The Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-21, Page 4to GI _. , .,....._ �► . - . - _— -1 . _.__._ ___ _._-._ .- ___ . _ ... .._______.__. The Canton News -Record CiPcolnr Town Topics. $t.ef) a Year, to Advanot;. -:: ___� ._ - ., �_=_--_. __-, GODURICH, April 21. --Perch fish THURSDAY. APlttt.3lth, 1898. has been it most profitable Indus - ._ �__ the past ten days, the fishers, yol arid old being equally success ONE TBINO AND _4 NO 7'118R. One day the 1)ttst week ovor t hundred were counted or, Sympathy is being lavished upon p;e rs, „rid as each one of Cuba and undoubtedly the Island is in number had luck, thousauds of i a deplorable condition, but the Spani- were curried up tow,,. Ards are not by any weans wholly tie- It is said work nu the breakw•a spousible• Tire rebel•# have been equal- will re-couunenco early in IIIc ly active in ravaging with fire and Hiss 131L11 returned to her, school sword and have destroyed what Way- Crediton oil Monday. The deaths in Goderich fur ler sparad. Between them the note- qulLrLei, just ended were If, one bei .combatants have fared hadly and it is #Fat of a young t.uilIt who wasbrow on behalf of those unfortunates, to town to die at the parental r ( -i ' 1 co thus ant ' 'klu 1' , 3 (tivl'• etch thogsandv of whom have erisbod g nit p t her one WnB 90 years old at dyuLtl, a that public opinion has been so roused. one less that' 1 year, One died Still peace would long since. have been typhoid fevul• and one MI' scarlet fev restored had the United States not The other deaths recorded were fro kept, the rebels supplied with funds Old age, cotlsuulpton, heart-fa;lu pl'euuloula and accident. And the munitions wherewith to carry There was an At Hunne at on tWir method of warfare. George's 801001 room on Wednesd " . evening of last week, The affair \\ gatLor, ttp by Mrs. Seager and bet• $i 1f the United States declares war (fay school class to obtain funds upon Spain it will be firstly because support a child int British India Spain is weaker and secondly she wits A success linitnefitlly, and the I erary part wt's really good. The pI wants Cuba. �grrtunlue consisted of readings by Al """ Tom Arid the Retctot•, lulus and reei The defeat of the Kettle River Val- tions by the children, it grarllopho le Bill in tie House o4 Commons Was selection by Mr. Emerson and a viol Y SO10 l) V nil 1 ti + .tc 1L enet' tile h( IlitCerbeil a do►rtonstration of the power of the re11,arkab]y well rendered. At t, C. P. R. and is a furtherance of the CC"'n'llellevlllent of the evening' cute policy of that great` octopl's to secure and cake were served, and there we several fancy work -tables front will the complete monopoly or tr•rtnsporta- lal•ge Sales were made, tion in Western Canada. Tire Kettle As Rev, b'at'her (Vest, held bast River Bill should have, passed the services fn Clinton 0t' Sul'day the House as it would be the means of wits no regular service ILL St. Petor's. Robert Elliott shipped It Cllr of ho opening up one of the best mining dis- to Toronto or, \Vednesday of lit tricts in B. 0 -and without cost to the week. Dominion. It would furthermore=knlrews Bros. & Co, shipped it cI have given the Grand Trunk an access of export cat tie or, Fv1day. Sineeth's new twill will he in ft and have placed it in a position to coil)- swirl; in it few days as nearly all Ll pete with its great rival, the C. P. R., machinery is in position. precisely what the latter has been Regular meeting of Huron Enelthn fighting so hard to prevent. ment, No, 28, I. O. 0. F`., next Alonda The Oddfellows will attend Divi "„" SPrvice in Knox church next, Sunda The annual meeting of the Conserv#'- 'uor•►ling nod oil Tuesday they will (•1 ter'tain their relations and frien(18 i Lives of South Huron will be held in the lodge: roor:;. Exeter on Tuesday next, beginning at The service ., at St. George's nil Silt 2 o'clock. It is requested that there day were similar Lo those. of I's;1st be a large attendance as in ad- Day. One ofJonathan Miller's tenons ra dition to the election of officers there away or, Friday evening and, aft will be other important business to upsetting the rig. broke away and lilt transact. it good run to Be»ulillet• before the r stopped. The driver was thrown au .. blit' not hurt, and the. I•ig waS nc It is reported that Hon. A. S. Hardy damaged very much. may resign the Premiership owing to It is said that the (;Goderich Al teurs will play "Time and the lIour" i ill health and accept a judgeship which Kincardine