HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-12, Page 2., . . . : , �. * .. fll� ,. i , . R rr 6Y . , ' ,tt thence also t!he meridian of the local- j'QC i� (*jj (� .....,n.-1— 3 . rutind w all under waiter, but it is the churches." Now, my ambition is 6 ltt would coincide witlh Ulre curdles of a o, - . i M .•..,.-..,-...•." N...-.... ,,., -... n4. ` .. n, ., - � . iY .. _.._... :m + NOTlr9 AND troMNT6• CgRISTIAIUITY IS he sella puoperty by tune map, forget- ting to toll tlhe pvtrcAraser that the lewdly "T'lio�e pe�,le." I said, sere afraid of tLie niakl i3ontimentalit of - BRAVE SOOTCH PIPERS. thence also t!he meridian of the local- j'QC i� (*jj (� .....,n.-1— rutind w all under waiter, but it is the churches." Now, my ambition is . ltt would coincide witlh Ulre curdles of a 1111!: SUlVl1AY SCH4aI. - . A fresh cause of jealousy has arisen REVOLUTION�RYI eneroue Jn bdm to do tibat for be r not to preach to you so much. it seems W - latitude; an equator would coincide . between 'Russia and England out of '"' t:ktrrawe tdio water into the borgain. to me that you aunt be Turing sump- FINDLATER AND MILNE HAD LI�tI- wi(ph the hoasizon, fence an astrono- lfuical determination of the locality, no- r-- INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AY 16. bi the reported intention of the BriLiasli Government to have built A ROBUST FORCE FOIL THE BETTER- Ahi, my fiends, tlhere is bmf one s'tandard of ktbe everlasting right and focus!- ever da and the marks of Y y" comfort are all.about yon. You do not TATORS IN THE SOUDAN. cording to latitude and longitude, is al - "\Tatehfaluess'" a railwa Y * I11G OF THE WORLD. of t'he everlast.i wron , and chat is •n8 g need the gospel half as m,tuh as do +---+ �o�g precluded. Matti. 'd4. 45.51, 4}o1deX ' from P:gypt tierces Arabia tO the Per- sian Gulf. The project Is also viewed -"- Ube Bible, -and when the principle shall get Lis pry under our commercial sortie who never come here. Rather tbaq be 'priding myself on a ch'1u•ch in ll+rekeu,de of the Senforih Ulghlaudet. And •Stewart or the Camerons, Led lire he sa Tltie same mu v be said s rtigards ir- tarmining one's bearings in any dir- Text llu&t. z4 4'd. PRACTICAL. NOTES. with disfavor at Constantino le, whore P Rev. Dr. 'Paiaingo Speaks or nu &livor& or Itettglnn That is Seldom Placed aeroro houses, L bear I that one-half oP them will go over I ''she ruin will begin at trout g s on there boat halt 50 splen- equipages on the Sabbath day !would charge lit Albnra-1llackenzie's Clothing to '!'utters by ao11e& s- Stewur& .vas, action, TA1e compass, too, will fail tAien;, because •its horizontal intensity Verse 4l. lu the re ort of thep3e p G) everything that would tend to weak- the \verld In 114 1'rue Colors -The one end of ttae s:.reet, and it will be have a church up to whose gates there BOOn Killed. io so sligIA as -to pmecLude Ube posail],Ll- words given by Luke this parable in f, en the influence of the Ottoman dy- SVU•linal chiororornr in the aellStou or We lellrle• cras9i ! a, fish ! crush 1 all the vias "\that should sums a long! procession of the Amid the swish oP the leaden hail, rty of itts action. '11be only criterion for judging t,htut has the converted with the preeedfhg one by "j! nasty over the Arabs" in favor of Egypt is regarded -With alarm• The eon- gton, Ma I.—Rev. Dr. Tal- \\'ashin y clown to tlhe do.-!ka. is the prat- ter I Hus fibers been a fall in gold'?" sufferin and the 4;tricken, and the g' dying, begging for admittance. You the Scotch pipers in the last great Sou- one arrived ut Pale is tfsak the observed latitude oP a queati),n of Yster'n,. "Lord, speak - est thou this us on even neution LeLv%eey the Sultan and the mage Lo -day pre&ched from the text, Oh.. n"N "13as Gbth been a new tar- id[?" "No," "'Has fliers been aPailure � do 'not used the gospel us mru h acs they. Yoe have coil thin s in this life. den battle, in wbioh Captain l)rquhurt tlhe sur., after (having been oorrected to altitude above Ulle true horizon. is parable unto to all t" And Mark has, " What I say Arabs is a purely sentimental one, de- Acts xvii., 6, "These that have turned in t;rops?" "NO." ",Ifus'dhere been tin Whatever m y be your future destiny, lost his life, nobly upheld the honor of found to coincide willh, tihe value of the unto you 1 say unto all,.WaLob." A pending entirely on his tenure of the the world upakde down are carne hither unaceoun,Lable panic?" "No." This is you have had a pleasant time here, But Scotland's record, declination of iihe su,n for the day in q3, hUow thin•,• Ye know this. 'the B,1lalifute, which, in Its turn, depends els°'" i t!Ite secret : 'J ,he Lord God has set a p I his ¢prune of judgmenk, in the ex- those d tri y g populations of which I speak, by reason of their want and su.f- Piper Andrew Mackenzie, of the Sea- forth I•li,ghlanders, is honored by question, blu,reover,• in Chose regf•ons tbere, is goudnpan. The bousehulder. 1n what os his power to keep open the roads There is a wild, bellowin mob g Jaiaon change, He has summoned the rrLghte- faring, whatever may be their future now the whole British scarcely a day cul wihlah dense fogs do `catch• The Jews had generplly adoptted to Mecca for the annual privileges. around the house oP in Thessal- cafes. What has the man done so great- ons and Lbe wicked to come before bim. What was 1837? A day of judgment ! destiary, are in perdition now•, and if there be any comfort in Christ's em pi re as ons of the bravest Survivors oP the tats battle not rrevail, and OU or ma•e de 1 grecs, C. oP cold, sut'b as mostly exiprt .