HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-12, Page 3-.--T----111-1 -1 I 1 I .. '.., i 11---"T`-- --",- ----,-7- 7. � 0 .1--l-1.1, a�1111­ ­­� -.�----­­­-,­­----- 7--- , . "W---;--, I . .,I, 1 7 . , � I . I I . � . � 1. , I ­� I'll I I , I � . TED - I . --- - ' -. the minlakare we had discovered;it was the face of the portrait of the noble �� ,� 0 . � . "It Lilled ,V,;Wlr dug I 004 Is fearful I to muo, liresery tag In UIM human line- , three centuries ago. I "Good hoaroeu4 I" oried Mr. J--. "tha,t is the -face of Dek V-, and, Scar- cely a dAy older thin when I ,Saw it I � h, �k I. mv vouth I" SPAIN AS SRI 18 TO DkY, I HER PRESENT CONDIT1,ON AND HER PAST HISTORY. I . - indeed it ill atir"Age ft"t no auLL111101 alneats the Old SaXWOU1, tYP% Y101th WOUJ-u 'that 31 Lue ILI,fiju. 8 - I Seized by the dante thought, we both - .� I � I ,f;Aed t , t ILuxlea; can I&e i,n& .0 Woy in tha ,not eve" a cat, 11fixots and mice a -re huive a better Mail, of countenance tliall, long deacript.krixis cuti convey; ehe hastened doi ,va §,tairs. I was first in but the man bud already A coll"H1144184411 Monarchy - Details of Her Governmens- Her Colonial 111"0494- I ! I I ; I I I mevetr tuouad In it." I I I rho ILI�-Lb-ki.%LS Of the brute oreuLion width and flwtneds ,uf f-po"t"l-tto t&p- orialg ollegance of curut,uair disguising the street; it sight Of him, however, gone: I Oap,gk " in etAskouri-conoiluou or Her Ireople and Her 8ostrees of Revenue-Theoreticall I V "I deoteurt infl-wwoo6 deadly to t1hebr ox- listence. cead,un lbas a stinse less the h1treaCt,'li of the deadly jaw -the lung, tiarge, teyxbtila eye, 9 I ittering and wn munY Yards in advance, and snothelc moment I was ,by bib Side. I 11111111ary birength. " � I I 2N,Iaxl,4 Subtle. bo,.*use 4 'has ,% resisting pcow- g,reea fib the cnlexoald�and wILLIul it I bad resolved, to Speak to him, but I looked into his face, I felt as The present constitution Of Spain was in lb76. It the 4 1 4 I e1r 4wore &Lqoreme. fl.rt truougla; do you my thearyl" vertain ru%hless oaAm as if from t'lie ouru.,clu,ursness of an Mueuse power. The when if it were impossible to do So. That roolaimed proclaims P rnment to be a, constitutional GOvO .. compxAxer.1 . YeS, L.110U,gh imperfeebly-arid I ac- I the, I -strung.& thing was tbols-tixe instant I SaNv I he minia,Lura I recognized a start- eye-4ba eye of the sarpent-fixed axid held Lao spellwund. And withal, about! . monarchy, the executive resting In the I I cept da) oruciaet, parrdau vv�urd, howevex odd. rather ttan exabraue at I Lingo likeness t,u one of tile raoreal. por- -trait tile man's whole porsull there was a dig- and station and King, the power to make lawsl "in the The Cortes . ... once tha notiAin of ghoust8, anti hot>-, 'morta, truuW in the %%orld-t lie pox of a nity, an air of pride that have made any Cortes with Phe King." are I �' goblins we imbilwd in our narseriers. of a rank ouxty berlurvV that. Of XOY- -fortunate lbrouse in 111s day had made superiority, would one to the usages of the composed Ot a Senate and a Congress, 1� Lo my an the evil SLLIL, . Ls th Suwv- W,".L on e4tr,th can I do %,Ity, who own a, considerable noise. jtiist.urry buys lit - ,lialkituate(I world, hesitaAe long before v( �nturiug equsl in aujthoTity. There are three I . � (wiltill the hoLwev" t,le of 110LIling of him; bull, bcaxch the upon a liberty or impertinence. And I sayi what was it I would classes of Sonaltors-first. Senators by nume,rioul supeTiority OX t1heir option- I'l will tell YkOa 1,vJhQlt I IVOUld do. I eUrrod,lKwoleace of bid conLemporwries wilat could my first im- their awn right; second, Senators nom - I I am c,uv,,,incevJ', from. my own laterawl feelings t4lat the staxi'll lunfuornished an -A you flud roferaxi,�e t4j his wild dar- inig, hois buld profligacy, 'his restless ask V Thus ashamed of also, I fell a few paces back, still, I inited by the Crown, and thirdly, San - . I . Toom sit rig-ta angles luo Vila dour of spirit, his ,LasLa for the ocouit sciences. Kowever, follo%,,ing the str%uger, un- Meanwhile he &tore elected by the corporations of � "a bedoruaLm which I occupied, foxmw While still iLi 0irer meridian of life lie decided what e Ise to do. the street; aplain state , that I&, ther communal. and,pr- . �,­ --f . ojZ40t�ioxxg-p(Aat car receptacle fox L,he died and was 6uri-od, so say the chron- turned the corner of in waiting, with a ber- vincf&l States, the Church, the uni. �', influence& "hich haunot the ho -use; and I icles i,ii a Lurt-ign luau[. Hedied in Lime lie carriage was livery dressed like u valet- ver6Lties. academies, and by the larg- ,-", � � I ax,,,tagly u&visa,KQt�ha1!ci3O*Q1e wu9s I - ovened, t,he fLoor tramoved-nay, L be W e5cuPe ,the grabli of L'be law, fur was accused (it crimes wh,i6li would lulove vant out of d�e-viace at the carriage door, In an- oat payers of contributions. Senators , � I VviliqAe ir?�?Iu pluolled doma. I obkie-lao gbVvu hini. to thlo headsman. After his other niument bek bad stepped -into the it. drove off. I returned by their own right, are the grandeeris I I I . aal it is detached from the budy uf death the portraits ut him, which had the ,liolme, bu0t civvr the small back- heen rationerutts, Nr lie bud been a won- carri:IgO, 1111d to It lie hou,,jo. Mr. J-- was stil I at t he of the kingdopa, whose titles and Pod- �"­ �' � . 'X and "Wid be -removed vv�i,boutl Vic exiamiKa.ger of art, were boughlI 9 11 ,a Millry street door. He had asked the carrier to him. sessions entitle them to the privilege, in L- I : . VA t,he ,reat of the bui-loding." ill) 11 destrv�e(i-Lr, was suplQaed by what the stranger had said The Congress to formed by Defru,ties war, all of which are ot,the armaured 11 � - - -11, " * -- and, *ioil �, �,b,u­ oe7,au 117 Iiis beirs, whu might haive been glad -Merely asked, whoom that house now the propo, rtion of Ono to every 50,000 I , Ily au would Z off t'he telegirwph could they barve razed his very name 'bud belonged to." ­ . 'rho 'I ho,pperied to j'o population. In 1878 Cuba secured the . ,, twiTes. Twy it. 1 ain so persuaded t4lamb I.a.m. right, that I w1ill Pay half the! ex- I from their splendid line. lie an- joYed ft, vast weal,th; a large Portion of same evi ­.L.is with a friend to' a place in town call- right to send Petiouties to t he Cortes �.. pealue If you W4111 allow we to direct I thdw was balierved ito'bave beou embez- ed the Cadmiopolitan Club, a PIaL'e OP- to countries, all opinions, In the proportion, of one to every 40,- - ,' ,, � ithe w6rattiorus." I "Nay, I *In weill able to afford t'he 1 zled by a, fwvorite a,gtrcologor or sooth, suyer-at. all ov"niLs, it had unaccount- � en men of all all degrees. One orders one 'a coffee, Sure OOU froo inhabitants paying 125 pose- tas in taxes The Constitution . . . 