HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-06-02, Page 6. . 1. _. ....._ , r
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tj o
t. Q44f4+�►�v►4444�4�444444## oho careful housewifo, who, like the
virtuous wife of holy writ, lookoth well Women
A11 } p
the ti t1r
About he Housce .
to the ways of hal hirer
1L hath all aeasops for dols awn, and
it, o
ane: A drawing -room in CCenaIngtox
• 4444I
44+► 4 atNJ#444444w44
the only way to conquer it ie,' to pur.-
present l�rs. Tassyl 1Tugsey
sue it steadily. A feather duster is
Lady Betty, Miss Peck and th
Care or Baby In Summer.
au abomination, except for the tops
lit is small wonder tihab so many ba.
al' pictures, etc., since it only stirs' up
" WIlI you take (sugar with your set:
bles are cross during., tthe hot, sultry
the dust from one spot in order to ail.
old, cup, dear?" said the hostess sweet
It1117m.IIte1' days, �x�eu oe stops to oonsid-
low it to settle on another, while' wip-
ly to Mrs. Van Tassyl ,Hussey, hover
"i, the care, or rather, lack of it, that
ing with a damp cloth, which in any
Ing with the sugar tongs over the basin
is 'given t1ho _Nelpless little beings. Of
but judicious hands is apt to be' a wet
" Thank you, I always take sugar. M;
couase babies are cross sometimes, no
one, is too apt to shear tho furniture.
late husband used to say that a swee
matter bow carefully fed and well
All furniture should be dusted regular-
tooth was an excellent thing in the mid
?tended, butt a perfectly bealthiy child
ly with due regard Ito the corners,
cile-aged ; it denoted simplicity o
spends most fd its time in blissful
where most the dust accumulates.
ddlaams or perfeeit content.
The best thing for carved furniture
" Fie I my dear Mrs. Van Tassyl Bus
A baby should always be clean, and
is a soft, thick paint brush, which will
soy, surely you don't lay claim. to--'
tAAs is a ,rule without exceptions. Who
get into all the interstioes of the pat-
" Middle age or simplicity ?"
can help loving a clean, white, sweet
tern. Whou these are clogged take an-
"Either," returned Lady Betty.
smelling baby, and wfhat other duties
other brush, wet with kerosene oil, to
"They usually go together news
are more important than proper atter-
clean them out. After using the oil rub
dry with a soft cloth. Fianueletta
da s observed the hostess '
Y • , "its th(
?tion to tthe infant's physical welfare?
makes the beat dust cloths, and
young people I don't understand. They
Notching should interfere with
baby's daily With, if het is able to have
squares of it are now sold ready hem-
med for the purpose in our large stores.
seam r to be developing into a d
it, and clean ola6hes sho,yld be put on
For highly polished surfaces use
order of being. Have
e you read Lady
him every day. Great care should be
chamois skin. And be sure to keep
Warwick's book on 'Women's Educa•
'taken in ggtarrirag t(he little one from
His tiny shirts
your chamois clean. it can be washed
draugihte and colds.
sihoiAd. be of tho 601test white wool,
with very little trouble, only be sure
W hang it up carefully to dry, wring -
" You mean," interposed Miss Pect
and it is safest to keep wool on ,him
ing well, and then pulling it into shape.
in her precise manner, " Lady War•
winter and summer until three or four
The %amboo beater is the best thing
wick's collection of papers read at oul
years old at Least,. If his dresses are
Whoxit, soft woolen stockings are neces-
for rungs a.nd portieres, but it is use-
less to beat upholstered furniture. A
recent education congress? Th47.y an
sary, long enouoh to reach well above
stiff whisk should be used, and all ore-
ver valuable, and we are
Y greatly oblig•
tfae knee, and ptnued so they will oat
vises should be well brushed out and
I ed to Lady Warwick for her admirablE
slide down.
the lint and dust brushed off after this
rireface ; bust of course her ladyship has
' :
It is positively pitiful to see helpless
little ones improperly cared for. Slov-
is done. It is wonderful how much
not taken an Y great part in our work,'
enly n•wrses slip clean dresses over soil-
dust a tufted chair can hold -no won-
_.der maid and mistress ali* -wonder
I Hover could understand," said
ed and orfamapled underclotihing. They
where the dust comes from; 'for sum-
Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey, "how ladies
neglect it(he baby's bath and allow the
mer, winter, whether it blows id at
of position could interest themselves
otos finger, nails (to be thnshglhtly. 'there
open windows or sifts up through fur-
in slumming matters."
Is also mucid carelessness in feeding in-
(ants, Some mothers think that the
lace flues; like the grass of the poem,
it comes "creeping everywhere," and
Excuse me," returned Miss Pec)?
baby is able to digest; any and all kinds
finds a lodgment in every inch of space
tartly ; "women's education in the Bri-
08 foods, at any and all times, and they
ex posed.
fish empire is certainly not a
p y questiob
teed him every bime he cries.
heat is and
Now that bookcases with glass doors
of slumming."
