HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-05, Page 3U
I . I I .
may be, igraulting them to be trutht I
. I I Sea ruadh that 11000p�y may =::
. U04, mailitbing th,Ntbit is knorrial opt on
, .
pbiilp�wpby tio delay -vita., notiliting sup,-
. - __ - � - e�watilxab They are but ideas Convoy -
As those wunds slowly Ceased, I felt clear day, with the sumit piwing through odt so.nitollow otr othex, we 4itive ,not yet
the whole room vibrato sensibly I and 'the film window, I still (Ott. " I sLow, discovereA the meamu, firom cine mortal
*V the tar end there rose, as from the I on its Ityloor, the creep of the horror Lwain to another. Whother, in so do -
floor, sparks or globules like' bubbles , which I had first there experienced the ing, tables walk of thwir own amoiril,
. .
9f light, mamy-oolored-groolu, yellow. night before, and which had been so or fiend-lilge bbapOS %pp8a,r LU a UlAgIO
fire-re,d, azure. U�p and down, to and aggravated; by what had passed in my circle., or Wd7lws liammots rise and re-
tio, hither, thither, �la tiny Will -o'- own chamber. I could not. indeed, move material ol)jeotA, or a Th, of
the -Wisps, the sparks moved, Slow or bear W stay more than half a minute Daxkneiis, such as presented ailenij to
owitt, wh at its own caprice. A chair, witilint hose walls. I descended the m% freeze oirr blood--&Wl a.m I perau-
M in , the drawing room below, Was stairs. and again I heard the footfall aded that these axe but agenviee con-
gow advanced from the wall, without before me; and whon I opened the veyed, as by elootiribo wires, to my owu
apparent, agency, and placed at the op- aLreet door, I thoUght I could dibtin- Lxalair from the brain of anottiber. In
V001te side of the table. Suddenly, as guish a ,,,cry low laugh. I gained my owne Constitutions there is %, natuxal
forth froln, the chair, there grew a own home, expecting to find my run- o'hemistiry., and (those may produce
Sbaile-a woman's Shape. It was dis- away servant there. But he )led nol. uberaic womndeva� o,tihors a nattural
tinot as a shape of life-ghabtly as it present,ed him-tielf; nox did I hear mure fluW, Call it. eleetArkolty, and Chose Imoro.
"ape of death. The face was that of of hIm for.throo days, when I reijeived duce oloclAria wonders. Bub Choy dif-
ruth. with a Strange mournful lwuu- a letter from hint, dated from Liver- fer in this from NKhrM&I 80jellOe-tihey
y; the throat and Shoulders were bare, pool, to this effect:- Wre alike olbjeotloss, poluirposeless, puer-
the rest of the forin. in a Loose robo " Honoured Sir, -1 humbly entreat ilo,fri,volou:8. Tbayleadont.onoprand
of cloudy white. It bigan bleeking its your pardon. though I can wvarcely results; anti therefore Ube world does
tong yellow hair, wLgch fell over its hope that ),on will think I deserve it, not heed, and talue sages hwve not out -
shoulders; its
. eyes ware not turned unless -which Huaven forbid 1 -you saw tivated them. but 'sure I aux, that of
towards me. but to the door; it seemed what I did. I feet that it will be years all I Saw or hiewid, a man, human as
1,fibe * ,
__ AlnF_ watching, waiting. The shad- before I can recover myself; and as myself, was the remote arigiinator and
. 01-W of the shade in the background to being fit for 60,I'Vi0d, it is Otrt Of 1 believe UaCOGSCbQUSlY to �11111180lf as
grow darker; and again I thought 1 the questiiva- I am therefore going to to tha exact effects pr4oduced, for this
behold the eyes gleaming out front tile my brother-in-law at Melbourne. The reason; no two poirauns, you say, have
summit of the shadow ---eyes fixed upon shil), Sails to -morrow. Perhaps the tong ever told yola Umat bhey experienced
that shape, voyage may get me up. I do nothing exactly ll,'he same Uhimg. Welt, oll8eorva,
As if from the door, though it did now but start and tremble. and fancy no ,two paraons-eveir experience exactly
not open, there grew out another shape it is behind me. I humbly beg you, the. same dream. If this were an ord-
equally distinct. equally ghustly-a honourell. air, to order my clothes, and ilmtry impositiuma, the machinerywould
man's shape -Q, young man's. It ,was whatever wages a.vb due to me, to be be farranged for reaulW that would but
in the dress of the Jaet century, or Seat to my mother's at WalworLh- little vary; it it vobre a supernatural
u -
0 . at�
, Ya
W the dr-
rather in a likeness of such dress; for John knows her address." UgBnCY peTmitted by 0he Almighty, it
both the male shape and the female, The lotter ended with additional apo- would, surely be for some deflinite end.
though' defined, were evidently unsu))- logics, somewhat incoherent. and ex- These phenomena belong to neither
t . . .
stantial,' impa llrabl e--:aimulacra, [.)hall planatory details as w effilots that had class. my persuaskin ia, t1hat tJhey,u.rIgL-
� �
are .
as ,
tasms; and there was something incon- been under th� writer's charge. nate in same brain wow. hir distant;
Us i,
gruous. grotesque, yet fearful, in tho This flight may perhaps warrant Ii bbat ruhat brain haod no distinct volition
contrast between _the elaborate finery suspicion that the, man wished to go to in anything that ocou-taried; that what
cour y Ffe-cj,iiion of that old-fasb- Austra.lia, and had been somehow or does ocovrr reflects Lint its devious,mot-
lolded garb, with its ruffles and lace other fraudulently m4xed upwith the ley, ever-slikifting, ,half -formed
and buckl.", and t;he corpse -like as- evetta of the night. . I Say apthi ' ng in thouglitts; in shoirt, that it has been
,. -ion of J& atheii, but t1he direams of such a. brain put
r I
I�gt atd gh%Wike stillness of the flit- refatat that con' ture; r
weaker. Just as, the mate thaiiii s 4M
1 suggest it's, . , o tbAt would, se6m to - into action and invested witib a semi-
approac.lied the female, the (lark Shad- ;many pers6ft;'t1lil .J9b9t. probable so- subatkunce, 1hat, tthis brain is of im-
aw started from the wall, till three, for lution of improbable occurrences. My mense power, tillialt It can set matter
tir moment wrapped in darkness. %Vhea own theory remained u rashaken. I re- into movement, that it is malignant
the pale light returned, the two Lilian- turned in the evening to the house. and dest.ruictive, I believe; some materi-
tome were as it in if , must 'hare killed my dog; it
,* grasp of the, to bring away in a hack cub the things a] force
Shadow that towered between them; I had left there, wLth my poor- dog's might� for aitiebt I lonaw, have suffic,-
and there was a blood -stain on the body. in this task I was not disturb- ad to kill myself, livad f been as sub -
breast of the fonlade; and the phantom ed, nor did any incident worth note jugrl�t,od by terror ELs the dog, -had my
male was leaning on its phantom Sword, befall me, except that stLil, on uscoad- iiatellect or my spiTit. given me n1D
and blood seemed trickling fast from ing and descending the stairs, I heard countervailing resistance ia my will."
