HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-14, Page 1THE CLIN
W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Prop.
WHOLE NO, 1,012
44ie Liberal -Conservative Association of West Huron will Meet in Dungannon Next Tuesday..
From my celebrated prize winning White P.
Rocks, Light I3rahmas and Imlian Gamer;. All
of the above aro high class bred fowls and have
won tho highest honors wherever exhibited.
Will furnish Eggs for hatching at $1.510 per 13.
Guarantee a fair hatch and from the same birds
as I breed from myself. Can, ship eggs any
distance. Orders booked in rotation.
LACK KENNEDY, Clinton, Ont.
Will the Readers of
The Clinton News -Record
Please accept our
Greetings. -
You will soon be buying your F -
Garden Seeds and no doubt you...
ill bu where can et Chem
w Y youg
the cheapest. We are selling 3
papers of Garden Seeds for 10c.
or 9 for 25c.
We are offering a gond
Corn Husk Door Mat
For 10c., just what you want for
the muddy weather.
Have you seen our
1Oc. Line of Brooms
They are just what you have
been looking for to do your light
sweeping with.
Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs.
OGLE COOPER & C01, Clinton
Phone 23.
Most all the Ladies are making
preparations for "Bonnet Mon-
day" when they expect to appear
in a new dress and a new hat.
This little fellow whose picture
you see about is "down to date"
in as tench that he bought his
glasses front us, and belongs to
a home where they papered
their entire house with our Un-
equalled Line Of Wall Paper,
also dressed their windows with
Curtain Poles and Window
Shapes, which were selected
from our Stock.
All Paper Trimmed free of
Blinds Hung Town, in Free.
Wm. Cooper 86 �o,
• U
Listen 1 Don't You Buy Until You
See Our Hats.
S 11111 N
have the Goods you require
the prices will please you.
We do our customers justice and
them up-to-date Goods.
We Lead in Styles,
See Them.
We Lead in Qualities,
rry Them.
We Lead in Prices,
Get Them.
We Lead in Hats,
Get One.
American and FIATS and
English Cha P 1.
A Good Fedora Hat, the Latest
Style $1.00
And we have just what.
you want. It is better
to order now than wait
for the rush and then
have to wait. We make
our suits from the best
cloth of Foreign and
Home manufacture and
guarantee a fit every
I11 afford to take chances of contracting a cold during
this changeable weather, when the spending of a very small
sum of money will provide you with a dressy and comfortable
Spring Overcoat. The medium weight and soft qualities of the
cloth from which our Spring Top Coats are made produce a
garment that is adapted to the weather more days in the year
than any other garment.
Fine Worsted Coats,black,
fly front, W low roll
NO 00
Fine Fawn and Brown Venetians, 1 n nn
strap seams, fly front Fv.1111UU
Fine Fancy Twilled and Check Worsted gun
salve style as Venetians,
We have a stock that is second to none in variety, qu'tlity
and worth. We'll appreciate the privilege of showing them
to you.
• tJ Ll��I ONS S
Established 1854.
Viotoria Blook, Clinton,
Lecture la Cole's Church. Dowson Adds a Call -Board.
A facture will bei'
delivered in Cole's
.I1 Thu.. Unwbc u of
the Dowson
church, Goderich township, by Rev.
Mr. Millyard, who will streak epee the
Labor Question, a subject to which he
has given much thought. There will
be a silver collection and the proceeds
devoted to the funds of the Sunday
School. Rev. Mi'. Shaw, of Bayfield, I McCaughey Makes Improvements,
will be chairman. I Mt . J. J. McCaughey, the new pre-
Profitable Barred Rocks. prictoi' Of the old. Commercial Ilot el,
141x. S. Lawrence, is quite a poultry lilts had under way a number of im-
}tense, has added a handsome new call
board. This; house MIS never so popu-
lar its under its present management
and is of course doing a large and in-
creasing trade.
fancier and has a ptu'tmlity for Barred
Rucks. This is not to be wondered at as
from eleven bens and one of tloun out
of ser'v'ice as she is setting, he, gets ten
eggs a day and the quality is 00 0 par
with quantity, as the eggs have an
average measurement of 0# x 8 inches
and a weight (4f 33z ounces. Barred
Rocks like Mr. Lawrence's ought to be
profitable fowls to raise.
