The Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-21, Page 9s WM. JACKSON THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. APRIL 21, 1898. S T. JACKSON, JR. Fine Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers, CLINTON, Mff ONT. The Largest and Finest Clothing Establishment in western Ont. Established 185t Our big purchase for Cash of the Bankrupt Stock of Geo. H. Tolton, Galt, amounting to over $6,000.00 and consisting of imported ENGLISH and SCOTCH TWEEDS, WORSTED and SERGES, HTS and CAPS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS and READY-MADE CLOTHING- of the highest quality and most up-to-date Goods, will be the biggest and best opportunity+.•r the people of this section of the country to buy everything they need in this line at prices less than the G-oods cost to manufacture. THIS BEAUTIFUL AND WELL-KNOWN STOCK ONLY COST US 60 ce3As on the $. We commence this Sale of Tolton Bankrupt Stock on SATUIAY T, APRT L' , when everything will be ready and marked in plain figures with one price to all, with no Goods sold on approval, no Goods sold on credit and no G-oods exchanged after they are taken out of the House. If you have been deceived elsewhere before by the word Bargain, test the word Bargain to its full extent at our Store, commencing next Saturday. A Stock bought at nearly one-half price of such a quality and being sold at less than the Goods cost to manufacture is a chance you. do not get every day. People taking the train to this sale and purchasing to the amount of $4.00 will be allowed their railway fare. It is impossible to give a complete enumeration of prices in this issse, but the following lists should convince you that you cannot afford to let like this go by. for(ner price$12.00 and $14.00, " 2.00 and 2.50 3-00 and 3 60, 4.00 and 4.50, 4.00 and 4.50, 5,00 altd 5.50, READY-MADE CLOTHING Men's Tweed Pants, former Men's Tweed Pants, " Men's grid rs Fine Twewoedted Pants" Boys' Knee Pants Men's Ovoteralls and tonade Pants u C Men's Tweed Suits Cr tt tt tt t• (t price C( et ( tt CC cc 1 Men's Worsted wits Boys' 2 Piece Suits $1.25 and $1.50, Sale Price - $ 75 Boys' 2 Piece Suits 1.75 and 2.00, 4,1 00 Boys' 2 Piece Suits 2.25 and 2.50, " 1 50 Boys' 3 Piece twits 50, GO, 75c Boys' 3 Piece Suits 69 3 75 �:, EN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS. 5 98 Men's and Boys' Linen Collars, former price 15 & 20c Sale Price 3 for 25c !l 08 Men's 3racescc 25c " 15c 90 and 1.00, 5.00 and 5.50, 7.00 and 8.00, 9.00 and 10.00, ca tt ,t tC CC it (( $9 1 3 2 J 98 11\Ien's B1k. Cashmere Sox GB 48 19 98 98 Men's ell's Ties in Bowans d StFourir-ngsauls in-h Men's Cambric Shirts Men's Cambric `hints, extra quality Men's Working Shirts Men's Working Shirts Foiu•ies English Gloves lioy's Tweed Caps Men's at.(l Boys' RIats, Stiff and Soft Goods exactly price. an opportunity former price 10 and 25c Sale Price 1.5c " 25 and 35c " 20c 75c 59c $1.25 75c 75c 59c 40c 25c $1.25 and $1.50 " $1.00 35c 0c it rt t. CC tt .4 C( t: To those who want to have. their Clothing made to order the Tolton Stock gives them a fine opportunity. 75 per cent. of the Stock is ilnpo •ted Goods, and will be sold by the yard in Suit ends or Pant ends to suit the purchaser, and a special price will be given for Making and `i'riniming the Goocls who desire us to in Ake it. Our rr•l)otation for car( yin; nothing but high -cilia:; Goods as well as having the oldest Clothing Establishment in Ontario should inspire your confidence in this sale of the Tolton Bankrupt Stock bought at 60 cents on the $ and being sold at less than the Goods cost to manufacture. SATs COMM -FIT -TO HIS 9 A. _,, S T XR1J..A., A�'Jca',1]I 23rd, 1898 JACKSON BRO FINE MERGH4NT TAILORS and MEN'S FIJRN/SHERS, OUR CUSTOMERS ARE HUMAN 0 THE extent that they like to get all they can for their expen- i . g ) TThe end of dlture. 