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The Blyth Standard, 1903-06-25, Page 3
There is only one tee to people of discriminating taste and that is B1Rib}$:1 , onCeyion It has no unplease.nt flavor to pall on one. Simply a rich aroma and a charming delicacy. Flack. Alieed. C, leo (Teen, Ask for Ped babel, rORTY CENTS --SHOULD II£ '1P TY 8 His Rutva1!an 5rie fl GEM IN THE ROUGH CHAPTER I, There was consternation la the do- mestic caimp of Mr. Justice llligh on the banks of the Thames. It was a 8auwiny morning in early summer. Three-tourthe of the family sat In ominous silence before the mockery of a well -spread breakfast -table ; Sir Janes mid Lady BUgh and their scc- ond son, Granville. The, eldest sm— tho missing complement of tills fam- ily of four—Wail abroad, For many months bank, and, in fact, down to this very minute, It had been pretty Confidently believed that the young mall ons somewhere ill the wilds of Australia; no ono had quite known Where, for the young maul, like most vagabond young men, was a terribly Meagre correspondent ; nor had it ever been clear why anyone with lei - Sure and money, and of no very ro- mantic turn, should have left the beaten track of globe-trotters, pene- trated to the wilderness, and stuyed thore—as Alfred Bligit had done. Nu however, all was plain. A letter from Brindisi, Just received, explain everything; Alfred's in'puents, long otieuuro, were at turf reveal and in a lurid Tight.—that, ns It war of the bombshell that had fallen an burst upon the Judge's breakfus table. Fur' Alfred was on his way- t England with an Australian wife, at this letter from Brindisi was the fir that his people had heard of it, o of her.. "Of course," said Lady Bligh, In he calm and thoughtful manner, " was bound to happen sooner or lnte It might have happened very ane stooner; and, Indeed, I often wiehe that It would ; for Alfred must b —what ? Thirty?" "Quite," sold Gruivlllo. "I am near- ly that myself." "Well, then," add Ludy Bligh, gently, lurking tenderly at the Judge (whose grave eyes rested lawn tho sunlit lawn outside), "from ono pohlt of view—a selfish ane—we ought to consider ourselves the meet fo•ltmato of parents. And this news should be a matter for rejoicing, as it would be, If—it were only Tess sud- den, and wild, sad—and--" —" voice trembled ; she could not go on. "And alarming," added Granville, briskly, pulling himself together and taking an egg. Then the Judge spoke, "I should like," he said, "to hear the letter read slowly trona beginning to end, Between us, we have not yet given It a fair ohance; we have got dually (though lits 1 VCntnrn to doubt), and not-- what you would hefcr—to weevil counties put to- gether. His literary manner was al- ways detestable, poor old clap ; and, of courser, Australia was hardly like- ly to improve It," The interpolation was riot ex- actly ill -matured; but It wadereceiv- ed to eilence ; and (iratnvllle'q tones, ae he resumed the reading, were oven more studiously unsympathetic than before. ' Of my bride I will eny very little; for you will see her Inn week a t most. As for myself, I oaii only tell you , dear mother, butt 1 tun tl very luekteet and happiest than o earth I' " ("A brave statement, Granville murmured in parenthesis "but they all nuke It") "'She 1 lio typically Y,est re i, 1111N1 lig Mdse been born and bred In the bush, an is Lha first to adroit it, being pct perly proud of (ler native laud ; bu w, If you knew the Australians 1(e Ido, this would not frighten you. Far ed from It, fir the typical Australian 00 is onto of tho very highest If not the cel, highest development of our species.'' e, (Granville read Hutt sett tprice with d impressive gravity, and with such t- deference to the text as to suggest O no kind of punctwttion, since the id writer had negieeted ,1J "Ilut ae et you, my deer "mother, are the very ✓ last person In the world to be pre- judiced by mere mannerisms, I won't ✓ deny that she has one or two— it though, mind you, 1 liko then! And, r, at least, you tiny look forward to h seeing the most beautiful w'enmul you d ever saw to your life—though I sap e It. "' Feeling (;are that you wl!I, it (((n t, be "summering" 1(t 'Pw'lek enham, 1 make egnnlly sure, that you will be able and willing to fine) room. for u:+; at the sante time, we will at once commence looking out for a iittly place of our own to the country, with regard to which we have plans which will keep till nvo see you. But while we are with, you, I thought I would bo able to show my dear girl the principal eights of the old country, which, of course, are mostly in or near town, and which site Is