HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-12, Page 7f YV�IIyViltalhTa11M11A1WlNIMil """""l ilitdYlhhttNV�11WYtiiMi children are exercising. Dancing Is a Life of the French Gift• nice pastime for ohi,ldren if not indulg- �+ 1 l4 -HOUSEHOLD, U S E A n L n w in fid egrace To se able is dance r'^' �i 11 �J• well adds grana and self-possession to Among the better oiastsos the French s the young child. But, as in other girl emerges from a disagroeable o'11i1d- �mIVMNA things, parents should use judgment hood. French children as 0a rale are EVERYDAY RECIPES. and not allow their daughters to at- mucic indulged anlll sppoiled, and very All pulddings containing milk and tach more importance to the cwltiva- little frankness exists between there t eggs as a basis, Ikke custards rice pud- tion of their feet than of their heads. and their parents, or those who have a Icing, sago, or even light batter pud- On cold, rainy days, when it is so the care of them, I have had many ou- e ,ijing are better for being titeamed in bard for the little ones to stay in casions for personal observation In [toe oven while baking. In order to ao- doors, when they have tired of every- various harts of France, and have tilting elae, often a basin of soapsuds found them to be untruthful and much oomplisip ithis pout them in individual and a common clay pipe will keep them puoulds of stoneware. ordinary teacups amused for hours. The beat way to inclined to hypocrisy and selfishness, will do, butt are large, and put them in prepl,re the sluts is to take a fourlth says a writer. a pan of waiter reaching to three -guar- of an ounce of white Castile soap, cut The half-grown gixl is full of airs, up in small pieces and boil three or fond of dress, and often has the ap- Iters of the Wight of the mold or four minutes in three-quarters of a cup (hey are baked in. Little cups that pint of water. \When the soap has pearance of a mi,niatare woman, at - bold about a gill an da half, witch per- melted and the water has cooled, add tired in the latest fashion. She is for- fectly straight eines, may sometimes be three-quarters of an ounce Of•glycer- ward and self-assertive. She is usually lne. This should be kept in a tightly laded in a boarding school, where picked up in Oriental blue-and-wlhite corked jar for use when desired, P B aware at 30 cents a dozen. They make Mother a often make a mistake in not she is closely watched, never trusted excellent individual moulds for pud- looking more carefully after the child- by family, governess or teacher, and dings. ren's eyes. They should never be al- as a natural consequence aueh strict Iloired to read or study early in the The advantage of using a cup wuth morning before the sleep has been surveillance and lack of confidence de - e shre"iglht side is that a larger number washed out of their eyes. And never velops very unfortuuate traits of char - of this shape may be set in a pan of allow them to read by a poor light, acter. The girl in the besb classes in If they must study by lamp or gas leen size than )when the sides bwlge as Franco Is often left in a convent, where the ordinary teacup does. light provide them with cheap brown if too ra wh restraint is put over her shades which can be purchased of any Wham these puddings aura set in oat- stationer. Do not allow them to get stns studies how she may elude the gea- oir or steamed wiAle, barking, the eggs into the habit of rubbing their eyes, tle and conscientious supervision of it Is very injurious. cannot separate from tihe MUM or cur- the nulla. Dross the girls in well fitting yet die, as such puddings are apt to do comfortable school dresses. Light- Like all her continental sisters, the U tale heat is excessive enough to brown weight flannel wears well. Use as French girl realizes at an early age much judgment in the selection of col- bhem properly. Grease the Cups or that lar chief object in'. life is marry - ora becoming to them, as you do in mouldh in which it:hese puddings are regard to your own clothes. It will ing, and she is well aware that noth- baked and dredge 'them wi,t'h as much create in them a love for harmony and ing can happen to her about which she giranulalted sugar as will cling to the the beautiful -without making them will be so little consulted. She is nev- vain. A feeling of being neatly dress - butter before filling thorn. :Turn out er permitted to form any acquaintance the pudding when it is served and pour school adds much to the comfort of the p school girl and will save them many a or friendship with young men. It would a sauce over ut. heartache from twukind remarks made be considered very indecorous for her Stewed Red Cabbage may be served by their more favored companions, io know or receive any man unless he Talking over their lessons in their appetizingly as follows: Wash well a were ,the guest of her parents. She sleep, languor, headache dyspepsia and head of xed cabbage., cut Uhe leaves extreme nervousness are symptoms of never goes into the street without a apart, ',rimming off all tough parts; over -study and the child should be al- chaperon, and then only for enough lowed to rest for awhile. Plan some poet and slice One onion, pint it over exercise Ito insure stealth. 