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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-21, Page 6
A.PPIL `?l, 1898, TH E CI NTON III I __-_.__. _ _ - _ - _ , '•. W�©n�•o�QIZAwVW,%o,Q�'Q•a►'ovQ :Silver Novelties -little things- 111AIC1tIAGlGf3. - -- , - - ..• _ Porter-, lull. x; r HAVE YOUR PP Bigsuesifyouchoose: 1.,i���Mt� LtI l,�ra 'xriL VV X11-AL.L VV X� I=^. 81'UI{L+S-7.EFt1iEE.--At filo Mensa, lt'Ipg- 'T1tH Misses Norah and :latah blur- ir" 3.• .�.�rS.J V, q Things for baby -Baily icings; ham on Weduesda April 13th, by tit(, Rov, gau of Detroit wero visiting their his. (P (food and thea at CREWS'. IS)• >es. bo, of rube Lurkoo to ltuubun �� q, GATHERAN AYES p ;tar ltlrs. Thea, Hrlllem tin i3uudaa ���®��� J�� O � tokaa, both of 'rurnberry' ' fin 11'estun hits the cunt[•tu L for ROBERTSON -REND, On Friday, A4n•il 8th, I O Inst., at the rosldeueo of the bride's Path- I b1. it ing the bridge rtcross the Dully YOU RUN er, George Mch . Rnbertsot, of Wit vv. C vee , about two nlilt's south of herr, Ch 0 EXAMINED to Miss Letitia Heid, of Turnberry. I that tvad washed aft ay with the fresh- saved the lives of two of my chit- From those who shoti� ld know, we be- 9 SCOTT - Mcl'A]'1)EN.--ht Ripley, un Moa• I Ct 1a(ely. The contrnet price is $160. © � as •, A aril 11th, 1898, by the Hev. I%IvLood, dI•en when to all appearance they lieve we are showing the finest and yj i douse of the farmet•8 in this ilei gh• Miss Lizzie A. Scott, of Par lo Grove to 6 11 ,p IF THEY give you any trouble NO RISK :'apt. D. MuFaydo,, or Jigkaale. 1 bol -hood have c•omnivilved seeding. were in the first stage of IUOSt attractive Stock O at oils and have it done at once WELSH -BELL. At the Manse, Hensall uu 'Che scholars of Pot•ter'ti llill enjoyed O �� ��� the 13th last, by the Rev. J. S. Hcuder,iuu, their Easter huliduys. too. A neglected disease be- Thos. Welsh. of the village -of Ho,sall, to • Annie. daul;hter of the late Hobert Boll, UP(),,e. t:ux tvtc$ elected g( huol ttus- 1consuffilpflon." ress abrics' Comes chruuir- hard to cure-- O London Road, tee instead of Albert Hearne. �j ' often incurable. Same with de- ® 11'A11REN \Vlii'rLOCK.- Ili London, oil Charlie McPhail is home from Mani Whatever April. 11th, bq the Hof M)'. Middleton, to tobti J• W. HUFFORD, p'alJ 0 A,on, Co.,ancy and plain, ever brought to this facts in the eyes. Allow thein � 31 r• frank J. VVnrren, uP Builltlo, N. ]'., to iVllss Annie Brown is in Bayfield Medical Advice Free. Address J, U.4YER O., 11 (11 (1 to go uncorrected and they bo- 0 III buying a Watch here. bliss Harah Anti tV141ock, of London, for Lowen, Maes., 1.f. 6. place. h ,na•ly of hooter. visiting her mother for aL few days. Coiue worse -often so much ` y . . t,[tf.NTICE TAYLOR, -At the residence of Rev. Mr. Graha[n preached a very ® We guarantee I. Eta FEC.I' appropriate mate Easter Hermon at Beth- , worse that pet feet correction is la tile, brillti s parents, Uoorge Ta'lur of lcic,- l Pi f PRICES ' tont:, oil the 13th lust, by Rov. W. l.eoch, I any church. Colborne Township Council. C E S ( "_ 'wimpossiblr. Dunt hake any such Satlsfactioll with whatevel' Jituiv' A. Prentice, of 1'inkurton, ,ubile Peter M(-Dungal had a wood bee last school teacher, to Miss Raehol C. Taylor. chances, but Its soon a$ you $ , weal( and got about 6U cords cut, Council met in the tolvnehip hall an We start a beautiful double -fold Spring I ELL1Uile re•HULL.- 1.)n oKloyF a April 12th, April 5th members all present. Jas. p g notice any symptoms of eye ® Watch you buy Of L1S, a11C1 ut filo resideuco of Whsle • 1%�rtchor, Esq„ . p ' trouble, go at once to a cbmpet-hast Matin struut, Galt, brother-In-lawof the Jewell was appointed pathmaster we'vein- been ill businesii bride, by Rev, De Kill Air. NVIll Elliott, CLINTON MARKET EEPORTS. stead of Henry Fisher, resigned. Tne T'w'eed Suiting, eight different colors C! ant optician. He will soon tell O only bon of Andrew A; Ilett, Esq., Iuglu- following accounts were paid: : you whether you need glasses or 1.