, but seemed propelled on, and on wishes to speak to you." of sparing one of ,Itis lambs. Though tbey Fray all havp their faults, the Y Fie is a God. He cleft the sea. Ile up- and again it is announced that the heaved the crystalline walls along which; same One ++ho came to tb,+ relief of saying here misquoted w•as more gen- era 11 m..understood than most of the i the pretty faces malke a combinatirom that is irresistible to the beholder, by some force, which I found out af>r erwards to be the motion of the steam- Ile got up, walked over to the mrKh- ine and swum the reen cord toward B B all have their excellencies that com- ¢ne'nd them to their parental heart; and the I .raehtes marched. He planted the ' this woman of i.he text came to the mountains. He rai:aes up governments relief to t, n of 0I.r JAIrd. It made a deer an le T,he beat time to see the Cuban wom- er's wheels under which I must have kept in me, The end of it was loose. "I morning," if it were peremptorily demanded of of many a maternal heart, and and casts down thrones. and marches ; repeated the wonders of resurrection ifn i on the minds i,f the poo yin' Lis career, and doui,tless led etre] P an is tyre evonin of a summer da A B Y• w•a,lk tibmugh the Lome streets nt. this Passed+ and which me mo- tion. had it disconnected this he said; "also, the door cf that roam i$ you to-do chat Y, you should yield up across nations, and across worlds, and ; , and "delivered him to his mother. more persons to consent to his death titme will reveal her seated on the cool After Pleating some distance away I icer ed and no one can possibly be in some of your children out of a very Jorge family, you wvould be confound- across the universe, Eternal, omni['°- i Oh I that. will he t:he harvest, of the tent, unhindered and unahasbed. That I world. That will be the ooronation than anything else that ho said. And yet w•e are to remember that he had benches in the little gardens, or else inside tote house, at a window, chatting rose to the surface for, a moment, but no bract was in sight, nothing bwt the Lt." He bail turned the: color of gray blot - ed, and you could nicat teak, a aelec- lion. But this wets an onl hand that was nailed to the cross holds of princes. That will be t.be Sabbath the stars in a leash of love. That. head never been formally condemned un with a friend or a relative and watch- silvery waves shimmering in the re- ting paper. So probably had I, son, around whom gathered all tho Y parental expec- of eternit that dro 1 y� pled on the bosom, ie fainting � „ thi4 char re, as ho Lad been on l.he 6 nex;h ane, rnehttloned.. 7,uke gives us in the g passing curious ones. She is at ]rester the time and place. The splendent moonlight, and once more I slowly sank down, Ine bell ran g again—a prolonged, rattling ring. Utions. How much care in his educa- tion. Huw much caution in watahi11 and death, shall make i he, world quake et its nod. 'liber voice that groaned in FAST INDIA SCHOOLS, not the taunt of the Jewish .Ler real Cuban gcrl or w•oma.n is, above all My whole life naw esemed to pass "Are you going to answer it 1" 1 g bis habits. Hie would carry down the the last pang Eball swear before the The Eacst Indian schools mental ar- populace. but that of the sol- diers; "dor t-bod Be the ]ting things, a home hocdy, Hier home isher castle in reality and sbe is never so before me in a few brief seconds, and the singing in my ears seemed like the said. "I am not," he answered, firmly, namate to other times. He would have e entire control of the faanil trembling world that time shall be no ithmet.ic