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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-19, Page 7
�_ I .'j: f', yjn��[/ny��.' jA� ^�{'{�1�t "� �(p!'�(A( f�j� ",(j'^'��''1� (j'j/'/'�j`� ^[j'���1%"�1'(� rryj{/�� �}�''y(� .V. •+ il,I,�n,�ti ,.l,i,?�7. ,�,.. - .. .iW�-7-+4+�,!!t CLINTON .1l' M1lMM-?t 4/.F.M+� - f .;[' "�1 - ,. «-ern+�pA+n,q:ev..�,.r.�;:m 1. -7 «'•^-n:irvwin,«r'•s.,.+,�•r.'w+�t.^'-'-'"'a"" - e, ,...., 11 w '' w, a y� 'p,mo 4 A�Fir a rows, Q+1. %+ N� T, � IR ig VQ?�'+�I*• +r+ ILrQX• ! ., x* W IOLOO" - will be dad xiw Q rKt9xty to. kear Tib Q TUW , .;A b '' 1 a1 the death .of Navy Aunt, lltii9ved wVor . r� kyr y� ►�: 1�11nrr)ri■ `C4rtilato,4Y 13: -At ithQ wuatertl oat• Z�i���?,+fl' I'l,. . . P . . ... of 11Ir, Willies 1+il;owo, wlip pawed tla yards this morning there was A aoeuo > G.QQ FOR 04..1111 away to the •[Inseen World oil Satordoy of hush 4oufueiplx an4 d1�Aoenfort, owing , .. Last at the age of fi4�, Years, f3 usQatba to an itnpreaedallted he&ay run, and pro. ,tom ,. n �l:" .Q ria, a last, as a. iDe4eaae�l lxad'he,ep a �Qn� ortiagaiel enoreased reat�r want aP .�� .azld . y y 4%7 V, i° I 0 " ' 1 ► t �t71; T1�,u * ►fit' 45 suiieef fl Qt?a i><aterui�l censers, and strug- . aocoginlAdtton. ha lack.af apses and 1 ' eQ)t,%, Q + (� glad . a atust the ravages of the diseftse ' the division of the. market have beeff wit- ,4'�ono,nat;f?#/fAr'ev�rltgf �we�t�+t9t �d '' ,• «. +i • g a tars ofcolnplaiat for sometepae whenever 'y��' P R-A� `llle 18G8H, be t}18 or until a few weelie a a w1►e11 slle llr$rpsw(npcx llbnereetl r►Rea►u 8roing, ��. New Spring Q��7 1f�t d_ Qu1uetlxltitfs�nhlay�tre Q>ly grew worse slid-•$ratdually eanlr unt l any4hlug approaohtnlf a large supply of 9tt ,3f . r"orr can Y '8 /l.elt b - using o4er" oil :#rein lgiove 4lgtil either Watches or Catbl resevad titer, She leaven tc stu#I arsine to 1tal,d ;but the general un, �u1te. ok 'rbat l;s mourn her demise a eorroivlug bus fitness of this marl of for the demands of [ . 07' � � '�•'�' +�A • give. 00, o 14ir, of bQ will, 10 tis so you run DO band and .a grown. -up family of four sons a steadily inproWn$ trade has never �Q�� �IGIl?' �' Ladies' Sun Umbrellas. yy �' and two dau>Ihters; Rev. Tilos. Ilrowil, been so, generally ouperieneedas ta--day, . gold. frames ° _tted• properly V t with: the glasses that Pleat g risk ill buying from us. of Q+xeenaboro; George, of fienoall; when a total of 130 aarlQ8418 of offerings ; suit; your qQo, for $5,00 th-A l Wflll m, of Kirkton ; and Fred., of were on or around these yards, In fact .m.w 1,w .. ` - IRe egularl , c arge,$7.00for. Clinton • Mrs. Thos; Bissett .of Uoborne • Stanley Townsluip Council. THESE are very handsome goods and y � � it h1tS paid Us t0 sell , sonic of the stook had to remain several $sl,R bu ps• a`"`,p0,00 pair. A and plias Edith at- home. t'rlae funeral haus fn lice Hera, after arriving here, 1$5.00 par goes for $4 an, • Good '�"'oods and we took place from her late residence, because It was imptlssible to find any- Stanley council met at the pall of the all being adorned with beautiful and dur- i v+thila a $4,0 11 0 line goes at William Street, on Monday, and was whore to unload it tato. This injures .$3,00 It. is tide wayY WQ +e shrill Continue t0 do s0. the stook and, of cotirae, interferes with Reeve on Monday, May 9tb. All the a lxt4a largely attended, -Exeter. Advocate. , ` ..rho prospects of its .sale, � Com hints members present. The tenser of Jas. able handles all of the newest shales and �^ p p, P Donaldson for 26,000 feet of lumber at more than w, 6 requir . A this morning were universal and the re- �, Uoes the Watch or nrusselg. g 613 Po 1 000 was ecce ted to be de - We -prefer the oagh and to , p P ]x1ahC:S, Ladies may rest aSSLlred that et 1t are witting -for fpr a marks in reference to the ueafulness and livered where required by council. gg. g— Clack you have Ileed l�inited t`t,,,flae, two weeks Friday week Mrs."Rose, of Brucefield, ability of the Civic Property-(]rzmmitteot ^The repairs on hall were found satin- they are. the Most Satisfactory to buy. only -•-to aacrllice .our profits. a former Brussellte, paid nature's debt, which has control of the market, were factory and