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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-07, Page 7
a, , r* �g egg rob the horseradish of its excassh t ® ;T. PETERSBURG AND ITS PEOPLE. + uv only way to be nurd'aL your toe being good Abe -tit the Unit: �;. sharpmens. a t+ istcNay _ _ "Sc a] loped" Potatoes --Prepare in thi 8�_ IT -11111111 pff We M•u1P # MAFalelerlN#/CA Or the ttltNNltlrl t'itplhll ONSOON 1!t 1SE ECONI)ylY. propurUon: lvwo cups of tmtshed poti+%S p r mu n g '' and uN tuhabuauts•11 eqpsMTihere cart be no doubt in the mind 1oes,t'wo tablespoonfuls of creamu Of all the eecentrie actions committed Ain INDU-GLaN TEA, of till thdnkin people, that economy milk, and ane of melted butter; sa, by Peter the Grett•-and they were g l p tial pepper to taste. Stir the puts Uoesfurther than any olit, rand is ab elutaly Is u virtue and one that we should rosy, butter and rte. together, add These two words emphasize a neods- Only those who have been relieved had that dreadful tired feeling. 1 not a few -the founding of St. Peters pure and dtliclow. 25. E0, tn. 50acd�0cea ally and indicate a remedy. of Itur deserves to rank among the fore Idend for serails, 11j4N ton St TEA oro all praotiva. if such a doubt has ever fug ono raw egg, if the pututues see.: great suffering can Pully appreciate tried quite a number of remedies, but S 7 Wr Unytnn $t, W. Toronto. existed as to the desirability of eulti- too muist" Lett iu a feav fine brei' 2PRING-the season when the blood is the gratitude with which the testL- the relief was only for a short time most. He wanted, he said, "a window vat•ing this virtuq, surely the expeii +:rtimbs. Bake ids it hot oven for ter mostimpure as a result of the win- monials overflow written in favor of and after ceasing to take the medicine looking out into Eurupe," ani with de- uthuutei 'taking care to kalve the to{. THE ON],Y WAY. ones of tiles part few, years has been a rich brown. tar's closer confinement, higher lie- Hood's Sarsaparilla, Just read this: I felt worse. I did not have any ap- sputic inconsistency be fixed upon one t;'itcll us to convince even the most slit' Ing, slower action of the kidneys petite and what little I did eat dia- the panes of which are, to ountinue the Oh, will you read: my handl she said, P- 'J'omatue-s a la Julienne -Yeah, cut ill vv ti,h curiosity. itdcal, that a vvLse than will keep with halves and reds out the seeds from ail and liver; when humors of all kinds, tressed me very much. At last I got simile, frosted half the year, and, P He said; This hand, to be well read. lti his income. r tomatoes, and then chop them fine. T. boils, pimples tial eruptions aro e� a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it therefore, useless for spectaru'ar put I must take home wLthMO. , most liable to appear; when the .r did wonders for me. That tired feel - There are soime of the ,sterner vir- each pint allow one pint of brew, ., [a has left me and low• Stranger atiin the at.i he se- ,� wank, languid condition of the whole �+ g tatted for his building operations was toes, itsA+Otrs•er, and this is one of them, crumbs, n teaspoonful of salt, a tau � •' MY APPETITE RETURNED that' can be carrried to such an extent spoonful of unionuive, a saltspovufu, bodily structure demands and wel- nothing l ut a vast quagmhre. Quickcure cures Tooth j after a short time. I was then that all the siweetuess of living is for- of pepper and a tablespoonful of chop comes help, able to eat regularly and. heartily. As you stand In the gallery that Ache.Stop$ all Paine pod pani•ey. Form into croquettes, di, NIRDICINE-that to which the millions Hood's Sarsaparilla built up my whole rings the vast olden dome of St.l,'aac's gotten, and one sinks to the level of toe s, then in crumbs and fry Th g eggs, S turn at this seas„n-Hood's Sarsa a- system, and I am nrnv able to work Cathedral, this ca cittl with so strange a miaeT. This is aeunditiva of affair: mixture nwy Be tun soft to handle. In p l ng INTERMINABLE. as muc3hi+o be avoided as extravagance h•,t vase sillipll.s add bread vruntl,; rilla. The original and only prep- hard, s well as sleep soundly. I shall +ill the right uuusistenc always praise Hood's Sarsaparilla." an origin is spread like a tuap I.refore fliers-[ thought he would never ki1111 Be ~vise, therefore, and do not go les g y is obtained. aration especially adapted to the Mrs, A. E. Buxton, 24 Cumming street, you. As some water-logged i•ark it me excem. Munbattart Sauce -Place a srtucepan present needs of the human family; r. \t Toronto, Out. lies, wallowing in the midst of the How loliag did you have towait I with teaspoonful butter and one fins that which makes the blood pure and AS STRONG AS EVER. Full five mknutea. The pastime of accumulating dollars p ,; � streams of the many -channelled Neva, y :'hopped small Onion over the fire; stir clean, as shown by its thousands of q "My whole system was run down. I 'fife black waters run almost level with becomes se fascinating• to some, that wonderful cures of dreadful blood �t wits so weak I could scarcely get they dom themselves almost the ah- 'incl cook threemiuutes without brown- the granite enllankments that hold the SAYRETA-KORA ORYSTALSe y diseases; creates an appetite and, around to do my work. 1 finally Lagan