The Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-21, Page 7........�...-...,...v.--.r.�
.1 About the House, s
THE 8413Y.
"Me Is a little hindering thing"
The mother said:
"I do flat, have an hour of peace,,
Till she's in bed.
"She clingt iAto my band or gown,
And follows me
,About the house from room to room
Talks constantly.
"Slue is a bundle full of nerves.
And wilful ways;
Sbo does not sleep full sound at nights,
Scarce any days.
"She does not Like to hear the wind,
The dark she fears;
And piteously she calls for me
To wrlpe her tears,
"She is a Little hindering thing,"
The mother said;
"But stil l she is m,T wine of life,
My daily bread.'
The children -what a load of care
Their coming brings;
But, O l the grief when. God doth stoop
To give them wings,
Mrs. Otis had come to spend the win-
ter with her daughter, Mrs. Brown,
and although there was no lack of the
comforts and even the luxuries of life,
and every one was kind and attentive
to "dear grandma," a little cloud had
arisen which troubled her kind heart
until at last --be remonstrated with
her daughter concerning her treat-
ment of fourteen -year-old May.
"You do out. bine tier any chance to
develop her individuality," said Mrs.
Otis. "Young girls are sotlrcetimes very
sensitive, and it seews to"hie that you
do not fully realize how often you
another her girli: h acs! itious and re-
pel her confidence." '
Mrs. Brown draw herself up indig-
nantly and replied: "if you please, mo-
ther we will not discuss the subject.
I think I understand how to train my
own child (setter than any one who has
never seen her until a week a6o." So
Ute subject was dropped, but nut for-
gotten by Mrs Otis.
"My dear," said Mrs. Otis the next
morning, as she and Mrs. Brown were
admiring the flowers in the little con-
eervstory. "I ,want you. to ;give me
that little geranium. 1 want to try
all experiment."
"You can have whatever you want,"
replied Mrs. Brown„ "but this one is
larger and will bloom sooner."
"I want the half-grown one," said
Mrs. Otis, and taking up the pot with
Its healthy young plant she carried it
to the sitting room and placed it by
the north window.
"It will do better in the bay -win-
dow," said Mrs. Brown.
"I am following the line given for
the experiment," replied Mrs. Otis, at
the same time snipping off the edges
of sonic of tho large leaves with her
As the da.ya went on, her treatment
of the plant seemed very strange to
sibs. Brown. At one time she would
snip off a Leaf here and there, then a
young shoot would be stripped of its
Leaves, again it would be half severed
from the atalk and left to die. The
Plant was seldom watered and then
only a more sprinkle. This was evi-
dently not dfie to forgetfulness, as
Mrs. Otis examined the plant many
times a day, never seeming at all al-
armed at the yellowing of the leaves
and tho general air of blight.
In time a sickly bud appeared and
was ruthlessly snipped in two by the
cruel scissors. One day she set the
pot outside the window, and when tak-
en in the leaves were chilled and limp.'
It had scarcely recovered from the
plull when it '.vas submitted to the
(Lame of the buaning ,match which was
held under the leaves until the edges
curled up and turned black.
At last Mrs. Brown could keep sil-
ent no longer and asked reproach-
fully, "Did you want that plant only'
to ak•use it V
"Why, Marthal You gave it to me
to train as I choose, did you not?"
asked Mrs. Otis.
"I .suppose so, but you will kill it
if you keep on this way," replied Mrs.
"Why, you ought to alsprove my
Lreatment. I named the plant May,
and have fo•Llovved your treatment of
your May in every particular. Even
the scorching I gave it just now was
not more severe then the sarcastic re-
buke that sent your May from the
room in tears ten minutes ago," re-
plied Mrs. Otis.
airs. Brown looked from her gentle
mother to the siOrly plant with an ex-
pression of indignant surprise which
quickly changed to dismay as she left
the room witho ltit a word.
The lesson was not without effect.
Instead of harsh words a growling in-
terest In May's thowp5hts and plans
was noticeal-ole.
The geranitwn was rarnoved to the
sunny lay-wiadow and w-ateJred liber-
ally. Later, when kindly advice was
given concerning May's associates, the
new sprouts of the geranium were care-
fully tied to a small trellis placed in
the ;.ol, for that purpose,
"What a comfort: May is getting to
be I" oxclaimed Mrs. Brown, one morn-
ing, "I am quite proud of her."
She is improving wonderfully. The
t r�•vtment works well in both rases,"
replied Mrs. Otis, panting to the bay -
window where a lovely bloom was just
opening on the now flourishing ger-
anium. "They are very like, these
plants of ours, my (laughter; they
both love the sunshine." -
Ants -Scatter branches of sweet form
where they congregate.
Brooms -Hang in vpllar-way to keel)
Pliant and soft.
Coffee --Deep securely covered, as its
odor affebts'ot.her articles.
Dish -Of hot water in oven prevents
oake from scorching.
Economize -'time, bea,ith and means
and you will never beg.