11 - cost; for Lb -a ro4t,, aillow Inc to %ri;Ler ably' %,A'"bed at the Lime of his death. � to yQW, One Portrait alicris of ir,im wad Suppos- I smokes one's cigar . one IS always it, meet agreeatAe, Sometimes remark- I yearly . further enacts that the King is in I I Aboult. L,eat duys aftenwwrola I reee6v- ed 'to likive esomped Lbe general dest,nuc- 1 fible, persons. I been two minutes in the v jolable, buit his Ministers are rekq)on- I . 1". . ad a lelfter faum Mr. J--, telling me t1ow, i ll�ad stall iii, in tbe h-uuIde uf a Ithoat 'he had v��tied the licaiae since I I collector some monitba before, 1-t 'hod had not room before I behold at a table, 00ta- sible, and all his decrees - must be coun- ,� ibiad seen Urn; that he had bonind the I made On' ale a �wuxxdorf,ul laypressi 00341 vel,sing with &n acqu3intanca of mine, the initlal trarsigned by one of thom. The Cortes - .1 . � 1two letters I bud desciniobed, re�placed I a8At doeb on a.11 whru behold il" face I whom r will designate by Original of the Min - must approve bis marriage before he ­�, hulthe dmwar fruat,wbich I hail taken them; that: he had read them �Nith mis- ne,var to lie f0V-oJVten; and there w" thiat face in t'" miniature that Jay G-, the man-.1the ia,(ure. He was now without his hat, ca"n contract It, and he cannot marry 41, ". , giMmus like my own; 't-ixvt be had ill- cauti6us inquiry about the within my dwad.. Truie diat in the � the ,art- and the likeness was Yet more st as ling, only I observed that while he w, any one excluded by law f rom, succes- siou to ttie crowli. It E611 tlie. lilies be- 11 . I atituted a mlomatil Lo whium. I ri)91111,4�- UOIIJOCL,wred minial:,urt., man was a few years i older thall in tbe portrait, I had seen, . ' converging there was less severity in came extinct, lthe King would be at- :, , , ll�hey had been v� r1t;6ea. It seemed , or than the Original was eve.n at the the countenance; there was even a though very. quiet and cold acted by 9, "vote of the nation." After .1 ,,, thalt Lhirty-sU etvo ugt�A, a year be- I time of his defith, But a few years I foxe the daite of the lel,teixis, she had -why, between the d4�te in which smile, a Ono, The dignity of mien I had ac- the King fthe reins of governmentl ar a . . martried. aga4ust. tile wish, of bat, rela- fichuriishod t'h,au ,Iireful nuble and tille knowledged in the streat was also more . gulded by a, President of the Council �� ­ ,�L, Itirves an Awt�ricaxx oif very suspiciuous, date. in -witiob the ininiatuTer was evid- character; En faut,, lie was generally be- 1 elltlY Painted, there interval striking; a dignity akin to that which t invests some prince of the Eas -con- and 'Winisters tyf Foreign Affairs. Jus- War. Mar- ,� I `* I lierved to have been a piraAte., She her- ' I was an ,f I more thou tw,o cent.uri,As. While I was veying the idea, of Supreme indiffer- bhbitual, indisputable, in- tice, Finance, the Interior, ine, Agriculture, Commerce, and Pub - . : � - ft -It was �he drougtiter Of vary reSP8c- I L11,1113 �razixxg, silent and wondering, Mr, once, and not. 'have been repulded under Such cir- , tal.Yle tra,despeopla, amid brad saroved in J- said, I "But dolent, but resistless power. left the stranger. who lic f,vorks, &lid a Minister of the 001- , ". ,r, blia cuI)acky of a onjursarly 6purverness be- i is it Pub'sible, i I have known fore bvrr Marriage. 163he ha'd a brother,, , this man", G- soon after than took up u. scientific journ at, which allies. . a N% fdoower,%%,�Jo was considered %% eal thy "H(Av�--where ?" cried 1. seemed to absorb his attention. . SPAIWS AREA AND POPULATION, l�.. amid whk) had one chiad of a4l.orix,t Six "In. India. ile was 114h in L,he con- I I drew G- aside--" Y'%'ho and what As 'they are at the present time, are 6 ypurs old. A mullovb, atteir the mar-fidence of thL Rajah Of—. aid wall- 'this � n is t gentlemun ?" . . the, . interesting, in view of the fact that � riage, the body oLf brother Was iiiigh, drew Lim into a mv.clt which f"Lnii in t4ra TbIlaxies., near Londan � vvc)uld� have last. the, Rajah his domin,i- (TO be Contillued.) once her possessions were greater than one cu�stom in common. thoug,ii they, BrWge; bb,oTo seemed awile mar" Of , cars. Tb)e man was a lfrendhman-hLs GOSSIP ABOUT "THE CLAIMANT," those of any other European power , iod, tile most romautic and brilliant vioberrioce abquot hid tbroat, but they ware � rranie De V-- clever, [)old, lawless. I Her present area, including the Ba iear- Vilese mcore than 500 fell on a daily av- not, (learned iouiffki4ant, to warrant the iwitlest in any ottbler verdict than that We' iWisted on'llis dismissal aj)d ban- Lsbuient; it MuS6 be the Same marx-jac) ­� Orton Compared with Other Fat Hen 'il"10 ic and Canary Islanderi each of -whicli I of "fouard drowned�,P Thia two faces like !tb)�&--Yet this miniatare Were Fanion.4 onlY ror Their 119olk- is considered a province, is 197,670 . . Ameritcual i;�d\ W,s wife Wok seems nearly a bUildred years old." The recelat dealh of the Tichborna .square miles. The Population Of Spain I - ollurge of Oier Httle '116y, the deceased brother- bwoiirtig, by hi's Z?l left his sist;- Mechanically I t,urned round the miniature to examine the back of it, claimant had Stirred up a lot of re- is estimated to be 17,650,234. Besides I or, the guaiidiain, of his oully child-a,nd and on tile back was engraved a pan- . . miniscences bf the mants personality the Canary and Balearic Islands Spin w iint tvent. of tbe chiitld's dealtill, the sister I tacle; in the midd,le off the pentacle a and of the gigantic fraud which he at- holds'the colonies of Cuba, aTea 41,655 u . briollArike.d. Tiie child died afixwt six i ladder, ukud the thircit Stop of the lad. mcink-li,s afterwa-rods---it was spippased to 1 der was formed by tempted to perpetrate, A, recent Eng- mites; populs,tion before the war, I,- .. ", the date �1765, Ex- ,have bBeon negaect,ed, a,ud ill-treated. The arliffilligstill more minutely, I detected lish rp"r says of Awthgr Orton, the 63 1 1,687; Porto Rica, area 8,506 square of tbe Commissaxy,Gemeral, for the . ak�.ilghbors deimed. .t,o holove heard it � . Spring, this; on being pressed, open- claimant, that lie was one of the few miles, population 906,709, Total area filleir flowiag irobes aad xnany foolded shrielk hitnioght. -The s(wilgeorl. who had'ed the back of tile miniaiture as a lid. men possessed p,buormal adipose tia- amd population in America, 45,205 digmation When, on returning from th'e