HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-06-25, Page 6A SCHOOL FOR
There bits recently been catahlish-
sd In Philadelphia ill connection
With the People's; Church a school
of a somewhat uur,sual character.
Those who compete- It are era ton
front the parishioners anti tonsils(
exclusively of brides and prospect -
lee brides, Oid married couples
are admitted on certain evenings,
but tt Is only with shy newly mar-
ried or those about to enter nett-
rlmony that tin' real work of the
'school has to do.
Cooking and dressmaking, house-
cleaning and home-furnishIng are
the branch.'- t•lu.ht and tit, even-
ings of every 'levelly Hud ;tatur-
day find a store or more of malls
and very young, matrons trooping
to the schoolrooms at No. _,017
Germantown avenue, 1111 bent on
learning how to become model
As a result the eligible young
Bien of the neighborhood flock to
the Sunday eervie00 to cast friend-
ly glances at the pretty maidens
ready to become members of the
school where "how to make a man
happy" 1g so successfully taught,
'How to live in peace with the
man who le suppos;vi to make you
happy,' one of the young ladies
laughingly suggested as an ihmend-
ment to the former motto.
A great many of the dishes the
young ladles oompound vvlthcut as-
sistance whatever, but when at-
tempting "the bread like mother
makes" and father eats with stet
keen relish they appeal to the one
experienced member of tote school,
the head chef.
Many and laughable to tie, out-
elder—It is a seriious hustneas to
the students—aro the mistakes
which these beginners fall Into, bet
where is there now a famous cook
who did not early in her career
(sugar the potatoes, Ralt the straw-
berriee or fall to put in the baking
Although' thee? queens of tie kit-
chen are well aware that they coin
procure from the grocer for 10
dente, mix plates of seep, they
desire to be able to handle every
couree, so they learn how to make
bouillon "for twcs" awl 'etre vege-
tables, extract meat juices, chop
and pound,
Tose girls are 8uppmed to eat
at least it portion of what they
prepare and the 10 o'clock fence -
eons wltlell they serve are marvels.
The first course may consist of
oranberry tarts, then follows waf-
fles, "which mug( he eaten while
hot" end cannot watt for the soup,
which consequently comes third.
Lucky, indeed, are the maiden- if
some suereIeful cook turns out
an ontahle hatch of bread which
oouDteracts the effect of so much
sweet. Cake is salldwi,'Iod In be-
tween all nt)rts of shrews and oc-
casionally the entire repast is
topped off by a cup of tea or "of -
Like a Hero of Lever's.
Sono young fellows of the navy
ehave0 the Mad or a brother officer,
net Irlsbmnn, when he wn.s drunk, awl
put Lltn to hot. Ile had previously
given orders that he was to be called
at five, in the morning, and he was,
aeeonlingly, celled at that hour.
When he looked In the glees and sew
an apprruvinee eo unlike what he ex-
peatei, "Ilene' lee," sold he, `11 they
haven't called the w.rong man." i
There t4 but one way to properly
appreciate the advantages of a trip
to New York or Bouton on the
trains of tho Nets- York ttentral
Railway, and that L4 to use the line.
See your ticket agent.
Town Topica,
Gerald—Will nothing move you?
OeraWRn—You talk to me as if I
were an automobile.
Mtaarcre Liniment Is used by Phy
English as She Is Spoke,
"A buttress," said the pupil, 1n
English deportment, in reply to
her teacher's inquiry for a defini-
tion; "a buttress Is a woman who
wakes butter." Harper'8 Maga-
Mee also tells of a little girl who
defined "a ruminating animal" as
"one that chews ito cubs." The
" Englleh Department" 010104 10 11u --
Binh n)oro entertainment to the gen-
eral public than any other branch
of the school system. There ie a
story afloat of a young woman who,
ail the pteaoe goes, had " finished
English" :n a blaze of glory by car-
rying off the prize for English com-
poaltton. "'Weren't you awfully
afraid you wouldn't get It?" asked
a sehoolmate. "0h, no," said Miss
1'"'dee, with a height smile. "I juet
k. •w that when it came to
conpostti0n I bail 'em 011
skinned alive 1" This Incident teach-
es that one girls are fn no danger
of loelug the terseness and salty
strength of the vernacular through
over -culture or too pretrnctod study
of ejassle models. They seam to ab-
sorb adequate core:etites to this
tendency towards severe formalism
ie their athletic competitions and
glimmer vast—eons. Mise EunIce's
rase viae Anweenn, of the earth
earthly. Said an Adirondack guide
1a paying tribute to the pedestrian
powers of a young woman ; "That
lady could walk the cocks off any
woman ever I ere"
frhehe laugh's best who laughs least.
re le nothing that grows un -
pular so feet all a popular song.
