HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-07, Page 9I f , r - 4 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. APRIL 711898 Thy�Mr. S. Doan expects to visit Toronto i BasterServtcreatltartenburyMethodlstChurch. --- Q„oti4rlClt Township.-- Ci'eSt TUCkCratu>Iitp• iy�ot,o�ye�yy.VyWyVy e Thursday. ` The Blister services at Hattent up -- Miss May Herman, of Newberg and ' St. Methodist chin -eh oil Sunday will Miss Lizzie Lowery is aitlferhrg with Miss Sarah Bennett is this week the Value of Mr. Clew; ctb,hi of Underlet], will Newberry, i be tit air especially alt- ram sing 'e, scarlet Pevur, genet of her uncle, Mr. Samuel lien- EASTER NOVELTIES St. Yaul'a church choir for Laster. both }luster and eb(lir pt•utulelnt; a Milts M. Murphy is just recovering nett, of Wkn''haut. speels ptfort for the occasion. Mrfroru a siurilar eitse. Dr. Turnbull oil Monday performed Popularity Mr, Fred. Kerr and Miss Lottie Kerr I hiillyard's text; will be :--a. in—Les: Mr, Will. J. Nesbitt is Making pre• all opova,tion oil J. h. Ball fur ap- ou Sunday visited their uncle, Ali-. Jas. sou Pl uta the Open wu'epulchru : p. Ill.-- Par•attiuns tot• eta extensive piggery. pendreitis. Mr. Sall is doing as well Is shown in our Wall Paper Stuck. Pollock, of Bayfield, who is very ill. pt,tM1•rp of rut Endless l,ifd• The choir Mr, Wit). Cole hits uu,ve(to the as can he exprctpd. it is a popular stock. We made it Mrs, Grithaul arid daughter leave ' will culitribute 01080selections : -- Spouucr f,trm,nn the (;ritvPl ruad.wtlic h AL r. Jauea Uric' puchrtsuci a horse so from the point of 'rants of de- to day to spend the holidays with the itfOUNIxet Abatvttvc, he recently putchcesed fur the auw of at G.U. McTaggart's sale, paying $100. �� Anthem, ('sola( the Lord ie Risen $2D ). Mise Nettie ('rich bikes the E. L. sign and rich harmoniouseolormgs' ff Elora. daughter, Airs. Blatchford' in Tu day, Juries Mr E. Butt pup1ntsed a fine draught meetin); flu Sunday evening' next. by ottrcareful selections when we Offertory, At the Grave, Herbert Anter frurrr Mr. W. Driver. Y Mi-. Arthur Mason lett for British � EC)KW AR � it' bought it from the best inanufac. B. J. Gibhinusannl N. Vellowlees wmre RVENrNO elERVIc•ts. Miss L. Lindsay is horn(- again after Colnulbka last week. l„' ,. Lurel•s in the Dominion at the best in hereat Monday and Tuusdav, and Anthem, liosauuah ill the lien dittg it few weeks in Hamilton lord _,_ ____....._.. _ .___._ "� possible rices. It is our earnest from thence R. J. went of to Michi- Ilighust, Coe Stewart orouto• 111ohnesville• I P gall to visit his sister. Offertory, Ile is not Isere lith care at all tittles to present to out, is Risen A1curittiahan - - The R. T. or T's are arranging for an Our importation of New 1)1,. Shaw and Mrs. Show and Capt. l customers stocks in all lines its Torr Ranee uud Airs. Itanc•e, BIYth, Lidletocals, East Wa wanosit• Open uleetitiV on April licit when Et nearly perfect as it is possible to are iu Toronto this week attending a first -clash progrionute will be given. Neckwear for Easter wear' mrtko them and at rices to their Trinity College function. l'autelnri Bros. made a shipment, of Mr. B. Anderson, who hits been fit• Awua other iuceresting fett(nes wdl I I lending the dental college in Philit• be it debate, Rea,,lt0d that. it god- is now full and complete butter to Halifax this week.I advantage. Alva. John A. Cooper, Toronto, has del shirt, has returned for the v+(cation. uacurcd dirty wife is preferred to a We are sure there are indisputable beeli It guest at Mi 1V. Uuuttrer'a this A1iss Martin, of Bayfield, was in A�r. JuhA Agnew and Mr. W. Rune ,vanity cls+u, wile. 1lfuvnatice. J. 1). sills we show a Woriderful From reaaoas why you should buy ppast week and to -day Air. Cooper is Ctiucon yesterday. I were in Lotideshoro on WedneSd,ty, Burns, (xeo. Gaul([; 001;+hire, Goo, from its and we will be u should ld buy himself expected