\r Dairy barna to 1\liss Eva Amanda (Uorrectod every Wednesday afternoon.) P' Henry and patterns at 25e., right . up to e$- long enough to drove that L`rolt, daughter uP 31r. John Croll, of Cilia- ball Wheat new ............. 0 90 to 0 91 $ N'isber, repairing culverts and road, ' +,; medical treatlnent. If the latter, telt. �t. Yutor's church, Y••••• U 3U to 0 35 !9'J5' Seth Fish r repairing road 96'1.50 ; John A1cLart repairing road and I qulSlte StUfl' at 1.25 per yd. It Would Baric , p g , he will, if lie dues his dnty, scud VVO lSCCiJ Our 1)1'Ullllse9. D[ItU-•(:IiIL'1'tIN, At � ;' © you to a physician, but ff it is © God�t,eh, on lith April, 1898, by Ito\•. Fr, Vats ............................ 0 8 to 0 �9 be worth any lady's while to make a ,,I Mcheon, Adelaide, youngest daughter of removing darn on John Allan's J Y Peas.....p....................... 6 LU to U 55 g pL°per' visit to this store and end a half h d glasses only that you need, oil We know all about the It. B. Cthilton, United States Consul, to ty, $5.75; Edward Shaw, repairing road, Ernest Herbort Bird, of Belleville, second !lye•••••••• 0 "9 to 0 40 p our are safe in his owe heads. Ve O �,jlatClleS w@ sell fl[id sell I son of the Into t;hcarnuw tleott5oyY Btrd, Potatoes, per hush, new... U 40 to 950 963 ; Andrew Bogle, do, $3,25; Joseph believe the c(tn flu a little. better ¢ Lieut. Royal l:ngiu,crs, Her Majesty's ser• Thompson, do., Culvert, $3 ;Abner Mar- in looking over our Dress Materials. -1"r 0 for you than moat opticiatil$--- +a vier•, Butter loose in baalcet... , 0 15 to U I6 ria, do., $5 ; Michael Carney, do., $i.75 ; certainly better for ,you than any them for just what they COLLINs - FRIES. -Ili Palnie:•ston, Alarch Butter in tub.. 0 14 to U 16 John Clark, do., 4; James Chisholm, _J . ; ordinary Spectacle dealer or 0 1 '30th, h3• Rev. 'I', Albert aioora -at, llw rest- Eggs per doz.................. U 8 to 0 9 do. 5 k, do. Mann do, road, 963 dcu, u of 11 r. 1,. t' , n t tbo hrldu's brother- , i , , •'' a edlatr can du. We back up our O are. 1)011 t you need one, Upper, ''• Cabbage, per doz............ 0 40 to 0 60 > p 3' lu•I(ttt, nils ICut , Collins,ur ltuwlck, to John Symington, repairing culvert, $1 ; ki. belief ill Our ability by ghautan- �' itlrs, , Arr,Fries, of hind, of Hay ....................... 6 UU to 8 OU L ■ & W I 8 E M A IN' 4 O teein • to you satisfaction or, our 4 James Horton, wire for fence at 20 cents 6 Y Y 1't'lth. by Ml's'r:utD.- in f 131,1 on Arrrr. Cordwood ....................... 3 UU to 3 25 per rod, $8; Edward Jenkins, repairing CLINTON. 'A d money back rtud if you w cave to t _ o —_ sth, b3 Her. W. J. tl'est, of 13hiernle, Mr• Short Wood, Dry ............ 1 75 to 2 00 O try us on thin basis we will be p 11.1,. 'Pnrvcy to 1\1is.+ Henrietta s[u.<utrd, `hart Wood, r r road, 75 cents ; ,J. 7.'. Goldthorpe, taxes ;% p y gr both of linrrl.;. ,Green...,......1 uU to 1 7u refunded, $2.86. Council adjourned to - , leased to see oil. Cxood las- 0 II[N,r7,- iii;Yl:it.--un tho.;th iu,t, by the Rev Live flogs .... . . .. . ... . . . . 0 f0 to 4 55 meet again on '27th of May at IU o'clock I. sea p6 loty as $1.119. ` F., If, Bean, t.eor •e liinte., soil of .Nit•. .lotto fork per cwt....... --- — •- .._.__ _ . _____ , . p • .,•• • •..6 00 to 6 75 a.m. as a court of Revision of assess- ®� "� Qi _-t,- 1[iutz, of Lngau. lu Christina, daughter of 4pplap per bbl.... . 1 5o to 1 �8 t> T ti r. hens llo.er, North hlv,tIm e. 75 ment roll and for general business. Dried Apples 1.(r lb........ U OS ! A�P � WILSON Jelyeller and Es pert Watch __._ _ -_ - -- per I Ato 0 04 _---- -- --- ____ -_ - L I Ducks perlll ................ U USl�to U 06 IILTHOL.GH'r IT VERY STRAtiGE, MANUFACTUl�REls^.