The Clinton News-Record, 1898-05-05, Page 2e
_I -_
LININGS fin a,�l al lossouroCongratulation, that by your en' on city,case knit has paver yet report- �� ������ ' a7l�il��Ls
..1A..��!! � to J,JJ,1�111 r ffnazJetal losses your own prospects for ed one a-rtc]e of afoknosq or one bill e1
e„n,* heaven and the prospect for the hea- mortality. No oplithalmla for the eye.
]MARKS Tf1h MISFORTUNES OF LIFE van of your children are mightily im- No pneulmonia for the lungs. No
proved. Youl may have lost a toy, but pleurisy for the side. No neuralgia INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 8,
IN BRIGHT FASHION. you have won a palace. for the nerves. No rheumatism for ,.-_A .
V_ "How hardly shall they that have the muscles. "The inhabitants shall
beets In file Ilrl,lht LItiW the sorrow" ane riches enter into the kingdom of God "I never say, I am sick." "There shall be "The rlarrtalpe I eget.+' nett. a>t. 1-y4,
Troubles of Life Vatic Away to the It fs ea 'er for a camel to go through no more pain." Golden Text, Luke 14.17.
Me" alerleet. Crown of glory 'IThfch 1, a needle than foT a rich man to Again, you aught to matte the bast PRACTIC:IL NO'PFS.
)rlerited Through gutrertug—Tile Way, anter the klutdoirn of heaven." What of life's finality. Now, you think I Verse 1. Jesus answered. This phrase
or !perfection. does that mean 9 It means that the have a very tough subject. You do
grandest blessing God ever bestowed not see how I am' to strike a spark of in Bible usage dons not always imply
Washlaxten Apiril 24-R.ev. Dr. Tal- upon you was to take your money light out of the flint of the tombstone. a (011voTEAti(on• On this day, and in
Image preadled this morning from the away from you. Let me here say, in '!here are many people who .have an the temple courts, hardly anything
itext„ Jab xxxvii, 21: "And now men see passing, do not put much stress on the Idea that death is the submergence of comId be said by aur Lord without bav-
treasures of this world. You cannot everything pleasant by everything
. not, Ube bright light which is in the take them along with you. At any doleful. If my subject could close in Ing II?'e' 10rce of an answer to the as -
clouds;," rv,,e, you cannot take them more than the upsetting of all such precon, persiona of j]€s enemies. Spoke unto
Wind east. Barommter falling. Storm two or three miles. You will have to ca€ved notions, it would Class well. them 4gato by parables. Because i4
leave them at the cemetery. Attila Who can judge best of the features of
signals out, Ship reefing maint.opsail• was not safer tp tell the truth in its
had three coffins. 6o fond was be of a man—those who are close by him or naked tneauty, without
Awnings taken in. Prophecies of laud this life that he decreed that first he those who are afar off P "Oh," you poetic garb,
nvealber everywhere. The clouds c)ongre should be buried €n It, coffin of gold, savy, "those can judge beat of the fea- and because the truth he was about
gate around tlhe sun, proposing to and that then that ,should be inclosed tures of a man who are close by him 1" to uttor was so broad and so continuous
in a coffin of silver, and that should be Now, my friends, who shall judge o1
abolisb him. J3ut after awhile he as- inclosed In a coffin of iron, an¢ then a the features of death—whether they are in its application that it could be mono
sails the flanks of the Clouds with fly- large amount of treasure should be lovely or whether they are repulsive T effectively expressed by parables Man
Ing artillery o1 light, and here and tbrow„p in over his body. And so he You? You are too far off. If 1 want to it Could be by terse definition. Not
Mere is a sign of Clearing weat,ber. was bhu'ied, and the meta who burled get a judgment as to what real! the
g g Y simply to those about him did cntr Lord
Many do not observe ISG. Man do not him were slain so that Ao one might features of death aro, I will not ask
Y know where he was buried and no one you, I «ill ask those who have been speak. but to all wiltom his words reach,
realize it. "And now men see not, tlbe there interfere with his treasures. O within a month of death, or a week of to the end of time.
bright light, which is in the clouds." In men of the world who want to take death, or an hour of death, or a min- 2, :Phe kingdom of heaven is a phrase
otU]e,r Words, tbere are 100 men looking your money,with you, better have three: ute of death, They stand so near the with which we are now familiar. in
coffins.! features, they; Can tell, They give
tar storm wbere there is one man Again, I remark you ought to make unanimous testimony, ' if they are its last analysis it means the dominion
looking for suradhine. My object will the very best of your bereavements. Christian people, that death, instead of heavenly principles, a state or Con -
be, to got you and mysehf into tlhe de- The Whole tendency €s to brood over of being demoniac, is cherubic. Of dition in which God's will controls
y}g!htful habit of making the best of these separations, and to give much all the thousands of Christians who human w}its. 1'o the Jews it probably
time to the handling of momentos of have been carried through the gates I y
evarytthLag. the departed, and to make long visit- of the cemetery, gather up their dying had a conventional, almost technical
You may !have wandered at the statis- a,tions to the cemetery, and to say: experiences, and you will find they meaning, connecting it. ,with the rule
tics !llha.t in India to the year 1876 there "Oh, I can never look up again! My nearly all border on a jubilate.
