HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-12, Page 4`', I 4 I" THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. . 4 ` ,J The Clinton News-Reeorf/ Circular Town Topics. - -- - ---- __._ .._ -. The foundations of two more dwel- _ _ Twelve Thousand Volunteers Malloch Chapit•r held in Heafortlr, the lings were built the past week. and Iteguiars to go to Cubit. $L.00aYear, InAdvanoe. - -_- --- GODBRICEI, Mav 11. --On Wednesday OM' school pupils wE.re sadly d}sap- pointed on Ftid»y kit out gcttiug the+ Tampa, Fla., May (i. -The supposi. __: _-, `F7 ,-.._-_-:- � THunsDAY. MAY 12th, 1808. evening some 37 candidates were pre- point At bur Day holiday. tin•r is that the War Department in. Ill the death of }}your p;u•U1w• ill lift), Fled it was gloved by I+..-Cou1 1, 1'. J., seconded by EX. 11. It., sented tp Bishop Baldwin }at St. Geor- A ineeting wits held It the Baseball tenets to despatch about 1.2,0!)0 wen life, vet tl)ou *h in Cie order of Providence ge's church for confirmation and the Suctal Club room on Tuesday evening front Tatupa t0 Cuba, at till early day, ONX THING AND ANOTHER. ceremony drew a large congregation. to reorganize it yacht club. not sit much its an nr•ury of invasion as faith Nil, that %vc shall Mare a gloriotl,, re-uuiou Ili a l far better land, whore porting shi be no 10011• The candidates, W girls and 18 young The musical society will shortly give ,t" arilly of occupation under instrue- Sir Wilfrid Laurler's attitude upon then, were seated in the front pews, so a prutueuade concert ul the NVt-4 St, tions to hold Matanzas or solve other the Prohibition question is what his that thea could easily reach the chtui' ,.. . rink. As way bit call ltld, the exi'cu• Live conin,tttee will du big thiogs to )Ort (tool which ) ltsttary thous friends by a stretch of the imagination call statesmanly, though it consists of cel steps where the "Laying on of make it it success. distributed to the thousandsofr folls ing Cubans, and utn,,,unit,ion, clothing nothing more than smiles, bows and Hands" Look place. At 7.30 the Gere- mony commenced with the usual even- r, H. Trewethy and three sous are at Bruce Mines re -o ening the old ruins g and provis,ons ,,lily be sit ) )lie(1 to '.. 1 I UOMc•z s army. Nearly Ftll of the ti say nothings. From a statesmanship which consists of not having an opin- in service, the Rector teadin the g g that hits been close( so long. It is kill- derstood that Nr. Treweth•yts %%ork.ug sport ships arc here. The transports (,f course, will tie escorted down the ion upon vital subjects, let us all pray prayers and His Lordship the lessons, and after a b kiln had been amt the Y g the urine for Lord Shalto Doug,as. Mr. H. C. Brewer, inana ger kit' the f, gulf aid entrees rho Straits so Florida by a part of Admiral HainpsnIt's fleet.. to be delivered. Bishop addressed thecandidatesoil the Molsou's Bank, Clinton, will };its It , The voyage fi,,)ul Tanl)a to tiny prob- * * The Government, of which Sir Wil- new ditties they were assuming,He drew attention to the life Of St. Paul, stereopticon entertainment ill Vit toric street church Friday Over'- able, Willing p1ilPH in ('aha will occupy frorn 36 to 48 hours, After the trau- frid makes an. ornamental head, has t) Christ annd said should tt As his heirs irs Ile.rvice tdAfter been his stereo tr. tiic(en eviewsr is Vgivenell luloreown Ftfoil nd P sportatfl,n of the array the tialwports I been asked to pledge itself to introduce another hymn the candidates were pleasure than for gain, are highly I will douhtless he used for the remainder of the tlule for, which they have liven a prohibitory law in the event of the Itn confired the girls being first and praised wherever seen. In addition to leased in carrying stores froto this port plebiscite showing that public opinion i hen followed the presentation of nien,- hership cards. As each ticket was pre- Biblical scenes, and it good list of gen- eral and humorous pictures, he has to the array in Cubit. is in favor of such a measure. Any- sented His Lordship gave each recipi- many local scones taken in varioue This programme will simply be the one would have thought that the ent it text with the advice that it parts of the county, and these fire sit cRrrymg out of the announced purpose answer would have been instantly and should always lie reureiribrived. At the conclusion of another hymn the good that the individuals are readily recognized by their friends. (f furnishing aid to the starving re - concentrados its speedily as possible. emphatically yes, but the Government hiliklges and will not declare