HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-07, Page 5U a THE CLINTON N C W S -RECO IM _ � APRIL'Ill 1898 -__-___.______.--- -- .-_- _- /� . _ ---_ . - _.., �{ • ' bltchigau College of Medicine, refersto l,mtd•liflow, t _. - - -_ _ .-_..- Tho Huron dews-fleoord Circular Town Topics. ( OIrr• 011e-tillie townau)an, Wesley J. ileDsi`li' _ N $t.00a, Year, its Advaece, . Reid, as follows: "The valedictory Hensall has a fire company tint they At the time thu sou trussed the lice , BRI YOUR -�-.-- __.----_._,- - __.-- - _ Goder•lch, April 7th, -The water tddrens was gluon by Wesley J. Reid, don't work ctch at it. '. rue thr and introduced sono}„ the wind Willi ' Al. D. tie said in part : 'To -day we Y 7 works sybtew has been put in order, have been knighted, but our knight- don't receive much encouragement, south, so ac•cordhlg to told belief we i €`*"% _ THlrx6DAY, AYK1L 7th, 1HiJ8. though there are still coamplaints hoof} ib symbolic of our intention to except Yrorn the Ub3erver, but a rPgu• Shull hove mild winds through the PRLO' I PT I �f ___• . _- about the liquid not bring clear. It live as peaceable citizens, We have lar monthly practice should be main- spring and buinnwl•, Itlid frust should l V ONE THING AND ANOTHER. is supposed that there is it break in the leen trained to tight, not monsters and tained to keep the appliances in wnrk• not hurt the fruit curl fruit trees, armies, but disease, which is a u)unster ing order and to relnedY any defects. Mr. (icor ro Nolte), of this villa �( I T00" U J'� intake pipe that allows the inshore il]ure grim than war. We have !••aril- Were afire to occur, we fertr that b g •• By so decisive a vote as 52 to 14 the w,0,w to pass into the set vice, but as ed the vulnerability of his great artrlies sotuething would t)e found to be out of has received the bast intelligence that ° • ■ ■ ■ r ■ Senate vetoed the Yukon Bill, Among soo,, as the weal her is suitable Fi diver of microbes. NVP go out to rulieve the order. his sistel, who had but'u visiting ill Sick . , the majority were three I,ihera'Is, cite sutteriu and to increase the happiness Hensall Board of III'Alth meets ill g . ick W01)1e Cant aflor•(l t0 take ally chances when hav- {, Lucknow some fvw weeks ago, hart 1 of tvhum �+enF�tnr l)'Unuuhne, uf'!'ut,+tl- tvtl! III- t wployed to examine the pipe (,f the hurmul race. The speaker said the Clerk's office the first Tuesday of died tot l,t•t• 1101110 in Culliortle t(,Wn. heltteen the evil, and the shore to find that the were especially shit) 111(. I'eSCI'1 )tiUlls filler. The best physicians in the lto, chxrtictei ized t 110 ureusure as the Y p y glitd tO be each month. Jno. :)cult is chairman r r� l 1 out if this I)leory is the cot-rect. one, graduated front an American college and the (:lark secretary. The annual tis unuiv friends will Le sorry to biggest steal which it [vas liver �uu{;Ilt hear that, Ali-, I+;d. Udluut intends leav- 1'hut the tcutrr is out iuticnla►1 of iedicine. He chowtd how uua [- insppection will take place about the NVOrld OMI haV0 1i0 SL1CCe8S unless the remedies preserib• to force tillough Parliament. 1 ` Y cine fins been encouraged in America, m}ddle of next month. According to ing fur Vaucuuver, B. (i. . « ,lean is quite true, fiat wxut of cleric- and gate some of the greatest achieve- late each householder should receive AIT. Ed. Ruhertso11 hits left for Fargo, cess Thies not woke it impure and it is vents of American sur66gery. tie end- a copy of the public health act. Dakota, where he has becuted a situ»- ed are lure ant] put up by a competent pharmacist, We The 8onate has the country behind iiitpossihle that the second largest e(t With bidding farewell to the faculty The members of the I+anavilleehnreh tion ill a large grocery establishutent it ill this matter, uuwi4ikably sit, and I)odY of fresh water ill tilt' will''(' in graceful tet -ins. At the close of the choir held it very succeasful -at home" u) that city, take pal'tioulal• pl,itlt' ill kee i0 our stock c+u, he bit. Should any wat-erg Laker' address lie W,Ls resented with a huge tit the residence of Mr. Will. Caldwell Mr, Isauty C'ranstun, of Ashileld, has p il' t k pure and 11 with public approval Lu its favor it can h p • • • b oweter have any doubt on this puulb bunch of ruses, bound with the college the other evening. After ample justice urchased the farm oto Cou. 7, West giving extra Cf1rl to the CUnI )1U11 afford to ignore the ravings and rant- lit,, -,in settiv the doubt. by boiling ,ill (•olors of blue and white." had been done to the excellent lunch p in gs of the partisan Tess and the water used for drinking purposes. `Vitreason[, le fig e. the Stuart far tit, [ Cling of preSCriptions, b t P J, I 1 Mrs. Neibold, of Zurich, who for so provided, quite a lengthy ru gramuie at a reasonable figure. satellites of the brace of railway [lien The stand ]ripe and Fill the mains long a period has been confined in the wits rendered. R Y P b l here's nothing fa11Cy 11UUut On I- 'prices—a fairrofit 18 who would have been made multi- `vel'(' emptied on Alund,iy thus ensu['- county jail as It lunatic, was on Thurs- I J. C. Clauson sold James Chesney a lnalulu, all We wall[, p milliouaries had the deal been rati• ing their cloan!