° EDF' O o IAC thireh, 1IC1l1 TlI4. I'pr1; eys per 16 .............. U U7 to 0 OS DRUGUIs'rS A`D OPTICIANS. ---- Geese per Ib .................. 0 OJ 1.0 0 O6 a -- ST'I%VifO (,- In N4 III. 1(i, 1211i f a , 3,d last., the Chickens per air,........... U 30 to 0 35 I\ the autumn of 189'2 I spent near- ,atm.,,_ FINE FURNITURE. ;, _-. - _.:-____ __. __ ___ _- n'iPc of 11r. N'nt, tipccrs, of a dnughter, p p ly two months at ManitouS ria a Colo- RI•:1'1'1[IP;.- In axhHukl, t°tit coo.,Jrd lust, tlw 14'OoL........................... 0 18 LO 0 18 p g' rado, in the hoe of getting re __�_._— ___ __. t, if, 0:lir, Andrew itctchio, of nditughtor, _ _ p g g lief from pay the middlerilan's profit when you can hey direct from the ►nanlo- ' - CHORN €GGS FOR SALE writoNt}.-_Ill Ifowiek, on April 3rd, the wife _ '�- the terrible attacks of bronchitis and WHY facturers. We manufacture our own Furniture consequently you earn n@@••Omm�®t�0b09g'9®®®®®e®t9cp®� oC tt'n,• G. 81.ro)tg .L., of a thus{ iter. Toronto g:4t nlerTi' I3arkei• asthma, which seemed dragging me into hay front its cheaper tido from the ordinary Retail Deader. .... ® a From Inv winning Whito Leghorn, that score All.-CULLOCTI.--D, Culross on April Ist, the the grave. I had tried pretty nearly i' SUMMER from 9(1 to Oik pointe. At �41.Ua per 13. wife of It. Al. McC tIlloeh, of a sun. Toronto, April 15, --The rece]pt,, of everything and grown very sceptical on FROM the very fact that our Goods are in such rent derna nd in the Old 11';ti: U\. -in C'nlross, o, A n1I flh, the wife g i ;a • ® hitt. CARTER, Alit -it grain on the street uuu ket here to -day the subject of medicines. U to that Constance P.U. of Andrew N\'atson, of d d,utt iter. were small ; prices were unchailp;ecl. time it had never been suggested .to Country Markets, is strong proof that for duality, finish and price they are. ' 6 F���®� ® \'tC('LP;ttP;NT.-On the and con:v Tlowlclx, on 1VhtAt-Z irm, one IUna OF white sell me that ro troubles might b0 due to right. n ka5 C8 0 -___ __- _- __- --- -- Aln'il (,tit, the wifou1.' ill.. '1'hun,as 91cC1, itl at 81Jc stt•ai r y A q uu'nl, of„ Qaut htur. g' Rht. ' g� 6" r' Barle Easier one load s('llin indigestion ora disordered stomach. FOR the Spring Trade the are offering it line of Bedroom Suites rind Side- • +s YARDOT EGGS FOR SALT -r SC1Iil'.WIl.s"01m,.oritSolt 1.,t, one tette of Y- � g 11t Yet i find undergone treatment'at the ® � 111•. 11',n. �ehuu, of at son, :3�>('• g boards that for value cannot be surpassed in Western OnGtrio. ® n Lill,(0TT.---tilt the Haytit4d Rnatd, (lnnl,,•iu1, Ity't'--'hleatly, :nl(` I(IaCI gelling• tit 50C. hands Of TWPXTY DIFFERENT PHYSICIANS, IIO�V bCatf'I• CA11 wP Ileml'I•Ibe a 'fills scit,un i have nintcd up a gritld pen of lowlishjp, nn :\La,dity. April Ilii the wife 11itV rttt(1 i9tt'a - NOT ONE OF 1Y 13011 I[AD EVER TREATED ML Un 'lot filly till VOIt have seen 0111' i3tUCk. �'�'t' 1V 111 1L'lYe 1 ' ry Thu reveitlts were yell trade if 0 the endless !IOP of Jew('le(1 tliett- 0 11'hitr 11. y,otd• ltcs 1.1111: vall„ot fail (o prodnra of 1;,1..1, L•;Idol t, of a sou. gtitall, Lhet'C tvay 1.t thud cli?tnand slid FOR DYSPEPSIA. Do you not think that Good (3ouds at the lowest t ICf'a'wlll BCCIIPe It. w d� winnel', if oty Ieuo d, in Shute ltuonts,ouat fur F p 0 naLcks that hate their chic -r wear•• • no thill,. ... _. prices were nbout Ateadv. Ten lortds exceedingly strange? Finally I met at a ing time front uuty tltatil the hru- Pilo pen is contposod orii, h,nsand t rurkrre,l. - ill hay sold lit $S) to $l0 and tiler(' {vas Denver an English lady, wbo told me k9!' S'I'alki. ® }'est ttlbull 1$ hnrn :' • Sof etc bird,., ., ,,1 slk point, }Ill,l „'en Hast 11]'Ile;i " - - no stl any otl'eved, silo had passed through a similar ex- U N' E RTA K 1 H G. . q`" e • ,1.l. til, llurun (�arltry tihowat Uodoriah, t scored Uresscd lfogs-The ofTer•fn were perience at home and been at last corn- - ® 1.v 9l} points lout tin or two ,uc c rally 1.,s HUXTABL1:.