HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-19, Page 2�.- __ u„ '`` . . . , 1 and neither oP them having done any- See Also in this Dell of Moses that amount to much untbl they get their within the pant 300 yearn when a single i'�j SUND A �7 � �IiOj EVERYDAY RELIGION thin} mora pratetheal than to chew oho- I God has a great memory. Four• hued, next call in Letters of fire. You will THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, united. intelligent of=art wand oat /1iL Ul�dJti�l v �1 L• eolate osramels, the two nothings will red years uefore he had promwea the asci amount to much in uselu nese until have swept every vestige t their mas- "� start on the road oP life together, ev- Itelivertwtce u: the ui,pressert ismer- somewhere near you find a burn[ng tars frown the islands, but it has not INTERNATIONAL LESSUN, MAY 22 THE ORIENTAL WELL FURNISHES cry step more and more a failure. That struck the hour, aced now Moses is bush. It may be found burning in the INFORMATION ABOUT SPAIN S been made, and, unless dominated by REV. DR. TL WEL A TEXT. daughter of the Midianitish sheLk will called to the work of rrescue. Fouv hectic flush of your child's cheek. It PEARLS OF THE OCEAN. ether reaso° for their longavaesaltige '• The Day of Jnd;twrut. unit, aa. 91.4*. M never find her Moses. Girls of Ameri- hundred years is a very long time. may be found burning in bt barna mis- .-r" is to be found in the f,aa,t that their uotden Text. ai►►u. „a.z7, i a oa, imitate Zipporah! I)o something bard you see God ca,a remember a p�c� fortune. It may be Pound burning in I>. the roseesa,ott or t3pitiu Over 'Phree P,iiAC'1'1CAL N11', Lipporah's Fuieetty w Bier Father's Inter- prtwtieal. Do something helpful. Do inisa 4W years Bite wall as yam can re- the fire of the world's scorn or hate or Biggdred Years—IteauNfui deonory ,a Priests cotrte from S�,aia, and they are sets, and Bier custom or Working' something well. Many have fathers member 400 mipuutes. Four hundred miarepresenitattdn. ;Bata hearken• Ito tete Islands—one Itundred Degrees ea all intensely tardy ow Good Frt- Verse ldt. Wluen the cicn uP Mead Though the Daughter of a 111011 Matt, with great flocks of absorbing duties, years Includes all your ancestry that the crackle of the burning bush I tete Bha(ie Just Now—Illnullu Ir u very day' an the Saturday foLlCwing and on It would be of info+rest to lcuuw ` won ner the choice of Binge• as Iter and such a father needs help in home rtes of E plt. T'h'e' clock of time has missy Place—rroditets or the Iseauds- Easter t�ainday there e f business in Pre' BY Manila and °o vehicle oP any kind is cicely what the Jews understuo+i by sus Itride—The DlulkIty pf work. or office or field. Go out and help him I you know nothing about and all tbA A MATHEMATICIAN'S EYES. i3arthyunkes. Chotera, Epbientieb, In• Washington, May S. Rev. Dr. Tal- with the Plonks. The reason that so , promises made to them, and we may burrections, Typhoons and Typhote permitted on the streets. Lord's applieatiun of this title to him. many men now condemn themaeaves to expect fulfillment in our heart and " ica, an of experiences in South Am- self. To vs it means the consummate mage this morning pretiched from the COLeIq•IOII• IIA Draws Frow Fl;rnren IBe Fever Biro Freaeua+at Vtsiturs. erica, and beceu�su there was neither unaffianced and solitary life is because life blemaings that were predicted td latlug to Marriage, Datlles. and other The Philippine Islands, ane of the gold norailver in paying quantities in Man, the perfect flows: sf humanity, words: " Now Moses kept the flock of they cannot support the modern young ( our• Christ'fan ancestry centuries ago. Things ints of dee the Philippines, the early Sipaniards It carried with it whatever of religiova Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of woman who rises at half past 10 in You have a dim remembrance, if any Po pest interest in the war, treated he natives with much greater Midlam," from Exodus iii., 1. He said: the morning and retires after midnight. mmembranoe at all, of your great- Wearly every one has heard of the have beets in the possession of than de- y sentiment find gathered about the ane of the trashiest of novels in her randlather, but God sees those who clemency than cat, their custom. With- Book of Dattel, sin which it first Co- Iia the southeastern palet of Arabia a g statement of the mathematician who cadent momarahy since St.Lazarus day, to a few years after the discovery tri - hands, most of the time between the were on their knees in 1598 as well declared, and afterward reiterated, that 1512. They were discovered by tHer- bunals of appeal were establtahed, sura. Come in his !glory. At the second seism is sitcltatg by a well. 1t Ls an• aril late rising and the late retiring, a thou- as those on their knees in 1898, and which checked the powers of the gov- the blessings he promised the form- Ireland furnished three and a ha1E sal- nando de Magellan, who had sailed advent. The hely angels with him. ai _� + country, and water is scarce, so that a san,i of them not worth o°e Zipporah. senors. Indeed, comparative! speak- a celestial t,odygarard. The ,Sun, of Maia- well is of great value and flocks and '1'bere are questions that every father er and their descendants have arrived diers to every two soldiers which Scot- westward in search of the Molucoa Is- ing, the inferior races have had little Eerds are driven vast distances to have and mother ought to ask the daughter I or will arrive,. While piety is nob land supplied to the British Army. But Lands, which at that time were claim- of which to complain. They have not, we"' to be the King of heaven and at breakfast or tea table, and that all hereditary it is a grand thing to have cepa at Least, been exterminated, as hap- earth, and the glory of his cuurtiera thei?tbirst slaked. Jethro, a Midianite the dau hters of the wealthy sheik had a pions ancestry., Sq God in this p Pa every one bas not heard of the ed by Portugal. Following the cheer- g paned to Lha su}>jeata of the Incurs and was to settle in the splendor of