examined it after deov4h, said that it Within-ide the lid were engraved, "blariama ,of Sue wlho will go down to posterity fam- square 'miles and 2,438,305 portons ro� back to tbe:time when warl in Spnin wilis,em=ie.ted an it froin want of nouir, 61imellrL tana ch -e body wua covered with to thee­iBe faithf-al in life and dearth to -,Io Here followed ad for pomiething else than mere bulk. Speut'vely-He rilossessions in Asia are; The Philippine Islands, area 114026 . . Uvid brucisles. lk seemed thlat crile wint- a name tha-t I will not mention, but it'was not The London Echb, in discussing Orton, square miles, population 7,000,000 the Durbrig the Amei,rimn civil ,wiarthero vvere martly-fuiri,ous 1�ombardmonta, but er inighO, the chhl-d'had 80MIght to escixil)a -crepot. owt. iaxtD the back-y&rd-tried i unfamiliar to me. I had heard it spok- I of by oompaxes film with several other fat Sulu islands, area 950 square miles, Caroline, Islands � old men in Lay ,cUildhood a,3 the to boxi,le the wall-fallou'L'ack exh,mist-:1 name borne by a dazzling charlatan men who ,have, Wort fame by their size, Population 75,000 the an(t Palaos. are 56D squitro miles, popu- the ports or cities threatened with de- ed, and been found sit morning on the who ha.d mMe a grea,t sensation in I t Says ; lation 86,000; the Marianne Tshinds.area games in these days for relaxation arturnes in a (lying state, ,Ruit thjDU'gb London for a, year at, so, alio:41ad fled "The funerals of severix). fat men have 420 square miles, population 10,172 ain; attitude of suppi icat iota. awl oriesi . othore was sonuer eividerlica of cr,uaity, the Country on the charge of, a double been accompanied by somewhat re- Tatal area and population in Asia, 116, - opted to protect t'he defeindoi-es fron) there was ,novae of morider; and the auxil, and Their hustivoid had sought tkil murder within his own house -that of his mistress,and .his rival. I said noth- markable circurnst.%noes. For instance, 256 square miles and 7,121,172 per S�Pac !tively. Hq,r. 11assess ions in As;a are the world at the castle of �Nlorbijoxi, vallin'te Cruelty by alleging 'the ex- ing of this to Mr. J -i to whom- reluc- when, in 1730, a man named Edward Rio do Oro an(t-. Adrar, area 243,W,O ... veeding st-tibborAtteas and peovershby oi I tallt;4 ' I resigned the miniature, Bright, who weighed forty-four stone, square miles, Population 100,000; Ifui of the courinun of the period when air- �& tba­r4iild, who v%?t4--t1'.&reALW-W,-haIf�; . _ ,� ,_ wittIted. Lit, 'dilat - We had found no difficulty in Open- diea, tho ,wadlg and staircase of his (near Cape N%n), tirea. 27 square miles , - vis k may, at the or- Ehan's dearth the 84uA6 'imberhted herp I ing the first dratwer within the iron safe; we found great difficulty in house had to be ,removed to allow the to Population 6,000: Ferwindo Po, Anna San Juan . mkh�-,T's forturie, Before -the fia-st yog6r vvw oult, tb)e Ameorlearl op- i ening t -be second, it was not locked but it coffin to be =ried out, According a paper of the period, another Falstaf- bon, Corisco, Elobey, and . area 850 square miles, Population 30, keep t'he allies tvt lay Cuir such a l(Ang �%redded resisted a,11 efforts, till we in. quoMed Engloand abrulitly, and never: serted in the chinks th( - I , edge Of a chi,- r8ttlIrned V., A. fian individual, who died at Worcester in �Ttti, h,&(i a coffin that ' myala�5wed 000. Total area and Vo lation in Af Pu rica, 243,877 square miles and 136,000 Tbe Bu;riaese, with doliw)te fla,t1ary, pri-Me.m(l- to smell af ew.h, vtlwrs' faces. %fle Obtained 9, cruising: at. When we had thus drawn it forth, vessel, whoich w�" lost in the Atlantic We. found a 'very singular apparatus in seven feet 9ver, and was big,gor than perspns. The total are,t. of Spain's for - for tile Study of this game it re estab- . two years afterwards. 'file Nvidao,%. %vus' tb I 0 alcost order, Upon a. small thin an ordinary hearse, and a wall was ob- Sign possessions is 405,338 square mile fixsot. i,xxvL,IIl.ed is L'hat, (xf the onsuccess- left in affluonce; but reverses of vari- I book, or rather tablet, was placed a liged to pe kaacen Idown to admit its The total population Is 9,695,567 per- I I Olus 'kinds Vlad befwIlep 1cr; a bank 1 saucer of crystal; this saucer was fill_ briuke-an, lavestme"t iabled�-She went ad with a clear liquid pass age. "Daniel Lambert, ftvbco,'at the age of sons. So That her foreign Tiossessions have an ar�a more than twice as . I lMtQ a .Small business a,nd became in -i -on that liq i nod floated a kind of compass, with a needle 39, died p4t 15tamford in 1809 is Perhaps large fis 'her own and a foreign popu- 'the liusib pramice (,).,(., si,ngulmr cuso-nu (d sKhlrveut---4t)ieL she entered into service, Sinking lower and lowar, from. irouse- shifting raj)idly round; but inst,a,t of I the usual of J'aE. XOS-� N(YrED la,tion nearly hodf size of her cown Or course, when she lases Cuba her -for- iinoluding sume. fifty mortars of 13 -inch keepe,r dewu to maid-of-wid-w(Ark-nov- er long TeLa,lling a placa,'though nolb- points a ccrapass were sev- I an strange characters, not very un- like those lused, by of corpulent men. Hid coffin Nvas sli4 down an incline, to t4le bottoml of the 61gh area will be reduced one -ninth and her frorelgin population, if the logS of . 1 astrologers to do- Ing pecitioliax against her coharact,or was � note the Planets. At very- pectiliar,but, grave. hamoe*rt, who weighed fifty- two and t,hree-qu'arter stone, was some garrison I.,; considered, reduced nParly , . erver alleged, She was; considered Sob- � not strong nor displeasing odor. cajxl(� eor, holiest, u,,ftd pec,uliturtly quiat, in her I from this drawer, time keeper of Leicester 4tail, lout he re- one .sixth. f Censiu; returns bscow tha.t ;%, very ill' .ALfr1e:i lo n supeirior, T'his abj-�Vtj which Was lined with Ways; SWI 110t,hing,PTIOSParOd With bar. � a wood that we, aftprNvards discovered signed tboxt appointionent for the pur- ot exlidlaing himself in a hou.9e large proportinn of the inhabittints of The Archolixichess F,lizabeth of Ails- And So shebad dropped into Ube wo.itk. � to be bazeL Whatever the cause of bOulse, from. whi?ch Mr. J- had tuken ' this it pose in Piccadiliy. Then a wooild-l.)e-rival in SVain ure cilliterate. Nearly 12,000,000 in *the kingdom can cluong to Clie gigantic rook. repolling odour, Produced a material ef- her, 0 be �placad In charge of the I feet on nerve We all felt it, girth, a Kentish Iman named Palmer, VT.TrffrR READ NOR WRITE, While Western nattions insist on (lie Ivory hkAuse %v'h-ir,b she bad .Punted as; the wortbe -q- eve" kinext who were