The Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-28, Page 711
�., ..
, ,
Its Lead Penelh allplstoaed In Will
. >
, _
Ispublishod every THURSDAY lit TRIM
NO:wri RiceORD Printing House, Albert St.,
11 C13.:.3 m*.cP3t L, C)IXX*te
,iAD%Ltltiktau ttA11113.
1 Yr. 6 Ma 3 Mo. I Me,
[ Colun►n........goU W $35 W $20 OU $7 W
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Column.,,.,... 1500 9 Lu 500
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i- 8WSPoolal position from r5 to 60 percent eartra.
• For transiel;It advertisements 10 cents
per line for the first insertion; 3 cents
iper line each subsequent insertion-
uanparell measure. Professional cards,
not exceeding one inch, $5.00 per
annum. Advertisements w'ithaut spec
i. .ifie directions will lee published till
forbid and charged for accordingly.
Transient notices -"Lost." "Wound,"
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I ' Llertion, 25 cents for each subsequent
, THE NEWS -RECORD will be sent
E to any address, free of postage, for
I 1.00 per year, payable in advance -
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the address label. No paper discontin-
ued until all arrears are paid, except
at the option of the proprietor,
,,i . Editor and Proprietor.
Incorporated by Act of Parlialnont 1855.
CAPITAI. $2,000,000
!} ResT - $11500,000
.. .
!1 Head Ofliee, - MONTREAL.
i „
..F. WOi,IrERETAN '1 NOMAS, Gen. Manager.
; Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
Issued, Sterling and American E.,cobange
bought and sold. Interest allowod on Deposits
! 11
. _ __
I ,lS, BANK,
Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up.
k Money advanced to farmers on their own
notes with one or more endorFers. No moat-
gage requirod as soourity.
H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
�,-_ 'G. D. McTAGGA T
R !
$ Banker,
' A General Banking Business Transacted.
Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued.
Interest Allowed on Deposits;
�_.. -- _ T._ _.
` John Ridout,
Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc.
-� r
Fire Insurance, Real sat
E t e.
Money ole totend.
', ._.___ ---,--
. Dr. W. Gunn,
R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh
I Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night
calls at front door of residence on Ratter•
bury Street, opp. Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Turnbull,
J. L. Turnbull, IGT. B., Toronto Univ.
M.D. ; C.M., Victoria Univ. M,C.P. & S.
Out, • Fellow allow f t c
o he nb.
, , rein,
tial society . o< et
Edinburgh. Late of I rnldott, Eng, enc
Edinburgh hospitals Office --Dr. Dow:;
ley'sstand;'Ratterybury St. \fight call:
answered at Office.
Dr. Shaw,
Office -Ontario Street, opposite Englist
church„ fortnerly occupied by Dr. Apple.
ton, •
Surgeon Dentist.
OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store
Clinton, Ont, Special attention to preser
vation of natural teeth.
N. B --Will visit Blyth everyMonday an(
Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during
the summer. -
Office Hours, - n 00 j.
At Zurich , the second Thursday of eact
J. E. t t lackall,
office on Isaac Street next New Era oflicc
Residence, Albert St., Clinton.
B . Thomlinson,
Veteri nary Surgeo n.
Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Vet
erinary College, Toronto.
Treats all diseases of Domestic Animal!
on the most modern and scientific principle:
Day and Night calls prom Otly answered
Residence-Rattenbury Street, West
Clinton, Ont.
_ _-
J. Scott, Barrister, &C,
Money to Loan.
E. Campion, QC.,
Barristers - Solicitor, - Notary, &c,
Orrin+ ---Over Davis' Drug Store.
Money to Loan
M. O. Johnston,
Barrister, Solicitor, Commissioner, Etc.
Orru•rr-C'or Hamilton and St. Andrew'i
----_..._ . -_- _ _ -. _ v .-
W. Brydone,
Barrister, ,Solicitor, Notary Public, &c.
opplert I a
t ,moss tully ball the sickness In the world. II
retains tits+ dlgestrA food too long In the bowel$
and producers 411leWtte$$, torpid elver, 1n*
gestlolt, bad tate, coated
tongue, sloketc. b tood'se, llePHIS
somata, oto. Hood's Pelle
cure aonstlpatlou and all its
results, easily and thoroughly. 25o. Alt druggISM
.Prepared by O. I. Hood a Co., Lowell, Mails.
The only PUW N take with 1100l 1'Iareapartlla
The McKillop btual Fire
Insurave Company.
