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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-21, Page 5
V • APRIL 0a, 1898, Our ex -postmaster, Reeve Campbell Auburn TBE CLINTON NEI as vice-consul for the U. S. A., is gett ----- Mr. N. P. Crich, now sports a varn- ished geared buggy, a recent purchase '.'7>I.G�'C^"'r---"''�^tr;•�c'rn+rmn.n�l�as .'.ice from Fred. Rumball, of (tlintnn. he will be found cout•Leous 1n the Idilver Novelties -little things- 31AUICIAGES. I Porter Ili d�sQ�.,p'�w•q,,ow-<%w'a�®vWctiQ ti HAVE YOUR The G. T. R. should givo Clintonians fines Big if you choose; Things for baby -Baby kings; STOKES-ZERKEE.--At the Manse, \Ping- ham on Wadnosdwy Apr1113th, by the ituv. -'s j The Misses Norah nut l;att of peLrutt, were vial and has gut in the electric lights. Bill Mr. J. G. (!rich purchased A new P on, No that they llight angle a little for leasur•e told roils. Good and cheap at CREWS" 1). i'errie, Miss Mary Zorkee to Rouben � Stokes, both of Tutrnberry. ter, Mrs. 'Thos. Bel I It -s tit a ES V e YOU RUN HOB Inst.. t the ro7Idenco Friday, Ah's 8th,' lost., at rile resldeneo of the bete e's rat)). er,Geor1,•eMcK.Robertson, of Wawanonh, JOIlt, Weston hits the I, Iilain , tilt- bridge , g g ' err( (It-eek,about twonlflis ® •oulcl hardly he believed when heard here on Monday. The deceased ander- We ought to have a county grand dna Y George E. Rowed has returned from to Miss Letitia Reid, of Turnberry. I that London where he wits visiting his -iuother, Mrs. Rowed EXAMINED� hauser•, of Minneapolis, engineers rind architects for the Mooers' elevator CO, blaster Willie Cummings spent Sun - g' } SCOTT--MCFAYDEN.--In Ripley, un Mon- I day, Aril llth, 1888, by the Rev. McLood, was washed im ity M et htlely. Z'he contract I S„nit- of the farrtlers 1 clay in Wingha in. IF TI31JY give you any trouble O NO RIS Mises Lizzie A. Scott, of Purple Drove to Copt. D. McFayden, of Eskdale. bcli'hood have cunnuencet The 1 ' Easter with Auburn friends. at till, and have it done at once a 1,rIII0116r w WELSH -BELL. At rile Manse, 11CItN7d1 un the 13th hist, by the Itcv, J. S. Heudorsou, scholars of .u•tet•'l their Easter holidays. a too, A Neglected disease Ile. -- ing lately, Thos. Welsh. of the villa a of 11o11sall, to Annie, dtuif titer of the ate Hobart theft, (ieorgre (illi wits electec There is talk of a nlalt•ri lige in the comes chrubic--hard to cure- (3, nein• future. Luuduu tw tee instead of Albert Hoaad. a dfects often incurable, Same with de- in Allow thein © 0 Whatever R'AE' IIRN-\VllITLOCK. to London o, April. lith, b the Rov. Mr. Middfetuu, Warren, Charlie McPhail is bunt tuna. We are sorry to heal- that Alfred the eyos. Y.1'he Christ Church were largely att.end(i(l. Knox hits (-hanged his work having Mr. Flunk J. of Buffalo, N. Y., to Miss Annie Brown is akeu to photographing. Itis first at - to go uncorrected and they het- 0 in buying a Watch dere. 3tlles Sarah Anti Whitlock, of London, fur- I morly of Exeter' visiting her mother for a, Rev. Mr. Graham a Cottle worse-oftell sit mach worse that perfect correction is ` 0 r We guarantee PE1%FF.C.1.' PRENTICE TAYLOR -At Lite residence of rile brido'sparent+, Gcort;u ruylor of lila. I lass, ou rile 1311, lust, by tiny, W NV Leach, peen appropriate Easter Ser•tu any cll. • sfulpossible. Dun'L tttke stay such �,1 ® satisfaction with whtltever James A. Prentice, of Pinkerton, public chnI Peter McDcaugal had it N t chances, but as soon its you eye R. J. 1l. De Long's daughter, Nland N., watch you buy of us, and school teacher, to Miss Rachel C. Taylor. L+'LLlO'r'1'-C'1fULT,. On 'PuesdaSg, April 12th, week and gut about UU cu the Collegiate Institute, have gone notice ally symptoms Of t p hack to theirstudies. at the resideuro of Wesley Gletchee, Esq., Nast Main street, Galt, brother-in-law of the little school inates. She (lied orf Sun- E 01 trouble, go cit once to a compe - VP ,r bride, bCLINTON we've been 111 business i• Rov. Dr King, Air, Will Elliott, CLINTON MARKET 1 ent optician. He will soon tell only son or Andrew l itott, Esq., Iaglo- wuod Dairy Vann. to Miss N:va Amanda (Corrected every Wednesday you whether you need glasses of long enough to prove that roll, daughter of Mr. John C'roll, of Clio- ball wheat, new ............. medical treat .metit. If the latter•, DIRll-CHIL'1'U\.