HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-14, Page 5APRIL -14,1898.
y it .......... v c
Peas por bush,...... , ... 55 to 56
Hay . . . ............ 7 00 to 0 0O
0 ,
11. IP. 110,", Jlr. llrnry 1):wiel, UP Millar-
0 o r
ton t A13Ky'1'ona baize. ,lane, danifhtct u
a le11
Air, Gourge 8heanu, of Ktueardtite 1 p•
LAND]--DI(1li1NsON' -At the residence, of
i ,...-�
the bride's parents. Aoderson, oil March
Guth, by the Itov. T. J. t'nowdmf, I'll. It.,
Potatoes per bag•.. , , ... IltI to 00
Tailles It. Lan1, of Virden. Alan., to .hiss
g La[ui)..... 9 to 10
I,Wit) .1., daughter of 11r. and .11rs John
Spring 1111111), . .... , , . 450 to 0 30
Mutton por lb .:.... 5 to N
Itobt Win,low, Lugnn. on Ihr nut hist., by
do hind ..... , .. '5 50 to 800
the Rev, W. A, liritilley, Alt•. Won. A.
against young people weAring
to l
glasses is fast disappoaring. It
i has been proved beyond doubt
P that fully half the headaches
and most all cases of aching eyes
tire caused from some defect. fn
the eyes and (-all lie cured by
DO['(,I,AB - .%,11iL1,AN. -- On 1Vetlne;,inv,
Ill(! lith in-st., by the icer. A. McKay, tit tilt
glasses fitted properly. We
have fitted dozens of such cases
b satisfactorily and believe that
if your case IS curable. by glasses
1 we can also stilt yoll. To satisfy
yipurself however have its test
lir. Angus Sud'tl, of �Vturt'un, to ss
your eyes. This will cost you
1lothing, neithrt• Will glasses if
benefit. if do
they fail to they
FINN-� ,T A 1, tie on 1 •cl
t ) t % 1, tial i
1 benefit $Lint nr $1.50will snfTice
"'Ith, by Rev. ti'. Coloper, Il. A•, All'. Julia
Ilenry i�il,n. (,f Brussels, to i It s Jennie 1111-
for lenses fn ovdinary frame.
1 -u-
dence of tilt, l,l'bl(•'s 1110(her, til Weilliesdav,
April 0th, by Rov, ,1)110.. Ross, ti. A., 11r,
Kingston, to lli,as Kate 5vilsolt, daughter of
the Irate W. R. 1Vilson.
)14b,e•®.m•qe�6.T, oo•qt�o•j%�,•o,qt�..eAQ5N•tn
1 f8eom0SCO WATCHES 09900009
e e
I 0
1. 11. e
e A good watch Isere, because
9 13
we don't sell tiny other kind. m
We've many grade!:, froin 0
1: 0e w
0 -A Good Loco -Priced 0
A a
11 ® Watch to the Gest
} S Watch Made. -O'0
0 �_ i
`., a But whatever one you bay e
we'll guarantee it will give qq
v perfect satisfaction. We 6
e can do this because we sell e
® all Watches under plain and 0
eabsolutely truthful . repre-
sentations at 0
v a
e 0
tl 0 'T Rumball
e J. ■ Be
® 0
11 e000®®®® JEWELER 00000080
1A u .
Wanted ill exchange,
12 lbs. Choice bi�Se oa}lSt
• Oatmeal for .
13 lbs. Choice Family tat it } nr for 1 bust Okra,
These are our present rates
but we don't• know how .
long they will last.
r Oats taken in exchange for Groceries:
�" Safety in Haying Seeds. �
, e' t oth r e. o measure the
Cher is. t o a way t sur
value of seeds tban by the value of the
g p crop.
A cod cru cannot tomo from
poor seed.. Second rate seeds will
waste good land, good fertilizers, and
;, good labor, and the crop won't pay ex-
.peuses. Now, as the practical farmer
icannot afford to waste time in testing
', seeds to finil out whether they are true
to name, sound and clean, it stands to
reason that.tbe only safe way to buy
seeds is to seek the protection of. a name
that has stood for reliability in the past,
seed h of D. M. Ferry rest ee cuss ct'
8 Y
Co., of Windsor, (int., has sold seeds all
i' over the United States and Canada for
the last forty-two years, and the steady
growth of the business is a sure indlca-
tion Ferry's seeds have given satisfac-
! tion. Ferry's Seed Annual for 1898, A
I standard guide for farmers find garde-
ners, containing much valuable infor•
oration, is sent free to persons writiuf
for it.
The greater includes the less. Ilood'f
Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, and may b(
depended upon to cure boils anc
ritAArg he was n
cyrlle. lint some one
bit Ft said that In this
age there are no
enithyy women, Tho
�� Ahgr bas trinity w0-
" , mrn, strong anti
\ unhle phynlcally, as
nrr meninlly
11 and n,nrrtRy; but It
\ la true nrvertheleas,
that a Iw-ge per.
tentage of the wo•
men of the. enuntry
11 t suffer from nervous
nr.ss and_g enernl rte•
bility. They drap
" Phut`' a weary exlatencr, endenrh Tiny I[
a flay of pain and nutTering. This was
the case with Miss Annie I'ntt(,rson, of
Sackville N. B. 9h(• RtdTered terrfl)ly
from indigestlon and nervousness. She wit
influenee(7 by some One, somehow, to try
South Amerlenn Nervine. Of enorse, It WRt
like hulling ngninat linen nnotl)tr pAtenl
e (1 11 r only one bA tl(
flletne. tit h hall t) t o v n t
ms e
a en I, n n o ' k n h(
when her R t l t t Woe n t
w1) S Q
re. I^ ilam after In
1)f nn r11 t a r, I n r uRl ff
three bnttlea she ;,nm enrr,pletely cure41
A wonder aIle la al rnno In her cAnvlottor.
that tbere 1s no remedy like South Amery
cart Nervine. ---20.
.gold by WAtts tft Co.
Silver Novelties -little things--- ( Luekltow.
Big ones if you choose;
Things for baby -.-Baby kings;
(food and cheap at CREWS'.
NO RISK jam,,
in guying a Watch 'dere.
We guarantee PE11'FrXT
Satisfaction with whatever
watch you buy of us, and
we've beeti in business
long enough to prove that
Ivo keep our promises.
Wo know all about the
Watches We yell and sell
thele for just what they
are. Don't 3,ou need one.
' ko)"REWC041
P. s
Jeweller and E-Kpe)'t Watch
From my whining White Lughorns that seoro
front 9t) to 941} points. At $1.00 per 13.
ibis se,t,on I have mated tip a grand pelf of
White Wyand, tier that ennnut fail to produce
winner- if my records Ili 5huty Itoutus euunt for
The poo is composed of 5 blot.) ail(] I colkcrel.
3 of the hl r(h, scored n4 points and won firstprize•;
lit the Huron Poultry bhuwat G•oderith, I scm•ed
911 poinls anti lite ol.her two are equally as
good bill have never been exhibited, Aly sioek
also iron ell the prizes to their elass at the
1111roit Central and at (.;uderlell hull h'ail's.