Farm and Isolated Town Property
Only Insured.
OFFIt'EIt9 :
George Watt, President,HarlockP.O.; Jas.
Broadfoot, Vice. Pres., Sc•arorth 1'.0.: W. J.
Shannon. Seo'y'Seator h, P.O. ; Michael
Murd le, Inspector of losses, celfortli. P.O.
James Broud[oot, Eeaforth ; Michael Mur -
die, Seatorth: Georae Dale. Seatorth ; George
Watt, Hariock ; Thomas E. Hays, Seatorth ;
Alex. Gardiner, Loadbury 1 Thomas Garbutt,
Clinton; John McLean, Nippon.
Thomas Nellana. Harlo.k: Robert McMillan,
Seatorth and James Cummings, Egmondville,
Parnas desirous to affect insurance or tran-
sact of her business will be promptly attended
to on appliention to any of the above officers
addressed to their respective poet otnces.
Union Shaving Parlor
For first-class Hair -Cutting
and Shaving.
Smith's block, opposite Post OfriLe, Clinton
J. EMERTON, Proprietor.
(Successors to J. W. Langford.)
Having bought out the above business, w(
in tell(, to conduct it on the cash principle, and
will 8uuply our ouetamars with the best meati
at the lowest paying price.
Fold &'Murphy.
Live Hos Ranted.
Hi 11est btarket PricePai
D. CANTELON. C'lintoll,
fNight-Soil. 1 0
The undersigned will undrtake the removal,
of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closet,
. on short notice and at reasonable rater. At:
refuse removed out of town.
Horseshoer and General Blacksmitt
Albert Street, Nortll, Clinton.
Woodwork Ironed and first-class materia
and work guaranteed. Farm Implements ane
machines rebuilt and repaired.
Study your own Intorest and go whe1. re
You can get
I manufacture none but the best of stock.
I Bewaro of shops that sell cheap, os rho:
have got to live. C ill and got prices.
Orders by mail promptly atten,'.ed to
John Bell,
Harness Emporium, Blyth, Oni
Anyone sending a sketch and description mal
Quickly aseartain our opinion free whhether ar
Invention Is probably ppatentable. Communten
tions strictly conadentfa]. lKandbook on Patentr
sent frao. Oldest n enoy for securing patents.
I Patents taken through Mann & Co. recelvt
epeciat notice, without charge, in the
Sdt"fifir Alnericane
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lnrirest air
eulation of tidy scientific journal. Tariffs, $3 .
year: four months, $1. Sold by all newsdeAlers.
MUNN & Co 301 Broadway, New York
Branch Oruro. & lr 8t., Washington, 1). C.
If the native women of Sumatra hav(
their knees properly covered the res
(loss not matter. The natures of son(
islands off bbe cmt,st of Guinea weal
clothes r,uly wihen they are going or
a journey. Same Ind6tns of Venezuelt
are ashamed to wear clothes befor,
. strangers as it seems indecent to then
to appear unpainted.
1 There was a long hunt for the rat-ine;
krio•tn to be. posse=s'd by William Hoey
' a wealthy farmer, who (lied unary ye -an
ago in Shrnnngo, N. Y. It escaped the
searchers until bhp other day. whet
several thousand dollars were fount
concealed in a tree on the farm.
Broken in 60 Minutes
It's an alarming fact, but
,� statistics bear it out, that
at least 8o in every hun-
dred poisons in this
country are tainted Ina
lesser or greater deggree
by that diequstlrw, offen-
1 � slvo and dangerous dis-
case -Catarrh. If i 1pp
toms appear suchaacoid
In the hears dixainess,
paha in the i'o r o h e a d,
headache, dropping In
the thront,'offonsive breath, loss of taste and smell,
the Catarrh shackles may be tightening about you --
irtthe most potent Catarrh euro Ill a to'
Wcorhmetl by emitlont nosh and throat spocial-
Ists• Wit reliefin from to to 6o minutes.
