HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-26, Page 7. - 71,:t ..
. 14
rtuced one-half. Struin it off into a
One of the curiosities at Chats -
nest, each fillrnishing her own quota of '
w"orth, the Duke of Devonshire's place,
water over thle bark, and strain this
18 a weeping willow made of copper,
into the other liquid. Repeat the pro-
und so dexterously fashioned that at
cess again, then Lhruw away, the dregs
a distance it resembles a real tree. It
and use the stra,inied liquid to clean
Ls actually a shower bath, for by press -
lug a secret tap, a tiny spray of wa-
ter can be made to burst from every
dpwa and her tin the
branch and twig of the tree, to the
discomfort of any who may be under
there is nothing better. it is very in-
expensive also.
'Ib clean a 4,iece of cloth with soap
bark, fasten it firmly td a bare, clean
lug and rearing of tb�a double family.N
that can be extracted with gasolino,
then sponge the cloth with lukewarm
soap bark until it is a mass of lath-
or. Scrub any places that are especL-
Eider ducks, though often very taluo,
After slight Exertion, sometlmeti Severe
thoroughly at least three times in wa-
Patna, Dizziness and Fainting Spel118-1/
ter of the sa ip temperature of the
Can Be Cure([.
room. The last rinsing water should be
Prom the Echo Plattsville, Oat.
clear. Let the cloth ltenomeM purtly dry,
From the Echo Plattsville, Ont.
and press on the wrong side with a
can hardly be classed with dementia
birds. 1`hgy live in a wild state in
It wits near R-;;javik, the capital
every part of Iceland where they can
1. 71
oil Iceland, that I first made the ac-
find suitable breeding places. Often
quaintanoe of eider ducks, says Eliza-
a prosperous "varpet," as the nesting
Tlersonally convincing proof of their
beth `Taylor. Fru Zoega, my 'kind
he farmers w%hds arelose laud pos escan
hostess at the little Inn, arranged for
proper attractions. A small island
family reside in this village. To an
me a trip to one of the eider -duck
that slopes to the sea is the best place,
When steeped or even agitated in wa-
farms on alt island in the harbor, and
but a cake, or neck of land, is often
oure„and asked that it be given the
sent 'her pretty daughter Valla to keep
ehusen. If the Land has many billoc•ks
there is no need of making artificial
bers of the same ordler of plants also
me company. The day was fine, and
nests, otherwise the turf must be cut
far in The distance we could see the
in blocks and set up on end to form
Europe and in some parts, of the, coun-
snow , pped ranges that Line the rug-
small oblong compartments. 'These
there I was first taken sick, The doe -
sed western coast. Our steamer, the
are often roofed over with pieces of
turf or wood. Sometimes the nests
Laura, lay anchored In the fjord, and
are matte of stones, but in this case,
° del)ility. All his remedies proved
boats were briskly plying to and fro,
as the stones are coLd, the bottom must
Perhaps there is rto commoner flow-
unloading the cargo she had brought I
be well covered with plenty of crumb-
we moved to Nloncton, Ont. Here,
L Intl myself under the charge of an-.
fram Dtenmark and Scotland. After I
led turf or coarse grass. Eider ducks
have their fancies abuut the situation
early in spring and I saw a half doz-
a stormy, six days' voyage from Edin- I
of their nest, some preferring one that
would palpitate violently. I was fre-
burgh, we had arrived the night be- I
overLuuks the neighborhood and others
of September. How mann of those who
fore in company with a Danish man -I
ichut.hsing a sheltered nook in a hollow.
of -war and a French dispatch ►wet Everything must be in readiness before
I U is time for th,e birds to come from
tried several medicines advertised to
sent to look after the interests of the ' the pea. The diioks seem to like some
cure troubles like mine, but with no
better results, and I did not expect to
Breton codfish fleet. Three steamers life or movement on the neighboring
recover, in fact I often thought iti
at , nee was quite an event for the ' fterm lands, as they probably feel more
would be better if the end came, for
Biot little town, but not a single aa-
q g
secure frown their natural enemies,
foxes tint ravens; but on the varpet
the chapters of -Spy?"
lute was fired from &here or on board,
Usutf all must be peace and serenity.
been cured ofsimilar troubles by the
and those tourists on the Laura who 1
If the new varpet must be visited,
time all the tiny yellow flowerets that
wished to shoot sea birds were sternlyi
U is best to go when the weather is
fine and the sea at high tide. The
it was -my last chance. Before the first
suppressed. Elaer ducks, it seems, are
s from
made athe yfarmer
ther 8unhoshdi
to remain closed for a week, while the
birdsof importance Ln Iceland, and as
dirld ection, and
three boxes more my trouble seemed
they dislike noise, the .firing of gunsf should not look about him too curious -
to be entirely gone, and Ihave not felt
within a mile of their nests is forbid- ly, or Cho birds will become troubled
and suspicious. Any object that
den, and every means is taken to in- I shines or has color and certain sounds
toms, Since moving to Platteville I
have used two hoses and they had the
duce them to frequent the farm land&are very attractive to the birds. So
along the shore. I
the would-be owner of a varpet often
yellow .floweret bav;,ag a seed 'of its
,A half-hour'& brisk row brought us seta up at Intervals small sticks to
I which colored rags are tied, or he puts
own from which there grows a slender,
to En a one of the eider -farm is-
g y• on pieces of wire, mussel shells, which
hair-like stalk, with a tiny feathered
laudls. Vallu led the way, and we rattle in the wind. A little bell rung
parachute at the) top. Gradually these
Little feathery ends push upward inside
event first to the farm -house to ask' by tbiB wind also seems to please them.