�'i liuess. ' day afternoon taken to the London - splendid set of light harness last week _ It, 13. Smith's millinery show still Asylum by Mrs. Johnston of that in- for his horse and he now hits an order - fied, continues one of the town's attrac- stitution. in for a $45 set for a London man, who A very enjoyable Scotch social * * tions. � A VOIIIInfttee has been appointed by thinks he has the fastest horse in Can- was held fn the basement of E If the Government is honest in its The pupils tit the Central got the Oddfellows to make arrangements ada. This set is to weigh 7 pounds. the Presbyterian chureh one even- ■ ar desire to effect railway communica_ through their Easter examination ()It for the proper celebration of the anui- Miss Foster from near Hillsgreen liar ing last week, Tho )roceediurya Y Tuesday and their standing will likely versary of the Order. The brethern, it returned to town and resumed her ! Chemist and Druggist. tion with the Yukon, it will forthwith Ile made known to -day, . is understood, will attend Knox church place in G. F. Arnold's millinery de- were novel and very iuterestug. proceed to make a better bargain than Alt. A. 1). AlcLeau has started the cm the YUtli inst., rind it is anticipated pal tment. Scotch refreshments in vau•iety and L Ali r fnitndation fur it nice dwelling on that during the anniversary week the Last year measles was the revailin g abundatic•e were provided h the ladies, ft POWDER is the satlsfactur kind that which the Senate hits rejected. I y y � Elgin Ave, b men)hers and their relatives and children's disease, but this year rutual'a I{•ev. D. Perrie give till interesting ad- ill lvay S frelill—Ill lti'ays ptll'P, It would be well though to avoid the Al is. Chas. Lee has passed the criti. friends will celebrate in the lodge bid fair to take the lead. ex traordivary secrecy which character- cal pPriud of hoc illness safely. roout. ­- • _ dregs oto Scottish history. Prof. Cline ''II°' ized the arrangement so hastily enter- There will be service to -morrow --- -_ ---•- _____ Mitchell. Sittig the "Alarch of the l'allieron Alen'�� 1-� ����������®� ed Into with Mackenzie & Mann. Mr. morning fn m St. Georee's tat 11 a. • Sir Wilfrid and His Party in his usual excellent Style. All.. 1� yfe ys The Church Women's Guild held The case reserved b Millinery Sifton tn.Ly have certain reasons for their tnonth7y meel,ing on Tuesday at The Government is doingits best to Y Judge Barron en ores. and cC. ishe v t contributed wishin to favor those railways pro- which considerable sewing fpr thO 1 from the last court sittings lit. AlitchellEat,; re»,oit(Alvd and dupe o1'et• as good its I g g hurt. the Parliamentary session to a regarding the Ohalfe-Pascoe note tits a pituu) Sulo. 11ise Al. 5tewitrt, 1L1sa ,1. »trig. Person, ;n-hb,t t+orlc done in Bits lieu Inoters, but. as a Minister of the Crown Indian Missions wits completed. close; and wisely, fol the sooner the g g ('hish ,]Ili and Aiiss �� ulogPoe 11c• will rct•etve perfeer sati4lictloa oil leaving�y'y� yy the country's interests should tirst and Regular meeting of Huron Encamp- session is ended the Letter both for the been given in favor of the defendant D,n)ald gave vocal selcctiotls that were it'(,!' o1•dc rn (vtih the uuderbib11ud. Leav' 0`•J,S.� in • .. „ went, No 28, 1.O.O.F., next Monday Government and the country. It is Chaffe. Actioo was hro(ight by Thus. Iloch appreciatod. N. r\. F(uqulli,r 1c„ eliviv. V • •• • • • foremost htive been considered. That evening, desirable that air Wilfrid should as Shaw against T. W. Pascoe for pity- n11 stud J IS. MCAII)iuc itlso slog ..I(•- MISS JLOOltli. the advantages ill the now dead deal Oil Laster Sunday morning there soon as possihle have till Opportunity went of it note of $109, signet} by IV. ceptabty. i{ciuiing; by A1iss 11c1a ih- Over 1Jce,1o) & ('u', Atte Sime. `fie invite the tail) were all on the side of the contractors will be a special musical service it) St. to get away fruin Ottawa, infested its Chaffe. It was s}iown in evidence that bun ;tad 5. Gracey were well received, OS Of there can be little doubt, George',;, and in the Queuing the se. r- it is with office -seekers Futd blood -suck- the note had been raised from $100 to The dirP(trn s of the North-1i'estery `��`�°'" Vice will be fill) choral. ers, and (lo soine quiet tbinkin un the $109 after Chaffe had signed 91., and of Seotember next, othertvl,e »ti statute labor Cliilton and the Sur- " « « i Fair held a mPetiug tit which I hP chief « Regular meeting of Maitland lodge,, remarkable situation in which a finds Ohaffe refused payment on that ,lot then r('lcu'ned will he chart;c(t oa the cot - Pursuing its usual herring -trailing No, 3.3, A, F. and A, M., next Tuesday himself. His Government is losing ground, though it was likewise shown )Bente f sevalISaket.ed was he appoint- lr:ctur's roll, to bo voIle(.