mere 19,000 people slain by wild beasts, hope is gone. My courage is gone. oftHow of the Messiah. Jewish kings were the -
en you have seen a dying man join'
My religion is gone. My faith in God in the psalm being sung around his ore-tically vicegerents of God, for in
wn.l'tlhat in the year 1876 there were in is gone, Oh, the wear and tear and bedside, the middle of the verse open- its ideas Judah bad never teen au
!milia over 20,000 people destroyed by exhaustion of this loneliness'!' The ing to let his ransomed spirit free, ahsolute monarchy, but a t.heocrttey—
vvi ld alrimals. But there is a monster in frequent bereavement is the loss long after the lips could not speak kingdom, of which the king of.
our u.v(u kwid which is year by year de- of children. If your departed child looking and (pointing upward. God's
had lived as long as you have lived, Some of Soa talk as though God had Jerusalem ,was this representative. T%'
stroyi•wZ more t'h'an Chat. It is the old do you not suppose that he would have exhausted himself in building this Jews of Jesus's day expected the Mes-
bear of me.lane'holy, and with gospel had about the same amount of trouble world, and that all the rich curtains siah soon, and doubtless the members
d trial that
Ivveapoms 1 propose to Chase it lack to anYou have had T If you he aver made he hung around this
couldi make a choice for your child he- planet, and all the flowers be ever of the crowd that now clustered about
!!ls midmig�hk caverns. 1 mean to dotween 40 years of annoyance, loss, vex- grew he has woven into the carpet of Jesus each. took a meaning off his own
hwo sums—a sum In subtraction and a unit 40 from and bereavements our daisied meadows. No, This world frothis phrase, and none of them +nn -
Bum in addition ---a subtraction from years in heaven, would you take is not the beat thing God can do. This derstood its full and perfect beau(
your days of depression amd sin addi- the responsibility of choosing the for- world is not the best thing that God p Y•
.ion to your dt s of o if God will mei ? Would you snatch away the cup has done. A' certain king which made a mar-
t Y joy. of eternal bliss and put into that One week of the year is called blos- riage for itis son. The parable. of Luke
help me, 1 will Compel- yoiu to see the child's hands the cup of many bereave- son week—called so all through the 14. li 29, w t,9[o it describes a Prastt
bright light that there is in the el(mds Monts T Instead of the complete safe- land because there are more blossoms
sad compel you to malke the best of ty into which that child has been lift- in that week than in any ,other does not specify a wedding feast. '19re
ed, would you like to hold it down to week of the year. Blossom weekl figure of a marriage applied to re)i-
everyllhLng. the risks of this mortal state? Would And that is what the future world is giOus truth was; familiar and favoritq
Vile first enlace, you oug'bt to make you like to keep it, out on a set, in to which the Christ}an is invited -bloc- with the Jews. balm} pictured God the very beivt of all your fimuncial mis- which there have been more ship- som week forever. It is as far ahead ofas
lortumes. During the panic a few `,reeks than safe voyages?, Is it not this world as paradise is ahead of Dry the bridegroom and Israel Its his
a comfort to you to know that that Tortugas, and yet here we stand shiv- bride. Jeremiah apoke of the idola-
years. hgo you all lost money. Some of child, instead of being besotted and ering and fearing to go out, and we tries of Israel as a wife's adulteries.
You lout et in most unaccountable ways. flung into the mire of sin, is swung want to shay on the dry sand and amid And John the Baptist and our Lord
Fox We question, "How many tlhous- clear into the'skies? Are not those the stormy petrels when we are invited had in various teachings employed re -
children to be congratulated that the to ardors of jasmine and birds of para- lated figures of speech. This story em-
a,nds of dollars small I putt aside Mis point of celestial bliss ,which you ex- dice. phasizes the guests rather than the
year ?" you substituted tike question, pect, to reach by a pilgrimage of One season I had two springt}mes. I kings or his son. But it is plain from
"Hbw shell l pity tiny bullc'her and 50 or 60 or 70 years tboy reach- went to New Orleans in April, and I the outset that the king stands for
baker and clothier and landlord?" You, ed at a flaah'6 If. the last 10,- marked the difference between going God, and that, like the marriage des -
000 children ,who had entered hea- toward New Orleans and then comingcribed by Isaiah, this marriage symbo-
hac4 the sensation of rowing hard with ven had .gone through the average back. As I went on down toward New lines the union of Christ and his
,lAvo oars and yet all tlhe time going of. human life on earth, are you sure Orleans the verdure, the foliage, be- Church.