I will sella, limited nanrher of a:ittings frmn
tht; Ktock at 91.aa per 1:1. After .lune 1st, eggs
tit S1,00 per 1:3. Slid -faction and a fair hatell
guaranteed. Eggs "hipped tiny distance, No
'LOCk r01• K1t0.
To Let or For Sale.
The undersigned offers for salr or rout that ]k
story brick residcaco on Rsgtmn St. There sro' t.
bedromns,dalr mgr(iot n, aittin aram ,kitrhru. Also
goodsiable. In connection with the reNirlence are
two acres of Will anti a large number of fruit treer.
For particulars apply to
CANTEP)X I3i:OP., Cl+ntm•.
IIARRY C.ANTF.1,0N, Mt. core -t.
March 141,h.
House and Lot for Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale that Twc
Story Brick Residence occupied by, the late
All's. William Rattenbary. There is In connoe-
tion olio acre of land which will also be sold in
one lilece with residence or ill Iot,4 to Rtiit
Apply to
1V. W. FAR RAN, or to'
J. RATTF,N)WRI-, (1intoa,
Cottage and Lot for Sale.
The -undersigned offers for sale a franpt
cottaggr,u of four rooms, with lean-to. Centrally
situated. Good water and drainage. Will b•
sold cheap. Apply to
11'. C. HI.AI.LF:.
Clinton, Nov. 10th. ..
To Improvers of Stock.
The undersigned hn.s on his premises, i00
concc9sion, Goderich Township,
A' Thoroughbred. Jersey Bull. Terms;-$
and $2.
A Thoronghbred Cheater bVhito flour, regia
tored. Ternts:-$I, with tiro privilege of return
A Ihoroughbred Tarn worth Boar, regl4erod
Terms: -$1, with privilege of returning.
This is a rare chance to improve your stool
T, C. Eonluvny,
05-11i4. Owner
6?—A7- �VZ��_ _/�10�'tr
9, ,1�
This school does first -elites work In every dtfparf
t ,: Ca)nlnet
nmtt nu ossa lar a Itr• nn e. A
J oil a u ► nog
a r s e e-- ane better 1
IIA,&,ol of th(' high[ t til' d n
Canada. Students can enter at any time. Catalogn
1V. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
Indigestion turd i)yspepsia HRd M -ad
Her Prisoner -Two Years of Distrev
'Tnt'ncd to it Joy Song; Because `iontl
American Nervine Cured her sufiei
i figs.
Maria Tdge, Post -Mistress of Edgt
Ifill, asys:-"> or nearly two years
suffered agonies from nouto indigestion
and dyspepsia. I could eat practicall;
nothing without its producing the se
vereet pain. The doctors could do a,
littlo for me I about gave up (lope o
recovery. 1 was induced as a last resor
to give South American Nervine a trial
Two bottles wonderfully helped me
Three bottles completely cured me, ant
for six months have enjoyed perfec
health," -Sold by Watts &Co.
Miss Willard's remains wero err
For Over Fifty Years
AIRS. 1.1.1,00LOW'R 9OOTJff1Tc HYRtrr• has 1100
used by nitlilons of mothers for their ebildre
tt•hile togthing, if disturber( at, night an
broken of your rest, by a slek •ehild sufrerin.
and crying with pain (,f Cntthif•eeth send a
oneo and q.ot a lintt.la of "Mrs. %�Inslnw's Hoot)'
ing Syrup' for ('h11(drgti Teething. It. will rt
Have the poor little snffieror hnmediately. Dr
itFetid n poll it, mothers, thore i s tin m IRt4vkq ftbou
. It euros Diarrhtedt rny(nlatna rho bromic
C a lirtrl ('o s
and bowels, oro sic anftm, th
o a l Ion a t' des
Gama rade n Inflam oat n _1fKih tnnenn
whole a s 'r+m. a W
tie, y' to the ho t 'Mr . inaln%v
o r
ggy rn f
9nothiul 9 nip" for o fid u tenthing iR plot
pp a < the Afoot In
a n tq o tat, to and fa t I r I t n e,4 On
ft t to Fi {
of the o]doRt. find beat folnade phystrinna an
nurses in the, United StAtes. frier t.wontv0r
,sentH a bottle, Bold by all (]rnggists throng].
ort the world." Be intro an(] ask for "Mitt
T11 lis
Never in the history of Luoknow did
our citizens receive such a shook as on
Sunday morning of last week, when It
became known that the angel of d ath
had visited the homes of Adam 'Thomp-
son and 'rhos. Matthie, and that the
head of each household had been taken
away in the night. 1Ve scarcely yet
realize what has happened, that two
citizens meeting in daily converse,
living within a stone's throw of each
other, should retire late oil Saturday
night in goud health, and novor see
morning. A is almost beyond
belief, Yet so it was. Bout
were engaged in their usual em-
ploymimt, anti went in and out
among th(: citizens on Saturday. Both
wt•nt to rest as usual. 'Through the
night Mr. Thompson was seiz A with an
attack of heart -failure. Medical aid
was immediately summoned but though i
lie rallied somewhat ho shortly
passed away. A few hours later Mr.
Matthie passed away, we believe with-
out uttering a word. Both were highly
respected citizons. NI r. 9latthfe,
though not an old man, was one of the
few pioneers of Lucknow, being con-
temporary with Malcolm Campbell, and
Jas. Somerville, same forty years ago.
He came to Lucknow a young man and
resided here continuously ever since,
Mr, D. W. Ilayes, station agent, of
this village, received on 'Tuesday last,
by train, a beautiful little Shetland
pony, together wall handsome cart and
harness to match. It is a nice turn-
out and will make a beautiful gift toMr.
Ilayes' children, and one which the
little folk can thoroughly enjoy.
A public meeting of the citizens of
Lucknow was held in the'Town Ifull, on
Friday evening; to discuss ,with, and
advise the Village Council as to what
steps, if any, should be taken towards
continuing the Central Furniture fac-
Rev. Mr. Smith, of Kincardine, oc-
cupiod the pulpit in the Lucknow
Methodist Church at both services on
(tLtirr„tu-Ie•dr) •)'uJaes-1w aftemona,a
Fall Wheat, v.aw ........... U 84 to 0 85
Barley ..... ................ 1. U 30 to 0 35
Oats ................ ......... U 28 to 0 29
Peas.............................. () 50 tb U 55
j Rye ................. . . ....... tJ 139 to U 4U
Potatoes, per husi,, new... U 40 to 030
Butter loose in b�a,ket.... U 15 to 0 16
Butter in tub .... .......... 0 15 to U 16
Eggs [let' doz.................. 0 8 to 0 8
Cabbage, per doz............ 0 40 to 0 50
--clay .............................. 6 110 to 6 00
Cordwood....................... 3 00 to 3 25
Short Wood, Dry ............ 1 75 to 2 UU
Short Wood, Green.., .... ... 1 50 to 1 75
Live Ilogs................0 00 to 4 55
Pork per owt.................6 00 to 6 00
fipples per bbl...... ......... 1 50 to 1 75
Dried Apples per ib........ U 03ito 0 04
Ducks per lb ................. U U1TA U 06
Turkeys per 14. • . • ..,..,,". 0 07 to 0 08
'Geese per lb .................. U 05 to 0 06
Chickens per pair............ U 30 to U 35
Wool ............................ 0 18 to 0 18
'roronto Farinners' Market.