&sere, will the &.reek and !into custom ing the into "watches," '" -__. There is also a political side to the ly to offend the people? He has been Paul his What w•as 1857? A day of judgment I What was tthe extreme depression of gosp6l for Clod's sake Lve it to them, g ' Revolut on l The pride of the church of Atbara, I The of thle Scottish en:banae &she difffoultfes of observation soil& an extent Lt can only be night pour aches," wbioh seem to hove been named even. . project. It is a flank movement ag- ainat the objection -Which the 'Turkish entertaining and comrades. The mob surround the house an.l. cry: two years ago ? A day of judgment 1 Du voa i1bink that God is going to wait I must come down. The exclusiveness of I the church must come down I The fin- pipers regiments in the British army have within a few It a ciutsaltiun of apptinximale estimates. Lmia Such. conditions are b y iia uieanS cavi- midnight, rock -crow, and morning e divisions used originated in tb* co - 1 Government at lbs in$tigut.iun of Ger- Bring out those turbulent preac•hersl I ; until ,hie has burned the world up be- abaial boasting of the cburch must I months performed deeds oP valor which able, and erre scarcely calculated to Induce ditiuns tbat uve us our worry'' watch,'" 8 many has always raised to the English' They are itil•erfering -With cur bus{- {fore Ase rtgfhta these wrongs? L tell I You, nay 1 Every day is a day of judg- coma down. If monetary success were the" chief idea in the church, then Isay are the admiration of the whole world., They had us to lung for bhefn w1Lh all our hearts, - ' -- a regular change of sentries in for- i ness I They are ruining our religionl demands for a concussion to build a ' , went. ' the present mode of conducting finan- duv%u 'l hey ere urtually turning the wurlcl •I•tie fraudulent ces is the best., It it; is to a glorious reputation, and they hove added now glory to it. dlwt tArese acre nut the only• things I erre likely Lu make a nujourn aC tifications and uP Matchmen at cit Y gates. Atmoat every householderin the railway from ttie Syrian roast I man piles up his ! see'how the valley of the Euphrates to Bagdad, upside down!" gains, bund al,ove bond, enited Staten many dollars you carr gain. then the true, Lor there is'security t'nited I motle is the beat. But if it is On the heights of Dargai, in India, last Pipers hindlater, Milne Iw7uc,h the pole a neve'rending torment. Worse 1tlhan all the rest, one ednnert hist lives in c:u'nstau, apprehension The charge was above States security, present I r thence to the head of the Persian Gulf n°thing that so interferes with sin, emolument above emolument, antLl his P esent msode is the best. But if it is year, and kept on piping after their legs were Icuunl kills passing Jhomra there; in olh- 'there L the thief will come. See 1 These. and 1 hraugh southern !'ersia and Be- ! I pproperty ban IpeaOme a great pyramid, 1 the saving of cowls from ain nail death there is nothing so ruinous to every luchistan to Karachi, wlisre it would � and as be $tends looking at it He thinks !and bringing the mighty, populations shot through and through. They sent er wards, to no criterion for det- arnlinin Itkas time of da g y.. 'During a 2 J tui au hoc y ut equally as controlling in Lhe East as ...� in the india'n railwa system. The form of established iniquity, there is ; it• can neuter he destroyed, but the Lord iAf our cities to the knowrledge of, God, 3 the British people wild with applause. period of six months the sun will + with us. lie %%until have watched. J° I nothing that has sueb tendency to turn I Clod comes and with his little finger � then I cry revolution I tit is coming, the starting point 1 fast. N•ow comes the news of similar deeds NEIT'H'ER 1115E NOR SET NN'uuid have taken proper precautions, new project places I feel it in Lhe air. I hear the the world upside down as our glorious i hu-whes it all over. • of the line out of territory in 'Turk- I You build a house, and y'ou put in- I rumbling of an earthquake that shall .. 1 Christianity. 'Cho fact is that the -World I I of heroism in the Soudan. The piper Is the baro of the day In F7nglancl. Jests I bu't during anti. wfhule or the time will , always- rernain euUber above or holow l atherecl his ser%afats and net g g,bbor$ to- ish oucu•putiun, and cnrrfe» the road 1 now is -Wrong side up, and it needs to shake dawn in on to it a rotten bes+.aa• A mechanic � e, terrific crash t•he I standing by says: "It will never do I arrogance of our modern Christianity. upon the .bagpipes are nu anger tot- 'lobe Aionizon. As the earth revolves ; getb••c, and rust the marauders with itself through districts yielding but a ; be turned upside dawn in order that shadowy allegiance ' O Constantinople, I to put that beam in. It will ruin your' 'file sea is covered• with wrecks, and +'hole building." But it in. i multitudes drowning, We crated, air+,,un..l it.9 axis is 'l4 hours, Ube sun �apparuntly describes. d:uriv uhe same Curve. \Puuld nut have suffered his house to be broken up. Would not have it may be right side up. The time w•as to the Persian Gulf with the terminus you put are come out The hoose is completed. Soon it be- with the church lifeboat, and the peo- At the charge on Atbaru, the Sea- Eorth intesrvul, a ciromit of 860 deg eesaround tlhe sk bein vinati 1Lermilted the rubbers lu dig through w•he.n men wrote books entitling them, under the guns oP n Br•iLish squadron. , „ I gins to rock. 'f"ou call in 'the me- pie begin Lu clamber in, and %cs shout• and the Cameron HSgHlanders, two battalions Y, g aft he altitude. equal to tlhe deulinatiou wihensver de- 'the (nod •i%atls, Aman has u, fight Apologies for Christianit I hope From there the ling would I We Kane chaniu •and ask: ' What is the matter! Sto?,t stop! You{ must think it coats ! this door? What is of two Scottish regi- led olinatiun is oP i?he same name as the tar hi4 safety in the Eust• and it is of tbat clay has passed. want no more follow the innst line of Persia find! Be- 1 la apologies for ('hriatianity. Let the apo- with the matter I nuthin to kes) a lifeboat. Those seats g t with this wall? Ever thin y g seems to at the prow are $1 apiece, the.4e in the ments, against the zariba in a lace P where the fire was be(ivie$t. Andrew poll tut tvfnicft Ahe obAerver is-staliuned. 