-•Ln 111cndnh', ]Illi., on April E; M 1?tiY of these tribes and Ist• 1h•. John Huxtablu, forincrt of two- sltl+til, titre t�;1.s a ;>uud de nand anti pletol cured by Mother SeigeI's Syru I i� this t fs good but hire n,vor q,en rxhibiLud. :1, ,tacit )' Y t 1 , department our stock i8 complete alta our taxtlia, arxed ria S•Cruv and L nonths, the uuu•Icet wits �' ® more important pieces acre just also neon all t.hu prices ii, their class at the , fir,uur sat $,i.7 i to $6.80. a dy;pepia remedy, which she said is • • ]furonCentrttltttula( (lodcric•hPall fairs. 1.1CHARDS--in Loudon, on the 1•?til just., 1Vht•at, white, per hu.$ 80 to �$ 00 highly popular in England. At my re, prices ttS lO1V CIS the 101VfSt. _): • fresh from the fashion centres. a %Villiam ]lieharit.., .:ntl or David Richards' del fed Sl(1 1.v UU quest she sent for half a dozen bottles r 0 b 1 \t't11 sellar limited panther of sittings treat age -1 -12 yvars aild I utuntIts, • ; Q thin slack at $1.Cr11 per L`3. After .lout 1st, eggs do unsC ® BELTS and GIRDLES are ® aft ,; stock per $ :+aft r 13.tiun and n fair !,eggs HALLIDAY. -In 1VinRhani, on April 4th. Gor- g ' • • • • • • • • •• • 871to 00 and before I had finished the fifth one I � + OUP,. PIetlrses are file best in file County. I;uarnnteod. Eggs bitipped n distance, No (!nn utt'aut, only child of Jtt, dna Mrs. J• Bailey Isar bush,.. • • • • , 35 to W was a well man, That was three years f. ® shown in has of styles -these • I s ,litUlday. ar;od ruonlh,4, Oats Iter husil........... 33; to 00 ago, and I haven't had a suspicion of stock for sale. '� o we're talking of have each some- ® HEN nEkSON.-In Code,;eh, nn ;;unda y April ltyu pet buAh.... , iU to U(1 either of my old ailments since." �4� FRED. CQLH�' CLINTON. lets• ll'aA, itelcn,iL, a;tuRhterof d,2t) lien. Yeas ler bush.........., 50 to 58k lila above is an extract written by an Oa 1 O0T9 BOA � • �' • tiling' ill set or mounting t}7at 0 t dot•suu,aged ''2 ye:!rs,Juun,tlisanct?Uditys. l ' o• makes them properly part of the ® ---- HEAI'1'Tt.1MP.-In Mitchell ltt tilt resi,,nnce II,hLW... • "" 1.r 00 to a (t(1- Am ... !an acquaintance of the writer of l iliritlittla•e I91allu#aeturex-m a.ucl ZZJlati(u-tahez-S. - ® stuck of the 'ewe h' store. ® r of hi. soi•in-tut, 11 r 11', [I, Calc) Philli , Y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ...... ! IN) to IU (10 It .® I Y • PROPERTY FOR SALE, Bcauchnatp,aged87 years,5inunlhs and B 1)rc,Ned htl^,S , IJ CO 580 these linea, and not intended in any O fl days. f':;;frs, netvLaid.......... S1 to 10 sense for publication or as a testimon- J . �'v . �1lydjer, • t ' BLOUSE Seth, Necklaces, ei == -___ f"- -_ — DRAKE - [n Ribbert, nn the, 13th iust.Nagmel Butter, ll). roils......... 17 to 18 ial" to Seigel's Syrup. It was simply �9 ilallafgt r ' e Chains, Bough Bracelets, Hat 0 T nark 1lratke. a ed 12 yc:u�, a ,nontts tu,d. (1e, tub, drliry. , , , , . , , 1i to 1(1 the statement of taut too interesting N* lit and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our e' • TO Let Ol' �Or Sale. 28 clays. and remarkable , • Pins, but never mind the ]1st. Its c1. Chickens per patir....... 7U to SO (in his opinion) to be • • , , Funeral Director, J.W. Ghidley, King St., opposite Foundry. 1.8 C'T,t'rt•..Joh ,Oderieh township. on Aln•il 17th, r o easy to come and See the thing$ 10 Ann John.ton. re)jcl (,r lir faro It,berl Turl:cys per Ih_ .... , • 12 to 01) ' kept to himself. In case he chances • themselves. Prices run from 9 The undornpod oirars for sale or rout that II CluB, aged Nl )•cars, j Pu'lntoes per hag.,., ... 53 to UU to see this article he will, I am sui e, - - --. _ _ __ _.-.-_--__- .. ® Q "torybricli residence (.n 13aKlnn St. There ase i. EVA N8.