HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-06-25, Page 7SW day ScIoo141 INTERNATIONAL Lt' SON NO. XIII JUNE 214, 1903. Revlow.-Read !tote. 1; (-7, 0.16, • eluamary,—Lesson 1. Ttpric: Petite wluintry at Eph111111'esus. Thin is111111' the `close of 1'aue's tiret utiesiutu,rc Lour - easy. Atter the riot at Epliesu't he ' visited Ahtctxiunilt, a rite about 1! miles smith of 1':pitesus. Ile sent for "the elders and Mlle then! 011 effete 'Monate farewell. ll. Toole: The change that will 'take piece In the beds at the nem- ' eection. I ur- 'tuction, Christ's rteurrWton Is fully eetuhllehel, told 11 is rt'..urrect10,1 ie an Important reason for Iwlletine that lilt the dead wi11 be raised. This knorlal leafy cannot inherit the khrg- 'etom of Hod, but meet be changed. III. Topic: Purity of life, Pawl ,wrote to the Itumans from Corinth. 'Christians pay their delete except 'the debt of Mee, w-111cui to It perpetual obligation. The 01111 who turns hie neighbor as ltimsetf will not tres- pass 1n any way. IV. Top.',:Y•'ut's coming afflictionsY•'ui's coming afflictions —Paul reaches Tyre; meets with a e rdtaL retepUuu ; continuer; his Jour- ney to Caesarea; enters the house of L'ltili,p the evengellst, one of the 1even ; tarried illrre many days; the prophet Agabu.e arrives; takes Paul's i;mile and beide hie hands and (cot; enys that thus Paul will be bound at Jerusgiem and will be delivered to the Beatles. Mum the disclpies hearts the prophecy of Aga tuns they etsought 1t,tul not to go to .Itrusa- 1e111, but he told then that he was lot ottl,v ready to be hound at Jt'rn- falem, but also to give his life for the truth. V. Topic: Paut mobbed and res- cued, As soon as Paul. reached Ji'ru- n:Atm ho e_,aterrel with the eidere of the church. 11e then entered Into the temple and purified hituer'If, nc- ut,t len,; to the (Temente! lute. Jews from Ephesus sate him ie the wo- men's eau:A. with e1 rangers and sup- posed he had taken a Gentile Into the tempo and tltue polluttet it. They stirred up a mob against Paul. for the pnrpese of tekutg its life, Paul was rescued by Roman eojdlcrs, tel utterwnrds while el ending on the .stairs delivered an address to the aste:mbltd throng. p- Vi. Topic: Paul delivered front the dews. At 11,. close os o[ the a c ' address delivered on the strike the mob wits again stirred atgat1it1 Pied Lyslae, the Roman captain, was about to scourge tem, when he Learned that Ptiul was a (ioman citizen, After this a conspiracy was made against Paul by the Jews, forty of them binding themselves together tender a curse that they would neither elk nor drink until they had killed t tl m The plot susdIso steed aeal L)eis sent Paul with a strong military escort 1o Caesarea. G VII. Topic. Paul's goad t oltfee- s1on. Pini at Caeenrca; a Routnn prisoner; le tried before Felix, the governor ; Jews come from ee uta lens accusing. (tint ; the oho revs were Nedi- tion, hereey, sacrilege; Paul's de- fense was clear and unanswerable; their charges could not hr proved; Paul confessed that he wile aChrist- Lan. Atter crrlrtle day's Paul spoke before Felix land his wife 1)resllln; reasoned of rightroueintse, tteeper- mice, and judgment to come; F011.11 teeneblre; hoped that money would be given Idnt that he might release Peal. VIII. Topic; Paul'.; 'Please. .Af- ter Paul had been in pritmn two years he• was called before restos, the new Governor of Ju,leu, and King Agrippa to make Ste defense Paul had appealed to Rome, teal Feedlot desired to frame a. clt:trge agtfillet bin, Paul's address deeply impress- ed Ftstus and .