HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-07, Page 6.11, 71 ­,�, - . � -p-- �­ ­ ,. I � I I . �, � I - -1 -ll .. � 11 . I . 1, - -11-1. �, 111-11 I ­� 17 � —­ , ., T �, , I , , , , 7 . , : -, " ,; .- ­ . ­, -­ i� � �­ I -; -- 0- ,� -- I I -1 -11 111 11 �. -­ I ­ ; el I � ­ ­ ­ "' - -, —, � " , — . . . , , , , ­ i��, ,­,"— .11 1. . I .. - .�� .11 I I -11, I - - , , " ­ �� . ""I"," ...... ;M 11 . " � � APRIL 7,1898. � TI -M, CIANTON NEWS-REXORD. 5 - - I I I ­— - - I — .---. - -- ---�.-�---�-,------------,-------------.�------- --­-_---_.___-­­-- -----­­­.—­-------- I Gorr1e. ; ,nie Price , Big ones if you choose; I , ­ I I --- - -- -- .vIQ Q'WQO"4b�e-na�o,qb-vw-�a,Qo,%,o-m�i&,�� Silver Noveltiea-little things- of W001. - ; From the 25th annual r t of tile I Che Weekly Still thinks the price. of ; Things for baby -Baby Rings; Rowick Farmer's Mutualeppil!e Illsor- %N, ENT 9 N`W t oul ill Toroilto will run at about Is G b b � 0 Q0 Good and cheap at CREWS'. ance Co., just issued we glean tile, cents this senson in spite of the heltv 1 r I -M I followiDg:-The number of pulicies I Ainerican duty of 12 cent,s, for the fo . I Dandrull" n V 111 0 issued during 1897, wits 781, and tile lowing reasons . -(I) We will this SPRINU M A'S —Kzm%�� I You RUN number in force at the end of tile year year work tit) wore of our owil wool it) I 0 i .MJL - . 2784, insuring $4,085,880.00, bi,ing All OUV O wit fact,ories oil account of tile AF 0% . ; /, J ; inctease of $19,205.00, iD the it mo tit it Kli )r,dike trade. (2) We will prodilue I D treoa . - . 0 — at risk. The Premium notes held fly I le.,s wool this year than we have been 10 4F60 R 0 . , I the Company amount to $201,294.00, I doil)g for home Y(als past olving to till, . %"13 0 M E V E R"' %i r" S- T'I(L 1153 H (31 / . 0 4 '�, ! NO RISK arid the prewlt.1111 note capital to $183,. docrease in tikeiitiLiit�ei-orshemi);itll(1(3) 21he beginning of baMness & dandpaff. I 1 r 372.80. The total income from all tho Americans Illust, apparently illi. Keep the scalp crean andp,omole 1h, 0 , . - - 0 1-00116- AND N A TTY 8111APES. - M M ­ sources was $8,638.91, and the expen- porl, wool itk any case, its QILAiV deniand growth of the hair by the use of i i diLures $5,2080:3, leaving $3,=2.88 to is greater t han tile supply. . -- 0 1 - ; be carried Ul next Y0111"b account. --- - . --- aw� 0 Whalever Whileshinglingon the residence of 11"ProVilig tile Stittlate xyv)--s 4ffallr ; 0 the Misses Harding, Albert and John Labor Systein, V46ro)- On Saturday the 26th of March we begin a Sweeping THE 0 in bu,ing a Watch here. street,, H. C. Sanderson met with - CtOttrillo` Side ()t* ttll Out' Gellts' Folt I IM9 including hard 0 3 what might have proved a serious acci- Provincial Road Inspector, Call * I � and s " Z� 61 TRAINED NURSE e We guarantee PEEFECT dent. lie wits in the act of cutting bell lilt,, received intimation thatt'e- I - 0 ft 811,1,I)eS Witt 11108t, all that is 11OW ani going to 0 OULD not have nearly so much 0 the ends off the top row of shingles tween 30 and 40 township 1111.11liCipali- West Wnw1knosh Council. be worn this spring . 43 0 satisfaction. with whatever, with a drawing knife, when in some ties have, this year. adopted his plan 0 W to do if people only took proper way, the kuifoslipped, cutting a big for making the best of the statute coording to adjournment o '?. embers all Present, the reeve In or I .2 -h"1'l!d;!m-.t - To Each Person bti) ino, a New Felt flat of any sliape 0 watch you buy of us, and glush in his leg just above the knee. labor system of road -waking. .His the chair. Minutes of last nAeating read andn n , , precaution to prevent sickness. 0 , Grand Organizer SLOng, -who has niethod is to Rppoint a road supervisor Passed. price we will give olle of Our New Spring Silk Ties, suit - 0 Cleanliness, lots of air, sunlight and the 0 we've been in business been in Elora the past week, spent fi , r the township, who will Ile a paid Tile treasurer's statement showing a balance I (D general use of disinfectants go a long way . Sunday lit his home in Lown. official. The roads are then divided oil hand of $682.27, was received arid filed. ! able eitber for young. middle aged, or old men. 0 towards prevention of disesse but even 0 long enough to prove that Miss Lillie Green, of Arthur, is at into five -mile dist ricts and a foreman The reeve and treasurer wore appointed to e) (D these precautions fail to save a run-down 0 present in town visiting her grand- RI)IMiLlted foe each. All the roads and soc it out sates for the township. I This is a Rare Chance not only to get a Now Spring 0 