ONCE YORE (.'teat • Granddacghler 0T
Ntu'na St ill 1dvinµ.
Simon V. Landry Cured 'ny
Rodd's Kidney Pills
Had Lame Bach, %t'eak Legs, and wail
a Total Wreck Itelive Ile was In•
duced to Try the great 'kidney'
Diver Beergeoto, Richmond t'o., 1',
h.. June _ e- epict:M—Ono snore
remarkable cure has ham credited
to Dodd's Kidney Pills In this
nelghhurlrectl, and the story le best
told in the words of Simon V. Lan-
dry, the nein curet. lir. Landry
8a vs:
"1 wan bothered for over a ever
with Lame Back, \1'1:,1014 Legs, nod
Palpitation of the heart and gen-
real weeklies• and shortness of
breath. In fact, 1 was a total
wreck. 1 could not work as l got
tired anm weak s0 citify.
"I also lied a vveaknoss In my
stomach, and 1 was se bad that I
could not bend down to do any-
thing. I tried many model:nee,
without getting any relief, till I
was induced t.. try Dodd's liilney
Pi l le.
'After I had used three boxes of
teem I was nide to start work
((gain. I recommend Dodd's ICiJ-
uey Pule to everybody."
It is nitres like those that give
[evade Kidney Tills tier popular-
ity, They not only relieve, but
make people able and willing to
The Brute !
"Mies Everlon, 1''e been thlnklug
of you all the week long'," seed young
Have you, really—of poor little
mel" nn wertel Muss Eyertou, blush -
Ing sweetly.
Tay. And I have boon looking IQ(' -
101114(1 10 11111 1)11,11 g—er.-.i1all--'
"How n:ee of you to way so!'
"les, with mintiest lope end (oar,"
"Tau neral fear nothing, Mr. Love -
"Well, yltse 1 inion, every man has
01(0 ruling prtssion in 1114 life, 1111,1
1111114, I think you must have guessed
by this time"
"Yes, dear, 1 think [ have."
"Well, 11tw (lair :else leerten, I
?nine to -night wondering 11 1 00(11
persuade you to--"
"I think vo u could permute° um,
George, dear, to do anything."
•'You lovely girl ! Well, then, will
"Oh, George 1"
'Can I rely on you to—to cons
your brother Tole to join our foot-
ball club?"
will cure every ease of Diphtheria.
will produce growth of hair.
Stanley, P. E. 1.
1e the best honselto1d remedy ell
sire h.
011 City. Ont.
A Hybrid Vine.
The State experiment station of
the University of Minnesota, 1018 sue-
eewled after long and patient efforts
111 growing potatoes and tomatoes on
the sante vine. One of the epeclnlens
on exhibition to a plant which at the
route 1s putting Tort' potatoes of a
high grade, and above ground several
weft -developed tomatoes, some of
which are nearly ripe. The phenom-
enon was produced by grafting a to-
mato vine on to a potato plant.
Lifebuoy Soap--disinfectant—is strongly
recommended by the medical profession u
a safeguard against infevtioua diseases. t.
Good Joke at ('huroh Nair.
"Ilad a great time at the church
fair last night !”
"en? What wile doing?"
"They had some otrawberre
shortcake, and I nearly laughed
mv,elt to death thinking (tote I
fooled 'em. I didn't eat it.'
Lord and Lady Minto at the Massey•
Barrio Company Works,
The Governor-General and Coutes'
of Minto spent a couple of hours vis-
iting the Imme1a0 Massey -Harris
works this morning.
At the speelal request of their Ex-
cellenclea the visit was kept private,
it being their wish to view the great
works while in operation and the
Int91 actively engaged in performing
their accustnnivl duties.
