The Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-28, Page 6A ra sAbout the House. s •O*• ►*o400eOiO��Oo1111,0 1 HOUSE LINEN. While a large supply of house linen Is not imperative, it is well to have euSficient it omke work easy. it isnot commercial sense to be obliged to wash towels, table aLd bed linen more fre- quently than on the regular wash day. The wearing capability of any fabric Is so many units and textiles last through in& so much service. keep it bottled in, a cool place. ready for immediate use. In misting salad dressings it should by remembered that the ingre ienta cannot be added too gradually nor stirred too much. BRITISH PENSIONS. targe Sams will Be anted When the Present Reeiptents Ill - England qis relieved of Me payment of $16„000 u year in pensions by the 1 ck- r Have o recent deaths od Sir H'en y lrerwer e Allan and of Viacatint Corn , third in succession to the first Vis- count, who was Sir Stapleton Cotton, and received the uension for services in HER>a AND WHERE. }I .._," .► t'ew Paragraphs Which may 1"rove W,tarlb heading. The calte congbe of Rtame are to be lighted with electricity. A dootoir in Firauco is not permitted to inherit. lraoperty left to 111im by a de- ceased. patient. In the Emexgeney Flospita.d, Boston, a fou,r-inch buzz new run by an electric uloitor, has been exeoted" for aulrgieal purposes. Two meighrbrorrs in Hazletam� Ind., o£ a sventt to law abtruit the ownership chicken valued at sixty cents. T!he lit- igation cost. forty dollairs, • The telephone is in general use in SPAIN HAS LOST NO TIME. ,--..., her Navy Streugi,honed and Enlarged An Every plreettois - The Stitecs Rather Slow. A despatch from WaShIng'ton 'to the lVew Yard[ Sum says:-(brlPertpcation hos teem received by this Government of I the keport that Spain will send a large farce of troops to the -Canaries, and It Ut her principal fleet will concent- rate. in the waters of these islands. It has amen learned bytho naval authors- tles from all equally tirustw,orthy source tlhrut the axinowr'ed cruisers infanta, Marie, Teresa, and Cristobal Colon, Which left Cadiz few the Cape Verde Spring, is the Time When Impurities in the Blood Should Be Expelled, Canadves Areata # Medicine is the Beet Spring; Medicine. In winter months the perspiration, so profuse in summer, almost ceases. This throws back into the system the Impurities that should have been ex- pelled through the pores of the skin. This and other causes makes the blood impure in spring. Boils, pimples; hum - POLITE -NESS PERSONIFIED. Ste•--W'hy d9lk't yawl talkl moxe when we're out together? ' He -I'm too polite to interrupt you, my dear. THEN HETOOKMANYA Jake Simpson -What would you think should I steal Just one kloa i Cora Fellows (archly)---What.would I think of a man who would steal Just one dollar from a bank full of money 9 Its an and Hybrlds—best (queens Wax All see Su llas heat gn. , Wanted Weed Patent Process Who. Founs[ation. I cel , haAley .R Afgl'ed' " B,EE mi lfi trortl iiia maim .Can. 111TTICTV Agents wanted to Introduce oull FRRS TO TEA 0141 its.-lfon.r PAM* god 04, areas on a pnatolcard wilt bring yon a eAwpla MON'SOONPBNNBO ]NDA.CEYLON THA,• khe beat ip the world and Fop farthsoL -A 80 49, 50 4• 600, per pound Rik ant, 4 11n$ ,,om, W ,,Torosto. CANADA PERMANENT Loan and, 5uvI0$; i. Company. Im+IcORPORAT*D 1846, Paid-up Oapltal..................8 211100,000 11 000 Assets,'�, Need offloo.-Toronto St., Toronto. Man. Vancouv 11.0. Branch ptflgs$-Wlnalp0g, M Vancouver, Dzi oalre received at interest payable ball yearly. DuprtNTOR>as issued for money deposited for three or nve years. MONEY ADVAND&D On Real ratato at low washings on the ground that they wear --- --- ---- - --on, d,odlaa' per month, tor dwelling Ilotlila, were accompanied oy Twans- more serious disease may taiie Itsstart. Missln'," with mnsfo, lrarbeenifi gf amp a. -------- - uauu res Hl,+a.+o «•,-••w-rw• •.• ��• of \\ ellingtrrm dies a leanly pension arts caa•r in some t1housands of troops Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy for POPULAR MOf10 DgPOT, 20 Alexin gt. 111.8k w. Dinforeboatat pnmay be out the goods more rapidly. This try an hots, and two dollars for business A y g p information may be obtained from, and ap• of $90,000 will end, while $65,000 a houses. impure blood in all its forms,as proved plications may be made to error; twelve towels used continuously for Canary Island forts. BNOOUGH$1101%"AND SCHOOL, Prao year. will be saved by tthe ne.tion at the The phonendoscope, a new invention, , by its marvelolts cures of blood assess- 13 tical Roportin Methods; individual In- G. F. R,.J.M�.RAHARRIS. Gx, Ge ral Winnipeg. last twice an long as six, all tthinge Cihesc facia tiabVe caused