system. It issomuch more susceptible 0 we keep our proinises. parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Allison. road -making in the township will be Mr. Gay asked to have an outlet for drain (D than the robust system to disease ger udeW the direction of the sup . front big cellar. Left fit the liands of Messrs, [no, 0 it ervisor. Gibson and Plunkett. Hat2 but a now Sprino, Tie as well which will not cost you 0 that more than ordinary precautions are We know all about the MARRIAGES. Tho townships are buyin machinery Theclerk wag Instructed toaddtoroad list n .1 I necessary. Ifoeallordinary means but 0 —, � arid, altogethpi, a deeld furward that the pathmastors are forbidden to bir-4 anything. ;build UptI1029YA0111 acilicurily tbablood Watches we sell and Sell DODDS -MCDONALD. -]it Zetland, stopinthe direction ofgood roads is shovellers without consent of a member of thee as well. Particularly lit this time of 0 oil Tuesday, 20th March, by Rev. D. evident. board. (p year is this a necessary prooaution to ,0 - ---- The following checks were Issued: -Peter Make your calculations to be on hand on E McDonald, --, Clark, A.Andersonand D. B.Munro, rentof take and white there tire many reme- them for just what they "e-t-l'ie, Miss "ll-1-tte 1 - C14INTON AIAItKET REPOR'rs. 00 0 dies onthe marketthatare goodforthis 0 of Zetland, to T. 11. Dodds, of Wing- b ths fol election, $4 each; A. Thonloson, re- Sat*urday 26th inst. (30 pur we ,advise a course of BLOOD- C are. Don't you oeed one. haill. (Corrected every Wednesday afternoon.) Ing scraper, $3; 1). E. Munro, B. J. Craw- zalldr, auditors, each $7; 1). McDonald, etilvert, BRLOZeiNO RON PILLS because, better . TANTON - ICENNINGS. - At the Pal I W he a t, new ...... ­.... 0 83 to 0 84 Con. 10 $3. r — 0 0 , rhos. Phillips, bolts 81.60; Thomas . (D than anything we know of do they purify 0 Methodist soriage, Watford, Map. Barley ..... ... I ............... . 0 30 to 0 35 Todd, lumber, $9.70; J Taylor, culvert, con. 3, the blood, tone up the nerves and build \k),i:r 0 0 ,)q $1,W; J - Ross Itobertsonorant to Hospital for —0 23rd, Mr. i. Tanion to Miss Ad& UatB ................. ........... 0 28 t - Sick Children, Toronto, , 0 up the bystem. The kind ire have refer- 0 Kennings, both of West williaillis. Peas .............................. 0 50 to 0 55 AOU 3 ence to are suia by us only at 25o a box 4) Pathinasters were appointed as follow8:-L. u'r% I L Rl "(DN Y 8^0 W I E3 E M A N 0 of bO pills or b boxes for $1.00 at our KNIGHT-NIcINTYRE.-Atthe Rec. Aye .................... ....... 0 89 to 0 40 Taylor, James (Airvin, R. Routiollgo, G. store or by mail and in,,ney refunded if tory, Parkhill, on Tuesday, March Potatoes, per bush, new ... 0 40 to 0,50 Young,John Willard, John Mole, Sam. Clark, I CLINTON. t John Hastie­las lialley A Kirk. John Welsh, (D boy do not satisfy '0 P. B. CREWS 29Lh, 1898, by the Rev, 0. It. Gunne, Butter loose in basket.... 0 15 to 0 16 G, Houtledge, Win MefZro, John Mills, Jos. - -O- 0 16 Wa.qhIn;,,ton Thos Nicholson, W. Milligan, (4. ---., .- .- e 0 M. A., incumbent (if St. Jain- Butter in tub . ............... ------.-..-- ------ --.-- ---- — - . Jeweller and Expert Watch church, Mi." Mary Anti McIntyie, of Eggs per doz .................. 0 8 to 0 8 Wilson, C �. Broi'vii, M. Young, P. Mccal Thos. Young, It. Finnigan, R. Plunkett, J.'h'n' M ff1% to% A '03 ALLE.N & WILSON 00 East I'""all's, to All" Ro'le"t O' Clabbage, per doz............ 0 40 to 0 50 Boyle. Jr S Medd IVI. Curninings, a a C) Repairer. lands K.1light, of West Williatils. woods JAn howers,41. Fowler, W, Cam"" W-,..N%JADFV0*K0%T, BOX & 00. DRU,301STS ANDoPTICIINS. ilay ............................... 6 00 to 600 Pbeys LJ . WALKER-DINNE'Y.-At tile resi- 5 Wjnv�r,ftsmmi Jos. Agar, A. JohnHton, G. Greaves, 0 � ,!=� Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 2 W r o ligon, At. LeV, 11. Carney, C. Robb, (*14tb�(91qL1-(9 Iit. 01qtv`MV1T�>1e1" lt��(514rlblm - ---- -- - - ­­­ ----- dellcO of tile bride's parentt;, Ct-)nces- Short Wood, Dry ............ 1 75 to 2 00 J. Chamney, A. Stowan, John Webster, Pd. MANUFACTURERS OF sion 10, Slel)lleo, oil March 30th by Short Wood, Green........ ­1 50 to 1 75 Fitzpatrick.E. McRoberts,John Forcham, 0. Alexander, 13. Welsh, J. Foreham, G. Tisdale, ­- -- — ----- - - --- ----- � - LEGHORN EGGS FOR SALE Rev. Yell -lid, (,'lediLoll, Williall, I'lve (logs ................ 0 00 to 4 55 G. Irwin, D. Rutherford, A. Harp isma.- FINE FURNITURE. Walker, son of Air. Win. Walker of' ,er, D. Me. - I Pork per cwt......... .,.. .... 