HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-12, Page 6MAY N, 189, 1111111011 ti �4� a� tam oda-�.o0w� ��.0 r • 1\ y I REGULAR f CARE Jr�` oi OF k� THE TEETH v t 4 0 IS most necessary if you 0 would preserv'ethem. Brush them once a day at least with a good dentifrice, and ti with water after every meal and 0 • before retiring. The est dentifrice to use is a (ler having both cleans- 4) ing tat iseptie prupe:.ies, Such a one e offer you in pearl Tooth Powder. It is prepared frot1xeceipt of one of our local nt,ste, is used anca rec0mu • ded by him ana. -is guar teed by us of , and wli exchange ""a your money. 25e is the price. IN our large window you may this week see this powder along with a lot of tooth brushes at 10e, 15e. 20e, 25e, and 35c. At their several prices they are good value. We ask you to beat' us in mind when in need of toilet articles. , assmerstssemesmoserssesisseggs ALLEN & WILSON £ O'E.•tDAIM,A 0'000- • •bO-at-cv1 0 DRUGGISTS AND OPTICIANS. •••0••••••••®eerie•®Gem•••• • •• • • 0ON BELTS000 0 • 0 • There is a marvellous de- 0 • (nand for Ladies' Belts this 0 • season and our Stock is 0 • fully equal to it. 0 • • The new creations just 0 0• received are decidedly • 0 pretty and include O •• 0 fh •• BUCKLES OF 0 } ° CUT STELL, a ®RHINESTONE, • r • FANCY STONE •0 , ° AND STERLING SILVER, 0 .. • „ o • They are mounted upon e • Plain and Fancy Leathers • of the Newest and Latest • •` • 0 • Shades, • kP, 0 0 • It's a pleasure to show 0 these -buy one when you're 0 O ready. The prices are low p O at 0 • 0 • "THE SATISFACTORY STORE"0 J. B. Rumball 0, •wllr. • Je e e 0 0 • Agent Bell Telephone Cothpany. • •09 00 0000 •• •eao®®•Gee •• o THE RUN CLINTON'S GRAND CELEBRATION TUESDAY, MAY 24 GREATER AND GRANDER THAN EVER. Up -to -Date Specialties, Marvellous Exhibitions, Thrilling & Fascinating Feats, Dashing Effects, Enchanting Music, Exciting Baa Games, Etc., Eto. Positively the Greatest Demonstra- tion Ever Given in this District, T1 1_410 V KING OF THE AIR The Reigning Souereign of the Aerial Realm. Performing Thrilling and Aston- ishing Feats on the High Wire With Supreme Nerve and Extra- ordinary Agility, Original Acts that cause Profound Wonderment. The Frank Foster Balloon Co. Balloon Ascensions and Parachute Drops, Slack Wire Acts, Running Globe, Sword Acts, etc„ etc Waterloo Brass Band. 40 PERFORMERS 40 CANADA'S LEADING BAND. 83rd Battalion Band, Seaforth. BASE BALL, LACROSSE, SPARRING CONTESTS, BAYONET and SWORD CONTESTS. OPEN AIR CONCERTS, •_ ETC., ETC. GRAND CONCERT In the Evening by the Waterloo Brass Band and Musical Society. Altogether the most Unique Pro- gramme ever Presented • New, Novel and thoroughly up.to-date. "When We Do It, We Do It Well." R. HOLM Es, Chairman. .i. P. DOHERTY, Secretary. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. • THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. 0 We �tt�v Guarantee Our Timepieces, be they either Watches or Clocks, so you run no risk in buying from us. It has paid us to sell Good Goods and we shall continue to do so. Does the Watch or Clock you have need Repairing Tiring it to us and have it made well. This branch of our business is a specialty with us. 0 P. S. CREWS Jeweller and Expert Watch Repairer. verstaaalaceemarrocarr Work An Ad.. . Our work is an ad for us, be- cause we do repairing of Watches, Etc., so thoroughly that the owners come back to us if they have anything else in our line, and they not only come themselves hut also sug- gest to their friends that A. J. Grigg's is the place