7ihe numerous albtewpsts 1niLherto Eartern c'Lcil runditiontk that we must lvchislnn, which would greatly fncili- 1 logics le ori the phrt oP those who do ` be giving out." Says 'the mechanic, ,. You beam into that middle 50 cents. and, those seats in the I Mackenzie, one oP th'e pipers oP the Sea- made rte sreacth Rllre pole, haus, as a {nal- thiuk of •.,hen we adiply this parable tate its construction, as Lt could be r not believe in our religion. \\ a do not started at many points simultaneously. put a rotten structure, and the whole thing has got stern 2 shillings, Please to pay np or t else flounder on a, little Lon sr Lill g I forths, marched ahead of his comrades, ter• uP course• been by water-ftiail is to , U dtii s and sledges, '11be idea y, Y p , Lu our own 5parituai !ifs. 44 '1'sherc:fuce hs ye. also ready. One mean tp make any compromise in t'he We dlo hide the I tocome down." Here is an estate that I the mission Ipoat %those work it is to seems to be all right norv. It has been sans ou come playing, "Bonnie Dundee" with weird ens rg3'• When the first tihalt one iniight•. get theme by an aerial Asa.$ should read th:• entire chapter to get' 1 ' Tltat Rltssia shpfil,d re• aril the co- r g matter. not -wish .to fact that Christianity is revolutionary buildin a i Y penniless wretches shall , K great many years. But 15 ! aloang and pick; you; up. We save only years ago there was a dishonest trans- first-class men .curbed the Dervish eartbworks they -sere Passn,gP nrrt gained g,rau'nd uni.il 'rprently, bull if we consider that hal- loons the full furrp of &his word "therefore. „ Because the ,I fp .a- 1 ged.railsw•a, w•i'tb some degree a �e pu- Y and that its tendency is to turn the , action in that commercial. house. That lousy is natural, seeing that she herself i down. on° dishonest transaction kee ; sinners in this boat," s The talk is whel:her Protestant c•hwr- checked for n moment. b4ackenzie, I acre not navigable, and benee are liable Ito be ea irried away in any dir- day of the Lord will corns the its u thief fn the night; &hal i is looking forward to finding an out- -World u side will on P P I Our religion ban otlen bePtl nrisre- I -corking ruin in the whole structure apes or Roman Catholic churches are caming out ahead. I tell you. Protes- blowing hie i P•p,ea, stood on a little knoll, so that he was the most consple- ecltion by air ctts•rrenta than, IIaay acrid- entally prevail, and in tlhe most unlike - b coming of Lure dun oP Man shall be like i let for -her Ceatral Asian trade tit some until domn the estate will come in !'presented as a principle of tears and . the tants, this truth l,lainly -- that un- nous fi ore to ilia own aide, and the gn 1 sof tbu l nallowance&euf the coming of a deluge. The swirl of point on the Persian Gulf or on t -be wreck and ruin about possessor's mildness and tastprejudices, afraid of earn -one dishonest dollar Ln the til yokir churches are as free as are enem well. He wa$ in the 1 Y sed atmtod(yratle� the Plooa of sue -will be ao sudden 'that I .I Inrlian Ocean, sail this project is part have crossing people's prejudicrs, afraid of demolishing all ilia possessions. I &:ire the Roman Catholic cathedrals the Y twill beat T,n their the r s &'BONY OF 1HE BATTLE, s common sense will com [xrelhencl Leics suaceas would Ainve been expected firom one of L+vu ,t,longtimen -sill be taken 1 of the Ensgl:ish policy of ,beading her I making somelpOdy mad, -with silken seen it again and again; and so have you. cathedrals millionaire and thie be ggur kneel side and the enemy's fire seemed concen- en p rase. bSannot i, deter- and the other destroyed, and one of off wherever she tries t'o reach the sea. I'gloWes lifl'ing the people up from the , i you• by side. Arid until that flap comes in trated on him. Hi$ a • uniform, his g 3 ; min io mdnations of locality cannot possibly f two mill women }e• taken and the other \&'hat will add tnthe RuiSsiair feeling fn !church pew into for aq thou b the • : Here is your money safe, The man- g y. g 3 ufacturer and yourself only know how our churches ws cannot expect the fa- annot ex a vor God kilt and hi- helmet were shot through and through. The official report and ,ham, made from a balloon with any lip- I ptroximate degree of accuracy: destroyed. Because nu mun, not even Lhe angels of heaven, ►bol. my Father '"' tdro rualtieT Ls that sOrne years a. a, %when g ' •lass, so ver delicate it can be opened. You have the key. were Bohemian 6 y of or spiritual prosperity, a dozen independent -vitno say that only,knowa that day and hour;because el t'hra Rui3sian Government proposed to , that with one touch it may le clemol- i You touch the lock, and the ponderous ' Revolution,! 1•t ma' be that before 3 his clothing was Lorn to tattPra by to "Bonnie there :;hall arise false C`hrists and false I that of En land tbat the two should k door swings back. 'tut let me tell 1 {shed forever. blen speak of religion You that, however firmly barred and the church learn4 ft9 duty to the masa- bullets. Still he kepi on piping Dundee." Every bullet that struck hi.ur WHY YOUR PATE SHINES. ro hats and shall show reat signs P p g and w'°niers; because iniduity shall , caa•ry the aontvtruction ofi their Asiatic I ay !hough it were st refined imbecility, i bolted your mousy sate may be, you °'h God will scourge it and come with t e hp1 oPomnipotent indignation anri, I c,nty made him pipe the louder. Then ,_ abound earl mun- shall wax cold; end Indian raid -ways to a me.et•ing point i es thou h it were st spiritual chloro- i cannot keep God out, He will come g l day into the Seaforths swarmed over the earth-, drive out, the ritoney than ars, It any g The Microbe otltaldness alLast ldentineit all cause ho that enduretH to the end shall on the Afghan frontier„ the British Government coldly declined to enter- i form that the people were to tak un- some your counting room, 1 e and he will demand "\\'Hers did that til the cutting of life were over. , works. ! be tbak. there is to be cif groat day of Side by eidy by