oil tho Queen's Birthday. has been kept vacant for some such Mr. Halls, principal of tho publf purpose. If Hardy goes, it will be schools, returned cruor Toronto on Sit Ross' turn, certainly no improvement. urday,•, Chas. Lee, we are pleased t record, has recoyer•ed troill her ver The decisian,in rho South Perth elec- serious iliness, Regular meeting of Chosen Friend tion case ase has aroused much indigna- next Thursday evening. tion. We do not propose to question The Mcur(.ady wheel issued tilt the motives of.the judge, but the re- week was lntiell admired by eyelists. turning -oificer who fnl'nished ballots, AIl•. N. Robson, of Clinton, tuns it Ili. - the validity of which could be called week,ncillar town \Vedliesdav l'1 [I(S into question, should be seyerely pun- Mrs. Cameron and Mr'. S. J. ('nine} ished. And if it is correct that these on left for their, new hole, Ingersoll questionable ballots were onlygiven (list llitirsday , g Mr'. and All's. Chilton Joft or, Thtirs to Conservatives it 1,'.,ks as if there day or, It two tuontts' visit to VN'ash had been a pre-arr;inged plan on ington, D. C. the part of the; offkc•i.ds to elect the Timesare busy at the G. T. It. depo Government cltndidatc�, if oBsibhr, these d,lys (iv(.t• 80 loaded Cars having p been sent, East last week. From all accounts tIl,• state of affairs Our square is it wheehnan's papvldis �n South Perth is even more scandal- since It ryas seru11ecl and rlyaned. Otis than in west Huron. The old ImIltilliall, Charloy Black Mone, started the ice cream season of Sit t•ur•day. ,. __ ,. Lewis' cottage of Lighthouse street is of 111.1 niticeut proportiohs and look. "Let the Klondike 118 if it will im it most attractive rest deuce. it ay for the 9iloA1liil;e." It Is r uji'lo 'ed thin a ghost (It real live one) lilts hoer, seen neat• till, It. It. de}x)L blto, of even(n},gs. Although "Let the Klondike,pay for the Klon- there IMS been tnttch t1tik, youl' (,()I, I. is the parrot cry which has been iwndent. lilts not s.een anybody who has seized upon by -many of the Liher;d seen the phiuttiln though on Thurs- papers as their poor excuse. for the day night two young \volncu aceOnl- paufod by two Young men, who W(•re proposed presentation of an empire in returning from a soc•fol, were ntnlestod gold -bearing lands to McKenzie & by roughs. The jotrties Sionting for Mann. assistance trip nig It watch wits Soon at hand find the soh(' ghosts vanished. A sound principle is embodied in Oryanf8t Cuff's playing at, the that cry, but the principle is not truly service in St. Goorge's un Sunday applied when two individuals Are en- evening was exquisite. franchised with the resources which The Editor of the Sigurd lilts heel, would enable the Klondike to a its suffering from ,tit attick of pnetintnnia pay the past ten days, but at the time of own hills, wilting waS progressing favorably. A hundred and twenty mile tramway The Police authorities give notice is not the beginning or the end of the that in future all cyclists caught rid- ing on the sidewa,llvs will Ile prosecuted Klondike's needs. When the best of and that the nohicefncludes butlsexPB. the gold [and is given to McKenzie & A "fire alarm rang Saturday for a Mann bills for the administration of blaze at Belcher's bakery, thn fir(• h;lv- the Yukon will still be coming in and ing apparently beer] caused by the oven, file brigade was soon on t Ile will have to be met. And not the ground and in It few minutes after - smallest of these bills would be the wards all danger wt's passed. cost of protecting McKenzie & Mann's There was early cornrnnnion at St. rights at.the expense either of the George's on Sunday. The fine big maple trees planted in Yukon miner or the eastern taxpayer, the harbor park last week are appar• The true way to make the Klondike enty doing well. pay for the Klondike is to administer Tire schools and Collegiate opened on the resources of the Klondike in such Monday with it pretty fall attend- ance. a way as to produce a revenue equal Inspector of Public ,Schools Tom was to all the demands entailed by the in Toronto the past week, development of that region, and to So far this month, April, five new leave, a surplus for the benefit of the buildings have been started. VVm. Emmerton, who recently cal'ne whole countrv.