to go. Do You Need. A. Watch See Our Stock and hear Our Prices. We sell Good Goods. A. J. GRIOG Successor to .. , , J. BI DD LECOIIl. BE. R.A 11A.V V F'%S_Y:STiE Between all Stations in Canada -1 OR- UEEN'S OR- 0 MAY 24, '98 BIRTHDAY Will issue Round Trip Tickets at Single First Class Fare Going May 23rd and 24th, returning until May 25th. Single First Class Fare& e -Third GoingMay20th,21st and 22nd returning until May 25th, 1898. For rates and all information, apply to G. T. R. System Agents, or write M. C. DICKSON, D.P.A., Toronto. A. 0. PATTISON, F. R. HODGENS. G.T.R. Depot. Town Agent. PEOPLE WHO TRAVEL. People who are travelling should consult, the undersigned in reference to all rates, routes,&c' The following low rates are still in force, Vancouver - - 8 25 00 San Francisco - 30 00 Toronto - - - 2 00 Windsor - - - 2 50 Low Rates to a'1 points in Dako!nand Montana, For tickets and all information consult W. JACKSON TC. P. ABent. InsamorstsameirsoW PROPERTY FOR SALE. To Let or For Sale. The undersigned offers for nate or rant that li story brick residence on ltngtan St. There neo bedrooms, dinning room, sitting room, hitchnn. Also «nod stable, In connection with the residence are two acres of land ant a large number of fruit trees, For pot -Mentors apply to CANTELOW ni n9., Clifton. HARRY CANTELON, Mt, Forest. March 14th. To Improvers of' Stook. Tho undersigned has on his promisor, 13th concession, Goderich Township, A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terms: -$1 and $2. A Thoroughbred Chester 'White Boar, regis- tered. Terms: -•-$l, with the privilege of return- ing. A thoroughbred Tamw r Boar, registered. Terms: ---$1, with privilege of returning. This is a rare chance to improve your steels T. C. ICnntu,vns, 65-tf. Owner. MARRIAGES. IIRWIN-PARROTT.-In Mitchell, on the 3rd Inst., by the Rev. J. T. Kerrin, Mr. W. G. Irwin, to Miss Selena Parrott, both of Mitchell. HE RIOT - ROSS. -At the First Presbyterian Manse. St. Marys, by Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, on April 25th, George Heriot to Miss Mabel, daughter of Oen. Ross, all of St Marys. MATI'I1e1t MONILA WS. --In Kincardine at the residence of the bride's father on Queen St. on the 3rd inst., by the Rev, Dr. . L. Murray, M. A. Miss Christina Idontlaws, to Mr. C. Douglas Mather, meth...nieal engineer of Chicago. McDONALL, -AN OEIISON,--On Wednesday. April 27th, 1893, at 1lraeside Cottage, Tiver- ton, Ont„ by 11ev. Jas. A. Anderson, . A., assisted by itev. Kenneth McLennan, B. A., B 1)., and Rev. Jas. Fitzpatrick, B. A-, ('hristeua Jane IEna), youngest daughter of Rev. John Anderson, to Dougaid Mo - Donald, of the township of Bentinck. DOA N- SA MIST ER. -In Molesworth, on April 21st, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, Miss Maggie Sangster, to Mr. Edwin Doan, of Wallace. BIRTHS. HARI(N ESS. -In Turnberry, on April 30th, the wife of Rohl.. Harkness, 0: a KY DD.- In Exeter North, on April 30th, the wife of Jonathan Kydd, of a son. WOOD, -In Exeter, on April 28th, the wife of Frank Wood, of a son. 1/R0EOL1i,--lu Egmoudville, on Monday. May '2nd, the wife of Samuel Meueogh, of a daughter. TIFFIN.- At the Methodist parsonage, Wal- ton, on Monday, May 2nd, the wife of Joy. A. C. rite.., of a a( i. STONEMAN.-At Kirkton, on the 2nd inst , Mrs, Win. Stoneman, of a son. SMALE,-In Hibbert, on the Rh inst., Mrs. Geo. Sma:e, of a daughter. BODA - In Logan, on the 3rd inst., M"s. Wm. Bode, of a son. STArFON---in Logan, on the 4th ins -,Mrs. Win. Station, of a son. HART. -In Logan, on the 26A nit , Mrs. An- thony heart, of a sort. DAVIS.