'Chen her aalmusement and divert the mind if pos- the fere in a saalcepan with a table- eyes are busy with glances, white her Bible. The extreme effects of over - spoonful of bulttter. a cupful, of cold study are hysteria and insanity, wits care at work to deceive her com- gravy, half a salbspoonful of pepper Mothers should fully realize the vast panion. . and two teaspoonfuls of salt. Put in responsibility they have resting upon She has no real intimacies among her, them and earnestly strive by watch - the cabbage, four tablespoonfuls of vin- own sex. Her family life is considered futnegs and caro to do the best they agar over d and coves the pan closely, awn for the little ones entrusted to ample scope for her confidences and Cook gently for an hover or until the them. opinions. Her Tome is a doll place for cabbage is -tender, stirring occasion- her, for though French domesticy life ally, and. serve tut. CHILDREN AND TRUTH. is kind it is not interesting to the Virginia Doughnuts: -Melt one- quarter pound of butter in a pint of The fundahnentals of a Persian boy's young daughter. Her education is not milk .that has been brought to the boil- education 2,1000 years ago was to "draw thorough nor is her tarots intellectual. Ing -point. Beat two small eggs until I the bow and speak the truth." Can Her talents are not much cultivated, very lipght and mix bhem with one pound of sugar, stirring this also into this moral training be improved up- and she enters but little into sports ;the butter and mi -Gk. When nearly on? It is hardly possible. Truth is and games, cold add a yeast cake dissolved in one- the foundation of character. A truth- When her parents are ready or the Bala cup of ltukewwrm water, a half- ful person cannot be otherwise bad ;Ind opportunity comes a council is held by ,teaspoonful of salt and enouglh flour To ma&er a batter to roll out. Let it does not readily forget a lie, while a the family with reference to a suit- s�tand until light, then add a grated liar hardly notices a lie in another, and able husband for her, ands usually the nutmeg, let ¢rise again, Noel roll it may forgive and forget it at once, arrangements are all made between her out and out into shapes and try in Children are the greatest of imit.a- family end that of th©proposed lover but taro, before the question is broached' to her. P(.pecln Dainties -After the corn is 'tors. For that reason does it not be- It rarely occurs to her to oppose the pupped, remove all round and but hoove a parent to be carefwl in his scheme. She is generally only too eag- sliglhtly opened girains; to each quart speech and conduct, and to tenderly er to gain her freedom and feel her ,if corn add one large 'teaspoonful of � encourage the germs of honest and supreme self-respect and superiority by melted butter and one-Ihalf teaspoon- candid conduct in the little child 2 A making an early marriage. Sometimes ful of salt. Stir well llhree or four mother should never feel prouder than she is wholly unacquainted with the minutes to thorougihly season. This is when her child looks her directly in youing or old anon who Ls presented to called butter corn. Co make popcorn the eye and "owns up" when it has her as her suitor-ahpproved by the balls or bricks, to one oupfal of brown done wrong, Unless a child is a con- pparenta on both sides -for no man in sugar add a heaping 'tablespoonful of firmed liar it need never be despair- France of any age is apt to marry buttes•, and three tablespoonfuls of ed of. Parents are responsible for without ,the consent of his father and water; boil until it ropes or hardens much of the exaggeration children Ila- mother. w:hn•n dropped into cold water. While dulge in. Let them always insist up- French families take ,great pains in the syrup is boiling hot, pour it over on accurate statements. Nothing selecting % husband or wife for their two ua.rts of popped corn, from which children. They study their interests 4 p PP stamps a person -man, woman or child, all sound grains have been removed. -as so unreliable as the confirmed ha- in a worldly sense. A girl musts have Stir wibb a spoon uaatil it is cool en- bit of exaggeration. The habit of her "dot, or portion, toward the fu- oulglh- to be molded itibd shape with the stating a message or of describing a ture income and new home, This "dot" ihands, which should be nutted with circumstance exactly, as it was given is saved in small sums, usually from butter to facilitate work. or as it happened, is of inestimable the earliest years. The French girl of For crystallized popcorn, boil togeth- value. It should be the duty of the the better Claps has.noi beaux, no flir- er until R4 hardens one large half -cup- parent to insist upon this; perfect truth tatioas and 'no love affairs. ful of gxanulated