HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-26, Page 3-x '\ 1 - ,_.�..__ �. _ - *� j�j - -------- - •"rhat% the sort of flapoodle, for the I' i^Brxahmau err the b,ng ,duan, w Rl itis not so as that of the Italian. �^ MORE THAN A THOUSAND, SOME OF dear old public." PECULIAR PRIDE, BRAVERY AND greet 1t dues not come from pride of pedi- Will it interesit theme„ .I.t' Ob„ everything interests them. 'know gree, for the coapmtrn Sp?�Lard does noq know his pedigree ang were than hire Thoy want to all about it; and k,,,_, they .like t thick that' thea a is a man T H IZE E CO RIZES PO ND E NTS i who is getting a hundred a month sim- in to tell it to them." al► Ooly,uleus—Ot Corot Formatio,,, Tlaoy ply mdse "It's very kind a you to teaoh me Arc fucidesct of the Soudan Canghali vt- all this." • g "Well, it is a little unconventional, • B1' A, CONAN DOYLE. for after all we are here to score over each other if we cam. 'there are no undertaken-Couniareol With the scotch Ou. Own theory is that it spti s more eggs, and you must take it out in w Iilgtilander• Two qualities, and only two, certain- jam. Of course, as Mortimer says, A' _ -,. r p:ursuit�and shelter for refitting their sucha telegram, as'this is of no impor- C�IAA-rER 1. a 15-guiuea 3i Syriuu was delivered ov- tance Oslo wa,yar another except to There was only one little feathery I er lulu the hands of he owners of the t%%%- thSlt,ht po:u-punL66 Lhlit ever shot pxn,we to the Office that we are in the Soudasx and not at Monte Carlo. But clump of dour palms in all that great do" n th • Ghaziroh ground. w hen it comes to serious work it must wilderness of black hacks and orange I The three had dismounted and led be every maxi for himself." sand. It stood high on Lha baulk, and bellow it the blown Nile swirled swiftly thail beast.- under the vvelooatte shade. In the brassy yellow glare every brunch "Ls that quite necessary?" "Wily, 01 eourbe it is." ata towards tie Aulhigola eaturactr fitting ojb ve threw so black and solid a aha- "I should have houg'ht if three men act, of the a Little frill of fbigo ro dow that the men invuluntarily rail- were to combine and to share their boulders which studded its surface, Studd ' ed their feet to stop over them. news, they would du better than if Above, out of a blue ski , the "The palm makes an excellent hat- they were each to act for themselves; sun was beating• down upon the. sand, ; rack," said Scott, slinging his revolver I and they would have a -much pleasant - and up %gain fruan the sand under the and his water-battl6 over the little up- er lima of it." brims of the pith hats of he horsemen ward -pointing pegs which bristled The two older wen sat with their glary ut u blast fur- i with the srhad r from the trunk:., "As a shade tree, bread and jam in their hands, and an se none. It had risen su high that the shadows of the horses were nu larger however, it isn't an unqualified sucoess. , expression of genuine disgust upon than themselves. I Curious that in the universal adaption ' their fac,ss. "We \Yhew I" cried Mortimer, mopping I off means to ends s•,methiug a little less flimsy could nut have bean devised for � are not here to have a pletts- act time," said Dluitimor, with a flash his foreheal, "Jou'd pay five shillings' the tropics," through his glasses. "Wer are here to for this at the hummums.' 'Precisely,," said Scott. "But you "Like the banyan in India." "Or du our best for our papers. How can are not asked to ride twenty miles it' I the fine hard -wood trees in Ash- i antee, where a whole re iment could g they score over each other if we do act do the sand If the all combine a 'Turkish bah with a field -glass, and a revolver, and ouster -bottle, and a picnic under Lha shade." "I'ho we mi ht as well amalqumate with fi whole Christmas treeful of things � teak -tree isn't Irttd in Burmah either. B Jove, 1116 bWc' bas all come i y J Reuter at. ones." ' it take the whole dan Lm= froru ou. The hothouse aL g 6 J I Loose in the saddle -bag l 'That long glory at the profession," cried Scott. ry o e pr v," c Sew is excellent as a conseivaLory, but not ado ted lot' exhibitions upon the p cut ixture smokes rather hot for this m - haggles, 'At pCerst the man gets fila horizonLal baa. 1 vote fur a camp in climate. How akrout the An- erLoy?' a wires. stuff first an the wires. \1'hwt iuduce- the palm grove a.nd a halt until even- "They'll be here in five minutes." ment is there tO be s=net if we all share and share alike?" Ing•" ,tlorLimer ruse on his stirrups and Down the winding path which curved I among the rocks the little train of bag- And at present the mon with the best equipment has the best chance," looked hard to the auuthward. Every- gage -camels, ivvas daintily picking its I remarked Mortimer, glancing across at where were the same black burned wa 'The game mincin and un - the shot-sii� polo punier and the cheap rocks and deep orange sand. At one dulating along, turning heir heads little Syrian gray, "That is the fair spot only an intermittent lino,appeured slowly from side to side with the air : reward of foresight •Ind enterprise. to have been cut through the rugged spurs which ran down to he river, It i self-conscious woman. In front rode the theca Berbaree body -servants 1 very man for himself, and let the was the bed of the old railway„ long upon donkeys, and behind walked •the best man win." I "That's he ca ty to find who the destroyed by the Arabs, but now• in I Arab camel boys. They had been best man 1s. Look at Chandler. He process of reeoustruotiun by the ad- vancing Egyptians. 