HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-06-25, Page 4AMMO fllcmURCHIE este 8l th gtanbarb.
Sale Notes n e ecialty, A tlentices
mpde to limners nu their own
notes. No additional security re-
PtEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates. j
We offer every ne-ommodation eon.
(event with safe and conservative
banking principles.
Te loan on 'Real Estate at lowest
rates of interest.
Persons wishing to sell will do well
to place their property on oar list
for sale, Rents collected.
of all kinds promptly attended to.
excureion'to Guelph and remained over
Sunday with friends at Ilespelor,...
ut Mr. S. Caldwell and Mrs. Rowed were
THE BLYTH STANDARD, published every
Thursday morning, is a live tical news
paper, and has a large circulation i
Blyth and surrounding country, makin
It a valuable advertising medium. Sub
scriptionprice to any part of Canada o
the United States only One Dotter pe
inn= in advance ; 81.56 will be charged
1 not so paid. Advertising rates on
application. Job Printing neatly and
Cheaply executed. Correspondence of a
sewer nature respectfully solicited.
in London last week.,.,Owing to the
taiu on Saturday last Mr. 'Ped Jones
had to postpone his barn•raising until
A1onday, when he etweeeded in )laving
- it raised, although the weather MIN not
n the hest., Mr. Oliver Clark has the con•
g tract of building the barb. —The Caeree•
' men( of the Lord's supper wits adminin-
tared in St, Alerk's church ht' the rector,
Correspondents Take Notioe.
Owing to Dominion day cooling of
Wednesday next, TBE STANDARD Wil
be forced to print on Tuesday evening
Consequently, we must ask our corres
pondente to let no have their weekl
budgets one day earlier than usual
Please bear this request in plied.
SCOTT —W ALM. —A. very pretty wed
ding was solemnized on Wednesday o
let week at the residence of Mr. Jame
Walsh, near Belgrave, when Mies Jaui
Walsh was married to Mr. David S
Scott, a well-to-do young farmer of th
Rev. J. Edmonds, last Sunctay....Next
Sunday the Lord's supper will be com-
memorated at Knox church. Prepara-
tory eerviee W111 be held on Friday pre-
vious, conducted by Rev. Mr. Hetuilton,
of Leeburn Misses May Ferguson,
May Relihan, Mary Platter and Sarah
Rowed, and Master John Lemp are
writing en the entrance cxeminetions
et itlyih thie week ....The Auburn
Methodist church intend celebrating
the 200th auniversary of, Wesley's birth•
day next Sunday at the Sabbath Reboot,
1 and in the evening the pastor will give
a talk on Wesley's life 41r. Martin
Armstrong and family are visiting
friends at Shelburne,,,. Mrs, lialetead,
S of Hohnesville, ie visiting her daughter,
. Mrs. G. 11. Youngblut
JOTTINGS.—Quite a ((umber of the
young people in this neighborhood took
- in the excursion to Owen Sound ,,.,The
ladies of Duff's Presbyterian church
s will hold their annual garden party on
e Tueeday evening, June duth, The Brits. • sets brass band will be 111 attendance
e aid a varied and interesting program
will be rmtdered....The new verandah
is completed at the manse, and various
improvements will shortly be completed,
which will add to the appearance of the
manse grounds....'Phe garden party
given on Monday evening of last week
at Mr. W. H. Scholdice's orchard tinder
the auspices of the Walton ladies' guild
WAS well attended, considering the fact
that the Brussels football cxeursion to
Mildmay rind also the Sunday school
extension to Kincardine were billed for
the same day and detracted somewhat
from the attendance. Nevertheless the
receipts were in the neighborhood of e50,
The ladies had provided plenty of good
refreshments, while the music furnished
by the Brussels band was oleo greatly
appreciated end praised. During the
everting several messages were received
stating that Brueeele football club had
been successful at Mildmay end asking
the hand to meet theta at the station on
their return home. This caused the
band boys to leave earlier than iutebd-
etl, the ladies' guild kindly giving their
coneett thereto. Taken all in all the
garden party was a complete success,
AlaScholdice's fine orchard being well
adapted to the purpose.,,. Mr. W. T.
Pollard is here on a business trip from
Yellow Grass, Assiniboite, and may
possibly take beck a car load of horses,
Mr. Pollard looks as though the prairie
life agreed with him ....Rev. A. Mc-
Nabb was at Alolesworth last weak on
busineee....Aire. W. Neal is in Toronto
visiting her son Frank, who recently
passed his examination for the medical
We represent the leading Fire end I
Life Assurance companies, and re-
spectfully solicit your account,
OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.