t3 Tn.Ds )[SRH. solute necessities of life; they stint ing'; add half phut canned Wmatoes, six cures dyspepaiit, as shown by its "C. I. Hood &, Co., Lowell, Mass.: to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after river -god in order; while a great arm jKpaegIHLE TO 133a' �YEAVT Lrompia on themselves in their pleasures; they rotrsely pounded peppers and one -quer- "magic touch" in all stomach trou- "Deur Sirs: -A few years ago I was' using five bottles I found that my from the Baltic, stretching up to the wa anted to retain their lusEre. iVe avork from mbrta}ng until night,. en- ter teaspoonful salt; bowl ten minutes bles; steadies and strengthens the at had returned and my appetite aen�`bo any addreuona sd thep, mar y taken ,+ iLh tainting fits, which the due- , lower city in abroad expanse of roll- sus atanpe, get iq a sureqtanmal (fold alt deavor1la to got on m ithout help, los- then rub the tomatoes through a sieve. nerves, ns proved by people for- wits very much better. In fact, I now Mounting, Ring, Pbt, et'J or ]Cerr m III., 111.00. ling sight of the fact that while theg• Put the yolks of four eggs in a merly nervous, now calm and self- for said was due to heart failure. I feel as strong as ever." Mrs. Kelley, Ing waves, fems ever to threaten a artiolenot eatisfaatu exchangqd dor osbalogu are su busy saviln'g pennies, they may small double boiler, add ones .heaping possessed, thanks to was troubled with sleeplessness and 9 Wellington Avenue, Toronto Ont. terrible inundation. Fortunately, the W. POWELL HA VEY & 0.61Ktagw.,Toronto do reality a losing dollars, by not ill- tablespoonful flutter and Pour table- Baltic, like the Mediterranean, is a A TEST OF KINOWLED(.E. lowi,ug themselves time or opportunity spoonfuls of the stradned tomatoes; tideless sea. 'IkA a9 it is, matters look tiVhy does the professor say that he to take eL, Wtalge of the good that pollee the Moiler over thI3Once; fire stud stirHodift'd's black enough when the river, swollen is just finding out how little he knowaf tames ilial-� roves. t.tll thick; remove at ante; continue the by heavy ratna, roars foaming throu-th His baby is beginAing to ask ques- They begrudge the cast of a news- stirring for a fowl minutes; add half paper and the time it takes to read LL letaspoouful paprdktt or u little cayenne the creaking wooden Lri,lges, and a gale tions• I • They are completely blend to the fact pepper. it sprinkle of salt, one teaspoon- i,hat economy, to be 'wise, must be prat-- ful lemon juice and last half cupful Canada's Greatest Medicine, because it cures when all others fail. Be sure to got Hood's. from the south raises the short Balt ir. __ ____ sell to cliteak the flow of thy stream TO CURE. A COLD IN ONE DAY. t i al and intelligent. They da not re- whipped cream. -- Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All Arun seaward, At such times. gists refund the money If it fails to Cure, the adze that an inexpensvie assailant ileal cutlets -For veal cultists take TREE 6F THIBET. - � �� could aid very materially i4 getting the hest end of a neck uP veal and cut ■ ■. Pie Line Gas -New F,ngland Gas �' A WARNING~ GUN produce ready for market, and that ..� p A MU6IOAI. HINT. they, by an attentive reading of the it into cutlets of an equal thickness, h`i1Dalous pt•tcoq pat : ;oil rile Loaves of ®�' ®� ®�' Coke Company scheme is a glaring im- Will thunder forth from the loom market reports, would know when to trim thein neatly~ and lard the lean #lie Sacred urewllt. position on the investing and gas con- gloomy She-D§you litre singing offer their produce for sale to realize suming public. castle of Peter and Paul, and another He -I as always carried away with the most. It fie ce.rtaindy poor economy part 'svith a,trips of fat bacon; plat:(+ Few persons, probably, have heard of ppTICE TO CANADIAN INVESTORS. ,r, -The common shares of the Domin- and another In quicker succession as ilt. to be in at the wrong time, or with the cutlets iu a stewpan, and nearly the marvelous tree of 'lhibet ; never- During the past nr°nths we have received numerous ion Coal Company, of w,hich there are the danger grows a,,••aee. The dwellers She -I will siioig. poorly advi�d produce. cover them with some well flavored theless, for a long time it has enjoyed I oommuniestions from investors, bankers and banks of over fifteen million do lard„ are notl --N . Teach the chiild,ren that wise eeo-n- stork,, add ane -half glassful of sherry, the Dominion ofCransde. As they are on of the some worth a dollar a -share more than the in cellars seek shelter in attics; the a great reputation in the east. It is I saneifaal trend sad ask the same Questions, tie have do- om rice for which the omy COgtaLBta In saving, that greater Cover the ste•vvpan closely, and let shn- i oidoQbopublishone,and our reply as ageneral answer p y were originally police look to their boats; the sentries Quiekeure heals SUrms, dnod n is accomplished. A dollar neer gently for one-half hour, and when a sacred tree, and fabulous prices were to sill Inquirers who have been imposed on with this sold, namely, nothing, are relieved. Desi itu its nature! diff- (utkgg Bruises, Burns, etc. oes so much more ha.a it ens but lender (train the gravy front them, and paid for a few of its leaves. ea below, ehstatements our letter as publish- g_The- DamLndon Coal Company is p y pihce the cutlets between two flat _.