Tfhe tlnlaumer annoying
enervating. to grown up people, so it
are no longer fashionable books are
usually open to the dust and need sys-
But these things often fall into the
is not at all strange that the litle one
tematic and careful attention to pre-
same category, do they not! I heard
becomes cross. Never let a morning
pass withawt giving the little one a re-
serve them from damage. They should
be taken from the shelves at least once
only the other day," pursued Mrs, Van
Tassyl Hussey, blandly, "that
freshing bath. 1n very hob weather
many mothers have tried giving their
or twice a month, wiped with a soft, dry
cloth, which should be shaken out of
a great
Friend of yours had been appointed as
babies sponge batlha before putting
the window repeatedly during the work
inspector -or, is it inspectress-or . .
t(lem to bed Por the night. They say
tihat the little ones rest more qu-ietly
of dusting. Remember always that in
brushing dust from an object scat-
dear me -of nuisances, was it not?"
and sleep better for tlhis evening wash.
ter ,it, but wiping it off with a cloth
No," corrected Miss Peck .. of Pac-
Do not putt too many clothes on the
you gather it up and remove it alto-
tortes' She read an admirable paper
babies in Awtt we dheir. If the little
on women as factory inspectors at our
slh.ir'ts and stockings are of wool., with
probably a flannel alhirb for cool morn-
recent congress.' It is included in Lad y
Ings, 'the babies will be, -warm enough
Warwick'book. We hope, b y means of
with their cotton dresses. 'Even tiny
The housekeeper of this enlightened
this volume, to open up a great many
! ''
infants do not req,ud-re all tlhe shawls
and blankelts with Which they are gen-
day does not have to decide between
new careers to women."
"'So it would
orally burdened, when the air is warm.
Change 'the baby's clothes for
extravagance and tomb -like effects.
seem,„ remarked the
hostess. ” I suppose, though, they can -
cleanliness will do mudh •towalyd keep-
Her home is even more charming in
not all be quite womanly professional"
ing him good.
many instances in summer than in win-
" Oh 1 we are abolishing theca dietine-
Yauag babies should be fed Tegular-
ter and her, family does not dread the
tions,' explained Miss Peck; " we find
' I
,y eveiry twofiiours. As tihey grow old-
or the time between feeding periods
days when awnings will charitably
that the. rather trammel its in our
may gradually be leng0hened, An in
screen from a critical public the bar-
-work ; beaide8, the great principle that
Fant should be given no food but, milk.
ren horrors of the; summer interior.
we advocate -the equality of the sexes
Its stomaclh can digest nothing else,
When lace and velvet curtains are
-does net Permit of any concessions on
' w„
and wihen it does commence to eat, oat-,
meal or other prepared grains and
packed away in the well ordered house
of to -day, airy muslin or beaded por-
our part to—"
btread are given it as ,tthe first solids.
tieres take their place, shades of dark
" Womanliness "' questioned Lady
1';he dishes bottles and other utensils
blue linen shut out the glare of June
used for feeding tlhe baby should be
sunlight, and cool, sweet smelling Jap-
" It you like to Put it so." '
scrupulously clean and sweet. No
one can afford to risk injux-ing the
anese matting is placed under foot.
Cushions and pillows, with slip cov-
" Hove' stupid i continued Lady Bet-
(health of the little one by neglect in
ers of linen or wash silk, are placed in
tY• "For my part I wouldn't change
tihis ,articular. is always beat if
the wicker arms and cane reclining
places with the most learned man in
baby is so well cared for that no
couch, and give an air of comfort de-
the world. As the merely frivolous lit -
medicines are necessary, Lout dher•e may
be times wihen May alre imperative.
void of any suggestion of heat.
But the greatest improvement hasbutterfly
the I 1 can get all
tile infant's general (health good
been in the covering of upholstered
the admiration I want "
and this system in petrfeot order; this
furniture or highly polished furniture.
From men, I a,uppose ?" sniffed yiiss
Peck. "The
11 .will
prove nost-saitisfactory.
These are now made of charming ore-
homage some women Guy
to is
If a cool, comfortable place is pro-
tonnes and cool -tinted linens or denim,
men perfectly disgusting; they
vided foir the little one to sleep in he
and are often far prettier than the
pander to their vanity in the most con-
wW rest better and longer tlhan when
winter covert brocades.
her of
temptible manner." .
(lead and flies are permitted to annoy.
A set of covers recently made ata
" As the su erior sex, m
19 y dear, don't
Dawken tke room and iif possible let
big shop was of cream tinted Innen,
forget that," said Lady Betty.
it be one away firoM tihe sun -the cool-
striped with delicate blue, and scat-
- Superior in brute strength, but not
eat in t'he (louse. During the hot wea-
tered with piuk roses. The chairs were
in intellect,"
tt'her flies 'keep itihe babies restlss, and a
as carefully "fitted" as their well
" Well, let us say in discernment,"
few yards of nelti mg thrown over tfhe
dressed owner was, and each cover was
insinuated Lady Betty. " However con-
'I.- •
bed os'• crib will make 'him comfort-
buttoned down the back, w-Lth small
tehupt`ble the mere man may be, l,find
able. Arrange it so chat the baby will
pearl buttons. The piano was, also fit-
him at least appreciative, George told
holt become enN.angded In it if The kicks or
te& with a slip of the same material,
me yesterday my new hitt was a per-
t'hxows bis tiny arms about. A he&-
and the numerous very gorgeous sofa
fact stunner I Hbw's that for an opin-
mock makes a cool bed folr tlhe baby
pillows were supplied with individual
ion ? And you women have never even
in summer. Do not overload him wit%
covers of,linen.
noticed it !
blankets oar comforters or envelop 1him
3-- r.