them -Were the Cam- ay a French Pnvant. �- be saved. Reason after reason was giv- eu by the Baster, titer he lied taken tain the proposal. From it military sharp upsettin' before that times Il come.! note of hand coma from? How do you 1 t Bron Highlanders, Alan Stewart, piper The Bible, so far•from this represents ' account for this security? \\'here dict i j come, U Lord God, let it of Company F, charged with the sol- I Mons. Sebourand, former pupil of M. his seat on the Mount of Olives, why point of Clew the projected railway 'great come mu the religion of Christ as robust and I you gel. that; mortgage from? \\'hat R diers, playing "The March of the Cam - doe Chia tf it is ilk, fn that. future day of the reconstruct-; pasteur's school. Las found the mighty microbe that all should watch and be ready. Tn such an hour as ye think not the' Son would be of afdvantage to Eng- in tem- mean?" all ri cion 14IPn." Like biaokenzie, he took hIA brawny -ransacking+ and upsetting 10- , g ed church of Christ the church , God will say: "Well done, good and stand in the most exposed position 1000 ' makes men and v%umen lose their hair-tbe little. beast who is of tnnti curneth• Une may reverently th. land an cavi Pnvy, sorb as a B porary stoppage of the Suez Canal; and things that now seem t.o be settled .faithful aerwant. Be prospered in }ruildinq v. ill be the most cheerful of when the earthworks were reached. But : on firm foundations. 1 heair some man 'this world. ]Be happy in the world to all lrulldings• Instead of the light of he was less forunate. Several bullets responsible Lor the shin )ate of the y 1 believe that does not intend us to know when the. second coming will I it w•ou-lri avoid the long and tedious ourne down the Red Sea for sasee j Y I n8- I in the house say " 1 thought"religion ' come.". If it is all wrong, he -will � t►,P sun strained through !minted glass $truck him, but he continued t.o pipe. say:"'Depart, ye cursed. Be miser- until an intelligent, auditory looks: The Dervishes were clear] aimin at I Thifl is the final resulf. Y g unfortunate baldhead. He describes it as a minute, colorless body, pointed at be. There were signs, like the budding of the fig tree, whiob he mentioned a • J w'Fl$ pease. able for your 3niquilir±s in this !ifs, ors and. troops. The political utility Of i A man's arm is out of place. Two men and then o clown and spend green and blue a.nd yellow and copper, him, and several officers and men beg- colored, we will have no such thins FS him to down, both Pnd», and increasin in numbers g few• minutes before, but their purpose -was urouser to re.adinesa and watch- ! g 1 yourt it would he even greater; so that its ; come, and With great effort put"it Lack ' eternity v%ith thieves and horse jockeys gPd come ,but he $till Tbs pure atmosphere oP heaven will; played on. Once he fell, but uro»e by constant divLsiou into two, and since s fulness, rather than to enable Christ- ; accomplishment. is not likely to be long ' to the socket. It goes back with great ; and pickpockets." sweerr out the fetid atmosphere that ; bleeding frons the furehead, and still the diviaiona do not always Lamed}ate= fans to heeomP uerfPst chronologists• , s dela •ed, unless the opposution to it on , ain. Then it I • You have an old photograph of the y p getA well. Our world iA has been kept in many of our church-• he pla •ed on.. Again he fell, this time � I 3 ly break off, lou chains frequently g ry t. then is a faithful and wine servant. Our Lard vcas thinking of Y es txpxed the part of Turkey and. other powers horribly disordered and out of joint. ! signs on your street. Why have chaise 1 ] up from Sunday to Sunday, to rise no more. Privates Angus and signs nearly all changed within the n those days of which I am speak -I Maclaren ran to his rescue. He died form, each link being a distinct mile- the millionaires of antiquity, whose re- i - 1 , , makes it. expedient to lei: it remain in � It must come under an omnipotent sur- � last 'l0 years i Does the passirig away , rng the services of the church of God ,n their arms, crying "Scotland for I robe. The lat.Lve %wealth far surpas4s<l the wildest s dreams of. modern monopolists. These abeyance for a time. But the fact that gery, beneath which there will be pain , of a generation a.ceount for it? Oh, , will be more spirited, The ministers of ever,; as bis countrymen poured into Pestiferous urgunism oongre- men owned not only- huge estates and I the construction of the road is in con- ! and anguish, before there can come per- : no. Does the fact that there are hun- I dreds of honest open who go down ev- I Christ, instead of being anxious about I the enemy's fortificatiuns•j, On the whether they are going to lose their following day the bodies of Piper Slew- gates in nolonies of enormous numbers in the ui,per the hall• follicle much gold and other treasures ; they tI templat,hon will rau$e Russia to great- Cec;t health enc). quiet. i proc:ltiim, • cry year account for it? Oh, no. This � I place in their notes, will got on fire • art, three British officers, and eigh- part of below the a idermis, and P just where owned the bodies and $outs oL men; acrd, unable to administer their own er aciivuty in Persia ami Central Asia. ! therefore, in the name of my Lord 1$ the secret: The Lord God has been through the l with the t home and !sour the living' teen men were buried in front, of the Zariba, 'Lhe the sweat glands join the follicle, At great Psttutea, they often chose trust - , :Jesus Cbrist-,•evolution!" %walking commerciaal 7'he religion of the Bible will wake 1 streets of our great cities, and he has incident, truth of God upon an aroused audi- -where they fell. Highland } tory, crying Oa to the righteous, "It' pipers and the Soudanese band played this point there is somewhat of an ..-- ed slave$ to l,o'their oftsaurds.