Geo. Lagan who had the y . & We know you are 'apt to ee p . „ aged 49 years. She was stricken with much more emphatic than polite, oontraot paid in full $226. The follow- , Soft Silly that will not out, in Colors and 0 '' doubt such statewenta burp s� "f'1rra7 Yf paralysis an the Tuesday previous and In the aircumatances mentioned above ing accounts were ordered to bo paid:- 4.!., , a we trust that Cul; reputation J.ii never rallied.. Deceased. was a stout, it will be readily understood that busi- Black both plain and frilled are the Cor - far truthful advertising and hearty woman and her death was a great ness was considerably impeded, and the Sawyer -Massey Co., blade far road gra- , � r squire dealing will be 14 sof- der $8; express on same 500; James . � squirt guarantee of the en- surprise. Mr. Rase died 6 or 7 years market to a Certain extent demoralized, McKee, bolts for Hall and (Trader, $2.60.; rest things in Parasols this season. a.nd inixce ago, He was the ix, T. R. station especially, as, notwithstanding the large W, J. Mitchell, printing, lF3 ; Jas. Don- uiuose pf ouroffer $riDg it t0 nS find have agent at Bruasels at one time, moving to quantity of cattle here, we had a light you to inveatigalo and take Ing of , timber, $8.60. Regular meet- AN advantage of it. Casl1 is it made avail. This Br filar pd about 20 years ago to fill a supply of anything really choirs. Good ins of council as Court of Revision on GILROY WISEM what. we want, therefore similar position . On the demise of Mr. stuff Bold featly well at fair prices ; but May 3Utb at 10 o'aloak a.m. , � this in not a credit offer but © bl'ancll Of our business Rope }ria sort Bohn, then only a boy of 14 on secondary and inferior stuff prices J. T. CAIRNS, Clerk. remember you run no risk years was appointed as his successor and weakened considerably, and much of ft CLINTON.- ., forr we satisfy or or refund your ee is a specialty with us. •has proven himself worthy of the con•. did not sell. T - money, # 17 fidence reposed in him in this respons» There was only a light enquiry for ex- HOW MANY WOULD THERE BE? .,�Y..Y��... 8f 4D ible trust. Six children are lett to hold port cattle, and prices ranged from 3 in fond remembrance the love and to 4'�0, witha few picked loteocoasional- Ir I had a voice loud and distinct BROADFOOT9 ��X ��.o motherly care of a Godly woman. Mrs. ly selling a chase higher. �� `A, e Rose was a member of the Methodist The beat butcher cattle sold at $3.50 enough to penetrate to every nook and JiaN'E FS][ CSNLY» B Q •• V church. up to 43.75 per owt: lots mixed with corner of broad England, and should P. B. An aged and highly respected resi, shippers went for 9E4, but this latter was -hall upon all who are suffering fa from me MANUFACTURERS OF ���� WILSON �j ho siege F i�sease 9 Alae end face me, ��,.� F N E F�J R IN 1? U R E P• �g'1L Q dent of this locality died at his residence not a representative price ; good medium fl F Jeweller and Expert watch Frederick street, on Friday morning of butcher cattle was selling to -day from 3 haw triers think you, would there be? ■1. 11RVdr}IBTS AND OPTICIANS. last week in the parson of Adam Scott, to 3 a per lb; and common stuff sold why, man, there would he a mulitude A,� •,� R„ed ass a� ®�e�m m Repairer. n such se the Revelator saw in his vision pay pay the middleman's profit when you can cup direct from the manu- P late of Morris township, in his 82nd down to 210, Trade all round was slow, -n multitude no man could number; factures, We manufacture our own Furniture consequently you can , - year, He -had only been confined to intending purchasers held back for bar- a multitude with pale countenances, •!�a`••MaOai�•••••••®©•••a - --' bed for about a week so that his death gains, and the market as far as any trembling lips, glassy eyes, sunken cup from us cheaper than from the ordinarp.Retail Dealer. 0 .