- In Ooderich town,hip, 01 April leading Limit). _ . • . 0 to 10 pardon the reference to his ease in a the inconsiderable upwards- ® bedronms,diuniugroora,sittirigro(:a,,kitrbon, Also' inti, Ei. H. Istan,,a ed r•1.; Icer and 1.0 Si,rin lalmb.. ,,, :354) to 680 view of the good it may do. The fact A m 1�1 (j • fanciers marks them all at ® goodstahle. In cnnd a tau wtfh the of tdenen aro ,nontt's' 'NI Ill ton )('1' 11) . • •.. • • �,89� ���� � � 1 Ti � T( 1, ® tNo acres of land and a to+ge nnrnber of h•ait trees. -._ — _ -^- i to 8 that this intelligent and wealthy gentle- 18 t U • • tl „ g, For partieularA apply to Beof, fore 4,-4) to .) OU mail had never heard of the theory o❑ • THE SATISFACTOIRY STORE: 2 CANTELor BR()F., Cpnfon, (to hind . which this medicine `corks so man Ra1S1nS—lirlalllcgo-1, Valellciit and Sultttincls. • ® :> ill to £3 u0 HARRY CAaTN;LUN, sir. cored, WAS A'AS I'ING AWAY. 1'enl. ............ • 1.f 1.;u to 8 1.)i) Y �•,. :��� ® March 14th. ( marvellous curve, renders it all the - r„ 3 ® 1 could not asks strep, wall( or sit more a duty to publish them to the Currants I.IE111Crt'.l5 flriti Fine OStizZtlS. • is B. • '—`--' down for any length of tune. I was al- The. Lire Stocrc Market• world. here, briefly told is another__ California !'runes and Flims Figs. Jeweller. ® house slid Lot for Sale. ways In pain and was wastin'r away. I -- among fife thousand.,; constantly occur s • A1;entBell Telephone Company. 4) -_, grew very weak and had a bad cough, TOROZ'1•(), ling, CROSSE and 13LACKWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. Er "In the spring of 1860," writes Mrs. NUTS --Filberts, S. S. Almonds and Wallnuts. ' • • The undorsiane(l offers for sale thitt Two I tried many drf}erent remedies, but Toronto, April 1:,. •--At, the we;,tern 'S it 1 •®®•®®®®O®fe9®•Z7®®®•®•®®®®0 story Brick Rosidenc% occupied by the late did not get relief. 'Since taking hood's caul(' yards this horrific, there wele• era Wood, I began to feel low and COOIi11' r r , Mrs. William Rattenbury. 'there isin connec- weal: having no life or energy. My C FIGS for 5c, a Ib. NICE,,f�,LD ILAISINS for 5c. a Ib - __. ___ tion one ac,•c of livid which n•tit also be sold in Sarsaparilla, however, I am able to n t- on snlo close oil 120 lnadS, including ' "' one Piece will, rest,,,,,,, or lit lot:; to suit tend to my business." )IIS.,ir: JAQI•lxa, L).1(l) ]logs 220 Sher;) ,Incl lnlulw, laic I'ppetite was poor, and no footle that 1---Ilaadquartera fur i�tQlp �(t �jC � r�1� pur,httsul. Oshono [)nt. calves atndacnu110of loze'nnlilkers. took agreed with me. After ever t. The lJ 1 lU 1 Apply HOOD'S .Z'ILLfi cure all liver ills. As far its cantle• was eollvcrnt•d the 1 illeai I had great pain at my chest and t . W. N.V. F-AItRAN. or to TEAS, SUGARS CROCKERY GLASSWARE AND LAMPS J. I1ATTINJ3L'R)'_, 'ltnton, Mailed for 25e. by C. 1. 7food S co., ir,."vt was it poor• one, bntehcrs, eat- stomach, f , '" Feb, 10th. Lowell Bass. tle being weaker,'a fid. in shine cases I t s also much swollen around, tire , � - .� (luot•Lbfy lower. 'Thw•e was no export body; my akin wa-s puffed up as if McKay, .block, '� t.ind" in tau tlr of rtnp ccrnsPriuHnre, and water had accumulated under it." J,,W, `Clinton. fagl� �` , �, Cottage alltl Lot for Sale. I:clwar(1 Bellamy, the author of (mutations t 0113niu at froth :3!, to 41c per ['That Is precisely what had taken - a"'q'" 1RENWCrup" "Looking; I3nckw;ud," iA repurted r,y Ile Ib., with -1tic its an outside'priee for place. Chronic dyspepsia is not intre- -- ------ —------- _-._ — t'. �0 �� 1.S' The undersigned offers for sale a frame dying rtt Denver. 