is a vast] more serious mat- lunger. Oh. do nut insult the common I Y of the 'Jews save t h self," l.0"e '13,b7, y mttP,h at her rase as ,Len she is with_ mermaid's lullaby, and I fancied I Then," I said, "1 shall answer it ion after the y proper B parents had one to qy g Ihrir last ter than it is in the schools of this :•ense of the race, by tel ling us that this c•ountrv. Ca(rh questions are ounce. glorious in ;;ion that he claimed to he this was the gnxrnd of the charg, of blasphemy, in it:s portals. Tennis and ca•aquet ere t.h, chic[ way flcrttin on a silver Bea. Then B reriytvn once more asserted Ler away, myself. it is some stupid trick—a joke not, i.0 the beat of taste, for ,which yntL reward, )3e would stand in soviet a thinker, a worker, a hilan- Y person, was only a man, oui, and pupils of f0 years are taught whose presence the raral tic arm ,vas of wbich he had Leen found guilty. amusements of the ail \,ho 1i•ves on g and f seemed to hear my father's voice, will pruhabl Lav, to suck one or oth- y 1 P tbropist, a Christian. No, no. Tt is a.11 thrust out, weld, andlthe devils crour'h- to carry the multiplication table up to It is a strange coincidence that these trite island that i$ to be set free by the «'hen quite a cbild I bad asked him e,• of your servants." • "would ended. Behold hint there. Breath is ed and the+ loperti dropped their scales, 40 times 40. , ords are exact) the words pronounc- 1' Y fort, of arms. Of course. she dances, bow• i t way ossible to swim, and hr P "��iy servants," 6e ana\vered, t i igoue. Life is extinct. The on1 son of 1&q mother. Y and the tempeats folded their wings, -- �` and the buy's satchel of a few louver ALCOHOLIC CANDY, ed by the devil in the temjAaticvn in the wilderness, and the tempt(ttion is the and is as unmh excited at the prospect of the great civic and military balls bad answered me, l,ointing to Carlo: ' watch the dog Awimmllig. Seo nut have done that. Besides, don't you see it is impossible? rhe instrument There watts one otber thin that a.dd- B made a ba,nquiet for five thousand, and The statemenl; is made that: alcoholic same, now as then. To accept such a challenge would have been to admit as is her sister all over the world. She bow he paidles with his forepaws," With one hand I still clutched the is disconnected. 1 I ed, to the pathos of this scene, and that -..As I' w^a9 Lis motL,r wns a wider,. The the sad prucessiun of my text broke out cand is lar el sold in Manchester in `'ong•ratalation und hosanna. y' g y a Jack of treat in the heaven] Fai:brr• Y goes to a`ll that she can get„ to, and ale go,s Lome at the sttroe rim, as Bhwvl a ainst. my mouth, but with the g the b,ll ran all the sante. shall g try i't." main of that ]romp had been broken, Again, 1 learn tromp the subject that and other English towns. It. is said t.o 41. Chief priests . scribes and "Rulers," other girrls and she chatters all next other I began to liaddle feebly, and •Chen 1 picked up the receiver. 1 and now he was cornea wp to be the staff. The china light of the household hnd Christ waA a sympathizer. DSark you, he imported from Germany, and an this was a city funeral. In the conn- analyst declares that it contains pro- elders. Luke 23. 35; mem- ber's of th, anhedrin. Tt was in ac- S day about the hall and the handsome men and ,,hat somebody else \vot•e—hn to my surprise, began to rise, I Paddled quicker, and l soon knew by "Are ou there?" 