Miss Eva Cro!! Wedded at Galt.
A pleasant event in which Clinton -
buts will take much interest took place
at the resiadenco of ler. W. Fletcher,
Galt, on Tuesday afternoon, when Miss
Eva Croh, daughter of Dir. John Croll,
this town, was united in marriage to
Dir. William Elliott, of Galt. ()on-
geat Lila tions and good wishes are in
order in which Tum NEws-Recoitu
heatt.ily joins, the more so since Miss
('roll was formerly a member of the
Easter Services at Rattenbury.
There were large congregations at
Rattenbury St. Methodist church Sun-
day, both a. 1n. and p. in„ and on both
occasions the pastor preached earnest
and impressive sermons and the choir
excelled itself. This choir, by the way,
is being strengthened by the addition
of new members and there is a deter-
mination that it shall be second to
none in Lown. Mr. Doherty, busy man
that he is, certainly deserves much
credit for the interest he Manifests and
the time he devotes to furthering the
choir's efficiency.
Ben. Yeo Goes to..., ba.
Mr. Ben. Yeo, who was one of the
principals in the four school trustee
electioins which Gulley's section, Gode-
rich township, has had since December,
left for 'Manitoba with his wife and
family Tuesday afternoon, so, tts
far as 110 is personally cun-
cernecl the unpleasantness is prob-
ably at •an end. Mr. Yeo emerged
from the conflict with three victories
otit of four stubborn lights, which -gave
hien almost as much satisfaction as did
the consciousness that his cause was
just. It is adtpg(Lher likely that lie
has left his' old township for good as
he has swapped his farm there fur
prairie bind near Dominion ('it.)',
only a few guiles front Emerson. Ile
will he soinewhnt at house in Manitoba
as one brother has for some bine been
located there and another contemplates
Is His Probation About At End P
Goderich is the head centre of poli-
tical rumors these days, the latest
being to the effect that M. C. Cameron
had handed. in his resignation and that
son-in-law Galt of the post -office had
done likewise and would accompany
the Governor that is to be off to Regina
in the capacity of privetsecretary or
something of that nature As the lat-
ter office is only of a tem orar'y nature
and ran scarcely be itsi'eniuneratIVO as
the postmastership, it can hardly he
that report is on ads occasion correct
though with all the circurnspection of
hard facts it proceeds to relate that
Galt goes to make way for McGilli-
cuddy. If this piece of good luck is in
store for that clever and witty para-
grapher It will be no more than his
dee, though by consenting to such at
deal Cameron would scarcely be living
to the reputation he bears of being a
good hater.
Thank -Offering Service.
The Thank -Offering Service held in
Ontario St. church on Friday evening
last,, wasan occasion of unusual inter-
est. The W. M. S. assisted by,, the
Junior League furnished the following
excellent programme: -
Invocation and Address Rev. B. Clement
Exercise, "The Light of the World is Jesus,"
Ttuby Bruce, Elsie 13rnce, Lulu Eagleson,
Emma Phimstoel, Jennie Shipley, Martha
Mole, Annie Minted'. Corrie Shipley, Min.
lie Kerr, Hattie Fllntofr, ,lean Carling,
Alma Armstrong. Mabel Flintofi'
Recitation...."aC Little Brown Penny" Hartley
Acott and Chorus. .."Oh Trow Wn Pity Them"
Fannie Shipley, Sybil Court lee.
The Penny Song.... John Shipley, Ernest Pet,
ria, Bert Reid, Lonia Manning..
Recitation.... "The Starless Crown" ....Carrie
Shipley . ... . •
Reading Mrs. Perrin
Song of the Bolls ...Lizzie Trowhill, Sybil
Court.ico, Lily Moore, May Armstrong,
Bert Sage. Bort Perrin.
Roeitn,tton, ... "Unawares" oda Smith
Solo ]lira. t4ibbinga
Duct.t.. • . "Como Over and Help 1's" ...Rattle
Pickett, Fanny Shipley
Proceeds from collections 'and
Thank -Offering envelopes evinced Oul
increasing interest in Missionary
work ,
pruvemeuls which will further pop-
ularize this well-known hostelry. This
time it is priori}rally about the stables
that the alterations are being made, so
tlutt, with commodious stabling, large
sheds and 0 roomy and well -furnished
house, Mr. McCaughey will feel equal
Io catering to a growing trade.