6 0() to 6 ()o Donald, It. Durnin, ThoH. Sanders, rhos. For(i tilt, ,-little township, to Alh-s Alary L,, 1). Ferrier, R, Loekhart,,J. Gannett. U.1faineg' pay the middleman's profit when you can buy direct frotri the nialln- 0 Front Iny Nvinning 'White Leghorns thatgcore Y011ogObt daughter Of Mr. (',has. Dill- Appl--s perbbl ............... 1 50 to 1 75 John Bowles, W. A. Wilson. Alex. Cam0ell: 0 froiliMtoillipoiaLs. At$1.00per 3. fit,CtLlref'S. a 0 ney. Dried Apples per lb ........ 0 03�to 0 04 Win. Miller L. Woatherhoad, Wat Web , D. WHY We manufacture out- own Furniture con,w(luently you call I WE ARE * IVM. CARTIcIt, D 0 Ducks per lb . ................ 0 0.5,11 t a 0 06 McKonydc, 11, Purdon, Thos. Lott, Jag. Laid- buy froin us cheaper than from the ordinary Retail Dealer. 0 Con.,tanct, P.O. RICHARDSON - WH ITLOCK. - I)A law, John Martin, A, McMillan, P. Smeltzer, - Q I St'vatforo, oil Alarch 21st., b tile Turkeys per lb...--...., 0 07 to 0 08 Jos. Purvis, G. Antiorson, D. McDonald, D. FROM the very filet that wit, Goodb are in iii,. -h. great denland ill tile Old :: STILL IN a ------ -,---------- Rev. L. M. Leitch, Ail'. David-yRich- Geese per lb ....... ... ....... I 0 ()5 to 0 06 Gillics, John Inglis, Jas. Foster, R. Thompson, e VV Patterson, Peter Clark, J. Medd arid Coo. Country markets, 1� st.voog proof that for quality, finish and price they are 0 ardsoll, Of Walkerton, to Ali4s Lillie, Chickens per pall ............. 0 '30 to 0 35 H0,1111. a WYANDOT EGGS FOR SALEW daughtev or iii.. iL)iin Whit,lock, for- \% 001 ... ......................... 0 18 to 0 18 Council adjourned to meet oil May 3o as a right. :: THE SWIM a . — met iy of' Exeter. ------­- Court of Revision and for goncral bu�iucsg. e) This scit,on I have invitc(I ill).% gran(i Pen of OBIE-McLELLAN.-At. the resi- . The Live Stock 11.ti-liet. FOR the Spring Trade we ave offering it link, of Bedroom Suites and Side - I , D IV, S. McCitosi�n,,. Clerk, : e 0 NN'bito Wyaiid,ttes that cannot fail to produce . boards that foi, value cannot be surpassed in AVestern Ontario. 0 winners ienly records it) Show ltooniscount for dence of, tile 111idt-'s parents, oil l TORONTO. 3 Selling Gold Watches * anything. March 30th, by Rev. P. Scott., Mi. 10 0 Toron I o, Api-il 1st-Therti wei HELPLESS ON THE SlIOA 148. . DO not buy till volt have seen Our Stock. We will have your trade if : Cheap, and will give s Tlioreii.i�;coiiil)ose(tof,51,oii�,11)(11 cockorol. Williatil Dobie, of Tuckerstuidi, to niore catt le offered yesterday and to- Good Goods at the lowost prices will secury i�. 3 Ili �ildq,,;(!ore(1941�oltit.,iind%%,oiifli*"tlll-ize,s Mis', ALMY, dilaighLel of Andrew Me- : you better valuettian 00 tLtortltl(3HLIVOII]Ioiiitr3�SlioNN,,tL(;otlel,ic[i,],,,(,oi-�,d Lellan, Esq., of Hibbel.t. (lay at Tor,)nto ,jnaikel.4 thall for a. A"GREAT steamship, feeling her way in . 9U, point", and tile other tvv'O 111*0 V,�Ilally a,,, long thoo. Tile main y,ird wits filled a fog, ran upon a low mud bank find : you can get els6- '09 good but have nevor been exlAbited.,ady srock 1-1 0 NV ATT - - I I 0 W ATT. - A t the yesterday afteriloon before.5, so that stuck fast, about twenty miles from her UNDERTAKING. --.,so& 0 ako won all tile 1wizes in t heir c ss tit the Alikose, Oo NVOd nesd ILY, MaiTh 30th, to -day's receilAs hild to be put in tile : �vhere. Reinein ber, o Hart),, (,011traland at Godorich Fall Fairs. 1808, hv Rev. Jils. A. Anderson, B. a port. blie had on board a valuable , onox, Thove were too inany cattle : What we Say )v (10. 00 I will �clla liniRed number of Hittings front A., Ge�)rge D. Howatt, Wc,4t Wawa- oltered, and soine were left unsold .it cargo aud nearly three -hundred pas- IN thi,3 departinetit our stock is eoinplete and our cb this stock at $1.50 Pei, 13. After June Ist. egg nosh, to Margaret Howatt, of Col. the close. Receipts wi-re 128 cars, in_ ,,ngers, most of whom were almust : a at, 81.00 Per 13. Silti,fftotfon arid it fair hatviii borne township., within Bight of their hornes, Tile tugs 91laranteed. Fggg ,hil)ped any distance, No cludink, o�85 sheep and litinbs, 7,0010 liogs prices as low as tlic lowest. : REPAIRING done rigbt COD stock forsale. DEANS -WOODS. -At the, residence alld about, 1.1 cowsand 20 calves. came and tried vainly to pull her into 0 of Rev. 11. E. ,vi,;tson, XNliogliatil, o Exrlort Cal tle-There wits a fair trade deep water. The officers were aB able : and in a. proper way. 9 FRED. CILROY, CL114TON. , 11 OUR Hearses are tile best ill the County. 11 AJa)'ch30th, b,jrthe.Rev. 11. fi,'. Mason, done"and prices weie a little weaker itt, navigators as there had ever beef]. : : - -�--- , ., ,. - -- - Mr, NN, ill. Dei6lq, to Miss Mary Nvoodg �Ie to,l.