1 called. y The voru;e which answered me was tin- been ,xtiwguished, a,nd this was t•he tr when the bell tolls, they know portionately as much alcohol as does y' eordance with the custom. of the time 'to feet, she is a girl the cool air t#nt my hand und arm noetakably the rather high staccat.0 � Only light left. I suhpase she often all about it for £iv, miles Ueer. Car those who had. condemned him And, above all t.h'inga, the Culrto were alxrv, the carpe, and f waved my \roi.e of Jars. Pyrt i Raid lookin at him: There are onl around, the know what was `-`— _ Y 'etch hfs lural auffPrin i g• orae is a atria>t. She is fru, to h,r her hand wildly, and tried to .all out sat "l want you.", it said, "to tell my two of us Oh, i.t is a rand thing g the matter with lite man, WANrF,D A WATCH. 4'2 He saved otbers; himself be ,an- island home, to its sons a.nd warriors, but. no sound carne from my lips, And husband that he will be with me tc.• t B to see a young man step out in life, haw old he was, and what was hIs last A prison visitor recently asked one not save. Remember that his nam, \\a,i 811viou.r, that is the meaning of SLe has giren hoe nid and ctft0n hoe t'•he waters closed over me on,e more, 1 Ictst marro\c,'' ' and. say to his l,a sfa "Don't bedown- ex hearted. i will, as far as pnesible, take t,mporad teruenoes, The know with what 1 y of the priaonurs bo\v he came to be pro3pects he hoe loft. Lis Earn- ,Lore. Jesus. and that justone week before life to the cause of freedom. She has shared the Ito sht1uLt rho Phe all ronscicntutesa, Afterwards my huylHind told raw iltat 1 still listened, Nothing more was said. father's pl.Lce, and as long as T live i1 There is no haste, there is no in- y \Neat, wcty tbe answer• this theenthusiastie cro,vds had cried, "Rosanna, save now I" These incidents, bion. terror and the hmrni,ljntion that have b0en th0 ytertin0r \,ns stopped as aurin ns th0 accident occurred, every I re ted "Are ou there?" and l'e't y you shall never want anything." But decency, alas I it is not alwa s that way.; Some- Y iin the obsequies. There is Ilow wag that, pray? nothing done as a mere matter of busi- Well, f wanted nnothex man's watch remote as they aro to us, were all fresh tit, lot of tb0 a/)lll'tllteUUN imsur- t ru0 tv the 1ttt.le gents at and effort mailed to find \IiAA Martin and myself soil there wns no answer. 1 turned inti I times the young people get tirod of nese. Even the ahlJdren came out tLa He wasn't willing [ should h}ive it, to tared the ears seri eyes of. thoAe ,who rlua- What sso son fla tllut• 6g Ao anon ,o be c'mrnllPrl ria riot all to nu l urplLSP, when the Cnp- nethe. rhe r, is nu one there," l said. "Pos- thP people. They say they are queer; the that procession passes, and look eym- and rho ,judge wants me to stay here to about the cross. 16r;v the meant b JiLs Havl others is not. cer• y � taken banner of a, now nation, Shu` 1wA tato, who wuv Arannin, the \\,tree from rho dP,h of bis c0sat'I, nuti,ncl at some sib,] there is thunder in the air af£ect- t th,y have so irla•ny ailments; and Pathetaa, and the tee, -shadows seem five years. tai,n. the t -ho fi01d, Ln many InNtaTtIdCN. ,41111 ingythe bell im slrwe mysterious \\•a.y. they son]etltnes wish them out of the dee'Peu, and th, hrciaka weep in eym- As words were of contompt sbe bus provod t,o Ihn'vntlrafnrtlon of divlanve a hand raised ribo%e the Where must be soiue simple explanation i way• A goung man and his wife sat Pa•tby . est the table, thelr it as the procession goes by. But, NOTHING TO LOSE. reference mark this that. 1 speaking is probable t,hat they were a derisive to the .votks of healin an<1 B• e] all her admirel'A that• she IN that sew- 1 nlwvu all ,rut`, wurfae0, 111111 the'n disc 1 a'a.r. He At I } undo ihrow Ifluiself overitnitrd (earning and fill find it all out to•morrow," little son on the P Y e oP floor la in dx noatb th, table. The you um y funeral. In great Sha—Oh, Geor e, what aball we do if especially was a cit g rho raising` of Lazarus front ageous prIK�,_lk ne1110, ,aur- and Pat.flotic ,Duel]. upon 6110 Twat I o .follow ), and swam to H� \1eTtt to.brd early that ought. All 01c1 grandfather was very old, and his cities the cart jostles the hearse, and the boat sinks? rite dead, the actuu.liLy of which th0N0 —•_-•--..