The Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-28, Page 23 m (� T �l prelulao Amer this gate oP, the immor- Fxanuetlt ] Sella 9t, Oitad and Yah- ����o� p tau ffE . F -13T JDJ,IL'� cul avlutl, great battles were fought by milleal and the Tuileries, aAd Ill t�xeat 1>k try w3t1► t11tq u�sft14t4�x� � �� ��� �rar.t, Gid and Weiler, and in Ben- moral, Ct bus been Winaler and Ual- « rp rs. o fo tri ns a »$d mo thoveu sad Allexerbeer, by Rasalni and nxlorel sand Osborne. AI rulex does not '' "" ' iau9h s mbiil Fuld 1> lased W the l�ux+e� t by all the roll .of German and; Italian, alwgys prefer W larger. The Ding of INTERNATIONAL LESSON MAY 1. i and 1! reach oomposera, some of them in earth and 'heaven xray have larger t y THAT WONDERFUL MECHANISM, the battle leaving their blood pn the castles and greater palaoes, but I do , .• „ "'"'"' „ worship of Jehovah, To texoha ige tbio keynotes and the musical scores. Great not think there ,is any one more curl- Tae Trntwpuul EtatrY• Ittutat. telt. a•ls. money was therefore a necessity, btutl THE HUMAN EAR. ba,,ttles fougllit for the ear -fought with ously Nvrougllt tbtan the human ear. "� • r • (tom Aoldwu Teat. stall. also. to exact a fee for this +exchange waw `' baton, with organ pipe, with trumpet, The heaven of heavens canxlot con- ' PRAOTIIC'tAL NOTES, uALawful ; and as in that day there, a A very !Indo or streugtlY slid neaanoe, with cornet -a -piston, with all ivory and tarn him, and yet he says he finds 6 was no monetary standard. abundant! ' an•1 xet of anon inaulte Nicety or brazen and silver and golden weapons room to dwell in a contrite heart, ansa Yerse 6. The disciples went, and Opportunities for fraud were offered. vonlAtrttctlon That it 1N wide upon to Of the orchestra ; royal theater and I think, in s Christian ear, ,r. did a8 Jesus Gammanded• Tiie tSabbnth 13. It iB wrftten• In Ira. 60. 7. Al the Foot oi' set), tion of pound. Rev, cathedral and academy of music the We have beets looking for God in � ��y t of lbs Jews began Qn Ifriday evening den of thieves. A highwayigoan's cave, ' Dr. Tailtutagp mr IllcartntY. fortresses for the contest for the ear the Infinite -let us look for him in Sift Jer. 7. 11. Frt,.m the days of the Pvngland and E and lasted till sundown on Saturday. d �• Wushingtotq, Apr[1 1T. -Rev. Dr. Tal- gyp( fpugbt Por the su- the infinitesimal. God walking the � • jai es till tiavv Palestina bas beep ptramacy of the Suez canal, and the oQrridor of the ear, God sitting in the On Soaturday evening, April 1, A.D. 30 a rich field fox bandits; even Herod mage preached this morning from the Spartans and ,the Persians fought for gallery of the human ear, God speaking i -alt the close of the Sabbath -a feast the Great could act repress them. text: Psalms xciv, 8, "He that planted the defile at Thermopylae, but the along the auditory nerve of the ear. r � was given in our Lo,rd'a honor. On 14. The blind and the lame Game to the ear, shall he not hear?" He said: musicians of all ages knave fought for God dwelling In the ear to hear that ,;° him In the temple. It h+ts been Saida the mastery of the auditory canal and which comes from, the outside, and so a / 6unday manning he seat two disciples but the authority is questioned, that Arobiteoture is ane oP the moat fascia- the defilw of rho immortal soul and near the brain and the soul he can hear t ' I `to the entrance to Bethage, where an deformed and crippled people were not, acing arta, and the study of Egyptian, the Thermopylae of struggling cad- all that transpires there. The Lord of ass's colt stood near its tethered moth- allowed within the "sacred inclosur'e,' �� encets, hosts encamping tinder the curtains which surrounded the inner courts of 6rootan, Etruscan, Roman, Byzantine, er. Thai it bud never lrfen used fur Moorish, Renaissance styles of building For the conquests of the ear Haydn of membrane, Palace oP the, Almighty riding, Mark 11. `2, would glee to this the temple. If that were so, then the struggled on up from the garret where in the human ear. The rider on the colt in the eyes of Orientals a certain rates of the rabbis were broken on this has been to many a man a sublime life- he had neither fire nor food, on and white horse of the Apocal :� ypso thrust- symbolia value. Tho Eastern donke day• work. Lincoln and York cathedrals, St. on until under the too great nervous Ing his foot into the loop of bone which is a much handsomer animal then the 15. The chief priests. There were at Paul's and St. Peter's and arch of strain of hearing his own oratorio oP the physiologist has been pleased to least thirty of ,these -including the i donke s of Euro a and America, an g priests ,r Titus and Theban temple and Alban- the "Creation" performed he was car- call the atirrup of the ear. I is held fn high estimation. Warriurs�i hi h _ , I esent and past, and th® bead, of t;he twenty-four priestly rind out to die, but loaving� a.9, his log- Are you ready naw Por the question always rads on horses, but judges courses, Sarilrea. .Expounders of the bra and Parthenim are the monuments acy to the world 118 symphonies, 103 of my text I Have you the endurance and kin s in time of g pies codec -to the genius of those who built them. pieces for the baritone, 15 massae, 5 to bear its overwlhelmin a law. 'Che wonderful things that ha d' g uggestive om asses. When the disGiplea loosed His assumption of royal power. }3ut more wonderful than any ureh oratorios, 42 Garman and Italian longe, ness? Will you! tape hold of some pill- the cult and its mother they were, of children er in in the temple, 'I'ht-"�--. _ they ever lifted or any transept win- 39 canons; 305 English and Scotch songs ar and balance yourself under the ; �- ",i course, challenged by the owners, boys and giYrle who bad hAard the cry ` 11.r with accompatniment and 1,530 [cages of sem,iornnipotent stroke? "He that and their prompt answer, ' The Lord of the day before recognizing Jesus, .taw they ever Illumined or any Cor- libretti. All that to capture the. gate planted the ear, shall be nut heart" hath need of them," wus satisfactory had begun again )o sing "Hosanna." inthlan Gohnnn they over crowned or of the body that swings in from the Shall the God v,ho gives us the appara- which• leads us to infer that the own - any Gothic cloister they ever elaborate tympanum to the "snail shell" lying tus with which; we hear the sounds of !- whet vera believers }n Jesus. This Ln- Ihey were'sore displeased. They were on the beach of the ocean of the lin- the world himself not be able to catch ,� eident leads Matthew back to the pro- themsAlvea under condemnation for the ed is the human ear. mortal soul, , song and r:-' profanation of the temple. !Aman the most skillful and asst- u2 gruau and blaspharmy and �' phetic writings, with which he was ao g To con uer the ear Hundt,l stru led worshi p? Does lie give us afacult which ,.` �` ?, :` z` 1G. Have ye never road. Psalm 8. 2. i q gg I Y .•,;, f� familiar, to find prophecies which it The thought,pf the verse of the Psalm- 1 duous physiologists of our time have on from the time wh6b his father would be'Las not himself? DTs. Wild and Gru- fij .y seemed to fulfill. It seems plain that ist is that a little child's cr been those who have given their time nrol, lot hire go to school last ice learn Ler and Toynbee invented tlhe acooum- i2. y, just as u / ; our Lord planned to fulfill 'Leah. 9.9, t; I muebl as the stare of heaven, indicates t:he gamut, and become a musician, and etor an'd other instruments b w,b,ich r to the esainination of the ear and the I Y .. and so to call the attention of the then power and providence os God. And from the tirne when he was allowed in to measuira and examine the car, and r ; ► t multitudes to his Messiahahip. by quotin this verse Issas says [n study of its orches, its walls, its floors, Che or an loft net to la after the da theca inatr•wments knoav more than 4 g g J p Y 7. Brought the ass and the, colt. It its canals, its aqueducts, it galleries, audience had left to the time when he the doctors who made them? "He would have been difficult to brin ono auhstance: "The song of these chil- left t.o all naEions his unparullelAd osis- thah lncted the ear, shall he amt g dre,n is as tr4ue an attestation of ma its intricacies, its convoldtions, its p without the other, Put on them their I as w• I torics of " I sther," " Delrortth," "Sam- hear Ju ,ttAr of Crede was shwa s .++ my own raising of the dead divine machinery, and yet it will take [ Y clothes. Their outer robots, instead of Lazarus. Their utterances of praise are 1 son,' "Jeephthah," "Judas Maccabae- represented in stratuary and painting a saddle, This was an sot of Anthusi- another thousand years Before the us," "Israel n E a perfect answer to the adversaries of i ythe and the "Mss- , t wi a di ours, suggesting the idea asm, loyalty and reverence; but itwas truth." He thus publicly accepts and world corues to any adequate apprecia- stab,' the soul oP the great German 'that he did rust want to be bothered more. We shall be -helped to under - tion of what God did w•he,n he lolanfi"6d composhr'still weeping tri the dead with't,he affairs of the would. But aur stand. it b referrin back to the stor aanctiains the words of -.adoring hot3gr and es eulad the infinite and over °larch of ou.r great obsequies and tri- God has ears, "TILS ears are o en to y g y °gA >3 p of Jehu, who, when be was proclaimed timphing in the raptures of every Eas- their cry." 'the Bible intimates that king, was made to stand and to sit on . mustering architecture of the human ter morn. two workmen on Saturday nig.6t do DINNER GOWN. the garments of his adherents. The AS TO EARLY MARRIAGE. ear. Tha most of it is invisible, and To conquer the ear and take this neat go,t their wages. Their complaint ,A simple dinner o%N-n, made with low and has a pointed belt, It is finished Orient is a region of symbols; people the microsco breaks down in the gate of the immortal soul Schubert instant! strikes the ear of God. "The g l there express uite as much b what It depends upon a number of things. uoinposed Lis rest "Serenade." writ- cr of tyhese that re rod -hath entered wal,st and short sleeves, is somewhat around the shoulders with a soft the do as b what the sa y 'Co make one rule fit all cases would attempt at exploration. ' ile cartilage g Y severe do desi n, but none the less ruche of chiffon, and at the left side y y Y Y ing the staves of the music on the hill the ears of the Lard of Sabbath." .Did pretty and Pffegcptive. T'he skirt is made is & aliiffon lair. ixnv. Tha siwoves are 8, A very great multiltude. The I- impossible, Indeed, the numerous 1 which we call the ear rs uuly the storm of fare in a restaurant, and vvfnt on God !tear that poor girl last dight as with the attac•xr tl flawless but s fa de small puffs farm t w. T loops of rite greater hart of the crowd. Spread their and excellent answers to t3ris question door of the great temple clear dutcu until he could leave as a legacy to the) s$A threw herself cin 'the prison k,urnk Toned 'he a t' ohm an n sbut1 s short h tau garments in t1:A w'ay. 1 of only was world over a thousand m;t w u y on. The