HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-19, Page 8� �.. m '��'�4'�•^ �*MA�r , �sis�l� co;tioe would eao.a Liud �hazneolveQ , eu�oylr� �, n,�s� aup o# �+oaow, Tk� t� �4�r �p/� �p ` , �ex�esal use� a �q,ildar� lea� ax��.µl�ti�s� �r+ ��,./�11✓ a�+d d�r�a a4l�txttiou� iteve�a$a �la�n �- , oaffee. lt oRa?tai�l� �tit� `"p9x oQnt, pf • ' M �'�" -�4�^�'! d f�.t uan tt+v+alvep�ar oeut pi a�bumiuR�da. q7ai,�NTNG �'[T�TITU��. 7�10 �u�ke' it. ��b' a teaspooutul ot tl�a cacoa,--.soaut or gez�e�aua wocsor�iing to As tha beax at furr�i�u1^e wial grow ��e� aize of paur oup�-wit� a� t�aapoan- e�d .and s�ab4�' i,�} apkeaaxwnot�� ctara€ul #ul o;t su+ga�', ttll ug thb aup �vith soald� �ot��qk�D+ers sra ponata;�tly lightin� i�'�" hot milk aligh'tly diluted with l�o� th�a qp�,�ouaY o� w RAt�. dx� �1'D�1 t1�0��C W�.4;eF and aerve i�,bt with ��um� o! � out loaf su�ar �n ih�e aaacer. ho�ehaic� �ands Ytt ° tha wa,y af cb�i3a I,p you ha,4e a h'&nd gri.at mitl ar a �ud �a,blea� �,nicae new caffee �Il thr�E ha� not baen $11 fa�r�i.��rR. mo rae,tter h�w var� !ul we tnla,,q� �; j� lik�ly in ti�ne tp uaed %r u�qtlnimg elsp you o�a,n re-gr�nd L�a �oautmaa.l µa- it oomes �rom the +�tore ��ume a• .�,re��ay �,pp�ara�aa� whio�ti unbo �. R1our xh�t makes oatmeat pa,a� shox�td be �ovsd durilag the a,nnual �.gea th�t are eaid to k�e "deliaious. houseoleanin�g. In the followin� ,p�ti» To three aups a# ftour allow t�►ree tea- Qie �nre shaill e,ndsae�r to g�ive soxne hiut� apoonPule o� bakin� powder amd wet tLab may be vP aseista�toe, �' �.'�hia hattar rrith sweet m'ilk, add- If iarniture ie ver di,rC it ahbuld �ng a little salt. Or huttermilk and sode Y Y aan be used. ba washed ip water a,nd vinegaF-�qual A m'sxtnre-Aha.lf and l�a1!-of lard nad p�rts--�using s 1laminel r&g, and then, �p �ueC makea u�l e:�oellent pie oruat. after perteat dryiug, rubbed with a Tt is �lso better for fTying -purposee olea,n flannal and s little linaeed oil tha�n all lard, as there is less dnngen oE i�fore usi,n,� auy liquid or. oa�eam pol- �rtiolee fried i�n it 'tecoming tat soak- y�, ed. � Tf� the tw,bla b�aare the telltale marke leEt �y a h,ot glato, rub it we�.0 with, a I'RE�ERVING NA�.URAL FI.OWERS. flanx�el aloth and kerosene, 2iniahing fr�a.ke vary fine sand, wash it perlect- oYL with a alean cloth siightly wet with ly� clea,n�, an& when dry sift it thrau;gh rurpenti�e, .;Anothe� nota.ble hawae- a fine sieve inito a pe.n. ,'When the eand is deap en�oU�g'h tu �told the flowers in wifs resto� the ori�ginad poliah. when an wpr�,ght position take, sona� more it ha.v been �emoved by a war,ln dir�b, sifted sa,nd and carePwlly cover them. with linseed o�l rubbod iaa witl� a piece ��°Aa ie a�good� fthing to t,ake far � th�.s, aa it fills �n eve,ry ohin�k► aud+cran- oP lin�e�n, c2u�;nging the linen until the �y ��� brea.kin,g or bending the table is perfecstly dry. leaves. 'VPhea the pan ia fil2ed so�idly, Unsightly fimger uLar�ke .diaappear leave t'he �flawers to dry Par �edernl from varmished furniture when rub- days. �it �ie a giotod p(tan, to �warm t}�e bed with aweat oil, a,Rd Yroxn oiled wood BA'°� ��e olven� beR�re, u�itug it, as the ffiowera will then� dry mpre thor- if kerase.�e is tu;bbed on tive epqta, m�ghiy. ,�C¢ taging the sand AfE, great A bruise ehiould be treated with a�xe mu�t be ta$ea rwt to bren,k the pisce of brown pape�C �olded eevern�l �eaves, as they are �apiw dry and,brittle. Pansies preserved In tLie wa,y will keep times and aoaked in hot water. Over �gu 8hape and brtllianay af color ali th�i� hold a m,oderatsly warpn iron un- �vinter, and many other fkowers can be tu �11 ateuaniug ceasea; i't neceasary �'4��lly �cesefully trea.ted.-e.n�p- repea.t ths pr�ceds, remembering that thinig, in Eact, where the ftill prassure olntl �.pplication doe�s not alwaycr turn °'� �H sa�rl �°m�ea on both sides oF the ou� a suoce�s. leaf ; other�visa they will ahrivei. TA rilwaya �pkly eloohol sparingly up- fi11 in flawers wiGh oiyp-like sha.pes it ou iura�iture, it a,L all, or i� will uc�st;roy � bstter to lay them oni thq eand �, n'dI tue polLvh. lu rubuing wood, tollow the �h a�n,a11 spoon fill in und; around gx•uui, uud ra ndt ruu again��t it any each flm�er. Ferns whan preserved in uxore tlivrn yau would i,n people iP wish- �'� S°�y bave a more natural look than La whan gressed, and the m�idenhair fern i.ng a happy result. lioo]�s almost as wel! ae when it is fresh- all u.phn!»tered fur�aiture must be ��Athered. }�eal.o� wiLh a ca,na assd Ghan wiped «•lth a cheeaeoloth �Luater. A grease sp�oi ou upholakerq is re�mpved with aq- k DOMrS'!'IC � RECIPEB. ual p�rta of o,ther tun�ci ohlorofortn. Cana pieplarnt Fritters —P�ee1 i, ten- ae�atad oha,ire require a vigorous ecrutr 9°�� u� with soagsuda in which drop �z der p'va-pla.nt and cut tlhb stalks two liti�le aanmonia ; snrub both eidea oE the and a lxalf i.qohes lon�g. Malce a batter sr,aC, rinse upd dry in tho air. oP oon�e aup oE mp,lk, ona ou� oP flour, in Amung tYua mamy liquid and cream y�.hfiah' you havr, sifted t� half teaspoon- p�olislve� given by excellent authorities �u�ere