�HAs-` were called -by the I .ares% -c1' � An that recently occurred i been adjusting things according to the a revolution in the family. :Chose shalt be well with you," and to the a lament. It was an indescribably largement, and in this little cavit it y tors," and from this passage and others in the Persian Gulf ani drew the at- I principle of eternal rectitude, things that ore wrong In Lhe family L'he time will come when, through I I wicked: "Woe I It, shall lie ill with weird and impressive eeremonty. There you.,, In those clays the, singing will' is no doubt that the pipers int the Sou- find., n convenient habitat. Each col- like it has come into common uaa a the. g "dispeneatian." lentfson of other powers and of Turk- I circle will be overthrown by it, while I the revolutionary power of this gos- be very different from what it is now. danese battle were tremendously de- ony is wrapped up into a kind of co- word .1Vhom his Lord. Hili fi,uler over his house - e to thr, silvan a Of I n land in that Y g vel, a falsehood, instead o[ bein °all- justice and harmony will take the' g The mfasic will weep and wail and sirous of gaining a reputation like soon by fatty matter from Lhe sebac- master. hold. Over his other slaves andtheir little -heard -of region. {nay be mention- I ed exaggeration, equivocation or place. The husband will lie the bend , e%asion, will, be branded a lie, and chant and trium ,hr People { hen will that of the Gordon Pipers at Dargai, I ( The Y succeeded. eous gland ; the cocoons vary in size, Ispasan, industries. To give meat Ln due 'ifo ec1 Ln cAnnnction with {his railway pro- jert. In 1800 the Kafar peninRuda, in', of the household only when he is fit 'stealings that novw sometimes go un- to be. 1, know all der the head of percentages and com- not be atrairl to open theft mouths when they siug. The man with a. PIPER FINDLATER, I "\\find- and err easy to obtain by squeezing the skin lit the mouth of a lana. THe g give tmRm. as floldiers in ryi. a active service are given Uheir rations. a man who spends , the seuthern Isar& oIf the Persian Gwlf, the money be n,akps in drink, as well miss}ons and bonuses will be put Into declared by by" the British Resid- the {son offe cracked voice %%ill risk it. on whp is now in the Netley HOsipital in bam' and "Ortonville" and "Old Hund-, England, tiold haw he piped at Dargai. l c°il of fatty ,.natter which is ejected " I Daily or moniltLly an idlowauce was giv- en to every wor'rer on &the Brent Rotm- was ani i ae all Lhe monery his .wife maks», and catalolgll beftstat 1p and fined recd,," Grandfather will find the, place,, r1'he wounding of Findlater took place when a blac•khead" is forced out of an estatea„ and so familiar w•as this .. ent apt BuAiiire, in Persia, to be a ?lr.,.- I sometimes sill» the 'children's .q. upside down and rned of God's for'bis granlebUd en the by�mnbook,' three parts across the belt which the the skin by pressure is simply an en--Icustom tbat Pbe image here used by, iib protectorate. :As ii fnrma part of 3. for rum. Do ou tell me that he is truth until business dishonesties shall ported by other power.% protested to Ips the Head of that household? If come LO an en<l, and all doulple dealing, or the hitt le. child wf1'I he spectacles G,urdons were rushing 14,jt.h fixed bay- for the ¢randfath,n-. Hosanna -will meet; onets. ".I had got on a little bit," he ormuus cocoon holdin g -within it my - , riads of this basteriumr our Lurd. atad so of ste ar by Hos. apostles &she imngP of stewardshap, has ha4anna and "together go climbing LO! recalled, "when i felt a touch,on one the Turkish Empire, the Sultan, sup- i the wife have more nobility, more tour- nnrl God will overturn and overturn , the throne, surd 1 he angels Weill• Hear, � my left toes, That the The microbe of baldness has been iso- luted I Passed int° Cds.urch history, and has tven name to one oP t,hs .eco niz. 3' woes glance aguinnt itbis'act and. fn 1897 the deelftra- age, more ccrnsislency', mare of all that and overturn, and com.merciaL men in R and God will li»ten, and the gates oP of a bullet, but no harm had been done. is right, she shall hive the suPrsrnacy. all cii,ies -will thrgw up their hands, I and able medium, -when it.ual pears sofa o!- Pi offices of the Church. •ion mms repudiated.. 'It is in this part'I You say that the Bible says that the crying out, "These that have turned I heaVPn will hetet, and it will he as, A second bullet. bit my chanter, but orless form, changing hater into one I I 40. B1essP<I is that. servant whom his. k ' when two seas moot—the wave of ea.r-' fbrtunatel did not do .sufficient dam- oP t�sfa thsrt iha chrotnic'antagomism ie- wife is to be the attthat of the bus- the tvorl.d ulsSicie dovwn are cams hith- i Y is husband thly song mingling with the surg- age to prevent it I[rom being used. of brick red hue. But how is it that I this mirrnhe, nut. Dein' the rout I ford -when ha Cometh shsll find so doin \P,ben t he sudden caLl of the g• a I blind. I know ft, but that a er.'" twneen:.Russia and England is most like- lag anthems of the free.. Suddenly my right leg gave way un- • not a masculine caricature. There is 'Lhe Jesus Christ: Ill at , of the hair, but at some distance above , Saviour breaks t.h,rough the heavens at „�, , - _ religion of m pro- ly to comic to a hPnd; and every step no human or divine law that makes a ' duce a revolution in our churches. :1'he R Oh, my God, let me live to see that ; der me., and I slid down into a heap, takken• Roy the hatter to bar Russia from to a man unwor- dayll Let there he no power in dis-, There w•as no pain, there had been no ' , it in the follicle, causes the hair to i fall Out? Its method of attack is as I the second advent; equally when one ls3' one death calls un uA to close our . woman subordinate sou c Omf God , do-nothing policy of rhe erre»s to rt,he sea -villi h.Uirry un, the in- :thy of her. \Then Christianity comes c,ksurch of God w•il} n•e w•a tO aspirit � ease or avcide:nt or wave of the sea tO ahex:k, simply my leg w'aR llaelP.