" For yearn 1 was a victim of chronic Catarrh;
the first applteliaoo of Dr. Agrtecv'a Catarrhal pow•
der gays me instant relief, and in an incredibly
abort while I was permanently cured:' -James
Headley, Dundee, N,Y.-13
doautx mixture is not very Beat. trop -,a
Now a person Can gain a, ",'
Its Lead Penelh allplstoaed In Will
tsuIVIiAte of the bleat qua�itY, whicll><
r -.,f
rowing a lead pencil is recognized by
Is the only kind, which should, used.
can be had at from d 1. -`Lo, to be. per
TMe DltCerento Between Now and Then An
Clio Case of a Niutuber.
certainly happens.
of propagating disease. Many people
still cling to tate time-honored practice
lb, by the barrelrand Paris green at
of moistening the writing end of the
tive machinery working
pencil in the mouth before they pro-
ceed to write,
from 15o. to 200. per lb. The cost for
A eorresl,ondent in Dawso& City
greater benefit from your
material to properly spray an average
tvrltei$ on February fifth, of con -
apple tree for the entire season should
not exceed from 4c. to 5o. ]
dltions there. From his account
The Ontario Department of Agri-
Physicians have, therefuire, begun to
the following extracts are given: Last
otLiture recommend the following so-
July, lin the States, I attonded a ball
Apple. -Treatment for destroying
codling moth, bud moth, tent cater -
-the leading society event of the sea-
I. Bordeaux DTixtur-Copper sal-
pillar, canker worm, apple spot, leaf
s a s
son. Between the dances
1'hate, 4 pounds; lime, fresh, 4 pounds;
blight, pistol case bearer and powdery
beau came to me and asked for a few
water, 40 gallons.
minutes' talk in regard to the Alaska
Suspend the capper sulphate in five
First spraying: Bordeaux mixture
enc} Paris green (4 oz. to the barrel
trip, He lett the ball at 3 o'clock and
gallons of water. This may be done
of the mixture) when the buds are
was en route at 9. In October, while
by putting it in a nag of coarse ma-
swelling, Second spraying: Bordeaux
going up Bonanza, I saw a long -hailed,
terial, and hanging it so as to be cov-
mixture and Paris green before the
full -bearded man in weather-beaten,
ered by the water. Slake the lime
blossoms open. Third spraying: Bor-
deaux mixture and Paris green when
grease-covered suit, shuffling along
in about the same quantity of water.
the blossoms have fallen. Fourth and
with a ptokaxe 'on his shoulder. It
Then mix the two lend add the re-
fifth sprayings: Bordeaux mixture and
was the gentleman from the ball. A
mainder of the 40 gallons of water.
Paris green at intervals of ten to fif-
little later I saw a man at a windlass
Warm water will dissolve the copper
teen days, if necessary.
No definite date can be named after
in a costume that is indescribable.
sulphate more readily than cold water.
which it would be safe to cease spray-
Onl a y
Y few months previously I had
If the lime is at all dirty strain the
ing for apple scab. The orchard should
seen him sitting, a dignified, august
lime solution. If the lime is good the
be watched after tho third and fourth
judge, in next to the highest court
above amount is likely to be sufficient,
application, and the treatment again
applied if scab appears on the fruit or
of our State. He was now working
It is an eas • matter to know how much
a few feet of some man's claim on
lime is required by using what is
Many allele growers who sprayed, in
shares. I have seen a party candidate
termed the ferrocyanide of potassium
1897 until the end of June, and ne-
for county auditor in it prominent city
test. This substance can W got at
gleeted to watch their orchards, after-
wards' lost heavily. The scab appear-
dealing stud poker in Dawson. On the
any druggist's, and very little is re-
ed very late in the Season last year,
trail we met a very agreeable gentLe-
quired. Take a small bottle, 2 oz., and
and all the experimental orchards were
man from Now York,
get it filled with a saturated solution
given an extra application in the ear-
of this compound. If there is not
ly part of July, which largely accounts
for the splendid results obtained.
Hoe has not been doing anything Since
plenty of lime in your mixture, a drop
2. Pear. -Leaf blight, scab and cold-
his arrival.. Last night I was surpris-
of the test added to it, turns brown.
ling moth, the came treatment as for
ed to find he had become a pusher for
Add more lime and stir. As soon
3, Plum-Curculio, brown rot and
one of the saloons; that is, he played
Lithis test fails to color in corrin®
leaf blight.
stud poker for the hoose to keep the
in contact with your mixture, it indi-
First spraying: Bordeaux mixture
game going. Last night when I came
cater them is sufficient lime present
before the flower buds open. Second
home I. found a stranger sitLiug on my
to neutralize the effects of the copper
spraying: Bordeaux mixture and Par-
is green a9 soon as the Petals have
bualk. Hie was dressed in overalls,
sulphate. Use wooden Vessels In pre-
fallen. Third spraying: Bordeaux mix-
btack with grease, a. muskrat shirt and
paring the Bordeaux mixture.