up for Easter• Special services will hu held ill the I Al Isis Cutrmnio>;s, of Wif ghrtun, was Phipps, C. L. Fisher. hvel ybody is rangi of lig Inc.) " Oveh ies. ' the chance to rove it to You. the guest of friends oil the loch stud wel0o,te. \ p Y Mr. Fred. Beatty had so far recover- different, churches next Sundfiy• 12th last week. The following is the result of the ,• 1 1 `'— We t1, to impress every patron ed Saturday as to be able to go Ill au tatalrli� lmt'tit like t Y Y g Prepar,ttionsfor the 24th of May cele- Alis L. Henry hits hero : pcudun); a i,run,utlor,s nircde ttL the. precut FE•huul with the idea that buying from its to Seaforth rind has again, we under- bration cue ,ro re,+sin 'favori(h1 few days in R'}u *hruil this week. exandi tLious:-111 to IV, uo.rka te. ' Means advantage to them and for eiloid, got back to business in Hrnball. I g g v' Mrs. .M. Robert ori of Aliu•uock, was ( aired, 440,-•. Fred Putter 02.2, Edtvartt Ulll's ) oil r;Nt art assort - that end Make certain that Cllr 'lies Thema Uree left last week for The meeting of the Cricket ('11111 lilts iu Wing>hmil last week. owing to tht: Baclour I. fadit, Uauteh,u G1E3, Lizzie ' pace, are unquestionably right, the Indian Industrial school neat- been postponed until the xt Mundity snored oC tier sister, Mrs. W. Robert- Detnimey .,118, Mabel Yiek•trtt ;,05, Muse rile n t atl(1 sty .0 t.Ul ;flat our qualities honest. Winnipeg presided over by ltev. J.li. evening• bon. Deurpsev •182, Te.,sie Crooks; 440, J ,se- � , . ll "Fairlie. Miss Cree is employed oil the Davis & McCool have sold their alliss Charlotte hlcliurnoy, of Wing phtrlo Gravull •1,4; 11 to iI1, (narks re- elsewhe• e. '1 i, (lifter( n' staff of teachers fat• the chuol tit a saddle horse to C ndworc & 'Turnbull, Mull, is the guest (it bet bruthcr, on 1. aired. +iso, -Al t ile Lrcv,s •sol, Fin,uk • c Free e�SOA1S §' g ► r �' , lines wfiieii we shore at 2;i good salary. SPltfurth, the loth. Fvru,s 'i.11, olive Sturdy 1,87, 1f(•rvyu ' In Art Needlework by a graduate Mrs. Winson of Seafortl], hits been Mr, L. Al. McLean hats been appoint- Alr. Andrew 'Taylor, who hits been Evans 304, Iloward \'l•'lllliittlb 3.1'2. of the Home Society�of Decorative visiting tit the l,oulu of iter father, Ali-. g,cnt of the Grent•West In- I so ing his Atioliea in 1'arkditle, has Mr. S. Phipps has u,uved iuCo Airs, a tt t i .l'E' ev'Uliflt I'fUl g(hU IS Pd local ti Art in the (council Chamber daily JuhnLeslie anal Mr. Ile c•atuc 11) burance Co, recnrn0cl. Halstead a hoose flu tine Alaitland, the from l0 a. m. to 5p. m„ Aor•il Il to 1 1 Airs. Joreeti, who haft tleeti attending Ali'. W. Leoutuck iced bride reLurneck I for fe tllonCy . esterdity in order be present at the The iuuuetn:u took v,,uch stored up r her• Another 22, to which you are invited. 'file � ,Airs. R. Rumsxy, of \Vest- Lowe Inst vVicek +tfLPr it short visit appy event of which mention is made water for the but tied factory has been materials to be used at it to be pro- field, during her Atte illness, returned with iii:; hrotu•r Ft ed. , cured from us, elsewhere Ili our column. moved over to the flow preinises• to h(•1, bonne. fri Michigan on Friday. Mr. C. AicYhniI has returned front his-1.a �q �y� p� (�•y� Dr. Hamilton, Gt,o. Stewatt, •Jack 1-Iarlitud'Bros, havo sFcared the con- Alis, L. John:tone, of S.S. No, 8, trip to Alaidtnhu. Ilia nucnv friends Vc-1 aI AAnn0.•'i..d•�•�+e `C- lat- OtaOO®OE>t0 Cottle, S. Seantore, Jack Williams, tract (if fiiruishilig it carload each of spent. Sat.ttrdav and Sund+ty with were pleased to see biro, (`Specially one ((�� Robt. Johnston, Thos, Burrows find Thorold cement, the and wire nails fat• ffiends on the lihtr, yoe,ng lady. In a h_1W da) s we will show a Stuck Of $'5,000.00 The�hpjFair �j1U Alex. Mclvor, rill of theOircular'rown, W. Doherty c\; Co. Messrs. Wallet, and Robert Coultes Alis, Jus. Ilolnles, of Whitechurch, i D. r t wheeled down on 13uudrl to cttill on iklid Mir:s Alartha Coultes M.tcnded the spent a few days with Mrs. J. Hoboes. CoUSISting of y A tueothig of lite '.34th Celebration vveddin r of tia>ip co(isin, hiss Milstard, Airs. 11. Elford is at n•elivirt laid 11 ] CLINTON. Clinton friends. f ) ► 1���®�,"��� OLOTHIN� committee will Le held in the Council of Morris un \Veduosdit with erysifwlas in the lace it t(1 hands, A!