$H." THe disatppoint my Let, all blood ran from his,isnkle and dyers, his ty ! Pollovvsr: i The, development. the I earth! lives; when with or without Y immediate thought of his death or of evitahle conflict. into domestic circle, it will give the , of bravest conquest. Pi in this I expevfatt.ions, than' kilt red the kilt vvhir.h iR now in his and growth of ' i he second advent the ploddin Chris- � • dbminunc l0 !hut one who is the most gilt fail my e. eR ri,ther ; y day seems lb me to be salted down just , other sf y worthy of it. ! so as to keep. It seems as if the church that I should miss t hat vision. Let all kntipsaek, and still has its splotches of mio•robe I CAUSI S CE'R:TAIN CHANUES I t.ian is fail hrimy administering the Lurd has him, be is COACHLNG HIM. As religion comes in at the front' were chiefly anxtons to take care of t other. sounds fail m,v ears rather than scarlet. He saw that. stream, but his ', in its environment breaking up, itasks his given blessed. door, mirth and laughter will not go itself, and if we bear of -want and I that;Tshould fail to head (hal. sound. Id single thought w"as The tune, the tune; it the charge be -the � for instance, of cul,»t.ances nruund, ar seine emphaiivally 47' \ erily 1 soy unto you. Empba'sis f a:.•.-•- _ Maud.. I'm almost afraul to go and see your father. : out of the baek door. It will nuU hop- ,squalor and heathenism outside We i v%'ant to stand on tate mountain top t,o. means a.nd must pier the children's feet. John will tough say, "What a I" and our' catch the first. ray of the dawn and kept up if we're to take the 'hill." Hese . foam it obtains nPCPs food ! on emphasis, -)fe shall make him ruler ' You needn',t be, Hurry. \\••hen 'be pity we put I ,pfust as loud and George. will junip hand» in our pookels, and w•e feet I wfth f1yimc feA bring the news. And,. -was a, state of human itffairs worth in- and ener y -and the r •cle of results' I thus bion hl, about !VPH the produa- over ill his ga,<Is. .{any blessed asks you if you can support me in Lheihigher style to w•,hicch I have been accustomed„ than he ever did before. It will around for a d -cent piece, n.nd with oh, when we hear the clattering hoofs quiring into, wind 1 ;asked Findlater;lion i steal from the little one neither ball , flourish ,.e it upon the t.hat bring on the King'A chariot may %-'hat train of thought» he had on• fall- of a�uhstunce poisonous to the 'Phis dupe.tAfrm this versesNoifa hfulness great put plate ; tell sbim yoga can support me a great, nor bat nor hoop nor kite. It will es-' ainrl tree amazed that thn -World is not vwe all he ready, with arches sprung; s ng dawn. Ht eonfessPd that. he could I n help me, ould not even reason out root of n hair. toxin ,iisses down to the root, and act:i as a glow poison, does& nobs ase witch earthly llife,cThere , deal better hhun he could ever have tablish a family altar. Angels will i converted in six weeks. Sup ose there and -with band, on the rope of the hell P why hP should have conlinwed to in Kkpne iC i't ,hadn't, been for mamma's hover over it. Ladders of light. were a there 300 I that is to sound the victory and with f Y not killing all stt. once, but inducing is something in heaven for each of us I , great war, and were {money• will reach down to it. The glory of ; (NIU soldiers, but all Of !hose 3U(I,000 I wreaths all tvvLgted for the vva.y, nail —simply he did. " Well•" he Put, it. !heaven —quietly, and this %%cis all—" well, [ certain rh-iracteristir, s m ito(ns; the I hair herurnes li titer in �olor until its J fo do. '!'his world is the time of man's 1 raining, and Lhe fncultfet anc>< ener- 1 will sdaearn upon it. 7ihe books soldiers, excepting ten men, sero in ,when .7P»uR diRpnOunts lest it Ipeiamid --- I wag there to play. That was my duty pi *ruenl Has s actically disc) +aced, k 1 Ip • gips of life herr developed will have a I i A JOLLY JOKER. I °'f remembrance will) record i"t, ane] ' their tents or scouring their muskets - the buzzes! huzza of a world redeemed. and I suppose anybudy'\wotiid have done tides of evesrlasting } lessedness will lir cooking rations. You would sn•y, I Wbere and when will that revolu-, I its diametkir gradually lessens, it be- .fomes brittle find (tried up and event- ,wider' range and holier, higher duties in the other realm. i 1 the same.. My pipes slid rather oCimy {,heafnsnirpnab epdoctor• �dkPr„ declared pqupc from it. Not. surlh a family altar I "Of course defeat must, come in that ! tion begin ? Here and now, Tn your yhauldPr a» f Pell, but f mnnnp;Pei', {o shave Where the I wally dIP» and falls out. 48. Rai and ff. I1ero fs a rshiO of an- R as you may seen pray- case." ft. is worse than that in the I heart and mine, Sin must gn down, e t lay. the la a and the» \P',hat Aiae be been doing now? ar ie long and a long cila&pter iA rear!. church, Millions of the professed R our pride must go down, our world- The raol., Lhougi weakened by the poison, seii IR up another hair to re- tient usu,ige in Our language. My, lord delayeth hi4 coming, The evil ser - i . v d I re JuaVt utetr shdnt on hhet street earl ask- w^it'b tpdicsnrg Pxplanntion, and Uhe oxer- , soldiers of Jesus Christ are cooking � liness must go down, that Christ ma•y t,i yldgtill y ett n lout theP un lethen ed h m h w he was, 'file handed me, a K g ' place lbe fallen ane, tout the new' out: Want whn sairi this dill not dare Lo r,. 4wo-dollar-bill, Auid khat ie Haver felt alae !keeps On vnt•il Ulre, children'fl bases rations or SAAieP•p in their tents, while come u•p. RPvolutiun! Except a mane 1 fainted." This meant loss of blood are sore. anri their books ache. and their only one man here and there goes out be born again, he cannot Ace the king-; the n ve !growth begins life feebler and poor"r I than its predeceA»or• su it, too, only phrase his doubt, that some day Lhe ],ord would came. Ev'eo when the ad- 1 sO well in His life, asked mall and subsequently wound effused o wel and is patience is post., and for Ube sevenUh to do battle for the Lord. � dom of God." Wh not now• let the,; p gone before I realized Y him ar,ut.e Suffering• The hu11P{ had liras flee- "we counted a.11 tie �]lrtar w•it.li greater speed, becomes it victim, vena :Deme tnost delayed the Judge is rave Bu.l.," says »ams one, are situ& revolution }e sn? Not next. Sabbath'„ what Ore was at"- in fibs rApair., ]nr!t. 1 moan n famil nllar B gone through the a ma nt. n nes i ertrd Y lisbing a great many missions, and i ! bt%t naw. Nat lo -morrow, whin you go, glum., &.faking the main hones in its And sn Ihp ,rocPns ops on; Pach sac- p g CP»»IVP growth NtilrtR more wPnkly il» al the door. Hr'e .Inmos 5. 