Toronto, April, 71 It. -The receipts of
grain on the street market to -day were
fail -,s were tfr[nt•r,
NVheat,--Fii•rtier, 400 bushels selling
at 78 to 135e t'or white, 159 to otic fur r0tl
winter and 83 to 81C for goose.
Barley -Firmer, ':00 I)ushtlls selling
at 37c to 88.
Oats --Easier, 50) bushels selling at
31 to 316c.
Peas -Steady, 800 bitsllt,ls selling at
55 to 566.
Ifay and Straw -The receipts were
fair, there was a good deur)u(i and the
tuarket was easier, .ill loads or hay sell-
ing; at $7 to $0 awl six loads of straw
at $5 to $0.
Ihessed Hogs -The -receipts were
large, there was a good dermoid but
the inarket was easier tit $5.60 to
Wheat, white, per 1)u.$ 78 to $ 85
du red ................ 89 to 00
do goose, .. , 83 to 81
Barley per hush... , ... , 37 to 38
Oats per bush........... 31)yto W
it a )'t bush "O 1, 00
FI:RGUSON.- In Kincardino township Intl
('(ml., on Monday March •28Lh, Miss llraco
c drs,dau 1 r c A
1 t q )te )f il, and Airs. -John b'er
tla0it aged 35 Years.
g f, y a
A1cNA1R. In Grey, on Sntunlay, April 2nd
Maggio, second daughter Of J11111PK McNair
aged '29 years• it itloilllls all([ 27 days,
KERR. flrus-els, un Sunday, April 3rd
Rov, John L. ii err, aged i I years, ( itloalh
fnid 2 days.
CUNNINI)ITAIi. in Atwood, nn 1Vednes(ln.
Alanrh 3001, (;rAce lint•, only child of Rol)
ert('unningham, aged :1 years, it nunith.
1111H 10 day's,
Mcl'IiKRSON, Al. Bltsenrt.h, Ainnitoba, on
Aittroh 39th, .John Charlvs. Infant so,, o
Frank It. and Altaic McPherson, aged ,,
inunlhs and 26flays.
PARKER. -Til Nfitchell, on the till last, ,lull)
Parker, aged 113 years, 7 ninnlh•+and 7dnys
BLACK IVb:LT,. 11,11611u9yille, on April [;I it
liannital, beloved wife of .Toseph Illaek
well, formerly of Ailtehell, nged 1)7 yeals.
FAR(, URAR ht Clinlon, on April 9th, till
Ham Fftr(luhag:, aged 7:3 years,
for • (• til N
- n ( rI 1 n err
GTL. t I in A n•i
(O y g 1 2nd
1.4K ;firs. Divinda Cook, ngcrl f2 years.
TAYI,(tit.-- In Ilowlek, oil Tuesday, April 51 1)
1`198, Sarah Ann, rellet of the tato 'I'homn
Taylor, aired 72 years.
Kidnev Deaths Grow Fewer 118 1.110
World] awakes to the G11u] Fact. that
Smith Ainer•ican Kldtley ('tire Never
Fails. --
The unsuspected presence, the in
sidious character, and the alarming
suddenness of collap%e and death from
kidney disease of so many men and
women in apparently gond health has
baffled the most eminent phyRiei:InE
of the day, and not until South Am.
eriean Kidney Cure was introduced tc
1 in humanity could it be h
et tfartrot
fully said that modieal science had
f l a e A
conquered this dreadful devou • •r I
C It O
tho human race. A thousand testi
lnoniala tell of its ef8cienoy as a never
failing kidney speeiflo,--Sold by Watts
& Co.
„ .,,, .r
r w.. - ..
fitockcry, per dirt... • . Y 20 to '3 110
it"I'l t sheep, per cwt. 3 2si to 3 ?G
BulBHers' sheep, I -)l'
1 cwt, . .. ........ 3 50 to 3 61)
�'earltng Lattiby, por
9r r
.. 5 ..a t•o 5 00
cwt , ,. ,
spring 11111111,, Bitch,... '3 (10 to .5 00
(1r11ves, per ]lead. .... 2 00 to 8 00
(Choler Nwun htngR, per
cwt ........... .... 4 60 Io 4 613
flight hog,, per vwt.• • 4 2ci to 4 138
'!'hick fat hogs, per cw•t 4 25 to 4 :35
Rows, pet. cwt.........., 3 00 to '3 2,i
R stagy, per ewt......... `2 W @o 2 25
' 'Kith the idea that any preparation
your druggist nifty put up and try to
sell you will purify your blood litre
flood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine has
a reputation -it has earned its record,
it is prepared under Lite supervision of
e(lueatod pharmneists who know Life
nature, quality and medical effect of all
" the ingredients used, Hood's SArsnp
arilla absolutely cures all forms of blood
disease when other medicines fail to do
any good. it is the World's great
Spring :Ifedirinn an,l the one Prue
ltlooll Purifier.
Ilon. ,fames HolvIB, n, Toronto boy"
now 1Jnited HI)ltBs( onyul lit Liverpool,
hav liven ofTemd his fora -1- position as
Flrivate se rcttlr'r :r, President bIc-
W 11,1'1' IN)l,s iT 11E,AN ?
It mAans rich blood, Rtrong nerves
anti solinrl digestion, it matins pros-
e, the young. It
a •' dgrowth
lit art
YY g•
mesna grind color and mental vigor,
'Tha(. s what ',io ntt'sT:mol i n means.
Dennis Clifford, a Montreal cartBr,
Wits nunrdered white f itting on his own
MD. 0
1111" Thing
a household companion In our family From those who should know, W6 be -
for years. I tape it every Spring, be-
ginning in April. It tones up my sys- neve we are showing the finest and
tum, gives me an excellent appetite,
trod I sleep like a top." most attractive Stock of '
11. R. WILDEY, Philadelphia, Pa. Dress Fabrics,
forspring Fancy and plain, ever brought to this
Goderich TOW118ilii/ Cou.neiiJV V
i E S
'This Council met according to ad- We start a beautiful double -fold Spring
journment. Minutes of last mooting
read and passed. Moved by C. W. Tweed Suiting, eight different colors
seconded by s be adWoods,in and patterns at 25c. right up to ex -
paththe following changes be made in ,
pathmasters: --Jas. Cox in place of quisite stuff• at $1.25 per yd. It would
John Pickard, John Gardner in place of
Sterling McPhail, Robert Wilson in be worth any lady's while to make a
place No, 3 read and passed.
a R. Romp.
By -lair visit to this store and spend a half hour
Moved by Thos. Churchill, seconded in looking over our Dress Materials.
by Jae. Johnston, that Mr. Thos. Weath-
erald be appointed township engineer.