---. t11r Aj1t*t, azul div+`d to the Irott.om of rho ilLllowing clay l was with hire. Wn t hand shook so, they said: "You shall there no ference its mirth and glttdmeas and indif- He, veryy pale—Never mind about scnrnors deny' would probably b0 rdi,apoaed to ,-...-_.•-.. '~ NA'1'ltld.lw'V N1V141`"1' (he river, 1.111. mse without AnecPss, bol at Ih0 serontt rllving, nftor being rode together, And 1 expected an accid- more Bit with us at the table." And fur they gave him, a piece in the torr• by, as the weeping procession goes that, Sara.h,; it's not our boat. In the ci-ty of Nain it was a cora- 48. Flo trusted in Grid. See I emdtn 3'l, 1t F'„W'l'OitICIt Lady T-011dondonry ntf,rthbfen iter tinder rho \cator Rome inomhnts, reap- ent. every minute, but none happened. All the evening i expected bi,m to turn nFr, where b da be ate nut oP mom an earthen bowl everytbing reavement thing io have trouble, and be- s ]0. and death. 'Christ sa,v it CRUSHED. to The entimitis of our Ford tipplied him the words of prophecy,. s Dr, youthful ftv1n1/t1eAs In tlt0 pr1►rtiue 0f �rttnclle oared clrnµlping ,whet. s,0nted to lie a of rfnih0s to Ih0 surftt0o. T,uOk- std faint and a ,but _thio 10 ]0 put into that bowl. One day his hand trembled ever Y Y there, Perhaps that ter da y He—Fr—alt—don't you think Miss Planoiptre says: "T,he fulfillment of ttmn slxrncling o'ne ou!t of arcry Ion allys Ily t110 bolit \vas near, and took us both noty t did not happen. \'Len, at about. o clock, he excused himself and said r tri, much Ire dlrtopped lt, and it broke, Lour ke, there were othcs being cuLrried Cayh, that two could live its chPa d of 1 y the great Messianic propheolos Ln 1n tied. .She Aleaps until mild witlten in, art the ,a4rtaiu was then in an 'goal nrght” I felt dist.ivctly rolievPljl� and the son, seated, at rho ole int out; . ble in midfloor, to his "Now not but this frequen,\ of trouble did this harden Cirrist's bear, at He ends two manner is almost Incredible; btlt: things are to be retnc+mbered`—they n« turally. taken n waren With anti oev exhalri,itod back to lied tignin, whore nhe pu.rtnk0q ,ondition. As form self, ,bey tbovght it w,as my bodyponly , Hp \`Pet' up to his room and rang fbr said \vifA: we'll get father a wooden bowl and that stepped all. S'he—I have, no doubt that twro Leo- right out and He amv this ple could live in the style to w�iteb 'did not trel[eve es we do, that this nC n Ilgbt breakfruml'.�Tvtitulletng In hnd, they wrr, ]rearing to rho stoamor,'and Williams. Tbo rest is, of rourse, wPdl know n. bP eAn't break." So a wooden bowl was mourner, and H0 had compassion on psalm Yom are accustomed at oven less ex- \,a.s MOssin•nto, Cor they tg+naroct rosti,nlf, will to for nlatd rends a light to all intents anal purposes I appeared The man's reason had broken down, ' chta.in,d, and evor day old b'' grandfa- he.r Ther ate out of that, sitting in the car- have eep nal." Now I the and He said: "W pence than it takes for one of us. skins to tell you, oh, bruiised souls, and _ idea of a suffering Cbrrst. ile- nerve], their ver y