-ln Mitchell, on the 26th alt„ Mrs. John Davis,f a son. EISLE1:,--In Logan, on the 20th ult., Mrs. Hied Eisler, of a son. DEATHS, BCc'HANAN.--in (;McNeil, on Monday, May. 2nd, 1803, William Buchanan, aged 82 years, FJCHIti14\'.--At lienmiller, Out., on Wednes- day, May Our, 1898. George Ferriby, aged 80 years, 8 months. 2 weeks and 4 days, NE\'IN. --In Seaforih, on Monday, May 2nd, Hauorah, wife of the late Jas. Nevin, aged 64 years. BROWN ELL. --In Seaforth, on Monday, May 2nd. Walter George, twin son of los. Brownell, aged 2 years, I month and 27 clays. COOL( -- In St. Marys, on April 22.id, Charles Walter Cook, agecil 16 years, 1 month, 19 days, ROGNIL--In Osborne, on April 26th, William Roger, aged (i4 yea •.v, 2 nronlhs, 14 days. WILSON Bay, on the 29th ult., Mary Bell, wife of J. 0. Wilson, ale 36 years. HILES.-In Atwood, on Sunday, Apr'1 24th, Samuel Orvel, infant son of ;Mi•, and Mrs. M. M. Bites, a_ed 1 year and 2 mont'ss. SHEARER. --in El'na, on April 2,;rd, Isabella Agnea, wife of William M. Shearer, aged 19)'oars, 9 months and 4 days. VIEH�LI•.JOAN.-In Molesworth, on April 30th, Bessie Holmes, beloved wife of John Mciklcjohn, aged 33 years. JOHNSTON.- In Grey, on Apr'I 29th, Jessie Buchanan, beloved wife of Thos. Johnston. aged ill yew's, G months and 21 days. RYMERS.-In Morn ington, on Saturday, April 30th, 1898, Eliza Jane, beloved wife of John Hymors, aged G2 years. For Over Fifty Years Mae, WINsLow's Soo'roINC SYRUP has beta used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If 0i.-turbed at night and broken of your rest by it :.irk child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send nt once and get a bottle of "Mrs. \\7nslow's sooth- ing syrup" for children Teething, it will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mol hers, there is no mistake about it. It cares I)iai'rlul'a, regulates the Stomach and bowels, cores Wind ('tilic, softens the Gums, mc]ic es In fla mination, and gi yrs tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. 1\'inslov's Soothing Syrup" for cltil(li'en teething is plea- sant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians nod norscs in tho United State. Price Iwenty-tive .ants a bottle- Scald by all druggists uu'uax;'hl out the world." Be sure and ask for "Mas \'1rINSLnp''s SOOTHING SYRUP What the War Will Cost the St.aicii, Washington, D.C., May (kb. -The testimony of Sec'ret:ei- Gag,' as to khe condition of the treasury iced its re- quirements in order to n'cet the'oone- tary demands of the wee, as made t)e• fore the Senate Committer of Fit .tier, was given to the public to -day. The Secretary stated the a.vaiitable balance in the treasury on .April 60t11 at $170,- 8;2,472but, from th'u it, wtts, he said, necessary to deduct the ;30„ , 1, I ap- propriated for the national defence. He estimated that when the deficien- cies in the War and Navy Denau't- ments were stet there would be tau available balance of :PLC 10,1' 1. The treasurer estimated that he most have :),(,;,i),C" 1 for a working balance ; roto day to clay. He thought that, all told, the treasury could c'ou'nt wino avail- able cash to the extent of ii70,(. ).( Jt) above the $1' 1,000,0: )gold re serve, Mt .