1VIoved by W. Williams, seconded
by John Woods, that the following ac-
counts be paid, viz., ,rhos. Sowerby, the u"ILRON' & WISEMAN
for drain ou con. 3, KOOp County regis- '
trar for registering deed of public road CLINTON.
:Maitland con., $8.05; Star printing,
X10.75 ; Nl:ws-Itllcoai), $7, 2U ; Sowerby _ _ _ — _- _- _ ____ _ .-____ __ .__ ..
Bros., error of pathmaster in statute ROA F t -t I uX 00
labor, $2,00; Alex. Badour, settlement
for loss of road, $25.25. Adjourned to .
meet on first Monday in May. MANUFACTURERS OFN IXON STURDY, Clerk,
You have heard it said that the boy is
father to the man. Yea. Very good.
Now see what a prodigious deal may
be tied up in that idea.
Youth is the sowing time of life, and
maturity the reaping time. You agree
to that. Very good -again. In
youth nature puts forth every effort to
build up your body. She absorbs
everything she can lay hands on for
that purpose. `the whole body throbs
lvith life as at no other time. Mature
acrapes together building material (I
Mean food) from every direction. You
know what eaters healthy children are.
Nature is not thinking only of now-
NOW. She is greedy to make you A
UAV, and perfectly careless of what
becomes of•you after that.
Your appetite is guaged by the needs
�r growth -not by your ability to digest.
>o it comes to pass that, in no end of
;saes, young people eat too much.
They eat wrong things, they eat with-
)ut any thought of regularity. Hence
nauflicient gastric juice (digesting
nice), stomach distension, and ferment -
Won. :Bits (small bits, of course) of
undigested food get into the circulation,
tad through the right side of the heart
nto the lungs, where they obstruct
:he minute blood vessels at the top of
,he lungs.
What then ? Why, they finally be-
;ome organized into tubercle or chang-
ed into the chalky or cheesy deposits
to often found there. The end, sooner
)r ]att•r, is CONy1.7a11'TION. Over feeding,
rregular reeding, or under feeding, all
jive rise to indigestion ; and indigestion
s, more than anything else, the cause
)t consumption, and of a lot of nil-
nents which we suffer from besides.
For example, a woman says: "In
,he spring of 1801 1 began to suffer
1•om weakness. I. had a bad taste in
,he mouth, anti no desire for food.
After eating I had pain at the chest and
,ides. Nothing would stay on my
utomach, incl for many weeks I never
,asted solid food. I had a bad pain at
she back of my head I my sight was dim,
Ind specks floated before my eyes. I
;ot very nervous and lost a deal of
sleep, feeling no better for going to bed.
;.iradually I got weaker and weaker, and
ao thin I was nothing but skin and
bone. I got so weals I had to be lifted
loom the bed to a chair by the fire ;
Ind when i Felt stronger 1 went about
by the aid of a stick.
"I saw doctor after doctor and ;jot
medicine from the dispensary, but
nothing helped me After two years'
suff ,ring a lady who came to see me
said she had been benefited by Mother
Seigel's Syrup, and gave me a bottle.
After takings it a week I found myself
improving; my appetite being better,
and food agreeing with me. i had less
sickness, and felt better altogether.
Continuing with this medicine, the pain
and nervous feeling soon left me.
Since then I have kept ill good health,
taking a dose or two when needed. I'
have told many persons of what Mother
Seigel's Syrup did for tae, and you can
publish ibis statement as you wish,
(Signed) (Mrs.) Hannah Douglas, Main
Street, I ortirlington, Queen a Co.,' Tre•
!anti, August 200, 1896."
Now, this woman did not have con-
sumption of the lungs as commonly un-
derstood[ -, she had something quite as
bnd --consumption of the whole body,
with attendant prt9Btralion of the ner-
vons system. Distinct lung disease
might or alight not have lollowed a
little late r. The point is this, and I
want you not to miss it Coneumptiout
arises from the. introduction of foreign
bodies into the lungs, which come
oftener from the stomach than any-
where else, in the tray I have described.
Ifelice dyspepsia causes it.
But dyspepsia causes wasting ( as in
this instance) rheumatism, bronchitis,
gout, tmpnre blood, thin blood, skin
eruptions, and a hundred aches and
complaints horn top to toe. Aa I have
said times beyond counting; I say again
---life begins, life is nourished, and
death begins ]N Tar STOMACH. Keep it
straight as long FIR you can with Mother
tiefgel's Syrup. That, will do for now.
Carinal Tiischerean is reported to be
sinking. _
Ills Wife's Rhournatisrn Ilad Baffled
the i)octors for fears ---Half it hottlo
of South Arnerinn Rheumatid Cuire
kelfeved and Four Bottles Uured
Mr. L. A. VanLuven, Governor
County (laol, Napanee, Ont., writes:
111y wife was it great sufferer from rhou-
matiam. She was tteated by beat
medical men, and used many remedies,
but relief was only temporary, Read-
of the cures made
South Ameri-
can Rheumatic G
ura we prO
1 a
bottle and tried it, Half the bottle
t,rnllgllt grout relief and four bottles
ootnpletely cured her. Its effects are
truly wonderful." -Sold by Watts 8e.
Am-- Ir`SFIr. rtjKlml`I URE.
W�% pay the middleman's profit when you call buy direct from the manu-
r facturevs. We manufacture our own Furniture consequently you call
. bay from us cheaper than from the ordinary Retail Dealer.
FR0.1j the very fact that our hoods are fu [;itch great demand in the Old
Country markets, is strong; proof that for duality, finish and price t hey are
right. .
FOR the Spring Trade wo are offering a line of Bedroom Suites and Side-
boards that fur value cannot be surpassed ill ` L'StOrIl Ontario.
DO not buy till von have seen Our Stock. We will have yol;r trade if
Good Goods at the lowest prices will secure it.
UEt�1d ERTAk�®ri�all
IV this (lepartluent our stock is complete an(1 our
prices as low tis the lowest.
OUR, hearses ,tlo the best in the County.
B OW"" MADF0`10iT, ek.%# CON,
1}1 11Pnitu1.0 1'+ tL1nutt1Ct1Lr0a•h4 ul> ci 'LTntt14u•t:tl>ters.
J- W- Clliclllle,y, 31anaker
... •Night and 5undity calls answered at Residence of our
..Funeral Director, J.V. Clhidiey, Icing; St., opposite Foundry,
.. - - ---- -- - _ - —
1898 Ne-WDriedFr
Raisins —.A[a]aga, Valencia and Sultanas.
Currants-Filiatras and Fine Vostizzas.
California ]Prunes and E1ime Figs.
CROSSII, and BLACKWELL PEELS, Lenton, Orange and Citron.
NUTS -filberts, S. S. Almonds and Avallnuts.
-COOKING FIGS for 5c. a lb. NICE OLD RAISIN'S for %.a lb
--=-Headgdiirters for' — '
Jill W, IRWIPM4 I McKay, Block,
e. ... „
' I -aft
d k{
.. r -
P4 . ., U P U
Consumption can be cured; surely and permanently cured.