itself either Bishop addressed the newly -made members of St. George's Miss Arnoldi, who ftrrived to town two From what can be gathered from Gen. Schafter and Gen. Wade, it is appar- one way or the other. Would there and gave them three rules that should he follow- some weeks siucle, and op(:ued the A U.U.W. room with an exhibition of ently not, the intention of the Govern- Govern - be any such hesitation if they were ed through life under all circun,stan- ie., fancy work, apparently met with Y l ] t Y Inent to begin Fin active campaign on I,ho island during the summer. Man Pei honest about the matter ? p Y cps, the readingof a portion Of God s Word in consecutive order, daily, great success fur the room was doily thronged with ladies inspecting the � Y held that only the small prMiminary *** prayer in the home and in public, andppjetty display. :Hiss Arioldi had it Army Of occupation will ever see Cubit Apart frorn the that Spain The members of the Dominion regular attendance at Church and the Targe class under instruction in nrt possibility R Cabinet are doing splendidly in the use of all its Ordinances. His Lard- ship's addresses were admirable, his nriedlewovk, and [let- nl Als speak in lite highest tel•1114 of the thuroughuess will soon ,yield to the inevitable, these Observers base their caloulatione on way of providing their families with IanguFlga and scriptural sPlPc tints to of the course, Miss Arnuldi left for what they think the forces under Gen. public offices and of coutse making a illustrate the points he. wished to tin- Wingl,ttru oil Monday. (Ion)ez may do after they shall have judicious selection. They Etre pocket. press on the candidates, being deliver- Mosdan)cs Colin Campbell, and W'1. been properly recruited. I ing the best plums. No doubt when elf with it force stud earnestness that Warnuch, wilo were tit Toronto kit- Several weeks of good weather may such puritans as Sir Richard Johntinie is he had lost none of his old- The tending the annual meeting of tote lie anticipated before the beginning of oratorical power. musical Prebbyteruun Foreigi Miss]uuary So- the rainy sAapou, and the Cuban incur - Cartwright secured an appointment service ander the direction Of Organist ciety returned hurne Oil 'Saturday. gents twill much prefer to carry on the for his son, the lesser and less honest 01f]' kept lip the 1'epiltatio n of St. W. T. Kiely has till it pretty iron calnpaijT,n unw rather than In the till - lights thought themselves perfect- (4eorge's choir, while the voluntaries fence in front of his property on Nal- tuna,, when they would-be more sub - ly justified in corralling 'its much of the gentleman proved hint a muster in son street. The fence beautifles that jeet to fevers. the rendition of sacred music. piu't of the town. as possible. Apparently given time There will be early coinurtrllion at Ernest Heaton, President of the - I --- - - they will establish ,another such St. George's next Sunday morning. Children's Aid Societv, has three little War Summary. • Family Compact ris the Mowats Perch were caught plentifully the 'iris for adoption, and would like to dear and Hxrdys have fastened upon past week and On Friday and senor- of good homes for them, either in town kir. country. The Most Furious news cones from 1 the burdened taxpayers of Ontario. da,y large strings of herrtn were g t, g caught as this fish were biting freely. The regular monthly ineeting of St. Spain. The Hagasta Cabinet may fall There is considerable profit, even if The dredge Aruoldi has been wait- George's guild was held in the school at arly moment, Carlists are conspiring little honor, in being a Grit politician ing orders to start dredging the har- O» Tuesday afternoon, The usual routine business was transacted, and for a revolution, and the peninsula is these days. bor for some two weeks. the tr'easurer's report presented shn%v- in it state of turmoil and agitation. A • +'•* Our cemetc: •• begins to look hcant.i. g fill for alrec(ty it latge number of own- ed a balance oil hand of over eighty dollars. military dictatorship, under (tam pOS, f„ruler Governor• General of Cuba, with The Grits in Parliament threaten a era of plcts in this land of the dead a strong military C.ahinpt, is sugl;est- t gerrymander, one after the manner of have put them in order. I ed as it final PiTort to save the dynasty. � Mowat's which cut townships in twain A special meeting of the Auxiliary IIDCCi5iWc` American�'iCt Bread riots have apt Pad into Italy, 1 and made such a series of political was held in 5t. George's school oon, Manilla. and very serious