/enEs Parker'a Dye {Parks. Mr. W. Jackson acting for the C. P. Ch:unibcr Thurdduy evening. A large We are (;• pry to leas n that Hiss The loony friends of l{nrry Wil- Fa,. Ii., ticketed the following parties attendance of citizens is requested. 'Maggie Caputo is at.preseut serionsly linins will lie sorry to hear chat o,tnRae „o - - - , . through to the West this week: -E. T. Davis by Rowland have liven inward- ill. ( t' pleurisy. Fi iday +et a wood -bee he accidentally FIAT AM') CAP'S Aa4 6D Holmes, St. Paul, Mint] ; Geo. Yrnntg- ed the contract of I ooting the DohertyThe following shotes the standingof of his hand badly cut. Ig,g % ,o . p bltitand Mrs. Halstead, Goderieh town- factor;v. Tile material will he metathe pupils of S.S. No. 11, for the int th got Saturday the toot -ball match � I. S F V I M I `S H I N C GOODS CRAMQTRUNK R y ship to Myrtle, Alan.; Geo. Winded•, and the stu•face 1116a,suruulent over of March. The names purearvanged ku Stinitnerhill and lloluiesville schools WILL ISSUE Stanley, to Moosejaw, Assa.. 40,000 feet. order of inevit, based on it series of resglted in a victory forHullm'sville, BOUGHT AT 60C• ON THE P TICKETS T Captain Combe spent part of last The students up fit. tilt: Collegiate had daily marking :- they having scored 2 to 0. Entvanvo c•L•tsa -.- I,;dhrar Pattison, oil Sunday morning Mr. Ji. Foster•, , . ROUND T f{i creek on the read pushing thesale of a f0oth;,11 watch Tuuaday eveuin[; 1 1 tatiot]s in Canada for Uwen's embalming fluid of which he which VO-AVe11 into ;1 Tory vs, (;ric SVillie 0irvie, :clay Reid. of C'liutou, preached ill the interest of f'r,,nl the estate Of G. H. a OLTON, Galt. Between all s is the )a.tel]to" and side mll11tIfa0ttctrer. Cootest ,unl p0sudted in favor Of the :lid clii,S9--slut' Retd, Elgifl Cnrtie, Lhe Ednctttiouul hue( rind in the even- Ili �` ���', Ile an report a int 1460 wy roinuutit 1'01,11]01. by it score of .t to 0. Reeve C urriv, ins{ Rev. Mr. Rigshy', of Blyth. Rev, G. This Stock: is known throughout Western Ontario 10 of msiflefig (lou the tluid seeulingly, Service in St. Paltl's Good Frill: fit +it Sr. 'incl -Grit';;; Shvi11s, Maggie Baird, \\'. Andrews supplir d pit Blyth for Air. � , , r "-A-.Y� beiu est who.., the trade was mut in Jr.'2-Annie \leliurney, Robert Me- llig-sby. a5 a Class of O.UOd9 Very S(l(lUlri equalled ll� any a�t�.> e g j 11 +t, m. An ulfeuint'; twill be trtl(erl 111' Burney, Julin Naylor, Ltnby Brooks. - 110USe In the trade slid the prices w11iC11 we will need of. for the promotion of Christianity p 1898, at Parc 2nd -Gordon Shrills, Allen P,it- Mr. John Hnnsfnrd ,aid it Visit to among I lie Jews. `1t11ntaterhill. SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE t Bann, (aliidyy� 13rank,, Elsie Shield,. offer on this stock will he a surprise to keen New York illi, i)ast week and while Air. !Bert Davis assisted in Cnn1bP's tip, 1st`LLd X. Nity'tor'• Following is the result of the recent buyers. Going April? tell. innlusive; returning, leav- there witnessed many scenes of vampii- drug SLt e during Captrcin Coutbe's Jr. 1st- 19ddie Lwin C•litrence Ing dents destination ten not later than Aprig), nto eou, in oism, which will have war absuuce hist ween.. ' iruuu,Liou examinations held at dents and teachers later cortiflcatill, -tingle St- g , 1 g Sheills, Edim Alc•litirmey, Alex. Sheills. �,y .I;- flretctassfare and one-third. going March 19 with little Spain vVitett,er or no. PATS- Thu Ontario Street A11xiliruy of the -: ,titn IRtv15, Teacher. :3rd to 4th -Marks re( aired, 4211, oh - one -third. CCri*,$ of your money will boy goods WOl'th to April 9,rettirninguntdlAprill9. ident McKinley is being freely de- W. M. 5. and the Junior L(,ague will tained-Lily Bnit,444, Ira Merril, 4:32, •1x1.00 Anywhere else and this should be a sufficient For full partioulareapply flounced, chiefly by inert who) would oil hold. ;tit "Easter Thank -Offering flet,- _ .._ ... ._ .. __ ._. Anni(? Lovptt, 42t, Willie Beacow, 4.22. , r !