sugar, and bwo table- and to avoid Its rich as possible any Marriage alone of+ens the way to spoonfuls of water; have prepared two exaggeration in his conversation. these experiences, As a role her aa- uarits of buttered popcorn, over wahiclh quirements are very mediocre, .She cL I p' The little one should }1e taught to pour the syrup boiling ,bot. Stir it never say a thing with the deliberate usually speaks charmingly and correct - ell to •tlh.oroughly crystallize each intention of deceiving, and to best ac- ly, but rarely writes or composes well, rain. If the corn .has a lend ncy to ' complislt this is to never deaeivc him She occaasionally excels in vocal music, adhere, set •bhe pan •containing'it in a in the smallest partieuJar, Everything but has not any -marked inclination hot oven a few seconds, t'.hen stir it seems possible to the little one and he toward the fine arta. Site has ec aom- well to separate the kernels, readily makes promises exacted of him. rude for housekeeping nor the econom- Sowr .Milk Biscuit. -Mrs. Ror- parents should carefully avoid lireak- les of life, becaush France is supplied with perfectly trained servants whose era rule Is ap follows: Rub one table- ing promises made to the children, and duty and privilege is to save and ihan- spoonbul of s1hg11tening into a quart of if the little ones fully comprehend the age. She is never a linguist, because floor. Add half a teaspoonful of salt. meaning of those they mane they her own language soundis all over the Moisten balf a teaspoonful of soda in should be compelled to keep them. world. Needlework is not her for(e, two Tablespoonfuls of warm water. Stir because ,lite "song of the shirt" is into i't. /half a pint of souir milk. Stir this into the flown. You may have to DOT.T ALLOW NAGGING, piteously kung by the half-starved add a little more milk, but do not add Are we always just with our child- "c,outuriere," and there is no object in .plain sawing when it is done so mar - any moire soda. Knead quickly, roll out ren ? We certainly mean to be, but velously cheap. Hoare decorations by on a board. cwt into biscuits, and bake lack of time often makes an investiga- the needle are not ungual in France, so in a quick oven for tpwenty minutes, tion impossible. For Instance- many this same French girl is not an expert An Apricuit-Shortcake-Take half a children are made miserable by the in "fancy work." pound of evaporated apricots, rinse malicious pickings of an older brother, In many of the Iarge towns, scatter- -e cold wetter to free from dlust, put sister or playmate, a fact of which the e,d alt over France, there) is a pathetic in a sauce -pan and mare Uhan cover busy parent. is wholly unconscious. Tbis class of factory girls. They lead the with cold te, an Stanch on bhe back state of affairs should not be tolerated, hardest, cruelist lives. They work in UmAof the range, and nit the water gate for "nagging" is enough to ruin the ill -ventilated pla,c•es and rooms that ing sweeten the fs of with three heap- sweetest disposition in the world, are worse than "sweading, boxes." The ing tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar. - 11, after cooking they are not sweet - sewage is poisonous. There is no good enough add sugar. Simmer slowly un- GERMANY ON THE SEA. water 11nd their food is insufficient. til very soft and the juice is almost as P!+-" I They are faithful, cheerful, uncgm� ttlhiak as a preserve,, then stand where Raoid Advance lfa Ie by t,ersnnn sleant. plaining workers, The cemeteries of the they will cool. Make a nice shortcake ship Companies In Recent Tenn. interior 'towns in France marls the and bake it in a gtuick' oven, As soon The German Government has issued graves of many young people, especially as It is a delicate brown on top it is young girls. done, When the cake gets just a lit- an official return, the object of which I have enco'uhtered, too ,the class of ;tie cool, titt,rn it out of the pan on the is to make known I:he rapid advance young girls who live on farms in pastry hoard and split it in halves wihh made by Germltu ateamahip companies France. They lead very lithorious a strong silk thread. Lay one -half on during recent years, says the London lives -carrying and lifting heavy bur - a plate or platter. Butter Lt well. Tihen dens. One hears much of the roman - cover bt well wihh a thick' layer of the Daily Mall, ce of being a French Imasant in NOr- aprieats, and Witil a spoon cover tale The document snakes no reference to mandy or (1361 .alny, but it is better in fruiit wihsh its juice. Now lay, bhe otb- the Government subsidies that have painting and in print' titan it is in re- ar half of tJhe cake on the fruit and contributed much toward dais result, ality' The farmhouses have stone cover the clop of hhis layer with the floors and are absolutely comfortless, fru.i)t. STand it tvlkiere it will get cold nor, indeed, does it lesson the signifi- and 1.be beautiful ,provineial costumes and serve title shortcake with a pitcher Cance of the figures. 