ture and Paris green in seven to ten
moccasins, and his face, was covered
2. Ammoniacal Copper Carbonate
days after. Fourth spraying: Bor-
with a stiff heard. It took me it long
Solution. "Cuprum."-Copper carbon-
deaux mixture in ten to fifteen days
Lime to recognize him. The Lust time
ate, 1 ounce; strong ammonia suffici-
4. Peach. -Brown fruit rot, leap
1 had seen him was at Luke Lindeman,
Ont to dissolve the copper uurbonate;
blight, plain cureulio and peach curl
as fresh and falx and well-groomed as
if he were out for ti, promenade on
water, 10 gallons.
(Exoascus st,,)
First and second sprayings: Same as
1'ifth avenue. What it change camp
This solution is not much used, and
for the treatment of the plum. Third
life and roughing it had produced 1 He
IS recommended only in crises where
spraying: Bordeaux mixture in two or
had just come down from Stewart
River to record a claim. I noticed this
the fruit is so far advanced that it
three weeks. Fourth spraying: Am-
morning that he did not wash, so ac-
would be disfigured b using the Bor-
s Y
moniaral copper carhonate,if any dang-
er of disfiguring the fruit with Bor-
eustoined had he become to outdoor
deaux mixture.
deaux mixture.
life. This morning his friend L--
came in, a perfect tramp in appear-
3. Paris Green Mixture. -Paris green,
s. CherryAphis, slug, brown rot
once. He had had his breakfast, but
1 pound; Nater, '00 to 300 gallons;
Milk of lime,. 4 gllllons.
and leaf blight,.
Firs: splaying: Bordeaux mixture
we gave him some hot cakes and coffee,
which he ate with a rush, and declared
Use 200gallons waterer in a mixture
as the bolds are, breaking; if the a tphis
emulsion alone.
to be more enjoyable' than meals he
for apple trees, '1,50 for plum trees, and
300 fpr peach trees. When Paris green
appears use kerosene,
Second spraying: Bordeaux mix mixture
had eaten at the Grand Hotel in Paris.
were three university men, but
is added to Bordeaux mixture, so as Lo
and Paris green as soon tis the blossoms
olio could have, judged it from their
form a combined insecticide and fun-
tall. Third spraying: Bordeaux mix-who
to fifteen
It ]s a short Step from
gicide, add tour ounces to every 40
ture wad Panics green ten
mun civilized to man barbaric.
gallons of the Bordeaux mixture.
4. ILeIlebore.-White hellebure, fresh,
days after.
0. Grapes -.Mildew, black rot, flea
My friend W--, a prominent archi-
tect from one of the leading cities of
1 ounce; water, 3 gallons.
beetle and leaf eating insects.
5. Pyrethrucu.- Pyrethrum powder,
First spraying: Bordeaux mixture
fresh, 1 ounce; water, 4 gallons.
and Paris green when leaves are one
6. Kerosene Emulsion. -Hard soap,
inch in diameter. Second spraying:
on the table -where 1 write. . . .
1-2 pound, or soft soap, 1 quart; boil-
I Bordeaux mixture and Paris green
This is an incono,eivably rich country.
ing water, soft, 1 gallon; -coal oil, 2
I when flowers have fallen, Third and
It stirs one's blood to take one big
I x mixt[ Ire at
fourth sprayings: Bordeau
dirt, put in a tan, wash
shovelful of r u
h [
Aftef dissolving the soap in the
intervals of ten to fifteen clay's.
away the earth and gravel and find a
water, add the coal oil and stir well
Paris greem alone wihen the beetle
little bunch of bright gold, perh:ips $20
for 5 to 10 minutes. When properly
is attacking the buds in the spring.
worth, possibly $50, $75 or $135 worth.
mixed, it will adhere to glass without
I 7. Raspberry.-Antlh.raenoso, leaf
The transformation wrought in one
culinese. A syringerIn e or pump will aid
lleig,ht and saw -fly
year h y th is strike reca IIs the
much in this work. In using, dilil
with from 9 to 15 parts of water. Kero-
First spraying: Bordeaux mixture
I a,nd Paris green just before growth be-
Night." tales. I left Forty Mlle in
July, '96. Just before leaving, I went
Bene emulsion may tee prepared with
gins. Second spraying: Bordeaux mix-
over to Cudahy with George Carmack,
sour milk, 1 gallon, and coal oil, 2 gal-
1 ture and Paris green about collier first
He was getting supplies to come to
Ions, no soap being required. 'PhisI
blossoms open. Third spraying: Bor-
the Klondike to fish and prospect. To
willnot keep long.