The Deputy District Visited the Masonic Lodge.
There was an unusually large turn-
out of the members of Clinton Lodge,
A. F. & A. M., Friday evening last to
welcome Jas. 13. Tierney, of Blyth, the
Deputy District (.rand Master, who
paid them an official visit. During the
evening the initiatory degree was cqn-
ferced, and the work so well-done as
to win praise from the D. U. G. M.
After the lodge closets refreshments
were served and some time spentin
pleasant social intercourse. .
J. Rattenbury Fancies the Aadaluslans.
Mr. J. Rattenbury got into the poul-
try limitless more filet force of cir-
cumstances than his own accord, but is
(10W lLb011t (15 much interested its any
of the fanciers. His fowl are of the
Andalusian breed which are, as we
understand it, somewhat of the Min.
orca type end keep themselves pone
by prolific laying. "That's their mis-
sion" intimated the genial Joe, who
kept tab from Monday a. w1. till Sat-
urday night and totted lie had
gathered 31 fine eggs from his seven
Entertainment in Ont. St. Methodist Church.
The ladies of Ontario Street Metho-
dist church will will c,i -
re a supper }1ler and
musical entertaumirrit on the evening
of Tuesday next. Sapper will be
served from :3 to 8 o Cdock. after which
the following programme gill be ren-
derers :
Chairman's Address Rev. I3. Clement
Chorus Choir
(Egan Solo 11iss Boles
Quartette. .,• (file St. Quartette
Sulo Mi'. W. P. Spalding
Rending 1[rs. Irwin
Trio Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar
Nolo Mrs. Gibbin
Male Chorus.
Duett Mrs. Hoover and Miss (4podwin
Chores Choir
God Save the Queen.
St. Paul's Vestry Meeting.
The annual Vestry meeting of St.
Paul's Church was held in the S. S.
Room last Monday evening when Mr.
11. I3. Colette and Mr. S. G. Plunlrner
were elected Wardens. The financial
statewent not being ready the ques-
tion of salaries was deferred to the
adjourned tweeting. Messrs. S. Law-
rence, F. Hovey, E. Archibald, F. Her-
man and R. Worthington were ap-
pointed Sidesmen, W. Jackson and
Geo, Stewart, t, Auditors, and at, the
Congregational meeting which follow-
ed Mr. John Ransford was re-elected
Lay Delegate to the Synod.
Death of John Reynolds of Hallett.
John Reynolds, of the 5th concession
of Hullett and one of the pioneers of
that township joined the Grreat'Major-
ity on Saturday Inst. He was of Irish
birth, but had lived the greater portion
of his life in Ilallett where by years of
unwearied industry he became the
possesses of. one of the finest farms in
that township. The Reynolds are a
long-lived race. A brother of the de-
ceased still living has reached the ripe
old age of eighty•five, while another
member of the family has reached an
equally advanced lige. The deceased
was a Roman Catholic and it was with
the ceremony of the church he Loved
oto well that his remains were laid at
rest in the R. C. cemetery hard by the
old hornesteaun.
A Teacher's Wish.
A Hullett Teacher writes :-Teach-
er's would be very glad if all those who
have children to begin school would
see that they commence on Monday
the 18th, after the Easter vacation.
13y observing this to the letter parents
will oblige themselves and the teacher
and consult the best interests of the
Acmon Jim Will Go for the Stakes.
Mr. Ike Rattenbury has entered his
Kentucky bred pacer, Acmon Jim
for several of the richest stakes
to he offered in Kentucky and
New York this year and will short-
ly send hits to a training centre to be
made fit. As none of the races will
come oft until July there has been no
necessity for haste so far. Acmon
Jima will enter as a green 'un but Mr.
Rattenbury fully expects him to give
a good account of himself in the hest
of company later on in the season.
Easter Sunday at St. Paul's.
The music in St. Paul's on Easter
Day both morning and evening, was
seldom excelled by any choir outside
of the larger towns and cities. Special
mention should be made of the beauti-
ful Vesper hymn which was sung at
the close of the service without the
organ accompaniment. The blending
of .the voices and the modulation of
tone would have done credit to many
More pretentious choirs. The floral
decorations were very tasteful and in
keeping with the great Festival of the
The Dinkies Are in Town.
