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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-07, Page 8
■. :::. , ,,vela.-,- - .- - _—__ __ . _.- _. __ _ _._ -_ __ - - _ _.___.____-_.__._.____._____ .. -_____� -_ _ ._r_-__ - . - - - Ville, ++ith an exaggerated sigh. "The retroatin figure. _ TRE Vic i - g g ri y "It's ty bad htthe Scotts ]Emulsion is not a +c�� �'���� `Q1jJ11►J���JVVI�I� welly -�- A •�I.,i spell is bru,an. lou fo.ru.va, do you nes.a. I'm abrry for bilin though he It + ech i n Little TWO O 5U �/� A/� E �� r iffht ? or that col!©ge opens in a fort- doesn't deserve it. Rveert will hope, ,baby food," but is a most >Sbpuilllsl.el Query TH[11iSDAX at'f`I1u N!I !1. b �/�/ �� lir � p (tight 9" my friend, don't you over fa'lt so hui,o- , hlmvra-RZvOaD Printkog House, Albert St., "You aro like leads on a string." lessly in love that you can't scramble [t especially o true of Hood's Pule, for ower t. said Mrs. Arnold, the was "Aunt Ada" out. apafn, if need le." excellent food for babies (��,�,n•�;,��, g ®�g,'C, elite ever contained so greet curative power fq _ __ _ __ _. ____ ._. .._.-_ _ - � - - - � - to them all, so small space. They are Is whole medlolna ---- T - - to , and the eirole of blight Marr C•a.slun found a litt:e uare, "Katbaa's a good little soul, ' ans.ver_ " No; my love blinds me, perhaps, young faces that had met around her cream -tinted envelul,e awaiting tiro at Who are not Well nourished. nD+ct.ri.,.,,, icitlaa. ed Harry, carolessly. "quiet and domes- � You girls can read otu:h other better, board every summer for a decade hl.3 olub. It was sealed with violet ++ax A art Of a teaspoonful 1 Mo tic and all that. No, L don't think I But I don't tbinic you quite unr!erstan I n ere as clear to her as th,rugh they and addreased in a dainty feminine P P 1 Yr. G :No. 9 Mo. � Elinor, Kathie. You think her cold +. ere thoso of ber o,vu children. IN hen hand. As he opened it a stray whiff V.....111--ii..". n........buu ou 1;;f3 Uu 5:u 0u a7 07l L�:i'r - she's +cry lonely, �he'm used to it.,. 1 ymixed In milk and 1VEn n........ 83 u0 20 un 12 00 801) you know, and always has plenty to anal reserved -a little proud, perhaps, one ali is off the rest must follow•. I of roses floated out. u...•.... 2000 12 00 7 u0 2 9u i You will learn to know her better some must say. thou h, that 1 don't under- "Jost like KutLie," he thou ht with every three or four hours, n.....,,. l0 00 0 t:U 5 oo 1 00 ood 5 ; do. 1'uu are not going in yet, Eii- Ida and love tier as. I do." stand this caavalier departure of a smile; he o rened the lettergwith an ,....... G Uu 8 :;u 2 lie t 23 chest, always ready, a1- � � nrnr." y' ! [ 4WSpecial position fro,n 231.03o percentoll,ra• Nays etflolent, always sat f "I .must, you foolish boy. Do ,you I ' I think she is very beautiful and Harry's. He mLght at least have let unusual interest. It was dared "Tho Will give the most happy For transient advertisements 10 cents isfactory; prevent a cold M lanow what time it is? And there is . charming, Har-y,"said Kathleen soft us know he was lin 1 " And l think -1 hoe g g Birches," Harry 1st. and ran thus par line for the first insertion; 3 cents or fever, cure all liver Ills, I such a heavy dew 1 ' I Y• p she cares for Twelve pairs of eyes turned to "bear Harry :-'1'hls is al out the time results. ,per line eaub suhsoyuent insertion- slekheadaelte, jaundice, constipation. etc. 200. "I thunk the perfume of the roses You• E)Inor. Sbe bore the scrutiny un- of year I usually send such missives nonpareil neasure Professional cards. ' Sometimes 1 think she does. Then abroad. But this car you alone will The cod-liver oil With the 1 The only Pills to tyke with Sood • Sarsaparilla has tyn)nie to my brai;n," said the young I moved, and calmly said she moat go Y ' not exceeding one inch, ;5.00 per ; man„ as he followed her across the again -well, I don't know. I don't de- soon, too; she really had not realized receive one, for oh, Harry, just think annum. Advertisements without spec- lawn. "1 feel certainly li( ht -headed to- serve her, Iiathie. I'm sot half \+'oil•- it l+'as so late. not one of oua• 'old crowd are coining hypophosphifes