1h a business transaction is the money -making end. The buyers who take advantage of every possible chance to get the best values for his expenditure is the person who builds up a saving of dollars and cents and sense. WE THINK we can help any buyer to save money at the buying end of their transactions with us. We can do so in Wall Paper, Curtain Poles and such house furnishings as we carry. We can do so in buying a Baby Carriage or Express Waggon. We can do as well for you as any other branch of our business. Our claim is that we are "Often the Cheap- est—Always the Best,"and we are per- fectly willing that our patrons should be the judge. OUR goods are here to be looked Will you look ? THE favor of your inspec- tion will be much esteemed. at. The I D. Fair Co, CLINTON. "Often The Cheapest, Always the Beet.' Agents Parker's Dye Works. mumemsansmie 4ety A ver tiottk><en to, The number following the name in- dicates the page on which the ad ap- pears. Men's Suits—T. Jackson, Sr., (1). Big Sale—Jackson Bros., (8). Wall Paper—W. Cooper & Co. (1). Our Customers—The W D. Fair Co. (8). Have You Examined—Allen &Wilson, page (5). ewelery—J.B. Rumball, (5). Work An Ad—A. J. Grigg, (8). Pnrely Personal Mention. AMM(MA The Weekly Record of the Coming end Ooing sf Cllntonlens or Persons Known to Them. Dr. Turnbull was in Toronto Thurs- d Mr. F. Beattie, Hensel!, was in town Sunday, Dr. Grupe and Mr. J. Taylor were in Blyth Monday. Mr. A. Cooper, of Goderich, spent Sunday in town. A. Porter and J. J. Allen were in Seaforth Mondn.y, Mr. O. Neil, Seaforth, was at Mr. J. S. Jackson's Sunday. Mies McHardy is enjoying a well- earned holiday in Toronto. Miss ()ora Chuff., of Goderieh, is vis- itingher aunt, Mies Armour. Me. ()scar Nen, Seaforth, Is the guest of Mrs. J. S. Jackson, John S. Miller and E. M. McLean wheeled to Gocterich 1 ridgy. Mies Minnie Muir returned from her London visit Monday evening. Mr. Smith Kitty, of Clinton, is the 'guest, of Mr. Wm, Bonner, of Lucknow. —Sentinel. Miss J. Hillyar spent the holidays at home and .returned Monday inoruieg to Toronto. Mrs. P. Depew, War'dsville, is spend- ing a month or so with her daughter, Mrs. W. Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Todd and farnily are now residents of the County town, having moved up yesterday. Miss Tena McLeau, Windsor., is the guest of Mr. E. M. McLean, Science Master of the Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Entlnertnn were in Goderich Sunday attending the funer- al of their brother, Will Eriiler'ton, J. F. and H. S. Welsh spent 'L few days of the past week in town. From here J. F. went on to Buffalo Tuesday. Mr. W. Doherty visited Galt, Ber- lin and Hamilton this week on busi- ness connected with the machinery for his new factory. Miss M. McMurchie returned to Tor- onto Monday morning after spending the Easter vacations with her sister Mrs. Dr. Agnew. Mr, Richard Foster is spending this week in town as owing to an accident he met with the other evening he is unable to at`:end to work. License Commissioners S. Sloan, Goderich, and Hugh MeQuari ie, Blyth, attended a meeting of the License Board in Clinton Monday. Rev. H. Irvine, St. Thomas, who preached in Rattenbur•y St. Methodist church last Sunday, was the guest of Mr. Israel Taylor while in town. Mr. W. P. Brock teller in the Mol - son's Bank, left yesterday fur Mont- real, and elsewhere it might as well be said, to snend his fortnight's vacation. The time is not at all likely to lag upon W.P.'s hands during his absence. Mr. P. McIntosh, late of Up; River Hotel, Bayfield, passed through Clin- ton Monday with his family on his way to Ripley near which village lies the farrn for which he swapped the hotel. Mr. W. K. Pearce and little daugh- ter were in Clinton Friday, the guests of Mrs. Tisdale.