�.� not earning any dividend on its stock, advantages, the fact remains that this it lakes the pennies to make the dollar. In his "Souvenirs de Voyage all Thi- I hs the capital Teach them that a penny gained at. the dishes with a weight upon them until bet" fere Flue speaks of this wonderful "Mire• Lawson, Weidenfeld d& Co.- 4 -The Dominion Coall Company does 1 • '• of the great Russian aa- WILLING TO . DISPENSE WITHi IT, expense of ,he,ult.h is too valuable, ur they are cold; strwen the gravy, care- Genthegraem: not own any gas eomipanLes in Bos- I tion -a nation, which, at the present r ne that i3 sinal throes h dishonesty, � , fully remove the fat, and frail quirk- tree. It is essentially of a literary ton. I Wildly, you're gr.tting s eery had re- p g g 1 (rill it is reduced We have closely followed your severe 5 -The Massachusetts Fie Line Gas time, holds the peace of Europe in its purtation. You'll lose it entirely if you It takes a good many pennies to make D' , heat the cutlets in and artistic turn of mind and has the attack ou this Dowiniott Coal corpora- p I hands. Within it,i walls a million hu- keep on. It good dollar. and one must forst hair- the oven, dish them in a. circle, pour C(J.npany cousiwfs of nothing but a till gravy over., and strange habit of producing imnl es and 'thou, and have read your pamphlet is I wish I could. Its of frugality, •, indust~ and general g place mushrooms, worth,ess (hurter procured Porn the !man 1>Pinga live, and, with some fre- s S Y B hieroglyphics u on its leaves. Some- sued for that purpose, In addressing f nod living if he waiiis to Own ver turni!), 1•'rench beans or endive puree p Dlntseachusetts legislature of 1896 b 8 Y times religious figures you for t}is purpose of securing Porth- y ' quenvy, diP, It has a ruler snore au- iv 1 C U 13 m tits of the good dollars. ,I•leonontize, ill i he renter and serge. g gures take the place i ez information on this erul>jP� which, means that are now being investigated : tovratie, a court more gorgeous, ago- - ------- w-i,ely if you would be successful, linuiburger Steak -Can be made a of the letters. Pere Hue called the , if you will give, by answering tbose of b 8 the The eni.iret stock o4 Massachusetts. - I cipty more dissipated, a garrison more ,, most enjoyable or an almost uneatable mysterious thing "the tree of a thous- I our questions w,'1-lc'h you may deem pro- alta h Line Gas Company has and images." 'These images are found per to ask, we will be thankful, for pe just 1 vast. and a populace more ignorantcoinstip"ation THE SWEET -SCENTED VIOLET. di,,h. ifl,ive the butcher put the meat. Lean declared by the Board of Gas and than any other city of civilization. on the stems anti on the trunk. Near wee have been strongly urged by one L1 tri( Light So man women are l:assionatel 1'onrl ru`t from the rounc;. twice through Lhe. tile. temple of Buddha, in the village of the high officials tit oirm bank to b Commissioners of blas- Amuyaments these people will have, - Y y chop er. nnd with it :;time nice fat -a of Liousar, ',Thil,et, this aid in tdavin the coal sbnres, 'both I sedhuset•ts illegally Issued, and the At- ea,•h to his taste, CURED � � ®982 of flowers that they will lie deIghted p great, tree, has i [ g N gmirter of a pound for each pound of stood for years, the plague and t'he puz- i T*reCerene and ordinary with the in- terney-General of Massachusetts has There, are two fit, Peters amusements is gv to know that the home -inane. violet p t zle of till the hntanisLs vyho have ever vesting clients of our firm, and we I annownc:ed that he will proceed againat ' tw•een the pleasur(+s aur} amusements pure Roo' ,sand I4erbe with Celerryy-n neat $IR a live stimulant—sold by all drugglets, ;r,,,,, the le;l.n beef. 11'ltLou,t this fat tb++ }nave hie aa9urance that the enter -;the officers and directors who issued lof whited there is itgreat gulf fixed age, zgc, wOODWARD itRDICINE OO., TOASHTO, CAN. beds is one of the simplest ways o' Weak will be tor, sojid and also dr•, received the gift of faith. _ , A great antiquity was given to the f pries is a laudable one, and one that pt. This act is punishable by fine and one is the St. L etarsl)urg of sum - gratifying their taste. Almost any 5u e',son with salt, pepper, a little nut- q y g ' I will give all. the rebasers of the • rlsonment. I mer, ahother is the St, Iretersirurg of A ante wanted to Intio4uce our burban home has a small portion of ine.g, 9L.1ger and sage, and snake into tree—indeed, it was claimed that it had' g t>n K a hall. Pry one or t,w•o Rlheed or mine- existed from time immemorial. But an ; dhares large profits with trot very I -The contract between the Domini- +tinter. The very nature of the poo- MUSIC, Catalogue qtt terms. W will on Coal Co. an and the Massachus- )1'u seems to ebari e with the seasons. in !1 trropatpt Dar'll be aNigger ground +vith a southern exposure and investigation not many years alru Prov-' smell risk of loss, Our lank offirial ' >�P y 1 S 'D(1gain'," wirbm) sin, for0cents, gram a. a. sheltered north side. Any florist eel onions in n spider until light brown. eel the images un the tree to he takes. guarantees us that he has strong as- etts Pipe Line Company is worth no- Tn summer the are a nation of the p dr:dw them to ane sills,, and prof in the thin y POPULAR MUSIC �HPOT, 40 Alexis St Montreal. r The trick \Yips silmp,le, emtugh, like every surances of some of tam Leading flnan- I g•, open ase, T}uey drive through the ,__ � � _•_ will make a violet l,ed for from r0 to I tell, it inciting it into a cake less other trick when it is found out. In Otero of the United States, that the ! 