added, as in, ific directions iviil liepblished till d mligit. Elinor, will you give me a thy of her, I know, But It means su "Momsie," confessed Kathleen after- to 'The Birches' thli summer-unie+as forbid and charged for accordingly (lite �IeI�illop Mutual Fire rose? That little rd ours that has Add Two Summers to"follow Slug 2. wards, "I wanted to throw the cream you do -not one! It seeln,5psovery,very this palatable emulsion, notl L Transient notices-"ast," "I''ound,,' been nestling against your throat all much to me. I thitak I shall go mad if jug at bar I I did. indeed I" strange. Of course, I knew last sum- t "For Sale," ete. 50 cents for first in- insurance Company. the evelnli'ng." I fail. to win her. But I must -I will. Two days after Llinor Gordon left mems that they would not all be bauk, Only t0 feeds tilt child, but tertion, 25 cents for each subsequent Elitnor looked down at him from the I love her so dee,ply that surely, surely „'the Birches." Hattie Beach and Loie but I expected some would be. I do not nsertion, steps, as he lifted his face pleadingly,. she must love me in return. She has Lisle went with her. The Dbuglases, realize it at a'1 ; we are so used to also regulates its digestive THE NEWS -RECORD will be sentProperty She unfastened the rose and held it upl, given me every encouragement to think the Grant boys and Ted Irving. all having them here in August that i t Farm and isolated Town functions. o any address, fres of -postage, for 0n1 IDSUred. teasingly. went away together the following seems to be they must really come for 1,00 per year, payable in advance- "Give you m'y pretty red Tose? What j Kathleen patted the top of her bread week The Rsanles were the lit to all. Melville Reade, you know, is Ask your doctor about this. 1.50 ma -y he charged if not so paid. would you do with it ?" Into floury smoothness and laid a white practising medicine in T-- and his g Y go. Kathie 'stood on the steps in her The date to which every sulocription OFFICERS: 'Keep it forever and a day," he towel over it; she sat it carefully away pearl slsters are keeping ,house for him. s-• and$t.00I andro;iatst.. In the pantry. She was a little out of gray morning wrapper and oat- SCOTT & BowNa Chemists, Toronto. Is paid is denoted by the number on George Watt, Pre,tident, Harlook P.O.; Jus. answered ardently. P Y• shed their carriage out of sight ; then Don't you sops they won't poison the 1 $' b bah � Patience with Harry •hew ver non- f 11 ? Y b } f l the address label. No paper discontin- led until all arrears are aid, except )t [ Broadtoot, vice- Pres., Sva°orth P.O.: W. J. Rhannon. Sedy Trew., Seaforih, P.O. ; lliohael Lliwor laughed 11ght y. is oy 1i impulsive love -make was an amusing • � Y she went in to her mother. sensical. But at the last she came over "Mamsie," poor a ow ow remain e1 t to aw u results of Maud's attexaits at cook- at the Option of the e ( proprietor. M•irdie, Inspector of losses, Seaforth. P.O.�g change from the conventional flirts- I she said, as she laid her and stood by him. head on her mother's shoulder, " "Hal, Ing at "The Birches." Il had such an , AV. J. MITCHELL. I Editor and Proprietor. DIRECTORS: James Broadtoot, Seaforth ; Michael Mur- tlons of society. To be sure, she -as getting tired of it. (Harry did not . you are asimpl6ton we are -a dear old simpleton. Why don't you say all this all by ourselves again. I feel lonelier I amusing latter from her yesterday. Just fake Maud I She says she and die, Seaforth; George Dale, Seaforth ; Georgo watt, Harlook Thomas E. Hays, Seaforth know just when and inhere to stop. f tbfwn I ever did before ivh„n the went ' to Elinor, instead of to me?” Y away, for i Mclry are g tting on beautifully, al - I THE MOLSON S BANK ; ; Atex. Gardiner, Leadbury : Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippen. He was so absurdly itn, earnest. She brushed the rose lightly across, " Honestly, Kathie, I'm a little afraid know they will never all to be here together again -at least, not likely, tharwgh they do make some terrible mis- tal,•tes,and that Med isso AGENTS: her lips a,nd eroppbd it into his hand poor Harry l" "Faint heart 