I your husband?" queried,
in feather pillows or bolsters.
Mrs, Nan Tassyl Hussey.
Never let a pleasant day gor by with-
jjj �1 f� j R
ADVICE. soli
MY husband G" laughed Lady Bet-
ty• "why he
.cwt cwt giving t'he baby an outing. Babies
never sees what I've got
enjoy, +the fresh sweet air. Shelter
on. One never expects a compliment
ltbeia'fvg:= ,"� ._u,i-n-, � eientight and al-
from one's husband. I mean George
ways prolteat their eyes. Do not tie
Gihiow; he was skating with me at
Prince's yesterday."
veils about tlbebr faces unless it is
vea•y cold or windy, when a close veil
" It was always pay practice to con -
may keep padAicles of dust( out of their
If thealtiby
suit my husband on all matters," said
Mrs. Van Tassyl Hussey, " but "then
eyes. a baby is he should be
good if properly taken oars of. But
Who would blame a Little one if t3t-
Tonna % . ,% 8usceptlble to Troubles That
suppose you young people would call
£ul and restless when heat, flies and
MAY Result in Decline -Pale Faces,
"Not middle-aged," smiled the hos-
uncleanliness combine No make him Bo.
YAeadaches and Fickle Appetite tie
Symptoms Early Decay.
Even a gwow•n-up person would be
rather old-fashioned. Marria e
ciross under similar eircumatnees.
From the Sun. Orangevblle, Ont,
itself, they say, is getting old -fashion -
_ _
Some months ago Maggie, the fif-
teen -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
ed ; Yes, it is going out," said Lady
Strawberry Float. -Beat up the yolks
J. Sweeney, of John street, of this
" Only a very small percentage of our
of four and the whites of two eggs
1-2 cup granulated sugar and
town. began to fail hoth in health and
spirits. Her face was alvnost as white
women marry," observed Miss Peck;
,.I mean the Girton and Newnham wo-
over them pour 1 qt. sealded milk.
as chalk, her appetite very fickle, and
Turn into a double boiler and stir over
the fire pastil the custard thickens.
her Limbs began to swell. Notwith-
standing her growing weakness she
"Does their education make thein too
fastidious ? inquired the hostess.
Add a pinch of salt, and when nearly
cold, flavor with vanilla. Ill the bot-
Persisted in attending school until one
day her teacher advised her to go home
"Perhaps it makes the men fastid-
ions,' said Lady Betty, " I
tom of a pretty
P Y glass dish arrange a
and not to return until she felt better.
At the same time the teacher,
Haver knew
& man yet who would make love to a
layer off atrawberriea that have been
liutlad and washed. Pour over them
knew the value of Dr. Williams' Pink
woman because she had a diploma. They
like a nice little ignoramus who does-
'half tba custard. Then Patin another
layer of berries and the remainder o£
Pills in such cloaca. advised tier to take
them. The advice was followed and
n't know enough to see through them."
"One can see whey you are so
the custard. Whip up the remaining
whites of the twos
eggs with two table-
Mrs, Sweeney told our reporter that
almost. from the outset there was an
alar with the men," shopped Miss
Peck. "For tIIY part, i should like to
spoons powered sltgar, until they aro
very ,stiff. Flavor this meringue also
improvement in her daughter's condi-
tion. Her appetite became better, the
see the male population of this and
with a little vanilla and heap over the
color returned to her face, and the se-
every other country swept off the face
of the globe -but come to the meeting
fruit. Sprinkle a few have p on top
and serve. Those who have of
Volo headaches that had made her so
miserable vanished, and she Ls now' feel-
of our H
Hygienic Clothing Association
St. George's
rich cream will enjoy.
Ing better than she has done for many
at Hall next Thursday,
and then you will understand better
, '
Strawberr Sarabande. -Whip well
!-t is quits evident that this young
than a "
you do now why—
one cup thick sweet cream. Then
with a silver knife cut 1 pint straw-
maiden was suffering from a lack of
blood, as do so many young girls who
so many learned women pre-
fer 'spinsterhood?" interposed Lad Y
berries into small pieces, and stir in-
to the whip.Meanwhile I tablespoon
are jrl.•st at acritical point, to life, and
it is guile as that. there is
" Let us say raither independence,"
(gelatine should have been soa)ted in a 'no
y the ie(
other remedy the equal of Dr. lVil-
said the hostess, genially. Pass me
cupful of cold water and set over hot
water until dissolved. Add this, a
liams' Pink Pills in such cases. They
enrich the blood, stimulate the nerves
your cup, blies Pook-one lumpB"
1 never take sugar, the glucose ele-
tittle at a time, to the cream and fruit,
beating well in, and sweeten with three
and build up the entire system, and
mothers will act. prudently if they in-
meat isnot wholesome."
