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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-26, Page 2
% . . r a . 6 0 1 T+* pbovd fever. The cheek is somewhat want hien to take hold of you while 'pp c�j�j j (� 28. This is my blood of the new tes- CHINESE CONSERVATISM A CLA1'{18 ,THE { ROWNt S�IIIXIMIN r FOR LIFE flushed, the hands somewhat hot, pre- pu take hold of hien. But, blessed 1HE SUNDAY SCHOOL . tameat, The µse throw hout Christen j tUJ�1tlJ1$1111u .J �+lrl u+v ceded L u sli ht chill. ,, Wh you lie God, Jesus Christ is so strong a g 9 lk►r to leir R ve re A e the �ray:t cY -- say, "typhuld fever does not seem to Swimmer, He comes, not to our, back, "'�' §Lou► of the word testament for each of INTERNATIONAL LESSON, i>>xAX 29. the dlvisiona aP holy writ is conEueing T4e1rB,evered Aneostare. FURNISHES THE REV. DR. TALMAGE lie much t•f a disease." But wait until but to our face, and He treks us to to the minds of our Sunday scholars, The two national trait§ which retard 'JON CARLOS, PRETEN'.►iU TO THE WITH A TEST. the patient has been six weeks under throw around Hitm the arms of our - The word bore simply means covenant. progress to China, according to Dr. SPANISH THRONE. �� it, and all his energies have been wrung love, and then promises to take ua The Lord's Aujiper." start. ea. ANN. Sold. The blood shed for the salvation of Is- -••--• • ilppuks o[ l:aQ ad a RAtroug ss++im,arr -Our out, ani he •is too• weak to lift his lit- to the beach and He will do it. Do en Text, I. Cor. 11.90. Chester, aro the "mdznuthenpe and un- reel at the time of the inntitutien o! :1c 1!n» a I:ood Dcal o[ .1nn[Icc 1s all„ t'I,tLw Suee lrs o tl1na.0 tondttlisuer tOur tle finger. and bis intellect is gone, nut trust that Plank of good work§. PRACTICAL NOTES. the Passover (read Exod, 12. 8-8) wan Paralleled conceit" oP the people and then you e:•e the full havo, of the die- DO not must that shivered spar of in a true sense "blood of the coven- their "conservatism, which has been �t AL,o tae Lancewute 1'et.5rnitat [or the rspra,ig oat of the Deep to clave cis --Tvvo ease, Naw sin in this world is an ail-- your own righteoustyosa. Christ only Verse 17. The First day of the least ant;" and the aheddin$ of Jesus's blood better described us their adamantine, 7'6rau• e r 1Hraner. tua6lapty C1e,eeuoll". latent wbi i, is only in its very first can give you transportation. Turn of unleavened bread. As usually reek- was to be to his disciples, the true Is. Who is Don itCrlos, and who the Span - A Washington despatch says: -'The sta6�s; bu: after the grave, it is rend- your face upon Hire to -night as the oned, the da that began with sun- bliadfoldedt satisfaction' in the gest." in blasting reel of God, what the other had been, isb Legitimists utP whorl much !s ba - Rev. Dr. Tatmiege preached Prom the t3•, d, all-devuuring, all -con- dying martyr did in olden days When Y a taken sad a urseana of salvation. The first thing one sees of China, , suming, ctc.nal typhoid. Oh, if we he cried out: "None but Christi None set of W)Bdnesday and ended with sus- Which is shed fur many. "Which is coming from this direction, is theeity ing heard these daya> Don Carlos wards: -"He aht.:1 spread forth Hie set of Thursday. It was the ]fret being shad." For many" is equival- of New Shinghai. it' is a fine modern could see our unpardoned sins as God but Christ I" Jesus has taken millions considers himself the rightful ing of hands in the mldst of them, as he that seen theca, our teeth would chatter, and to the land and Hie is willing to take clay oP uuleafvened bread, beoaune on ant to "for all." See 1 Tim. 2. 6. Fa tpain, anri the Le,gitimisits are his fol- swimmeth spreadetb forth his hands aur knees would kno•k together you there. 0, wha,t hardness to above it all leaven was carefully searched y p city, with n1Lit>erous facturios, weal the remisaian oP sins. Aver lain io',vers. taswlm."-Isaiah xxv. lf. and our respiration would be choked, Him back when He has been swimming statement that without the death of eciilil,Ped; lighted by electricity, with The arig]n of the Carlist imbroglio The fisberraia soaks out unfrequent- °ad cur b,,t!L would break. if your till the way from the throne of God for in every house, and was destroyed. aur Lord our sins could not be romit- a wide boulevard, lined by a magnifi- ainn are unl'wgiven, they aro bearing to where you urs to -night, sad iaready The Jewish month began with the new fed, :sten buck to 1833, when I{ing Ferdin- ed nooks. You stand ail day on the down on you, and you are sinking- to swim ail. the way back again, tak- moon, and therefore the passover feast, 27, I will nut drink henceforth of cent row of business houses three t,r and VII., after a troublous reign, bank of a wide river in the broiling sinking away frovn bappiness sinking ing your redeemed spirit. 1 ltavesome- L..- this fruit of the vine. This product oP four stories in height, with h,ndnuine breathed bin leen. He left no male sun', and !ling out your line and catch 'away frau, trod, sinking away fs'om ev- timers thought what a spectacle the like Pur own Easter, came in soma the vine. That, "Before another meal residences, a system of wuter works I cry thing that is good and blessed, sink- ocean hed will presi at. when in the last years earlier than in others. The issue, but ally an infant dy , wber, day the water in all drawn off. It ! shall have carried out God's awful and a great assay euaveniences of mud- ]:,carie ]sabella. The Salic law, which tauthing, w bile the expert angler breaks ing for ever. disciples came to Jesus. The head of plan." That da when I drink it new through the jungle, and goes ('heti who du we want $ A swirumerl will Le a line of wrecks from beach to Y ern civi.izcd Li:e. Une would suppose the famil was respunnible for the with you in my Father's kingdom. A Lad beeps in force since 1713, excluding by the shadow of the solitary A strun;, sw immer t A swift swimmer t bench, There (s where the harpoon- Y romise of most sacred myster .tbat all tbe.e desirable things, taken femaLes from the throne, the crowµ i rock, anri in a place where no And• blessed be God, in my text w•e have ers went dxuw n. 