(grippe, and they de- cided that if lie hotel not appealed to Rome, he might have leen re. leased. IX. Topic; Life through the Spirit. The trim. lins no power to deliver from sin; IL is weak through the flesh: Christ, who cattle in the Ilkt'ness, of sinful flesh, has •power to save from tin. The Christian fa sot carnally misled, but spirit. uully minded; ire walks 1101 rafter, the flesh, but after the Spirit. X. Topic; Pa tree voyage to Mal- ta. Paul set ~,'ail from ('aeeai•t',t to Rome, .august :51, A.P. 60. They landed at Iklir havens on the Is- land of Crete during the stormy se', - son. Ptiul advised them to winter here, bat Jilting, the 4n01ri-in, who had charge, deckled tie gait for Phe - rice, o more connnotlioua port of Clete. iXI, Topic; Paul preaching to the Jews at Rome. Paul perfornwl many intrudes on the Island of Mal- ta„ and the people of the island Don- eretl hem and his conipantone with many honors. In the spring Paul and the others with him were take'.t to Puteoil, near Naples. TheapnoUt then went to Roma called the ,Jews togetht'r; explained wily he •wee there a prisoner, and preached ('heist. XiI• Topic; The duties of the Christian minister'. Pani wrote thin letter to Timothy from Rome. Theme were ninong his last words. Tim- othy had teamed emelt cutto i'niug the Scriptures' when a ehlld. Paul charges hint to to faithful ,as a min- ister and to preach the word. ,PRIACTIC'AL SURVEY. The story of the quarter le very interesting root may be briefly told with profit. When Pane bade fare- well to the elder's at 1101, 11 It lei was returning on hie third mission- ary journey. Before he reateul Jer- usalem Important NON were made nt Tyro and esateenrta. Through i ha prophet Agaiut: had the prluuoni- tions oT the Spirit Paul was appris- ed of trouble ahead at: the capital etty. Bis nrreet at Jerusalem came tenon aster his arrival there, and to preserve his Ilte Paul was hastily fent to Cattarea, the Roman capIte 1, Ro Pelle the governor, Ilere Pau1'ti Wins Instant and Constant Favor 11 WITH ALL JAPAN TEA 15111VIsl:1i,. LAB Ceylon rit'FRN 'Pfit le tette, t1 fiche; alai ileiltheil It is tit fee aimed o[ ,lapel Tea et: 'et 11,1it_1" black I:, el: ad. ei ;111 me (elan, etalead pttckete only, eete _etturd lOr I e't Ibliy all gi el•rry. accusers 1,1e1. hill), and although 1,n ••415414410N••04145410.,.6+••••• showod their charges to he false, yet 7 he wax compelled to remain It pri- CABMAN TELLS sones' for two yell memorablere. Twmemorable' fo am referred to, 5515. deiiv- 2 ore Felix and DruKtils, sisal OF FA MOUS DUEL addrese N•0 *NO ........H............ Joie; I1 tehre, ;5 e,tu Pr•tltl'toctb 111151, 18 one of the few living men who Hatt the duel bet ii Judge heel,,' et. 'Perry and Senator David 11. Broderick, on iepf. 1:1. Wet), ut Lake 1.1 treed. H+' drove two teen In lttw Call to !lr dueliine Kimmel and got tr7.1 for the jab. Here lo the, story he 1^IIx to the ,sae Fr:utei;co 1'11r011,- clr \1'1,,411 WTI ,el at the -scene of t1:^ duel, there the pehleiprtis were sten flag, tev''til yards apart, 'mur- t/mtaieti by U: it rat ,'(trV (70)110 of M'ad'e, of which -tt'1 ic:'1 about a dozen present. leer yhotly looked awfully so'euul, nobee0 tea -t c weer - int; fwd the only word,; you Meted the other before Ftetue and Agrip- pa. At last Peel saw that the meld eat 0blnhi jnstlet' at the, Wend of the petty ruler who goverwnd Pales- tine, and he areardingly epptrtied to Caesar. the 'Roman emperor. A few points slaxtld he tweed. 1. Peel had an affectionate lettere. Ile ioiod htteneely. Illy greetings and farewells skew went warmth and ardor. Le Ile orals sympn.tltt'tlo. Ito wept with those that weep and carded the burden's of the church upon his 'wart. S. Ile was an indefat- igable worker. Mot )do not often die of 05101100k. \\'eery kills 'store porn pee thou work. d. fatal Mad 11 perste vetting spirit. 