mn,trerial of the gown is pe '� rccoived b Success, differin so widw- out of sight, next door to the immortal gnificent in t'he city dunge,oa and cried in the apron, Th,e, body of the waist L9 full, de some of a delicate siltade of yellow, this (lone to Jehu in ancient times y ' g soul. • compositions in music. To conquer the midnight. "God, have mercy ?" Do you and to Jesus on this occasion, but re- ly in their import, have, like the ver - ear and take this gate of the •soul's really think Gott could hear..her? Yes, -_-_� __ peatedly eminent Jovvish rabbis had dict of the travelers concerning the Such scientisLa as Helmholtz and castle Mozart struggled on through just as easily as when 15 years ago been similar! honored. It will re - Conte and Ile Blainville and Rank and poverty until he carne to a tau er's s'he was sick with scarlet fever, aryl to substances easily putrified, such ae Y c+hamALeon, "all been right, unci all ' p TgE DEADLY FTO�IAINES mind the modern reader of fir Walter Buck havA attempted to walk tie Ap grave, and one chilly, wet afternoon 'her mother board her when at wi'd_ r alums, oyatArs, fish, milk, sausages and Raleigh's courteous act toward Queern i,pmn wrung." <� the body of him who gave to the world night she asked for a drink of water, cheese, R hat they are is only recent- Elizabeth, Cut down branches froth There are occasiorxtlly men to whom pian way of thw human ear, but the the " Requiem " and the "G" Minor I "He that planted the ear, shall he not ly known. OnA of the constituents is the trees, John sa s mysterious pathway h;ts never been ,Symphony" w•as erunelied in on the (tear?" FORin OF POISON THAT IS ATTRACT- poison Y "halm trees." home restraints and Loma require- mtisaarieus, which is the same StrewAd tha�m in the wa An a wall full trodden but b two feet -the foot top of two other ING ATTENTION. found in the toadstool. Y• q ) ments would be exceedingly irksome, 9 Y paupers Into a grave When n sou,! prays, Gad does not sit tYie,iral action. of sound and the, foot of God. Three tvltich to this day is epita,hless. bolt• urri ih,t unitil the ora or travels -- The presence of the ptomaines in , even detrimental. They are, by every [ 7 g I Y' J. 'Cite multitudes then went before I immensit and climbs to dlis ear. The hevell nenihn From It In One weelr to Now meat indicates that the meat has be- im plication of their bei, free lances ears on each side the head -the eater- k'Or Chf oat• everything rr.ellifluuus, Y and that followed. A camper}son of 1 g• front. the birth hour when our earth Bible says be beads clear over, In 11'orlc - hhat tt la curd non• it May be gun to putrify,'though no one can tell the narratives of the evangelists shows -free to roam froth Iand to land, from nal ear, the middle ear, the internal was wrapped in swaddling clothes of more than ono place Isaiah said he bow- Treated. , by iris�or not s ch mea aref ores nt that our Imrd timed his approach to city to city, from house to house, or to ear -but all connected by most won- light and serenaded b other worlds, M down his ear. In mare than one p l tale c-ity so &.9 to come. immediatel • in Y +taco Lma What is of allnA poisoning? The meat may be fresh to all appear- y bury themselves in laboratories, or lit- dsrful telegraphy. tram the time when Jabal thrummed [ pstlmiat said he inclined his Stripped of all tochniralities to- ances, but still contain advance of the great caravan from the first har ear, b i p ptamatnies• Arai dens, or other ThA external ear in all ages adorned p and pressed a key o£ the t1 c�hial I come ito believe that Galilee, moat of the meml:ers of which Y places where they first or an down to the music of this God puts ;his ear so close! down to marne Ls the poison resulting from de- There is no known antidote for pto- by•precious stones or g anti li Y poisoning. Of course emetics believed•(to some degree at least) that can be let absolutely alone. Their precious metals. Sabbath day. Yea, for the ear the com- Y ps tlhat he can hearr your faint- cay in food substances, It is formed I mains the Prophet of. Nazareth, was the. Afes- est Nvfhis) and purgatives should he used where Ing to them and the things nts a ,- The temple of Jerusalem partly built Lng overtures of heaven, for whatever I er. It is not. God away off by buctAria and is secreted with mar- 'the poison is sus rested, thou h this state, These pilgrims i.o the feast were -" ' by the contribution of earrings, and other part of the body may be left in up yonder; it is God away down ihere, (cellons hapidit under favorable con- is all that fi sicians know now to do. met by a great mu'ltitude from the city, ing to them, or their experiments and HOtner iu the "ilial" sneaks of Hera, the dust, the ear, we know, isi to come, eloso uq,, so close up tlhat when you y c� p Y Jahm 12„ 1l., 13. Phe annrtrnl a lourrowings, aro al! the 1 clit.iona of warmth andwmoisturA. it ' Ptomrtrnos are really transition pro- ppruartt y care for. Love Uo celestial life ; otherwise, why the Pt•ay to Ihim it is not ,tare a wihisp,sr ducts in the process of putrifaction, to the passove2 was ace o£ Ube great would ire to thein only a secondary con - "the three bright drops, her glittering " harpers harping with their harps?" t+han a kiss. A,h, yes, he hears the oair is Very dgadly and also very dangerous. I and are the tem racy forms through sig'Lis of Jerusalem. Oried, Ca,ng or sideration, the care o£ a famit a nuls- gems suspended from the `ear," 'and rbc Che ear carol of lark and whistle five's siglh and the sglash of Lhe orph- An ordinary article of food is setae; which the mattero es in ohan rn ahraertAd. klosWn'na, A Hekrrew phrase y -.-t o'fi an's Lear. and tlhe d P g g ante. For men of this type to marry, many of the adornments of modern 4uail incl chirp of r,ricl:et and dash yin', syllables oP death lurks iu it, and the victitu dies 'from the activlt of bacterial life to meactn'g "Save now„" vvar,ich I:cgins times were oni co res of her ear of cascade and roar of tides oceanic f,he shipwrecked sailor driven on the I Y Psalm 118. 25. 'Chis cerise utas satins]- early or late, would be a hindrance, Y p and doxola Sherries. and tyre infunt's "Nosy I la rn great agony. So died Anton Seidl dead, inorganic matter. gy of worshipful assembly Y I There are certain kinds of ptamaI IY Sung not '(Jho feast of Tabernacles; because their natural inclinations and jewels Cound in Pompeiiun 'museum and minstrelsy, cherubic, seraphic, and are down to sleep," as dNtiroctly as 'he Ln New York last week. And so died ! that it was sung naw, also, is an evid- " hears t -he Fortissimo, of brazen bands several others. that are particularly deadly. One of e,nee of the poptvlar recognition of habits would cause friction and uu- and ECrttscan vase. But while the archangelic. B'or the ear all Pander° them is t ratoxicon, found in ice - outer ear may be adorned by human pipes, all flutes, all clarinets, all haut- in tlbe Dusseldorf festival, as easily ns Y Jesus ilia the Messiah. Tha rm cot Uuv- happiness; things which are utterly lie beans the aalco of ar•tiller The only way to guard against this cream; another, mytrtoxion, found in art, the middle and the internal ears boys, all bassoons, all bells and all y when id. ,A perm war•ich was as full of mean- demoralizing to success, this 13 g swhtle ancon o£ 1LPe is to take the mtrsaeis ing to tlhle Jew as "a Stuart" Iteoame There are, on the other hand, many are adorned and garnish, d only by organs-Luzerne and Westminster ab- squares of En lisp troops up- Y the hand of the Lord Almighty. The be,y and Freiburg and Berlin and all en all their batteries at once at Water- greatest care to have all meats and _ in Scotland or a " Bonaparte" in young men, and perhaps more women. stroke of a key of yonder organ the organ pipes set across Christendom, leo' He tbat pla�nt.od the ear can fish fresh and fah removed from even France; a sant cd recognittion of a sets the air vibrating, and the external the teat Giant's Causeway for the ( beau, TRUE b'RiENDtSHIP. claim to tllve oroww, Su pose tihe whose hearts are, b iaOlati!!n, want of ear catches the undulating sound and monarchs of music t.o pass over. For Just as sometimes a,n ent,rancing the first stages of decay. The haxt passes it on through the bonetets of the Q- all chimes, all ticklings of chro-� ger in your ears great precaution should lie to have $Ow often o (this phrase abused and ed Emperor a£ German q iv bh depos- fortable, l long!inesa, and lack of chat straLn of music will lin ed nothing could well deprive his fart- Cortuble Irving, so dissatisfied that Por da how seldom do we see the full meaning the wallahs ear to the internal war, and nometArs, all anthems, all dirges• all i Ys after -yew +have heard it. :tad them thoroughly cooked. i•ly of its political impariaince; and his bruins and hands refuse to do thele the$,003 fibers of the human brain take glees, all choruses, all lullabys, just as a sharp cry of pain 1 once - _Xt-ts, fish and milk seem to Ire the , of it exemplified. male descendants would inavi,tahly he up the vibration and roll the sound all orchestration. Oh, the ear, the God beard while passing through Bellevue favorite breedin medium for to- If there is one trait more than anoth- recognized as "pretenders" ,to t)he potential best ; and, in their restless - on into the soul. The hidden machin- honored ear, rooved with divine scut hospital clung to my ear for weeks, er of the ear b b 'stoic rats ca11Ad Lure -and g � g p er tJhat should bei assiduously cultivat_ throne, whwther they aspired to Lt. a,r .near, these people spend money need - Y Y p J g' poised with divine graceful- and just as a borrid blasphemy in the mutnes. It. pray occur even under the not. There never wi&s a royal family tessly on many things which have ila by the names of things familiar to us, ness and upholstered with curtains of Street sometimes 'hatants one's ears for mast carefully regulated conditions, ed by thie xomaN who wishes to melee I w•itht a traditional claim strom er than them a ossible, tem toter • satisfao- like the hammer, something to strike; divine embroidery and corridored by days,• so GGd root only 'hears, but holds But its development is greatly hast- herself popular, that arm Ls loyalty to than of Daivid, dilessed is 'he that c•cm- tion, or which render thought impos- -% t1 like the anvil, something to be smit- divine carpentry and pillared with di- the songs• the prayers, the groans, the I her friends. That trait embodies many eth I,n the name of the Lord. "He that sible for a time. People of this type. '' worAi, cited by artificial me�hods of so-called ten; like thA stirrup of the saddle with viva architecture and chisAled in !tone [, the blasphemy, How we have I and otlrar estiwable ones, and is the comat'th" teas aanathwr MAssianic title. if rightly mated, find in marriage the[r which we mount the steed; like the of divine masonry and conquered by all wapdered at tate phonograph. which curing and preserving meats and fish. But the excited crowd did 'neat stop highest happiness and most efficient : drum, beaten in the march; like the processions of divine marshaling. The holds oat Only the wards you utter: Deaths from ptomaine poison almost I basis of a lovely land noble character: .here. Mark and Joh give us utb- help. harpstrings, to ice swept with music. earl A perpetual point of interroga- Suit tike very tones oaf your voice, so invariably increase with thy, advent of i To begun with, the womamt who is era of tdr+eur calls: "Blessed lie To a majority of poople a feeling of Coiled like a "snail shell," by which tion, asking, How? A perf,etual point, t'h°t 100 years from :waw•, that instrur truly loyal never ttihinks evil of those the kingdom of o,ur father David l" being settled is necessar to success. one of the innermost passe es of the of a ostro the a, spring and summer each year. R'hile Y g p I [pealing Co Clod. None meek turned, the very' words yvu now whom she h'as chosen( to closely associ- and "Blessed be the lying of Israel 1" Very few men can have this feeling ear is actually called; likA a stairway but God could work it.'None but God utter and tlbe very tcvne cf your.voico e�ld weather la is rthe myeteri.ous Inrke also saps (Lay referred to .TAaus without a bane. Tha studeat.orclerk the sound'td ascend ; like a bent tube could keep it.. 