—Miss Laura Biggart, Clinton,of (.spent Good I r ul•a1 p y in town. —Miss Bella Worthington, of Clinton, is visiting relatives in Egrnonlvillo at present.—Seaforth San. Mr. C. C. Rance bas returned to his old post in Jackson Bros.' store after overseeing the Galt end of the business for two months. C. C. is couch taken with the granite town, hut apparently doesn't envy the lot of the average business man there. Eddie Green and John McPherson, Galt, have pined Jackson Bros.' staff, the latter in the tailoring department and the former as clerk. As Is quite becoming, in corning from such a gond Presbyterian town, Eddie went to ehurcia twice his first Sunday here. In its write-up of the Battalion ball the Sun thus describes the costumes of Clinton holes who attended :---Miss McMurray, white muslin with rose sash ; Miss Couch, black lustre, jet trimmings; .Miss Mcllardy, electric blue corded silk ; Miss Irwin, brown silk with pink front; Miss McKay, cream silk with yellow sanh. Rev. Wesley W. Baer, of Vancouv- er, B. C., is in town on a visit to his brother. Ile recently patented nn attachment for a typewriter and has been across the line endeavoring to dispose of it to one or other of the Yankee speculators who are nsun)ly eo eager to pick up anything of that na- ture. But they are so wholly engross- ed in prospects of war that Me. Baer could scarcely get them to look ser• lousily at his patent, notch less lead them up to the investment point, Bliss L. McDonald spent Sunday in catches Seafort h. reported, but, on account of the pre - Mr. R. Robson, of Stratford, spent vailing cold north-west winds, it is thought, they have betaken themselves to some other quarters, and our fishen•- nlen have decided to try for white fish and salmon. Mr. Mclntosh,'of the River hotel, has sold out to Mr, Baird and Mr. J.O. Miller, of Clinton, will occupy that well-known resort, and enter to the w;;nt of pleasure seekers this sunnier. We understand the place is in the hands of the carpenter and renovator at present and more extensive improve- ments are being 11(1tie. 111r. Jones Pollock, the popular host of the Queens, had another severe at- tack of hemorrhage a few days ago and has been very low, but at present writ- ing is able to sit up :wain. His numer- ous friends would i'e,joice to hear of his speedy -recovery ns Jill! is popular with all classes. As Ar hor Day for the schools comes on the first Friday in May, we would beg to suggest, that the Town Fathers proclaim the same d1 y ' .1,• observed by our citizens, and that there be ,joint ac- tion of citizens, school and town offi- cials in further adding to the attrac• dueness of Bayfield. Clan Gregor's square could beimproved by additional trees being planted and the r„rouncd lev- elled, w1i-1p Cannon park could he fur- ther beautified and rendere.l more at- tractive by planting more trees and making a,lditional seats. Let• every- body go into the work with '( will fend the result will astonish the most sanguine, Nature has given tis alniost a Garden of Edon for beauty, let us see g('Id next week. to it that we do our part in assisting Mr. and Mrs. .J. IL Bell, of Gelwein, maitre in maintain 1t 90. Personals. ---Mr. J. C. Duncan, of Brussels, spent a any 1n town last week visiting at Mr. Ilolrnan's.-- Messrs. It. Baird and P. 'Campbell wheeled into town for a short, tinge last Wednesday.—Mr. G. W. Hol- man and family spent, part of their holidays 1n and around Exeter.—Mr. A. -B. Thomson, a former teacher here, passed through town one clay 1(Lst week. --Mr. W. Horton, of Huron - dale was in town on Friday and Sntnrdn.y.--M r• and Mrs. John Whiddon spent part of their Easter holidays at Ripley.