deaux mixture. wlhe'n the fruit is gat.h-
weeks later the strike was made by
� ered.
him -but I was on the ocean. A man
8. Currant and Gorkseberry,-Worms
who was working for us,lon a claim
t. M1G'Dien there. i danger of die -I
a'nd mildew.
helped me pack down to Forty Mile to
figuring fruit with the Bordeaux
First spraying: Potassium sulphide,
take the boat. He had earned about,
mixture use the ammoniacal copper
Bordeauix mixture a,ncl Paris green as
$•100 at time. One year later be
carbonate solution.
soon as this letvves expand. Second
walked into my office. He had just
2. Experience in spraying during the
Spraying: The same ten to fifteen days
come from the Klondike. In four
past three years indicates that it is
months he had dug a fortune and was
best to use the combined insecticide and
For worms alone, hellebore Or Pa1119
the sole owner of a claim that will
fungicide„ commencing as soon as the
green will be effective.
yield him more than a million. 'A year
buds begin to swell, again when the
9. Tomato.-Rbt and bligiht.
and a halt ago it was not worth a
leaves appear, and continue it ut in-
Spray wikih Bordeaux mixture, as
thouRand. This year he can clean up
a of 10 to 15 days, until the trees
soon Its rot or blight appears. for three.
two millions. Our cabin is a palace be-
have 5 times, which
have been sprayed 3
times, if ,necessary, at intervals of ten
side his. Two bunks, a Stove and a
will depend upon the weather. In
to fifteen days.
table, but he. may yet decide to live
the case of a rainy season, it may be
10. Potato. -Blight and beetles.
1'i avenue. Since m • arrival
on Fifth n S
ec 1 spray
least five times, n ass r to ve e
3 P y
First spraying: Paris green soon
s L more ilia four -
L est h ve me n fol
while if <lry, and the mixtures have
as tele beetles appear, one pound to
score men w•hu were neighbors in the
been•ullovved to remain on the foliage,,
o ge,
100 gallons of water, 'Second' spray-
'ol'd•'diggjngx, or who woi,ked for me,
then three or ,,7 imes may suf-
ing: Bordeaux mixture and Paris green
who have made their stake, and are
In no case spray while the trees are
when plants are six inches high. Third
and fourth sprayings: Bordeaux mix-
worth anywhere 'from twenty-five
thousand to a half -million: Nearly
L u
D blaoari, but immediately after, It+
f.ure nt iatervals of ten to fifteen days.
all I knew who remained here have
contrary law, and punishter by
if necessary.
clone well,
a fine of from $1,OJ to $5.00,
S. The combined insecticide and fun-
11, Cabbage. -Pyrethrum applied in
one ounce to four gallons of
gicide,, containing Paris green and
Bord,enux mixture, is to he used for
or dusted em, one part pyre-
To find the rarest bird in existence
insects Lhat chew-, and injurious fun i
1 g
thrum to seven parts flour, for the cal-,
page worm.
you must go to the mountains between
but kerosene emulsion alone for those
1'?. Straw -'Crile rust or leaf-
Annitm and Loss, where there is seer•
insects that suck th9 ,juices of plants,
such as aphis, lhiip, red spider, clover
Iain kind of pheasant.. For many year :
' mLte, oyster shell bark louse, San'
Bordpuux mixture, when it can he
its existence wits known only by the
Jose, settle, etc.
applied w•ithrrut. disfiguring the fruit,
fact. that its longest and most splen.
4. A Block solution for the prepar"
{Rrvalsll (oncfntwto
I did plume was in murh request by ma.n.
ation of Bordeaux mixture may be pre-
e we ksl n new
darins for their headgear. A single
pared as follows: Dissolve 25 pounds
beds after they begin to make runners.
skin is worth $400, and the bird livin@
of copper sulphate in 25 gallons of w•tt_
would he pric•ele8s, for it soon dies ip
ter. One gallon of this contain% one
captivity, •
Pound of the copper sulphate. In fen-
other barrel slake 25 pounds of good
lime and add 12 1-2 gallons of water.
