The Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-05, Page 7.. .. . � ,. , , _, _ .� ry r . b. __—�--�--, I _ --_ _--._.._.�..______..--..._._a-...-._.-�.,,,�... �-,_---._.___ .._w _.._____ -______--w-_ -..._ � � 2V�--,tp��,,�y being worn more evenly, and it will not THE INVINCIBLE ARMADA. PHRA4E0LOQY OF THR SEA. a oink in the middle, which $polls the i ••e•.y ­&" G�rlad � ! Lacks of any bed, however 'beautiful its 60100 Historical 41olutly &bunt a Storm Sarna or the dtpst Familiar Tllles and Create -'a- (Medici hTheRome-* cover. The sheetii should always be Wrecked vicet. Their Origin, sl! arV 'l, �li�!fie . witatopy large, and, in making a bed, an A correspondent I^o0alls the history In the earlyda .-�,%% excellent plan is to place one blanket of the "Invincible Ar�Rad which ye, of English naval A�1 t. lfMrwit Lengthw'!so across it. In.khis way there as' organization, veaseis of war had doWlrlo ■. Medicine • HINTS FOR CLEANING CARPETS. is a double advantage -less weight on sailed from Lisbon, Spain, against Eng- crews, a Military OM for fighting Inur- Spring 1�ied�Citne A, good fouRzdettlon is htlf of the sue- the shoulders and plenty of chance of land in 1688. ,I000s 4111 another of mariners for nav- cefs In life emd ,41:re1 now:hyere is it a firm tucking up. A restless child That fleet was composed of 129 large Igat{ Y Might be revented from taking a cold dvltties. do cansoqueace. s That hood's $arsapurllla is Canada' } needed more th'a±n in our floors upon if blankets were placed across the bed. vessels, carrying 1OX06 soldiers, 8,460 lu'1700 nAlmber of Engl{sh sea terms have Greatest Medicine is proved by it aailora and about 2,0 0 slaves as rowers. y g great cpres--perfect. permanent, mal which carpets rest for mouth,, and r_--,.-_..-- •-- w-tnLtitaa origin. , Years Without the thorough cleaningIt vvaa a most formidable fleet one of At thattiume the aauk of admirea velour said well nigh miraculous-atl they so often need. Colamence with �. THE HUMAN COST OF WAR. the most farrnidahle � fleets of the was unknown, and the chief officer of er all other medicines have failed. file floor by preparing for the carpet time. the squatiaon was called a constable or, That Hood's Sarsaparilla is the bee before Cie latter is down. AWlfful l.o.s of Life Since the Birth or A storm in Spanish waters destroy chrlo. - juistice. The term aduldral as nrnv used spring medicine is proved by its sof The Buffalo Knoitli is the worst en- ed several vessels o2 the "lnvincibie py derived from the Arabic "amir" ,m, sta°tly manifested power to pur{fy, of emy ,known for this paxt of our house- i Do Share pstour who uannia urge war, these Armada" and the neat put into port for "emhr." a uoMmr. 'aa in 'Amir -al- rich and vitalize the blood. hold belongings, but ke(Ia him aw'a b papers that clamor for hostilities, ever repairs. When everything was in That You tread to take wood's Bat I Y Y Bahr' commander act the tyea. 9'he saljaarilla now and that it ,v[1! doa . scrubbing 0W bare floor with .warm stop to think of tho cost of human life readine,ss again the fleet started and early Onglish forin was "amiral" and wonderful good is, (proved by the 9M water and Itu'rpeatine, half a pint of involved in a warfare between nations. entered the English Channel, sailing les still preserved as such by the F reach pure condition of your blood in sprinp the latter in each pail of water, Anoth, The civil war cast 303,000 lives. Of along !n the form of a half moon, near- The tittle c itai•n, is not a naval, but %nd tate experience of the great mar er this number 08,089 were slain in battle. Iy seven miles broad. They were met of the Canadian people who buy Hood good cleansing mixture that is war- by the English fleet, consisting of 30 a militrury one. Originally„ the real Sarsaparilla and take it for all form ranted to frighten all kinds of insects Ito vast army which succumbed to ships, which had been Increased by the captain of a ship was a "mastot." A of iml;ure blood and find that it ab swag is Dna and one-half pintA of soft disease Was no less than 184,331, while addition of mt mbantmen and privy military officer was, rlao,d' on boar solut0y and permanently cures dis the remaining 20,000 or so died of tears to a,boawt 180 vessels, under y 1 (It ease and gives good health, r3D4Up, ltkte same of time, and two pints Lord Howard, of Effingham, Drake and though he knew northing Of ma(ntixal of sand with, plenty of warm, water, wounds received. others. matters. Gradually his importance in- s Do not ppr[nkle tea leaves over a At the battle of Waterloo 51,000 men They fought. And it soon appeared creased, while that of the master dim- Hoods Sarsaparilla carpet, but ones a month use cornmeal. were killed or disabled. There were that tile, great Armada Was anything [nislied proportionately till at the pre- �e Can•da'a Greatest Medicine. ;l; six [ors5 �vlrioh revives the colors and effectual- 145,000 soldiers in that great struggle (rut "invinc•iblc," for Drake sent eight rellaredonly byC-I. Hood atCo„Lowell. Mma blazing fireships into the midst of the sent day the master's (Afice is gradual - I g 1 and it !