:dally crises are on record to prove this statement. Many cases
that were given up as hopeless by eminent physicians have
171:::1 cured by Dat STUVI,WS' CANNABIS SATIVA RumiT rY—
nature's specific for all ills of the throat and longs. So much
faith de, I place iI1 the efficacy of CANNABIS SATIVA RumuDY ',
,.o positive ani I that it will cure Consumption, Catarrh,
Astlllna, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, that I will
send a package sufficient for twelve days' treatment absolutely
without cost, duty prepaid, to every sufferer who will send me
an accurate statement of his or her case. I do not say !shat one
package will effect a complete cure, but
believe so n1uc11'benelit will be derived from
it that the treatment will be continued until FRE�k .
a b
complete cur is brought a
g a
"i cannot tell you what a chin a one package, of Cannabis 8ativaspawrougbt S
In me. I had a terrible coogb, was low spirited and had no strength; my skin
wnci dry and covered with dark brown spots. illy friends had no hope that I
won [d get, hotter. They Raid it was no use sending for the Remedy; but I had
been inured of catarrh by it, and recommended It to others who had been bene-
itled by it. I commenced. Improving as noon aH 1 began taking the Remedy and .
when I t wns gone my Bough was nearlygone, and in a few weeks I was able to
worlt ns well as ever. The spots left my skin and have not returned.
,t I do not feet any pain in my lungs as i used to for years, and never since my
childhood have I been through a winter without Rheumatism until now; i have
not find ft touch of it this winter. I wish you every success, and ask God to bleRs
y oU lit the good work yon are doing,"
pars. JOHN ELLIOTT, Rle,hard'a_Landing P.O., Ont.
W. A. ROYES, 020 Powers Block, ROCHESTER, Not Y.
:1�1' Si
I111'URF. 1111001) 1N SPUINU. I CLINTON.
This is the almost universal exp( -r- WOOD AND COAL YARD
i n
ienCe, Diminished pres plist o
duSubsorihrr is prt�nxrd to prompt romptly (Ill all or
Ing winter, rich foods anti close conlin- a der; for Wood ant Coal which wt! be sold at
mQnt indoors APO some tyle canseA. I lowest pates. (gNce On Isn.aeSt•oet. R'iIat LAVIS'
A good Spring Medioine, like flood's tMPl,EIib:NTSROuMH. 1V, iCATT,l1Y
Sarsaparilla, is absolutely necessary to I - - - -.-- -- - -
purify the blood and pelt the a;yatem in LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND
a healthy condition at this season. WAGON FACTORY,
1100D'S 1111,1A are the best family Corner Iiuron find Orange Streets, Clin(on.
cathartic and liver tonic. Oentle, re-
liable, sure, First -('lass Ruggles oil hand and made to
order. T'riens to snit, Ili(, thueq. Repairs and
Joseph F. Merchant, aged 70, was
sandbagged and robbed at London.
AgOur grocer tor
Ikd;!9). 'WI
Par Table and Dairy, Purest and Beat
repainthlglirnnlptly attend to. Prices reason
it yon want n first ulnar, well marls fnmp, our ns,
nn n d %our tit r 1 )
Rive •ml' a atnel) n son t p o h
g 1
A w 1 ' v,01" ntr (to 1 •ai nad. 11 ill dl an a ran1 it a
nn let
a a
t1Ie nInrarrLara. He ai sn butilea s that.n'a
o x PUMP.Y,'
opposit tyueon'aHotel High t•treet Gunton
y it .......... v c
Peas por bush,...... , ... 55 to 56
Straw ... ................ 5 00 to 000
Hay . . . ............ 7 00 to 0 0O
Dressed hogs ..... , .. > (i0 to 575
DANIEL---SITRANE.- Oil the 29th ult., at the,
11el11odist palsoaage, Bervie, by the Rov,
f%ggs, new lttlll .... , ..... 10 to 00
11. IP. 110,", Jlr. llrnry 1):wiel, UP Millar-
Butter, Ib. rolls.... , .... 17 to 18
0 o r
ton t A13Ky'1'ona baize. ,lane, danifhtct u
(it) till), dairy........ 11 l0 10
Air, Gourge 8heanu, of Ktueardtite 1 p•
Chickens per pair....... (10 to 70
LAND]--DI(1li1NsON' -At the residence, of
Till -keys per Ill.......... I:: to 00
the bride's parents. Aoderson, oil March
Guth, by the Itov. T. J. t'nowdmf, I'll. It.,
Potatoes per bag•.. , , ... IltI to 00
Tailles It. Lan1, of Virden. Alan., to .hiss
g La[ui)..... 9 to 10
I,Wit) .1., daughter of 11r. and .11rs John
Spring 1111111), . .... , , . 450 to 0 30
Mutton por lb .:.... 5 to N
slii'rIT-601 1MAY.--At the residence of STr,
Beef, fore ............. 450 to 000
Itobt Win,low, Lugnn. on Ihr nut hist., by
do hind ..... , .. '5 50 to 800
the Rev, W. A, liritilley, Alt•. Won. A.
Veal750 to '850
`nitth, of Elina, to Jeuutl, third daughter
tit Mr. Thomas Guurlay, of .Mitchell.
--.._..__-_.- -
LINTON licNAY.-In 1lileh011, oil the Rth
ills(„ a ( he restdenee of Ilie brlde'sinelher.
I ate )Live Stork Market.
by Re, , W. A Ih•adlcy'. Thus. M. Union, of
Logan, to All', dangblrr or ill(! tato' Thu,.
Toronto, April t311i.--To-day was all
DO['(,I,AB - .%,11iL1,AN. -- On 1Vetlne;,inv,
Ill(! lith in-st., by the icer. A. McKay, tit tilt
oft day at the western Wattle wilrket in
resideaneoftile bridefdroom, 111•. William
John Douglas, Elizalneth,
consequence ofIlle Good Friday heli-'
day Thete 1
to third daughter
Of the late Archibald Alcllillan, all of
were at+out 30 carloads of
stock, including 50 91leep and ltunbs
fibra 1,500 hugs. The demand fol- ex-
S1ITTIT-STI9WA111'. In Brus'u-Is, at the
port cattle wits In i,ker than it other-
residenec of Ilie bride's fill her, un ivedne,-
day, April (;tit, by Ilep TOO. Ross, 13. i.,
wise Would have. Het 11 had telt the aC-
lir. Angus Sud'tl, of �Vturt'un, to ss
CoMinodatJOIJ of ytealilithip lines been
Acute 8(oiyart, daughter of :lir. Dan lot
ntore than usually Open.
Export tattle -Prices ruled frorn
FINN-� ,T A 1, tie on 1 •cl
t ) t % 1, tial i
�. 1 ) t t. ! cit bulls,
$ i t, n Is, ligllt, $3
"'Ith, by Rev. ti'. Coloper, Il. A•, All'. Julia
Ilenry i�il,n. (,f Brussels, to i It s Jennie 1111-
to ti3,'25; bully, heal'y, $:3,41) to $3,71,,
Donald, of the township of Orey.