-At St. Yetor's church, Barley..... , wo keep our promises. ................... he will, if lie does his duty, seed Goderich, on lltln April, ISM, by Rov. Fr. Uats ...........................I 10 P you• to a physician, blit if it is © McKeon, Adelaide, )-congest daughter of peas.............................. I glasses only that you need, you We, know all about the R. s. Chilton, 1'nitod States Consul, to �Ve O Ernost Herbert Bird, of Belleville, second 11ye............... ••''- a are safe fn his own bands. Watches Ivo 3011 and Sell I soil of the late Shearnian Geotfrey Bird, Potatoes, per hush, new... believe the can do a little better l.iout. Royal lCugivaurs, Ile Majesty's ser - for you than uhOst opticians- to vice. Butter loose in basket.... O Butter in tub ................ certainly better for you thaul tiny t11C111 for �USt What they CULI.[NA - N'RIP:N. -lit Palmcrstou, March 0 ordinary Spectacle dealer or P 30th, by Itev. T. Albert Moore, 741 the rosi- Eggs per doz.................. a edlar can du. We back ill) our • tirC. loll t you need one. denru of Mr. L. Uppor• the briars brother- Cabbage, per doz,........... p } in-law, Air. Itti h Collins, of IiowIvk, to belief in oat• itbility by guaran- 0 Mrs. Emilia Fries, of Fordwich• day ..............................• a teeing to you satistatctionoryuue © TURVBIY--M('STAtiD.--fn Alorris, oil April Cordwood....................,.. d money back sand if you care to 0 __O___ lith, by Rev. W. J. West, of Bluevale, Mr. Shorb Wood, Dry............ © try us on that oasts we will be \\'nn, 1 orvoy W Miss iiolriettu Mu,Latrd, Short Woo+ xreen....... :„ leased to see you. Good las- both of Morris. y 1, C p K II1N'rz--11EY F.It.--On tho aith inst, by the Ret Live }loge ............... . yes As low as $1,00. O s ■ ko 11 tt� V. II. Boan, George lih,t'r., suit uP Nil-. .John Pork per cwt......... . l- ,... iso 1[uttz, of Logan, to C'Iu'inlinu, daughter Of -u - � Mr. Gen. Heyer, North Easthope. 4PPles per bbl... . 0 Jeweller and Expert Watch -- -_-.-_ Dried Apples Ib per lb........ t • i ALLEN WILSON al RT 'Turkeysper lb..............I i a C Repairer. DItUG)TSTS AtiP t)PTICiA1S. � —"•- Geese pet' ]b .................. 0 SPP•.) RS.- In Ashflohl, 12th con.. 3rd lust,. the Chickens per pail•............ wife of lit•. 11'nl. Speorra, of a daughter. ' ®�•t9�•®•cam®-�®oma®��®m•M -. _ __- - -- _. -... -----. — Wool... 1 } RE'TCi11E.- -h, Ashflcld, 12th,con., 3r•d inst, the __-- a � A° 1®19 F1' tC I? �� ®F) �` A 1 wife of lir. Andrew ltetchio, Of n dauKhtar. - -------- t tb••O®®O®a00®t3�90®®•tID®®5W®• I. 83At d19� EGGS 3➢ v3$!. STRONG. -111 Hnwtelc, , o April gbter.e wife a or 1Viu• CL strong Jr., er n dnughtc)•. Toronto Farmers' 1 t tp 0 From tiny winning White Leghorns thatseorc MCCULLOCIT•-Lt Culross, m! Api•il lst, the t ® ' 0 from 80 l0 8411 points. At $1.00 pct• 13. wife of It. M. McCollooh, of it son. Toronto April lit. -The t • SUMMER ® iVM. CARTER, II'ATSON. - In Culross, on April till, (lie wife graiit on Int-. street niatket 0 Constance 11.0, of Andrew Watson, of a daughter. were sbutll ; prices wore un p McCU,%1FN'1'.-Un the 3rd con.. Ilowick, Ott Wheat-Firtb, one load C ® ty�+pl,-�A q 0 ---- -- _ _ _----- ---_- - __ _ - Aln•il cith, filo wife uP Mr. Thomas :lluCla- 0 J Gl4q ' LEP ® R ing at H()e Stral)';t ll. - OOOdd6, PPrzzznnn VVV VV Cra PPr�oor 44mm moot, uta ciao hlcr. r A 0 a iq S( II0T1'.- hr 1?bun, Aa :\nil 1st, Lha wipe oP Barley -Easier, 011e lea+ 0 WHOP EGGS FOR SALE= 1 355. 0 ® Air. \Val. Schutt, ora sou. R t Stca(1 ane load so 1 40 0 -"-' L].LIOTT. --Che the 131tyfleld Mond, Grnloricll y'! -S y' a HOW better call we describe a 'Phis scusoa T have mated up a grand pen or Loom,hip, nn Monday, April 11th, the wife liaay and Straw -The r o `p the endless line of Jeweletl niviz- 0 l\'l+ite \1'v,tnd• tto+tlact cannot Pail to protlove or 15,1. J. I"111o1I., or a sou. snball, there was it Food Cl i E8 0 wiunur" billy rccurcls in Show Room., count fur 0 nicks that have their chief wear- 0 nnytld?*,,-, --- .-_--_--...__ -_ prices were • llont steady. t ® a of hay sold tit $0 to $10 till a ing time flow now itutil Lite har- (5 'rho pen is rontposc+t of 5 hcns;,ntl 1 cockerel. IDI.111VAINS. tto straw offered. ® est moon is horn ? 0 aur rho hh•ds scored its potents null wun first prizes _- - r i 0 I • tit the ]turoe Pull L •y shlownt Goderich, 1 sc•orud Dl ccsc'd Hogs -The off 1' fit. roi11ls and fila uthur t.wo aua e natty un H[.'X'i'.113LI:.