disturbances arc re- maps an never was seen before. It is onat Afternoon when elle Wednesday crowded, t'OOIT, R'Aa ct'owded, rill Lhf) women Of ('allntl'y indirectly ......in front o tit(- tLl'IRing Olit of the. war, time that sort of work was abolished. r , the conf,regregaCion having been in- All doubt as to the issue of the bat - The Spitniiu•(ls ' of Arnentinit have Strange that Sir Wilfrid who when g , , vited to join with the Societ., in meet- J v Lie of Manilla was ended Saturday cithled a lniilioit frank's to Spain to in Opposition was such a holy sort of ing Mrs. Baldwin. At 4.10 the meet- iuorniug by the receipt Of messages swell the naval fund being raised politician, should fill into these evil ng having been opened, the Bishop of Huron addressed those present on the front HongKong, first by liewspape rs there. ways when opportunity affords it. merits Of the Auxiliary. Ile said that from their corespo'dents find then by the Washington authorities froth Cum- Pl'pr,ident McKinley hits accepted Miss Helen Gould's of $100,000 for Can it be possible that Sir Wilfrid was "talking tine Society had done at large: anulunt of good work and was a great help to modore Dewey. The victory in Manilla gift war purposes. only through his hat” all the Church and wished it to continue Uiiv was inore btilliaut and complete A coir ole of Anlerk critFt'rs 1 got those ears when he so craved for but Y in well doing. At the conclusion of than the most ardent, ��merican could have hoped tar. Not inn Ailc►icftn .vats too clear the t , gins of Caere the could not obtain the fruits Of power. , the Bishop's address the. Rector', Rev. killed, net an American ship was in- iloari pe!le fart ;it tlit%;uu,, iu,d were cam- * * • Mark Turnbull, introduced Mrs. B:ild- Will for President of the Huron Auxi;i- jured, and the list of wounded was con- 1)Alled to "PLI'cat sifter susLaining some In III ies. j . But of gerrymanders there should be no more. If a redistribution is neces r . a The speaker commenced e t Y P i m need )v con - .a ratulatin o the Goderich Btanph o n fined to half a dozen men on the cr•uis- ev Baltimore, none of thern being seri The. fart at In Matanzas nil. bee . has l pea gain , lint barc]'d a ttt they damn e b u Nl oar the work should y b w hold be given to im- 1, its activity in helping the North -Nest. g (ll, 1 ]lllrt. le I" OP TI ( t that wit i • Y P s w r ed frorn a few dnvs ago , hg f. dune there. partial body, say the Superior (.Dort Mrs. Baldwin then spoke of the Mis- P sion field the Society covered, and gi laneg alleCalifged the ,alleged American loses :cud plac. The exact paint !It which the army Judges, who are out of public life and need not curry favor to, nor fear the drew attention to the success that had ing thew at a ser iOnsly high figure wFLF evidently a fabrication. There is nit- frau) Ta,n ), is to he landod in Cubit Is 1 believed to have been selected, hilt no ` politicians. followed the work of the Huron Aux. iliary. 'The speaker directed partici- turally great enthusiasm tit. Washing- t, move will likely he nln.•.le until the Cape Verde fleet has been *•* lar attention t(t China rend read a tet ton over the splendid achievement of met. General Gascoigne, who hits been in ter front a Chinese girl, a convert the American flert, and President. 1�IC- Kinley has cabled Commodore Dewev, TIIC war continuos to affect wheat prices materially. On Smutday cw4i 1 r ..-; cem a def h n the ..,,,nil• i tri d an Militia, :.eat^• t fi has p• through the Church that, cre,tted t c conpidcrable int ere.. t. h irl T ca- g 4 1 I, ` m .bun ,. 1.•ut n k of - g Rear All ' %%• v. ,tint .u] ,uu• � v • ld tt cn 1 tv cent ill (./ho- '• resigned and goes home in. disgust. . ptaiued that shn was ,. •v -d frow death imrftl'a) 1 fF r t t) ulltiu} ,tad cungrxtnlat.ing •, ngO to ytl 70, iln(1 clow (l at $;1 G7, a net • Like every other regular at the head g through the appeal of her mother, and lino, in the name of the American peo,- The cable to Manilla is shill un- gait] fol- the week of 166. Ontario and AlanilohFt %wheat cveruLc to 4c of a volunteer force, he expected rftther p that IiOrrible torture the drnibling lip Of a girl's feet (to make lhelrl small repaired repaired ail(] news front the islands by prices higher, and flour was lric to '25c, dearer. much front both officers and wen find enough to attract, a husband) causes, way of Hong Kong is several days old It is not known exactly, therefore, Consols were 3-16 to 1-4 lower. New York stock advanced. speaking his mind freely got into hot and her• joy when introduces] to the Mis- • s,onary Scbool to find that the girls what the situation maybe at present, 1 water. To make matters worse the all had boys feet. During her speech but Atr:ungentpnts are llf,ltig T'Flde to encs a ... - -- _ . _.._ .