9. Uur Lord predicts tie t%wo great sins of the 1 ' . Isucfn, as may ;have been seen in your Ibink they will save (be masses." No; I hf(e hnndre<l thousand! mat+ha ,nut into Commercial eircles, hut. now•,! progress'• fight against the insinuating poison anal Church in later acre+—abuse of author- li(ing—and t.raeeaboth FINAL OFFER SA,'TISt•ACTORY. Dred farmo&ffPfn}the ofssfn a a .they will not. I P Oh them w•ill.not do it, They are doing I mare quickly' Hi1C('umhs, until is point is reached where the root win i{y and corrupt to the root. of atihelief. Horseflesh Hank -Air ye fiber party ,darkness. but you (have never forgot- a. magnificent work, but every mission 1,hat advertised in Cher Dawson City ;ten that family altar wfhere father and chlapel La a confession of the disease and BRICK HOUSES MOST DURABLE. AT THE NORTH POLE. no longer make n fresh effort., for it has also fallen completely under Ihp 40. 'fo smile his fellow servants in- divales all those many classes of relat- Gazoot for a store clerk? i mo't'her knelt• importuning God for ,your weakness of the churell. It is making a It is a mistaike to suppose that stone r.• -- . noxious influence and iA killed. This ed sins which lead men to fatten Protprietor-Ya-as. I'll give a, good , so.n]. Tlhat is a memory tthat :t man ; dividing line between the elasseq. It houses are the most, durable. A well- \\'hut Would aappen If one Should Get course of events, occurring as it. does, on the weaknp-s of their fellows; the clerk fifteen hiandred dollars a week— , never ge,t's °ver. here will be a is saying to the rich and t.o the well d °onstruoted brisk House will outlast ThrrP. simultaneously in hunrlredA of ad,ja- + I pulous polhi f in I:elung to this Class• To {•hal is, without board. , hearty. •joyful family altar in overt' conditioned. "ff you can pay your• pew one built Penile. party domestic ar•rcle. Yow will not, Rh,gve I.n' g Just as klbx macgnet alw'ay's turns to rent hair follicles, naturally result in I rO.CO inus pofftirinn, belong to this Hass. To sm ll wages%va' thot ti board?em ofa,rio find Hannalb.rearin I ^`- +^- ,g g ,her Sam-, room." Itmis sayingeto henpoordinnn - � 1 tshe pule, n0 h,uruan P.ndBaVrrr fur con- ! provieallhat the microbe iA the. I the manyi�� ve% %Nhic-b havent.heirraroot Proprietor-Wa-ftl yes• I3ow•surnev-, t?a] fo.r tlhse temple or a grandmother ""Your coat is too bad and.+p"var shoes I C0'R1,LY WITTERFLY. tarries pant !bas been similarly directed. cause and nal merely the accompa'ni-' I in self-indulgence. Young people „ er I'll give. yer• 0wo dollars and a. half ' bots instructing Ther young Timol.by sn are not good enoulcb. 1[ you want to I One of t.ie Rut.hsr.hilds is reported I NVhe'ther at any fuiture time It will the ledge of iristaor a Maryund D Ol't Of baldness, :.f. 5ebourand iso- ,sometimes ,justify themselves in Lhe a week and board yer. How's that,?� kno get to heayep, �uu. will hove to go by ; to hcwP paid $1,000 far a Iputtertly. His I be vour"Aisufed fo matltals to restah the C H'orsPfert Fiank-Now yea talkie', 111,M vs g the ed in fro- tl� ,.ay bf tie mission chapel, The I 'mottles. latent it and cultivated it in asuitnble liquicL Afler 1be nii,robes had mal -I I beginning of such evil courses by say- ing 4hat no one ,offers Lnt themselves, take Uher jab. terns! and sisterly affection, or w it:!;': mission chapel has become the kitchen ; Pxt.ensive rolleet.ion of butterflies is pads ie n aA t.o wabidh•, far vari- tiplierl and de(•elopPd he filtered the I;ut. in tblA %%07-1.1 we are. so closely re. -- a1 wlhlc'Ih Jesus sil,s. as :tt til&t of %ac- where the church (loos its sloppy work. ! valuod at $500,001). pus reasons considerable doubt. {nay be liquid through porcelain, sin I I,eliev- lated thro{ no man van commit nay ain Rvtheua ar a Rome in w ieb Jesusdw•elIs, There are hundreds and thousands of 1 "--- A DI1� FERENT CASE. ; as in t`he ktoune of Sir the tanner. The ebureheg in this country -gorgeously A SENSE OF (PROPRiET,Y. enlerta lied. Rixt would suvlh an achi- ing' that, if his theories were true, the filtered liquid wotild rontain Ili, sub- without others suffering; indeed, few vnn commit „ blunder w•ithont. bring- % ` I What's -(be matter ofd man?' !religion -of Jesu'VOitrisit. coming into built. And supported -theft. even on evempnt bP desirable. \\'e aAflPl't Oh•, an old un•.le o£ mine is coming fh° dotriPs��p{rde, will overUhraw all bright, and sunshiny days are not ba.lf i I" Your husband n devout eburchman' , the Mnt�rary quite seriously, stance they produced poisonm4 Io the hair, he took a rabbit anri inoculated Ing avuto suff'Prinp to some other per- son. He w ho constant ly regarda him - up from the country to visit, me, He% jeal01w0j• all janglingA, and pewee and ' fu11 of vvorshi sero, and yet, they are ; 'Mrs. Noadletop? yr f Yes, be. never even tells a on urcltr if saps O gtlt i:0 {ii8 p,alP F10 it deeply under the skin with the fluid, self as the str•%%ard of Gad is sheltered , ,joke end %holiness will tako possession ;building mission chtitels, heran,re by . one of fire gree test. old guys en stales, I suppOSO 730'11 the of t!he M1iome. : same expressed or implied ragwlotiorr Su.nda,r unleRA if. iA nn ,t.he clergy. o mon ," common pa,rinnes, ba As hP hover!, the ra hbf t. sppprlfly hp- ; gen to lose its fun fin l in six weeks it from throe aril 1'PAllll g. 51. shall etil hitn asunder. " 'his form . IIY, P inn laughing stock of e�`'rO,ly t'hnt knows I Again:-Chsristianity will produce a i the great masses of the people are kept• ! a poly "alt s, ak sea," Aimply because nt t1hP pole w'as completely rlenudpd ; in fact, it. of punimlim-ni ' sails Dr. 1 luutpi re, � me. / revolultion in vommercial circles. A'ind !ctrl of the main audience t°com. I I APh:R MATCHPtS• thhere is no possibility of ascertaining i hard lievnme entirely hold. �' would APen, io have been chosen for lt. iAn,;l; Dur 1'n!le Henry, w'hn mis�me 50 merelhan'ts. and you find that; NOw [saps tHatany place of worship Ma�t.ches are now made of paper in one's wlhereabouts.' A person arriving its [iguralf%o fitness, In ilfl literal :, Uqt , e last yPaf" ie ft ? tlhey bave 50 standards of what is right 1 vwhirb Ls appropriate for one Class is ap- l 1 Tor all classes. Let 1.h, rich Vienna. 