•-In Allendale, Alirh., oil A )ril r ® a 1 t q 1 sn)a , there wits a o0(1 c. o MANY of these trifles and • good but hove naval been rxhihlted. :1I;; steel: 1a, Mr. John Huxiablei formerly of ( en! the 1 5 scolia, aged h.t y curs and L mouths. a market was fir,uer at m more important pieces etre just ® also won all the prizes in their c•hiss at the 1, g _ �' F • • lInron Central :old at Guder'eh Full Fairs. .I( ITAItl !e Loudon, on the 1,201 inst.. WII(-4i white, per 1)11.$ 11 • fresh from tile fashion centres. • \1'illiauu Itichard;,,on of David Rielu"rds, del ret} t • a I will sell it llmitctl number` of sittings front aged 22 years wid 4 u,unths. BELTS and GIRDLES are thin stock at, S1.50 per 13. After ,lune 1st., egii,' do goose ............. .. • , • lit Sim) per 1:i Nati;faction and a fair hate HAL ll,Sle art, air ( sin, 01 April 4th, Gor• • ® rlun Slewru t, bol} child of Mr. turd Airs. J. Bui'If;y per hush....... 1) shown in hosts of 5t les -these stock Eggs shipped any dist7u,co No liltlliday, uRed i iaunth,, Oasts pet- hush........... • Y �) stock Pur sale. E • we're talking of have each sobte- is I III, Db1itNON. lit Goderich, oti sauday ikril h -ye per bush.... , ...... . • P • 0 FRED„ CILROY, CLINTON. 1001, 1888, licleu AI,, daut;hterof D. S. lieu- Peas pet, hush........... T • thing in set or mounting that 0 dersuu, aged ycurs, 5 ulnuths:ntd 20 days. Straw... 7 O makes them properly part of the 0 - --- - - BEAUCi1AAI11. -In Mitchell (at the residonre 1[lly . • ........... , A d of his sero -111.11""., Mr \V. IT, ('ale) 1 hill"') Dressed ho -s ....... 5 ® stock of the jewelry store. ff]i1®®,. p�Qr � k1 L Beauclnnip, aget187 years, 6 months and 6 it Pit G 16.R i W clays. • , V rti a BLOUSE Sets, Necklaces a ggs, new laid.......... 1• a _--=..--= __�___-_---_. DRAKE - -Tn Hibbert, on tile, tslh iu.<t.stimael Butter-, lb. rolls........ , e Chains, Bough Bracelets, Hatt • Mark brake, ngcd d'3 year-, 11 months and do tub, dairy....... , 1 • e To Let or For Sale. °S day Chickens let' )111'....... • ® Pins, but never mind the list. Its ® CLUFF.- lit Goderich township, oil :ipro lath,Turkeys 1 pall 1 '}'urko s crib,,,,,,..,. ) • easy to Come and rise the things ® Bun Johnston, relict of file Into Robert y p a ® The um(ersit nod offers' for ante or rent that lA ('lull•• t'god 80 years• , Potatoes per bag.... ,.. • themselves. Pr'ICCa roll from • atorybrick residence on Raglan St. There arc n FVANS.-lit Goderich towlln flip, on April yearling Latbb. ... . A. 0 the. inconsiderable upwards- 0 bedrooms, diuningroom, eittin;crocu,, kit('11c•n. Also 17th, II, B. Evans. aged Ori years end it) 8,piting; lamb.. ......... 3lit))., goodstable, In connection with the reaidenen are month•.. s fanciers marks thorn all at ® two arced eP fond and a large number of hunt feces. Alnl toll per lb .......... 5 lei • LI „ W For particulars apply to .-_--- ___- Beef, fnfe 4 d) to '10 o THE SATISFACTORY STORE W CANTLLON nrtilo., Clinton. do hind ............ 5 W to 8 IP • ® WAS A'A.STING AWAY.. Veol, , ...... • ....... it in to'8 UI RUMball IIARay C'AN'L'isL09, Sit. I'oroa.• W-S7arch 14th. �-_- __ _.— ill Yr I a 1 could not eat elle) walls or sit • J. B. - flown for pay length of time. I was al- The g-ii'e. htts('1= 4lnl lic.t. w Jeweller. a House and Lot for Sale. � ways in pain and was wasting away. 1 -',- • Agent Bell Telephone Company. 0 -.— grew very weak and had a bad cough, ON1,ON'TO. •®®(g®0®®m®®o®013 ®®6m®®©®®si The undersigned oifom for salo that Two I tried many different remedies, but Tot -onto, April 15, --At cite wosi-el, Story Brick Res)denuo occupied by lite lilt(,' did not get relief. Since taking ifood•s cattle yards, this bumming there wet Mrs. William Hattenbury. Thore is in connee. riot one, of land which will also be sold )n Sarsaparilla, however, 1 am able to cit- on satlet (lose o11 L')() loauls, inc'Intiin ono i,icce with residence or iu fol.:; to suit tend to my business.” .:111xNtr. Lilt;t'as, 2,100 hogs 2•�► sheep field lattnhs, 1 ©© �t(� a 1 pure Apply Oshona, Unt. calves, and :a couple of dozen milker,. The Loss of th0 UP Apply to 110OD'S PILLS cure all liver ills. � is far as cattle runts concerned til W. IV. FAR RAN, or to 1 �. utarket was a pour one, butchers' cni J. RATTb1N13URV, clinlon, failed for tic. by C. I. Ifood S Co., tie being; weaker, and in solve crit- Fcb. 16th. Lowell, Mass_ - gouLiLly lower. 'Thc/•e was 110 t-xpot - n -_ ___,.-_ __.__.