� Jr. 2nd to 'Sr. 3rd --Marks required, inducement to crowd our store. When you Can _'. I7i. Hthl��.><:-�;`NS the unnounceutene of the brat draft, vice„ an the ti,•euiu r of Good Friday, ) r1'ic�l�®t A�ei<it. (:. 1,r ILi, sneak off to this Canada of ours. Nc, in the lecture rciom of the church alt Rieail'or•t&t, ?7,�, otrtrtint-d-Ethelbert C olclouglt. silly GOUCl3 at nearly half pvice it must be a snap doubt, Mr. Hansford richly enjoyed tilt' 7.;30. An interesting prugt•tttu will Ile 8:84, Knox Adair, :333, Alva Beacom, 329, hullabaloo anti could scare(: forbear gtt•erl, A veru large enthusiastic meetiAR' Et bel Lovett, 294 Pearl Wright, 20'2 w01'tll 1Va1ti'?b 1'Uf. comparison with it certain tight little A wepting of the License Coniiilis_ of the Beane[' Lacrosse Club was held Alelvin hili, 291 Ethel Smith, 289' f e1V gli,dr,ertio.nufl1to. isle which is not so given to "talking Sionera of \Vest Huron twill be held ut in the town hall oil Tuesday evening Cr,rrie Butt, '?Sii. ' � LOOK OUT FOR NEXT YdEEIE'5 ISS!!E through its hat," Inspector Paislev'a oftic•e on April 18th (if last week for the ),urpi,s(> of ort*rte !.jeeps caul and we aro forcibly re - Our Suits Fit -A. J. Holloway. Mr. James Leckie, of Waterloo, I to recpiV0 and coflsider applications fur zing' Cot' Lhe, cooling season. The Minded of it. Ronds pri[rne and � O•�-� Millinery Week-Hodgens Bros. spent Sunday with his nephew, Dr, licenses. Beavers exp;'ct to laud the champion- R'eather fresh enough to turn robins Easter Novelties -Jackson Bros. Turnbull. Air. Leckie is one of the The choir of Ontario St. Alethodi.at ship Mouser in Svaforth. AI r. It. E. to bine•birds. Easter Greetings -W. Uoopel &Co' urns( experienced insutrutet n,en ui church will render i ro;ruurne of Jtiickson wits ridrloiuted to represent A few of our rustics (vent. to Mr. "K" S ^ N n A nu Nff U Brio our prescriptions to us -J• H. p' ' p 1 (11, I. L, A., +rt foie unto o uu'etrng of !; Y P P Canada au(l has sE:rVerl from the speriiil „Laster music next. Sahhatli the C•. L. A., in Toronto on Good Ark_ tiVillirtnlb' on SALurolny IasG to engfige Combe. round a For several years hP was evening. TI)c pastor's soh, tet twill' he : irr a friendly kirk with ITolruesville Nothing like leather -Jackson & g p' y' g• i r l" day. Atter the routine of busimesa (earn. 1lntch resultrd in lino in frivorJ m a B R 0 a Jackson. with the Waterloo Mutual, part of the - rhe Resurection Hope. wits over the following officers were til' the Hitler during; Life hour and lttvot time its Inspector. Then he event to NIr. Doherty has let LPanhin'r con- trained nurse -Allen & Wilson. elected: - the Merchantile as Manager and wher, tract, to W. Wheat.lev, T. (`. Edutnnds Hetuvrar Presidc tit, B. 1i. Gitnn time. The game wast quietone. Get �g The value of popularity -The W • D. that Company was absorbed by the y a ball boys and take a least one prac- '°� � �� °� W ®d Fair Co. p Y Thos, Shipley, ,trill Geo. Johnstone. Ilonortu y Vice, Geo. L. Ilendersou y ma unioth London & Lancashire he was The ntateriid is ponrhig in fast, he- Presuleut, Dr. C. Alc Kay tiee before you go again. All right for retained in all advisory Capacity and it tween two rued three carloads of brick Vice, W. 11. 'Willis a start. Ueu t :;top there. y! life annuity settled uptan Niru. arriving divily. About, (100,0110 will Manager' R.E. Jackson Jno. IItll :dud Ida Colburn, we In addition to this tileL, &L. soli( tlnie be required.' host of which hies been SPuetnrv, W.E.A. Best learn, are nble to sit up again. _ —_----__.