- Government about as often as not fail- Mrs. Baldwin drew attention to tbP are trop s send several p• the 1 ^` ed to support the General, which could infinner in which a Young Peoples' Philippines at once to occupy the is- L•tnc]s until the close of the cvitr , RErg• Atel-narrtan's Trial tppgal Acquittal. not, but breed insubordination. It is ((wild should tie managed and it is tin- at Icast. . _ --- just aquestion whetheran Old Country derstood that within a• few weeks a Young Peoples Guild will be formed The recohd trial Of Mrs. Olive A. regular is most suited to command the in Goderich. Sternainan, the Cayuga woman whowits Canadian forces, having in view the The steamer fat. Andrews arrived in AnnualConvention of 9. 'i. and C.E. charged with the murder of her secont)i • different - conditions prevailing here. .. )ort again on Sunday morning and left, --- husband, began at the (iiLynga Ase]%P.9 There is some talk of Colonel Dennison, again for Fort Willi:tul cariy of 1'uesr]t1y morning after unloading her From the reports given its b the p > Y on Wednesdfiy morning week. T:ighty- of Toronto, succeeding General Gas; : 3,0(lo bnsilels of grin. Officers, the corning County Convert - pix witnesses were triPvidence,ofwhom coigne. If any change is he made in Last Sunday was a fair Hnnday, the rico Of the finndiL SchOn1 Association Y ' r 00 were for tile. Crown and 30 for the the system, the Colonel would be the ' first, for ,,little t ime up this way. and Christian Endeavor ITllion, to he defence. No pew evidence of a mutter'- very best available [tan for the poli- ThA :38,000 bushels of w•hrat. was elo- held in 1Vrtghan) on June '21st and ial character %vas PxpectPd .till] the re- tion. vated from the St. Andrew by Tiles- 22nd will he a grand success. suit depencletl l,irgelyon the Skill of the ,. if day morning of ]fist week and on Fri- day inorning it had all been shipped The Wingham people are making opposing colulsel. The evidence, too, which was taken before the United F 1: Is 'Your Br11 An by rail to different points in Ontario. elaborate preparations for these days Htates Commissioner, J. T. Fairchild, .other The five large ma:plea plaited in the tool are doing all in Choir power to at Buffalo, the judge (]Pealed should Offensive Partizan I Harbor Park are still growing. have the meetings of interest lied pro- be admitted so to^t !! .• 1P rase was in i It is rumoured in town that the fit to the large number who may identically the sari(• position as it was i' The hand Of justice has fallen heavily genius of our bicycle factory snld one attend. at the present stage last autumn. The ` upon one offender against the trusted of bis patents to a person from the The Rev. IV. F. Wilson, of Hamil. selection of the jury occupied close on - advisers of the Crown in Canada. States, for the States last week for ton, fOruierly of Toronto, will he pre- an hour ;Ind it lialf, and after 24 chill- 3$,000• Fent anti Ivp one of his g' practical ad- lenges had been unade by the Crown, Benjamin Palmer has been iRnoinin- Regnlar meeting of the Huron Chap- dresses on Young Peoples' work. and 21 by the defence, the following •, ously dismissed from the service of the ter, No. 30, R. A. M,, next Tuesday The Rev. J. J. Rte, of Toronto, one list was agreed upon : George Vollick, Government. Government. His offence, as explain- evening. of the most scholarly men in the Pros- W. A. Tomlinson, Charles Robins, ed Sir Louis Davies, 1,s one that H- Give the Hub a visit on Her Maj- eFty's Birthday. hyterian nunistry will talk on Still- day School work and relations of the William T. Slack, Nelson Dennis, Peter Fillick, P. W. Cloverdale, becoming much too common in the Regular meeting of 'the Chosen County to the Pr(rvinciAl Association. Charles Ackland, JosAph M. Buckley, Dominion; he has a brother who is an Friends in Horton's Hall Thursday MI's. 11. J. McKay, of Woodstock, an John 1-1. Reid, William Robinson, offensive partisan. Now, no man who evening. ent.inrsiasticworker among the Juniors David Ashbaugh. Each one of the has a brother who refuses to believe Sturdy Bros.' store had it large m,m- her of visitors from Godetich township will also be present. Below we give a brief outline: of the programme twelve men wag a fartner and thpy re - presented the varions townships of the that Laurier trade Canada a nation is on Saturday. as far as