any sheik and priest, was so fortunate as ought to ask each other: lti'hai chapter calls up the pedigree of the serioW report made bye }earned math- fel Spanish custom it was Magellan's to the aboriginal Cubans, as happen- of the ruyat servitors o1 earth. The t)o have seven daughters, anti they are would you do if the family fortune ! i;eople whom Moses w•as to deliv- ematictan of his researches in the sta- intent .to find the Moluccas and pro- ed, in fact, to nineteen oat of every throne of ins glory. That wh come should fail, if sicknes sshould prostrate I liver, and Moses is ordered to say to Ustica of matrimon in various coup- claim. S anish soverei nt with the twent off our own Indian tribes. shares with Jehovah the �' Bit of i practioal girls, ayrd yonder they the breadwinner, if the flocks of Jethro `them, "1'he Lord God of your fath- tries. He found b a comparison with aid od a few round shot. y The Phil- Y — -- "` __ days•" •NY& Oi'-'-`•k"3 as srurrounded I drivtRgl the sheep and cattle and cam- should be destroyed by a sudden crier- I ers, the God of Abraham, the tlod of y b - the j�rghtnas which no man Dan els oi' their Father to the watering. aloe of wolves and bears and hyenas I Ise -',o and the God of Jacob hath sent various official records and by Correa- ip,pines proper comprise more than 6W JAPAN AND CHINA aeh,ubto, encircled with the rain- r ►Phey lower the buckets and then pull from the mountain? What would you I me unto you." If that thought be ponden0e with various Governmentau- isLainls. They are a part of the chain — bow. (See Dan. 7, 13.) I', them up, the cater splashing an the do for a living? Could you support i divinely accurate, let me ask. What thorities, that the number of men mar- which separates the Pacific Ocean from First Test of the Modern Biattle•shlpa en 32, Betore him shall bol gathered all yourself ? Can you take care of an in- , are ,,a doing by forayer and by a holy the war lietween There Countries. nations. Better, "all the nations, [ stun=gs and chilling their feet, and the valid mother or brother or sister as life for the redemption of the next 400 rigid in a year was identical with the the China Sea. In length they are which carries the thought of all the troughs are filled. Who is that man well as yourself?" Yea. bring it. clown I yeatrs? Our work -is not only with the number of women maitried in a lake pe- 1,000 miles from norCh to south and Only ane real naval battle has been Gentiles. Manny expositors have un - out there sitting unconcerned and look- to what any day might come to a � i,eople of the latter part oP the nine- riod. and he added that "it is a fair their extreme breadlth is 400 mailes, fought which put to the test the mAd- dprstood this to be the simlple meaning prosperous family. ' Can you soak a I•teeath centur I;ut w•ithl those in the ` dog otq? Vi'hy does ho not come and he}P Y. inference that the cams rule prevails Their richness has caused their rnvners ern battle -ship, naurely, the battle of of the passage, and have explained the dinner if the servants should make a closing of the tw•e.ntieth century, and the women in this hard work of. draw- strike for higher wages and leave that the etoaing of t1w twenty -,first cen- and lbs saws proportion obtains in to name them "Perles del Oceano," or I the Yalu !fiver, early in 1895. The by the just and unjust kp berduevto i'n,g water? But no sooner have the (try morning?" Every minute of every , tory, ana the closing of the twenty- those countries wherein no mathemat- Pearls cif the Ocean. The principal I Ja.panesa won the naval contest over the ignorance which they had as Gen - lips and panting nostrils oR the flocks hour of every day of every year there , sceuna century, and the closing of the fuel records are kepL." It was an am- islands in the order of their size are : the Chinese because of their superior - are families flan. from prosperity into !, file heathen; bort many who are super- hegun to cool a little in the brimming are ahi and, alis s, if in rush exp enc twenty-thira century, For 400 years iub1e mathematician who, in answer to Lulzon, which is but little smaller than ivy in seamanship and gunnery„ and be- ficially acquainted with Christ are P' g Y I if the world continues until that time, the question when stilts were discarded Cul►a, Mindanao, Para ua or Palawan, (cause of the higher morale of the island ignorant of what Christ stands for; and trough of the well than some rough hardship, and, alas, if in such exigency or if it drops, then notw•ithstandin the g Bedlouin shepherds break in upon the the seven daughters of Jethro can do B generally tm Scotland, reported that, al- there is no reason which Dan be brought nothing but sit around and cry and 1°flttienoe will gu on in other latitudes though the rule a.dmiated of some ez- Sawar, Panay, Mindoro, Leyte, Negros, � peaPle. The Chinese had a total ,avail- from the rest of h•rly Scripture to ex. I scene, and with clubs and shouts drive wait for same one to :•one and hunt , and longitudes of God's waiverse, eeptLons, it was found, by a comparison Cebu, Bojol and Masbate. They are , able fleeL of twenty-two vessels, con, elude Jews and Christians from this { beak the animals that were drinking them u a situation for which they ! No one realizes how; great he is for of records from various •Hliglvland mountainous, well wooded and well silting of two battle -ships, four coast- picture of the judgment. Rom. 1.18-80 and affri ht those girls until the ' fly have no ualification. Get at some- • �o°d or for evil. (`here are branch towns, that they wars discarded be- watered. The contain no beasts of defense vessels, two protected cruisers ! and 2,9-16 make plain (what we• should and affright those girls until they fl thing useful; get at it right away/! Da tugs out and rebounds and reverbera- tween sundown and midnight. Y have to expect froma,Godofjustice,that Y Y tions ane elaborations of influence prey, except an undersized wild cat. The and fourteen small cruisers and gun- all, enlightened and unenlightened, are mtinnered shepherds