1" Mrs. "I'm no matter what happens. The Grant . The Grant Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1865. Thollias Nellans. Hari o :k: Robert McMillan, with a murmured good�n•ight• Then Arnold smiled gently. "Don't laugh at me, Katbie. I'm a g y• sorry for our Hal, dear. But lives boys are away preaubing this summer. _ Seaforth and James Ouinnlin s, Egmondville, g she trailed her perfumed draperies ins delightful idiot, I know, but I willtell aro not often ruined at twenty-five. 1 iuive Don't you think you see Will. in the CAPITAL - - desirous insurance n7ed to title house. Upstairs i,a Kathleen's room, the her soon, and you will be the first to congratulate me." no doubt be, thinks his is, but I suspect pulpit? I sugpose it is very wicked of me to laugh at the thought, but I .�•2,000,DOG REST fit,soo,0oo 11 sactoihorbusinoeawiR be romptly'att to on application to any oP promptly above ofnoers girls were havLng their nightly gos- "I hope so," was her reply, as she thare is a good deal of wounded vanity cannot heli) it. . `' addressed to their respective post offices. sip. Tlhere was always "o ,much to flitted away over a patch of white at the bottom of it. Harry's love for Elinor always impressed me as a boyish, And Hattie has really gone to Ger- Head Of19ee, - MONTREAL• talk a'nd laugh over in the little ha p- pe'nirigs of the day -what this one had moonlight, There was no time to lis- g ten to Harry's rhapsodies then, she told infatuation for a heautiful face. It did many atter all Don't you remember }yaw we used to laugh at her last sum- a,, WM, MOLSON. MACPT-IERNON, President F. WOT.FEI(STAN 7 HOMAS, Gen. GO TO THE said, and that one had done -halve some- had turn her dress and another bad herself, when that absurd Jemima Ann not seem to me to be the true, real, heel placed u tray of the vary beet and abiding love of a lifetime. Don't fret mer when she spoke of it? I never im- agined able was in earnest. Manager• Notes discounted, CNlectione ��lOIl Shaving Parlor line got a letter -all the thousand and one Little confidences that somehow seem oldest and frailest china on the edge over him, mother's girl. It will all111 of the dining -room table, where any come right." "I hope so, Aiomsie." Rick is too busy to come; 'legal cares have claimed him. And Juliet has made, Drafts ,.r Issued, Sterling and American Exchange g natura.11 with the taking out to o y passer -ivy might brush it off. What- Kathie smiled cheerfully and looked really gone to India at fast. I cannot ' bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposi8 of hairpin, and Lhe putting away of ever ' happened to Harry's heart, the out of the window across the lawn, realize i t. We always knew she would For first-class Hair -Cutting ribbons and laces. Kathleen was China mustt not be broken. where a dash of red was visible in a go sometime+ lrut.s it seemed as if the --- and Shaving. brusibing her long, brown hair before Life wieut on as usual at " The Bir- maple. "See= 'sometime' would always Ire a little '' BAPINGS BANK. ,' Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton, the glass. The Heade girls were curl- feet g g yAug-"Harvest is ended and summer is ekes," through the Ion sultry Au gone." .,vay off in ills future. I felt so sorry Interest allowed on sums of 81 and up. ed up on the bed. with their bare est days, that came in throe b smok y g Y to see her go. She was down to see J. EMERTON, Proprietor, tucked under their white gow,nis and 'red dawns, and went out In purplish, us before she went away and wished -f tbeir hair braided down their backs. moonlit twilights. ,PA_RT II. to be remembered to you. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FARMERS. Mo Money advanced to farmers on their own Lode Lisle was reading some other girl's letter eine tau kiln to herself! g g Now and then came some ripple of All precious thins discovered late approaching departure, some reluctant But oh, Harry, would you believe It. They say Teddy Irving, that graceless >p with one or more endorsers. No room• gage required as security. o, ■ -- over it. Hattie was sitting! on a To those that seek them issue forth, remembrance of the outer world they For love the sequel works with fate, little scamp, is quite reformed and is ` FORD MURPHY, M trunk munching a cracker, and slyly had so long daffed aside; nobody had. And draws the yell from hidden worth. seriously thinking of entering the H. C. BREWER, Manager. Clinton. �, g prirklin crumbs on Juliet's hair, as e g as yet taken it very- actively to heart. ministry. Swrprlsea will never cease. — -- -----.