One gallon of this contains two pounds
$ing~land Geta sone oi' [ler Milk Supply
"In Tahiti," says Sir John L ublwek
of lime. To make thk• mixture, take
Frain A,•ross the a•hannel.
•'a person not. properly tatioed would
four gallons of the copper sulphate so-
Where would Englund be in case
be as much reproached and shunned m
lution and two of the lime, If there
of war I She gets her bread from Am-
irf with us he should go about the
is any doubt shout there not. being su£-
ficient lime try the test already referr-
crieu, her butter frons Denmark, her
streets naked." The. Papuans of the
ed to under Bordeaux mixture. Now fill
cheese from Canadit, eggs an,l other'
that clothing is ,fit only for women
0 the amount. to 40 gallons with wa-
trifles from the Continent, and -it has
In the. Andaman Islands the
. . Prepare the mixture well, apply
just been discovered -now gets much
think the same thing about. the men
Lhem at t111F , pl'OpPI' time, and be as
of her milk supply from France.
thorough its [:ossible in the work. 'Three
I Milk doesn't sound very warlike, "As
fourths of the so-called splaying done
I mild as milk" is a proverbial phrase.
is not. spraying at all. The trees are
1 Si ill it is necessary to the fit nutrition
only drenched. When Spraying is pro-
i of the future defenders of Britain, and
perly (lone, the mixture is hroken up
there is considerable complaint in Eug-
like it mist and settles on (-.very port
land aUuut becoming dependent. for
of the plant. A great (]pill nore. of the
I such a prime necessity of baby life 1111-
r;lixt.ure will remiain on the pbtnt. when
I nn a possible enemy of war.
applied. in Lhis way, and there is ako
I London's egg supply has ling come
• it saving of material, as every drop
i from France and as her coffin.•[ have
i which falls to the ground is lost.
I come from the same country it has
0. No mixture should hP left in Lbp
I barn the gruesome ru9lnm to import
pump or barrel, find, after using, rlpnn
Parisian eggs in Parisian coffins of the
• w•nter should be pumped s0 n9 to elerin
I rhenpel' soft, using the latter temlior-
the outfit-.. This i9 importfint, as some
nrily as packing -boxes.
Stomach trouble i5 the common
of Hie, mixtures notchemically on the
The, difficntty may tie met by 11 ill in-
name applied to 11 derangement of
metid of the pump,
7. i se a Y and two nozzl", or fi trip-
ternal ion:0 agreement. devia.ring baby's
i milk-cn.n contraband of war, so tha
thstem which i6 kraut felt but
e At Y Y
pee head and three nozzles. 'The work
I the cheerful whoop of the morning vpn-
vaguely understood. It may mean
can he done just. a9 well and mueln
;(ley could lie unintorrupted by the roar
inability to retain food or to digest
more expeditiously.
I 8. To keepBordeaux mixture off
1 of combat. I
I A measure more in fnt•or, however, is
it. It may mean nausea, pain after
i I borses'and harness use coarse linen or
the hranding of every bottle of foreign
eating, fullness, inordinate craving
I other cover,
milk " made in France." flowto roan-
for food, or entire lack of Appetite.
1 9. As ml of the spraying mixtures'
are poisonous, care should be takpn in
I age this isn't so easy to derifle,
Whatever it means, there's trouble,
• working with thein. They should not,
; ----' _-_ ---'--
and it's with the stomach. If you
be used when there, in any wound or
have [stomach trouble, you will be
abrasion of the skin exposed, and care.