'Ihere was no ; traveling for nine long hours, ever ; since the first rising of the moon, at would never have got his chance if he other sign of loan's handiwork in all I the weary camrel drag of two and a had not played always off his own bat. that desolate scene. I half miles an flour, but now theq You've heard, bow lie pretended to "It's palm -trees or nothing," said brightened, trach beasts and men, at I break his fog, sent bib fellow-corre- spondent off for the. doctor, and so got Scottt. "\yell, I su a we must• and et PI» Y I toes s. of f grove and the riderless parses. Ir a few minutes the loads i a fair start for the telegraph -office." t gl u .ger eiory hour unh Ll wa reach the ! wero unstrapped, the animals tethered, "Do you mean to say that was legi- force, up. What, would our editors say a fire lighted, fresh water carried up timate•?"' U we were late far the action'?" i from the river, said each camel provid- "Everything is legitimate. It's your "My dear chap, an old bird like you : ed with his own little heap of tibbin wits against my wits," doesn't need to be told that no sane- laid in the centre off the table -cloth, "I should call it dishonorable." modern general would ever attack un- without which no well-bred Arabian "You may call it wbut you like. til the press is uP." will condescend to feed. The dazzling I Chandler's paper got the hattle and "You don't mean that?" said young , light without, the subdued half -tones the others didn't. It made Chandler's Anerley. "1 thought we were looked 1 within, the green palm -fronds outlined name." upon as an unmitigated nuisance." I against the deep blue sky, he flitting "Or take Westlake," said Morti- '' Newspaper correspondents and silent -footed Arab servants, the crack- mer, cramming the tobacco into his traveling gentle.omen, and all that tribe'; ling of sticks, the reek of a Lighting pipe. "Hi Abdul you may have the of useless drones' -being an extract fire, the placid supercilious heads of dishesi Westlake brought his stuff from Lord Wolseley's 'Soldier's Pocket- I the camels, hey all come back in their down by pretending to be the govern- Bcok,' " cried Scott. "We know all dreams to those w•ho have known went courier, and .using the relays of about that, Anerley"-and he winked i them. government horses, \\'estlake's pap - behind his blue spectacles. "If there i Scott was breaking eggs into a pan er sold half a million." were going to be a battle we should a'nd rolling out a Love -song inhis rich "Is that legitimate also?" asked very soon have an es:ort of cavalry to deep voice. Anerley, with his .head llberley, thoughtfully, hurry us up. I've been in fifteegq,, and I and two, arms buried in a deal packing- I "'r1'hy not S" -never saw one where theyeliad not case, was working his way through "Weil, it looks a little like horse arranged for a reporter's table." sbmta of tinned sotips, bully beef, pot- .stealing and lying." "That's very well; but the enemy tedchicken and sardines to reach the "\Well, 1 think I should do a little may be less considerate," said Marti- jams which lay beneath, The oon- horse stealing and lying if I could rues. scientiOtxs Mortimer, with his notebook have a column to myself in a London `They are not strong enough to upon his knee, %-as jotting down what daily. What do,,you say, Scott?" force• a battle," the railway engineer had told him, at "Anything short of mansla.uughter," "A skirmish, then?" the line end the day before, Suddenly "And I'm not sure that I'd trust you "Much more Likely to be a raid upon he raised his eyes and saw the man there." the rear. In that case we are just himself on his chestnut pony, dipping "Well, I don't t:,hink I should be 'where we shOuLd be," and rising over the broken ground. guilty of newspaper -man -slaughter. ''So w'e are l What a score over "HuLlo, here's Merryweather l" That I regard as a distinct. breach of Reuter's man up with the advance l "A pretty lather his pony is in l professional etiquette. But if any out - Well, we'll outspan and have our tiffin I He's had her at that hand gallop for aider comes between a highly charged under the palms." I hours by the look of her. Hullo, corresliondent and an electric wire he Ihere were three of them, and they Merryweather, Hutto!" does it at his peril. My dear Anerley, stoad for three great London dailies. I The engineer, a stmall compact man i tell you frankly; thiat if you are go B.euter was thirty miles ahead; two with a pointed red beard, had made its ing to handicap yourself vyith scruples evening pennies upon camels were i though he would ride past their camp you Wray just as well be in Fleet street twenty ,miles behind. And among I without word or hait. Now he swerved, as in the Soudan. Our life is irregu- them they represented the eyes and i and easing bis pony down to a cantor, lar. Our work blas never been sys- the ears of the public -the great silent he headed her toward them, tem'atized. No doubt it. will be some .millions and millions who had paid for "For God's sake, a drink l" the day, but [Ilia time, is nut yet. Do what everything and who waited patiently to croaked. "M'y ton.gue is stuck to the you can and how you can, and be first know the result of t.heLr outlay. roof of my mouth." on the wires; that's, my advice to you; They were remarkable men, these M'ortimter ran with the water -bottle, and also that when next you come up - body -servants of Lite press; two of them Scott with the whLAky flask, and Aner- un a campaign you bring with you the .already veterans in he camps, the nth- ley with the tin pannikin. The engi- best horse that •money can buy. Mor- •er setting out upon his first •campaign, neer drank up,til his breath failed him. "Well, timer may .beat me or -I, may beat •and full of deference for his famous 1 must be oxff," said he, strik- Mortimer, but at .least, we` knovtt that comrades, ing the drotps from his red muatache, Any news ?" between us we ,have. the fastest. ponies This first o 4a, who had just dis- mounted from his bay polo -pony„ w•as • "A hitch in the railway c•.onstruction. in 'the country. We have (neglected no chance." ' Mortimer, of the Intelligence -tall, I uwt,st see the generaf. It's the devil I am not so certain of that," said stlaLght and hawk-faoed, with kharki not having a telegraph." "Anything we can report?" Oust Mortimer, slowly. "You are aware, of tun'ii and tidin breechea, drab putties, g a s: arts[ cumruerbund, and a stkin same three nottebooks. "I'll course, that t hough a horse beats a camel on twenty miles, a camel beats tanned to the red of a Scotch fir by tell you after I've seen the gen- a hor.9e nn thirty," sun and wind, and mottled b the mos- Y oral," ' An dervishes?" Y "Wihat'I One of those camels?" qua l and he sand fly. the other- .small, qui,clk, mercurial, with blue- "The usual. shoves. Hud -up, Jinnyl cried Anerley, in astonislonent, The two seniors burst out laughing. black curling beard and hair, a fly switch forever flicking in his left hand Good -by." With a soft thudding upon the sand No, no; the real high -bred trotter -the kind of bemb the dervishes ride -was Scott of the Courier„ who had and a clatter among he stones, the weary Po'nywasoff on her journeyonee when they make their lightning solos throt.gh Mole clangers and they speak truth, or neglect truth, up- raids," brought off more brilliant scoops than ss any man in the profession, save the em- more. Nothing serious, I suppose ?" said "faster than a gallcgiing burse ?" h longer in scan- inent Chandler„ now 'they Mortimer, staring after her. Deuced serious,' cried Scott. "'rhe "Well, it tires a horse down. Tt goes the same gait all the way, and it wants clition take the field, were a singular ountrast, Mortimer and Scott, ham a'nd eggs are burned 1 No -it's all neither halt nor drink, and it takes and it was In their differences that the righ�save,d, and done to a turn I Pull the box up, Anerley. Come on, Mor- rough ground Touch hotter than a horse. They used to have lonT-distance secret of their close friendship lay. Eacth dovetailed into the other. The tuner, stow that notebook 1 The fork races at Halfa, and the camel always strength of each was in the other's is'migh'tler than the pen just at present. What's the matter with you, Anerley ?" won at thirty. "Stilt, vve need not reproach our - weakness. Together they formed a perfect unit. Mortimer was Saxon- ' f was wandering whether what we selves, Scott, for we,are not very like - slow, concientious and deliberate; have just seen was worth atelegram." ly to have !to carry a thirty -mile mes- was Geltic--quick„ happy -go- "Well, it's forthe proprietorsto say sage. They will hove the field tele - .Scott lucky and brLi�l'liant. Mortimer was he if it's worth it. Sordid money con- sideratioris are not for its. We must gra> h nett week." "Quite so. But at Lhe present' mo - mOCa SO.id, I.T:att the mar's attractive. Mortimer was the deeper thiniker•, Sc•otC wire abonxt somevthing just to justify ment-" the brighter taJlker. Bq a curious aur kharki coats and our putties." "Birt "I know my dear chap, but th-re is coincidence,, though each had seen much w'11at is there to say ? na matien of ur>rr ncy before the house. of warfare, their campaigns had never Mortimer's long austere face broke Load haggleg at five o'clock; so you coincided. '.Together hey covered all into a smile over the youngster a inno- have ja9t three hours clear. Any sign reccnt military history, Scott had cense. "It's not uite usual in our profes- of file evening pennies? Mortimer swept. the northern hori- done Plevna, the Shkplia, the Zulus, Egypt, S'uakian; Mortimer had seen hien to givegeach other tips," said be, "Ho" zon wit's his hinoculars. the Boer w'ar. the Chkliau, the Bulgari- -ever, as m tele. ram is written, Y g 1've no objection to your reading it, + t yet.." "Nut. in e', ,I "They err• quite cri,nahta of traveling an and Serviun, the l=urdon relief, Lhe re Inion frontier, BrazGor rebellion and Yaumay he sure that f w•ouldnotshow during the h^at. of the clay. Just the Madagascar, Phis i.ian persona! it to you if it were of the slightest im- sort of thing evening pennies would do, knowledg;'e gave a peculiar flavor tp portance." tAnerLoy took up the slip of paper 1'alce care of gnus match', Anerley. These palm groves go up like a pow- their talk. There was none of the sec- oad-hand surmise and conjecLure which and read: der ma¢azine if your set them alight, it farms so much of our cal. Marryweaher obstacles atop jour- By-hy." The two 'men crawled under The'spe; all ounces[@'and Final. 1'hi spank- ney confer general stop nature diffieul. their mos uito'nets and sank instantly q was had been there, hftil s8eu it, and ties later slap rumors dervishes."' "This into the ea9 Ste r of those whose Ilvca Y ' OL er there was' an 9nd to it. ie very condensed," said Aner- ley, with wrinkled brows. are n rent in thenen. I p Young Anerley stood with his 1•ruk la spite of their fr'i'endship there was the keenest professional rivalry be- "Condensed I" cried ScoCt. "R'hy, against a palm -tree and his briar he- tvveen the two men, tither would its sinfully garrulous. If, my old man got a wire like that. Ilia tan uagn would tvv'een hie lips thinking neer ihrt advise he had received. After all, they bave sacrificed himself to help his com- pion, but either would also have sac- oracle the launp shades. d cut out which were the heads of the. profession, these Ya rificed his companion to help his paper. half this; for example, I'd have out •journey,' and 'na•ture,' and 'rumors.' men, and it wag D of for him i h- now - to reforrp their melhndn, if Never did a jockey yearn fora win- ning mount oxs keenly as each of them But my old man would makeaten-line paragraph of Lt for all ha,t." romer, they served their papers in this tanhinn longed to have a full column in a Ijo,v?