'Che- burn nearly three min- You io ope ftlliere would find an altogellher differ- NF,\V•SPAPERS PARIS. sense i{ belongs tri the inventive eruel- ty of Notlertrk;ngs. !fill this man had ;.. .'' , , Yo'u didnt' seem to be that {the anri wrong. say some about propriate, a merdhnnt. "In,be honest?" "Oh,yes," I and the poor meet together. (he Lord I utes, and the heads are made of non- ent woirdd before !him. Like a blind O!"' hPon a hyporri(e, double-7snindod, try- nfrnid 2to'd make, a laughing stock of you 1holh, pri man says, "fie is honest, but he I the Maker of thein all. Mind you that isonons material. _ is L I -�'�'•-•- man Are would ro a about. and vainly g P Tn round numhPrA there are 2,500 journals in Paris. One hundred find in to scrcP i%.0 ui:rvtPrs, rni hi$ hard, g with the sharps sword of judgment, ktnow; bull the old e.hum a grinds tihe faces of aids clerks! [% I city that mission chapels are n neees- - and los,& all his money. P' sane Honest, bat Ate exaggoratas the value sity, the way charchesr are now con- I Tarnie David, a• native Hindqo, lost endeavor Ito get back wthonee be came. 2bis h no means enviable situation is seventy cf tL•ese are political organs, ... smile» Ihrmigh the false apparent un. ""—" o£ this goods. Heis'honest, bmf he loans ducted, but iva.y God speed (he time ea»iP by enlgagfng in the sale of liquor I18 Y Qalcuhated 'tO dosGro fa.P illusions Y over 100 each oP faaiion papier%, un l ,t.y of hi4 IifP, nn I 1'eVPq.lfl ;t.R du'"No- il.y." ]lis wish Ihp hypoerilee, Y Ov 'I'H1: STR.RE'I' CAR. IUnderstandin money on bond and mar+tgagP, wut!h the tthat t1he wort agd'ean t g g when they shall corise 10 a necP.Aflii.y, in CP tan. HP f9 newt avonvert.toCh.riA- God will rise, u p and break down the : Y I wlh'trRh he may haws cherished illustrated journals, Rome )l0 merN- aril pepsin, over 200 financial papers, portion, )!PrP in lathe vamp Ihp wnrrla indivat• 1 is% A1.inx—Can't on $ nPeze me in ' y q t lie quiet. fees ten years. but its soon as gates of�the ehoreh Ihot have kept hack tianity, and is trying to Christianize he the (hristianq in ('hien. go• I when stadltirtg on his polar expedition, and shout 00 dealing with the turf ins degree% of punishment. \Peeping of tPPth. "The wePrinqq • n flPat near t�hP front ? chi: gge1tR Lhe mortgage his rerocdR it,nnd Rtree( Car Condnefor-it's mogf: too � l)cg,ing a foreclosoro suit, a.nd Uhe sober- lie rna$ses„ and woo to thofle who stand in the, way I They will be tramp. ! A mierobe-proof dwelling hats been { His completely changed silivation would and other hrnnrhn» of Aport, nail Rn,shing nn"1 Ih„ 0 fishing " a mnditIon of end - public here, but. if you'll give mPyour 1Pfs writ comes down, and bhe day of ed under foot by the vnsl. populations, erected in Yokohoma., ))by Dr. Van der t>e acaoagted for by tlhe fant I itttrlien --� IPss .psis!. address I'll come nronnd to-nig4l, and (sale arrives, rind away goes bhp home- making a stampede for heaven. HPyden. The-vindOwA are fmntaval►lO, (stationed at tphe pole t.be di(reetion of A Sl`GGESTION. -.�--•-.-. "` dn so. mend n.n•i Ilh,r nreditor buys it in at "'half price." TIOnest.? When he I saw in some paper an amount: o£ a ehitreh In fksgton, in whieb, it is said, set in air -tight: frames; the outflow of tttt nnlr'th would be found tO eoinelde in to Popper, said \Tillie, why (161 you buy - PR.IVILNGE, -_-- LINGf":1t7NG Swi�E rNggs. ionnr+d vhe money, he knew that. he �%Oui)d get {she hoinest.dad at. half price, there were a.great: many plain people. 'The next, week the trustees of that air is by moans of openings near the ItvikAt roof ; through which no air can enter, if.he tine of the zenith"t.hat say, tfsa% point a golf coat'? Ta play ,golf tn. my son, said Aft. Wil- A ;,111VIAL 'rho w idowerl 1'rineess of Nazal 1R the ,. , \That did she say w+lien ,rnr stole a }7 meat? Rul map goes to the inquironee „ffire to et, a olio on 'his life and church cams out in the paper and said itw"as'motsoatalI:"the wereele.ant Y g and all the air -which ct)meq into the house must first pass Ihrnugh at tube, 14 1+,y ABOVE US. XAC J its' Did you need it.? .lass worn:in 'n fl pi «ho Only uplcr t g31 kisq from her? Tolyl me d4 stop right. %where T %was, �g 1 P y ieI1R (,hs coal or Yhat Ire iR aPll when ho knows &had, for I.Pn hn has peopl0 a.nd highly mnditianed people !.here." I laughed out:- be filtered t.hrou h col ton bathe g g, and then Ips fltetilixed by passing throvgll 'Tlhe opposite point -viz„ the nadbrb- whtuld cpinoftle witfir tlhe dbreobl6ti 40 Of course 1 did. 7'shorl; T need a tarp Poat to piny taps fs nllowP,l io CPP nti'•n, an.t bas thin privilPgP tltroisah tip $I►�vial ordpl oL and T did !ill ]•he alrl gPnt.leman Rontnd- yParR fiat wont. {Than oil t.hn Odds l hnd hult one lung. Honest ? T,hough right, and when l laiukb, 1 laugh very gtymrtne. tide so'u,th. Tb6loingitud'i1161 dkoles,jad a tn. T seen 'em advertised. the,.tnitnn. i .•..,.-..,-...•." N...-.... ,,., -... n4. ` .. n, ., - � . iY .. _.._... :m (ia y 3 •.u.. ",. ,,m,..u„a.r .....,n.-1— .•..,.-..,-...•." N...-.... ,,., -... n4. ` .. n, ., - � . iY .. _.._... :m