Butchers' Cattle --There wits )t.slight-
UORDb:N--11•I1,sON,-Lt llrussols, at the resi-
ly stronger feeling:, and what t•)lttlo
Wert offered Wont At at a sulall in-
dence of tilt, l,l'bl(•'s 1110(her, til Weilliesdav,
April 0th, by Rov, ,1)110.. Ross, ti. A., 11r,
Creaf;V. Ruling pi•,ces were ,ill I.he
liareltl J. Morden, of the htundard Bank,
way from $2.85 to yt per c wt..
Kingston, to lli,as Kate 5vilsolt, daughter of
the Irate W. R. 1Vilson.
,Stockers •tit(] 14-c, lers--There is a
uict trade being (111110ll11e ;it .$:3,20 to $3,40
GI138O1N-SAC'NI,b:Itc3.-Al. the resilience< of
rn• light stocker:; mid $3.00 to $3.70 for
the bride's parents, Wroxeler, on llarrll
'loth, by the Rev. It. 8. G Andersut 111.
half Fitt. feuding; steer.;.
Robt. s. Wilson, to Alts, Alnlle, daughter
I3ulls is It fair dcumtnd for
of Air. '11. 13. saunde[•,.
hilus forexport at. 3,¢ to :3'{c per It.
COATES-CAVES. -At the residence, of the
Ft'eding bulls yell 1ta 2k to 3 1)er• 11).
hride'K pargtlls, towntllin. Vsberll`, oil well-
51leei) and Lalnl)s.—offel'111ga Were
ubsday. AprilGth,byLhe Rev. S. sallun,
light and a quiet trade was done.
ii'illiam Cokes. to 1ltss Minui% daughter
of Alr. NVilliaw J. caveK.
. y sell its frau) Z,25 to $5,90p('r
vwt, yheBp at "A to :; c for elves ttrld :3c '
to 3;)c for !luck;,. The sheep pen bRfld-
ins is beings raisedSBver•itl feet, -which
will give It much incrensed spaceuntler-
PARSONS,-instr Alen, on the 3rd itl.t., Like
neath fer cattle, pens. ljore room is
wife of snumle) 1'ars0n�, of it, ,.un,
TIEr)lsn1AN.-In Dashwood, on the 4Kt inst.,
Calves--Firnl. The genernl run of
the wire of .lir Alfred Tiorlcinan, of it soil,
pricey was front lay) t n $(I each, comrrunl
COOK. --in IaKilwood, nn lilt, 4th-invt., the
selling t.,s lulu as $2 •till sunle fancy
wife of Mr. Philip ('ook, of it daughter.
Voids touching; netit ly $10.
MOI It. - In Ushorne, on A1,treh 271 h, the wife
Milch Cows and 5pringors,--Afost
or Peter 1iuir, ofa dtolghtor.
of I ho til ovk olTering is of pour tltlality.
U I D. In Exeter, on A-n•il Ist the
wife of It'll). ('ollingiyuod, of a (laughter'
Ote ()It, coway w, inlrt ioP that it Ilial to
STACEY. In Blanchard. on Thursdah•, :'vlareh
'21 tit. the wife of fir. Stacey, Biose !,int:, of a
be sold fol, $21) to ile• got, rill of. The
rot Ing fl ores were, 'front
g $'25 tit. $•lb
HOOFER. --in Blanchard, on Alarch 28th the
Ilogs-Prices ruled if anything a
wife of John Hooper, jr., 13th line, of a
shado Higher. ChoiOB yiltgery broughtdaughter.
as high e.5 4tic, whily light and thick tilt
CAA1I'B1,,IA -Tn Grev, on March 27tH, the
w1fO of 1rr. D. it. 6111pbcll, of a son.
hogs Stood at. 4i3. News brought from
AIcK1:N7.Ib;-bl 111uoynle, on April 3rd, the,
l3C to 13fc' stud stags '?c.
n H60f Ale• 1Vtlliam McKenzie, of a son.
We quote, :-
('O1tNF,T,L'.--In 13hrcytile, on April 3rd, Iho
klileh cows, each, ... „$255 00 to $10 00
wife of 11r. Thos. Cornell, of it Ron.
Export cattle, per cwt,. 3 00 to 4 40
wm,rrAtC3;R.- in Wiflg hnm,on April ;till,
the wif • ,f lir.. John 11 1
r t J 'hit n. ami'
Butchers' Oilier. cattle,
MChTiAN.-Af. Rln.rk ldnryc, nn Wednesday,
the Lith the wire of Air, John D. MrLtnn,
cwt ..... .. . ... .. 3 00 to 4 Of)
Butchers good cattle,
ota sen.
Cwt................ 3 00 to 3 80
pM1TH•- Oil the [it'll eolleessioI1 of A'felCilloli,
Butche['s' coin. Cattle,
on March 22nd, the wife of James 81111th, of
cwt ................ 3 12 to 13 37
a daughter.
Bully, per ctvt....., .... 2 75 to i 135
5( ,t i
Frcders, pr.r cwt...... , 3 .) t) 3 7,
FI:RGUSON.- In Kincardino township Intl
('(ml., on Monday March •28Lh, Miss llraco
c drs,dau 1 r c A
1 t q )te )f il, and Airs. -John b'er
tla0it aged 35 Years.
g f, y a
A1cNA1R. In Grey, on Sntunlay, April 2nd
Maggio, second daughter Of J11111PK McNair
aged '29 years• it itloilllls all([ 27 days,
KERR. flrus-els, un Sunday, April 3rd
Rov, John L. ii err, aged i I years, ( itloalh
fnid 2 days.
CUNNINI)ITAIi. in Atwood, nn 1Vednes(ln.
Alanrh 3001, (;rAce lint•, only child of Rol)
ert('unningham, aged :1 years, it nunith.
1111H 10 day's,
Mcl'IiKRSON, Al. Bltsenrt.h, Ainnitoba, on
Aittroh 39th, .John Charlvs. Infant so,, o
Frank It. and Altaic McPherson, aged ,,
inunlhs and 26flays.
PARKER. -Til Nfitchell, on the till last, ,lull)
Parker, aged 113 years, 7 ninnlh•+and 7dnys
BLACK IVb:LT,. 11,11611u9yille, on April [;I it
liannital, beloved wife of .Toseph Illaek
well, formerly of Ailtehell, nged 1)7 yeals.
FAR(, URAR ht Clinlon, on April 9th, till
Ham Fftr(luhag:, aged 7:3 years,
for • (• til N
- n ( rI 1 n err
GTL. t I in A n•i
(O y g 1 2nd
1.4K ;firs. Divinda Cook, ngcrl f2 years.
TAYI,(tit.-- In Ilowlek, oil Tuesday, April 51 1)
1`198, Sarah Ann, rellet of the tato 'I'homn
Taylor, aired 72 years.