the ruffles. from the lace-, and the. the same footfall in advance. On leav- To lie Colaytimuled.
darkness of the intermediate Shadows ' ing the house I went to Mr. J—'s. He
swallowed them up -they were gone. was at home. I returned him the keys,
And. again the bubbles of light shot, told him thal my curiosity was suffi- SPAIN'S LAST NAVAL BATTLE.
and sailed, and Undulated, growing oliently gratified, and was about to re- —
thicker and thicker and more wildly late quickly what had pa.,saed, when he 11"Iven From tile Pacille Ocean in 9864
confused in their movements. Stopped me, and said, though with much A -ter 101saRtrou.4 Iliefent* by culle 4kn4l
The closet door to the right of the politeness. tha.t he bud no longer any
fireplace -now opened, and from the interest in It mystery which none.had rern. -
%perture there crime the form of awo- over Solved. The last Inavul baititle foulght by
man, aged. In her hand she hold let- I determined 0a least to tell him (A Spal'n in t1be now world showed con-
tora--the very letters over which I had the t'W10 letter% I had TOad, MS Well as cAusively thow hew manitime power has
iw�on the Hand close; and behind her, I of the'extiritowdimary manner in which
hoard a footstep. She turned round as they ilta,d disappeaxed. and I then in- decreased. ,%.life was defeated by Peru,
it to listen, and then she oponed the quired if be thought they had Wen with Chile's aid, aind since then, the
letters and seemed to read; and over addressed to the wonuva who had died 8pania,rd Ihaa kept away from the Pa -
her shoulder I saw a livid face, the face in the - houso, and if Vhoro ware any- c
as of a man long droNviaed-bloated, Wag% in her eaxly history which could ific Ow"t Of South America.
bleached -seaweed tangled in its drip- possibly oomfirra. t'he da.rk .suspicions t10 The stoory fit that wa-r and its dis-
ying' !ftir; arld at her feet lay. a form which, the let-te,rs ga-vo rise. Mr. J`- a.strous -results in l8pa.ia is tow in t&e
as of a corpse, and beside the .corpse , seemed startled, a nd, af tor musing it AjrmyWimdNfL.,vyJ[onT3iaa, lial.8648,pala
there cowered a zhild, a miserable few� moment-.-., answaTed, "I ant buit LLt-.' .
"' ' sent- a squadron of siov6p vessels,
L min W-1, womea's ear I- �' � ,
I %I1d`,c)Afd, with,ftmine id.1ilp pte#kSr� . I
, n'�I. , f,t (T.'4 ...... , ry, ax�3ejk�'�ai -I ' ' " To LiAd yout� 1. � -I' � �
. ear in its ' us 6okk `o(k iWilit .
i-ffil fi i i ' e.'Y'ehk A 10 lniobbftgl�,211 gunsi $to h the Pet.
I . � �
LIM the old woni"'s face, the wrinkles at her family_woro kmown to mine. wvioW 11oq.."tha Aktat-rea,tatealit of Span-
anil .Iine,svuai*i��o-,atitt-i't,l�ec&in6,g.tttce DULt YOU re'VjV8"Jm.6tmo vague rommisc- o 3,�IL- su ' " ,! ' .' The Peimylams had no-
1 ' 'Ill to ber pirejudice. I will make bjt�ats
of 'youtb-hard4yed, at*ny, 'but sti I ences thing on -the vmjtcv.r with which 0 ofp-
youth; and the Shadow darted forth, I inqui,ries and inform you of their re- I
and darkened over these phantoms as I suit. Still. even if we could admit, the I 1)'DLw- this force, butt. Chile came to her
it had darkened over the last. popular superstition that a po,ny-011 WbPiaid, wi,L,h ft,luree viossots---,itho Earrionaldm,
Nothine now was left but the Shad- had been eittter the perpetrator or the 1
ow, and on thht ray eyes were. intent- victim of dark Crimes in life coarld re- ,catrryi-ng forty-tA,vo salooth
ly fixed, till again eyes grew out of i visit, as a restless Spirit, Lhe Scene in i Victoria, a small (.1ne,g)ula monitor �tnd
the. Shadow -malignant, serpent eyes. which tho,w crimes ha.d been Commit-: the Lon� a diminutive Mearrim it -
And the bubble,s of light again rose � ted, I sholl-ld obRorve that the house � ad, with i-rom and moruaii-ting twaoc'siLLy-
and fell, and in their disordered, irre- � was i-rifes-ted by 91-tage sights and,eigilit paurridetrs. Th)E! Esmera.lda met
gular, turbulent maze, mi ' ngled with I sounds befol-ru t1b old woman died -you -
the wan moonlight. And now from �limile-what would you say?" 1;the Spanish gunboat CavandaWo, three
those globules themselves. as from the I "I Mnould my thiti, that I am cio,mvinc- gutua, and captured her in L,iveaty mia-
shel I of tin egg, monstrous things I )urst ! a& it we could get W the bUttOln Of , utea wititiout tho Lose of a Latin. The
out; the air grow filled with them; I these myste.rieIi, we should fiald a liv- : �Spainialrdz fired oaV 11:11iree sh'aLs. They
larvae so bloodless and so hideous that, ing human age,n,t4y." I .
1, can in no way diesorih,e them except I "IN'tha,t. I you )otieve it is all ,tit im-,Ihu.fl t,�vo men kil,led ,and fourteen
to remind the reader or the swarming posture ? for whak Object T" 1.wvunded. Tihe loiss. Of the Ca,vandago
life which the Solar microscope brings I "Not an 4m,pustiare in tille ordinary I
I followed by the capiture of &u armored
before hie, eyes in a drop of water- i sense of t1he word. If suddenly I wore ,
things transparent, SuPple. agile, ChaS,: 10 b -ink into a deep steep, frfmi m1hicili - laxtric-b., So chagrimOd, -the Spanish ad -
I !miral Vareja, IdiajL, he blew oat his
lag, ea.cla other, devouring each other- you could not awake me, bilb le Uhat i brains in bis oxtbin.
forms, like nought ever beheld by the Sleep could answer klueKtions witib an
naked eye. As the shapes were with- I accuracy w4hiat I could no -L pretend W ; WRETCHE D !SPAN,ISH GUININERY.
out. symmetry, so their movements: witea uwake�toll you w4rait, morley You , Adaii.Tal Numez, who succeeded Par -
1P , were without orden In their very vag- had In your pocket, --nay,, desoribe yuur eja stwfu gallantly aasaile,l Lite dafen,"-
. P
rancies there Wits no sport; they crime 'very thougb"-w 16 mo.t necessa-rilY an � less V alpaxiso, whore intA. a. Single
I ast, � =
round ' me and round, thicker and f i imimitum, 0AW MOT% Thu Ill ilt'is noc-04- I wan mouin ted exqepit a' few sa In
ar andswifter, swarming over my head, I Rarity supe,riaitt,urdl. I s1hould be, un- , pieces. Not, a &Wut was Ewell fmim the
orawlingdvernly right arm, which wasicon,qViouall to myself, undex It Wes-!