�%a�ak was considerable of a surprise to many thing but the best cattle were concern- oheeke, emaointed bodies, veins on fire FROM the very fact that our Goods are in such great demand in the Old 1.i'/�N wbo were not aware of a chango for ad was in poor shape. with fever, wlimbs twisted with pain, Country markets, is strong proof that for quality, finish and price they are • • the worse. Mr. Scott was born�n New- shi ins bulls' are worth 3 o per lb Y ® PP n P i lungs gaspena,for air, hearts beating as • stead, Roxboro -shire, Scotland, and in very choice fetch a little more, as men fight in darkness -with the pas• right. • n `� e An hie earlier years followed the oocupa� There were about a dozen milkers in, sionless figure of Death brooding over FOU the Spring Trade we are offering a line of Bedroom Suites and Side- fy n.���T : tion of a shepherd and latter became a and prince ranged from $25 to $40 with. N them all. policeman, holding this position until a a little enquiry for a few choles cows. boards that for value cannot be surpassed in Western Ontario. • , ® Ada short time before cooling to Canada in Stockers and feeders are unchanged. But would they ALL arise? No, my r a ' 1863. As a markof the esteem ir: which thele is a slow enquiry for stockers. friend, no. Thousands would neither DO not buy till veli have seen Our Stock. We will have your trade if Well, you know the rail- • 18 was held far long and faithful service The supply en sheep, ysockers. and respond nor bear. Terrible fancy I Yet Good Goods at the lowest prices will secure it. • road men'srule of course, • , not a fancy, this picture, for the im • "When 's doubt, take • Mr. Scott was presented with a years spring lambs was ample, and all told manse army of martyrs to disease is • • Our work is an ad far us, be- salary on leaving the force, at the ing over a couple of hundred was in. g y U ®ER`�'AN s'ra `' ■ the safe side. = rester than an host that ever car. • cause we do repairing of stance of Lord Polworth. Yearlings of the bast kind said up to ried guns or banners ; and this Now, in , • On Monday evening of last week Duns 6c per lb. England alone 1 Can aught b0 done to •4.T3S is a good teat to • Watches, Etc., so thoroughly can Marshall, Provincial Prohibition Or- Ewes are worth from 3I to 40, if very g g IN this department our stock is complete and out ,'";: the purchaser of goods that the owners come back to ganizer, representing the Dominion Al good Samples. help them? Let one poor victim ens such as we handl®• If • prices are low as the lowest. you are inclined to go ® us if they have anything else thecpropose ofarrangingangi g audateitforoa Bulls sell nottoan3act ve enquiry for we T was always ria strong, healthy • elsewhere because Of see- in our line, and they Hat only woman," she says, up to the year 1890. OUR Hearses are tale best in the County. • ing- bargains, or an ap- _ Convention for East Huron, with the spring lambs, and the sale to -day ryas In the spring of that year I began to o parent opportunity of • come themselves but also sug- object of organizing for the coming slow at from $3 to $4.50 each. suffer with pain in my right leg. The ����� ��®�'®� ��■ , atria something for • Plebisolte Campaign next fall. Wed- Calves were also in ample supply, and ruothina, yet are con- O gest to their friends that A. J• nesday, June 15th, was decided on as sold easy at from $3 to $5 each, knee was painful and much swollen, all • scions of a doubt in your 0 Grigg's is the place to go. Do the most suitable date, the Convention There was a couple of thousand bogs round the kneecap being puffed up ' mind "Take the safe to be bald in the Town Hall, Brussels; on the market, and prices were unabang almost as large as my head. T could Furniture ManutaCturer and LTndertal�ers. V" _ neither walk nor stand and had to give • side,", -Come to us. We at 1.80 o'clock. ad, but weaker. For the beat here e. a Manager • i • o$er you old-fashioned • p White the vote olled Monday on u work slid go*'to the hospital at e� W. �](RYC�118� • • You p $5.10 per cwt, was paid: and light and, p g reliability combined with l the Frontage By -Law was not as largo as heavy hos brought $4.76 per Cwt. Hounr,low. There they lanced the 4., r new-faehianed enter- v g y K g P ...Ni ht and Sunday calla answered at Residence of our knee and it then healed up. g • rise. You're "On the • it should have been, probably from the These prices will probably prevail on I(In NEW, fact that no effort was made to get the Tuesday, in spite of the downward ten- in October, 1894, I began to suffer „•runeral Director, J.W. Chidlep, Sing St., opposite Foundry. r eafeside"fndurestablish- •ith sin in the lest aide, whish the rent. ,The new things : property owners out, it was a decided denoy. Soave Sell at Be8e and stags at 20. P ha�G►h victory for the By�Law. Stores are not wanted. doctor said was pleurisy. I bad also in - 4 : •.