di(mm stream. all those 10,000 children would have came thicker and more beautiful. 3. Sent forth his servants. '.'his, also,
You, (lid not say much about it be- finally reached the blissful terminus? When I came back, the farther I came was a familiar figure of speech. See
Besides that, my friends, you are to toward home the less the foliage and Matt. 21. 33-- 46, where the servants
cause it was .net polite to speak much look at this matter as a &elf denial on less and less it became until there was are made to represent the good men—
of finnnciat embarrassment, but your your part for their benefit. If Your hardly any. Now, ft all depends prophets, psalmists, and priests—who
wife tenet,. Less variety of wardrobe„ children want to go off in a May day upon the direction in which you travel. were sent at different times through'
mare economy alt Iih.e table, self denial party, if your children ,rant to go on If a spirit from heaven should come centuries to call Israel to religious
a flowery and musical excursion you toward our world, he is traveling faithfulness. To call them that were
}m art and tapestry. (.'ompressi�on, re" consent. You might g
d,$tment. hVfho did n•oL feel the no- g prefer to have from June toward, Decembetl, from ra- hidden to the wedding. It is not eon -
them with you, but their jubilant ab- diance toward darkness, from hanging trary to oriental habitudes, though it
gesaity of it ? My friend, did you make sence satisfies you. Well, your depart- beat of this T Are you arware of ed children have onlyP gardens toward icebergs. And one may not for
€n a second
with frequent
1)l(N1Y•. na'TTOW an escape you made? Su gone out in a would not be very much surprised if custom, for a second invitation to be
P- May day party, amici flowery and mus- a spirit of God sent forth' from lieav- cent out by a host, and an escort thus i
#)use you 'had reached the fortune to- ical entertainment, amid joys and bit- en toward our world should be slow to be
yyvard wmic)h you, were rapidly going? arities forever, That ought to ecce}dei for each guest. The
,11'fuet then ? You would ave been as g quell to come. But how strange it is that thought here is that the bidden guests
� some of your grief, the thought of their we dread going toward that world were disloyal to their king; any oth-
f,rcxautl as Lucifer. lee.
Hlaw few men have succeeded largely g So it ou ht to be that when going is from'•,December toward er invited persons would have been
im a financial senna and et maintain- g you could June, from the snow of earthly storm proud of their invitation, but these
y make (be best of all bereavements. The to the snow of ls'denic blossoms, from traitors would not come. v
. ed l4]eia' simplicity and religious conse- fact that you have so many friends the arctics of touble toward the,tropics 4. He sent forth other servants. Think v
crtativai ! Not one man out of 100. There in heaven will make p 1
arcs. glorious exc tions, but the e,nera] Your own de go- of eternal joy I of Samuel's efforts to reform tarsal,
g' g tura very cheerful. When you are go Oh, what an ado about dying! Tule is abet in proportion as a man ing on a voyage, everything depends z! \Ve and his partial failure; of F.lisha and
gets we41 off fur tibis world he gets get so attacbed to the malarial marsh Lli,jah, and their greater failure; of
uuwl uff for tike nex•t., He loses his upon where your friend are—if they in which we live that we are afraid Isaiah and. Jeremiah, and their utter
#) y' are -on the wharf that you leave, or on to go up and live on the hilltop. We failure; till At length "God's armies"
sense of dependence on Gad. de gets the wharf toward wbich you are go- are alarmed because vacation is com- came and "burned up their city." 'I i
n distaste foe• prayer meetings. With ing to sail. In other words, the more in F,teraal sunk ht - and feast pro- hlCve Y
pdeaitiy of bank shooks and plenty of friends g g prepared my dinner: A feast, a
d you have in heaven the easier gramme of celestial minstrels and hal- banquet—a " wedding breakfast." My I
goner,nment, securities, wlhait does that it will be to get away from this world. leluiah, no inducement. Let us stay oxen and my fatlings are killed. In the i
Man �.cnow of tJhe prayer, "Give me this The more friends here the more bitter
day my daily breadV Hlow few men herr and knot cold and ignorant and Orient ; it is
lid a fleshmeatluxury It
goodbyes. The more friends there the �vea,q, Do not introduce us t(] Elijah
largely successful in tthIs world are jab r eaten; it fs it necessity,
as a luxury t
more glorious welcomes. Some of ,you soft John Milton and Ilousdalouea Keel) rather thaA as a necessSt and the
bringing wuds' tu-0h,Tist" or,• s'bowin have sb••.Ina'ny, brothers, sisters, rhil= 1 y'
self-dezlial for o'tthors or are aminenli dren, friends, in heaven that Ido not ear feet a the planting
cobblestones he shouts and songs and laughter which
for piety 9 Yow can count (!hem all know hard) how earth instead of planting them ow, the we associate with drinking ,cute. al's,
y ,you are going to hank of •amaranth, in heaven. Give its frequently spoken of in oriental lit -
niton your eight fingers (anti two crowd through. When the vessel came this small island of a leprous world in -I erature as the effect. of eat- r
bbumbs• from foreign la.nds, and brought a stead of the immensities of splendor Ing flesh, The killing of the oxen, and t
One of the aid covotouis souls, When prince to our harbor, the sh}l,s were and de.ltght. Reel) our hands full of fatlinga, then, shows this dinner 'to t
hie was seek and sick unto death, used covered with bunting, and you remem- nettles and our shoulder under the have been luxurious. All things are
Ito stave a basin
brought in, a basin her how the men-of-war thundered I
filled w•iitth gold, and :his only amuse- broadsides, but there was no o there ho ppl s and our, anocknkles
in the yoke and pmol , 7 f king had neglected no
joy our w s is our ankles and handcuffs on guie provision for the+ pleasure of his ('
tnen•t and We only relief he gore tar his compared with the joy which shall he wit wrists. "Dear T,ord," ,we seerW to gutesta. In t batt, holt country 'killing i 11
Inflamed wands was running it up in demonstrated when you sail up the I
gibe basin. Oib, whalt infatuation and broad bay of heavenly salutation. The may' ke'eT' us down here where we Have and cocking closely followed each
What, destroying y to suffer instead of lotting us up where other. ;h
Y g power money for more friends You have Chore the ostler o l f
far many a man l Now, you vwisue sail- your oven transit. What is death
we might live and reign and rejoice. ,. They made light of it. Those in- t,
Ing a4 30 knots tlhe hour toward these a mothOr whose children are in heaven? I am (ama•zed at myself and at your tent on the things of this world fail n
vortices of worldlitneas—wihat a mato Why, self for this infatuation under which to recognize spiritual blessings at s
y y, there is no more grief in, it. than we ail rest. Men you ,would suppose their worth. One to his farm, an- A
It was, Mat hemest defalcation ! The there is in her going into a. nursery would
flame divime hand that crushed your amid the romp and laughter -of her get frightened rldin at having to other a his merchandise. The world i
storehouse, your bank, your office, your household. Though all a. slay in this world instead of getting was then divided, as now, into coun-
g round may be ven. Ienect at having to go towarrl hea- try and city people, and the secular in- 8
insurance company, lilted you out of dark, sed you not the 'bright light in weq, irongratulate anybody who has a I teresLx of both were so pressing that ci
destruction. Tme day yzpu honestly the clouds, that light .ti4e irradiated
duspemded in business made Your for- fares of right. to die. By that, Imean through, they neglected the kingdom of -God. a
your glorified kindred ? sickness
IEu�ne Par eternity. you, cannot avert or through G. The remnant. The rest of them.