1'ery superior. Alufr. quently accompanied with a tendency --'-_ •�oj $ / cotte.troof fourroon,a, with lean-to. Centrally I3ntncOt•m' t^title :vete wetik, and a to dropsy, on account of the inactivity ' l., situated. Good water anti drahntgo. Will b a ..P�' - -- ---. -. slow sale sec•(• N f 1 t sold cheap. Apply to 1 l (,t t 1.c )est, whlc•h of the kidneys through the paralysing 11',C'.SLAItLE• DIl. AGNEIV'S C1'I(h FIITt ns'Irltforrn fvw pickrilrloto"n1lv"" h,rnlch (is To a Lady or Gentleman is a great ailliction Clinton, Nov. 10th. effect on these or�ttl s of hes poisonous THE HEART sold slowly al ft•olu :3,', to 3,1.(. ,incl cont- principles in the blood, originally en- �ROiI°• ®������� r� r--- mon stuff dragged at Zee, Itud much gendered in the stomach.) --who will be aL' !0 Improvers Of Stock. Is a heaven-sent Loon to sufferers was left over. '•I b came very weak," continues the from heart disease. No matter of how Stockers and fccdors were off quite lady, t'+and had difficulty in g •tting RATTENBURY HOUSE, CLINTON The undersigned bas on his promises, loth long Aandine it will effect a radic it Int• ilei' cwt• about, and was always in pain. Icon l —u`-_ con,e9sion, C>odurich Township, cure. Don`t postpone treatment if 'ltet'it rtr'c ell9y )1.t 3 to Sic per Th., snitPd p dcOtttr, wt,o said that my blond A Thoroughbred Jersey hull. Torras: -$1 You suspect heart -weakness of any sort. With 3!,r• pn]d for cxt.rat drones ewes, was ont of order. I took hi, medicines THURSDAY, APRIL 23 and $2. This great remedy has been ti sted yt""111199 iu•e worth front ai.j to 5dc for over s.x months, and paid hire AThoroughbredChester whiteIear. regis- and proved the quickest and safest of per I1)' pounds; but I got no better. 11 is with all lriuds of tored. Terms:-$i,wit.ht lieprivilogoofrotitrn Spring litinhN Nell n1.. from IPs:; to $;) medicines did not seem applicable to .AY'�t 14.lY`(➢�DQS "'g' cures, Relief in 311 minutes in mast eaLclt. Cloud spring boobs iuo tvatnfed, ,rt• AthoroughbredTamworthBoar,registomd. acute cases. Eminent physicians are Hogs alegl('n(}yitndilnc,b;Lngf+il. The Ycamplaint. Terms: -$1, with privilege of returning. using it in their daily practice. -Sold b At (,nriytmps, 1t,90,' she enncludea This Cs a rare chance to improve your stock Watts & Co. Y tap hp nre ry •l Iv pt.], Ib. ; light and heavy (toy mother, w6i) lives near Downham 1', C. EDMUNDS, Fitt ho;;A arc nut worth more tit ,tit 4,1 to , (J-tf, Owner. --------- -- •I;at'; sows :3c; stags 2c; store hogs will read in a book about illother tieigel'a I not sell. Syrup, and urged roe to try it, f pro- s'+...I '�.','� _,,,�,r_.,, Arthur Pellet, nu eleven -yens -old cured a bottle from the chemist at , lard, was killed oil the raulsvlty triteky a,1. a •, f Pi u•kclale �3aturclai noriiiit Downham and after taking it a short 9� MERIT W, INS SUCCESS! . Y g• STi, (mNG SKIN DISEASES, time, I began oto improve. My appe- ��iv �, ,"--- - - - tite r.•turnerl and food agreed with me, 1..t L ) �.n✓�h�.N+�.h�,n4 Iielieced by ono application of Dr. I cOntir,ued with it and gradually all �ur� Agnew s Ointment in 10 minutes. It tile dropsy and puffiness left me and I a; •, + n radically cures tetter, anit rheum, ee- grew strong and well as I had ever b -on. tri r fiTRATI%UitD, UN'r. tr-"•.� ��� zemn. .No case too long standing to Since then i have kept in the best of 11, `' ,.- . 4. 1111 This Achool does Ilrst-c1nbA N•orl( u, every depart 1�. �IS l,aflie It on a fair tl'lal, I't7r F>.•tnl• a' 11Patltl)• 1 1aavH told many of rn friends o li.�1� meet itrid en o eA n. ia.•.-tr i s e {, gr nate. e )e1tu 1a II scald head common at teething Y I'nl iehrol of tin h u it,-, (vada. -none halts- t„ DR. ACN=W'S Ctl3E FOR THE HEART it is without.a peer. L'5•et•nte Sold Svmip did ttfo► me. what u otinrusei�his Has demonstrated 1.0 l'anads. Students can (•utur at any time, r•aralolrua trot+, over a hundred thous• W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinvipnl. A WONDUFUL LIFE-SAVER, by Watts & Co. statement as you like. (Sigifed) (Mrs. ) and persons that 'the No orc•an iu the human anatomy to -day ------ ---__ ..