-Toronto Telegram. to town, died at his father's restdenen, Huron rota, on Friday air(] the re- ---- mains were interrod in Mititlsnd ceme- tery on Sunday, the Oddtellows col- . Allna. ducting the ceremony. Miss Annie Campbell, of Senforth, Mr. Wingfield Riley has purchased spent Sunday fu Goderich. The Demorest Medal contest con. The house- and lot formerly owned by cert takes place to -morrow, Friday, Mr. David Otterson. evening, in Victoria Hall. Mrs. C. Landeaborough, of the West O. S. Doan, of Clinton, visited the End Tuekersmith, addressed the County Town on Saturday. League here on Wednesday evening. be plleased to ss hear, willabe aroundill da Rev, Mr. Finlay accompanied his few days. friend, Rev. Mr. Thompson, to Dun- Mr. R, S. and Miss Williams relnrn- gannon last week. ed, frorn their Toronto visit on Fridr(y, Mrs. Toms returned to New York on Master Jno. Cooper spent Sunday Thursday. with friends in Tuckersmith. 'Mlttters in connection with the pro - Mr. Jno. Dale was in Blyth last posed Plevator at tho barhor are In every wily satisfactory. The coin - week attending the funeral of Mr. pany's en .. fneer is fn town, and will Parmenter. stay till the work fS finished. The The masons have commenced the plans for the main hnflding and floor wall for Mr. Jno. Dale's Karn. sheds are in the hands of draught'smPn Most of the farmers have finished and the stock book is filling up filir•1y well. seeding already.. D. D. Grand Master Tierney, of We are very sorry to learn that Mrs. Blyth, paid an oficit'1 visit last' rins- Thos. Fowler, who underwent An on- da.y evening to Mait land Lodge, No, 33 A. F. & A. M. Over 50 hrethr•on were eratibn last week, is not improving present and the proceedings were most very much. interesting, W. M, Geo, PortarexPmp- Mr. Richarrl Yellow, of:Exeter, visite lined the work of the Hr(4t degree in a ed friends stilt week. creditable manner. A pplel'Fitnt hour followed the regular busineSS, a tempt Special religious services have been ing spread and an imprornpf a pro- held in the Orange hall here during hPauline of speech and song being the past week. Much {food has been Pnr•tily Pnjoyed. done. May the good work continue. The river has been exceedingly high since the 10e broke Ilp, and the Spring THE CLINTON N F,WS-RECORD. -- _..- _ _-___ .___ - _ _ __._ �_..___:..___ the tale N.vrlytl could Dust into the river best: or hattll,k' t;fnee leaving Govrio. Silt' &C0. 0. lie completed the huildin g fI'eshets made quite It chciuge along that Part of it between the breakwater and Attrill's. All the tlitt Galt'b _ _ __ _ __._-. Gorrie. _ ._ �_--._____--____ I Fatal Accident at �lytlL. am _ _-__- _— ----'-'---- THE ARK lu oir Point has been \\•ached array, the big On Saturday la,,t the Anglo-Alneri- About eight o'clock .wl Monday cau,c of file toub[e• DR. AGINIEWIS LIVER PILLS -Cure constipation, sick hoadaoho, biliousness, While atwohk in t,Iy;inion Fllctory g b tr•y ed and length- island has been thousand coed, many th0usrind Coll' hotel wt's t,uld by public atic•tion. Root White, Wt'cllceter, morning a most distressing accident b happened �`'� I S W`� R8 Ing yards of the (tank along Attrill's 41Y was the in Blyth, by which Mr. E fol, has heel' washed #'way, and the channel between Ridge_ wood and the big island purchaser. Tire. price wits 82,800. Ales. John Campbell, of Barri;e, was """t -go PaPelleutet• loot Ilia life. Mr. Parmenter had the contra -t for erect- THAN THE wo' has beer, dye encu. A bar has forr,te 1 t ti lI in town fur, it few days visiting old f.4-11 I 5t ', 6 in, t b he new over) fn conn- #; . [ BITE l IL 10 InUtII 1 tilt' of the r;ver, and Mini)• think that as the glit asi• ta- ch ill ne er er a. Silt e 1 9 1 Cfl( (4. ,. le I(PONS t9 that 00th I)Pt' hushand and herself have on,}uyed the , rill W1,1l tho ,,1,01-0 1•ec•ently leased by T. Witt - the tale N.vrlytl could Dust into the river best: or hattll,k' t;fnee leaving Govrio. Silt' &C0. 0. lie completed the huildin g tsh Ihearly any lilac Il(,t. yell'•, that the bra• The Wroxeter Hor•tivnittival build- if the uvea on Saturday night, tt" IS caused by the gravel duulpod into from the breakwater. it inky trod };rounds will be offered for, hale by public action at Clifton's Intal au Monday tu0rning, thinking that tilt' 0t 13 wits sufficiently dry, lie Coll] - ter cau,c of file toub[e• DR. AGINIEWIS LIVER PILLS -Cure constipation, sick hoadaoho, biliousness, While atwohk in t,Iy;inion Fllctory on Tuesday, April 19th. urwlced tearfug away the fralne-wol-k ill East 11'awallosh. some kind of "preservative" in butter- Jlts. A. Strong ref urned or, Saturday front' Manitoba, where be had been that supportedthe top of the oven. fhreO of the arches were taken out At r. Sinhpsuu, of bMoll Mills, vkit�4d .. with a car of horses. He disposed of his horses at Car InAll. \vfthuut uulch ditilr"ully, but while ►e - Illoving the fourth the iron hands Sui- ng at his uncle's, Robert Coupes last week. holul. . Iml•ting the uvea or, the outside buret Alies Johnstone, of S,S. Nu.8, return- - :�.