So also, my friends, I would have accident you cannot avoid—,your ,work Took his servants and entreated them!
"Olhy" yvu say, "I could get •flung you make the best of. your sickness.
eery well myself, taut I am so disap- When you see one move of con unmated, "Where did they bury spitefully. These were , merely ti,
f w int else- Lfl ?"sir
y said one little child to Anoth neglectful., but hostile, '.'hey ma -11- s
1pblpited tihat 1 cannot lea+ve a confect- tic step, and in full physical vigor, gr- "Oh,t' ,she replied, "they buried her! ciawsly injurer! the king's s(:rvanl;s. 1'
RRe Par my dhitlflsren!" iu bratbsr, your l mea you become impatient with ", tho ground ?" 'What I in So ),lila" was pursued by Ahab, and I g
e soma financial miat(rrtiune tlhat is ,your lame foot. When a man describes "the cold round 9" "Oh no no not I Irs•tia
jgbiing -to save your soul will save your an object a mile off and you cannot g 1 vas sawn asunder by Manasseh, I 1
fttldrrem, Wi•t'h the anticipation of ]see it at all, you become impatient to the cold ground, but in the warm I and Jeremiah was starred , and
-Lobreek- at
INIT90 fortune, bows much industry of your dim eye. When ground, where ugly seeds become beau- ing dungeon as beheaded
and eo d. o
3 you Bear of a tifnl flo,vers I" I the Baptist was beheaded by Herod. w
p,auUd your ehi,ldren wave. without well man making a great achievement, But," says some one, "it pains me $o Jesus, the Son; ,vas himself killed
yvmicm 1ta)alt of indmsUry there is too .You become impatient with your. de- so much to t.hinit that. J 'must lose the by the .Jews; and so, Thousands of e
safety? The Young Irian v,otnLcl say, pressed nervous system. or your ail- body with which my soul has so long Viiristians from that day to this have p
Well, Chere's no meed of my working. apidated health. I will tell you how com:liatnioned." You do not lose it. You )w.en entreated spitoruft because of c
Aly '[aMahlar will sada step out, and then you stn make the worat'. of it. Brood no more lose your body by death than' their faithfulness to the message that
I'll lbave just what I want." You can- over it—brood over all those illnesses you lose your wattoh when you send God committed to them. t
not bide from him haw Much you are —and your nerves will become more
woot,L. You bhitdk you are hialing ,it. twitch •, and it to have it repaired, or your jewel 7. He sent forth his armies. Over anti a
y your dyspepsia more ag- when p
He kborw•s„all about it. .Tie cam tell gravated. and your weakness more wap- you send It to have it reset, or over again in thH history of the ,curt<1
Upp•ati almost to a dollryr. Perhaps che, palling. But that is the devil's ork the faded picture, when you send it to and the Church, God has used the
s been, to the ceyuntqq office and sear- to tell you how to make thlerworst of have it touched up, or the photograph) wrath of man to praise him. Sargon,
chRrt lhP, rooarcls of deeds and morn- it. It is my work to show you a bright of a friend when you have it put in a 1 and Sennaollerih, Nebut• and
gages, and he 'bas added it all up, light in the clouds. new locket. You do not lose your Titus, the )parbaric and Mohammedan v
anti iw has made an estimate of how Which of the Bible men most at- body. Paul will go to Rome to gets and Christian warriors during the cen-
larug you will probably stay in tilrla tract your attention? You say, Moses, lits, Payson will go to Portland to get turies of ChTistendom�-morally bad
world, aad. Is not an muetb worried Job, Daviel, Jeremiah, Paul. Wh his. President Edwards will go to Prin- as many of them ,core—were still
about. your rheumatism am•d abort.ness Y+ ceton• to get his, George Cockman will I God's servants, And commanded God's o
what a strong° thing it is that you
of lerea•tch as you are. The wally for- have chosen those who were physieally g° to the bottom of the Atlantic to armies. '11mey doubtless did many li
ifulne worth anyt'hi'ng that you can give disordered] Moses—I knowhe wasnerv- get bis' and we will go to the. village things in ol!edienc•e to the devil ; doubt- to
your CalUd is the' for't.urne you put in bis OUR from the clip he gave the Fgyp- ebvrchyarda and the city cemeteries to less often they parried out Jehovah's
get ours, and when we havei our , per- purpoass without knowing them; )>ut ti
"Rad ato,d heart. Of all the young men (San. .jolt-h€a blood was vitiated and feel. s•t€tit ro,joindd to our pe.P£eet t,(]dy this fact remains truo—thtt no great v
w[hballystarted life with 0,111 0
capital, diseased and be badkin a runningesfully soup- then we will are the kind of men And military scourge bars punished this as
mhalf 1,urnpddoze out wve11P Ido not five. David—be had a running sore, women that the resurrection morning earth without God using him to turn ob
knvlw half a dozen. whieh' he speaks of when he says "My w,fli make possible.