$ estimated tWi-t one man was P flood's Pills aoteaslly, promptdyan, ly lays Ith+a (hist. Zai swee,in dip the Spanish fleet. In terrible cansterna- ly becoming (iiasaiete. Commodore broom in ,rater, shake it well and then either killed or disabled for every 400 tion the Spaniards tried to bet out to comes frown the Spanish "oomeadador.” efiuctivo y. 25 conte, sweep, but the broom must be clean or shots fined, counting both the artillery sea, and so became dispersed. The The title of lieutenant is borrowed . and rifle shots. lsnglish punned, a storm came on and I. THE RE,A,SON, a muddy appearance is fife result. r drove the Spanish vessels among the dLrectlty if�rom :Glue 1'renoh and is meant In the Crimean war 95,615 lives were Have I done anything to offend you If the carlast loaf faded, sprinkle it racks and shoals. The "invincible" aw a placte holder'., or one who took the darlimlgP he asked, brokenly. 'To -day yo, with damp bran and brush with a stiff sacrificed, and at Borodino, when the fleet, frith, a loss of 30 great ships and French and Itrassiuna fought, 76,000 10A0D oleo, defeated and disgraced Bail- place, of the captain when absent. In I Ilae�Oci me Without bowing, and not broom, 'then ,vet' a biece of'-fllenuet-in g Men were left dead on the battle field. ed home again. farmer days there were no oadets, best You; sit athe.re ,with' such nn air of ha❑ strong salt water laid go over tketime, car- volunteers, but with the ,gradual ad-' txiu.r and pride tlra;t at doing !t smeidt piece at a time, as Thera were 260,000 troops in combat in _� George, interrupted the girl with al that engagement, vutwe of politeness„ the term cadet was unimnding air, but,• in her voice a cad it must mot be caret througtu. Dry with Of the 05,61") men who perished In ,nr hp apprepriatud from the FronDh,. Once sweeter tilaq music in the night a second alobh.• Ammonia and ,worm the Crimea 80,000 were Turks and Rus- Su�erlag Vanquished* BOATSWAIN T Qiave a stiff tteok. 'water is applied in tne-aftth,�-wa if slams. • y i& derived from the �9ason� "evvein," a -+---•+ the calors are fain, At Canes, however, where the Ito- servant. The Yeruri quartermaster., as SAALtI RESULT. Very dirt Man&suffened the worst defeat in their y slaota in carpet should history, it is said that 5`2,000 of their A NOVA SCOTIAN FARMER TELLS +rsed in both the army and navy, ap- The small town where you live i be washed ,Out with; a scrubbing brush soldiers were slain. The Roman army HOW HE REGAINED HEALTH, pears to be confusing and an(rmalous. very healthy; Isn't It.? and warm water, strong with ox gall; to this battle consisted of 146,000 then — No, it 6n't so healthy; but it is s In the arm it is tthe title of a oomt- --the pinked brawn and sinew of the y hard to make a dollar there that no i n fact, the latter is nearly pure. Had Suarered Isom Acute Bheuurauana P body can afford' to be sick. e¢apire. aioa ad officer whp performs Import- Grease spots will disappear under eq- In the Franco-Prussian war 77,000 and General Debility—Sestreely Able to ant and res,Iiansuble duties. Ia the ual parts Of magnesia and Fuller's Frenchmen were killed. The Germans Do the ulghtest work, navy lie is simply a warrant officer, CDtlada,s tGokltlrl Heritage earth, .mixed to a Isasto with boiling fired 30,000,000 rifle shots to attain this from the Acadien. Wolfville, N.S. directitng subordinate duties. In old water. This is Brut on warm and left result. During the same war the Ger- One of .the most prosperous and in- ships and in olden times ,his position flues riot consist in mines alone. Put man& fined 363,000 artillery charges. telligent farmers of the village of was a mole importadt one; so much tram's Painless Corn Extractor is a for twenty -Lego hours, and when it is Since the birth of Christ 4,000,000,000 Greenwick, N.S., in Mr. P:dward Man- so that ,he was considered to be the. }loon, Iq goes right to the root of til( brushed off the grease shot is a thing men have been slain in battle. Before n[ng. Anyone intimate with Mr. Man- fourth pant of tibe feaster -hence the trou'hle and acts quickly and gainies,s Of the past. Rta"V starchy and water is the beginning of the Christian era the nin knows hiin as a man of strong m. terquartermaster. ly. Beware of substitutes.I losses cannot be estimated, owing to integrity and veracity, so that every The ship's oo,* was once a gtreat another remedy for greasy spots and the very indistinot and