„ then h- must do the same. They htid Morning edition whilst every ol.her 'They "\Nell, I'll do it, myself just, toshow at thin hien trunk es �,enerow9 I teaching him 'the rules of the game. daily was blank. were perfectly frank about the matter. Each plO- You, Lend me that st.ylo." He scrib- bled for a minute in his notebook. "It . if it %vaq mood enough for them, Lt was fessed himself ready to steal it march works out. somewhat on hese lines: gond enourzll for him. on his neighbor, and each recognized "'Mr. Charles -14. Merryw•eather, the (To be Continued.) . that the athor''s duty to his employer eminent. railway engineer, who is at _.. w'ag far highor thin any personal con- present eriga,gad in superintending the SHARICS rN CAPTIVITY. sideration. The third man was Anerley, of the con-struetion of the line from Sarras to the front, has meet with considerable Sharks are rather delicate in cap- 8azette-youpg. inexperien od and obstac!es to the rapid completion of his tivity, and it Ls difficult to keep them rather simple-iocking. tie bad a droop 'important task' -of course the old man In aquariums. Whatever care may be .of the l.ip which some of his more inti- knows who Merryweat.ber Ls, and what bestowed upon them, they do not seem) mate friends regarded as a libel upirn he is about, so the word 'obstacles' toi be able to stand confinement, how - his char'actel and his eyes were so slow would suggest all that to him. "He ever large the tank oar pool may be. In and so sleepy' that they suggested an has to-daty been compelled to make a Of l,eing a great'. dramativt; and in all .affectation, A leaning toward soldier- journey of forty miles to the front in captivity sharps swim round and round ing had sent. utin twice to autumn ma- order to confer with the general upon the tank, nine times out of ten taking neuvers, rind a touch of color In h•is tilesteypps "-blob ,are necessary in order course and never reversing. A sharld descriptions had induced the propriet- to facilitalte the work. Further par- has been known to keep Its course for ors of the Gazette to give hi -m a trial ticulars of the exact nature of the diffi- three or four months without change, as a war special. 'There was a pleas- cultiesmot with will be made public at and, except for food, never halting, ed Ing diffidence about. his hearing which a later date. All is quiet upotn the far as it was observed. It would keep recommended him to his experienced line 'of eowinunicaitions, though the going all day long, and would be found campunions tend if the hada »mile his it usualpersl tent rumors of tho resence dervishes In the deser'4 going in the morning ust the same, If food In Its [t sometimes at guileless ways, wag soothing to -them to have a com- o£ eastern coon- tinea to oiroulate--Our Owif Corre- was placed way, would stop for several �minu:tes and Oat, re- radty from whom nothing was to be gmdeat-" maining headed the same way. Pres- fea3ed. VroAA the day that they left Hooi0t thattI" cried Scott, triumph- ently it would start on again In the the telegraph wire behind hem at Sear- antly, and his white teeth gleamed salme direction on its rounds, moving ras, tho WaA calm way mounted upon suddenly through his black board, slowlyr unless disturbed. r YRIAD ISLES OF CUBA, turmoil, which to oreatures otherwise has a great history, V- uO act knout argankzed wrntla be aaath, is to than TEMPER OF SPANIARDS, halt it lift greater than that Of thte - r ,, Ifs- hit - a necessary refreshment. in the midst ° I' i^Brxahmau err the b,ng ,duan, w Rl itis not so as that of the Italian. �^ MORE THAN A THOUSAND, SOME OF .of the roa,ritgg surges the flower-like stow,e-mailcers build their reefs of u PECULIAR PRIDE, BRAVERY AND greet 1t dues not come from pride of pedi- VERY GREAT SIZE, rock ao haled as to defy the billows. STEELY CALLOUSNESS. gree, for the coapmtrn Sp?�Lard does noq know his pedigree ang were than hire The islets off ,the coast of Oahu, while Obstructin n i ation to some g k,,,_, rival In any otther natf,02; and it does Their Extent and Beauty slave Aelllght to � B ex- tent, p,ffard An M tlxtle Benne ntxd 1►lgnity--Tho Uldden not ooxit from pride of terhap far [t . Ooly,uleus—Ot Corot Formatio,,, Tlaoy Root of litetRetenc Attaching to the y shows it just aa9 much, perhaps morn, Iluve Mises Out or the Bea. M�ANY SHELTERED HARBORS. Race -Never suceeedn in Anything lie if he hats dome nothing but loaf. The oceanic re ubilie of Cuba will lr In fact, there ase hundreds of such undertaken-Couniareol With the scotch Ou. Own theory is that it spti s comprise aln archipelago. One common- harbors, 1n which the hardy buccau- ears ,of old treed to find saf`yet'y from Iilgtilander• Two qualities, and only two, certain- from soldiership ; that the SpanL�, like the Highlander, after fighting per- ly thinks of that afflicted country as p:ursuit�and shelter for refitting their I differentiate S aniards from the Y p petually for centuries past, has got the a single land mass, bat in reality it is plral ieml vessels. `Some of the smaller "jardines" are r other Southern races of Europe, but soldier characteristics-rtha love of ap. pearing dignified, the tenleney to in - an assemble a of islands and islets g nut of coral origin, bub were built by they are qualities displayed in such ex- dotemce, when off duty, the instinctive more thatn 1,300 Ln number, Some of maingruves. The mangrove is one of cess that they appear to constitute an touchiness about grade, the personal these are of great size -,tor example, the curiosities of the vegetable king- entirely separate national character, pride as cA the man who faces death Cayo Romano, which has an area of dom, being adapted to am aquatic ex- which iu hundreds of years has naves "-Lula other men only ibve. Certain- 180 square miles. Others are of vari- isitence. 