—Mr. Geo. Flow- n.rd spent a holiday in town 14481 Tues- day. The following shows the percentage obtained by the pupils of the senior department, of our school as ascertain- ed need not be troubled with by written examinations 4-- tooth -ache. Work has already begun Primary (lass -Anna, Whiddon Rl, on the harbor and very soon we ex- Alex.McLeod 76, Jno, R.. (nmeron 73, poet to have the prettiest harbor on old Maggie Galbraith 72, Annie Galbraith Huron. Several new houses will be erected this season and Tench renovat- ing and repairing done, Ho 1.h(1t wn may. safely piny linyfic'ld has a boom end that, it 18 bound to last. 141x, 1,1/, Jewilt, iH boss. excavating for los new dwelling, This promises to be a grand r•esi(Ien('e 4114(1 situated ns It will be overlooking the harbor lutd emu - mending a splendid view of the river front and the lake, will be a delightful spot. The trustees of the public school, n.live to the molts of people, have ops) ed up n. third department fond employ- ed bliss McCaughan, of (1nllrieh, to look sifter the Hnlnller ('Irildr1n of the town. The leaching, staff' will now ho made up of Mr. G, V. Holman, prin- eipal; Mr. J. W. Whiddon and Miss McCaughan, liret and second assistants, resppeetiyely. Yivera•1 young men of the Circulnr Town to the north paid our town a visit, last Sunday. They 00141e down in a yacht, and made g( od time, hal, the homeward trip was not so easy, the wind being a header. Herring fishing has been fairly good Sunday in town. Mr. W. Wilson and Mr. J. Leslie left for Detroit 't his week. ' • Mr. and Mts. John McGarva have ' returned from Ailsa Crn..g. Mr. \Vin. Taylor, of Walkerton, is spending a few cktvs in town. Mr. Tei r'y toN. the 01 gan in St. Pail's church last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Wright, Millbank, was a guest at, the Rectory yesterday. 11r. 1. Cant elon, of Mount Forest, is spending a few days in town. Mr. Dan. McDonald left for an ex- tended visit to Detroit Wednesday. Miss Mary McEwan, of Stanley, spent Sunday with Miss Lizzie Aiticens. Mr. 0. Howard Lewis. Woodstock, is acting teller in the Molson's Bank - during Mr. Broc'k's absence. W. H. Baker, Seaforth, visited his brother, Richard Baker, Gude! ich township, Friday and Saturday. Miss H. Holmes returned to Ottawa Monday morning after spending the Easter holidays at her home in town. Miss Nettie (Iowan left Saturday evening for Goderich where she has taken a position in R. B. Smith's Mil- linery establishment, Rev. Mr. Wade aid son were hooked for Aberdeen, S. D., Wednesday, 1>y A. O. Pattisoi, while Mr. Dodgers. ticketed Mrs. Patterson for Lima, Ohio. A. McTavish, son of Mr. D. McTav- ish, Stanley, has been honked by Mr. \V. ;Jackson for the Klondike and leaves for .the land of cold and this season and some genus Iowa, who carne over to attend the funeral of the lat(.er's brother, the late Will Ernrnerton, (It Goderich, are guests of Mr..1. '1'. Enlrr(ertoi. Miss Rattray, who has been operator at, the Central Telephone office and gave excellent, satisfaction to the pat- rons, has given up the posit ion as the fa•uily is moving to Montreal. Miss Lama Biggart is now in charge. Hayfield. This famous summer resort is begin- ning to put on its summer appearance and from this out we will s ell o(11 name ;vitt) (a h1g 13. We understand Dr. I3rncc has already engaged quarters in town for the ae(La11(1 511 pIMi.9(11'(' 05. P.H. L. Chios —Percy Parker 08, Edith T nleonor 07, Mende Pollock 3(1, Ruby Whiddon 58, Nora (`leave 53, Willie 14088 53. Sr. IV -O. Ferguson 70, It, 13niley 73, A. Ronett 00, L. Martin 00, E. Watson 57, J. Galbraith 52. Tr. TV E. Duper. 