. I jtowm and Ube inhabitants promptly air-
autott;oti,lied ill, involtifitary command I meric, imifluence, cotaveyed to me firom a I acuated It. Tei8 Spanish admiral., In
jAgain4t, 41 1'eVil.i)eitkiA.,,RoirlA�itne..,3 I- fe.,It t distattice by It human being who had � spite of t,he protests ot thp foreign
, myself foii6hed. bitt. act )IT the,ra - in- I abquirekt f;d*err omver* me 11Y previous riam-of-v.,mr in the har,bor tlfr6w fralm
, I
visible hands touched me. - Once f felt �,rappo,,k " - - � 2,000 ti) 3;000 shells into It 'Ifirona' his
the clutch as of cold soft fingers at 1 "Gr',Q ing webme.rism_ so far Vat'- : f leet, o.f Six vessels. Tlye Spanish .jpuli-
my throat: I was still eoittally ('03's-'ried, to Lie a fact, yL.,(u are right.. And ,-ne,ry was SO, wretched t"ha,t that little
Cious thatirl gave way to fear ishould i you would iinifer front thin LUtit. a mes-,dama.ge was dome, ex(;ept by fliro,whiola
be in bodily peril; anti I r-oncent nat_ ! meriser might produce the extraordin- , ciest,rolyed 810,000,000 worth- of men -
Mt all my faculties in the single.- focus 'aTY effems you and atthers have wit- bra goods. It was a most. wanton
of resistinir, stubliorn ,will. And f tne.4sed over inamiavate object,13-fitl the piece of liaxbarity. fox if the Spani-
turned my sight from the shadow- :air: with .9ighits an I sounds?" � a-rds bad had a landing force they
above ;ill, from those strankre Serpent "Or intupress our senses with Ube tie- ; could bav�e taken the Ito.wn wLthoilit fLr-
e�yeaeyes tLat had now become dis- ! liet. in them -we neverbaving (wen an *g a Shot. .
finctly visible -For there, though in i rapport, wiVh the persurt, acting on us? ; ill ,lip- gallaint Nunez next assaulted
nought else around me, 1. was ay. -are ?No. What is commonly called mesmer- t,hi,6 City of Ca,llao, wbilch ta-ught him
that there 'mis a Wfl,L, and a wil I of - ism could laorl, (to thda; 1put there may I tho difference between asil, open L4LAwn
;ni ense, creative, working .evil, wbich 'be a power akin to jAesmarism, and and, one ,t,hat w9^4 adequ,at,evly defended.
might, crush down my own. Inuperior to it -the power tht In th6:Im fouir or five 6purs 0�e Spanish
'rho pale atmosphere in the ronot lie- I old days was called Magic. That, sueh 'I squadfrou Nvam badly used up aad wag
gan now to reddeln as it in: the ,air of. a power may extiond to �all inanima.to g -lad to Crawl bwk to Spabn as best
.some near Conflagration. The larvite I objects -of matter. I dio mot say; but if � irt, could In iLs Crippled condition, The
.grew Iltrid as things thal, live in fire. I so. it would riolb lie against nature, only , Vitlla de Madirid fifty-six guns, got a
Again the. room vibrated; again were a ra,re power In nabure which mighti, a,holt iia. her &team chest alnd was wwed
!I '
and ain 1"i thirty-six
heard the three measured knocks; . V given to oun,44tititions with cert I out, of twtLon; t�lie Bf,remgu
3AWain all things were swallowed uli, in , peculiarities, amotoultiva,Led by practice gums, -had a litalle twomity feet square
the darkness of the Shadow, as If out I to arn extraardinary degree. 'rhat!kinocked. into heir near the wa.L,er line
of that darkness all had come, into I hat such a power might exted ovar tile i by ala exploJing shiell and orn,wled owt,
dArkness all returned. I dead -that, is, over cortaim thoughts And I '
the Sbadow 'memories that Lime, dead may still xe- I (A rainge to, repair (Lame, 8
Ali the'gloom receded, t HAD TO !C-7i'litt'.
wa.s wholly gone, Slowly, as it hall been ; fain -and voinpel. n,A, that, wirich. ought 1 � SPANISH
' ,
withdra%v�, tile flame grew again into properly to lw Called -the Soul, and i The ammilinition in twu'Vhoi� Span -
tile. o-andles on the table, agn,in into � whiv-1m is far leyond human .reach, but 1 ish Vessels gave ou.t litter a bwo hours'
tit#- fuel in the grate. Tile �whrile. room rather a plIttatoui o& wha,L has 1,cpma ; fighl. an(l. they had to ,retire, 4me of
"ame once mot.`0 Calmly, bealtbfully in- most earth-st,al-ned on emvth, to ina,ke 1 thiem, having hLem %wice on fixe in the
Lo sight, i i-tself iLppareat tit) ciux senses -is a very ; neighil.orlitcod of the, nimagazhitle. ,rhis
'Ube. two doors were still closed, the 'aAlcient though ob<3olet.e theory. upon 'left two ves,se.1a, the Numame.Ia, Iron -
door ronamunicatin , th the servani.'n i which I N% ill hazard no tlipinion. Rut i clad aind t.he Atinainza. Two huourm lat-
. T00111 Still 100ked- T."i'lle corner of the I do nut ooncelve the power ,�%�culd lie ; OT (hose two vessels rea,sed libeir fire
wall, into -which be had so otonvulnively i superaiutura�l, , Let me illustrate what � and -A-khttreiv, -tire ChilLams firing ,it(
niched hitiriself, 14Y tile dog. I called I I knewn from an experim-efit, whiGh Par. I them UmCit they were I.-ey-und range.
to hilli-no movement; I approatiliedl- I acelsus dascrib6t; as not, difficult,, and The� 9pamish loss is nut exactly known,
the animal was dead; his eyes protrud- , which! tb�c cuuthor of the Curio;sities of but ili supposed -bo, harve boon abaut
ell; his tortgue out of his mouth; (he ' Li-teraiture cites as credible: -A flower 200, Commodore Rodgers, 1)'S.N eati-
f ro(h gathered round his jaws, I took ,'Perishes; you burn it. W11haitover were matted tbk) loss of the - Chilib�s lit
him in my arms, I brought him tom. the the elements of that flower while it eighty, though qthe,T9 gi;ve at larger
fire; I felt acute grief for I lie IOKS of 1 lilved fare gone, di,nparsed, you know not nunll)er. No ser4yus diaimage was done
*y poor favourite-acuto Self-reproach;, whilther, You can never discover them to either slaips or forts by the fire,
4 lt.(,cIIsc(I myself of his derith; limag- I re -collect them, But you can, by chain- 11oyund theit named. The Spaniards
inpil lie had died of fright. But ,vvirint'iatry oult of tile burnt. dust. Of Cluit then withdrew diwornifibed from the
wan my surprise on finding thiit his 'flower raisc. a Spectrum Of the flower, I Pavific� lv.ing short, of Stores fi-nd am-
llim-k wits actually hroken-a,ctunlly ! junt, as V seemed in I ife. it alay I -c niUmition am;I wi,Lh t1yeir ,vessels foul
Zsce(i (jut (of the vertebrae. Hall this 'the Same mith t,bo hutinan, being, The fon' wa.nt of dlooking. They had es-
bt-4�n .don- in the Jark?-must. it not , 6ou-1 has as matyll escapPill y,u.0 as the tithii.81ind ,I hase at tire Chimclan, 191 -
have Ix -(,n by it hand human as minr ?- 'e,sspnoe lor elements of the flowax, Still � (ands. lart they litad no, faA,iilities for re -
must. there laot have freen it human ag- � Yob may make. a E';peet Turn of it, Anr(t i pairr.