� Gage stated that, at the time los tesc,i molly Was given note of the volun- teer forces had become a tax upon the Government, and that the entire 123,- C:;J men would have to be taken cat e of within a month's time. The hest estimates placed the extraordinary e,c- penses for the War and Nave Depart- ments at $52,CO3) :.J up to the first of July next, in addition to the $50,1; voted for national defence. ile thought that front $40,6 3,1'. ) to $50,C , ),C et in addition to the ordinary revenue", would have to he realized between now and July 1st, to preserve) the gold ,•c'• serve intact. IN DEATH'S HOST. Bright's Disease- Diabetes- Bladder Troubles -- Paralysis Dropsy -Disease Imps It, adv to Drag You Down -South American Kidney Cure Has Rescued Thousands. An alarming fact -almost an incredis We one, were it not borne out by statis- tics, that ova r ninety per cent, of all post mortem examinations have proved the existence of kidney disease. II you experience straining, cutting pain, scalding, or if is t iere is bricky dust, or chalky sediment, they go to prove that the kidneys are not performing their functions; that there are foreign sub- stances there that sooner or later will clog up and stop the whole machinery of the human anatomy. South Ameri- can Kidney Cure dissolves and dispels all these pirates of good health quickly and surely. -Sold by Watts & Co. CATARRH SUBJECTS 'this dread malady lurks behind the most in- cipient head colds, and when the needs of disease are sown steals away the beauty bloom and makes life pleasures a drudgary. DR. AGNEVIrs CATARRHAL POWDER will cure the incipient cold and the most stub- born and chronic Catarrh eases, It puts bank the beauty pink and sheds sunshine In its trail. "My wife and I were both troubled with distres- singCatarrh, but we have enjoyed freedom from its istresses singe the first application of Dr. Ag- now'e Catarrhal Powder ---It acts instantaneously - gives grateful relief in to minutes, and we believe there land case too deeply seated to baffle it Ina cure."-Itov. D. Iloohnor, Buffalo, N.Y.-ga Sold by Watts & Co. !Oarlock. Wee. Beacom visited friends in Bay- field on Saturday and Sunday. D. Weir visited his brother teacher J. Cook on Saturday The road grader was at work south of the village during the past week. Mi'. Arthur Perseus has disposed of a good horee for a fair price. "-Murphy's most beautiful twins." Billy Murphy's driving mare presented him with a tine Shan of colts last week, Toronto Street Market. Toronto, May 0th. -About 3,030 bush- els of grain were delivered on the sti eel today ; 1,5C0 bushels of wheat sold at $1.04 to $1,1151 for while, $1.07 to $1.101 for red and $1.021 to $1.081 for goose ; 1,000 bushels of oats at 37 to 3'31c ; 400 bushels cif pests at 641 to 65e ; aid one load of barley at 41c. Twenty loads of hay sold tit $7 to $9, and two of stt:tw at $5 to $0. Dressed hogs sold at $5.80 to $0. - Wheat, white, per hu.$ 1 01 to $ 1 051. 1 07 to 1 11)1 1 02.to 1 031 83 to 55 00 to 41 (34137 tot to 05381 5.1 to 53 511 to 59 CJ to 341 12 to 14 50 to 75 40 to 75 7 to 8 13 to 13 10 to 11 '75 to tJ f'0 0()80 toto) 75 7 CO to 9 (:J 5 011 to 0 ('0 0 to 4 to 5 3 00 to 0 Ci) 0(1 to 111 5 to 8 7 to 0 5 80 to 0 CJ do red do goose do spring Barley per bush,.,.... Oats per bush Peas per hush.. do blue Rye per hush. Buckwheat per bush.., Turkeys per lb Ducks per lb Chickens per pair Geese per lb Butter, lb. rolls Eggs, now laid Potatoes per bag Beans, per bush Onions, native, per bag Htty, per ton Straw, sheaf, ton, , . , . Beef hind Beef, fore Spring lamb carcase... , Yearling Lamb per ib Mutton per lb Veal, Dressed hogs A BROKER RROKEN, Stomach Troubles, Indigestion, and its Distressing Accompaniments Were Snapping the . Lite Strings -South American Nervine Proved "Better than Gold." Mr. John Boyer, money broker, Kin- cardine, Ont., writes : "Three years ago I was very much troubled with indigestion. I was a great sufferer. I procured and tried South American Nervine ; a few doses wonderfully help- ed me, and two or three bottles cured me. I have no hesitation in recon. mending it heartily to all sufferers from stomach trouble,'' -Sold by Watts & Co. • -..m..