-., • are nearly 'hero now and • A J -"- $amination of the kidneys and liver. ���� •�•� j •�•� c it will pay you to come • The secretions were thick and scanty New Dried Pr Fruits s 1898 a • in to look, even if you • See Our Stock. and hear Our IIIARRIAGES. ' i are not read to bu at • PREACHERS AND PEOPLE and what I suffered is known only t- Y y a Prices. We sell Good Goods. OF ONE MIND. Ing painelf al my husband. T had a gnaw- HURROCKS-WASEFORD-Un Wednesday, in sin all sawn to the bottom of my. RaiSiriS—Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas. `' 1fl, I t7$� (1 iQ1 `t tOr{j++. • May 4, at the Methodist Parsonage, Pal- P P 8 . rotators, by Rev. T. Albert Moore, John A Ijoet of Witnesses Tell of the Won- spine, and my back ached until I could �+ 111atTaS and Fine Vostizzas. � ,j? �, , ."4 -` .,'-. +" : chores Hw'rooks, oY Minto, to Annie derful Cures Effected by Dr. Agnew's not sit or lie down. It was as if knives Currants -- �k° y�.� Wakeford of Fordwich. �1 / GRAY—IiIN�MAN—In Hensall, on rho 20th Catarrhal Powder. were run through me. California Prunes and Elime Figs. e ■ k .0911 Y ult., by the Rev. Air. Kerr, Mr. G. Gray, to ''I had poultices and embrooati ns • 1.• �� `� Mies Nina IS`tnsman. both of Mitchell. s1r , Jeweller. a Q + Orange and Citron. JE Cleveland, Ohio, Right Rev. Bishop Sweatman, D. D.; and tools the docto'r's medicine; but CROSSE and BLACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, F r + A. J ■ biny std, at 1273 Broadway ave., by Rev. R0P W. H. Withrow, D. D.,; Rev, only got ease for a time. Better and NUTS -Filberts, S. S. Almonds and Wallnnts. • AaantllelY i'e1Gphoilb007� *7- : H. L. Stewart, pastor of Broadway M..9. Mango Fraser, D. D. and others sound worse, I continued until one day in • Successor to .... church, Harry Jennison, formerly Of Mit g COOKING FIGS For 5e. a 1b. NICE OLD RAISINS for ba, a ]b •••�••••w••M•••••�•••••••• shell, to Hattie Woods, of.Mitchell. its praises. It cures young and old, _June, 1895, while working in Mr. Gray's J. BIDDLBCOIlIBB. BLACS-SCOTT-By the Rev. R. f3. Rgll, at Mrs Geo. Graves, Ingersoll, writes : gardens, gathering peas, I was duddebs -, _-__Headqua'rters for the Ashfield parsonage on Tuesday May „ A PS 10th,1898, Mr. Joseph Black to Miss.Eliza My, little daughter; aped thirteen ,ly taken with faintness, feeling so ill I ���Gl�'���� ---- beth Ott all of Huron. yeaTs, suffered from catarrh of the very bad to be assisted home, I was almost TEAS, SUGARS, 'CROC$ERT, GLASSWAREAND LAM'PS. PEAK DAVIS-1n Wingliam on wedncsday worst kind. No h physician or remedy insensible and a doctor was Called in May 11th, by the Ven. Rural icon Davis, p y McKay, E1ock, CLINTON'S of Loudon, assisted by Rural Dean Davis, cured, until we used Dr. Agnew's Cls- to see me.. .Y , rIll of Sarnia and Rev. Lowe. of Wingham, NIT, tarrhal Powder, and after using two 'r After this seizure I fell away to Peak of Toronto, to Edith Davis, oldest bottles m solid was completely cured." nothing. M apt ratite left me and alju 9Cliilton• CE�EBRpTtON dao fifer of Henry Davis, of thatplace. Y !' Y g• Y t ■ 1>3etween all Stations in ,(lunada BELL-SH>LA-AC the li. C. cuuFch, Bid It fs a, pl0asant, safe and speedy rams- though craving food, yet when it was du1 on Tuesday, May std 1898, Miss dy for t'atarrh, Kay Fever, Colds, Has on the table I could' not take it. I bad --P`on Bridget Shea to Mr, James W.>�elty. aebe, Sore Throat, Tonsillitis and, Deaf. rheumatic sins all over me from the11 TUESDAY, MAY 24TH. P ' were Engineer a B�in and F;remaa Smythe �— � ��� � , back of the neck, Gown the left leg; News has been received from Admit- were killed on the C.P.R. at Moose MAY 24, 98 BIUTHS. Hasa. ._�..