'There is where the proper obsetvanue of pasnover by his P 30. When they had sung a hymn, Out there and put ri ht down Lefore g should therefore have Passed to his fisherivan has been far ton years Hina anncunc•ed. "Ile shall spread line of battle ships went down. There family, and a rabbi w•as responsible they went out into the Mount of Olives, the eyes of the Chinese, would excite . forth iii , bands in the midst of theta. is where the merchantmen went down. For bin discip3es, "Rise. Ir t us fro hen §" Juhn, 14-31. Lro:her, Dan Carlos. Bttt 1'erdinand throws out his line, and comes home as he t hat swimmeth spreadeth forth There is where the steamers went their admiration and stimulate a desire in the later ears of his life had been at night, his fico shining and his Las- his ban Is to swim." Yoe, have noticed down ,, a lung line of wrecks from 18. To such a man. 1 c'To so and 'The singing was probably a sort of Y that w i, n a s�viulurer oes out to rescue bench to Leach. \\ hat a spectacle in so." AIy time is at hand. Phis nieuna chant, and the by'tnu w•aa probably to havo the satue advantages. slut we abso!utely under the domination of his ]tet foil. 1 do nal know why we minis- g 1 salsa 113 ani 114. !`he daunt of OI- PLss ihruu•gh u gala, through the fourth wife, Christina of Naples, a tars of the (helps] need always be fish- tray un he putsoff his heavy itpparel. the last day when thei water is drawn ,that the meal was to he hastened, for ives was ust be •on•t the halls of Jer- He mus• t1. t have an such itn ediment. Off I Rut O, hbw much more solemn y high stone wall that separates New handsome, forceful tLnd unacrul ulcus ing in the same stream, and preachin Y P our Lord says, Luke 1., 15, "\\`ith de- usalem. thin w•as the tithe of full g about 1 i:rt if he is going to do this if we had 'tn eye to see the spiritual nirnn. Out throw * � ^ from Uld �hrtnghai. and find uur�•elvos worsen. Her sway had bean confirmed from the came tent that other poo- great decd. And w•ben Christ stepped wrecks and places +share they fou n- sire 1 have desired Lo eat. this pussover h th tear light. and in the widnt of a t nc the deep ahadawq they went; oat y! "'ul C'einese city Ly rho Lirth orf her daugiyter Isabella forth to save us, He slto pk off the dered. Yen would find thousands avith you Lefore f suffer." \]'hat our throw ple preach from. I canuot understand sandals of heaven and IIis feet were alon these streets. Coming here, to- gh the silent streets down into --a city making about. the least preten- in 1830. She indus;ed the weak and the polio of the ruinister who, in t g Lord's "time" w•as the disciples could the valley that � ireled the walls and stun to derenu Y free; an l He laid aside the robe of , ni,ght, if you bad such auperb eyesight, not certain] know. Before"iLis the u the aloe of the Mount of Ulives y and cleanliness of any ai.ing moccaroh to issue a decree dis- Blackfriars, Landon. England, every ete! no..' royalty, and Ills arms were i standing; a't the door while yet this y Y P P city in the empire. \\'e ask Lhe Citi- iriheritin his Lralther to fervor of his week far thirty yearn preached from free; and then Ile stepped down in- I room wits empty, you might: then have hath•, heard hits say, "J1y time is not to the Garden of Gelhsamane, 3 to t: a wave of our transgression. , seen thOusanis Of such marks of wreck yet fully corn§" and probably,witb the zeas of Uld h,tngtiai iP they would not infant daughter. That he transcend- 1 the Epistle of the Ho+Lrewa. t[ is as and P came up over His wounded feet.,'siatlered all through these pews, the memories of the triumphal entry in 1FRA1D OF INDIANS. ike to have clean water and clean ort his royal prerogative is generally exhilaration to me when 1 can come anri ! (-Bine up above the spear stat place,.s yvliere on other SaLbbaths immor- - streets and houses with grass plots conceded. across ct theme which I feel has not in ill side, -aye, it dashed to the Iac- tal men were invited to heaven and their minds, they thought of him as around thein, and they say; "No. Our Fxperlellee o[ Two Tolling Entltrrsnts In aare,itors for t hotwands of ears have Immediately after his death the baby yet boon treated, and sriy text is one er,tr temple, the high-c',fiter murk of I refused it. C'hrlSt ra.me down im their about to Lecume king and themselves y' jjj Flis ut guish 'Chen, risin ahwe the 1 awful catastrophe, putting out. for fileConatvoroxrord. dispensed with such things and shall Princess Isabella was declared Queen of that triad. There are path: in God's g as shortly to he triumphant cuurtiera. we, set, tr, flood. "He stretched forth life hands their soul, "spreadizig forth His hands 'About sixty-five years ago, says a 1 ourselves Co ba wiser a,nd of Spain, trader the regency of her word that are well beaten by Cbristian in the wid,-t of them. as he that switn- i as a swimmer spreadeth forth his I will keep the Passover at thy house better Lh•in they $" I was told that the feat. \5'hen men weal io quote ticrip- meth spreadeth forth his hands to hands to swim;" bu.t they thrust Him with my disciples. Where a rabbi of writer in the Montreal Witness, two citizetis4 u8 New r'h�inghaL offered to mother, For five years afterward the = t t swim•" in Ihp sore heart, ani thc,y smuts His suLhpraminence as Jesus now had ob youths came from Scotland, and struck extend their water• e;uftply, free of country was desolated by a terrible tare, they quotte the old pa.sa6es ha everybody ha heard. When they If Iola. have ever watched a swimnter, , fair cheek, unci they perished; the served the feast would be a matter of out for the wilderness of Oxford Coun= ch:uget, to Uld Shanghai, in the hope civil wtLr curried on