are driven to the not say, "If I were thrown upon my' that cannot be estimated. fhe TU_ STBO!NGEST MNT other wild faunaare buffaloes, deer, its• 'jbe battle -ships were superior ow•n resources, l would become a music judged by a standard of justloe which troughs, taking the places of the other teacher." There are now more music fifty or one hundred years of our with the amiable mathematician, how- pigs, m mkeys end the mysterious "tu_ to any vessels in thb Japanese fleet, but all recognize. He shall separate them. flocks. Now that man sitting by the teachers than could be supported if earthly stay is only al smnall part of ever„ is not his precision in the state- .arae," a cross between the buffalo they were badly handled. The fleet of Dec•. Marvin Vincent calla attention to they were all Mozarts an9 Wagners . our sphiere. meats of facts„ but the conclusions and deer, an inhabitant of the sli htl the Japanese comprised twenty-five � the change in the grammatical can - well begins to color up, and his eye and Handels. Dc not say. "[ will go Dc nut retire too early. Like Moses which he finds himself able to draw g Y struction here, which very suggestive - flashes with•. indignation, and all tl?e to embroidering slippers. There are you may have your chief work to do from them. Thus Prof. Mulhall says: explored Mindoro. vessels, of whit h two were battle -ships, ly changes the sense. The multitude@ gallantry to hie nature is aroused, It more slippers now than there are feet. after 8U, it may not be in tole high "The number of drunikards fined Owing to their lengtth north and two armored cruisers: six protected cru- are gathered together as nations, but (e Moses, who naturally had a quick Our hearts are every day wrung by places of the field. It may not be yearly per 1„000 inhabitants in some of isers and fifteen small cruisers and the Lora Judges them one by one _.- the lar a cities of the Uhited Kin do south these islands possess a conaider- the story of elegant women who were where a strong arm and an athletic g g r° able diversit of climaite. Their u gun'�ts• as individuals. Aa a shepherd livid- i temper anyhow. as he demonstrated on foot and a, clear vision are required, is reater than in the rural districts, Y P- nth big Spee', from the gnats. des on once affluent, but through catastrophe • g one ooCastoII when he saw an Egyptian have fallen helpless, with no ability to but there is something• for you y.et to the general average of persons Hined in Per end camas within a few .ilea of Phis war was apart and sharp, and I the oriental shepherd always does on oppressing an Tsraelite and gave the take care of tfi es selveh • do. Perhaps it may be to round olff it may be assumed that drunkards are reaching the northern edge of the the Chinese lost to, their enemy every I approarching the fold. One notable Egyptian scolds. clip and buried film Our friend and Washin tonian ' the work you haave already done, to not 6 per 1„000 in England, but 6 per tropic zone. Scenically they are effective vessel of th6ir navy. Thirteen fact throws brighter light on Ithe g whale parable, that the goats and sheep townsman. W. W. Corcoran, did a ma demonstrate the patience you have England being at,out 0 par I,OUO of the .EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL. of the• ships were taiken , to Japanese in the sand, and as he showed after- g been recommending all your lifetime, population. but as the same persons will do not instinctively mix ; they tend nif icent thing when he built and en- paired, and added to the Milk ward when h'e broke all the Taw Com- lowed the Louisa home for the support I Perhaps to stand a ]ighihotise at the be fined probably Leu tinea in a year, Sailing among their thousand passages pct$, re like to like; although when led across mandmemte at once by shattering the of the unfortunate aristocracy of the' mouth of the bay to light others in- 1q,U0o. the traveler is greeted by intensely ado's navy. ivT,ine were hit by Japan- longi ap,acea of vvild;:rness their t;roupa two granite ala ba on which the law was south—the people who once had every- , to harbor. L sepses to show how glori- rJ his is not a very violent assume blue waves, white coral beaches, mss- ase torpedoes or lalown up by the Chin- may somewhat intermingle, there is an r thin but have came tone ha 1Ve oars the sunset ratty come after a tion, but it is lacking in the minute instinctive Flassificatian of them- . written. But the injustice of this treat walxt another 1V. AV. Corcoran o build stormy day, accuracy of prophecy,, in the mathemat- sive mountains wooded to the summits, ase to prevent them from Halling into selves apart when they wait for water ment of the seven girls set him on r a Itouise home for the unfortunate aria-' If a mea do not feel strong en- cal line, shown by u colleague of Prof. hundreds of leaping cataracts, flowers the hands of the enemy. At iVei-Hair at the wells or for housing at the with wrath• and he takes this shepherd t.06raoy of the north. But institutions ough for anything else, let them sit Mulhall. Here' was bus statement of a of every imnlginable form and color and ��'CP the Japs captured five Chinese tar- I fold. by the throat and pushes back another like theft in every city of the land around is our churches' and pray, and historical occurrence which, one might pedo-boats anti desCroyed Live. At the 93. The sheep on his rtight hand, but could not take care of one-half the ; sepses in a way they miff accom-'think„ by reason of the patriotic, hero- a sky od deep and serene loveliness. battle of the Yalu the Chinese twin ;the gnats on the left. Hardly any till he falls over the trough, ands aims untartunate aristooraey of the north plisfi more goad thlan, shay ever did in I ism of those who partioipated in it. and From Luzon one of the world's largest battle -ships, Tiagyuen and Chenyuen, mays could be >ywade in orient.:tl life a stunning blow between the eyes of and south whose lar a fortunes have the merraran of their life. It makes ors I the familiar poetic tribute to their ,alcanoes rears its