(,d clung ++ith ord}uary trills uuuitlees to adva flee laxeH.at»(1 th,Ltaby-L,tvCo,111"Job,if Lbesamebe rounllingeollntl'y to our tactics the Toronto Globe has been evening. prestige, influence, and character. His that he had been advisFd of till(-, Change the interests of the exhibition. The read Will ins•.:,ed al next ,neutiug of council.— The fall 'wheat in the adjacent town- party is deworallsed to the ver without oh ectii at the time. Mr. F.are carried. hysterically crying that Canadian ships is reported as doing fairly well. disintegration. Some of his iolloweors H. Thompson, g a" t up )cared for lie i4(tix fixed oil and Wed- ['he trea-.tor(',• re}.urns cFtsh balance on h Milliner Opening On trade with the Yukon would be trip- AII's. `S'll)iatn Le( t'etlltne(l from FL are ill open I'el)e111U11 against 111: (ipV- (haffP, argtiecl, Find oluott'<t a,llhUl'ity, y' } ? and "S' Fit lW+t »,eetinu, ,1•'_1_1!.;'1. Itc('uiverl lingo then y p b pled or ruined if this particular train- long visit to her daughter' Ill the U. S. ernment, and ►lain Others 'lel(' hilt aL to the effect that hischent's knowledge last Sunday, the anniversitl'y set'- f+'u1n I'rovl11rt»I Trr,(,oi•,•r 1,111(} Jmprot•cn,ent on Sxturdaty. Y S of the change made after he had sign- cions of the 1lrthoaJ,lst Sunday helm„I Fund, a> -..I1, Haat c,rt, SI 111,0,3; lcatr„a; aL balance way was not built. That is, of course, cold and unwilling ube'dience tvhmP he g were )vino bed Ly I{r'v. Jl. ('lean ni, nP un filum ittdait” 1f 1ll..u, 1C E�Sd dF Air. tinct Mrs. Geo, Porter were in the ht's it ri ht to ex) ed the note tna(le no• difference in the 1 not CUCI'eCt as A111C1'ICatt gOp(la are g • expect Wa['ltt xt]d active Caae, so far as his le • Clillton, lnninill g and e•tenirl +. 111', nn,1ll)uf llheefultnt'iul;~,,�r,i,�'[ M)da sigoed for pay- (�ueerl City I ,t, week, cu -operation. That. lie hits any enemies tial rt:aponsihilities h >, ,,,uet) :- alto, handicapped to the extent of the duty The tog tsvelyn. Sea King and See- in his own party wedo not believe, or, for it raised note after signature were C%lelneltt idso addressed the Sc•huc)l ill t2uinul r(•11"i1iui;und lillin'; u)nvtthi,tn,t.+, lot 47, "� •�- the afternoon. The collect in„s of tha (1 t1i - and 8, -$I l; John E J•'clt, tillh,N; u)i) trach• ."pril 6th. which will necessitate the pilvehase. of hold, il�hltlg off thlS port, .Lt'e II(ot t11FLk- fut' that matter, in the opposite, party c0licet'OPd. d,L • LVt'1•L' Ill }ll<l of tie 5lltl(1rl ' SChI,UI O11I,, 1(IL 'Si, re,a'. it and i, r?I,fd,; D. 'lit)t,eCt,u„ J � the great bulk of the supplies in this Ing even decent hauls, though the lifts either. He is not the kind of man to An active worker for Mr. Aloscrip in ) 5 reeve, �,Ildiu); qtr.;, 1111, ;$1,1 (filo; hitt, r iill, are somewhat. better than they were a inspire eninity. l.ven the Liberal kick- the late election secured ,L vote ander funds' ilou,c of Itoi.1"o, fnr11l,hiug pliutt,Ioo,, cloth - country. The Globes contention, ecriliar• circtltnstances, rhe Liberal We are informed oto ;;and autho rit y iii);', vt(••. tzs; V- Goal,, _ >,)n. t.liutoil (•lotld»u (til' Stock Comprises week ago. era speak of hire in tertus of loyalty P furnished At r,. E:a)• and d,u,ghl(',•,call though, has been a big ad for the out- The. Mission Blind Concert in Knox and personal esteem. But he exercises woi ker, who lives ill Fullarton hap that .John (. oroyo, ex -editor of the fit r. Frr11d, IS. ['ill or (Iliot,•e. e IIiu`•}oilier of fitters of Seattle, Tacoma and Frisco church oil Friday evening was largely no control over his party and apparent- rens to have an uninarrled sister, and Advance, has purchased a part, inlet - ticnluut to fun of ho,u,d,u•y lincaccourit(foetH9�, the ire remised a nun rnFLti in Logan, est m the 1 u't+ge-Lt-.l 1,)tu'ie Review. 