completed. county, wit.ii the exception of Rainham, ' fit to keep a lighthouse, or to serve the ' Our howlers turned out in fill .force Tuesday -The Teacher's Opportuni- in which the Ster•namans live. The country in any capacity whatever. on Saturday, and the green is occul)ied ties. The faithful reacher -D. E. first witnesss in.the caro was the moth - `` Not only is the civil service permeated " with enthusiasts every afternoon. Our players fire ready for Clinton. Aiinro, Auburn. Responsibility of Teacher and Super- er of the dead roan, George 1-1. Stern- drnan. Her story was identical with h with this kind of obnoxious heresy, Mr. D. McGillicuddy, of the Signal, intendent. The S. S. Association, its that given in tfie last' trial. B. R. but there are thousands of people in was in his office on Saturday after an aim, place and re'quirernents-Rev. J. Osler, the famous criminal lawer who t , private life who tore more than aus- absence of over four weeks. It is needless to say his many friends were J. Rae, Parkdale. S. S. Literature. Primary Class -LPs- secured Mr's. Sternarnan'scon %ictionat the lust trial, again conducted the peeted of having brothers who refuse pleated to see him and have a cordial son for July 3, to be taught by Miss prosecution, but, the prisoner was far to believe both of Mr. Tarte's contra• shake. Murray, Wingham, better off in the matter of counsel. dictory stories about the purchase of Our Council has directed that the Bible Class, sante lesson as above, to Friends have been busy since her case La Pattie. There aro people with bro- p p Harbor Park and the Court House be tiulghtby Rev. J. J. Rite, received the favorable attention of the square bhall be put into the best of Ternperance-..Mayor or Holmes, Clinton. Minister of Justice, and enough money there -in-law, who have doubts about the order and then kept so. The Financial Obligations of the had been aubQcribed to pay for the ser - sanctity of the Yukon railway deal. Our bicyclists have commenced long Sunday School -Dr. Fowler, Wing- vices of R, F. B. Johnaon, regarded Why should Offenders in the civil ser- distant rides, and already trips have ham, by many its Mr. Osler'g equal and by a ' vice be punished and men in private ' been made to Bavfield, Dungannon, Clinton, Senforth and Stratford, while Evening --The relation of the parent to the S. S. --Rev. B. Clealent Clinton. few lie the leading criminal lawyer in the Dominion. It was Mr. Johnston life equally guilty go free P Cold Benmiller and Smith's Hill are visited A(ldresA-Rev. J. J. Rae Parkdale. who saved the HyamA brothers from justice demands that the crime of hav- � j every day in t he week. Wednesday Morning—Our g -"Our Bnrk- the gA11Ows and gave Clara Ford's life ing a Conservative brother or brother- The Lewis Cummer cottage on We.]- bone," (The Pled g e.) back to her, and those were cases in- '� in-law be punishable by flne or im. lii[gton will soon he ready for habits- "Yesterday," ('Experiences) -D. Me- finitely stronger in eirenmst.antint evi- tion. Tavish. Clinton. "To-da.y," (Thr (]price of guilt. I hall is the case on which prisonment, or both, at the discretion Clinton and Goderich Collegiate Duties) -Miss Murray, \1Vingham , he was here engr ged. To add this to his ii• of the Governor-General in Council. Institutes played football on the Agri. "Forover," (The Hope of the Young list, of previous great legal victories in By the way, talking about brothers cultural grounds on Wednesday after- People) --Miss Al. Rosh, Clinton. cases where he was opposed by the and brothers-in-law, we have to con- noon of last, week and the teams of these seats of learning plstyed fi good Open Parliament --`•The Work of t:he Committees," led by W. H. Kerr, most erninent Canadian counsel is an important feather in his legal gratulate Sir LouisDaviesupon having game. In the flrst half the home team of Brussels, cap. ". secured comfortable Government jobs scored two to the visitors' one, but in Wednes(lav -"Missionary The addresQesof crnmeel cverelnade on µ for his own brother and his own bio- the last Clinton scored one while their opponent9 were blanked so the result ,,afternoon inspirn(inn,'t "What Kind of Personal Work can Young People c]O in the Saturday. Mr. Johnston Occupied frnn hours and twenty minutes, and 1 they -in-law. When all the people in was a tie. Although there were a few Church" -Wm. Stoddart, Goderich. Mr. Osler two hours. Both addresses the civil service who have offensive tumbles the game was a gentlemanly � "Tho, Quiet Hour" --Mrs. Pentland, wer'n splendid efforts. �4 brothers have been dismissed all the one, an(vvgqill do much to make this ex- Dungannon. Open Parliament -"The The Jnd(jp's charge to the jury wa.g ri who have artisan ]mothers people p ,e "tachbO) ggams more popular rhino it has been in (7anada. Social Life of the Young People," led by Rev. J. S. A.n ImpArtAftl summing np (if tile evi- who are offensive will stand a chance. The Salvation Army Band gave a Henderson, Hensall. The Value. of the Junior Work, Mrs. dence, hot was against the prisoner. He hronght ont very fully, however, `, -Montreal Star. programme on the square on Saturday McKay, of Woodstock, to he followed the strnn�g points in Mr. 3nhnston's ad - f' ... .