Dtzsinoss Cards.
Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. Money to
Loan, Oahe, Meyer block, Wangualn.
Solicitor for the 'Allege of Rlyth, the Town.
Ship of Grey, the Howiok Mutual Fire insurance
Co., and the Metropolitan Doak. Priei,e end
Com1►oy mune! to loan at lowest rates, Moe
over Htanderd Bauk, Brussel..
Da, G. E. LONG,
lineament to Dr. Jerome, Graduate of the
Repel Collage of Dental Someone. Au honor
l!ndnate of Toronto Gutve,sits. (Mee over
Bootee Powell'a store, Pretoria block, Blyth,
Sneeeaenr to Dr. Tait. Graduate of the Uni-
estalty of Toronto, Member of Collage of Phy-
Melaue and Burgeons of Ontario, Formerly et
Otboeaend eeldennorhe host lately oncu-
plad by Dr, Tait, Blyth.
M,D.O.M., Velveraitvof TrinityCollege; M.D.,
&swore University; Fellow of inity Medical
QolMee, and of member College of Physicians
sod ilurp+nne of Ontario, Coroner ton the
County of Huron. Olfae, one door north of the
COn steretul hotel, Queen 'treat, Blyth,
Choice stook of Tobaesoe, Cigars and Pipes so
baud. Agent for the Parlulau Steam Laundry,
Queen street, Blyth.
Load, Loan and Ingennoe Agent. Office, on
QQeen street, Illyth. Ordain left at Tea Sun.
Duan °Moe wilt receive prompt attention,
All tads of Spectacles and Eyeglaeree made
en order. special attention given to fitting the
nye. Orders by mail p,omptiy atteedad to.
Beware of partite wine my unrae ae I employ
no travelling agents whs,everhattelactIou
menet W., guaranteed.TEstablished 1879. 454 Richmond
OUR MOTTO: "Nigh Grade Work Only."
Our gradualo. readily worry positions •
becauno our high grad„ tre l ni ng proper'e •
tbetp to render f ria view; •eV,e„s. Basi •
0080 mon want 0 rwt-clars wet leer, Fled •
her. no lime to waste upon the other •
kms, ftomnw+we 0 cuu1,0 Dow alar ba •
ready for a pou;tlu iu the t,J1. Wrilo •
for band 301110 cal ail goo. •
neighborhood. Rey. J. Edmonds, of
Blyth, performed the ceremony. The
young couple are deservedly popular,
and the best wishes of the whole com-
munity attend thein. The numerous
gifte testified to the esteem in which
they are held. ')'hey left on the after-
noon train for Stratford, Toronto and
Niagara Falls, and will be at home on
and after July 15t11.
LAwx SOMAL.—A lawn social under
the auspices of the Londesboro Presby-
terian church will be held on the
grounds of Mr. Arthur Jamieson, half -
mile west of Londesboro, on Wednes-
day evening, July lst, Strawberries,
ice cream, and all the delicacies of the
season will be supplied, Auburn hrttss
band will be in attondaece. Signor
'Pony Vitt, of the London harpers, is
expected to be present, and together
with beet talent, will make a rare pro-
gram. Tea served front six to eight
p.m. Proceeds to be applied to the
shed fund, Admission: Children, 15
cents; adults, 25 cent..
HORSES Diiw —Mr, John Mills met
with a serious loss a few days ago, he
having lost three horses, two of them
being valuable end the other it good
working horse. They died of a disease
which the veterinarian call "spinal
mininigitis," caused, they claim, by the
animals having eaten or drunk some
poisonous matter in the form of animal
or vegetable decay. Certain reports
Iowa been circulated to the effect that
dead animals had been left lying around
in the manure pile last winter, and then
the manure was spread upon the pasture
field this spring. Mr. Mills would like
the public, to understand that these re-
ports are utterly (alae, as there were no
dead animals of any kind around the
place. Drs. Waghorn and McGregor
went through tine fields and stables and
could find nothing that they could bin me
for the horses taking the disease. One
thing they think might have caused it
is that the horse, ped access to a spring
creek and this creek is ander drained
about 100 rode. They think that poss-
ibly a dead muskrat may have lodged
inehe (Rein, and in this way the horses
ha"e drunk the poison that caused their
death, but this is only supposition.
However, Mr, Mills intends having the
water analyzed end will take every
possible means of finding out the cause
of this trouble.
NOTES.—Miss Maggie A. Rose, elde.et
daughter of 81r. Alex. Rose, wile mar-
ried on June 10th to Mr. Wm, R. An-
drews, All the interested parties belong
0 West W'awanosh. The ceremony
look plane at the hone of the bride's
tether, and was performed by Rev. J.