5:3.",;; lrrt Lcwis, Ootlora,•h, auuriti e roubt'ar ItlteSt flbS111Ul1s sail and they must feel correspondingly attended and the programme tvus a 1 but little influence ill its counsels. p' young ' gt ' All's. Sallutvs, of Cxn -l"l. , is visititl f(„' ('stein Prc,b}tcri,ti) church, cul, tl, Find who for the first time had a vote, that her (laughter , of J. ri Lon •. A good one. A large number of little Ills excessive amiability is fatal to his w+sttl;u•;;•,c; J. �. t ampbcll. ticsululd, repair. novelties In Milliner grateful. * « ones belonging to the Band took part, power as a leader. Ho agrees most if he would ettit it for Mr. Muscrip ht i,, F ill); etilr)(?”: ltlttug Db ttas hail, hauling Y should have the sistee. The offer was coinpanyutg them, aro Mrs. 5allntvs, stones, C. on ditt„on lino bertt'e•ea Past and « and contriblrted much to the success of cordiially with Mr. Tarte, who is the an of Mrs. Lon incl her Batu+ liter the eveningh the cleverness of their bete nuire of the kickers and with no accepted, the t ote cast as agreed a On, g t tt'c,t tt',ttvano,h, cons. a acct 5, tai; James into• and we shall be leased By the Independent action of perforniaues. less cordiality he agrees with the Irick- and the evening following tile election Florence. "ci(i,tnneclni'b rifl"I'uc %voil )o lit, re i l i gnroad I 1) the 'Senate In the Drummond Rail- Mr. TrethPway, whose 1)asement wits ccs who renounce Mr. Tarte stud all his the young niFLn front Logan presented Au)tonb the [vest hound pxssrngers .r�; Jail,(", hound (L ('u., to hitechur10h, 5011 P et t , wap deal t million dollars was flnu l -d at the firm+ of the heavy rains works, Ills authority is not challen himself at the home of his expected last, week u.err. Alt�ln Lilackwell for ur ruck ell', nlauk• ,01; P. Porterlicld, payment o Bilge YOU come and bride, but the "goods" were not de- Braddon, Gilbert Fergie for Neepa_ fur f"ur pullu,u h„otb,, provincial election, I saved in forcing the Government a month since, hits asked the council to ed because he never ventures to r x g wit and Will ("Juliet on for 1•Vinn) ,r Alltell lot, Iwek. $12: 1,-+u Whim, repairing cul. inspect to roodfl'y its terms with the appoint t•wo of its nielnbers to meet ercise any authority worth speaking livered, the excuse being that the J • 1,7. )warts' ranula * horse atn•lu Mcllur rtII(iv�l uhI}111^,I•ii'� �t 3J, con. Id, llc; Jus, p 2t• him and settle tilt difficulty of dztrn about. lady was from home. "Billy miry )• I g ('61vert, ,dr lino 33»»('34, Company and the hoist of the Mae ages, its he ho1r1H the council res ani- tlliuk that lie did a sharp thin but sok, with his rider is in Tovouto, train- 10011• t0, a+I; Jol,u Ilei';tilum filling up tvasbouLH, R l .The Liberal party fs hopelessly divid- lug fur the (lueen'S slate race. s, lots:ex, cuss 8 and !I, $I; John Agnew, Jr., till- • _x_ kenzie & Mann monopoly is still more sible fur the flooding. ed not a oto tent the public will look at it in a di erect 1 I ing u,) tv:I hoar,, ,(i,.rt,;ng culvert,, lots sit, toitscredit. This assertion.ofits ri rights The fishing tugs, Sea Gul} and ' P g questions light, To say the least, it dui act During the past w('ei(a number of cous.8a,,,}t,,,-3o. €( t, b ole, but upon wretched,lirtle questions sportsmen have been Shootingquite On a)ution of ir. Done, seconded by Air. has given the Senate a prestige it. had (Micas, left port nn Friday for the of pelf xud pittronage. The country is show much respect for his Sister. freely oil the hanks of the river, 'One 5utl,o,'lnnd,. ihec�,uncil lid cavi r� seasons Fishh.g, the fat nacr gulag to overrun with little patron» As teas to be expected the election of (inti •Lull of :+In •a , ed till Thurs. HILL IER not hitherto enjoyed and the pOliti- S„nth linty, til(+ IaLter to TohPrrrictrFt ge clubs Mr. Brown in North Perth has been evening recently some• person shot a y nest, then to meet as a ('our[ MAS clans ore and simple will in future Aith B 1lcliilli iter ane} I:uteray. which wrangle weekly not about the ,retested, and the seat is elainied for t•rtle off and ill bullet passed through of •.ct1Hi„» and :lppI P P Y ft anchises or the tariff, or the Yukon one tot til- wnu}otos ill' J1r..J.A. hLtck's 1'. POrt11CF;FItcLD, Cleric. Stand in the Clarendon Hotel Blook. p;ty more attention to the in toll igence leave to -clay for Toronto to relu•eseut policy, but about Government situs r. Magwoud. We, ar'e informed that residence al Culver (i'in thaw, hreiak- J the local cyclists, at the tweet ill Torun- the trial will expose some. daring acts k of the'Senators when about to intro to tit -Morrow. tions. The political regime which was Of Alr. Brown'senthusiasticsupporters. ing t he glass, tea ring the window cur- - -• -- _ duce hast. and extravagant le tslatinn going to make everyhody rich servos to twin to pieces and lodged ill tho oppo. ^— Y ' g' g So fin• the origin of „he fire at Alorris )rave reduced the rouutry to such a and that half a dozen of t lie leading Sit<• wall nl' til(- house. into the Coinitu)ns. nlituing 111111 has riot been brOught to condition that half the population are Inen of the party ill Stratford will be Aliwnl or rte it and Cmnuuns ane- « * light. Those who have studicid the implicated. + « c9auturing for Government relief. The sionaries of the W.C.T. C., A, st ria, nature of the c•aise have carne. to the A tveelc ago Friday some seven or „ CATARRII So far thirty-sr;vet) protests have been patronage club of the Laurier r'eginle will he ill the ilethodist (,Itnrch conclusion that: the lire tt<as the work eight, bays