'the young Plants, which are alxrut six inches long and resemble ci- chap ed either in faot or in the im- fi ly the Spaniard has Io and it makes him c»a accasiun one of the most to ons dimensions, dwindlin down to g gars, are set adrift by the parent pression which it makes upon the re- ba respected, and on occasivu one of the mere scraps of "keys," mangrove to seek their own fortunes. mainder of mankind, says the London molt irrational of God's creatures. He When Columbus first navi gated Cub- 6 They float vertically in the water, and Spesclatox. Una of these qualities is seems when his pride is moved to act an waters he was dell hted at the view g I•'Y'and-by y;erh'aps they Dome upon a muddy spot in a shallow where they a peculiar kind of pride, and the other ern emotion merely, and will put aside the greatest temptation„ or act with of these islands, which, as he sailed am- are stranded. Under such circum- is a steely callousness. Spaniards are the greate.-A folly, according to the pro - Ong them, presented to his eyes the stern yes they lose no time in taking root about as brave as the other Latin races vocation. expect of myriad gardens• Covered as in the soft mud, ,Sending±, out shoots in -that is, they are perfectly brave, with PLUDE AND CALLOUSNESS. • all of them were, from the smallest to all directions, Ills sotm as they are rooted they send Up rapid -growing a cerluin liability to puuic, and a re- , It is, we believe, of his pride, united to Ilia other and worse quality, callous - the largest, with at luxuriant tropi- stems, from higher points of which new luctan••a to go on when victory seems no,s, that the Slrauiurd's reputation for cal vegeta;kion, they seemed as it shouts are projected downward, and not to be ixltainable. They were sup- cruelty, which has run down through floating on the water. A great group thus is formed all arch of routs with poxod in their best period to be bray- all the ages, has bean buu•n- It mays of them to the north of Cuba was Scam- branches slit•eading in every direction, er than Frenchmen or Ital[ans, and be doubted if he burts anybody for the ed by the discoverer he "Gardens of The arch f a roots serves as a •ole s nu u about. which mud and sand collect, their picked adventurers certainly s k i thu b �e thus no t th a e of hurt ng, ixg e general European idea of the value oC the King," and another group to the making the beginning of an island, showed in the New ` orLd audacity of human life-neihor had he Roman-. south received the designat ion of "Gar- One of the tionsensica,l notions former- a really wonderful kind, an audacity, ' but he regards any rebel as one w'htA dens of the Queen." This, of course, ly entertained with regard to coral in faro, to which odds mads uo differ - has insulted him, and vvha must, bet w'as in 'honor of Ferdinand and Isabel- reefs and Islets was that certain fishes of the [tea served as masons in creating aura, and which suggested hat they chastised until he is obediewt a,gainr Hie will uuerly crush, to his own in - la. Upon a third assemblage of islets, such structures, actually building them thought themselves specitt,lly : jury very Often, rather than not be mostly of small size, locauted to the with the teeth. There is nothing very FAVORED OF HEAVEN master, and acknowledged master. 'the eastward of ,the groat Isla of Pines, remarkable about the fauna of the „jardines" and "jardinilles." Of course, but we do not know hat their his- feeling seems to be en,Lirely independ- emt alike of race and color. During the title of "Jardinillos" or "Little they are very rich tt,o insect. life, being tory quite confirms this claim. The the terrible wars of independence ial Gardens," was bestowed, in a tropical latitude, On some of mans defeated them and ha Aloora South America., the true history oft has been the TH-E ISLE Okl PELVES them are found the rent lizards call- ed "iguanas," w•hic•.hg attain a length defeated them, and in their long con- which never written, Spaniard treated rebel Sy,iniards just Itself is ar [dere of marine real estate of two feet, Cocoanuts are the only, filet with France they never obtain- as he treated "Indiana" at the time by no �meafns to be sneezed at, having imPortant.,. vegetable product of the ed any serious or permanent advant- of he caaquest-tthat is, he, wheneve an area of aboult 1,100 s uare miles, q is band, age, They did not succeed a ainst g that seemed the only way, slaughtered them without mercy. He d2Pa the - I;t is situated at a, distance of a few -"'-- the men Ot the Low Countries, they sotme today in Cuba, and from the oflarilte leagaes I_rotn Cuba, on the GRAINS OF GOLD. were defeated by British sailors, and satme motive. He must, however, be callous as well as roud, or he could south, and the sautharn halt of it is a they did noel triu'm'ph in [hair strttg- not let women and children die ox swamp. The northern ,half, on the of h- Victory belongs to the moat parse- gle iu Mexico against inferior numbers w'a'nt, or exult in the risk td hum,aty er hahxd, fats a chartming' climate, with ,voring.-N'apaleon. of Americans. That they are brave life, which is, after all apologies have mountains 2,000 feet high, covered with A man's best capital is his industry, is oertain, and they ars probably more been ynade, the true source l usnes,s men[ in abull-tight. 