in tho room mir-Are8s in thie. fixet of 'her who only weighed Wenty-five stone, came -to see Daniel. Palmer -,vas so in tue whole of Spain it was found a contest tret't-veen two kite flyer", to, see w,ho can captuxe or disable thp, year wed- ded life. -a creeping, tingling -sensation from the, Lips of the fingers to the mortified at being hopelessly eclipsed tbat bat 5,004,460 Persons could read a,n(t write, 608,005 persons could read t�he (raya.1 preseine.e. Mr. J--- added that 'lie bud Passed (In lro�urr abune im,uh,e unfui -ni,shed room roots of the hair. Imp,atient to exami "at' the tablet I removed, the by t,ae littler in point of obesity th&t 'he took the mp,tter lto heart and died ,n(y. And yer Sfruin supports 24,529 and 5,576 private schools. A I Nvil'iclil I hatl ,urged him ,t�D dee,broy, and thart ll'its irup,ressions of drea,d saucer. As I did so the needle of th(% compass went . soon afterward. I . "Lamoert, who bAs been described as pul)lio, . law making education compulsory 'was Mes�srs. Kyn1,K'Jh' of lli�rynirngho-in Frig- w(hile . theore were sk) ogroalt,, though he livid round and round with exceeding swift- I ness, and I felt a, 9bock that ran �Jie 'iteme of mprtal hugeness,' hits I;a.ssed In 18,57, hut it was never eriforc- . ad, partfy for political reasons and gagr.,N i�xt.perfe-crling �lh,v niectlioanism of ou",ith,ex bowrd nor seen anything, that he was o%ge,r tu 'haive the v%ails bared Wroagh MY whole frame. so that I dropped the saucer on the floor, The done ckty jus a synonym, as (;cargo Bleredim dedcrioes Lt;hdoxx as 'the � partiy oecause of the wretched loty of the teachal-8--00 to, $I(w being it asu- . lind thoe Ifluc>rs removed as I 'had sug- liquid was spilt -the Saucer, was brok- nalliel Lambert of citias.' Perhaps the &I fee, in higher oducatiun Spain is . gested, He likkol ongagod porsons for Ithe "rk a ad worald oorn inence any day ,en -the compass rolled to the end Of t`116 room- heaviest ,young woman of ,'the century "'as exftft�ited in Paris about eighty poor behinaband. Silk, has ton large un- 41he w(hule moohnoniorn i's set wolrkinpp . I "Uld nume. and at that instant the wails sboo�c to and 'frb, as if a giant years ago, At the age of ,�o she scal_ iversities, carrying an enrollment of 16,000 students. . . The dray was accordingly fixed. I re- pai-red to this haou-IlLed house -we went bail swayed and rocked them. The two workmen ad thirty-two stone, and could lift eas- fly a 25y-pourlox weight in coxch blind. 115pain gets its reventio by a system I L"to LW bl-ind dreaIry iioom, took up were so friglit- Oned that they ran ,RIP the ladder by 6ne 'ACLS ft Crorman, named Frederica I of direct and indirect taxation, stamp duties, Government monopolies, etc, culaticibIly. The firing acrtioal is sulp- thre- hkict.4ag and t"llen tile flocirs, Un- -so o dCT tho naftoi ,covered w4b- rubbish, which We bad descended from the trali- . door; hut seeing that A,hI,Lens.,, Tne ma,sses of the uneducated people Direct taxes are imposed on landed pro- ­ � I WaN, f"I"I'd a brap4our, quite Jarge on- nothing more bappeno,I], they were, easily inolux,-ed to in -Englana championed the. cilase of parties, houses, live stock, commerce, registraction acts, titles of' 110b,flitY, . . Q11911 t10 '))Limit, a mail. I/L was closely mailed dkywA, with claornips arrid TiF%-atO Of Iretiii-it. Momitwbile I had ,ovened the tablet; Lne claimant, And ,alt the time of the a quoted as saying: mnrtgagog, etc.; the indirect taxes prove deadly weapons of ninder'n ixa�rfare. iM011, On Tefllr-Ting these, we ilescended into il x1rao b,ound in Plain red leather, with ,,I don't care whether 'e's Arthur Orton 's come from roreign importb, articles of consuml�tion. tolls, I'Pridge and ferry protected by a baaking of timbar Oev- a r-ouni balovv, �the existence of ,wh,ic'n bad ilov,or been suspected. J 11 9, Silver eb'sli; it contained I but one sheet of thick vellum, arld on the or Roger Ticlir)orne, bat it a milame to keep the poor man oat of is rights." ' I dues. Her revenue for 1896 and 1897 people In fte street, many,of them In. Child rouln 01vire i1a,d, beell it willdoNv and a floe, I)ut they 'hod been briuked overr, sheet were inscribed, within a. double pen- tacle, The story of thc neat fashion in which the claimant gave bimself away -00, � "s-` 4-30,771,4M, her expenditures . - 456,584. ,14he had besitle this, however, bill lit the Legtslatora against stior- evidently forr many yeons. BY tb,B words in old monkish Latin, which axe literally to be translated arid enabled the solicitox's for the Ticbborxxe,� an extraordinary oxpendit,uro of Z9,- . belp xyf canAled we examined this place; thus:- "On all thut it, h tXuStees to snap up a citle as to his'060,000. Her public do,bt is now over including it atill rertaLried some mouldering fur- -11-it-urre-thtnee chwirs, an oaik Settle, a in theSe w&IN-sentient or inanimate, living- or deaxi-as moves the needle, identity iias reMd by a London pit,,- er ,lasit week. . , $1,700,000,000 000,OUD incurred in Cuba. . table. Idl 04 th,e fasbilDli of aboya eighty 8() work my xil1l, and restless be the "Wben the claimamt returned from SpOn is an ngricnItural country, In , years agx). There was a Vbelt of draw- dwellers therein," Australia ,be went over to Paris to see tile carly part of the vent ary the coun- ers arga�iiast the �va[,I, in Which we found We found no more. Mr. J- burnt his Mleged nxin;thex, the Poor crazod try wa.s owned by landod proprietors hulf-froitod away, old-faahk)xied articles the t�ablet arift i1q anathema. Ile Lady Tichborne, ,A,hvn the famou.4 re. who bad acquired grkmt tracts of land, - of a man's diress, such. as iniight. 11trive been worn ebgb.t,y Or a 'bu-ndred years ray ad to the fou'ridations the part of the cognition by wriatern;k.1 instinct ensuad. 3ust before Starting Orton, who bat in recent years these tracts III ve been divided and, bfLVO passed into t'he ago by a gentleman arf somo rank- -k knildinpr containing the Secret room . w I t It the charn he r ove r i t. Ile ha.d tL bon was t1len "f Falm,taffiall proportions, visited -xii bands of Small farmers and Ili t grow- , codl.ly steel buckles and buttons, i ithooge yet owbril, in couirot-dresses' a a, the courage to inhabit the house bim� his native Wli,pping, and, entering the Globe tavern, made; close inquiries ers. The graoc is the most iml)ot 'ttint (Ljt�ieS of of. culture, but large quan _ . hu.sidsomo caurt� swor,d-in a walst- se If for a, manth, and a quicter, bat- it.or-conditioned . re- sPecting members of his own family, anges, raisins, nuts and olives are ex- exiat whir,li haA once been ,rich wif.1h bowNe could not I)a . .. - &nA A? Q, 1 '-A " h I K -.