are a few that ara sixnple aad� ef- �1 0! bakiu�g po�vv�cler amd a pinch of Yectual, buC reniember. the vig�oroua �lt, aud ona eg�g a.nd the whuite oP rubUixLg ia the ma.in i�rgredient ofi ev- �aather. Beat the sg�g well, stir iato ery recip�e giveu: the m;ilk, add the tlaur, thvn the beat- 'lw�o pa.rta of linseed oil, the aaxue eu white af the other egg, with a little oP a.lcohol and ona part of� turpantine; Srated lean,ou peel. Dip eaoh piece of io, a qu�art oE Chis add a.n ouuce, of the i�ie-plant. ia t�e �batter and !ry in boil- epirits of e,ther. A�rolishing cream is ��6' lard till a bright golden brown. tnade oi equal quanLitie�a of lin,aeed oil, D�ust with powdered sngar, and serve turpemtina r�nd beesrvax melted cogeth- with a liquxd eauce. er anu used cold. Ra[�ised Dot�g�hute.--On�e �agg ; one r'or very oXd fur'niture a.p espoci.a,l �e ot compressed y.east ; oue cup of p�oliah ia recom,memded af half a9n.ounce ar • one-ha1P cu, oi bwtY.er� one int of gum asabia cund two ou�nces each ��K; milk. Mix all to � � ;af copal gum and powderad el�,ellaa gum; g�ether at aight, dissolve nn a,quart af apirita oE wine, with flour ,sufficiemt to make the bat, eat iu a warm pla,ce and shake the itwt- ter abou�t the eam�e as for bread apon�ge. tle well every twemty�Your, hours un- In Y.he morni.ng mia up, keeping the, til the gums are tb,orot�ghlq disaolved; dou,$h� as soft ae posaible. Le�t riea till etrain 1;hrou�gh a wooleu oloth and rub �i,�ht, roll ligh'tly a'nd ou.t in rings. Let on with a aaft piece of Plannel. tham riae u�ain abowt 15 minutes iu Equal paxrhs ocf linseed oil, spixite of awarm place ; Pry im hot lard till done, wiz�e, turpentine a,nd vine$ar florm a then sif�t powdered augax over them: wetl-tri�ed p�oliah but some prafer a mix- k'risd Rice.-New eprin;� is bere, nnd ture of ona pint oP linae,ad oil, two one 7iea grown tired of the thi.nge� eat- ouncea of alka.�et root and a pinoh of � e11 tiviuter, rica and hominy, pre- rose gink ; let it sta.nd for twelve �lyoura P�red iu differitxg waya, will be found x 'g ih�en rub qn the furniture and dq not very acceptable. T�o prepare rice for �lish it aff for an ]ybur. ErYinnig. boii it en�d whsn done -put it !sn escellebt Purniture varniah may �4 ���h with a 6pY0T, and weight the �Oro macie, of ei,ghlt ou�ncea of whitd waa latter. W'hea perfectly oold cut in m�lted a.ad �tvidwally mised witlr one �li�ces, roll iin elgg and cr,aaker aru,mbe �int oI oil pP turpeutine. When wi1- and�fry in blot fat a� yow would dough- uw chairs lose their aoa.tural �oloi it �uts. Eat v�n"t�; m�apl�e or su;gar ayrup. 3a said that a ealution of chlorine will ���nut Pie.-VV'h2p three egge light, restore it. ; , with Pour Itablespoaufuls of aug�ar; , pbur two cupa of hot milk on them, and " 1 -� atir well. Flavor �viLh vanills or nut- IN TH"E DINING-Rp0]Yi. , m�eg. W"hile a�tiil hbt atir in half a cup , Hard-wood. ,41oor� after laying aro of gr�.ted cocoannt, svre,ete,n it with two � asually wased carefully and,pnlishad, �^b�P�nEula of powcLered sugv�r. or they are coated with ahellaa, and, $Q�'t over th�e -fire for three xniautes, I �.fter drying, ai•e vasnish�e�d; either pp line a pie tin tvith X,aste, brush over wit7v white of egg and baloe. theae meth�oda render, them qu�ite im- R.ice Pa,ncakes.-ItuU a cup oP cold pervioua tb ,erease or watler. Where, ti��� rice amoath witb e. tablespoon- �for ane re�on or."anothgr, the hard- ful oE melted bntter mnd a teaapoon- wood floor is uuattaivabie, the eziatin �1 of ee.lt. Beat into it three well S laeate+n eig+gs, than stir in a quart oP lloor. i,s plaued emooth, the craakg and milk with three even cups of Plour }ninin�ga filied with putty and wood- ivi whieh you hu.ve aiEted a rounded tea- l'illi�;g, c�,a,d atained to harmonize with �'pO°��I of bm.ki�n�g powder. Do not g�at the eurr.ousdi �e batter too etidY. mug woodwork. Two or three coaio of� �taiatt apyd one oE shellac gEEPING CI.OTH�ES LOOBING WELL. �ill be fm�atd to wondsrfullq im,prpve It is the tumo,bli:ag about on chaira �a aLmoet hopelesa floor. a,pd hedgoet that ruiuoa que�ntitiea oP The Eurniture for the dini � �`'xO°'m' olothea, amd thus dresaes are ofterl Euclades a, bulfet o7c sidsboar.d, ag larga �• �orn owt" tvbile not being worn ia I+s may ba, with a drawer, velvet or ° ihamoie liaad, for the amall table eil- the autual eenae. A�p authority advfa- rer, with oloaeta for, the week's supply e� wptne� to han g �11 dneas waist� and ef ] inen, and shielves or an enclosed skirt's, but auspend t%em on �" oaat rpa.ce for trea�sursd bita o! glaas and h�.u�gr,rs; ' not on ,hooke or naila. �he oh;ma ; two lax�e ar,m-ahr�irs, with side way shopkeepe�s onre far ready-made Chaire to m�'tch them--siz or, more, ac- �arsnante is un eacelien� object leseon. wrdivg to the size oE tkte room e,a8 Lf you cus►'t �et the ready-made artiole the uumher in th�e family ; a Yirm es- m�a-nttt�aature it. Hm1P a barrel h�oop, te�ion :table with as many eztra with e. loop at strin,g tn the middle, leavee ae the roam will parmit; aside- makee a sati�faatary subatitute. H'ang- twble to hold accasaoriss durif�g u1ea1- in�g ouly serves for 7�,vy fabrics, not time ; d, ecreeu ..ta sLut ribbon aad when th�0y are o� tbiat goods. In that tashes ,matehi��g the color pf oEE case garmenxs are apt to - beoome drawghts and uadeairable glimpse� in- atringy. Light mm,teriala muet Ue fold- ko the pa,utry; oloseta with glaes e�idss ed, eleeve& aud bowa etu,ffed out with wnd doora to ]ilold c�"uua and not 'in �is+aue gapar, and all Ig�ve�a plenty oE dai{y use ; and, ls�tly, a sate, bnilt in room. 8kirts ahould be �iruahed wh�n ihe wa1L, iL paseible, or awio�aled in ru.ken ofP at►ci thsn p�ut n'bPay at once. w cox*ner oP the wai,tqasootin�, for the pro- - --. tocttan oL the eilv8r, � iHOW, 'I.'p 6�E9J� LETTEIiB. 