"gut talking of independence," con -
.•.tahlespoo,ns pulverized sugar, Wet a
mold and pour the mixture Into it. (occasional
Hist upon their daughters taking ,an
1•ox, We know from
tinned the hostess, " is independence at
the price of spinsterhood, the best state
Cot on too to harden, and when well
perience that Dr. Williams Pink Pills
for a woman ? lsn't it after all rather
set turn auyt an a fiat dish. A quick-
y gotten up desaert in an emergency
ha+e dao^ great good in Orangeville
and vicinity, and there is scarcely a
a pity to be educated so far above the
based of the average tntun'? For the av-
day that our reporter does not comp
ase man is this best we can
er get as
a rule, isn't he?"
Berry Crush. -Slice a plain cake and
in contact. %vfth some onr who has a
Yes," answered Van Tassyl
rut the slices into squares, circles or
good word to say for this wonderifut
Hussey, "and I always think an un-
other fancy shapes Arrange on
plates and on each
p piece of -cake put
Dr. Williams, Pink' Pills cure by
married woman is such a hopelessly in-
complete specimen of humanity- "t
iwO spoonfuls of crushed strawberries.
Pour over all whippet( cream slightly
going to the root of the disease. They
renew. and build up the blood, and
mean, of course, the woman of a cer-
tain '
sweetened. Another daintydish
strengthen the nerves, thus driving
disease from the system. Avoid tm
Quits An exploded prejudice," snap-
Strawberry Tapioca. -To 1 cup pearl
tatioals by insisting that every box you
purchase is unclosed in a -vrapprn
pod Miss Peck,
Now a female factory inspector,"
tapioca., gut i qt. water and bail in a
bearing the full trade mark, "Dr,
obsekved the hostess, " I do not really
double boiler until clear. Through
Williams' Pitkk Pills for Pale People.
think I could stand. She would give me
a fine wire sieve rub 1 pint strawber-
the creeps I'm sure. „
Ties, add i cup sugar and stir into"
It is to careers like this that we
rhe tapioca. Cook all together until
"Mooth and clear. Let stand until
The German emperor and the empress
look for relief in the female labor mar-
ket," remarked Miss Peck, severely. "It
xlear'ty cold 'and then pour it over a
are the earliest risers of all European is.this
way that the brilliant future( of
)quart of whole berries. Eat with
sovereigns, but with them it is a Daae
the emancipated woman lies, We have
cream flavored with strawberry juice,
02 following out the rule of
our foot on the ladder, we are moulnt-
iA nice icing for little cakes is 'made
by putting 1-4 fresh
bed and early to rose," for they, retire
"Yee, .but when you have climbed
oup strawberry
juice into a bowl and stirring into it
as early as 10 o'clock, At 5 o'clock in
the summer and 0 b'clock in the winter
to t'hia tog, where do you think the
in.dder land
sufficient cobfootioner's sugar to friake
it thick
the em'perbr is up and about, and the
will ylou I" juerled the llos-
toss. " It will land ua� answered -Miss
enough to spread, Other
fruit juices may be used In the same
empress Haas only a little latex, that
she may Ale ready herself to prepare',
Peek, with a J•lonln like cold steel in
hier "at the
PULVAOX'. ICood drinks are always oo-
her IOrd and master his first oup of
eros, gib)tjous gbalwhere
the prel Ut d,i'gradati,on of Women will
a il4bie In SUMM61' and a pleasant one
eoffeo. The children of, the linpel'ial
Idiot exist, where they will take their
ta,)ntl are brought u to follow thein'
Y pia p
parents exam le In thl5 till iii duet
Proper Position In the world, and where
)nan Will be ehl6wn himself as he
Way, he Plaperdt of AiisttfA Is ami0th-Is
r• really
ufit la MIWOX.fl a B1rIO,, at' mind to"Dear
18149. nar6b who breakfasts ,With the
1tle,"eSaauiattsd Mrs. fan `l'as
tattoo. ou an N fa ng Influence
>� DLTJS�T HAVE F0R11xQTTlaN'. 1� ,•tz
•' well." p4id the hostess, "e A soft' 7•,rxrrir
1 neap boo all =xPerience Ho the,t's the son of old Roo�ln,r�haxn ON-
very well, but for wg part I thine that And Hat the mUlionalre is itfM :5(jo
not promote the w4llfare and ilappinei3s * Yea„ tiny Oona Might guess that, aft -
of its devotees, And to condemn woima , er seeiing, the s,rnount of attelntion�tl4 A."'u `... ,^V.l a�--
to an etornal spinsterhood is surely x p e 1"1.1' e n rY� iB paid tD him by the ladies, ►'w toot, drop a card for sample packet.
act promoting their chances of happl- ;I suppose so. i 9 10QNSQON TGA CO,
nese LsL the moral schema o>< thi7lgs," Sbiauid be your guide in buyibg medi- Well, wh don't you Wellington $e 8 t1 -by " y go an and say 7 g on St. W, Toronto.
