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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-07, Page 3
,n....._,- �— ---- —_ .._ .. _____ -- A707'F-S AA'D 00M,IIENTS. t 1—A.�-��j�j j�A �jA havior, but the vast majority of them) dow sill, saying, "With what measure -w T__ _ OOD S 1-1111 U1 11tl,RitJ.,ti will not, and it becomes all peen, pro- you mete it shall be measured to you I THE EP fessional, unprofessional., ministers of again." COMNaimt is often made that the -^ religian, Judges of courts, phiianthro-, Let me see. Dird you not say that you SUPPLEMENT TO �'nrl•d he's become boo materialistic. The WHICH IS THE SANSCRIT TERM FOR piste and Christian workers, to recog- could not betem lied to an ebullition of INTENSB g}esent generation is much occupied PERF, CT JUSTIC$. nine the taut that there are these i t- temper ? your September you come LI T H Li N �-i � � � R � .1 � � R � • Wwi'6h the utilities of life. Ltoventiun .,-,o isatin and Pacific surges of heredity home from your summer watering bit with the electric sad outer or, as at. tool warned t Ito Not DecelveA. evil rolling on through the oenturiep. place, and you have inside away Lack busy " I gay, of course, a man can resist this In your liver or spleen what Avecall Yhyfeullu r F+od is Not hooked, whatsoever u liars tendenr. y• 0lerd ly. _ _ _ forces, and the hum of industry is the y, just as in the ancestral flue in our da malaria, but what the old pPudty. - eovvetk Thu& Shall Ile Also Kvup"—Rev, mentioned in the first chapter of Mat- folies culled chills and fever. You take favor U music of the era. When a great _ Dr. Taluutge on the etc o� Un:uirueen• thew, You see to the acme line to quinine until our ears are first hue- A prom], ___.--_-- - - -- ----- laureate died a few years ago Only a Wa,hin n, March 27.—What it which there was a wLcked Rehoboam zing beehives sad then roaring Niag- Oregon, wl poeaaster, who never penned a line (loll�atalltt•e, (uolldrit I. takes twelve words of English to ex- !and a desperate Manassas there af- oras. You take roots and sesta; you to be used, that any one remembers, could be ' g terwards came a pious Josiah and a take everything. You get well. But I press is summed up In theSansorit term glorious Christ. But, my friends you the next dap you feel uncomfortable tagatts 7 Rubes t Young h,is hired for the soot- The KioSstun it. Millinery establish found to occupy the place. The drone I . •Karina." The dourine it signifies is I must taco ails file fact that three in and ales with is Mr. Gibson, near' A.xeter. event. of Muss Hillier at the opentu uu g you awn, and you stretch, and an -it is due, g Of the trolley drowns the cadences of I fluences go on from genoration. to gen- You shiver, and you consume and I Mr. Juhu ed with to to ilea loft Tuesday a at,e. was very "c'wit one enunciated by all systems, but in Y y you ditions. It him and hired with Mr. l.ittlefair, , 4 sold up -u) -date. Qua wiuduw was Parnassus. Even the feminine world oration, I am glad to icnow, however, suffer, Vexed more than you can tell, ., its highest perfection' in the Christian ,that a riber which has produced noth .you cannot slee nrembraneia Dl orris, devoted to the lovely things" for the talks of rain da dresses and rational [ 3 pa you cannot eat, you the braise, Messrs. Pipe turd Fairservic•e have little girls and I ktbes. Cu the ) lilt Y Y Scriptures. One of that ltissages of the ,ing l.ut maisma for a hundred mills cannot hear to sae anything that looks costumes for the street and recreation. Y {,uL a lot of hay pressed by Mr. Den- wiuduw where all the snntt•t styles fur latter Rev. Dr. Talmage chose as his may after awhile turn the wheels of h'uppy. You go out to kick the cat that tibia heads holni (,f Blyth, liulies were to he seeil wets •1110119 6.tep by step loan have aurrendaredt to -day, and he great bed a most I factories and help support industrious is asleep in the sun. Your children's i j� bright and the parts of til MI'. Ben Iteid wits tho first to begin others, two rival hats lit fur a Queen. pictorial in their garb, powerful sermon thereon. His text was and virtuous populations, and there are mirth was once music to you. Now It i sons are in seeding in this ueighburhuud, Ile One wits it '•Klondyke" with Sculptors des Lair _of making anything I I family lines, whish were poisoned that is deafening. You say, 'Bq s stop er rises, a sowe_I about eight, acres 011 Saturday• crown of gulden sp;ui9leol Iceland set P L Matthew vii., d, " With what measure' area benediction now. At the last that racket I" You turn Flack Prom of a man in a modern business suit. i you mete Ltd shall be measured to you I Clay it will be found out that there June to March. In the familty and in alike. Th ur grandfathers wore. cloaks that re- , are men who have on•a clear over into the neighborhood our pt- u5arit is 95 blr. John purvey has moved a the of [)luck, intersperse,] with buckles uP g a airs." He said: g g Y p Y a braakim furca he has lusted (roto Df r, Adams. gold. The slut w•ris 0f black clritFuu, taiaed a suggestion of the cLasaic, but g all the forms of iniquity and plunged per cent off. The worlLd says: "What bit-. sant Clition lilts moved to the printed along (he edge with gold pills In the greatest sermon ever preached into utter al andonment, who, before is the matter with that disagreeable over the Melville faruc, which he lilts rented