-_4 __ evening. The fruit in this by that interesting exercise caller] "The drpgF, anA specially in reference to the __.... ._- crop section promis- to be large, by the blossoms Junior Garden" given by 75 of doubt as to whether embalming fluid Mr. Tarte's excuse for having de- es (idged the Wnlghani Juniors in the town hall, had tint bean employed. ceived Parliament on the subject the j shown. Farmers report file crops as doing p p g , With the exception of tine children's masa meeting on Tuesday evening and The jury retired W. 5.30, rind at 7 re- ported t.h:tt• they could not A rAp, The money with which he bought La Patrie well, and fruit an likely to give an the Junior Gnrden on Wednesday Jud e, however, sent thein 9Aek to le, I 1' is in these words : "1f I had told the extra large gathering. evening the other setaions of the Con- cons11der the matter, and two find A, I House that Mr. Greenshields ave his ,•' g Rev, J. A. Anderson, B. A., returned on gatuidayfrom fit, Catharines cohere vention will be held in the Presbyter- inn church, half hours later they roturned their finding of ar•quittal, t own cheque, the Tory press would have he had been attending tine London and All Sunday Schools and Young Pen- The feeling at Cayuga materially lied about me," So that It was to pre- Hamilton Synod. plea' Rocietles of the county are changed in regard to the prisoner in I "_ vent lying that Mr. Tarte 11 --pre- Messrs. B. Passmore, J. Gunn and R. entitled to rend delegates. thei past week, and mnnq who before varicated. Sorel a campaign a soot I Yg RAId, of Clinton, were present at the ba11 match between Clinton and Gode- .�W..-._..-_ - - -w-__ the trial started regarded her As guilty - were on Saturday anxious for acquit - ,lying ought to commence at home, rich last Wednesday. Tors Nnwa-Ruco>kli gives the News. tal, I To Flgbt for tine Philippines. I Madrid, May S. -Another Cabinet tueetipg was held this•-eveuing to con- sider the situation of Manilla. It wits decided to pursue the stupe energIvtic action in the Philippines as heretofOle and to concentrate all the available naval and military forces to maintaip the sovereignty of Spain. The Gov- ernor of the Philippines, Gen. Augusti, puts the Spanish vasuall it's in last Sun- day's etrga event alt (118 killed find wounded. fie bays that. tile lu-,s". here tali on board the warships. The !sews at Madrid. Madrid, May t3.-Tbe despatches re- ceived by the Government, cabled uy way of Labuan, practically counrm the report made by Commodore Dewey. They admit that the Anl- ericans are Masters Of Cavite rind the arsenal there and are Maintaining the strictest blockade of the harbor, The Cabinet held a ineeting late last night at which the situation was fully dis- cussed, Despatches were read front Capt. -General Bianco afl}rming thin the batteries at Matanzas had prevent- ed an attempted ]finding by it force of Americans. Gen. Blanco f tit ther' cabled that the buttery tit Morro Castle, 1Lt- vana, had drive') oft an American cruiser after having badly darmtged her. A late despatch front Manilla, via Labutln, says that the Spanish troops when L ley retired from tine city took all the art's, ammunition and stores with them. The Spaniards Are Angry. Sat Juan, Porto !fico, Aptil ::'t.--1 send you some examples of Span- ish compliments to their "friends" over the water, as published' ill some Of the leading periodicals in the ishvid Of Porto Rico: "Those dogs of Eng- lish, and those Yankee pigs." "Trea- cherous and fraudulent pigs of Yan- kees." "All the nations of Europe are the friends of Spain, with the e:tcep- tioi of till,t grasping, auihitiuns, and piratical Hngland." 