The 'best. inheritance a young man sure ran in the night and ceased, not:.” ihousanda to righteousness. Burned
can have is the feeling that he has to Jeremiah had enlargement of i.ho an so You
doleful Ae you have wit made ou11 ups their city. As Jerusalem had Leon bb
tight. his own battle, and that life is spleen. Who can doubt a who reads Y story yet. What. have You destroyed and was soon again to be, do- ni
a proved }
sir [ about a.
struggle into which he must throw I,amenl;aL•ions? Paul—he had a lifetime death.? What. to the (.ase siroyed by the Tlom�a.n armies. t
body, mind and soul or be disgracefully sickness which the commentators have y(nt have made out; 9 You have made , 8, Were not, worthy. Compare the
worsted. Where are the. burial places been g years, not (art just this -that: dea,t.h allows us to words of Pawl and Mxnabas to tile R
p guessing about for have a perfect body, free of all aches, Jews of Antioch, Acts 13. 46. vv
Of the men who started life with! a for- knowing exactly what: the apostle unitod for4ver with a perfect soul free 9. Into the hlghways. "Oat to the of
tune? Some of them in the potter's meant by "a Chorn in the flesh." I from all sin. Correct ,your theology. cross roads." Wrt is in Paleslino are h'
field, some in the suicide's grave. But no not know either, but it was some- ��'Ilad. Bops it all me n? Why, it means
few of these men reached 35 years of I.hing sharp, something that'•stuck him. poor affairs in Play case, bul even I
a43(!. They drank, they smoked, the L
Chat, moving dit.y is roming and that I along the desert they are closely kept
Y gather from all this that physical you are going to quit cramped, apart- to, and where they cross each other
gambled. In tbem the beast destroy- disorder may be the means of grace inents and Iw mansioned forever, The roost. C do
eel the man. Some of them lived long to the soul. You say you have so many people ,would lilrely ire mot. o
enough to get their fortunes and went temptations from bodily ailments, and horse that stands at. the gate will not the apostles first preaehed the Gospel
through them, The vast majority of if you wore only well you think ,you be the one lathered And besi,attered, in the chief places of report. The great of
them did not live to get their inherit- could he a good Christian, While your carrying bad Haws„ but it will be the, cities sae the cross roads of Christen- t
ance. From the ginahop or house of lemptat:ions may lie different, they are borne that St. John saw in Apocalyptic dam.. As many as ye shall find, .,bid do
Infamy they were broi%ght home to no more than those of the man who has vision - the white horse on ,which to the marriage, In the parable these
their father's house and in delirium An appetite three atimos a day and the King comes to the banquet. The unfortunates mi.g'II;t at. first seem, to
began to pick off loathsome reptiles sleeps eight "tours every night. ground around the palace will quake hove been indebted for their invitation
from t.ha embroidered With the tires and (roofs Of celestial to the (sinful folly cif chosen ones who
Pillow and to From my observation, T judge that ° ui pa e, and those Christians whc, in th
fight hack Imaginary devils. And then fnvallds have amore rapturous view q 1 g had refused, but this i& not. according 1
Choy wore laid out In hi hl Upholster- aft this world lost their friends and lost to methods in the kingdom Of grace.