4�UGGEBTIONB TO $OUS�BEL�'�RS. �ame uamplains thsit ahe oattnot� ma�ke a �ieat, perfeat eeal oo� letter or New wooden paile nWnetimed� "ta�t� nats. �.`�ie tS.tiy eilvar dipper with o[ the wood." To remove it, fill ihe 8y�n�er e•baay handie ablvee the pro- �a.il wit� boilin� w�ter nrid iet atand �,� pm,. �r, ��eta.l bowl filled� tLil cold. Uidsol�e tto7np �pda i1r luke- wC"t� wax, artd hald an [nstant aver warm w��tax, addi•ng Q lfttle T[nCme Co it, th;� �1htli�ey-jtutt enaugh t�v�aa fs iinelted and we.ah the inaidia at thg p�ail with tty ptl'ttir [n arburid (in envelope tlap ►t. 8cald agaLn with botli�g wateir�, uuly i�qaLring tb;e fm�i�� oY eenl, td The sot�pgtane gridtiltl i�►ke� ti$� �e1.�- be co+m�slets: "ne�.t a1�d perEedt." rl'lieiti� ce,�ce,�, so the co�ke �ay, inttte�d `otC iry- �� pa� v�*ri;e�i pu�xch�sed �.re aLready� Lta� th�m. %t ri�t�at ne^aer na, nawer PI� �stsh �niitY� ,� dfffeY+�nt waar. 1�ix�f � � aa�► be� o"hanged rwhep� eonpty ta euiiti uuder anq aircx�Une�apet�i, be greasea; g�y1s o�C Pa.�aop, thns d,oi,�g e�er�vtoe f.ar fyue of tive pr�gressiVe lior�sel��ep0r's Y6air�r. ,:,• ah�iat oares i� ta �Caap t�;e bi�r� �irl --- ..-�-.�-. tYo r' mu �,tni�ng 'h�� ana�pktone gridale by TH'E MAN x�o �EE. j�reedilvg it. Keep it ole,a,�u, 1e;t it Leut ��y���.�� i��ista u n rid 1p,p+ alnwiq a.nd l�esp grease a�Vaq �1Com I3i0 � fl Lt, , habby, �,nuduncgd the anxiotte wi4e to �N�earl all u,dd;in� t�e +�i.`das-��a.i�X.a�. fa�ilnily ,�fiq�sielap a iyni q p �. made $y di�tva� ��,g a�a tve do �bou.t tt v� tfens that i�a�quir�e t�iem ha �e �wtler5l .3 �et�r r.nmsr�l� a�prea doat�r, ou�� �e balced: �xaA�tXq aa vt��ll ttad, n,r� �--W-•• ju�t ag �rfod The tinib for bn.kin �� 'Wg"Y TtC�'%`XST�Y �iO�` �'�'It'.C. wtrout halP thaE req�,uax�d �Ca�� boil�ng. A, 8ea��h •la��le, �'an1� h�r rso.�ae� af�er �a,.iv�l� du�i�niingxi u.7r� �r,,:r ,botter tr�.lr- bott,i�+ ��.riri�d� w� unwiilis� �,tibbt, 'by ed t'han �o41�acT, no�t t+o ine�tiar� bnfng �i�f m��hbr to tl� bnn�-���, ta �# �i� tnaor�e �igesti'bt�, . legl �et, vt� �keil i� t�ie maaii p"t�latio� _�A� the �orr,y cw�s�cs� i� oa�niag, iq. ���,�, hurt ��t. �T�. �t�id �'twk, it dld��' i�� nnt kr� aYn�.s� "Eo ir�miti� �btY�u- �itii�t �t�e. ��ric% �dri i� �rldln�.' libr pai � t��hiu�ed in�Tfcsr mata���s�a �t� u3t1 f�1, a�,ic� hi� rr►a�hear. �ihl s�cs�iSted Jr,��, i��b�ar� Gh�C tTat� �t�7� IhE�tl WdixCl��" ��+'$ �tl9� Iria�,lld�'r i jiY�lE �et 1lttli �cT �ii�d1�6, wviil Y+�1�iti�'��ti�A� or� hiti�l fut�bl� 'i�'i' t�t� edtitllltT lgg. �, e�, i�i us�], tx�tox� t'�Z� ��,�t� tt�� twad%- ,*"��y�,�, �y.� � 'Wl�i� .1� Y�[tt�� �'1���'$�i (i�T �tl�" �N.��� �.�.�D'LI���IM�r IDx1 ���t'% ktti 1Sat� 6:1 �h� �Yit1t�d "+Waii fCa- �(i'11�$ 31'1���i� ,�TS� �t4�ie� �fth�'� 'i��i 0 �t)ote thU r�i►Xo� ti�i Cbihiit�k#n �x��1C � � �h�ri�g. ox ��e�ititg dr��r��i, do� (`f�Ui�nnre�� 4, . � �`a.�� z���� +rr�u+ fia� t6�� c�ri�►a�t � mt�traa►� �t�n ter �. stu�t ��� �i�s, �n�: . ��r��d I�� � 'pWlr... . • t �. P � .� - ,�. , . . . , --------�—�----��,- ---��. 5011��,��5'.�'A���S WA �AK�R :� * kaound tar Ne� YQxI� withi likwle 1ik���� �����T�'T��+ �.'�t��1�1p��"�'. W�,���.Kpplto�pt�. Aro wro�peard tor.* �uuac# n� 1a.t�x �nuohi�t at au M �n�n,n •r+�Gk��at • ` �+ , . _ g y ,�arw •t��1C� • Qa Q�� sTQll�}: @xP��J�ned t�9. �f�1x �9�114l� , ,_ ;_ , ' e. u�,r _i �1itt� �Ak4�� �'��aM�u.r ��XIn �taR1��: ' �, ,, , tt38 �?��T 19ug vOY+�ge. Wi�h be�t° Gax64 • � 'r ��,µQ.. T �a'Ve. � � � �t��r �T��.l��. � . �c �vo's�d � �YarA ��. ��oiiier�^, , . . � �he waul�. aa�a"�e a pxiz�a w,nr.tQu at leasx . u�oth��a . aw, �19,c� �ou � �A . , ...----- �2AQ,OAp �io �ha aui��ds a�► l� ia.;nA� , bea� $o �varxied� � • : ����� ; t tl►a rctu. - � , . �' ' ; � �`' 'VIFh dear, ho asked, �nrhab � �ha ma�� �� : tL1 �3,ke4 R� ... . p iX 7 Y r ,., �e. s1o�o ..�t . �a.. � � 1�.pQ�i �i $�t`{�t�P�l".11�tt �#�8 �Ct1d4�Cl�,t .�ng �w��ad?��,�w1,'tk�.e�reioxe, �tt�at th� �Q�y , . , ��?AQ•Q�YI.ON� �E�. � . . �l C�S��1 �• ter 1 ` i�ty o.� PQ'Ft��u.1y, ?�� a: ��yv Q� tl�# �a1�- �.... a+,�c�e �,{oli�d.c� 4a cou'a4te1}an�p9, RxivatQe�C:. it'� �bamlt ��ja babY, I t�ena�!le _ t4 a6 50. �0 .5A and BD a.eate g.r pound. _ . . 'a whicla a�e �oo �rec�,uaa��Y ,;�'��' -- , . , �t�'� 'w#e�l �1�e�re c�re �xoc� #i�lty xo pnQ . . rnQ. a!'�oN�P�IN Te�►. ao.. � . ".