13Otelin Met'can- tilo (Government organ): -When for. tate favors its in the war, as it must; When we have trade au'inimense bOu- fire of the proud city of Washington t.nd levelled New York city in trine dust, we will place upon that treacherous nation such a tenvy ideu)niLy thin they will have to sell tis !hell• wives and daughters to Pnable rlreltl to pay it. Vivit Espana I" Porto Picano: •-"Our fit -Ids refluire fertili%ing; the hones of the Ytuikers will make excellent. mfuture, allot with that we will fertilize t.heul." El Heralds :-'•It is proposed shortly to set np a f-Letory to cuake sausages frorn file flesh of tile, Yankees." La Uniou :_-That could only result in filthy nastiness." . "They are Wooden Uull;;s•" Mr. G. iT. Cronks, of Hong Kong wits ill town for it few lours oil Satur- day, and put up at the Walker (1 " house, Toronto. C(r c u O, A • 1t. Crool • , (S, W110 hiLF been for some time connected with the Hong Kung press, and who lays chant, to inn ,"itiniato knowledge of tote SPittlislt and other vessels in, the Pacific, ridicules thc.nccounts of tine naval engagement in lite P]rilipptoes. Said Mi% Crooks, '•Why, the Spanish ,e •s ' ,y t s f.l - abets are simply wooden bulks, and i v) 1 t � (ldc] )e a sol: Ili • t tcllieteul v t.utfr t one steel -clad vessel to sink thou ail,•' 4 ,`9'est siillilet.t J I'll he g)e along the front of fir. Geo. Silell's f t has a very ditf -rent appear- ance fro' what it had a few days ago. It has been almost completely stripped of branches, bent over and wired, so tbat, in .two years it is expected to be a "fence." • Air. Sam McCool lost a colt a few days a€ p, .M. J. Johnson has an addition to his family in the bhape of a tidy girl. Miss S. ,T. McCool, who underwent an operation in Clinton a few days ago, is still there, but if she improves as she has been doing she will soon be able to come home. We had a very heavy rain in thii locality Monday evening, which ought to help vegetation. Mrs. J. Elsley, of Colborne, has late- ly been visiting her father and mother, ,fir. acid Jlrs. (neo. Snell. Mr. Geo. 'Pyner is out again after his recent indisposition. Mr, and Mrs. J. 11. Lowery paid a flying visit to Ifolmesville on.'lhursday last. . Blievai e. Miss Campbell, of Wingltam, is clerk- ing in the Post-Oflice sto•o. lilies Richmond, of Atwood, is the guest of Mrs. Rogers. The S. A. held a concert in the For- ester's Hall on Tuesday evening The cheese factory has commenced operations. Mr. McEwen, our popular schoOl- rnaster, is preparing 8 pupils for En- trance, 7 for P. 8. Lpaving and 8 for Primary. Alias Roselle, of Brussels, is the guest of Miss Nellie Putland, Miss Nest and Miss Messer wheeled, to Gorrie on Monday. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Martin, of Kin= burn, are visiting Mrs. Snell. Mrs. (Dr.) Toole and (laughter Edith are visiting friends in 'Toronto. Acute Rheumatism Pains In the Foot and Llmb-A Complete Cure Accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla. 11 For a number of years I was afflicted With acute rheumatism in my left side and all the way down my limb into my foot. I live five blocks from my work and had to stop and rest several times in going and coming. I could get no relief froth my trouble and was on the point of giv- ing up my job when I happened to hear of Hood's sarsaparilla. I purchased a bottle of this medicine and a vial, of Hood's Pills and began taking them. Before I had half finished them I was relieved and it was not long before I was completely cured. I never lose an opportunity to praise Hood's sarsaparilla, for my cure meant a great deal to me, as I have a film- ly and must always be at my post." VV'rLLIAM HAsgrarm, ,yardman, Grand 'trunk Railroad depot, Brantford, Ontario, Hood's Sarsaparillas s the best—in fact the Ons True Blood Purifier. sold by all druggists, tot; six for lbs. lood's Pills luupu7preprelgvbaetabOle,oatsared4bcone . . , H x 9 i 4 ATA Y 12,1898 - __ ______________.___,______ THEREof-'A"RE DRUGS �-!70 — A i N 'z'u," — D R U, - G Both going by the same names. It takes skill, experience and tools to tell which is Which, and find out which are up toI. the standard. Does not your interest demand that you patronize a druggist who appreciates this fact, and is quali- fied and analyzes what he dispen��. All drugs you get here are puua'w and you will not be changed an ' reason- able price. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO US, Mfg Chemist and Druggist FHY;'SlAI�'3 SUPPLIES. Itcsof;±tion of Condolence. y • •y� 'rya At the regular Monthly meeting of 1��L1�1 y e • Malloch Chapit•r held in Heafortlr, the following resolution of condolence was possed :— I WE are pleased with A. L J:;13, Tull of Malloch, Chaptu, No. (3 80100"01, Apr. 1, IMS, R. (;. Choswright, Es(., S,•, r, nth, out.—Dear sir the success of our Mi - and Col,apaeiou.