__--- ----_ _.. - - ___ -- -. -- __.._ ---- W°' Purely Per Mention. since sent bite tram England a Ili I llt in London. Luulil,er is also Treasurer, •Ii:,bt, \Nilson Wil iylt8s Afurphy afl(t Miss Low - beautiful "Loving Cup" of solid silver beim slopped in at the rate of three Committee, \i', YaVno, A. F3P(hut]o, ery, ok the 16Lh, ore contincd with �d which must have cost a large sum of cat'losd. each day. A. J1cLenn;tn, O. Feil, \V. Baker, [�, fever chuut'rh Rl1pF?dy rec'uvety is prerVI The Weekly Record of the Coming and Going money. dieted. Pearl Wright is somewhat MILLINE'FlY of Cllatonlaas or Persons KaowntoThem. 'she fr2ht department; of the Cana- A1ulcahy; Auditors, Dr. C. hIclL,ty better. Bran Pacific is arranging fur tbu trans- and W.U. Baker, Aliss Miller has returned tefreahcd /1/1AAAA A( ditional Loc- WE' als. portation of several large shipments of Aliss Maggie Sloan, of this town, from her trip. -%NErtt DA Y Judge Doyle was in town Monday. young cattle, principally stockers, td; left for Alexander', flan., last week. 'VEt are plenscd to sec once more in the ranches in the Nortil-West. The Miss L'ellit Iielh(nla, daughter of Air. cilli t,lyd.;r rnir w;lilar friends W. Mr. M. McTaggart was in Toronto Another SelzurobyPloody. demand is caused 11 tit Ile>ry drain C. Bethune left Mond;ty for Assini y' Y Y , :Hiller putt R. Watkins. r this week. in Lite vrestern stocks to ,I , Iv the bi hoia, wherp,ht•r sislPr resides. She has 111 i Preventative Officer Floocly, of i p g Mr. G. Al. ljtlty is expcctrd tit I?pts-F1 HOT _ Mr. W. Mason, of Blyth,was ill town Tol•onto, seized a large Illicit market which has been cre;;ted in the hero cnb:tged Lo toactt .iu a school tet•. WP would be gind to see him a `"-�`� Saturday. still one evening last week in iniuing�districts of !British Columbia, t1101T. Tile Western states have. also been 3 t iday rtild Saturday were millinery once flu eti Mr. S. Gidley, of Blyth, was in town the. township of Alinto, a fAw heavy buyers front Canadian ranches ripening days in town find the several A meeting for the dirwrtors and - heavy m miles from Palmerston. The alleged Y patrons of the +ninnnrhiit PhePSe• Cu. r` ttrlrlQl Drina Milliner, Ope:iitt„ will be held Saturday. recently, e•stahlishutents had very nice. dis- distiller stetted that the machine wits factory ev,ts } f Id ill the brill accovding; Miss Dot Fair returned from Detroit used for heating writer Fur slut births. On Dlondiry Peening, April Lith, the iibtys, to notice. lfhp followiti", per"ons se_ l�,a+tC1 R'Ct,k cUt]]In(.nClilg the aftE'1-noon of Air. Uro. Baldwin lilts purchased the Friday evening. Rev. Dr. IJErndprsor;, of Toronto, will � cured the contracts for EirrttViug mill, Ort Your Names On. bicy-cic busines;t of S. h uilett & Co. give an addrrse ill Ratlenb ti St, for the cPrtsun:-- +.1,s• � (�,�� /� �� Mi.. S. Crollrsspending a few clays in Methodist church. :111 invitation is Caen. experts busit]rss so rushing that ,� �q �1� Galt this week. The assessor will shortly have his he hnv to w•;irk n:ulost. dfiy ;111(1 Alight, Rnhe(1 .\scones at 8 cents per "C". q s work cam ]leted. An ono Alen wh,i extended to dill the c•rntgrc#;n,ions of huridrpd lbs, 1 Y Y I3 as he reevives a gre•,tl, Eleni of repair ing W. H. 1lfohring, Benmiller, vv�t, in are entitled to be on the list as than- town, also to tile. young peaplP of the ,!oho Kyle, ;tt 7:l/;, cants i,(!r hmtdred Clinton Monday.P. L. of C. E. Societies in this Vic•init from ether pLuP . It will pay ,wt' hood franchise voters Should hand in la one iutonding to Iruy a new wheel (r lbs, «1,C hAv'P lU'Plfat'P(1 all 11;1ilSUallV flttl'ftCtl�'e COII('t'.tlOn Mr. Sanderson, of Londesboro, spent their names to him. This matter, if NO pers;>tt iuterPsted in Alisaionsshotrfd .Joseph Govier nt $1.25 per trip- trade their old wheel for a new one, to p' tf what