'That callousness pine trees. This •big island h�xs been -StepIlen Girard, self-cotnfident than either Frenchmen m:ay be the result, as it was iu he used for a long tim'1 pastl bq Spain as Show is not substance; realities „Ov- err Italians; but "-e should not describe Raman, of centuries of battle, or it, a lienal colony, but it haw a consider- ern wise men. --Penn. their courage as differentiating them may be a survival from his original able agricultural population and pro- Punctuality, honesty and brevity frot=, any other peupio of Southern forefathers, who it seems almost cer- • duces 8 teat deal of tau err, There g g are the watchwords of life. -Cyrus W. Field. Eu irolre. lain descended from some tribe akin in language and characteristics to the are no insur ents on the remises. g p There is bWt one method of obtaining We do not kn�ovv that they are more greater divisions of the human famll Yr The Isle of .Pinep is alone more ex- excellence and that is by hard labor. revengeful, though they attribute that the sentiment of pity Is most wea.tr+ Even a negro, feels mare for the suf- tensive than all the other isles and -Sydney Smith. quality to themselves, and owing to m Chinese. feTo Lh a Tour islets strewn round the Cul:un sea- I hate a thin done b halves. If it g Y the absence of good legislation, rely Ta con fete Dux• reciation of a a,p,p board. it is in rea,Iity two islands, lie right, do it boldly; if it be wrong., four vengeance more on their own Of- character w•hiell, ' which- are seprarated by a tortuous leave it undone, -,Gilpin. tarts, nor are they in reality more pas- WITH ALL ITS FAULTS, channel. Rocky ledges form a sort of There is only one real failure in life possible, and that is, not to Ire sionate. They stab as readily as Ltal- evokes syml:athy for a certain under. stone causeway uniting them. Like true to the best one knows,- Canon xaxts, but not more readily, andthough lying nol'leness that on unexpected oo- Cwba, the Isle of Pines is composed Farrar. they aasassiaaLe mare often than o&.,ji ,as i,econies a motive force, we chiefly of sedimentary rocks, The Dunt let your heart grow cold and Frenchmen, it must Axe remembered must add that the Spaniard, hrave, " ardines" and ardinilLos of Colum-. J j you shall have youth with you into the that Frenchmen have lived for ages un- prouAl, and self-domianting as he is, ,. has same hidden root of inefficiency'.,? tui, un the other hand, have been built terns of your second century. -Glad- s,tune. der mare effective laws. The High- quite succeeds. With ever A^+ never y ' by animals and plants; in other words, 7;hera is nu secret p[ yuuceas in busi- Lander of Great Britain is to -day ggRDfI.Y AN ASSASSIN, .- requisite for a great army, he, bus nev- er yet made one that permauenLlycon- they are o£ coral and mangrove for- ness. All you have to do is to attend to .FIVER but ha used to stick his foe with au quered. ,He has never succeeded in 'motion. Cubans call them "rays" - your business and go ahead. -Cor- keepia; Partu'o^a.l, which is almost. in- rh sue it with y "Drize' -and from this nelius Vanderbilt. knife, which he rolled a dirk, very lis , I eaxsable to his safety. Iii, stifles, word come the flame "keys," applied �\ hoever pays you more court than readLLy indeed, The Spaniard, again, Often splendidly fought, bave never he is ace,ustomad to pay, either intends Is supposed to be specially supersti- , vvm a great engagement. fie Ima to islands Of similar origin about the to dec�,ive you or finds you necessary tions; but we fancy sortie tit least 'of never made a goveruuient which ru! - soutthern end of Florida. to him.-C'ourttema-y, that idea concerning him arises franY tented him, anrt with every wish - Must of ithe ocean gardens of he I find nothing so singular in life the fact that his superstition takes the wealth and a magnificent osLate he h v Spanish explorer are uninhabited, ow- a9 this, that everything apposing ap- direction usually of strong tatd either Those who really understttnd either vigur usl poor. lie, does not. w'res _ vigarousty with his modern diffi� ing to lack of water, but some of the ears to lose its substance the moment 1" Frenchmen or Italians do not think ties, such as tenure, and the contin - larger tures support a, human popula- one actually grapples with it,- flaw- thoiwa. them free from superstition, tho gh I sus em iiness of hi, exehe( tle.r, a:: p L tion. Some of lithe southern islands 1`bere is no road to success but i•n bath instances the quality is found combined with a great disposition td in fact., to ire brief, does nnC succ in realizing• hk wishes. "'omethi•:'- have bubbling springs of clear, fresh through a clear, strong purpose. A irreligion, sceptical irreligion among in fact, prevents his apiilying i c water, which probably flows through purpose underlies character, culture Frenchmen, secularist err pagan irre- strength, which is gre&t, in the riot' subterranean galleries from the main- pusftion, attainment of whatever sort, ligion among Italians, direction, and su lie falls back exhuu - laud of Cuba. On Cayo Romano and -T. T. �Ylttnger. As to truthfulness, there is not much ed, leavine• the evil unremoved or t' - neighboring rays occur many natural to choose between the races, though blessing unattained. Wh-,A the car: - salt -Dans, along the edge of the sea- they speak truth, or neglect truth, up- of that fudility, which has reappear:, coast. 'These are uepressious twelve t.o THE MIDDLE-AGED on somewhat different impulses. The throughout he whole course of his • sixteen inches deep, steparated from the MAN. Frenchman has a mathematical side to domegtie history, can possibly be, =uib ocean, by coral banks, over which the -- his head, rarely ties to himself, and be left to himself to discover. He hint - waves wash in stormy weather, leaving lie RecaRn the Picturesque 1louae 111rnuta. tolls the truth whenever it ,is obviously seLf is aware of it, unit sugg'est.s as the by eva,-poratiou perfectly crystalized atlonnofFift.y Years Ago, inexpedient, in the `,sense of being cause,, with a demure smile, that hea- beds of "Lighting of -every description," said contrary to utility, to tell lies. The ven is envious of Spain. He will gro w BEAIUTIFUL WRITE.SALT. Spaniard tells the truth whenever the serious o71 the subject one day, and Cayo Rom- It is laid bloat the pply the middle-aged. man, "is brighter„ contrary would seem to himself 'to