�- , ' �u�xc�ra�, qt ►�sh aud.b R�'6z�s aqw op !tbe �hiu�c o,! �t. 3�ow knayv they e�Y c,h��d- 7�'e4��6�an et. �l., TorontAh : nwwsru�du,ys. ZC u� �� r���take �o c�Qrk Lu..nBe� a#.eart �n� Kld�ta�ts, w�tc'� K��oL• • � u � .� .. .a ---A 1 R.wn wn. ��' ae�, r.�n tbat ara ftoo am.uxt ttaaar gr�w u�• . . � vP#� YRu are uot in a Ri� �ondit�,an �, . ed � �tQ , ,An,a�,h�r �x�;rapie o� �lpis alaea ia tha Y'es, Yea, k�a Qrxede 64 OA 1 i��18,� �� ltl �j�w AND EBTt�'fE}f boUR41� e�m ' ` �a. To take o[E l�av und,eroloth � �'T wa� verY m�.u�,h �'ua dcnm, }1.�;Yl,P�' ��' p�I?�� +�.�yW�, wth'idli �.4flt ZtY�w '7�t'qr� �exa i� p�r darling� �'4 h�t -h�� Y1� ,�,i� I�A� axehanat�I. Tarm. mai� . : �a � �ee�+ �i4�; �az� meeveral �paantl�. � had Qn �'am. �,3u laat�d f. 'r ran iae . Bened f Go, oa IS c. �ew �It M. sINIP��N, Rnal �tato � iuuQ because you ]�ave b�co�ae averl�eat- a Sax� �` A q . ` iuV �o]an� »$a aat,d� �uittiug.her a.xmg ar- Tqt�nataI ,�gent;ll�o�,teeal. Qlaq, x��n try�n� difiaraRi, remedies wbic}� Tben'e i� no �tQlllu� wQiera ahe may� be �� �is naok ewpd sobb�qg uix� ad. Z}o thi;wk tbar �ha more a pereo� did �,ne µo good. I rrowld hu¢e �avRre at. '�hia ti�nq„ and �a� az�vn.flxa ure naGu.�^� ,� �� y n hia lN111�, Miu� #� Nru �.y eat� tlae uealthfer aud #txon�p� � h�e s�ells of oou,g�mng thu.t w�o�t,d l�a,ve pn� ally a�xi�ou� pve�r �IYta danger of �er ��''ee��� �a'e exwd da ds, to-da ,�ud hQ Harrtetoro,eto.,��mo .N h, will k�eca,�e. To L�elieva that ckuldrQ�t pro��t�rate. I wae told, �l�at my luwgs being ca�tiwred and te9c,en ta a poxt is o�tly 9• mo�tJYp old I ��� � We�rle Hld w, �t1�iilr ' were affpoted, and my �eart a�na �ia- w{h�re al�e aan ba oonven ed in�s1,.�l.xi.z�., O°'� �"�••��' �- -°' aa,n do as r.n�uts� wor�, ae �rowu peo�ile. . ...�.... _. ._ . . . .. .. . * �ieys tiv$re iu a 6ad conditiopt: iII fq,at, money. . ` _. ` aQd thut tfie aiore they �tudy ��i� cnore �� �eeqlad as thowgh evary organ was All 1Tt ea13., �r9,ue bp�t' ent�Y,hpir.itiee p,dmit �vorpy�� eTantnres tor w. �: MAN IN pIdTRE�6. YOUNG LADiES 6tead�, pleno�ni employ. theg letirn. 7,�o go to bed la�e at �ight out af orcier. .0 tolt tb�at Bomethiu•g tTha,t ttf�are ia u tremenduus dapger ta and ri:,e at dr�ybr�ak r�nd imagi�ae thai must t:e daus and �y brotIlar adviaed Americ�r� �hdppi�p;gu yv�� littla or no ,'A v�rhele fe�uily sufite�ipg. A dull aah- �80 MOPiTHLY ��eut. Bmd lbo, N�rw�. fa.indopeud�nE�+oUNI me to try Hood's �arsapari] la. I pFo- ahanoe 40� qn adeq��a'te Te rtsal, for tihe ��B' pf nerve or uxuaole, or ths aouter io., Taronto, On� ever hour taken from sleep ie an� hour P. gained. rlju imagine that if a]ittle �u�'ed a hattXe anad began tw'king it. Spani�Jy m�rc$�nt marine is not one- [�'DBt�' aE Aeuralgia, toatheahe, or luin- iaE��►�s zEsrFn tor (3otd, � work or �exercise is �ood, �violent or �Fare it wag hmif goae I felb thnt it tent:�r as val•u�ble as the Ame�r3,can, and �8o makea liEe a r�ir�ery. But Nerviline wriewtor n� ` rolo ed exerciae is betCer. Tp oou- �$ ��lping me. I oonttmued ita pse vt��re �e �paniard� have ten chanCea �erve-p�.in oure-w�ll • reliava all AZL xON L. A�RB1�X. B. A so.,. , n � and ilt �as mnde me a new woman. I to ma9ce a oaphulre tAve Amerioaus wiil t��• Nerviline ib power�ul. PeAetTat- ltl �6. duorament ah., Montieal,. ` uLuds tbat ihe smalle�t raom en the cuqnat �ies it too hi hl D�.rs. not �have one. ��, • iu�, and eifeotual. � houae ia lurge en�ough to sleep in. To �?T� $ y•�� � �` i sleap exposed to a direet{ draulght wt 9u.nwnerville, 217 Ossin�gton Ave., To- " — __ �_,,, C �A���►�. ,,. a.ny seaaon. �lo i:m+a,8'ine thati wha,tever ronto, Ontnrio. spl6�i,r. Or.l�iiER IYA�Y'. I ° � 8' p y. � remedy oau.�es one to fee! immediatelq g 8�E NOTICED. Laap and Savin s Cpm an better, as alcoholio etimu]an,ts, Por a$_ Hood � Sar�ap�rila� �`here are wanderPU,1 thinga we are go- �, $rid�et; I told yow to noti�oe v�han ���RATBD �5. ?! amp�l,a is good for tba system, w,ithou�t inig tu do, k�he apples hoiled qvar I" Pa1d•up oaplw.... .... .*....,...t �,000,00� Is C4ne,da'a C�rea,teeG Medtaine. ��td 6y aq Sure I did, mum. Zt was a Uar�eT- AWetr .. . ... .... .. . Y1,4pp,0�0 ra,gard to tha after ePfeota. Tp eat aa drug�tete. �i ; �ix tor 95. aatonly Hood'e. Su�:.e other day ; 9 xeaq Oftloe-Toranto 8G, TiroMo. i.f you: had only a minuhe J.n which to -------- --- ----•---- - Atnd harbora we hope to drift fnto paeit eleven rvihsn t'hey bailed over. /ranob Offloea--Wlnntp�g, Man, Yanpouvar, �.p � uot eastly, promptly and Some othet' da DttrOsiTa reoeived sb interesb �►yabla bqj! finish the mea1, ar to eat withouk an �OOCI 5 PIIIS efteotively: 25 oanta y' yearly. appetite, or to conttnue a£ter it bae With folded 'hu�nda the oare that trail, D�asx�raxRa iganed [or mone� depoeited for' been satiafied to grati�y the tuste. 7.10 We watoh a�nd wait for a#nvoritd gale, t6ree or ff�e yea�e. ive un�eceeaary time to a certain es- 1b fill the folda of an idle sail �( '� Mox��t Anva�oaa on Reat Ee6�,te at Iow - B p i � � ratee ollntereaE nnd on favorable oottditione, tablihed roatina oP hou�ekeePitl�g when ��RIC�N �HIPS �T SEA S°me other daq. + Lnnd Mortqagea and Munioipni or �ohool � it qould be more profitably spent i� ' We �know we must toil iE evor we win Dlniormaiionumay bo qbtained Lrom, and ay► rest or racreatiou. �Te tru�t that �-.