-.-"p - ­­ w- --- ..aU1o,t5"- ad and foal with damp, we found (jive oguineas, a few silivefr coins, find . an Iv- ory tiriket, Inobably for some place of eUteTtH,iIlM0n1U.1(ynq since passed away, I aut� aux maim di,scovery was in a kin,d of irron, safe fixed Ito the watt, t'he look of w(hi6h It cost lia much t1rouble to . get pinked. In Ibis safe wore 114roe shelves and . obwo, RmaqI droweirs. Ranged on the alholves we're several small hattlea Of! 'toil, hermetically stopped. cTyx They conla,ined cNoirriess volatile essences, Of what nature I shodl say no more tha.0 t1int they ,ware not poLi+ons-pbos- ­1 phoT arol amijannis en'tetrad itvW Boma -, Of thern. Tbore ware ailso some 'very � auriotx8 glass I ulies, and a small point- , I Vd, rod of bron. with a large Lulnp of rock-crystag, and another of amber -al- , SO a lowdstone. of gxekt power. , In one of tbt� draweris we fon,nd a I minint,ulrei poftralt get, in gold, iand re- tairting tile fre.qhxiess of its oolouirs rxia:.4t rprawrolrably, otinsidoring the I leng . lh of time it baid probably been . thf-Te, The liortraollb waA tbat of a man who mig'bl be somewhat advanced In litilloill, lilp., perbraps f0fty-sevetv or for- ty-pilwilti, it W41,4 Ift M09t pec.allar face -a most irnprPsstva face, If you could fancy . some ux;3111.9 aerpOnit bnansformed In - I -1 .-- let It -to advantage, rind his tenant has made no comlylaints. Bit(- oxy Story is oot yei. (Joue. A fa,x days afteir Mr. J -had removed in- to the hatilec, I paixt him a visit. A van containing some articlog of furniture which he wa-9 morving from, his form- er house was at the door-. f had just urged on him my theory that ill] those phenumena, regarded its %uperniund- Nnp had eirnnnated from a buninn brain; adducing the charm or -rather curse we ,had found and destroyed In Support cof my Philosophy. Mr. J- was observ- ing in reply, "Thn,t Avon if mesmerism, or whatever analogoua power it might be called, could really thus worle in the absence ot the opeTator, and pro- doace, effects so extraordinary, still could those effects continue when the Operator himself walk dead? and If the spel Mad been wroWbt, and, indeed, 6be room walled o4l, wore than seventy years ago, the probability was, Ifint the olpArfLtnr bad long ginoe departed this life;" Mr. 3--, I Say, was thus answAring, when I caught hold of his , aryll and tminted to the street belaW, �A well-dressed man had crossed from the opposite side, and was accosting t , be carrier In obargo of the van ' His face, as be stood, was otilAtly f�llnt- log altir willdow. It was the foxile of porte every .year. L pa n c VPDCrAT,LY A BUT(-'Hl,,It, minerfils, t1he annun] value of her min- eral exports being about 46,640,000. A Germb,ja named Schobtler, fly this She also mAnufactureA Or)tt-.nn gOOO, time the ofmositlan' got ' wind that, the She has pearly 70,000 looms. Her im- mysterious clairtiriat to the Alresford pa ounted to Z29,36(lo,- eslates hailed from Australia, and a 900, , Her experts brou0if her in X34, - detective ,ovas sent thitber to make an. 890.4()g. quinea. Fie Speedily found out tile The most primitive conditions prevail in plany parts of Spain and in erst bau'nts of the fat man, and as- Sarno parts life is rx�lmodt as it was certained ithat the latter had been in NNIlen Columbus travelled the country Lhe habit of boasting ,aboat a friend roa('in on foot leading his little son by lie bad In London named Schottler, and sent, word to England W tbat Affect. the hand. This Is duot to the meagre Then the solicitors anxiously consult- means of' communication, there being ed the Lbndon directory, and it %1-11.9 only 7,54R miles of railroad In the whole found thwlt only one Sebottler had been eauntry. There is only 3.9 linear eropolis for I % miles of rand for every 11 101) squara flurn r ot years, ox.nd that he had re- miles of territory. Rut f a people of sided in Arppping. Thither hied ,I, de- Spain still adhere to their gayly ca- tective to ferret out what he could. parlsoned mules, *hIcb. perhaps, ;-�rrftko By ,the un,luckleat accident imaginable up In worn-out romance what Hipy for the caabe of the d1nimant, he turn- litek in strieed. ed Into de same Globe. On ashing Spain Is well defended from invasion - liout 3tr SehofMat the landlad ],a- by . . . .1 triarked: 'Curfoup, there wits a gentle- man Inquiring abont-him morillis n, 01.1 'Is Pat Ifice lifni?, said the (letectfIva, exhibiting the claimantla photo. 'Tile very man 11 was t1he restponse, ' 1y with Orton watt abown by sending the 010-imant'A lead - Ing counsel to ftrilamont as member for Stoics, desipite tile fVt that be bad t�eoa diabiLrrod. A CORDON OF PORTS And fortified towns drawn eomple tely around her frontier. On the north there Is Ptionterrabla, the fortified port of Posageg find th;s militar r Porto of Santona. 8rittalader, Ferrol, Porana, and Vigo. rn the Basqiln provinces are BIlbo& and Vitoria.' To the left of the Ubtro fire Pampt,ono, Tafalls, Xaca, Veu- k,4qua, Mnmn, rayrotda, Seo de Ur- . I- L-\' . � . . e �, I zel Balaquer and k Lerida, Nearer the %aditerrabean VI-11rdolla Ho3tu'lli-ich, REDUCED BY BIG CANNO1 '�""F was opelcled on the forlerews aO a pre- by bbr axe � Glot, Car- CaMpredoia, Itipoll 61ran', v'ad �'Ig"' tmtfre strengtft ' rtillary., both on laa4 of ' % 1'�tnilita telfollit, ana figutirab. Op the Xoditer- xfineau, are palanvo*, Barce[on,,, ,ffi,, --o SOME HEAVY BOMBARDMENTS AND ,ad it "floating- b4tterlea" were iut�orod wLt/Wu halt range a,lad ragona. Kalaga. Almeria, Carthagena WHAT CAME OF THEM. 'proved I'lideed, Invulaorablo to Shot and and Alicante, Logwono, 'Audelu, Zar- .M." s,bell, which lasted all night and day agoza, Ketbuillenza and Tortoea. are in ,rhuse of Alexandria and Parig the Hx,%, tentit Lat-a on the Ifth. On that day, the Ebro. Burgos and Morella lie to the South of it. Torof, Rodrigo, Vat- taulopus of Modern Tiones-The Forth t4he garristion, unalille to make any im- pression an t,ho fleet, whose efforts encla, de Alcuntura, Albuq,4erque and 111k(A to U0141 Ill Both of Theall-ThC helegor Gthraltar the Hobe Famous of were. beg,runtag to lve tthe sluall force Badajoz lie along the lJortilgilese fron- tier. Tarita tittid Algocirag are in the Last Century. of defenders consifferalb-le trouPle and . Inconvenience, conceived the idea of Straits pf .Gib . raltar and CadU is at The most remarkable instances ot loadbrig their guas with ,red-hot shot Its entrance. Not all of these could bomba,rdments of recent years were and,biuraiing Sheila, ,A-hjob, though 04 withstand the projectiles of modern