�c. But she was helpless, and it was dead : ENGRAVING done right : ,,,bodi of Turnbervy. Butcliers' Cattle - The ri , a ]a water. Only one thing'could be B PRI" 0 A WE% F 0"' %0"' T 2 B^%'F & 00. PROPERTY FOR SALE, CKAY-AlcKAY.-At the rpsidene,e tvade wits done in this line Owing t( one -to wait, A few hours later the %J ,& : n our .own sliop. : ==---==z�� . Of tile bride's I)arelits, 1701 (,()it , thedeniand for Easter. Choice cattle Ualitain said to hig passengers, "Tim V U.-Rittill"o I*y­1xA1lt;tictiiLll7cir.% aittlitt Unclt�ir-calcex-s. 0 ========� Grey, oil March 2,',1rd by tile Rev. sold at 4c to 4�c, and good to choice : r ices Right. 0 * Jas. Walker., of Ethel: Mr. Duncan ordinary butcheri' cattle at, $3.75 to TIDE 18 RISING ; WO shall be off present- . To Let or For Sale. ly.11 Sixt minutes wore and tho ship : - : McKay, T Grey, to Miss Jennie Mr. $3,90 per- cwt. Coninion to medium float d. -I- W- C'1J'lIiC110Yt- 31anaaer e s I Kay, of t le saillp town'Allp. I sold nt 2�4z to.'3,�c arid better quality at e it was now noon. At two storY brick regidenco I 3je. o,elock sharp the impatient voyagers .... Night and Sunday calls answered at R".idence of out - :0 The unflersigned offers for we or rent that li KERR-JOHNSTON. -At the resi- One carload of 1,050 lbs average J. B. ROM : on Raglan St. There are 4 sold at $35.50 eiich ; another of 1,100 Its stepped ashore. They might have been .... Funeral Director, J. NV. C,hidley, King St., opposite Foundry. I : bedrooms, dinningroom, sittinvroom,litchen, Also dence of the oride", father, Oil 'Afarch delayed longer save f r the one fact .. a ' goodstable. Ill 00nnectiou with the, remidenco tire 17th, by Rey. D. Forrest, Air. Peter brought, nearlv 4c. One car of 1,110 lbs �d 0 The Leading Jeweller, Clinton. two acres of land iin,i it large number of frait trevs. average solcl lit $-1.10; anothpl, of 1,090 which the captain ha announced in - . 11 � - - - , --- - ,-- - - - --- � - - ------- -- -- ----!.r! a 0 11cr partictilarsapply to ( , '. Kerr, of McKillop, to AINs Kate' lbs at 4c, four words. is c1destflang,hiev of Ali,. Thos. John- an -21"r : Rock Eggs For Sale 0 CA,YrEr,ox imos., Clinton. ston, of the 17t,li con. of Orey. Stockers and Feeders -There Aveve Perhaps this simpl and not uncom- T-% Un HARRY CANTELON, Mt. Fore t. 110t So 1111MV offewed. Tile pi ices were mon incident may contain a lesson for 1898 XN ew JLpried X11 r,111,11its' 18,98. : "a, March Oth. BALLANTYNE- MuKINNON. - Oil is . - :I have for sale First Prize WIlIto Plymouth 0 3.40 to $3.55 for �toekers and feeders nd me. Suppose we draw a little 11 Rock eggs at $1.50 per 13, a -- — Tue9day, March 22nd, 1898, lit the 1�3.60 to $3.05. yoti a . 0 The Cock had a score of 94 and the Pullet 0 re,,idence of Richard Howson, Sen., . comparison, ai.d see, The inan who Raisins —Alala ga, V,Ll(�116,t and Sultawa,,;. Sheep arid Larribs-There were. some learns nothing from things at his elbow �' t the Goderich Poultry SIIGW. a House and Lot for Sale'. TeeswaLer, by the Rev, James Ala � � d, : 11 J. B. RUHB&LL, Clinton. e colill, W.E. 13allanLyne, o -i SI)riog 1alllhA, Off(TU(l. They sold at, will only wa8te his tirrie going to col- Currants Filiatras awl Fine Vostizzas. 0 - - ,0 i tinbs �f the % �50 to $5.00 oach. yearlink, 11 lege. . 0*6 S Tile midersignod offers for sale that Two ]age of Arthur� to' Mabel, thiri were, fivin at $5.2.5 to $5.73 per c %N, t. California Prunes and Elime'Figs. tory Brick Re,,idence occupied by the latc daughter of the late Win, Alcl Mr. William Jordari is grocer ami 1 Mrs, Willialm Ratteribury There is in connec- �il - Sheep, but,chers'and ex'poi-t, were firm poattila Jit �Valthaui, Want- CROSSE and BLACKWE'Ll, PEELS, Lemon, Orv.iige aud Citron. tion one acre of land w6lob will also be 8old in non, arid grand-daughtev (it Ricilill. I -it 3� at se , - to 3.1,c ; bocks were quoted ster at Brig one Piece with residence or Ili loti4 to suit Howson. to 3fn. - - age, Berks, where everybody knows NUYS-1,'ilholts, S. 8. Altliouds'aud 11'allilu"S. purchaser. . � — . veals . tre. wanted. himand believes initial. -On Decern- ' Apply to I Calves-ChOiCe , ' ' � 'S fo OATS% I W. W. FARRAN, or to BIRTHS. . There are very few offering ; prices bar 7th, ]��931 Ile wrote a letter to 0, COOKING FIGS for 5c, a 1b. NICE OLD PAISI,N I r 56, a lb I Feb. 16th. J. RATTENBURY, Clinton. --- were 69 C,o $8 each. friend, and by collsont of both parties --Headquartors for . Wanted in excliange, POPE. -On Sunday, March 20th, at . Alilt,li(,o%vsaii(ISI)ringerg-Theoi'for- we print a part of' it. -- --..