Flour -Keep cool, dry, and closely
covered. '
Glass -Clown with taldespoonful of
ammonia in quart of rainwater.
Herbs-Gatber on a dry day when
beginning to blossom. Beep in paper,
Ink Stains, --Immediately saturate
with milk; rah vigorously with aclotb.
Jars -To prevent, remember it takes
two to make it quarrel.
Reels -An account of your expendi-
Cures and income. '
Leve--LigbCons labor.
Money ---Count carefully when you re-
oaive ,your obovge.
Nutt .i gs--Always grate blossom end
Oranfren--Knoipy best wrapl,ed In soft.
1'arsnlps are boat In March and _ -
ril. Keep in ground till spring.
Quicksilver -And white of egg de-
stroys bed -bugs
Rice -Should be large, plump and
Hu ors
white. Old rice m a i '
may have resets. I . pr in �
Soalds-And light burns; tire with
I white of egg to keep out the air, r
Table inapkins-Should never be That pimple on your arm, those blood purifier and tunio it is just what little play, three years old, had erulr
starched. eruptions, Itching and burning hives, yon want, I tions on his face, which the doctors
Uae-A cement of ashes, salt and wa-
ter for cracks in stoves. just as surely indicate Impurities in This cure is oharaoteristio of Hood's called eczema. His face became one
Variety -Is the best culinar spice. the blood, which should have prompt Sarsaparilla. NO other medicine effects ! solid sore, When he was six months
Watch -Your back vard for 7srt and such cures. No other has such power! old we had to tie his hands to keep
Xantippe-Was a scold; don't imi- to purify the blood. The letter is writ✓ "r---�,,`
tate her. �^� ten by Mrs. O. F. Chamberlain, of Glen I y .
fuYouth-Is best preserved by cheer- ,�
r' "." Sutton, Quebec: p
` ' "C. I. flood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: i �i 4
'Gina -Lined or iron stets aro hotter ,• ti.,., ,�, t,{+t "Dear Sirs: -My husband has been a
than wooden ones, r_s �"
9 .,.r fa. -1. great sufferer from dyspepsia for years _ _ . `
APPLE DAINTIES, and was unable to attend to any busi- '�
Apple Jelly, -Core and quarter nice . aess. After trying the prescriptioasof
Juicy apples, boil with a little water, several physicians with little or no IN`
Put them in a jelly bag to strain. benefit, he .
When all the juice has strained from CONCLUDED TO TAKE HOOD'S
the apples, press the apples a very Sarsaparilla. He used two bottles and
little to extract more of the �u1P being
careful not to have any of tnow eats three hearty meals a day and _
go through. Add a' cup of sugar to a , says he never felt better in his life,
owls of the juice, boil twenty minutes. My husband's father, past eighty years
Iced Apple Tea. -For one cup of tea, and careful attention, as do boils, car- of age, has been a great sufferer from him from tearing his face on account
II:ake two sour apples. When done, buneles, ulcers, ralt rheum and the aev- , rheumatism for over forty years. He of his great suffering- We gave him
Ipour on enough water to cover. 'Strain, reest forms of scrofula. Hood's Sarsapa- ; was also troubled with his stomach, one bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and
sweeten and serve very cold, with ice he has never hart, as much as a pimple
and lemon. rills cures all humors of the blood of but be was cured by taking less than ar it, sore of any kind on his face or
Apple Pie, -Crust for one large pie: every form and degree. As a spring three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. My body since." Mrs. O. F. Chamberlain.
One and one-half oups flour, small 1-3
cup shortening, 1 teaspoon salt, 13
cup water, mix ^carefully, roll thin,S , a 49 I
Slice the apples thin, lay them on the0 ARP"'IM
crust and eprrinkle a little salt over1W S 1`111W
d A"Oh,
them. Continue until the pie is full, p
t,heul ptsi a cup t sugar on the apple; Is Canada's Greatest Medicine, because it cures when all others fail, Be sure to et Hood's.
and a little nutmeg. slake do a hal. g
oven at first, until the crust ii hrown,
then 'hake two hours, -
Steamed Applea.-Pare find quarter CURED HIM OF LOCKJAW, Cush profits ...... 89,994.69
apples. Pitt them in a saucepan with --- 2fithl ANNUAL REPORT' $503,721,8.2
A I'rencllulnn-4 Experience with the Dia Expenses, salaries, commis-
alowt half as much water, as apples. _ oa• Tem-.
Cook till tender. Sprinkle withsugar, sag, a rd Ilan a:utnplcie aeenvei•y, sions, oto, . . . . , . 206,411.10
allo,wConfederation Dividends to stockholders., 1,,,000.00
sugaris cover to remain on until old. Camille Confederation a Fronchxnan, was
sugar is dissolved. Serve Lot or coot. i3alance ..,. 459,3J4.53
discharged from the ,:Mercy Hospital at Life --
Stewed Apples. -One-half cup sugar,,. n $1,184,527.25
1-2 cup cold water, 4 apples pared, 1 ittsl>urg, Penn., u.aturday, having Association . --
quartered and cored, and 2• tal.lespoons Peen there for ten weeks suffering Total assets . , , . . ,$6,237,689,28
lemon juice, or an inch piece of stick. from it case of lockjaw. The French- STBADY PROGRESS OP A HOME Total , liabilities.. , , . . 5,900,882.54
cinnamon. When this syrup hoils, put --_--
in the apples and -cook until -soft, but man wits found in a hovel at California, INSTITUTION.