__ , near Sana Wood, (Ironer, (Fa,, StanhoH Ortfflcfal resturtation of whose. diseases ran be more readily, detect- Lynn, NOrrolk, July !lith, 1896," the departed locks is CA'TARRII CAN BE CUREL). ed than those of the beart-and medical NOW IT'S THE SPRUCE' LOUSF,. Continuously for many years, in pre-eminently essential discovery has made them amenable to Tornnto. A til W. -Mr. Thomas many languages, and in countless publi- Lo their .� Dr. lielivy G, Clir•tol, M.P., KnIlloill'- Propertroatm"nt. it you have palpitation "Iut.hwort.h, of tile. Forestry Corntttig_ Cations, we have insisted that indiges- "" a.vl(a,(Jiw,, i,one of Fifty' Members or fluttering, shortness of breath, weak or Health; Comfort and , of Piu•liluoent Who hatvp successful. Irregular pulse, swilling of feet or ankles, cion, received Information to -day front tion se dyspt psis is the true and only lv Umod and Indorsed L)I,. Agiww's pain in the left side, fainting spells, dropsi- 4tratfor•cl (lint It p 1 ovo of sptu('H trees disease of which most ul the Ailments Good Looks. (;atrcrrhal Powder. caltonuoncy, any of those indioato heart 11%VII •d IT it ITsidVIA of that town has which afflict us are results and symp- disome• No matter of how long standing ,,(,oil irtlaeked by the spruce loose, tams. These cases Merely varve to Of late he has xddnd Medical eti uete and conservatism which at pears to be s t g demonstrate the fact anew. We can many new styles and q It's a a ar spe ,fi�-a Hears will ward, and that the flr trees but express our regret that so many Designs to his large makes members of the profession shy it's a heart spec.dc-nate quickly -acre p g fI B p Y surely -acts safely or less infested, must suffer so Ion before the collection and is now in )n bearing testimony to the Bracy of " 1 was Riven lip t, die by physicians the truth and resort to the remedy. A position 1.e, suit every a proprietory medicine. Medicines and frt nds. c ,,r doso or nr. Agnew•s - "- - ` --- f B id i ' I 'd that the doctora endorse you may be -.. _-- - --. ----• CASO O a - .,it, ( ItPRS y y Curr for the Ncarr Rnvo moenar, and ,or their hair. Rver six bottiesrured my case of ltfteen FOR HAVING AN ILLICIT .STILL. 8lamutel Shaw, of Minto, wits fined Y sure are good. Dr. henry G. Carroll, yenrs'standin-r.' Zira J.L. HILLLXR $100 for having an illicit stili in Ilia ` ---_- - - - _--- - ,_ .. _ _-- ---.,-,— _-_ lady should see his New M.P., Kamouraska, (slue., tells over his `vhitewood, N. W. T. Pttlnterst.on, Ont., April ]6.-Polfec 1.X and Artistic Fashions in own signature of the good qualities of Quarantoos rorlofIn 80 nHnutes, hit=pflNlrate LNWE'N to -day sentenced possession. The dynamite fitetorq at Lmnsides CLINTON. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, not Samuel Shttw to $100 fine and ane _ -- �" � exploded turd the shock broke it nun,. WOOD AN D COAL YARD - 'Wavey Ba.nge, alone from personal use, but as a medi- Sold by WisUs & (lo, rnont.h's imprisonment for having in W HA'T DOES IT MEAN ? ber of windows in Ottawn. six utiles Wavey and Plain, cal man. Upwards, of fifty m mbers its possession an illicit whisky still, distance, besides shaking' the Parlia- Subscriber Is prepared to promptly fill all or fihitiv it; ,t, wealthy farmer, livinq, in It means rich blood, strong nerves Intent buildings. 'dorm for wood and Coat which will be sold at of Parliament wild have suffers from A fire nt Almontrt wits enrried by the Minto, t.ht�e miles from here. the and sound digestion. ft means cos- I lowest rates. Office on Naacytreet at LAVIS' 7Prroutpitsces, catarrh, have used this medicine with high wind to bttildinti.9 fully n rnilH still is file oneseizecl by Officer Flaody, parity and growth to rho young. p It — _- IMF I 1 MENTS 1tOUMR. W. lvi[N:nTLrY switohes, etc. success. --Sold by Watts & Co. front where ft started, rind desti•rr ed it of Toronto two weeks ago. g' ,. _ let of property. art Y R means goo•1 color and mental vigor, ---. ._. _..