I envy all I be. while in that room ? (,00d this pharitoill, i.hough in, the popular I — —
(1111se to suspect It. I cannot tell. I supersti,tion it is held i.o be Me .soul .1
(1.111w)( (to more tban State thP. fact 'of the detiarted, rau%l lir�i lie confound- A STRANGE EXPERIENCE.
fairly; Ille. reader may draw him own 11,11-1 with the true Soul; it in hill, the Pid- I
- I .1 , . . . ... .- I IN.rkf. nruo, Olerk-1 hnA n. an#,.Ar Alf -
Another surprising, eirnurnstinee- I JeS'L-(I?L(VSle(L swries ot griant's or spir-
- ___ -,--- ,--- — _____
a a am got a
uip the shop. lai, of wn, d ,to leep,
iny watch wive reatored to the table
frOok, NN, hich it had boon so mysterious- .
its, the tiling that 1110%
. t. st,rikes us is
(he alisenve of What we Ivuld t)o be saul; I
t here was a raont violent ringing
ly withdrawn; but it h"A Stopped at, I
that I& of suireirior eniakincipated Intel-
at the night bell-
Seoond Drug Clerk -11a; lia. Ila I Af I.,
Lhf- very tatioment it wits no withdrawn;
nro, despite all the skill or the watch- I
ifigence. come four lirtitle or no
object --they sel.doom spewk, if t,.b,.,y (10
er a postage starrip, eh,l
maker, Ilan it ever gorip sinee-thrit, I
come; they ulitor no i,dmq abIxve that
T Firnt Drug el"k-Nci, Ile wanted-
. %, it will gw) in 9, strange erridir way 14
all oirdian'ry person on earth, Am-
Second Drirg Cie,rik-Ho, ho, ho I
Wanted to loolt in the diTel�t.ory, all I
. for a few hours, and then vo - t , -t
dealt stop--il in worthlons. .
1-rivan Rpi,rlt-seers' linve. published vol-
unites of otimmunicaitionst in ll-ros� and
oir maybe wanted to know what strect
I Nmil.hing more chanced for , �, rent I
ve,r.se, WWII they assert to Ile given
it was ?
First Drug Olerk-Noth-ing of the
. of [he night, Nor, indeed, had 1. long !in
to ivait before tile dawn broke. Not1deaA
tht� tarvires of the most Olustlirklua
- Sha.k4speare, Bacon - heaven
sort. You migbt guess rull day and not
. fill it. wfts broad (hylighl di.J I linij,
the haulated h1oune, Before I did ,,io, 1
kmows %-�hotn, Those Communications,
w1hit of htgbar order than would he
hit It."
Second Drug Olerk-Then what. an
rovi.,died the little blind room ill -which
eommunic.01ims from ltving persons of
earth was It I
VIrst. Drug Clerk -'MA wantled a, tire.
. my ,qprvftni (ind myself brid been for, A.
fair talont and colueati,on: they a.re
Re, ription filled.
tinif, inipriAnnefl. I had it strong tin.
wondlinusly inforior to Whnt BACOM
, __
lirPs,;irin--for wbich 1. roul(l not ae-
takirug the liefil., are certa,inly � not a
(,?iinl that from that room had ori-
S`hlak0Ap('am mid I'lato said and wrote
while, the English forces were in large
gilinled tbo, mech-nnism of Olt- phen-
ivbon on ea,rth. Nor, ik,hat III more not-
DO you thhdk. It's uroluoky to walk
omena -if I nlay use the tornit--which
able, do Owy over vontAxin art Idea that
Under ft ladder I
. h:t(l 1,P -it oxloerienitw�, in my chamber,
was uOt (kit tile Aa-rth h0f0re, Wond,
"It's apt to toe -it thorn's 9, man
And 1-hougli I wators,11 it now ill the
er(ul, therefore, as such phenomena
with a pai,nt pall on It."
1 1 111,
�, � W -g �k W _ .. .
4 ,_):._.Lrd111 I., . � L — - __
I . .
I . I . I
—.---- -
vention of gunpowder five or six uen-
drLVIno them Into the river, where 150
Spaniards were drowned,
In the subsequent operations of the
IIN THE YEAR 1762. .
slow the Altrieripan provintliala. g,800
strong, consisting of tile First Con-
ftor.y of tke beIge. -litail Cupture 119re Irlieloo
neRtiout Regiment, a New York bat-
talion, and one (row New Jersey, and
I a ittlimaltillred Tear* Ago -- An Taterelstla.
two or three companies from Rhode
� all or 11141ory. -
Wand, all under Command of 6taoral
Ta 1762, soon after the doolaxation
P111110al, Lyman id good service,
of war between Ragla,nd and, Spain
Lyman "m C'I'�.l or tile C.larl.cti.,
the British Goveranieut despatched an
troop. but being the senior provincial
expedition against Havana. The land
officer. he took Command of the brigulde
and his lieu tonant-colonel, Israel -Put-
forces wers commanded by Lord Albe-
aam, Commanded the regiment. Put-
marle, William Anne Koppel, the vic-
nam, with halt of his regiment had
tor of Culloden ,and the fleet It Y
been Shipwrecked in a Storm off the
Admiral Sir George Pocock, who had
coast of Cuba, about thirty miles from
Havonai. He managed to land his men
recently returned from a brilliant
on an island, and they were afterward
campaign in the East Judies. The ex-
taken off and joined the main body
pedition, as organized, was to consist
at, the Siege, The arrival Of the Ant-
of 16,000 men. of which Lord Albe-
arl,cans %,as a great relief to the Brit -
Ish army, as they crime in good health,
marle carried with him 4,000 British
while, the English forces were in large
regulars. Eight thousand were to be
part prostrated by the beat of the, OIL -
furnished from the British forces then
mate and endentio disease.