Notwithstanding the carer 0xer-
rinef by the officials and eup0rhl-
tendeuts of the company to this
end, the familiar features of the
Vice -Regal party wore soon recog-
nized by the employees, and cheer af-
ter cheer rang Orwell. the building
and tinge and bits of bunting (0))'
1)0111111 00 the scene in a moment to
give the party a royal welcome.
Captain 0(11 vias with th,t11' excel-
lencies, end the party were escorted
through the plea by Mesere C. D.
Massey, Hon. President ; Hon. L. Mel-
vin -.bone's, Preeblent and Genera)
Manager ; J. Kerr Osborne, Vice -
President and Aselstant General
Manager ; It. 11, 'Verity, General Sup-
erintendent, 'and C. J. Love, Super-
intendent Toronto Factory.
Their Extielletimiei experienced keen
delight In watching the various won -
(Ireful methods of manulfa0ture em-
ployed to produce the world- renown-
ed Maesey-Iiarrle linylemente—To.
tanto Star, June 3, 1001 •.
Relntiveo of great men s1111 crop
up out of the ,dime- of (neglect.
A groat-grullddaughter of the im-
mortal tiroten bare, Robert Beres,
11, resident of Nevada City. ,ihe is
Mlty. Sus811 Eleanor Andrews, lite
wife of Samuel Andrews, an cid
Califoruiave Italfing front London-
derry, Ireland. Mrs. Andrews le
the (Laughter of Robert Burns, one
of the two souls of the poet. Robert
Burris, the younger, had five child-
ren, four rluightene and a 8011,
named respectively In the order of
their eeniority. Mary, Susan, El-
izabeth or Betty, Prudence and John.
Betty married (t Stotelenan nnuhed
Lemon Rini on)Igr0ted with him to
Amerten in 1835. Mr.v, Andrtnvs is
ono of the ieernes of that mnerltge.
See wart born at Nescptelloning, Pa.,
in 18-14. John Berne remelted with
Ills lather until the time or his
deat1, in 1810, anti after the death
of how wife, in 1870, he likewise e1081)-
041 the Atlantic. to join hiw sister. lie
41e1 four yCnH4 ago, leaving four
dauglttens, two in America and two
111 Ireland. Mrs, Lemon tiled in 1883,
and four children survive her. All
that !equate of the Burns family,"
wrltee Mrs, Am,lrrw>', "are my two
brothers, one sinter and myself, 11114
four of Uncle J01itee children." Mrs.
Androws takes great pride in her
relatlonsldp to Bobbie Burns, from
whom oho has Inherited a talent
for versa' W1111ng;.
,� Rini ce. v o ca ise it . bal.)
hearingIk al1.escl
event(( 1111 n,'vclot00 Bran—
even the even ones dainty
onehly — even h rhe dainty
roles wilhmd harm.
Askmr rdwam It
h /
Jo tn
otoyou or
rot booklet to ad /
Hrmiilttoon, Ont.
Distribution of t he Sexes.
A etatisticlnn says that the num-
Ler of men and women 111 France 1s
more mately 14putl titan in any
country 111 the world, there being
only 1,077 women to 1,000 omen. In
Switzerland there are 0141 men to
1,00(1 01010011, and in Greece only
Wel. The 80u111int80 i(1 Hong Kong,
according to this authority, are
"appnlling," terry being Orly 344
women to 1,000 men.
Perhaps Tree.
A correepondeut of tee Buffalo
Comnlcrchti 101s Oi a hotel in Lu-
cerne, Switzerland, the proprietor of
which printe In Kimbell in 1111) ed-
vel'tising booklet : "The Menu of thio
hotel lenves the .:nests nothing to
(tope for!"
DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25
11 rent direct to the diseased
parts Jy the Improved Stowe.
Heals the aloe,, clears the ter
passages, stops droppings In the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and liar Fere lower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Tarsus sad Duffels
New Way to be Huey.
"Where have you been, dear?" ask-
ed mamma.
"I've been up to our new bougie,"
replied the 4 -year-old.
"What are the men .long?"
Dey Ls bu8y execrating de toundn-
Removes all hard, soft or calloused
lamps and blemisees from hornet; ;
Wood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone,
sweOnoy, stifles, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $:i0
by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful blemish cure ever
There are Very few cleans•
Ing operations in which Sunlight
Soap cannot be used to advant-
age. It makes the home bright
and clean. 1B
Only Partly Itight.