be w•heli tie. does there will be a revolution ono alone 'could sgpply a quantity of EL more brilliant, and strikin g, (pow• than discreditable, and therefore tells it or in S ,ain such Lis i lxe vv'orld never sa,w, 1' salt fur greater than is needed for the ever before; bunt there was in vogue declines to tell it at unexpected mom- enta and in ways that surprise the and perhaps a career far Spain sucb as shall once for all make her irritable whole Oul,aa population. Rather fun- ser fift y y years ago, a method of il- Northerner; while the Italian tells it pride serene. ny, from this point of view, was the iumina,tion for purposes of colebra- whenever it will not roughen a path recent. sending of a consignment of tion that it sloe=s to me was more P[a which he thinks it his clear business I table -salt by a charitable American to to make smooth. fie will utter a i A GREAT CONVENIENCE. the starvin victims of We ler. K Y turesque thata any one of the meth- falsehood for pour comfort as readily , l There w•as a time when Cuba was be- ods that have sutrplanted it. I refer as for his ow'n, a thing which the _ neath the ocean. Better would it have to the illumination of houses by placing -Frenogman never does unless he has The I+tent llot•N'afer Lannp-Pont In London. be -n if it had stayed there, taking in- candles in the windows. an epigram to be delivered of, and the Reference bas already been made to to consideration the vast amount of human misery that hits existed upon 'Windows in those days were not 5panlird very the hotiffarise lampposts to be erThe it, during the last, four centuries, How- made as tjxey are commonly nowadays, TISTm. AN ART[.?"1 IC 5I NSE. in different parts of London. The. ever, it rose from, the sea, and in its with one or ;two lights, but they were 1e a Spaniard, too, must have some- where iu him a keen artistic sense. His first has been placed in Dna of he fi day was a land -mass much greater in size than novo. It sus:. again after made with six or nlnu lights of glass lamugage and the way he uses it shows courtyard of flueen's buildings,South- a while to some extenc, its low-lying to a sash, so a window• had usually that as well as he. things he has huilt wark Bridge .Road. Liverpool is al - areas becoming s�u'�merged and form- twelve or eighteen panes of glass, anti the piotures he has painted. His ready familiar with t his farm of street- ing shallovv:s. Thus the Cuba of to- Candles were placed at the windows, is perhaps the mast beautiful archi- Lamp, which holds out considerable ad - da •, thou h risiu out of one of the 3 3 g one at each pane, in holders especially for tee.ture in Erurope, and even Ln the New �Varld, in vanages to the man vvho comes from deepest pasts of the oc6a•n, is environed made the uHe, a, little triangular piece of tin vvith a short socket sold- where he. wag a hurry, nothing [hall, he huilb hag the want of. his work in the early Morning andl by a fringe of comparatively shoal waters. bun•.h waters, in t hat warm ered to on it. This holder wary held in charm and picl uresqueness which dis- m.ay require bot water for making latitude, are most favorable to the place simply by crowding the sharp Linguistics everything built an that himself a cup of cocoa before turning growth of little animals (hit 1,.wl,l corner of it into the sash below• the continent by the Anglo-Saxon, In in. By pLacing a half -penny in the[ coral reefs and ca s. Resrectin these glass. The candles were not lighted literature he is as great a humorist slat. and pressing down a lever, a gal, humble creaLuresY un extraordinary until the arpproach of the procession. als the Frenellutan, though his bumor bon of hot, w•ater,hetuted in itcoil above varlet of mistaken notions Have been A house front with at light twink- is more sardonic. He has the capacity the gas jets, can be obtained tut any current since time iminemUtial. Even ling at every pine Uf every window Of l,eing a great'. dramativt; and in all hour of the clay or night. A further nuwada s y l.ersons of education con- vvai a picturesque sight indeed, and a whole street of houies thus illuminat_ graver productions, tis in all public ut- teramoes, he. has a special gift for a convenience is ]trolrosed by the pro- mators of the scheme in the form of munly refer to them a.s "coral inSOCLS" ed made a fairy sn Petacla." rather full -mouthed eloquence. The packets of solidified tea, coffee, oil and literature [sequently refers to the ignorance of the three peoples isabont cocoa, nod the u.se of a metal snug "1 atent toil" which they devote to equal, though the Fren,chavin's seems . far the extra chitrgp of one. penny, purposes of subauqueous construction. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. the less, because he wa.nis to know Laoitits are soon to Ire ere.ct.ed in Lei- .� Of course, they are not insects, but whatever he lbinks pays him in any caster Square. litany Luno, Aldgata� polyps, and their building is not the -- wait•; a•nd there is no great difference a'nd Peltic•,oM Lane. result of labor +tny,pnure thein is bone- •The hunian race k but' a contest for in their habit Of economy. Perhaps making in human 1,eings, Coral is not dollars. the Spaniard carries it furthest, be- i -- `�—�- a collection of cells, into which the The sherry cobbler is not in the cause he is so Indifferent. to the quality I TRF BALI�OUR BROTHERS. owners may withdraw for concealment shoemaker class. of los food; hat a calracity for conlinu- 'Tho W, lfours, who are nephews of any more than the skeleton of a dug sus self-denial distinguishes till three, i Ls its house; for every part of the cor- The only law against cycling is the though 8g they are. not equally indus- Lord Salisl,ury, lire rising men in E'ng. al -stuff of a, reef -marking polyp is en- law• of gratvitation. trims the. capatcity enriches the land. 