1Vista hoe etnn'se of Itt- tioa was once dere lel ep.nt, nothing MIN allowed to heeler hint lie ower - canto (liferttiI t t that week) bale *NO 904141414100000410•NNOO•♦•0•♦••♦OO♦•N•••••••00.00• HAMILTON Summer Carnival and Reunion Old Boys Old Reunion August 17, 18, 19, 20, 1903 FOUR OAYS 01' UNINTERRUPTED ENJOYMENT f s 1 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 1 1 1 1 1 0 • N4141 4141N♦0414141414141 4109901415♦45014541N♦000 ♦♦♦410410414141♦410••♦ Regie tau t am 1'e a t ! l Ir ten { to all told Itoys anal Visitors. anu1U'nr Athletic Sports, 1'ucht and Skirt Marco. (Iran) Etrning Promenade, MMntrvl lttuul Concerts at Duatiurmilarvvey Purl. and Drill Ilan. (bawl Military l'arade awl Demonstration of Visiting and Loral Regiments. Fireworks el Dominrn and Harvey Curtin, Itands at Parks. 1Iluminntton uud heornituu of 1l nmlllou !teach. l'anwlo of Illuminate I hints. Flora I, Aiardignis, Automobile, litrycle, Veteran F • I In llrl 1' g I le, industrial Trades and lxork- Iferxe Parades. Gymkhana at Jockey flub, blmnducturet', Day, all Factories tlp,•n 1n Visttore. timid 'Midway 'tenet Fair. Reduced Rates on All Railroad and Steamboat Lines Fly your vacation for Moore Moe. and cant,- 1, iilunthun to good time. For further Information nddresa 0. ii- IHI L,/ FIT coN SECRETARY, HAMILTON, ONT. , discouraged urdivary mon and press- ed Oil itt t1l'tery. i,. P,tttl watt( {t fila❑ of prayer. Some of 1113 hostwrite logs are prayers for ala' cintrch. i. l)-21; Col. i. 10, le aro examples. 6. ile wits an exceedingly Mumble tont, putting hiufself 1s less than the least of all ettinlss 7. Ile wile also bold and cottragenu. Whether hi' Wile facing 111'111118 as Paphos, ot'the mob at Lystto 4111(1 ,lt+rusalem, or wild boasts at Ephesus, or governors and kings at Caesarea, or the emper- or at Rome, he was the slime un- dtuutel, courageous man. 8. Paul Wilt( reeignt'al to sled's will. Like hie \fa8ter, he could saw', "Not as I will, hat 01z thou wilt." There was no eon- tun'et•sy between tem and (31x1, but whatever Hod did was at once ac- ktmwlelgeti tax right. fl. Paul had groat faith In Hod. Clod wax real to him. A Notice to Burglars. The following quaintly worded no- tice Is Reacted °nettle the offices of one of the street ear companies nt Pirie; "We beg to inform bur - glare that eve do not leave money or vnlutibies in 0117' of our depots during lbs night. Yon are request- ed to make known this fret among the confraternity, 00 ne to avoid unneeexsmry trouble and loss of time" The newspaper which puh- lishee the above, adds; "Preemie', and pterentlon are the two moth. ers of safety." about alai' tllstn.ner of half a block, rend stood on little knolls ouleide the range of the built t:,, 1l trite the xo- beR'at, Ipl1 (1.1,11-,t. (5 , 7 t'rutvtu 1 otrr ,sear, 41,1;:1 1 guess the most of them felt 115 1 aid ---Mutt they tilde d they M:ehl't tout', 1 hate drier❑ at Many fuel cal• in my':uy, leli have lit err rt(111 Un' like for It leuut1ty. "Toni Hey, s hied telt! theft to take the fuer., ulln•ked ell' ler them, ;cud le rt -piece U' Lee moire:lieu each en - ',were! i t'oneele- t.lrttt h" wet; ready. Thr re 1 es it, trait of at fell- eeco1.1', at! then 'P°nl 1,1(;1/1 arrant, Otte, (IVO, 1111;'. There we etreel, ;Ike cOee- ar„s, bre et hetes, 'Iambi 1 ,, rind 't\ •wheel.' I lit the i nn•irreee Fl eet:t. e'. 'P:1y item the realest time in tee crewel. Ila recoil telt!' hes coat Carr- 11'5e1l' un lel tit 1110d alai hie that ll5t'nw'lt hark I1nitily on Ill. hrtl. Ih'udcrtrk, on the othee Mead, had pulled lain hal. ':551111 oft r lits , y1.5, and bead bultunl tt Pts ,'nett elesely-. 