wont swimming in a brook + entered against Legislative members seems to be the legitimate successor of Winghauli, un the evenings of April g g• of the [ire bugs. tot the west end of the tow[], and its Fi thesoup kitchen of the Altickenzie re- the 7th and 8th. Evervono invited t0 GES I elect, 1l against Conservatives while Tl�e stcnuic•r ,7onry left for Wiar ton recruit same of then' have been ander gime, only the relief afforded is not as go and hear them. Liberals will j)e defendants in 211 cases. and the fishing islands this week, equitably distributed, w(-dical treatment since, )u]<l there- Mr. C. Morningstar, of the Stearn Liking its cargo Ft large quantity of covery of one of them for it time was g' „ Even with the average. number of S.tW' fishing Supplies. The Government seems quite willing doubtful. Tit(,, ice was still on the Pu[up Works, hats received it car loud DR. AGNEI� S CATARRHAL POWDER ARRESTS THE MALADY 1 offs and withdrawals tbure will Ile Tile fishing boat.') ownild by Robt, to abdicate tiny of the functions of water in places, and it is a wonder of lumber, for nutking tanks. If(} has INSTANT AND CURES B H AN plenty of work for the; Courts nod Clark, .D. Alarnock ,11,(1 James Cr itigte, Government that are not connected that all were nut.taken with cramps 'LTi order front A}essrs. Aruwut- & AIc_ A$ Y MAGIC. with tjle spoils of office, They have and drowned. Allister' fat• fifty large egg tanks, latvy ers. hate• e0uuuenred fishing for the Sea- Your case is not hope- sa,ll. _:. no policy oil a question of insolvency Potatoes are so scaeee in this ,neigh- • �.. >?YmPtoms of Catarrh « legislation, demanded b the whole less no * "'1'110 �:,'1in,1 of hnnlnu r or pick dirt not •g Y borhood that 0:11• grocers bate 'import- __ ' ---- - ' . e matter how f ,� are : -Foul breath, The Bill li,gram it diartea In mv. h,eak tit. »illness ,it lbe breakwater mercantile community; they have a ed at couple ofcavloads from Mnskoka• East Wa waftosh houti1t:11, long standingoracute (Jurhin, ,If ti„talc, to built) n voila IV the Ims, week, poliey each upon a pettifogging civil Mr. Walter Thotuson left on Tues- _ husky voice, aching h 'l'• ' tl, rd'•c Ari,,,ldi has been thor- service appointment, and will stake da for Giltiler, Texas where his son The council ntet our,unnt to ad,ionrnment oil it may be -and no all over,sto ed nose into the uestcru elinin g district of r' their existence a )on a shad railway Y ' ' ” « PP nkigi1? I-ep:ut•ed a11d when her spoon 1 Y Y Fred has ti large medical practice, The March Ith. Slmube,rHalt present. IIiuutos of case eo slight you can British Colu,uhir, had a stormy title ill awd lie,' le ,l are fitted she: will be contract, involving a few millions of journey is a ion g One, but Mr. Thorn- last meeting read and passed. nasal dlscharge,drop- g• dollars. J Y b John 11. McClinton was again appointed col- afford to neglect ih the RailwW,y CrnnmitteP Ant ivanagei] la„<1v for wnrk. Son has done much travelling in his ping in the throat, The chief duty ,.John of taxes for It !s -salary Sii. This greatest of ca- ts squeeze through by a narrow tont_ 111(• C'hrystai Loiter works have fitted y of ti Government it time and will not mind it. The reeve reported that since fast comu'il tarrh � utas Will re- pain over the eyes, jprit.y. The C. P. R., which is devot_ the boiler on the tug Ontario. to govern. The present Ministers The boys have already began the meeting ever had to be taken to send Mrs. tickling in throat, no The schoouer'KalfagP is having new scarcely profess to govern, they say the annual slaughter of rohhins and blue- Jas. Maty and daughter. who fire in very ('esti- lieve a cold in the ing till its energy to acquiring a.rncl[.- inasts placed ill her and Nein (other- Opposition will not let, then[, but the birds. It int ht be well fot .ill to nu- tute cir•ct(mstanees, to rho louse of Ito- sense of smell, losing 1 g Y g head in so minutes 0poly in the West, tried its best to turn [vise repaired. This is the schooner cling like rim death to the spoils. derstand that the only birds one can fug0 at Clinton. Accounts for food and pro- sense of taste, throat C g p Y visions furnished them, L•ikh) thorn to Clinton, and has authentic tes- down the application, Even Van that was so badly scorched by the It is not too late for Sir Wilfrid to legally, shoot. now are crows, black- clothing, etc., reeelvod a.ld ordered to be paid. dry in morning, pain elevator fire last fall check the downward career of his birds, hawks and English sparrows; Resolved, that the following persons be np• timony to its credit, in back of head -any Horne lobbied and spoke [against it. Rev, J. A, Anderson preached his party. He has in his Cabinet a savin all others are protected by the ga ine pointed milintast'ers, poundkeepors and fence- where cases of half a As Corbin is asking no grant of any annual