Ilk the West Indies under Gen. Monck-
The Spati4rda
ton. and, 4.000 from the continent of
having failed in their
sally, tire work
North America. Of these 2,000 were to
of sapping went on
without interruption, and Ott July 30
be British regulars and 2,000 provincial
a .Sufficient breach was made in the
troops, says the New York Sun.
walit; of the fortress. Through this, (in
The English fleet arrived off Havana
the afternoon of that day, asLorming
a,bove all things," said Coinstan tine V11.
party, headed by Lieut. Forbes of the
on June 6. Here Pocock divided his
Royals, entered the worlis and took
fleet. With the larger division he sail-
the Spanish by surlorise. They made a
ed down the coast past Havana. On
desperate. but brief, defence. Don Luis
secret is dared to, be aaked of thee, as
Velasco, rallying around hint al:out a
the next day be litanned his botits, and
hundred cof his men, refuSE-d to sur -
made preparations apparently flo � r
Tender until aturtally wouix-fed. lie
landing at a point about four miles
died a day or two after, In recogni-
' wwt; of Havana. But this was a mere
tion of his gallantry the King of Spain
and used it to the, terror and digeom-
created his son Vicondo (lei Morro, and
feint to distract the attention of the
ordered that there Should always be
Spanish while the actual landing was
a ,94ii) lit- the Spanish navy called (lie
made by the other division, about a'
Volmco. That order is respeeted to this
his bi,4tory of St, Louis, Recounting a
mLles east of Havana. Here the army
The Morro taken, tile fate of the
was landed In three divisions.
city was Sealed. The Spanish Governor,
however, hold out to the last, and it
was not until August 11, when the
Commodore Koppel gives this 'so-
British opened fire on the city with
count of the landing:� #At an all-
forty-five heavy siege guns, that he
I ift d his willingness to capitulate
signi. te
pointed signal the flat-bottomed boats
The British troops entered the town
containing the troops repaired to
of Havana on August 13.
their respective rendezvous under the
sterns of the ilime of battleships.
The Spanish land and sea forcee
whose oapt,ain8 conducted them to the
aviiiable for the defence of the city
shore. While the embaxication was go-
amounted Lo about 30,00 men.. They
had a fleet in the harhour of Havana
ing on the enemy made a show Of
of twelve. line -of -battle ships, but in -
resistance from a breastwork which
Stead of sailing out and giving battle
they had thrown up. Upon this Com-
to the English ships, or making an
modore Koppel directed the Mercury
attempt to escalre they remained
there, to be caught like rats in a hole.
and Bonnotta to pour their fire into
Three of the hattleships were sunk to
them, and they were soon tylit to f I ight.
block the entrance to the harbo= the
A more Considerable body of men mak-
ot,her nine were surrendered to the
ourselves upon our elbows and knees,
British, who also burned two more up-
ing their appearance, he ordered Capt,
on the stocks,
Hervey to run in and batter a fort
The triumph was one of the most
Situated at the mouth of the Bocca
complete ever achieved by British
Nao, which in the course of an hour
arms. The value of captured property
amounted to 014,000,000. Philip 11. had
he Completely silenced, and the army
given to Havana a coat of arms, in
landed without further molestation."
which was blazoned a gold key, to
He thus describes t6a of
. 'fY that it was "tho key of the
I I .defences
Mv%na at that time:-" The harbour
West Iddies," England now hold that
key, and had she been wise she would
of Havana', which is " spacious on(ragh
have kept it. But. a few months after
-6'contdin a liumildred. shil of the line.
its surrender, peace was declared, and
is defended by two strQpg fort.s. The
England gavo-up Havana for Florida
She might have held Havana. and witi
principal of these. the IvIorro, built
it she would have held the lmain, gate
upon a narrow point of land. is inae-
to the Gulf of Mexico and the Isthmus,
owskbole from the Sea. To the- east it
. —
lis fortified by several w�prks and by a
deep ditch half of which is cut Out, of
j-- —
the solid Took, On the opposite an-
,jailor. I.mi'm 44114le Tolvar4lSharkl; Inter
trance of the harbour stands Fort do
rielptm by Mizzen Sheer-l'ole.
Is Punta; further in and on a level
,'It mvs olff Sanger Island, in the Bay
wiLh the water is a strong battery
of Bengal, thal Apprentice Fred Har -
mounting V��elvo guns, called 'The
ris, of the four-moated British baxk
Twelve Apostles,' and higher up a
A,h,,,bi,. which has arrived at New
work opposite the Point Gate called
'The Shepherds' Battery,' Above these
York from Calcutta, made his involun-
are the C,avamlnos, a chain of hills
t&rY slide for life.
which range front the A%rro to the
"It had. been E6 Long, tedi,oua trip
pi'aiag of Gunwatacios. A chain of bus-
front. .2diddeaboro, _England," said Har-
tious and other works defead the
town to the went."
, . I
ria, whip is from Kent, the other day.
"We c(.uLd hardly wait for eight of
The landing having been successfully
land again. We were now, as nearly
accomplished, on4L� division of the army
as we Could judgia, only twenty-four
under Major-GerreraL Keppel, marched
hours, .tosv from Cal,catta, Royals,
tol the weal, to invest the Morro Castle
stmaktNt-, gaff-topsa[l, topgallant Stay -
and -the fortifications on that side of
RaLL8 and. flying jib and been hauled
the har)x,)ur. Gen. Howe's division,was
11,go) gOOd NtCather IIIW4 prelailed in the
assigaed, to the investment of the Can-
d6wri, and a. fair.wGd, asix-knot toli-
tie del Punta, whil oGela. Elliott, with
,gallant breeze tM the starboard quar-
the Contra division, Out off 'the, city'
; -
ter, liushed us t(nvard,tho city on the
from all communications with the in-
eLty on the Hugls.
terio,r Of the Islands. .
The British commanders at �nce com-
"I wa�K--anXJiARL1,1 to catch tlle� first
menm( the erection of batteries at (;be
gliml.w Of the lights of India's capital,
most advantageous points on the line
, Capt. Pasiful also wishod to
of investment. This was accomplished
know it the lightship wits visible. As
under great difficulties. troops
gold land.
were unaccustomed to the beat of a
I jumped into the mizzon Ktarlioard
Cuban Summer, and water was scarce
rigging I heard (lie wat'ch on the fore -
and very iyad, there. was great %vatat
ciastLo-heaA pa." back �Nord from a
of fre%sh provisions, and the army soon
. .
aii ur who was hanging his ctothe.s to
began to ,show signs of epidemic, dis-
ease. At one ti.me therewere 5,000 nol-
dry oil the jobboom Stay that tN%o
there and 3,000 seamen on the sick list.
Sharks wDro knocking arouud Lhe bow.