-_--____ _ -- __- _- -_ . - . trade ill cattle of any conse(lnrnre, an fry _-q Cottage and Lot for Sale. Edward Bellamy, the other of c uotntions rer11aio at from :3: to 4ic pe f?S)'Iii r��(i/( ■ -- "Looking B:ackwatd, is repovted to be I�)., with 4o 1, an outside'pruc ft] QO�F' NDS The undersigned offers for sato a frame dying nil Denver, t eT'y sttperror sLufT. QUP EE S. / cotta.go of four roosts, with lean-to. Centrally .3111 cher s' cattle were weak, and ' ( situated. Gocdwater anddrainage. Will b- _ _._ _--_ slow sale, except for the hist, whit' sold cheap. Apply to sold itp Lo 3'jr, :and oc'casionnlly ars Innr• IV. C. SEARLE- DR. AG NEW'.S CURL Fi)it As 4t- for a few picked To a Lady or Gentleman is a groat atHiction Clinton, Nov. 10th. i • " lots. Good Inad 'TflE IIEAR'P sold slow�l,cy tit front 3„ to 3jt-, aan(1 c•ou 6�FiOF. ®0RENWEND - --_ Ilion stuff dragged at 2�e, and nine rI'0 Improvers Of StOCIi • Is a heaven-sent boon to sufferers wits left over. —who will be at fl from heart disease. No matter of how Stockers and fefdatrs were off. quit 1(t- ) .r .t fon ) e cwt. tandin i e t will I RATTEPdRURY HOUSE, CLINTON The undorsiQnod has on his promises, 10th g effect a radic,ll Sheol ore Pavy tit R t0 3:4c per lh. `O} concession, Godorich Township, cure. Don't postpone treatment if { p' you suspect heart -weakness of an sort, with 3;r paid for extra choice ewes, THURSDAY, APRIL 23 A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terms: -$i Y 1 y Yearlings ore worth front :i} Co 51 and $2. chis great remedy has been til sled per. Ill. AThoroughbred Chester White Roar, regis- and roved the quickest anti safest of Spring lambs sell al. from 3 to with all lrhuls of P torad. Terms: -$1, with the pri vilego of rat u rn- cures. R91ief in 311 minutes in most T g $. $ ing. each. Good spring huohs are wcanled �Y'ti H >41� ®MDQ S A thorovi•hbrod Tanrivorth Bear, registered. acute cases. Eminent physicians are 6 Hogrs are slrau[y bbd unchanged. Th Terms: -$1, with privilego of returning. using it in their daily practice, -sold by top lignre rs •l ;c per 111. • light and beav- This is a with chance to improve your stock Watts h Co. Fitt. hogs are not woirth more thrall 4.1, t T. C. L' D.NwNns, 4Rr; sows 3c; stags 2c; stors hogs wit lis-tf. Owner. - _ "--- '-------- not sell. Arthur Pellet, nn eleven -year-old 1 °'- ; �h '� �-" - hid, wits killed on the railway traclts at -- '' e SUCCESS I . Parkdale Satnrdal morning. , A) ' tI MERIT Y�IPIu UGC SS , y' B• STINGING SIiINDI57JASE5. _..-. . '___ - .--,..---- - - - - L C � L �� -_^.- _^-0- .r _-_^..e - Relieved by one application of Dl V4Sp"SMS Agnew s Ointment in IU minutes, I s radically cures tetter, salt rheum, eo t,,' �t I�i`i; RTRATFORD, ONT. zema. No case too long standing til ,It,,t,,., This school rloca flrst-clans work in every depart firhart (a baffle it on a fair trial. For babi s I + , F / motif and ealoyea n lige pAr tuk;;e A ('vn"aer• clal Schiol of Min highest grade -none belte, in sea.ld head, common at teething time Canada. Students can en ter at any time, catalogue DR. AWNS SCUIE FOR THE HEART itis without peer. 25'Cc'nts,-Sol( Has dehonstrated to free, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. A V/R2JaEtfFlJl LIFE-SAVER. by Watts & Co. vtver a hundred thous• � ,. and persons that, ' Lite No orman in the human anatomy today -- ----- - ortificial restoration of � -- whose diseases ran be more readily doteot NOW IT'S THE' SYItUCA: Li)U8>; the departed locks is CATARRII CAN BE CURED. ed than those of the heart -and medioal pre-eulinently essential discovery has mado them amenable to Toronto. A til T0, -Mr. Thomaf to their' i, , nil'. Henry G, Clir'lol, M.P., Katnotlr- proportroatmvnt. if you have pal pitation Soothw)1•th, Utt theForestry chill a)1 riled, Qne., i,ono ofFifty Members orfiul.tering,shortnessofbreath, weak or siren, received information to-dfa fMnS ron Health, Comfort and of PRPliautant Who have stlrc•essfill- irregular pulse, swelling of feet or ankles, Y it I Usod and Eodome(. I r pain in the left side fainting spells, dro el- Sf.ratford t hat n g r occ of spnlce freer Good Looks. v 1 ) . Agnetv's g P dropal- by it resident. of that town Ilse Catarrhal Powder. sal tenuonry, any of those indicate heart keen f tac ked by the spruce loose, disease. No matter of how long standing Of late ire has added Dr. Agnevv'n Cure for the Heart „•ill cure- Which appears to be, spreading north many new Stylus and Medical etiquete and conservatism ward, find that the flr trees are more mAiiP.6 members of the rofession sh it's a heart safely. quickly -acts Designs to his large p Y surely -eels safely. or less infested. collection find is now in in bearing testimony to the efficacy of " I was given tip to die br physiotans a position