75, F. Fowlie 73. W, Tlulnuln 01. .1. Onlneron 50, W. Whiddon 55, N. Martin 40, B. Ross 40, F. Morgan 44, L. Erwin 44, 0. Era in 41 • This class tvi•ol8 on the same )n pees ns thy senior (1199 and all have been promoted. The following have. 110011 promoted from the 3rd to Jr. 4th, the pass mark being 100 J. Menennld 501, C. Tioword 171, L. Johnston 471, F. Pollock 410, 0. 111orgn.n 420, J. Speneve 417, 1,. Ronett 412, 11'1. Walm9• ley 410, W. Johnston 402, M. Leotch 401, M, Whiddon 401, H. Marks 400, A. Galbraith 4()0. From Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd pass 3140 T. Fowlie 444, E. Burnside 488, N. Forgnnon 420, A. Watson 120, 1;. Green 410, ,1, Ilow rr•(1 411, T. Bailey 372, Total nnrnher on the roll in the senior department for the quarter 05, aver• age attendance 58. linton, Onto , And Connections Mice SPECIAL FEATURES ---TO--- MANITOBA; ,�gThe Canadian Northwest, BRITISH COLUMBIA, PACIFIC COAST POINTS. .KOOTENAY KILO DIKE, YUKON GOLD FIELDS, And All Points in the Western and Northwestern States. Full information from A. 0. PATTISON, F. It. IIODGFNS. 0:1'.It. Depot. Town Agent. PEOPLE WED TRAVEL. People who nre travelling should r•onsnit. the undersigned in reference to all rates, roules,Sce, The following low rates are still In force. Vancouver - - $ 25 00 San Francisco - 30 GO Toronto • - - — 2 00 Windsor - - - 2 50 Low hates to all points in Dolce; a.and 'Montana. For tickets and all information consult W. JACKSON Town Agent 9 C. P. 14. Work An Ad... Our work is an ad for us, be- cause we do repairing of Watches, Etc., so thoroughly that the owners come hack to ns if they have anything else in our line, anti they not only come themselves but also sug- gest. to their friends that, A..1, (1i igg's is the place to go. Do You Need A Watch See Our Stock and hoar Our Prices. We sell Good Goods. A. J. GRIGG Snrce.ssor rto yy. fy y yrs yy� ray y •i31D •X.I CO..11i[ir. IS E 1 IGHT IS 11 With the newest and freshest of the spring fashions, We have never faced a season's demand with more confidence than we do this one. We have the knowledge that, our various styles are absolutely correct, that our values were never better, that our stock is ample and that it embraces only qualities that are reliable, honest and worhful. Evert• department is ready for business, the stocks are at your service, and you'll find it to your interest to do your dry goods buying here. MILLINERY RUSH Trade in headwear is coming our way with a rush, discount- ing any past season. Our Mil. linery stock is on the top round of the ladder for completeness in all the right -down -to -the - hour ideas in Millinery novel- ties. There's a distinctiveness and style about our Millinery tbat tnark it better than the ort.iinary. No such range is to be seen outside of our show room, and those iii search of what is newest and mt'st fash- ionable, ,should not fail to visit our rooms. ur Great Millinery Special is our line of Trimmed slats at $2,50. They are marvels of style and elegance, and this season are even better value than ever bef :re. A busy week has made big inroads in the stock we had prepared, but more are being trimmed up and there, will be plenty ready for Saturday's selling. Best in Gloves The word "heat'' has little meaning often because sadly ,abused. But we use it in it's true meaning when we speak of fine gloves—suds ass we are selling this spring. With gloves from such famous makers as "PERRIN" and "TREFOI.,SSE to 5(11 it iy no wonder we find Kid glove selling easy. The "Florence," n. fine, soft kid glove, in shades of tan (18c "Perrin's" button and dome fasten- ing gloves, in black and colors $1 "Peri in" and "Trefousse" gloves laced or dome fasteners, in black, grey, white, greens, reds, fawns, tans, plain or fancy embroid• cd $1.25 "Trefousse" gloves, black and fancy colors $1.60 HODG E BROS., DIRE CLINTON.