grest, Igulas, Liout quite the beat methods 1, , hose of Alexamotria, and Paris. In both little oir no pene,tTuting power. turned out to be very effective sogai�iist the lyrevall, amd an army of invasion would cases the a,ttack prevailed over Wpoden sides Of b4a, haLdleshiips and have Pome difficulty in breaking the,defence, notwithstanding that the LK/ti'llboata, In fact, wLtilils a very few through the barrier. fortification(a of those cities ware im- poturs ervery one of tihe bloatiag hato- 8pain maintains a permanent army. menbely abroorig. Tbia contest at Alex- te,rLes lay quielicent an the water, a useless mass of She also has what is known as an act- ive reserve and, a Sedentary reserve, andria was altoort, but decisive. Within I BURNING HULKS. each of which oould W relied upon for ton hourra the British fleet, under Ad- The exisdea-voiris wad energy of Ube d& ervii,port In Itimpl ot war. Any Spaniard mixal Seymour liad effectually silenced fendeirs finally prevailed over ObLe vast moover the age of 19 is liable to be call- overy g.un on the sh,ore. Ten thous- nume,rioul supeTiority OX t1heir option- ed upon to serve in the permanent and shell and solid shot were poured en-I.A. land an the 10h of the month the army for ,three. yeuxs. From, this part . desperately conducted wtitack was giv- of ,tile array the soldier passed to the LIL OU the Egyptie,ins, and a oomplete AD ull amd 01rie SpiliuLgh, troocriper retired active reserve, ji.nd, f roin thence to the evaoilation, Of t'he fotrLs was the result. W t4heir lines, severely crippled by t,ha Sedentary reserve for pix years' ser- Yet -very little execution was done by em-nmous losses t1hey had suffPred; win - vice. By paying 1,500 posetas any one t,h,[S veritable hail Of iroxi. for the great ter quarters were otakea up, t1he bom- may escape service. The colonial army bardinent practically aboond(mf-ol, and requires every able-bodied subject to parapets , Of sand, which pr.atected the peace was declared ou the 2d of Febuu- serve eight years in the various roserv- batteries, rendered harmless tile huge say followimg. es. 'rDlis mosr of the King's subjects IS-ine.bi projectiles, and it was only be- Thus ended one of dho most memar- are mititia-man, and, it is estimated that in time ox. need Spain could easily cause Of Vile havoc caused by the frag- able sieges that can be found ia the Pages of rhistorry; remarlkal)le f" inway mobilize aa efficient) army of 1,083,595 Ineilts orf dhoerIls which flew aimuind. ev- reasons, but mosIt of all for tiho small man. x The standing army numbers orywlere and accioniplisbea afrightfoul loss ot life amung bhe defenders, who, allGut 79,000 me4i, although recent lev- slaugh,teor among the adherents of during Ube three years and a hailf that iiivestmeub dwatacL ies piage Ats number nearer 100,000. (SPAIN'S NAVY . AT abi PaSbA, joined to a knowledge the lost fin all )XtLt ,A%� 500 men, white they infRoted orn t,ho- Is likeivIse capable. The following in t1hat, theltr want of accuracy in aiming onemy a to(taA loss of se,veaal t1hofusunds a list OC her vao* iniportant; men -of- 'left the fleet practically -unharmed, Of lives. Gibraltar to -day simply war, all of which are ot,the armaured thwt the defences were reli,liqubsbod to lir[stles wIt1h artillery; the moiun.Wia iis, 1harleyGombod. with and - class and capatole of holding their own in a moaxern oombaota the British Admiral. AS every one Passages gal lories leading to remotely rhiddem ba,t- Indicsited knows, tbiO gues ware mustly all spik- te,ries, some Ole resix,lt of liature's Name Tons. H. P. ed or blown to pieces by a landing par- workiinigs, but most of Vixern excolivated Carlos V .... ... ......... ...... 9,23EL 15POO 4 of malroines, but outside of the forts by yea-ra of arduotis toll in the very Pis I ayo ... ... ......... ...... ... 9.900i 6,600 L%emsetvea, the destruction ioweils of the gigantic irock. Looking Otluendo ... ... ......... ...... ... 7,000 13,700 was very at t'ha Ittrge guns, mathy of tibam of Cataluna ... ... ..................... 7,000 15,000 Small. Tbe Presence Of friends aswell immenose wetglht and large calibre, onei Cisneros ... ... j ... .... I . ...... 7,000 15,000 as foes in the ciity farba,de an extell- is almost forced to t1he conpolousion that Maria Teresa... ..( ............... 7,000 15,000 sive abetting Of [Ault t any he recogniz- t1hay inust have "grow -a there," Car to P. do Austrias ... ...... ...... ... 7,WO 15,000 Vizcaya ... ......... � .. ...... ...... 7,000 15,000 ed native quaxter, yet dufficiontdaux- on -o- not learned in the mysterious ways and workings of t1he guoner and on - . Cristobal Colon ... ... ...... 6,840 14,000 age was done by the incendiary shells gineer U seems whGolouftly impossible The following axe deck protected and to Start a fire tIhat destroyed almust tbwt �,hese monstrously long engines of partially protected: Indicated tba entLre Cown. in this engagement. destruction could, by apy buti super - bumaa agency. 'haive been brought Name - 'Tons H. P. Ube exroormous power of t1hraugh the steep and to.0tuOUS Pas_ Alphonsb xflr ... ... ............ 4,800 12,000 41800 121000 TME 81 -TON GUNS. Sages tbut form tihe solle approach to t1he dark, silent easonia�tes w�here they, Lepanto ... ... ... ­... ...... ... Ensenada ... ... ... . ................ 1,060 2,7oo the projectiles Of Which weigh over repose. � Isla de Cliba ... . .... ...... 1,060 2,VOO 1,700 Pounds, was dertionatruted; but it Isla de Lazan ... ...... ... ... 1,060 2.VOO wus also made evident -dhat the quick- HOW DO YOU DO. Most at these vessels have a normal ly, tbrown,v amol Lnexperisiive embdnk- 1-�- I speed at 20 knots. Spain also has a nuxnerous fleet of torpedo boats and mead of sand form an invallnerable de- Some or 11ke'llethotits 01, saltiotation, in TogiiL ' torpedo-walt (lestroyers. Bev fighting fence aga,insil; even these terrible wea- Avi'Vnrloit4 Countries. navy . is wanned-Apy 1,00-2 officers, 9,000 polls, and Charm can be Utitle doubt " flow do you do ?" we. say as we meeM marines, and, 14,000 sailors, besides ,that in the hands of expeirienced goun- a f.r1ead w1bora we liaare not Seen for, aliotiot 1,04)(I mechaniicians of various wars, Che 9,uns Of the harbor batteries some dine n-nd tile questian is outmost kinds. ,spain, is not, after all, a modurnized wou-Id Uave given, a much beLter Ito - Lxrva,ri.0Ay aceompaniod by a slialke of nation in the sense thvCt other nations count of t'hexa8e,lves. rt ,Ls evein an oli-- t1lik, hand ,w-bioh is cordial or cold, long are modernized. Horpeople are govern- an question w1hether the fleet would (gr. Shoot. hearty or indifferent, accord- - ed by the SlArit of Quixotism, that caused Isabella to her jewels SO not. 