8s 1he New England Gas & Coker green elm avenues of the sunny Neva ^EN000GHSHORTHAND SCHOO , Preto - T) cents. But the ingenious young w.o.. I t h'rn an inch in thickness. 1� ry. cover- Company is a scheme gotten u r f Ll, the: spring and in.the summer, esu (lark :coal corporation has purchased all the i I os+ the I islands; th,ry throng t.hn pleasant incite tical lieportipla Mothnds; Iniivldual. i - e'I, wntil brown, then turn tial brown as eompauaes of Boston, Mass., and i 8urp"tom of floating $Sg0„0,001 of v:ortlL- and cluster round tl•,e 1!andstands in itvetkon. special Paoilii.icefor n,ivnnnod'st man i au utilize a shallow woudcn boa I on the other side, Now remove to it nights, a tams, endowed with acrobatic' g less securities an the ublic, and iia denta. Terin+one1 or an old trunk mith th'e +sides cut'p':,cher, stake a good brown gravy, power, with his pockets full of hand have made firm co tracts for a tot}gl P the gardens; they dine, with no other allcationforH"t-•raecalo. down. The box should be buried in the g in the onhuny, g 3 )(fret act was to barrow from a New Manager,A.C.BROCK,i41a1ng15tW„T,Tonto• leivirr stamps, climbed all through the tree i term of years with the Massnrhusette roof titan the darkening heavens; their party over ihc' ,,nd stamped the leaves with all saris Pipe Gas Company, a ver large, ex- York trust company for eight months Pipe p y, y g h very, t}u'nt.ri,•at performances are out ground, with the wooden sides stand- itie,tt and serve. if there is march fill t 12,000,000, which, with the I>alanco of of doors. 'They yacht, the ~flail, But xmr'RID11 in the spicier after taking au,t the meat, of holy images and characters, t he most' remely sound and wealthy company, 85,000,090 of capital it imrnedice y [ � Ing out of the earth aBout si.r litchis, In the off all but a couple of tablespoon- numerous being the following formu- and that by this contract the coal oor- id out ,0 insiders caps for property not with Octoller the scene is thanked; the Hartford Q& Vim Ti rely slid higher at the 6aak than at the fuss before making the gravy. Punto•- La: "Om mane padone om"-- Glory to •poration will be guaranteed Large ldi- worth 667,000,008, thereby p cousin it city is a po,ar capitia. Vast p. tins of Head Offico— llAviclaideSt.W„Toronto• hit this recipe Buddha in the lotus. This is also vidends on alt classes of shares; fora Y S a vyh.iteness that dazzles' tinct exhausts front. When the hole is dual; put in g p • yt*fir steak will be tend stumped up°n the bark, and the leaves I long term of years, and tier thet6e con- self to be biankropt and making Its the 'ye stretch to the horizon. It is the box and fill it with rich, black Hr' 8-nd dellt.'ate, IIOt a dense wad of lean :krill ol- bons of the hark are sold to tracts have been firmly guaranteed by guarantee worthless, an Fastern desert, with; Fan®a Fane-'xeuo,„ueint utfrtws o:alvei Its Miller. if the meat is chopped at [ the New England Gas & Coke Coal. 9 -TU reason the effort is being yy earth to within, 10 inches of the top, boine and you have no fat. use cord visit crrs. g made to float $15,000,000 of stock in, SNOW FOR SAND. we have the be,t and most pracElnal r• ace, on 1_auy, a company with a paid in eapi- ea*th. You: m 1 sol it n ute atpe 1�xpori- having first punched holes in the I,ot• boiled potatoes, half and half, tel of #55,000,000. The tiestloua we Canada is: The stook co'it the luomot-+ Between night and clay the ;line may montatl Farm, G1'Roli, r)nt. Send ler clips. KFEPLNG TAB.” q era who created it nothing, Fir ears scarcely be drawn. The people accom- tddrees'roronto Picket Wit•e Foils tax, torn. Then find an old window swill ask you to favor us with answers to,, ✓z 3' with 9,11 the lights in glare and perfect Lira. bLua'kle•-•,Josiah, do you knowI are: desperate efforts have I:een made to m,odate themselves to their environ �eI IItiver8t. Toronto, Ont. an(i la it over the improvised hot- ' I that you have sworn three times with- ' Does not the Dominion Cowl corpora- float It on the Investing public of New m•ents like their own foxes that cha..”