- (Successorsto.l. NV. Langford.) the latter gazed drencm'ily out of the Kathleen moved among her guests with Juliet told me, when she was here, G. A• McTAGGART H%iviag bought out the above business, we window into the rustling trees. Hat- between two bites to lis- her own gentle serenity, making up A year had pas,te(} mince the itches" had gone away from "The Birches" that he is really a changed bo yy and that thought he would do well , intend to conduct it on thoaish Principle, slid tie paused turned up, like an a 1Lttle quarrel here, amoothing' over a that hazy September morning. It was she yet, She blushed bit. when I said her Banker, will supply our customers with the best meats at the lowest paying prices. ten with one ear attentive cat. little trouble there. fl•here were no idle momenta for her. a sunny day in young August; Rick a wee success ,with Ted augured well for her )ford &Murphy. ,,,T here goes Elinor, I suppose "he has One evening, when the air was vocal Douglas and Harry Caston were walk- future career as a mLssiouary. 1. do ALBERT STREET, `- CLINTON dismissed Harry until to -morrow," with crickets, and a round-faced moon, Ing slowly up the street together. love to tease dear old 'Jule. I believe'. "He Is crazy about fiber," said Mary pallid and sickly in the ruddy sunset Rink was t:tlking eagerly; Harry was she and Teddy really thought a great', I . LW /l Reade, crossly, "and she; is only flirt- Ing wifh him -everyone can sea that light, was looking down on "The Bir- listening with a dull, listless air. ches," Harry came to heir as she was 1 They had (loth taken their degree of deal of each other, and perhaps he will follow her to Indict yet. But after all A General Banking Business Transacted. i Y V V6 an e a except Hal hkmself. 'Those whom the superintending the putting away of the aw to the preceding spring, Harry had Ted reformation isn t the greatest Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. gods wish to deatro the' first make distinguished himself previously and surprise. What do you tbink? Loie Y 3 milk in the dairy. '('her® was a look Interest Allowed on Deposits. blind,' I did blear that Elinor was en- of resolution on his face. ruse expected to do brilliant work in Lisle is actually Kobus to to mar- p a o gaged to that Fred i;e.e-that. wash- " We are going for a walk, Kathie, his last year. Instead of this, he had riled in September. To a minister too Grand Trunk Railway. CONVEYANCING. out, namby-pamby little creature. You Elinor and 1. I mean to put my fate liarely passed. Everyone was surpris- -and he's as serious as an owl -and. Highest Market Price Paid. remember him, don't you, Loie?" to the test to -night. I shall not be ed excefrt, parhAps,ittick Douglas, who you know what Loie is. But he is very Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as - Kathleen drooped her brush and look- ' faint-beart' any longer. Will you knew how Harry had wasted his win- nia:e; I've met him. Harry, imagine. follows r John Rr>tdout, D. CAN rrEL®T�T.�( •lillton, ed a t, Mary with flashing eyes. w•itsh me success before I go, Kathie ?" ter. and what pernicious grief had been The idea of our "Baby," being married. Buffalo and Goderich Disttict :- "I don't believe it," she said, hut- Kathleen , as a little dizzy and con- eating away the fair structure of his I should have as soon expected it of my Going West, Mixed ........... to, i.5 a, in. Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc, ly. "T aam't-.