The Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-12, Page 8r £ �. I 71'' I I 1.. I I I .1 V� . � . Tlll� CLINTON �I 'VVS"BECQRUF,...,..,... only the wood tbait is wanted is grown ca. No doubt he believed both ends i� NEWS -RECORD N NiNT FOR and the tree is auveti from an u�l e - SPAIN MEANS TO FIGHT. would be secured, Tile dominating If you are ill you need a NoCripe eaaary and exhausting growth, but Ispubli-hed every THUIi111) aL7'ul element In his cabinet is Senor More t. N$wBRxccoau Printing flvue, Albert stip THC I�ARMiI:rR. the habit of the tree is formed, Ttf'e� the brilliant but too optindstio min- dOCtUC In whom you have auuy xuan Is u creature of habit, rind ILL MAKE THE STRUGGLE WITH inter of the colonies. Sagasta has been confidence. C13L*XL*,c)o31 Q3m„,' When youtal:ei3ood'gPills. The big, oldfaeL• treesare very like man in this resUeet. AMERICA A FIERCE ONE. largely under the influence of Woret. a toned,sugar-Seated Pills, which tear you all to Nothingwill encourage the fruit ro- Tho latter is cultivated, a linguist, a THE "SIGNS" OF A GOOD COW. g P g If Uu need a reined you Aar p>.xs•lsxaru txa•t 1I3. Dlooea, are not to It with Hoad'#. Easy to take during bnibit in a tree equal to Judi- 'lyre htinudera of Ile Govero.uent- No Tin.r• born orator, it triode! of Spanish court- y y •' 1 do not profess to be an expert, but crous and constant pruning. It Is rise- ll Prevlsloex elude vor rood auci foal l peace, a man P p y linens and, In times of want one that has been tested 1Yr. dicta $200 1 Ago leas s expect tfo a tree left to its Great Dan who could lie of .eat service to hia IColumn. .......dti0 0o dig 00 $2p W gry 00 . have lied pretty tui. "Luck"- in Select- gerror �laknstati 'Iltntstry. g' own sweet will for rive or six years country. He ianotanxan of war and for years; not an obscure, un - Column.,...,.. 38 00 20 00 18 00 3 00 ing good Sows. An expert cow buyer can be m t�, Column ....... YO 00 ll 00 700 t 50 is impressed P early trimmed, and its habit N'butevex• the real conviction of the would neglect to take the precautions 1column...,.... 16 00 8 00 500 ,.O -Hood's' 00 pressed by the appearance of a of growing wood and suckers checked , Spanish government and tried thin that is urged upon Inch,•-....... 0 o0 950 " hell 125 b severe trimmin people as to suggested h the military instinct, u +aS'bpecialPosition from t5 to ,5oper ct}ntextra. and easy to cow at first sight, says John Gould, Y g: 'rho result can the outpome of the war with the Tnit- Senor Gallon, the foreign minister, � � ly of Hood's Pill#, which aroPills and after scoring does not often be seen Ln hwxdreda of orchards that delighta in diplomacy and excels in it. OU or on which ou save a ,a For transient advertisements 10centa have been sub ect to this treatment. ed States, there can be no dottbi both }� s yc;npto date in every resp#et change the verdict, There is an a j But he is diffident and delicate. There Per lino for the first insertion; 3 cents Safe, certain and aura. A!! l)- Five or six sprouts Start for every one government and people will snake a is nothing militant in his comlwsi- . few cents --that is no consid- per line each subsequent insertion- pearuttce about a, good caw that is a cut slip and if the trimming is not supreme effort to render the tank of tion. He is a cool judge, and fair nonpareil measure. Professional cards, druggists. �O' O. I. Hood 5t Co„ Lowell, !stens. not exceeding one inch The duly YWato twits with Hood'# t3aii#apariUa Pretty perfect indicp,tor of fixer worth, continued yearly the later days of that and candid in his ealimates, but be eration as against health. x5.00 per tree are immeasurably worse than the I America as difficult, costly and bloody but it is about impossible to convey Y relies on the shield and not on the annum Advertisements without apes- - �- ----- —_ _ first. Taking everytWgig into con- � as Possible. -says a Madrid Letter. lame. He lacks aggressiveness and For wasting in children ific directions will be published till ('Q TO THE the information to another, and make sideration, the spring af-e6- hard freez- I It will not do for the united States initiative. forbid and charged for accordingly. ' it possible for another to put into prat- ing is the best time to do. the work- to act on