According to recent statistics there
intet�ested in this letter from a
should he talcen not to allow the spray
to settle on the hands or face, or to tw
ore 1,450,000 subscribers to the Lele-
man who had it and was cured by
inhaled. Arsenites taken into the sys-
phone shrvice in the world. The Unilel
tem Ly absorption or inhalittion pro-
chive SYmptoms of roisotling. In mild
Slates leads the list with 90(1,00:), t.11en
I comes Germany with 140,000 and (treat
AqC 4N
eases Ihey resemble the symptoms pro-
Britain with' 75,000; Switzerland, 50,000;
ducecl by poisoning; in severe nases,
headaehes nausea, eruptions, bnilsnnd
France, 35,000; Austria, 20;000; Russia,
I ulcers are said to result, The danger
18,000; Sweden and Norway, 10,010; IN -
from ars which ore solublein
varix, 00; Denmark, Italy
water, such as London purple, are
Spain, 1;
000; Holland, 1.2,000; Spain, 1.2,000; Bel-
Holland, el-sarsapprilla,
mueb greater than front Paris green,
glum, 11,000; Hungary, 10,000; Wae-
whieh contains very little water solu-
t,,,I%rg, 7,000; Finland, 6,000; Japan,
[rte arsenic. There is mare. clanger of
poisoning by absorption when perspir-
3,500: C,Iha, 2,600; h,uxemhurg, 2,(00 ;
Portugal, 2,000; Australia, '2,090. Th
„e For nine years I suffered from stomach
ing fre•nly. However, by tniting proper
Imlance i9 divided among the smalle$
trouble. I tried the aid of the best doctors
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and spent
precaution, there need he little fear,
tl. leather washer about four inches in
or newly ml(led countries, from Rou-
manin with 400 down to Senegambia
largo sumo of monoy, all in vain. Ono day
diametor should he fitted just below
with 100•
whit" writing a train in Bellaire, 0„ I
pplokod up a paper; with a notice of Ayetl
the nozzle which will prpvenl, the drip
from reaolling the linn(]s. As far as
.•- -.-__-.____.- .
Sarsapat�illa. I got one bottle to try it, It
pr,ssible lreel, to windward of the noz-
did me 90 much gaol that I purchdaed flvo
zle. When rfitceh tvrlrk is to lip clone,
You inn save (little• a respectable sum
more bottlos. I. took for of them and
gained in flesh, my nppetito improved, aild
rubber gloves altonld he Ivorn. Thr
face and exposed arts Should be w•nsb-
in I,h,e Bourse of the yoa,r in dustel•s and
chamois l s by using instead
note i can Pat ft -A np,, Mysteinaeh its 0,11
ed immediately
r imli l
Papers far ss." hing silver, assist and
right, thanks to the one of Ayer's Snnaps.
rilla,"--CALVIN NI. StUVI)R},Unlontilwu;Pa.
The sprayingler Bor-
1 y S
window glass.
. _-
. +
Now a person Can gain a, ",'
Its Lead Penelh allplstoaed In Will
pound a day by taking an .
QtI11Ce Of Scott's �muls om
The ai,parentlyo harmless act of bor-
rowing a lead pencil is recognized by
is, hard to explain, but it
the medical faculty as a prolific means
certainly happens.
of propagating disease. Many people
still cling to tate time-honored practice
It seems to start the diges-
of moistening the writing end of the
tive machinery working
pencil in the mouth before they pro-
ceed to write,
properly. You obtain a
The practice of borrowing pencils is
greater benefit from your
www believed to be .resp,unsible for many
cases of diphtheria and t,unsilitis which
could not be otherwise accounted for.
The oil being predigested,
Physicians have, therefuire, begun to
and combined with the hy-
warn their patients against putting the
Ill of lead pencils in Lbeir mouths
pophosphites, makes a food
before they write,
tonic of wonderful flesh -
The practice of "swapping" and bor-
rowing lead penuils is more common
among children than adults. The Spirit
All physicians know this
of camagaderie which makes pupils
to to be a fact.
grow, "chummy" and social in the pub-
All druggists; 5oc. and #i.00.
lio schools sometimes causes lead -pen-
oils to become common property among
SCOTT' &BOWNB, Chemists, Tomato,
groups of school children. A child who
is recovering from any throut disease
might therefore be the innucent means
SOC• 50C; ii
of communicating the mu.lmty to its
companions. A well-known throat spa-
h 11
"Physicians are now beginning to
give their attention to the cause and
prevention more than ever
:F R :E3 _P1
fo commondiseases
they did before. The rules of common
sense are being instilled into the par-
emts of the young patients, and a doc-
These watches are solid 14 -carat gold,
and our usual list price for them here
Lor of today, when called to attend a
eihild puts its parents through a very
in England Is R51$25) each, but to intro-
dace our enormous Catalogue, we will
send you this watch free if you take ad-
rigid cross-examin'atiun as W tihe hal,-
. of his Little ,$tient. It is after
vantageofourmarvollousoirer. lfyou
want one, write to us without delay.
found that the disease has been oum-
With your letter send u; 50 cents inter.
municated by some harmless act which
national Money Order, for which we
wihsend you asolidsilver brocch,wort[[
most people would not notice. Children
8I -and our offer. ,After you receive the
ars ver democratic. A spit at a
Y p
beautiful watch, we shall expect you •
school will moisten a lead pencil in his
to show it to your friends, and call their
Incl and begin to write. A oompan-
attention to this advertisement. Tho
watch is sent free by registered post on
ion will ILorrow the pencil, and the first
thin he will do in nine cases out of
your complying with our advertise•
men[ and our offer, and is warranted
tem will be to put the burrowed pencil
for five year a. Address—
in his mouth. I have traced several
Watchmakers' Alliance & Ernest
cases of tonsilitis and diphtlle•ria to this
Goode'aStoies,Limited, 184Ox-
ford St., London, England.
cause, Which at. first sight appeared
inexplicable. Even the seeds of con-
Money returned in not more than satis-
sumpticrn may be sown by tlhis means."