Ithe calyx asld on the seventh day, to!
permission to visit the nesting Another way of inducing the wild
birds to build is to employ "lukke-
grounds, In f..ofit ,at the turf -roofed I fugL," or decoy ducks of rubber or
Little Cui",Angs, on the atony g -round; '-ptustor. Suwd are plac=ed on the slopes
of down was drying -fluffy I of land in a sitting position, and others
! r
are moored in the water by strings
masses of brownish -gray, looking as if I long enough to allow- them to move
, a glimpse of a white, tfbithery tuft
peepimg out. This little brown, with-
the first puff of wind would blow them, i to and fro as Lf swimming.
ered cup isi all that is left of the ori-
out to sea. But Valla told me that ' The growth of a vwrpet is neeessar-
the down was so interwoven with dried! ily slow at first, but once fairly es-
fore, now a shrivelled mass, which has
bladoa of dried grass that an ordinary
tabiLshed it yields a good profit. Engey,
the is Lund that I visited, and Videy,
Low faces. [to sure you get the genuine
as there is no other medicine "the
wind would not stir it.
not faraway, produce about 30(1 pounds
en and bobd down against the stem,
farmer's wife readily gave her
annually, and great quantities are tak-
consent, adding that we should find
en to Isaf jord, in Northern Iceland.
A writer upon Iceland, in speaking of
ward, throwing the feathers outward In
her daughter Gudrun collecting down I
a, visit to one of the lsafjord farms,
from the deserted nests. Following I wrote: "On the coast was a wall built
trail the low I oft urge stones, just, above high w•aterl
a rough we soon reae$#:d
Level, about 3 feet high and of consid-
pontoon near the sea. By the action erable thickness at the bottom. On
Bridegroom, eagerly -What does be
Of frost and damp the surface had I
both sides of it alternate stones had
been upheaved into hillocks about 18
been left out so as to form a series of
all will lie forgiven.
inches high, and between these the
aquare compartments for the ducks to
(lay. As the day advitams the seed bed
ducks were nesting. I was toiling over
make their nests in. Almost every
cgmpartment was occupied, and as wet
Take L•txative Broinn Qninivie Tablets. All Drug -
the uneven ground, when suddenly a
walked along the shore a long line of
large grayish -brown duck burst like
ducks flew but, one after another. The
a boaub from almost under my feet',
house was a marvel; the earthen
' } '
and I balanced to and fro on my hit-
walls that surround U and the window
embrasures were occupied with ducks.
look, fearing to advance lest I crushed
On the ground .the house was fringed
ducks. On the the
,of the poor and humble us well, it is
the eggs. Looking carefully about me,
with turf slopes of
"As for toiling, remember Chat the
I soon found them; seven great eggs,
roof we could neo ducks, find a duck
as large as those of a goose, peeping I
sat on the scraper."
I About 10,000 pounds of elder down
Mrs. Y assimilated the
out from the down which swelled up
aro collected annually In Iceland, 7,000
heT first essay at a breakfnst she ask-
around them in a thick roll. A little
being exported to foreign countries.
"My dear. eggs ora simple and easy
the heart and loo,seas the tongue.,,
farther on, I was surrounded by ex-
Formerly the peasants used to receive
over 21 shillings a pound, but the
sure thart they are soft )oiled. A hard -
small gossips starlsround the tea
cited, perturbed mothers, some still
price has naw fallen to, half that
China is the greatest tea drinking
brooding, and others with ducklings
amount. The peasants seldon receive
knowingly, and next morning she wns
a pensive and choice varieties that are
hardly out of the shell. The mottled
I money, and are obliged to barter
and Low -toned plumage so harmonized
with the gray rocks and dead grasses
! their down for merchandise furnished
by the Danish merchants at the little
i settlements on the fjords.
- There RPO a number of rLLIP9 t0 h0
around me that I could hardly din-
� An old Icelandic proverb illustrates
even as rr t,h�ing glial is ossified.
tinguish the ducks at a distance of a
the atran91, elasticity of the down:
there is a right null wrong sway, First,
few paces.
"What is 1t that is higher when the
then I saw Gudrun coming
' boa.d is off?" eider -down pil-
to the gnawer. A pound of
with her apron packed full of down.
Gulndrun was on terms of pleasant in-
' dowwnn can be compressed into a ball the
the clock„" she sobbed, "bot thoy would
intimacy with her ducks, and they size of a pint bowl, but, once released,
swells and mounts like something
not gent soft I"
stayed tranquilly on their eggs at her ' auntil it would fill a bus;bel bash
approach, and even allowed her to klive
stroke their heads and see if the a get. A pound and a half is enough
gg8 ' fill
-'- - . ,
to an ordinary bed puff. !'hese
were hatching. Of Valla, too, they very comfortable foundin
seemed to have little fear, though she
articles are
the guest roam of every Icelandic farm,
was a, stranger to them:.
"Why is it, Gudrun," . asked, �at
t however poor and emaLl it may be.