fur ilyd underlined with gold colored chif- they are gone. The top coat of the I —a sermon aboulti 15 minutes long ac-' they yielded to the first temptation re- man? What a woebegone cpaunten- 1 Sometimes a terilt of years. We welcouce stun foil. The crown Willi s11 lino rated by , day is simply impossible in the art cording to the ordinary rate of speech sisted more evil than many a man who anoe I I elm^t bear the sight of him•" I is no knot block. no is well known here its he it greitt iluwber of spiked flowers from sense: T'he queue of 100 years ago Look- I —a s, tinea on the Mount of Ulives, has boon moral and utpright all his You have got your pay at last—got nine out s tit at uttutber of his boyhood dttys to tilt- Yukon and relieved with several 9 t is sect.iun, Ostrich Lilts in black, and it. golden ind ed well in a medallion. It has vanish- life. sous pay; You feel just as the man the preacher sitting wtiile he sit. -oke, ac- But suppo»ing now that in this age, felt„ that Ivan Bar whom you had no I inside oft Osprey. with other wits a stylish Leg - ed with the rest. The appearance of i cording to this ancient mode of ora- when there are so many good people, mercy„ and my text comes 6n with mar- times in a, it •1¢ralve. hrit'ti tl c a wealth of ,L toots iely � a man on the street in the costume of I !� cri11,soil c;tbbage roses, just lou lovely tory, the people were given Co under- than I come down into this audience velour appositeness. "With what loco- does happel fur rwyLhing. The styles Were varied [the time of Charles IT. would demand stand that the same yardstick that they and select the very best man in it, sure you mete it shall he measured to or blind, Mot +lea rnp sella readily here for Y I do not mean the man who would style you again." 1 Y aril lav ot.e told no two lytta alike. Police Interference, though the mer- I emplpyed upon others would be em- himself the best, for probably he is a• Y Do $ I 9itllriti' that it w• t)il.11l) per '1'h,• cuuiiters were t•entuved ttnd thu rymonarchtvas the glass of fashion but 1 Y You know how that phyauianb We bird it geiltiine Nor' -Nest storrli Willis decorated with velvets and sal.int; Iplayed upon themselves. Measure oth- hypocrite, but I mean the man who that lawyer, that journalist became had died. oil sitLurday lust. week which tut it a little over 200 years. ers by a harsh rule, and you will be before God is realty the best. I will the victim bf dissipation,? Why, the "' The sa 1 11 every bur which reulinded one of take you, out from all your Ch.riatia.n physician was kept up night by night wayare v stop to fanning ulperrttilms• the uiediaevitl times When tapestry measured by a harsh rule. Measure surroundings. I will take you back to oil Great dissatisfaction cxist.s here over wits lit vogue. One pretty feature wits g professional duty. Life and death R gnllitnt Mit It b1•ge case, devoted Lu IIIc c01ur our Yet it should not he hastily decided others by a charitable rule, and you boyhood. I will trot you in a depraved hovered in the balatra:e. His nervous tt'hat thecuunlin onto( the jot that men have undergone any radical will be measured by a charitable rule, home. I will putt you in a cradle Of system was eAa'usted, There came a thrown o Berk and tilt, ,rories ice prepnr•,•tt to voldinteers lute, red. The (!Ile mental change. They have adapted Give no me iniquity, Who is bending over that time of epidemic, a•ad whole families ver bad, du their part towards assisting hint to this year, were all fur the aiming and mercy, to others, and no mercy cradle? An intoxicated mother, Who were prostrated, and his nervous Y re tin his rights Find they will Ile � wear iii � was the ab ecce. ► themselves to new conditions more or will be t p the only thiol, h given to you. "With what is that swearing in the next room? strength was gone. He was all worn dead hors assisted by it il s and of G its who ap• ill' the lovely air, "Aad file baud ploy- less temporary, in their nature. Par- measure you metal It shall be measur- Your father, The neighbors come in Out in the service of the public. Now cold weathl lilts riots iselnill and justice. (Inn'r,is ell on." conal vanity is Par from extinct. An ed to you again," to talk and their jokes are unclean. - Ire must 'brace himself up, Now he to keep all, hits nut risen ill pphlic opinion by his Miss Farrow, lata of Airs. Jefferson's There is not in the house a Bible or grasping at (luirks and technicalities. millinery e-gablishtueilt, is assisting instance of this truth comes from New There is agreat deal of unfairness In stimulates. Tthe life of this mother. the shutting o We still hur'r'ah for Beck• het hither, Custuuts Otticer Farrow, a moral treatise, but only a few scraps lifo of this child, the life of this father, B. Anderson is horoe fruui the during 01pabsence of the Deputy. York, and it equally proves the ex- criticism in human conduct. It was to of an old pictorial. I the life of this whole family must Le lug to Lilo r [stence of the utilitarian spirit and smite that unfairness that Christ ut- Again, I have to remark that in our saved and of all 'these families must q Philadelphia Dental College fur the l f Mtu c h dust is worth a peek of ft'a opposite. in each car of the ele- tered the words of the text, and my estimation the misdoing of people who be saved, and he stimulates, and lie stittirttt'I'• gold, their will we reap a