. Y E 7�1� (y 1 En land. To that enol trickery. and the color of their coats with the sea- si )� HAVENOAGENTS. rad bed. Nurse lilorrisi SIre ucrets tion own all the, gas of Bos- g y aellvredfreeotorypt•ire end Morris' 1 YA.I IJ V1 in an batt~, that six frowns have rro-s- tiny manipulation have Leen employed, but sons. The a1,r iv shunned ay a deadly delivered free Wo mt'us �rom Violets are universally popular; are _ ed your brow, that you have spoken Has not the C'oai Corporation enter- without avail, Investors and spec- fad. Their homes are heated to a Montreal, our 5yeard tc1�ra�- very hardy, and. spread so that if you cr(maly to the children four times, ed into a contra- t with the Massa- ulatora is the United States have re, tem7perature almost unbearable to a teed sewing m "Ithi t w h a 1 fill the iced this year next sea -on you i ^PLAINS IZUW SHE SAVES and that you have hitched around in eshusetts plica (iaa Company y fumed to have anything to do with it. dweller in the south. Yet it. is a ti t ode. Prices D6hing iter rade. irrli os 18.ee to 31.00. will have to -weed out. the violpts. Iiuy MOTHEP,S LIVES. your chair so much that I wouldn't Will not this give pettmanently large Some monchs a,go when It was ate-• of great gayety -a time of concerts Bend for cu etc only a dozen good, lualthv routs, and --. he surprised ill the carpet were all dividends on a,li the shar"I solately unsalable and Its nominal and operas, of halls and receptions in- THE 0.Al1 sIRLDSON 00., plant them -,Adcly &Tart! then water The Cruleall Tlmr of )Inferuity and fie worn out under you? Is not the Massachusetts Pipe Gas price t Tror share, he appers were em- numerable, a folk venture forth, f- Milrr'rttsez_^ them diligently every ni,ht for a week; 11r. YKILrkle-Indeed ! 1We11, ran yurx 'Company a responsible company I plgye¢ to give it the appearance of is to w9tirl madly along in sleighs muf- g Y i 11ethod;4 of a Famous Nurse to Re»tore guaranteed b great antiyity on the Foston Mock Ex. fled fb the eyes in furs. The livor shod_ HOMO YOU Seen Ito l l Can You Do Itl tl l and raise the •lass rover during the; tell me how ninny nice thins I have Is not this contract b g 11"' vrnther'.+ KlrenRfh• g the New England Gas & Coke Com change• This was done by one broker der Beneath their Padded cotton cloaks, The New ux K. Puzzle !!ll! sunny hours every day. The plants From the Evening News, Detroit, Mich. said is your, h the children during selling g y Tho mostfasoivatingpue le TO tbe day, vAoij will grow and bud, and as w latae~, nets the past hour, how often 1 haver latish- Pliny, and is not this company sweat- in3 quantities to another In .lea tie Is It surf)risiTg theft the try t o find xow To i4FAOH KL®N®�(�6 W the flowers will appear ,ear in No w•onvin is bet.ier fitted for nurs thy corporation whose guarantee is with him. By this means the price was warmth, oblivion, and even death in agqld eveRywhere, d onto want6d, Send f o. F I groat ori. Low many words of encouragement guiod I bid, up to from $30 to $'L5 per ,share, the fiery vodka, a spirit the most pons- fir aampte. T. SONNET proPnrsion. After the weather I•eeom- ins, or hire had more years of practL- I have used, hmv many twinkles have cit expel ienne in that w ork than Mrs. We repeat if you ,ARI answer the aad is now held there by 'the. same onouti in Furope, aBsintlue perhaps ex- i9g Commissioners St.. - Montreal, Qua. Q severely cold the flowers need not come into city eyes and how many mho- insane and whenever genuine orders cepteEd 0 --- ! '- --' I10 watered, and it is not then nere.y.:.iiry Dlases Morris, of 840P'ourteen>;It street, �} I have ant absolutely stilly above questions we will consider our- from Canadian investors are werked up "Englishmen,” so the proverb runs, Italian and Hybrids --best fl�ween Wax to lift the glary, only when gather— Detroit, Mich. For twenty years she ,Mrs Murk!e--4I haven't counted ashes in your debt, as we do not wish All Bee Su ics-best quA ity ing the blossoms, Tire heat from with- has )leen recognized as the best and them. to put our clients info any hazardous in Canada sibs stock is purchased from "talks the it l,leasures sally.” Russinua,; Wanted sed Patent Process Cash of In and the cold without will most successful nurse in confinement investment, and we are led to believe the insiders through the medium of I have no hcsitat.ion in saying, take Foundation. t,.do produce iDlr. blurkle-ll'ltrnt's what f thought. t+he Boston Stock Exchange at a fieti- their )leasurps "madly." They are a ends cases, and truer three hundred happy fi from a study of your pamphlets that n8 1 BEESVold, , Israfyfr s(■1, s•e. suffirient moisture for thein; unit the uppose you try looking out for afel- taott>t price. nation of Pxt.rPmeq; it. iy the Tartar Eltuued, Ysrnncroe,l, law m(ptttP l'a can testify to her skillful you not only consider this coal en- The dai.l'. salsa op the Boston Stock blood that runs e ; it veins. Watch hot. Led once really well estII'ai':hrd tool's good qualities a little While. Yer- wh111 f[OUTiNh marvelously. • All that "llrsing nnd care. Always engap'ed haps if you do that you'll not have so terpriseext.remely hazardous but little Y Is necessary to keep the Fplants lieWthv months ahead, she has had to dec,ine much time to keep tab on his faults. less than aswindle, which we cannot re- Exchange are, wirth the exception of tho far,^s In the sIxeeti wi you drive a71N1�N�4r®ti�%,%10v%,O is to pink the flow•(+rs. The tab!e ran hundreds of pressing and pleading-ap J'Irs. me to (p keep sing s weep)- cuncite with the respectability of its the Ctlnadian orders and on a rare or- along•. From the poished nobleman to J. N.ANDERSOH,M.D.,No. 5Collogs-et be constantly supplied with violetq; plivations for her services. She has sponsors. again, can you not give us casion a geauiae United States order, ihp mia ~ship mau,jilc thev all wear rt ToRONT0,Ont. THROAT Josiah. you are not satisfied with me, fictitious. We advise you str'on I garb member of the famid,y can hthe a made a. speciitlty