considerable CH6ARE er. tuARANI, General Agent, Van- bein equal. It in it deatih of the present hIq'tders of these conveys to the physiciun the sounds ea. It is therefore the medicine for tt•'uction. Speciapplic tion for Hast,3r es stn- oonver. g' q good plan to have dissatisfaction in Wasiifn!gtou' in con- you to take in the Spring. It expels dents. Term+onappuoation forhustyraeeeion. or br titles: Viscount Hurdinge, for ser- made by any internal organ„ and en - DI sufficient nuluber of articles so that vection with the understanding that all humors, and puts the whole syr- iianager,A. C. DROCK,19 King St W„Toronto, J. NEROERT MA00N, Managing OlTtlron - vices in India, Buxaw Seaton, Colborne, abler him to decide wibetheir it is tem in good condition for warmer certain sets of them can be used 'in ro- for Witterloo, Baron Keane and Vis- healthy on not. the Administration is working for more Weather, Fence Fence - -we can out your 1898 Fence tation. This gives a better chance for count Gough, fon seliviees in India, In the owd,tT of su eri,oa•it the navies delay in the settlement. of the Ouiban , account in halt. we claim proper washing and thorough drying. Baron Raglan for Waterloo and the of the w'orrld wank Mus: 1, Great Bri- question and the Maine affair. Elver . wood's Sarsaparilloat ea have the malt and most practical Exeon ;ONBOTS IMPROVID C1RRIRGE TOPS Crimea, and Baron Napier of Magdala, y" earth, Four mil .8 of it In nee n the Fprices- tain; France; 3, Russia; 4, Italy; 5, Lal " vvIhhp knows anything ubcut narval Ii Canada's Greatest Medioiae. Bold by all mental Form, Gueluh. tint. Bend for prices, When one ids clean articles on the 2 y: y Y ng received the high for Abyssinia. Pensions of $3,,600 to druggists. $1; six Por $b. Get only Iiood'a. AddteNa Toronto, Picket Wire ]!'esus Co., I est awards atthC� x9oment, they cannot. receive the same ill, heirs of the .Duke of Schomberg, United States; 6, Gexn)any; 7, Spain; matters realize that; delay is ewh,olly to - ' 831Rkvarlit. Toronto, Out. World's Fair 1888; care as is Bible where the work is William Ill.'s Gencral, of $10,000 to 8, Japan; 9, Austria; 10, Netherlands. r ,re Ile only pixie p take pug the advantage of Spain, and cumsequt- I-I"OOCI 3 PiIIS with Hood's 8areapurllla. OONEOY's PATENT more leisurely 0erfbrmed. There the success rs of Lord Rodney, and I Tem per cent. of the entire lwpula- ently to time disadvantage of the Un- _ FARMS 4�ISA� AND ESTATES bought, sold & ROLLER TOPS should be three sheets flor every bed $L5,000 to al Uo,vvlroan tthe title of Earl tion of Chinatown. San b'xancisco, are ited States. /11 sill exchanged. Terms mailed have met Willi, In use, with one extra for ever two Nelson shall descend will cUntintrs to roe. H. M. SiMP$ON, Real Estate and suchuniversalW beds. This should be exclusive of chid- be paid tall desce d \\lhen Viarount ' Opium SM0ko0•rs, and thein• funds must SPAIN LOST NO TIME, FRENCH WAR SCARE. Financial Agent, Montreal, Que. vor, that otheiA be very low when they cannutt each manufacturer$ dren's bedo, which must be more boun- Wolseley and the late Lard Alcester g y past six mom•tihs every mom- are now maklnQQ' tifull supplied. Two I indulge in two opium drunks ' ever For, tke Dominion Line Steamships. inferior imitabia y pairs of pillow Sir Fred'eriek B. Seymour, received rreurhlneI Arreid Their the 6u. will nM cases are needed for each bed if two and received the pension for services in wreak. amt• teas been wtiliaed by the Spanish Invade Their coentry. Montreal and Quebec t" Liverpool in summer. ,arta one. 1885 it %vas underatood that the sys- The lantern -fly of Surinam, South Gm•ernment in masking pneparationsfor if' there is -one thing funnier than and fast tw!n screw steamships 'Labrador' 'vac- Insist onhaviall persons occupy the same room. couver,' ' Dominion ' 'Scotsman,' ' Yor�ehire: the Oonboy mak Physicians sometimes hint that a tem of long -continuing pensions would America„ has two sets of eyes, to catch an emergency, and it is now clear to tho periodic British scare about an in- Stiparlor aeconfmoelation for First Cabin, Sec- as imitations a more frequent change of pillow slips I I,e ended. tlhtose in official life, wlho believe than I and Cabin and Steerage never as good a A the light from all possible directions. taus 19tate of affairs in Culba should have vosian across the Cihannel by Fmench, ge 2.60; Fors, Rater o[ thegenuina. t would be advantageous. More liked --- aro � � P sage—First Cabi$, $52.50; second Cabin, ge Y I The luminosity wihich glows from the it is the periodic Firench scare about 1684 ; Steerage $22.50 an upwards according to they think a great deal and say moth- been ended as fits back as last N'avem- d 1 - PARIS EXPOSITION. head is so brilliant that it is easy to steamer and berth, For 1 information apply ing. Bolsters and bolster cases are not I �- read by it. bet., vvhc�n the present fighting season invasion from Britain, to Local Agante, or llnvin 'PORRANOII & Co„ in as general use as formerly. Some- liegan with the Cubans more than hold- So wise a mom on most subjects as Gon'1 Agents, 17 Sb. Sacrament St.. Montreal, times an extra pair of pillows is pro- Queer NotUrltN 'rhat have Been !fltlde In the early days of Rome the ladies i ing. their own, tlhat the United States M Lockroy has just had a bad attack - , -' -- vided, and sometimes forms made of Known to the contatt-i4ioner.