—�t the •'0r•1111u•convoicaLion of XlHloch Clinwr No (If!, held thin e,•enilli;•, the 1,lembel's eamcd finery OpeniDg of lA9t %v th very deep regret:, of your swd bereavement Ill the death of }}your p;u•U1w• ill lift), Fled it was gloved by I+..-Cou1 1, 1'. J., seconded by EX. 11. It., Week' which was so that the o vers and votnpiuns or lin tll`8 Chill)U1' UXt.011d tO 31011 t11011• hear,feltFyll)- pathyill ldle saddestavuldarkent hour of your largely by life, vet tl)ou *h in Cie order of Providence o attended the you have been ca ed upon to silnr till irropamble 10148, 3.011 as %yell its o111"'elven 1110111,11, not as ladies of Clinton and those without hope, but N% hu kuo,v, if we prove faith Nil, that %vc shall Mare a gloriotl,, re-uuiou Ili a l far better land, whore porting shi be no 10011• surrounding country, more, cull ono . who lune suparated here below -united shnlrbe 1e never Lu 1tart aeuin, r.ud all tiutt scents a, m3•sier•y 1101-0, ri,all 0L11• be fully 0x0alued at the hanpy r0•union to i he laud abovo. Signed on behal. of Mttlloch Chap- ter, L. C. JACKSON, Seribo R. Goderiell J'owaShlp Council. �� EW Go,h-icll 'Township, ;]fay 2nd. Phis Couucil met pursuant to ad- TO ft journment. Minutes of last meeting � read and passed, :Roved by 'Ihcs. COMPRISES the Ver Churchill, seconded by ,fohn Woods, that Clork notify the trustees of No. (J I;lteSt ill Millinery school section to refiinll to No. t3 8, S. ✓ and the school section taxes front lot No. i 35, con. 6, also trusteea'in No, 5, S. S. 311 C will 1)e lea'sed t0 p to refund the taxes from lot NO, t)8, con, 1 No. S. hltt'e, call in 3, to 8 S., being error in assess You and - merit. Moved by .Tris. Johnston, seconded specs it. by Chas. 'Al, Williams, that Clerk's ex- penses be paid to attend the County "—s— C'lerk's convention to be held at Clin- ton in,June. AVIASS Adjourned to niset on the 26th day LL/ of May as a CuM•t of Revision and trans- J action of otherbusiness. b smess. Stand ' a d 111 the Clarendon Hotel Block, .�k •Tf. . v � s FhY : i 1, .,, � G AGNEW'S CATIA RRNAL POWDER ARRESTS THE MALADY IN AN INSTANT A140 CURES AS, BY MAGIC. Your case is not hope- , • Symptoms of Catarrh less, no. matter how are : -foul breath, longstanding or acute husky voice, aching it may be --and no s all over, stopped nose, case so slight you can nasal discharge,drop- afford to neglect it. ping in the throat, This greatest of ca- I pain over the eyes, tarrh cures will re- tickling in throat, no lieve a cold in the sense of smell, losing head in zo minutes Isense of taste, throat and has authentic tes- dry in morning, pain tirnony to its credit, I in back of head -any where cases of half a and all of these symp- century's standing toms are present in have been cured in a catarrh in head and wonderfully short IDR � throat and is the re ) while. It's simple, )11 � suit of neglected cold. harmless, painless and AGMEW ,i��,y1,& aR Neglected c a t a r r h easy to apply -one ( AWD leads to incurable pul- short puff and relief m o n a r y complica- conles. tions. Rev, Dr. Borbror, Buffalo, sayue:— my wife and I were both troubled with dls. trecsingg catarrh. but we have enjoyed freerlonl from thls aggravating malady alive (lie tient clay wo used Dr. A"in Twls Catarrhal Powder. Its action was In - at anft,lw is, >;iving meat g•rateftrl xilief within ten mrnulrs after first applieatlon, and we believe there is no (else but It will immediately relieve and permanently cure.'! DR. AGNEWS CURE FOR THE HEART -The firat dose gave relief In halls an hour is an every -day testimony to the worth of the great heart remedy, and one or two bottles in most cases works an absolute cure -almost a miracle in many cases -but never has failed to cure a case of heart disease where it had fair trial. DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT—Itohing, blind, ulcerating or bleeding piles relieved with one a lipl.tcation, and cured in from three to five alights. An effective rem- edy for all skin diseases In old and young -35 cents. lin, /tGNRw'S LIVER PILLS—forelck hoadach,a, biliausnose, nausea, dyspepol.: Indlgostion, bloating after acting, constipation--ploaeant little doebt and no bad after mfFoote-20 canto a vial. Hold by Watts R Co. zbNotbdno, Like Leather." Jr%%..X%-qD0N & JACKSON r q LLARLY SPRING I- I 11 �', "a' 01 0 0 0 il.,31 --sidom, Our New Stock now full anti complete with all the latest and newest Goods and we are safe in saying that no better nAFortmellt. 19 to be found in the west. Ask to sip our special values in Alen's -,,'-L.50 and $3.00 (.00ds. They are hard ®® to tont.O JAW IYs The Noted Shoe Dealers, Clinton. •*-