The Dinkies arrived yesterday, dined
at the Rattenbury and are now en-
joying the hospitality of Mr. Win.
Jackson. There are four of them, viz.,
A.J. Taylor, Passenger Agent of the
(J. M. & St. P., W. Askin, General
Agent Beatty Lino of Steamers, John
Strang, Canadian Agent of the Erie
Railway, and John Hunter, Western
Freight Agent of the Allen Steamship
Line. They were joined
here bY,
Davis, of the Tecumseh House, Lon-
don, who came up on a later train,
The Dinkies are a jolly Club, as their
name would indicate, and have been
masking these jaunts to Clinton twice
Or thrice a year for the past tour years,
indeed so often that it has became an
established institution. Their visits
are somewhat brief, hut they m;tna,ge
crowd al great deal of sport into a
few short hours.
Mrs. Shannon a Good Samaritan.
There carne to Clinton by Monday
p. nt.'s train thorn 141L. Forest an aged
German woman who was partially
blind. She carried a card which stated
that her name was Mrs. Chafruan and
her destination lot 35os concession 1,
Stanley. The kindly officials at, the
depot interested themselves in her
behalf, bet an enquiring at the
place' named it was ascertained
that a mistake had evidently been
ida4le as no such person was. either
elcpected or known. Pursuing their
enquiries they decided from what they
could gather from Mrs. (1ha,futan that
the friends she was in quest of lived in
Zurich or vicinity and accordingly sent
her on by yesterday a. m's train. Dur-
ing the interval Mrs. Shannon with
thoughtful kindness took the aged
traveller to her own home, an act
which was all the more appreciated
since the funds of the stranger were at
a low ebb,
It Will Be a Blg Day.
The committees in charge of the
May 2tth demonstration are deep in
preparation and will spare no effort
to make it the biggest event yet seen
in Clinton. They are arranging for a
series of attractions which ought to
drawn a monster crowd. The com-
mittees consist of, the first mentioned
being chairman :-
Printing -A. Porter, J, S. Jackson,
W. D. Fair, J. J. Allen, H. E. Hod -
Decorations --W. D. Fair, W. Bowers,
O. Cooper, A. J. Grigg, F. Jackson, A.
J. Morrish, J. S. Miller, A. T. Cooper,
NV. O'Neil.
Sports -W. P. Spaulding, N. Fair,
W. Harland, ,Jr. W. J. Treleaven, E. M.
McLean, Dr, Biackall, O. Johnston,
W. G. Doherty, Lee Brown,
Music -Dr. Bruce, H. B. Chant, P.
W. Brock, T. Rumball, B. J. Gihbings,
J. Enlnlerton.
Concert --J. W.' Treleaven, J. B.
Hoover, B. J. Gilibings, T. Jackson,
Jr., Capt. Combe, W. E, Rand.
Reception -W. Jackson, John Wise'
man, G. 1). McTaggart, W. N. Man-
ning, U. A. Forrester, F. R. Hoclgens,
W. Brydone, A. W. Patterson, I), F,
Tho Choir Said Good Bye.
The chair of St. Paul's church met, at
the Rectory on Tuesday evening, to
present Miss Mc -Hardy with a beauti-
ful illuminated address, and say "Good
Bye" to their organist and choir leader.
A pleasant and sociable evening wits
spent by all. The address read as
MiSS NF.r.T.Y Mel-IARDY: --
On the occasion of the severance of
your lengthy and pleasant connection,
as organist and choir directress with
St, Paul's church, Clinton, we gather
tonight to give a parting handshake
and God Speed. We feel that we can-
not allow this opportunity to pass
without recording our appreciation of
the unvarying kindness and skill
which marked your patient endeavors
for the improvement and success of
the musical portion of the services
under your able direction. Although
frilly sensible that yon need nothing to
keep our good will in remembrance,
yet we ask your acceptance of this
memento of the pleasnrable relations
which have existed between ns whose
modest value lint feebly expresses our
kind wishes which will follow you in
your future, wherever your lot may he
east. -'Signed) nn behalf of the Moir.
The Battalion Ball at Seaforth.
The annual ball of the 33rd Batta-
lion at Seaforth Monday night was a
fine success, financially and otherwise.