with, varying for- waat a chapter read, that' read a y'o'u' ' °lice, that his whole hndv is ; storm and the darkness swallowing general interest. ty, in what was then Upper Canada. of averting the pe-tilences that came tune and unwavering ferocity between brought. into play. The arms rir•e flex -I them up, O, are there tiny here now 19. They matte ready the passaver. They had heard that Indiatps might from' the canals. A committee-fitotn Partisans aP Isa- chapter that all the other people have ed, hi hands drive the water back, the who feel that they are nink;ng f 1)o the Ivaeghai wag sent over to examine the Carl ut and the They made everything ready for rho be found in the rogion, sad they kept the water. Its members went Lack and beth. But b'rance and England sided been reading, so that th*e Church knees re active, the head is tossed back I they feel the need of a Divine ft,rm $ supper which they were about to par- a shat tirday is ignorant of three fourths•of toescrn[re strangulation, the whole body ChTtat is ready now to step out for take of. The ordinary work of pre- P and sameavhat fearful watch, reported that they did not like it, that with the latter, and in 1830 Dan Carlon i9 in lnopulsion. And when Christ their present and their eternal salva- aria a assover feast included the Nearing their destination, they en- it had no body to it like the water of quitted Spain in despair, Ths ques- the Bible. You go into the Louvre, at sprang out in the deep to save us. Ifle tion. I ask you to laly hold of this purchasing of a lamb, making bread y night by the side of their canals, incl that it Lad "neither oaanPed ane chill tical of succession af,Pear�l to be se�t- Paris. You confine yourself to one three ]lis entire nature in it -all His Christ and la hold of. Him now. You g taste nor smell." It might Ire thought Y without leaven, and the collecting of a stream. While they were getting tb:,t there would he some ho pe from tied in favor of Isabella 11., a child not corridor of that opulent gallery of Godhe el,. His, onnniscielnce, [lis good- I will sink without Him. Lay hold of bitter herbs, wine, and a sweet fruit 1 ness i!is love, His omnipotence -hear. Him. U that God this moment might jam. The lamb couldonly beslain by their lunch, haveringoverthe fire, they tee ti Iivati of the cotiuttry, but the lit- then in her teens. pa>dniings. As ,you come out your Bart, eyes, hands, feet. We 'were so i break this madness of those who will a priest in the courts of the temple, were Overwhelmed with astonishment testi live in the hope of obtuining'an Dan Carlos, the, first Pretender, died friend says to you: "Did you see that far out. on the sea, and so deep down I not have thee• mercy a'nd the favour. at a grascribed hazer, and it+ must be and fear by seeing a small band Of officew u,nderl the Chinese system, So fn 1856. Rembrandt$" "No." "Did ou see in the waves, a•nd so far• out from.'the I of that Christ who is tho only. Saviour OOoked they stfond liko a stone wall of uppasi- y by rotLstin;. Indians suddenly arrive. ti.oin a ai sLore that nothing sbnrt. of an entire 1 the world ever has hrid or over will 20, 21. Ho sat dawn with the twelve: l nt it all changes a rel !'rms, A SFICOND PRET TDEIt that lieubL ,s$' "Na." "'Did you see God (-onld save us. Christ leaped out 1 have. Saty, do you want to die $ Do Rte reclined with them; the tables had As jt was tOo tette to try to escape, The ed,ucatunnl of these men coriniatq arose at once in the person of his son, that Titian $" No." "Did you see for our rescue, saying : "f.o 1 I come to I you covet ruin $ Do you despise heaven$ and as Me Indians were too many to largely, in, the memorizing of books, that Raphael T' "No." "Well," sa s do 'Thy wild," and all the surges oll 9ru- Have ou lifted the poniard with which Probably 'been ranged as three sides from 1,000 to 3,000 years old, and the Detre Carlos, Count de Monte�molin. In Y y' of a hollow s uare, and the benches fight, the young fellows decided to par - aur friend, "then ou didn't see the man ar,l Satanic !bate heat again•;t I to stab the life of your Imtmortal soul $ arran ed outsiide of these and cash- le with the savages; but tbeir "par- things they know are things that come 1860.un att.empit was auLde in Valencia Louvre." Now, friends, I think we Ilim. apt i (hove who watched Him from I O, sinner, thou knowest not where thou ionedg Each of the banqueters re- Y as near as anything in the world could to start the Carlist inqurrectlon afresh. the g+;tr' c of heaven feared Ile would go at. On the verge of what woe. On the clined on cushions, leaning on his laying" was rendered of no offect by come to beirng ahsabutely wort(h no - are too much apt to confine ourselves down nm'er the wave, and instead of ivave.9 of what sea. Sinking. Sinkin r. the fact that while the Indians spoke thing. Tjge Gariel was defeated. He and his to one of the grea,t corridors of this saving ,ohers would Himself loft elbow. John, as xt learn from perislx; Oinking. From horizon to horizon not bin gcxsPe] reclined next in front Of hat a word of J,:nglish, the Scotch Lot's 'Those who Ly bribery or some other brother Ferdlinand were captured. 