� The Liri'e Stock Market. TORONTO. Toronto, May 0. -At the western c•aattle tmerket this morning we had it total of 05 loads on sale, including 2.10'1 hogs, 109 Insults, yearlings nod sheep, 50 calves, and 20 utilkere. The attend - tome of buyers was good, aiud an active trade was done; ;shout all the offerings of till kinds sold. There wtas a. brisk demand and stonily baying of shipping cattle here to -day ; prices ranged front -t to 41c, with ec't'a- eionally a York shilling more toe selec- tions. \\'bile the quantity of touch of the butcher cattle on hand was by no means first-class, prices were firm, and necasiunahly quotable higher. The best grades sold at from 31 to 4e ; for picked lots a fraction more was report- ed paid, lint 4e was the rel)re ent:ltrve highest figure. Loads of good cattle sold around 3) to 31c per pound ; ine'd- iurt and common cattle sold down to :3c ; we heard of no sales at a loWtpt' figure. Export hulls are wanted at from 3 to 31.c per pound. There is tt steady enquiry for stock- ers at from $3.371 to $3.021 per 10J pounds, Good milkers will sell at, from $23 to $145 each, hot they must he extra, choice to tel the latter figure. Calves sell at from .1lila to $5 each good calves are in demand. Thctc is an active demand for year- lings (froth 05 to 110 lbs.) at from 5e to tic per pound. Spring lambs are not wanted, told prices the mutely nomit,td. Elves fetch front II to •t.(c per pound ; bucks are worth from 3.) to 01c per pound. In the hog market trade was active and prices steady at Sc for choice off car hogs; light and heavy fat ;ire wort h from 4, to •1(;c per pound ; sows sell at 3c or a shade over, and stagy at 2e per pound. All grades but, stores aro wanted. YOU CAN''['GET RESTED Because That Tired Feeling is not the result of exertion. It is due to the unhealthy condition of your blood This vitul fluid should give nourishment to every organ, nerve and muscle But it cannot do this unless it is rich and pure. That is what you want to cure That 'fired Feel ng- pure, rich blood. hood's Sarsaparilla will help you "get res ted.' It will give you pure, rich blood, give you vigor and vitality and brace vru up so that you rainy feel well all through the coming summer. If you have never tri' 0 flood's Sarsat'arilla, do so now and see how it energizes and vitalizes your whole system. CLINTON MA Ric Er REPORTS. (Corrected every wadtia.+,lat aftcrn one, Fall Wheat, new 105 to 1 Barley .. 0 40 to 0 Oats. .... 0 28 to 0 Peas 0 59 to 0 Rye 0 139 to 0 Potatoes, per bush, now0 45 to 0 Butter loose in basket0 11 to 0 Butter in tub. 0 1 [ to 0 Eggs per dor ,. 0 8 to 0 Hay .,, 6 00 to 6 Live flogs 0 00 to ¢ Pork per cwt ,, 6 00 to 6 Dried Apples per lb .. 0 03Jito 0 Ducks per lb. 0 054to 0 rurkeys per lb 0 07 to 0 GeGso per lb. 0 05 to 0 Chickens per pair 0 30 to 0 Wool 0 18 to 0 THE I)ANGEIRS OF SPRING 05 45 32 00 40 45 12 12 9 00 55 00 04 06 08 06 35 18 Which arise from impurites in the blood and a depleted condition of this vital fluid may he entirely averted by (food's Sarsaparilla. This great medicine cures all spring humors, boils, eruptions and sores, and by enriching and vitalizing the blood, it overcomes that tired f, sl• n vigor. and gives vitality and v gor. fioon a Pnr,s cure nnnsea, pick head- ache, billiousnesa, and all liver ills. Price 25 contig. Ciieiig Pe "When the doctors considered me incurable, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of Chronic Bronchitis" L. B. LARDINOIS, Rosiere, Wis, tfedleal Advtoe Free. Address, J. C. AYIIR CO, Lowell. Masa., 1'. 