" For my Part," interposed .Lady Bet- clue. Let others experiment; you it 4
ty, With an irresponstble shrug of her should be guided by experience. Ex- }Say' what R � �iNERAI,S i�S7ED for Gold, *oto.
shoulders, "call it degrading if you periments are uncertain in to result ; es- Tbat be probably couldn't t barn 4P25 , wit" DN T.. it>aR91CY. D. !, p ca
like, but I would rather, purr on the perience is sure. Experiments may d4 a month it he had to work for a Living. M 16 $b. 8aorsmaab si., . B. ZwF, P, 0
hearthrug of the merest of men than you harm; experiongo proves that That's what folk always siy about rich
r 1 would go prowling about factories and Hood's Sarsaparilla will do you won- marl'$ poria, iso% Lt Il t� b
; sniffing down people's sinks in the derful good. You may rely upon the LQV� Harris
. glories of emancipation." experience of, those who have been I —
I will wish you good afternoon," cured by this medicine. These people The Probabilitiet3 Y ►u�r �11y�
f said Miss Peck, snapping the olaa of gladly write that their cures are due M
her serviceable ri Are, that will a temper will improve,
golf cape severely. "I to ;Rood's Sarsaparilla. Read this: "For ���� Crap
P Y• and you will e;njay walking and nkat-
, am due to speak Cp the 'Regeneration a long tlme I was troubled with sero- ing In real earnest once that acre corn • e
, of usm" at 5,15." Pula and impure blood. About a year is removed. Putuam's Painless Corn
Isn't she funny ?" Ia,ughed Lad ago I out my arm and my blood was in pain 46-3? WI111tA- $t„ Toronto. Phone 17x04
such a condition tbat the wound would Extractor' never Pails, gives t -
Betty as the door closed behind her, not heal. Friends recommended Hood's and will relieve you in twenty-four
Sarsaparilla, and I used three bottles hours. Give a happy. 's Corn ExtractorSTAMMERERS9
FOR A POCKET KNIFE. and was well. I recommend Hood's atrial and be happy.
Sarsaparilla to all effected as I was."ADDHEed
An Iueldeut of the Franco-Gerrnan War- Daniel Robinson, 52 1-2 Teraulay St., ADOPTING HIS OWN METHOD, (,HUlt(,g'a AUTO-YOCE INSTITUTE,
A soldier Itt,sked Alla Lite for a 6lohuento Toronto, Out. O Pembroke 9t, Toronto, Canada.
Could you lend me au %? inquired CURE GUARANTEED.
of Moine. REMEEinHR the airy citizen.
Great bravery is rarer on a retreatSarsa- NO.
than he a charge for obvious heat- Hood's parilla A V then,go R 0 0 F i N Can« Sheet Metal Worke,
I'm afraid not. You'd! have to
ons; the excitement and thrill of at- ROOFING SLATE, to BlaokI,
Is Canada's Greatest Medicine. Sold b all still further baok in the alphabet. , Red or Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS We supply,
tack is then lacking, and tha nepes- yy 'What do you mean ? j ,Public and High 8choola,Toronto), Roofing�elt, P,te
druggists. $1; six tor• $5. Get only HOed'6, Conl Tar, oto. ROOFING TILE (See Nen bits Bu !
sity of haste in order to get away i - My capacities for accommodation are ings, ToronG, don. FINNy our lir.), Metal Coinage, �or,
oftcII rest, 'Phis Pact makes interest- {-�000�'s Pi11S am the oats pllle to take limited to the letter O.' toot, oto. retimates furulshad for work compleN or
, with Hoods Sarsaparilla. --- aterlals nhiyped to a°p part of the oountry. Phou01.
i ing an incident recently related by a ___ 000 OUTNIE?i0oN8,AtlelatdY6Wtdmtr{te.,Toront+•
Quickoure for Ulcerated teeth, 15e.,
I Fren.:h officer concerning a name- SPRING SMILES. 25e., 50e. r
less soldier of the Army of the Rhine „a d,• Kitt Wh not ask for )ONBOY S IMPROVED CARRIAGE 10PS
in the war of 1870. Y- Y papas con -
A batter of
When Hamlet said: But I have that sent to -night, dear. You will have to reoeived-thehf
y rpitralilett5ea, or ma- within which passeth show, it is the face the music some time. Jack (gloom- eat award%att1ii
chine guns, had made a stand against i ily)-it's Rot the mtusic, but the muni- World'aFa,r1309I
lilt ed that he had in his pocket a com- ciao I'm afraid of. CONDOY's PATrfId
the advancing Germans near Metz, plimentary ticket to the circus. ROLLER TOPS
It was on the 16th of August, in the Jack -T hear that she speaks everyhave met +4:111
bratve fight made by the division of known language. 'Tom -Must be a mis-HEIM=
suolluniret•eatfGeneral Picard, The fire of the en- take. Last ni ht I asked her to ive me ror, that otht1
g g mala uctar ro
emy was terrible, and seemed to be a plain English 'yes,' ands she said she are now pitLra"
couldn't. Persoua,l-I am very sorry, Capt, inferior iraitati-
sweeping away the whole French di- one.