Fortunately, Albemarle hadbrought
"it wits at une 1�ell of the fimt watch,
with him troll, A[artinique about 1,500
and a rine, clear night. I climlied oil
negroes anti these performed the
to the topgallaml masthead, I)ut the
greater part of the work of throw-
Calcutta lighKahip w,
'13 not ill .4ight.
ing up broa.stworks and erect. ing bat-
I descen(lect the lee rigging to the miz-
teries. in spite of till obsta,cles it was
Zen t op, till right, but in some ,A&Y
pushad on its rapidly as possible, and
,whiell I cvmnopt explain lost Tjiy grip
on June 30 the liatte-ries bearing (In
on the fulto,ok shroutts, .
the Morro were completed. and the
"I felt myself drop. Tllen� Camp a
next morning a tremendous cannonado
bright, f1ash, as the sails Appeared to
vi.as Dpened upon Lhe Spanish fort,
burst into a blaze. I Immune Stolle
blind, deaf, Kent, Cadvatta, Sharks
Admiral Pocock, anxious to co-oper-
were jumbled together in my thoughts.
ate ,with tile land forces, directed Com-
an(t inside. o,f this single, infinitesimal
modore *Keppel to send a part of his
fractiort of a selvolad llost, every
fleet to tioniNlrd the Morro on (he ,sea
Sense . .
side, hoping thus to divide the atten-
"At eight bells oC t.bo middle -,%ateh
tion of the enemy and Prevent. 010 con-
a.1.1 the world, a.evolapanied wi(h a
olentration of his fire upon the bat-
racking rain in M.1 t:at,k and a nullill
Leries. It was a dangerous undertak-
leg, returned to tile. I was in my
ing, Keppel says:-"Thc ships proveed-
lyunk, with my shipmate here Stand -
ed to their stations. Capt. Campbell,
ing by.
in the Sterling Castle, was ordered to
"They told me that the ,��ry of 'Alan
Lit, but his courw,e failed him. The
overbomirdl" bad been ruised at four
three other ships, the Dragon, Marl-
bells of the seco no[ dogwatch,but Mr.
borough and Ca,mbridge anchored close
WarinvIl, the mate., jushing down front
in with the sbore and laid their broad-
the- lmop %v!Lh the Hnnil,de lainp, halt
aides against the fort. For six hours
found me with my he.ml in the soup -
they kept up an unintermitting fit-(-."
Per$- I'lle ircn sheer -pole het �A een I he
As it was evident that, the fire (it
forward wizzen swifter and Lhe for -
these ships had little effeet on the
WILrd mizzen shroud Avas 1.vat into a
Morro, white its fire was playing havoc
V 'A heroi I had landed (,n il. The
with them, Commodore Keppel order-
sheer -pole had kept me from gliding
ed thelr withdrawal. They were in bad
(werboiird and varonied tile to the. deck
co-rittition and had to be retired for
Upon my si(6-,. One of the eight slicer
of wood and consisted of semi-eylin-
drictul 1pieces, bound ,tvit.h iron I -ands.
rittliaps hettvren the sheer -pole and the
On July 9 tile English , liatleries
mizzon fut,to�-,k shroud hung adrift.
again opo*ned on the Morro, and the
"My womenturn had Swept me forty -
next, week showed encouraging results.
eight foot at an angle to the maSt., de-
Oil the l6th the EnglIsh fire halt in-
!ying the, lawls of gruvitation. All Lhat
intlerpoSed between tile. rind the sbarkh
creased, while tile. Morro could only re.
ply with two -guns. The British �-om.
N%erc eight Sheer ratlines and 4he
manders now determined that. it, was
stre,er-pole, vvlaieh I knorked into se�en
1 left leg."
f;mn f� nrAnn.rA for tin assault UDO:
1W.118 wLth In'y
.--- ______ __ ____ __ �
by a ditch 80 feet deep and 40 feet
wide, out through the solid rock, ex -
Capt in one place. where a narrow
ledge had been left across the ditch
to shut out the water from the sea.
Along this ledge only one man could
pass at a time, but on July 18, the
English Rappers and. miners made a
dash across it and affected a lodg-
ment, in the wall of the fortress.
The defense of tile Morro had been
committed to Don Luis Velasco, agal-
lant naval captain, who proved hiriaself
vmtthy of the trust. Appreciating the
DeCOSSRY of driving Cho British min-
prs from their position, Valasoo tallied
out with 1,560 men, in three divisions
but was proMptly mot and reptilAel
wI heavy loss, In this affair tlab
tn'tion 0 Royal Americans who had
4Ust arrive , ol, distinguishod itself great -
. Under the immediate command of
I �
� .- - �. . ? - . I � .
_,�_. - —.-- �11_..__.
FITHI, Ice Ma6matA, exciteolly-1 beat
that a cheap aull)st;Ltute for Ice has beoll
i,rivented. .
Se(*-nd lee Magnate -You don't- sas
FLrat toe Alagritite-I don't kno%i
bow much there may be in it, but th(
projectors claim It will rilewre a wal
sput on a back doorstep exactly Hirt
that left by a Chunk of ice melting
and at halt the cost.
. -
Yes, medl&ta�d the Sultan of Turkey
It, is quita out of thiN question for mc
to became a Christian. I home beer
t6ading of the obsorivIance *f Ragfor
JIUst, tlhit* of my haiviing to pr6vid(
new V,astar togg6ry for it 6iom tht
at -le of thina.
And he ordered anosther raAssaore, -
during the reign of LoP4 ZJ. (149k_ A
, Im.
SOB CHANGES IN WAL 83). %vaiea iron 1:all,a wor* oast, ittig-,, . ,
#-j Istono missiles. Tbo gainii, were 4,
= in Size and greater . volooltr AN
INVENTION OF GUNPOWDER THE was secured. From that moLdeat the . I � 11
FIRST GREAT REVOLUTION. doom of felmd4tism was settisid. I . �
t--- Another traportant inveot" about 1.
Its 9"9111111. 1.4 0110,10111,114T - 14"Cord 01 Iftal that time was the adol)tJoa of truim� . .�
&iio* Keveals Itii wond , Ceti niona to overcome the recoil. When � I
" &"'I lq- Plialries VIII, the, Successor of Louis . , r
crel"lait I'Qwer for litartal - comano"t XI., invadled Lta,ly �%itbi 100 field pieces ,
Mich r1krew stones — apposistolim to and 200 siege guns town after town .
911rearsias Ila Eikritil Agoi, fall quickly before his advance. Pro- . . I I
From the staraidpioint, of modern war- found fear Overspread. Italy, and the � I .1
. I
fare, with its 13-iuch guns, its torpedo crisis gave birtill, to the modern Sys- _A#%P�' "
.'�_ - �
tem of fortifications, then developed .
t,ubea, el.nd a, lively contest between from necessity by the foremost lfal- . 11 .1 ,
projectile and armor plate, Litt develop- imu engineers, including Michael Ange- I I
ad within a. brief generation, the lit-
to and Loonardi de Vinci,
vention of gunpowder five or six uen-
The earliest type of small arms was
turles ago Seems acomparatively un-
the hand cannon. i%hich required three
or four men to carry and handle it. A
important hisfuricai evt�nt. When gun-
subsequent form, the bombardelle. re -
powder first became known to Eur-
sembled a two-inch gas pipe, resting on
olle tile na-tions were just emerging
a forked stick, which one soldier sup -
from t.he misty t1arkness of tile middle
ported, while a comrade applied a live
coal to the vent. "rho missile, weigli-
ages, and they N%ora a's(A slow to per-
ing perbaps & pound, could. scarcely do
eeive Lite possilA ities of the new e -x-
execution at a, hundred yard�s. Gratin-
plosivp and slow to adal)t tLem to
a ly the tube was reduced in size, a
mi.itar) jurposm. But Ole records of
SLock waa added and then the rope
match and trigger were invented, by
those 11ast agei reveal a wonderful re-
which one Luau caUld manipulate the
vo'trt ion in )I U tria it I i fe %% roug h t, hy t hie
new instirtilment of dea,tb.