'None but God could un- will l,e reproduced. Amazing pbono- cheir;ioul action which produces this ate herself with, much lead will she es- as King find praised God with ii loud bars his room ar. his den ; the military , of a heating apparatus, taking that derstand it. None but God could ex-Igrapfh! Bu+t more w:etuderful is God's poison in foods is retarded. press sentiments that knight be con- voice,''Their voices bridged the valley officer has his quarters; the sea`cai►- which enters round and round; like a plain it. Oh, the wonders of the hu- Power qa hold, to retai.n'. Ah, what de- strued into , grin darn ntor of the I�idran and• awoke the echoes fain, his cabin; the herdsman, his lab rrnth with wonderful g li At the New York Health Depart- g g y' under-tbe marble• porches of the tern- ranch; associated men have their clul a, y err.ssa as ito man ear! glhtful encouragement for our pray- backbitin y gossip nev= le. We lose the full si niPicance of societies and hod es; `c be loscb ihA thought enters only to How suryparssingly sacred thA human e'r`! V'itat ac awful frigdut tot umr' mAnt, Dr. 4ltrx Meyer LY <nvestigat- g anti aunfriendl p g g but; without a Ire last in bewildermenC. A muscle ear! You lad tetter he careful howlhard speeches! What assurance of Ing the nature of the poison which er find place apwng the natural fail- this triumphal entry if w•e do not re woman a home is practically un - contracting when the noise is too loud, you let tbesound of blasphemy orun- warm hearted sympathy for all our hue i-ags that even the, most perfect being cognize it as, on the, one hand, the known. just as the pupil of the eye contracts cleanliness step into, that holy of hol-'gripfs! "He that planted the ear, KILLPD SEMEN PLOCr1 E pa9seasea, culminating outburst of an enthusiasm Few single men save their earnings. when the light is too glaring. Tire iets. The Bible says that in th • ancient stherll be not hear?" I of the common people which could no 'During their bachelor days, they are external ear is defended by wax which temple th_e priest w•as set apart by the BettP,r take that orgarn away from in a week. ' His investigations are W1ie,n a womrin has been tried and longer be restrainatl; hat, on the nth- liable to form expensive and careless with its bitterness discourages inset- putting of the blood of a ram on the all sin. Bather Inv( it. under the best I practically in the nature of original has stood t?re test, therA should well er hand, this enthusiasm was pur- habits, and to keep bad company, all tile invasion. The internal ear im- tip of the ear, the right ear of the sound. Better iako it away frorn all ails rn •t�he heart pf the fortunate one loosely u.9ed by our Lord -turned into of which means not only a scattering bedded in by what is far the hardest priest. [hut, my friends, we neer) all gossip• from all slander, from all in- I research, for not half a dozen men in a sort of acted parable; a unique pro- Of dollars, but a dulling of the brain bone of the human system, a very rock of us to haze the sa-red touch of or- I nuendo, from all had influence of m it tine city know a ptomaine from a sac- pOssessing so staunch. a friend, a clamation of his Messialist,i1). In the power and hand power by which dollars of strength and defiance. dination on (lip hanging lope of [loth' associatiorn, Better put it to school, red Lhex. great, fountain of 'tbran",giving. highest, In heaven. are earned. �uc•,h men need a neutra- The eur so strangt, a contrivance ears, and on the arches of the ears,Ito church, to philharmonic, Better ptomaine poison is well named. Tha Petty jea'ousies, suspicion•,-w•Itether 10, All the city was moved. The word lining influence, a eounlermagne.t. that by the estimate of one scientist on the rust&..^liiain, tube of t he. car, on , put t,ba t ear under the blessed touch well grounded or not, envy, and even "uiuVad" in t,l:e. original is one used tvhrch will drt+w and keep 1 Lem away it can catch the sound of 73,700 vib,ra- the mastoid cells of the ear, on i lie Of Christiu,n hymnology. Better ran- -'t Ord in Greek means cadaver, or death, of earthquake shocks and vis on used whamdemoralizing haunts. 'iron mag- tiuns in a second The outer ear tympanic cavil.y Of the ear, ami on I sec'rate it for time acrd eternity to him IT is'a'e-utrefactive alkaloid, and is maitre are more tipt to make themsely- We arse nut iikAly to ovarestima.te this net is usmrliy found in a wife and taking in aLl kinds of sounds, everything from the outside rim ,if I ttiho planted the ear, Rousseau, the in- formed by bacteria.' It appears in al- ee visible in die attitu.le of one w -o- camittotion. The city was excited est home. "1 should never have saved a whether the crash cif an avalanche or the outside ear clear in to the point fide] fell asleep amid his ske tical man- man totivard °not,h,er �th;un, is ever felt parts has hPe.n recent! y dollar had I not had a v. ife's trust, P must countless forms and. varies in in man s dea'inga with man. TLA hard- Y excited, oni ' caesura ement anri counsel and thA the hum of rr bee. ['be sound passing where sound stelps off the auditory tiscripts lying all around the room, and more so, for Orientals are more. do- g to the inner door of the outaidA ear nerve and rolls on down into the un- i;n •bi.9 dream lie entered heaven and dangerous qualities according to how est censure and severest judgment al- hope of rt home before my eywi." said halts until another mechanism, divine fathomable depth:; of the immortal Ih'eard the sea of the worahi e. s, and g nerated. But in the ways emanate from critics of tate enl- Jerusalem, than even h're ds, -was g p r it has !teen e g Jerusalem, by ancient stnndttrds, w•as a Young man to the. writer. mechanism, passes it on by the hone- soul. The ilible, speaks of "(full cars," it was so sweet Ire asked am angel nr.li'Ln it may be said that all ptomaines I er sex• a reat cit and. at the ,assover seas A young m++n who lakes rt. wife he. - lets Of the middle ear, and, coming to anri of "un'irrumcispd ears," and Of whist it meant, The an el said, "This Ilhe Womac, therefore„ who has Prov- g y' l fora he is able to sur ,ort her tuts hint• g result from micro-organisms. The e•n herself to al tJrratirzh goad and ev- on it overflowed in a away to which 11 1 t e inner door of that second ear, the "itching ears," and of "rebellious cars," is l,bA rarndise of Gad, anri thA song I Y no moiler self in a very dc,trhtful position as rr- [ ptomaine has !teen developed in large , it report alike, }las shown herself to he n city presents ri I a it+IlPa A ards reat success in life , i•or. unless until! lure r wine to come further slid of "open ears," •Incl of those who Y'ou,;hear is the ainthem of the redeem- tevv years linter thorn thin a carp- g g it until another divine mechanism pusses tavc all the or ga.ns of hearing and et � 1." uontities the sim ple rrocess of cook- a rare avis that should be hi hl ful estimate made of the pec le re.s- y ! y ec i'nder anathar rail of the cel- q I [ I eel 4)y those so fortwnato as to call hpr P l h+�in4ndsttteimlleincreas�,nfasterlthantthis it an Lhrough into the+ inner Aar, and who seem tO Le drat, for it. cries to eatial music RoussAau walcenad anri gut I ing will not in all calsis render the enl al. a prt99ovpr in .lerw9ul+•m reau h - then the sound corner to the rail track them, "IIA that Lal h ears t.o hear, let uqr im thA midnig,h,t and, as we.11 as he friend. ed two millirnr seven hundred I hour- ahilit.y to meet them. Alost self -mala of the brain branchlet and rolls or, hirci hear." foul safe, to oat, but in such cases its ; Nuthin is so ,osiLivAl could, wrote down the. strains of the g [ V in,iurious to anri. Who is this? is an question which rich men say the first, thousand was and un unfit it comes to sensation, 'I'O show• how much Christ thouuht music, tihat he hart heard in th w•ond_ unpalatable nature will usually be a vvoma.n, as �.h.e intense friendshi s the, hardest of all their wealth to ac - i inrlirafps general discussion "f our and ihr:re the curtain tree and a of the human ear, he oll, day met a erful Luce called "Tare Songs of the ar, pronounemd. us to render the food I that are born in an hour and die in I,ord's character toad claims, cumulate, po that a yanng man on ;,n hundred gates shut., and the voice of man w•lio was deotf, came un to him Redeemed," God Granit Ghat it may distasteful. Bacteria may be killed , almost as 9'host a tine. They tend to 11. The rnulti(tide. 'rhe i ilgriuts. -les- ordinary salary. with a family on his (rod seems t,o say to all human in. and l.ttf a finger of tLe right hand in-' not lie to you ami to hie. nn infidel ,y often to hinds and nu sur plus eatrnin s. g ill fooion that ere r arzt(I ver try the l,rophe.t, Nut:e l h,• Iter isprl �'er'- speclic,n, "Thu far and no further." to the ortfi.e oft the le.ft ear oP 1he in- dreaarr but a glorious reality. 14''Len 1rYa`rx'ktnl„ bttl. such ptomaines 0.s al- unions h.ha/t arA r<;gratterl for one'q siou here. Itis followers dw1are him find it very difficult t" get I},is first In !.his veslibwle of the alacA re lyesaat are nrot,nece,sarily destroy- lefetime. , I thous'tn•1 ahead. p tient and prtC a Linger of th.e left we, comp to the eight of death and wo oil Or, on the other band, there may I A lady, no matter ho'w• match she mat to by the great [ rophet foretold by the soul how many kings Of thoughc, hand into ttte orifice of the right earl lie down to aur last sleep, may our Y Mosps, rind a9 such lend hnu ui Iriuinl.hl ,Again, while one husl.;rn l and wi(A Of medicine, of physiology, halve' done of the patient anri agitated the tym-lea.rs really be wakened by the ran- t,w Lad resultp from Aalinq food in like you -you who 'are a pleasant ac- into the cit •, finrl sfirnulus ::nd happinoss in l,uild- penance of lifelong study and get'no 1anum, and stnrkled lite honelplsonrl'ticles of t•he heavenly temple, and the which there are no ptomaines at the quaiintance or afrionrl-does not• call J,t. Wi.th•}this veTse we al•ru ll • in up n success inchhy inch• ai,rther.