• I of that city wore slush heavy earrings pvoudd Lave been nearly twice as stimmg IiCer�iE JUST WHAT Ig NEED- pasteboard are set at the. head of the The Dxposition of 1900 is already well tharh they made the ears sore, and some- ! as Spain in naivaf farces, 1111 United of scale on this awbjecG. Loakroy has a o e Dale ueatlyluaok din I bed, covering the pillows in use, blot States trrtd limen seven seagoing arrn- Pallor foul of the Drummond Castle in- : wooden bo:, for repxhinQ at under way. It will be arranged with �time� tore the tabes. There wore dos- oac,lads, wh,ils Spain had uml Potrr, cident y .M1: boots, rubbers,h,trneasxng leaving space for ventilation. This is tors whose business was chiefly to heal : A' Y M which is an old Story now. tinware. All theaetoala ril - necessary lest the pillows become stuf- exquisite taste, but this will •hat be `Bass thins injured. I 111-ey, kind. no torpedo boat destroyers When that ill-fated ship was wreak- ' • �� full sized and practical, not ty. Six towels for each rooms, are not the, fault of the cranks. I ready, and thn -health season in Cuba "`_� mere toys. ]cult directions tool many if they are in constant, use ; S In New York, water boils at 212 de y Y ed the brave ,fishermen of Ushant sav- 1 accompany each outfit. A, O00D JUD�E� one of time queerest notions that during which an Administmation army " gre at money saver, IIuu- indeed, twelve are better. Some house- ! green Fah:Tenbeit; in the Himalayas 18; c(xirld uparute im the islatnd, was ut ed marry lives, fbr whaah Queen Via dredsof thousands now in a keepers provide small towels, which etrer emanated from cracked brains i 000 feet above sea level, it bails at 180 Hand. Fomr ar iourexl vessels have toria thaolied them., and mons was ® use Delivered free within P A Y I a radian of 500 wiles of are inexpensive and easily washed. .have Been made knmvn to the commis-!de,gxees. 'lhe diff,>rtenv-o is caused by he.em added sin,•e Uhen to the Spanish subacribed by Englishmen for use in Montreal. Price$275.Send Where one. uses the towel a dozen times swners, One of these, ai p pro ria.tel the rax• img' rrtssu�re of idle atmos ,here navy. All were. under winstruct' n in cud for yrices of our sew-' Railway companies are especially [ E A Y 1F 1 I 3 local improp erne,nta which might ire a ! Eng machines, wind mills, good judges of farm fences. Their obi.. a day the laundering of . large and enough, 1r, comes from this Cognac district, at these lroints. N*%TMheT, Three of these are n•ow at visible taken of British gratitude. numpe, guns, hardware, heavy towels becomes burdensome. ! C•arthrigena or Cadiz„ and the fourth wrote ce,&a. et is to t a erfectl stock- root' It seems that the Ushanters spent ' je ge P Y A 'Small towels eta clean almost as ion pvith `p'b1Die spirit the sender wauhd Fauh leit.ex-carrier of India,htus au rum will lie wt one us these places in u few the mootne in building a water supply The St. Peter it..Mo on treat. Stay g Y � AA Y 1st. Paterst.,3fontrcal, I fence at' this leash cost, and they ing as large ones, aipd the gain in labor seem to ,have been imbued. ; of six miles, and at than end of it is days, half of the torpedo boat destroy- system„ tnereby causing M. Lockioy to Is perceptible. The kitchen should be It. k:alls'for the orection in ]"aria of a relieved by anal her carrier, Nvhu at once BTS• owned 1:y Spain, are at Elle Cape fear that the English contemplate a � veatlgpe thoroughly before buying. supplied with roller towels of . good Ie ri desremt cru the wast at Uiahant, and Xstablished 33 Steamers it sake well for the Page that it: size, Small sues are towels sof . and colussus b'estridimg the Seine, as toile 6 nsr has run. T,Yrus the mail is co'n- ! Ve•rde Islands and tdLe rest at. Cadiz, 1854. 