(vision. Do you find my son prompt and pune- Gibbs, butt circumstances over which I • InotItonbavini
tual, Mr. Grindleyl? I never had a have no control compel me to say no. th+tlCoaboy mat
In the midst of the final firing of May T ask what the circumstances' as Imttatious :re
Young man in my employ who, at the never as goes as
the French prior to their inevitable re- are? Yours, theaonulao-
close of business hours, could get out
treat, one,, of the mitrailleuses ceased of the office with less delay. Qulokcure for Swollen face, 15e., 25e., sslltler JUST WRAT 18 NERD,
to work on account of the sticking of I hate to bother you, pa, said the 50c. Dlheveryfamoy-44h.
Y olaee boob, neatly yackndid
a , shell in the barrel, .4 lieutenant rylamma (to her little girl) - You L. ;w
wooden small boy home far the holidays, but bos, for repairiy;
looked about for something with which really I'd like to know- Welt what, needn't be afraid of that barking dog, thi�esrerLL.Allihesetoe,"
to remove the shell,and asoldier offer- How it is that baby fish don't get Ellie. See, he is wagging his tail. EI- meeret .. ftillat: iI. i
ed him his drowned before they've learned to lie -Yes, but it's the other end I am
pocket-knife. Y' I seatmmoaoyai►voetAtR.uMA
The lieutenant had just removed the swhm. afraid of. dreds f ,Lt, HUD,
J bliss Cordelia Summers (upon pre- '--'"'�-f I � use. >�slivered treawitht+
shell when the order came to fall back, 9WR1nE a radius pt Goo prilea al
sentation of same flowers by young pu- Mo Ueal.Prioe$2.T5,9eod
In the confusion the officer dropped p� card for prte. ofoares9w-
the soldier's knife to the ground. When pils)-Yes, children, this is my birth- Hartford & Vim Tires ing maohin0., wlad,eillZ
da You see I am gelling old -ver punspe, guns, hardware` .
they had withdrawn a little distance, y• Y• HeadOAice- 9AdelaideSt.W.,Toronto. watary..i&a
the soldier came up to the Lieutenant very oldl Children (enthusiastically)- Tb.
6albyDonaldson 0%
and said, saluting respectfully: Yes, ma'am1 W PC 9;,1 18LPeterBt.,HootrOal.
"Will you please let me have my Reverse Action -The Elder Matron New $60wheelfor S2S-Ladiae 1l�
knUe I" _You shouldn't mind the baby crying B10ye1e9--or gents. Will be sent for In- CANADA PERMANENT
'But I've lost it, man. It's back spect.ou on receipt or$1, which will be allowed
there somewhere on the ground." a little. It strengthens his lungs. The it wheel Is retained. Sing)eordoubletube tirea Loan and Savings Company.
The soldier showed evident signs of Younger Matron -Oh, no doubt; but $3,50 pair. Clapp CyoleGo.,463YongeSt„Toronto. INCOnPOHATED1856,
grief. it weakens his fathers religion. Pald-u 'Oa 1
g MILL9-BGeel, Galvanized, Roller P P • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •S Z,6 ,000
"Why, I'll get you another tb take Dixon ---Why is it that it is usually 1!f/ IND rind Bal) Bearings, Iron Pumps, Aesete .. .... .... . 11,4600,000
• • Sprayers• and'Graln Grinders, Could, Head Office -Toronto tit., Toronto.
its plata in Metz.” said the officer. unmarried women who write articles 9hapiey A Mul} Oo.. Limited, Brantford, Canada. Oranob Otnoos-Winnipeg, Man, Vancouver, E.0
'•Oh. it isn't the vela , of the knife, on 'How to Manage a Husband'? His- ---- — --- — EPOSITB received at interest payable hii
air," said the soldier. "I'm just fond Bicycle Tires $4. yearly.
of it, that's all. I brought it from on-Oh,t you don't suppose a married UO DEBNNTOREa issued for money deposited for
home, Now if you'll let me, I'll o woman is going to give her little plan PER PAiR. three or five yeare.
Y g Why pa 10.00? 1,000 vaGe now tires. Write quick. MONRY ADYANozD on Real Estato ab low
back after it." away, do yowlLSWORTfi do MUNSON, Toronto, rates ofInterest and onfavorable aoadiWone.
"Go back after it, in the face of this Declaring Himself - Proprietor - Land Mortgagee and Municipal or 8ohool
fire and the advance of the enemy?" $NIG YOUR PRODUCE, Debentures purchased.
„Yes sir „ Yes, there's lots of golf piayin' here. Information may be obtained from, and ap•
plications may be made to
Some folks 'd rather play golf than Butter, Eggs. Apples, Fruit, &c., to G. F. R. HA etys, General A �pag,
"Well, if you care as much as that geny W11�pntp
for apocket-knife. -It merit lye prettyeat, Guest -Well, I'm not one of that CESARH J. MARANI, General Agenb, Van-
" THIN DAWSON COMMISSION 00., Limited, couver.