'have been repulded under Such cir- Lug as tiix-. ,hearts hact- ot( t -he handa pledge Lilac Cotarnons mighit, Start westward, ounistances. core mQre or loss atta.dhed one to the that caused Werdiriand and his consort T -be bombardment of Paris is worthy ootlietr. This is ouir carunion greetingi to move th,eir, tb�one, chairs ulo to the of notice as illustrating what Lueasuies'some 1�11,t 011ir I)Tej 1),re'll. of Other [ends h,tva very walls (If the Moorish strongholds oddiTies af sa,lult,afloa. though no that the example, might incite the can be taken to reduce an unwilling doubt the feelings baclk of the foral chivulroux; bravery of'their followers; city to subjecti,on.. DuTing, Che month aire very s4.milto.r the world aravad. that caviered ,the houses of Urena and de Leon pledge their estates that of Januairy, 1871,, t!he Prussian guns The Fre,rioh and Gewmain peco,ple bave ,to *be Moors might be driven from the literally rained qu the forLificatioils of one cu�stom in common. thoug,ii they, Alhambra. The memory of that per- Ole capLtal the Seemingly impossible are ri,(A. Oln 16o 1�eat of tarms in some iod, tile most romautic and brilliant number bf 10,000 shells euch day, and of respeots. Gent,lemou wbo aire good in Spanish history when half the world walli theirs, never (lied in their brousts Vilese mcore than 500 fell on a daily av- friends kiss each otUier on t1d and It more than anything else. -,votild eruge into the city proper; the devast- cheek %uhan meetivxg,� vilaol i -t is r�jily . Sustain them in rx war of nations. This tion 'Datised by the lattar in some parts . (,Ou(rtesy foot. gem,t,lemeln to kisq the pride of race, however is not wh;i;t was firigbtful and the fires in conse- hands of 1-he4r 1,ady friends by way Of - they ,would Xight for, Out of the ruinS quenve often Ch.reatened 0 -ruin whole g,ree0ag. Russia bas trlit* same ,-Ui- of their ,-ast greatness have risen boati- t1frut mbnunlents�-Madrid, the capi- di,tricts. iNI,A;n,y %ouises and wadle were tow, and to uafamilda-r eyes Ube spec,- tal city, witbi its paLm-es andi its 47(N- Chirown) down by the g-goerison. so as to tacit- of two beardi3d "mujiks" embrrac- , 00 worsh!iTypers of .th� anvient throne: leave. large upon spaces "'here shells Lng each, other tenderly upon theatreab - Iflarcelolva, with its quarter of a mil- � 0 VOUIld dO IhLtle oir ino dumage, yet many is I lion. Mostly eager for %var, and blind to (I 01110 w1io had exiduired the langs" uf all Imt romance; Malaga, with its 100,- MU dally have i uraig n l subraLt,ted with- RATTIER INERTI-I-PROVOIKING - who thp rema?n,i of Moors 6 teach them wirit manner of out complaint 10 tb.e severre regulations to �.doiy Nie leam, Also �be Arabs of the fighters were their ancestors; Carta- of tbe Commissaxy,Gemeral, for the desert, stutely a,ad laupo,shag figuores in . gena, Cadiz, Valencia, Ssvillerina Gren� Jwxxoa, and Sake of "La Belle France," filleir flowiag irobes aad xnany foolded ada, where memory stops, anti tile gro- (psque and arrillesques of the I found it hard to restrain tears and in- dxu,l)eries, their betba Pull of daggers great Mvrroorl-4i, templo lift one out or' tile, digmation When, on returning from th'e and pistols and otlher wAr-like gear nineteenth century and carry- one firont after a long aild hopeless stelig- tilleso stul,witr.L men buig aind kiss each the back to tbe:time when warl in Spnin gle against an apparently invincible oitiieir vviotill aill eftosbvertess ascirib- . meant honor, v-Llor and glory, fOe,, be 000ld diricovar nothing save the ed LO,bhe fiverage sdb,00l giirt, ail; tile I R,UIN8 Or HIS FORMER HOME. same ti -me ma,kiwg a. bost, oxf inquiwies about cadh. otheir's heart( -N past 'Lack DIVERSIONS OF ROYALTY. Durbrig the Amei,rimn civil ,wiarthero vvere martly-fuiri,ous 1�ombardmonta, but preselit a,nd pnospects fur v6he Luture. A Chinaman who holipp;-ros W ))a riding - t-ohey ware piri-neipally directed against distuoun,ts Land 1^tds Ibis horde past Ono Soine of tile Gottat�19 with Willeh Itelcullig importaut foa7i.4, and �n no case were ��(h:atu lie co),usidars his social superior (Towneti lieltil* AnsoAric Titenvoelvepi. the ports or cities threatened with de- cor equiail. His (neigiblyor c4,6he larst of Many of the crowned heads turn to sbructical. In fact. tli,t-, wca-dorfally dherry lAussoins, uIxe MIUAo's empiore, games in these days for relaxation mail loss 4A l4e im all these operations dsuriing tbe IlLoineabous stiruggle of kicks off lais st.mw Or Nvovt,ea sandals, orwse,g ibis hairlds upon his breast. in from State cares. The ,Emperor of 1861-65 is wort.by of �remarlc, its show- ain; attitude of suppi icat iota. awl oriesi Germany turns frequently ' to tennis itag t;he 00111-PlOteneSS Of Lbe moaxis ad- "Sparre me I" as tihnu�gih his bra,ol,hatted for sport, and he has constructed one opted to protect t'he defeindoi-es fron) vis-a-vis, who perhaps is hisr nemb door of the beat appointed tennis courts in tbe darrigexotis mi-,+siles. A few yea.rs befare, 'however, during the proLract- n6Lgfbboir ana a verry goock friorid, waii t1lbe growl, wn.-I loovi-eirful Mikado hiiw- the world at the castle of �Nlorbijoxi, ad siege of f5ebadtopol the combined bmitf, w1up had only to bay tile woird, It is appropriately docorated, and the fleets of France arrol E'4xgl�Lnd 'had dow- arn-d diis head %v,oudd roll in the dust. Emperor himself superixxt(mdod the caist,rated the power and possilAlities Tibe implied mewning of t1his aoilultalion, i,:i of the courinun of the period when air- roll ouigrow!t4h of Qie, exaggerated 1,pilding, as lie understood the builders' rayed in opl�oskiun to ev,en L'be. most polite,ness far wiiiirli. .Japan is fa,inoixos, -trade. The Czar of Rjussia is a master eiaborwto and scienLific sysLems of do- T,he ovatLVV,8 of Arabia. Petrea bravalyl bana at the game of ieralache, or Itus- felace. Only Vhe severj;ty of the clim- put abeek to e4wk anA puss on aboug Sian whist, which is like our %%hi5t, e- . rt,w Anil -tbe ext,raordinary Intrepidity of the Itussiain soliffiers ewvbled tbern to their business. I cept that there ,'Lre no I rumI)s. keep t'he allies tvt lay Cuir such a l(Ang WITHOUT SPEAK,vNG. Tile Eiriperor of Japan, of course, pre- "go." pe�Kod. Undoubt,edly Vile mos� interesting Tbe Bu;riaese, with doliw)te fla,t1ary, pri-Me.m(l- to smell af ew.h, vtlwrs' faces. fers the national game of Schools , y ston of siege and loombikrotment in I'lle pr(ornoullop th-em sN%eot and aak for fb for tile Study of this game it re estab- ainnals of wa.rfary sia,�e cannou N"311 I e sinvill, Tbe turba,ned Turk crosses tNs Jished in JaIlian, anil several pol,io(ticals fixsot. i,xxvL,IIl.ed is L'hat, (xf the onsuccess- 1bunds upon lils kroii,sl and makes a pro - are devoted entirely to (lie subject. f,ul. aNtempt of Sp%4rx to regain in 1779 tho f(prtross of Gil)raltar, Which E'al'g- found oheisauoo, (At- I &I'laarn", thus %'b.u,Nv,irrLg h -is deep rega,rd. withatut com- (Juecti V'Ictoria 11rucers brcttsliiet� 1� laal.i bad Lalkon IPY s(-rin a few yea,rs iing in conlact lwrs,orrally With its oi)- German gam,, reHUIlIbling bliCkgMAIM011, !wfo,re. F air t'llree 3�eotv-8 aoncl .seven jr,ct, arad tthe saovarges r)f the Australian whivit she learned from. the Prince Con. nwintlis I.he st.rongliold wta.9 ino,,osted by liusib pramice (,).,(., si,ngulmr cuso-nu (d sort. The Princess Beatrice hiis Lak.