familiarity with tb0 on until W{x o'clock. rho th0n l+uta load, a light route net) ham her d{nnor mor- bvM'• the ttaual rstorutives were applied, and lif0 was discovered to be d sill the i,mmediat.e cauee being tho nth of Mrs. Pyr\vbit. On entering 1 ner. One day, while the elegant young there are,many here today, have you words MOBT TOO PRUDEiNT. of the psalrm would neturn.11y ved lin' Iter roots, anti reclines on the not quite extinct, h'is maater's room, without the least d 1134n and his wife were seated at their ever It.a.ble, with ,paned silver and all the anti looked aver an audience like this bele noticed how Maar sbadows of sor- When wo et marat'ted, Eliza, Ibo a 'occasion. Y B P g its pbraseology to Ihefr Iles wilt+ot sofa detnnmded Itt•--onl,q theywnnld allow u,ntU ion o'nlaok, Hhe will not nnything to lntertere with thl.'t ing ri1,v half frantic bhislxtnd .he an chAf- B hesitation• my hands, and hot blankets, hot. he raised a loaded revolver which• be carried in his hand and sbot i luxuries, and t.h,ir Ifttle son sat a on row P the idQor, i.h0y saw the lad Nit, there are, Yo cannot, wh re ou ou wi I out dawn the expensive fea- 1persuadie tp @ y see them, but I can from where I ture o dress, ' ' i , saying theanselven they were right In programme. It, ,whew Dowld'm onomies were baths A prominent b"Iness woman in No,v reswgcitatri nncd every means were used to m0 a.ad I slowly regained P rwhkt throe b th0 heart. I bell0ve rf Y g the whittling, irnd flu, sthe 1sa t3ta.nd. Y y 56r•, wbat Ofu you , I come to (411 such to-do nd Ob, I can do gest so eas The more Ivroptg•'' Y Y• I ' ' ' • The n.n York, famod liar ber glood looks and con8ciousnesa. au.tharlty on the care of the But oh, the agony of the life, I begged them to text rasp iy mcnh,anod in sorn0 of books nn hrnnicidal menta. 1 i. doin those with that knife?'' "Ob," g say: '' ice Caltrlst meets Yotjr A11tY a,0 atl deeoll�te they ate, you know, the less 44, thieves. Both hf them, it eom- returning of _ _ stri•d he, "T--i'm ma.king a trough for en,ripasslon father on Y sled He says:'Weep cloth it requires, and then I w'on't would cotnverted seem, at bho first; until one wns 1� by the Lord's EvLtttrday iloxirtn„ Ntnted t0 a Erten,] that from let night until Monday morning be, mo dip to petWe,' but it was mot to—� Very feebly, life came back to A HALPi MEMORY, d my and mcrtbbr to eat out of not."' w hen they get old I" txouble, Porhatls t`h sono it is financiwl need to have my bloomers out so largo, ha I" you ,Misys "it is such a yaw know, nnit+ea you say a t, suffering{ sight of our and his resignntion t'o an she dtmained in bed,. rbbting quietlyy, me, and it took weeks of nursing lx\- Teacber—Who discovered Anrerien ? ' Bert Ibis oun man of the text ,vas silly Y fT thin far a maim to or over lost Ile Is wionderi P11ys to ulnmerited g Y ng now if it uniahmnnt, aclvteing p kOop 4G. Trow the sixth hour it as rho only treatment to fore OWA brain, nerves and strength i whcl abl0 to 10av0 my b0d. M life had teen saved, the tolcd me, disremember Y Y `;treat Gnmin, after doer thought• -1 his name, but her was a n<rt of tbst rha�raeter. vile did not be- M001ey-' Is ittt Suppose you had a be too prudent tllirknoss unto wnc over ell the I,tnd unto tbP itt tKood working order. by , my pres,nne of mind sn k,0lting rho T7tngo < • -, - i tics -.-.,--.-:..:..._-...�-..-u.,--...-.._.-._._ _.......-.c,. .-dc .......... ...L.-. _ ..,.., ,__.... _ __ .x.::.. .. ,' _ ... . - . _.. .... ,' .:.___.-....,_ ....._...--...scar,.._.. s... __ ......-..: 'rJ]tiA2-. .. ♦^ .: .. ..:.rYW„Wa6'�. ..,... _.�.. F..,. c.: f,