Kidnev Deaths Grow Fewer 118 1.110
World] awakes to the G11u] Fact. that
Smith Ainer•ican Kldtley ('tire Never
Fails. --
The unsuspected presence, the in
sidious character, and the alarming
suddenness of collap%e and death from
kidney disease of so many men and
women in apparently gond health has
baffled the most eminent phyRiei:InE
of the day, and not until South Am.
eriean Kidney Cure was introduced tc
1 in humanity could it be h
et tfartrot
fully said that modieal science had
f l a e A
conquered this dreadful devou • •r I
C It O
tho human race. A thousand testi
lnoniala tell of its ef8cienoy as a never
failing kidney speeiflo,--Sold by Watts
& Co.
„ .,,, .r
r w.. - ..
fitockcry, per dirt... • . Y 20 to '3 110
it"I'l t sheep, per cwt. 3 2si to 3 ?G
BulBHers' sheep, I -)l'
1 cwt, . .. ........ 3 50 to 3 61)
�'earltng Lattiby, por
9r r
.. 5 ..a t•o 5 00
cwt , ,. ,
spring 11111111,, Bitch,... '3 (10 to .5 00
(1r11ves, per ]lead. .... 2 00 to 8 00
(Choler Nwun htngR, per
cwt ........... .... 4 60 Io 4 613
flight hog,, per vwt.• • 4 2ci to 4 138
'!'hick fat hogs, per cw•t 4 25 to 4 :35
Rows, pet. cwt.........., 3 00 to '3 2,i
R stagy, per ewt......... `2 W @o 2 25
' 'Kith the idea that any preparation
your druggist nifty put up and try to
sell you will purify your blood litre
flood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine has
a reputation -it has earned its record,
it is prepared under Lite supervision of
e(lueatod pharmneists who know Life
nature, quality and medical effect of all
" the ingredients used, Hood's SArsnp
arilla absolutely cures all forms of blood
disease when other medicines fail to do
any good. it is the World's great
Spring :Ifedirinn an,l the one Prue
ltlooll Purifier.
Ilon. ,fames HolvIB, n, Toronto boy"
now 1Jnited HI)ltBs( onyul lit Liverpool,
hav liven ofTemd his fora -1- position as
Flrivate se rcttlr'r :r, President bIc-
W 11,1'1' IN)l,s iT 11E,AN ?
It mAans rich blood, Rtrong nerves
anti solinrl digestion, it matins pros-
e, the young. It
a •' dgrowth
lit art
YY g•
mesna grind color and mental vigor,
'Tha(. s what ',io ntt'sT:mol i n means.
Dennis Clifford, a Montreal cartBr,
Wits nunrdered white f itting on his own
MD. 0
1111" Thing
a household companion In our family From those who should know, W6 be -
for years. I tape it every Spring, be-
ginning in April. It tones up my sys- neve we are showing the finest and
tum, gives me an excellent appetite,
trod I sleep like a top." most attractive Stock of '
11. R. WILDEY, Philadelphia, Pa. Dress Fabrics,
forspring Fancy and plain, ever brought to this
Goderich TOW118ilii/ Cou.neiiJV V
i E S
'This Council met according to ad- We start a beautiful double -fold Spring
journment. Minutes of last mooting
read and passed. Moved by C. W. Tweed Suiting, eight different colors
seconded by s be adWoods,in and patterns at 25c. right up to ex -
paththe following changes be made in ,
pathmasters: --Jas. Cox in place of quisite stuff• at $1.25 per yd. It would
John Pickard, John Gardner in place of
Sterling McPhail, Robert Wilson in be worth any lady's while to make a
place No, 3 read and passed.
a R. Romp.
By -lair visit to this store and spend a half hour
Moved by Thos. Churchill, seconded in looking over our Dress Materials.
by Jae. Johnston, that Mr. Thos. Weath-
erald be appointed township engineer.
1VIoved by W. Williams, seconded
by John Woods, that the following ac-
counts be paid, viz., ,rhos. Sowerby, the u"ILRON' & WISEMAN
for drain ou con. 3, KOOp County regis- '
trar for registering deed of public road CLINTON.
:Maitland con., $8.05; Star printing,
X10.75 ; Nl:ws-Itllcoai), $7, 2U ; Sowerby _ _ _ — _- _- _ ____ _ .-____ __ .__ ..
Bros., error of pathmaster in statute ROA F t -t I uX 00
labor, $2,00; Alex. Badour, settlement
for loss of road, $25.25. Adjourned to .
meet on first Monday in May. MANUFACTURERS OFN IXON STURDY, Clerk,
You have heard it said that the boy is
father to the man. Yea. Very good.
Now see what a prodigious deal may
be tied up in that idea.
Youth is the sowing time of life, and
maturity the reaping time. You agree
to that. Very good -again. In
youth nature puts forth every effort to
build up your body. She absorbs
everything she can lay hands on for
that purpose. `the whole body throbs
lvith life as at no other time. Mature
acrapes together building material (I
Mean food) from every direction. You
know what eaters healthy children are.
Nature is not thinking only of now-
NOW. She is greedy to make you A
UAV, and perfectly careless of what
becomes of•you after that.
Your appetite is guaged by the needs
�r growth -not by your ability to digest.
>o it comes to pass that, in no end of
;saes, young people eat too much.
They eat wrong things, they eat with-
)ut any thought of regularity. Hence
nauflicient gastric juice (digesting
nice), stomach distension, and ferment -
Won. :Bits (small bits, of course) of
undigested food get into the circulation,
tad through the right side of the heart
nto the lungs, where they obstruct
:he minute blood vessels at the top of
,he lungs.
What then ? Why, they finally be-
;ome organized into tubercle or chang-
ed into the chalky or cheesy deposits
to often found there. The end, sooner
)r ]att•r, is CONy1.7a11'TION. Over feeding,
rregular reeding, or under feeding, all
jive rise to indigestion ; and indigestion
s, more than anything else, the cause
)t consumption, and of a lot of nil-
nents which we suffer from besides.
For example, a woman says: "In
,he spring of 1801 1 began to suffer
1•om weakness. I. had a bad taste in
,he mouth, anti no desire for food.
After eating I had pain at the chest and
,ides. Nothing would stay on my
utomach, incl for many weeks I never
,asted solid food. I had a bad pain at
she back of my head I my sight was dim,
Ind specks floated before my eyes. I
;ot very nervous and lost a deal of
sleep, feeling no better for going to bed.
;.iradually I got weaker and weaker, and
ao thin I was nothing but skin and
bone. I got so weals I had to be lifted
loom the bed to a chair by the fire ;
Ind when i Felt stronger 1 went about
by the aid of a stick.
"I saw doctor after doctor and ;jot
medicine from the dispensary, but
nothing helped me After two years'
suff ,ring a lady who came to see me
said she had been benefited by Mother
Seigel's Syrup, and gave me a bottle.
After takings it a week I found myself
improving; my appetite being better,
and food agreeing with me. i had less
sickness, and felt better altogether.
Continuing with this medicine, the pain
and nervous feeling soon left me.
Since then I have kept ill good health,
taking a dose or two when needed. I'
have told many persons of what Mother
Seigel's Syrup did for tae, and you can
publish ibis statement as you wish,
(Signed) (Mrs.) Hannah Douglas, Main
Street, I ortirlington, Queen a Co.,' Tre•
!anti, August 200, 1896."