-.••t farther than thA vestibule! mvsterioas with a voice that rang clear through Ii-ocgs and the antli�•ms an,l the, carols tunp. Rut, the bacteria may Ito so you by your first'ramie unless ,you ask step from D'Dcmrltt,y into Tizvsdity, pfor � couple. would he constantly chafed and home of reverberation and echo, Grand into the Horn's soul cried, "Ephtb-I and Lobe doxologies that shall climb `call developed that the poison will bO h,er to. She is wise elrinw h to know urrtaLed by poverty anri its depriv - Centrnl depot of sound. IIeadquar- alba!" anri the produced after the food has been that frieandsbl ps arA g I "R'h•Pm Jesus hard larukpd round alruut tions, rind so wreck life in an endeavor polyphoid.. growths gave I'Le musical bolder of 'that heavenly taken into the s stelm. The moat g I Pre.servarl by a' a,t all lib.itngs in t:he telliplo, the even- ters t,o which there come quick lis- way, acid tile, inflamed auricle cooled gamut. Y little lied a of propiiety; that rtu)rn tide+ having carat; h,e went I,cele loo Re_ to procure the wherew'ithnl to live. patches, part thA w•ay by cartilages, off, ant] that man who had not heard prominent characteristic feeling at frie�nds'hips are killed by too much free-' It is w•or.9e still when oni c- one of :+. part thA way by s.ir, part the way by a sound fOr man ---- --+ ---- flrat in n sense of fulneiss as tf a per-' tJiktn,v".• Afark 1l. 11. Cin '1'uesoiay married ,air feels this Ilia enre ,f don, Ittan by too much regard for good morning ,hm rehirned. ,Jesus went into, I [ bone,part theway by nerve-thealow- heard the isa.•;h o[ the waveshof Galilee son had over eaten. Then comes manners. I conditionsand the irrilalion front rul- DIGGING FOR FISH. t,hM temple of (.<nd, w'h.irlr ons fhA (Pry tailmenf of expense. the spee tch plunging thio the ear at a3aipst�the limestone shplving. To nau,-tea, vcvmiiing, griping agony, and (treat care should be taken in the•Ibrpart,of the th-n"ihhin,g life of Jerusatl-� t ,t „Iie- tha speed of 1,000 feet a second. Small show• how much Christ thought of 'T'he natives of Kottiar are in the A piration. A deathly pallor comes selection of one's friends; and those of We must, then. rnnrlrirlc L instrument of music on which is play- the bu'man ear, when the a ostle Peter habit of di gin ever r thA patient. I mall he sac- em. '1'lou sanctuary s. bu n l npanpuulrt Act all the music you ever heard, from p g g Y Year in the sum- Y wlhom we are goi�pg t.o ma:ke coati -I enter• but t,hP priests, but. thA .s lucious !hpr early marrtagA hinders .pr• hellty the Ill the u Of an August rd, from gourd ad and with one slash of his mew dr banks of the Ver ei River for vambs' falls into a comatose state and dents. Eve tlt,en, it. is often best t.o i general n courts about. it ,vers places of p .success depends upon three thinprs-I he dropped the far of Malchus into Y g may die in an hour or two thereafter. keel) one's private ,affairrt sn,credl With, -I resort. and under tfhe sh clow• of its mental and material needs of the in - the g to the apftan breathings d a the dust Christ created a nevv s int- fish., which they dig otrft by hundreds, Treatment for ptomaine poison may„ In ones ow•n heart, True friendship is I drv[duat his ability to provide slit isfac- noble popTtiroes rnnrtiy n rabbi besides for horne conditions and his choice of urs• Small instrument of music, nal ear for Malchus corresponding with just as they would open n The mud be effective if begun to time, and iP a golden chain that bindst true hearts Jesua was accustomed bn lentoh. Cast Y 1 •i ro,- only a quarter of an inch of surface the middle ear and the internal Aar lirstrps era lrraken ope.n and the Pish, the pcoisnn has nal: he An Loo virulAnt together. Beware how ort, hetra such a mate. These rondilion9 k ng 1 1 a.nd the thinness of one-two hundred that. no sword could clip a,wn. perhaps Plght, or -'ten inches long, will or taken in too large quantities. lame- ' fri;endship, Y Y out all them that(. sold rand taught, Arly met early n1hrrlage is undr,uht- amt fiftieth art of an inch•and that 1 y' alwa s be found alive and often frisk tics are the first things to he admin- 1'1rp.se who sold requisites foT srrcrifioe' tedly, in a, large majority of rases, not Anel In show 1[vhat God thinks Of the as ifYtret removAd from its su y IS�talls had been erected in I'hA Crnurt a hindrancxt, but nn immense held to thinness d(vided into three layers. In Par we are inTormad of th.e fact, that., j pposedly istered, tollowed by quick cathartics to __--r -_- of the Gentiles, for which, doubtless a that ear musi.eal staff, linos, spaces, in the milennial Jung which shall rose -"native element-hhe water, exliel. thA toxin from rho system. largA rental (vas 'paint to lane priests. succA9s. bar anri rest, A bridge leading from ate all the earth the. ears of the (leaf If it has already permeated the di- THE OLD�TI E SERVANT GIRL, '- - - "[ In hhese stalls wine. oil, salt, dorves,------- - the outside natural world to the in- will be unstopped, all the vascular liiSMARCK'S SINS. gesthe sewn and em by to work up Where is this old-time servant girl sacep, oxen, anri other contrnodrties its- • nide spiritual world ; we seeing the g•row•ths ati the nervott sygtehnl hypodermis in - abutment at this end thq bridge, but listening organ cured, cor eeted,cl ange Of the neuiralgic pains in bis face, jections of morphine may be resorted I- help," ns she was palled? ShP is w in the thy 0 .9P t a rs s sold. Une FOOTRALL DUELISTS, the fag oP an unliftod m stet blain to. By calling in skilled physicians (gone. She belonged to the past and w <in•dprs why t help traders so pram(, l Y Y g ed. Ever bei, on earth will have a, which were so severe that he sometimes I obi ed Jesus anal left. Wh did A duel has rerenl ly t.akpn plain at the ahutm,ent on the other end the Y g as quickly as possible, a course of stim- 'was a feature of it, She remained of- y y Paris between t.wo footha Il men. I he bridge. Whis cin hearing apparatus ae perfect as God had to press tliA points of his fingers ulattn t t ey oat tau h hi,m tb scolia? His �, pe g gallery of the knows hoiv to make it, and all the on •Lis cheek bodes for several minutes g roatmep m&y be given �of ten for years 'with' the sande family, moral form cooallpellod obedience, lt. is Caipta.ins of rival teams. who hnd quar- soul, The human voice is God's eu- the pa n the b teal condition of to ears w[Il }rA ready Por that great gym- to secure a little relioP, Bismarck was g' p � evident Uhaii a divine mit est, s&t in select an t'he field during the progress gY the ear. That ^Once ca able of this patient, and the ►ifs saved. But and their interests were hers also J Y of n rime, i'nlike most. Nreneh duels P phony in which' h.11 the musical instru- reported as saying: wherever ptomaine tree entered the Very often the old-time servant girls 'hIs eyA, ThP dlOwnfn.11 of the soldiers g producing 17,592,180,044,415 sounds,and menti of t'hn earth shall pin. the ole- This Ie uite natural, I have sinned ')bat came it,o arrest him in w'h,ich are innouoous, both combatants tl ail that variety made, not for the re- companiment' nations of len.rth and in q system in quantfttes married the sons of the family they Getkisemane. the effAot of his lance received severe sword wounds in I he galement of beast or bird, but for the my lCfr the matt with mq mouth, 1n THE CHANC7ES ARE DESPERATE, g arms and shoulders, human ear. empires oP heaven mingling their voicAs eatiiD „ xlrinkln and talkin served In many oases these wore far- u om g g g." p Irenitsnt Peter, and thA effect of. About 1.5 years a o, in Venice, la together with tb'e dfep bass of lbw sea - and the most expert treatment is but mere' sons, She was often a farmer's biiv alien" on Pilhte, among many in- • -- �- - g Y and the alto of the woods, and the WATERPROOF PAPER. an uncertain struggle with death. daughter herself, wh'o, not being need- stances, prove this. •Then, too, these t down in death onewhom manyeonsid- tenor of the winds, and the baritone of Profe0sional men in Nlew York had LIQUID R.P,FRr,S•WvIX,N 1'. Brod the greatest musical con oser of ed, at •home, did not think she, lowered traders knew that their business int the center Stru 11n on up Prom 0 the tbunder,. "HallelujahP'surging up Pegamoid paper milich used im Eng- the following to ea�q oP ptomaine( her dignity by serving the family of the temple was unlawful and The amouct. of liquid refreshment rears of g 1313 g meeting the "Hallelujah! descending, land is said to be absaluitely waterproof, some are very poisonous; others harm- some nel:bor, although her rather was teas po ularly regarded as wicked. Be- taken by a man of 70 years would equal age, ohan he oras loft Path- Oh., Ye6 my friends, we have been without( resentin thea Less• There are numberless ptomaines well-to-do. She Was deft,•hh,lnded, be- sides, the unexpected show of strew th ar►Ass \Vagnor rose through rho able- 1oolrL'ng Por God too Par awe instead p S ppoaranae oP tz 70,700 plat t, and to hrplcl this n pail 12 y laze or vnirnisln, Stains dirt i k ao- in the body• They are absorbed by Ing taugrht frorn earliest childhood to aI� Sunday --the enthusiastic.. support of quy of the world, and oPttimes all as of looking for him close by and in has or infedtion cannot penetir e� the the O gen, or ex lled b the action feet• hi,gb and more than 2,500 I imps its •fons seem[, I a ainst him, until he Y be helpful and industrious, When not thoGalileans and of many Judoanavvha IargA ns an arrlinary pati tvoudd by re- gnlatch t;he tgavor oP a king and won at v i and i ok thio gh into parface, oP tl 'bowels, Itvor and lungs. If they enga.good in active housework, sbe Was had witnessed the rAaurreotion OP the Anthusiasm of rho o}xtra houses of kft not they strike the nerve centre to be found baAde her wheel Instead Lazarus--Imppressed these men, Even• 14uired. Europe and America, Stru lin all the toldin St and egos God In Jupiter and ATTRAF IVE dna scram pt rmoutts. toPeopin dandvtbo y . r the priests deaned it unwise now to -""' SUBJECTS. y of on rho s h;q , or, odoa9 with he ,it: has been estimated that there aro 13g' g C#od in Bslturn and dad in Mars, but Ivo Y 1 g �attoli+tvol'k. Sire was madeaYt a>ltI bolb� attempt publlely to arrest Jesus. �`he , Vtny on to 70 voars od ager to Gatiquer could aero snore of hire through the Thore is a terrible fasoloation to 1eml elutes Is uaklnowlu, , between 150 and 200 womo who aro tire! wbrid's erar. In that same attempt micrtldoo s oP lRtt avtxtet. No kGng ie esti est, and treated tbbee shi'd gel cod with' talalep of thio mo(a cht�gern, The rat+tlakn' dent.tstr iq rho 1 tnitael some poo 1lb ab�y� thIA91l' that arA Ptomantles alae the poison of deeom- reatpotst. »Gill like id ttlot•'£duYrd tlpt►n tearlple tither tnigW 1� �td t►nly ia' 'tattic g y fn mAatAr the tt'umaq oar, attd gain) su- teflad Vv bl o'hty one ari3sidonoA, and Int none , tluAir buiritito g. poNt+d anlinal ttasttcl. Th©y appea early ills Antrtb' aE cee6iit; ebe i erttiilot l rebrew dodo. This rests ottoyl wall Cru . - i „ a - P R m (� T �l prelulao Amer this gate oP, the immor- Fxanuetlt ] Sella 9t, Oitad and Yah- ����o� p tau ffE . F -13T JDJ,IL'� cul avlutl, great battles were fought by milleal and the Tuileries, aAd Ill t�xeat 1>k try w3t1► t11tq u�sft14t4�x� � �� ��� �rar.t, Gid and Weiler, and in Ben- moral, Ct bus been Winaler and Ual- « rp rs. o fo tri ns a »$d mo thoveu sad Allexerbeer, by Rasalni and nxlorel sand Osborne. AI rulex does not '' "" ' iau9h s mbiil Fuld 1> lased W the l�ux+e� t by all the roll .of German and; Italian, alwgys prefer W larger. The Ding of INTERNATIONAL LESSON MAY 1. i and 1! reach oomposera, some of them in earth and 'heaven xray have larger t y THAT WONDERFUL MECHANISM, the battle leaving their blood pn the castles and greater palaoes, but I do , .