Philadelphia Ih'o0.,
"Johnny,` said lots mother, oevore-
ly, "someone Iwo tak.'o a big pipet of
ginger cake out of the pantry..,
.Jill eu' blushed pettily.
"Oh, Johnny'," site e'xelnbnel, "I
didn't Ihiuk it w114 ill you."
" It ain't-(ltl," replied Johnny.
"Part of It's in Elsie."
Act for Mtnard's and tako no other.
What lie Should Have DOM,.
"HOW did you come to sell out your
"W health was bad."
"Why didn't you take your meals
somewhere else?"—Thr' flub.
Mlnard'a Liniment Lumberman's
Observe your enemies, for they
fore' find out teen' faulty.--:lutis-
k:nvy ahvay'e Melee lere eoa4Cio11e ht.
!priority wherever it Peonies.—
')'11,1 ices heart a moon pies into
a task tee more labor it requires.—
Evas1011 11 unworthy, of us and is
akva3v the int'inette of equitmettion.
—Ila 11:)'.
Tee came people who can deny
11111,'le everything 11.rit fatuous for
t.'b;oiu). tit'm'e.Ives nothing.—Leigh
If 1herr' 1't any ).anon to whom
you feel (114(14,', Out iv the per4oa
of whom you ought 110t0r to spank.
The chief tang of most trio la Is
not 4o meth tut nrtnal suffering It-
s4i nil011r Own (pint of reel'1,001
to 11.—Jean iron
Th -re 1v no beautifier of comp'ex-
ion or torn[ or b •bav'ioe like the
wive' 10 cc'etiv' j.(V, r1 11(1 1101 pain,
atound 1,e. Eire
Sewers. is „we to the sweeter If
long delayed and attained through
manifold :merles :led defeats, -
1. Bronson .Mott.
True 1)1)1111rity tide's deep tont
anti spreads It.0r1f wide, but the talo'
falls away ilk" I:lovsonts, for noth-
ing that Is false can be basting.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the
Just Arrived Prone the Island.
.A native of Prince Edwn.rd Island
had gone forth to see the world.
When 11e reached Boston he engaged
a room nit n modest hotel, intending
to remain there white he knitted for
"Will you register?" asked the
clerk, handing him a pen.
" Register 7" said the traveller
what's that 7"
" Write your name."
" What for T.
"We are required to keep a record
of all our guests."
The man wrote kis name, and wag
about to lay down the pen when the
clerk added
" Now the place, If you please."
" What place 7''
" The place you came from. Where
do you live 7"
" I live on the island."
" Well, but whet [eland?"
The other man looked at him le
amazement. Then he Bald, with an
emphasis which left no doubt of his
feelings, "Prince Edward Island, maty,
What otter Island Is there ?"-
1'outh', Companion.
Tithe people who always promise to
pay eotnetimen find that It doesn't
pay to promisee.
Give it a Mesruline Title.
While teaching my sister her geo-
graphy 1('son, 1 told her that the
Minlssl(pi 1Uter was the Father of
Met tere.
'lime is that ?" she tnauired, "II it
Is the Father of Waters, it Ought to
be celled Mister-eil,pi,"
WHERE THE SKIN to deorny 1',l by barna or
4catde apply 1001 1er'0 cerate, inhered with
meet oll or lard. G(henrisr the ('erato In
full strength should be used.
Waiting for Her Present.
Montreal Willes'.
Carolyn In1d been in a state
of excitement for clay's, for at last
her mother had consented to let
her attend setloo1.
Whoa the morning came the lit-
tle maid trotted off with her eyeo
shining In happy anticipation of the
plcasure8 118 well as the dignity of
her new estate in life—a echoed girl.
When she came tome at noon her
mother said;
"Well, dearest, and how do you
like going to school?"
"I like It pretty well, mamma,"
was tho reply In doubtful tones.
"but I haven't got my present yet."
"Your presort 1 Why, what do
you mean, Carolyn ?"
"Why, this morning teacher sal 1,
'You may sit here for the present,
little girl,' but I sat there all the
morning and tied not got it. P'r'ap;..
though," and she brightened up, "re,
get It this afternoon."