135.000 Tons. Colossus of Hlrrades Lestrode Idle narrow vey,`d over umlru•pulous sections in cum- s'l`its sickly season is now 'heginninlr, gave the money hecause the water is now used on all oY the leading rail: not worth while. Many families do not ' entrance W that ancient har:.or. The pa.ratively quick time. i and, R is realized that the loss of life would. in that event be useful to them. ALLAN LINE ways in the United States, England use them at all, bu't this is probably i,nt.erior of t1le colossus might be used I The metric system Bras I;een adopted Gracing American Lroups sent to Cuda The trutb is, Parris is politically bys- ' and,Canada. At this time we have or - because they do not appreciate their at this time would be emormous. terical. It is afraid of hol, oblins of comfort and convenience, to lixruse the sacan•a who will attend the ' by the Russian Government, The only I g t der, booked from railways in Canadai Expositi-cm dootors in bhe legs. chem- l , t INCREASING BER STRENGTH. every sort, Tlim Dreyfus trial suggests Royal Mail Steamship Co., t]or 270 miles of aur fencing, all- W be ,Six roller towels are not too many ists in the swmazili„ metaphysicians in inapurtant countxies which have not ad- i one US the moat frightful bugaboos. All shipped this season. And this fence is id' the family numbers more than four the head and so tm. i opted t.tie 'decimal system of weights Wlbile certain things must be done. ' this,, to a visitor, seems astounding. montrea,l to Liverpool. Persons. It saves work to have enough t and measures are the United :,tacos ' to put thio Spunis,h fleet. in comflition you cam't Walk down the street without .+....a just c good for farmers as for rail. ug Another project demands the erection for service, ,th•r vessels c•umrosin it ! mail companies. so that the supply will not run out of a Garden Uf Eden on u large scalp, a'n•i the .British Emlrire. i l g .seeing a revolultiwn just coming Steamers Montreal every Saturday between wash diays. If a clean one is withi Adair. of Eden snatla and the air-; A troublesome caval required the at- will be in fine urim for fhootile work aroumd.It.he corner -that it, if you are a morning on arrivaout 0 oftrains from Toronto and ock. I apply Fr t luusrareto aon'r nearestmPtell pact up every morning it (toes not re- in two weeks. 7'ha+ .n trien,or .,,( of , Frenchman an'l a Parisian, e y a$e quire much mathematical calculation Ale arae ill complete. [t might be age ; iemaievn of Mrs. Ann Miller, caged sen en- this d'let t at the slap tri .s or �uaue'; But up to date, M.r. Lockiroy's'erusade RATES OF PAS38AGID fence dealer. , to estim'a'te botiv many will be needed. ed on t.He other ,side that the snake ; ty-two, of Jersey City, timid sine IITOk-eed- point nearer to bbl? United, States Cabin $5. 60 and upwards; Second Cabin Is always suffieie•nt•ly in eviden^e in ed 'to parr- it. 1VhtitB thus engaged she would measurahly inr masse Sha abourt, the Cabin watoxweirlmS is about SU and and P6.28; 9tecrage to Liverpool, the most absurd matlaifestation of. scare. London GIasgow, Belfast; Londonderry or, THE PBGE WIRE FENCE COMPNNY - izlethe serious wroltik on Ulre buildings caused t.bi, corn bo bleed. Blood-pois- diffieultien of tla,:i United States in the j Queenstown $12.50 andS23.50. SOME GOOD RECIPES. g ,ming resulted and the woman died. ' 'evemt of a sudden •resort to hostilities, Areduction oftive percent. is allowed on r Nut Bars--Carmalize two tablespoon- there is gexd lirogress. This counta•y I lrw.elve eggs said , by a, ilmxroklyn , wit;h the pr'ospeut of se•n ling to landing A Rare Chance era lingo o2 teamersor other Infortmation apply For Limited• will: be well represented„ and only the; e.xpediticm to Cwha 1praatically out of to any authorized agent WALKERVILLE, ONT. fills of sugar, add. one-quarter cupof Gernia.nsp,rol;ably, because of their a.n- 'doirymum had among them five 'that !sire question on account of the liTewail- 1 To cultivate a calm, hopeful spirit lies hot, water and one-quarter cup of but- eient rivalry with the French and their cv'ere decayed. The purchaser returned ; img climatic conditions: A longer delay Extractin the or. It of Pu tnam'sg liinlmes sorn no 13 oro8.l a AI ing StTont Toreal. nta 8, B, Sea our "ad." in neat issue, ter. Boil two minutes, add one -quos_ disappointment, at. the failure of the them. staying tibat he wanted the pro- :ootid see the S4panish nwval fo,n;e in- ter cup of browns r and one-half Berlin show are bolding aloof. du. -t of healthy hens. "These," said the ! sore spots on the, flesh and is therefore _ sugar and Y creased: fa the adtips, n e two ml Cis- painless. It relieves promptly. culr•ful of flour, orate -eighth teaspuunful purchaser, "must lictve been laid when ' ficent aTruotLl•ed sihips„ t'he Cardinal Cis-' • off salt and two tablespoonfuls of fine- ry T�� � q T� iho bung were not feeling well." � neTOS and the Princessa de Astwrias, -" It 1� Very Important Cant ly cut or