-, -- ,Mrs, John Cornyn acid faildly are - . --- - . . - and the tut) of the oven fell on the tm- ed on Saturday after spending her h: Easter i9arloelc. fol'tunato Inall within, burying hitt un- • , v• acxtiou with friends it' Clin• has alarmed the British consumer, and most radical measures are now pro- posed to exclude all butter in which __ cue' beneath ,ttt1 three loads OL' sxulr and tour all till' of 1`hP 11Ii,,seB Scott of rho f3th visited were resent at the nomination, andHoodTHE P Mr. John Wells is visiting relatives rows of brick-. the whole %lyight being; over six tons. The aldrin Wits tit duct• er. frivrids on the loth ]fist week. it' Blanchard township the past Week. � given, but fifteen la,iuutes elapsed 1111 1111'0. Hanna, of Will gliall), is visit- Mr. Win. R06s delivered his driver before (he unfortunate ,hail was taken re, ing her daughter-, Mrs. Robert Mc13I'r_ to Robt. McLean in Goderich Inst Mon- f''ll'u the ruins, alld all the utedical uey. day skill and willing hands could rlo wits it. Mr. B. Janney received the sad in- Mr. Denholm's filing of hay-presseva clone to revive life, but of no avail; ay tellfgenc'e of the dyath of his father it' Ilya busy fr, this neighborhood. troll at 2.,30 Tuesday l'lorning he passed as Kincardine Inst Sunday. Mr. Toni Scott is hired With Jno. to Ills eternitl honle without having l'1- --_ Watt for the snur,ner, ,luck Bays he gained con.sciousl'tlss, lfis spin(; anti to Neaaforth. is all right for- the back being of a tllt.el•nal ul'91111b Wore all l'lil'e or less It ,jolly lilt, injured. It- •f1• Mr. Ben. Dorrauc•e, who lilts been Harlock's popular tpnchev ;s visiting his parents in tie vicinit of Win=- y . re. slleuding a fe\v weeks' vacat.iun with '1 f, Iron. friends 1 t town, lett for his holr,o it' Chicago on Saturday. Miss b;unlla I3-•u•on, of Goderich ftbllASbilh. __ _ ne 111 lir. lIu{ih Welsh spent part of last township, spent her Easter holidays at Ale. D, l3y;acoul'h, A. -Koenig has sulci his faulous tin - t Y , , week V1911,111 fl -i( 11 ' f l 19 ill Clinton.(�1i11 ill llIll Ig '' stallion L I' ) I l a n v 6 (, u. t(er" to Jolson Burhlll he lir. JAs. P. 1Vol,h spent Sunday and Monday in Clinton, ILolldesilla •o. and (Iyurge Wiuldell, of ]Mitchell for ee Mr. GI's Sparling, who wits tried here the 811111 if ,x;300. Ire Flidity for arson, VVILS sent I'll to stand Ifs trial al lioderich. Rev. All'. AleDouilgh, of Strat ford, T. F. RaLtan leltVea fur h:dl ('Iti gar neuron, R y and i3ritisIr Culunlhizt to look Thos. Dawson anti Ii. of pPVa C'h ('(1 ILI tIH Methodist villtr'ell oll after bllbllless and If stic'Ce;:hfllI In 1119 ell d y, 1t' Clinton, \V r't'e Irl tl)1\'l1 OTIC: (lits last Suudily rnurniugand LeeturedI nTltes- i) "I)et'ti09 the firul intends ulovin g' �' Lhe entire stat•([ 0111 week, All'. Hien. Gundry, of Gndet•fc•ll, \vets clay evening. The s11bject of his lei- tn•e was "Back Bone." \Vf•.,,L. I:(a;iuew Jaulcl hurl thy fhee❑ nuc g' s in town or, Saturday rltld Sundrt sL Y y Miss Lou Ouenlotte, of the i.OIt out last week to t(•.,,, the engine. It is 11tulnsyd to it tlfat Air. Gco. Baldwin wt's in London for hL (•ill ire of lel )'0 IFiht w'ei'r 1111 1)I1S111P�a, Collegiate Institute, fs spending her Illll(I;1)'s ,It Ilei' Ill,(, 1]el'(•' give It nunitlll 1,'ri0'k ialmby is lettrllin • to 1.1111 it. Y it Mr. Geo. Baldti•in received. another Iu';.gc eonsig"I"Ont of wheels or, Ft idiL,y Aliss Alabyl Evil is also home front Toronto fur the I,llis6yr IIn)ftlays. D;LI] 1.\Villi IIU-.y list tall(;' it 1,:{C1C seat foil good ,Lock. This woek he sold a ILnd expects another it' a fele crit s ]e days. Geo, is a hustler. hiss Sarah I1;Il spent Isastpr with friends fn liensall. wel�Ilry(1 cots to �VAlter lines, of.lIor- ris, fat Lhe snit' Of tpti0, \Ir. Lw:ul h,is Lundson Fuld Wilsnn have opened p- 1 .•lir. Fred Jollrl4on spent I'Itster it' LOIldon. ret tuned her calf. .inn. Aulout will assume the out a bicycle ern oriUIlt it' the old Y. p Ill llhlC 8LU1't •, , 111,1 Alllho x"�glt("Rr, 0t Lt•1 r; 1'ilyP, I0 proprfe- tUI',hlp of tlih At1lPl'lrrill Ill 011 till) y here visiting friends this week, Mrs. 1st of Alae. Ile bought the 11(ILISP frrml A. X(i.o g who has been it' _. --- .