scarre.1 head, Clown- did fairly goo,l work, but were terribly I that was oat prafo"uri(1 g coura e b Henn son would be ex- I riddled by the Japs. These vessels Before the Jewish Samhedrdn acquitted another as he cries, " Begone, you vil- failed and who, through lack of ac- ; feel strong to see aged men and we- B P Y Y ed for months with fire. Some of the !vans !' a•i3 fie hoots and roars at the quaintance with any style of work, i men all uf, and down thu pews, their etmpted from even the discussion of a I were built in Germany in 1889, and prisoners were placed on the right �,a cannot now earn their otvn bread. Imoantains are more than 8,000 feet ! were of over 7.000 tons displacement. I hamd od the judge and convicted ones f` faces showin they have been on moue- mathematician ; j e: cJ'and cattle and camels of these There needs to be easeful et radi- g "It is sad that of the 600 horsemen high. The interior is composed of ,A shell from the Tingyuen. Admiral om the lett. I P Y tains of transfiguration. We want in ' I Tin s fla shi exploded ,on the Japan- I 34. The King. The Supreme Rules invaders and drives them back, and cal revolution among mast of the pro- all our churches more men like Mos who took part in the charge of Ilalak- mighty rivers, large lakes, heavy far- to g P, l, ! ase flagship b1;aCsushima„ ,killed a great I aP flue world, who is here identified having cleared the place of the deeper- sperotrs homes of America, by which es, men who have been through the lava 3,21 rode on wh•i,te horses„ 166 o�n eats and wide alluvial plains. The � ; the ale•=ant do-nothin s map be trans- sorrel horses, 83 on roan horses, '28 on many of the crew. an;l injured the ship I vith the San of nam, and the Son oL' aloes, he told the riven girls od this g deeps ana climbed up the shelled beach blaxak horses and Z on ra horses. As soil is of the kind which, tickled with ! to such sin eactent that Admiral Ito had I man with Jesus Christ. Come, ye bless- `I• for.ed into practical do -somethings. on the other side, We want aged g Y Midianite sheik to gather thrtr flocks Let use leas warren o to work and I the hoe, laughs into harvest. The to transfpr h,is flag to the Hasbidate, ed of my Father. Dr. Carr calls fir:.', t3 Jacobs, who have seen ladders which sum,ing these figures to be correct, it is together and bring them again to the gather the flocks. Come, Zipporah, let I climate is equable, varying nth more At the S'alu the Chi•rvase fleet of len attentian to the fact that the 4r•y let down heaven into their dreams. A C1U�GLOU5 FACT vessels was formed in a semi -circle. The' %,,aril "of my Father" do. not fol- t,.; watering. me introduce you to Moses. But you We want aged Peters. who have been , that the proportion of white horses was thea 10 degrees in the twenty-four � Japs' fleet approached in two divisions low "ye cursed" in verse 41, and m:,les 2. � do •not mean that t is man affianced to at Pentecosts, and aged Pauls, w•ho; 10 per cent. less Lban the number of hours. Off MamiLa ust now, with the !, • the comment that the blessing cornea Oh, you ought to see a fight between h• J to single line of rattle and began to' this --•country girt was the great Mos- 'have made Felix tremble. 'there are the shepherds at swell" in the orient of history, to you? You do oat k'ren'sh �ulcliers in the Crimean war„ the rain season two weeks diatanC, it is Emirs broadsides at 3000 rids, which from Go(1 and the curse ire b,rou�hl here and there those w•ho feel like the number of sorrel horses 10 per cent. less Y I y t y p. the sinner on himself, Inherit the "`i' as I saw it in December, 1890. There mlean that be was the man who after- at its teat. Une hundred degrees vs p:'ett sloes r carters. 1�e Jtt casae I.'Id- y wovnaa of 90 a+ire who said to Fon-,than the number of k`renuh soLcliera in I kis dem prepared for you. ' [f c t were here a group of rough men who ward wrought such wonders there4 Y un 'the shade is its average. In Janu- fire was of deadly effect from the g i ad driven the cattle man miles and tenelie, who w•as 85 years of age,' than the numlber of British soldiers, the ren then heirs," lien. 8. 17. Those are a aJ h y Surely you do not mean be whose chaff, ppears to have for otten us," cry the thermometer has been known ,start,' Three Chinese ships were rank I the children of God echo accepting him r+ "Death a g number of roma horses 10 er cent. less I here another group who had driven dropped. wriggled into a serpent and „Hush," said Fontenelle, the wit, put- P tof go as low as 60 degrees above zero.. during the fight and a fourth was ; r" then, clutched, sstiffened a tiin into a and the number of black horses 10 per Y g g p y P I as their Father. partake of his 1lfe and , I their cattte urs many miles. Who shoixld g, my but egos!! it ran es durin the dead I stranded and blown u , b the Ja s. , r, have precedence? Such clashing of , staff? You do not mean the chat- ting his finger to hi��e II 'f No, m I cent. less than the number of L�airdini- of our winter months from 65 to 75. I Two of the Japs' vessels were so baldly j oho`vi.or tallhsu has not letdest'in,y�l lima friend, yo.0 have not g an soldiers engaged in the Russiancamr Manila; the capital at Luiun, is sixt damaged that the had to withdraw. , luuckets I Such pecking of horny ! Such , !eager of T,gyptian thrones and pal- Y Y kicking of hoofs 1 Such vehemence in ai seas? You do not mean he w ho streak you will ne called at the right time. pai.gn. hours' sail from Ifung-lion and five The, Yalu battle be an at 1 m., and ; been prepared. The foundation of the MeahtImr be hulily ocC,wnicd. Une of the amiable mathematician's g' g p' 1 world: The beginning• of things. ' language 1 fortunately could.not un- the roil so hard it weplt in a stream Let the aged remember that by . days frown Singapore. it contains, lasted until ,3U Torpedo boats were ^ 8., I was an hungered, and ye gave ..; 1 derstand! Now the sheep with recce!