inaccurate ac- oonfide.nee can be placed in the infor- man, rind there are instances on record uit,, 'rARiGET TOO SMALL, a various stains, repeating the coat of counts that have been handed down, oration which he gave a reporter of of his being promcvted for efficient pro- bins, Ja s- paiste several 'times if necessary. In none of the battles mentioned the Acadien, for ,aration of food. The s i g Y• publication the other 1 jy'p'$ steward ! g If I of as intoxicated If oil is spilled on o, carpet, at once was dynamite used. In the wars of day. During a very 'pleasant inter- was Originally the caterer. � us you do I'd go off sornowhmm and rapply boiling water or heavy brown the future this terrible agent of de- view ho ;The tem,xis larlxxtrd and starboard Shoot myself. structiion mist be reckoned on, Men gave the following statements wrapping paper, and press it with a of his severe si'ffering and recovery:- crone from the ltalhan "entasia lwrcia' J'aggs-'N-coo you, hic., wouldn't, ta' very warm Iron. Fresh; ink may be re- wdh�l have stunted the m,owta,Luty static- clear, If urn wash. Inv, hafsh us 'tox'- � Y "Two years ago last September," said And' "quells k»rda;' whicltt by rapid de- Y moved .by using, the blotting paper at ties of the past shudder at the thought Mr. 'Mann) "I was taken with an live'l'y became starboard and larboard; cated as I am you couldn't, hic, bit tinco. Take up as much of the fink as of what may be in stare in the wars acute attack of rheumatism. I had but' owing to the strong similarity of s11 at barn- '' ,osaible ,vitll aspoon,sags an' exceitent that are to came. Only 'recently has not been feeling well for some time sOun'd they were obamaged into star . - I kausew•ife, and then pour cold sweet the use of dynamite in land warfare previous to that date, having been boa -rd and port" Lata porta to carry, milk on the P been considered safe for the arm us- Vaporize nuickeure for Mot orad dip it u with Y troubled with sleeplessness amrl goner- the use of the terms in the original p Q . the spoon until the milk is barely ting- hng it. Tho modern dynamite gun, al debility. My constitution seemed form having been tihre cause of many Cold in the Bead. ed with, ink. Then wash in cold water however, has seemingly solved the pro- completely accidents. i ', and wifle as d blem, and the men Who t Y . run down. Beginning dry as possible. go to war in the sinal! of m back the Gang ivray has been handed down from 1 .v- In plata of sRreeping an inrslid'r3 tiareafter will f an agent of de- pain soon passes! into my hip, where the days of hie ancient galley of the l :1!EPhi: Ji1±1t[O (QUA NUiti. room, 'try rubbing of slightly damp struction beside men the charges of it remained without intermission, Phoenicians, Cartahaginians and Rom-' � Mtisq Houton b, she IalL,t be to cloth over .the carpe4 to gather up' the Napoleon's o[d ' guard were child's and I became a terrible sufferer. All ane It having been a board which ran g`' -O 11 - dug) and brt hien [t. If play• sacieC 1 She ave a g you wish to winter long Iwas scarcely able to do along the whole tength serving as a . Y t3 great many .in an old carpet, out a piece) to fit any work and it was only with the parssa.ge for thue rowers to aryl froth terta{nrri,anta la�lt aeaa(lm. over the hol% matching the figure. -�-------¢ aoutest of Bufferin that T managed to t}u it seats. It was also rased as a rest- i Mrs. �utong - Utiii- ar, yes; but do haste it down with: flour , paste and hobble to the barn each day to do my tag place for the uast and sail when you happen to know as any dt them iron well with a hot flatiron. When THE DEADLY MAXIM GUN. chores. i a were fuactions9 appealed to medical men nal 'A °� white,va+sh has injured your carpet try r. -.a for help but they failed to bring any THE COCKPIT l.F6 few drops of carbonate of ammonia secant Improvements In T1an1 Terrible relief. At lost T decided to try Dr. 1�Rroao in ,warm wal)ar, on the spats. Engine of War. Williams' Pink Pills and with their L4 tibe Lowest punt Of the vessel below i� �s}� p It is said; -that fleas caa be kept out Many. important improvements have use came a complete and lasting cure. water, w%. d during an ea:4a+an for the Hartford & Vim Tiros Of carpets by sprinkling oil of ,worm- been made in the celebrated Maxim I had not used quits three boxes when treatrnen•t of the wounded is derived' HeadOdloe - - e Adelaide St. w, Tomato, wood around- the edges, The carpet I began to feet decidedly better. I from the old days of tike English sport moth haunts the edges and housowiv- rifle calibre (gum-, one of the mosb Mur- Continued using them until twelve of cock fighting; bu+t this has been mod- es often lay a clOthv wxten oub of hot g SPONGING AROUND. derou8 implements of modern warfare. arniz(xh„. and