__ 1' Wrny alld f:tlilily, (if GALT have Illivetl to t.hp vllltlgc. bisi- rles0 fill, tilt' lilist l3veat•, ❑ ?rlll'EdlllolA. Misses 1lillio Awkew ail(] Net(.ie Fullowillg thea few, provi,ions of Lite 1 ,. are nate in fall 1• Srydintg npernd i.; Webb wel•e C';Lllin g oil Clinton friends on 1londrly, b 1;l \ws :.- lilu;s, opolt l i)1';111'I;l) }' '10th season, June lath ri A11ri1 ]Its in the swing. The Incl i, in }end ruudil.fou i to r'eceivo the f;rain which is being -----•--'•" fnllntl•i:ll; nom- 1lruuk t.rnut, 11;,y i,t to SI'pt. l:;th. IiiPin;� If:,ll:,y tirt�;lrin:; 11 SM1111. Miss Maud Irvine, teachol' at ,yet- 11PAa;tt1l. is lll•t,lllblled. IiI",. tn)llt, 1111.11 t.;,;t. son, Dec. 1,6 to (tit. I5Ih. Mlls!,ral, d Iopolft:ul in libi.11 hard township, spvnt t, part of het• Enster holidays visiting• Last week death received two reei- (1111.11 st-asou, .inn. lit, to Allis 1st, '�u nluskrltt way be in t her Ilrothcr, 11r. J J. brine. She (4tllle (111 incl' w'11Pe1 itnd tvxs ;l C(:e0lllp}tn dents of this section. Mrs. henry shut. .\Tail. L'io,l trout, oI)VII s:V:H!,i, JM). l.L I t•t.,lit. 1')111' it , it'd by JI r. b,ldlul Ir\'ine, it reLitivo, D,,UgAll, One Of till- Old settlers passed I 'Tuesday. ) Spockled (10111., opel1 �. • L .�11, 1Iny LodtOSt•111.lith. il�;;ia) ln;nt- who is teacher at Rannoch which i5 Away on On iVedilesday fug and fishing Iu'y In"o ihovd. 11 also in Bh1u(111ii.d. Allis Jennie Bell, daughter of -Neil Bell, Mr. .James Bell Iraq hought the old of the Zurich road, papapd awny. -----_...�__,- c Loeluing fill which has beets f l the W. R. If ell gins went to London on 1)I L�.,;v,sinn of Alr. John at.intore for a Tuesdwy in connection t\•ith a faw suit , 48�iatghalti. year or, two. 0 Mrs. Barrows, tubo hat] a severe at- growing out of the colhaion which oc- cured Inst year, wilco otvfng to the recti- A. i1. Alilsgl•ovo, I'viucipnl of «'Ing• Lack of pleurisy, is a„+ y 1 iii abs to be i'rnnhd. 1PSa driving of a couple of formers Ilia hum fir,huil, is in TironCo t,us week ' s Mv. 1'I Ili. Morrison had tho ulisfort• lig was upsel, and some tilt rnberd of Ifs family and that of 1)r. U'\eil ;'handing thy::7th ;inlaid III(Ttiug of LIlc I'titicltUuunl Associntiou, and Il;Ls IIII(I Lo lost! r LllLl ll tl •'e Il.11- Ill)#, . ;t few days ago. Ct deatll wwicllused re- Cl'I -Pd 111 ill 1 'Y. bee'll hollored by being appointed Di- a by inflaulIno ti11tl, the social given by rho :Methodist rector of the tier;c St-hIol depart - Illellt of the Assoc iat.ion. I The run of sap is nhottL over fur this t yea.l'. Still- of the nittives made a hi[; church on the evening of (food Friday proved quite a Success. very It 1, exppctpd Thal, the salt Works lot of nlolasaos. ,1 .inter• eating Programme wns rendeted by tine will "41.01-11 this week. F. G. Spar - li0g has been Illakii ; fol - HISS 1'allnit BI'l1Wll 1111, [tione on a visit to St.'fhonans, droit•, lass Sheflpr, 11r. Trott and Revs. prei,araLiOns the se,tsou';, work. Mr. Thon;ls .Jones, hotyl-keep(''' at Kerr and McKelivey. A A. (;oetr., of the Commercial hotel, Hiss Jennie AIcKPuzie, who hits boon spending rho l)ast, throe weeks . Leadbury, has not, horn getting vary nin tl he" It I r 'tit f, t 1 f u our time. %N't' holo lilts had a severe attack of something of with hoe aunt, Mrs. J. It. Al),Iltshaw, fins re- Ile will soon be all 1 igbt ngaill, Ja Mowbray and Ath hralck ilio nature Of hnrulysia. fie is slowly. recovering front its ffects. f u•nyd Gi her 1p01t1c' ill 13rncriield. The gathering of, the stones fiord the I, ;t( -k I I have tla.\'U gU11- t0 LI'V their- Irick in 1lichi;,gau• Among the graduates of 'trinity Medi- Cal tich(lol who passed with the Very 1 Alain strppt, bus fulpr•ot•C(1 its npl)enr- (ince and illev ilsed the coinfort of Ili - 'llirvoll Mrs. Dritger, who fell clown the cellar stllirs lid hill., herself severely, highest honors wlsllr. Alen. McKay, brother of Prinl:ipal 1cKay of our I'ub, cyclists. *Gordon I i[, F. has die)uso(1 of ifs dispo. - has, we flee illeitsed to say, recovered. lie schools, ckrng bnsfo� ,�'I Mr. John Cur•nyn lilts haul iris honse- - hold effects 1 --loved to I orta'ge LI -- - ll,a.ciclao`v. ['1')livit" where he nils purchased al: ill- t HewAre of Prc'tieriatives• _ torest in a newspaper•. In building up the dairy iudust,ry' of There are economical people, arid licit' Ilt'v•' W. Pocock, of Clinton, spent part of l}i4t week in town. 0I)MI'iu two) things have hoer, taught aro