ofconthnement. oases, You wish you were married to some it reason for the effort that is being Y g7not suIiPn. ttopele9s look, as if life anti its iiH�`ipG boutonniere every morning. hevpral and has made ser high a reputation in other vvoinan ! made to float these shares amongst to allow your clients to invest in this i urdens were too heavy to bear. You EYE, EAR, SPHClALIgT v;tmll-known Amerirnn women IavP thin city that. her engagement.. in all yfr. Mnrkde-Dash it. who Would the investors of Canada, when as we worthless stock, for as soon as your would as little Pxpevt to hear one of 0���l%lsll lslii,�,t♦6,*," \-I 1- violet raising ser delightful and cases, is taken as a sure sign of the help svyearung under sorb rir0umstan- are assured they are in atrong demand Canadian iuvewtors, becoming tired of tl.eni brealc into a. hearty English - Couthe sale so score that the clumsy little mother's speedy recovery, req. I've ball a mind to go out nnd in the American stock exchange. Yours holding itRnd waiting for the misrep- liiugli, as to hear a ,31rnniard, et lie say, 90jytlilj®n Lolls 8tea61t_' lJj)S- 'home-made' heels havogrow-n intopro- Mrs. Morris esus a nurse in Englanri get drunk. re'spectfully,'r resentat'sna that have been mode to Kite vent t.n i 1 -arty Enmli•th rhper• btontrea and Quebec to Liverpool Insntnmer• fes ional affairs and t.lie before sbe came. to America, and so r be fulfilled, attempt to sell, the ap- I Yet, send one of P,Pse melnn••hnly uen- ort andtoLiverpool in winter. J,arye and y i4ok thou- wag her mut her and hPr mother's �Ir3. Vu.rkle-!',here,. now the ant- -- parent market prise of ,$320 will ds- flpmcn on n alai rl,-~flip at full ,**alto,, itatLwInverow a,eaniship; •Labrador,' '1'ttn, sands of flowers every day. Tt. is a mal in you is gaining full control nave~,' 'Lnmininn.' 'ficnt5mp n,' ' Yprkstiro: era of adding W mother before her. When naked once g "Deur Sira: appear and they will lo,,e their invest- Ior stn rt Niru whir!iliK in th:• dan,•e, or :,,porior accommn4nttm) or tilrrtt"abin,sop y g pin money without again, Oh,, why dig f ever place my fair, Yuur letter received by us, and its meat. if you have doubt of the enr- set him dowii to supper with n rnprry ) •d Cabin and Steeraq,• pas,engni•n. )tw ib< of any risk of loss or any expense. he a leading physio t the secretof of ar+eel ,sating life in the keeping of a __ her great, sur,ress in treating muthe,,•s brutal ,xvn+ants Holed, and hernwith we send ~wetness of our ded•urti,uns. come or party. avid inn a few Ab rt minutn•s he tasaatto-A'IrstLahln,$eO; to,•ondi7abit+.+i,7+; srn,I to Boston and investi aii0n am- ayi.11 hec•om., as vvildl� Pxciied a- a 'roerace t22.,r,0 an up',vaids aocor.11o. Itp in confinement cc,ses she saidshe used _ -�_. . you the information you ask for. Hirst g i neamprand berth, P'or all+nform. im P-7 'HOL1i-EHOLD SUGGESTIONS. Dr. WiliL tins' Pink Pills for 1'a lo. t ry believe us when we say that we hold ona+wt our reputo.ble bankers ane! bruk- R,•hnoli,or off for his holidays. - fall ;e L,'cal Ascents, or DAvin TnnitANO k ,'e„ A good 1,6Rng is hat sunshine. for People' in such cases, as they build up .;� , EDEN �� REJOICE ll �oIC�0 outaelves ready to ans,ver for any as- erg and banks vvi:ll slow you that all Mall Magazine. oen'1 Agwta,l7st.Sat,r,im. n: s• ' The mot.hor more quickly and a. rel, ii LEN sertions made in the honk: and news- w't•o inveAh in this worthless Block will __ taking{ out scorch. t.h;in any other me livine she hfad ever pnper statements bearing our signa- love the amount, invested. Tin cleansed with paper shines better used, -- ture, also for those contained in this In closing we would call your at_ j Highest Market Vnlus ON thstn when cleaned with flannel. Airs. Morris was st-en ,,it her pretty 'ler the Iieeovery of Mr. James letter, and we are prepared to defend tenton to that portion of our first Have You Neuralgia? r"t' d p , RAW FORS and SKINS, ILttle• home on dour-0-oll+h ;'•trent rte I Paddon of bit, Forest any aril n that rnuy be brought against honk, " tdoatun tray tinct UominhunCoal," I If you suffer Ila agonies, nnd fah! to I �b ;*, aces, wax, aln:etg,eto, Poll hcun as quickly as possible, and when asked regarding t lie use of I bew' i us in the courts of Canada as vve have whernin we expl?dn why we feel called ! ire' '• ,gel a remedy. w•e want vint to try f Comir,nments .un`w Ex. only juwt enough to cook it through. pills in her prolession slit, b.cid: "i -- In United States courts. We ask you ul,eut Lu denpun'+• this imposition, and N renRpaid. Klondike Mnops ,;^~Case was a Severe one of Kidney Disease to hent in mind sprat we do not make w•here;n we rho,+• that. }mrnusP of our ATPrviline. its a.,•ti•,rt on nerve pain iq t� p Be sure to apply kerosene W unused have used Dr.