Penn., ly in un the round, the muse- -- ----- 1 $ 336,806.74
not broken. ,Verve either its stowed all_ S g Large Increase to Ptiyrnents to Policyholders Capital Stock, . . . . . . 1,000,000.00
pales or as a grtrnishl toadish of Boil- les of his l.�i,r:,lc so drown up that his -Interest Collections in Advance of `
ed rice. In the latter case, put the rice body rested on his heels and the back -Interest SIMPLUS SECIIR-
in the centre of the platter, arrange of :his bead• forming a "wrestler's Any Previous Year
t apples .,
,he ap 1 per the rib it and pour the The twenty-sixth annual meeting of ER,S. - . . $11,336,806,74
syrup over the rias and apples. rl'his lrrid'ge." Juhaux had only it ru-ally the Confederation Life Association Auditors' Report.
is a veru pretty and, appetizing dish, wound, but the dirt from the hovel was held at the Bead Office of the cam- We beg to report that we have com-
for breakfast• floor bad got into it and lockjaw had pang, Yonge, Richmond andVit:toiia Pleted the audit of the hooks of the
Apple Sacco for York, -Wipe, pare set in. streets, Toronto, on Tuesday, March I5, Association for the year ending Decern-
awl slice apples. bks 0 large tart tap- 1898, at 3 p.m. her 31st, 1897, and have examined the
p • p Two weeks before, at a little jolli- l I vouchers connected therewith, and
s'os, allow 1-`2 cup water. Coi:rkl sect There was a fair attendance Of share -
stir !till soft, press through a clolander, fication anion; the coal miners, "Big holders and policyholders. certify that the financial statements
add a lump of butter size of an egg,, Frank," a flan-arian', had thrown a Mr. W. H. Beatty, Vice -President, 11 agree with the books and are correct.
sweeten to taste,, add a little nutmeg: full keg of t:eer at Jubaux and 'hat was appointed to act as Chairman, and i The securities represented in the its -
This sauce should always be served him on the bead with it. 1'he )±'reach- Mr. J. K. Macdonald, Mana,cing INrec-' sets, with the exception of those lodg-
I with' pork. man went to his shanty and negler.ted tor, as Secretary. , ed with the Dominion Government,
Farina and Apples. -One pint of boil-, the wound. Ile was brought to Pitts- 'After the usual foTuialities the fol-' amounting to $84500, and those de-
i Lag water in double boiler,, 1 teas+ptoon burg to the Mercy Hospital. The Lowing report and statements of the af- Iposited ,with the Government, of New -
I salt; stir into this 14 cup of farina: doctors found it impossible to break fairs of the Association for the year I foundland, amounting to $25,000, have
IN'bile it is thickening, wipe and para the "bridge" formed by Julsaux's body; J 1897 were presented. been examined and compared with the
d sour apples, out into, slices, stir into his jaw's were clinched tight and could PAMPORT. I hooks of the Association, -and are cor-
the farina, cook 1-2 hour. May he ser- not le forced open. His death seemed I The year 1897, like same of those rent, and correspond with the schedules
i ved hat with sugar and cream or tur- tx1 be only a matter of a few days,but `which preceded it, wits one that called and ledgers.
tied into a mold and served with whip, nevertheless the doctors broke out one for the exercise of much care and pru- The -bank balances and the cash are
ped cream. This is made of 1-' cup of bi-s. teeth with a chisel, and into the certified as correct.
sw set cream, 1 teas run lemon juice, hole thus created inserted a rubher I insudoncrance
, bath i d regard to obtaining new W. R. HARRIS,
P J insurance earl in the investment of the
1 tablespoon powdered sugar. tul;e, th,r•ough hvhi,•h milk an,d whiskey R. F. SPN;NCE,
P Pati g Lunda. It would have been quite with- - Auditors,
were administered.
Apple Foam. -Stow qts pared sect in 'the abi:ity of your directors to have
quartered apples, strain through a
This light fuoi found its way into the largely increased the volume of new Toronto, February 22nd., 1898.