� � 6ome othar day, ��" plicatioas muy bp mnde to those little mistakea, which, ae we CHANCE FQR RIC$ PLUNnER FOR �'� We say to ourselvea thera'n time A MFSiT�jL ATH'LETE. Gt, F. R. HezeKie� (ieAeral d�en Wtnn�peg, pointed out ��.bove, �re so apt to be � Cse�s� J. Mee�xc, (�onarat �ent, VRn. naade� will in Eu,ture he avoided. THE SPANISH NAVY. �O b�''° Wi1e a� uctive ae ever, R�u�be g oonver. Soma other day ; or Yo „ �y 'Yep. S�ve kiu j'u.7q1p e.t a OonclU,�siOII J. H�pBERT MA80N, Man n Dlreotor� -- • And so, dsferrin�g, we loiter ou. � g 7W Yenkre ver,qele F��r From Port �vttb quick's ahe could forty yeare ago. Toron A� CHEAP l�� DICINE NO iden that t6e wiir Ia �enU on- Unti1 at last we find withdrawn ^� - — ' T�he strecygt� af the ho� �we leaued� �tnblicLad 89,ateamere one �t�� • �'Yltl�oqt Hockuning 7`laelr Uur¢oeg Tnoy qy�op� �R7Dn ���• lg;��� AgKre_ate �� Tocal oe 8b4.4aa,o7R. Some ather dey. �artford d� V�m Tir.es ALLAN �.i l� � [S O�TE THAT WILL PROMPTLY AND 'A na,reEwl reviewi of h1�er we�Qsly com- A'qd whan we are ald and ot�;r raae is EFFECTIVELY CURE. Pend'vu,m of �t� New Yarik Dlari�time 1'UIII, � 8eod O�ce— • 8 AdelaWd d0. W., mo�aac�. . �t j,. /��l RegiateF� yuat issued eh�awe tALat there �me other day, � 819, R,oyal l�atl St�e[�,ulsllip l,�Vy a�,g �� `We fret far the thi►igs that might hr�ve mr. 1�onn e�tc�a ot Bed�etow•n. Tetia uo�r Preaent mament on t�e hiugh been done Montreat to �.iv�rpool. 17a �� 8peat Dollae Upon Dpilar lu seas esac�tly 7G0 vessels flyswg� the Am- Some other day. ��D MILLa-9tee1, G}alvanlced, Roller i.,,,,,� I Vnlo 6ePore FlndfuR L6e IIedtalu� � and $all Bparin�s, Iron Pampa, ' eiTiCBII ilag, W'e traoe the pa,th that leads us where gDrn.qare, and Qrain (}rindere. Qould, 9teamers eaii trom Moutreal erary 9ntnrdq! 7'dat 17nred aun. Of oau�ae ih{{is does noA repreaent all The beokoniwg hand ot •grim despair ih�p�ey & Mulr Oo.. Llmited, orantford, Oanada. �orning on arrivil ot traine trom Toronto an� .v ', From the Sta,ndard, R.idgetown. h Leada us yolnder out of the here� , the Weet6bouteo'alooY. tlhs American �hdpping naw engaged in • �� RAT�1S Oy' PASSAd� People wha reu,a Yrum weeJr to week Some other day, of t,pe znarve/oux uures eYfeated by �e camme�e of Uhe world, far tbere oaMn 462.6Q and upwa�de; 8eaand q�b9r the Usd,ot ,Lr. Willia,ms' PinL' Pilla lit- eare men eRiS, s Uhm,t are safe in part, S8! and and �86.26: Ateerage to Li�erpoe� y p Londoq plaegow, Beltsa J�oadonderrp o� tle ttiing the�c right in their midat ex- and none of 't�gae 'have been i�ncluded in �A1 TOWN BZYSTERY. � t�ueens�own ;22.ao and 523.�. ist man ���ho ha.v0 beenu raliev0d frum = A reduotion o! flve per cenG fe allowed o y ialifl reckonin MYB• �oe,psv,ds-�IB your sori's wife a ronnd trip dret end seoond cabin tiakeGi, Fo paiII �nu s7btiering by tbe use' of these g' go d hodu3ekea�er. �ANTED THROU(#HOUT eailinge o! eteamereor other intormatioa apDl� wonderLU�l, liette pills e,fter l�aving nuf- 'imla �onnugee are taken from Ghe reo- A���T� Oanuda. Quick ee111nM liuea �any 4nthorized a�en� Msa. Wet�moErp-�A.1'as, no.6he doesn't sa.mpte,termeandoata.togua ` f01'ed 'U51CO1Q &gOri109 fOT moIIt�l�. qnd p�uR�l,ielhed bq �lhe AIXl0T1C&n 9hip- kIIOW �beans a�owt housekeeping, t1,IId � efatppa MANUFAOTUR8N8' AOENDY AaQOC1A- 8. Soarlier, 1 Ktag &� W. TolOriLq Mr. John f[iL'ch, a man �uell and fa- ��gr�' Association in New TtorUt. 1�ie the woret of it is ahe's too iudolant T�oN, RO Alexls SL, Montreni. �r S. & A. A1lan. Montreal vgra.bIy 1:nown throu�hout the aonn- vnlue;btons a� It�e estimates of an as- to ]earn. Her $onee doean't get swept � ' " ty, was aver ready when apportn�aaity all �;hrovgh onca a mQnth, and I nev- O ��r�,r ~ w�NTBR RBSOi�`P. n�'fer�d Lo spen.ic a word la pra�ue of perienoed marine nunderwr[�ter, �p er �a,w �er with a ecru:b-brush, fioor- J.N.ANo�paeN,M.u.�No.60ollegeat �tk�ese ,�iics u�nd wap nevor, tired af re- �,� �y,�re can obvi.au�sly be no bebter �lot,h or even a cLuxtrbrnsh in her hand TORONTO, out. �, ������ connmending tLeru to hia frienda. A�,��,� �ae valuations are for the et. 6he doesn't bother her head a�baut NO8E & TNtROA'P � a � P ^' a��presentacive oR. th'e Sta,ndard, anxi- anythin awy;to knorv of Ohe cu,use of 712r. �Iitch's �LPg �bbemsolves, and no reditonin,g ia g escept to run, into tha ��t_ EYE, ��Rf SPBCIALIST �. -- �--... - chen �two or three times a day and get ATLANTIC CITY N �eoommendatian called nylPon h�m at his made far iF1ps vaLwable oargoea rf�ey are �'d'i►�'�'�1ti�► ho�me rbc;ently and wpon telling i.hit ut� 1ittIe dishas he ,likes, eaad the rsat -•--..