'They gallery of Scripture truth, and so but putt ing Hi; breast. to the foam, and one sail in sight. Only ones strong swim- our Lord, and, the benches being put we're totally ignorant of the sign Ian- means do' at i ast receive an official ap- were released only after Sigtning a re- rituh sap that there are nut three per- shakin:gt the surf front His locks He mer, with head flung back ani arms close to each other, leaned on his bos- pointment receive but a nominal sum nuncfation of all their claims to the carne on un, 'until 13e is to -night with• outspread as " be that aw immeth Many incidents o£ the lust sup- gttaga in which the Indians triad to an salary. They axe supposed to nup- some in the house to -night who have in the retch of eiery one here. Eye spreadeth forth his hands to, swim," O converse. element thist in su.eh ways tis they can Spanish throne. per given by ether evangelists are ever noticed the all -suggestive and oma isoir.,; . heart infinite, urns omni- That God svonpld lead you into the peace ; emitted b i�T• hew. 1! or example, the But present] the savages made m -by, pLlfering. monoy that pa.9ses There was a third brrrteer, Dan Ju ta. powerful picture in the words of my Pat,etat, \fighl!v to, save, even unto and hope of the Gospel. You will never dispute of the disciples as to which ' $esture which the bopps understood. It through•' 'their hands, by exacting I In 1868, when "Queen Isabella was forced text. the utter-,ncist. Oh. it was not half a hale so fair a chance as this very one] should be the most prominent, the I `+.as a beckoning sign, and plaint money from litigants, and by torturing to fly from Sipa,in and Carlisim once trod, th•tt tramped down bellowing in which to accept of the Lord JesusI washing of the disciples' feet, and the 1 Y accused persons until the highest more became a persibility, Don Juan' i This text represents GOiI as a strong Gonne acct, It w•as not a quurl.er of Christ. t hear a great many in that teaching of John 13. 12-'20. 'The meal meant, "Came along." amount possible is wrung from their abdicated all bils rights in favor of his ,, savimmer, striking out to push down a God th'tt mastered the demons o£ I autience saying: "Well I would like was opened with a formal thanksgiv- I . "Well," said one of the boys to the relatives in order to secure their re- son, the present Don Carlos, who there - iniquity and to save the souls of men. G'adara. lit 'was) not tlw•o-third.q of„at to lie a ChrNt•ian to -night. I am go- ing, and we are to think of it as going other, "it is evident that we have got lease. I suppose that if the devil had , upon became the third Pre.tender•. Nor Clod that t ifted up Lnzarus into the i ing t.o work to liecome a Cbristian, on either in silence or in quiet unre- , to die, and we may as well die at their been employed to devise a system for were his pretenlJons a mere pretence. "He ahall spread forth ]lis hands in arms of his over-joyed sisters. It was I My brother, you begin wrong. When corded conversation, and then as they camp as here." � parromotiio ' of official corruption he Prim and Saganla, the two must 1,ow- i the midst of them, as he that swim- not a f.r,tvcna.ntt of a Gad w bo offs red I a man iq drowning, and a ,stronger did eat came the awful announcement ' "In any event, we will die like men, u d n have imgrroved on this sys- I erful mem);ers of the provisiunid gov- meth spreadeth forth his hands to pardon awl l,eace. lio all tlbe race, No. swimmer comes out to help him, he one oP you shall betray me. Why said the other. teml There is aiothing' that Presents ernment establisher] after Isabella's swim." ' The fi ore is bald and sun - This mighiv swimmer threw His gran- says to the man. "Now' be quiet. Put had Jesus kept this £act to himself un- "We will I" such a t•reme'ndous obstacle to our mis- flight, offered hire the. crown. Iiut g y J 1 til now•, and why did he now utter Lt $ - So they started along, following the Sian work, as the official system in the gift w•as can(U fun: d on tile prom - deur, His IClnry, Hi9 might, His w'ia tom, yowl arm on m arm lar on my sQtouldr aided. bloat of you know how to His omnipotence and Itis eternity into er, but don't struggle, don't try toI )•hese were not perfect men, though Indians, or rather followed by them, C'bina. iso that the eatuntry should bate it con- l swim. Same of you learned it in the this one act, It took both bands of ; help yourself, and 1'11 take you ashore. ] they were lovers of the Master; they Soon they reached a large luthan lodge, stitutiun, an•i that Church and .1'ttite city schools, where this art is taught; God to save us. --both feet. How do I The more you struggle and the, moxoI had none of theist gone nearly so far as which they entered. The Indians-"---�"`- should be separated, Dun Carlos re- prove it'f On the cross, were not both , you try to help yourself, the more the traitor who sold him to death, but beckoned to them to sit down in front PEARLS OF TRUTH. I fused the gift if it caaw, trammelled i some of you, in boyhood, in the river bands nai'ed $ On the cross were not you imlede me. ;stow be quiet. anal they were very far below our Lord's of a large lire in the centre of the ,r by any crwtditions. Ile would follow leas your father's house; some of you bothp feet na.iled'd Itis entire ntttw'e 1'11 take you ashore, \ti hen ('hrist, spirit, and lead ahead dge, which was directly beneath a the C'arlist traditiums and be an abso- since you catme to manhood or woman- involved in our redemption I the strung swimmer, comes out to save Y quarreled and to tClolriuluct, is tltree.�fourt hs of Iife.- ware again to quarrel about preced- hula in the roof that served for chis- lute monarch or none at all. hood, while summering on the beach If you have lived much by the wat- , a soul, the sfanar says': "That's right. encs. Jesus calls their attention to ney, windoaw and ventilator. N'Utthew Arnold. "When I came int.o my kingdom," he � orf the Sea. You step down in the er, You. notice also that if any one is' I am glad to See Jesus, Had I' am go -I the deeper loyalty that they owed him. The Indians offered them food, but Every noble work is at first impos- said, "I shall rule as 1 see fit. wave, you throw your head back, you truing Out. t.o rescue the drowning, be . ing to help Him, I am going to do 23. Exceedingly sorrowful. See Juhn appetite had been scared out of them• fibre -,Carlyle. it. was a yow,h of twemity' whospoke mast be independent, self-reliant, able 1 this, that, and the other thing that 13, 22, Lord, is it I'd This is one of the The Indians ate, and then gat out bates' I thus firm,]-•, for Do. Carlos do los Lo - bring your elbows to the chest, you to go shone. Tthere may Ile a time I will help Him; I am going to Pray strangest glimpsesof the depths of chets and knives. What has Leen done can be done lores Juan Isidoro Josef leranvisco put the palms of your nands down- when he must spring out to sive one, more Sal that will hale Him; I am human nature that literature furnish- "Our time has come," said one of 'again!