'Clio Hamburg- ctannot make amends for scantiness of of rich cream. American line, says the report., has a food. Theca girls have no recreation. Raked Bananas. -Peel tlhetn cwt hhem Many of the peasant girls live in ex - in laalveai lenglUlifwise and lay them on greater tonnage than any ocher Com- tremely small towns with. no means of Gibe bottom of a balking dish, close to- pamy in the world, its sixty-nine Yes- livelihood and in hamlets where there ,gelher. Sprinkle a little sugar over sets representing `280,945 tons gross. is no means of support for them; yet Chem. wiMh a few lumps of butter and The English P. & O. Company isl given they move heaven and earth to secure a pretty co%t'Aime of their particular baste in a moderaite oven for twenty second place, with sixty vessels off province. It lasts ahem for years, and minutes, Of course„ you may use tlhe 583,140 tons, so that the average size their caps are so prized they are nev- amou,nt of sugar you tlbink best, but of each vessel is larger. Sixty-seven, or seen ,iah.auht them. to most palates they are more grateful vessels, with a gross tonnage of 256,613 The happiest class of working girls in the morning if only a tiny sprinkl- tons, place the North German Lloyd I Saw in France were the fisher girls ing is given to each ibralf. Serve these line third on the list; but this total, ill the south of Brittany. There was Ill breakfast or lnnngl, notwithstanding the big subsidies re- steady occul ation with all the cheer Fried Eggs. -Put info a frying -pan ceived, is only 4,200 tons over the aug- of active. trade. The people live on the an ounce of butter, and then wlhen it gregate credited to the British India bank and shores of tha salt 'water and is hot slip into it from a plate four Company, of Glasgow, with ninety- have a merry open air life, packing eggs. Salt t,be eggs a bih, and cook seven vessels of 251,4`29 tons. fish and canning saydineq. The wildes them for about three minutes, take Coining next is the Fronch Massa- excitement and pleiviure is in the nr- Itbem up onto a hot dish and put into geries Maritimes, cuaalother line strong- rival of the fishes, and many of the the fryinpg-pan anat,her ounce of but I ly nurtured.tvfth subsidles, the num- girls have never been away from their Iter and lot It melt; squeeze into it I ber of its ships being sivty-three, and native town. lithe juice of thalf a lemon, a dash of � the gross tonnage 2'29,837 tons. These •-- err cayenne, and wihen the butter turns five are the only compatniea whose to- TO CURB. A COLD iN ONP DAY. brown a Tuttle, pour it over tlbe eggs Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet". Ail Drot• sal exceeds 200,000 Lona. late refund the innney If a. facia to Unrv. 230. and Bench to the table, s The next is the Italian General Nav- ,._.._.-_.,,,�,__-. -`- igation Company, with ninety-six ves- TRADE SECRETS. TAJ,KS TO MOTHERS, sell of 171,041 tons, followed by the Exercise is absolutely necessary to French Transatlantic Line, with sixty- Berlin is shuddering at the grewsome four vesaels of 166,70'1 tons and then discovery that there is a trade under - the growth and development of child- the Japanese Nippon •Ytlsen, which is standing between professional nurses ren. Wblm the weather will not per- represented as having sixty-eight ves- and undertakers, Competition between mit of their being out of doors they eels of 161,698 tons, built or under con- the hatter has raised the regular COM - should be allowed to play, games that struction. The Wilson Line, of Hull, mission paid to a nurse to 30 per cent. occupioa the nelrt place, or the third of the cosh of a funeral. The fact that call for plenty of active movement, on the British list, with eighty-two a doctor has made this state of; things short of actual romping. Battledoor vessels of 159,793 torte; the Austrian public, with the suspicion that the un - and lislittleoocis is a capital indoor Lloyd coming plext in order, with dertakers may have to square with that game where there is room to la it, seventy-two vessels of 140,560 tons, and Profession' also, adds to the cheerful - p Y the Spanish Transatlantic Company near of Berlin patients. Bean Baga,.-colored bags filled with with thirty-six vessels of 121,161 tone, _ beans and aimed at a ring or other Then lbllow the Pacific Compazly, the "-` _ mark, and other games of this nature Cunard alnd the White Star, all Eng,- DTCSCFXDANT OT' PHARAOH. Hall, of course. An old gypsy has naked the Emper- oan be played. The lines on this list, consisting over The windowA should %hvays be open- 100,000 tons tonnage, comprise three or of Austria to invest him cies,with the German, air British, two Pronoh, and dignity of can of the escental, from be - ed a little wall so ns to admit the one' each flying the flag of Italy; Auer- amuse be can prove his alabdoftt from fresh air, fIIlpd With gxrpsen, while the tria-Hungs,ry. Spain and Japan. King Pharaoh. e . N ..1 f C . I T� RA UD411O rT, - 1,,1111RARIFS. b.rlog�ou