- for thirsty bolts? Surely you do not favorite tables is basad upon the de with its suburbs, a po-p,ulaLian of 3;,0,- fully tested at Port Arthur and Wei- , ar mark across Lheir wool! • backs were mean the man who stood alone with creased longevity of the race men are struetibility of eyrmies. !}:Toe has estab- 600, of whom !0,000 are European. Ha.! -Wei, anis they clic! so•nre terrible ex- mC .rah, ., t t tivu,� iyn the lvrink -. i y not so old at 60 as they used to ►:e ab lished. for instamce, to the satisfaction These include the soldie cler of- Iecutlun. Nothin ,n rn} re; r:srnfalives. ?(mut and drink at the trough and now the sheep of Go:l on the quaking Sinaitic ranges, 50 not so old at 70 th they used toile of his associates, the proposition that `v �' g upset and confu' 'are necessities so imperative, and the another mark. It was one of the moat net him o£ that most famous funeral fe6sio and foreign business and pro- the Chinese naval Loco su mu_h its the exciting scenes i ever witnessed, An of all time, God coming down out. of Bit 60, not so old at 80 as'theY used to a,t the battle u£ Agincourt, fought at fessianal ma:n. The English speaktal effective use of these engines by sufferings cause+rl by their want are so old book describes ane of these cynten- the hea•:ens to bury him? Yes, the , lie at 70. Sanitary precaution .better a period when there were more soldiers requLre ally evident., that It; does not understood; medical science further residenl.s do oat exceed fi00. The city the .Taps, than mathematiciana, the number of require :I unu�:rink tender heart to tions d y eastern well when it says: same Moses Midis ing Lha seven laugh- I advanced ; laws a4 health more thor- ` men put hors de combat was 18 per Proper is aurroeinded by Un I gib. uadre remaining chips of too give food ani! drink ,even. to one w bo "One day Ll}e poor men, the widows tees of the Midiani.tish sheik, who af- an, hl ado ted; dentisti continuing A MASci1VE STONE WALL Chinese squad run 'were'surrendered to and the orph:,ns met together and were terwards rescued all nations. g Y P Y cent. of those who engaged in it. AE the ,laps by Admiral"Ting.. and that of- cR not. loved; but this Feeding the driving their camels and their flocks Why, da you not know that this is for longer time sutccessful mastication, ; Bannoc+kburn. of Scotch memory, the mare than 2W years old, and it is , hungry and giving drink to the thirsty homes' rend cAitircheeti and soul troome ercent a wag `28, and at R'aCerloo it sharaely aricauril,rd with obsolete can- ;fiver committed suicide toy cutting his . to, drink stool were all standing by, the the way men and woman get proper- P > 1 !throat. is the first grncims act of a series waterside. Daji came up soil stopped ed far special work? The wilderness and places. of business i;etter ventilat-, was G3, It has been estimated that in num, The people living inside of the which aris,s st'•a!i toward a climax. them a]1 and took poaseasiva of the of Arabia was the law school, the thee- ed—all these have prolonged life, and , the Crimean wax the Russians fired 45; «all do not nwmt,er more then 25,000. ready wicked when they cease to be water Lor his master's cattle. J ust then logical seminary, the university of men and women in the close of this , 000.000 shots as the result of which they Tt is, however, for a tropical city, an hospitable. Our Western device of inns . tem ol'd wotman belonging to the tribe rouk and sand from which he gradu(tt- century ought not to retire until at killed 48,000 allies, Therefore, Con- extremely busy phwe. LL is the prin- THE FIELD OF WAR. an > I:,,tei< h :c.•: ,•• nia-h of the an - CA Abe came up and accaated hien in a I ad for a mission that will balk seas, least 15 years later than in the open -'eludes the amiable mathematician, it cipal port of export, and the exports cirnt hospitality unnecessary in mod - suppliant manner, saying: " Be so good I and drown armies, and follow the cloud Ing of the century. Do not put the required 910 shots Pram the �1�ii,ussian last, year amounted to $40,000,000. Next will ire In the Vicinity or Cala and the ern life. Ye took me in. Into your Master Daji, as to let my cattle( drink. I of fire by night, and startt the work- harness, off until you have fought a guns to kill "an ally." 'But trhe Eng- to Cuba the Phiiippines are Spain's I'etutppine l4wids, hc,n,e•,, into }our hc•artg. They are all the property I possess, me.n with bleeding backs among Egyp- few more battles. Think of Moses start- Lien in the same war, and aA ording to most precious colonial possession and Authoritie have expressed the Dein- 1 86• Naked. and ye clothed me. To and I live by their milk. Pity my flock; tian brick kilns toward pasture lands Lag out for his chief work an octogen- I the carne authority., fired 15,000000 are capable aP being made even more do this a mon must "have gone beyond have compassion on me, Grant my re- that flaw with milk amd the trees of arian ; 41Y years of wilderness life after I shots. These killed 21.000 Russians and, valuable than the wonderful pearl of Lon that the w•ar between the United mere kindliness and hospitality. Sick, quest each let them drink." Then Dame Canaan dripping with honey. Gracious . 40 years of palace life, yet just begin- therefore., concludes the amiable stat• the Antilles. They are the third States ani! Spain will be fought almost and ye visited me. Visiting of the another old wamtin and addressed him: Gad, teach all the peo�,le this lesson. ping., i istician, it needed 700 shots from the sugar -producing region of the wgrld, entirely um the sea, It will be in the sink. also, it an sot of npt.able self- ' Oh, Master Dail, I am a poor, weak Yiou must go into humihaition and re- I There lies dying at Ha.warden, F,ng-' En lish cannon, muskets, or small the Crop being 400,000 tuns. l'he other satcri(ice. 4c+e Luke 7, 2, 3; 10. 