dying to see. "'Dear Mother, 1 know I ought to have eoneulted you, or et least told you beforehand. The whole thing was Impulsive, i admit. But if you and my father will forgive the for this—take my word for it, you will Soon find out that It is all you 1 11o to forgive! Of couree, I am writing to my fattier as much as to - you In this letter—as the will he the Drat to understand. With dearest love to you both (not forgetting Gran), in which Gtadye joins me Ktilougli 1110 doesn't know I am nay - tug so)` , Believe me as ever, "Your affectionate Son, A WOMAN'S ADVICE '1'44 Those \1'110 ,Marti; from Headaches Bac•lta cties mid Aliments Peculiar to the sea. Every woman neves plenty of purr, rich, reel blood tout sound horror) to entry her safety through Iter tines of pain and sickness. Ur. 11'1111;1 insPink I altsAire sl e.tetl way for women. �rimyiine- to�Ily ma ke n w health -giving blood. i err t give (.ase, strength and vigor. 'I'hcy stimulate ail the or- gans to perform their functions re- galnrly anal well. They banish all pains and depression, all head - riche( and backaches, and all the secret distress that 01117 n woman now -4. Dr Williams' Pink fills bring the spa tide to dull eyes and the rosy glow of health to cheeks once pale They bring health and strength when all else fella. Here Is a bit of strong proof from 311'e. John Afclierr, Chlekney, N. W. T., who sa:.ys . "Foe' some years I: was greatly nffltutell with the alilmnnts th; l cake ths lives of so many of my 1,ex miserable. I tried many m:sileinee, but found notldng to re- lieve no; until I began the ue0 of Dr. Williams' Pink l'ille. These pills leave made mo feel like a 11040 person; tate almost continuous suf- ferirrg f endured has p1444ad away, and life no longer eaemm the bur- den it 0nee did. I know other wo- men who have been similarly bene- fited, and I think the pills are worth their weight In gold to all who stiffer from female complaints or general prostration." All over the land are suffering women who win obtain new health and strength through the use of 110e1; 1)111s. Only the genuine nbouid be taken, and these hear the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Prado People" on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all ,teet- ers at ,(i cents a box or six boxes for $1'.,110, or sent by mall by writ- ing to the Dr. Wllliatue' Medline Co.. Brockville, Ont. 10 though 7 Gladys ! 1 moat tray It n 101(411(144 unpromleing. Mary, i;tlzn, Marin—ono would have rather liked 41 plain, homily, fnruu-ytird sort of s name for a tiquatter'e daughter. But d:rmyntrede, or Elaine, or Gladys! d These are names of ill -omen ; you ex - poet de Vero corning after them, or t, even worse." "What is a m)tter, Gran 7" asked Ludy thigh, abruptly. A squatter 7 I don't know," said Gran, paring the ham daintily as ho answered. . " I don't know, I'u1 erre ; something to do withbushranging, I should imagine—but I really can't tell you." But there was a set of common subjects of which Granville was pro- i foundly and Intentionally ignorant ; 1 and 1t happened that Greater Bri- tain was one of them. If he had known for certain whether Sydney (for instance) was a town or a sol- I ony or an island, he would havo kept the knowledge carefully to 111m -I eelf, and been thoroughly ashamed of it, And It was tho sumo with s other subJecte undcrStanded of s - the Board -scholars. Tide queer temper of mind Is not indeed worth analyzing; nevertltoleee, it 1s pe peculiar to a certain sort of clever o ,young fellows, and Granlvillo thigh a was a very fair s eclmen of the 1 oily th0 drift of 1t; the may hnvo overlooked something. Granville, per belie you will read the letter aloud to your mother and me." Granville, who had Just laid open his egg with great skill, experience( a moment's natural annoyance at the lnterruptlon. To stop to rend a long letter 110W was, Iie felt, treating a good appetite shabbily, to etly no- thing 1(t rho egg. But this was not a powerful feeling; he concealed it Iie had a tar etro(ger appetite than the mere rehah for food ; the intellectual oda Granville lad one of the nicest int ant otent the Junior Bar. His Intel- lectual appetite ons e0 hearty, and even voracioate, that It (amid be gratified at all times and pieces, and not only by the loat,v, and fishes of full-bodied wit, but by the crumbs and (isbbones of legal humor --,0011 us the reading aloud of indifferent Eng- lish and ridiculous sentiments In tone suitable to the most chaste and classic prase. Title he lull done in court with Infinite gusto, and he did It now. no he would have done It in court. " .My dear Mother,'" Iie began