Now, this woman did not have con-
sumption of the lungs as commonly un-
derstood[ -, she had something quite as
bnd --consumption of the whole body,
with attendant prt9Btralion of the ner-
vons system. Distinct lung disease
might or alight not have lollowed a
little late r. The point is this, and I
want you not to miss it Coneumptiout
arises from the. introduction of foreign
bodies into the lungs, which come
oftener from the stomach than any-
where else, in the tray I have described.
Ifelice dyspepsia causes it.
But dyspepsia causes wasting ( as in
this instance) rheumatism, bronchitis,
gout, tmpnre blood, thin blood, skin
eruptions, and a hundred aches and
complaints horn top to toe. Aa I have
said times beyond counting; I say again
---life begins, life is nourished, and
death begins ]N Tar STOMACH. Keep it
straight as long FIR you can with Mother
tiefgel's Syrup. That, will do for now.
Carinal Tiischerean is reported to be
sinking. _
Ills Wife's Rhournatisrn Ilad Baffled
the i)octors for fears ---Half it hottlo
of South Arnerinn Rheumatid Cuire
kelfeved and Four Bottles Uured
Mr. L. A. VanLuven, Governor
County (laol, Napanee, Ont., writes:
111y wife was it great sufferer from rhou-
matiam. She was tteated by beat
medical men, and used many remedies,
but relief was only temporary, Read-
of the cures made
South Ameri-
can Rheumatic G
ura we prO
1 a
bottle and tried it, Half the bottle
t,rnllgllt grout relief and four bottles
ootnpletely cured her. Its effects are
truly wonderful." -Sold by Watts 8e.
Am-- Ir`SFIr. rtjKlml`I URE.
W�% pay the middleman's profit when you call buy direct from the manu-
r facturevs. We manufacture our own Furniture consequently you call
. bay from us cheaper than from the ordinary Retail Dealer.
FR0.1j the very fact that our hoods are fu [;itch great demand in the Old
Country markets, is strong; proof that for duality, finish and price t hey are
right. .
FOR the Spring Trade wo are offering a line of Bedroom Suites and Side-
boards that fur value cannot be surpassed ill ` L'StOrIl Ontario.
DO not buy till von have seen Our Stock. We will have yol;r trade if
Good Goods at the lowest prices will secure it.
UEt�1d ERTAk�®ri�all
IV this (lepartluent our stock is complete an(1 our
prices as low tis the lowest.
OUR, hearses ,tlo the best in the County.
B OW"" MADF0`10iT, ek.%# CON,
1}1 11Pnitu1.0 1'+ tL1nutt1Ct1Lr0a•h4 ul> ci 'LTntt14u•t:tl>ters.
J- W- Clliclllle,y, 31anaker
... •Night and 5undity calls answered at Residence of our
..Funeral Director, J.V. Clhidiey, Icing; St., opposite Foundry,
.. - - ---- -- - _ - —
1898 Ne-WDriedFr
Raisins —.A[a]aga, Valencia and Sultanas.
Currants-Filiatras and Fine Vostizzas.
California ]Prunes and E1ime Figs.
CROSSII, and BLACKWELL PEELS, Lenton, Orange and Citron.
NUTS -filberts, S. S. Almonds and Avallnuts.
-COOKING FIGS for 5c. a lb. NICE OLD RAISIN'S for %.a lb
--=-Headgdiirters for' — '
Jill W, IRWIPM4 I McKay, Block,
e. ... „
' I -aft
d k{
.. r -
P4 . ., U P U
Consumption can be cured; surely and permanently cured.
:dally crises are on record to prove this statement. Many cases
that were given up as hopeless by eminent physicians have
171:::1 cured by Dat STUVI,WS' CANNABIS SATIVA RumiT rY—
nature's specific for all ills of the throat and longs. So much
faith de, I place iI1 the efficacy of CANNABIS SATIVA RumuDY ',
,.o positive ani I that it will cure Consumption, Catarrh,
Astlllna, and all diseases of the throat and lungs, that I will
send a package sufficient for twelve days' treatment absolutely
without cost, duty prepaid, to every sufferer who will send me
an accurate statement of his or her case. I do not say !shat one
package will effect a complete cure, but
believe so n1uc11'benelit will be derived from
it that the treatment will be continued until FRE�k .
a b
complete cur is brought a
g a
"i cannot tell you what a chin a one package, of Cannabis 8ativaspawrougbt S
In me. I had a terrible coogb, was low spirited and had no strength; my skin
wnci dry and covered with dark brown spots. illy friends had no hope that I
won [d get, hotter. They Raid it was no use sending for the Remedy; but I had
been inured of catarrh by it, and recommended It to others who had been bene-
itled by it. I commenced. Improving as noon aH 1 began taking the Remedy and .
when I t wns gone my Bough was nearlygone, and in a few weeks I was able to
worlt ns well as ever. The spots left my skin and have not returned.
,t I do not feet any pain in my lungs as i used to for years, and never since my
childhood have I been through a winter without Rheumatism until now; i have
not find ft touch of it this winter. I wish you every success, and ask God to bleRs
y oU lit the good work yon are doing,"
pars. JOHN ELLIOTT, Rle,hard'a_Landing P.O., Ont.
W. A. ROYES, 020 Powers Block, ROCHESTER, Not Y.
:1�1' Si
I111'URF. 1111001) 1N SPUINU. I CLINTON.
This is the almost universal exp( -r- WOOD AND COAL YARD
i n
ienCe, Diminished pres plist o
duSubsorihrr is prt�nxrd to prompt romptly (Ill all or
Ing winter, rich foods anti close conlin- a der; for Wood ant Coal which wt! be sold at
mQnt indoors APO some tyle canseA. I lowest pates. (gNce On Isn.aeSt•oet. R'iIat LAVIS'
A good Spring Medioine, like flood's tMPl,EIib:NTSROuMH. 1V, iCATT,l1Y
Sarsaparilla, is absolutely necessary to I - - - -.-- -- - -
purify the blood and pelt the a;yatem in LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND
a healthy condition at this season. WAGON FACTORY,
1100D'S 1111,1A are the best family Corner Iiuron find Orange Streets, Clin(on.
cathartic and liver tonic. Oentle, re-
liable, sure, First -('lass Ruggles oil hand and made to
order. T'riens to snit, Ili(, thueq. Repairs and
Joseph F. Merchant, aged 70, was
sandbagged and robbed at London.
AgOur grocer tor
Ikd;!9). 'WI
Par Table and Dairy, Purest and Beat
repainthlglirnnlptly attend to. Prices reason
it yon want n first ulnar, well marls fnmp, our ns,
nn n d %our tit r 1 )
Rive •ml' a atnel) n son t p o h
g 1
A w 1 ' v,01" ntr (to 1 •ai nad. 11 ill dl an a ran1 it a
nn let
a a
t1Ie nInrarrLara. He ai sn butilea s that.n'a
o x PUMP.Y,'
opposit tyueon'aHotel High t•treet Gunton