sermon to sailors and fisher men remnant of honorable rnen. Lot hitrg laws until Sept. 1, vi dwers [for the current year. century's standing and all of these symp- kind and can be tied down by restric. on Sunday evening. and them sdt the able Tn blackmail- _ • — _ J athnulst(p•s--George T,. Stort}y, Fi. Lawlor, toms are present in St. George's confirmation class meets in g' - Albert 1I. Jacobs, Jas. totter, lir., Alex, Par• have been cured in a catarrh in head and tive clauses the charter should be grant- g g pack at deflance, and tell the pat- f►r*msi„is, ker, win. King, Tr., 1I0n+v 'rhlDu, tt ]n n. wonderfully s h o r t each Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ronage clubs to g0 .to the Taco where- wi►son, win Dobto. Jr., NVIII. Johnston, Won. ed him. Otherwise it may tit P -- 14reGowan, It G. i1IC(3owan. wilt, l;adford, while. It's simple, DR. )I t �1 throat and is the re - Frost & Wood had a machinery de- unto they belong. Thus they may C.U. Whale, Grand Organizer of the John Dingwall, George Kreawing, J. Armour, harmless A6MEW 1 PU �? sult of neglected cold. once be conceded that the C.P.R. has livery on Tuesday and the Massey save the fortunes of their party, thus painless and ,6 R LO. F., has been hrate re -organizing JameH Tunney, ,u. 11. Karnick. II. J. lloover. p. the complete control of railway trans. Harris Co. delivered their goods the they can save their reputations its hon- Court Maitland, The following are John W. Wightn,an, .1olill ite(Imund, lir., ,John easy to apply—,one � A'lN9. poi E Neglected c a t a r r h previous Friday. Both deliveries set men. Montreal Star, , b I1. A1cUlintm, T. Ii. Taylor, lir., ,John h:, i,niis, , � � WD leads to incurable pul- portation in the Coast province. the officers: -C. R., 1. C. Richards: V. Ias. Ross, Lancelot Nothery, tin,, 11allahan, s.l^rt puff and relief ��` m o n a r eom Inca• « * were largely attended. C.R., Henry Mooney; P.C.R., Mal- Jr., Will. Hotps, Joh» :ticUowell, pol)ot•a lie• Y P Miss Vivian, who was sit seriously - comers. • Dowell, Amos ('hallenger; D;)vlrl ,'ooL, N'u,• tions. Does )<t Pain and Anger Daniel? coIrn Black ; U.D.H.(..R J. C u�rie; Nethery, Jobn Coulttms, .l,{• , Juit,) cootti.a, Itcv. Pr. Bochror, Buffalo, saga:—"My wife and I were bath troubled Syme of the partisan of Mr. D. ill, will soon be able to take out -dopy Rea-$ec„ $ant. Wilton • Fin. -Sec., A. wit), wiglitt»an, John Dermot, 't'l+onia, IJ o bled with dis- K. Erb, the Liberal M, P. for exercise. Cousley; Tress., J.D. Watrtvick; S.W., Taylor,.T,., I d. tvlghtman, h'. tt'herlcr,.hun�'- tresslnq entarrh, but we have enjoyed freedom from this aggravating malady South Perth, are "hatilinghim over the The Plevator has not yet risen from Ottawa, March 30. -Dan McGilli- E.U. Danford • J. W., Witt- Bozell : S, M Taylor, ,», Adam trlitni an. b' Jas, eiar, .1 r„ sineP the iirs,t day we used Dr. A nEy `a Catarrhal powder. Its action were la- the ashes. Caddy, Esq.,will not he overjoyed to Adam ll. Iloovcr, liobt. }Icor}, ,lo*r )h ?ilii. at»nt»nt•nua, ^Ivh,g mD9t grnteP(rl relief wlthtn ten minutes otter Brat a Ileahlon, and coals" because he voted against the Judged b the learn that his old oliticat chum Mal- B„ S, Walker ; J.B., J. Botz; Phys., Burney, Robt Soo11 5,., (nns..u,hnsi,u;, John We believe there is no (,ase but it will immediate} relieve andtapalafticure,” h y powder and shot' P + Dr. PFilbfleisch. The Court will take 5},ochottont, Georua Ihtley, .Iona Se.lter, "., r y permanently Yukon Railway Bili. In reply Mr. Davison & CO have sold..this week there cotta U. Cameron is next to the Lieu- in members for three months at half Alaleohn Lnmont, Yhos..I, Irwin, tail,. Demme,), DR. ACNEWS CURE FOR THE HEART -The first dose gave mllef in half an Erb has written that he voted nit to will be considerable gun and rifle tenant -Governorship of the North- Y firing to -morrow. west. Cameron has been looking for the reeular fee. a •ts)on, JaA. Young, Albert M. Purdue, \'in, J. hour )s an Query -day testimony to the worth of the great heart remedy, and the deal because in his estimation there thin s before, sometimes for himself, Last fall R.C. Ennis, of Neetpawa, Currie, Win. M. Anderson. Theo. Finnan, one DT ttc0 bottles in most cases works an absolute cure -almost a miracle in Mrs. R, R•Fu}clitiP, who has been seri g • promised Alex. Hunter to get )tin It A. r ltcw Currie, Horlace Gratin, Jotu, Leua,•ntt, many cases -but never has failed to cure a case of heart i was no emergency which called Cora oust ill for the past four weeks is re- on other occasions for his son-in-law. pair of prairie chickens to try if he, y, + Allan Frth. Owen Dnnpell L(twnrd roes• disease where it had departure from the Liberal principle ported to have taken a favorable turn. On the latter quest, as the whole world p den, Barth, O'(?Donor, John Norrrou,, Ja,uea lair trial, of