__ ... 4weutlemen who are partly or wholly p' p Y• g _ bald should not miss the opportunity ,Re.v. Dr. I3o11, formerly of Queen's - 1'hpts what Scott's Emulsion means. AT� (,�$�Q�'S CARRlAQIE AND of seeing what they can do to improve university, diet! ,Sitinrday, _ - _11 . . -.. _ _ ___ _ _ THE WO11NDf.D PTI'hlft. `-"-'-_'.__ —- Air. Charles Rolston, a farmer who i WAGON FACTORY, tj7eir appearance and acid comfort And +-"-"'-' _ - " tivcd nt'rtr Walkerton,was killed in rt l a rotect them against colds, catarrh For Over Fifty Years WindsorOnt., April 17 -Piper Wante, ill exchange, Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. I)onalci Al,cltenzie of the t4eafoth runaway+iccfdent. r And other heard tr•mtblea,TO dote 0 lack of 'MRSused y mvNLow'N 90others Rana• has linen I lbs, Choice b'irsbC'lass tinpgJe.s on hand and made to WIGS hath. TOiJPFa:fi and used by millions of mothers for thou children O lliyllrhtndcra, who tva1.9•N11nt Rix tunes (`.rirdinnl Gibbons was in Montreal bus. order 'ri 9 n • while toothing. if disturbed at night. and in Lhc• recent battle in •t.ho Soudan, is yesterday oil his wa•y to Quebec to at- Oatmeal for 1 "'us. O`^"'"'c • I ee t snit the times. Repairs and WIGS rtf 0 made feathertveig}tt -de• brokmt of your Nest by a sielx chill[ sufforinq repainl•lna promptly attend 1.n. Prices teaser• €� n nephew of f ipc•r ltodiick of hit, An. tend the funeral of Cardinal Tascher- tection by closest observer is irnpos- and crying with pain of Cuttlnq Teeth send at, ai drew's Society, Bible• --why, (tela -secures the heneflts once and Vet, a bottle of "Mrs. Winslnw'saooar- y, 1Vindso='• cant. His Prninence ]reached in y , hta Hyrup' for Children Teothing. it will re- 1 tit. 13 lbs. Ch0[eP. b Sa 0� able. now -you will be vinkful later oft-- Bove thepnorHatosrireror immedlate)y. 1)0• intrdelt'N(lhurch. , u if it is not convenient, to come to hotel ondupon it,mot.hers, thrreL•tnomist keabout •�p •��} I anlily 1. l()ur fol -------.- . . send narne and address And be will t, ,upon DInrrhrna resinates the SWIllarth p Frank Dizilia is wilntod by the Can- These are oto• present rales �� PUMPS! ca,11 itt residence, sill transactions strict- and bowels, erten ;Win( colic, softens the grow paying crops because they're atdfan mIlee. About n. eat• ago he ea- .-- Gums,roil trees InflAmmation,a.nd aivemtoneaud l y $ 1)ttt we don't know how 1 confidential, fresh and arway,r ttae best. Por vatted Y oyer to the whole system. Mrs. wthslotv'w l from I)eterth•o (l;Lmpeaut who 0� long they will !amt. If yon wont a drat elnav, well•mndo pump, nr r Its itiLM1:MI;ICIt AT THF: RATTI4N. q�ttl°ng Hvrup"forohildron teothin(tis plea• aaloeverywhere. Refusesnbstituten. had a wal-rant charging' him with ern+ Will gtva Son "0001101(n, send your order rorh 1 Oats Olken in exchange fill, Groceries. nodaaig,i "II It" wilt dig pnd elrnn Wella nrd dolt a sant to t to Easto and is the prraeriptlon of rate Stick t0 Verr +s heeds and bev-zlement• lie rung airrested tills the oloseat rieeA. [[0 also 1.1n, d,rn a mat•ataa BURY U0178F, CLINTON, ON of rho Oldest. and hest fondle physicians and y prnspor. 18013 hoed Annual free. Write for it Iltorilin b Pat.trolualt•n !rimes Down �rr��,� FORota Ptrrt 11 it TFITJI1.83DAY, APRIL 28, nurses in the United Atatos. i rico twenty-flv(t 3' %. su tileworld Soldby all nd a(sk thrnngh(, +ind locked np in thrt l'•entrrtl Station. 0. OLSON CLINTON JAMESFE;sRGVSON f)ttb Ha' fallen in exchance or cash out tin world:' Ao sure anti ask Por "Moa D. M. FERRY & CO., Wlndsor,Ont• The Clinadian nothorities were nutifl- 9 aid f(tr k wtxstotv'Ngoorfftvo 9vnt•P, ed. Ppielstdaft Best Dairy Oppoalt Queen's IIotel • Illph Street Uiinton p �, NoAdulteration. Noveraakee, VTC1'0 1TA STl E'RT, I369-tf I