g Y P 1JQ 11oXt vyorltl ,than Well peoI,le griq�d sL
a1 wirlor•. t1�p market cgverte(1 .)vfth wf11 have higher renown in lreuVen,,rhe �°ir properey d their }�eullh and God has always sought the 9A1vA.t{Ory to
r "'"`'" -- lost t yip+ lite nil finrU o'ilt that, Gad
,]finer„ %y IndulgePlti parQTMxdl �19We:la l,. viejp nr the LL01b%�wu{'t� :i:.niitut.nAnB of the WL010 world,
suggestive of a resurreettoti with no is I.hrougb the la4;fae of the sickroom. wag always kind, and that all thing 10. Gat'heredl together m11 as mnaq
hOpb, worked together for their good, and as they found, ImAh good n.nn bad. 'this
sherd are trains tanning every hour that those were the wisest people on
Aa you oat this morning at. Your between pillow and -throne, between, 1 P little turn in fixe story tenOhea us at
hrealrfast table and looked into the hospital and mansion, between band- earth who made the best of everything. le(tst 1stt,o lesnonen: 1, Pio Christian tea- in
fares, Of your children perhaps you said ages and robes, between crutch and fisc Yolt not now the bright light In 4iRtk haat right go mwke selection br
within Ourself.: "Poor things 1 How palm branch, Oh, 1 wish some of you the clouds o$ souls to 1% saved; eve afro to gather I
I wish it eotild start them ih• life with people who are compelled to cry: "my - all as manly as we find; ,we mile to got l,a
a rompefertee I flour I bave been dls- head, my head 1 My foot, my foot I M luta all the world and preach the Got
My SONG Aire xII'E BELS. ,
rtpPpo€ntecl In all my expectations of I,aak, my back 1" would try tomo Of the pe•1 to every erea,'ttrre; we are to count
what I wowld do for them 1" lilpon, Lord's medicine. You; are going to gat What tlo the been ding, Willie t , t'lve pu!reat none tv]O'good for penitence, he'
that WGIIQ Of pathos I break with a well anyhow before long. �fa+v6'4 tri I wvnAt you M' honey. .4 and the moll degraded none ton had th
a• ,
—_ _- If. ,
comprise merely the active ormkes of
Abe countries referred W,*,
In war' times the number of flght- i
tars that each nation wo lit, put into
the field would multiply i,- some in-
stanoes by two the foreec quoted above.
TlIus, a million men woui'd have to be
added to Germany's army it
be added to the number given above.
If the second reserve is to be inelu&
ed, it will be necessary to add, nearly,
a million more. If the grand total of•
fighting man capable of being put In-
to the field when the entire resources
of Germany ase drawn upon be added
together, it will swell the German ar-
my to 6,098,180 men. All the other na-
tions would he able to send to battle
vastly augmented forces, should the
reserves be called upon, eo that where
in past wars armies of 70,000, 80,000 or
100,000 men were considered a large
and powerful force, in a modern fight
between great nations such an army
would not be, considered more than a
small section of the force required to
do battle on a e.•„gle that promised sue- _'}ler}••_
case. — -- . • -- --
With millions of men against her,
Great Britain has shown that she does
not Consider her strength puny, She ,I
boasts of her " splendid isolation," and
talks confidently of her ability to cope -
with armies numbering rcdilions by the
simple process of bottling them up in
their own fortified harbors and com-
pelling them to at:ay there until they
tire of the imprisonment and sue for
peace. With her vast navy Britain feels
absolutely confident tint she can set-
tle Germany in a very shawt time, Ger-
many's limited seaboard would make .1
the investment of her coast towns, say
the Brit-4she x matter of th�e�t�r'-+- -�:�
ease, and i t OM, what
would be the use of a millions of
trained men .' There is truth in the ar-
gument when
of the German and British navy is con-
sidered, for Britain's navy possesses no
less than 989 shi s of war f 11 •1
. .
A smart wIlikimg gown of velvet or shoulder to the waist are bands of
corduroy, the latter material for spring the material in very fine Clucks, and be-
wear, is made with a close-fIttin lain trvv
g P sen the treads are insertions of lace.
Vrlt of mediam lengbi. The waist is The sleeves have a small puff,, and ova
tight -fitting, mveh more so then any or the top are square •epaulettes fin-
We have seen for some time. It has re- ished with a band of the tucks, they
vera which are faced with white lace are gnrlte long, and fall over tine hand.
and a vest of pleated white bhiffon 'rhls gown can be copied in any of the
With bands of guipure lace, with a light -weight cloths,) a,nd is an extreane-
square Yoke also of the laoe. From the ly good model to follow.
p, e a L asses
and sizes, while. Germany posseses on-
lY 3.4. It would be a different story ,
should France join Germany, for in
that event she would bring her navy
of 678 ships to juin (hose of Germany.
Italy has a fairly good navy, a
S b'b n y, nd .Bri-
twin, should she find an ally in this
nation, would secure the help of 330
warships of all kinds, but in Russia i
Etl,e would have another Lormidsible on -
emy, .with a navy of 467 ships, Turkey
has 211 warships of one kind, :4nd an -
other, but they are not very formid-
able craft, and would not make a very
serious impression in a naval fight
.-- - - ..._._» _�
for 1tep,e. Previous sin has nothing' SECOND DELU OF BLOOD,
whatever to do with the invitation. GE 0
modern hosts. Japan 11 a fins
little of all classes,
little navy of of
Not the rfgbteous, but sinners, Jesus i
and ,would do effective ,cork in the
Orient, but she be
came to call. "Outcast" is a wicked I
would scarcely tin
nobody is oast oua by Christ;
ally upon whom England could count
the man who would with ltypocriti- 1 CASE OF A WORLD'S WAR.
to balance the force on her side with
cal viirtue cast anyone out of bhs circle
that of a combination of continental
of symp,a'hy in, dbring what Christ con- The StandingAruties orthe Arnted Niulons
sured Vito unjust stewlard for doing'—
But it is the awful cwrnage that
_Riligdomx vvoutd Topple Over, Fast
he is himself asking forgiveness of God
would result front such a combination
titles Ile In Rains, and the.,World•a reap
while (refusing to forgive his neighbor. ..
of forces as that suggested that makes
Ile changed.