• „ "'"'"' „ worship of Jehovah, To texoha ige tbio keynotes and the musical scores. Great not think there ,is any one more curl- Tae Trntwpuul EtatrY• Ittutat. telt. a•ls. money was therefore a necessity, btutl THE HUMAN EAR. ba,,ttles fougllit for the ear -fought with ously Nvrougllt tbtan the human ear. "� • r • (tom Aoldwu Teat. stall. also. to exact a fee for this +exchange waw `' baton, with organ pipe, with trumpet, The heaven of heavens canxlot con- ' PRAOTIIC'tAL NOTES, uALawful ; and as in that day there, a A very !Indo or streugtlY slid neaanoe, with cornet -a -piston, with all ivory and tarn him, and yet he says he finds 6 was no monetary standard. abundant! ' an•1 xet of anon inaulte Nicety or brazen and silver and golden weapons room to dwell in a contrite heart, ansa Yerse 6. The disciples went, and Opportunities for fraud were offered. vonlAtrttctlon That it 1N wide upon to Of the orchestra ; royal theater and I think, in s Christian ear, ,r. did a8 Jesus Gammanded• Tiie tSabbnth 13. It iB wrftten• In Ira. 60. 7. Al the Foot oi' set), tion of pound. Rev, cathedral and academy of music the We have beets looking for God in � ��y t of lbs Jews began Qn Ifriday evening den of thieves. A highwayigoan's cave, ' Dr. Tailtutagp mr IllcartntY. fortresses for the contest for the ear the Infinite -let us look for him in Sift Jer. 7. 11. Frt,.m the days of the Pvngland and E and lasted till sundown on Saturday. d �• Wushingtotq, Apr[1 1T. -Rev. Dr. Tal- gyp( fpugbt Por the su- the infinitesimal. God walking the � • jai es till tiavv Palestina bas beep ptramacy of the Suez canal, and the oQrridor of the ear, God sitting in the On Soaturday evening, April 1, A.D. 30 a rich field fox bandits; even Herod mage preached this morning from the Spartans and ,the Persians fought for gallery of the human ear, God speaking i -alt the close of the Sabbath -a feast the Great could act repress them. text: Psalms xciv, 8, "He that planted the defile at Thermopylae, but the along the auditory nerve of the ear. r � was given in our Lo,rd'a honor. On 14. The blind and the lame Game to the ear, shall he not hear?" He said: musicians of all ages knave fought for God dwelling In the ear to hear that ,;° him In the temple. It h+ts been Saida the mastery of the auditory canal and which comes from, the outside, and so a / 6unday manning he seat two disciples but the authority is questioned, that Arobiteoture is ane oP the moat fascia- the defilw of rho immortal soul and near the brain and the soul he can hear t ' I `to the entrance to Bethage, where an deformed and crippled people were not, acing arta, and the study of Egyptian, the Thermopylae of struggling cad- all that transpires there. The Lord of ass's colt stood near its tethered moth- allowed within the "sacred inclosur'e,' �� encets, hosts encamping tinder the curtains which surrounded the inner courts of 6rootan, Etruscan, Roman, Byzantine, er. Thai it bud never lrfen used fur Moorish, Renaissance styles of building For the conquests of the ear Haydn of membrane, Palace oP the, Almighty riding, Mark 11. `2, would glee to this the temple. If that were so, then the struggled on up from the garret where in the human ear. The rider on the colt in the eyes of Orientals a certain rates of the rabbis were broken on this has been to many a man a sublime life- he had neither fire nor food, on and white horse of the Apocal :� ypso thrust- symbolia value. Tho Eastern donke day• work. Lincoln and York cathedrals, St. on until under the too great nervous Ing his foot into the loop of bone which is a much handsomer animal then the 15. The chief priests. There were at Paul's and St. Peter's and arch of strain of hearing his own oratorio oP the physiologist has been pleased to least thirty of ,these -including the i donke s of Euro a and America, an g priests ,r Titus and Theban temple and Alban- the "Creation" performed he was car- call the atirrup of the ear. I is held fn high estimation. Warriurs�i hi h _ , I esent and past, and th® bead, of t;he twenty-four priestly rind out to die, but loaving� a.9, his log- Are you ready naw Por the question always rads on horses, but judges courses, Sarilrea. .Expounders of the bra and Parthenim are the monuments acy to the world 118 symphonies, 103 of my text I Have you the endurance and kin s in time of g pies codec -to the genius of those who built them. pieces for the baritone, 15 massae, 5 to bear its overwlhelmin a law. 'Che wonderful things that ha d' g uggestive om asses. When the disGiplea loosed His assumption of royal power. }3ut more wonderful than any ureh oratorios, 42 Garman and Italian longe, ness? Will you! tape hold of some pill- the cult and its mother they were, of children er in in the temple, 'I'ht-"�--. _ they ever lifted or any transept win- 39 canons; 305 English and Scotch songs ar and balance yourself under the ; �- ",i course, challenged by the owners, boys and giYrle who bad hAard the cry ` 11.r with accompatniment and 1,530 [cages of sem,iornnipotent stroke? "He that and their prompt answer, ' The Lord of the day before recognizing Jesus, .taw they ever Illumined or any Cor- libretti. All that to capture the. gate planted the ear, shall be nut heart" hath need of them," wus satisfactory had begun again )o sing "Hosanna." inthlan Gohnnn they over crowned or of the body that swings in from the Shall the God v,ho gives us the appara- which• leads us to infer that the own - any Gothic cloister they ever elaborate tympanum to the "snail shell" lying tus with which; we hear the sounds of !- whet vera believers }n Jesus. This Ln- Ihey were'sore displeased. They were on the beach of the ocean of the lin- the world himself not be able to catch ,� eident leads Matthew back to the pro- themsAlvea under condemnation for the ed is the human ear. mortal soul, , song and r:-' profanation of the temple. !Aman the most skillful and asst- u2 gruau and blaspharmy and �' phetic writings, with which he was ao g To con uer the ear Hundt,l stru led worshi p? Does lie give us afacult which ,.` �` ?, :` z` 1G. Have ye never road. Psalm 8. 2. i q gg I Y .•,;, f� familiar, to find prophecies which it The thought,pf the verse of the Psalm- 1 duous physiologists of our time have on from the time wh6b his father would be'Las not himself? DTs. Wild and Gru- fij .y seemed to fulfill. It seems plain that ist is that a little child's cr been those who have given their time nrol, lot hire go to school last ice learn Ler and Toynbee invented tlhe acooum- i2. y, just as u / ; our Lord planned to fulfill 'Leah. 9.9, t; I muebl as the stare of heaven, indicates t:he gamut, and become a musician, and etor an'd other instruments b w,b,ich r to the esainination of the ear and the I Y .. and so to call the attention of the then power and providence os God. And from the tirne when he was allowed in to measuira and examine the car, and r ; ► t multitudes to his Messiahahip. by quotin this verse Issas says [n study of its orches, its walls, its floors, Che or an loft net to la after the da theca inatr•wments knoav more than 4 g g J p Y 7. Brought the ass and the, colt. It its canals, its aqueducts, it galleries, audience had left to the time when he the doctors who made them? "He would have been difficult to brin ono auhstance: "The song of these chil- left t.o all naEions his unparullelAd osis- thah lncted the ear, shall he amt g dre,n is as tr4ue an attestation of ma its intricacies, its convoldtions, its p without the other, Put on them their I as w• I torics of " I sther," " Delrortth," "Sam- hear Ju ,ttAr of Crede was shwa s .++ my own raising of the dead divine machinery, and yet it will take [ Y clothes. Their outer robots, instead of Lazarus. Their utterances of praise are 1 son,' "Jeephthah," "Judas Maccabae- represented in stratuary and painting a saddle, This was an sot of Anthusi- another thousand years Before the us," "Israel n E a perfect answer to the adversaries of i ythe and the "Mss- , t wi a di ours, suggesting the idea asm, loyalty and reverence; but itwas truth." He thus publicly accepts and world corues to any adequate apprecia- stab,' the soul oP the great German 'that he did rust want to be bothered more. We shall be -helped to under - tion of what God did w•he,n he lolanfi"6d composhr'still weeping tri the dead with't,he affairs of the would. But aur stand. it b referrin back to the stor aanctiains the words of -.adoring hot3gr and es eulad the infinite and over °larch of ou.r great obsequies and tri- God has ears, "TILS ears are o en to y g y °gA >3 p of Jehu, who, when be was proclaimed timphing in the raptures of every Eas- their cry." 'the Bible intimates that king, was made to stand and to sit on . mustering architecture of the human ter morn. two workmen on Saturday nig.6t do DINNER GOWN. the garments of his adherents. The AS TO EARLY MARRIAGE. ear. Tha most of it is invisible, and To conquer the ear and take this neat go,t their wages. Their complaint ,A simple dinner o%N-n, made with low and has a pointed belt, It is finished Orient is a region of symbols; people the microsco breaks down in the gate of the immortal soul Schubert instant! strikes the ear of God. "The g l there express uite as much b what It depends upon a number of things. uoinposed Lis rest "Serenade." writ- cr of tyhese that re rod -hath entered wal,st and short sleeves, is somewhat around the shoulders with a soft the do as b what the sa y 'Co make one rule fit all cases would attempt at exploration. ' ile cartilage g Y severe do desi n, but none the less ruche of chiffon, and at the left side y y Y Y ing the staves of the music on the hill the ears of the Lard of Sabbath." .Did pretty and Pffegcptive. T'he skirt is made is & aliiffon lair. ixnv. Tha siwoves are 8, A very great multiltude. The I- impossible, Indeed, the numerous 1 which we call the ear rs uuly the storm of fare in a restaurant, and vvfnt on God !tear that poor girl last dight as with the attac•xr tl flawless but s fa de small puffs farm t w. T loops of rite greater hart of the crowd. Spread their and excellent answers to t3ris question door of the great temple clear dutcu until he could leave as a legacy to the) s$A threw herself cin 'the prison k,urnk Toned 'he a t' ohm an n sbut1 s short h tau garments in t1:A w'ay. 1 of only was world over a thousand m;t w u y on. The mn,trerial of the gown is pe '� rccoived b Success, differin so widw- out of sight, next door to the immortal gnificent in t'he city dunge,oa and cried in the apron, Th,e, body of the waist L9 full, de some of a delicate siltade of yellow, this (lone to Jehu in ancient times y ' g soul. • compositions in music. To conquer the midnight. "God, have mercy ?" Do you and to Jesus on this occasion, but re- ly in their import, have, like the ver - ear and take this gate of the •soul's really think Gott could hear..her? Yes, -_-_� __ peatedly eminent Jovvish rabbis had dict of the travelers concerning the Such scientisLa as Helmholtz and castle Mozart struggled on through just as easily as when 15 years ago been similar! honored. It will re - Conte and Ile Blainville and Rank and poverty until he carne to a tau er's s'he was sick with scarlet fever, aryl to substances easily putrified, such ae Y c+hamALeon, "all been right, unci all ' p TgE DEADLY FTO�IAINES mind the modern reader of fir Walter Buck havA attempted to walk tie Ap grave, and one chilly, wet afternoon 'her mother board her when at wi'd_ r alums, oyatArs, fish, milk, sausages and Raleigh's courteous act toward Queern i,pmn wrung." <� the body of him who gave to the world night she asked for a drink of water, cheese, R hat they are is only recent- Elizabeth, Cut down branches froth There are occasiorxtlly men to whom pian way of thw human ear, but the the " Requiem " and the "G" Minor I "He that planted the ear, shall he not ly known. OnA of the constituents is the trees, John sa s mysterious pathway h;ts never been ,Symphony" w•as erunelied in on the (tear?" FORin OF POISON THAT IS ATTRACT- poison Y "halm trees." home restraints and Loma require- mtisaarieus, which is the same StrewAd tha�m in the wa An a wall full trodden but b two feet -the foot top of two other ING ATTENTION. found in the toadstool. Y• q ) ments would be exceedingly irksome, 9 Y paupers Into a grave When n sou,! prays, Gad does not sit tYie,iral action. of sound and the, foot of God. Three tvltich to this day is epita,hless. bolt• urri ih,t unitil the ora or travels -- The presence of the ptomaines in , even detrimental. They are, by every [ 7 g I Y' J. 'Cite multitudes then went before I immensit and climbs to dlis ear. The hevell nenihn From It In One weelr to Now meat indicates that the meat has be- im plication of their bei, free lances ears on each side the head -the eater- k'Or Chf oat• everything rr.ellifluuus, Y and that followed. A camper}son of 1 g• front. the birth hour when our earth Bible says be beads clear over, In 11'orlc - hhat tt la curd non• it May be gun to putrify,'though no one can tell the narratives of the evangelists shows -free to roam froth Iand to land, from nal ear, the middle ear, the internal was wrapped in swaddling clothes of more than ono place Isaiah said he bow- Treated. , by iris�or not s ch mea aref ores nt that our Imrd timed his approach to city to city, from house to house, or to ear -but all connected by most won- light and serenaded b other worlds, M down his ear. In mare than one p l tale c-ity so &.9 to come. immediatel • in Y +taco Lma What is of allnA poisoning? The meat may be fresh to all appear- y bury themselves in laboratories, or lit- dsrful telegraphy. tram the time when Jabal thrummed [ pstlmiat said he inclined his Stripped of all tochniralities to- ances, but still contain advance of the great caravan from the first har ear, b i p ptamatnies• Arai dens, or other ThA external ear in all ages adorned p and pressed a key o£ the t1 c�hial I come ito believe that Galilee, moat of the meml:ers of which Y places where they first or an down to the music of this God puts ;his ear so close! down to marne Ls the poison resulting from de- There is no known antidote for pto- by•precious stones or g anti li Y poisoning. Of course emetics believed•(to some degree at least) that can be let absolutely alone. Their precious metals. Sabbath day. Yea, for the ear the com- Y ps tlhat he can hearr your faint- cay in food substances, It is formed I mains the Prophet of. Nazareth, was the. Afes- est Nvfhis) and purgatives should he used where Ing to them and the things nts a ,- The temple of Jerusalem partly built Lng overtures of heaven, for whatever I er. It is not. God away off by buctAria and is secreted with mar- 'the poison is sus rested, thou h this state, These pilgrims i.o the feast were -" ' by the contribution of earrings, and other part of the body may be left in up yonder; it is God away down ihere, (cellons hapidit under favorable con- is all that fi sicians know now to do. met by a great mu'ltitude from the city, ing to them, or their experiments and HOtner iu the "ilial" sneaks of Hera, the dust, the ear, we know, isi to come, eloso uq,, so close up tlhat when you y c� p Y Jahm 12„ 1l., 13. Phe annrtrnl a lourrowings, aro al! the 1 clit.iona of warmth andwmoisturA. it ' Ptomrtrnos are really transition pro- ppruartt y care for. Love Uo celestial life ; otherwise, why the Pt•ay to Ihim it is not ,tare a wihisp,sr ducts in the process of putrifaction, to the passove2 was ace o£ Ube great would ire to thein only a secondary con - "the three bright drops, her glittering " harpers harping with their harps?" t+han a kiss. A,h, yes, he hears the oair is Very dgadly and also very dangerous. I and are the tem racy forms through sig'Lis of Jerusalem. Oried, Ca,ng or sideration, the care o£ a famit a nuls- gems suspended from the `ear," 'and rbc Che ear carol of lark and whistle five's siglh and the sglash of Lhe orph- An ordinary article of food is setae; which the mattero es in ohan rn ahraertAd. klosWn'na, A Hekrrew phrase y -.-t o'fi an's Lear. and tlhe d P g g ante. For men of this type to marry, many of the adornments of modern 4uail incl chirp of r,ricl:et and dash yin', syllables oP death lurks iu it, and the victitu dies 'from the activlt of bacterial life to meactn'g "Save now„" vvar,ich I:cgins times were oni co res of her ear of cascade and roar of tides oceanic f,he shipwrecked sailor driven on the I Y Psalm 118. 25. 'Chis cerise utas satins]- early or late, would be a hindrance, Y p and doxola Sherries. and tyre infunt's "Nosy I la rn great agony. So died Anton Seidl dead, inorganic matter. gy of worshipful assembly Y I There are certain kinds of ptamaI IY Sung not '(Jho feast of Tabernacles; because their natural inclinations and jewels Cound in Pompeiiun 'museum and minstrelsy, cherubic, seraphic, and are down to sleep," as dNtiroctly as 'he Ln New York last week. And so died ! that it was sung naw, also, is an evid- " hears t -he Fortissimo, of brazen bands several others. that are particularly deadly. One of e,nee of the poptvlar recognition of habits would cause friction and uu- and ECrttscan vase. But while the archangelic. B'or the ear all Pander° them is t ratoxicon, found in ice - outer ear may be adorned by human pipes, all flutes, all clarinets, all haut- in tlbe Dusseldorf festival, as easily ns Y Jesus ilia the Messiah. Tha rm cot Uuv- happiness; things which are utterly lie beans the aalco of ar•tiller The only way to guard against this cream; another, mytrtoxion, found in art, the middle and the internal ears boys, all bassoons, all bells and all y when id. ,A perm war•ich was as full of mean- demoralizing to success, this 13 g swhtle ancon o£ 1LPe is to take the mtrsaeis ing to tlhle Jew as "a Stuart" Iteoame There are, on the other hand, many are adorned and garnish, d only by organs-Luzerne and Westminster ab- squares of En lisp troops up- Y the hand of the Lord Almighty. The be,y and Freiburg and Berlin and all en all their batteries at once at Water- greatest care to have all meats and _ in Scotland or a " Bonaparte" in young men, and perhaps more women. stroke of a key of yonder organ the organ pipes set across Christendom, leo' He tbat pla�nt.od the ear can fish fresh and fah removed from even France; a sant cd recognittion of a sets the air vibrating, and the external the teat Giant's Causeway for the ( beau, TRUE b'RiENDtSHIP. claim to tllve oroww, Su pose tihe whose hearts are, b iaOlati!!n, want of ear catches the undulating sound and monarchs of music t.o pass over. For Just as sometimes a,n ent,rancing the first stages of decay. The haxt passes it on through the bonetets of the Q- all chimes, all ticklings of chro-� ger in your ears great precaution should lie to have $Ow often o (this phrase abused and ed Emperor a£ German q iv bh depos- fortable, l long!inesa, and lack of chat straLn of music will lin ed nothing could well deprive his fart- Cortuble Irving, so dissatisfied that Por da how seldom do we see the full meaning the wallahs ear to the internal war, and nometArs, all anthems, all dirges• all i Ys after -yew +have heard it. :tad them thoroughly cooked. i•ly of its political impariaince; and his bruins and hands refuse to do thele the$,003 fibers of the human brain take glees, all choruses, all lullabys, just as a sharp cry of pain 1 once - _Xt-ts, fish and milk seem to Ire the , of it exemplified. male descendants would inavi,tahly he up the vibration and roll the sound all orchestration. Oh, the ear, the God beard while passing through Bellevue favorite breedin medium for to- If there is one trait more than anoth- recognized as "pretenders" ,to t)he potential best ; and, in their restless - on into the soul. The hidden machin- honored ear, rooved with divine scut hospital clung to my ear for weeks, er of the ear b b 'stoic rats ca11Ad Lure -and g � g p er tJhat should bei assiduously cultivat_ throne, whwther they aspired to Lt. a,r .near, these people spend money need - Y Y p J g' poised with divine graceful- and just as a borrid blasphemy in the mutnes. It. pray occur even under the not. There never wi&s a royal family tessly on many things which have ila by the names of things familiar to us, ness and upholstered with curtains of Street sometimes 'hatants one's ears for mast carefully regulated conditions, ed by thie xomaN who wishes to melee I w•itht a traditional claim strom er than them a ossible, tem toter • satisfao- like the hammer, something to strike; divine embroidery and corridored by days,• so GGd root only 'hears, but holds But its development is greatly hast- herself popular, that arm Ls loyalty to than of Daivid, dilessed is 'he that c•cm- tion, or which render thought impos- -% t1 like the anvil, something to be smit- divine carpentry and pillared with di- the songs• the prayers, the groans, the I her friends. That trait embodies many eth I,n the name of the Lord. "He that sible for a time. People of this type. '' worAi, cited by artificial me�hods of so-called ten; like thA stirrup of the saddle with viva architecture and chisAled in !tone [, the blasphemy, How we have I and otlrar estiwable ones, and is the comat'th" teas aanathwr MAssianic title. if rightly mated, find in marriage the[r which we mount the steed; like the of divine masonry and conquered by all wapdered at tate phonograph. which curing and preserving meats and fish. But the excited crowd did 'neat stop highest happiness and most efficient : drum, beaten in the march; like the processions of divine marshaling. The holds oat Only the wards you utter: Deaths from ptomaine poison almost I basis of a lovely land noble character: .here. Mark and Joh give us utb- help. harpstrings, to ice swept with music. earl A perpetual point of interroga- Suit tike very tones oaf your voice, so invariably increase with thy, advent of i To begun with, the womamt who is era of tdr+eur calls: "Blessed lie To a majority of poople a feeling of Coiled like a "snail shell," by which tion, asking, How? A perf,etual point, t'h°t 100 years from :waw•, that instrur truly loyal never ttihinks evil of those the kingdom of o,ur father David l" being settled is necessar to success. one of the innermost passe es of the of a ostro the a, spring and summer each year. R'hile Y g p I [pealing Co Clod. None meek turned, the very' words yvu now whom she h'as chosen( to closely associ- and "Blessed be the lying of Israel 1" Very few men can have this feeling ear is actually called; likA a stairway but God could work it.'None but God utter and tlbe very tcvne cf your.voico e�ld weather la is rthe myeteri.ous Inrke also saps (Lay referred to .TAaus without a bane. Tha studeat.orclerk the sound'td ascend ; like a bent tube could keep it.. 