rich reai0d vated roads are several cross seats, sermon will be a re-echo of the divine have fallen from high respectability dose it again and again. You may crit- thing, and Sackrider Bros. have lensed the this season fill- the lion exhibited (luite an,l usefulness we must take into con -I k-ise his Judgment, but remember the duce me to fruit faun and garden front Uati(1 i bit of his temper door ing the Massey - provided in all with four mirrors. sentiment. In estimating the misbe- sideration the conjunction of circum- process. It was not a selfish process ness in the Scott adjourning the Manse property. Harris parade. About 4000 mirrors are in use, requir- havior of others, we must take into stan,•es. In nine cases out of ten a by which he went down. It was mag- not contagij -- - -- (totptitin TretheWn is looking up sten Log much labor to keep them bright, man who goes astray does not in- consideration the pressure of circum- g Y Indficent �eneroaity through which he l�urtlwic6, to Ial:e with biro to the Dlic•hipicotcil to sa{y nothing of the original cost, stances. It is never right to do wrong, tend any positive wrong. He has trust fell. it to one, pt urines- funds. He risks a I.art of these funds T.hatt attorney at the Lar Por weeks er just as' While cutting woo(! Willi -11'. C. Between the election and (lie watcr- These seats are in great demand. in but there are dega•ees of culpability. in investment. He says: "Now, it I has been starddmg in a poorly ventil- There is Seven ora Mr. It. Fidlis' hush on A[o0- works will sewer irregularities, ' the Pact, an unseomly rush is made for When men misbehave or commit some should lose that investment I have of'ated courtroom listening to the testi- the Alask • day afternoon, Mr. James ituwe re- •lion quite forgot his old time ferovily them, and man, as the stronger ani- atrocious wickedness, we are disposed my own property five times as much, I many and contesting in the dry tochni- ceived a very agly wound oil the Sidi- and lit a nionlentary fit of ahsLunction and if this investment should go wrong calitlea of the law. and now the time tar pray to of the sunlit [t semis that he was on tuns completely off his biose" and mal, usually secures the prize. Once I indiscriminately to tumble them all 1 could easily make it up. I could has come for him to wind up, and he the end of At lover trying to hold up only c•,tnte to his senses on April '2nd. Up, to t seated he proceeds to ogle himself, over the bank of condemnation, Suf- five times make it uip• With thatI must plead for the lite of his client the winter it large lug tyhile Dir. sever•, wits lit it litto edition of the illustrated holding his head at several angles to Per they ought, and suffer they must, wrong reasoning lie goes on and makes and his nervous system is all gone, If the Merica blocking it, bot. he Wits not Witte London News, publishe.l in N(t York the investment, and it does not turn: be fails in that speech, his client per- heavyt•tiongh and the lever thl•ow a c view of Lord M•Donnat ld's cattle oil facilitate the purpose, giving his neck- but in a difference of degree. out quite as well as he expected, and; fishes. If he have eloquence enough I mild. Sinilblo, nto the air, and in fulling down the TAe of Skye appeared in all it, tie a superfluous pull, and, after set- La the first, pla,ce, in estimating the he makes another investment, and; un that hour, his client is saved,IIe been cons his bend struck surae sharp obstacle rc•L)istiilo splendor. The lilt,(- Mr. Al. tlinq down to a newspaper, stealing tin , misdoing of others the must take into strange to say at the same time all:stimulates, which haw which inflictedsuch it bad cut that Dr. A[onn; n, Newgate St., wits one of o(•casional glance from the corner of calculation the hereditary tendency. lis other affairs get entangled, nttd I My friends, this text will some to life and pr Spence. had to put several stitches in the workers iu its con-Aructiun uutny , general effect. There is such a thing as good blood, all his other resources fail, and his s his P}e to note the ulfillmOnt in some oases in this world. it. Years it9u• hands aro 'tied. Now be wants to t•s- he huntsman in Farmsteen -was shot god the Lh A ineetim, wits held in [)0n,tghy's At St. Peter's on Sunday last the a -ad there is such a thing as bad blood. txicate himself. He goes a iitlle far-' to her den. L Tour thousanl rnirrgra rest a good There are families that Lave had amor- ther on in the wrong investment. Ile by some trmkmdxwn person. Twenty hall on Ft iday evening 1•tst, illi 't Pithily were blessed and distrihnted to takes a stooge further ahead, for he, years after the son of the huntsman the Oregon company known as "The Fordwieh the faithful. bit of looney, and it has struck the al twist in theta for a hundred years ,tants to save his wife and children, hP, was ,i'n the same forest, and he acrid- er vessels Seale C' )Inpany' organized and tt Coto• some ufTthe book storcw ht,rP slir(,tl' economic department of the company back. Thev have not [)eon careful to .,tants to cava ills home, he waste {.0 , aulally shot a mon„ and the oleo in I and many niilteo ttppouated to purchase lord put hitve nn it�eoc,v fol Fitt. 1 inv s-Iti. u t' at it vvotrld pay to take them out. keep the family' record in that regard. save his membership in tha chunh. He. dying said: "God is just. I ab,ot your earl Dyes