- ,I lri,rge foft-oe of all arin.4. ium.l. a prac- ticriil.� uainto�rrupted fire (rcin 133 guns 8003xifug U11.1t t1h0ir t0ngtle'l Mt PaCh Oth- (, .r ivi a frank fox,gili'LP0 bliat, would do - ea up lofting, a new kind of golf Vine; iinoluding sume. fifty mortars of 13 -inch light rhe heart of it pbysician no,duotht. she is arso it capit.ai gou [dayer anot enlibre. wits lualonitaine;I fivoin Jan 12, To prosiaa,,n (.uo's Self belaro iinoi�h, belongs to several (.]U!)S, too whicii ,she 1780 Hil Veh. ,I). 1783. Meaawbile the ,� r an,l lie with face bu the dL1,St is the presents vafuAj)le prizes, ,j,be princess gall"init li�ftle garrison was bu(. once r,- solurlati.,,n of till infori(�r in Olihorw�y Vicroria, or k%'ales is a skillful hockey lievg(l anti Auffored all ('he Pangs t,f ill' .ALfr1e:i lo n supeirior, T'his abj-�Vtj player. starvation, naL volukingliA Sometimes cra%0:ag upan lh�, g,roum.l. no doubt, The Archolixichess F,lizabeth of Ails- wiltlb a feelitrig of despuir. Still they Grsl beg:iin in fwur. airl is u,. -%v held as tria taj;:es per atillwics in tho f()y.11l ()f cluong to Clie gigantic rook. repolling a vi,reiniony of iemgxx�jion. long tramr)s with her indthor. 'I lie Meg altuck aftew attack witb indiamitable While Western nattions insist on (lie of Npain'sr pet, par+tjxa*.,, is kite fighling, courage wrid enduranco and inflicting imeovering (of t,ho hea.4 i.xi taken of ro- speel, i.n Intlia, it has Mwa.ys boea tho a contest tret't-veen two kite flyer", to, see w,ho can captuxe or disable thp, enorrnouq 1caseS oil t`h,4i oi)l!(rn rits. Thc, Latter, indeed. are desenling of praise fent. tlh�%,t mu,st lie uncovered hokorrip other's kite. A game Called the for the pertinachy riard perseverance � t�he (raya.1 preseine.e. "Knights of,filoain" is also another one with which they retux-riAd W the, fray of his &orts. The yotting Queen of I time after time, undaunted by oontinu- Hol fand Is devoted t,o badritinton and a] revordes and hopefu I ever t -o ret rieve A NEW QUJOK-FIRING W'N. her Wnycro. ,I,he Queelil of Italy has a the disgra,ce wh4ch they oonsidored the � Mes�srs. Kyn1,K'Jh' of lli�rynirngho-in Frig- re'llutatiOn as a pedestrian; for relaxa-1 pxest�xxce of the hated "infidels" put. tfon upon them. liand, b.,%ve fow sonif� time pasit. heim eir- she turns to elipas. (vatren ChriStina of �SjKtin is i an expert 'I'lle.most ini.orobting and exciting a,)- gagr.,N i�xt.perfe-crling �lh,v niectlioanism of fencer and a, good piquet player ' �i- i.q<)d(, during this loug siege wras the a new quick -firing gun. ttrid they have quet, or pfcquet, has been kno n in w fermlouis att.ompf made by the Spa.ni- Hurceeded in producing a weapon a I , SPaIn 4fnve tile early ages under the aTdS WWTUrd the close, whan they . 1�uing way al.bim.d af any atti,ex gun or name clentos. Bowling is the favor- STRAINVI) EVERY NERVE #I sLonilair type. By tawltring a whoell ite recreation of Queen Olga, of Greece. She is also quite dervotod to games of ta, diHIrroxy and ovexcame ithe allroady ex - hausted but still unflinchinig ga`rrison'. 41he w(hule moohnoniorn i's set wolrkinpp . solitaire, Particularly tile one called -St. More ( ban 50,000 tiroops and 170 pie AS and 600 rouvgazi.ne I)ullfvt,.,; axe dkoba rg- ffelona, ,wifich is played with two packs of ardna.roce of large calibre werevftt ed por minix.W. The gun w-bivil call y of cards, and Said to have been played by Napol'enn in exile on the liqland of t1he dispmal of the Spanish Ge.noral,, and an ingeniong .type of floating bat- weigthe a fliandredweiglet. is mingle har- St. Helena. I I iterles had b6an devised by the (I I'lls- rolled, and volvile in action is keld cool by a water,janket, which i,9 filled aulo- who expected great things of them in culaticibIly. The firing acrtioal is sulp- & ruorithe Skipped across a class-roorn the meditated assault. The numbers of the opposing forces were ludicrOusly plied witIb cartridges by :oxv endless belt! wlich passes I hrough it )IC,X nond collects in Public 'School No. 42 An eight-year- disproportionate, Besides Vile ahove tfbo cartridges, The giln wioLl kill all old gfrr maw it and I screamed. Then mentioned tTOOp8omd guns, Vhe Spanish possessed ,nine line of hfilMe r4hipa, tltree miles and rirs Me I mrrel is made Several children who had not Seen it 115 gun or mortar bon N, covered I )oa(g quf- to Swing from right, to teft it will tore - bably to be one i�f f1ho nlogu also screamed, nnd one of t1lem, sbomt, ad " rfre V Most of the inmates now fietont,to lead nea,rly 40.000 men, and in addition Me 10 flon,filng l,at,tnTi&%.,vvhi(,h prove deadly weapons of ninder'n ixa�rfare. serpanted "Fire I" and in five milt. consisted of Intrge vessels, their sides - lutes the engines were at the (foot., it protected by a baaking of timbar Oev- To MUZZLE SNORER&. platoon of police, and four thousund e,v foot, thiek, nad. the decks and guns A Ka-rigns g­tnbis 1hh9 ititroduned & people In fte street, many,of them In. so,reellod. with a Manting roo of shot- voking the Almighty to Solve thoir ptoof material. To this gigantle, firm- bill lit the Legtslatora against stior- childron., ,ft Uss fully two hour$ be- aftx6nt the defence cotild only oppose lin In sleeping oamt, h1olkels, chr,irchm fore the latkia was over, Tho movAo 09- a%, then wore antiquated. finj orther plaoas whero 4ke practice is C*4)ed, I Cloh t4O 8% Of 8AVtomb6r, 1789, fbre more or leas a"alring., I . . I I . , r 'IQ . I . � I I I I 'k , I . � I I I -a . I � I I A I I " � t #40, . , ­ - - I � . . � -- � - - �­L,­­ ", "- - � - , 4�4�)-.,,,-�,-�.�4,,,�,--.�.-".-..�.-.-��...'�---I .... I ­%­' ­­ � ( ' L' � X- ' --�-I­ ­­­- -.--..: --1 - L.w..Am---- - -.. I.�iiiiii,­­�-A,hAMIAMMikii, -"­�--",L, 1:-- 11. I I �, �., , I 1.11 " IV ­ � ­ . �­"i I , " . ,� t�* I Ill