The attendance was large :and Huron
well represented. The following went
from Clinton :-Misses Couch, McMur-
ray, H. Irwin and McHardy; Captains
Shaw, Combo and Rance ; Lieutenant
McTaggart and Messrs. Smith and
Little Locals.
An ad. in THE NEw's-REcoRD pays.
The Easter weather has been
The Easter holiday travel was un-
usually large.
, W, Gladrnan, Exeter', was in Clin-
toFn yesterday, , /
Supplies for the new" factory are
pouring in fast.
Mr. Will Emtnerton is now in a
critical condition.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ferran are
visiting friends in Elora.
Puy particular attention to your
trees now is Mr. Searle's advice.
The father of Mrs. A. J. Grigg, who
lives In St, Thomas, is seriously i11.
Mr. W. Bner has rented Bier. Arthur
Cautelon's residence on Princess St.
Mrs. Bert Potts left Tuesday for a
week er so's visit to friends in Sea -
If this fine weather continues the
watering cart will have soon to ssart
on its rounds.
Visitors from Seaforth and Blyth
attended last Friday night's meeting
of the Masonic Lodge.
Division Court was held Monday
with Judge Doyle presiding. The
docket was a very small one.
The farmers say the soil is wet king
up splendidly, but that the fall wheat
is in danger of bein frosted.
g .g
Dr. Shaw lost R. fine colt this week
the .animal so injuring itself while at
play that it had to be despatched.
Mr. J. Hayes has opened up a laun-
dry establishment on Heron :9t. a few
doors west of the Commercial Hotel.
The cricket meeting more than once
postponed will be held without fail
in tlleClub Rooms on Friday evening.
Ogle Cooper & Co had as usual
an original Easter window• , *s4,1i •
O. C. & Co. always hrLt'e ..sOle441
A tree -spraying experiment will take
place in the orchard of Mr. Henry Car -
wen, Goderich township, 00 the 20th
Compare the amount of reading mat-
in TETE NE1ws-Riscortn with that of
any other newspaper published in
No one can pass IIodgens' Bros.'
southwest window without pausing to
admire. It caught the eye of the
ladies in particular.
The offering in St. Paul's church on
Easter Sunday Wali for Missionary
work, when over $110 was placed on
the plate for that purpose,
Mr. Cunningham brought in a sam-
ple hen's egg Tuesday which measured
(311 x 0.} inches and weighed 3' ounces.
Larger than this it would be hard to
Rev. Mr. Erwin, St. Thomas, will
occupy the pulpit of Rattenlnu'y
Methodist church next Sunday 0. 01.
and p. m. while Pastor Millyrtrd will
preach in St. Thomas.
• Cantelon & Wallis shipped a car-
load of hogs on Monday and 11Ir. Robt.
Peacock a carload of cattle to Toronto
the same day. A pair of the cattle
weighed 3100 pounds.
It is somewhat remarkable that for
the past. 100 years the winters of every
year ending with the flgere "8" have
been mild ones. The past winter was
the coldest of the lot,.
Mr. Jas. E. Butler has already re-
ceived orders for the Sparhanl Fire
Proof Roofing from Winghaun, Blyth,
Goderich, Seaforth, Exeter and Dub-
lin, This roofing has given satisfac-
tion /wherever in use.
A lecture wits delivered in Willis
church last evening by Rev. H.
Dseroinan who gave an entertaining
sketch of the Mohammedans and Ar-
nieninns during the course of which he
depicted some of the horrors through
which the Christians have had to peas.
Owing to the holiday last Friday
many of the Good Templet's were ab-
sent from Lodge so that very little was
transacted. A good attendance is ex-
pected at the next meeting. New
members are always welcome. Come
and bring yon- friends and help Along
the gond old Temperance cause.
Rev. T.G.A. Wright will deliver a
lecture in St. Paul's church School
Room on next Tuesday evening on
'The Life and Teaching of St. Pat-
rick.”- A large audience will doubtless
take advantage of this opportunity to
learn something about this celebrated
man, Sliver ('C Vection at the doer,
Too Many Officers Seat.
Somebody blundered at S. A. head-
quarterss as two sets of officers arrived
here Friday to take charge of the
local corps. One set consisted of the
lassies from Bayfield and the other
of a married officer and his better
half. The latter hold the fort and will
be in charge until next month.