______- even to my ankle. Thane was a dread. al Dewey stating that Manilla is short Jaw. Greater and Grander Than Ever. ful pain struck into m hi on the left of provisions and at his mercy. His London's City Solicitor holds that �� �*� �� PROUDFOOT-Go dfoot,, May 7th, to Mr. and Toronto Street Market. P y p ` Mia. J• M. Pro deric adaughtor, silo, which in a day or two extended vessels were still in good shape. the corporation -has no power to raise Morning Programme, on Main St,0 SPENCE-In Fordwich, on Friday, April 29, Toronto, Ma 13. -About 2,800 bush- down from my thigh to my foot I , T �- money for cinder paths by taxing bi- rho wife of A. M. Spence, M. D. of a son.. Y ' cyclists. - Will issue bound Trip 'Pickets at WALLACE-On the 4th con. ftowick, on els of grain were delivered ; 1,500 bush- could not place my foot upon the GR Thursday, May 5, the wife of Wesley wal- els of wheat sold at $1,03 to $1.09 for ground, and for ten days I did not For Over Fifty Years Iaca, Esq.. Of a daughter. MRs. WINaLew'6 SeeTiIlNa 11•YRIIP has beo.I OPEN AIR TOTTON-On the 6th con., Howick, on Friday, white, $1.12 to $1.15 for red, and $1.07 leave my bed. Be sure you are right, then o ahead. T Single First Class Fare May 6, the wife of -George Totten, Esq., of a to $1.08 for goose ; 100 bushels of barley "I got no sleep at night for the pain, uped by millions of mothers for their children Y g N C R i son. sold at 42 to 4E a 800 of oats at 38 to and lost flesh rapidly. In fact I came while teething. If, disturbed at night and Be sure you get Hood's Sarsaparilla, Waterloo Going May 23rd and 24th, CHITTENDON.—I Seaforth, on Monday, + broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and not some cheap and worthless April 25th, th_i,A lfe of Ernest Chittendon, 39e, and 400 of peas at 65 65Ao. On to have no flesh On me, being nothing and crying with pain of Cntting Teeth send at and returning until May loth. of a son. the bay market 30 Toad old at $S to $9, but skin and bone. My clothes merely once and tfet a bottle of "Mie. lNinelow's Booth- substitute. 14eafortil-Brass Bands. Q, MC of Dr. cN Tara, on ss L 1eth, the wild Neve the poor little sufferer immediately. De- �— �n p W q �1j g f�rB�o��'Th1Cd of Dr. McNally (neo Miss Lane), of a dough and six Of straw, at $6 to $7. Dressed bung on me. When I tried to get Ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re- PLAXING the latest and most popular alta of Single First Class F tar• hogs sold at $6 to $6.20. about the house I need a Stick and pend upon it mothers, there is no mistako about Major Thomas Beattie, M.P., Lon- thedap. BOND -In Wingham, on May 11th the wife of broom•to bobble by. My condition was it. it cures'D;arrhma, regulates the Stomach Goin May 20th, 21st and 22nd, Mr. Berry Bond, of a son. Wheat, white, per bu, $ 1 03 to $ 1 09 itfable and all who saw me thought I and bowels, euros Wind Collo, softens the don is seriously ill. p .. g Y TAYLOR—In Bond, f awanosb, on May 6th, do red ................ 1 12 to 1 15 pitiable, Gums, reducesinflammation,aud givestoneand Oliver Mowat, a bank clerk, com- ' 'n t�v Air returning until May 25th, 1898. the wife of Mr. Charles Tayler. of a son. da goose • ... • .. •.. 1 07 to 1 08 would never get well. 1 spent a des anongy to the whole system. Mrs. Winatow's mitted suicide at Owen Sound. ' • Prof, Riley, xing MCDON ALD—In Porter's Hill, on May 7th, the g $f, to Sfi of money in embrocations and Medi- Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea - For rates and all information, apply to G. T• wife of Thos. McDonald, of a daughter. do spring ............. eines but w9a n0 better. . I had also cant to the tasto and iA the proscription of one Fourteen hundred fishermen were THE Great Aerial sovereign, produc- R. System Agents, or write ' ' -.:---_z, — — Barley per hush......... 42 to 42 t , of the oldest and best female physicians• and drowned off the Japanese coast. Ing the most marvellously 'd17g € nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five P M C. DICKSON, D.P.A•, Toronto. DEArms. Oats per bush... , ......, 38 to 39 medicine from the hospital,but of cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throught Ing the triumphs of the age bll a A O, pATT1SON, F. R. FIODGENS. Peas per bush...... 65 to 85t worse. out the world.,,, Be sure and ask for "MRs high and s ender cable.. His' daring G.T.R.Depot, Town Agent. RgSE-At Brucefleld, on `Friday, May 6th, da blue ............. •.. 