L. Small, B.A., of Auburn. Quly a
few guests were present, but a very
enjoyable time was spent. The newly
wedded pair will reside in Weet Wawa•
nosh township....A Listowel corres-
poudent sends its the following account
o1 the death of a sister of Mrs. Samuel
Scott of this township:—The r,ommtin-
ity was shocked on Tuesday morning of
last week upon learning that Mrs. P. J.
Livingston had passed away during the
night. She was understood to be mak-
ing satisfactory progress after her
receut confinement but on Monday
veiling about six o'clock she took a
erious turn and sank rapidly, death
nsuing in a tow hours. The deceased,
!hose maiden name Was Alice Marie
Jones, was a daughter of Mr, Griffith
Jones, of \Velkerton, and had been mar-
ried less then two years. Since occupy-
ing their comfortable home on Wallace
etreet, Mrs. Livingston had been promi-
nent in Social circles, and the cutting off
of ler bright young life is particularly
sad. Mr, Livingston and infant daugh-
ter are deeply sympathized with,
LAcoxtcs.—A number from here took
in the moonlight exceralttt on the
steamer Greyhound last Tuesday even-
ing.,..Misses Effie Knox end Mabel
Coupland were delegates to the Sunday
school convention held in Blyth last
week.... Mr. George Beadle took a trip
to Detroit last Wednesday bringing
back with him hie little daughter May.
,,,Messrs. J. eounland and J. Carter
were among the Detroit excursionists
last week ....A large number from here
visited the'model farm at Guelph last
Saturday Great preparations are
being made for our civic holiday picnic
at Menrteeetung park today.... Mrs.
gorge Youngblut, Mies Maggie Young -
lot and Mies Addie Uelwig touk in tate
T1ia1S1A St. Thomas, Ont.
The farthest south, and ono of the
largest and best equipped in Canada.
Preparatory studies.
Graduating Courses—M.L.A., M.F,.
L., Piano, Organ, Sin ing, Violin, Fine
Art, Elocution and t'hysical Culture,
Domestic Science, Commercial.
Healthiest location. Moderate char-
ges. Write for catalogue to
REV, P1tIN. IVARNER, ni.a., B,D.
Every House Painter
a\toald have a
Tanga Estero (adder
It lora away with the necessity for
One Mian Can Easily
Handle a Waggoner
It is stronger and safer thsn any
other kind.
ICE CREAM SOCIAL.—The annual ice
cream social under the auspices of the
Westfield Sunday school will be held
on the grounds of the Westfield Metho-
dist church on Wednesday text, July
let. Addreseee will be given by Rev.
F. Swann, of Bluevale, and Rev. J. L.
Small, of Auburn. ')'here will be solos
by Miss Patterson, of Auburn ; duetts
by the Aleests. Tyndall, of Carlow, and
recitations by Miss Mona Walters, of
Saltford. All the delicacies of the
Season will be there in abundance. 'Pea
served from live to eight p,in. Admis-
sion : Adults, 25 cents; children, 15
A Rural School Trustee.
Froom the Toronto Star.
A story is told in one of the rural
papers about a young man who drove
across cOtllliry t0 apply for a place a9
teacher in a country school. He saw
the leading trustee, and atter supper
was sitting by the door with him when
a spotted bug attracted their attention,
The fanner asked the young man if he
knevt what it was, and to show hie
knowledge he said, "Yes, it is a Coccin-
ella eeptem unctate." To this the bu-
rner replied that it wee a lady -bug, and
be would not favor having a school
teacher In that section who didn't know
a Indy-bug when he saw it. The joke
iS supposed to be on the trustee, but we
do not see it in that light. He gave
the young man a rebuke that he needed,
but which was probably lust on him, as
be evidently went away relating the
incident and not appreciating its value
as applied to himself,
'here is not much need in a back line
school house of Ontario for a teacher
who can see a Coccinella septem punctata
crawling in the truetee's doorway. He
would be telling the children that Ile had
seen en Aster polumbariue circling over
the school house and had heard a Srrnia
ulula crying in the bush the night be-
fore. A rural school section would be
terrorized by such a man, giving bugs
and birds fiercer names than those of
any wild beasts the residents had ever
heard of,
The old farmer had evidently sized up
his visitor before the lady -bug appeared
on the scene, or he would not have
asked him if he knew what it was. He
probably expected some Ruch smart•
aleckism ae the giving of the technical
name of that bug, and then he replied
with a sarcasm that his visitor was not
keen enough to perceive. As this young
man will find out in time, there are a
lot of very shrewd old men sitting on
the doorsteps of farm houses on the back
lines of this province.