dear to
you. Go cull kind. Just remember that I expect Osn of Wast Market and Colborne Sts., TORONTd or 6o
The soldier started back, Shot and three 'square meals a day, rt - --- --- - J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Otreotor
shell +were flying; the enemywere near, Two Sides. -Mrs. Call -It's too badammm�
-TorohiaY• g;somewhere in the gloom of the battle- of you, Ethel, to worry your mamma F.stabtisbed 33•Steog.e greg96
[lets, and the than knew he might. be 1834. 135,000��are tineb tirwheL•med. And all this for an old so. Etfiel (aged five, t8arfully) -Oh, AiaS�Al� LINE
,pocklet-knife that he had carried since well, Mrs, Call, if you'd lived with
he was a boy, and which was associat- mamma as long as I have you'd know WANTED THROUGHOUT'
I ed with dear things and dea.r people which of ars was to blame. AGENTS (,an1da. Quick selling Bore. 1
at home. Sample,termsandoatainggue Royal mail Steamship Net
I am sorry to hear about those bread 50.4tssmpa. MANUFACTURERS' ARENOY A118001A•
He reached the place, and found the riots in Spain, remarked Terwilliger. TOOK, S10 Alexis et, Montreal.
Montreal to Liverpool.
spat where the an must have ato�d. p g p
He groped about, the balls whistled in It seems to indicate, suggested Jero-
his ears and shells burst. He heard the Iowan, thrat even the bread is rising BOATS and CANOES Steamers sell from Montreal every Saturday
■ morning on arrival of trains from Toronto and
rattle of approaching artillery and against. the dynasty. Whereupon all- Write forostaiogue. the West about 9 o'clock.
the near blaring of bugles sounding ence settled down on the group. I WALTER DEAN, - 1751, Queen St W., Toronto. nATEB or YAssAGn
?orders. Tt -vas the enemy advancing. Of course, said one Spanish official, L Cabtn 652.56 and upwards; Second Cabin
Nevertheless, he kept on rumttging e A RM $34 and and $30.'25; Steerage to Liverpool,
about for the old knife. we were unprepared for war. Yes, repli- r /'1 ANO ESTATES bought. said 6c London, Gla w, Belfast, Londonderry oA
ed the other, But there is some eat- exchangge�d. Terms mailed Queenstown $22 50 and &2.9.50.
In a moment -joy 1 -he found it; it free. H. M. SIMPSON, Real Eytato and A reduotion of five percent, Is allowed on
bad been dropped while still open, and isfaction in reflecting that we axe not Finanolal Agent, Montreal, Quo. round trip first onA second cabin tiokete. Fos
the blade glistened. He picked it 'up, as unprepared now as we would have aanings of steamers or other information apply
and then he ran. Tie closed rhe, knife been had they waited a' fevv_.,,y@ars MIIIe, Miles A Hat��RR,y to any authorized agent.
as he ran, and thrust` it into him pock- more. Barristers,eta,removaq R. Rourlier, I King St:. W. Toronto,
LAW. io Waste I ��g A., Rich• or 8. d6 AllanWoutreML -
et; He ran ao fasU that before long he Scrap of Ancient History -The aS-tooWesley .,TorootA,
pwertook his retreating company. The ,hiring monkey looked at his eldest lieutenant looked inquiringly at hire. weoanouErour1898$enoe WINTER RESORT.
"1've gat it., lieutenant !" be shouted, born, 1 slog idly in the shade of a cocoa Fence, Fence --account to half. We oistm
slapping his pocket. Then he winked palm, and shook his head. I have. tried we have the befit and mosh practical fence on
at the officer. It w•a,s quite against the to make a man of. earth Four mil,sor ib to use n the Fprices.ST01,
Q g you,? 0, sighed, but mental Farm, to ph Ont. !seed for prises.■
military regulations for a private sold- I suppose I atii ablaut 5,(L00,000 years too Addrer+s Toronto Picket Wore Fence Co., -CHARLES 4
ier to„winl, at an officer, but under the, soon 1 Ell itiver St. Toronto. out.
circumstances the lieutenant did not - ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.
mind' • Dominion Line Steamships. OPEN ALL THE YEAR.
Gyre Yourself of Rheumatism. Quebec to Liverpool to cum,pers Zarge
GOOD SERVICE, and fast twin wrew steamships 'Lsbrndor, Vsn- Sun parlor 900 feet long overlooking
The application of Nerviline-nerve- couver,' 'Dominion'-9cotaman,' • Yorkshire.' ocean and beach esplanade. Vacuum
'Although it may be true that the Superior accommodation for First Cabin, Sea
ug y pain cure -which Lwssessea such m,ar- and Cabin sad Steerage paseengers. Rates of steam heating system. Elevator to
best service Is that which we render Vellous power over ,all nerve pain, has paAsaga-First Cabin, 152.50; econd Cabin, Street level. ?Hot and cold, fresh and
joyfully with our hearts, and because proved a remarkable success in rheu- 634; Steerage $22.50 an upwards according to salt water in all batbs. Rooms an
ntatism and neuralgia. Nerviline acts on eteam0r an berth, For a l information ap ly suite, bathe attached.
we lave our work and its object, yet g to Local Agents, or DAVID ToltRANDS dt Geo„
the nerves, soothes them, drives pain Glon'lAgents, 1713b.Sacrament At„Montreal. JAMES B; REILLY. Owner and Prop.