a sample of "'ON ars on a power vrsc► A writer in 1J owietd makes a yield 1i PanahmATl estimates that thereMONSO pBlood ioture of the great belt of clouds, are iia the "rid about 10,000 libraries ome three hundred miles in breadth, f• Life wortby of the nave, which surrounds the earth a littl w---��- hack or EYL . hNi Pure Blood THE MALE OSTRICH. Mention Slack or Mixed. The Moftsofael north of the equator, Within this belt TeA Co,, 7 Wellington St. W„ Toronto. rain almost incessantly falls, some. Is HoAlth, The hale ostrich at times utters a ixnaB in sheets, and the wind seldom cry which Bounds like cul ftffort to - --' - '--�-�T� lira. Iie11Rl;+e the invention of steam- Wlthawt blood circulatil}• tlrruugll speak with the mibbeouth shut tight. i ' hips, vers .l0 becalmed in the " clok out purour l blons odu uu'an' ab bed not wel`1VThe i ' i , y $100 iRewrd $100. belt,' sollzptimes drifted helpless for, 'healthy action of every organ depends The readers. of this paper will bgdpleaaead to weeks. Eve1t' new the crossing of this upon the purity and richness of the learn that there fu at least one dreg cd dlseas9 for QW, •to. blood by which it is nourished and sue- thap solonce has boon able to ouro in all ib+ INERALS TESTEO wriltak Friedel belt, where everything' ,is surcharged tamed. IE you Ituuve salt rheum, sero- etagea,andthatisUatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure MILTON L. HERSEY 8, A. Do.. y to the only positive cure known to bhe medical le $t. seoranilea BF., Montreal, Quo. with moisture, is a disagreeable expor- fula, sores, pimples, bails or any kind fraternity, Catarrh beteg a constitutional die. ence for voyagers igoin from the of lbumor, your blood is not pure. If ease, requires ilacombtitutlonaltreatmeat,Hau-s gg Catarrh (lure sbnken n t ernally, acting directly North' to the South Atlantic'Ocean, or, You take Flood's Sarsaparilla ut will upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the CANADA PERMANENT vice versa. The belt can be traced make yowl• blood pure wad promptly system, thereby deouo ing the foundation of Loan and Savings Company. across equatorial Africa and across the' relieve all tllhese troubles. In the the disease, an giving the patient stroni,bh by American isthmus, and the great riv- ' spring Lite blood is loaded with impuiri- building up the constitution and "toting INooRroaeT>cD 11166. hies, nature in doing Its work, The proprietors have Paid-up capital ..................• 5,000,000 era, Amazon, Orinoco, Niger, Nile and Pence, all those unsightly 'erup- so much faith in its curative powers that they Assets ..................... . 11,400,000 Congo, arise in these rain -soaked re- tions, that lan,guxAr and ilopressi3On, and otror Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that it Read Offioe-Toronto St.$ soronta gtons, which are like exhaustless re- the danger of serious illness. Hood's fails to cure. send for list of testimonials. Branoh Ofioes-Wlnnipe , Man. Vancouver, e- . Address F. J. CHENBy & CO., Toledo, C. DEposiTs received at interest payable halt servoirs. The cause of the equatorial Sarsaparilla is needed to purify, enrich Sold by Drug tete, 76c. yearly. aloud -belt is connected with the trade- and vitalize this blood and protect and Hall's Famtty Ills aro the besb. DEuENTURBa issued for money 4WRIted for winds, and in the course of a year, it &n-tify tlhe system, three or live years. 1 MONEY ADVANCED On Real Estat a6 low osoillates north and south over a dis- ' �`- ' rates of interest and favorable con Lance equal ba about three times its ' SaYlBa- LOSING NO TIME. Land Mortgages and Munielp r ;10 col Hood Debentures purchased. own breadth. I T have heard a good deal about pec pa ri l i Iuroiomativo.raaar 1tde from ole who borrow trouble, but I think my plications may be made to and ap• Is Canada's Greatest Medicine. 9ntd by all wife is a ehalmpiou in that line. G. F. It HARR10, Qeneral AgenW1nnfpp FOOD FOR INFANTS. I druggists. $1; six for 05. Get only Hood's. Why I thought she was always CasenB J. AR 141 Qeneral Laub. vat In France it is a punishable offense - -`-- Pills cheerful and contented with her lot? 00nver. fnr any one to give infants under 1 HOOiI'a P1llls are 'he HocdeyHairsaparil a� She was until our baby was born six or 10 J.I1eRBiR7MAWR, A181111118ft year uny form of solid food unless such I weeks ago. Now she is worrying lie- :- Torenio. be ordered i)y written prescription cause he may marry some girl that we signed toy a legally qualified medical A. SYMPATRIZINIG EMPLOYEE. may not like. jCatablis. 835 -:9th 'e ---- man. 11154. 196,o00�one, Mrs. 'Ape pent who cannot stand the ALLAN LINE. odor of turpentine -I would have sent "The 'Quiokcure Co., Limited," an-" 11'� for you to 'have done this cleanings last "nounce a reduction in Quickcure'• A NARROW ESCAPE. I week, clot we have been having the out- "prices : -25c.. $1 pot now 15ic hen pot to" Royal bail Steamship C'0 ' aide sof our Louse painted, and It made "`•'�5c•, and $1 to bOc. (iuickheal, .for" • e as all sick. I "horses and cattle, from 5W., per tin" Montreal to Liverpool. A WIARTON LADY WHO WAS NEAR. Mrs. McScadd, sympathizingly -Sure, "IA 25c ." 