li a large scale itt the station, (iU shutes its many people often Fisk where they One high in authority says: " The mir- There have been escapades and maurad- takes one more plunge, and all is lost.' father just here 0 ,years ago," 'leading oil nt'�l..pll ettd-h have already herrn sold. can obtain t cony. go past their eta- Some morning at 10 o'clock the bank I „ A I iahop said to Louis Xf. of France, ; (like gold f Mr. Jawe, Ii. Nilson, sun of DIr. The Ir�S, s ICs hitrd, e Kingston, rors make dudes ings slid scoundrelisms anti moral de- Make an iron cage fou all those who ' John Wilson, of Cake ifill, who had etre relatives of our prosperous Uode- door is not opened, and there }s a card ; g (itrong u Cons "and then ihe(y blame the guards (Frit all the way bask, whether you on the door. signed by an officer oY flu »OC t}tdnk as wa da -an dopa cage escapes Ills been running n grist Iuill in Brantford rich township fanner, DIr. (]sold, late for nut hollering louder." Possibly the call it kleptomania or pyromania or Che L ilk, indicating there is trouble, un which the oaptive can neither lie p for some time past, lilts given up the of Kingston. this season mirrors create some business, but the and the name of the defaulter or the' Tashi nor stand straight ru n was mill there, owing it the Haut being D.Idss ending trained nurse, who has ' dipsomania or whether it be a milder many thou defrauder heads the newspaper column; fashioned -the awful instrument uP ; land, San unshed ;luny, stud hits lensed ish hi r been spending thrt-c ux%v lbs in the Lan - extra transportation required for these form and amount to no mania at all.and hundredsmen pu,nishmesnt. After awhi'e the I ishq mill at Munni Venin. \ti's wish lout slug, Alic hi9an's cttpir,itl, will spend the Iwho miss their stations is more than The strong probalility' is that the pre- he'a found out -,it last,"sayHund Hundreds [ offended Louis XI„ and for 14 years I c� trutlif cunt.inued success. 11,'ster season at the parental home i an offset. The official opinion is thul: sent criminal started life with nerve, other men say "Just as i told you,"i he was in that same cage atnd could at 8ka ova Mr. Joseph Ilainstock, who live; East'. -t. ` y "keep a good many people in the Hundreds of other men as y, -We neither lie down nor stand ud.). It is 1S test east of this village, received a Despite the chilling blastI.Q of stitut•- I - the tie.ad, d of j 1 g muscle and bone contaminated. As some a poor rule that will stat work Loth paritlytic stroke oil Tuesdtt avenin day, our fair c cltyts were out fur n cars who oil ht to be attendin to their couldn't possibly have been tempted to ways, 'With what measure you mete Y g Y F, 8 g start life with a natural tendency to y head, t>'tif 1 Y do that -no conjunction Ot crrcum- Y ba'•I�ache, cue stile being completely p;u•ttlyzed spin, nmoug the number beim," lilies personal affairs, and not their per- noi,iIit and generosity and kindness stances could have overthrown me." It shall be measured to you agadn." I ttnd lie could nut speak but is till- McLellan, of the Collegiate Institute Y g In riot (,Oil f sonal appearance." Imagine an inainu- an ] truthfulness. there are others w•ho And there is u superabundance of in- old es friends !et us Le resolved to Seasickness proving. staff. at!on 200 years ago that personal ap- dignation, but no pity. , The heavens l arW less headway sad -pray morel I art l lack d ;3 start life with• just the opposite tend- full of lightning, but' not one drop of \\ h,:rt headway w"vll we make in the ; , earance is not personal affair I The g g' Judgment .toil failur l p P cosy, and they are horn liars or born dew. FP God treated us.as society 1 gment Lf In tilts world we have been ; then is quite too much even now. y to do their _ µ - - �' q malcontents or born outiaw•s or born treats that man, we would all liat•e hard on those who have gond astray? � to Lhe fu e. There is something of Narcissus in ev- swindlers. I been in hell long ago. �ti'hcplf !headway will you and 1 make in ' - y e _ ii- ngs n Wait for the alleviating circumstano- the. last great judgment when we must , I essenti I There is no trace of angelic wings in cry man, even Lf he can see nothingg hro-spitnal meningitis, but whether it coat of red to Lawyer \Wotts' house lit al•I tate New Testament.. They were There Is 1st F ugland a school that is ea. Perhaps he may have Leen the dupe have mercy or perish ? The Bible says, I avails as a precautionary measure is Middletown., N. Y. Wotls' next dour :iffrlg?itecl. Tttrrified. in a looking -glass but the fascination called the Princess Mary school. All of others. Before you let all the ""They shall have judgment without' a., M hear„ (Hent• Y. Wotan, next acted r lit Ye seekrrifie Jesus_ which was crtr- Y , for doctors to s ' of ugliness. Perhaps nature made a the children in that school aro the hounds out from their kennel to maul mercy that showed no mercy." Y j children of convicts. The school is and tear that man, find out. if he has I see the scribes of heaven looking' As the ma4 frilt,(y of the north -bound such a glaring hue, but hisrnadobjections. the c•ified, a seek tips body of a tohe mistake when she. added ,ft mirror to der high t p�'o;pie come from sotyth of the cots were unheeded. rhes he turned the whom ye saw die, Luke introdu,•r•, the i the brook and endowed ever male bird g 1'atro.nage. I bac[ the pleas- nut been brought up in a commercial up Law the face of such a man, say- I liarullel, they do not have any itreat 1 hose on, the pralinters. and naw he Is de- I startling question, "Why seek Y ure of being present at one of their establishment where there was a wrongIn "What I You plead for mercy; you ye the with the showiest attributes of a heav anniversaries, resided over by the whom in all our life never bad any I steams difficulty as es, th acquiring' cold after the , feAb In a suit for $rL,000. Whiog among bile dead'?" Lip 1, risen. ( Y p system of ethics taught; find out Y steamer asses, the northern point of I swell. Earl of Kintore. By a wise law in whether that man has not an extrava- mercy on your fB[Iowal Don't you re- l p [ A baordIug house was opened in Bebop he had risen re say oat ta,d. _ England after parents have committed member lanes hard you were in amcouver Island and pok r -tinea , y p p V • gant wife who is not satisfied with your into the waters of Queen Charlotte Green Bay., Wis., b Mrs. Kittle S of- Behold the ird-e where the their him. a certain number• of crimes -and there- his honest earnin s and in the tem>La- opinions of those who were usbrayl ford, and she was beard t,d express a Tlrua the angel triasto help their I rani - NOISELESS GUNS• b shown themselves Incompetent g } don't cit remernber when Sound• In Alaska Fifa is not considered I p Y tion Lo please her he has gone into Y you ought shoos faith, "rhe place shelf iLey rightly to bring up their children the that ruin into which enough men have to have given a helping hand you am- good key form to " kill a cold with whiskey � wish that all she needed now was a lei(, him" sprobablytrt- a shelf aLi niche Future Battles liar be Faugkt Without little ones are taken from under perhi- fallen, and by the same temptation, p dyed a hard heel? Mercy I You must key. The maim regions that tvhiakey (tom•. A few days Later he's bell ends do til i ter ti the rock. We L,tvP a" Noise or Ankoke, cious influences and put in reforms- to make a halespeak in the northern regions does rung and w going d the door the end' very interesting description in John procession of man's mites. 4D yourself when you plead far of a rope was placed. in her hand. At Igo, 5, fi, of L,Ius "linen clothes" which tory schools, where all gracious -and Perhaps some sudden sickness ma have mercy here. Mercy for others, but no MORE HARM THAN GOOD. ,As we have smokeless powder, so we Y the other and of the rope was a coup 1ey ,,here.' and w1rl-h had w•ritpporl the kindly influences shall be brought up- touched his brain and his judgment mercy for you, Look," say the scril:ea may have, if Colonel Humbert's gun on them, Of course the experiment is ] t3 of heaven., "Look at that inscription ov- .Another reason is that the whiskey a present from her friends. body of :(esus. P may f unbalanced. He is wring, he of commerce, considered as astimulant A pawnbroker to France is spoken of 7, HI -4 disciples x111 Peter. A very • proves to be a success, a noiseless fire,- 3'onng, and it lids got to be demon- is awfully wrong, and he moat he can- er the throne of judgment, the throne :. p arm, and than the result will Ile in strafed hots large a percentage of the damned, but there may be mitigating qP God's judgment" See it corning out' or as a medicine, is pure rot and is of as "my aunt;" in England, as "my tender alhisiin to Peter's penitrn•e ra- ]atter b no value. One drink of Alaska whir- tsar than to hLg sin. He goPth before childreno of convicts may of brought up circumstances. Perhaps under the y letter„ word by ward, sen- I I uncle." The drivers of vehicles In you ionto Galileo. This was the home case of war a smokelPsa, noiseless L�,t- to rwspectaLilit and usefulness. But I fence h key will make a man yearn for the Y same tem,m o you might have fallen. Y sentence, until your startled return of his money ; the second will France take tha right side of the road; of Jesus shad she home of all his stir - ventThe new gun Ls so made as to pre- we all know that it is more difficult The reason some men (to not steal vision reads it and your remorseful vent a flash and (o exclude the air for children of bars parentage to do ! 2OO,ppO is Itequuse the du not. I spirit a cause him to, tell till he knows to any j to England, the left. A Pri nchman , living disciples, 1 $ y get a ppropriates it: "With what I one. having time and patience to listen !eats an oysteT cwt of the hollow half of R. They went Out quickly. They were from abruptly entering the piece, such right than for children of good tear- chance. Have righteous Indignation metisuse ye mete it shall be measured entrance being the chief cause of the entage. ya'u must shout that man's conduct, to you again. Depart, ye cuTaedl" to him, and til© third Will cause him the shell; the Lnglvihtnan out of the ton greatly startled our leisurely mnce- detuna.tion. The beech of the gun fs Dr. Harris, a reformer, gave some but temper It with mercy. to arm himself with a tomahawk and flat, half. The french soldier wears went. Trembled and were amazed. - provided tilts it shutter, which lies marvelous stittistiOs in ilia story of a I But, you ells, "I am sorry that the -- go on a murderous hunt for his wife's ' red trouriers; the English soldier a red P,hys,Lcaally as well as me'rilMly t hey THE BEETLE AND THE CAMERA. relat'ons, coat• wore overwrought,. Neither