others. ,1 lady want into a The Many frf('Ilds of it.,. v. Ji1B. 1Ltulil find 11rg-d, n;uuely, purity and high store recently and inspected some dr$ss toll, it' this neighborhood, will regret, quitlity of prodil is and economy of IWOduotion. Whatever setbacks this goods. A remnant that contained only 4} y;rrda suited her tAste to hear that he has resigned his c'lntrg;e its pilstor or the Imlitist. church of IIlfs Brent. industry may hilve Filet, in the felts tett well, but she did not buy it She retro. lir. I"tuiltnI' lilts lwull a r('Si d(tht. Ill years (,art be traced to a r,eg' lect of one or the other, of these fin" went dome and shortly after her bus, of our town fol' a nn,,lbet 0f yp:us. )irtlutt Y I points. The c•hepso indostr• uf Ontario is now fairly 'well es• b:lid entered the storo to purchase q1 yal.,ls of salt] goods. The merchant During ly front he torehnny(rs.ini1 A. free- tablish41d and Llu• ruinwit production did not fPPI lira giving; or throwing r. I . A.13nrk- holder shipp(fd ninp cfu•8 of (rats aril ofa inl'nt m ge ruouilof Well -made, whole 1111,11 away the quart'•r of a yard and th0 two of pp;t, to t'ort,land, and two (ar's c•heose of uniform quality has piece was not a,)]([. Busines% people of Wheat: t0 Galt, Mr. Will. ('le gg given Canada a controlling ulfiuence it' do right in refusing to be a party to shipped two cars of Pcitst till([ two dors the 13ritiSh c•hyese Il1;11•k(,t. Olt'• creat n- the little aCllell)r'a „f that class who are if nuts to Portlatifl, inakini; a tottll of ery industry N now rapidly developing, Pverl,tsting trying to get,omething for 17 cars or grnfn shipped fr0ut the C1,T. and it i, of vital f llpol Lance that nothing. It. station Ali,% Clegg also) ,hipped file strictest attention he paid to the turning out in an economical nal''- iiia many frien,a fa this town and tw'o Cate, of whea'and two cars of oats from BeIg"ltve. Afr. T. ncr of butter of nnifurruly high g11al- ity, )tl • • }, I re ,tnfl unuctniterutrd. 'Phis in surrounding country will he pleased to learn that lir. John o has t(nvll McIntyre,r }rain Gregory of is also shipping it quaI'tity of from T�iF11en, tvhct'e he wits huy- (IttsL T will, if properly conducted, been attending the \orthweatern Den- in toll Co11Pge fn Lhe past two bas , dnrillg tIl,l past season. '1\boy. rtssnnle very bogy proportions, Since the average consumption of butter is years, been successful in paasing all Iia exam- Iessrs. Bell, JILq. e\. Cling, and Will. BjILtol' wire it' Toronto lust flinch greater than that of cheese, and inations and is now a D.D.S,, (Doctor week, attending a Inciting of the the British impoits of butter gre,ttly Dental Surgery.) Canadian Furniture AIttntifactln•yr8 exceeds those of cheese. In the Brit- (hl the evening of 11'eduesday the Association. At this nleptiu;; it was ish market our butter motets in cont- 6th inst., there was a large gathering decided to advance rho price of furni- i)ytiLion shnilar goods from Ireland, at the home of W.J. Douglas, of the tore, 10 per eent., owing Lo the scarcity D(�rtmark, France, the United States, firm of Lees tic Douglas, the occasion of cirri limber• I Amill'illia and Argentina. Denrnar•k has attained It chief place by Btudying being his marrin[ge to Lizzie, fourth dnu liter Of the 1 t A t 'I I 1 factory Ono of the ernplovees at th'I ('lithe llnd a 0illall ))one it) Ilia le g APRIL 21' 1898 Sometimes, and ``the remedy worse than I the disease." but our Sarsaparilla for I purifiying the blood is made from barks, roots and vegetable substances that are combined to relieve the system I from the clogged state that winter al - 1 ways induces. It is pleasant to to e and gives results --results s 1 as " t�.n beneficial, g l 1c, a Dose 81.0 ➢ a Bottle 100 Full Doses $1.00 ,era • 40�AUX �-it :.1 Mfg Chemist and Druggist. i P11��1�iAil9'S SIII��IiES. _---- I ` HAT!-, RE9140DEL.LraD• — 1 11 • • • IWI Ilrtl, remodrllt) and clone over as !,nod us now. i'er,oas wi . !ng work done in t.hih line will reviiivo porfeot satisract.iou oil lcav, Ig their order,, ct•Ith the tuitlerAgned. Leave ord,lr, Carty, MISS MOORE'. 1 Over Becnle) 8a Co's late stare. . ." We"'llin;t Hells [n °NhIlield. A very pleasing event took place at the resfdenco of Mr. Joseph Speers of Ashfield on Wednesday evening the fith inat., in the marriage of his cinughter .Jennie to Mr. Levi Boyle of Holyrood. 