53 to 03 i'In February, 1896, T road o a book WlNatow'6SooT82NOSaItoP. - CLINTON. awes you. ;s origin tt acts Cause proms Mrs. Thos. Rose aged 49 wears. Rye per bush............ 00 to 0511 which bad been left at the house of a _ . found wonderment. Among them aro SCOTT -In Brussels, on briday, May 6th, Buckwheat per bush.;:. 00 to 34ai case like mine having been cured by WOOD AND COAL YARD Adain Scott, aged 81 years, 9 months and 2i Turkeys per 1b....... 12 to 14 ,the following: Standing on head on days. Y P Mother Seigel'e Curative Syrup. My JUST IN TIME. e Aerial Giant Swing, Wlieeling FORGES—In MoXitlop, on Saturday, May 7th Ducks per lb....... , ... , 50 to ' 75 husband advised one to try it, land I got Subscriber !s prepared to promptly fill all A wtr , PEOPLE �O � � ��� r ` Manotta Floronee eldest daughter o¢ Chickens per pair....... 40 to 75 dere for Wood and Can oal which Street tl t sold S' Wheelbarrow across wire, Dinin�g� on Samuel ,and Abigal Forbes, aged 14 years Geese per 11) 7 to 8 a bottle from Mr. Venning, the Chem- Heart Disease Had Him at Death's lowest rates. S ROOMS. MtsaaOstroot at TLEY e the wire, using' chair and table, .CrOSS- and 3 rnonths, ist, in High Street. After taking this Door -Dr. A new's Cure for the IMPLEMENTS ROOMS. w WFtEATLEif I Ing Blindfolded, Crossing"in sack, and ----~ BROWNLEE-In San FranOisco, Apri128, 1898, Butter, lb. tolls. l2 to 13 medicine for a time, the pain gradually g many comical and original. acts. ' John Williamson;'oldePtson df John P., and Eggs, new laid.......... ° 10 to 11 Heart Worked Almost a Miracle. + People who are travellingg should consult the . Susie Brownlee, a native of Canada, aged potatoes per bag....... 75 to 90 left me and the troubles I have spoken undersigned in reference to all rates; routes,&o 7 yyA�are and 7 months. of wont awe sin now strop and U. A. Campbell, Mountirtln,p Minn,, /"� /� ' 1 The foilowinit ToV9 etas are stili in force. THO1vIP�yON--Oc Monday, yrlay 2, Mrs. Wm. Beans, per bush:..... , . 80 to f10 Y• I g �,//� 1 AFTERNOON PROGRAMiVf Thompson, of Bruce townsJ't2 aced about Onions, native, per bag 80 to 75 free from all pain or disease. You are Writes: "I laid just at the hint of r RECREATION pARIi. 25 OO 45 years. Hay, per ton........... 800 to 900 at liberty to use statement as you death from most acute heart disease, -,„,.„.. ..-..>,.,�..,m.. PAZIADE of Braga Bands, Athletic �7tibs, Y.aII�rQiI�eI' cp CARLETON—in Kincardine, on Saturday. .... g 00 to 7 00 like.. (Signed) HARRMT 9hI0H ADAMS, y p y `Wta&ed in exchange,. WhoUAD Citizens, elan, s, Park; starting . - n May 7th 1898 Ira E. Carleton eon of Mr. $trrtvv. [1 1 t and with handl a bo a that an cure• Uffiao Square etc., 1 . m. sharp, Sari F`>�anelseo OV and krs. David •Carloton south side, aced Beef hind. ........ rl to 8JJ 2, Rose Cottages, George 1V Roads dy could reach my case I procured .•-- , from Post P X'„ +� q h 1,7 yycaf o months and 24 days. Beef, fore ............ . 4 to 5 Hounslow Heath, near Landon. May a bottfe of Dr. Agnow's Cure for the 12)68, Choice 1 ba O�-L'R,A1V K FOST 1� lorblito - - - 2 b4 ;. THOMPS��1—Iu Pino Rivbr, an Friday, 14Iar g 19th,1896. g y Oatmeal for tL IJ6th, 1808, Mr. John Thompson, aged 84 Y Arling Lnabn h er lb.. 3 00 to 0 0 � t• heart. T believe this teat reined a BbLLUON Ascension and Parachute Arog, �IIdSOr - . - - r' 2i years. g P This case is well known to all the got to lee just in t;me. The first dose DUNLOP—In 13uron township, an May 0, tsfis; Mutton per 1b.... , . oto $ hal hboura as Mrs. Adams yea lived y 1 �yt 1 OW U 1 Runnintc Globe Acts, eta., offs., James Dunlop, aged 77 years slid 10 months, „ y� 7 .tp 9 g t gave me groat relief inside of thirty 18 108. Choice [� a ToRoxr ., aid T4bWRatestotolpointsinDakotaandMontana. TIAYES_itn l�li,loss, on Tuo dayx May to Veal, in the district for many years. Her rniriutes, and before I had taken a, bot- Famil Flour fol .1 II,a�roSse Match. B Roz;To, Svd,IDAmoltlrrS l+ottickets and all information consult l3athaniel W. Hayoa, aged ` 1 years and Dressed. hogs....., .... 