- Williams, Pink Pills fog simply marvellous. Nervilins is tfie } ,f +r 4'� hloc•asins, cur tones, Robes Oodd's Kidney pills Oured Him Thorough. equivocal statements hedged about san,or partner's official cwinectinn and now Shoes agvmnity, Yale People gime lhHywerr til on the q g mrxgt peasant. and ,ovyrrl'ul ren:erly stores. for tads keeps t:hern from rust- m»~list. p'1'hey built me a{� when I ly then Eden People Rely on Dodd's with technical evasions that may leave with the lio tun lieu csompanies, vice in (he market 'fry ft. ab^ H.JOHNSON, ins' was all run dgwn and so nervous ! IftdnoY Pills and Yhelr Palth Ia loopholes for escape from legal re- president. of the five leading conipan- --- Wholesale Furrier ,If ,you don't want. the bottom crust could not. get any real. After they ha l Justified. sponsihility; that we are a responsi- Lets, wP can treat this subject intelli_ 404 St. Paul St. tile, banking house and stook -exchange gently. I \WINE; WORKS WONDERS, _ Mon'roal, Quo. of fr'uii, pied to he suRgy, just glaze. it helped me 1 IpPgnn to use Ihem in re t;1Pn Eden, -The rel ort of the recce- S g' J' 1Wist+ DPttdr�r-Ilial yon vee vat F3Pes- -- _.--` -- — storing molbersin con!iriement rases. er • of Air. ,'snips Padden, of 1It. For- members, and that. the charsg© that IIIru itis our answers will give You �T_ with the white of fin eg{�. this entire scheme hs one of tlto most the requireIi information, we beg to i tll;tr•'.,, say .' Re saly rhnmi•agne giwR - - Thet•eisnot.biag that can Ill, prescribed Ps„ from a severe nt.ttic'k of Kidney Never use the first water that comes orgiven by a pbysirinn Ilial will give Il;m.ase 1)y the us+• of Uorld'9 Kidney glaring impositions ever attempted on remain. Yours truly, I Coll rage, from a.n iron t any community we have printed over hANW50N, W'1:[I)ENFELD & CO• t't tomer-i presume that. is so. Af- pump or frorn a hydrant; health and strength to �a mother so 1 ills has caused great re piling here, any signatures scores of. prim during t^r d'vP gttlptcwl down one glass, I'm ihavmng• been there all night, it is not quickly its Dr. 1� Illinois' Pink Pills for ,, here Mr. I axidon is well known. we advise ar owner, of immi„roii moat stack nr.,l; i 9 --- Pn le People. it is true that, in some 1i r, d'arldon's ra3A one it very severe the past four months in the leading Whn intend to bMmm� awnefa to wrltP (! at forit' n„r two , brave eno'igh to drink a whole I t.t 1p Ihr+r lthful. cases where t.be father or parents were on,..It vv a!+ w•PJ! known that he was a. newspapers of the United States, and banks. "Dostnn q., an4 Domittlon (!not” and "noatnti i w i�t',!-wit, ,wondering what sort of chem- • Tel leaves are excellent to scat -ter Gas and Now England Coke," ta•,&t.p4crtt,,1aCgeilwrtos, prejudiced against Ilio rnurh adve.r+is- roaRtant suffe+rer, and he had the Rym- have repeated It in thousands of copies and enrtw' lug, quarto pm-phlete, i,'git nn Gas' +cels •it's made of. ��l �(�)1 11 1 iter peer carpets just print to sweeping, ed Dr. Williams' fink Pills for 1'nIP p gt.hy of all his Erica' Is. Consequently of Pamphlets and hooka, and orally a�� er,.negr�pph+e "Report rat Ficsrb•e BrrorP the aver~1 - "Do YouSee I list ��n1t� 7 in that the not only freshen the col- People, 1 gave t hem as I'onir. ii, give urtA oun,led pdPraRure to all to I stated it bofove the Massarhusetts of Gas and T,leotAo rdgbt oommwionor.," ltegnestd _--_ ___.. _. _ y y Pills," but they nil ramp (pill. of a 1)r. lino.+ that hr has at teal• conquered Board of Gas and Electric Light Com• ahnuld be nndre•srd tr. am Post, n, NTnaw , veils. ors, but also prevent dust from ris- Williams' Pink Pill Box, missiuners and the Legislature of (,jI1 H®1t1 WEID NFELD �e GO. Not on "The Page," it never has p his Bitter Pnem 7 , It Ln{g. "I have givom them in hundreds of Eo•Id:v Kiln• y I Massachusetts. P Paraalp fritters may be made by rases of confinement. to the. inot.her, y Pills are the only rue- We answer our gttcstlons as follows; Nawrork DANK 9ta & p�0i1E14s -Boston em, but on that dyad wiry frn,•p. It scraping and boUin three or more dirinA. t:hal. the pPoplP of this disRrict y o was caused b B par- ❑rad it is wonderful how they build up will use+ for Brigh•t's Disease, Diabetes, 1 --The Dominion Coal-Maasach+tsetts Members of Now York Brock SxchanErr. y an animal running ." to it. Tho oouldn "dhdnt moan lo." snips until very tender; then. having 11ro system. i have lrrar.iirall,y demon- Ilro•,ely, Rhpumativpt, hurnhago, Para- - ""`�'""'"'-- '- "- --•-- —• The femr•e "couldn't help it;" But the mashed and apasoned them with snit, wrated their great worth many times 1t,s!s, Heart Failure, Urinary Diseases, A DEN'1'ISrI':S OPPORT[TNiTY. pepper and hotter, make a Tint of licit- and lhave rpeommended them io bun- HAPPY LANGl10ROiifi '1'AHi'I'I. pe t Blo�)d Im7ruri,tiPs, and all other forms I humor its there einrl it is an ev,•sorP fn ter, add the parenips, and Cry a table- dreds of mabbors for their young of Kidney IHgpaae. They have cared Of all fascinating places under the I T waa particularly busy on last Tues -F spoonful at a tame in boiling lard, &tughtern. Yes. 1 have been Ruceesn- hundreds of cases of these complaints sun the Island of Tabiti• one of the I da.}, anted the dentist. boy office was a ,�' the o:•ner, fie looks across the ,nnd When the glass gloheR of the than- fuI in confinement caAps hitt I moot in this neighlou'rhourl, an+i the people SorieL,y TRlands, is said t.0 he the moat at his noighior's nun-humpable. ,mi- ller have hpeamp smoked n,nd ct'o.