After long, hart! day In the
the ducks are so afraid of me?"
a saddle
I the traveler longs for warmth and
Gudrun smiled shyly, and replied;
"I think, Frotken, that they do not like;
i shelter.- But these little guest rooms
your hat I"
have never had a fire in them, and
it, t Ig they pbur
lyptore drawing it, t
That was the trouble I Accustomed
built as they are on the ground floor
there is in them a dreadful chill. Once
,., 1°' "'
as,they were to the simple kerchief, or
I tucked away in bed, however, and well
tsmall black ifo" ern by Ice-
Landic women, with its heavy silk tas-
' I covered with the down puff, udelight-
n •l,
; flat sense of comfort follows, and tired
sal hanging down on one side, they bones lose their Paine and stiffness.
had tifken umbrage at my straw tray-
" The Last days of my ten weeks' visit
The flavor of
stir hat with its
g' perky" ribbon bows. ' in Iceland were spent at Luxamyri,
However, the ducks were not unreas- I one of the finest farms in Iceland.
onwble. \Vier they saw that Valla Many sheep grazed. on the neighboring
and Gudrun talked amicably with me, I hills; sea trout and salmon; the sea
thtey waived their objections to 'my i furnished codfish and seats,. and large
head gdar, and finally permitted me numbers of eider ducks rested on the
to caress their sleek heads and wings, I little islands where the river broaden.
Only one drake did I see on the nest- ell to the sea. On one side of the
ins grounds. He was a splendid fel- , comfortable modern farm house pie -
low, weighing fully 7 pounds, and quite
1. I
turesque old outhouses formed a kind
different in plumage from his soberlyof square. In one the farm tools and
dressed spouse. His back, aides of his the salmon nets and cages were kept
head and neck, and upper part of the I one served as sleeping quarters for the
breast were white, the latter tinged I farm laborers, another for the supply
with a little' brownish -yellow; the bill
was yellow, changing to dull green at
of pout, and in another was an oper
I fireplace with a high raised hearth of
the tip; the crown, forehead, wings
and lower part of the body were w
stone. Here, during the winter, the
rich velvety black, and on""'the sides of,
eider down is cleansed. It is first
placed in a large open caldron
the head was a Streak of light green.
hat fire in order to have t driret
a es:
have the
The drakes, Lt aeons, help the ducks to
grasses and other refuse burned away
make the nests, and then, when incaba-
otto m
A flat; plate of iron fits in the bottom;.
bon has fairly begun, they go off in
raising the down from (he too intense
little bands of four or five, and lead
E6 carve -free existence out at sea, You
h8rt of the fire. As it is stirred ant,
can see them rising and falling on the
turned ,quickly the foreign matter is
destroyed Before the down suffers. But
great swells just, beyond the breakers,
this process only partially cleanses it
1< ,
their soft ah-oo I ah-oo 1" sounding
like the cooing of wood -pigeons.
The dust, ashes and harder bits of
y ,.•
ALI the accounts I have read about
grass stalks must now be removed
This is done by rubbing the down over
eider ducks say that nests are robbed
of their down twice, the duck supply-
stout thongs of sealskins, which are
ing it each time from her own body;
stretcher) from side to side on an at>
long wooden frame about 3 feet long
the third time the drake gives his
white down, and this is allowed to re-
The worker, sitting a short distant:(
from the wall, tilts
main. But I was told by farmers in
one end of th(
frame against it while the other rests
Iceland that
at Dow they never take the
In her lap. Then, taking a bunch of
down until the little ones are hatched.
down in each hand, she scrubs it uj
[t hits be found that the birds thrive
better and increase faster when they
and drnvn across the thong with an al
are allowed to live as nature meant
ternate, motion. After this the down ii
looked over carefully, and every re
them to do. So now the poor mothers
training bit of grass or dirt is remove(
are no Longer obliged to strip them-
by hand.
1' .
selves of all their dawn to refurnish
their despoiled nests, Sometimes, if
-------- -
the quantity is very great, a little
may be taken, but enough must be teff),
to'aover the eggs when the duck leaven
-. shat the Philippin)y are worth Iber
bsr nest for food.
is no telling, as there is no Iellinl
11 I
Eider ducks are found along tura
what any Spanish possessions would b
seacoast of Arctic America and Siberia,
worth in decent hands. The t.wely
Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Lapland,
Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Spitzbergen
hundred islands- ore intrinsically fa.
`, a `.
and Nova. Zembla. On some of the
( ante desirable as well as fur more e>
northern coasts of Great, Britain
ten;ive than Cuhn, having a populil
also they are still found in squall num-
)r vevcn millions and a half and grove
t _
bens, but the down Is of inferior qual-
ity in these more southern districts.
nu hemp, sugar and tobacco in grey
',.:y, /
Lieut. Greeny saw them els far north
tumntities, Even under Spanish rut,
as 88 degrees. They are true ocean
(he public revenue is some $14,000,01C
birds, Living during the winter out at•
'lllanish government' has produced it
sea, and diving for their food, which
natural and usual result of a rebellion
opnsists of small fish, shellfish and
', hitch has much impaired the produc
In April they, begin to gatber
tion of the principal islands of ti
i - the groups near the shores. Often
rrollp, but the natural resources c
ori bird will visit the nesting grounds
the islands are very great, Manila i
and if hitt report is favorable, his Com
Elf was ,held to ransom for 05,000,0(
panions soon return to their old
,,-hen the British captured it a cel
haunts, and nest -building begins. Both
I ury and a half ago. That woutr] no
duckA and drakes work together, lay
' o very cheotj'f even for the city, whi'
Ing a foundation of seaweed or coarse
the whole group would constitute
grasses, and upon this the bed of down
ery ha'adsome prize of war,
is arranged, and heaped up around the
- ..---•.---- -- -•--
:,,.WAt*gtn. About May 20 the ducks be.