------ — . Dashwood, to Mr. and Mrs. .John ings Ivere light, there was a good do- "In tile outumn of 1890," be says "' I ' Pope, a daughter. . rivind and puices wore firm at $25 to bad ail attack of influeliza Ttie effects TEAS,'SUGARIS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS, 12 lbs, Choice Ulm and Lot for Sale. . 1 bus. Oats, 0 — CASE. -On the 21st March, to Nit-. and $42. . of it lingered with mL. I had no heart , Oatmeal for . H0-4 -The market, was vvemk owing 1-.-, I The und ffers for sale it frame Mrs. Geo. Case, London Road, a to t " for anytning. I wa3 tired, languid arid . McKay, Block, with lean-to. Centrally daughter. lie very heavy otTerings; $4.90 was cottage of 1fe.r,sri"r,.,c,'1o,o . . weaq. My appetite fell away, and J, W, I rik kv/V I N ­� 13 lbs. Choice 'evS bought w arrive, what I did eat gave me a sense of tight- I - �Clinton. , situated. Good water arid drainage. I'Vill b- HOUSTON. -In (Ainton, oil April 3rd, "I Ill fol-choicosing -e for sin( Dtrnily Flour f6i 1bubts, sold cheap. Apply to [,ut Lit(- quotations Nvei ,�e to. W. C. SEARLE. tile wife of Mr, John Houston, Of ti, doy $ t.75, which is l5c lower; 1 hrls N, neBB awl fullness at the chest; my ----------- - - ------ ---- ------ --..-.-.-. T --- ---- - - .,.-- Clinton Nov loth soll � t, I i; -A t . 44 11 These are our present, rates I I . . $1.50, and [�(- for, thick tilt; sows sobi owe, s were very -s ,,, . . I., � I but we. don't know hois, -- -- KITSON. -1 n ,lVi 11911fini, o 1 i 30th Mitt ch it t, $3 to $3.25 aud stakys lit $2 to $2.25. much from sick headache. Sharp ---- a - long tbey will last. ' I ­�— — Mrs. Robt. Kitson Of it son. Nve qllote:- pains often caught me between tile Oats taken in exchange for Groceries. To ImprdVers of Stock. MERKLEY.-In Witighan) oil March Milch cows, each . ..... $25 00 to $42 00 shoulders, and my breathing was very RaAft The undersigned haR on his promises, loth 25th, ,Nit--,, Markin AlerkIvy, of a Export cattle, per cwt.. 3 75 to - 4 2.i bad. I kept on with my work, but, on Arcw Your concogsion, Goderich Towniihip, dMughLer. Ewslereattlo, perewt ... 4 00 to 4 25 account of my weakness, the task was 0. OLSON9 CLINTON' A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Tcrms:­51 COLIAJ�,R­ln NVinghatil, Or) Al;tpcil Btitchei-s' choice cattle, . doubly hard. For about four months I VICTORIA STREET. and $2, 241.1i, Mrs, Robt- Collier, of Buffolo, owt, ...... .......... 3 50 to 3 75 was like this, when ono day the thought, A Thoroughbred Chpstcr wbito Boar, regis, Of it daughter' Biitchevs' good cattle, came to me to try a medicino that so �erod. Teriiis:--$I,witilth(,�I)rivilei,,eofrottirii- Mclifl,ftoy.-I,l Woodstock, on , cwt ................ 3 25 to 3 30 many of my customers bought of we C 5 0 . ­.. — C" ing. N11trch llulchers, corli. cattle, and spoRe so highly of. I carried out Reware 11he Slaodd� fledd,titr. A thoroughbred T0111%V01-0) Boar, registered. 201 1), I lie %v i f,- of M 1. G eol ge U. AIC. cwt ................ 2 75 to -3 00 this idea. and after I had taken otie Have ou got Consumption, Catarrh, Asthma, or Bronchitis? Tormg:-si, %*,,lilt privilege,of returning. Ell'oy, Of it diLlIght(T. BulIN, per cwt .......... 2 75 to 3 (35 bOA10 of , it I ijutic. d this first of all - Cannabis �ativa, Dr. Stevens' East India Remedy, Will cure you. A western farrripr who was taken This is a rare chance to infirove your stocl� FOX. -Jo 131-lissels, on Afarvh 271h, ill(' Feedei s, pm, cwt .... , 3 50 t'O 3 75 in by it somoth talking shoddy twil T. C. Emmum)s, wi I v of Air. Jas. Fox, Di uggist, Of ;L Aft APPETITE WAS BLWER. I could eat i It has cured many cases of pulmonary consumption, pronounced I Slockers. per cwt ..... :3 20 t o 3 50 ho eleBB by physicians. Its virtue is attested by leading members of tfie gave vent, to his feehl)gs ill the follow- , (35-11f. Owner. Son. ' -ep, per cwt. 3 25 to 3 50 1 relished my food ; I got stronger. I I m� p i. - E x po i t slit took another bottle, and was as well as ad 'profession; by business men of high standing; by hundreds who Ing pa' hetic rhyine :--If I here's water - . A,lcNP',l L. - Ili 131-11',,vis, till March 20t.b, l3litchcrs, 41ilvep, per owe their lives to its marvellous power to heel the lungs, allay inflamma- in the river let tile go and stink illy I lie wifo of Air. Alex, McNeil, ora cwt ....... .......... 3 (9)(o 3 45 ever. That is three years ago� and I tion, renew the vital elements of the blood and create streukth. head . I am full of pains and Forry, SPRING TEU4 BECINS APRIL 4ill (langliLev. ­- ------ yeading Lamb,-, per haven t had a touch or illness since. So corifident am I of its virtue that I will send a package, sufficient for kind I wit'll thilt, I vvere (](,ad. I hikd ;, �,"4,1---- 1 - - cwt ............. 