l� +'Rttet' rims(( in Nt1 llah head WNaI' f(11''1)) loo Sunda in town. seen to now, will save appeals by and miss this oppart11ntt•v of hearing the They expect to begin di•itwing aimot, y a r' Y Dr. who is without. doubt one of the give. Ain, a cepall n tie will new sats- Ilie'2nd of a next. -G. J. ,Stent art, ' ' by. It should be attended to kit (ince. Y l�lli t}•I('�: vv(, shoe+,' til'(. the ut>vvCSt and ai,SUlutel Mr. Jae, Davis, Jr., of Blyth, was in faction whether you want a new wheel y� most eloquent, speakers in Canada. A Heeretat'v. 1 the r town on Sunday. Air. Pollock, oPBayPleld, ill. Missionary collection will Ile taken. u1, have one Spaucd. _ _ Col'l'ect, sill li�l)ltty will be well worth your 9e+'ing. We regret to learn that Mr. Jas. Air. Dtu1P fiparlutg ,itxi Al. (i visile, • Miss Gill left this morning to visit g of Clinton, spentS, •. V in town. HOUSE TO R CH N - friendsin Listowel. Pollock, of Bayfield, has taken it turn •--.-- ----- Agr..Jas. Pringle, of Slpatfurd, spent You are cordi,l.11y invited to visit Out' 91)ow room any for the worse and is now In :t very Mrs. Honey has returned to her critical state. Mr. Pollock has a Lost The Butchers' Easter Display. It few clays with friends in town last House and Lot to Rent, No 29, Princesafit., tulle Op(tl,ilig W11ek it is convenient for you to do s0; home in Howell, Mich. ofenuine frietfe4 who wre sore dhill all iweek. TTouse of six rooa,, woodshed, hard and soft g Y s At r. Belt. Marking, of Mitchell Stettin iv,iter, stonevellar,burnandother,nodernron- the P e.11ltla will lie con'.inaed all ween{, and al's UU to hear the unfavorable news. the The butchers have mode an attrac- 1 y Dr. Turnbull assisted in an operation more so that the bad heard lie was Live Easter display and that it is nut lit'rhtry, was in town Monday, opposi (,, F lengnb•e at l'ouell's butcher shop, Y t nnpe�ite N•itir•sylitL,, re elcurne at any time. in Goderieh Friday. on the highway to restored health. 111) to the Nnras exhibit is clue prinel- 'rho nnnutilt wording of the I-inrnn Mr. E, Cooper returns from Varsity Font. (sub wits 'pips on Thnrsd,ty Clinton, April fit'. pally r. the uncertainty as to the "enin for the ,u1, use or or u]izin - - - ._ - a for the Easter Vacation. DowaatthoDehertyPremises. vvP;tthpr. Tlx>q did not cave to risk g i !' gr g The stul'E. Will O11Cn Wednesday evening, a9 usual, The weather this week has been un_ lr,ridiug up wit!' Lhe possible of a for the conning season which protnir+es Miss Ettridge, of ExeNr, ,-ape Tnes- I t to he au i nusoitlly bright one. After p i pP� �o � � Lr iJUt t)v far isle best time t0 See the Millinery 19 avor,ible for buildingol•0rations so it typical soft A iris (seek. ''lie. list day with Clinton friends. -r,I he usual bftsihies9 was transacted, the �_, as been itupuasihle to rush the work whirlr here follows will give stn idea of tlll'OUgll the clay ; y011 av'UI(1 the P.l'USh thele always is Miss Shirleyarke is visiting her as was intended. However, it is mov- how their shops overflow : following officers were elected :-- Y g Honorary President, C. Bethune Peoplewboare +ravelling shouhl consult the the first night, you get betted' attention, you can take grand -parents in Bayfield. ing along and when the tottiperattirt' FORD & MUltrnY. Honorar Vice, G.E, Jackson undemiitned in reference to all rates, routes,&c. , , , moderates the lost tirne will be made The following low rates are still in oroc. YOtI[' time to inspect ill( Val'lUU9 Styles, and with Miss B. Morgan, of Bayfield, is the up. Masons have been arriving in I very fine two -gear -old heifer raised President, int, W, G. Willis R guest of Milts Tillie Young. Vice, O, Neil - _ �' 2J �� ilUO(1S Of daylight y()ll Can Se() things just els they are. batches daily an that there unlet now and fed by D. A. Forrester, weight, VanCOUVer Mr. Harvey Davis spent it couple of be between seventy-five and one -Anti- 1,200 ; I heifer fed