to. lay, six or seven eggs being
,clutch, although ten art,
Tommy-Tetacher says a pamel ha
oen. A few of these arc
niir stomaebs,
I 71 'eats
b farftler for his oven us'rJd)1r
ipy---Gee it too muc
of e`rags is forbidden, Offen
must have four stomaelinchos a
�! ay side by side in one
'r' •
". 7-P11-41 ___ I I
.I 0
I�The ��I
The familiar soap bark sold in our
drug stores, is taken from a tree of
the rose family. U is tai be, found to
Chili and othe rparts of South Amer-
", and while it is not an abundant
tree, it is a'large une. This bark is
used all over the civilized world for
cleaning woollen and sometimes silk
We will give a few rules for its use:
Steep a pound of soap bark) in a quart
greakitto prevent the hot tea from
Prepare a paste of flour and water
about the same as you would have to
hang new paper. If anything have it
a little thinner. While it Is still hot.
take a whitewash, or any other -large
brush. and give the old paper a good
coat of the paste, then watt a few min-
utes for it to strike through and you
will find that the paper will readily
cleave off. I have used a putty knife,
as it has a broad square blade to work
with, but a wider one could be devised
out of a piece of saw plate, if the than
of the house is any way handy with
of boiling water, letting it gradually
simmer until the water has been re-
rtuced one-half. Struin it off into a
One of the curiosities at Chats -
pail. Pour another quart of boiling
w"orth, the Duke of Devonshire's place,
water over thle bark, and strain this
18 a weeping willow made of copper,
into the other liquid. Repeat the pro-
und so dexterously fashioned that at
cess again, then Lhruw away, the dregs
a distance it resembles a real tree. It
and use the stra,inied liquid to clean
Ls actually a shower bath, for by press -
lug a secret tap, a tiny spray of wa-
with. It should be applied hot, for re-
ter can be made to burst from every
moving grease•
branch and twig of the tree, to the
It is very goud to remove grease
discomfort of any who may be under
and fur 4;eneral cleaning purposes
there is nothing better. it is very in-
expensive also.
'Ib clean a 4,iece of cloth with soap
bark, fasten it firmly td a bare, clean
skirt board. First remove all grease
that can be extracted with gasolino,
then sponge the cloth with lukewarm
soap bark until it is a mass of lath-
or. Scrub any places that are especL-
ally, suited with a little stiff brush.
(some or the SympWnag are Palpttatlo•
When the cloth is cleaned, rinse it
After slight Exertion, sometlmeti Severe
thoroughly at least three times in wa-
Patna, Dizziness and Fainting Spel118-1/
ter of the sa ip temperature of the
Can Be Cure([.
room. The last rinsing water should be
Prom the Echo Plattsville, Oat.
clear. Let the cloth ltenomeM purtly dry,
From the Echo Plattsville, Ont.
and press on the wrong side with a
hot iron uni.il it is perfectly (try.
The Echo has read and has published
People In Chili use soap bark for
many statements from people who
washing their hair and it is said to
bare been cured of various ailments by
preserve it.
the timely and judicious use of Dr.
Another vegetable soap is the soap-
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,
wort. This is the common Bouncing
but never before have we had such
Betty of our gardena •,n 1 roadsides.
Tlersonally convincing proof of their
It possesses many of the same soapy
efificacy as in the cuss of ll.rs. George
principles of the soap bark, and its
'Taylor, who with her husband and
dried leaves .and root could, no doubt,
family reside in this village. To an
be utilized in much the same way.
Echo reporter Mrs. Taylor gave the
When steeped or even agitated in wa-
following history of her illness and
ter they produce a considerable lather.
oure„and asked that it be given the
The common pink and other mem-
widest publicity, so that others might
bers of the same ordler of plants also
he benefited: "I am thirty-two years
possess this characteristic, Soapwort is
of age,” said Mrs. Taylor, "and in 1885
a plant that was first introduced from
my husband and myself were living on
Europe and in some parts, of the, coun-
a farm in Perth county, and it was
try it has become so common that it is
there I was first taken sick, The doe -
a. troublesome weed,
for who was called in said I w -as suffer -
" from heart trouble, due to ner-
° del)ility. All his remedies proved
no avail, ancd I steadily grew worse.