q PP an(l Jyanan'saf stowek t do after clay business, but it was deemed the wiser T;he chairman. Mr. W, H'. P,eatty, In,
colander, beat till light, odd 1-2 cups and week after week the doctors work -
sugar, juice of I lemon. Beat the I ed with .Tui! aux ;the muscles of hi legs course to continue the conservative moving the adoption of the report com-
whites orf 3 eggs till stiff, add to the policy of the past, and do a safe., manned on the very satisfactory state
and bask fin sly relaxed, later the mus- though Moderate business, at a reason- of the affairs of the Association, and
above and serve with custard made Iles of his jaw became pliable, and at g
with the yolks of the eggs. For ithe able cost. stated that the new business for the
last he was aisle to talcs solid food. Ile i
custard, take 1 1-2 pints of milk, yolks The policyholders and shareholders Year 1898 s!hanved a satisfactory in,
of 3 eggs, shako of salt, 6 tahlespJoons was discharged on Saturday com- will note with satisfaction that while crease over that for 1897 at the same
sugar, 1 teaspoon vanLlla, 1 tablespoon, pletely cured, and physicians who (;ere an amount of new insurance was se- date,
cora-r, I t. Cook until it thickens en-, watcltting the case curiously say JalAux slightly in excess of that for 1896, Several of the policyholders and
IB We one man out of 21)0 who could {it was obtained, and the entire business stockholders present referred in com-
ough to pour. This custard, is to be have euxvived such a seige of thel dread I of the associaf
poured around the apple after the ap-
ion conducted, at a cost plimemtay terms to the auteese which
ple is on tho individual, dishes. I96kJaw' actually less than for that year. h'as attended the operations of the
Apples on Half -Shell. -Core the ap- The total applications received during Association, and the report was unani-
ples and out In round slices about an the year were 3,164 for $3,332,485 of in-M(Jutsly adopted.inch thick. Lay on round slices of CHARACTER IN GAIT. suranco; 2,672• for $3,143,285 were ap- Resolutions of thanks, which were
thin bread. Bake in the oveni until' proved and policies written; 85 for I suitably responded to were also passed
the apples are soft. Serve with sugar $182,200 were declined, and 7 for $7,000, I to the Directors, Officers, A'udptors,
Individuality Is Very 1•roupnured In of beingincomplete, ,,wre deferred. In- + Medical Examiners, field and Office
and cream.. loan's Anode or 111101 leg. cLudug bonus additions, thenew husi- 18-taffs, for their faithful services due-
1-4 peup sugarle ,
oz I measp000n �perts arty that handwriting rev- ness for 'the year was $3,168,17`2. The I Ing the., -year:`-
lemcvn juice, 1-2 cup sugar, 1 cu$,✓water, er varies in its essence -that is, that total business in force at the close of! All the• retiring directors were .re-
n chopped almonds. Cook mac- the year was $:?8,332,005.00 under 18,915' elected„ vi -z., Hon. Sir W. P. Howland,
P p its true characteristics are always pre- policies on 10,427 lives. Edward Hooper, Esq., W. H. Beatty,
crani till tender. Put it in a colon- served, even when one attempts to In the matter of the valuation of the `F -q•, Hon. Jos. Young, S. Non heimer,
der, pour cold water over it. Put the Imitate the writing of dnot.her. But policy and annuity obligations, for all ! Esq., W. H. Gibbs, Esq., A. 'Mc.T,ean
sugar with the apples, peeled and business taken since December 31, 1895, 1 Howard, Esq„ Walter S. Lee, Es
sliced, on the stove in saucepan. Cpolc still we know that forgeries sufficient- � q•. A.
till ver soft, rubs throt h colander, a rate of 31-2 per cent. only has been L. Gooderham, Esq., W. D. Matthews,
Y ly clever to bewilder handwriting ex- assumed. Esq., Geo. IMitdhell, Esq., Frederick
pile the apples lightly in center of the ports have been perpetrated, and it is Your directors are plev.sed to be able I Wyld, Esq., J. K. Macdonald, Fsa.
dish in yy bich they are to be served" also certain that, granted a certain to Teport a very fair increase in the At a meeting' of the new✓ board, hold
Boll cup of water and 1-2 cup auger 5 returns from property i ng
minutes, add 'to the syrup the macaroni "knack" and peculiar •talent, ,a most P party taJsen quer in Immediately after the annual meati
cut in l-2 inch pieces, cook 5 minutes characteristic signature can be so imi- L'he City of Taranto, and with the im- rM)n. Sir W. P. Howland, K.C.M.G„ C.
more, Arrange the macaroni around provement whtoh seems to he very gen- B., was re-elected President and Mes-
the apples. Sprinkle with the chopped tatx,d as to defy anything more than orally anticipated a still higher return ' ars, F t -ard Hooper and W. H. Beatty,
almonds. Ferve cold. grave suspicion of the committal of is looked folr during the present year. Vice Preeiden'ts.
a forgery. They are also veTy glad to report that
g y' this payment of interest on mortgage __ ' f
HEART DISEASE • Winking, however, comes under an. account has been vary much better
other category. No one can imitate than for some years past. The actual NOT DOING THE WORRYING.
another's walk for more than two or collections were about 16 per cent„ in --
three steps without snaking it obviousadvance of those for 189(1, while the flonditlons Under whirl. x 1'priuer Thinks
amount due and outstanding at the 31st Ile Ought. to Put iia alore capital.