------. .. -- � • �• oa,rryiug lrom port to port, of �the time sbe s ende readin or ru�n- OPEN' ALL 1iHE YEAI�. ge�'tleman the objeat of his vieit Mr. ��� � tOve sini ]9 item oE vesaele P g� Woonn out roa� 1898 Fenae , J3itch consented to an interview. The B uing e�rolxnd arE go,lleries, aqd sucb �enQ�� F��Q�"�weovnt3nLaSf. We olaim FINE31� HOTF.L ON TSE COAST, s�tory in kis o�vn words is as follow�: t�e BPania,rds bave a ohance Eor a g.rosa places, or qip in her room ma.king he�- we have 6ha bnet �nd moeb prnatloa! fence on Buu parlor 90�0 feet long overlaoking esrth. Four miles of it in nee at the �zpori. "In tha winter of 1H91 I wav taken with self IooCs gretty. ocean �,nd heacdi. es�lanade. 'Paouum auffi 02 $64„466,�75 tn prize money.'14iese ment;al Farm, aueluh, Ont, sond tor prices. eteam beatin s< aceevere �.ttac l�u[ lw grigpe,trom whicb �hn s aca eaa,lt(tere� all over tlhe world, �'�• 6oa��suda-Dea.r mel Fiow does eddreAs Toronto Pioicet Wire Fenae Ca., g Y-tem. Elevator to I wae coAflnaei �t o the house Eor aome p he stand s�u,eh a wamia�n 4 Rzi River 8t. Toronto, Ont, street lavel. iHot and cold, fresh and �ime. 111ta ���as followed by aevere many o�f'�'hem in plaoes �ylhe�re tlhey are Mra. bVetmnpp-indee3 I don't know; — ealt water in all baths. Rooms ea ins and awellin s of m lower limbe. reall wiitbwult a artiale oE protection �'�e jus�t do�es on �er. , auitg, batbis attached. I�conswlted a p�iy�ician snd he told � p • �NIP �OUR PRODUCE TA111�E8 B. g.EiLLY, Owner and Pro � beyo.nd �eiur own epeed„ and tituis la � _ , -__._ Butter, 6 � � me it was auute'�, rheumatiama I con- relie,nce 't'ha't is not' very tar-reaching, gyts. Appl�s, Pru1t. &c., to tinued nndaT Ilis care for about two 7711E DAW�ON OOMM18810N 00., Llmited, mioaths. i�vae unabie to stand alone, eaoept ia s!ew 'usolated instanaea� '1Th'e , 'HiOW IIE LQ9T Aii9 JdB�• ' I int et Ws�t ►lsrket and 4olborn� BU., TOnON1tq bw't sometimes when I got started I�merican merah�an�t marine does not An eX�b�e te��s tbe s�ry of �n old � TA M M E R � wQs able Lo make a few staps wnaid- �cLwde many audh� 4lyeme as �Jhe S�. colore<t man who asked a whi�te man iP � ���■ � ed, The trouule was principaliy in my he couLd give hi�m wot'�. Ths white� Eeet and cl�ung �to me ail summer I'°�is� �th°' P'a�Mg and tAis Nsw� Yordc �n u�ked the negna if he had a boat, envnaea ---- - m lang. I Criod almost everything that and oP fir'h�e oth�er eteamere almost every �rhen the negro replied, Yea, boss, the CHLTRCA'8 AUTO-VOC15 INBTITIITE,, friend�a su$�eated, hqping' to gain re- one iA wthite u�an responded• o�embroka at., Toronto, oanada. lief; but neither medicine ta,ken in- LIABLE TO CAP1�YrRE. 'well, you see all that , drLftwood CURE CUARANTEED. . FARMIN� DON'T PAY. �ya,rdiy no�r ,liniments applied extern- ploati�ng down the river 4 ;•,. ally gave �te any reli�ef. The pain was by �t�� epeedy Spani�h aru:iaere and ,y�,, y�b, was the replp. . F.v�RY �'ARMER hie own, r;,y' very �reat, and I was oanly �too ready gu�nboa�s. With thei�r oargoes, t'hey 'We11, ihen, c.o�ntinued the white man, millei. Pumpinq. �rinding, • Fw'saya Jonea, and he reeolvea to Ue- Gp hry aDy�thing �Sug'$ested. I epent entting and eawing, anel tha wauld affor+d more prize monay tor �the 9°'u row out in the river a.nd oatah' windmade�oobeyyonwltd-. �� a"nian'ak'�cdurar." �He buys a ;�r. d,allara upon dollara in dootar's utedi- that driftwood, and I'll give ydu hal! out grambling, b uein� onr �e•nce maohane„ a"o:'�'y''� rfa6t. " � cine, but ait ta no pu,rpose. Tha last SPani�ih ea3larns Hh;an '�hep have ever sou Iget. • qlvanised et�eml etar n,il�e, nn afze � wee'k 1 was attended by a phyaician dreamed oL. T�here [s nat one o! them 7'he co.Inred ;man war�ed hard for a `�7' �rom stt, tn 24 it. suitabie �r al� eto„ and atarts in to comE�ete with �; tt cq5t tne five dolla.t's, and having the+t aauld desend henself, and colors a'hile, when all of a audden h0 sto kindo of work. Qet oar prioae. One ' eteam and capltal. Hia neighbor Smith ;�� d aAd � . Dost card will do it. a�ho�.�t LI30.0 t1Trie read in the ne�vs- �ld 'have Ito be lowered at Gbe Eir � pulled for the shore. rhs Baney pona►aeon oo.. Montreai. invests same aniount in "feeders" thus , papera orP tha worl� accompllahed 'by On baing asaced the reaaon for his ra- + �: I�r. Wiiliarnus' Pink Pills, I concluded �''S aE N�he Ei�rat g�u�n. turn, he replied, 1?at wood is jest � �ove � H�rr�s ��'ealizing a good px•ic� for his oropa it t+ras oert'ainly warth the esperiment M�,riy of It'hese mhips tive?'a ohe�Ytered � muc1� mine as 'tis his. I ai7nt gwine I enrichin,g bis Parm, and ena�biing bim � and accordingly. parohased a bon fxom .far lomg voya,ges bafore• t'here was any to give hnm anp,�and so � m out a! ���r� �uv$ ��"lift tha. mortgage" and fence �.ibh �_ a 1aca1 druggist and com.menced �their ,�eaJFi fear of waa and no e�traordinarp w°T�t sg.u1• �i Page. vc'hile Jonea goes tu tha wall. use, dieaantinuing the doctor's medi- -��''��q g�r�p� ' Farm at les of Ywge Fence at Erom cine. This was in,�`�ine or Julp. 1892. p�'�acr�ultions were ta�en .