reading. through a single ey eglase that became him rather well, "'Bt. fore you open title letter you'll see that I'm on my way home! I un) sorry 1 haven't written you for so long, and very sorry I didn't before I sailed. I sltould think when 1 last wr.ato was from Blndarra. But I must come at once to my great news— which Heaven knows how I'm to tell you, and how you'll take it when I do. Well, I will, in two words —the fait Is, I'M married! My wife Is the daughter of " the boas of Elndarra"—In outer words, a "squatter" with a "run" (or terri- tory) as big as a good many Eng - Belt counties.' " . The crisp forensic tones were dropped for an explanatory aside. "He evidently means —father" (Granville nearly said "my lord," through force of habit), "that his father-in-law Ie the squatter ; not his Wife, which le what he says. He Writes in such g. slipshod Style. I should also think he means that the territory in question le equal In else to certain English counties, lndit•i- Bllgh remonstrated in her own quiet way—a way that had some effect oven upon Granville. "To eneor at your brother's in- ferior wItn 1y son, la not in quite Mee taste," n she said; ''qui I may, tell you, now, that 1 did not at all ware for your Cemmente upon his letter." Granville rt utl Ile le w u n 1uc b k In ,i and laughed pleasantly. "How seriously you take one tit morning! But it is small woud that you should, for the occasion a enfficlently serious one, In all co science; and indeed, deur utother, allj 0s 1011011 put out us you ar Nay,' Granville added, snilling Wan ly-, "don't say that you're not pt out, for I can see that yon aro. An we have reason to ba put out" -1 becanu) righteously. Indignant—"all pus. 1 wouldn't have thought it Alfred, 1 wouldn't indeed( No uta ter whom 110 wanted to marry, 1 ought at least to have written firs Instead of being In such a violet hurry to bring her over. It Is treat - in' on<� 6 y (cur mother, t er, t0 say the best of it, badly; and as for the Judge it' is plain that he Is quite upset by the unfortunate affair." "We have no right to assume that it Is unfortunate, Gran." "Well I hole It is not, that's all," said Gran, with great emphasis. "I (tope It is not, for poor Alfred's sake. Yet, as you know, mother, he's the very kind of old chap to get taken in untl imposed upon; and—I tell you frankly—I tremble for Idin• if he Is the victim of to designing woman, I am sorry for hhn, from wy soul 1 tun l 1f Eno hue married in haste— and ho has—to repent at leisure - 114 ho may—though this is trite and detestable language, 1 pity hint frau my soul, 1 do 1 You have already rebuked tie -1 con'1 nay unjustly—fur making what, I ad- mit, had the appearance of an odl- uus and egotistical cum1Ntrls00, I will guard aguihst coivoying a nee - 010.1 lmpresslou of that kind; yet 1 think 1 may safely say-, tvdh1ul bragging, trial 1 know rho world rather better than old Alfred does. Wen, I have, 1 will 1101 flay wy retire, but my dreads; 111111 I caning uelp having them. If they are re- alized, no one will sympathize (ili poor dear Alfred more deeply 011411 1 eaten.' Lady Bligit looked keenly at her eloquent son; a half -smile played about her lips; mho understood him, to soma 1xteet, "tut what if your !hare are nut realized?" isle; maid, quietly', "Why, then, said Gran, less flu- ently, "thee 1—ole, of course, 1eliall bo delighted beyond words; no one w111 1)o mere delighted than 1." "'rhea you shalt see,' add Lady BHigh, rising with a sword and hope- ul smile, "that is how it is going o turn out; 1 have a presentiment but it will 011 tura out for the best. So there is oily one thing to be lone—we must prepare to welcome ter to our hearts." Granville shrugged his shoulders, but Ile mother did 1101 see hint ; she had gotta quietly from the room 0101 was timely climbing (slowly, for she was tout) the stairs that led up to her 'tva snuggery. 011 the first floor. 'his little roam was less of a bou- oir than a study, and uoro like an Mee than either, for it w710 really rather bare little room. Its most ubstttntlal piece of furniture was a AN INTERESTINII SPOT Where the Treaty of Union Between linefeed lundticotl d ' k an Was signed. .\ vett Interesting piece of rest0ia- tiun thus recently' boon accomplished In 11 1 (hurgh. This Is the summer 1101 r u,cut ha ao 1 to the Moray House Ir b1 bac Cuuongate. Tradition says that it was In this small building Is that the Commissioners signed tlte er Treaty of Delon between Scotland is and England. 