5 00 to 5 50 (Signed) Wiliiam Jordan." 12 days' treatment, absolutely without cost, duty prepaid, to every sufferer Inadly, wilily faiwied that no inan - -,f,/:- , Z;�!-',,�� - ' -- , " ) /";V 11311-I'A YUS, Spring lillubs, each .... . 3 00 to 5 00 One more letter-stiortp and right I do not say . n V - - " , who will send me ail accurate st.0cinent of bis or her case. leg collid 111111, but ail n��ent Cattle natd - - - CAvvii, per head .... 3 Oil to 8 00 etraight to tile point. Mr. William It. that one package will effect a complete cure, btit believe so much benefit - fill,, "r �c-,Iel�,J",;//"�,-Jlli,-17�l"(",r�'��i� ---- ChOice hacon [logs, per I Saunders writes it. Ile is a nowsagent, worked tile ail(] illy eyes air �), ,/"� -� 110011111R.- -1 n llibberl, oil Afa rc 1) wool. I have dared tho grvi,n good.,4 � A cwt ....... ......... 4 70to 4 75 anti lives at Old Yown, IvVotton under- will be derived from it that the treatment will be continued until a com-- dealer, it) lit's rm, off easlern ]air ; I RATroitrl, oxT. 22nd, .) ohn I loolwr, n -,ed 75 ycars� Light h(q­;, perewt. . 4 .15 to 4 50 Edge, Glouesstersh;re- His letter is plete cure is brought abont. . " havoluiet die gold brick expert and giNIVI) E�'OPNIZET) tllmsighout(i,T,Adej,� the 1pn,ling 1VALK0,11.- Ili fliwicrt, oti, M -1.1 -ch ThICK f;kt h4igs. per cwt. 4 30 to 4 35 189:3, just one It CODMIC-1,ial F,!w,1 in oi,ti,rlo, nister noxv, 22nd, .J;t.,;por (!., i,on (if (,Il;ls. dated November 7th, What it has done for others* 111111 tile Eloridike ' stare ; I 'Ilft'Ve Write for Hilvelto c;rral,ir�, kom. aKVd :3 YO:Ws &Od 5 inmit,lis Nval- Storeq, per c%vt ........ 4 25 ) 4 40 nionth to -day em-lier than Al PETEP U0110, ONT., Canada, Oct. 18, 1877. downed the hunco qteerer with the old W.J. ELLIOTT. Principal. . o 3 25 ,rhat niereiy happens so, th -'B. I ows, per- cwt . .. 1. .... 3 OO 1( ,,, ,,,,,,.r"g 1-1 was foreman In the lumber shftlJtY Whorl I wait taken sick,andbeing 1) t , �,.- time sick.ening tlind, but, an agent FULLER ­111 Downie, oil M;"Th 191 11, SLAt s, per cwt, .... .. . 2 (R) to 2 25 anxious about the work, I exponed myself greatly, caught, a severe cold, and after i ciane :tit(] work;A tile o.nd iny narne N ' — ­ lioss, inrillit, so]) of Air Robert Fill- 9 ---- tiomen having no knowledge of each recovering took a heavy relapse, which terminated In inflarrimatiorf of the 111,n", Mr. Avilld. I have d0,Kg(vd the SIlly J, 11. Tm,hbanil lei', ;igod :3 months and 12 dayg. other. I "The doctors all gave ine up. An abseess formed at tile bottom of iily left . to , Chicago, W;48 round rorunto Fitrookers' 11aricet. and (Unebarqed outwarmy. At the time I got your rnedleine, It wris getting worse bloomers vvith their Colonel ,4ellpr'�s deit(I in bed at it NV1l1dq0i. botel With it 1,11,13HIZ.-fri Creditor,, March 201 It, - "In the Bpring of 1891," says Mr. every day. Isvery one thotight, and so did 1, that death alone would end my mis- dreani ; I have. o3cotned tile touring s1lPp(*vd to have contained Beulah Verne, youllgost daughter of or Saundurs, "I found myself out of sorts ery, loommenced nflIT19CANNABlR8ATxvA thefIrst of February, 1876'and after bo�tlrv, Toionto, April I. -The receipts using three or four packages of the Rom edy, the discharge wasr checked, and I was fAkir, with his swoolh transparent , lloison, by his side. Chas. Eilhel., Jr., Aged 6 niontim and grain oil the sUreet inarket to -day ullexpeo.tedly. I couldn't, fancy What able to get out of bed alone for the first thrie in more than three years and three seheniv, I have tilet the begging pas- 26 (Illys. were. fair ; pi -ices vvert. Nteady. had come ofer me. I was low, weak months. tor arid dismissed hirn with it smile ; MACHAN. -Ili Ribl)ert, oll March and tired, I could eat hardly any thit 9t but sin ngent co-n-te and worked ine and 110W MUCII DO YOUT WEIGH 2 2 WhOiLt--SteAdy, 500 bil-Shelil gelling I "For from the 22d oflanuary, T873, to the i�th of May, 1876, 1 never was able to get tonched tne for illy pile. It is hard to — 23rd, It. J. Mitchan, aged 20 yews 0,76c 1c,81h, for white, 87c to 88J fov arid what I di;1 eat gave Die so mu(,h in or out of bed'once alone, nor never lay ten minutes off my back, nor never was out Thinness is waqting. WaBting is and 3 days. red it it(] 83c t,n 85c for googe. pain anti distress that I came to dread Of bed'one-halfday at a time, and spent upwards Of $1,400 without much if any benefit, live find tritimph, over forty thousand Rirlvy—St,eady, 300 bu,ihehi selling sitting down to a meal. There were .nd,l only used a few cents over $2o for your medicine till I was well, tricks, hard to dodge the snares and tearing down. Scott s Emu)Rion builds COULTICE'.