Perhaps there is rto commoner flow-
The doctor advised a change, and
or -out of cultivation than the don-
we moved to Nloncton, Ont. Here,
L Intl myself under the charge of an-.
delion. It. B rows everywhere; it comes
other j•hysieian, bub with no better re-�
early in spring and I saw a half doz-
sults, At the ioasL exertion my heart
en palely golden blossoms in the grass
would palpitate violently. I was fre-
of a neighbor's lawn on the last day
queutly overcome with dizziness and
infi fits. \Ville in these
of September. How mann of those who
my limbs would become cold and often
my l
have made dandelion ''chains" or
my husband thought I was dying. I
" curls " or told the time o'day by blow-
tried several medicines advertised to
img upon the delicate feathery pe,riph-
cure troubles like mine, but with no
better results, and I did not expect to
ery of lila seed globe are aware of the
recover, in fact I often thought iti
peculiarities which the late William
would be better if the end came, for
(Hamilton Gibson chronicled in one of
my life was one of misery. We moved
back to the (arm, and then one day l,
the chapters of -Spy?"
read the stat -went of a lady who had
Mr. Gibson says: "The, flowers usu-
been cured ofsimilar troubles by the
ally bloom for tbree mornings. By that
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, so I
time all the tiny yellow flowerets that
said to my husband that I would try
this medicine and it seemed to me that
make up the yellow cushion have
it was -my last chance. Before the first
bloomed. The green calyx now closes,
box vvas finished I felt an improvement
to remain closed for a week, while the
in my appetite and felt that this was a
hopeful sign. By the time I had used
stem generally bends outward and thus
three boxes more my trouble seemed
draws the withered flower toward the
to be entirely gone, and Ihave not felt
ground, often hiding it beneaththe
asingle recurrence of the old symp-
leares. During this retirement,tha stem
toms, Since moving to Platteville I
have used two hoses and they had the
continues to wither sideways and the
affect of toning up the system and
flower is busty ripening its seeds, each
curing slight indispositions. To.
yellow .floweret bav;,ag a seed 'of its
l -day I am a well woman and owe my
own from which there grows a slender,
T life to Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills, and to
hair-like stalk, with a tiny feathered
me my restoration seems nothing
short of a miracle. I was like one
parachute at the) top. Gradually these
Little feathery ends push upward inside
dead and brought back to life, and I
Ithe calyx asld on the seventh day, to!
cannot speak too highly of this medi-
a the withered dandelion has appeared
cine, or urge too strongly those who
' against the top of the grass. It now
are afflicted to give it a trial,"
ti lirown cu at its top, or
has a n o P 1.
1• troved time and again
It has been i B
1 gives us
perhaps has just lost it and gl
Pills cure
that I)r. Williams'Pink P s
heart troubles, nervous debility, rbeu-
, a glimpse of a white, tfbithery tuft
peepimg out. This little brown, with-
mattsm, sciatica, St. Vitus' dance and
ered cup isi all that is left of the ori-
stomach trouble] They make new
ginal golden blossom of two weeks be-
blood •und Imild up the nerves, restor-
fore, now a shrivelled mass, which has
Lng the glow of health to pale and Sal -
gradually been pushed upward and out
Low faces. [to sure you get the genuine
as there is no other medicine "the
by the growi=ng seed tuft. In another
hour, perhaps, the calyx will again op-
came as" or ' ,lust as good" as Dr.Wil-
en and bobd down against the stem,
liams' Pink Pills. If your dealer does
not have them they will be sent post
while the bed at the l;ottom to which
Paid at 50 cents a box -or six boxes for
the seeds are attached will round up-
$2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams'
ward, throwing the feathers outward In
Medic•ine.Co., Brockville, Ont.
the Shape of a hall. This rounded seed
bed, or receptacle as Lt is called in the
botany, shortly withers, and the wing-
ed paraebutes will take flight at the
Bride--flere's a telegram from Papa.
slightest zephyr, whereas at first a
Bridegroom, eagerly -What does be
smart breeze would. have been requir-
Bride, reading -Do not come back and
'thus we see the connection between
all will lie forgiven.
the dandelion puff and the hour of the
(lay. As the day advitams the seed bed
withers, thus looseirring the seeds so
Take L•txative Broinn Qninivie Tablets. All Drug -
they are easily blown away.
gist. refund the money if it fails to(l0e. Tv.
When Mrs. Youtngwife began house -
in diene modern days, when tea Is
keeping among the bits of advice that
so cheap, that U is the comfort, nab
longer a thing hails bhe softer it gets,
only of the rich and fuishionable, but
her mother gave to the inexperienced
,of the poor and humble us well, it is
young woman was t1h4s:
hard to realize that it was once; alux-
"As for toiling, remember Chat the
ury. But ouch is The case. in olden
Rice, hbminyand cabbage are often
timers feu often oust 50 shillings a
spelled by not being billed enourgh
pound and come special varieties were
Mrs. Y assimilated the
sometimes sold for two or, three times
words of wisdom, and live night before
wisdom, a
Chat sum.
heT first essay at a breakfnst she ask-
Tea has ever la'en conliderec) swum-
ed cher husltand w41at he would like,
an's beverage, (und like ovine, "it warms
"My dear. eggs ora simple and easy
the heart and loo,seas the tongue.,,
to prep avro. Boil half a dozen, and be
Many the the little confidences and
sure thart they are soft )oiled. A hard -
small gossips starlsround the tea
boiled egg is worse than a cold mince
China is the greatest tea drinking
Mrs. Youngwife smiles sweetly and
r country in the world and' the more Px-
knowingly, and next morning she wns
a pensive and choice varieties that are
nip early, and before. George was a%%, ke
I not consumed in China are .sent to
she had the water Foiling. An hoof
r Rmssia, which ranks next to China.
later they Sat dowD'- to the table, and
George attempted to open an egg with
- There RPO a number of rLLIP9 t0 h0
knife, I.in it resisted his efforts
1 followed itn making a cup Of tea, for
even as rr t,h�ing glial is ossified.