to suit every a proprietory medicine. Medicines and friends. One dose of Dr. Agnow'n ' case of Bald -headedness that the doctors endorse, you may be Cure for the Ifeart gave me anon. and , or their hair. Every Y y six bottlesr'nred my ease of flftoon I OR RAVING AN ILLII.IT STILL. • sure are good. Dr. henry G. Carroll, cnrs'stnndln•r.' Mrs. J.L. HXLL)f,R lady should see his New `."' M.P., Kamouraska, Que.i tells over his ytv,,,tewood, N.W.T. 20 PnlnrerstOn, Ont., April 113. -Police and Artistic Fashions in own signature of the good qualities of Guarantees roltofin ao minutes. Mat.gisl.rtat.e Lowes to -day sentenced Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, not Sal'1nne1 Shaw to $100 fine and one taiga, Bangs, Sold by Watts cat- Co. ' rnont.h's imprisonment for having in stone from Personal use, but as a medi- his possession an illicit whisky still. 'Wavey and Plain, cal man. Upwards of fifty m9mbers Shaw is a wealthy farmer, living in of Parliament, who have suffered from A fire at Almonto wns carried by the Minto, three miles from her-(,. rbc Iltrontplectae, catarrh, have used this medicine with high wind to buildings fully a ruile still is the one seized by Officer Ir'loody, Swltobes, ete. suaceas.-Sold by Watts & Co. from where it sta rted, find destroyed a of Toronto, two weeks ngo. Ge,ntleuAeAA who are. partly or wholly let of property. bald should riot miss the opportnnity Rev. Dr. Bell, formerly of Queen's - of seeing what they can do to improve University, died t3ithlydia.y. - - - - TNI(: LVOU _ .... I'iYEIb. their appearance and add comfort and For Over Fifty Years Windsor, Ont., April 17 -Piper .rproteet them ngaitYst colds, catarrh Donald ATr}CrnziO of the Heaforth and other head tr,mbles, (1110 to lack of Mits. Wrxamw's SOOTrrIN(4 13rnvr has boos used by millions of mothers for Chair chlldron Hi} hlfuulrrs, wit() wits shot six thnes pr��ot S ingitr hair. TOUPEESeg and while toething'. it disturbed at night anti in the recent battle in "the SO11dan, is WIGS foe made featherweight de- broken of your rest by sick ehad snfForingg n nephew of Piper Itndrick of St. An- t .otion by closest observer is intros- and crying with pain of euttln�gTeeth send at, I I 'i •e the hellefjts onee and Prot a bottle of • Mrs. Winrilnw's snoth• I J vs dt etv's Snc1t'I y, bVit1(ls)1'. alhle-w ly c ( syy 5(cnt ing syr now -you will be f,hatnkful later on-- Novo ill if it is not convenient to come to Irptel pendni send name land address and he will i . It( call itt residence, nll transactions strict- aims 1 eonfld ent,inl. oar Y 0 of ggyy . AAthi1 1iFtMI;Mi3tflt AT TMI7 R.ATTIrN. so, tto 13URY 11(liIISH, CLINTON, ON of the THTIRSDAY, APRII.28. 3onten Ont Bair taken in 0xchance or cash `#tv h paid for it, sure ana ass ror "wir G Synt'r. . Frrtnk Dizllia is wanted by the Can - grow paying orops because theft radian pollee. Abort. n year ago he es - fresh and (Away" the beat. For enped from Detectivo Campean who had al r a tvftl r s oove whore. I1Atu 1 ant (!barging no eu )sttth' Y ores.Int ! Wltll elYl- Stttelt to Farry(s Seeds and prosper. hezzlernent. He tufts arrested tills 1808 Beed Annual free. Write font horning by Pattr)lnuin .lames DOW,, Atilt Ioc' eft up in the Central . ttttion. D. M. FERRY dr CO.,.VAndsor,Ont. The Canadian anthorites Were notifl- in eel. a 10 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD. West Tuelierswlth. I sympathy I);tucey, fur grove, vigoriating Afineral rt her Feather'bone with len vill Nicholson, to Our ex -postmaster, Reeve Campbell Auburn -.-_� as vice-consul for the U. S. A., is gett ----- Mr. N. P. Crich, now sports a varn- ished geared buggy, a recent purchase ung it little no'tr'er the squau•e. His office will be handsomely fitted up and We are sorry tci hear that Mr. An- drew Macdonald is lying very Ill, but from Fred. Rumball, of (tlintnn. he will be found cout•Leous 1n the hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Messrs. M. Loyd and W. White are txt•r'enle. William Sties has moved into the riding new bikes bought froin J. Snf_ The G. T. R. should givo Clintonians fines house lately occupied by Mi.. Mathis tier, Brucefit.ld. 4 cheap while the perch season is and has gut in the electric lights. Bill Mr. J. G. (!rich purchased A new P on, No that they llight angle a little for leasur•e told roils. thinks a little more light wouldn't hurt Main street, baggy front John Tedford, of (,I 11 lutit week. Sonte Canadians do honor to Amer- Sainuel Fluker, of Myth, visited