8. HIS LEGS AND [DIS BUSINESS. OF late years especially, the writer's sympathies have partiou arly gone out to all those persons who work it a stand- ! ing positiou,•who earn th one may say, perpendioul same wages I should vastl the driver of an omnibus r conductor.' Still, we can' way in these matters, an pass that a large proporti labourers must have go are done for. 'Their he„ and clear as eve.', but if not be depended on for hours a day, there is t the spot -possibly a go We shall see present gree of strength in the was of supreme lin/ lit my login ; as .indeej people you see every c� "In the autumn et "my health began to f if I had no energy. good for nothing. out what had come this I had always strong. "At first I hail t mouth and no deg eating I had an ach and back. Somew with muscular p and could not lift I became so weak ED UNDER ME AN4 TENDiNO TO MY all i When we ha Cogin is a laird this observatio hairdresser who move easily is of losing his en should have b goes without s "I lest a tie "arid felt no this wretche after mouth. er Seigel's bottle front Pentre (I Valley at t "After days my caused in it, and of ties I w and tel time I make (Sign Lane A. due pe. and dig wit th 4 Cl, 0 f e a S d na If tion Ot sue •r„:., .,:,.._., _ WRY water a;ttingutaltes fire"? sue word more. living to his want of power to digest his food, Sir. C'ogtn- had a hard struggle to keel, tip with his work for several months. At the mite lie was going on. the tittle was sure to come when he would have been obliged to abandon it altogether. A -man can't keep all on, working anti ea:thing a living, unless he can digest what loo I he ells, sleep at nights, and be reason- ably free from t,ain, You will not dis- puta' that? Ne, I imagine not ; for it is common sense and universal experi- ence. Well, now, there is a prodigious host of men and women in England elm ate dragging wea';ly and misera ly along as Mr. Cogin did. Testy e'sEL, viisuc WEA I:• Nit ,s MOST wllEIC;,Tlos0" Nldttin STILE.: -"Tit Mose'- just as he did. ?dottier Seigel's Syrup made a whole Ulan of bin) ; why not try it, yourself if you sutler in the Halite way ? Ai -K YOUR DOCTOR, lie will tell you that Scott's E eulsiou cares poverty of the blood anti debility of the nerves. Ile will say that it is the best remedy in the world for delicate children, Mrs. Shot tis has itr'•ivotl at Montreal from lr'el,111,1. She will visit her son at the Si.. Vinrcnt, de foul Penitentiary. The languor so common at this season is due to impoverished blood. flood's Sarsaparilla cures it by enriching the blood Ni's. May of Aahhmrohain gut. her foot ca- night het.waen it punk and to (ail at Peterhor'o' and was killed by the C. P. 11. express. _ _, "PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF." Nurse, Nurse Yourself- -Six Years of Rheumatic Pains. Mrs. Einer, professional nurse, Corn• wallis St., Halifax, N. S., says: "For six years I was a great sufferer from rheumatism. Doctors treated me and I tried almost everything, but got very little relief. I took a friend's advice and tried South American Rheumatic Cure, I have proved it a grand medi- cine, for