90-97. g roducts are hemp, tobacco, coffee, vicinity of Cuba and the Philippine I The word v)rited" in the origina! in - old woman, as you see. Time heel dealt treat and hadden closets of prayer if .land, one of the roost wnnderPul men arnia to kill a Russian. The French P hardly with me. It has aimed its ar- yoiur are t.o be fitted for special useful- that ever lived since the ages of time soldiers in the Crimea fired 29,000,000 copra. drier! cocoanut., from which fine Islands. It. is not expected that Spain I dicates looking after, caring for. Tn rows at me, and its daily and- nightly nese• How did John the Baptist get began their roll. He is the chief citi- I shots which .killed 51,000 Russians, so eaeps tire made, sapan wood and indigo. vvi.11 invade the t'nited States. nor that ptisan, soil ye came unto me. In the calamities, have destroyed all my men, prepared to become a forerunner of zen of the whole world. Three times ; it took 5911 shots Prom Frenoth cannon Philippine coffee pays its producer a , erican troops will be landed in .East priSon^rs are not, as a rule, pro - I have lost my children' una my hue- Christ? 6how ms his wardrobe. It has he practically been king Bir theft or muskets t.o .kill one. Russian. in net profit of $150 a ton. i'he islands 9 p ` , vided with dally rations. A span once a :1 since then I have been in will be hung with silken socks and em-' .PrtlAn, Agc i i and i+g in vonttng from other •„orris the !+Tench were superior Yet are in the iniltial stage of their •-Pain. n,titn is unable to du this, and jailed mnv starve if na friend outside kind, n braidered robes and attire of Syrian the Hou; -e of Commons, which he had development, though they have I een the United States has no desire to in- I the I ars visits him with timely refresh - great distress. These sheep cru all t.o lbP I':nglish in the a:;ruracy and the that I possess. Let them drink, for I Pu,,r> 1e? Shaw me his dining table. , thrilled and overawed by his eloquence, deadliness of their aim in the Orimea. under the influence of a supposed civi- fl,ict injury un :ipain beyond abolishing mint. fhe pri,onere of Lha Orient era On it the tankards a blush with the oxo auliday, morning reMin prayer,9 _ lization for more than 300 years. For cvuI as( in a sense that nobody in our live om the milk that they produce. g every acre in cultivatlailn there are 10; her rule in Cuba. The conditions in Western civilization Can be. They have Pity my forlorn state. I have no one richest wines of the vineyards of , for the peop.e with illumined counters- NOT A FIT MAN. anti around Cuba are now rett well y to tend them. Therefore grant my sup- Engedi, and rarest birds that were ante and brimming eyes mind resound- 000 untouched of the plow. P Y pa by in , mod to visit them with f .- plication and of shy kindness let them ever caught in net, and sweetest ven- i,nlg voice, saying: "I believe in Gocp It is perfectly ridiuulaua Por Tim- ea erg the other p re earl of fere unlerstood by the American people who pathy Binet help was an "unheard-of anti worn that ever dro d antlers before the Father Almighty, maker of heaven, mins to think of becoming an Artie ex- "Pearls of the Ocean” are earthquakes, ,have been vvat,ebi:ng the blockade by I ^f i parity. drink." But in this case the brutal the hunter? Na, wee are direct! told I and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Plorer, remarked Goldsborough. cholera rpidernics, insurrections, tyh- 37. The righteous. The workers o8 slave, so far from granting this hum- Y OC coulee it is, replied Dillingham. loans and typhoid favor. The earth- Admiral Sampsum's fleet with intense. good. i.ord, when saw we thee, Dr. ble request, smote the woman to the "tom same Jo(Im had his raiment of `Son, oto Lord." He couldn't deliver a lecture to save uake shoals, indeed, in the course of ; interest, Plumptre's remark theft it ie clear IhaE "^ ` ground," I camel's hair," not the fine hair of the The world has no other such man to his life a decade are fair) innumerable. rhe A like scrimmage has taken place ah same! which we call camlet; but the lose as Gladstone, The church has no Y 1'he, Philippine Islands are about at I this question of sas belie• could not Ins to coarse hair such as beggars in the other such sham. on to mourn over. I tta+chltecttue of rho islands has been I haled' by any who, as believers , i Chriat the well in the triangle of Arabia be- °g' Pi 000 t be away by the sea route that, twee. the Bedouin shepherds and Mos- east wear, and his only sheat was of in- Rball never cease to thank God that on ti,m. to conform to:Chis seismic condi- barye Coto under rk. C ristian is not a WHY HE WONDERED. nvust be travelled to reach them from' es atriamp,'oming the cataase o= the sev- sects, the green locust, about two in- Mr, Gladstone's invit•ition I visited him t10m Now York. There are some 1,00.2 isl- a'!'af;vGto remark. Christiane do not ell daughters who had drive. their fa- ches long, roasted, a disgusting food. at Hawarden and beard from his own .Bookkeeper, to the new office boy— TITS NATIVE HOUSES, ands in the group, containing an area I kn"'v even now the full significance of. These insects were ca ht and the li s his belief in the authenticit of the my bo,y, I have bad my nose to the t heir acts o£ mercy. The question is Iberia flocks to the watering. One of u8 P Y are built oQ' bamboo Poles and cocoa of about three anti a half times that, of win sand lea tarn off, and the were Hol Scri tures, the divinit of Jesus grindstone for over 50 years. rasher n beautiful n„ssurance that the the iris, 'lipporah, her name meaning g g Y Y P Y that.chin3, and it Chree of them fell Cuba. and a ca,nsi.derably larger surface g stuck Dux wooden spice and turned be- ;Christ and the grandeurs of t.be world And the boy is wondering what it hunter and thirst after righteousness, " littlA bird," wag captured by this mast have bion before bo Commenced om n anon he would not •know it. The than Great Brittain, The pupulalion is ,the yearning for God, which is thou gist heroic behavior of Mases, Por, however, fore the fire. The Bedouins pack them' to come. ,At h.is table and in the walk homes of the Huropeimas are made of over 5000,000, a majority of whom are in salt and carry them in sacks. What ' throu!gh his groands I was imp,essed as grinding. hriok or stone onl ata 'high as the first the native Indians,. who are onl semii- I