his The sad news of tllo death of MIs, ieitn )llilaarLhru r py• Dunlop,,the great Hornet Of Toronto, hits called tint of his brother the past week. rhos, Fowler, Of the Huron Road Road, Cai'llatilllly Mayor Ylllgt•ee. iouse cleaning is the order of the •oulcl hardly he believed when heard here on Monday. The deceased ander- We ought to have a county grand dna Y George E. Rowed has returned from went an operation un AVt•dnesday Inst- Front the effects of which she succumb gold medol i)emorestelocution contest- Messrs. It. H. rind S. ff. I'llillen- London where he wits visiting his -iuother, Mrs. Rowed )n Sunday afternoon. Her remains were interred in the Egniondville, hauser•, of Minneapolis, engineers rind architects for the Mooers' elevator CO, blaster Willie Cummings spent Sun - g' } cemetery oil Tilesday afternoon. She are in town, taking we,tsureuluuts :uui clay in Wingha in. a husband, son find two Prepitl'111g plans. George Beadle, wife and child spent daughtels to u,outn their loss. The Easter with Auburn friends. of this community is ex- -� Will. Davidson had an upset eon, - ,ended to the family ill their great Port Albert. Ing home with his lady' love one ever) - (ISS. 0 -- ing lately, Miss A, Cunningham, of London, is There is talk of a nlalt•ri lige in the -- _• -- -- horne fur a few dwys lit present nein• future. Goderich. Miss Maud Stevenson left on Mon- Miss A'lhl. Ality Wetherald spout _ _ day for Loudon again, Sunday at Bolanclville. Miss Brewer, of Clinton, Spent last sor'vlcfes beld rill E'itstev ill We are sorry to heal- that Alfred week visiting her taunt, Mrs. L. H. Y.1'he Christ Church were largely att.end(i(l. Knox hits (-hanged his work having Last street. The vestry meeting on 'Tuetiday akeu to photographing. Itis first at - Some of oto citizens are agitating evening was riot as well represented its 'Phos• tempt cost. hint six dollars and a rak- the town to purchase the beautiful it should have ()evil. Dougherty ing lecture. We hope it will be it 011 tilt Huron toad, and Will B. Hawkins were elected warning ill future. Percy Walton has found out the in- wardens for the ensuing year. Miss'Tetia Hawkins lett on Monday A. E. \� e thenaid has gone back to Summerhill to his school. MAY sue- powers of the Meneseting Water and ofTers it for sale for her school No. 7, Ashfield. It is with couch regret that we have cess continue to attend 111111. Air. I vrett entertained A of n all its purity, and tight good it is, to chronicle the deaLh of Air, and Mrs. party young people one night the past, week. is runny can attest. R. J. 1l. De Long's daughter, Nland N., Our Young friends, who arc! attending Alr, Frank Humber expects to have who was it hrighl, little girl for her the Collegiate Institute, have gone tine steam launch for 24th May. age, and will he much missed by her hack to theirstudies. His yacht reflects credit• upon him for little school inates. She (lied orf Sun- Rev. Mr. Henderson on Sabbath Ii.,ingenity, and we wish him C,�ueeb's day morning, being only sick about morning preached a Most beautiful weather. twenty --four hours, aged six years. serblo11 to those who have lately pas - Mrs. W. Smith, of the S. A.. who ed through the wftter's of atillction. out to heat' Owneral Booth speak tit _ He took his text train lsaiah43.8. The lila Chicago banquet, returned from Meeting of Ilullet•t Council. discourse will long be renienihered by hat city on Monday. -- those who listened to it, for it was Airs. Jessie Lowe, of Toronto, visited I-lullett Council hi -.t to Hill's Hall, grand and inspiring. • birthplace, in the interest of the on Saturday, April 101 h, pursuant to The syrup -making is done for this Co., hand delighted the adjournment. Members all present. season. It was short of last vear. nerchtants and Indies, wham she inet, Communication from Will. Coats, Joseph St'alker•, wife and child visit - her apt, instructive dignified Secretary Mnnic•ipal Clerks' Associa- ed his hrother the past week. rand banner, in explaining her hnsiuess' Lion, asking Council to defray the ex. Everyone is busy seeding at present, Air. H. Rutson bels taken a position penses of Clerk while attending the Association meeting in June was read act delay. ATiss Matcdougall, of Bolton, spent n Bayfield as foreman of the work on and the request granted. By Law was the Easter holidays with leer sister•, he pier. ppassed appointing Pathniasters, Fence Alrs. A. ,Ylacdouald. Clinton people should send for the Viewers and Pound Keepers. The -_- -_-.