chopped walnuts. Spread thin- IiA�dJD V POUNDS '] he e was a lom.g bunt f,rc bhe money dr,„ rapidly nearing wurplat.ion. Work j PREMATURE. ly on inverted pans, decorate with lJl • kno%n to be onse a ci by William Hoe um them is being pushed with e, ra,p-.I That young Ridgedord hasn't a bit halves of walnuts and bake in a mod- p y'' idit' that is incoinsistent: with the That vour wife and family should be provided for in case of your death. It I y, of. I,rusiness sense." is also ver important that in making such provision you should secure the crate oven. -- a wealthy farmer. who died many years Spabsasti lend n:y to "uuinana•" How do you know 'F Y P g P S THE EXPERIENCE OF MISS FLORA I ago im Shvwin % N. Y. It. esea ped the ! 1,P,,hare is now no wa to sl,rengthen Y most liberal contract that you can. The pUnge� Cake.—Beat the polka of five g ► Y \'1"hp, he triad to borrow money of eggs for 15 minutes, add one-half pound FERGUSON, OF SYDNEY, N.S. searclic'rs nmtil the (other day. when , Ille United States navy- gmiakly. ,Ne- papa before he proposed to me. Unconditional Accumulative Policy several Ihous•ind dolia,rs were found1g(stiatitumt; fox tdbe pulrcliase of armour- — OF OF THE of powdered sugar and the beaten concealed in a tree on the. farm. • : ed ,:hips abrrind Naive been ai�andened, I . an "Quickcure" cures cuts of all kinds, whites of five Begs. .Rear a minutes, P°r sl Invaild - Tv Allonym a Help- The mosquitoes of tike Yukon are; and time battiearbip Oregon requares Confederation amid the rind and juice of one-half dem- IeNN lnvnHd - lined Ilauy Medicines fatty lnorre days to rcaaln Key West. or lacerated vvUumda; agrplied early, it on, one -tablespoonful of wine and one Without. Renetll-Dr. wfufams' Pink more blood -thirsty than any others of .fes 1'ivuted States navy is not as strong lireve.nts blood poisoning half teaapooDful of. rose water. Fold Pills Restore Her ncallh. the species. Fr•orn May umtil Septemlr- ni.r,v as it ivas last November. Then in one and one-third (cups of bread From 'the Sydney, N.S., Repur:ter. ler they axe exiavaged In a perpetual pie- itibe Maine was afloat'. Not a tompedo' LIFE ASSOCIATION flour. Turn into a deep pan, dredge, Alany of ouir Cape Bxptan readers, 1110, bleeding men and animals. in a ; boat, dsWt:royeir t ,ar be made ready u¢id- FOdtFEITED DELIGHTS. with powdered sugad• and bake about especially those residing in Sydney ! few• hours a Ytikim mosquito will for-. eT eighrpl. mcmtlis tunless the most urgent Grumity .w,,,s he saved $1,000 extra Is absolutely free from conditions and guarantee an hour, ,1 and vicinity,will remember tole sub- I fore a dog td' death. tuna• frirce a 1•e:kr measures are taken and the battleships " l.nr•.t. year. a Extended Insurance Chocolate Sponge Cake. -This is not ject.laf t&tis aQiicle, and sled knew Mise , to sack relief by plunging imrta a stream Ken.rsa rge 6n1 Kent uk+ky will not t e How was 'I at 7 ' on a Paid-up polis after two ears or a cash value after five ears. Rates and full . a genuine sponge cake, as baking pow- Ferguson wdr�^.n residing at her home ' of water. sera iceable' for same time to come. • Gave lr,i5 wife $500 not to go near p y y Y information sent on application to the Head Office, Toronto, or to any of the Assovia• der is added. Cream one-half cup o1 on' Hardwood Hill, just on Me t:oxders A timid woman in Burlingame, Linn- a hargnin count,er. tion's Agents. butter, add one-quarter cup of cocoa, of the town. From. 1890 to 1895 sick- sas who fears the sight, of a gum, saw QUFEN NATALIE.-._r•., SOLID and SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS is indicated- by the 26th Annual Re• ness preyed upon Miss Ferguson, and one belonging to brr win Standing in Port for i8 which will be found in another column. the beaten yolks of three elggs, one from a briglh•t surd healthy girl she g ng g ( Queen Natalie of Serosa is about to $oWB ThisIt 97' eupt of sugar mixed with one teas con- became an invalid, completely given the sitticag-roam. Sthe took it u;p care- sa farewell t<> the cosmid and bide W. C. MACDONALD Actuary J. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director, A A y t3 I I Y We offer One hundred Do'lars Reward for HEAD'OFFICE TORONTO. fol of cinnauron, and one-quarter tea- up to weakness and despondency, In fully and, holding it at arm's length, Idrerself and her troubled life in a mn- any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by spoonful of clove; add ow -half cup of the spring of 1895 she left her home I was om her way watth it la the piazza, ! vent. Her huaih:tDd, ex -Kin Mi Ian, is .Hall'. Untxrrh Oure. PROVINCIAL AGENCY STAFF. water. Beat the whites of thane eggs a,nd went to t1w States, where she has when she met a t rain r at. the actor. ; F. J. cllE% Y &CO., Pro! a, Toledo, (: MaritlmeProvinoesand Newfoundland:— Manitoba and British Columbia:—D. Mo- amd add to the cake, alternately with a sister .and otiher friends, thinking I a moral monstrosity, and her son, fof I We tho undersigned, have known F. J. one cup of hread flour into v Observing the gun in bear band, the whom I hef father. havingmade himself i Cheney for the 1,:.