is now known a$ the g boxes had been consumed, when my Srnmlrle-The theory water on the carpet edges and iron un- 'Hlulge rifle can -non drive their massive complete recovery warranted me is "flats” -why, no (u1e can explain. y that women it dry, thus kill) the Moth and its discontinuing their use, I have never g have no sense of bu:m.or is wrong. °'g grajectiile® through plates of steel and g ,ubbex is from the Dutch, meaning eggs. This will ,answer for an ingrain £eft better limn since that time. M a lazy, cxiwaadly fellow, I tiVesley IDow do you explain it9 ca thick fortress wells, but the business y Anchor cornea from the Latim "an- , ;Bramble, - Wh+enever Aunt Susan carpet, but floe thicker varieties must 1>etlth seems to have improved in cam es Co matkle us cue of her la visite be loosened and the edges turned book, of thus rapid fire ,machine gun [s to every way. During the past summer chora" or "aurora„" wdhioh up to 600 ng s.$ the steaming and ironing will have mow down Men in the ranks. I worked very haI rd but have felt no ',.C. consisted simply of a large stone my wile fairly compols tars to live on to be done on the inner side. The action of the Maxilii gun is, en- bad effects. The gratitude I feel to with a .bole through U. - sponge cake. If at carpet has to be washed, after Dr. Williams' - Pink Pills, none but T'bs peculLiri•ty of so maty portions � beating it well on both sides and re- t{rely automatic when Once it Is start- those IA -110 have suffered as I have and of a s'hip's rigging beaarr'ing names de- $oW"rt This? If all grease and extra dirty Oct. The cartrLdges are placed in a belt been oured, can appreciate, rived from the trappings Of a horse can shots as previously described, apply and are fed into the un wi A'n analysis shows that Dr. 1S'il- only tae accounted for from the fact we offer Ono Cs hundred Dollars Reward for 'With a clean brush', a mixture of half g til almost liamis' Pink Pills contain in n con- y Warshipswere manned Hall'rCaeitxrrhCure4 that cannon be oared by �" incredible rapidity by mechanism actor• that the earl Pound of soap boiled in a gallon of densed form all the elements necessary by soldiers as well as sailors, the -tat- F. J. CH>GNNY &CO., Prol s, Toledo, 0. ,rater until dissolved, and then add to orad by the recoil of the succesahve' dfs- to ural ernsequemces f ilm that bile', lila We the undersigned, hare known Jr. J. it two oluuces of salts of tartar, Use Ii>arge&. T`ho give new life and richness to the g y Cheney for the last t5 )Vara, and beUore him tilts hot, cover) O gu ner las but to press blood and restore shattered nerve,. soldiers adapted some of their terms perfcatlyhonorable inallbutinegetransaotioni 1. ng not over, a yard at a button and the ,weapon itself does They are an unfailing specific for such to meet their farncy. Among bhei var- and hnanoWirabletocarryOut any oblirations a time, and dry with a coarse toivel diseases as loco•mator ntaxtia, >arttal, ions ra{aes; etc., wall be found bridles; ma..e by their Orm. before using More of the li aid, A blle rest, though by releasing the bbut- I WssT dt TRUAxL.� TOhoieaate Druggist-. Toledo, q paralysis, St, �'lta5' diluf`e, $clatlra, whips, bits, stlrimps, and the like. fr, ,r&Trtu ,.Whol d 1vI ruggiRVtN. Wholesale carpet mliy tae wastued on the floor if tan at the proper moment the action neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous head- The old and well known sea term Druggists• Toiedo.Ohio, act—persons ,cork at it and care is can t,e limited to a single discharge. ache, the after effects of to grippe, pal- ,grog was originated as a 'term of de- Halt's Catarrh Oaro is taken internally, taken to prevent its being wet to$ This terrible engine is cia ableo£ bel- phtation of the heart, nervous rision and di ing directly upon the brood and mucous ear - Ir: g p Pros disgust ,vli(n Admiral Ver-, faces of th• system. Price 150per LOW*! sold ',• laA l chhng.forth from six to seven hundred tration, all diseaases depending upon non in 1745 int"uced'the W{ae innova- byatlDrnggNN. Testimonialefree. r(sat deal of w g Slat i & tar a m d "el- r vi Family tat tun. a£ making , Halls ml PtUe r • bow reale" is tleoessar t o(1 hn2nora in' rho Blood, such a., n dig his Ore v drink 'thoita a r are ft g y in all clean- rounds .per Minute, sweeping the field scrofula, chronic eryaipelay, etc, They spirit.ration d{duted withwaterinstead 'ng, b'ut this results amply repay one before it with. an annihilating blast of are also a specific for troubles peculiar of meant., as they Chad hitherto done. The �-•a+ when the work fA, thoroughly done. bullets before which nothing human to females, such as suppressions, ir- sailors did not like 'the watery business BOTH E.IC,PP,NS,TVE. I" ,Ail direct{ohs for Cleansing and re - et, regularities and all forms of weak_ an'd' in revenge nialtnarnod the admiral' povating carpets inlay also be a lied co, &land• [illi& tw.rrel is ordinarily Satrte of file stronger PP nese,. They trtuld qIi the h1a,d and re- ."Old Gra)g" and iiia dil,htited mixture as g minded womc+n to Hugs, but do not shake the latter encased in a water jacket to prevent tore the glow- of health to }'alcv and g'ro8, from 'floe favi Glsat ho gc;nlorally a-' disposed to argue that a feather as this hoosems the ,edge Ha .o-tL, a,i -uiccess[ve heating, though this jacket is sallow cheeks. In men they effeal wore taco overcoat of a color th(,n known . on the hat is no more cruel to the birds l; &u'a Liao -w^..,. ),j&i with a rattan, etc., In some caves omitted for greater case radical cure in all cases arising from as, •grogram gray. ' than a whole quail on toast, and in. then lay them on a flat surface and menta[ worry, overwork, or excesses Ai,t that bath am (resigned to tickle „; sweep both sides with a clean broom °f traWsportatian. of whatever viatnue. Sold by all deal- BOARDING HOUSN REPARTEE. the fancy of weak Man. dipped in water and ammonia. 'Phe The only appreciable pause in this era or tient postpaid at 50c. a box or highest proof kerosene is sometimes tempest of death is when one belt Of six 'loxes for $2.50 by addressing t),e Pelting any exercise this spring, Use Ya Orl4 Of uickCUre . used for ,this purpose, but we thinld Jimpsy 9 asked one boarder of another. p cartridges is exhausted and another rD, Williams Medicine Co., Brock- g y jaw for Throat Troubles. ' salt and waters or ammonia and vat- vino, Ont, Y(ap, iauttin file muscles, of m aw er far better, Must to inserted. Even to accomplish into sh:'Ipe, as he ostentatiously took Straw mattinga take t'he place of car- this It is only necessary to turn a a bite of beefsteaak. pots a'nd s7ronuld be included in this ar- crank, push in the ead of the new }-telt o You look to moa like a man that 1 GRKAT 6AVLNG. title esipeeiall • as the increastn use from rho right and pull it through to might drift into J ABOUT SPANISH WOMEN g prizes fighting, said Von Blumsr-Did ,your wife batvlo • if large rpgs is also bringing more the left a, for oar it will go, and -re- fila landlady coolly. e,4 lease tJbe crank. Then another turn, I am not going to hoist the (fanner complete trousseau when you were anattiag into play for summer use, lay- married 1 ing a rug over them for colder weath- pull and release, and the gun is again of the intellectual superiority of the —� er, A matting should be wnshe(I with ready for its dreadful work. `ib Mea- TO CURB A COLD IN ONE_ DAY. D{mplet(iu-1 should say so, LVhy, I salt and water+ and wilted dr ;it once ourataly protect t'he uunner during this womaan.. oT praelaim even thA equality fake Laxative Rrum,)Qtiinine Tahlet,A. All Drug- didn't have to buy her any clothes for y giat<reLund the money if it feita to Cure. 1w. hree ",looks afterward. 11. with a coarse flannel cloth, If the mat- aperation a shiol d of steel plate is °f the sexes im tha't respect, says Len- k ting is a dirty white, wash it ail over somethmes Pl. hdod. ora de Bolmomt. in the Revista Contern- AN(YI':.HE,R DIBAPPOIN'r14LP:N7.'. With. a weak solution of soda, which AJOUNTED ON TRICYCLES. I oranea, We are bound to acknowledge Those Horrid Pimples will turn it a oremny shade. Never One of the most interesting, of the that. there have at all Chines been worn- Binh Bachelor -What, a wonderfully Will disc ,ear after takinga few scrub a raat;thng, new features ins the mounting of en- en who were superior aerior to most rnen. but preserved woman ,you aro. Miss boder doses of Celery Icing. The tial of a ' After each, weekly sweeping dip your gines of this desoription upon a tri- I y' 25 oent liackago will convince you of iimoxa in warm wxgllsads, shake it well cycle. Of course such a device is avail- we must also clanfess that very few Miss Elderly -Flow dear of you. Par- the truth of this statoment. No family and }n'ng It up Ito dry, This cleaning able only where the roads are fairly have reached the position attained by don the blushes, but I was-- can afford to be without Celery ICS and tine fact that It 6 kept hanging goad. ThVo Rich Bachwlor--I was-er-spectJAt- Y n'g, guns are used, together the most eminent Wren in science, lit: g you might have a as, by keeping the system in perfect when not in use, will make it 1"t twice weighing fifty four i:ounds. The wei ht in as to wluotluor g condition, it saves many a doctor bill. S erat.ure or art-wrid even those few younger sister. One month's Ireatmenl, for 96 cents. tis long as it would ,with carolers Of the tripod [s seventeen aryci[ M hcif treatment. pounds and of the necessary spare parts have txnly followed in the wake of man. Sold by till druggists or Woodward When carpets are to be laid away eight pounds more. 