1, in else
this as well its everything Ln g
- y
"Dan he said gently, bui a rro v-
r' P g y, t a v
there is a right null wrong sway, First,
Pully, "I bold you I liked my eggs soft
only a (good variety of tea should he
i, used; . a pot of Stoneware or china is
Mrs, You'ngwife buret into tears.
D much letter than tin; the water it
"I bad them boiling 55 minutes by
s is made from should be fresh water
the clock„" she sobbed, "bot thoy would
i, that has not boiled more than five
not gent soft I"
- minutes, and it must be boiling hard
s when poured over the tea; it must be
-'- - . ,
f allowed to steep but never boil for
- a very fete minutes and it must rat
Harold, after his first day at school,--
0 -stand, but be served as, soon as drawn.
i- A teaspoonful of tea to each half
M.timma, I don't tb,idrk I shall like the
v pint cupful of tea served,i with one for
new teacher vAry much, don'I
o the pot is about this right proportions
you know, she wears an awning.
D. to use of all except the very choice
Russian beag wash their tea
it, t Ig they pbur
lyptore drawing it, t
a small quantity of boiling water over
a it and pour it off at once before it,
has tabsorbed aYty of the flavor from
The flavor of
a the leaves. They :thou serve It in
find in point of excellence there is 1
t straight glasses held with a silver
frame. A tsilver, spoon Is put in the
. lured
What does it mean? As tired in the
morning as at night, can't get rested,
nervous, sleepless, dull, languid.
It means that the blood is poor. Mus-
cles cannot be elastic and strong, nerves
cannot be steady, energy and vigor can-
not be felt, when the blood to impure,
Impoverished without pourishing pow-
Hood's Sarsaparilla imparts to the
blood the qualities it lacks when that
tired feeling troubles you. It makes
the blood rich, pure, full of vitality. It
cures spring languor and eradicates
all foul taints from the blood, thus
guarding against future danger from
fevers, malaria, and other serious ill-
ness. Be sure to get.
®®d7 Sarsa-
s parilla
Canada's Greatest Medicine. $1 • six ft r $6•
Prepar.d only by C. I. Hood & CO.,Lowt11,Mass.
Hood's pills cure liver ills; eaay to
g t take a ray t) operate, 25c,
She -You've beard of the man who
fell overboard and his gold dragged him
down, baven't you? I
Fie --Oh, yes I and of the other man
who got in the swim, und his gold buoy-
ed him up. --
Jasper -They say that Htuntler made
a fortune in the Klondike.
Jumpuppe-Yes; he carried fools up
there and carried wise men back.
To read this advertisement and then
give Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor
a trial. It never fails to cure, Acts in
twenty-four hours and causes neithe=r
pain not discomfort. IPutnam's Corn
Extractor extracts corns. It is the
The Victim -Blank it I I thought you
were a painless dentist 'I
The Vulture -Well, do I seem to be
suffering any?
Many a man's reputation depends on
what isn't found out about him,
QuicJkeure for Bunions, 15c., 25c., 50c.
'rhe nur§e girl isn't a necromancer,
but she is something of ea goothe-
$100 Reward $100,
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has boon able to cure In all It,
stases, and thatto Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only posits re cure known to bhe medical
fraternity. Catarrh being s constitutional dis-
ease, requirestt roux, i'utional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Istvaken tnternally,actingdirertly,
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby deattoying the foundation of
the d t ase, and giving t1e patient stren; t i by
building tip the constitution and aaeisting
nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
o much faith in its curative Fowera that they
offer Oi a Hundred Dollars for any case that it
tails to cure. lend for list of'e°ttmonlale
Address F. J. CUE NEY & CO., Toledo, C.
Boldby Drul(gtste, 75c.
Halle Family Pills are best.
An epicure says hard-boiled eggs are
hard to beat.
Quickcur>s for Whitlows, 15c., 25c.,
Near the City of WINNIPEG, MANITOBA.
A very desirable OrAn, Stock and Dairy
Farm. Nicely situated about four milea from
the Clry of Winnipeg, fronting on west side of
Red River. Close to Markets, etc. The Farm
is about20cha n; wide along the River,contt,in-
ing about 489 Awes of which'over 300 is fen, ed
110 now under cultivation, Boil is a black
loam. Latest improved Buildings, consisting
of two good Frame Dwelling Houses. Large
frame Bank Barn, metal sheeted, 70 x 30 feet.
With frost -proof Stable underneath, accom-
modating over tot V head of stock; Root House
acotsdible all winter: Loft storage for about
100 tons of hay; all and, r the one roof.
At•o Near Rapid City.