'None but God could un- will l,e reproduced. Amazing pbono- cheir;ioul action which produces this ate herself with, much lead will she es- as King find praised God with ii loud bars his room ar. his den ; the military , of a heating apparatus, taking that derstand it. None but God could ex-Igrapfh! Bu+t more w:etuderful is God's poison in foods is retarded. press sentiments that knight be con- voice,''Their voices bridged the valley officer has his quarters; the sea`cai►- which enters round and round; like a plain it. Oh, the wonders of the hu- Power qa hold, to retai.n'. Ah, what de- strued into , grin darn ntor of the I�idran and• awoke the echoes fain, his cabin; the herdsman, his lab rrnth with wonderful g li At the New York Health Depart- g g y' under-tbe marble• porches of the tern- ranch; associated men have their clul a, y err.ssa as ito man ear! glhtful encouragement for our pray- backbitin y gossip nev= le. We lose the full si niPicance of societies and hod es; `c be loscb ihA thought enters only to How suryparssingly sacred thA human e'r`! V'itat ac awful frigdut tot umr' mAnt, Dr. 4ltrx Meyer LY <nvestigat- g anti aunfriendl p g g but; without a Ire last in bewildermenC. A muscle ear! You lad tetter he careful howlhard speeches! What assurance of Ing the nature of the poison which er find place apwng the natural fail- this triumphal entry if w•e do not re woman a home is practically un - contracting when the noise is too loud, you let tbesound of blasphemy orun- warm hearted sympathy for all our hue i-ags that even the, most perfect being cognize it as, on the, one hand, the known. just as the pupil of the eye contracts cleanliness step into, that holy of hol-'gripfs! "He that planted the ear, KILLPD SEMEN PLOCr1 E pa9seasea, culminating outburst of an enthusiasm Few single men save their earnings. when the light is too glaring. Tire iets. The Bible says that in th • ancient stherll be not hear?" I of the common people which could no 'During their bachelor days, they are external ear is defended by wax which temple th_e priest w•as set apart by the BettP,r take that orgarn away from in a week. ' His investigations are W1ie,n a womrin has been tried and longer be restrainatl; hat, on the nth- liable to form expensive and careless with its bitterness discourages inset- putting of the blood of a ram on the all sin. Bather Inv( it. under the best I practically in the nature of original has stood t?re test, therA should well er hand, this enthusiasm was pur- habits, and to keep bad company, all tile invasion. The internal ear im- tip of the ear, the right ear of the sound. Better iako it away frorn all ails rn •t�he heart pf the fortunate one loosely u.9ed by our Lord -turned into of which means not only a scattering bedded in by what is far the hardest priest. [hut, my friends, we neer) all gossip• from all slander, from all in- I research, for not half a dozen men in a sort of acted parable; a unique pro- Of dollars, but a dulling of the brain bone of the human system, a very rock of us to haze the sa-red touch of or- I nuendo, from all had influence of m it tine city know a ptomaine from a sac- pOssessing so staunch. a friend, a clamation of his Messialist,i1). In the power and hand power by which dollars of strength and defiance. dination on (lip hanging lope of [loth' associatiorn, Better put it to school, red Lhex. great, fountain of 'tbran",giving. highest, In heaven. are earned. �uc•,h men need a neutra- The eur so strangt, a contrivance ears, and on the arches of the ears,Ito church, to philharmonic, Better ptomaine poison is well named. Tha Petty jea'ousies, suspicion•,-w•Itether 10, All the city was moved. The word lining influence, a eounlermagne.t. that by the estimate of one scientist on the rust&..^liiain, tube of t he. car, on , put t,ba t ear under the blessed touch well grounded or not, envy, and even "uiuVad" in t,l:e. original is one used tvhrch will drt+w and keep 1 Lem away it can catch the sound of 73,700 vib,ra- the mastoid cells of the ear, on i lie Of Christiu,n hymnology. Better ran- -'t Ord in Greek means cadaver, or death, of earthquake shocks and vis on used whamdemoralizing haunts. 'iron mag- tiuns in a second The outer ear tympanic cavil.y Of the ear, ami on I sec'rate it for time acrd eternity to him IT is'a'e-utrefactive alkaloid, and is maitre are more tipt to make themsely- We arse nut iikAly to ovarestima.te this net is usmrliy found in a wife and taking in aLl kinds of sounds, everything from the outside rim ,if I ttiho planted the ear, Rousseau, the in- formed by bacteria.' It appears in al- ee visible in die attitu.le of one w -o- camittotion. The city was excited est home. "1 should never have saved a whether the crash cif an avalanche or the outside ear clear in to the point fide] fell asleep amid his ske tical man- man totivard °not,h,er �th;un, is ever felt parts has hPe.n recent! y dollar had I not had a v. ife's trust, P must countless forms and. varies in in man s dea'inga with man. TLA hard- Y excited, oni ' caesura ement anri counsel and thA the hum of rr bee. ['be sound passing where sound stelps off the auditory tiscripts lying all around the room, and more so, for Orientals are more. do- g to the inner door of the outaidA ear nerve and rolls on down into the un- i;n •bi.9 dream lie entered heaven and dangerous qualities according to how est censure and severest judgment al- hope of rt home before my eywi." said halts until another mechanism, divine fathomable depth:; of the immortal Ih'eard the sea of the worahi e. s, and g nerated. But in the ways emanate from critics of tate enl- Jerusalem, than even h're ds, -was g p r it has !teen e g Jerusalem, by ancient stnndttrds, w•as a Young man to the. writer. mechanism, passes it on by the hone- soul. The ilible, speaks of "(full cars," it was so sweet Ire asked am angel nr.li'Ln it may be said that all ptomaines I er sex• a reat cit and. at the ,assover seas A young m++n who lakes rt. wife he. - lets Of the middle ear, and, coming to anri of "un'irrumcispd ears," and Of whist it meant, The an el said, "This Ilhe Womac, therefore„ who has Prov- g y' l fora he is able to sur ,ort her tuts hint• g result from micro-organisms. The e•n herself to al tJrratirzh goad and ev- on it overflowed in a away to which 11 1 t e inner door of that second ear, the "itching ears," and of "rebellious cars," is l,bA rarndise of Gad, anri thA song I Y no moiler self in a very dc,trhtful position as rr- [ ptomaine has !teen developed in large , it report alike, }las shown herself to he n city presents ri I a it+IlPa A ards reat success in life , i•or. unless until! lure r wine to come further slid of "open ears," •Incl of those who Y'ou,;hear is the ainthem of the redeem- tevv years linter thorn thin a carp- g g it until another divine mechanism pusses tavc all the or ga.ns of hearing and et � 1." uontities the sim ple rrocess of cook- a rare avis that should be hi hl ful estimate made of the pec le re.s- y ! y ec i'nder anathar rail of the cel- q I [ I eel 4)y those so fortwnato as to call hpr P l h+�in4ndsttteimlleincreas�,nfasterlthantthis it an Lhrough into the+ inner Aar, and who seem tO Le drat, for it. cries to eatial music RoussAau walcenad anri gut I ing will not in all calsis render the enl al. a prt99ovpr in .lerw9ul+•m reau h - then the sound corner to the rail track them, "IIA that Lal h ears t.o hear, let uqr im thA midnig,h,t and, as we.11 as he friend. ed two millirnr seven hundred I hour- ahilit.y to meet them. Alost self -mala of the brain branchlet and rolls or, hirci hear." foul safe, to oat, but in such cases its ; Nuthin is so ,osiLivAl could, wrote down the. strains of the g [ V in,iurious to anri. Who is this? is an question which rich men say the first, thousand was and un unfit it comes to sensation, 'I'O show• how much Christ thouuht music, tihat he hart heard in th w•ond_ unpalatable nature will usually be a vvoma.n, as �.h.e intense friendshi s the, hardest of all their wealth to ac - i inrlirafps general discussion "f our and ihr:re the curtain tree and a of the human ear, he oll, day met a erful Luce called "Tare Songs of the ar, pronounemd. us to render the food I that are born in an hour and die in I,ord's character toad claims, cumulate, po that a yanng man on ;,n hundred gates shut., and the voice of man w•lio was deotf, came un to him Redeemed," God Granit Ghat it may distasteful. Bacteria may be killed , almost as 9'host a tine. They tend to 11. The rnulti(tide. 'rhe i ilgriuts. -les- ordinary salary. with a family on his (rod seems t,o say to all human in. and l.ttf a finger of tLe right hand in-' not lie to you ami to hie. nn infidel ,y often to hinds and nu sur plus eatrnin s. g ill fooion that ere r arzt(I ver try the l,rophe.t, Nut:e l h,• Iter isprl �'er'- speclic,n, "Thu far and no further." to the ortfi.e oft the le.ft ear oP 1he in- dreaarr but a glorious reality. 14''Len 1rYa`rx'ktnl„ bttl. such ptomaines 0.s al- unions h.ha/t arA r<;gratterl for one'q siou here. Itis followers dw1are him find it very difficult t" get I},is first In !.his veslibwle of the alacA re lyesaat are nrot,nece,sarily destroy- lefetime. , I thous'tn•1 ahead. p tient and prtC a Linger of th.e left we, comp to the eight of death and wo oil Or, on the other band, there may I A lady, no matter ho'w• match she mat to by the great [ rophet foretold by the soul how many kings Of thoughc, hand into ttte orifice of the right earl lie down to aur last sleep, may our Y Mosps, rind a9 such lend hnu ui Iriuinl.hl ,Again, while one husl.;rn l and wi(A Of medicine, of physiology, halve' done of the patient anri agitated the tym-lea.rs really be wakened by the ran- t,w Lad resultp from Aalinq food in like you -you who 'are a pleasant ac- into the cit •, finrl sfirnulus ::nd happinoss in l,uild- penance of lifelong study and get'no 1anum, and stnrkled lite honelplsonrl'ticles of t•he heavenly temple, and the which there are no ptomaines at the quaiintance or afrionrl-does not• call J,t. Wi.th•}this veTse we al•ru ll • in up n success inchhy inch• ai,rther.