- .____ Iode-rich ghost which would (to in of the curfew bell, which at pre- Fence Viewers for the year will be William Shipley, Angus McDertnid, Mr. Wm. Murphy has been very ill ent is agitating the Clinton Council. Thos. CarbetSr„ Richard Carter, John for the past week but we are pleased lis ghost5hip hits terrorized a good Fowler, Geo. Watt, Henry Allen, John to hear that he is now on the mend. )atny of tale juveniles, but. possibly lie 'Govier turd Henry Farrow. Pound • , I_- .- -. _._ _ get terrorized himself e)atlong. Goderich expects quite a building Keepers -John Fowler, James Rey- Holds, John F.. Taylor, Ger). Collison, William Alexander, for 2,13 earsPub- ooln this season. A Philadelphia Joseph GOvler• and lionilt3 Hill. Settle tic ,School Inspector for Perth, died at Stratford. aint firm intends building some hand- )tile "Chateaux" down by the lake. changes were n)ade in the Road Di- visions. Lot 7, (Jon. 4 and Lots 7 and Issue Brock Ostrom who as a child Tans are to be seen in Davison's win- 8 Con. 5 were put in Div. No. 171 in' tvas dandled h General Brock- ib 1812 died at Sidney, Ont. ' ow, stead of No. 17. The Clerk was Ill - Of taste the town council has come r for so much adverse criticism it is strneted to notify the Council of Mur- ris that in future and pursuant to stat- ---•- ~- - BIRTiL efreshing to know that it was Dr. M, lits, in that behalf. it will be expected — one of the. members, who to perform an equal show of statute CAMICICIN-At Indian Head, N. IV. T., on labor on the honndary line between until 12t.h, the wife of Harry Can,kkin, of the break in the intake ipe, about 200 feet from the crib. Hallett. and Morris. Council adjourn- a daughter. Mrs. Camkkin, whose maiden ,,sine was Lee, was a former resident of ed until May 7th at 10 a. ill. Clinton. a / • that this intelligent Rut. wealthy gentle- man had never heard of the theory on which this medicine works so many marvellous cures, renders it all the more a dutyto publish thetas to the world. Here, briefly told is another -- among the thousand, constantly occur- ring. ccur- ring. "In the spring of 1800," writes Mrs. Sara Wood, "I began to feel low and weak, having no life or energy. N fippetite was poor, anal no food that I took agreed with me. After every 'Ineal I hal} great Pain at Illy, chAst and- ' stomach. "I was also inuch swollen around Lite body; my skin was purled up as if water bad accumulated under it." (That is precisely what had taken place. Chronic (I,vsl)e.psla is not infre- quently accompanied with a tendency to dropsy, on account of the inactivity of the kidneys through the paralysing effect on those orgaf s of; he poisonous principles in the blood, originally en- gendered in the stomach. ) "I b came very weak," continues the lady, r•nnd had difficulty in g •tting about d was na a ways in pain. I con - stilted a doctor, who said that my blood was ont of order. I tonic hi; medicines for over six months, and paid him pounds; but I got no better. [-lis medicines did not seem applioable to Ili ,y complaint, , • i'At Christmas. ISO(),' site enricludes, rrmy mother, who lives near Downham, read in a book about Mother Seigel's Syrup, and urged me to try it. 1 pro- cured a bottle from the chemist, at Downham, and, after taking it a short time, I b('gan to improve. lily appe- tite rrturnei[ and food agreed with me. I continued with it and gradually All Lite dropsy and puffiness left me and I grew strong and well as I had ever b'!en. Since then I have kept in the best of health. I have tolyl many of illy friends and customers of what Mother Seigel's Syrup did for me. You can use this statement as you like. (Sigoiied) (Mrs.) Sara wood, Grocer, tf•c., Stnnhoe, near Lynn, Norfolk, July 10th, 1896." Continuously for many years, in many languages, and in countless publi- cations, we have insisted that indiges- tion or dyspepsia is the true and only disease of which most of the ailments which afflict us are results and symp- toms, 'Those cases merely serve to demonstrate the fact anew. We can but express our regret that so many must suffer so long before they learn the truth and resort to the remedy. --- .... _. ___ - -, Samuel Shaw, of Minto, was fined $100 for having an illicit still in ills possession. -.