�or tl�ein pro- y ` Aftsr I kw.d taken tha first bax qf tbe tecition ar safety. For instanoe,there F�or, FAhDY AND FA81E: 4& t0 68 centa per rod, �end for i11ue• • ' 96-31 WIIIIam,Bt. Toronto. Phone 17Q6, piUs I could feel aome ahange and af- y� a,g�r�Nt Plee't' tlhat ,is naw on•its wa H�ve convinced + •--------�-•-- --- tTaGed wdve rtisinA mnttor. - r, ter ta,kin,� seven, boxes I noticed a great 9 Painless Corn Extravtortshou du��nam e i As a¢�ownd Cape �+o'rn and up intto t(he Pa- � Doml�ion Line Steaanshi improvement. Icontinued te;kingthem eu the p$' urti�' ihad usedthirteen boses when aifio ito en�gage in t'h�e glondike truda, Px'eference. +Get rid of your �ontrealundQuebeotoLiverpoott mmmor. Lsr� ;� CAtII�9; gCt I'Id OF t110II1 without puin� �nd fpet twi¢ eareq eteemehipe ��b«do�� ob». TNE PfiG� WIRE FENCE COMPANY I muat eay I felt as well as I ever did �sge lefit �A�tla.nti� seapqrts weefka ugq, � putnaan's Eatractor anti no othoi. aaaver,' ' Dominton,� �8cotsman.' ' Yor�Cehire.' � in my itCe. Sotne of xuy custunetera �vl�o �,nd �eur cagtains ,h�ve no idea now of ^_ Buperior a000mmodation for Firet Cabin, 8eo- Limited, ' oa.me iah�amy yardwouldask mewhat NYA,HO�rIED DISQV�N�v, OAR QO—�'irit Cabin�ge��Reng ce ond Caein� WALKERVILLE, ONT. I wes doirtg that I wae lookin so well �'� ��`io!ue iiurn oP aPfai.rs sinoe Gheq r, � � � a�teamed quit oP Amerioan �h+arbore, �34 ; 8teera e 627.50 an$ u wsrde a000rdin� to leuowing the aick spell T had undez�- �p,0i1.plaps ftlhe iirat intinnation tbeq will Arabf Pushr� has i�ubTiahed a notloe steamer an�berth, For aQl �n[ormatton npply gone, and I would af�r t�ys t�ll when �.�eive wi,ll .be t'h�e ronlr oE a e�h�tted disowuing hta son on the ground of qaa�j cai Aaente or Devm ToltxeNo� Qs Co„ that Dr. Willlams' Pink Pill� �had �� an unanawe�rm.ble dh�allenge for egente, i7 t§6.6aorament 6t., Mohtreal, p, ,S.-See oux "ud" in nest imsue. wra'ught the change. �hey are the ,�m �to Ih�eave to an.d dalive�r. �+be �dutiful behe,viur. $ia son 1ldahomed ��_ -- - aheapest medici�e I ever 'bought," gland,ike slteame�rs �a.ve large cargoes «� a'ell t�nown in Ceplon, whero they aaid M7c. Sitoh, "and if I had what I dp ��py�� �,nd numerpus pasaengers, �re exiled, �,e hia father, and has been apent' in other medic[nes I could ait at �n and wamen, on Mheur way to hh,e �'�Y�ng Sor some time pa,st, with' n eae.9 thin wintsr. Dnring the inter- land o4, golden �r�,,.�oo„ wiN1h} no au�- oiew of entorin�z u,pon a military view Mrs. HRtoh was an oocupant of p�ian of !t�e dan�epC tShiat impends. � �rpar. �%�� � d the rooma and ahe heartily conourred �,�� there are the ateamerg engag- � r ��►� in what: her husband sa.id, and �tated ed in k,he West Indian and 6awth Ame,r. �� � that for one other mam.ber oE the i� n�Grude. Tlnese d�ave n�at been a,vc Quickcure Ct�l'e� TOOt�l �y Ache. Sto s a11 Pain. � (� ��'' family the ,�ills had been v,sed with �,a many days as �Ulvd dtih�eixa, bna�t there �l 9� �, , j sucoes e in s oase of aevere •nervoue- &re many od �hem thnt are nat i.n a �� ������ ness. Mr. �itoh at the time he was pOBLtion �to oreoeive a warning t�t ^will _ I aeen by the reporter appeared in ex- be af any cteal ulge i�n A�elping �hhem ' �`� ��� PICTIM. � ,,' cellent health. H�e ie 56 peate of age �p �e tihe neceaoaurp precEuuki,ons for Buck, I�v�fnts yer dctrter; said Five � ��' and a maan who had alwa ys been used to �, 4e ty. � 7 he go o d s vm' h� i, c h � t hey cwrry, Ace 1' ivm k ley ea fle t ook the drop on hard vv�o�. �e was born in Cambridge- �p maay ine,tanoea � i t6e qld genEleman. ' ahira, Eugland, and ota,ms to this coun- I�,���LL PN.OV'IBIONB �1�e's yoa.i�'a, wn' I must eay yer tL' �flrM! S�O r7'a 1R$�� � ��/ %�an1��EOtja ;� try 27 qeurs ago. BeEore locating in fuat �ent wheut's �ut up any kind oP a R,idgatowu he conduoted a briak and ia 3uat �lhe thin,g the Spanie�rda nead �r�.�ement. rY� ��i��% � Tjtit'O'�O aq t� l.Otj l�Ofj. tile yard at Longwood's R+oad, Middle- tlhe moeot, and Gh�ey whll make eve�ry �y � Y aea countq. Ee has been aarrying on sndeavar tu oaptnvre as many of tlh+em n . ��� ��ndruff in One 'VVeek ;' a aucceastul busineae in Rid;getown Yor as P�8�,i8. �uickeure �YeF1�8 Soreti • � tfle paat tex( qeaxs. 1ei eample lnatance af k'he dange;r to L���� Bl.����� ��a�,�� etC. Dr. W�illiame' Pinll� �,'311s oure bq go- tlhe e'teamers Gh�at hnve leEt Atlantio � ��,� it��it��; of the �lp . • ing to the root of the tlisease. Theq Po�'te Eor �a PaciSin is fou3yd in t�he � --�-- �� reaevv and buLld up the blood,, and case af fi�0 O�h,ia, wQuioh saiied Prom IH�E W�N'T PE-RY D�LTUg, p��►��� �reaking of Ha�� strengthan the nerves, thus driving P+hiladelp]�ia on DZwrnh &, bound for S�an �mq-He'n e�ll �he w�orld to her. . d3sease Yrom the dyetem,. Avoid irhi- ,.