—The Holmesville Butter Co. shipped
four tons of butter to the old country
—Some of the farmers near Varna, in
Stanley township, have ploughed up
their mangers, ae the crops area failure.
—A etrange death is reported from
Carrick township, While drinking some
chicken broth for dinner, Mr, Benj. Mc-
Kay, of the 14th con. of Carrick, began
Our range of White and Colored Muslins excel,
To see our Prints means to buy—they arc beauti-
ful. in full range of the celebrated Crompton Cor-
sets on hand in all the newest styles. It will be
well worth your while to see our Dress Goods be-
fore buying. We have exceptionally good values,
A lot of Boys' Clothing just to hand. Trade in
the Millinery department was never better. Our
staff have to work all the time and over time.
I31yth. ►
They're the greatest blessing ever invented
for the woman who is on her feet all day,
They soothe and comfort tired, aching feet
till they feel more like feathers than lead.
;They care for every tender spot, support
firmly, squeeze nowhere.
Uppers—Soft, velvety kid.
Soles—Ample, easy, smooth.
Toes --Roomy, comfortable.
Heels—Low, broad, flat.
According to quality --$2, $2,50 and $S.
They're a very paradise of rest for weary feet and a para-
dise of economy for weary purses,
to gag and strangle and fell over dead.
He was '28 years of age, and had been
suffering for a few days from quinsy.
Farm Property.
UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of
Vide to s contort tnortgage b••ari0e date the?`ath
day of July, 1e50, and wb,eh will beproded at
the time of gala, there will be sold WW1 by publio
amnion at the
in the
in the County of Huron, on
Tharedap, the 9th Day of :alp, 19::
at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon
by Charles Hamilton, Auctioneer,
the tollowlug valuable Farm Property, vie :—
The earth utnetyone acres of lot number
twrnty five in the fourteenth ooneensinn , t the
Township of Hnl lett In the Count) ae of Huron. s •
Ng and victim leg ibereout and Count) that
portion thereof containing by admeesurnment
slaty sores by the eawe more or Iasi heretofore
000vered by Wm. Garbutt to David Erwin by
deed bearing date the eleventh day of February,
A.D. 1888, said parcel hereby offered for ea e
oontaluiug thirty-one aurae of land more or less.
The property is attested oil the Chilton gravel
road about one and one halt miles from illy th
sad two and ourehslf miles from Londesboro,
There are on the preteens. a one tad one•ha)f
storey frame dwelling feta(, with one etn,ey
kitchen ettsobed Itolo; a (reale barn with stab•
llog widemeeth 110:3i, sod a pig house 12z1s; a
smell orchard and a good well aid pump, and
the property to well drained and fenced, and to
a good state of cultivation. There are also
about ono and one-half toren of fall wheat, four.
teeu sures of oats and one acre of root Drop In
the ground, and the balsams 1s pasture and
Teams of pale :—Ten per pent of the pnrnhaee
money on the day o1 the rule and the helium
within twenty days thereafter, The property
will be /old subject to a reserved bin Murtha
partionlars and eoadltioos of male will be made
shown on the day o1 elle, of may be had on
appltoation to the aaderetgned,
R. Vel mTONa, Vendor's Solicitor, Wingham.
CA/ALMS 14tiILTON, An0tIQp8Ot, Meta.
Wtngham, Juno lath, 190.9, tab
Nouse For Sale.
A oom'ortable brick house and four Iota (one
erre 1u all), with gond frame stable and a num.
her of fruit bees. IIhis property in situated on
the north Nide of D)naloy kt+eel, in the village
01 Blyth. Cnnveatont dletaoma from N.H. 18 -
fin, 100 ott o, ehorebeo ena sehon, 4180
Int/ Wass f and ad1maing the Blyth brick
yard. For furtherr +a, tlenlare apply to the
undersigned. N. H. Sons,,. 8211
In Abundance
and JARS
or anything in the Bakery or
Grocery line.
Barrel Salt Kept in Stook.
Good Butter and Eggs wanted at
either cash or trade prices. Also N
quantity of Potatoes wanted.
1011 STAR DA$1111t
, .. BLYTH
A. 0. U. W.
Btvth lodge, No.145, Ancient Order of Untied
Wnrkmeu, meets in the Workmen hall, Milian
block, nn the zed end 4th Thursday 1n every
month, at eight ,,m. visiting brethren ars
mannerly invite st Cuunie, W,K. T. J. HOoa-
8Ttj, Reeeseee. dkr