+t 16 years, and believe liim A, V. L GREEN, Manager, HALIFAX; I DONALD, Inspector WINNIPEG; O. u p hick has that a chant a of climate might benefit A. ALLISON, Quebec, -J. Secretary, HALIFAX. I p SERR Cashier WINNIPEG. . g g tramp fled. Sagging heir neat to shoot., total) unhearable, abdicated hist and lin y honorable to ally out se transactions Ontario and t3ueboo:- J. J. JOHNSTON.onager, NO nt TO>[i3ONTO; been sifted three level teaspoonfuls of 'her. While there she w•as a,trten•rled In the pant thirty years. Mr. Stephen (thrrone, has smuts❑ decided tx:tiLy of inr- aa,cbyt airfilly bletocarryoutaayobligations 13 J.JOEiTON, Manager, MONT;EtEAL. baking powder. Bake in email pans 15 Iry medical men. but wi,tlhout any im- I becilit �`t, ma�o by their arm. gg to 20 urinutes. pro-vementi in fact slhe raduall Phillips eras Item a ma:gist rate'of Dent., y• WEsr• & TRUAY. iv ,yoleeale Druggist-, Toledo, p g" Y -mss _ 0. NVALPINN KiNNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale W1W1r�tR 1�..fflSCXM". . Chocolate t'rosting.—Boil one and .grew w•brse, until she used to spend I Fngland. He has just resigned his of- Druggists, Toledo. Ohio, three-quarters cups of sugar with one I the, gretLter part of scary day on fire cru acr0umt of tlu: es tension of the ABOTT'1 TH•E SIZE OF IT. Hall's Catarrh bare ie taken Internally. AIt- the lounge ab her sister's. Friends Ing directly upon the blood and mucotfe son t, Florida of the North—Rest from snow and the Cold North, cup of water until it Lhieada; pour muzzling ardeTs to thlat county. He Little Nephew Elmer-lt'hat isamod- faces ofihesystom. Price 75e.Ver bottle, Sold slowly out to four squares of chour came to see her, only too go away withno el lmst,tand, uncle f by ail Druggists. Testimonials free. rairpyfi that *o,r in n or wit m can Halle Family Pills are theben0. ' late which have been melted and stir the sympathetic remark Poor fairly time a {pear man for not muzzl- Old Uncle Grout. -One that always ®��� Traymore, until it thickens. Add a few drops of Flora, she is not long for this I•n,g his dog. when houmda, the exclusive lets his wife have hclt own way• whe- vanilla. world." From !tike beginning of her possession of the. wealthly, are not in- f tdwr i,t is good for hter or not. HAI) NO OTHER TO TURN.j. . sickness up to the time wben the first (eluded in the rnder. I( Sugar Fingers.—Cream one-half cup hox of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills '" ids I of butter, add •one cup of sugar, two taken, she had tried upwards of twenty A cape ovea•coat adorned a gentleman , i' A Thing of Beauty is a Joy." Sabbath Svbool Teacher -Why, Petey I • • j�j j beaten eggs, two tablespoonfuls of different kinds of medicine -some joy y Murphy l Fighting again? Did not Inst Atlantis City N. J. as be sat. in a New }'ark restaurant � Nerviline is n o also. No named 1 from doctors and some of tlhe many' , in the world equals it. Neuralgia and Sunday's lesson teach that when you milli with one-eighth teaspoonful of so- land me a modest meal. Spectatoirs are 'struck on one cheek to turn the I MKoa9tsra sax4ex Cs•ampiet® iaa Tommy 3Datsi&A3. da. Mix one- patent drugs fbm sale at druggists. rheumatism are relieved almost in- ggarter teaapovnfW nut- wandered why he did not ttl0me oaf his other tat striker8 nags with tw(Panil a halt cups of flour Hearing Srom a friend pf the value of cure ly and single n le application. and pains aro Pete Mur hy-Yes'm; but he belt- t` Jar. Williams' Pink Pills, Miss Far- overcoat while hating. As he passed cured by a single application. Nervi- Y p •�`, �� and add to the first mixture witty one- ed me on elle nose, an' I chili got one. hull teaspoonful of vanilla. Roll out, 'Fuson resolved t.o give titan a trial, butt he grabbed iwxr avercDats from line is sure to clue. ���,�-��_�, cutin squares, roll in sugar and bake. and requested 'her sister t'o get her a : books near him. ind etbrried them on . �- "\\�, 1- - ` I Pistachio Lax. Following tike directions care- his arm. At the station-boarse the dis- NOT IN BOSTON. *.1 �Za_I__i I \ I istachio Cake. -Cream one-half cup fully. sibe began totake them. As day cavery was marle that he. was sbirt- t7I rtiDrt • w� .