The Brie/stayers on Strike.
Owing to a difference of opinion as
to wages between Mr. S.S. Cooper and
the bricklayers, who have gathered
from far and neat' to assist in the
building of the rim organ works, the
amen were practically on strike
for the past couple of days. Atnong
their number are some twenty-eight
unionists from the cities who viewed the
(natter from 0 union standpoint, but
the spirit of compromise prevailed yes-
terday and they're all at work to -day.
Mr. McRoberts is holidaying in our
Dr. T. G. Holmes, of Detroit, spent
Sunday with his mother.
Miss A. V. Stephenson spent Sun-
day in Clinton with her friends, Misses
Smith and .McDonald.
Mr. I). 13. Calbick and family, 91
Woodstock, are the guests of R. Ache-
Miss E. Dowzer, of Clinton, visited
her friend, Miss E. Courtice.
Mr. E. H. McKenzie, of Goderich,
spent Sunday with his grand -mother.
Mr. E. G. Courtice and family, of
Clinton, are visiting his father.
Mr. W. Leonard has purchased Mr.
Murch's s fatrnh, paying about $3000.
He expects to move onto it this week.
We welcome them to our midst;
Mr. Johnson, of Galt, paid a flying
visit to friends here.
Mr. F. E. Stanley, of London, spent
Friday under the parental roof
Miss Lillie Doherty, of Tna NEWS -
RECORD staff, spent Sunday at W.
Miss I. Andrews, of Londesboro, is
visiting at the parsonage.
Mr. G. Crooks is visiting friends at
his former home, Wellesley.
Mrs. R. Johnson, of Bright, is visit-
ing friends here.
Mr. E. W. Andrews took a trip to
Toronto on Friday.
..11Mttstet's Bert and Ray Birks, of
Stratford, are spending their holidays
at Ii. Elforl's.
Mr. Kemp, of Mount Forest, travel-
ler for the Page Wire Fence, called on
W. Stanley on Friday.
Mr. T. R. Courtice, of Nile, is spend-
ing his vacation under the parental
Dir. Jae, 131ac'kwell of Stratford, at-
tended the funeral of his mother on
Several of the brethren of the A. O.
F. of Mitchell showed their sympathy
for their Brother by attending the
funet1ll of the late Mrs. Blackwell.
Bir. Alf. ,Jervis sold his farm to A.
Osbaldeston for the sunt of $1600. Mr.
Jervis has rented the farm of John .
Elliott, Jr., an the 131h con. ,
Mr. F. Baer and wife, of Clinton,
spent Friday in the village.
Mrs. Taylor, of Detroit, was the
guest of her brother, .Jas. Graham, on
Easter Sunday. .
Last Tuesday evening the members
of the choir spent a very enjoyable
time at the home of 3tr's..1, Jervis, a
former member.
Rev. Mr. McDonagh, of Stratford,
will lecture next Wednesday event ng,
on "Ireland and the Irish."
Rev. J. Green. of Fellarton, called in
our village on Monday.
The friends of Jos. Blackwell, of this
village, will sympathize deeply with
him in the loss of his wife, which oc
carred on Wednesday evening. She
has been in ill health fbr a number of
yeaare, a dropsical affliction being her
ailment, and her sufferings lately have
been most acute, yet she has borne .
them with marked and peaceful Christ-
ian resignation, her end being the
realization of faith in Christ. She was
a native of Newhamptonshire, Eng-
land, and has resided in this country
for nearly 2:3 yrrtrs. She was a mem-
ber of the Methodist church for many
years. She leaves a family of three
sons and twodaught.ers, one of the latter
being the wife of S. Phipps and the
other being at home. Ilei' eldest 8o1)
is in Methane, Indiana, the second son
in' Stratford, while the youngest is at
horse. The funeral on Friday was
largely attended.
The Yukon detachment will, it is un-
derstood, muster In Ottawa, on April
20th and lenve;fgrthe coast on the th.
Mr. Just iee Maclennan gave judg-
ment in the West. Elgin and South
Perth election a 1penls yesterday, The
effect of the je(Igments is that West
Elgin goes to the Conservative candi-
date and Sotith Perth to the Liberal
rend Mate,