'rhe Rt. Hun. Arthur .1. Bat - closed within the polyp. Power is powerless unless you are Frenchman, white it leaves the Italia❑ four is first. lord of the treasury and One of the evidences that Culp was at ane time submerged ronsriour3 of your alrilit.,y. Ls i tis+ kind lUoocl.nlways poor and t:he SPANIAII,D ALMOST A BEGGAR. t}le leader far the present overument g ' BENEA'1'H THE SEA fishes ou a man always dishes put to himself. T1, is Ills qutiltt, of elle vchlch din - Y D in the house of commons. He is an en- is fount! in the hills in the neighbor- After a man has made his pile he tinguishes tbeS a.niard alike from the thusiastic. Qalfel' and is charged by his hood of Htrraana, some of which, over believes in himself instead of luck. Italian and the Frenchman. A iter- Opponents with effeminacy and foppiah- 1,000 feet high, are of coral origin. The Flatter a woman and shF will love sanal dignity, quite apart. from mere ncss. He has hold the sec•.retaryship rays do not atCain an elevation of more than eight or ten feel. alpOve the aur- you; pity her ah(t slip will hate ,you. vanity, appears to >ro as essential to him ttg freF+dam t.o �I he Angln-5axnn, or Of hath Scotland and Ireland anei nota. face of the water.,Common]y, they are' Good deeds always speak for them- order to the German. 'Phis feeling figures as the leading diplomat o8 fringed with mangroves, their ve- selves when they call for improved shows itself i'n his dress, in his hearing, England. Gerald W. Balfour, novo[ secretary for Ireland, is one of getation consisting otherwise of real estate, in his laagwige, in all his acts, public and , fie cannot, cringe, he chief the brighte t. monibers cif Lhe family) halms, mostly, with it tangle of climb- ing vines. Some of the seeds of these There are tricks in all trades, with the exception of the one you are en- private. cannot brook It slight, he cannot sup- anti is pressing his brother hard for, plants are brought; originally by birds, gaged in. press himself.' when self-effacement facie. 'He has been a member Of par - but most of them are fetched by the 'lihis ,Affection before marriage is often would he convenient. He, muAt be, ac- know•led ed as g gentleman, on a.11 corns- liautent and secretary to his uncle, ford :+alishur An Ott Irish sec reta,"e Y• ocean cv.rrents, is one of nature s most interesting methods o[ dia lure's krverdone, Lut atter marriage ib is us- iann as the condition w•it hout which he hao develop'd rare qualities of state. ,. �" ing plant -life. Darwin who devoted wally rare. business cannot he done, anti he usual) Y manship that promise still better �, Much a,tteat.ion to investigating the 12ailvvaq pools may Ire prohibited by calls to t.ho word gentlemrin the word . [.things for the duLure. The Hntt. matter, proved that many kinds of law, but the stock wilLo'continuai to be Spaniard. `-ere is a gentleman of AiCthur is said to boast that he,never seeds will bear immersion in water for watered just the same, Spain, ow in his own eyes he ceases to reads newspapers anei remains in he$ 100 daiys or even more, and still retain Man was made to mourn, and wo- be anything. Our cnvn Highlander has until noon, ,„ their vitaAlty, so that whoa thrown man was made see! that he does it, precisely the same quality in the same 1 whore they are ready to sprout. As ,to That's the whole story in a chestnut degree, and till a, very recent period hie also dressed the part. There is MR, STAYBOLT'S I HiLOSOPHY. if for (this purpose, their husks are made waterproof. Not a few species, shell. The 1>Faulties of nature a,re best ad- something very impressive about this feeling, particularly when it leads, as "Hope is a fine thing," said Mry which will altxAt when green, float if thoy halve chiuneed to dry before fall- mired through a glass -but some peo- flask it often dopa, to the en,durta.nce of im- Staybolt, "sure. We'd he a pretty mis- ing into the strearni that carries them ple think a pocket answers the just as well, mense risks, and it is a little perplex- erable Lot, most of ms„ without it. And to the sea, purpose `' - "� -"-"" Ing to know from s a root It ultimo.- Lely springs. 1t ie a matter of race, a mannan got along very comfortablZ The coral fol psttha,t build he +' ar- f Y j dines" Cuba live a.t a c SIAM $ PECULIAR ORDER, srntnb sag ; 1>ut there is no kinship of. for quite a spell cal nothing else, with+ eJ}3alut cannot depth muoh grealter than 000 feet. They are warm water animals, ands It is re- Not long back his Majesty of Siam teaks dBE+T;VEh;N TH'E HIGHLANDER, out doing a blessed thing but hope that things may come Ills way. But quisite from their point of view that ave an Italian, for paintin one of g g whin is Celt, a little crossed with Norse- white bnpo makes n. bright. f t•he tempdrature of the sea in which his wives from a photograp h "the upxtn and the Iberian, who comes prob_ cl igh'f a dr,enn't gtva co,t very much It a , t tlhey dwell sh'tpll not be less than 00 Grand Cross of the Siamese Crown," ably from the same mtottk as the Man- man wants that he must dig for it. degrees F*renheit, They need `n It is a rather large order. "This oross," "will gol-tt remains pare Biacay-deopiy Tt ie W fortunate thing for A man to . discovery and tho their buwfneas ap abundance of fresh• said his Majesty, gractotlsly, on- crossed with the Visigoth, and with malce this early, ly aeratted water, andt onl this account title yore to marry twelves wives, It Is a traea, varying [n quantitty In eae'b man who mixes thn pirrst .digging with they flourish beak In the constantly a distinction I seldom confer, so I hope provinea, of Semitio blood. It la his his- his hopefulness hm tlu uttpst ro„sol to beating surf. Thie incessant boll and yell' wtkt 0 Roved Use of It!' pav3ltrudq eql gSnogy saeq�o res 'SaO1 be hay3eflil." ww r'