any other asauntl,tion, The These men and Sagasta, with slightly or adults, Scott's Emulsion Transient notices -"Lost", "Found," �n t] Lice this intuition, or first -Bight Some advise summer prunng which differing views as circumstances have . For Sale," etc. -50 cents for first in- �dlUll Shaving �Il PQrlor g .'sal problem which the government 11 i'mpre:rsion. The first sight of a crow 'y be all right if properly dune, but modified them, have brought the of Cod-liver Oil With Hypo- . *^ sertiun, 25 cents for each subsequent g it. ig more difficult and tedious, and confx•onts is not so much the loss of I yP Should impress I Spanisll government to the present phosphites has been the 'jam tnSertipa press the buyer ,with her con- coming in n busy time it. is more like- Cuba as the possibility that the poo- pa.�p without ado cafe It EN'S -RECORD will be sent For first-class Hair -Cutting formic to w hitt might be Callers a m- ly to be neglected. Cultivation no , q preparation t± Y g Y g Pie at large will come to think the along several important lines. o any ,xildress, free of` postage, for and Shaving. metrical femininity. The crow is a doubt has much to do with the success- I government unworthy of confidence � recognized remedy for twen- x y LACKS POPULAR CONFIDENCE. r'i y 11 x7.,00 per ye payable in advence- fal growing of fruit, but men have sue- Su a4ta'a declaration to his su s. X1.%0 may hepar if not so paid. Smith'sblock,oppositepostoice,Clinton, mother, and the good cow, some way, cedeed In so many different ways that and sweep it and the dynasty away g • p" tx-five years. 'Phe [tate to which every subscription J. E14IELiTON, Proprietor, in appearance carries with her the' it is difficult to lay down a hard and together. One does not need to lrav- porters the day before the opening of is paid is denoted by the number on __ look of beneficence, as though She fast rule. It is admitted by most. el far in Spain in these days to learn aux, bUtnit had as tithe tut uof tterance of an 3oc. ■nd,r� , •`6 mista`Toronto. the address label. No )aper diswntin- fruit rowers that the orchard should age, SCOTT A BOVINE, 1 were willing to bestow upon someone g that. orator ralher than an administrator. Ued until all arrears are paid, except CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP not he left in sod for long periods. We ■ whether calf or owner, her life's en- Ever i 13e dors not Possess the national con- at the opt a of the proprietor. _ often hear the statement, "i would Y intelligent. Spaniard recogniz- Po Grand Trunk Railway. 1. ' � CIIF,"'o ergy, which is, in her case, milk. The: like to plow my orchard but if I I as that the Spanish system of fidence as a great leader ought to have _ FORD 8t MURPHY, I y govern- �-•�+ E ttor and Pro rretor. + points of a cod cow, and the signs ns b do 1 will ties. u + the roots us it bus it to lead a nation effectively in such ' p B B Y 1 men!. is vicious in the extreme-cor-, an hour. Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as _ _ _ _ _ (Sueeestre to J. W, Langford.) which we may know her, are a lit- been eo long since it was plowed. I do 1 Y No doubt the liberal. government will follows : not think it would be wall in such I ru pt, bureaucratic, dilator and vain. THE MOi.SOIV'S BANK Having bought out the above business, we tie complicated, its cows are, in fact, a case to plow seven or eight inches rho better educated make no attempt be retained in power for a time at Buffalo and Goderich District :- intenA to conduct it on the cash prinelple, and individuals, and have their peculiar deep, but I would rather plow four or lq conceal their contempt for the whole least, bat were Spain' to suffer s eery- Going West, Express ..,...,.x1, 3 a, M. '` Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855. •+•ille low our y]ng-perewith the beet moats ous naval reverse as the result of a Express.,•,,,,,,, t.03 ppm, w the lsup supply unto ere makeups; so signs can be used only five inches deep and take the risk of system when talking to a foreigner lack of coal or of some such material •' '6 Mixed............ tearing up some of the roots than to 7 -OS P.m. Ford & Murphy• in a general way, as two cows doing leave an old tough sod around the who can get their confidence. !'hey precaution as would be easily traced by " " Express.......... 