A TROUBLE NO LONGER REGARDED to tiny but the densest observer that December last was almost 25 per cent.,
AS INCURABLE. he is acting -or walking -a part; that less than at the corresponding date of "I 'have made a discovery," srtid .5t r,
- he is thinking constantly of the length 1896, It may also be stated that sev- BLlltops, "and that is th:st there is like -
Au Orangeville Lady who Had Suit'erMl of his stride, of the vw-ay the foot should eral house Properties have been sold ly to be some one person in a house-
Nevnrely Spcalin of Her Illness find during the year to realize all the com- hold tbat does all the wort
reach and leave the ground, of the ran had worrying, There
Tells now Aloe Found a Cure. F y ' d against them. may be others that fret, and ver likely
From the Sun, Orangeville, Out. speed and of the awing of the body. a The death claims a,r[sing Ln the year fret over trifling Y y
So very characteristic is walking that aggregated the sum of $243,,824. These g things, but the real
A remarkable case recently came even the most unobservant, requires Occurred under 140 policies an 119 lives. worrying over things that have gat to
under the notice of out reporter, and onlyto hear three or four footfalls While well within the tabular rate, it )
for the bonefit it maybe to some of our in passage, etc., withatit seeing the is larger than the usual experience of e done and got. to be looked, after is
readers, we are going to tell them walker, to be absolutely assured of his this company, and arises largely from usually all (lane by one i erson. The
about it. In the south ward of this inlividuality, if, of course, the walker the fact that several lives fell in, on person that does the worrying in my
town lives Mrs John Hubbard, a lady is familiar to the listener. which there were large insurances car- !houses is bars. Billiops. 'rhe cbildren
much esteemed by those who know And how does character show itself ried, which considerably increased the ! and myself and fill hands loan (,n her
her, Mrs. Hubbard has been a groat in walking? We. should be inclined to average. The above, consideringthe + and ex no her to or everything, I
sufferer from brttrt trouble, and ult•im- s,ty, "In every way.." For example, lives of risk sad the age of thecom- ;don't know, but T sort of think that
ately became so bad that it would not could one, imagine a busy, alert crim- pany will strongly attest the care ex- -we expect her to provide things wheth-
have surprised her friends to havo inal lawyer lolling along with a long, ercised by the directors in the ad- er we (slave any money or not; and 'sho
heard of her death. But it change has heavy, laborious stride, or could fine mission of only healthy lives. certainly (Ines sorsa to make every -
come and she is once more rejoicing' in imagine a lethargic, unambitious rou- Attention may be called to the very tlssng come out all right someho v.
good health. When our reporter call- line life living farm laborors pass large amount paid by the Association
"Now, as a rule, among men, (,he man
ed upon Mrp. Hubbard and made his along a street with a springy, alert, 1 during fbe past year to its policy- who does all'he worrying Gets paid for it,
mission known she said she would be active and nervous tread? I holders and annuitants, and especially Ito is '(usually the man tit the hand of
delighted to tell him of her "miracu- The cautious, auspicious man could to the sum of aAmost $90,000 ( CARU an enterprise, or a concern, or depart.
lour cure" as she si.yled it. -OA course not possibly walk in the same manner !PROFITS TO POLICYIIOLDFRS. The Mont, or whatever it may he, who iv
no one thoughtI would get better. I ,is the bail fellow well met, open band- i total payments including $8,031 ; toe wile to, do the ,work, and willing to
thought myself '[ could not, last long, ed sportsman, neither could the walk amount received for re -insurances. and take the caro and responsibility of it,
for at times it seemed as if, any heartTho
of the dignified High Church clergy- which is deducted from the death tso under him may pile their cares
wits; going to burst.. Oh, the dreadful man resemble lhai� of the hustling, fit] claims In the financial statement, were lip an hien, and he shoulders them -
sensations, the awful pains and weak- there grocer benton making himself $511,752.62. many a man -easily, llhrre fire, thank
nose together with it peculiar feeling of ;f Millionaire. It may also be mentioned that this gcrodnesa. plenty of men that don't; shy
distress, all warned me that my life The cowardly cannot walk as do the Association since its organization has at responsilsility,
wah in clanger. i consulted it doctor but fearless, the restless not as the phlog- paid a total of 81,034,214,7i CASH PRO- "nut these men get paid for what
he could do absolutely nothing for me. matic. And for this reason it seems to FITS u;t to the close of last year to its they do, and .Mrs. BURops does not,
My frien Is saw me grfiduolly sinking, me that the police have often some- policyholders, an amount equal to 4o, unloss s,he counts my apProciation its
and many an hour's anxiety T caused thing at.rongcvr to go on when they per cent, of the total death claims dur- something. The rhildren don't realize
thorn. My s1,rongth waned, my nerves find it pris.sner'n hoot mark tallies with i'ng the samro lime, what she does; they expect it, And as
were splattered; I could not walk, for the improm of flip, foot. of the known , The fipmnrial statements herewith for ane, tIve silent partner, if I don't
every step caused my heartto palpi,- criminal, for if placed under observa,- sut,mitted exllsibit the transactions of Mand up end take the knocks I think I
Cate violently. It is utterly impossible tion when fit exercise he will demon- the AAsoria'tion, awl its rondition on ou'gjtt at least to alt in more capital.