+Jed all day, and one of the ]net I! saual•'le grimy. give 1)r. \4'illiR.ms' Pink Pills for PRIp beep the fullest confidence in the me- fascinating. in that country—it little Page frtlrp, nnd admits that soak them in hot water. to which a People a greatpart of Ole credit for dirinl•. earth lost. In a vasit orean-•-nalure has patirmeLs to Be attended to xNa's nhig, e -r - little sal soda has been added, Then the speedy recovery of mothers. They 'There is only one way of curing done everything to make indolent, souls fat, middle-aged German y omen. 4hp - elasticity " is in it." after all, pet some ammonia into but water, and vertninly lha.ve no equal its e. strength, Ki,dnoy Diseagt's. That is by curing the happy. 'The climate is temperate, and had been waiting for nearly thiPe 'Price holt anti illustrated printed scrub the inside of the globes briskly a,nd health lwllder, You ran any, for Kidunlys. The only way of doing this even all the year round the vegetation hours, halt fit last it was her turn find matt+•r an itppilicAtion to t.het lornI Fags with it stiff brush, whereupon rinse me Mitt 3 a't.ronig,11 advise that, Dr. is by using Do•Id'o Kidiney Pills. They is luxuriant, the women beautiful and she moved up, to the chAir v+it.h all the Chorcr hly and wipe. v Fc,n^p dealer or to dX pe• \1'iP�in.ms' Pink Pills far Pale People set the Kidneys in proper condition, the nights, full of parfums and myst.I- ,airy grace of a bttea,m culler. Allier- �"�e-,s��ig�, l�.i To make fine shhr4 hosums stiff, be 'kept a,nd used in avPTy house." thus ensurh mfg a supply of pure, fresh cat light, stir the most practical mind enftly the eiro•,vd in the office had im- • after ,having starched them In wn.rm. Aii the eleimevndAy necessary to+ give blond and thoroughly healthy organs. to love of meditnt.ion and dreaming. I pressesd her deepllev for the first thing Magnetic Ointments bnilPd atn•reb., dry them, thp.n starch now life and richness to the blood and Db Id's Kirdnely Fills are sold by all The Influence of this dreamy, lazy life she said waR: them in some of the r•old hoiled stir-rch restore shattered -nerves are ennlained druggint}a at fifty ceint.s a box, six 1s very insidious. Ti. is not necessary 1 PomoT, you vas doing a gont lwos- the wormt Sorin Drnlses, Olds Darns. 1 iCE PAGE WILE FENCE COMP���Y, 9pralna, Bkln )Irurtders, bore Tkiroa�, iron,: and fold until ready for Ironing. Should fn a condensed form. in Dr. Williams' loxes $2.50, or will hm se-nt on rpeelpt to work, an the inland furnishes food Hess. Bh11 41lsat,Lameness Plies. nnd all 0:t•ru,f a wrinkle chance to malce its a .pear- Pink Pills far Pale People. They are of price, by The Tlodda Medlelne Co., without labor of tillage. A number YPs, T said, T keep pretty busy. nrtllntorontotProtionsnbnrnet•rfzedbyiNFLAu• Limited, &nee, fake a small clothaatazatPar d with also a Specific for troubles peculiar to rhmitod, Toronto. of Americana sand French who have, My, bull, you mutat he ma.igimg a big OQTI;�N,Yiollt iIleprincen i Lyne ie. It WALKERV'11.1,C. () rr. 0A Rt.ii rrh and rmh the wrinkle out, females inwih as supprresniovia. Irregu- -_ _,.•,�_... g'one there for a visit have become so lot of m0mey I Say doctor, vas you a phys.Ptnn of eminenre, arab lis sure,:'e h',.i been I a,nd iron again, larkies and all farms of weattrims. HfS WA -f OF irtGtt ING. ilnraptured with the languorous axis- Ai,n& man I Olnryol1nnN to the most obv lna' n r1,r., land by T,bey build up the blood. a'nd restore R tepee that, like the visitors to T,oius' This wag gottiing ra.t.ber interesting, Drugeints and Dealers nt 115 end 40 cents. P. S, See our "mi" in nevi issue. ,OMf•, (loon I1.T:GITPF)Ff. the glmv of health to pale and sallow Teacher--tIow much are three and Land, they lie down and forget friends, but tMe question vvaq, fired point hi(tnk, I cheeks. In In min they Affect a, radlnal tt"? home, ambition and everything, at al)ort range, nnd I (edit that. T I aJ Prw nerndinh Sairr•e•-Soak a stick of vitre In all cases arising from mental SMalI ,Roy-Ahotit forty 8 - - to fw.mvar, so T a.dm!itt•Od that. Rtteh ons •horserndiah. then gral.e. Mix+%vo table- st.rnin, overwork or exemses of what- 'Tetae%her--!Nolnsonse I How do you "A Man's a Man for a' That." they case. Ry this time she had ho!0erd a ever naatel,re. Dr. Willlarm' Pink Pills ms.ke that out erael•f iht'to the rhadr, and she pave ma Unma-tchab1(:-,".fflft.ss- Llponrry with a teaspoon of salt, tees are void in boxes, never in toose Ivulk, £;,mall hoe --pap UVint fishinll Sunday Liven If Vic hats clowns on both feet. Flut a look that -well you remamher tile.p)ic- ifit,leapoonn of tatrragon vinegar and a at 50 Penta it box err atx boxes for $2.ft and enught two big fish and throe he is astftnlger, happier nnd wiRer mom tore Am.it.lied -rhe Amorous Tlipl o- and always the same. OM!8rafm of wa(ht,, mntAtnrd, Reat up and may he hold of all druggialq, or Small ano& n.ttd when TTnele Bob asked If he 'uses Autanm's Painless Corn V%' 1 otti,nlllSa " y 06 yolk nt qeo'q In one gill of eream difli"I by mail frnm Dr. 1Willin.ma' him ho'v mn•ny+ he. had caught pap said tractor and g'eta rid of the unaRiigbtly y. do-t•nr, slim PAM, um,l 1 leas a 1XI)EL LA CEYLON TEA will satisfy the fittest particular tis.a driolikgrq. Ciao stir I.qo tQw sitnee. The erea�m and Modinine' Company. Brockville, Ont, ''about fortelr.'t . corn, patnlosal,y and at once, slingle voman i , Lead package:l, as, 40, go and (A*. yt•, M I I . r' ! • - ._.._ ., , • .. 90ifti w'. . I ,L .1 . . I . I . 1. L L . . I . - � �_ 11 M .I . ���.. f ,