1.0.x7 P.m. ?, CAPITAL equally well in milk production, will are clannish and sus the people 'at large to a lack of minis- Goin East Express .......... o a.m. $z,000,000 q Y i trees. Plow in the spring, sow with suspicious of ordi- g RxIST t oo,000 vex sgmewhat in form, anti ns trot- I terial foresight, the nation would in- it 4' P 7.4 i', . ,5 9 j Peas, and feed off with hogs. After nary outsiders, and they look with deep sist upon an abrupt chs "•'•,"'• x•55 P.M. Live Hogs Wanted have their own individualCt while a Year or five of this trentmeni, seed- I p age of admins- •� '� Mixed............ 4.35 P•m•`'`- "' y• distrust on the Tepresentatives of tration, ingdown with clover might follow, London, Huronand Bruce 1- `. Head Ofllee, - MONTREAL. have their Own individualit while foreign newspapers. But if one is able in that. event General Dominguez?;. • y' hogssp i lly e you continue to pasture Goin South Express ......... aim, answering to a general deaoription• hogs the orchard, a to might lee carried to the halm, or, for $ • > P 7.40 WM. MOLSON, MAt I3HERSON, President g practice every persuade them of a willingness to that matter, Marshal Campos, In any #r .r „ • • • • • • • • • 4.3 p.m. Ir. WOLFER£TANTHOMAS,Gen. Manager Four points are of special importance; apple grower should follow; it ce.rinin- regard existing troubles with any- event the new cabinet would be a na- Going North, " to.x5a.m. �- t ly is cod for beth hogs and orchard. a ,. ,. ,r' A bony, lean but smallish head, with g g thing like impartiality they will talk tional cabinet, without regard to • • • • • • • • • 6.55 P.m. Noteedtccounted, Collections mase, Draft Highest Market Price Paid. bright, .eminent eyes; a [f. it is impassible to pasture hugs or Y p y question is, M. C. DICKSON, a' Issued. Sterling and American Exchange g P Y prominent sheep, a crop of free! art lines. But the g and spiny r peas or buckwheat Could even that save the highest in- Dis. Pass, Agent, :$;' booghtandeotd. Interest allowedonDeposiu p'ny backbone; depth of body, . veddown will give good results. it In such circumstances the truth tereste"-the crow'n6 Toronto. _ D. CANTELON. Chnt011, and much width between the forAlegs is safe to aa�y that from one. -quarter comes out, and it is by no means flat- ___��-�� W. E. DAVIS, G. P. Rc T. A„ Montreal. to one-half of the apples grown in A. O. PATTISON, G.T.R. Agent at Clinton. at the brisket, to denote capacity and tering lu the cabinet. SAVINGS HANK. - Ontario are of varieties that have no WHAT A BULLET CAN DO. Interest allowed on Sums of 91 and u strung vitality, and an udder of long great waste, QUEEN REGENT POPULAR.. market value. This is a _ p• Removal of Night -Soil. abdominal attachment from front to and it ,•ilii The queen regent, Axeept possibly. rF.eDmm�Ao #pbteb the RNtishhec• rietfor.t I rj°i pay farmers well to have rear, and well balanced as to form: these unprofitable varieties top -grafted FAitItCI=S. The undersigned will nadertake the removal These among an unimportant, section of the t'an Do. j�r•�j1 )} p f.• of Night Soil and thorough cleaning•of closets points, well developed, will ,with varieties that are in demand for a ).1 dillop Nut Fire I Money advanced to farmers on their own on short notice and at reasonable rates. Al] export, for it is to the export trade Poorer classes, who refer to her die- As allowing what. n bullet can do, notes with one or more endorFora. No mor t- govern largely, the milk form, of the that we must look for our Insurance Com all t, gage required as security. refusoreroovedoutoftown. profits. dainfuhy as "Chat Austrian," is pope- in the British official regulations for • v p �� ROBT. MENN7014 cow. This should he ,All borne in Spraying is as important practice, lar and respected. .She is sharply ci%s- 1898 referring to the present military H. C. BREWER, Iilanager, Clinton, mind that, t'o secure+ either profitable especially on old trees which seem to I tin guished freers her advisers, whet.h- rifle, the Lee-MetCord, It is slated Chat r T CEO. TROw'HILL milk in a cow, speed in a horse, fine be more affected with fungous diseases 6 W wool in a ghee bacon in the bo and and insects than younger ones. Two er con.,errative or liberal. the mean extreme range of. the but- G. D.