�rancisoq, 8eat'tle and Tscoma, wi,Hb, a ��,mie-�How limited Iher knowled �#op� ,Fal�ing Uu� takivas bg in�isting that avery bou yon oargb oP guppli�as for ' tlha I�londike �p ,$ea$r�plh,� ie �� puroh&ee ia enola�ed in a wrapper �rade. �he was laat heard oE at Car- • ` bsaring�tha Full trada maxpc, "br.'UViI- ottel, a qhiliun part, wthere ahe �auahed ' �$�����,�,Y ��W$ H��+� Liame' Pitillz Pills far Pale Peclple." If on Aprul 19. Sihe reynaisted t�here 'three $100 ii�eward �100. � your sZealar doea not kesp them theq daye taft�ing ou caal„ and wih�en she eail- The readers of thte paq�r will ba ploaded to 6B` �Bl1 'iGiT�iIaMU►L1 fENT �i will be s,�nt poat pa.id at 60 oents a bo: ed lher aommander, Oaph. Broomhead, learn that tktere !m at loneE bne dreaded diseas� w� or siis boxe� for ��,50, by addraeaing eoudd riot •have heard of Ghe atate of tihR1 eoAonae hna bean able to onro in. all ib+ et�gee and thutie Oatarlrh. Hall'a Cntarth Oure � � the Dr. �illi�ls' D�'sdioirib C7a, B�Too1[- 'a'A� ie the onl� pobtti�o cbi�o khown to bho mbdioal ~ ` ville, 01at. . A eim3lam inatanae is tluat Qf Eh�e fraternit7', Cstatrh betng n eonsGitnti�nnt dfe. "�'��� ���'Q����� 1 etenme� xllivaie„ a ei�ter dhdp oY tLe eqpe,roquiree�xroux�lruttonnitrantmunt.8u11's � y� D��,�e rron Dr�rpMf1� �! � e � � Qll�ia,, wihiah fs etugai�gad in the sama dArnrtht7urAletaknnlnternatly,aetl"ngdtreotir � ngort the blood and mqcoue aurt&cen ot the 1M�l1pt O� �['ioe tr ��, ' �,, TSrE PAi,U� O�' SPEED. t�rade. Ttl�e�Iilinoia laEt �hiladelphia on a etem. tfier�sy flestrbqilrR cno rontidatidn oe �, ,� VV'lva caa�ne but a�►ea,cl ia tha� street �ar+e� 22,� and ilS�s nat yat tpuahed at bh�o dl=rseo; a�Yd glving tt�g Fx��enEetr�Y�gES b�r �� mw be�w0en Slowly and H1uEP1 V any par.t i�hexe ��hare i,dd oahle cnm- bu;l0tn� up �i,e oonayituGlon nti�d ,K�ta�in� *�Q ae� �� ��r ���(�� �.� �► �► ' ' Y natUre � d�fing lCe Wbrk. Tlro prbprlAtore hgve t� tb •9 �"�7 �� ., �i . �i J31u.fYty cLtd, bu.t h�e h�d nea�ly half m'u�r►[c�t�on W,,ttl�, t;hg Unit�d 3tatee, ge�r qo iYfvoh taitlllrt ite i'uratlY�d �OWetN td6t �B0 � � � bYatvk t�e at�tit'!�. " ��Prg� �h�d no drdere 'tdnt»fling his o�oY� Or �[iundrdd DoL1RrA for an anae thot � � � .'�0' proce�a:re. tti oo,se oE tivar at tlh�e tiane �'gile C+� �curo. r�oAd tor Ylat_ot ��ett�ririoniAlr. 0 $u�� � ��Q ' _�� 01 IhdT g�Llin�g, ' Addreee I!`. J. tlR� N IDY at C30., Tolbdo, C. �j. . ,� . �'UR�.�I4R T�tOiP E. • 9o1d b�1ru� tets, 9�0. �+ t1lLexe a�re at lea�t n c�ozet► dE the�e • Hqu'� �'etnilpgPtlle aref,hebe��. "VV�hat aie q6ix ru�berneakS.ng aronnd steamera w'h3rah bnVo , sailed fros:q 1Yew .,�..� ;. . _ • ,. Y'arlk, Boaton �tnd Ph�Lladel hi(a far thg . , _ ._ . . . . hare for 9 sa,id tha alligptor, y�.wnw P __ _. _.. . , ;i ��, Puai.Pia Coast� and 'eva�q one ot �t�em . � I twn. admiria� g^a�r grea�G anap, re� � fn imininan� dan�e�r oP benonntng u . .:.. r _ �+ �+ _. , �,. �plted�� the oakrion. Spa.�.ieh p+rize. . ��, �,A � GiT� Li� �.: [7rt� ot t7�� ,ruahe�t; ha�r�+ast �i�Ida for _. , .. _ , ..... � �� ��' ��,�. , "'^'""' tahe Sp�13Ct�tde olx �tiive bo�un ie PouiYd , , �`t►Ie Is r BONA pi[/� offer m�Ee t� inirodu�d nn� V� elai�X s' . . . , amnng tlh� aZippe,r �h�ipe �ha� a�6 on�rga ' __ s��dr to n•w curtur��ra end yv�fch �Ye xusr,�e � ��d �?�!+w�it , �'0 GU�t� A�ULIi �tv ONB DA.i�. . �arriers 45e!tlweeri Mihe tr�►�ti�ed �atrtt�e$, at�onak pela trranq.a �wd tne s�ade etv�e N�r �, rei� ;O p1eM�� �+or ar w� �Lke Lr:nttrd i�rbNlu Q�ilnlr�� TnUlete. Alt brar. i , ,� A n oxnY o p b �tl, , . (:'n► YI&„ ant1. �hb �al�t ItltY3es, �'�htl5a bY1{p� by` 4�tli11►1nY �8ty 'Y►hK1yo� . '.�h6 _ i _ b th' be r1bEe Y1'd aA in ifa� k thtl ��tiiikl n+�11ri1D�irsiiN`� aMdii� ' : . � 4ete INt�fnd Odb madarif lE CsiU te durm. lAtl. ' a�,� �� �����,t �,�� d� ��r olsda, qr►�t#�. � xr�► �pb laq amW t�b�i 1+�td� 8eleel �o� thi 1Tallow g E t � "`'""' mo� oE ItRi�rn bud�lt ii� 11�'ain4, afucl. t�mi�r VIKQk!'�A.di,�ts. � !t $r+veK �t`d'ioa;��ssrt� 6i, . Pi�i��'�LUHx�Y�ION BZ�ATS. oe,r�a� are always-bf �� '�` IQrafft,��ti�wlr�.1 17. niGld�lette Kec4 wei er� ,, --;`,, ,�.��-" ", y �� � Ib Oula - Yelldw ttlbbir��nr� . < 1'J��It'�ard��lV��i �,i�tl,e did �Qi� get D2U5rI` V'�L�CrA2�T.L $I�+I+D. � �ct,� aet��rer �thcn�C I9: k� ti� xiatto� onwn' _ '�, .�•,•.'' ' . �I1� � � ��r"°� eat re.n1 , � .. , , .. irt l�e� slt�g�,t 1 Ma„nq oE lW�em ame� e���+aged Un the tea � •ti►�t.; ia t��t . �ii �i�e; �d y a�w+►�tu� . Y3opza��G{qt S.d. �ri lt�� o�xi i�i,t lbat Itrrdde. . � a�unAea�+'ae►P• e. . roa� ' aQae�r� 1�,ibbrr�" " ��l�'� �'�E1���, aa.r.a�,hAuien,,.o►ria� ..ma,�«w,�xer� �ra.ii�rw ���. � i1l�1�� � ►i�q trrea�l� t��rl�u�� �o edtah it., '�`a�a� ftltr iii�k�.»de, �Gi�e kti� dtidp l�b- tip+�tthl,QHbrrn�seeartet .. ��amr D�r a�.a � _ �..;._. , �ix����rd��#ss�od �ht�. to� �ra�ux �atle �tia� Cdb,�rs�, �»� �� � b�t �� t�3e, al�►��. _ . m�tn4bky C1l�lo� n �ibk}ix� �O' � b a# � � � �i1�`� � �dti� 1�1� tforpoa . ; bli�t ytrqi� lo�t fh, �. . ea:�e��If�h u r•e�, Pi.�aW1�l��r , i aa a�exe w rie,rrtea � eo�%lec� f�rum i�'nn�q;�co� a� itiaa. � ,� i�ar� 1�� �a�C•gr e.. ...... _,. � �ti - � a�aew rok.aA_ Auc•e r , �.� ................... .. . .........�.. ...,,..,..,...... ....... _..__. ._. .. ... __. _ . .. . .. . . . . . r .. �_�_ Y"._ . A.il�.�� '�.A�tlt'�r IYaX�i � � .�.. . . I�tlh'IeA.Yu_._..,..1�_. . _� M' �M�1 . . � "�`.w� � .. +iw*'nnI ,�;JY�� ���Lilil ����Y I d r , � . ` '�►'"�;�� . �:., +�c�,�t�i�s �ixt«�r► C��ar��e� of ��tiYf�aic�i�;�« . , �� �'ry ��. i��� �►�1�ap�i�, �,$�, �t�� �ts ��td' i�► ��� � .' ° . " .. ° ' � , . ' ' .�I � . � . ., . r� ��+ �4iw �kafM1�, + �' { • y` �'�r ��� �������� ; .. � , . � . �... .. ,. : .. . Y .. .. . :Y � . . -. _ �. �� . . � .. � r' . . , . � ' .' � �