only granting public contracts by Cantelpn will have his delivery of knows, West Huron's accredited An. could raise them in Ontario, and last Martin, t9r., JltnloH Dow, .John Stela, George (;, DR. Af,>'IEWrg OINTMENT--ItAhln blind, l hot cross bung to -morrow mornin arias was successful. The strange mix- Monday that promise wit(; fulfilled by Naylor, Peter Ma.Ha#), loch»rd Lrlsbnuu,, v ni, gt find, ulcerating or L ecdIng piles relieved open competition. This explanation tr tare of ai the arriyal of4 pair of birds- They are Tames, ,Joseph Charlintly, vim, J. Jottarstip cud with one application, and (rnred in from three to five ztlgllts, An effective rem - Wesley J. ]leis, M. D„ of Detroit, P nand anger that passed )Fred. Champion, line not proved altogether satisfactory was visiting at the flintily residence over, Dan AleGillicuddy's systeu] when the size of good sized hens, have feath- Pound-kca r : (Illy for all skin diseases in old and young -3S cents. and Mr. Erb is likely to experience a this week, first he knew that his ancient idol Bred legs and are somewhat the color p a i . ,oho ITnnre, Aire. Jfe' on ,pp111SW+8 LIVER PILLS-foretck hoadache, binousnose esnuooa P g drewtSh(-(I Beni. s1 N id Cfwv,',laaia.r. Robin.sun', .IaH. Indig es4lon bloating aftior eatin Arep•peata The lrevailin 1 was a nepotist base and of partridges. They arrived in old g, conattpation—proctaant tit o dosrss and no hot time when he returns, 1 g pw R. large fares it is P politician condition by,expreyy and All, Hm)ter Owens and ,11unc, Cochrane, bad actor OfFocte-2o contsavial. * « expected will give us o large ntltnher when has all but died away. Now has them in his Teen hcFuse. He in- renee-viatvors - Jame, T. Boll, Joh•, ,llo• ” of Faster holiday visitors. when a scarred epidermis is knitting Unwell, cleoruc I otheruul, John T. ('torr}e, '° "�'"`°”?�-��� �„ _.__ - - . ----- - ------ - - The Oagoodo hall derision which Phillips & Co. have started sett over the old wound, another gash is tends making a owe for tem in is John Menzlu,, ar., and hauurel Aiunnrne?. ~" _ _.______.__ ling Meneseting minerFtl water and + garden and if he is succeasful in get- '! threw the casting vote into the ower made. When Malcolm Uarneron s eon- Moved by Air, Scott. apeonded by'Mr. ('mgr, "Nothing P in-law etc) eel into Guderieh ting them to breed during the coming N•C�t�,�.n Like Leather. thus added to their lar a soda Witter i P , post- that all their read lists s for thW entrant icor nr,Ht of a partisan returniug•ofiicer is not and ginger ale husiness. office as proprietor of the sane, it was summer in captivity, t hey will be turn- return t�)clr road lists not Inter than rho 1H1. day a popular one to this Riding and Mr. Rev, Father Weyt preached a special y y ed loose in a bush. They are ver a cheerless da for a editor of the JACKSON Garrow's acceptance of the seat under young people on Sunda g taros and will feed out of ones tiiu.t sermon to oun Huron Signal. Now that worse has Y A special permit had to be obtained such circumstances has lowered him evening, befallen and Cameron has everything from Premier Greenway to allow of JAu u e,& P The carbo were around the piers and d hand but the state uniform, the + �A' �� F �e much in public estimation. Some of sat sin Goderich to Dan McGillicuddy their beingsent to Onte,rip• Well n �t ivy F .- td� to the arbor, the last few days of the Y v Colin cArter, of town, and Will itis ., il:�m o his own supporters have contended past week, but the winds were too for months to come will be black as a Mosier, of Blyth, have purchased the "- --_' •r' - that he would not avail himself of cold for angling. certain politician's heart. and EARLY ��' Suckers passed a the river in largo THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME town cots w outfit and business from have n's friendship, but they seem to P P g A.E. Scott who established it over - Make s W e " nurnhers the past two tv('eks• that Cameron has been slated for an year, a.qo. The laundry will be con- A i - � � • have tnisnnderstood their man, Not. NC The regular meeting of the W. C• office which half it hundred Grits are tinued in the same stand. Mr. Scott _ withstanding protestations of that na. T. U. was held on Tuesday afternoon. running down But the wind of the will leave town it is said. Hood's sarsaparilla is preparAd by ex- ®®�,-o, ture no one was led to believe that he Isobel Debree Carey, widow of the perienced pharmacists of today, who have west to -day blow to Sir Charles Tup- Last week wets the semi-annual euu- would ask for a deal heat and another tato Lucius Carey and Mother of otic per tidinggs worthy of the ear of an rneration term in all the post-oftlees in brought to the production of this great luau] appeal to the electors, townsman Oswald Carey, died in Tor- nonourable Hoose, Sir Cbarles said Uanwda. The followingmedicine the best results of medical re- Our New Stock now full Y pP onto last week, aged 75 years. DP. is the -Lerner- + the news of Camerons soon-to-be as- »tion ill the Brussels oi11cP:•--Letters search. Hood's sarsaparilla Is a modern . _- - -- ceased was eldest daulghter of the late tension to a Lieutenant -Governor's for places In Canada, 1,717; tetters for ma tifeine,containing fust those vegetable and complete With all Saasinarez Carey of the island of chair was here he would ask the First other countries. 