by R. Govier, Mullett Sec. -Tresis„ J.L. Killoran - da s of last week in Saltford. dred in town. weight; 1,000; 1 heifer fed by Geo. Hill, Captain, J.A. Jackson g 5311 Francisco - - 2 00 E ��� � � GLOVES. Y ContnriLtee, IiethnnP, MrLP:rn Dick- TOl'O►1t0 2 00 Mr, W. H. Beesleyleft yesterday calf fed vvrigltt 1 gga 1 extra, flue Y Y Will Move rho Stock Irom On/t. r:t1F fed by M. Aic•Titggart, Olin&,u; 1 son, Morrison, Baker. Delegate to r morning for Moosejaw, Acea, W. F.A. meeting at (Berlin, J. A. Jack- Windsor - - - 2 J0 Mr. W. J,LC1CFa11 1zr]Pa up to Gidt extra flop. sprint{ l+in,h 'ought front Mrs. Grame, of Detroit, is the guest Ron. Low Rates tont] points in Dakotaand Arontana. g tomorrow to milkp rirtr•,iugements For A. Anderson, Gork'rich, dressed weight of her sister, Mrs. W, Alexander. the moving down of whist, reinwna (,f i0 lbs; 2 hog's fc•d• by D. Tiplady, _-- For tcicets and lilt information consult the his stook of clothing whir' thr'y liedlett, weight, 130 1118, envh;2 hags B � -B �( Town Agent w11PiIP11i11P11111111P11111111111P11t11111rit Mrs. Murdock, of Logan, is the guest '111 - purchased there some trrmo since told fed by W. I3lllletl, llnllett.,erich weigh- lltruillo Vtf a l�J�CKSOH C. P. It. „s of her daughter, Mrs. TB Hoover. -10 ext week will hnvu it, on sale lit -pe. int'; 1.40 1Its ; 9olnp extra turkeys rail e l n ' "ff��' X Mr. Geo. King, of Blyth, was the It will, of course, for it time crowd Ily J. Lindsay and J. Chuff, Goderieh. A young lad, son of Lir. David Me- • - ____._.___.__...__..--__ _ _ _ 0 � � guest of friruds here TueAdiy night. then, always well-filled (:lint0n afore, It. FIT7,91MON6. <;nt.c flu, happpntcl with it had steel- THE o- -mow but as the sett ed polivy of the firm in to (len one day last, week while working M 0 0- v Mr. W. McRae left Saturday morn keep things movie it will soon find its ]heifer fad by Levi Snider, (irpAaPd, in the woods. In passingt person „r -+ ing for a few months' visit in Detroit. p. g g 700 Ill-,; I extra I)Pifpt• fed by Fred who was s littin IhP hoati,bled ,'ter- ^ CC -" Mise M. Perdue leaves to -da to way min the'owes of their customers. Tonnlirfson, dressed, 638 lbs.; 2 heifers splitting, 4 nE�A ,1,r y and Cell while the others itxe wfi.s df>s- p g Don'tSltake"ThoRoaes." fed b Robert 8lerlin r dressed, 1,810 a' o .,--i„ spend the Raster holidays in Seaforth. lbs ly extra calf seven weeks old fad ('ending, tilt, result beim that two of _ The bnniface at irlt,ford wits nn his fir gers were cut of and a third o �� Mr. Alex. Armstrong has returned by John Dale, dressed, 1401be; 1 Ptcrii Y J ® �HE� H from Uxbridge and a tour of that die Monday fined twenty dollrirs and the one hall inured, g accompanying costs for allowing the Yearlir,f,r sheep, fed by It, I�itzsirn•fns The busy season has again +irrivecl . trict. Y I & �1on, dressed AO ihA 1 s vin lam' y 011e Ot t11C 1nUAt important .n. boys "shajEP the boneA" on Ars ]rein g ' and there will no doubt, bP man � k ., . fed by (}eo, D+tIE•, tlresaer S35 Ilia 4 p 8 Miss May Biggam leaves to -day to uses, This would appear to be ' weary men and tiled horses during the ,� I"/ spend her holida s with Exeter hogs fed by Tom Troop, dressed, 200 branch's of out- business " y a very common practice tri' the next'r,xinth. .ef lbs, each. c £riendA, suburb of the Cirrulftr Town (where Mr. George St.Prnigle had the mis- in filet there i, Il0 featVIC Of O.