'This reduction planes our" THE DARK VALLEY. Oi don't wonder, Thim colors is enough 'remedy within reach of all classes." Steamers Baal from Montreal every Saturday to make any one sick, W e $i 9 IS morning on arrival of trains from Toronto and ,_r. the West about 9 o'clock. Nor Trouble Began Wills Swellin¢ or the RATES OF PASSAOR Glands—Phis was Followed by General RATHER ARTIFICIAL. Italian andHybrlds—list Queens Wag Cabin $52.60 and upwards; Second Cabin Collapse and Boort Wenhacas- Doctors All Bee Supplies—best uaflty $34 and and $36.26 Steerage to Lfvar ofg First Mias-Mn't you think Mr. Sim- `tp I Wanted r Said She Could'Not Recover. But 'Po, sed Patent roaeea London, Glasgow, and Snet Londoaderr cit GLH, or per is rather artificial ? BEES Foundation. iron. Queenstown $22,50 and 323.b0.day She 1s Enjoying Good. stealth. Second 1Vliss—Tnd,eed, he Is, especially gc,ofA 6hn ley B Mair e'o. A reduction of Ove per cent, is allowed ons Lun&3d Vr'.e.tcord, Caw round trip drat and second cabin tickets. FoP From, the Echo, Wiarton, Ont. his teeth arud aloe eye. catlings of steamers or other information app1Y i1•J.rs. Jus. Overand, who lives in -- a LADIES make 080 n;onthly working ova to any authorized agent. Wiarton, makes the following state- Y ings for us. employment, otoariy, pleasant, H. Bourlior• 1 King St. W. Toronto. ment in regard to a remarkable cure SNUBBED AA. profitable. Send lie, for :ampler, &c. rndepon or H. & A. Allan, Montreal effected by the use of Dr. Williams' Dearest, if I had a barrel of Klondike denb Lotion Co., dog ;V1cltinuon Bldg. Torronto, Plink Pills for Pale People: -"I am 30 nuggets I would pour them all of your. SHIP YOUR PRODUCE years of lige and have lived in Wiarton fleet. "ONBOY'� IMPOOV�D CBRRI�GE �OP� fnr the past six years. Previous to Henry -Henry -haven't you always this,al, with my husband, who is a stone heard me say that I detest people who Butter, Biggs, Apples, fruit. &c., to s j r,e I dchehi h• mason, were residents of Chealey, go arpund telling their dreams? THE OAW80N 00MMIeB10N 00., Limited, estawardn ar ct About four years ago there came a scar. of West Market and Colborne Ste., TORONTO World'aFairIS swelling on the right side of W. neck MUSIC Agents wanted to introduce our OONOOV'S PATEN71 which grew uta the time, went alts until SUCCESS Catalogue and tertoa. Wo will aOLLtR TOPD in about six months it had grown as In business comes when thorough mall pp'. or -)aid Dar'llbeaNlgger have met with large us a arse egg. I consulted a g 12iasfn'," with mnaic, for 5 cents, s�ampe. such universal fa, g g g satisfaction is given the public. 'That's I POPULAR MUBIO DEPOT, 20 Alexis St. Montreal, vor, that otbeq physician and he lanced it. This phy- why Nerviline sells so rapidly. Tooth- - --` - manufacturers latil sician diagnosed my case as enlarge- ache 9s cured as if b mho io, Pain, in- � are now makati. went of the lands, and said I would Y g R q R iWO AND ESTATES Termsbought. sold & inferior imttat#• $ ternal or external, finds a prompt an- !'Y o,a exchanged. Terms mailed one. get well after it was lanced. This tidote in Nerviline. Try it. ,ree, M. SIMPSON, Real Estato and Inefstonhaving operation gave nue temporary relief. Financial Agent, Montreal, Quo. the Couboy make but it w•as only a short time before the __ as imitations an lump again began to grow and in six PROOF PUSITIPE. Mille, Twine & Haleey�,, never ai good an munths I was worse than ever. In the LAWBarrietsre,etc.,removod theganulne. meantime I hrtd been prescribed for by • Do you really love Uriah ? to Wosle Bld� ge., Rioh• physicians and taken several 'C'ourse I does. Think I been walkin' mondl3h�.,Toconta, different I y- - -_ - . - 1i i :-;; - pat.eal, medicines, but none Of them six miles a week ter see you fur the Working uvea:uga fur m.. gave nue more than temporary re- las' year 'cause I hated you I YOUNG LADIES steady, pleaenut empU>ylEJ__ - I - - A - liet: about three years ago i left Wi- $60 MONTHLY meat. soi)eudu. tLotion arLon for Chesley thinking probably Co., Toronto, Out. Lotion V ' Co., Toronto, Uut. a, chanffe would improve my health.% I THE KEELEY CURE. . consul ted a physician there and he Fence �enoe— wecan cut youhelf.r 1898 Fence (I slid the trouble was iIIcurable tied Splendid fnstltatlop of Dr. Leslie lE. we haus bhe boat and nosh practical trucclaime "a A READY-MADE FENCE. might end fatally. Discourilged I re- turned to mly home in Wiarton, much Recley's Treotment of the Craving for earth. Four mil -s of it In use at the Expert- ` LI nor and Drugs. ingtal Farm, Guohih, Ont, Send for prices. The Page is a fence woven in a faa- worse than i was when I left, and be- n A dies. Toronto Picket Wire Fence Co., for and shipped in rolls ready to be tie,, ing I had come home to die, Be- I The reinarkable successes attending 221 River St. Toronto, Out, Y pp fore I left for Chesley I had been at- I the 'treatment of the diseases of drunk- stretched on the posts. That is why tracked occasionally with fainting I enness and the opium habit, accordr• I, O O I N CA and Sheet Metal Works. business men and railways like It as spells ; on my return these occurred ing to the formula. of Dr. Leslie E. ,R ROOFING SLATE in Bleak,well as farmers do. No patent -rights, more frequently and of longer dura- I Keeley the inventor Of the Keel- 'Red is andgreen. ELATE BLACKBOARDS o (.I euppay no expense in putting up, no trouble, tion. With the least excitement I I ,Pabllo ar eto. BOOPI , G TILo). Bee New City Build. 