before I had finished the secs and bottle my sufferings had ceased. I was completely cured, and have had ho return of the pains." -Sold by Watts & Co. Ask your grocer for ..;.0045431 Por Table and Dairy, Purest and tio$t fee t: te AR SOLS OPENED on Thursday last our New Spring Parasols and Ladies' Sun Umbrellas. THESE are very handsome goods and all being adorned with beautiful and dur- able handles all of the newest shapes and c.kes, Ladies may rest assured that Satisfactory to buy. "1 urs and tt/fnct a ption Cured Consulnption can be cured ; surely and permanently cured. Many cases are on record to prove this statement. Many cases that were given up as hopeless by eminent physicians have been cured by DR - STEVENS' CANNABIS SATIVA REMEDY - nature's specific for all ills of the throat and lungs. So much faith do I place in the efficacy of CANNABIS SATIVA REMEDY; so positive am I that it . will cure Consumption, Catarrh, Asthma, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, that I will send a package sufficient for twelve days' treatment absolutely without cost, duty prepaid, to every sufferer who will send me an accurate statement of his or her case. I do not say that one package will effect a complete cure, but believe so much benefit will be derived from it that the treatment will be continued until a complete cure is brought about. "1 cannot tell yon what a change ono package of Cannabis Bettye wrought In me. I had a terrible cough, was low spirited, and had no strength; my skin wee dry and covered with dark brown spots. My friends had no hope that I would get batter. They said it was no use sending for the Remedy; but 1 had been cured of Catarrh by it, and recommended it to others who had been bene- fited by it. I commenced Improving as soon as I began taking the Remedy and when it was gone my cough was nearly gone, and in a few weeks I was able to work as well as over. The spots left my skin and have not returned. " I do not feel any pain in my lungs as I used to for years, and never since my childhood have I been through a winter without Rheumatism until now; I have not had a touch of it this winter- I wish you every success, and ask God to bless you in the good work you are doing." Mrs. JOHN ELLIOTT, Richard's Landing P. 0., Ont. FREE W. A. NOYES, 820 Powers Block, ROCHESTER, N. Y. CLINTON. Mr. I)'Alt.on McCarthy, Q,C., M. P.' was thrown from his dogcart last night, and received injuries which cause Sahserlher Is prepared to promptly Minn or grave apprehension. dors for Wood and Coal which will he sold at lowest rates. Office on Is:raeStreet. at LAy15' IM PI. EMEN'rS ROOMS. W WIT ICATLtf Y WOOD AND COAL YARD - OATS Wanted in exchange, 12 lbs. Choice 1 bus. Oats. Oatmeal for 13 lbs. Choice 1 bus Oats' Family Flour for These are one present rates but we don't know how long they will last. Oats taken in exchange for Groceries. O. OLSOt, CLINTON VICTORIA STREET. C. PUMPS! PUMPS ! tf snit want a arat•oless, well -merle pomp, ane fl -a will give you satisfaction, send yfnr ewer to lb nndcrsigned. Fro will dig and °leen wells and do It a the almost, prices. Ho also hurdles a nmt•olas FORCE PUMP, JAMES FERGVSQN l•)pposit u)noen'e tlotol • •ifigh Street Clinton 509-tf MERIT WINS SUCCESS! r 71P ,�/;11 STRATFORD, ONT. This sehoel does aret-class work to every fopart• mens and cn)ny.n a large tsar nage. A C,,nuner- Mal Retold of the highest grade -none better to Canada. Students can enter at nay time. Catalogue free, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.