- -� 4111 G. C. Petty and Jas. Beverley, Hon probably the Latest amendineritA C. J. WALLIS. fortune Lo have Atli arm broken a few � r/�7, � ealt were in Clinton the first day of to the License Act have not. yet beery 2 extra heifers fed by Jas. Wallis, days ago. A friend h+ul called At his our bu9lness that we wi9h to lr _,"'" the�week. thoughtfnity perused. While it is Goderieh, weight 2200; 1 heifer fed by place who requested Mr. HtPringle to im press a 011 Ou niore than 6 not so set forth in spocifle terms the Art CT(>o. Snell, Jli lett, live weight, 14(10; (este•' his driver for n moment. The 1 p y Mr. Alex. Henderson, of Saitford, has been freely interpreted to include O t+xtra fine pigs Ped hp Wm. Wier, n.nima.l, however, got scared of a (lug this. - has taken a position with Mr. Jas. "matching" AS well its "shaking." Goderieh; 2lambs fed by A. MPGnire, and commenced to run away. While T Twitchell. Mondays trial took place before Poll"" Goderich; 1 extra sheep fed by Thos, ,, rap,grling for the lines Mr. Steringle 11aving lead twenty years �dlldlldlldlldlldlldlldlldl►d11d11d11d11d11Ce Magistrate Seager with Inspector Pais. Jenkins Goderieh• Choice han)A bacon fell, Nreaking his left arra n below the , Miss Lena Doherty arrived from r experience ill the Toronto last eveningto end the Has- ley' as prosecutor. and bird, from G. C. Petty. HensAll; elbow, 1 P Mr. Arthur Mortirner, an older of the'' • ter holidays. Mr. Ross Has An Old Watch, choice rolls and itforttge froru h kR.e F. Incl who has heen holding meetin g Nearly CVet'yl)Otly wants 11^vY C10Y89 OI' (.aAter. (lase Uo., SiPttfarth; also chickens, ' g i- Repalrin of Watchet Our new Kid ('loves are the finest and nobbiest ever' Mrs. A. J. Grigg and her two little Mr. Jas. Ross knows a thing car two e(.c, in this section occ,taionally for a moot t boys are spending the Easter season in about watches and clocks as he hits COTT(tri & WILSON, past, has IPft,. Seen in Ulinton, Colors that will match or go with St. Thomas. spent some genua doctoring thein. In Mr. R. A. McKee, who has been WC feel gllalifl(1 t0 (lO a heifers fed by Jaa. Nott, London away tntrodncin the native herb nears ever fashiona•)le shade Of Dress Goods, The his itinerancy he comes across many �' g y 3' y Mr. H. Gould retutned to Goderieh Road, weight, lf50 each; I hoift,r fed , rnedichip in Middlesex county, is tome Out' wok•'( well. an old time piece, but the most ancient ,. y are perfect ill fit and dualities ore guaranteed. Tuesday evening after spending a few by W. L�cott., Tnckersmit.h, weight i far a s r lI, of them all was a clock lie repaired p' days in Lown. some time since down atHonsall whish don 1 calf fed h Mr. W,I cl if Lon- l%gg gatherers Are quite nnmermrs, 11A1;(xl'.S will be found Mr. A. D. Rattra of Montreal, hind reached the ripe old age of two- don lt(ln<i, weight 3GU lbs; 1 calf fed by ` Mt>n big, $1.8 well fiA little, Home+ who L'lllll'4(lay siring the evening before a holiday, the store y I Mr. Johnstone, weight 375 lbs; 6 pigs ( aro mak pled, and Ao►na otherwise, All mOderitte, an(] ,9at•i$fac- , spent Wednesday with his parents on hundred years and is yet ineitAnring the H Barr, (lndorioh; R lannhs year will be open tin tl l 9 O cN)CI(. hiss way to Toronto. houtA and dA•ys gnitc AceurAct,ly. And fed 1't''' ' , Y an the war' ,nth for hen fruit. tion full uarant.eed. olds fed h 11,(1. Wnitern, Tuckersmith+ Mr. J. McDonnld and familyhave y Mr. Ross carri(ee shout quite an inter- each; 2 choice A tin lambs. Mrs.1. C. Miller and three of her weight 13( P' g moved from the f.Padbar )ins, and familyleft esterda for a ten -days' (satin relic of the lust century in an Y Y y Englis' patent lever the a e of which , fire now CPAiding fit, Winthrop, r � 1ENS DIRECT visit to Windsor friends. he is not ryc.� rite certain but rt bears the Asir. Henry MesserArnit,h, one of the Aa J ■ `�•3 4 �11'rds�'�reoi HOD" BROS., Mr. V. Vannorman, Chief Police, n%me of the Nova Scotian dealer• who Trail wheat IA re orted to hedittnn, ed WdIn farmerA of Mel{illop fell from �4�ttt���///11f IMPgR�EIISd Wingham, was to town Wednesday first cleaned it, In 1702, or 100 years li the recent frosts in several sections nn apple trPe And dislocated his shout- ` ileCOSAor to. . , , on sole way to Goderleh. ager. of ()ntario, t (ler one day last week. I e1r. 131 D.1'3..LBC:li11,f BP& C L I N TO � % i7' _........_ .. ._...."(CF n I .. � :i1,'.... `— ._,r... -t