to fully describe ray condbtion. One (ion when tit exercise he bwll demon-' the 31st T)oeemhpr lam.
day a friend broughtme ahox of Dr. atrate to those watching him the i The auditors have given strict. ItC-
N1'illiams' Pink Pills and told me to weingt he puts on the different parts t:ention to tboir duties, snaking their CAR FARES iN PARTS,
use them, hut. I said there wasnouse- of the foot. w1bern the impress would i ifnves,tigMions from month to mono, Paris eat) hires are to he changed to
they could do no Rood. To this my he greater, and so, on, and t'heirr report will ire found ap-
benefactor replied, that If they did ponded to the financial statements, a system re gulateid only by time, the
not they at least could do no harm, so Tlrm lore✓ tors a'so pleasedi to re- course eft 1 1-2 franrA being abolished,
topIcaseher Itook the box of pills. SOUTEMR,N FRUIT IN CANADA. port that the field and office staffs T(h!e first, two minutes of a ride will
Then I procured another box and be- Dealers at Now Orleans aro making continue to discharge their duties with cost 60 centimes, the sepond and thirdgan to feel that they were doing mo effi.rienoy and diligence; - two, 60 centimes each; then follow two
good. I took in all eight boxes and arrangements to ship fruit direct to
g a All tlsrl directors retire, but aro ,throe -minute spells at 10 centimes
now I feet strong and hearty, each day 'Toronto, thus opening now territory W. P. HOWLAND, President, each, so that .a twelve-mintite ride
doing my housework without fatigue which beretofore has been controlled J. K. MACDONALD. costs a 'franc; 28 minutes and over, will
or weariness. For anyone who sof- lately by eastern fruit Importers. Ef- Mamagi,ng Director. coast 1 franc 50 oeintimeis. Clocks in-
fers from weakness of the heart, I de- forts are being made to arrange with FINANCIAL STATEMENT. dicatisng the Cline and place will he
lleve there Is no remedy so sure or the Illinois Central railroad to send Recokifty, planed in every oath,
that will bring such speedy results as fruit over its lines; special trains of pre'miQluna, net ......... ... ... .. 981 ii61,0$ -_ _ . ---_ _, _, _, -
Dr. Williamis' Pink Pills. Had I only fruit, to be forwarded from St. Louis Interest sand rents, nei.....,.. 252,9023 FINGER, NAIL CAPES.used these wonderful pills at first I and Chicago to Toronto.
would have been spared months of $1,184,527.26 In both China and Siam the owners
Intense suffering. Mrs. Hubbard but A WMSIQtH- OUT OP IT. ,DiSBCIRSEKENTS, of long nails wear metal caseP over
ro echoes the experience of scores of
sufferers, and what she says should Mrs. Flynn••••-Wot'll T do? This To Potl'oyfb!olders, tbiem to pyroMi've them, Made of gold
bring hope to many who imaging there svel.ghin' machine Baas only up to two Death claims, net $149,52,",.'l5 off' silver, arld ,i1mvel,od. While lolly✓
is nn relief for them In this world. hundred, find I vvp. gh nearly threat Frndovvments ...... 98,958.00 adds are not iegarded as singular In
Dr. Williams' fink Pills have saved., Mr. Plynn--Olt on Cwfce, Biddy, an, Annuities ... .... 9,854.84 Obina, they are rarely met with ox -
more lives than we will ever know of. •idd up the totalis, Sur'dered policies 80,093.83 eept asst fauptposand pedantioaeholara,
Algy, ferventily-T love her, Clarence Limited,
although i am well aware t.bat she has
got a past. WALK[�.RVi[.l,ii, ONT.
Clarence -But are you well aware - •--
that she has got a -past forty 11 P. B, -See ono "ad." tip nest issuo.
-•- - ... I . __...- ._.-_- _ - -- -- - ___ -J
x„40 .
Is what housekeepers salt snout 1 'DT,',LT A
Ceylon Tea. We suggest a trial. Lead packages. 2g, an, vp R,itl brc:.
SIGNS IN THE SALT. ! Constantly increasing safzs speak y
�,, • �
volulnps for
Qmcnl, andSl persllttons Connected 1111%
toe Irntvernnl t'osdlnteut.
4 M 4 ■ a ll
t1t la probably the only artiole or �mo
food which b is been used by every as,
tion and in every age since the begin-
In lead packets only. Black and inixed. ,
ning of oivilization. More superstitions
All grocers keep It at 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60o,
are naturally connected with It than
any other article of food.