acid they directly under the ball or projectile. woman he called "' Margaret, the moth-' innocent should suffer," Yes, I am too Tile sanitary condition o .. Skagway What might have been a tru 1 ratl- anythingto an man. Th,t did not When the gun is fired the projectile er of criminals." Ninety years ago she —sorry for t.hettidows and orphans who road disaster was prevented by a loco- P, g 1 �" is eat bad as it possibly et- Id he, but g g "• ,aura ttalk, but ri4rt t° bring the takes on its usual velocity, but the. in- lived in a village in upper New York 'Lost their all by that defalcation, 1 am curried One Lou;; Berore Photography Was meningitis is just as prevalent and disciples word. stun( it leaves the shutter this flies state. She was not, onlyor, but she sorry for the venerable bank president Found dtut• just as fatal in the mountain passes, motive engineer at Ralle, Saxony. up hehind the ball, preventing the was vif w rions. She was not well provid- to whom the credit of the blink was a flash and the exit of the gas resulting ed for. There were no almshouses tbera. matter of pride. Yes I am sorry also Thousands of years before the invent- i where there is no end of fresh air and While out. for a stroll he discovered a from the burning powder. There are The public, however, somewhat loo od for thnt man who brought all the dis- live genius of men discovered the inul unrivalled scenery, as it is in the broken rail and exerted himself to stop RECLAIMING LAND. a number of small apertures in the after her, but ebiefly scoffed at her tress—sorry that he sacrificed body, tifotcl mysteries of photography and I mud flat called Skagway. an approaching train. Che should ad --- anl derided bar and pushed her fur- mind, soul, reputation, heaven, and Exposure n cold in Alaska, especial- renvatars thought the mon should be T.aaa Acres or the TDrAnelnr n,uvb Now breech of the piece through which the p worked out the problem of the lens the ly when men know what the result , retvnrded, and they generously voted itrtnt; irr•.aaeil. gas slowly escapes. The shutter' re- ther dottn in her crime. That wits EO went into the blackness of darkness m.iinsin its vertical position until the years ago. There have been OL3 per- forever. little beetle was carrying round with wall be, is due largely to carelessness. 1 him two markea, a sum equal to fifty An interesting seheme whieh is now sons in that ancestral line, 200 of them YOU defiant) say, "I could not Ile him a snap camera of (he most uni-, Men will hug a red-hot stove for hours I cents. being carried out. is the reclaiming gas has eaitaped, and then it returns Y Y. p L John Kennedy. of Kt�nsas Oit set -•• earl toast thein shins to perfection and g g to its place at the bottom of the criminals. I❑ one branch of thin Eam- tempted in that way.' Perhaps ,yap quo and iniereating character. 'Phis, then venture into the icy wind with y„ y' of 7,000 acres of the'1'anturmar Dlicrsli, bore, ily there were 20, and nine of them may be tested after awhile. God has out to hoild up a railroad train. lie The inventor has hada un made to have been in state prison, and nearly a very good memos and he sometimes minors, was provided with at least a' the hat on the bank of the hood, the ' The land nom lies under water near g pracLi- all of the others have turned out had- seems to say: "This man feels so strop hundred photographic lenses, each per-! coat unhutloned, or the ni-ek insuffi- Look with him a shotgun„ a pair of I'e- test the value of the invention g the boundary botweou Nota scotch and 1 It is estimated that that Mini). in his innate I ciently protected. in she course of a volvers• p dark lantern and a black oall,y, and the experiments give very y Y pc)ttie and goodness lie fact and in nature's finest working [ few• hours they rack their minds to mask. H•is horse fell. and Kennedy he- New' Brunswick, and it is the intention satisfactorily the, results expected, al- cost the country and ,st.nle ,)100,000, to shall {>E tested. He is at- full of bit:- fettle. say nothing of the property they de- ter invective against, that unfortunate fled out w^hy'thisl cold in the hea•I. whp crime unconscious. In this con lition he to expend $1tW),000 nn it. (hexa is though the recoil of the gun was not g All know that the beetle has the I this weakness and other ailments iviiieb , was fount] and he tried to account for tin immense stretch of bo and sw aul reduced as was anticipated. One great strayed. Are you not willing, as sen- i it shall be ,shown now whether he has g p abject to be attained in the manufaa- suhle, fair people. to acknottle.;lge that the power to stand." Fifteen years curious projecting eye, very similar to, are the sure forerunner of pneumonia, the possesrvion of the artin,es above ],,nit on the isthmus connecting the ture of large or small arms is Aimplic- it is a fearful disaster to lie born in go by. The wheel of fortune turns the sort one sometimes sees in man !grip, or meningitis. Others will stand Ingniehunli by saying that he was go two protinces which his hitherto been It but all the arms now in use are so such an ancestral I'tie G floes it, not. I several times, and you are in a crdsIs of a e, f corners nand the ll runs Ing hunting fur uaaskrats, Y� make a real difference whether one that pit never could have antiri)at- himself. The eye is large and round; of the fart ttcit,ch and a