-Disraell. Quirino Antonio Miguel Gabriel Ra - ward and the sales of your feet out- and he. cannot. get a life-ho•it. a•nd if i going to weep extrat;agunt,ly over my es to us. ).'ou would suppose they the boys_ No one can dL%grace us but ourselves. fael, Duke (of .Aladrid aad Pre(( nder to ward, a,nd you push throdgh the water he, goes, oulL and he has not. strength sing, and that will help; Him." No, my would say,, "Not 1, .Lord!' ••llbe fart "So it seems," said the other, "but -J. G. Hkplland. ( the Spanish throne, was burn un Alarch ss though you had ]teen born aquatic. enough to i ear himself up, and bear' brother, it will not. Stop your doing. is, not one of these men seems to hive let its sell our lives dearly I" 30, 1818. It is a grand thing to know• hoav to another up, he will sink, and instead of Christ will do all or none. You can- beck satisfied. wi:Vh Ids own loyalty, However, instead of falling upon -Ow' only greatness is that w•e.aspire. In 1870 Amadeus, the brother of Vic- svtim, not only for yourself, but be- dragging one corpse on.t of the torrent I not lift art ounce, you eannut rna.e and not one of then, certainly hau rens- them with the weapons, the Indiana Jean Ingelow.. tar Emmanuel of Italy, was chosen cause you will after awhile, perhaps, you will have two to drag out. When an. inch, in this matter of your re- on to be, for shortly they all forsodk Procured a lot of strips of ash wood §Self-respect is the cornerstone of ging of Slain by the Cortes, Ulan have to help others, f do not know Christ sprang out into the sea to fie- c!emption, This is the difficulty wbich him and fled. sad' went to work making baskets, all. virtue, --John Herschel. Carle made ;L Nulernn protest ;Lguinst anything, more stirring or sublime liver its. Ile had no lifle-i,uoy. Elis I keeps thousands of souls out Of t.hel 23. He that dippeth his hand with stripping, measuring, splitting and the usurper. Tn the-sunwner o' 1872 than to see some man like Norman Me- bather did not help ]girl. Alone in kingdom of heamen. It is because they me in the dish. (letter, "He t hat dip- bending the wood. The bo s were a ISucoess int most things is in knowing K6nzle leaping from .the ship Madras the wine-pregfs. Alhlee in t:he ,an , Y the norLhdern I,rovinrp5 were ruuseol to talo the sea to save Charles 'Turner, l J g• (crunnat consent to let Jesus Christ he.-( Ped•" .Just a moment ago the hand of little reassured, and yet they argued 'how Lung Lt takes to succeed.-7Yfuntes-' arms by a body of his partisans, led Alone in the darkness, Alone in the gin and complete the work of their .ludas and that of the .\faster had pro- that probably' the savages would Pre- quleu• • by his urother, Uni Alfonso. Alilitary who had dropped from the royal yard mountain. colour. in the tea, O, if redemption, "Why," you say, "then is bably touched as they, according to tend to fall asleep, and would mar- Our greatest glory is not in never operations began and were vontinued while trying to loosen t -he sail, bring- Bel saves us, He shall have all the there nothing for me to do$" Only one] oriental custom, each reached out to der them in the night. They resolved failing, b ' in rising every time we with greater argot on the; arrival of Ing him lxw.k to the deck amid the c"redit, for "there wa.s none t° bele•" thing bave yon to do, and shut is to partake of the fruit, Dipping a piece that bolt ane of them should Le down, fall.-C'on cies, Dan Carlos himself, in July, 1873. From buzz" of the passengers and the crew. N'o oar. No wing. No ladder. When )ay hold of Christ, and let Him act -I of the unle(Lvened bread in the syrup, while the other would sit up and In the lea on of youth w Lich fate re- this time till the .eginuirlg of 1876 this if a man hats not enthusiasm enough Nathaniel Lyon fell in the battle lova Jesug to cheer in such circumstances he de- char a in front of his t r•oo ps. he hast your salvation and achieve Lt all. gave e to :Judas, and, according watch, each taking hi turn. desultory but hate thele warfare ton- g ! I do not know whether I make the] td .7olyn'v record thug gave a sign After the Indians had worked at serves fora right manhood, tbereiano tinned io devastate the northern Prow serves himself to drop into the sea and a whole: army to cheer him ; when Mar- matter 1 tin or not, I simply want] tvhicL was understood b at Least. two basket -making far some time, one of such word as fait-Bulw'er, incus rind tax the res«urces of the gov- ltave na one help Lim. !Care Royal shat Ney, sprang into the cattest, and to allowl1you that rL man cannot sale of the disc•ipleg. Y them, who seemed to be a sort of chief, I find nothing so singular in life as i ernment to the u(Lmost. In the in- Elu ano Society of England was es- plan.gedb in his spurs till the horse's himself, hart that the Atmi ht Son of l suddenly gave a yell that froze the terim Amadeus had rea ned, and Al- esstahliahed in 1774, its object hank t apiurted blooc. all I'`rance air g y I ` 4. ThiSverse contains t.be statement this, that everything apposing appears tg es a sbiud and reward those God can do it, a.nd will do it, tf Y -A of one of the m gteriecd of God's deal- blood in both boys' veins. The Indiana fonso XII., a son of the fugitive Leat PI plaudedl, him. But Jesus alone I "Of ask Him, O, flip your two arms, the y' threw dawn their implemenl;s, and to lose its substance the moment one who should pluck up life from the the people there rues Hare to help." All ( g Ings with men. It was appointed t hat y g pP bells, had been elected in his place. deep. Any uare who has performed such forsook Hitn and f O, it was hat awns of your trust and love,. around Christ should suffer, but it was not formed in a circle about the fire and actual] ru les with it. -Hawthorne. The last copes of the C'artiata were t a deed of d:xring hoe all the particulars a flotilla that Salle down and saved (this omnipotent swimmer of the cross,I appointed that any Individual should rho white Lays. The terrible ceremoap Character iS Pow or; it makes friends; destroyed 6t' the re•dwc'tion in N'ebru- I My sermon is about ended, and tbei of death was about to begin] creates friends; draws patronage and ary, 1876, of their fartresses Bilbao, Of that bravery recorded in a public re- ire, It was not a cluster of gondolas betray hurt. o pre is na aitch fore -ofd►- Estella and. 