The origin or gual,o),N-der ist involved
' rhe ohivalry of Europe held, the usai
of firearm,% in tile grmtest detests -
in great o6evurity. Its prototypo,Greek
tion. lJost lotiolly did tile knighthood
fire %saa known t,j tuo ancients. Phil-
cry aloud against thom. At first the
ostrotus, the historian. relates that
mailed knights increased the thick-
eo,s of their armor until unable to
the conquest of ,.Alexander in Asia,
bear its weight, It was all in vain.
As," Vheoked by a people dwelling be-
Tile hunian fraime was ill adal)ted to
twven tile River Gangos..and Ilyphud-
become an im.rmoir,ed battle ship. The
es. who overthxew L heir eaemies with
projectile won I; its contest with do- .
lonsive plate,
terup-ests and thundeibolts. lit the
Ditontlu,r. (16W77), the celebrat;d mar -
Seventh 1!enttiry tile secret recipe for
shai of Frances 1. of France, has.re- .
'Greek fire Nvas sold by a. Syrian priest
corded his bitter complaint against
Collenicus. to othe emperor, of the east
" the abominable bellets." Describing ii�
battle lie says: "The troops which X
era eirlddre. It N%ati used against the
commanded were cross bow men only,
SaraceriS in 67&-79, and for mapy years
ain" all, that tin" there were in our
the secret of its manufacture was
nation no Soldiers armed with gund. L
wonder how It cou,ld ba,ve been the will
jealowsly preserved. "I'liou shouldst.
of providence that this -unlucky instru-
a,bove all things," said Coinstan tine V11.
ment ablauld have been invented. I
to his son, "direct thy (,,area and thy
myself still boar about me the marks '
attention to the liquid fire which is
that it has left, which- even now came
thrown by lueans of bubms, and if the
me to Suffer inuch weakness, anti have
soeti brave and valia.nt, men killed with
secret is dared to, be aaked of thee, as
it in awlt, Sa,d nualliers, And it gen-
it has often been of me, then t,hou
erally happened that they were struck
aittist, refuse aul rejoet. tKie prayer."
(Iowa to the groun(I by, those a.bomin-
ahle hullots, which ha,d beenj discharg-
ad by haSO and cowardly. knaves. All
But the Saravoirs kne%% the aeoret
Uhis is very cloaaly, onel of those arti-
fices -wh,ich the devil eml)loys to in -
and used it to the, terror and digeom-
dilop us human lbeings to kill ea,oK
fiture of the Cbristians.
A famous descril;.tton of Greek fire
Shakespeare alLudea to the disen-
chantment of military life catilled by
. I .
in avtion,is given by DO JOIRVIRO, in
the now method of wa.rfare when in
his bi,4tory of St, Louis, Recounting a
Henry IV. 1.,p eays:
skirmish with tile IMussulinans on the
But for thie-se, vile guns
borderii of the Nita about 1218 he do-
He-, would himself have been &soldiar,
Scribes "a, terrible engine for doing
Aristo, in Orlando Furioso,
out in furious declallmation, againat the
mischief by wbioh they cast at us Greek
new wea,fion, Even the. Knight of the
fire, which waa the most terrible thing
Sorrowful Countena,rice inveigltis again -
that ever I saw," Describing the
at the diabolical inplanity of tbo in -
Greek fire, he says, "it came forth Its
ventor, aod. like Ariusto; consigns him
!'large as a tian, and the tail extended as
to everlasting torment. I
tong 9-s a great lance. It made such
At the, da-wra of'racideria civilization , .,,.
. , .
� a noise in a1pproriching that it seemed
just before the, invention of gunpow-,
I like thunder wbiell, had . fbi,llon from
der, there wore btut two prof"i'arts- ,
heaven, and Seemed to me a great dra-
ecclesiastical ,and military. Pitirope wa,,3
gon flying through the air,, and threw
a sea of perpetual unrest, and never
out such it bla,ze of light. that iL ap-
wits hurnam life so cheap, Robber baroni
peared clear as day,*'
were Secure behind castle walls, find
'Phis apparition in the sky created
the parloplied knights -were invulner-
great, consternation. Do Joiriville thus
able. The musket made the peasant
describes it: "As soon as the Turks
equal in battle to bi-s Oppressor. Castle
threw the first charge of fire we throw
walls crumbled before the cannon of
ourselves upon our elbows and knees,
kings, When monarchy succeeded feud -
and the fire of tile first discharge felt
al ism standing arillies became necea-
�'betuleen car two towers, and im.modi-
Ba ry. Tire. masses were released from
ately the fire was extinguished by a
the necessity of following war 96ad
Man we Ila([ for the purpose. Three
turned their Atelis twmrd the pursuits
times during the night they threw this
of peace. 11toy were forced into civil
, Greek fire ,at us. Ano every time that
life, '"I"beir onergie"t became a-vail-
the great 8t. Lo,aLs heard that they
able for Ube cutlivation of those artis
thus throw the fire, he ca,st himself oii
of Xlear,e AvbiOb "' d formArTy, been no -
the ground ,and 8trotchedl his hands to
glected." 1111A was one of, the groal,eiit
heaven and cried wit It a loud voice,
victories resulting from tile invon-
Shedding copious teara, 'Good Lord
tions, of gunpowder,
Jesus, preserve me aind my people., "
From tile use of tilis, "eagine," hurl-
ing I iquid 'fire, the 'rurks. I assed (I uick-
ly to crude cannon which threw Stories.
" Y IN
� ally ill 'I'berlo 101,%coaroged b t r "ant -
In t,he year 12J7 they So (terencie(i ,cie-
' shiml% on ithe Way.
ville ait Pat at,Lack by the Christiams,�
For a century and a. half later there
Many Klondikers are returning ox,
are frequent sAusions to the use (if
preparing -to return from Chilkoot and -
marton by the Moors-iti. 81,ain aud in
'WhLt�pa4sea, being disheartened- 'by, �
Afrbva. � � I I
But Christian Europo for a time
'' . .
the discloura,gwments on the Crails and
shrank from the new device and paled
tile losw.4- life 6 i used by the ClillAoo� .
beneath its thunders. In the popular
a,valriaoha. The steamers Queen And
min4 it Was 01030Y allied to Lhe lituck
1L,i0i%f;k'e`. the Other das arrived a t Va-
arts , .