nigh sous a of ('11 iat!an!Iy is of it self timid woman herself may he she always Y Y rtghteousnesa, and is to he rewarded a menu far John the Baptist I Through I was never before, and probably will st.a is of light w•'ood. 1'he roof is of eivilized. :Many+ of them are still ov- I aR such b the Iiia admires coura in a man. 7,ipporah I iY R, � what. deprivation he came to what ex- never be again. with the majesty of a fiHF COULDN'T BE FOOLED. thatch, built upon pillars erected in- Atnrd prar•ticaU b (heir native un q0. The. e, m brethren. Every mon, became the brute of Moses, one of the ultatirvo ! nature all concentrated to God and the Y Y P Y healthiest men of all the centuries Zip dependently of the walls of the strute Ic r In Mttnilla,,the capital, rind aened porch little thought that that morning And you will laic to go down before world's betterment, In the presence of I'll have to ask your a dollar more t.ure. The first part of a Philippine' ,its of Zebu and Iloblu have ha., roes!' "°man and child who recognizes our, as she helped drive her father's flge g you go up. From the pit into which his awh a roan what have those to say vvhn a week said the new servant. Yous told F>< i P 1 :ether in heaven lies the Father of all brathera threw him and thA prison in profess to think lh ct oar religion iso ms there'd be three in family. .E;u'rolpean's house to be built is the those terrible exhibitions known as , to the well she was splendidly deciding roof. tieing sheltered from the sun, •,runnin amudk." In these the native'''' our Lords brother or a sister. Jews her e w dentin •. Had she staid in the which his enemies incarcerated him pusillanimous and weak and cowardly So there are, replied the mistress, my the worrkmen take their time in finish- g nn'1 Gentiles alike our Saviour " is not y Joseph rose to be kv ,ti Prima Min- and unreasonable affair? Matchless husband, my daughter and myself, Indian turns himaelP I(ose armed with , nahamed to call brethren." FI^ goes far - tent, or house, while the other six *yI an Ing the remainder. The typhoons are knives, revolvers or other vveaOms, and L'm here, hain't I, .akin' four? It e � ther than the pagan vvho nobly said, Ira daughters of the sheik tended to their later, Elijah, who was to he the great- William E, Gladstatyne,l numerous in season and destructive. rushes alon a crowded tbor•oughfara, herds her life would probably have been est od all the ancient prophets; Elijah, Still further watch this spectacle of ;a dollar more, mum. 'Phey blow with unexampled ferocity la in as he goes, until he is finally counted nothing human alien from who made Kin Ahab's knees knock genuine courage. No wonder when Mos- -- and fatalities are man in the timber- s Y g himself. It is a moat comforting a tame and uneventful life in the soli- g Y killed like a mad clog: It was Iwo of l thou ht that we are uneonsciousl Ludes. But bar industr her fidelit to together with the prophecy that the es scattered the rude shepherds he wan LL. od districts. The Jesuits, members of these Manilla Indiacns who ran amuck g y pPr- y' Y Zi orah's heart. What mattered it to I What t personal Rrrvire fur Chriat, her father's interest, her spirit of bel daga would ►,e his only undertakers; pp that atltran a order Ica s first to What a b1P.ssi.0 it is that whatever we p- g `a Y an the American ship frank �. 'I'hng- fuln^ra, brow ht her into lea ue with Elijah, whose one prayer brought more Moses whether the cattle or the seven SIo you say Miss SCadds is dull? brave the terrors of new countries, g g g er a tow years ago, ki,llerl or wounded try to do for Christ he countsl as done one of the grandest characters of all than t.hr•ee years of drought, and whose dauighters of Jethq'a 'were driven from Dail? She hasn't any mare anima- have built an earthquake and typhoon the entire crew, and set the ship afire. higtor The met at the famous well, Other prayer brought drenching show- the troughs by the rude herdsmen? 'A tion than a rubber -plant, observator on Luzon. E;a ch dweller w him ! so tho again id Acte 9. 4, y. y Y Whrn they btu} dcnne all the da.tnage wherA he so thorot hl and while. she admired the courage of era, the man who wrapped up his cape sense of justice fired his courage, and in this abservalLory is a man of science, >r y tdrntiwh he orf ghee skin Into m roll and with it the world wants more of the spirit that ' MUST HAVE BEEN MISTAKEN. they could tsAo jumped !oto the sen• self with pia Church that when he M(,RP9 he admired the filial behavior P tapeeially selected far fitness. Theq Thr roducts of than Philippines ore would ask Savl wh cut a path through raging Jordan for wtll dare almost anything to see others hue not yet reached the point where P 3 he persecuted the of Zippfact Father --Did I hoar that young memo similar to Cho a of Cuba sugar Bind Lv Chtirrh his. words were, " Wh rse- The fact that it took the seven just twO mem to pass over, the man righted, All the time tit wells of tom- kI� Y in tJie parlor, Inst avenin 4 they are able to predicts earthquakes, !lasso being the principal crops. Civ- Y g outPst thou me?' da ht.ers to drive the flocks to the who with wheel of fire rode over death tort, at walls of joy, at wells of religion, titer—I den„t believe you could although 1 hey have hopes, but they do ilizat ion "as she, is in Spain Is the only 41. Ye cursed. As we have seen, GBid and escaped into the skies without and at wells of literature there are redict t. hoons with remarkablecer- floll impltee that th fa were immense have, papa, And i mou dra look z P YP hranrl of c,ivilt2e,tton yet known there, is not the, author of the curse : the thous nd of ye rs after the man who outrages practiced, the wrong horde Y taint. Bind each aP.asan save thousands but. the people are trying wicked are cursed h their own wicked floc'kr and that her father was s man Mia. Biclkere—Thd ou draw a rite Y I.o 4rt, up a than sole of. years after was Called out getting the first water. Those who of lives b dis tches to the various Y of wealth. What was the use o4 'hip- rod took possesaian of her lea