'I he tricycle itself But assuming thn.t feminino, intellig- WISDOM. BKYOND HIS YEARS. Merl. CO., Toronto, Can. for the summer they )should be beat, weighs 121 pounds. e•nce is really less vi,goronis than man's His mother found him in the jam N �„ C D i"i en, cleansed, paper wet with• turpen: To thL% must be added eighty -moven, and reprimanded hire. A little later . tine laid in the folds, and after the and one half it, is nevertheless, worthy of being tak- ._ _- .. . _ ... _...._ _ -..._ ' ,pounds for a I,housnncl alto enught hi.m teasing his baby sister carpet is rolled up, cover it with t ar- rounds of ammunition carried in loxes, on into consideration. for women .halve and reprimanded him again. Rlld 8hOOt MetRl Works. red paper or Bow it up in burlaps making a total of. 288 pciunds-no trill- �R Q Q F l N G re heavy ticking. i load.total Nevertheless,f288two vigorous Proved that. they can fill a high posi- T don't sea whrtt's got into you,• Wit- ROOFING SLATE in Blank, lfa, Alio Said, You're usually the O 'Rod orOre,n, 13LATE BLACKBOARDS (1Ve suppply ! rider$ CAL❑ drive hila apparatus vig ata tion, not only in art and literature, but good ,public anQ High 9ohools,Torontol. RootingF.e al'Itah, little boy, blit. to-duy you're up to all Coal Tar, etc, TtOOFT,iG TME (Hee New City Build- FEF,DING CATS, Very good pace over favorable ground, 0100 1° science and philosophy. Ings, Toronto, dnneDyourarml. Metal Cellin , Cor• g kinds of mischief. t tL'he'n a steep hili rev enconntored the Regarded nq i.ncapnble of perform- I'm tired of being good, he return- �msl'r lie hinDeiteoan�o �eoiiao o(Riry.'iii �e1030 A good tunny people who make a pet men dismount and push the machine up imtg work Tectu.iring intelligence and in- Dd with juvenile frankne,m.#t.DUTHIti&sONs,Adetatde(6WtdmorSts•,Toronto. of the "harmless necessarycat," do not hie slope, using it as a hand; carringe. S Tired of being (rood I she exclaimed. ----- In — an o depamdPnC action, the punish wcanan 6tna,v bo,v to feed 3t. Proverbially a �° country this mode of. 1S'hat do you mean by that 9 mounting a Maxim may prove of con- is broug-ht(. up with the ilea that friv- Wetl, brother Bob i, na(ighty most of oat has nine lives, but It is often notice- siderable value. olit,y is one of tier most powerful at- the time, and you're always giving him 1 able that a pet kitten has an extremely Another form of the, gun has l,oen el- (ractions and that ign(arance and abyo- things, to pe,t him to he good, and I i frail hold upon existence. No human ahoraled, designed to h© t.ranspor ted by lrvte dependence are bm quaiities nec- got �`i I'I.l be naughty far aw(it.le and I 'Eli I child is beset with more ills than fah) a mule on a'speciaally construct.etl pack sae if I don"t get Aomething too. �i _ saddle, 7`'his i» likely to be particular- essary for Chose who aspire to be molt- Sometimes a youngstor scorns to $1Q ,Will filly ng'nh Hastings t lgs Min. � to the lot of kittenhood. Iy serviceable in a mountainous clic- el wives and good mothers. Yet, if it have wisdom boyond his years• 9(10 Pharos. f Cn, Limited. Capital Too much cream anti too muchmeat trict, Ry the Omisaiou ofs the water tae a woman's mission to share the lif© 1 $809,000. Shares 26 jackel; the weapon May be made so `- - Ctg., fu'lypald rip. Non-asFesgable. Nopereonai kill many kitto . 1R`ait anti{ the oat I$ 1, l oma of a mon and ninth .bif I 1. full grown before givingit much meat, light: that: it can be carried bby a car- CQld Was Found liability, "hls( 0. own;1300 acres Mineral lands and hen Ivo met and fialh occasion- Oryman in a hkrlster, or even by( p, toot happy„ if she be the clue called upon to IntilewollknownGoldbearingdletriobofHast- g give to the children that primary edu- In ilio discovery of so ,wonderful a Ings. Itbas noliabilities and noprom othobstock ally and offer vegetable food freely. soldier in a knalxstu.k. In the latter catiOm uiaOm which c!e sends thu future remedy as Nerriline- nerve- im Dore has been given away. Thotreasarystookwith Some oat OwIlem think that it is a freak ra" the weight is reduced to fifty-sev- of the risingI y � dividend e p (Ionpons Development ie now oTorod a1 ° of cat a tits which craves cold an and one-half. pounds all told. socie society in means No remedy In tiro market affords argil, above prloel for li ,.opine x peon dig. Rx. Flo po- the future of society in general -thee prompt folie" for toothache, neuralgia, tonel'►e gold bearhipt ,o ng exist on difi'oronb 'tato, or an oar of boiled coni, but ---�- - ."10 is It nryt a mis'4arke Co make it diff[oudt acid rbedmo,tism. Its notion in cram s, partscf the 1proverty, netaythR$14 to $44 per P ton. It is usual to oapitalizo a 50 acre claim for "Willie," in one of Miss Wilkins' THEIR WIVES' ACCOMPLISHMENTS for ,hreT to fulfil the imiprtant duty colic, etc., is simply marvellous. one mihion dollars, hore are 16 such elaims Stories, whose mistress laid up a store confided to her? Vet this is the mis- captta[ited'foir $300.000. The directors oonff. . of winter Between n you and me, said T'wynn t° squash for ilio special iso, Triplett, I don't like piano music at take we are now cwtimitt.ing by lhmit- dontly ex�ieot thatlriveetors calll reap a band• pad but the ordinary oat's taste for im her scope. W(lanan is navy as to COITLDN'T VIND TUE POCKET, sotino pro t,eWing to the small oapitAllfation • all, but I am quite willing for my wife H p ► and tb610 6 and VA111010 naturb of the lira vegetable food in some form, to play ixlcause, her mouth is kept Mon. ancient times a mere Object a reorea- Baffled! muttered the great detect pony. '1h O'unddrsjgnodo18olal �rokorafortho ed while she is playing. tion for man, becaul3e they halve noth- tive. Ca, 1v111 tAke dorip'of other m In ng oompanio4 tYVI Sal,-MADl; BEDS. You aro batter off than i am, re- ing else in common. In earohanlza (nit prleds agreed upon, J, fl, He threw his wife's dress t° the floor TIiOMFSQN At CO„ 8A Adelalde 8t. Erik `, plied Triplett. My wife sings and In Spain the movement, awakes little and strode gloomily from the room, Taronto.0at. Tt'ow thitigs are wore satiafaetory playa at the s(tme time. interest. Omr women, who are equal than a sweet, freak, well -made }red. To to rnen in indolence if in noth Ong else, beginwith, every artfolo Ahould be rola- t7Nlti iA150NA1 I.1r, thitilk very little about the present and future tat o4 thosex, spite DO • T en off and laid aaeparatoly Over a chair, Jo11bs, what's the trouble between Of the )sat that,t there aroe far moxa 11 and a strrYgg cufrgnt Of air should be Sart; and Mrs. Jobils8 tw,oliletl tbiaD MITI„ ae(57c no ath,er sn[ur• ������ �`�, allowed to t,frbulafo through the room 0, slue makes me tired, Tito idea of tic" Of the prablenr of life than marri- Then the mattrOM should he turned, 2a.uy woman txyin' to hold; a Ivan to age. The noble wbxle off thehr aisters and from ala C to o►t , as this igsaros it what he said when ho was omirt#n' her, in o6har lands foci• the orxmmon canna In giving LUi tLLA aeyldtl Toa atrial. Us . She oaa,ht to have more sense. Bever provokes a Wnra of sympathy, flokagil peculiar 14vor i9 sure to atilt your tiote. Load pack*p6a. odt 40/ 6a and 00% t' _ - 1. 1. r \ �� xe44. ` . . . 11 ' .. 41. I. W. T A,S IT USUALLY" HAPPENS. I FREE l a sample packet of delicious Was there much wonay in his Invon- 1:40A P 13tGuclut Poli, I should rather thinkMONSOOK pllelle/ , ep, W315 00 Promoter alone madel ov- IN410.OHYW/Y TEA, i+1R20i1'w ARIL of it. I bLyven't any will be vont too au addrusa. Drop a post oard. idliow nivuhthe inve ' ntor got. THE bf�1AS'h014 TEA CO., a It is probable, said the maq who Knew 7 Wellington St. W Toronto. something about such matters, that he s got lu the neighborhood of $14,P0, • a Still, there ,sere many well-informed } ,I.".AM90. 8N,OLD.,"s04 og•�oo People who hold that he overestioAted , "_RolVTp, Qat. tile, inventor's share, _ , ._ at. ���QA.� — —r EY4, EAR, Ni6E OPEC ST WIND M1LL8—Steel, liatvantsad, Roller '- _ -._ - - b and Ball Bearings, Iron Pumps. I ~ Sprayyers and Grain rmnitf rd, could, ` R�H�� ohlilt'sy N MYIr ba. Limited; etantfard, Oanada. SHIP YO U R P ~ yoUg10 LADIES make 800 u:ontmbty working eve, Butter, Bgjl:e, Apples, Fruit, tic,. to - i Inge for .-Is. e, pl(•ym°nt, Meads. oasant, TH9 DAWSON OOMM1111110H 00., Uri,, It prnd0blo. gond lie, for dapleoEt , c. udepen• Owl of West tflarkot and0elb•rrre tits., T.ROHT dor,b Led, a Co.. NJoKiauon Bldg. Toronto, i �NERAL3 1 C�TED for Cio1J, 9to. ���® Harris Write for price,. I 16 STOI,i L. Hint, S'.. h B. tr 90., Your- Buys L !8 gt. 19a°rarnonk g'.. lr ontreal, Quo. M MUSICAgents wanted to introduce our $�I1 ■ sCr� jT1tJaJA Cc aloQuo and tarn+s. W4 will mail pprepald "Dar'll be a Nigger 25-31 William 81„1 Toronto. Phone {T 9 , " Mto W." with mus 0, for 6 cents, stamps. PAPULAR MUSIO DEPOT, 20 Alexis .t. Montreal. CIANADA PERMANENT LQ 11 oan out your Im Fence .-i Fence, Fence--wea000unt to half. We olaim SavlNos caMPANi( we have the be,vt and most practical fence on Subscribed Capital ......,,.,ffiy,000, I earth. Four mil+sof lG inose at the ICxoorl• Paid-up Capital,,,,,,,,,,,,,, �,eoo, 1 mental Parm, Guelph, Ont. gond for prioesAssets Address Toronto Picket Wire Fenno CO..* ra.4do, l U1 River St. Toronto, Ont. HEAn, Or, >rire-TORONTO ST., TO Branch Ofllce-WINNIPEO, MAN„ A �/►A� AND ESTATES bough6. void & VANCOUVER, B.C. /'R M exchangged. Terms malted .