-.••t farther than thA vestibule! mvsterioas with a voice that rang clear through Ii-ocgs and the antli�•ms an,l the, carols tunp. Rut, the bacteria may Ito so you by your first'ramie unless ,you ask step from D'Dcmrltt,y into Tizvsdity, pfor � couple. would he constantly chafed and home of reverberation and echo, Grand into the Horn's soul cried, "Ephtb-I and Lobe doxologies that shall climb `call developed that the poison will bO h,er to. She is wise elrinw h to know urrtaLed by poverty anri its depriv - Centrnl depot of sound. IIeadquar- alba!" anri the produced after the food has been that frieandsbl ps arA g I "R'h•Pm Jesus hard larukpd round alruut tions, rind so wreck life in an endeavor polyphoid.. growths gave I'Le musical bolder of 'that heavenly taken into the s stelm. The moat g I Pre.servarl by a' a,t all lib.itngs in t:he telliplo, the even- ters t,o which there come quick lis- way, acid tile, inflamed auricle cooled gamut. Y little lied a of propiiety; that rtu)rn tide+ having carat; h,e went I,cele loo Re_ to procure the wherew'ithnl to live. patches, part thA w•ay by cartilages, off, ant] that man who had not heard prominent characteristic feeling at frie�nds'hips are killed by too much free-' It is w•or.9e still when oni c- one of :+. part thA way by s.ir, part the way by a sound fOr man ---- --+ ---- flrat in n sense of fulneiss as tf a per-' tJiktn,v".• Afark 1l. 11. Cin '1'uesoiay married ,air feels this Ilia enre ,f don, Ittan by too much regard for good morning ,hm rehirned. ,Jesus went into, I [ bone,part theway by nerve-thealow- heard the isa.•;h o[ the waveshof Galilee son had over eaten. Then comes manners. I conditionsand the irrilalion front rul- DIGGING FOR FISH. t,hM temple of (.<nd, w'h.irlr ons fhA (Pry tailmenf of expense. the spee tch plunging thio the ear at a3aipst�the limestone shplving. To nau,-tea, vcvmiiing, griping agony, and (treat care should be taken in the•Ibrpart,of the th-n"ihhin,g life of Jerusatl-� t ,t „Iie- tha speed of 1,000 feet a second. Small show• how much Christ thought of 'T'he natives of Kottiar are in the A piration. A deathly pallor comes selection of one's friends; and those of We must, then. rnnrlrirlc L instrument of music on which is play- the bu'man ear, when the a ostle Peter habit of di gin ever r thA patient. I mall he sac- em. '1'lou sanctuary s. bu n l npanpuulrt Act all the music you ever heard, from p g g Y Year in the sum- Y wlhom we are goi�pg t.o ma:ke coati -I enter• but t,hP priests, but. thA .s lucious !hpr early marrtagA hinders .pr• hellty the Ill the u Of an August rd, from gourd ad and with one slash of his mew dr banks of the Ver ei River for vambs' falls into a comatose state and dents. Eve tlt,en, it. is often best t.o i general n courts about. it ,vers places of p .success depends upon three thinprs-I he dropped the far of Malchus into Y g may die in an hour or two thereafter. keel) one's private ,affairrt sn,credl With, -I resort. and under tfhe sh clow• of its mental and material needs of the in - the g to the apftan breathings d a the dust Christ created a nevv s int- fish., which they dig otrft by hundreds, Treatment for ptomaine poison may„ In ones ow•n heart, True friendship is I drv[duat his ability to provide slit isfac- noble popTtiroes rnnrtiy n rabbi besides for horne conditions and his choice of urs• Small instrument of music, nal ear for Malchus corresponding with just as they would open n The mud be effective if begun to time, and iP a golden chain that bindst true hearts Jesua was accustomed bn lentoh. Cast Y 1 •i ro,- only a quarter of an inch of surface the middle ear and the internal Aar lirstrps era lrraken ope.n and the Pish, the pcoisnn has nal: he An Loo virulAnt together. Beware how ort, hetra such a mate. These rondilion9 k ng 1 1 a.nd the thinness of one-two hundred that. no sword could clip a,wn. perhaps Plght, or -'ten inches long, will or taken in too large quantities. lame- ' fri;endship, Y Y out all them that(. sold rand taught, Arly met early n1hrrlage is undr,uht- amt fiftieth art of an inch•and that 1 y' alwa s be found alive and often frisk tics are the first things to he admin- 1'1rp.se who sold requisites foT srrcrifioe' tedly, in a, large majority of rases, not Anel In show 1[vhat God thinks Of the as ifYtret removAd from its su y IS�talls had been erected in I'hA Crnurt a hindrancxt, but nn immense held to thinness d(vided into three layers. In Par we are inTormad of th.e fact, that., j pposedly istered, tollowed by quick cathartics to __--r -_- of the Gentiles, for which, doubtless a that ear musi.eal staff, linos, spaces, in the milennial Jung which shall rose -"native element-hhe water, exliel. thA toxin from rho system. largA rental (vas 'paint to lane priests. succA9s. bar anri rest, A bridge leading from ate all the earth the. ears of the (leaf If it has already permeated the di- THE OLD�TI E SERVANT GIRL, '- - - "[ In hhese stalls wine. oil, salt, dorves,------- - the outside natural world to the in- will be unstopped, all the vascular liiSMARCK'S SINS. gesthe sewn and em by to work up Where is this old-time servant girl sacep, oxen, anri other contrnodrties its- • nide spiritual world ; we seeing the g•row•ths ati the nervott sygtehnl hypodermis in - abutment at this end thq bridge, but listening organ cured, cor eeted,cl ange Of the neuiralgic pains in bis face, jections of morphine may be resorted I- help," ns she was palled? ShP is w in the thy 0 .9P t a rs s sold. Une FOOTRALL DUELISTS, the fag oP an unliftod m stet blain to. By calling in skilled physicians (gone. She belonged to the past and w <in•dprs why t help traders so pram(, l Y Y g ed. Ever bei, on earth will have a, which were so severe that he sometimes I obi ed Jesus anal left. Wh did A duel has rerenl ly t.akpn plain at the ahutm,ent on the other end the Y g as quickly as possible, a course of stim- 'was a feature of it, She remained of- y y Paris between t.wo footha Il men. I he bridge. Whis cin hearing apparatus ae perfect as God had to press tliA points of his fingers ulattn t t ey oat tau h hi,m tb scolia? His �, pe g gallery of the knows hoiv to make it, and all the on •Lis cheek bodes for several minutes g roatmep m&y be given �of ten for years 'with' the sande family, moral form cooallpellod obedience, lt. is Caipta.ins of rival teams. who hnd quar- soul, The human voice is God's eu- the pa n the b teal condition of to ears w[Il }rA ready Por that great gym- to secure a little relioP, Bismarck was g' p � evident Uhaii a divine mit est, s&t in select an t'he field during the progress gY the ear. That ^Once ca able of this patient, and the ►ifs saved. But and their interests were hers also J Y of n rime, i'nlike most. Nreneh duels P phony in which' h.11 the musical instru- reported as saying: wherever ptomaine tree entered the Very often the old-time servant girls 'hIs eyA, ThP dlOwnfn.11 of the soldiers g producing 17,592,180,044,415 sounds,and menti of t'hn earth shall pin. the ole- This Ie uite natural, I have sinned ')bat came it,o arrest him in w'h,ich are innouoous, both combatants tl ail that variety made, not for the re- companiment' nations of len.rth and in q system in quantfttes married the sons of the family they Getkisemane. the effAot of his lance received severe sword wounds in I he galement of beast or bird, but for the my lCfr the matt with mq mouth, 1n THE CHANC7ES ARE DESPERATE, g arms and shoulders, human ear. empires oP heaven mingling their voicAs eatiiD „ xlrinkln and talkin served In many oases these wore far- u om g g g." p Irenitsnt Peter, and thA effect of. About 1.5 years a o, in Venice, la together with tb'e dfep bass of lbw sea - and the most expert treatment is but mere' sons, She was often a farmer's biiv alien" on Pilhte, among many in- • -- �- - g Y and the alto of the woods, and the WATERPROOF PAPER. an uncertain struggle with death. daughter herself, wh'o, not being need- stances, prove this. •Then, too, these t down in death onewhom manyeonsid- tenor of the winds, and the baritone of Profe0sional men in Nlew York had LIQUID R.P,FRr,S•WvIX,N 1'. Brod the greatest musical con oser of ed, at •home, did not think she, lowered traders knew that their business int the center Stru 11n on up Prom 0 the tbunder,. "HallelujahP'surging up Pegamoid paper milich used im Eng- the following to ea�q oP ptomaine( her dignity by serving the family of the temple was unlawful and The amouct. of liquid refreshment rears of g 1313 g meeting the "Hallelujah! descending, land is said to be absaluitely waterproof, some are very poisonous; others harm- some nel:bor, although her rather was teas po ularly regarded as wicked. Be- taken by a man of 70 years would equal age, ohan he oras loft Path- Oh., Ye6 my friends, we have been without( resentin thea Less• There are numberless ptomaines well-to-do. She Was deft,•hh,lnded, be- sides, the unexpected show of strew th ar►Ass \Vagnor rose through rho able- 1oolrL'ng Por God too Par awe instead p S ppoaranae oP tz 70,700 plat t, and to hrplcl this n pail 12 y laze or vnirnisln, Stains dirt i k ao- in the body• They are absorbed by Ing taugrht frorn earliest childhood to aI� Sunday --the enthusiastic.. support of quy of the world, and oPttimes all as of looking for him close by and in has or infedtion cannot penetir e� the the O gen, or ex lled b the action feet• hi,gb and more than 2,500 I imps its •fons seem[, I a ainst him, until he Y be helpful and industrious, When not thoGalileans and of many Judoanavvha IargA ns an arrlinary pati tvoudd by re- gnlatch t;he tgavor oP a king and won at v i and i ok thio gh into parface, oP tl 'bowels, Itvor and lungs. If they enga.good in active housework, sbe Was had witnessed the rAaurreotion OP the Anthusiasm of rho o}xtra houses of kft not they strike the nerve centre to be found baAde her wheel Instead Lazarus--Imppressed these men, Even• 14uired. Europe and America, Stru lin all the toldin St and egos God In Jupiter and ATTRAF IVE dna scram pt rmoutts. toPeopin dandvtbo y . r the priests deaned it unwise now to -""' SUBJECTS. y of on rho s h;q , or, odoa9 with he ,it: has been estimated that there aro 13g' g C#od in Bslturn and dad in Mars, but Ivo Y 1 g �attoli+tvol'k. Sire was madeaYt a>ltI bolb� attempt publlely to arrest Jesus. �`he , Vtny on to 70 voars od ager to Gatiquer could aero snore of hire through the Thore is a terrible fasoloation to 1eml elutes Is uaklnowlu, , between 150 and 200 womo who aro tire! wbrid's erar. In that same attempt micrtldoo s oP lRtt avtxtet. No kGng ie esti est, and treated tbbee shi'd gel cod with' talalep of thio mo(a cht�gern, The rat+tlakn' dent.tstr iq rho 1 tnitael some poo 1lb ab�y� thIA91l' that arA Ptomantles alae the poison of deeom- reatpotst. »Gill like id ttlot•'£duYrd tlpt►n tearlple tither tnigW 1� �td t►nly ia' 'tattic g y fn mAatAr the tt'umaq oar, attd gain) su- teflad Vv bl o'hty one ari3sidonoA, and Int none , tluAir buiritito g. poNt+d anlinal ttasttcl. Th©y appea early ills Antrtb' aE cee6iit; ebe i erttiilot l rebrew dodo. This rests ottoyl wall Cru . , o J - P A M r