90 .
me English. writers have- �asc rifled
1. .
coma, Wash., with Several dozen imen I
to R6g!pr Ba -in the invention of qun-
-,��110 ha(l stArte'd fox the lVondike, l,tLt
Powder. Ba,on in his travels had, vis.:
co,nclmdod'to sell'their OUt4fitS "Intl rO-.
ited Sl;ain. "-I perhaps there teat -nod
turn Thoey Say thitt many %ill fol -
of t -he Ftrauge plrplosIve, Returning to
low thiam.
E'rigland lie described gunpowder in
1267, As a Froinciscan monk ho, is silid
'I'hows who Irive reached Che sual-
, to fave compolirlded tile uncanny .ant)-
mit,s and lakes Linderman and Bennett
stance. A logen,t relat,es that. once in
are reportk-A to be moving rapidly for-
tite alisenve of Bacon a carious fellow
monk entered his 'aboratory mith a
. ,ard. ,13ince, the storm, of two weeks
lighted taper, and "' ]life spying arounil
11,go) gOOd NtCather IIIW4 prelailed in the
,was blown to pieves. '.kialedietiomv fell
Interior, anit, thousands are. starting
Upon llw-on. tie wa,i oast intu prison
410%%ln the take, hoping to m.aA;h Lite
for pra-tiving the blaok, arts, an,l nar-
rowly escaped immecliat(-, condemn,1-
Lewis River, at the foot. of Lake Ile)
tion to death,
Barge, before the ice breaks up. Their
Germany gives creilit to Berthold
aleds are fRtled with salls. ;'it(( when
Sell-warz, or "11'aek- Barthol," for the
the, SaUth wLnd is lilowing hundrods of
discovery of gilulowdor. Sch%vai'z was
a monk Of 1,'reLli,urg, and Lite (Int, of
out,fiLs and men may Nut wen gliding
�hb; i'llPorta-lit discovery is variously
over the salooth lit,ke Lee toward the
p!a�ed tit J2.59. 1320, and 1354. One
gold land.
veMion is ,thal; Ile involit-ot the granu-
�%�11 mji,orw from DaN%8on are, en-
lation of guilpowder, a proces-s wl.ich
courptging except a.s rt-gards scurvy
adds malty fold W its explosive forre,
:kit,[ pw,unitimia, %� hich has prevailed
A legend rolatv,,; 1hat, Sehwarz was
there sinct, Fohrus t ry. X. E. Ray of
1),Io%%n up by Winceslau,4 a -i it punish-
Delrokt, who arrivcd -on �`atutrday
rnprit for sorcery, A rnonuni�nt %%as
night Says tho Da.,Asiin hosi,ii'd �Nan
erected to his inertiory, in. IH, -),3 at Froi-
full on 2v1lirch 7 %%lieu he lef(, :wrid ].)I-.
burw, Germany,
Lobkok said there waS not r000t for.
onolhor cot.
ThA seurvy is caused try uncooked
Vory graAlua.Ily the, "An"fi"'tUre u "
f(.Wlll ;Intl Unr1Q,anljn4L-3't. Ra.y .H�IYM like
use of gunpowder ext.ended through-
vic(ifu is himself I() 11l;tIno in nearly.
� out Furoipe, The f,tt'tpeter, or nit.rale
of 1-oia4b, itself in makin.,x it, was at
e%ler%, in8lmnce. Tbp rneu uicnia citmos
fir8l. imi!ofled w1iolly froin Asia, the
are, gen,oratly men who lia.ve heenmo .
exh�iustod while searching for r-Ininvi,
Flerni,3h at one tinie monopolizing t.h.e
Important gold. finds Lim , -f-, keen mado
trafte, There mas in Europe One tIUI'I-
oil Kirney Creek, a tril utarN of Sev-
owi source of supply. The common peo-
anty Mile Creek, Miioh eytiplies into
tile lived in floorle,vt liu.14 an,l Upon
the yuk,m or, the Arne'ric-111 sifle I'W
the ground in these hahitaflons vog6-
mites bolow Dawson. The diggings
table anti tininvil rel'u.,m accumulated
are fifty miles rbbove Sevelily iNlife
till (Tom 1,14, suhsv(junnt ilecornposi-
Creek's mutub, The gold Is very
tionerystals of t.lie nifraiesformed tit.
littre, )wing worth $2 an oun co more
tbi,� sides or oil the ground. So coveted
thrin tile Klryndilre profluot. A hlin-
%kaei Mir, aetrtikit,lon of thk sidtli,ter in
(Irej men froan Dawgion have Staked
England and in sonlel rit the Eurol,e,in
kingdoms tl.at by ro)al edict offivers
were emj!owered to temporarily evirt
the resisting pea.9antry and �horough!y
v1panse the huts, not frorn iani(nry nio-
lives, hill to obtairk material for tile
irtanufa-ture nf gunooi%der to lie imod
For the wist, few yearA the agriv) i -
in the. national deferive.
I ural ,element has predominated in tile
The development of cannfin and inuA-
1-gIstawre of NTanitabil, till([ tit(- leg -
kill ry v. as Slow. Tn i lie, time, of Frok-
i,glatio,n has heen largely in tile inter-
sari tim invention of gunpowile, I. hall
begu-n to woric a obange in the art, of
est. of the. farriler. A,s a vonsequenee
%Nar, brut for a long time the. imperfee-
the, lawyers have liven practically leg -
tions of artillery made it of little
isbat'vid out of exigtonve, so fax as ti,
practical vtilu,-. The (,:innon �Norp un-
'wieldly. Tlwy could tit fir9t I)e fired
once, rernuner,itive court, Practice in
only thren or foul- times a (lay, at great
concerned, and the sherIffs vannob
erponi;6, and wLth anevi-tain execu-
alifike a (Iec,�Ttt living. flut uhile I he
tiou. The eitriiest va,nnon %%cre runde
IriXINyArs and sherlfN have suffered the.
of wood and consisted of semi-eylin-
drictul 1pieces, bound ,tvit.h iron I -ands.
counCry generafly ha% henvNied. for
Meat powder, of slow ignitiem, waA
credils nre now linii(ed. an(] farmirms
en nnot. qx,it so deeply into d6N ms form�
u,sed, wrought. iron cannons succeeded,
and when, a liftle lnti�r, the Germans
erly; bat. %hovild one 114Torne invnive(l
began to excit. bronze. field pieces, ar-
to tiny gr4-11,1 extent., the exemption law
protects his honiestond, Implenient"g,
tillory Aoored a notable improvement.
Granulation then made cannon orfec'
an(lenough farm stock to permit him
tive that Choy frequently buret, catia-
t mrry on operationa to the full
capae1ty o,f bi% firtia. The law iAnfl,W
Ing greater ex8oution among the gun-
the poi,oire,0 profe.-,sion ir M:4Tdl.nlva,,
ners tliAn upon t,he onir-my.
The liw�era Nkho mrtkn) mn inon-ino
wort.h Irowsting of aro all wwlicitlir- f,'or
Cannon b0cNat.0 Offieit-111, in Franee
btrVei corporaitions..
� �
I �
.. I � , .
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