}t would be too cruel. -fused at his suddenness. Her hands friend's life. wfhate, kitten. But won't she make a ., • Ex Tess.......... 1.0 m. Surely, Elinor is not so heartless as fluttered outward. After graduating Harry had been sweet little bride -I suppose we will ,{ c. Mixed ,,..,,,,•.,, 7,05 P-1111, Fire Insurance. - - Removal of Night-lSoil, that. She would not encourage Har- "Oh, Harry, -yes. I hope you will travelling in Canada, and the West. all, be invited to the wedding. , Express..........10,27 P.m. Real Estate. ry so if She meant to throw him: over be the happiest man on earth when Lnttle was heard from him until he (To be Continued.) Going East, Express .......... 7,40 a- m. Money to bend. The undersigned w,., undort,tke the removal at, the end. Don't you hint it, Alary o suddenly re -appeared to July. m you come back to me." ---•---- - ...... z•5S P• • Office -HURON STREET of ?light Soil and thorough cleaning of closets Reade. "i think I shall. I am sure Elinor Rick had Arun up to see him. He was �• Mixed... , , , .... 4,35 p,tn, CLINTON re short notice and atres.onsblarates. All "Don't take m head off, Kathie, practising law in a neig,hloring city The News-ReGord' Y cares for me a Httle. You shall know `j_ refuse removed out of town. dear. I didn't tsay i t was, true - 1London, Horan and Bruce :- A� ROBT. MENNEL. it first„ if she does, mavourneen !" and wanted Harry to form apartner- MEDICIf1�DIAAt heard it,that's all. And everyone knows Kathleen, locked the dairy door and ship with him. He was enthusiastic, as Going South, Expd4 41 ress ::.... „ 7,47 a.m. AL, Fred Lee paid her every attention last gave her whUte kitten the froth of the regarded their opportunities add pos- Is Not • • 4.30 p,m. sibilities. Goin North " se:tson. lie's a parent ninnyto let+ sure, ......... to,l - a m. Dr. W. m� ij�''[� r milk. Then she salt down on, the back g North, Gunn, GEO. ! I1OWHILL but he's rich-thtt's what Elinor doorstep, resti22g her chin in her I tell you Hal it's a good chance," Excelled """"' f'S5 p.rn. f You don't know herr as I do, my child. bands. The moon bed got the better he sald, energetically, "Couldn't be AT. C. DICKSON, R. C. P. and L. R. C. S. Edinburgh. She is a born flirt and never Had any of the sunset and was shining triumph- hatter, say you'll come, old fellow." As an Dis. Pass. Agent, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, :Night Horseshoer and General Blaoksmith heart -not the least little bit. What antly. The crickets were chirping "No," said Harty, listlessly. "It Toronto. calls at front door of residence on Ratter- made you ask herr here this summer, their hearts out. The white Citten would. be of no use, Rick. Iwould only Advertising W. E• DAvis, G. P. & T. A„ Montreal. bury Street, opp. Presbyterian Church. Albert Street, North, Clinton. Kathie?" purred at her feet. Jemimat Ann came be a drawback to your success. I've no A. O. PA,rTlSON, G.T.K. Agent at Clinton. "T didn't want to," said Kathleen, out, dressed for r ambition -not the least spark. I user. Medium. . p ager -meeting, her I Dr. Turnbull, JOBBING A .SPECIALTY. frankly, "but mother was at Aunt black satin bonnet was set primly on to be full of it -nothing seemed im- _ Agatha's last winter and she made me possible to me once. That's all ov- nor smooth crianps line heir best black iflfilifiiilnf woodwork ironed and flrsImpl a material invite Elinor. But, really, I never cashmere shawl was folded carefully er. I dont care what becomes of "rouse and work shunt and Farm implements and thought she'd come -T don't know why across her thin shoulders. She stopped "Hal," said .tick, earnestly, "rouse J. L. Turnbull, 11iB., Toronto. Univ. ; machines robuiltandrepaired. she did" ' to pick a spray of southernw•ood to Yourself. Dont throw your life away If lou Know ghat you Want M.D. ; Fellow Victoria Univ. M.C. i & S. "Well, I simply detest her," said for thin sake of one heartless woman. J Ont, ;Fellow of the obstetrical soviet of stick in Ler hymn book and to caution Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng, and Hattie, waving hes' cracker emphati Kathleen (tot to silt too long in the You know she was not worthy of your Edinburgh hospitals Office -Dr, Down- TO THE FARMERS 1 oa113•, ' Melville says it's because I'm dew. love. Make ap your mind to be a man It is your own fault �'\'\�\��\w\�,&\ try's stand, Rattenbury St. Night calls literally devoured