�� \ of butter add one and one-half curs of by, day went by she began to feel bet- I less and that a lin^n collar was neat- Now, Bobbie, said tithe teaehen in the Hartford & Vim Pres Sugar, one-half cu of milk and two ter and :her spirits tb return. an:l in , ly pinned to his crape eoat. naturra.l history class, ,what is a pant b- ,, � �� I g p the course of a few weeks she walked er 8 Vold Oaiec - 9 AQo1xWe at. W., Toronto. ��� �� and one-fourth cubs of flour sifted Vincenzo Jultolo, of Fast New York, with one- carter teas a mile to the post office. and home I A man that makth plinth, lisped I q teaspoonful of soda again. blies Ferguson continued tak- t found n bottle of ammonia in a build- Bobbie, ---^ It and tbree-quarters teaspoonful of ing the pills until she had used eight I Ing on which he was working. !lle . •- - cream -tarter. Add the beaten whites boxes, when she- was completely re- thought the contents were whiskey, and VUALIFIRD. . "i. _ I 1+ of five eggs, beat thbrotighly and bake stored to health and happiness. She i • TO CURL? A COLD IN ONE DAY. - _ AA tool; a lon xrl1. in three seconds lie Take Laxative Brorno Quinine 7`ahlets. Ail Drug- Miss Dash,ly, why dol you always in- r . in larger coke pans. Put the following was again strop and health 'v\'hi le ill g I gintn relund the mmtey i[ ft falls to Curr. 10. Rist tgfon hiaving that old Mrs. Slowly "_ Y - — ,; 0'. frosting between and. over the cakes. g g Y. I felt t,hai a firework display was going =� �_ Bhp lead greatly run down in weight, , on in his stomiach. A policeman t h.rew as your diaperon 4 t Pistachio Frosting. -Gook one cup of and at the time she began using Dr, ! The Poor thin is so near-sighted that `'=,_.,_ _ _;- ted 4 4 - him drrer iiia shoulder, and ran with A GOLDEN OPPOFtT[iNITY. g `- '��- _y confectioner's sugar with one cup Williams' Pink Pills, was reduced to I him to adrug-stare„ twelve blocks she. can't see more than ten feet. I — _ _, . — of water until it threads. Pour it 102 pounds, and when she had com- away. (Here tibe Italian was pumped Mrs. Snapshot, bursting into her hus- Iny her well, ".r— - �_w4� :,- plated the eight box her weight had band's snuggery—Oh, \Yaldo, comes- •� �.Y-_'. slowly on to the beaten white of one out. and his internal fireworks extin- egg. Add two-thirds teaspoonful of Increased to 141 pounds. Only Dna gnislled quick 1 Our next-door neighbor is beat- = vanilla and fine -third teas oonful of month ago she called at the home o8 I ing his wife terribly in the back yard 1 "led ckcci, destroys the d oar- theeditor of this paper to leave her ad- . A stout lady was so injured in a Lon- called cooed, that ce in bails and rar- almond. Color slightly with green fruit Oh, can't you du Something7 boucles, reduces the inflammation and _ �� -� a, dress to have the Reporter forward- don omnibus tih•at herr' husbaned think- Snapshot, umpire u excitedly—You a•ntt when thick enough spread coloring jumping Aremoves all 1pain. - on calre and sprinkle with pistachio ed to her at Arlington, Mass. During, ing the hurta festal, claimed £50 from bet k can I Where in thunder is my ty � " nuts. the moment's conversation with hell the company. She recovered, and he camera f W ii' C 'J to dic. �. • the above facts were told to Mr. W. �-= A. Richardson, the editor, and witb brought suit for £500 damdges. It was SEASONABLE SALAlla. beaming countenance Miss Ferguson shown that the woman had dwindled in ��® a At, this aeason a salad of s,,.ne sort willingly agreed to have him toll weight from 2b`2 to 210 pounds. T•he de- Rates the Very Lowest Consist.,nt With First Class Service. the people "How Dr. Williams' Pink, fendants' counsel dembnstmatted ttbalt if .should be served daily, and the oil or Pius brought her from the gates of , ilia plaintiff had been willing to acre t The TRAYMORE is one of thq longest established beach front hotel! sweet cream or fresh butter used in I death to gthe enjoyments of ealth," £b0 for a total lass, the verdict fora �'�'''®' � ®��'' In Atlan'tid « t�). Holitelikt: tend chderfui and ehjoys the continued pat,' the dressing Is particularly healthful, : He was astonished, as being well as I partial loss should be in the same pro- ronage of a quiet and refined class of visitors. Write for all information. as the system now demands the crisp quAlntcd with her when in Sydney, ; pomdion-£8 6s. 8d. for 42 pounds. The is what housekeepers say stbout LUDELI.A greens and acids. knowing how ill she was and seeing jury gave a verdict for £10. Ceylon'Tea. We suggest a trial. Lead packages. 25, 40, 5o and 6oQ D. S. WRITE, Jr., Owner & Proprietor. her a physically changed Iverson was It is not necessary to bhve the sal- enough to cause anyone to be amazed - ^a�.....a...w•.�.��.,--.____._,-,•_-_,-•,-- -- _ _....--..._--. _ --- .- _-.