Rapld City to situated north of Brandon, on
the Manitoba and North-Western Flailwayv in
also a station on the Great North -sea • Cent
ral Railway from Brandon. In Rapid City
there are grist mills with elevators, woollen
mill., saw in a and lumber yards, brick yards
etc. 320 acres being the west halt 1A section 32,
township 13, range 20 west. Land Is undulst-
Ing prairie, and considered the finest forgrain,
dairy or stoek farming, Building material I.
handy. Good water. AdjoinIngare all pros -
Porous farmera•
South halt of neotio,n 9, township 14, range 20
west, -320 aortia, Thi. halt section lies notth
and near the above section, conststinR of
undulating prairie and some extra good hay
land. Schools post ofilce,'blackFmith, etc., on
less than tone quarter ocash,nt abalan a ion
time.—Apply to '
ALEXANDER NAIRN, 415 Jarvis Bt„ Toronto,
Wilkins -How about that bill you Un-
dertook to col loot on shares?
Lawyer -You said I could have half
of it, didn't you?
Well, I've collected my half. Can't
get yours.
Quickcure for Cracked lips, 15c., 25c.,
It. sometim:'a happens that the bride
is the i>est. man at a wedding.
Hartford J& Vim Tires
Head OCico-- - 8 Adelaidd St. w., Toronto.
W P C 9 tll,-
Y _
Itallan and Hybrlds—beat Queons Wax
All Bee Supplies—best qua�II y I Wanted
Weed Patent Process Cash or
Foundation. trade
BEES fiYold,.Mrle7 & Muir Co.
6fmltet , YDlrautt'ord, Lan#
ROOFING and Sheet Metal Works.
&odor Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS (We Buit,,ly
Pogue and High Schools,Tornnto). Reefing Felt, Pitch,
(]oat Tar, oto. rWOFINO TILE Pea Now City Built
I'nga, Torenta, done by nurfirml, bTotal Onilinge, Cor-
nioee,eto, Estimates furnishod for work oomnlete or,.or
Imsterlala ab 17p0011 to any part of the country. Phone MI6
�-DUTHIE&BON8, AdelaldoStWldmerSte„Toronto.
rocoi vedthohK
l h•
dwaft eat &warily at the
World'„ Fair 18:13,
have met with
each universal fa-
vor, that other
ate now making
intortor imitati.
Inlet on haviolr
the Conboy inn k•'
a. imitations , r:
paver an good n-
tho a(enulne.
yn Fact-,,,.--
Ceylon Tea is exquisite,
Io tea superior to it.
25, 40, So and 640.
/, — a
Salesman -Aa interesting book? Yes
Ladam, How will ” The Sorrows of Sa-
tn" do
Madam -No, thanks. I have troubles
' my own. NT
Park -That old chap with the high
hat is Prof. Jwwkins, the, famous med-
o-legal expert. He's both a lawyer
id a doctor.
Tilford-H'm I Another case of "Your
money or your life I"
ow enters upon pursuits ,formerly
by men But the femin-
ne nsrves are still here and she suf-
ers from toothache, To her, we recom-
mend Nerviline-nerve-pain cure-
ires toothache in a moment. Nervi-
ne, the most marvellous pain remedy
nown to science. Nerviline may be
sad efficaeioualy for 911 nerve pain.
The art of bunco steering requires
more than ordinary talent.
Quickcure for Skin Diseases, 150.,
50., 500.
The man; who owns a paying oil well
ves off of the fat of the land.
1 1 I I .I , 10 1 1
No dress is immodest unless the wear -
r is.
Quickcure for Cold Sores, 15c., 25c.,
Qc' _ _._ _
municipalities; for particulars address,
_0. NEWCOMBE, Toronto.
Butter. Eggs. Apples, Pruit, ft., to
Oor. of West Market and Colborne Bis.. TORONTIJ)
• 1 1 0 r
I e
1 1
(:an'uf ,, Quick selling lin• a
Sar�ple,t,•rms and oat aloguo
a.,,,, amps. MANUFACTURERS' AGENCY A88001A.
TION, 20 Alexis St., Montreal. —
Write for catalogue.
WALTER DEAN, - 1751, Queen 8t. W., Toronto.
-ARMSp p A/0 AND ESTATES bought. said &
eacbanged, Terms mailed
ree. H. M. SIMPSON, Real Estate and
'inanedal Agent, Montreal. Qua.
�� Mills, INltls 41 Halls'
nI k-
Barriatere,eto., removed
to WesleyBldggs., l;io4•
mond Bt,.. Toronto,
MERALS TESTED for Cior etc.
Write for Drioos.
16 St. Snorament St., Montreal, Quo.
Fonee, Fenee- weean out yoar1895 Fance
scoouat in hall. We el aim
we have the beat and most practical fence on
arch. Four mil's of it in use at the Txnerl-
nent%1 Farm, Ouclph, Ont. Bend for prices,
lddress Toronto Picket wire Fenoe Co.,
E21 River St. Toronto, Out. - -
Love Harris
Yourse Buys
self. Scrap.
26-31 William St., Toronto. Phone 1728
Dominion Line Steamships.
Montreal and Quebec to Llverpool In summer, Large
and fast twin screw steamships 'Labrador' Vain
couver,' Dominion,' Scotsman,' Yor�Cahbre:
Superior aceommcdation Ior Flrat Cabin. Sac.
and Cabin and Steerage passengers, Raton of
passage -First Cabin, 852.60; second Cabin,
1{34 ; Steerage 022.50 and upwards according tc
steamer and berth. For all information apppl)
to Local Agents. Or DAVID TORRANCE & CO..