0y Cure, 1181.4 resulted In the establish- Coal Tar, eco. ROOFING TILR (Bee New City Build. ,would faint dead away. I had become !rent of One of these health -rector- Lei ,Toronto, doaeby ourana). Metal Ceilings, Cor- I -,as easy as buying sugar. Then you very weak and could scarcely Walk l to as,I l Eetimateyturniohed for work oemplata or fon Ing institutions in Toronto, The CUrO �maerlalsehtp edloany ar ofthepountry. Phone1838 have the beat and strongest fence across thefloor and felt myself grow- I is prepared by Dr. Heeley himself, and , aUTHIBAt�ONS,Adsiafie4Wldmorsts„Toronto. made. It requires few posts, and will ing 'v<•orse every day. I again consult- a,iministered by duly qualified physi- ed the local physician and this time he l ciaas, esarecia.11y instructed for 'this. not be in, by snow -banks a ea - said it waa apasma of Clio heart and work, to paltientsl,who live during the Dominion Lin® SIeaQ118hIpBe zees of tepgpDl L t re` Far elute that I would not live more than a 'time of treatment in the Institwe, Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool in oummer. Large sell at from 45 tU 65 centta per rod. couple of days. tiVhile ly-in,g in bed a and faht twin screw steamahipe 'Labrador,' van - lady of the town visited me and ad- I The Keeley Cure is the oldest and only couver,' 'Dominion "Scotsman,' Yorkshire: For full particulars call upon or ad - f ori in'al remedy for the liquor habit. Superlor aeeommoaation for First Cabin, Seo• dress our local Page fence dealer, or visad me strongly to tri Dr. R'illiams' g y and Cabin and Steerage passes ere. Rates of y Pink Pills. 1 thought ul useless, but I The application of the remedies is prionga-First Cabin, $52.60; �eecond Cabin, send direct to us, Illustrated adver- was ready to grasp at any means of I mild and free Erom all injurious ef- 034; Steerage $22.60 nd inwards according to , promised relief, and 90 commenced to ' fects capon the system. By, its I steamer an berth• error all information auly tieing matter free. to Local Anita or DAVID TORRANCE & U0., u,% them. Before the second box was ! rbcanstructive properties It removes Gen'1 AgeD ,17 $b. Sacrament St„ Montreal. {� a completed I felt myself getting het- I the necessity for stimuJants and leaven �' IIII�L FENCE COMPANYi ter and before I had finished my sev- the patient in a normal and healthy I -09A -BOD, the glory or high SNE PAG cello box L was able to go about my I condition, At the end of the t reatment prices has departed from sewing machine atenta when you buy our own work. I continued them until I.I it is claimed that t-sie patient appears handsome,up•to•dato,6•yearsuar• Limited. had used fouxteen boxes, when I was a new man, mentally, morally and ph'y-V­ man auteedsewtpc,maohtne, with full - arinpletelycured:'The swelling hasleft! arcally..Since the. introduction of the'hot of attachments, for $18.60 and and $23.00,delivered free withina WALKERVILLE, 'O my neck and 1 aux now as well a wo- i Keeley Cure aver ,100,000 of 600 miles of Montreal. as I ever was in my Life. I make these institutions in Canada andBend foroatoio0,000 graduates ofrtue. the above statement voluntarily, be- � throughout the world have declaredTHE BAILEY DONALDMON'rRBeL. r- QO., p. S. -Be sure to see our "all” int sieving it Illy dusty to that which has , themselves to be cured of the cra.v- next issue. saved my life and will if necessary : ings for liquor and drugs. The Jnstitute make an affidavit to the above facts at 592 Sherhourne St., Toronto, is 'W111,T'r3Els1=t 1R:W,B01:VT- at any time, I splendidlr furnished, the appointments A depraved condition of the blood Or I of each flat being comp-lete, and in Florida of the North—Rest from snow and the Cold North, a shattered nervous system io the sea- I the fmilding the patient finds every ret of most We that afflict mankind, comfort of a first-class hotel and of and t nerves, t.lne blood and rebuild- a dome, Hotel Traym-oreq 'ing the nerves, nerves„ llr. Williams' Pink I -- Pills shrike at the root of the disease, BEFORE AND AMER. driving it from the system and restor- ing the patient to 'health and strength. Before we were married you used to si In cases of paralys, spinal troubles, write me three letters a day? Atlantic City, N. J• locomotor ataxia, sciatic", r,heum&- Did I really? t Lsm, orysipelas, serotulous troubles, Yes, you did; olid now you out