11110 nob, faithful to the 11- last In their resolution to end what I ((41,4 then regarded as a surrender of n4(1)00al independence, pursued them to this retired rendezvous. With the It removal of aristocracy from the city y after the 11111014 the town residences un uhai:ged their occupants, and gradu- of rally sank In the social scale. Aforay of 11011,40 has for years been the Normal t- Training College In connection with rho Free, now, the United Free 1(e Church. Wla.t was the garden of ItMoray house 1s now the playground of the school. The famous summer- hoase de situated at the southeast corner, and previous to being restor- ed was almost completely burled. The rubbish Ems now all been cleared out, and a space some feet In width clear- ed round tho building, and lined with rat facing brleke. A now, pan -tiled roof luta been put on. Steps lead from the playground to the house, "Thank "'Aldred.'" shortly. you," said tho judge, The soft eyes of Lady Bllgh wore Wel, w(th tears. "I tlltnk," sho Aaoi, gently, "it Is n. very tender letter. I know of no 11 li 110y11411, simple t letr—not write e that1 don't enjoy ,pour clever ones, Gran. But' then .1ltref never yet wrote to mo without writing himself (town the dear, true -hearted, affee.tlo(te tel - 1014 ho is; only here, of tont', i tomes out doubly. But does he not mention Iter maiden name?" "No, 110 doestl't," said Gran) ilk, " You remarked the Christian 0111044, BABY'S W1'1lj"AIRE Every mother Is anxious for the Ihenith dull welfare of her little ones, and Baby's Own Tablets le the best medicine to make baby well and keep It well. Thousands of mothers keep the tablets constantly 10 the hoose—they say they Would not ho without them. As proof of tills Mrs. Geo. 7iilgorp, Weliwood, Man., says : ir s mg used Baby's t ni-, I 0(111 truthfullytfuwn lly Tablets that deep aro tho best medicine I have ever used for little ones. I Think so highly of the Tablets that ( always keep them 1n the house." A medicine like Baby's Own Tab - tete, which so many mothers praise, Is the right one for your tittle ones. They are guaranteed to contain neither opiates nor other harmful drugs, nn*1 can be given to the ,youngest infant with perfect snfety. Gout for teething troubles, constipa- tion, diarrhoea, simple fevers, worms and all the minor attinent@ of chil- dren. sold by druggists, or may be had by mall at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • car young fellow. He was gettl on exbellently at the Bar, for ale, with,Wplenty Iofnlso Impuden ©sat epigram, if nothing elec. Bat th was not hie real Ilio. Still, ivh ho 4111 1(t all, ho did more or le cleverly. There was cleverness every line of his Smooth dark fac there was uncommon shrewdness hta clear gray eyes. His father ha ng largo uniovah 4:Moe table curl its so 1 0t10 picture 44)48 trained in the win- t - 01 IH ut 88 lu e; 1n dow sashes—a changeful picture, of sky and trees and lawn 1111 11(er, painted 11119 morning in the ,Rost intent tints of early Roamer. At 111 office -table, white' was littered vitli letters and pamplhb't44, Lady ligh spent diligent lours over, day, Ifo was a person of both( mental 1101 manual activity', with public, sync allies and interests that petalled n immense correspondence. She was, deed, one of the most elulrltttble and benevolent of women, and was to HOMO extent n public woman, But we hnvo nothing to eco •,01111 her public Info, 111131, on this Su t 1 ,y morning, no more leen ellsThere were no pictures on the walla, but there were photographs upon thio chimney -piece. Lady thighstood looking at them for an un- usnully long timo-111 fact, unlit the sound of (Ito old church bells, com- ing In through the open window, called her away. (To be Continued,) PI it t It a et same face and the same eyes— P1 with title difference added to the at differences naturally due to age; 111 there wore wisdom, and dignity, and humanity In tho taco and glance of the Judge; bent the nobility of ex- pression thus given was not Inherit_ cd by tlto Judge's, younger eon. The Judge spoke again, breaking 0 silence of some minutes: "An you say, Mildred, It seems to have been all very wild and sudden; but when we have said this, we 1111 ve probably said the worst there is to say. At least, lot us hope so. Of my own knowledge many men have gone to Australia, as Alfred went, and 0011)1 back with the best of when. 1 80010 to have heard, Gran- ville, that that Is what MerI 011 le (ltd su1 I have stet few more admirable women than Mrs. Meriv0le." "It certainly Ls the case, sir," 51,1,1 Granville, who had born (uttrn11i to 4401111' extent by Merivnle, Q.C. "But Mrs. Merivate watt scarcely. 