11,' appeared to bo etrupgltug to control i ittiu'If, acted,' ,pelma: perfe,tly 1,1 Vitae, -'I r'4n!I never forget the elate, rb•t11g toile of Tont Hayt'N' tt,It' IS Ile c�llel Oil l the three mailers. At the some; of 'three' Ixttit Broderick Witt '(''rry fired, bit I think Broder- ick was first, Iiia bullet struck the ~round 'thout 1,;111-u",' bet ween Hem, and 1 Bate the little (Mond of duet 1 rated. 11)8 pistol wont oft be- fore he !lel hroogit1 it to it lt'trl or sighted It. Ile Wel a Jut ir-trigger gun, and Its wasn't accustomed to it. Terry alined de libratoly, but gtdck- ly, rand Rrnntnt' llrodet'k+k tatnk to the ground, first resting on hie right hand and then rolling over on his beck. "1 Meted 'ferry 8.1y to 'rout flay"n: 'i hit ilial tn'tr Inches too fat• t0 the rigid.' 'PbV 'looter pronounced ll n fetal wieuel, and the duel arae de- clared at rel cud. Sure enough, tis doctor quid the bullet had passed two Melees to the right of the heart, nut! Terry's rrnitirk to Haves shows Sou' elm .ludgr t-hnt With latent to kill. Terry and hie f lends at once it'll the puce, and liraderlek 55wax g•.tiekly carried to his carting(' auk aonweyell to the house o, hie friend, llaekr11, the woollen ininutactnrer, whore hi; died two weeks Utter" were lilt formed remarks itt commie tion iv it t1," pemord;nee). W1,',n 1 cot 1''11• the e'tu,• of udr,ndv opened :not the guns lay el wanting in 11' bright sou. It wan about 71 web:ek, and you know haw vtrong: the snit c0111'•s up herr' on a clime 'summer morning. "PrlserttIy Tom 111ye0 etepe ❑p and polis out : 'No's, gontlrmt•n, vow - 111:1•..: ha: tunic' 11„ 1vn5 T"rrY'a sec- ond end watt an r:eerienred dn"ilist, having hinged kill al a mute or two oD the !tell of Melo,. in 9.ex3.'1, from wldrh N' -tat" h.' ram,' to Culifornitt. Ile watt th8. man who °trued Have, Valley :Intl tear:' 11 itt mime. Th, ilft ipelle were 5.'til it'I lot' arm,, and 'roe) Hey "t 11:1110 111C d tint 11 1- thr•'r hall any name me on tiro. 'rI„n Tout per01 elf fifty pare, -thee tvtt nolith'r, 0 i re'ollect reed. rytilu; wa'1 don ` q ti. kly. II y and 11' 'met, wet) wee; itrwivutier 'mead, mow totlet'd ❑p for rh,ticr el position and M:l'uwt won. ii-' oho•;/ the 141,;t poeltiun and the inn awns tluoln SI 'M/4hl into 'reeve's fan'. "Neel 11 'y We're( fur choice of panel,•, and again Orotirrtrk'N N-`t•- orid sum. The Senator talked ever to the opened cast, olid picked up the firm gun (11.51 cam' to hand. Ifo 'meta no tier in exa111111!ng Il. "Perry used !mere car;' in the wee: - thin in ;1 lee:teem tel to; tee ^ tc are los. 1.1 the p O'r'ur''. Yue never ea. 10 il. rotor.' Noleum crowd ' 111,111 111:1 ,vMich 111111 sstd (I•' anr1. "after three prelnnin,riee were ae- rtitt rd we all withdraw to the side, rtRtimitoritr 5Arr s' 3 TME. RIG PA: NT TO PA11i1 RIGHT AI NTS hare stand the test of summer sun for 60 years, They' stand for economy and dura- bility, will not crack, blister or (all away. They preserve your house and keep it beau- tiful throughout the lifet+me• of pare paint. Being made right, they are easy to work, loot longer, look better and at just the right price. Asir vour dealer. Write us for "Booklet II.” free. shooting holy some houses are painted with Ramsay's Paints. L. RAMSAY 0 SON, reMDlinhed PAINT MONTREAL. 1849 MA1LSRS Telegraph Not 1'p un Classiee. A well-known literary woman went °ter to Michigan lust week to pre. wireher summer titterer for (10011- peduring the snnnuer, Retort going she nada arrangements with her husband Ut It,twe 11 lot of 1101011, - held goods packed and forwarded by etc timer, For near reaeoe the shipment wntl delayed, ,111,1 tilt, wrote inquiring the yenta, of the dela}'. 