t.iful Y Pa mor1A in government of (heir own' deeds and thou hts. of the eternities to ata,nd beside Jesus have the previaua ri ht Dome in last, i,arGs and saimnpboring to tors inland g porch's bemoaning herself with wool counteap,uce. 42, 43, Gavo m+� nn......tonk' mA ant.,. hillside near her father's tent and Chriat an Mount Talor, when it was [f they came tnI Bit al Thank C,od we eited.iorns. Octobor is the typhoon ablaze withthe splendors oftransfig- have here and there a strong man to month in t:he Manila section, and the YTTKON Nt0,9c)itl'I'OI•IS. clothed me not,,,.,. visited me not, Evil plunked hot arcups and dreamed out ro+ oration—this man could look }melt to set thin s ri ht I I am so glad that H'ER, PRTZ,E. is wrou. ht h want of th,mght ns weld g g AmArican fleet is safe fromi them. manes and sighed Idly to the winds The mosquitoes of the i"ukon are Y when she might have reclined on the the time when voa•aaious and filthy when God has an especial work to do Mrs, Bickers.—Did you draw a prize THF NATIVE POPULATION as by want of heart, NAglesl is nor of ravens were his only caterers. he has some one ready to accomplish in the marriage lot.ter ? more bloodthirsty Lban any other of the most disastrous of Rine. and wept over imaginary songs to the Y Nf the Phil[ ins Islands—or rather brooks? No, she knew that work was You sen John Knox preaching the It. Its there a Bible to translate, there PP roronation eormon of Jnmea VI, and is a Wyclif to translate it; if there is Mra. Tiff.—Yes, the booby prize. rho po elation now known ns native— the s'pooies, Fram 111ay until Sep ;mbecr�, 44. T,ord, when. Thr wlrked and the honorable and that. every girl ought to arra[ Min Christian alike are unennsoiovs of the g g (ween Mary and Lord Darn- a literature to he energized, there is ih of allay extraattan. Tbs akorig- they are engaged a mals. cal ,lent . r have acmething t.o do. and Rn she Rtarts NOT TRUE LOVA+'• imes, who are few in number, and have blooding man and animals, Ina few g eatnrss of t.Jtoir lives, of the ar with the hleat.ing and Jawing and bel- toy in a public dlsoourse at Edinburgh a Shakespeare to Artergize it; it there beers driven to the interior, are akin blours a Yuko mosquito will torture sw-erp of their duds, of ftei lnwr Pe lowing and neighing droves to the well and telling the French! ambassador t.o is an error to smite, there is a iLut.her Daughter—I will have t.o break my to the Papuans, wilth wool] hair and a dog to douch, and force a bear to of their words. 'I'k,y ar^' um1 t clnub go home and cull his king a murder- to smite it; if there Is to be a nation engagement with Mr. Nicofellow, moth- Y into a stream tst,.d+lIR6 of the asgur•nurr4 of t his pia for the watering•, er. John Knox malting all Christen- free, there is a Moses to free it, B tt er, I find I do not love him. fares cif the nogroid type. The Mn lay- seek ,relief by plunging ►Arauml evory home there are florskn tura, that. Jrytrs eeble nt the dnatn dam feRl his moral power and at hiR caurn•ge [s needed in religion, in litPr?t- mother—Wtrrn did ,you melte t.hnt arr>F► 1ro•ve t.ha aussolmary yellow sltth, of water. with the hP ar's ferhlP finrrrrs. r'!nee i and dr•ovPs of cares And anxieties, and burial the .earl of Morton, saying, ture, Ln, statesmanabip, in all spheres: discovery? black eyyes and straight hair of that w txa every daughter of the family, though „fibro lfeth a man wbb In his life nev- heroics to defend Jethro's seven dao h- Da hter'--Lamt, evenin i saw him i' O- They are peaceful. and lazy, de- on hospital }wdR, Bind pears nut Bit fn^oa 1 here he seven, ought to be doing her er feared the face of man," f,ers and their flocks and ut. to fl ght nut walking with anothe� woman, and voted gtimoJblers and passionately ad- -p, VERY Idol. BOY. made guant by Munger, part to take rare of the flocks. in manq P 413. Ttsmmur•h ns ye dl,l It not. Sd hmtaeholds not. only is 7,ipporah,butall Where did John Knox get mucsh the insolent invaders. Anil those who --- dieted to cook -fighting. They ,make Anxious t4I'other,--i' am afraid John- the will ire tmnisherl fnr grn+d loft nn+ her Risters. without practical and nae- of hie schooling for snob resound- do the brave work will wit) somewherA good accountants, good sailors and are hrl rmployinrnfs, ,t era of them are g g '�UBURiIAN SUBTLETY. export enmen; They are brave nY da slok, done as will ns far evil d' n^. to afld everlastin debievemetit? He hit;h reward, The loudest chaor of f' waiting for fortunate and prosperous got It white In chains pulling at the heaven is to be given "to him that over- Possible Renter, from the city, re- rnoug`h, Inst their lack of national Co- F pWtk OfI GCodnPSR I What sloes ho 4ti, Favor}mOrpo p turd fr of verinat. mntrimimixl alliance, but some lounger ]oat's oar In Frenob' Captivity. So the mmet.h.” amining suburban cottage• --Is the rel- hesiotn and tnconlquerable sloth ,make complain off Penal. Thr CrPPk ward fnr ' !flee themselves wi ICM and privatfolis and "bardahips o4 yonr lifA Yaur oa.11 wUl robabl Come in lute lira dr oato9 the. am oncsy ptsoltle to rule, Their Anxiatrs Moiler—t8r hasn't begun to Ina" and Per "At.Prnnl" ig the Q^mho d 11 coma a g. y lair. Ls'01 'to, of Lonelyville, cvnsivrl. insurreattoins haus loco frequent, but oamiplatn yet; bulli I forgot to look the A�ltat thA intmighm^Bit la is Birt n } after rountinR the lar a number of fa- may On a smaller Reale be the preface bars of fire. Min stem get their call to thAr Jethro's nbeep Band camels will aril introdvrtion to usefulness and via preach In loafers on paper or pnreh-•1V-oll, there may be a couple of 1•g, 'Wattless. They so far outnumbeTthe jam closet to,clay and there Isn't obit text. slated, Inttt thA rt+wsrA to etr ni make prop*-&! that will be accepted, tory• rnent or typo -written, brat it dom not ties of beer in It. ,3pdnJA1 that there has not been a dMe Missing, lupe. r j a,�r , '.i.. . m __... ..._, ,. .., i..J.---- .....e..-........'--.....-.... ._.._. ' ..-.�,..,�.., K114v.:...-....c xm:.,.,...,..�,m,.as.rcfuo.. ,,..,,,,, - "n•A�r,lst�k , rie�►1, �i a b