—In Fifllar(on, oil Alarch , it ,It is now exactly eleven nimiths Aince I left my bed, and I am smart and Will, beloved wife of MI, 35c to 36c. painB in my cheatt sides and back, be- healthy, and without pain or rich(-, or anygmptorns of the disease. Forthepast pitfalls of our niodern politics ; hard to up; it never makes wastes. It will give . W ill. six months I have been able to make a go ILvingformolf. Last Wit cradled spend your, life -time beating those who you rich blood arid bring bacit your Coullice, aged (32 years. Oal,s ­Swady, 1,000 bushels selling lit tween Lho shoulde r -blades. Then I and drew in grain." RO ERT A. HAMILTON. pilfer, cheot and beg, ruid then to have weight,, SIlA,NNAHAN­ln Ripley, on ,still- .Ill- t.o 34c. got so weak that my work was a ,i,)rt of Sept., 18917,— Mr. Hamilton's health still remains good. an agent work yon, pull your adarnan- I Illy, Abtich27th, Frnllk lih,inilallatl Pvas--600 btishel-i so)d at, 55c to We. drag oil my hands ; ail(] even when tine 1pg. --,---,-- - � . - - brotllvr to MI.S. .lilt). Me'N'Tal I n, 'r.: [lay anti st,rit.w.—rhe receipts were walking I was so short of breath I had W, A. NOYES, 820 Powers Bloc � k, Rochester, N. Y. F 4nd Alrq. 11. Dirksoo, or Sonforth, fair, there was it good ovinand, b.nt Clio nd there. I took medi. I --------- ­--­ . The United States Goverriniprit. lists Clalged 37 years and 4 nionths, trial ket wa4 rather ea,41er, 30 loRds of ,to stop here a -C W given orders to abandon tile Maine, 11,�';WRIGHT,.—In Princeton, on h;Ly Sellilig at $8 to $0 50 and 8 loads eines the doctors gave me, and pills,J ' t fmr-� � - - � I - —, ­ --- -— Bunk in Havana harbor. All ,,(illy, March 28th, Annip. S of straw at, $5 to $6.50. �b , t my friends recommended ; but i .----- ) as no use, they didn't help me, And HEALTH IS BEA"I'111t. Beillner, holoved wife of All-, It. (", Dressed Hogs—The receiptq were CLINTON, . . . Actors, Shams, Tf you tire not feeling well, why don't Chr'swl i lit, aged 41 yearg. fitil. and Ole deliland was good, wit), all tile time, month after month, I waq ­ t I WOOD AND COAL YARD % V i I I T N fl,`,�' 11 Sales at $5 00 to $0 25, the latter fo I- getting weaker and weaker. At last I "I had no appetite arid could no you take flood's Sarsaparilla ? It will (layY: f .—In Woodstock, on Mon- . 0 g got a bottle of mecticine from Bristol sleop at nigbt, an(l I Was so tired that i — , �at!,C'h 21111. C,harl,s M. Whit. 811191 11 ` $ - Snbqeril,or Is preparm W bprornptly fill all or Tbat one bottle h I I I purify and enrich your blood and do I , i .rl ad I could hardly walk, snw Ifood s I dvrs for VVood and Con, w ch will be sold at 1,110 you wonderful good, B y OfSPAforLb. Wheat, white, per bit.$ 76 to $ 80 that was right. Offlro oil Isaac Street at LAVIS' Thousands of aetar,s: ROWN.—In (Joderich, on Th lrtqdfty, do red ................ 87 to 98J this effect fit first. MY APPE'rITH CAM[, Saisaparilla advertised and procurod lowest rntem. , I I'V1111,FMENTS lio(PMS. IV. WHEATLky . entertainers, sinc u, lcu.tur- — - blar ch 25('11, Jessio Buch;i list 11, beloved do goose ............. 83 to 85 IIIACK, and when I got through with the four 110tries. 51y health iR now better . ­ — — - - - - — -- — - ors, preachers and readers -0 V , -11 are tormented with tbroat Four ridditionol pioteSts were filpcl wilP OfJ. R Brown, aged 44 years 13110ey1wi-bush....... . 85 to 36 Fiecond bottle I was completely cured, than it line ever been Sint I % AS a . . weakness. Those delicate ,at 04good flail Saturday, making a 11-nd 2 nionths. ()MLS per b0811 ........... lei< for a LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND organs being overtaxed be. P -11 to 34 (-3igned) William It. Saunders." child, and I have not bettiv it come imscepublo to head t otal of 41, , OTTER.—At the. residence of hot, Rye per bush..... .. ..... 50 to 00 Now for the lesson. You see what long tinle." if, a ii,s-ma ,ruft'.'DULL, —WAGOH FACTORY, I 00,1da, influenza hoarseness, father,' lot 7. con. 10. Colbornp, on Peas I)er bush ........... r'5 (o 56 it is, of course but let's have it In Cranbrook, Opt. Cornor Huron aiid Orange Strects, Clinton. , ,I(, kling in the throat, sneez. Sunday, March 27th, (lynthin., 41,raw ... ................ 