__ _....._.._._ __- _ ---- - - arta expensive, and it is not desirable out the change. , A DUTCH " BULL." rm to have them tou strongly acid, non of The above facts can be verified by, YOUNG lAD1E8 maga $QO niontbly working ovr (� a fieryflavor. writing Miss Ferguson, at No. 16 Hen- The Irish race are not the only, pec- fa a for '•16• o� ploymrilt, steads, pleasant, 12 VARIETIES FOR 25 Cts• proll Apble, SVd lie, for aampler, dmo. indepen• The dictum of polite Society is, if derson street, Arlington, Mass.; the pie capable of perpetrating those de- dez16 Lol oo., M9 McKinnon Bldg. Toronto. a dinner Is to be given, to serve the editor of the Island Reporter, Sydneyo liciously humorous witticisms known -S E EDS Tills is • BONA PSDB after made to introduce our Vegetable and Flower salad as a separate scores with arise C. B., or any urge of the ultimate as "bulls." A grave official notice has 1NEAi,$ TESTED for Gold, ate. seeds to new customers and which we guarantee to please you or the erackera or delioate 1)lsouit or thin, friends of Miss Fergus n; Hitrdwood WA. far prices. amount paid refunded and the Seeds given e s present. narrow stria of bread. Hill, Sydney. ! recently appearet4•ih the Dutch news- Ml>,�'ON L. HER$N1Y D. A. Be.. At those rices we can oxLY offer time verliciee named tiolow. Order p _ _' ., papers setting forth that a man bad 1W 16 st, 6,orsrnent W., M4114001, Qum, D Many a housewife would neglect hits "' dTowpCSi himself in the Rhine and of- by nglpilor, Buy wtiAb yoq want, They are sent by mail poet paid. 9oloot from the following list— *any unless it was optional to serve TH'l: b 'D )DI'iNGS. faring ti rew"xrd for the body. The de• with iho meat the m'str ss of f it Th 0-11--.. i y WINTER RESORT. Vt3d6fABLRt4. 16. Water Melon, EnrlyOanada 1 wetharaneld t1!•i l�1yr'� ;911 17. Onion, lar a res t e a am y e n!g b 1 s wane read a third ecrlption ends with: "Age abbot (order by Number.) 19. onion Yellow Globo Danvers can determine what Abe shall prepare time and passed to -night:- ty, height 5 feet 8 inches, speaks the 1. Host, Eollpee, round 19, Paranip, hollow Crown for her table, and bow she shall serve Respecting the Cobumlbia and West- dialect of Gelderland." But how is the A. Boat, >iyiyptrove flat round 20. Radlah, )french Breakfast 8 Oabbsge, wlnnililetadt 2t Radleh, Rosy Gem it, but she sholilcl nit, nevertheless, ern Railway Company -Mr. Botrtook. finder of .•the corpse going to know T. CHARLES, Oabla"e, Fottler'sDrunn►totr 9 Squaeb, Hubbard strike off salads from the bill of fare To waftrm an agreement between the what dialect It speaks 4 �. gatroll, halt lon , lcoriet 11 Tomato, extra early Atlantis 4. Qerrot Guetitn 6111116t 'tet 24. Tonoato, Dwart Uhamllhm at this sensc,n. fat. Stephen and Mi,;11 �.ijj�ya�r I pu eam"hei•, Ulite o okllns Vcgelnhle and fruit salads givQ zest mpariy and th,e Il. P'. 1t,. us. " - ATLANinc CITY, N. tie Uuerurober Long Men PLOWHRS. to a poor appetite and cool the Mood, Pharaon. t' OPB1N ALL TH.R YEAR, $ elery,OoSden�alualanebW 95, A tors, mixed while sa,tiACying a craving for sub -acid Respecting tits British floluttablt; I THAT f�ALi'rJVi� CO r'17XION FINEST IIOT1rL ON THII COAST'. ai, �� Ram � 9 : rAn yj mixed food. Southern Railway Company -NX, M,,,, i'fldie0,tes that yault' liver, is out of Ord. Bun r.&rlor 8110 fbat long ov�erlookin fa, albs, Mhrloraw to 11rrotnn)s mired g g 90 N u tiuias tali mired I,ve'r thin used In a salad should Y g be of the beat quality and perfectly.hies fr(,gh. Vegetables for salad risoll. i wtin thio Hkiditl g Told Lake ' er. •Bit gotitl re hllatlylg the liver wild bowels, Ceder ltha clears the q { odean alid beaoh esplanade. Vaettum e tltettln ., haatin' tyystam. IJlevator to & Loitttaif, Nimptarell itidb ate .• oat r l ._ br shite° Dshter $Ark'bt�ar1aa) 80,,,"M Peal, lfl a mired fpr11 { 1Stitk Won, spirit e11rlp, lt$ .N. 81. Wild Flatter, harden mired r�% to- Rosy (lam Radish. should never be prepared long baftin f Eris weir Coln n W y dr. MaDPher- ea' lexitm, and keeps a System in it trbet level. i9fot and cold, fresh, and serving. When mlads are to be served each so . do the relief �� Robert orfebt condition. Use and avoid ppoetol bills. Eli Bents for Dna montll'S 8 illitilt .oilier in all llatht�. Itoetmoi4 Bri Ni1tIt4►, liatlikl atteichda. W$ fain these kat s,f4o l+there S►� e �� ������ TORONTO. day, ii; ill a good plan to makd, aquan- .•1 Augustus Baldwin Hart- .•Mr. Landertrin. traAtmient, At all druggists or W'euttl- g JAI R, IiEYLLSC, Owner land l'rDp, I1. ttthhts 08 401lmill Aboilva r � lily -)f clrfsagiyy tram a/food recipe, &I1d Ord ^ edition ward Med. Cis., ToroAtt>, C>ili, 1 , .. 11 t . _ At. ., . gimig j" __ a o 13 L t,,�-,w , ­1kL L' , - . �.�..a .,