chill runs; blue advellt,wroua young roan in ("f n° use to anyl,Ody, rand the idea complicated that no small amount of g Y I g qualify one g I powers of darkness or almost so. It can hardly l:e-cu.11ad up the hack from cold. Others will Cleveland. holding good sitiiatious and (pc -cursed to it ttutnl)er of capilaliats to . training is necessary to descends from Margaret. the mother • ed. Na�y all the [ keep bundled all day in furs, woollen put the lawl to some account, It ttus to use them effectively, even if it ds of criminals, or from some mother in i come around, and they chuckle and a perfect sphere, for it. is slightly con- [ 3 Israel; whether you ore the son of: the. rb'dter and the say: "Aha, here vex in shape. Such insects have eyes um,lerrlothes, heavy stockings, liigb le•irb with money in the bank, oombinod found tbai. it ttould t,e necessary to only a musket. Iimv much the device y` Y Y: I sho-s. unit warm overshoes, with a tWir assets. gave up their employment, di t canal six miles Ian a the valley Of Colonel Humbert ),Aill complicate Ahab or the. son of Joshua,? I is the old fellow who was so proud of called compound, formed not of one , I and snarled for the Klond ke, These g " g p Y sriiller earl guns cannot bo de- It is a very tlifferent thing to swim, his into tit, and who bra est he lens. but Of several hundreds, set side tcoollen rap pulled down over the head [ Y of the >Vlissa.quas ltitor, wish several cided, but. the ins nti pn has roved to with file current from what. it. is it-' couldn't Fgte overthrown by temptation by aide, like cells in a hchneycamb, leaving only part of the face exposed. ;events occurred ten months ago, Now lateral canals. A company was form- e swim against the current, as some of I tin(] was so uproarious In his demon- Dr. Allen, of Fnglitnd, the famous [n a burnt of confidence in the atmos- ;they are bark i•n C6eveland without ort, and already ilio miles Ot 1he canal be of a, good deal of interest to mill- a P herir conditions, they will throw open 'work and w•�ithi-Att money, havin s d nt tare men and experts who have ex- Y your Hum -1 sti-ations of Indignation at the defal- scientist, its well as h sician, took the P ► g p' 4nva been completed. oil have no doubt found in n g p Y thrtLr ensh. amines ill. mer recreation. Tf a man find him- I cation 15 years agol Let us seal" cornea of the eye of's beetle and em -1 the coat, and put the cap in a normal t aggregating $7,400. They 'chis is tieing dune to drain Ibe fresh self in an anrestrad current whore I God lets the man go. God, Who bad ployerl iL in place of the canal photo- I position on the head. in a compnil bink they could have found a lunatic Witter odf and let, the salt water reach there is good blood flowing smoothly 'kept that roan under his protecting graphic lens of the emmera used for trWeLy short time, the wind is at the [asylum nearer home• the band, as all the valuabli marshes - VICTORIA'S LETTERS. from generation to genoration, it is care, lets the man go and try for him- ma,kint� phatographs of microscopic oft I warm scalp and neck and quickly of the Bay of Fundy are urada till of About 20,000 letters are addressed to not a very great credit to him if he self the majesty of his integrity. God jectn. A silhouette of a bead was works its way inside the clothing to tidal deposits from the stat Ultimate - Queen Victoria yearly from her sub- turn out good and honest and pure letting the man go, the powers of pasted on a piece of ground glass and the cheat and to the spine and the HARP AN" CROWN. ly it isexpected the value of the reclaim- Je•Is. Those that are not stamped are and noble. He could hardly help it, darkness pounce upon him. i see you a lamp placed behind it. A pboto$ra_ i foundation for a Iw,riodl of siekne.sit is ed land will reach as high as $2011 an not forwarder) 1'w the officials. The But suppose lie is born in an ancestral sante dity in your office in great ex- phic dry plata was expulsed to the light effectually laid. Men working on the A harp is rather costly, yet here, large portions of the great QQVuean'a letters `have precedence of al] line. in a hereditary lino, where the I citement. One of two thingyou can coming through the I,� etle's eye from t mountain passes with( their outfits are You'll buy a golden crown Tnntarnar Marsh have been cropped others, tend are forwarded to Windaur Influences have been had and there' rlm—he honest and be pauperized and the milhoue{te and developed in the as careless as people in the town. The Of any dentist for about for more t.hnn 100 yearn withoul Ito - b' special messenger from the general has been a coming down over a moral I have yyour children brought home from usnul manner.I lank of hospiital facilities at Skagway Eleven dollars down Ing fertilized, which gives ;in idea (if ,platoffl(•e, doelivity, if the roan surrender to -the: school, your fnmily dethrone(] in social The resulting m.u111graph was cir- I lives the meningitis sufferer but little —_ the richness of the hind. The canal -------- influences he will qo clown under the influence; the other thing is you can cular, and c(mtaind!d several hundrod show for his life. will be 13 feet deep and 4(i feet aide overmavtering gravntntinn unless soma s�ep a little saltie from that which is imi+gas ret the profile—one, indeed, for, Bh.ARING 'i)RE MARKET. at the lower ond, with a grade of two A PREDICAMENT,, aid