•2. The CbuTeh of Christ on earth
men stop appalled at the very thought
not poTfeeA; it has in it both bad I The war with Spain and the United
general international war, like that.
and, good, far spore good than bad; and States may bo short, and peace may
Yet some bad. Remember the
which has been so calmly discussed '
many times recently. It would be a
parable reign again in a few weeks. It may be
A Ile flEres. ,
world at war Not. a few thousand
11. The king came in. We have all ' P•rolonged, and in the latter event the
fighting men pitted against, each other
along been regarding this banquet• as nations that are at this time noub
but the flower of the manhood of na-
trona taking opposing silos, every Mau
the Gospel feast, And to that feast of- will find their interests more or less
ten in
capable bearing arms being impress -
and ma ways the Kin of
Y b' interfered with. � It will be to Great
comes. -sometimes by bewildering 'Britain's
ed into the fight. for home soft. fathrr-
ovidence; sometimes by soft whispers interests to see the war
land; a deluge of blood As there was
n the meditative and prayerful twi- brought to a sudden close, for -war
ones a deluge of ,eater, that would
threaten the some dire results of the
by bereavements; by piles on , means a stoppage of commercial rela-
piles of blessings; by stray snatches,
world. The peace -at -any -price party
tions with one of: her best customers,
of tunes which carry holy hymns and
may be excused for their utterances
Should great Britain undertake to in -
sound of a voice that is still; b Y
when such a result is contemplated as
day, "when man to judgment + farfara: in the fight between the I7nit-
vak f 1 "
that which would en»ue from a gen-
eral conflict of the nations.
es rom c ay —many indeed are the ed States and Spain it will require
vayts by which the King comes in I To ,I
alight provocation for her watchful
the guests. To inspect them. A i enemy, Russia, to take advantage of man which had not on a wedding gar-
went, It seems to be presupposed that the fact that the attention of English -
king had given to the guests dr ss- i men is temporarily distracted from the
of honor, This man's guilt consis�ed i Eastern situation to commit some act
n his rejectingwhat a•ae
The recent slot in Bombay recalls st-
thus pro- f that ,,ill set a match to the train of
Read the story of 3ehu, 2Kings
tention to the ravages of the plague in
0. 22. There are not wanting cases gunpowder Jaid to the magazine in
the second largest city in the British
n modern oriental life ,,here kings ,the Orient.
Empire, and the ditficul.tiea which st-
nd nobles have presented robes to I
heir guests. What is the wedding gas- ! Under such citreWmstanres it 'will be
tend its eateTmination. The earlier ef-
fo is made to check the pTog'ress of
9 holiness -that righteousness in keeping with the present indica-
is the gift of -Christ to those •tions for Japan to join forces
the disease through. the peninsula seem
aro willing to put it on. Britain, and for German Aug -
to have been largely successful, but
The Friend. The w•ior'd means com- Y'
Ade, mate, companion. It is Chme I tria and Italy to be forced into
in (Bombay its arrest was only tempor-
Imes by ou,r Lora, always with the i , ONE GIGANTIC WAR
aay, and though the population has
beets reduced one-•thir(�-b;, `!igbt, the
of .reproof -to the complain -
workmen, to the traitor ,)vd" and that will change the map and perhaps
dea h -rate is now reported at about
He was speechless. The man's sweep away kingdoms.
thirteen hundxed per week. To in-
arelessness or, defiance. wbicbever it Armed Europe is a tremendous
as,. is ,hese seen• to be inexcu(sa.hle.
crease the diffietnities of the situation
Right at y , p
18, 'Bind Un band and Loc]t, and take g present. German s stu end-
the measures taken b the flritish
um away, This shows the ,wraith of
oua army of 1,946,380 men, officered by
a'uth oTities to stamp out the infection
he king. Choc. him inti, outer dark-
22,672 men, with a cavalry of over 100,-
—the isolation of patients, removal to
reqs. The darkness of 't.he nugbtt out-
the palace br'Semtttl cities
000 horsemen a.nd an artillery compris-
hospitals, examinatiom and registry of
te IIOL IlKhted,and ,lf 1'U$a rem tit nig.,
Ing 2,964 guns, would be a tremendous
bodies preceding buirial, etc.—are re-
perfectly forlorn. Weeping and
aggregation of fighters for Greats Bri-
garded by the natives as an interfer-
wishing of teet.b. A phrase which Iain to face, with her little force of
ence with the Lr religious faiths and
rings into vivid contrast the misery 1215,281 soldiers, 4,918 officers, 29,812 cav-
nd mortification of the e,jec(ed guest
Ideas. of social propriety. 'Phe latter
nd the splendor, beauty, and hilarious alrymen and 720 guns. All the men
are not only willing that the authori-
cheer of the welcome guest's.