'Tolosa. Don Carlos fled stenographer has taken Lt, doK'n with na,tiutt as to reclude atpsolute free ' Then the chief Indian sounded a note auPport; and opensa aura and easy way ' cord• and Oa his breast a medal done that c:a,m,e over the wave. Tt was ono I his I:encil. O, that the Hol Spirit p with his voice, and all the Indians Ise- twroas the coutttry into t•'rtince. In a Y will. We have Peters opinion of the to wealth, honor and happiness. --J. in blue and gold, and Lronio anchor Pttsasnn„ indep>e�ndent rad alone. might write it on all , our hearts, How gen to sing; but whet was it that they proclamation to the Spanish; nation he and monogram. and inscription telling spreading; out; ITiq hands among us Y guilt of Judas in Acta+ 1. 16-18. Jt Lad Hawes. to future many will Le saved t.brough this irar- were aied, kn Tho Scotch boys, pious- a,nnauncr tlsall Lo did null withdraw generations the bravery of ass swimmer spreadeth forth his hands will tie been good for that mr,,n! it he had not ' ly reared, knew the trine well ; it was T)ssre.9 alimit to the work that can pram army of his claims, but the man lar woman who saved 'a soul to swim." ticular service $ How many been born .Words which our Lord nev- the ane to which the were accustomed frown drownin But, m friends, if it tTlehald. td,en to -n i. ht the slLentacle last$ These are the two questiOns er said about any other ainner. Y be gat out of a human body, or a hu- DON OAR,LOS, 8• Y 4 to sing the words: is such a worthy thing to save a bexly a$ a drownin suu:l anri Christ the with which I came upon this platform, 25. 'Then Judas. Whether Judas now i man bruin, and be '►s a wise man w ho was merely awaiting a more propitious) r' g• After the benediction there will bel UONv pleased and bleat was I wastes no ener on pursuits for which from the deep, T ask you if it is; not swimmer. I i:olinve it, was in 1848, when spoke in utter• defia,ace. of the whole gY i of port unity. This Proclamtttian led to a worthier thing to save a,n immortal there were six English soldiers of the tat'° mighty currents, -one currentl twelve with wham hs had eaten the I ►To hear s see o ou cry, he is hat fitted. -Gladstone. his expulsion from French territory. soul$ And you shall see to-ntgbt, the Fifth A'usiaors whn were hanging to ]clearing mig'ht.ily tow rdsohe rd i,hthel meal, or whether he dict not know• that 1 "CTme,l e8 looked at each cher-In as- When you eget into a tight place, He then made a prolonged tour ,Sea of God step forth for his achieve- the Isottom of :c (apsiced boat -a bait her bearing migh r y the. others knew of }Lie guilt we can- ! ho and everything goes against you, till thrangh the Ignited States, Mexico t),nd tient. "He shall spread forth 'His that lied been u ,set b a. squall three and i n one or the other of t hese cur-' not cert.ainl au It, is not suppos- I tonishment and when the Indians had Europe, finally Settling in a magnifi- Laads in the midst of them, as he that miles from shore it wHs in the night, rents you will Le caught. In the one] able tbat he did not' know that he was sung this Nan iu their own lan ua e, itt seems an if you could not bold on you will !;e carried out to where it g g cent palace In Venice as his permanent swi'tmeth spreadeth forth his bands to Luh ane. mea \swam mi htily for the the uilt one, John says, " After the I of course, -they sung a greater and a minute longer, nei•er give up then, residetnce. swim." Leach, guided isy the dig k mountains empties into the ocean ichose waves supper Satan entered into him." Per- i more thrilling one: 'R,00k of Ages I For that's just the place and time that W,n Carlos has been married twice. i.he tide'll turn. - Harriet Beecher In order to understand the full force ghat lifted their tops through the are fire, anri whose ships are fire, and haps he wails so de�termine.d to betray I cleft for me!" His first, wife was a Princess de Bour- � of this figure, you need to realize, first, night, Het came to the beach. He whose bea"h is fire; or you will he car- Jesus that the question Md. arisen in I The (bars of the boys were gone. In Stowe. ban and a niece of the Count de of all that our rax•,e is in a sinking con- founds a shoreman who consented to ried down in a current which will em- his mind whether his Master could their own tongue, they joined in the .. - Chambord. At the time of the mar- '1 clition. You sometimes hear people go with him and save the other men, pty into a sen. whose surges beat mus- know of his schemes anA avoir] them, sang with mare unction no doubtothan sriage in 1867, and far many years af- talking orf what they consider the and they put out. .lt was some time ie against the throne of God. 0, it is and he mny have w9ked this question they had ever before known in singing LAW ON MATRIMONY• terwards the i•ouple were very poor. most beautiful words in our language. before tbey could find the place where a solemn minute. Have you ever seen to nacertals. 