be afforded him. Now,I right, YOU can only just go bait an each facet of the eye. It seema rea- \Wiliblesr-See here, Wobbles, what feet to the mite, Toacher-Tummy, !throw that gum I such a person deserves not your ex inch out of the.proper path, you can sontibly clear that insects form their THE ORIGIN OF THE TIP. are you 'oing on the street with a - Into the brisket. vorintion, but your pity, Do not sit ' onty take a little risk, and then you judgments of distance from such mul- linen cluster and a fait this time of Tommy -- BOO hoe, o -o -o I 'teacher, it's with the lin rur'od in scorn and with hicve all your finances fair and right. tiple itnages, depending upon Lhe pow- In former days—in coffee houses—iii year ? THF USUAL THING. me brurlder ,iimrny's. He'll kill me if an assumed air of angelic, innocence Ydtr will have a large property. You or of each fabeb to refract light rays. box was attached to the wall, shaped Wohbie&—i am going to order some Ile—The sight of an old srhuulnaate I don't, give it ter bim hack.looking down upon such moral preel can leave a fortune for your'children The nearox the object the greater like the usual alms or collection boxes opal, and T don't want the dealer to i,s—er—well, it might be called both :)nation. You had better get down on land endow a college and Build a pub- would be the area covered by the im- of to -day, and over it was the legend sllapp up prices On, me. meat and drink. VOLD TI -Tv 'CRIfTH, your knees and first pray Almighty, lic library in your native town. You ages on the ,retina. "To insure Promptness." This in She—Yes, that's what you men us - ()oil for their rew,uo, and next thank, halt and wait and batt and wait until — .. - course of time was rendered b the wally do under the circumstances. Why,vera' g Y the Lord that lips get white. You decide to blow HP. LiRIOD TFTE you diasrh+tr Sri frim our you have not been your li TO 6AVIli A PEN(hTY. • initials T. I. P., and hence the modern M• ISh? last p:a^r.? a•tked tha merchant of (he thrown under the wheels of that ,Tug- risk It. Only a few atsokes of the pen "tip." 0 Tine •Mother- l want to buy a dog for Meet and drink. applivant for a situation, gernaut. now. But, oh, how your bond tram- While driving in New South Wales, my little girl. Is that fierce -looking I was dlw•barged for good behavior, In Great Britain and in the United blest ? The die is oast. By the two ladies overtook a little urchin Milo sir, animal of yours really frond t-6 AF"CLTi DAME, States' in every generation there are atrnngest and most awful conjunction plodding along, barefooted, as it his TR,U.E IN T'ItIAT REGARD, cbildren? Wasn't. t' at a sina'nlar reas6n for a tons of thousands of termns who are of eircumrstnnoes an one could have Ha ties, old man, have any leek snoot- disrharge? T Y life depended upon his speed. They Do ,you find, M,ra. Arideby, that thq It' -he Dog Fancier -He is indeed, in.um. Ing? Well, you see, fu] y developed criminals and incar- Imagined you are prostrated. Bank- goo'! conduct took nine aerated, F say in every generation. ruptoy, commercial annihilation, ex- offered him a, ride, and during the old saying is truet+at what is enough Hie carne near eating tAro of my littlo ! shawld say T did, Shot 17 dunks in, montlis Off my scntenre. Tlinn I suppose there. are tens of thou- posuro, crime. Good men mourn and ,journey it transpired that he was walk- for ane will do for two? anew, ,vestorrlay.; ' , • ono day. " sands of persons not found out in devils hold carnival, and you see your ing from It small station known as In some respects, yes, said the charm-`-, Were they wild I TN THF VARiPTY BTT,RtNFfiAtheir criminality. rn addition to these own name at the head of the newspaper Lawson to Valley, a town twelve miles • Ing lltt.tle laxly, In the matter ofpchairs, , $ Well -no -not exactly, but the far, , er- there are tons of thousan'is of column !n a • whole congress of ex- or so distant, to procure a loaf of bread, dbleIII7 • !;VOLUON. TI p mar who owned thorn was. WIviI t•rnfeq- d°t) do your fo!'o.v? avk sons who not positively becoming trim- elamatimn points, and while you are which was a penny cheaper there. 914I)m De Faandon (a few ,years, hence) 't -gip,, A id the nttorney for the defen,e, insist nevertheless havnaeriminal ten- reading the ana(hema In the reporter- It was not niggardliness on the part I '13TFIOrTIV11 WAY. --Pa. I'd like to, watk down theiavenula DEFINED. . I havp followed rip most every sort r1Pnc.y. Any one of all those thousands, fel and editorial 'paragraphs It occurs not his parents that drove him to it; w•'ath ,you a littlo way to see a friend. of (nginess Fir, was tl:e reply,by the gram of God, may become Chrts- to you how much this story is.like they we're In very reduced oircum- floing to fill+l an engagement with Ila -AI] right, my dear., (let your Tommy --,Pmts, what let the lull before Ah. %in.1 of Jaekor-all-traleu, ch? t.dans and resist, the ancestral influ that, of the defalentinn 15 years ago, stanees, unit the boy willingly walked trour dentist, Grumpy? cane and overcoat, and plulg.hatt, and- the atormf No T ur a pro vot4fonal till ro l tor. Pace q,prl often a now chapter of be- and a olap of thunder shakes thn win- twenty-four n0fra to save the penny. Ko; he's going to do, the filling, come a;ong• Papa -Tho hone moon. shy wogs. E'. 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