----- 'WHAT DOES IT MEAN? It means rich blood, strong nerves and sound digestion. It means pros- perity and growth to the young. It means goo:l color and mental vigor. That's what Soott's Emulsion means. Mr. ('hones Rolston, it farmer who lived pear Walkerton, wits killed in a runaway Accident. Cardinal Gibbons was in Montrtsal yesterday on his way to Quebec to at- tend the funeral of Cardinal Tascher•- elnn. His .Eminence preached in fat. Patrick's 01hurch. W41'r dO3"�� IV q.a,�15'aft Ottrast and Beat for Table and Dairy No adalterttion. Never cakes. 1UUO .L1 I:,, vv — -- — -- Raisins—Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas. Currants-Filiat.ras and Fine Vostizzas. . California Prunes and Elime Figs. CPOSSE and BLACICWELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NOTS.-Filberts, S. S. Almonds and Wallnuts. COOKING FIGS for 5t-, a lb. NICE OLD RAISINS for 5c, a lb ---11eadquarters for TEAS, SUGARS, CRO.CI�ERY, .GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, 9�� d W, McKay, Plock, Clinton. ,�, I, . . lfill r.�, .. Lungs Weak? Haveyyou got Consumption, Catarrh, Asthma, or Bronchitis T Cannabis Sativa, Dr. Stevens' East India Remedy, will cure you. It has cured many cases of pulmonary consumption, pronounced hopeless by physicians. Its virtue is attested by leading members of the medical profession; by business men of high standing; by hundreds who owe their lives to its marvellous power to heal the lungs, allay inflamma- tion, renew tire vital elements of the blood and create strength. So confident am I of its virtue that I will send a package, sufficient for I2 days' treatment, absolutely without cost, duty prepaid, to every sufferer who will send n1e an accurate statement of his or her case. I do not sa that one package will effect a complete cure, but believe so much bene[ t will be derived front it that the treatment will be continued until a com- plete'cure is brought about. what it has done for others. Puricitnerto, ONT., Canada, Oct. 13, 1877. *111 was foreman in the lumber shanty when I was taken stoic, and being anxious about the work, I exposed myself greatly, cangqhI. a severe cold and after reoovering took a heavy relapse, which termim4ted to intiammailo)t ottthe lunge. °The doctors all gave me up. An abscess rorined at the bottom of my left lung and dtschar^ed outwardly. At the timer gotSyppar medicine, It was getting worse every day. 10very one thought, and so did 1, tt,bt death alone would end mY mis- ery. I commenced using CANNAn)y SATIVA the first of February, 18789 and after using three or four packages of the Remedy, the discharge was chocked, and I was able to get out of bed alone for the first time in more than three years and three months. "For from the a■d of January, 1873, to the t th of May, 1876, I never was able to got In or out of bed once alone, nor never lay ten minutes off my back, nor never was out of bed one-halfdayat a tame, and spent upwards oft$1,400without much ifany benefit$ andI only used a fete cents over Bye for your medicine till I was well, ••!t Is now exacaly eleven months sivine I left illy bed, and I am smart and honlLhy, find without rola or nelie, or any symptoms of the disease. For the past six inont.hs I linve ween utile to make a good living for myself. Last fall cradled and drew ill grilln." ROBERT A. HAMILTON. r8ept., 1807.-51r. IIamllton's health still remains good. W. A. N'OYES, 020 Bowers Block, Rochester, N. Y. The dynamite factory at Ironsides CLINTON. exploded and the shock broke it nuns- WOOD AN D COAL YARD - [let, of windows in Ottawa. six miles distance., besides shaking the Parliat- tnent buildings. __ qubserihor is prepared to promptly fill all or -for Wood and Coal whfeh wit l be field at lowest rates. 01111ce on tsaacHtreet at LAVIN' I0 IMI'LRMLNTS HOUMB. W. IVIiEATLEY I T��--,�-- LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND _____ -- WAGON FAGTORY, Wanteri in exchange, I Corner Huron and Orange atrecta,Clinton. 12 lbs. Choice ��Ur Buggies on hand and made to Us, u Oatmeal for ordFtrit-(+lass er. Prirnn to snit the times. Repairs and ropnint.ing promptly attend to. Prices reason. 13 lbs, Choice. bus. Oats. able able. Family Flour for .1I .. .___-- __-- . These aro our present rates PUMPS 1 PUMPS 1 but we don't know how _____ long they will last. If yon want it arst•olnnv, wo11•mndo pump, ai r tba Oats taken in exchApgc foil, Groceries. n will Ivo at a lininethn aon'I our old g i y or, tolh n"(10"Aigned, I1n will dig pool elan wolfs n.rd do it" the olnaoat rrloon, 116 also hnt.dien A rlrst•elaa Ial1Ch P11 O. OLSON CLINTON JAMES I('E!7RGUISON NrTCTORTA STRiP,HT• I Oppoait Queon•s IIotel HIIIh street Ulinton asn•tf Y ! I 9 7' 3 1 I r r d U