Regatrdialg the habit of moistening
Unsolicited Testimonial.
the lead pencil before writing, the sup-
erinl endent of it large pencil factory
15 Princess Sit., Birmingham, Eng.
" I thank you very much for the beau.
said yesterday:
titin was cll you sent me free of charge.
I have tested it for nine months and it
"Itis it mistake to suppose that
never varies one half-a-minutetrain one
moistening the lead of it pencil makes
weeL-'s end to another."- E. WILKH,
it waits better. It spoils the: pencil,
"To give away a gold watch worth
As it hardens the lead, yet people will
$25, is certainly a splendid advertise -
but the Watchmakers' Alli•
persist in the uncleanly habit of thrust-
ing borrowed pencils in t-beir mouths,"
ncent, as
anon Is the largest firm of Watchmakers
in England, they can afford it."-ED-
I,rOR X.
- --------
Be E•ure and address your lette-,
�.vmw '.
Superstitions concerning salt are
e10mC¢lir�► Btu .cms .
widely scattered over the world. When
the Chinese observe the last festival
Grand Trunk Railway.
of the ,year, literally called "round -
ing the year," a portion of the cere-
in ,g
Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as
building bonfire
c resets in bol a bout ce of
many p g
follows :
pine wood before the ancestral tablets
Buffalo and Goderich District :-
of the family. Uprin the flames shite is
thrown and the crackling which it
Going ll'est,Mixed ............ lo,cga,m.
occasions is regarded as an omen of
good luck for the following Year.
46.. Express........,, i,oj p.m.
.. •• Mixed.. , .... , .... 7.0; p,a,,
, .. Express .......... (1
r,8 Lot
_- ._ _ _-. _ . . __ _
Going East, Express . , ........ 7,4o a.m.
u .. a 2. S j 13.111.
u . Mixed.......... P-1,4.35 p,
The eoord
London, Huron and Bruce:
ng S
Goiouth, Express ......... 7.47 a -M.
I, ,< t ......... 4.30 p,nl.
Excelled .
Going North, .. ... _ .. _ .. to.t; a.m.
' .. 5.55 p,m.
AS an
Dis. Pass. Agent,
W. E. DAvts, G. P. & T. A„ Montreal.
A. O. PATTISON, G.T.R. Agent at Clinton,
A Pretty boot
Goes n a
a o
0 - .-$% But what is the use of a pretty
foot, in this country in the winter
t ) time, if you do not have a perfect
�� fitting Rubber ,or Overshoe.
Now, this may be news to you,
I � mbut you will find it to be a fact ;
iy theree is only onmake of Rub -
D 51 J� I 1' bens and Overshoes in this coup- I
I try, that are right up-to-date ill '
Iwant to see "Granby" on the fit, finish, quality and durability
bottom then i know what i am alld they are the
Granby Rubbelzo
and OV WHOES •
thin, light, comfort,,rble. Extra thick at ball and heel.
®n'-t.Spend a Mullan
Medic ne
until you have tried
(�+'+� 4 -'o i k iii , Y, l r L q1
JJ�II+�wR Gil fd ,r , . 4
�w j� 4 y 1 ° .. I Moya , ' 11 ..I. -•�+%, ,''`y �' , i.
Y •- H
,—You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
UW sort is put up ahmply to gratify the ugivarsal pr.e.nt danawl for a Io* brit"
If you don't find this sort of
iv,-wans Tabuld.m..5.
At the Druggist's,
tttatls Send Five Cents' to THLI RIPANa CHVM1CAL COMPANY, XQ. 1t+
gpruc:e St•, New York, and they will be sent to you by Mail [ dt
+" t4 cartons Will he mailed for q8 cents. The chances are ten to
one that Ripanv Tabules are the very medicine you need.
trAttn -
I - . >♦
... to .. , 1