there is it grandeur in the work of a out and so gives relief, Try it and
man who does what he dislikes, and be Convinced. ------- -•--•— - --- ---- __
what is abhorrent to his nature, from HE NCUNE rlaEcE KNITTING
to a stern conviction that it is his duty io wea,kes' mus' go ter do wall, said 11
to do it. Toole Eben, but quickness an' courage kIIBBING ,...,.._MACHINES,
It is easy to work when we love our hat) he'ped nary a feller ter climb de ACIIiIVE
-work. We bear days and nights of toil i wall an' staht ovuht ag'in. OLD AND RELIABLB
and privation with phfience when we Quickcure for all pain 15e., 25c., 50e, Established 1973
are doing what we wish to do, We I E-oW-;ive-floes you cook make nn THIS C FOR You -
Y Clothe your family from hoed
think of the fulfilment of our desire, trouble when you presume to go in to toot with our C
and with that enol in view our hearts I the kitchen and tell her how to do 400 MONEY MAKER
go out towards its accomplishment, and things?” "Oh, she doesn't, mind.
nothing is hard thalt helps its to bring I Quickeure for burns, 15e„ 25o., 50e. Prices only lib, $20 SSC,
it about. IJ
Or if we are working for one we Unexpected Anmver.- 'Clerk -- It is At+
lava, the task may be hard and unpleas- just twenty years since .I entered into CRECLIIAN aR10S ; Georgetown, elllr.
ant, but we labor joyfully, happy that ' NLY NET a
we are making the comfort of the low-
your employment. Principal - That i50o CASH
ed one. I shows • how Patient I am. FOR TYPEWRITERS WRiTE DIN,
But when none of 'these elements
enter into our labor;. when the work
is Uncongenial, and the object one X1100 Reward $100,
with which we do not sympathize; The readers of this paper will be pleased to
when there is no love anywhere to soft- 10"" that there to at loaet one dreaded digoase
that science has been able to cure fn all lb,
an the pain, and no interest to make stages, and that isCAtarrh. Hall'sCutarrhCure �� `�, + fp% 0
the time pass quicker; wbnn nothing is the only positive cure known to the medloal ' ♦ {.
upholds the spirit but the stern de- fraterntiy. Catarrh being a eonptit•utional die- �' JG ''t-
mans of the daily duty, and nothing 0nterrh Cureistxken-nte�nallq actlogdirreectly
eases the tired mind but the grill upon the blond and muroos surfaces of the me
thought tbat one more day's work is s atom, therebydoet,oyyinst tiro roundation of 4T �i BER 1 "
over -what then g Is such service as the ,11•s ago, angivin,r t'•o ra' lent stronc ba by
that worth nothing? bliddlux up oho conatituilon and asmaitng
nature in doing its Work. The proprietors have
May God's pity rest on such a life I Ao much faith in its. urahlrs rowers that they
Fax harder than to face cannon, by offer Ore Hundred Dollars for an eaRo iliat it
which one's life may go out gp(ckly, fails to ouro. Pond onr liab of Pe-timohinle,
is It. to live through Such a llvin Addroaa F. J. Oil E,ViEY dE CO., 'roledo, C. `�
death. g + 9o1d by Druaglsts, 75a. �y�A ��� ✓K!'� ` in ARIt�i11��oI�
?fall's Family Pills aro the best
A DIFFERENT CASE. I ---- *vow 11000 In Toaaito ajolk L,01*4ktDw
Little boy 1 exclaimed the man who ' Wife (to her husl,and)-f say, my , ' iRemeves Dandruff In One Week.
bad just turned the corner, don't you dear, how badly thy+ tailor has put this
Cites? knoit's wrong for you to match pen- fifth
tion m your a hadoret. This is the Cures Itching of the Scaip
fifth time I have had to sow it on S +
I ain'tie surrendered
ends a pennies, he is aworod, again. � ���y _ O f ■ r �i
i i t. surrendered i coin to his antago- Quickoure for outs, 150., 25o,, G0. tBreaking j ,
Hist. I'm jest tryin' to, _
. _ _"QS Itlilrlg" Oft.
Take Lrs:aElro Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
;late rotund the money it It fatly to Care, 1110. I do think that Mr, Now•1y Is the Mont
-sbashful man in the world, declared his i08lit' *MY altoWe KAHI
M'e't His Match--Papa.-Well, did the confiding young -vire.
rae ll 'get over Lt. W` $WM TRaTnowliV no HIM xl
photographer succeed in makingthe t
I don't (Show, He never comes In Into -
baby look pleasant? Mamma -No, the at nilgll.t but he Is so frustrated that
llaby succeeded in making the photo- ,he can Rive no Luoid erplmnation of M', .&3c:"
grapher look unpleasant. where he has been. IPM01111111111 IN, 0 11 1.1 *LAWS'i� 8"d's 1"M DPpssor 4
....�,.,,..,.,..�.... ,r ll►a
A>. 5TI�AIGHT TIP 4� �;0A - ��Icat 11 ..Co. t4ovto Rei►°o ��.
LU D ► eytoin iia
tyosflesxeg great ittrangtht thuscotlllbinlflg bcvr,,ufsy with fl4vaite it UR81
i.elittl pa�kag6L a _._
�i, �! , 5� i�l(d 15ira - -