-LYICTA t s • p' g' or t hies a 6 + 6 Farm and isolated Town Property GGART, egg in a hen, this idea of getting an applications of Bordeaux and Apart from the Carlists and the re- let may be taken as about 3,500 yards, Only I1z8i11'ed. anima} with little fat and much red Paris green will pay well for the cost. Banker, Horseshoer and General Blacksmith meat and nerve powe.rt, must not he of chemicals and labor, publicans. the former hostile to her although with a strongish rear wind family and the latter, opposed, of 3,760 �`. 'lost sight of. 'J'o securn Chem saga- yards has been observed. 'The OFFICERS: ALBERT STREET, - GLINTON Albert Street, North, Clinton. lar wedge forms must be secured, course, to the monarchical system, her bullet's find their way through joints George Watt, President, Harlook P:O.: Jae. o-` and just as ,e broaden them out, position excites keen sympathy in all of walls, unless the walla are made Broad oot,�� Vice•Pre,p., Seatortb P.O.: W. J. JOBBING A SPECIALTY, square them u and FAKE KLONDIKE GOLD CLAIMS. I Shannon, $ec'y Treaty, Soator'!p, P.o. ; Michael -' 4' p, get the blocky very fine and Set. in cement. About Murdie Ins parts of the kingdom. Indeed, her , peeler of leasee, Seaforth, P.O. Woodwork ironed and first-class material form, eve- get, fat instead 0f milk, ."" 150 rounds, concentrated on nearly the 11 A General Bankin Business Transacted, and work guaranteed. Farm im ]ementsand g peed in the horse, R nve■lors will Rr Arvind,. Y rallying force DIRECTORS: Banking p strength instead of a ua.v Intendin l personality is the chief. rail S,hme spat at 2(10 yards, will break a Jrtmea Broadtoot, Seaforth ; Michael Mur Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. machines rebuilt and repaired, mutton and course wool in the sheep, tt1 Ittelefis They Inve<ttgat.e. among the Spanish people to -day, gin. brick wall, and about 800 rounds die, Seaforth: George Dale, Seaforth • Geo Ro Interest Allowed on Deposits. la,rd in the hog, and a general-purpose The Gold Commissioner in the Can- apart front the hypersensitiveness of at the same range will break a 14 in. Watt, Harlock ; Thomas E. Haya, Seaforth ��_ r Cowl in the case of the hen. The wall. Rammed earth gives less pro- Alex. Gardiner Leadbury i Thomas Garbutt, a.dian Yukon, writing from Dawson the nation on the score of Its great Clinton; John'MoLean, Kippen. i' " " making of milk is, while a mystery, rection than loose. When fired into CONVEYANCING TO THE FARMERS! largely controlled by brain, and so City to the Minister of the Interior, IradiCIvnS and racial pride. sand, the bullet is found to be always AGEN'L'S: • needs a bright, intelligent and slight- In well-informed quarters, however, turned aside after it has Pntered a I'lioinaa Neilans. Harlo;k; Robert McMillan, f`, -- - - _ .. Study pour own interest and go where g L? ght- calla attention to ,the indiset imrnate q Seaforth and James Cummings, Egmondville, 1 you can get iy protruding eye to indicate it.. it ,staking of gold claims in the Klondike there is a slowly forming fear that a little way. The following thickness of John Ridout Ls a fact that a, cow of dull eye and material, in inches, are usually ne- I Parties desirougtoetTect insurance or trap= f + region, whether the conditions war- colossal blunder has been made, Which ' RELIABLE HARNESS low intelligence, rarely is a cow of cesaasy to stop the regulation .303 in. soona other bation t will be promptly attended Conveyancer, Commissioner Etc. " large, or long producing power . t;he rant such staking or not. He says: will tend to bring the wax to £x proms- bullet; Shingle between boards 1, to on application Wany of the above officers t,: ," ' WMI.11y hives milk six months or so, "Another matter ivbich I will bring Lure, ignominious ending. This has hardened steel plate 1-4, good brick- addressed totheirreepectivepoatof6aee Fire Insurance. £ I manufacture, none but the best of stook, and for the rest of the year boards to our attention is the manner which to do with the question of sup hies- .work 9, Sack of coal 1'2, hard dry mud Mone • to Lend Real Estate. shops that sell cheap, as the with her owner at his expense The 3 1? wall 14, peat earth 60, compressed co- _ 60 YEARS' • Beware of she p y p food