5 W to 650 I Ift, dropping In the threat, For Over- Fifty Years words. When tile alilp was fWat on tile 1100US I'llAiS (ire the only pills to / P in over the OYeS, drY MnS. WINFMOW'S '400TTTTNO RVRITP haR b0C,l ngost, danghter of Mr. W. (I. IlRy .................... 8 00 to 0 50 ahoals only one thing helped her—TIFIR take Witil 1100d's' Sargapavilla. E,ftsy FIrAt-CIrisg Buggfeq oil hand ail(] mado to th',oat, etc.; all these or iisodbyrntillong ofmothers fort,hoir children P(111tltor, aged 20 ears iind 2 nionthFi, Drossed hogs ......... 5 00 to 625 . . U fo r e r u it n o r a of Catarrhe, while tootbIng. If disturbed lit night arid HAYDE"N.—In grusse1q, oil Mnrch P;ggs, new laid .......... , 1() to ()o 111SING TIVIO. and yet officient. ordor, Prioeq to mnit, t.ho tinies, Repairs and a , Ing stones to flizit, bp1oved wife of Daniel 1111ftor, 11). roliq ......... 17 to 18 Wh,.n theBe two men were Nat on the . - — - , ---- --- repainting promptly attend to. Prices roaRou- Asthma, Tonsilitis. and re but step broken of yonr rest, by it sick chIld safferin 30th, P, ble. tnore serious com, leationa If Mltcted. arid crying with pain of Vut,(,IWTc6th Rend ILI Rity(lon, aged Ot Yenrs and 6 niont Its. do till), dniry ........ 14 to Ili Rhoal of slakness only one thing helped IDIL. AGNRWIS VATARRHAOLIOPOWDEM once arid lot it bol,t-le of "Mrs. Lnslow'Ft sooth. Alcf,AI3,E,,N.--ln Si;,111otd, oil Wedn"s- (Illickelm per . 50 to 55 them—THA Rl,lNG APPUTITO. With eat- Fort.y thousand coal minorq in South " . . - - ---- — isr,werful,fainlesq, harmless and quick-acti Irl ng, and I gllyriip' for Children Toothing. It will ro. ,I)air ....... Wides have qtruck. w ou ._ 30th, 1808, Donean Mc� Turkeys per ) ....... .. I ill PUBVIOP I PUMPS I ro a such trou bles—rellevas In ire Minutes. ", the poor little sufferer immediately. Do. daY, Al-irch . 10 to 12 itig and dig Bdon came Atrength and c pt,end upon it. mothers t-hore iA no mlRtftk� FLb Laren nged 07 Veati. -k. t, univer- C��---­-- - --- nI I . Duc 9 por lb ............ Oh to 7 health, for the trouble was tha an but proclaim Dr. Agnew's CaltArThAl Pow, . I c Ach C . (IJ to 7 . V 'F� �,, , �, �- , " , ic, Fartioularly for afriggs t eijroq 1)larrK r�ruhttcs the �JtOnl 0" A It rl. V. — f n 1oronto, Carindst, on (ices(, per 11) ........... eal destroyer and deoeiver, Indigestion ,4�1 ff j(,n,v,Ant t%Arpt o1a4,, %�vvll made tump, i,rp its der a wonderful medicir I I � c and bowels, enreg Ill( Collo, softens tile , .. I 614., 1, I, , will Nivo you nalWoeticn, w,rd 3w.r aider to th I ...; '. .1 and publio;Poakers. M f. 'a -lotatoos per bag ...... 60 to 65 haid dyspepals, - . A, 11n,1,vA1gn(,1, lj,,%vill,lignii,leic,ntiwellAnt,ddt)ita ' litis a f and wiA were March 2410 18ahel Dobree U rey, I I . qo " �' � ' ' 0 .9' thin great remedy fo onorfy to the wholo 4;ystom. " rA. Wtilslow'g h t, late Lucills. of Yenrling Lamb . ..... . The TIDN rose to the pull of the moon, �� I . tho el,,qept vlmovi. It. ftivo handleo % fftnt-alas c nis e"'th"8go n C tarrh, and never found (4itm(4,re(Iiienslnflamrnat,ion,aii Q11 Ivestoneand relict of 1. 1, "are 0 .. in mcqu. r quick a6flon ... .n�c.r.tg '. .1ittle,"it is a wonder worker. I Soot ling .9yrnp" for ohildren tenthing is pleft- I Ooderleb, Ontario, rind olde"t (Ti".1ig- Spring lamb .. ......... 4.50 to (360 . .1 � , I FORCIP, PUNI 1. licaffily recommend it m my brother professionals.,' Raritt. ,,00,40FIlld lAth0prescription of ono rhe h1bgUld APPr,TtTn ig aroused by the 2 of tho oldoRt and best fornalo physloinns d ter of the Ili -to Sausinarez (Ibirey, of Mii((.on per Ill .......... 5 to 8 medicine finally rpaorted to by both our '10 JAMESVERGUSON Al. nearnett Fostell, Actor, Now York City, --v the Island 00 � lnJrg0AIntb0 UlJif0dStftt0S. PrI00tW0llty-V,1"0 of Gnernspy, born lit Beef, fore . ..... � ...... 450 to 6 correspond enta—Mother Seigel's Cur- waias , I e k. OP1100t Q13n0l1*AJ7010l - High Street 01fintou ,3onts a bottle, Sold by all d ruggists thr?prr,ht Alicante, Spain, ill the 76t.h year of (to hind .......... ... 5 50 to 8 W P .1111 Dairy 8old by Watts & Co. out the world." Be sure and a8k for " its, her Filge, Veal . ................... 750 to 850 v Rtive Syrup. P it ind Beat for Table an 10 609 -ti NO 8vitup, No adulteration. Never ca Zes. . . � . . I � . I 1, 0 . I . . I " . 0 .11"�-�, � — I I . I I . I . 1� I I �il � �� 11 . � ", , , I � , 0 � it, I , I . �, I . ., . I \ I IL --- - �,­­­­­. L , ­'­­­­"­­­'— , , , 4 )L&�!­& , 1�1 1, I ­ - v I I I � - --1L, I , —­ -il I I 13,�­, I...., , I i- I 'Aa, ---"k-1 " Ji 1-1-1- . ,�,,, &�,­A - , . . 1. , - , . � "U"1-1 -- ft' NyjihiL­­­Z� I -. I ,..,-� ­.�1.�- � �� .,;ir_�, � " -� - 11, ­­ . - � � %,.I "'d , a - M