In ancient times, booi
afcmi trade was as
73ibLins-The so, that the
wavll organized as it is now, salt was ,
vvha work at cyanide of uotase-
sium are strangely tempted to eat
very scarce and costly. From this
gradually grew up the Eastern custom
,Bobbins --1'd like to get a couple of
that whoever should eat salt together-
my friends jobs at a place where theg,
the most precious possession -must be
maake it.
frisnda for life,
Tho belief th-A it is unlucky to spill
salt at table is of similar origin and
8'e --You have had a week now to
think of my propoararl of marriage.
equal lige. There Is an illusion to it in '
She -Yes, and the more I think of L`
Leonardo da Viaci'a great painting of
the less I think of it,
"The Last Supper," which represents
-Pudas as knocking over the salt cellar
while reaching out his hand. The Ro-
customer -You remember q
mans had this superstition and took
me this coat yesterday4 You said^.r.
extreme precautions to avoid spilling
you would return the money if i$
wasn't satisfactory.
Many nations held salt sacred` The
Clothing Merchant -But, my dear
air, it was quite satisfacte-ry ; I never
Germans,believed that sail made salt
had better money than thaC in all my
by saline springs was peculiarly holy,
TheScripturaspake frequently of "the
covenant of salt." The Mexicans had
a goddess of salt, whose more or less
Is there a long distance telephone
musical name was Huixtocilmatl.
around here? asked the stranger.
There is an 'Eastern tale of a man
That'a the only kind there is, mts-
w'ho went to rob a house by night,
ter, answered the native, an' the dis-
5tumbling upon an objeot in the dark
tance is jest about four an' a half mild
h eput his tragus to it to ascertain its
if 'you don't miss your way. Jest
he put his tongue to it to ascertain its
keep a -gain' straight over the hill to
man ,gave up the idea of robbing a
the third turn to the right,
house whose owner's saLt he had eat-
on- Cogpa Houssain, of the Forty
Thieves, was more wily. He would
Corn Sowing
not eat in his intended victim's house
Is conducted by tight boots, Corn
Lest there might be "Lt in some of
than dishes.
reaping is beat conducted by Putnam•s
Some of the "tacky whites" of the
Painless Corn @atractor, the only safe,
s re, prram �t and
F painless corn cure.
South put salt in t eir shoes to keep
Beware of imitations.
off witches. The Chiiiege, in oT:aerving
the last festival of the year, throw
isupon the fresh-buiLt fire in front
of the ancestral tablets, In many re-
Sister -And your finance has pretty
mato parts of the world cakes or blocks
hands I
of rock salt have been used as money
Brother -They speak for them(
and a man who was not "worth his
silt" was a pretty poor fellow.
Take Laxative llromo (minim. 1'ableWs, All Dr„yr)
giatx refund the ,coney if it Pails to (Jure. 27,
Mother, wbispering-My dear, ourI
hostess wishes you to play.
Daughter -Horrors, mother I You
know f never ploy before strangers. I
Aunt Det)by-I do declare, the folks
become so nervous and excited that
my fingers get all tangled all, and E
I in this congregation ought to bo
jashamed of themselv-est
make all sorts of awful blunders.
, Aunt Hunnrah--Yea, Lnd,eed, I'm as
Mother --Never mind, dear. Play' its anybody in some things,
something from Wagner, and then the
but I don't• think churches' ought to
mistake won't' be noticed. —-
go around shuppin' to get cheap min-
I W P C 915
Traveler, In country town-Wbat's
� - ' ----'--
the (natter with the people of this
Is there some sort of an epi-
1place emic raging here? I see that near-
; lestio
ly everybody has wads of cotton stuf-
fed into their ears.
CURED %F � ® fee' !IM'�1 !Il I N U
Native --No, they ain't nothin' the
m+itter with us specially. This is our
brass band's fox
StrenggtbensDthe aiddls digestion; aete
pleasantly on the bowels. Largo package, 25 cls.,
by druggists,
regular night vrac-
old all or wooDwAixa ttsulc,Na e;o.,
Quick as Thought I
MERALS TESTED forGeld. etc.
writ,, for
The maddening toothache oto when
h g
MILTON L. 111PRSEY. R A. 3c.,
18 $t. 8o, tri
ora ant 6`., 3fOntreal, Que.
Nerviline-that wonderful nerve -pain
cure -is applied to the tooth. Nervi -
line is the only positive, never -failing,
MILLS -Steel, oIlv
iHD el, Galvanized,
remedy for toothuohe and all nerve
and 13at1 iron Pumps:
8prV-en, anrt Grain Gonders. Couldl'
Shap'ey & iNulr
pains. Be advised and try it.
Oo.. Limited, Brantford, Oanada.
MUSICAgenl, wanted to inttoduca, our
Catalogue and term. We Trill
Ah, said Arthur Writely with a
ail prepaid "Dar'll he Nlgger
lfisaln'," with music, fora cents, o;amps.
gratified smile, T see you have a copy
I DEPOT, 20 Alexis St. Montreal,
of 'my laas.t hook on your table.0®r�eiinion
Line Steamships.
says Margie promptly, Is ze boot
papa always weads wiz his eves s'ut.
nentreal and Qoeboc to Liverpool in summor
'OtTazd to Liverpool in
winter. Largo ana
amt twin screw steamships Labrador,' Van.
louver,' ' Dominion.' 'Scotsman; Ysrlishire I
Nlierior accommodation for First Cabin, Sac•
To cure Catarrh use
and Cabin and Steeragr, vaseengers, Rates of
vapors of Quickeure.
tassage-First Cabin, $50 i :'ecgnd Oable. $141
Iteorage $22.50 and upwards according to
steamer and berth, For all fnformat,lon apply
MLocal Agents, or DAVID Tp RRANCE t C;o.,
Agents, 17 St. Sacrament 8t,. Montreal.