600 to 820 disease was of the digestive organs, tle I was up from what 1 thougbtl"was months. which, unchecked, developed the ofs- m death bed. I was cured and Icon- These Are our present rat" HoRONa, OtGailerigb va. Irowh Ageutt months. Bonmiller, Oat., on Wediios t p . P Y t but we don't kriovp how Baseball 1 .,`, , . Baseball Match: Toronto 'VARatTV'. Y,ri 11i� Ii�itp/� N day, May 4th, A.D•,1808, Go'grge Forriby, Itching, Burnie Skin Diseases Cured one that caused the local ailments she Sidor In cure almost miraculous." SEILGT iwi dJOR MORGANS, {tats. accts ■ v+ s■+■`'Na a. P. A. aged 8U_�yyears, 8 montha, 2 we and 4 days. fl+ gt Y long they will last. Guards Chant ton All-round F Scor rig sddt- WAnAINC�TON�•-In Godorioh, on Wednesday, for Thirty five Cents. so graphically describes. the failure , "! n) 'rILOi� on T.round PIu, r d1 Ca - Ma. 11th, Richard Wiinlldalm4a Warrington, of outward apptfoat;ons was duo to the ,,., Oats taken in exchange for Groceries. lea, a d Ov , A�% ..,. .:a a 14 years, 5 menthe a y Dr, A nowv s Ointment relieves in one filet- ,obvious to all who will but think - adtan Dragocus, Winner of the Gov, opp a MH,gt1IlN In Stratford, May 0th, Minnie g round Cham ionahi Medalat tho rceent,Home Bell wifO of '. Milburn, and daughter Of day anti cures Totter, Salt ' lihenttn, A moment—that maladies caused by d OLSON, CLINTON p PROPERTY . n � • �y � �Y V V t lShow and lawasry pPournament, in �p U� ��� [1 . , R r}, Brett, of Soafarth, aged 82 oats. Scald Iisad, Bazeitia, 'Barbee' It'oh, impurities in the blood can be oared ■ I SwORIi VS. BATONIt;T, 13AYON6:T vs. BAVO-NST, RU R 1 ,n. v SALE. WIT'Ij,...b,I Seaforth, on I+rids ,�Ia�y 6th, Mil- 9'M VICTORIA. STREET. „ swORD va. SwORD. fou, youngest son of Law3a Witt, ages 4 I7loersl Blotobes 'and all or of only by a reiriedy ar�dresged to the �' JOR MORGAN'S Fan a• `... the skin. it is soothing and quieting stomach, kidneys and liver. Such a 9 a Rood« 4 0 JL" I' SEYcG7', MA Fancy SVyArd yyeas. - -.. , . , --•�-yr --•�•N , , Wonderful GAN' iFa with the HICND,10,6 1N -In Seaforth, on f3ittiaay, May and acts like magic in the bare of all remedy" is Mother Seigel's 'Syrup, and manship. h Rheumatism soppy, A.ntagnifleent exhibition of nkll1, �d ljt 13I' fi.a x�c �gc 3th, J011n IiondctrsOu, agCd 88 yai4rH and 11 bah hutiorsr 36. through els marvellous virtue, this lady H'tlilr i t `�111tr �j[`4 t1. W' - elevornesa and dexterity. li 1�L f7 i Iii i tl WIN B a IiOU(3EB g'i11 1Vfttehtsti, an the 7th inat., ClliVer y y , vvas rrsotted from the host of suffering Bay pBICkN pIIUMiTICUEi� TIil1 t3ALD iCYC1A Coe fancy trick , ilodgoa,a 4d 42gataarid2datV ones and made gladTn the 1ltlssession Bio Aie IiidiniC, eta. T d ptSdAr61(�oa uf'teth far +tela Sr t4ht that 1i r EL lit xlibbort tin. thel 1tit just., R F'C REPORTS. y , h C 6 on ltd tart 1SG..There qro 0 11fETIIzaR + Cl,I1r1TON• DIA 11r of 1 eneivbrl heAltb. GVi1l .11ot Others UNIVERSAL 1,18EfiAillRa It yon want a kilstitetio , o1 rd yo pump, ono thr Stay tiriale rosid n6 0,.-.-. MA,r-metheroll,agod74year6, w111 siva you 6htisfaotfan, sand gone ardor to tit e y ro nY k1 d Alao y - tl ? undarolgned. lie t;llt 8'ig ttnd eleun `welts ar}d db it *, iGV1i1 NG PROGRAM In Park, 4t7 O'O10'A1r. hetiro0iksrdltl~xfngradin,alttln b , tall t. • It1--lnLogan,On t1t620t1i lilt.,ititatit.ao1 (doiftiotadeivary 11+dilhadat+aftsrhdoh') pref"it by her expereon a 1tCltef in six 11Cnrfff VV1iab a g1ac1 nice• ' M in gh darroo.abl4. >r aAhneatJon * th £Ua rp/,IdgitGe 06 0AAR $.iithcn , exi the ol600st pffeas. Ve also handles a ilrgt•olsa _0-; � „ PROV�i i 'Wire g.. d,,aed'eJai e8itml?vtol.ttiritEra9s, II tiro 7th inAt• all Wheat ueN..Y....,.rY.Y ;L 65 to, 1 fJ5' aaseEotlxrf.pain•rlloftld, bodr1d+#en, dad' MEY, spoolAltles , ywe mrd of 1an i o , ; . 13T,nCi? LOCMYIi $tr�tt!grd, uti k a A r� 0 tYi Ci ib alring agifajot frbm rhettmW110 s dmal t dei7B PUMP. f '" Pda partia13104Apply .,�?., Md1 (�. wood wife J. 0. BlaOklob r g tarlayW.... .,....,Y....r.,..r.. Y 0 , .d., orlAarido Ittilotiotopse Interest, A T rwillf"i Ud%.; b1hSt0bY Aar.. 0 28 to n 3$ COULD U DO Ytt �y Ltrado -ane this is 6, fact, bbruil Cut b> J A 11ai1� >±'�IItCxi7t�C)�T Yv". ... 