ISSUE NO. 16. 1.9U3
Mra, Window- eootbmg Syrup .buu.a
alwnya be used. for Children Teething. l0
ecotbes the child, se1(ens 0hc gums, curse wtu1
colic and is the beet remedy for Lisrrhou,
R11;1IT, B N R I; t1 1;'1' 10
dung win 0.1110 11.1 1111'10, 119111 nand
„n,l pluck t hot 01111001 ho 10101
1, u, ria 1111110. I1u111 Se' to 4211 per s0vek
,,,'111-1; nue a a'e1,111(„+ 1,f re_ogodaed meth 10
the wholesnlr 1111,1 re101) mrrrluurt, 111 oils
I'n:fi dS10ots w 8,,1110, 4,,,, ; tra0r11111g ex-
llner,l. Address 0.11. Sox No. 6S
lmrs mn
lamlllnn, ani.
1, 0ANi'I'.H—'1'll ltl:R Ill'NIIOP, 11 111;10
it lar the lowIlo'rlunra' woven $':a' to
for own p.1' 1111111111 :11111 boned'. sue mer
:0111 ,0101.1' work, 1', 11, br0yira, Victoria
Hotel, Si. dt SI. Marie, Ont.
by nein se you enn mol' from 1.10 F. TO Tan
UOI.I.AIIa A nay. 1,1r pae(l(alaru w elle
A. HANSEL, Me H.,A �borth
Hamn'en, Ont.
To Iloehrnter, (1000 luta th!o, Bay ill Qulnte,
((np011 0t. 111.,'110,', to Montreal, Quebec,
Murray 1111y, River du Lup, '1'adustte,
Sa,;munly 111ree.
Steamers Toronto, Kingston
a10 by >1(0)0 re Militaton, ipnrt0n
n ud i oraican.
Farther Infonnntion apply to It. Foster
Chaffee, Western 1 '((9eenger Agent, 'Toronto
it Has No Equal
elanufectured only by
For sale by Oilmen es
On the Laren
Libby Luncheons
We sell (lid product in keyaammng cane.
Turn a kry and you find the meat r vactly
asst left us, Wend them up in this way.
Potted Nam, Beet and Tongue
Ox Tonfue (Whose), Veal toot
Deviled Nam, Brisket Bee?
Sliced Smoked Beef, Eta.
All natural flavor foods—palatable and
wholesome. Your grocer should hare thein.
encs -the honklet "mow to (fake norm Thlnes
to Eat” send eve 20 Hemp for Libby'. big Atlas
of the World.
Libby, McNeill & Libby
Chicago, Illinois
German Canaries the Rest.
Tho canaries of Germany excel
nil outer 01101110 118 siuger8. One
Inas been known to N lleinUe a 8111-
g 10 thrill for a minute uml a guar-
tur, with twenty changes of note
tit 11.
by local applications no they ennnot reach
tfie diseased portion of the ear. Thereto only
ole way to cure deafuese, and that to by con-
stitutional remedies. ,minces le cauoed by
not inflamed condition of the mneme Ilningof
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is In-
flamed. you have a. rumb0ng sound or imper•
feet hearing, end when Itis entirely closed,
Denh,eso is the result, nun1 unless the Inflame
minion con betaken out and tide tube rester -
ed to Ito normal condition, bearing will b0
destroyed forever' nine cases cut 01 tea 0140
corned by Catarrh, whlch le nothing but as
luanmed ,ondltIen of the nlnenlie surfaces.
We wit) give One Run,red Dollars tot any
-nee 08 Deafness (enneexl by catarrh) that '
cannot be cured by Belle Catarrh Cure. Mend
for circulars. few.
F. J. CIIIiNEY & CO., Toledo, 0,
Nnld by Druggists, 7511,
Bull's Family P1118 are the beet.
An Adage Explained,
"In veto venins" mean8 that the
truth Is liable to leak Ont of 11800
011 exceedingly tight man.
It Tells in the
Show Ring
If you hope to exhibit your stock at the
I+all Fairs, start now and get them in per-
fect health by using
Dick's Blood Purifier
It will help Toa to oars.? ba
aloe Ribbon.
Fifty Cents par oilman,.
I,EEMINO, MILES & CO, Montreal, Agents.
l" ,
For sale by all tint clue dealers