1'leaeo w'e'e me xylem the weak 1,n rt. been titeppei,'' Mitt said in Colt. elusion, The Iueitnud w set hard to work: ;lied itrr'M all y ehe books, hong- HIP! •- e a t,ns t logs tusk other property packed for the trip. Thr n Ire well down to rho dock eat saw thea sat,'I, on beard the boast. reeniug bock from the - iter ea' st ,pprd nl ,t telegraph office and sent the na'snttp7t' nty,rtv1uest0d. Lemli and I'enntes on honed bout." he ootid- "(Voll a.t'ritr to -atter. rely morning." And thie; tine the tray iho gram real wino the Ixty hrouthl it to the weithtg wsOItlall in the little Vtiehtglui 10,\311: 'Lard Mal peatutts On lettr,l boat Will itrrlte to -morrow ntorulug.e-• ellMago '1'rihune. This plan is slow and not very sure. Wilson': Fly Pads w'7,1 ki:1 millions and do it gaickly 10 Cents Mrs. F. Wright, of Oelwein, Iowa, is another one of the million women who have been restored to health by Lydia 1?. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A Young New York Lady Tells of a Wonderftti Cure:— " uret— " My trouble was with the ovaries; I ata tall, and the doctor said I grew too fast for my strcugth. ,1 suffered dreadfully from inflammation and doctored continentally, but got no help. I suffered trope terrible dragging sen- sations with the most awful pains low down in the side and pains in the back, and the most agonizing headaches. No one knows what I endured. Often 1 wan sick to the stomach, and every little while I would be too sick to go to work, for three or four days ; I work in a large store, and I suppose stand. Ing on my feet all day made me worse. "At the suggestion of a friend of my mother's 1 began to take Lydia, E. l'inkhaso's Vegetable Coln - pound, and it is simply wonderful. I felt better after the 1,et two or three doses; it seemed as th,ntph a weight was taken off my shoulders; 'I con- tinued its use until now I can truth- fully sae I am entirely cured. Young girls who are always paging doctor's bills without getting any eelpas I did, ought to take your medicine, it costs so much less, and it is sure to eure them,—Yours truly, ADELAIDE Pasttt., 174 8t. Ann's Ave., New York City."—$5000 forfeit if orlginai of above httcr grieving genuineness cannot tie produced. The correspondent's Revenge, When 1Iliad lleere Lewes, the ;ntthor, ma 0 a eorteepuudrnl lit \V: thineten for e Mier:0er' papa', he had e difficulty with t;twe'uoe Peeker3, who WON then a n11m1- ber of the honer el represenlatirew- leheis cast about for a xulluhle revenge. After thinking about the natter for some dips he wrote an innocent paragraph for his paper wldrit sad that (fr. Dockery, who lea rich man, bad decided to t7ive n. large portion of ills wealth to the atiuus churches of Missouri, and Sud brgntl b1 rending cheques for 5:teeet to elitmeu's ill til. Joseph tend Kalsae- Thou lie sat heck en+1 welted torker tette begging for mercy r In less than it week. Every church in the elate, utmost had written for Its iMac Lewis printed nnotle'r p;u'agratth tul.it:g that Mr.Dor!cery'N cuelsibutiuns would not be made for fare, end 511100 that lime Uocker,y has been ecrnpnlouoly pu- Itt. the Stowe. Piece t1,r.ea n In a large kettle or wn:11 boiler, on the bottom of witioh narrow Ghats of wood have tem Mimed. 1'111 the kettle with worm water up to the ehoutdars of the etre lord plait 1,1er the fire to heat. Let boil for ileo minutes) and thee r°11101,0 from the fire. !Mat the enrpins syrup to the boiling point. Remove the lids from the etres and fill ran ' to the brim. Screw 'u n1 1 h the lids 011 1tghtly reel let stand In the writer until Vold.