Great Britain would have to help her
tires should emfurce sanitary measures,
14. Many are called, but few
I through an alliance with Japan would
bulb deem it their duty to do so, a:nd
re chosen. The meaning of this be 56,237 infantry and 5,760 ravalry_
verse, which bas been so pili-
would submit without resistance to
filly warpert by stirrie zealous t heolb-; (nen. The Japs are born fighters, and
tem raa' removal from tlto cit
Po Y y while
fans would seem to be made plain have proved t.heix prowess as have their
It was be mg cloansed, perhaps, to re-
q the story which we have ,just i British' friends, but, the odds would be
Led Who ? 1+'ir•st
moval to a mew site, dr to the butrning
.ada were called tremendous, and individual courage
all, a few selected g•uesia; after- I
of infected districts were fair compens-
and all, as many as could he found: does not count, for much where men
atiom made. But they regard the in -
he were chosen? Those who accept- are, pitted at it distance of two miles
Vasiom of their houses by sanitary in-
the invitation and came with the by a marksman with amagazine rifle•
sipeotors t!he removal of the sick to
spirit. and in proper garb. "The '
so far as ibis ptixable is con- I What frightful scenes would result
hospitals and inte'rforenee with, their
says Dr. Plumptre, "appears from a Oneral war such as that rug_
methods of disposing of the dead not
be as dependent, upon the answer gested, should France join forces with
i» the calling." i
alone as an crut,rage, but as beyomd
Germany's millions and swell her fight-
the Tight of their foreign cutlers.
ing strength by putting over `1,000,000
men into the field, with 112,000 caval-
The recent ,riot ,which changed Bom-
ry and 3,400 gunsl If the eour4e of
bay in a few lhours from a quiet capi-
the IIoyal Hospital for Children
Rdtuburgh WIIh
events should ever bring it to pass
4al to a seething cauldron oif insurrec-
at it I►oil'atloa e. I that, b'rance forgets her old grudge•
tion, and necessitated the calling out of
I%e King of Siam has a passion for i against. Germany, and makes an offe.n_
white 'troops and the planting of artil-
It is not ,restricted to the ive alliance with her, what a. tremen-
lery on the streets, was precipitated by
Siamese tots of his ow•n land, but dous army would be really witbin Inn-
the forcible removal of a woman to a
universal. , ,During his globe trot- biliza.t.ion lune after the declaration of
hospital. The British authorities can -
ng tour last year the children of the war I
not, of course, al,andon effort to ar-
nations interested him as much ! Whatever the outcome of Great Bri-
rest, the disease without giving up one
anyt.hdng he saw. The hospitals for lain'st efforts to obtain an ally, it ran-
ildren never escaped his attention,
reason for their presence in India, yet
it was in these places of suffering not be hoped that. Russia will be' nny-
they are clearly in a quandary as to
at the King laid aside his royal dig- I thing;, :,uti an enemy of hers. To the en- I
blow to proceed, any couirse that may
ty and show that one touch of nal alition against Great Britain, therefore,
l,e adopted being upon to objection. To
makes the whole world kin. I would be added the army, of the Czar,
While in Edinburgh he •visited the numbering 1,116,824 men, a cav-
simply abandon effort and let the pla-
a 'tel for Ch 1 r air
Y Pa Children. en. His heart I y force of 163,000, among whom
i course, h r v'
t'9t OM1 1
rUnn 1' -
es ane
touched with a great pity for the ,vvoutd ho the fierce,
ibillLy therefor on [the natives,. would
flicted little ones, and recently the CO,%SACKS OF THE DON,
be to shirk a plain duty; ,while to put.
authorities received a gift
Majesty In form of a bean-
Iand an artillery force with '2,672 guns
Bombay under military rule and kill
doll's house. It was made at a
at its command.
out all who resist the doctor's orders
of $250, and is probably the finest
Austria would be, a mighty ally, for
g Y y
her fighting strength- is 86`2,300 men,
would, eves if successful, which it
house a
opens both book and front,
Nothing the have thought
and she can supplement this with a
might not Ire. greatly augment the
n so
would have given so much' joy to
cavalry force numbering 163,000 horses,
cleavage between the Europeans and
unfortunate little invalids. The
and an artillery with 1,572
Y guns. If
Asiatics. Another plan, t,bat of first
house opens both back and front,
Turkey same into the caeca]
inquiring or the native religious teach-
_ _
mage she would add to the total of
fighting men an army of 180,000 com-
era what sanitary rwlea conflict with
bat,ants, with a cavlrq force of 80,400
their religious faith and social oua-
claims to have an invention
men, and 696 guns, Not by any means
totes, eliminating them, and then rig -
.t will make him rich. a
guess be has, It Is an artificial sea-
it force to be despised, for most of
Turkey's soldiers are veterans of one
orausly enforcing all others, would, of
tan for people who cannot afford
war, '
eourrse, largely remove cause of fric-
leave home in summer.
Tbese figures are appalling when it
tion, but might seriously interfere with
is considered that they represent men
(1e effectiveness of the remedial
Under arms, trained in the use it mod-
sdheme. if the despa,tahes may be fie»
does a great deal of think-
ern weapons, which aro the deadliest
used in any war since the world began,
cepted, however, this is what has bee*
on his own renponsibility and he
ands men who are thoroughly educated
out the othe clay with: Papa,
in the art of war, with nothing left un-
Old Father TiMs's kind Of a
number, hain't he?
done that thoughtful trainers can du
What makes you think no, Tommy P
gest to harden physique And maks
perfect the fighting qualitil+s of the
I wonder how I eon make my mon-
Cause if he was right up to date
troop& But wba,t becomes of the Aug-
ey go the farthest.
d have a mrswin' mershet+n 'Mead of gelltioit 9f even these millions fight-
nava ,r ou pv'r+r hnixgglat, a conversa-
scythe he carries 'round.". Ing, whew it is remembered that theY tion over the long-d€st. A0* teleph[ogp jl
. Al— __ - -, I