'i`fi 1>i _ M l,,tJ V',11D JlVt�' YY'l•.n,, 1i�,1fVf�itTa:tll�, SiON i} -.116 ratae$. Ilifrt�l p cEfi7 I3eLltii� (11141T1itr 1t, , '. "` ....,.,.Y..•••••••••�•• 4 G9 to 0 e0 High ISEredt lltlnto■ ° 01 ftTSO >n Wfn(�lsamr ;6n May 12111 tjats VolutteAd of evldoudovfor thu gro%tetso of pppdslt Quoan'61};dtd1 ��a tkk�ilWtleoVile( al . Malt', wfCd of d12r, Wrtic 1 Abit,.on, agAcl hfi lyealVr,..;,.:,•...wY...,W,.•.,.W.. ka . iSodety s roll i+Itlr. - ileal` '' pafncten�uef orri. 9d§'tf # na tlrchsstr d t'ie *b • bare a td $ aijolltlldr. ....., . 0 tlo ttl O Y 40 s. nc1 a a, q11 . 39rd Barr - _ , rn0n Rye ................... I.arga sdtsa ll ko riot tin ..luy' •.. y) l�hdittnbtieriii' 1s orireible�lletrtlt Xmorl• :. U, fluff (JrCth,.,x " rlt1 .�It2 'Titn6,, epi WAdnes+lay alta n imbs • mid, also' oil VA hands ab.blute a� . _.., 8' ohtl Gu a 0d 72 y0ara, potatoes, per bushi new... 0 50 to 0,65 head and 1 i,M� y s, c>str )Eiholiriisitteifd tuxa ie atx • ,tbii tl)tttlAflSvs, T110(i ltzav li, ase J qr !r •n baskbt.... f3 11 to 0 12 ra; fl 2tltvt flitnthsii Irldda .. Butter Ieoge so that t ubuld t1Qt dd ittay. wdrk,' at speciflor isnd radla►lly eared tllb mAbt p�Y t� 1' .1�1, 0,0) ati Bafyonot Contests �y SIL tvv0dti o - Irl a Mev 0 12 to 0 13 h e utile tiirree da a. •MERIT. WINS SNOW$ i LnMo .: xbrGihtlbY'0f , ! p• �" 7�1+ U e ti00 1 rlBnoor . • Ix telt heifM1 earn dirt, Uy� tiro bl ,. 0 iiw`ard E , Y 1 —Il ihtn DalibrOOlts hrido, i goara, BtitteN ill to 4 0.rl...•.r..Y 0 yy stdbborb ometlIttford boo til i �44 Fan 9 .. 6t11Y. ,,.YWY.Y 0 9 ,1 I „ s er d O0.,.YW.W6# called-06201aa. I bagafl takkig � 106d i o t suNt'dd Il tei►tol>r fropl. ftietimY+ti. `O19A.'1,i3lfV2N j3iAyAle CC tct0k riding eta. ,. $ itp on his A'offilso.,' i.Ath 111 -rent - artd 2' d�tl"d �g�; � 0 • Trlo ttiitn rhatodiba an8 hrfiztfrl6 1 tan It b 0:(f to 11 iWhetr I halrlt ttlretl a3ver� anduolattaaSeirda stills, d f tinrt x, ...1..; t tlV� a la.1 1<(1STER CO., Aerial Sw !l;'' {�' rid TOWua11117. , Y - t 1gy"JYrYrrY.rY.i.'..WrvrYwWY..YYYw y Al lahMY, wi h iti �} � / '1i1C.1+"1t,A.tt ora ctlng09eibiir rifi9 k1 , ►, , 0 00 tb 4 1 {3 v rTif f/ 16150 tltc. r tatty . p2i1' j n G r . give lr6 d. r .... ,.. • ,' r Y 6.1 bottlirlh th6 eget 1Afla ltcleltaf( xll9ap�' Atlt1. Jk fO dose. 11 E16mu holo Rots+ Run"I g arsii "9011" Tofto. $1 y k' ? g y�►y�T 11 q 5 .9rllaYbuflltb>od y „ 21tMDS 200, .tl ....,Y 4 P.. .. W'Y.,'6 , ,to 6 SIV .- r, 11 ifll�li!i)il1i. Children 15C.oriC . er bwit , �!,e&i od a1tC1' I t4aI1 btlt'(%. 1iY12s... i, 0dn ithbt#tiYAtiCi?ti1`d' anrlafttlly liAlfle8 bo x►11f1s l.afon in evonin , ,Biel Y� iy 6$ to 0, 04 n%e4 Wo bdttlA(. Card ' tiiei. x•,15, Axretk g'ulle't cilli, t�NT. Glostnralarl7kl q, zoo '1` .for g,, Dried : 168' "*.'4' 068 { I3aBIP11' Btantforar f�htr its 0A& this 6ahooldons flrat.a1a66*0ikin ovAw .t1e dr6r .:,' �yy ry rF�lit 8orv1B0 and Reduced Rates. ,�, 1! roufxllbrecbG �y �1W1 ri y� p 'tl1 (i 'Od r � � 7sieCrinl#V t_ 1 Y 0 ' s15Cbid. l i� ,-*- 1,- 1.. the - ..� el' 1V 4�t.YYr.Y.Y'W....,''r V V6'', Tbrms• . Tludlttl - u 'outdo +ir4`i'r'owd ■L4w4w *All #Ilei ,n6n'I ASR shioyeo a largo pl%vonag8; % ffarhiiiAv tit&tQ rhrif ib ell of intor0et.e ferodr ;i td 05 r 'f ha e , e r ai 1 S oaf elf lir Iii hest nada-nA>tia 116tttil iti lur bn . .. g gat i5 . „ 1 't130 b porf0rtnor 1 1? 'rtil'ite' 8 9r jiYr..yWY..Y....+ tl (li 1 i1bIY M1 iLi die t t ,tlllli% f►111s ifl,tGr E1 iitdtllAi iMEu�ty+�diblf 4 ldlilRlM 41111 !! it ja C)i o .a,_ , g , have e"94 rd, 0n V . eD r , . ane t hbr64 th1ftwe .Y Y p 05 to 0S 6 , vi 1 4d t the ltlit0 day a nort� than 1i. tfibrtl r i gHh igl` ibWx.v.., r...,WW...W left Iiotld d ache prep t• GprF! X11 ll hl� : 1f't1 iYw, Y:. L dnada. Sttidanta Can enter At 4iry t1Ma+ UdtAlAgtsel iibyalteib y. th 18t8, irfntw+�$l�writ1i151fvll+i,' ;y �� p� all li r1+ frau.%olittton, 96Y % , TTtii. fs l►xaretsltaYlotl CJltlilfkbfis er.15. iltbv Solt1 1►,� �ttttb i$t (Iy� }},,�}�( 1ryy'2y�3ry.1.��,jy,y), sy1,;;�vg lug t�ytµt,rryc,c��»:rt. yy {� y,�y t� t1y,n�t�; ��Yy�� �� y e � p �j rYY /� }� 4�. J. lui+lttiti'ry,; f igil>71 44 ''i`4""",IM i✓JJ1.LA1,lJr tlY i-, I)�17. iTA i, M1�g117, �Y061r.Y.if�'Yi.i.l.tirr Y.Yi IY WY{..r �/ +.O tM t,7 • 1 t�'lralrfliatl. SOCrotary, tfW . 'i` , , w Nr - I ... ,.. , . . *r, - .•