and coal. It is the coal problem have got to live, C<tll and get prices stmn rgminent backbone, with exists for taking every stream and ton bales 22, oak 27, elm 33, teak 36, fir EXPERIENCE Orders b mail promptly attended to g' p that causes the greatest anxiety. The Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON y p p well-developed vertebrae slightly tall- gulch in the country whether there Spanish habit. of r atestsanxiety, ,the 48. clay 48. ` -•—_ — ing below• a athkight line, and rising is any prospect or not. !lien think disposition t° expect the best until the — '� � ' '; "- John g�� to a noticeable. pelvic arch, tire the nothing of perjuring themselves by worst, has happened, the fa Lal belief YORKSHfRE'S HARVEST BALL. MEDICAL. s ■ , I I signs of strong• muscular and nerve taking the oath that they have found that the powers and the Pope would At Driffield, in the East Riding of m k P. Barnes s Pttxiporium, Blyth, Ont 1 developments; .cider hips, whirl -bone gold on the claim which they have Somehow' be able to hold the United }•;prksbire, the harvest bell is still rung Dr. W. (iFunn, joints live)) apart. and thin, but museu- staked when t.be thermometer was I States in check -coupled with lack of _ __ lar thighs, indicate well-built mater- 50 deg, below zero. Streams are funds for at cash payments- at 5 o'clock in the morning to rouse TRADE MARKS 11 nal organs so essential in a cow of staked for several miles in the space of led the the laborers from their slumbers, and p government o[ Azcarraga and DESIGNS R. C. 1', and L. R. C. S. Edinburgh. MY FIRST GREY HAIR. large powers. As a rule, the udder of a few hours. The definition of a its successor, the Sagasta government, at 7 in the evening the wetoome sound COPYRIGHTS doh. ` Office --Ontario Street, Clinton. Night cans t z. -- £t cow should be slightly fleshy,' so mining division .which allows a claim to delay the collection of supplies and of the tell intimates the time for cies- Anyone sending asketch and deaorlptfonmey 'n:-%IxII�-� Ori �i-`de'is e'Ix: "ItSftell• - Ing work for the da rlutokly ascertain our opinion free wLhether an I JOHN IMRIE, TORONTO, CAN. that it will not collapse when milked on every separate stream which flows coal at available ports until the fear is y• invencton leprobably Datentable. Commnnica bury Street, opp, iiiesbyterran Church. out; covered with a thin akin, soft and into the Yukon, like ever other re- ! now that the opportunity of doing s - ^— tie on SandbookonE'atentd I found a •streak of silver ver fair Y I Y g v - ■ant ireo. oldest i envy for ■Sebring Patetents. s. silky to the touch and very elastic, r ulation vrhleh .allows any latitude, has passed. COI OR Ole RACE HORSES. Patents taken t�rorah Munn do Cpo, receive Among my locks of raven hair, completes this sign. A body of large has been abused by the people sLaking CURSES FOR THE CABINET. rrmiWnottm. without ohar.te, in the Dr. Turnbull, TLat )n My my eyes wide open stare,- c¢pacity, with sloping, sprung riles and on the different small Streams more Winning race box:ses are generally ��An�I�I` J ■���Aan My first. grey hair I large and crooked milk veins, gives claims by -far than they could possibly One bears the suspicion expressed bays chestnuts or browns; and for ` ♦ # J. L: Turnbull, M,B., Toronto Univ. ; Coxae thou as friend, or come as foe, indications of capacity and digestive represent, of Souse many of these I frequently., with a muttered expletive, AhandsomelyIllustrated weekly. Largestcir• and sometimes the remark, In any every hundred bays among them there culation of any scientific journal. Terms, 09 a IN, D. ; C.M., Victoria Univ. M.C.P. 3c S. As sign of wisdom, or of woe B- powers; large heart girtb, with sharp creeks, will never be worked ; It would other country somebody would be shot are fifty chettnmtS and thirty browns. year; tor,rmonths, fL sold by all newedeatere Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Which of these foto• I'd like to know, eiders uniting at. the .top, tells of cost more to make a survey of these I for this." 