Mr. Grumps -I don't see how it is
those Mormon women could be content-
ed with only half a husband.
azeata, Do yourowa thinking•
Wo salt up-to-date high -arm -
Mrs. Grumps --A woman with half a
I e'laowiwxinaebinesatfuotory
husban&, has only half as much trou-
prices $18,50 to $23M doliv,or,
a whusband. ble as a woman with hole hbd.
ed free within ,00 mites of
A4ontrml. Send for special
That's why .
oatalegu•; n and
Do not constitute a beautiful face, if
• A%4&JW%tirO,lb
the skin be covered with those unsight-
IJ. N. ANDERSON, M.D.,No.6College-at
ly pimples. By removing all impuri-
ties from the blood, and regulating the
digestive functions. Celery King pro-
EYE t �i0$E
duces a clear, healthy complexion. One
5�0� ,`,0,�T
month's treAtment, 25 cents. ,At Fill
druggists, or Woodward Medicine Co.,
Established S38teamersa-gregatind
1854. 135,0001'1118.
Nurse Girl -t last sight of the child.
mum, and-
Royal Mail Steams1lip Co•
Mother -Good gracious! Why didn't
Yon speak to a policeman?
Montreal to Liverpool.
Nurse Girl -T was speaking to w•un
all the time, mum.
Steamers Pail evo,y Saturday on arrival at
imine from Toronto and tite West about O
do ock.
Use Qu>tekeure for Lame
f abin $52.50 find npwards; Second Cabin
Back,Sprains,Strains, &e.
$31 and an i $38.25: Steerage to Liverpool,
Loudon, alasR nw, Beitaet, Londonderry or
Queenstown $22,58 and'23.50.
A rodualon of five por cent. is allowed on
round trip flret and second cabin ticket+. For,
It does Aunt Lucinda so much good
sailings of woiinors'or other inforntnt(on apply,
to any autho••Ized agent. 1
to go to it new doctor.
H. Sourlter, l King St W. Toronto.
Why 8
or 11. & A. Allan, MontroaL
IIe always hunts up a new disease for
--- -_ . _ . .. ____ _--.-_.. _ _, -- _.-___-
Flartf®rd & Vim Fires
Head Oa9ce- - - a Adelaide at. W„ Tornntn..LE
_.._ _ - - . , .
Daring the gale, to llfarch 1, ut Elil-
ton's. silk mitt, Leigh, Lancimbire'
Jack at All Trades
some copping stories fell through the
roof and smashed a dozen looms. Six
"A fanner should be able to vonstrunb
young women had narrow escapes.
everything needed on the far to. "('d)
Hon's This P
If be wants it wagon, biiy a few tools,
we otter One Hundred T10'IRrA Reward for
spokes, hubs, etc. and make it. His
nay case of catarrh that cannot be cured by
time is mobbing -"ire can't afford to
IiAIPs t'atArr(',fire.F. J f F F,%,TEY &Co.. Prot 6, Toledo, C,
help support big factories." The a.ver-
We rho undersigned, have known F. J.
0honny for the past 15 yenra, find bolleve him
age farmer will adivise you to "tell
perfee•ly honorahle in all bui,inesa trenmaotione
t1bat to the ma.Timea," but marl' of t twin
and financially able tocarry outanyobligation*
ma o by their Orrp.
listen to net ucAr a ments on I,he
J '�U
WnST Sc TnvAx. Whnlegale Druggii;p. Toledo,
fence question. Are they ,!set W9
Prnggist", Toledo, Ohlo,
ran sell you Page fence at from 45 to
Halla Catarrh pure Is talion internally, act
Ing directiy nl•on Lilo Wool and mucous sur.
65 resets tour rod. her illustrated rui-
faoes of the systom. Price 75o. por Cottle` Sold
vortisin•g mattor apply to the local
b, all I)Vpgglotx, Testimonials free.
Hall'eFnmtly Pilla'arobhebost.
Page clealor, ori• to ue till 0. ,
Algy, ferventily-T love her, Clarence Limited,
although i am well aware t.bat she has
got a past. WALK[�.RVi[.l,ii, ONT.
Clarence -But are you well aware - •--
that she has got a -past forty 11 P. B, -See ono "ad." tip nest issuo.
-•- - ... I . __...- ._.-_- _ - -- -- - ___ -J
x„40 .
Is what housekeepers salt snout 1 'DT,',LT A
Ceylon Tea. We suggest a trial. Lead packages. 2g, an, vp R,itl brc:.