'born and bred In the Bush ;' 1111(1 if she Iota what poor Alfred, perhaps euphemistically, calls 'n(annerlens'— I hnvo detected no traces of any myself—when ?derivate married her, at ler(st she had money." "Your sister-in-law may 11n ve 'money.' too," said :hr James, with 40mewhet scornful emphasis. "That i8 el no consequence at all. Your brother nos enough for both, end lore than enough for n. bachelor." There was no need to remind the young man of tlIlllt ; it had been a sore point, and even a raw one, with 14ranv111e since hie boyhood; for It was when the brothers were nt school together — the younger in the ,sixth Porin, tho elder in the Lower Fifth—and it was already plain which ono would benefit the most by "private means," that a relative of St. James had dled,loay- i4g all her money to Alfred. Granville colored alightly—very slightly—but observed: • • "I1 le a good thing he baa," • "What do you mean?" tho Judge asked, with some asperity. "That he needs it," saki Granville, elgnificn1(tly, 81r Ja111e8 let the matter drop, and presently, getting up, went out bto the en tanti on he op rIt was nench L awn, not ie habit to snub hie eon; 1101 left that to the other judges. In court. But Lady JONES NEVER PAID ANYTHING. 111r. {Vise—I think that maybe that man you found today was ' Jones. What did you find In his pockets? Coroner — Twenty-five dollars In cash and a reociptod bill for fifty Mr. Wise—Never mind, that wasn't Jones, WHY ATTAR OF ROSES IS NEAR The trouble in the Balkans 1e hay- ing one curious effect—It is sending up the price of the delicate perfume known as attar of roses. The scent Is now retailing at tw'0 guineas an ounce, and it is anticipated that In a month" time that quantity will not be purchasable in London under three guineas, The making of attar of roses 15 one of the staple industries of (1(e princi- pallly of Bulgaria. The principal gar- dens are. at Eyewi ik, and extend for forty miles in the valley of the Mar- itsa. These wonderful and priceless gardens have more than once been the scene of bloodshed. There the worst of the Turkish ,Itrocltlee were committed, which in 1870 led to the abrogation of tiro Anglo -Turkish alliance. Now the Bulgarian:( at Kes- anllk aro once more deserting their peaceful and poetical occupation of perfume making, in order to shoulder the rifle, tvith the result that attar of roses ie growing scarce In Bel- gravia. Under normal conditions the rose extract is almost as precious as li- quid gold. In the making of one ounce one and three-quarter hundredweight of roses aro used. Bulgaria exports two and a half tons of attar of, roses mutually, representing n 0onsump- tiom of 8,000 tons of the (louver, :1 pian rises in the esteem ofoth- ere when he falls into a fortune. Pains in the Back Hips and Spine Creat Suffering and Loss of Weight—Doctors Could Not Help Him A Splendid Tribute to DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS When you rend such lettere as the following from well-known and high- ly respected people in all parts of the country you need no longer won- der wlay the sale of Dr. Chase's Kid- ney Liver fills le ao far In advaoco of tiny similar renlal,v. When the people find out the virtue of this greatmeliei00 they tell their neigh- lwrs about It, and so the good news spreads. Mr. James Clark, Confirm'', Prince Edward Co., Ont., state; ''Eleven ycare ego I Wan taken with pains In my bark, settling In my hips and extending up my spine The pale was very severe, and at times al- most unendurable, and many days 1 was not able to do an hour's work. My' weight was reduced from 100 to 160 pounds, and though I 11nd consulted many first-class physic - lane and tried several advertised me- dleleee I could get no reUet. "At thin time 107 ratite/404w told me to try Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver fills, and Bald he knew /they would euro me. I secured a4 1)01,1 and (Teat vete my sut'prlee when 1 be- gan to feel better after tuning only the, one box. I continued their use until 1 had taken about tour boxes which m:ulo me a ootid man, and 1 also regained my-,118ua1 weight, 190 pounds i cannot any too aunts In fear o1 Dr. 0184440.8 Kidney -Liver Pills, which have done 80 11111011 for me. 1 have recommended them to a number of my frlende, and have taw - et •1110 with one case where they did Mot meet with good S11e0094. Ary rtalighter, Mrs. Charles I'hIHilra, has also been cured of a severe stomach trouble by the use of therm Mlle.'. lir. Chase's Kidney -Liver Title, one pill a dose, '2:3 cents 01. tar, 5 boxes for $1.00. At all dealers, or laf- nrian on, Dates & Co., 'Toronto. To protect you against Imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book Knuths or, aro 0o every box of hie ream - dies. , s