1'he ceremony was performed at seven o clock by Ifev. Mr. Wllale,y, of St. Helens, anri tvns witnessed by a select company of frionds of the contracting I"I"t'(`s. )Ir. \'1 eNlpy Boyle acting as "best nian," fill I Niss Maggio Speers its bri lysn,sid. Tho bride was handsome- ly atioluod in it dro.,s of c'realn satin. Afler ten af• enlutly had taken pllice tIl�a (chole pill's)' r•eiMived t,, the table, w'hf,'11 was I'l0'ni•,hed with the riehPst viarltfs. 'I'h,1 r tlllLiader of 1Ile evening wits .spoilt it) a moat elijoyahle manner, and the cou,fd,u•y disl,PraEd in the early lc;,01'8, f""ll'" that tit's was an event lone to be roulenrIllved. '1 he high es- teem in whioh ho bride and groom are hold wilt; alidwl' by the elegant display of Pres rite. A:I unite in wishing Mr. and 1Ir(4• Ba)'lu a long and prosperous married life. For that tired feeling you must en- rich and purify your blood" Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medicine you nocd. 941, can only be where there's clear and healthy skin ,s 4� AVE are pleased with the success of our .Mi. finery Opening of last Weck which was so largely attended by the ladies of Clinton and surroundifig country, Our ALL �� W, ST ar , COMPINSI:S the very latest in Millinery and I'r'e will lJ have you specs. it. e pleased to call and in - __x_ MASS ,ILLIER Stand in the Clarendon Hotel Block, '094 cVMrh h41W The peer among skin healers and complexion clarifiers : — One application of ®E, AGNEyy'g OINTMENT gives instant re- lief in cases of distressing, itching, burning, stinging skin diseases— eczema, tetter, salt rheum, scald head, ringworm, itch, ulcers, blotches, chronic erysipelas, and all skin eruptions, and itching, bleed- ing, ulcerating and. blind piles—has made marvellous cures in chronic sores of long standng—others have and will fail—this ointment never—helps and heals with magical quickness -35 CENTS. I used Dr. Agnew's ointment for Piles. Dr. •AI. Barkman, Bingliampton, X. Y., Two appllciLtione of gels wonderful. Ofut- wrLte%: "SPmd me 12 dozen more or' men•t campletely cured the 'troublesome Dr. Agnew's Olutmca•t. I preaetdbe large I things. I have plExlewle W. meoommemaling Fuauttblely of 4t. It is a great relnecly It. " 1 m R rico, Delaware avenue, or tetter, salt rheum, eezeina and all It. '.,.:... „•L , (boa. skim d►seasesl and also a cure for piles." Price 85 ecats a L„_. DR. AGNEW'$ CURE FOR THE HEART -loot a cure-all, but a heart specific. Relieves in thirty minutes. Medical profession prescribe it as safest, surest !inal quickest of beart remedies. For shortness of breath, • palpitation, flatter - mg, pains about the heaat and other organic derangements, it is a never -failing cure. the roquiretr,ent of the ruin ket, and C, n e rcllta( Mc- Millan, of WflwanCatl. At nine o'clock b , 1'i ikon by the falling of a plank on 1t. DR. ACHEW$ CATARRHAL POWDER --Catarrh ]s an almost universal now In nearly all of her cream" cry export butter from Alias Dora Lees played the wedding malady. it )out, six weeks ng but did not know Some of the symptoms of catarrh are cold In the head, dizziness, pains In the of the fracture till the other day. pastern,- t, d milk or cream with the march. The groom entered the roan; g The forehead, tleadnche, of mslve breath, loss of taste and reuse of smell. Thds unf- g kypt bothering hill) till hP went. to Ilse of special ferments. In some of followed by the bride, leaning on the versal remedy relieves in tea minutes and cures permanently. the doctor win infurn)cd hila ( the p y. the countries exporting to Great Brit: #tin - An(4triilfl' in particular - i( arm of her brother, Archie. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. cau,c of file toub[e• DR. AGINIEWIS LIVER PILLS -Cure constipation, sick hoadaoho, biliousness, While atwohk in t,Iy;inion Fllctory has become it practice to nsc A. AlcKay. sallow complexion, torpid Inver, Indtsestion and chronic dyep•ptala-Ilttltrw Jn1111 Collins had a largo sliver Illens. doses -20 cents. some kind of "preservative" in butter- - - III'fllg 2?S ir,chcs it' icIlnth run in Ilia . ,,laking. Sometimes thio is added to .. hand. It wase extrihcted by Dr, Chis- Mold by Watts & Co. bottel• as rt salt, suwetiules it is added .1lliteliell• holul. . to the milk. These preset vatives ate - :�.-, -- ,Mrs, John Cornyn acid faildly are cinder various mutes, such,,allies as preacrvalone, preservatine, preyer- By order of Dr, Steel, President of the Conservative Association of Mouth visiting •,t. her sistev's, ills. 'thololls C6.�t,.