'there is no record of an imported race MUNN & Co.8816roedway.New Y rk Edinburgh. Late of London, 'Eng, and Thou lone grey hair I large theart, lungs and liver; the testi- small streams than all the revenue being won by a pie -bald. Q Edinburgh hospitals. Office -Dr. bows• moray of strong vitality, large blood which may be expected from them. , The consciousness of the situation, Branch orace,bbFSt- WashhWon,D.71. ley's stand, Rattenbury St. Night calls "G116k hairs are bon'rable," 'tis said, flow`, and machinery to propel, puri- Hundreds of these worthless claihas i•a� +thus .affected., .Oas, gre4l,jy depress- — - --- --- — -- f and elaborate. These are things will be advertised for sale on the mark- ! ell the queen 'regent and 'filled the answered at Office, But raven black becomes my head, Y ' I'd rather far that thou wart red, closely allied to large and rich mil'k ets in the outside world at i we;ylerites and the more dignified sec- .. prices far : tion of the military party with a wrath The Clinton News -Record Miy first grey hair) snaking. The .dairy form is not a in excess of their value. Capitalists that }pedes ill for the future of of[i- 1 thing which is confined to breeds, as will not be likely to purchase without, Dr. Shaw, I ho the ears to come may see Il. is conspicuous in common -bred ciala responsible for such criminal • Pe Y Y 1 Cat- investigating the properties they may neglect. ffasi a staff of experinced news A grandchild sitting on each knee, tie as well. Some of the great cows of wish to acquire through their agents, Office --Ontario Street, opposite English Grey hairs will then becoming be. the country are destititte of blue blood but the small investors will suffer, as In a war which will he chiefly a iePvr'tPrs. who cover t1xA around church„ formerly occupied by Dr. Apple- And dark ones rarel ancestry, but, answer well to the dairy the money paid by them will be as i question of fleets and where the small- well, and give "All the News ton. form; their only fault is that the er power must fight thousands of miles Aiel)'.q Fit to Print." Y good as thrown away. i •'-•---- I hope to live Co sea the day, have so much mixed blood in their � fmrn home and depend a}rsolutely on Though may it yet be far away, veins, 11at they can only rarely trans- --- - i one or two bases of supplies. always DENTISTRY. When all my locks Shall turn to grey, mit this nue dairy quality they possess threatened by the enemy, t be coal, . ABOUT VACCINATION. which is the sing qua non, is possibt All silvery fair! to their daughters, for they are in q 1 3' Dr. BRUCE, truth sports reverting back to some r not available. That there. should be The News -Record is the largest But not just yet, -no I not for gold l grandam of large Rome Flgare■ which rend le Show 11 i any doubt whatever is of the highest Would 1 permit thee to have hold g Powers. But if Grrnt /;tlir•terrrY. importance. H-urclm, an pv.Ip pada in lures crossed with a sire of Strong dairy Nurn ,and has special features Surgeon Dentist. Upon my scalp --I'm not that old! hArAdit •, they would be I The Spanish educated classes under- p 1 S flood founds- Although comparatively few prisons ; Begone 1 -grey hair I lion stock. it is not all. signs in thin stand the full significance of it. Right not possessed by a. number of OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, _ _ g nowadays require any argument or in line with this is the equally uston- Clinton, Ont. Special attention to preser- ' -` matter. Cows sire often worthless Vital. ]YIJCROB,b:S IN INK. I with all the signs scoring up to the. full rlPxi)°n4tralinn to convincA them of the j fishing discovery that the government vation or natural teeth. I( one hundred. Cows are ruined h ihe, r-alue of vnccination apamphlet which ' appears to have neglected to inquire N. B -- Will visit Blyth every Monday and A scientist has found microbes of ,thousands in their bringing Y up, i hits just been issued by the council n{ of the powers what attitude they would Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during various kinds in 77 samples of ink- 1 through the care and feeding. Others I take on the question of making coal „F,rery SCosiservakive the summer. g 13• the British lit prrxl Association is use- !contraband; and now that the inquiry ----_,._._ red, blue and black -supplied to schools ax's Spoiled in the breaking and first I fol because it prPSPtlts, in small com- ; • phonld he a Subscriber. year's feeding, and attention. Alt