up 7'MEev0lasa_s1, "ZyeL Oosaa►3p3Lmties, i.sa K•1,WCM, •3r 30m,'66a0.A etc., these pills are superior to all other just. because I ask you to write me a treatment. They are also a specific little bit of a check. for the troubles which make the lives `~•\ of so many women a burden and speedily restore the rich glow of health t4YRrDE • C `�'��:� \ ., `��'`•- to sallow cheeks. Beware of Unita- Hartford & VN�11 Tires `�� `' ��� >:;;� vices and substitutes alleged to be Head Office- • 9 Adelaide St. W, Toronto. "joist as good," Sold by all dealers or sent by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents a �'y ���`- box, or 6 foxes for 02.50, by address- WHAT IT WAS, Ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Mrs De Fiat -What is that, horrid :_1 Is Blrockville, Ont. smell ? 0 ' _ to ---_______....01_ Mr, De Flat -I judge from the odor _ r. No WOND1EP., that it's one of those odorless oil stoves. ?li l The reprehensible practice of kiss- --- t r �: __`• . !I Iug'babies, and thereby subjecting them BR,TG1IT EYES �-*___7-..._:_' X- la - _ - 1-• to danger of contagion as well as to .-.s.. . _. , discomfort and annoyance, is so hard and glowing complexion are unfailing �--= _rr to one cannot greatly evidence of good 'health. By gently re- �•�-sit ;�' -�x� to suppress the g marvel at the means of combating the gulaking the stomach,bowels liver and practice which a certain father is re- k(dnP s, Celery King keeps the Syglern •' - , ported to have aadopted. Ln fine condition, and thus lrenclets the Why, l: should like to know, a friend eyes bright unit complexion clear. More ......... > tet asked this prudent father, have you sensible Lh.en cosmetics, don't you ��" _•_ It keops people from kissinghint, un- think? Sold by all (truggiala, or Wood- � •-- ._ ��� _, , swered the feather. ward Medicine Co., Toronto, Can. �-- _ _ --,_ —. _ - - _-.- ..-.__-- . _ _. .__- -- _ . _.._--_ _..__ ._..T- _.__ -__ --_.-_ _ , —'e"Itr Rates the Very Lowest Conststent With First Class Serviced AY The TRAVMORE is one of the longest established beach front hap,T14 in The Atlantic City. Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the continues 1jpat+ 'Chat LUDE,LLA Ceylon Tea is the finest, y Y rona�e of a quiet and refined class of visitors. Write for all information. TRY IT, and you will say the same - Lead packages. 25, 40, 5G and hoc. D. S. WHITE, Jr., Owner & Proprietor. -"^^" I ... __ - .-_-_•_- -_ _ ... _ ... _ -- -•-•- - _ ­­_ _ _ ___._..-.-__.•_ TITS Rt BBER 'TREE. (� /'+ The rubber tree is usually tapped- I2 VARIETIES FOR, 25 Cts• four times during the first year of its maturity, and, the intervals of rest areSEEDS This is a BONA BIDE offer mado to Introduce our Vegetable and plower gradually ilLmirtished, until it can be Seeds to new customers and which we guarantee to please you Of the tapped monthly. The rubber tree Is amount peld refunded and the Seeds given as a prescnt, the mileh now of the vegetable king- Ali theso prices we can oNwr offer tbo varietios named below. Order dom; its yield continues to increase by number. Bay what you want. They are sent by inall postpaid. Select from the following list:- with ist:with frequent and skilful milking un- . VEGSTABLBS. 16. Water 6lelon, Early Canada til It reaches its maximum, Properly 17, Onion. tar red Wethersfield cared for, a tree will yield steadily up (Ordet by Number.) 1& Onion Yellow Globe Danvers j to its fortieth year; in some instances, 1, Beet, Follpse, round 19. Paronrp, hollow Crown O -..NA Y 2 Beot us limn eat round 20. Radleh, French Broakfae c� 1: WITH WITH EVERY ,�I- as long as 50 or 60 years. The yield 3. Clabbsilei Winniriptadt 21, Ron y Gom ,~f ORDER I t Of urw as well as the market rias, ig p 4. Cabbaso, VoTer's R Carrot, ball ton , IREleh, Brunawlek 22. squseh, Bubbat soarief 23. Tomato, earn early $thritis Providing this Coupon Is OUT O TT and sont to is variable; but a Healthy tree should 0, Carrot, oneran�6 eoarlot 24. Tomato, Dwarr Champloo us wltb yield a revenue of 015 to $20 per, 7. euoumber, Chideiro S. Cuounillw Lbn Ploktin$ PLOWORS• / rnen ,a -j 3 an order hr 12 paokote we will Inellule 1 packet New (Dant tlhil• anhum, i 9. Calory, Golden Elf.Blanohht• 26, Asters, inlxed ^ �� fan nal Irlgl TOB, p00o 200, Free TQ LAOICS, ,The face receives the recayd of daily experience. Constant suffering from corns will near .your beauty. Do not look &nxioue and discontented, but use Putnam's ' Painlegs Corn Extractor, which will extract that sore corn In a I day withmit pain. - - _ 10. Borba, Baga 28. Mignonette, sweet o- Charge B 118CRIBER8 Il. ]3erbs, savory 27. Pansy ml:od - ov Ttll.5 PAPRR. 112. Herbs, MarJoram 21Fetunla muted 13, Lettuce, NonpUoll (Cabbara 29. Natiturtlumt tall roc:ed 14. Lettuge� betaret Market ( 06a) 3o. sweet Pese, Irma mired ti, Musk Melton, extra early, Nutrootl 31, Wild Plower, Garden muted - - Racy (lei" Radish. i We the pa kets grtN A"footed tttoe the ab4V6Ilett here 0,,,,W„.0 WM. R 'E11,1 N I E, TORONTO, RaNTO, ',,:� r t y k, ,L: ,~f I I t