with envy, but it Kathleen watched tate tall, angular - forget your disappointments and , isn't -it isn't 1 Harry's too good for her ;f 4 OU dont et It answered at Office. Study your own intsreat and go where g figure oat of ht among the shadows failures -,go, in and win." y g you can got Ig �g , that's the truth." and wandered off into a sort of moon- "It's always easier to preach than to "Girls, it's time you stopped your lrractico, Rick," said Harry, bitterly. ` oR-ii) Tin said Juliet, turnip from dream. ill seemed along time before In days one b dealers were Dr. RELIABLE HARNESS 1 g,' g g "You don't un in discussing -you cannot. y g y � -Shaw, the window. "Do you know how many she was aroused by the. sound of slow, \ uncertain footsteps in the kitchen. A There is no use in discussing the mat- able to sell people' just what they uncharitable things you've been say- ter as longer, You have m dock - Office -Ontario Street, opposite English I manufacture none but the best of stock. Ing ?„ figure came out of the, shadows behind ion. I any to accomplish great leased, but the public of to -da � ' 1 1'p g Bewwe of shops that sell cheap, as the her and dropped heavily on the step p p y church„ formerly occupied by Dr. Apple. have got to live. C ill and get prices. "Good old Jule l" laughed Hattie. things once. Not for the sake of d beside her, The moonshine fell over wealth -I have enough money -but for are inclined to find out for them - ton. Orders by matt promptly attends to, "�V}lat would we do without you to the white, drawn face and she saw• that fame, distinction. I wanted to make a �__..,w�,,,,,-�_•- keep us st.rangfit'd You are like Jemima it was Hal Caston. And yet, could it Ire ? .- DENTiSTRY. John Be0 Ann -you nover say anything unchar- Harr I name for myself, to rise above my fel- selves the best article in ever line ita.lile excetrt in the wayof business." She sprang to him with a little shriek. y ., ,� lows, Well, no matter. As I have I done take as thing that come. -- ---. -__. _ Phev kissed each othr good -night y told you that is all over. I wish you and they insist Upon getting it. alon . I go strai ht(nr eha'Gtgaby' Dr, BRUCE, Harness Emporium, Blytb; Ont " It is--all-over-Kathie." Ile spoke and slipped away to their rooms. One all. success, Rick. Go ahead and pros for know it is t bat. in a dull, heavy way• as if the words _ by one the lights of "The Birches' were forced out of him. by some Inter- Icer. Fortunately l have enough to Surgeon Dentist.0 YEARS' _ we.nt Out and. a silence and shallow live on. Why should I exert myself to ' ������ nal Leasure. "All over." Granby g ERIENCE fell about. the Old house. ()ntside am- A' gain more?' "Oh, Harry." "I don't call it fortunate at. till," said ono the trees, room ll it.., to the i ht " I have been a fool -such a fool, I Rick, bluntly. "If you were as poor AND OVERSHOES OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, i from Elinor's room till it., fou, vanish- see � now. She laughed at me as Clinton, Ont, Special attention to preset-.4:0ET ed. Then he went slowly in. as I am, you would have to work and va .13 of natural teeth. They went. on a fern pienic the next though I were some presumptuous boy that would soon cure you. 1 am out N. B -Will visit Blyth every Monday and I day, and Kathleen was busy all the -she said she never meant me to think are known throughout the whole countr to be the best Bayfield every Thursday afternoon duringshe was in earnest -that she supposed of patience with your nonsense. Ila., g y the summer. horning putting up lunches. Jemima T was only amusing myself as she was." but Il I keep the partnership open for in fit, finish, quality and durability and that is why �_ ADE MUARKS Ann lied returwid shamefacedly, hav- g y you till October. Possibly you will have l DESIaNs Ing found her lrrother sound and well. He clenched his hands. "She is engag- come to your senses by that Lime." people will have Granby's and no other. The extra DR. AG�NFIW, DENTIS A'. C"'R."TS 8'e. Kathleen worked hard and th n played ell to another man, She dared to tell possibly," with a sceptical smile. thickness at ball and heel makes them