I I is maAe. Find the reply is forthcoming, and. some of the mrcrobeis were deadly pass, some of the most. striking proofs pain, even with the financial re - DR. •AGfNEW, DENTIST. enough to kill mice inoculated with breeding produces some blanks, anti I of the efficacy of the process, where- sources necessary, is confronted with them thoroughbreds throw first -claw+ scrubs I with t.o confront. unbelievers. It, is I tate damning fact that her coal supply �t p Office Ho - g to 5, -____--_ MI_-_— very often- Cows tbat give much milk I shown that (bo mortality from small- I is likely to be woefully inadequate. Clinton News-Beeord• At %aitch the second Thursday of each PERNICIOUS FAUARI'rY, are, e,4 a rule, much larger than t: ow•a pox is much less now than in pre -vac - giving very rich milk, but the general cinition Guxes, anti that the greatcst I RAGASTA'S FADSE HOPES. .airs. Gramercy -What *w•as the bad characteristics of bony, cin ular and Sagaata took office pledged to the Inotrth, _ social break she made, that. showed bor mu9eula.r forma, are still inaconspicu- is round i In the, smallpox mortality I pacifiration of Cuba and the main- '�� t "- lebein'll origin.? I4 fgllall in the early }•Aare, of life, in 1, tenanve of good relations with Ameri- VETERINARY, p 6 eir evidence. op Cow signs, modified by which there is most vuceina.lion. Sta- g • .- - - -•--- _- bars. Pari>L $he, called her butler Jim eirrumstanees and Cndividualil,y, are tislicq are given from various noun- I " '"^":++� +• --- instead of James. praotically the same everywbere, and !.ries in proof of the statemPni that J. E. Blaekall, --- - _-- with all and no breeds. The true in countries where there is much vac- . EASILY ARRANGED. dairy row carries no bagga.ge;" be- cination and re -vaccination reladvPly Vls'rErtINARY SURGEON AND cause of her beneficence, she is for- I to the population there is lit.t.lo small- ONE GiVES RELIEF. Dean' CbaTlie, if I marry you, will you ever giving. The blocky, beefy t.,ypes pox. In Prussia hath vacs nation and VETERINARY INSPECTOR. get up and make the fires in the moan- art, so because of their mise.rbood, for- revaccination are compulsory, and I r . Log ever inking, but never giving back, un- smallpox mrrrt.alit.y is abtlost. alrolish- 0flice on Isaac Street next New Era office Darling girl, we will get married in ill their bodies are quartered upon the ed. In Austria, where vaccination is Residence, Albert St., Clinton. the summer. Aeforeidea winter you well block. not compulsory, the rate, instead of Don't Spend Dollar I get used to the idea of making the • l ~!~ ��- fires yourself, - Iwing sevem per million, as in 1'russi£t What dot's A Ittand for �` WIIeI! LEGAL. _.. IMPROVING TRF OLD ORCHARD. in the ten yearq ending with 189'2, rvaq for i 458. in Belgium nlso vaccinal ion is not some fl'iend Suggests that yOut' (�,, A DISASTROUS CONFT.AGRATION• This is a quPstiim very often asked ' oompulsnry, and in 187',-T,1 had a rate! blood needs A sarsaparilla treat J. Scott, Barrister, &C• Did (.he fire at your house rio much at the present- time, and like many j of 441 per million, as compared with � Medicine damage, Slims6 Prussia's 22 in the same period. Sim- ment, remember that A stands for ELLIOTT'S B1.0,CK, CLINTON, 1 Should say it did, Uno crack cook other questions of great importance is ! ilarly, in classes among which there I AYEE'S. The first letter in the Monev to Loan. left. in a huff because she was waken- ea'"ier naked Ihit n annw•ered, writes Jos. Its much vaccination, there is little j alphabet Stands for the first u Utltll y011 have tried E. ��•11 ed so early. .Sheppard. Of late years The farmers smallpox, while in places where small- P Bl. Campion, Q.C., ,.. _ are waking up to the. importance and � pox prevails it nti nv a much granter ( sarsaphrillas i first in origin, first proportion of the unvncein£i.led Ilan of I in record HKrNS. possibilities of the apple growing in- f the vaeeinnted, especially ,hers the > first in the favor of the Barrister, - Solicitor•, - Notary, &c., clu.gtry, and many men having orchards vaceination9 arA comparal ivoly recent. family. For nearly half a century 1 GODERiCH, ONT. My doctor has neglected me shuttle- that have been neglected would be I in houses invaded by smcllpox in the I � Oitr:ien --Over Davis' Drs Store. folly of late. course of an oul hrea.k, it is stat not '' I thought you were looking het ter. pleased to have information furnished I nearly so many of the vnceinated in- Mirney to Loan, that will P.IIAbIA them to overcome' mates are attacked as of the unvaecin- M_ _- - their present. nPglerted and unprofit- atkd in death=tion to their number(,- , Johnston, able state• Like great many other and tht, dent h' rate nm{int. persona nt,- I Amer S %P%V -- Barrivter, Solicitor, Commissioner, Etc., suh,jectn that the farmers have to A",_KDO ,Ar,2,bk .A2211k tacked by smallprpx is £rill(,)] greater, age for agA, among the unva.ceinated ( 0f)r?Rrf•H, - ON P, w bw It deal ,rig Oirculrxnd pr s differ, and sap'saparilla than amonit Ilre varcinni,ed.wh¢'t. might bA gond prncflcA rnr ane IYou can buy them• in the paper 5 -cent cartons % ; ONFIcF—t'or. Hamilton and St. Andrew's ' might be very different tot- another, a - s`YPe1a�**, g p ► I Ten Tabules for Five Cents. I _ but, I here are a few general principles plea 1`ItO:�I ti rR Poiyr OP` YiJi W, i _ b a . -�' that will apply to all. The most. Cm- But you confess, lather, protested the has been Burin all Forma of blood W. Bryll3unts, aril. pit to tmt 4p al,aaply to #rarxry 16• aNr.rr►i pr.Nat< A•taa■p ter a wIi .rtes. port.anl in my eSitimntion is pruning. I beautiful girl when the father showed d�seasee- serofuls, eczema, tetter, t* Outside of the chief fruit -growing die- indications t. £t desire do tot know withhold his rheUlhatiam erysipelas, blood Plot- If you don't find this sort of '�''rAnrri�tcr, Solicitor, Notary Public, rYtC.r• consent, that, ,you do not know of a i f 4 trict.a, the general practice, ns far as + Op,,,cq ; � ,single sulitai;y thing chnl is in the , gonin�, etc. There's a book about T have been rible to observe, Is either I least derogatory lot• his reputation, u r BI:A� r;lt IILOCa:,� . CLINTONhose cures— A er s Curebook a __ �l'I'ON ,not, to prune at all dr to do what is '1'hnt's just [t, replied the old gentle- Y + • Tabuk;,� g j man. l dori't like IhA .ilea of hriuginq story of cures told by the oared,"� p CtYxlaldArAd a cod vh onoA in [ivn or !anynnAinto my f+imlly, wbn k so in- —which is :tent free on 1`8quost, by -Record -0 six years, which -menus That the trees' fernnlly sly as all thnt. � The 1 1Cj1J IIAA are encouraged to grow wood at the - w- Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass. `file I • l:M►vill Thqu>fharldlr qtF �.Itvar, expense of fruit for a number or book will Interest you if you are At Drug ���1� �� G� IS Not • •nos` rare aro Jaeeb Detvltta of x3ety AN l)XA'ivmr,r•:, S I ? years, and then butchered to the In- slek or weak, beCalise""it tell:! not' I island, was drAgted to the vette of Mike, said Plodding Pete, t'vP heard Excelled death by dreadful heart disease• ±Re t►s• jrtry of thA tree. 1 do not, think an I Wide inik about gestin' ton much what it is claimed the remedy will Ivrfn up to dla. ?prom vitoropp inanhood experieneAd orchardist. will deny the of a moor! thing, iM ve reckon dere's rnaee A tie, but �vhtlt your neighbors and Sgnd Finn Cents to Tia RtriANs C,HY.MTCAf, COMPANY, NO. to .9151 an lie hncl gone M a bre d aeon Ant wrepk. atntAmATtt. that tl will t.nke iegs lime any way of iia really happening? B I praaurtd bri A oo► a t"dttt. fdlr tLe I .fellows teStll that it 11a8 dAflP. Ct` 5pnicn St., New York, and they will hr, sial to you by mail! Or eArt, used It fa thfulty, and fo-d y to trim an orcbnrd, especially of young Yes, rvAs the thoughtful anawel•. T Y Advertising I 12 eattona will he milled for 48 cents. The chances nre ten to Weighs 218 pounds, and Itvss to bless 14 trees, annually for five venrs thnn it reckon ye might. any so. T ennie par- I 4 Will it CUTS ,soil It haEl Cure(! one lira! Ripens Tabules are the very medtctnc you neccl, dt1Y filo teat remedy sane rAootnmegd�d will to trite ik once in five years. 'rhA ty near !pain' inn over by n louder f ru+nn seellt�n�t. to him. in relferaa In e,0 minutes: 2l. restilt; of the yearly trimming is that. brewery wagon yevterdny, thousands like you. Why not you? ' r G P ..L_,_1__,.i._.,-,i4, ���.v .,wit...-. - .•_k....... ,. .-..,..,...... s re,.....,. _..r2, v...v. ,, aN.M.-m.,.. wa...;..�ns.. s.v:.e..,wa:s _ ueumz,..y...a..i.eaw.v