— Washington ;;tar, Cannell Strawberries, roe title 1"'011000 select largo fruit lhnl le rile, Sul trot soft. ilnit, rine. quickly with gold ware, drain and pack in geese jars, putting its many berries In each jeer ns it caul be torde to hold. For caret metre jar allow two cupfuls of sagas and one of strawberry juice, which Sae Men extracted from aliditleual frult. Roll together for three or four minntat. 'I"lu•n add o. Malt' cegelmete color - Me and, fill the lees trite the hot ,.,trap. hnring previewer heated th:•nt. i'terew the Lido hal IMe'Vly mei pmt whet trrmt rtnirrtlit on the back of INNOTCOUNTRIES Painkiller thiels many use. teme, t n In ettnr haw and d1 such trout/lox readily glce way to tin use. Done, oar tr.e- opatiful to hat uweeltne,l water, Avoid snb- Ihuh's. 't'heru is but ane •'l'nlnkiller"— Perry 11.111,`, What the t'oroncr Discovered. I picked up a paper the other day anal regret the following In it : The followttig tree 0 rendered in tmo of the Ctunlles of lndinna: "Af- ter hating carefully examined the holy. 8ee1, heard end inspected the cvidenct a,b1acod in the premises, I d° find t!tttt the tragi and lawful nap': of saki poraxm to as above gitrn, to 11 -1a,lrwyc :lit,, that hip Sgt' tit the time of hie death Walt 51 wr:us, five fret a.ud tet Inches high, ,Ltek Intir azul dark complexion, find tient Le came to Itis death as col - low -s: Aft IT having tate proper wit - reverts, which wets a 0011 of the tie- 0(.1sra, I fled that on the lith day. of Feet -eery, A. 11, 1103, and nbOut :1 o'rleck p. tn., 'Mr. Mitt, Raving erre some water in lets cellar thought hr would' walk out to the end of the cellar duan, which Das perhaps a iundred yards; away, .After seeing the teeter rout'ng out of the til` tip- har'nt1y:11righi,nl,on looking' around ho rxnr a rahhit sluing end went to the parse after his glut, when he re- turned, the Itrtbh't tntd gone. So Ire trent track and just before entering the hmise thought ht' wuulll tele' the longed shell front the Pia, wire by, toner titans the gen went off, It ke•keti hack and the r•tnek °t the gen hit elm acid the groin caueiog a se - 1000 nu'rot•agt. Ito managed to get into the Mase and took his bed end died from the effects about 30 hours Inter. The accident was peculiar hat fitt111." The Boy's Answer. Many years ago the Ree. !tie. !tit. Thio. of Tarbttlttn, ;utd the Rev. 110. Ittekinlny, of CoeItun, were exanl- Ining the pariah scqun! of .1meg elt In t•rligiottn know'i,igt. In the eodrno Of the "50mitnllion the w•o111 "nair- tae' sweetie -I. ;ltd the eleres w•:1., 11 4- 1,41 ltt teeming. A leenk took was ober rttul to ereep ',VI': the f.tt .N 01 all the pttpd "reit none of y50 Wei er', b, ,I 1 1 Yht! intnitler. , t: .1 little Miley; 1141.14if hie finger I g td 1ilnulb with os nova! 'tnituatlon it, n nt`gto ln(sllt`I dttol the clappers. :.Well, nl) ba), 1111'1 is lite mean. lug':" "Dei) drunk f` Ives the uuex- (1 rt'e,l r' ply. ------- Her New Minister. The Tate Ret. 1)r. John J'tn'k. min - keit of the first clutrg'. wt. -1n, drrn-,N, nerd to tell thefulluwi"gwit 1 gretnt gado: 'When ho firer visit - rd "(huhu Epple." 1. dtara.rt,•r, he found her elkgugel in e 5117- nr,4o cese;u'y duty, nett npt!Igi'td toe In - Hailing; but 0ppie, unwiet' '11 deur, vetted, Raid, "Jilt slap 1n 11,10 nal' toll wilt ye are an' what ye trout" :'Rill," replied the 'Meter, "1'01 ,,tett 111,1, tuhtister, eft'. I'ark." ''Tek' hv'tit theft, sI', 1111' gl're a. look yc." Neti having xltlsflod her'1e•If ou that scare she r'nnr :nrny bitItt., "'Hetet sir, ye amp to geld, liue wt t1 -a -Nal, ye are no' beanie.' .;