last twice as long, Anyone sending aeketchand deserl tion,may gooseberry at the pic=nic with [battle me that." , "I intend to go abroad in the fall. Office Hoots _ quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an and Atelville, since she had no escort " Oh, she was never worthy of you, ' Good-bye, old chap. No doubt of your GRANBY RUBBERS WEAR LIKE IRON. 9 to S. invention la probably ppatentable. Commnnien- of her own. Other summers she and said Kathie, crying out of sympathy. tionaetrictlyeonadentta,. Handbook onPatente success. May you vin your own share Bent free. Oldest a envy forsecnrtng stents. Barry had been ouml,auions, but Eli- Harry stared tat herwithitllhis dry, hurn and mine as ,'ell." At Zurich the secot d Th d P t t k th h Munn & Co receive �A-Q 1 urs ay of each aten s n on roug nor had not 1"a at 1 he Birches ing eyes. I new g g tit°nth epectalnotico, withoutchgrge, in the a on ago. ,- P. "Poor Hal !" said luck, easel sh:tk- y�q r „ then. She missed him somewhat -her is a heartless flirt." y _ v--- Scientific fterI`aIfe g• ins his head, as be watched his friend's Scientific old light-hearted Hal. He had c•.hangc.d " I see thlut now, when it is too late. _ _ __ --- ----- -- --- -_ ._ —_---. _ ------- . __._ _--_—_,._ VETERINARY. Ahandsomely illustraltedweekly. 7twgestcir• mysteriously and drifted a,ay from I have teem very blind, Kathie. And - culation of any scie ttea journal. terms, $3 a her this summer. now she has spoiled my life. T have',de- J. ] ,. laekall year; fora months, $1. Mold by all newsdenlers. She was tired at night, but a hund- served it, perhaps, for my folly. NO; t MUNN & C0,86118roadway. New Ygrk red things were clamoring to lie done. don't pity me -or try to comfort me. Branch Oaloe, 926 F St.. Washington, D. It is of no use-nothin jis of any use. VETERINARY SURGEON AND First, the bread must be set. ,ferotma g _ _ Ann never could make good bread'; it. Only I cannot stay here ; I must The vFTERINARY INSPECTOR, w Y,. .4 e .�.«. _d ..�. was Kathie's duty to attend to it. go. I would go to-nigbt if I could. k1doems ATANAGING 7'R:\MPS. She put on boa white apron and got There is alb early morning train, i»n't Office on Isaac Sheet next New Era office out her pan of flour with a little there?" Residence, Albert St., Clinton. Mistress -Dirt any one call while I weary sigh. The moonlight: poured in •• Yea." ,as out.? at the window and she diri not light a " And Pete ran drWe mei to the sta- Servant-No one, ma'am, exceptin a lamp. Presently a long shadow cross- tion. 1 must get a,%Na,y before the oth- B Thomlinson, tramp. Ile wanted somethin to eat; ed over the moonlit floor and perch- ers see me, You can tell them what Fath I told him there was not.hin ready, ed itself on the table beside Kath- you like, Kathie. They will guess the V' eterinary Surgeon• an he'd have to wait till the leddy Of leen's',baking hoard. It spoke ,with are the seat or the starting point of the hnuse of lurk from the cookie A true reason, of course. That doom not �Ionorar Graduate of the Ontario vet. Y' matter. Nnthimg matters." many maladies all of them serious, y g g- Harry% voice. erinary Collage, Toronto. svh o',an' mabee she'd make him some- -Ali alone, my nut -brown Ma•yde I" He stood up dizzily. Kathleen's 'Treats all diseases of Domestic Anim:ais thing. " Harry 1 How you startled me. cheeks were wet with tears. all more or less painful, and all Of on the most modern and scientific principles [Mist rens-Of all things! Tlid he wait• ? Where are the others?" Don't cry, little cousin," he said, them tending, unless cured, to a Day and Night callspromptly,answered.. Servant -No, rna'nro. Tic runnel, "Elinor was tired and has gone to gently. "You must not vex our ten - (t y Y fatal end. No organs of the body d2esidence-Rattenbury brut, Nest, trod," said Harry as if there were no rler little heart becattsa l am wretched. Clinton, Ont, " others" except her. Then, by wa,y 1 am not the first one whose life has are more delicat8 or more Sensitive of an afterthought.: "Melville is hold- been rained by a false womlan. i supWhen sm- than the kidneys. Wh -_ __ The Difference -They say a. man is img forth