~ 1 �1 l9 C'I'rl'Yll byfole 1pitving for Af;tllil(t at ,yy, � othin Like Leather." vitas, being favorites. They are hear- 1y all mfg Lisp of these acid. The incrc�asing use of tTwao preservatives Perth, a mase meeting of the support- ere of Air. Monteith will be hold ;n rho next, vvef•k. �-.�---- ,-- __ • -- - ------•__ _JAI � " 1 has alarmed the British consumer, and most radical measures are now pro- posed to exclude all butter in which townhall, Mitchell, ou Thursday, April '21st, at one p.m. All delegatee who JA` a � Limflhs traces of t hose preservlitisea are found. were resent at the nomination, andHoodTHE P and S i` 0 E "t. -I N The British public teas becrttne,tli►rrn(+(1, those wile acted ole scrutineers at the a •-r} •*• �--�..�--.,. , the press fs actively discussin the g InatLer, and public officials ate now on late election, are particularly requested to be reaent p 8111 Covered With Eruptions -Could "� ARLY ,r PH the lookout, for hnl.ter so ndulterated, Mr. Louie Wilker, Logan, made an Not Work t , he Suffering Was So it must bP carefully noted that „Il hut- assignment to Air. C', Ronnenborg in Great -Wood's Has Cured. tr tf' _ UM tpr inad(frorn milk or crenrn to which Dec. last. The estato was wound u[) ,,I was all run down with Complaints 90011 anything but coninou snit has been add,ld is adulterated. 'rhe holt.er pro- dnevrs of Ontario must inako no rnts- ttke. Tilt, use of lily of Owlto preser- vatives is dangerous to Ilie dairy iuter- e(4ts of Ihfs conut•I'y. I.verythtug •po'1- sible should ho clone to disvourltge the use of (41101 91110814 ueos, ;truer the press should a(4 far as possibly prevent (hc, adv(-r•tising of them inthis counlay, n Ontar-io lilts Ili, replitati(i of producing Jure dilivy goody of high gltitiny. ]'hit(: roputaton Inn"I, he nulI'll•n11n'd, And every person tnt'restod fn lho dairy hitsine•w. of Onlalrlu nhould rta- siSt In proventingthcso "plcspviltFwys„ from get ting a root .hol: hl fill lw Pro. vince, "An onnco of Inr•voliflon In better thana pi11nd "Fill ef 1111111," Nue havea repulatl41n nity fill' nul.ltbrg FFmty h11ti'vi, find ('11(.1,41" 111,111 14111111111• trlin tint rcplitaffill), Inn not ndvil'nto prcilervat•1vos, Ino nil ftdvelike pr'1t• scrvalivus. inn tint 11nc pryrschv•;Ilpyri, JOIIN ft11t'I►IBN, Minister of A rlcull,uPr1 t'cln, Onlall41, Toronto, April lith, 1898, last week, the creditors receiving a dividend of 7.)>a poe Cent, on the dollar. Afessrs. Dent ,1i Thompson were the solicitors. • A compnny of th;i Church boys' Bri- gade of Canada, has been organized in Connection with 'trinity Church Sun'iny School, with the Rector ns Warden, Dr. Levey Bill) warden and Lieutsnant Money of Clio 28th Battalion'a,' Captain and drill instructor. Mr. Monoy, painter and deno•ator, Ind it had fall the other, day. [To was wonting at the house of Air. Fred Rocs, when the plank On which he was Brand- ing, whioll rested on two high trestles, gave way, and he was thrown to (lie floor, liglrtinq of his hip. No bones worn broken, but bad bruises were aus- taino(l, Mr ()an. yt„wart., head master of the Wpring(I ld 1'ublle ,5ahool, spent some dayA ab rho old homo In Logan )Vire• W, It, Davis and her daughter (lartrnde, visited in Minton last week. peculiar to my sex, and I broke out in sores on my body, head, limbs and hands, arid my hair all came out. I was under the doctor's treatment a long time without benefit. They called my trouble eczema. FInally I bogan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after ;• had used three or four bottles I found I was improving. I kept on until I had taken several more bottles and the sores and itching have dis- appeared and my hair has grown out,” AIRS. J. G. BROWN, Brantford, Ontario. "I was all run down and -had no appe. tite. I had a tired feeling all the time. I was advised to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so and it boneflted me so much that I would not be without it." MRd. 0. 1. BURNETT, Contial Norton, N. B. Sam- .[rhood's arllla Is the best -in faetthe one True Blood Purifier, Hood's Pills cot harrnonlously with Hood's 6airyaparilIs. ;lira, r a d . I . . � 'r. . , • _ "I ., , AA �._. — _-. '�-�._—... _r -. ... .. '..__. -- _. _.--.11_ ___ Lelia tf. t. •M.•._.�a_ a � I � I . � &" 0 .. . ,,. . � . I . I I . I ". . Our New Stock now full awl complete with '111 the Infest and newest Goods and we tiro safe in saying that no better assortment is to be found in the west. Ask to see our special valtles in Men's 2.50 and $3.00 (goods. They are hard t0 heat. JAOKS N & JAO�CS0�. The Note. Shoe Dealers, Clinton.