'Thou hast. said. That is I it; and when the Indians had finished Certain laws fat Lngland are not ao But the dealth-sotthe Count and Count - One man says it is "home," another the men were; hitt, after awhile they them trying t.o resuscitat.e a half-'equivrtlent: to "Yes." It Is evident their devotions, -for it was with ode- ess de Charmbord, who bequeatbod the man says it is the word "mother," an- heard) their cry : "Help 1 help I" and drowned person $ You rememi,er the; that there wars a great cleat: of conver- votional purpose that they had sung, strict now as they ware in the reign larger part of their wealth to their other says it is the word "Jesus;',' but they bore down to thein, and they Hao•• manipulation, iYou remember they shat t throughout this part of the meat -the boys lay down to sleep, and slept of Charles 11. In the year 1670 this favorite niece, made it possible for 1 will tell you the bitterest word in all aid them, and brought them to. shore., tried every possil,le art, Yuu rases' and not al] that anyone nail was heard Bonndly in tee warmth of the fire. curious act of Parliament was passed: them to keep up a rdryal ®tate. Phis our language, the word moat angry and O, that to -night. our cry might lxi lift- her how t.h^.y knelt down and put their by all the others. What Some of the dis- The tribe was one which had been „,That all w•ome,n, of whatever age, ,,vut all the mure opportune for 'the baleful. the word saturated with the ed long, loud, and shrill, till Christ the lips to t he lips of the insensible Pr- ciples heard was simply the words, visited by missionaries, and the men death of the Coantl de Chambord made most trouble, the word that accounts nwtmmer shall come and take u9 lest tient and hreaf lied and breathed, try= •• What thou doest do quickly," and bad 'no other purpose than one a[ rank, profession or degree, whether Carlo3 the legitimist pretender to the for all l.be )oalb9omeness and the pang, we drop a thousand fathoms down : for Ing to get the lungs to work, and at.' they supposed that the Master refer- grateful hospitality in bringing these virgins, maids or widows, that shall, tikrOne of FrtL([L.,e as well as that of and the outrage mud the harrowing; a man who will not pray wilt perish. last, when hs •just gave one feeble red t.o Judas's customary work. But, wandering white youths to their lodge. from and after the passing of this act, Spain. In the Count de C'hHmbord the anri that• word is "Sin." You spell it If you have been mucb by the water, sigh, they shouted all around the room: at all events, Judas Went out., and The next morning they ate with gas- male line Of Louis XV. became extinct.. with three letters, and yet those three you know very well that, when one Ls in "He 1 ive9! be live91" And now, to- therefore he never partook of ithe � the food which their haste offered impose ulan and betray into matri- Don Carlos, as the eldest direct male letters describe the circumference and peril help musteonse very quickly or it night, Your drowning soul, O sinner, Lord's Supper, the new institution of them, and expressing their thanks as mony any of His Afajesty's male sub- de9cmdant of the second Son of Louis ister,e the diameter of everything had will l,e of no use. One minute may I hope is by thin grace of Christ to he the new covenant. beat they could,' went their way. jests, by acents, paints, cosmetics, XIV„ takes precedence of the Duke of on earth and in perdition. Sin 1 it is decide everything. Tmnciediate help the resuscitated, We have gathered ar- washes, artificial teeth, false hair, Orlea�.ns, who claims direct. descent tram Lf,. Ae they were easing, While mill a sibilant word, You cannot pro- ma.a wants or no help at all. Now, that Oland you. Would that• this might t:e Spanish wool, iron stays, hoops, high- a; brother of the same moniirce. nounce it without ivin the siss of is ust the kind of a relief the sinner the honer when le supper. Jesus took bread. An un- g lI ,j you begin to live. The IeA.ve3fed cake. Blessed it. This w•ae OCEAN ANI) F:AR'Tl�. heeled shoes, or bolstered hips, shall It may I,e added rLaan intereaLing the flarme or the bias of the serpent, wants. The case is urgent, imminent, Lord Jesus Christ steps (IOwn, He gets incur the penalty of the law now in fact that, flat for the existence of Prim - Cin I And then if you add three let- instantaneous, See that. soul Sinking. on His knee, He puts bin lip to you Part. of the religious formula which A bucket 743 miles deep and 743 miles force against witchcraft, sorcery and cess Mary of Ri,varia, Don Carlos detvout Jews were expected to main - tern to that word it describes every Son of God, lay hold of him I It is his lip, and would breptthe pardon, and from side to side would hold every drop such like misdemeanors, and that the would also ba the Jacobi�t.e claimant fain. Take, eat; this is my Ludy. Luke person Ln this house, and every one in lash hour Of mercy. B(a quick I be life, ant! hersven into your immarttil when literally trnnslaled, says, "This of the ocean. This bucket could rest marriag(s, opal convic lien, shall stand far the F;nglish crown. the world-ainner. That is you and me. quick I O, I wish you a.11 understood soul. God grant that. this hour there null and void. The first wife Orf Joan Carlos died in We have outraged the law of God; h>ow urgent this Qospel is. There was a may be thousands of souls resuscitated is my body that it' in the act of being quite firmly on the British Isles. To � 1883. The last. years of their wedlock gkon for yew; do this a9 cL memorial Ipy not a..casionally, or now and than, but rasa in the navy ab sera, who Lad been from this awful spiritual drowning. I Fill the bucket one would need to work had lreeRi unha, and na Ona was sur - of me.' No words ever uttered have .. perpetually, T.he Bibb declares it. severely whipised fur had behaviour, stand on the deck oP iLe old Goapol ]0,000 class pumps, ease sucking up NT\V SAI'ETY CHh)CIZ. prised to learn that she ha.d distributed Hark I It thunders, two claps. "The and be was maddened by it, and he ship amid a crowd of passengers, and been the cause of such subtle specula- 1 000 tons of sea. i3�ut to