Qen'l Agents, 17 Sb. Sacrament St., Montreal.
dqn14 tui am �latne andaddreaeov a polst I and
w4M11,'17,�i1..,�'pl,eadfNd to gond yell a. Yitmplp of
The maysh delicious tea in the world,
7 wellington St. W. Toronto.
e Pembroke 8t., Toronto, Canada.
MOTHERS and Daughters,
j5you cin do plain and artietto
work with our sewing ma.
chiaes 'fullyy equipped with
hetnmecs, tuckers binder,
braider, puffer, ullier, ruttier
and sherror. Price $18.50 aadi'
$23.00 delivered tree within
600 in of Montreal.
Loan and Savings Company.
Pald-up Capital ......... . ........$ 2,000,000
Assets ............................ 11,400,000
Head Offloo—Toronto aL, Toronto
Branch Dffloss- Winnipeg, Man. Vancouver, B.
DEPOsiTs received at interest payable hats
y early.
DEBENTURES issued for money deposited for
three or five yesre.
MONEY ADVANCED on Real Estate db low
rates of interest and on favorable conditions.
Land Mortgages and Municipal or School
Debentures purchased,
Information may be obtained from, and ap-
plications may be made to
G. F. R. HARRI& General Agent Wlnatppegg.
CIESARs J. MARANt, General dgenb, W.Ot
or bo
J. HERBERT MA80N, Managing Director,
lEstahed 83 8te> aggrt jy
lost. O�
Royal Mail Steamship Co.,
Montreal to Liverpool.
Steamers eat] from Montreal every Saturdn
morning on arrival of trains traps Toronto aw$
the West about 9 o'clock.
Cabin 052.60- and upwards ; Second Cabin
$34 and and $30.25' Steerage to Liverpool'
London, Glasgow, i3elfast, Londondurry ct�
Queenstown 022,50 and $23.60.
A reduction of live per cent. Is allowed oty
round trip firss. Al and second cabin ticket
sallings of steamers or other information appl
to any authorized agenb
E. ]Bonnier, 1 Sing St. W. Toronto&
or IE & A�(►llrru, MOntreaL -
i i , t -=
I 11 M 9 J
Farmer Oak, setting poste for Page
fence, is set upon by another agent
with a machine to "make it yourself,
Just as good," etc., etc., who soon talks
him to sleep. He dreams he's back at
the World's Fair, almost famished,can't
live without a good cup of coffee, quick.
Meets stranger with machine. "You
buy the green berry, anything cheap,
resat carefully, grind in this: perfectly
delicious." "Oh yes, of course, you
must steep it, and sugar and cream it,
-takes a little time, but it's so cheap."
Here the nightmare kicks the agent
off the field and brings farmer 0. to
his senses, and he'll use the Page. Farm
styles at cram 45 to 65 cents per rod.
Send for illustrated advertising matter.
What ?\40%'4'**1'
Ower 800 are lashIg A illitalt�tlltoq.
0iiea' 1000 fill Torolgto algid Lom1i1oq. I
removes Dandruff in One Week. t
Cures Itching of the Scalp. t
Psvents Breaking of HaIr.
. Stops Falling Out.
b.M�i� ���� V W./r/M'V'
$&AS pelt Bottle from Druggls , or so1
receipt of Pirko to �@�10Job Cools Xrg Co., London, Qat..%�
SEEDS 12Varictics A011%,
This Is s BONA PIDB offer made to introduce our Vegetable end Plower
Seeds to new customers and which we guarantee to please you or the
amount paid refunded and the Seeds (liven as a present,
At these prices wo can ONLY offer the varl•ttes named below. Order by nuwbor.
Buy what ,you went. They are) sent by mail postpaid. Select from the following Inst I
VEGETABLES. 16. Water Melon, Early Canada
(Order by Number.) 17. Onlon, Iarge red Wethersdold
18, Orlon, Yellow Olube Danvers
1. Beet, F.elipse, round 19. Parsnip, Hollow Crows
2. Beat, Egylglan, Sat round 20. Radish, French Breakfast I
3, Cabbage, luulugetadt 21, Radish, Itnay Gom
4, Cabbage, Fottler s Drunswlok TZ $quash, Hubbard
5 Carrot, hair tongg, scarlet 23. Temuto, extra early Atlantis
6. Oarrut, Oueramle soarlot 24, Tomato, Dwarf Champion
7. Cucumber, (:hint• n Plakling FLOWERS. "'
8. Cuoumber fe�ntttt limen
9. Celery, Ooidott He16Blanobing 25 Asters, mixed
Raft, Sa e
20, Mignonette, ewe"
l0, g
il. Herbs, Savory 27. Panay ml:ed
12. Herbs, Marjoram 28. Fetunla mixed
3. Lettuce, Nanpsrotl (Oabbagol 29. Naattittiums tall relived
14. Lettuce Denvor Mkarket (oar et11 $0. Street Paas, Fine mixed
16. Musk Uetoti, extra earl,. N utotes 31. Wild Flower, QsrAen mixed
Providing this Oonpon
Is OUT OUT and cont to us with .
an order for it veketn, wo will t
Inolude 1 paoliet Now Osiant Oh11
lan snivIgIOASIs, glee 20e Free
A'e will NOT ACCEPT AN ORDER at these prices where
the packets are NOT selected from the above Inst. t
Address all orders to Nei 6 Carrot, Tfalf Long Danvers,
i?on't send Postage i3t&n*8.