288 post cards, 4Crf1; }) Atwood. Guernsey, and was born tit Alicante, + + P tend ingredients Nature were seemingly in- _ Alinister to declare it true mr false. papers, photos, etc., 1ti8; parcels, 10, the latest and newest �Jpain, tended by Nature heraelt for the allevia- Thoold reliable loophole Lhrotlgh which The total number of pieces, 2,ii&1; total It is a source of disappointment, if The Goderich base -hall club has de- } tion of human ills. It utifles and on - not anxiety, to the Ontario Farmers' tided to ofTer a trophy to he play('(] for sight, and for the simple reason that It is said that the partnership exist• richer the blood, tones the stomaeh and (roods and we are safe FJnx On., Atwood, that theyhave thus by It leagne of at least foil,. town tennis, Sir Charles' announcement was not the ing between Messrs. Stewart,& Peeh. digestive organa and creates an appetite; Clubs intendhig to enter teams for. product of journalistic minds. If it les, its millers, &c., will he dissolved, It absolutely cures all scrofula eruptions in saying that no better far been unable to dispose of their the series of games, should hand In it had linen in It newspaper that Sir the latter retiring. Will Stewati•t will boils, pimples, sores malt rheum, ana dressed flax except ata considerable list of thPir members to the secretary (y,harle found his inter(+atingn('wins the ilea associated tvtth hi father in the every toren of skin flEsease; aures liver . assortment is to b0 aaCriflce, which they are not prepared at once. Premier Weald have rnatde and his mill. It is said Air. Peebles will re complaint, kidney troubles strengthens f,.,, . l:. to dn. The wholesale market is flat, A few children of St. Geon George's .9. S. g • and builds u the nervous system. gIt en- `''t �._ ` foil lid in this west. none of the big consumers of dressed g escape by intimating per one of his move to London, p ! a flax appearing to want 1f. aL tin pity ppose holding on 'At }lonir>" in )lid anon ways that newspapers lie. His Thos. Thorn son who owns the tirelyovercomesthattired feeling, giving <°µ':r, I 1 g y price, of Dlissions, in the school room on y strength and energy in place of weakness , 1`I' . standing retreat ent off, I.anrier fell Brussels-Seafort stat, o, (lits moved to ti4 +�„ Aslt to see our special values �# and languor. It a rdm oft malaria, ty- t l although many (of them h,tto ber.rt ap- Wednesday, the 13t.h of April, He- back on another device. lie tole} the Listowel this week where he Will take Aphold fever, and byptzrityyin the blood it �=,'�,i;•,,:.' Men' -R signs samples solnnit,tE!(1 to freshmrnts will b(' served during the JIouae that if the rumour had been I charge of a branch H; g ii:nrporium for iieeps rho whole myetom heat hy. 1"..'# to Men 4 $2.50 and $3.00 them. There are ill i('asf five local eveniuf;. I'herP will hr n, short aro-. " "' `%• GAAds. They are hat's Mille similarly sit.un.ted t0 Ole Atwood 1 w('11 founded it would he official, [hon D, D. Wilson, of Heafiirth, for thio mea- (�al'Sa'" } w grain of tim-Aic and recitations, and i oracle -like stint up, But his demeanor son.t0 beat, mill, and thr effect upon the 1H1)k crap sale of fancy will it, All who take atJ betrayed something that tueans joy to I Brussels flax mill will not 1t1(ely bQ Hood'spariila wilt h(' nnuk('tl, as nn ('nasi many iul,11--I in \1as4u,n work are vordiallyy' Cain -eon and life-long I.orrow to the operated this year. The Livingston mills will sent ('Ilya lit heirthanrun Invited. 7 "ol'sopvn at7 o'clock, A(1- man in the sanctuni of the Huron Sig- firm will. lease the premises but will Isttiobest-In tact the One, True BloodPurliler• the chnnoe. of I+nLio}t two ar'asot!H' ruissi"u 1.)c. nal. The Lieutenant -Governorship of not run it rind lurchmerisnot in soldbyaildniggists. $t;sixtor$6. (� � � ��i � �� crops on their hands with Mole mus- r Press, P . p } 1'he Dctruit 11ee 1 Tess, in giving a like North-west is to be Malcolm Oarn-' si ht this ver use til industry to the i HOOt $ Pi113 pacts of sale. f T ort of the graduating class of the eron'm reward, --Toronto Telegram. - town will probably remain idle. z pure an lever Ills and I p y SickHeadaohe. Ze. The Noted hob Dealers, Clinton. k I II L_,_'�­__ - --- --.*msw&*NM&Aigm--. ` . . �.._ I.1 I I . 1.1., .� 11 It . M. Y.. "L ,. . I I . � I , Ll' . 11 . .. . I W' ,.;.W.-. A