�' I. res ll, M, H1riIPgON, Real Eatatu and The ample resources of this Compan [nancial Agent, Montreal, Quo. its Directors to make advances on (tea without delay, at low rates of interest, LAW Il arra MIII• .. Ftlov the most favorable terms or ropaym r ; i Harrlatere,eW., femoval granted on Improved Forme and on Pro to Wosle7 Bid P., Rich• loan and City Properties. hlortga mond 8t, W., Toronto, iuunicinal Debentures Purchased. Applications will be receiver at -the erBClhFifl} ` ' the �ompany. Dominion Line s�teaAshlpse J. HERBERT 11(CA9O:7,ron. 11 " Mohtreat and Quebeo to Livorpout io summer. Lato Managing Directer, Toto. - and fast twin wrew gteamehipa 'Labrador,' 'Van- • oouver,' 'Do minion,' 'Eootsman,' ' Yorkshire: Supovior accommodation for First Cabin, Sec - on d Cabin and Steerage vaeeengers. Rates of faesage-First Cabin, 52,60; tocond Cabin, 34 ; Ceerage $22.50 and upwards according to teemor and berth. For all information apply to Local Agonta or DAVID TORRANCE & (�O., Em . Goal Agents, 17 At. Sacrament St., Montreal. q4foaFAR, ave the comforts of the MIXED FARMING BEST, and hove the comforts o[ the city with water in house stable. Our galva,n'zed wind ud outfits will do It.tlSend oand r cattalogsuue. With favorable weather, wise maa- Our prioes are away down low•. Sat- laaction guaranteed, agemeutt and a good market, tie spoci� ._,1 Tito DalloyDonaldeonCo„Montreal. alty farmer sometimes Snakes a grand► Established 33.8tealnersa}Lftregatiug ®hmvrng. However, mixud husband - 185t. 135.000'I•ons, ry is safer, aind in the long, run wilt usually give best results. Where v4 ALLAN LINE variety of domestic animals are kept4 Royal Nail steamship CoPage fen” will be found not only e sJ luxury, bu' almost an 1100"sity. }urns Montreal to Liverpool. styles at from. 45 to 65 cents per r(u)t .-._:s. Send for Lll strated advertising matr Steamere sail from Montreal every Saturda r, morning on arrival of trains from Toronto aa� te the West about tl o'olaek. BATES OF PASSAGn • Cabin M2,5and and . Steerage Second Cabin THE PB�E W1RE f(N*�Qmy,834 and and ffi30.25: 9teorage to Liverpool, London Glasgow, Belfast. ' Londonderry or Queons�own W2,50 ond>123.6(o. A reduction of five per cent, la allowed on, U'1lllted, round trap first and aeoond cabin dokets; iron ­ ti4ijinga of atoamon;4Other iutormation apply 'V AL,K'ELRVVi LL -E, ONT, 64my huthorkod agent, - H. Sourlter, 1 Sing at. W. Toronto, or IH. & A. Allam. Montreal. Y.S.-•-Sea our"ad- 4n nett issue, E ONEY r!A KNITTING kIIBBING mo..,MAC H I N ES■ i!�i MNE OLD AND RELIABLE THIS is FOR You- t2•tafllshed. On Clothe your family from head to root with our 1. "' MONEY MAKER Prices only vs, $20 $x30. I i -01LY NEI CREELMAN BROS., Georgetown, Ont, �_.. CASfi FOR TYPL'WRITERo WR1TQ If9. —2I t!8l f What ? \ 41 , + Op4 . - I X49 E't- "AMBERINE"' .1 __ - ___,,-,,_, ­ . . . . . . . . . . . . - - _. __ ___._ Over 300 are ht arm A 19 ifawpiltog. Over 1000 in Torogto sock lLogdorf. Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of flair. Stops Falling Out. POSITIVELY GROWS HAIR. IiN- SWORN TESTIMONIALS SENT FRET i Mt - 61.00 per Bottle from Druggi,WtJ x. or on Fy receipt of prlee to r + �+ , oo Job Cook XF Co.,_Iondon, Ont. ,�N# of C�� ��0 ��g®�¢ cy SURE! �� C ear SEED'S 12Varictics25c For. ,.,____— This k a BONA 1+IDH offer meds to introduce our Vegetable and Flower Seeds to now custorners and which we guarantee to please you or tire amount paid refunded and the Seeds given as a present. At these' priose we can ONLY offer the varieties named below. Order by numyer. Huy what yon want. They are gent by mail poet paid. Solsoa from the (allowing list 1 VIRGETABLES. 16. Wnter dielon, Harly Canada . (Order by Number.) 17. Onion, large red WotherellotA id. Onion, Yellow Globe Dsuvera 1, Stoat, Eollpse, round 12. Parsnip, Hollow Crown 2. Beet, Egyipnn, flat round 20. Radish, Fronoh Breakfast 3. Oabbage, wiuoingata4l; 21. Radish, Rosy Gom 4, Cabbage, Fottler's Brunawiok 22. Squuh, Hubbard . 5. Carrot, half ton eQ,me arlot 93. Tomato, extra early Atlantio 6. Carrot, Gueraode Berlet 24. Tomato, Dwarf 0h►mploa T. Cuoumbor, Chibagqo Plokhaff FLOWERS. �� "" 8.Ououmber Lon (Ir,•sn 0, Uelery, Golden Long 25. Asters, mixed 10. Herbs, Hags 28. Mignonette, sweat It. Herbs, Savory 27. Pansy mixed 12. , laba, Marjoram 2s, ratanis rolled 13. Lettuce, Nonpareil (Cabbage, 20. Nssturtlunu tall mlxed 14 Lettpoe llemor Market (opred) yypp. Sweet Pass, Nne mixed 16. blush Altelon, extra early, Nutm Ht Wild Flower, (10d0a milted wIORDER�Y � FREE . 'Peovidiuf this Mallon Is OUT OUT and sent to va wlth 1 an order for 12 vp�oket werv111 Inalnde l paoketNew O lint 0h It ienBalrprgqlglosaU, rlos ARS OB Thi & TO 81TSHCRCBi,Ra We will NOT ACCEPT AN ORDER at thel 0 prlcps where " the psekoU are NOT selected from the above list. Address all orders to No. 6 Carrot. Half IaongUanvers.; VIVK RENNIE, TORONTO. Don't dend Post&" 9ta wit.