get rid of the bulk o: her fortune among her fivv heart L9 deceitful above all thin s, and lea d into tble sea, and no sooner had tion9 and such rancorous hostility as A new safety cheek has a numuer of cleildreu, eut.tin g, Pe yet my soul is wrunx with sorrow be- t.heYe. Any thmLght.ful arson can :tsk the earth would ire 4,555 times mora rforated sections diver in from a ,g off the Don with desperately wicked." "The soul that be leaped intact the set), them, quick as catum f see some of you overboard find P difficult, requiring 2,000 great guns, � g g comparatively small annuity. Mons sinaoth, it shall die." What the Bible li ht.nln an alhatross swoa u. on cannot het the living questions by the dozen about. them each firm 1,000 prolectiles a second, central point at one end of the cheek, troubles once more weighed upon t'.4 g g, I P p you, May 13 I says our own conscience affirms. After him. The drowai roan, brought to that. no one is wise enough to answer. on which are printed series of dollars tLg Christ this hour put out for your res each projectile consist ng of 100,000 tons pretender to two nroevns. Jud a Mor an had sentenced Lad Jane his senses, seized hold of the albatross 73ut our Lord wets in' tho habit of us- From ons upward the aeettona 1peing no cast about hien far a mode of g g y cue, "spreading fart. Ats hands in Ing language of a highly figurative mf earth. p the end l 1,0b years this torn off until the right amount is relief. Within a twelvemonth after Grey to death, his conscience troubled and held ott, The fluttering of the bird the midst of ou, as a swimmer spread- " •. mundane sphere would be all shot iris first. wife's death the world waa �• Wins so much for the dee that he be- ke t hi•m on the wave until relief could Y sort; for example, a d the door, I reached. ti, P oth Earth his ]rands to swirit.' O that „ swap• c'a'rds h0eane, and all througb his in- come. Would that t.o-night the, dove of salvation might come t.o your house am the sho7rh©rd; atnd daubtlasa they - •__ __ startled "by the announcement of his sanity he kept saying: ' Take her God's convictin converting, and sAv- u'ndterstood that•, just as really as lie � engagement tO the Princess A4ltrle iia;r= i a+vay from me 1 Lad Janb Grey, Take i g' t.ely night. You nt reled th your- had broken that bread for them to PARADISE INCOMPLETE. SOLiDII!YING PETROLEUM. the de Rohan. She was wealth . She Y ng Spirit; might flash fres the throne selves, a»rl yatr fame need the samds o Iter away) Lady ,Tana Grey." It was upon your soul, swan, thab you, taking roll Ion. .Another op rtunit for Lea• eat, t his life was to be sacrificed the voice o'f his conscionoe. And no bald of its patent wing, might live and that their cite. might be prolonged, Tieaeheri-Now, J'ohnnfe, why did A Califaz-plan, by a epeeist process. lxilomged to a family which ba ions roan ever does anything wrong, how- five forever. vengi.9 closing, olosing, closing. More, he had told them that they Adam and Eve leave aradiseI Were- has succeeded In soddifying etroleum abl erted its equality with royalty, bni; "Y sinners, seek Elis gree, e(ntld and y p slue waa Wait a,:tua rr of royal blood, ever great or small, but his, eonsoiencp I wast to )eratrnde ou Co ni ht to y enter into eternal life b n't they satistled with it i' i to a black, solid mass, wh ch burns Ilvsnee the now marriage waa Id�okatt � brings that matter before him, and at la hold of this strop Swimmerg"No." HHHs wrath ye eatinot bear; eating his flash and drinking his blood nags'-Aio; Chep didn't have na out thri with thea smoke, and throws upon as a naeaal)iance by the legit.1/ ever Ste of his misbehavior Lt sa s; Y .• g " Fly to the shelter of His love, (,Jobe 0. 60). Of course th'ttit meant wheel• ontt thrice the heat. It can b, cant mists Y P Y Yau say, tt is aiwa s ruin. Thdere And find salvation them." la bricks is oltsan and gives out little _ . Wrong, rong. Sin is a leprosyt Gilt iS1�of rive or 1 o u!b, bA� 0041- t•bat they M1zgt sharp hth vital Atttvt- troletitm odor. -` �e a permysls, stn is m cotkromlliian Amltj, mtilla,nt from (e tact teat „cw•--- „��, _ tet anri tie animntasd try his agtrit of VERY T,ROE j OR APPEARANCE SAKE. sin is pollution, sin is death. Give it' whehr a strong swimmer went out. to Self-saerIflee, They ware to repeatedly a fair chance and it will swamp yon save a sinking man, the drowilitia man TWO SIDES TO EVRR,YTHING. do t.hiA aq a mlamorial of him. Rowitt--While I '+vas away I was EOR, MAIrM P�,T, Mistress ki saw two poliooman sit• Lady, mind and cowl for evor. In this clutrshed him, threw his arms around ¢7. !E%e took the Oup, and gave made a ]faro of. tint; [n the kitchen wile you last. night. world it only gives a faint intimation him, pllfioned hie arms, and they hot.b Ashley -But 'Materia is not ao bad thanks. Che passing around of i.he crop Jewett --Them lmttst have boon soma Tito American solft felt hat is all the Sric(�aat. of ftp virulence; but after for a thous- wont dowla tolgether. When you ars teat' say; thdle is a better silo to of wine m1exted with water waw part ma tcians where yofx were. rtLgeinthe ]call]] Autltralian oolonipa 33ridgot-Wall, ma'am, yet, wauldn'R : i and quedrIliloa of years it has ran- savialg a man in the water you <io not hlmi of the ceremony of rho pAssaver sup- �t+witt-�-'Wbat do yon! Woeful The•rmbblt pest ill tbwe +aaloui�es tray hov alt unmarried lady bo Pitt.in' alone Aneke.A your soul--wbat then ll You want to coarse uCi by this fare ; you want Rii.ttle-Tndeed, what is It 9 r. It w,aa preeecied by a. brim offer. Jewett-01ily a n'ttiglefah tion turd a yet boibdAe A Sott"G of wealth, as +hc Cvitb cslnly wan poN 'A 01n, would yez 6416 a patient % the first stages of ty- to copes Up by hip back. You da not Ashley--tMrs. McLorie. .. 4f flankoelving. jackn•s into a 11'611. that'd iia alt V*IUd tar f6it lotllaklag. 'me other wan vVNAa � tolu►Ir�eroyi. 0 G n �. - o I . . , r - . . . . l ,. . . E t •• M