in the library on the doctrine pill I will live thrroulgh it I don't Seem y y p' LOCAL. always nervous when he proposes, And Of the transmigration of souls. Such to realize what has passed yet. You toms of disease appear in them not it girl is always nervous when be rubbish -lie pretends to believe in it, aro a good little thing, Kathie; I don't -- doesn't, says he can distinctly remember being think I ewer felt it so clearly before. a moment is to be lost if health is _ ___ __ a seagull in his last, state of existence, I wish all women were as good and to be restored. The best way to J. Scott, Barrister, &C. t __ if the doctrine be true, Kathie, you trtie. But I tnust gd-I must he alone. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, CLINTON. must have been one o$ those shy, wild Fri the morning then. Katie. The train treat the kidneys iS through the graybirds in the woods. You alwa;;s goes at six. I think. Very well, Good- blood, cleansing it from the poison - Alone to Loan, remt1 me of them. The Reade; girls a� Y night.. little cousin." -___.. _ - --- --- --.- -- _. B. Campion, Q C„ ECZEMA moat have been robins, I'm surf, ant hAn she hoard his footfalls die ons matter which il•I usually at the �__ " Bah could never have been any y she eloncherl her hnnds and Stam- bottom of kidney complaints. For o thing else than a little, yellow -throat- ped her front angrily on the floor. Barrister, - Solicitor, - Notary, a,•„ ed, canary bird," "1 Mate her 1 I hate her I I bate her 1 this parpose there is no remedy GODERTCH, ONT. "And Elinor?" suggested Kathleen, T don't care if it is winkled, --T will I:e equal to . ETTER mischievously, wiokerl. She has broken his heart -poor OFFicE--Over Davis' Drug Store. harry leaned back agninmt the win TTarry. ITe is a Innn any girl might lie Money to loan. dow and leaned up along the rays of proud to lore, Oh. dear." She drew a S __.- - _ _ ____.- __.. _ IALTRHEUM moonlight. i long hrea(h and relaxed her hnnds. M. O. Johnston, " If she were ever anything save her "Tlaw i" it every (ane thinks me so ANCr RELIEVED IN i DAY own awee,t self, sate must have heen a demure ativrl quiet. ,-hen I am really Barrister, Solicitor, Commissioner, Etc , flower -a golden -hearted lily or a.whit.e so hart?" rose -my beautiful, peerless Elinor." There was a flititer of excitementsarsd Orin GODERTCH ONT, SKIN DltbgABgr CION O BV tlNr AP• Ile leaned forward and can ht Kath- , g the next morning when the others WLIOAIION OF leen's llttle floury wrists in his hands. Tame denvn to lmeakfa»t and rlisrover- Ol'FTcr•.--(tor. i1nmilton and St..Andrew'q t " Kathie, e l Tlarry's departw're. But fe+v ques- et a`13 -"n0 Streets. DR ACNEW S OINTMENT You've o rays I,nrn like a yY t 'dear little sister to inn. 1 ran speak tions were asked, each of themquct•sed Forman earill� ave•beene(tortstant _ _ - . . - .- .._ _--_-. _ _ . sufferer from kidneytrouble, Ag have �. Brydone, to you freely, I know. You will un t he truth and Kathleen, who had I•enn derstand me -none of the of hers would• r.(p to see harry Off, escaped the or tried a number of largely adtertia9d illicit ` 5 CENTS. - d it 14 a marvellous cure for all such dl*- They all ro and me merel • as a lova euros without benefit. At last a friend 0 - gusting Solicitor, Notary Public, �r , gusting and disfiguring dlacasea Aa 13w sick bo C©11 me, do you think j;li deal she had dreaded. vised me to try Ayer's knhparillA. Tile zeins, dtslt Rhouuf, Totter, flarbers Itch y• Y After this first buzz of wonder died Use of eight bottles of this remedy ontiroly oprTen t scald (lead• 101cora, blotohAe. It oures all nor Cares for 1110 3 r a+t'0.,y, they awakene.l to a realization ourod m malad "-'•-MARY MILLER, 12,fi8 cru tions of the skin and makes it soft " flow chin I tell, harry ? i. ou ought of their own eoming departure. y y' ' 1011: A tivn ni nil rr rt I n r, l . _-A .A.,... -41 to he the Hest .iudite." "We'll al} have to tto soon,'• said Met- $Ancoek $troet, $rooklya, N. Y. 11 � - . . I , � - . . I � .� � . I ) .` I It , I , Y .f �. ... ... ... 'u.. . . .. j , S i . V*�r .•i+. ......s.. ..1—� ,.–..._...._.-..li_.. J..i_. V > - ....._...A , - -. .. ...........