HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-04-07, Page 2ruvMness, I . x Talre tnvio taupe o map eau sugar, a f se for P" he began, as if addressing nes ill thanked puldi do for to deserve ? ? �*'3 ' eM0111 h waiter to dtissahvepand bo61 until y to all directions. {FAMOUS DIAMONDS. a Jury. "Is this the way you use onsIT In order to obtain the bast reawlts, it. That ►vas the happiest day that r'` it w► 1 wax Lt dl the in cold wat- oE tho most precious gifts that God Jupiter had aver had in the school. He I ,I& . er; then take it frrorm the stave and add plenty of barnyard manure should be The names of the celebrated dia- Lia f;lvela to youlr Here you are, a did not quits understand it, but thereat faun teaspoonfuls of butter and stir applied, as few crops will give such atonia ore known, but .holt value and was a sin�►ng in his heart as homelike 1, �ht, 1 ... :• steadily till it will spread an cake. Ulse good returns -from manure as the po- their owners are not generally 'known, whole, cissa of bright Boys and girls, . r vanilla flavor. , vvithbrain,s enough to do anything you a3 the singing of a tea kettle and as fait,; .rc tato. It appJ•ied in the fall, plow wad- The Regent alone }las been followed soft as a out's purr. � t i•� Maple Rolls -Take one quaa•t of desire in this great world, throwing Geraldine took new -interest in school. i`` r";,, ► t 4`4 - 14I - bread dougth, when it is moulded for ' If not nut on until later, it can . in its w anderfngs. The public admits away the greatest opportunity of your She tried no more of her subtle vrays to fa: -r," r :y f, � . the bast raising; mould. in, a cup of either be plowed under lightly or it at the Louvre, in which it was de- bves. If this was an fustibzition dor disturb Jupiter, and the boys found a ,k; v ,f by 11", r M maple sugar, one-quarter teaspoonful of thorougbJy mixed with the surface soil posited in 1887. It was considered the weak-minded children i would have chance in her, which at once set their �, 17 n sada, oyi,s teaSpoomtCuil of butter. Let it former interact at naught. rise and mould h to and cut out, rise by means of a cultivator. Do not plant moist beautiful, and valued at $826,000. soma compassion for you. But your �`Y »y > land until it is in just the right condi- The Saucy is worth $100,000. After "She ain't no more fun," they all �'; f r " s`: awl bake. These ase very nice. J 6 faces are all bright and your eyes are agreed, and they troubled her no more. � r `a, Maple Mince Meat an quart o! tion, as there is nothing that pays ao having belonged to the Princess Paul clear, and yet you will comQ to me with --- .,»r:, i °`f4 chopped beef one-half pound of suet, wall as ttwrough tillage.\'here sod is DamidofP, it became the property of III. r a *�°'�", one cup of butter, one hint of molasses, to lie pit�,nted, it is immaterial wheth- Sir Jamgne•tjee Jeejsebhoy of Bombay. stleh a lesson. as this?" Mr. Jenkins J , qtr; '" -II` ? two quarts of cthopped apples, two cups Geraldine entered the normal school ,:- er it be plowed in the fall or nut. Many The Orloff, bought by the Prince of punctuated every sentence with that anti passed her preliminary examina- =C It , of raisins„ two pounds of maple sugar, echoing thump on the desk which car- tions with extraordinary success. She "' J ane teaspoonful elaclh of cloves, allspice of the most auRcesaful growers differ that ioaJns for Catherine PI., dost 8462,- ... echoing and mortification to the was ono of the three 'highest out of a - and cineamom. (Boll slowly in trvo upon this point. Some prefer a clover OC -0, in addition to an annuity of $`20,000, pviuds of each boy and girl before him, large class. The veteran principal of EPRi?,G COAT AND SKIRT COSTUME quarts of sweet aider two or three rod plowed in the spring and the sur- and, moreover, the seller, named Sa- It vvas thein that the red-headed irI. the school ka-ew human nature at a A coat anti skirt costume of blue- et are faced with white cloth striped hours, being careful: not to let it burn. fres, received a title, This diamond at g glance. He wrote to Jupiter a letter _face well cultivated, to any other pro - the back seat wrote "Jovi non pia- which confirmed all that worthy had bray covnrl cloth is composed oq,f a plain I with limes of soutache to match the skirt and a short coat with fifted back costume cloth, seri are studded with priration. It would ire advisable to preae•nt belongs to the crown of ltws- cet," "it is not pleasing to Jupiter." said about the wild, nomadic Geral- and Loose fly -fastened front that laps I pearl buttons. Put slit Pockets in. the VELf.N GOULD. plow an old tv1rP in the fall so as to oda• Geraldine Coffin was Mr. Jenkins' do no. Geraldine returned at the and over slightly. The revere of the jack- fro�rt, and finish them with small flap. Helen Gould, daughter of the late allow it to rot before spring. The This crown of Austria possesses the ride. Geraldine had no favorites, at least, Jay Gould, has a fortune of $15,000,000, early varieties should be planted as Florentine, whloh, is. valued at $46.1,000. A of herfirst year the townspeople Abe- ___.__�-,•-_,___--- .------ •-- soon as the land ran 'lie thoroughly An Indian Rit ah owns the Star of such 'never appealed in the little coin- gas to relent in the .bard opinion they ---- u 7r hire a.re a fow thait are simple and of- and is, accordi�g to an authority, "the j' nzonwealth which he held in the hollow had entertained of her, and raw• anoth- ABOUT THE HOUSE sorts u in the spring. For the later the South, purchased for $8(10,000, and or person in the tall and earnest young fectuaL, but remember file rubbing is must remarkable young woman in sorts oultirate the land again and 1 01 his hand. But in Geraldine he was 1 ....,,,�- ---- the main Lntgre'dient of every recipe New York society to -day." plant iis soon as through with the nth- the Rajah of Golconda has in his cas- woman who had appeared before them. - giv,em : p'-A'O parts of Limaeed oil, the i She eschews all fashionable pleasures, eir spring seeding. ket the Nizam. It is worth $1.100,000. intensely interested, and he often found Jupiter Jenkins had ended his work as T,H,F, VLOW ER PUT. in her his greatest irritation. While schoolmaster in the little seaport town. r setons of alcohol said aan part of .lateen and according to the World, "goes on If good results are to tis obtained, The Pigott, brought to England by the . 7l Cr. Jenkins held the whole of his fifty He Diad been studying law, and was My little gentle flower pot, tine; to a quart of this add ata ounce perfect seed must lin chosen. Select now employing the same forensic tal- Upon my urre.t flaunting free, of the spirits of etcher. A polishiwgi year after year in the even, IIoiseleas worth who gave at his name, L- tt�� medium-sized, well -formed. smooth I'o- worth $150,000. It was put up at quo- odd young spirits an the hollow of his now ee had used before his schoolroom Thou art mom loved by me, I rvot, cre•atn is made of equal quantbties of lin- tenor of her way, living her studious, tatoes, free from scab, practical grow- onts the red-headed girl was the one in a more lucrative if not a higher Than all. the sweets of Araby. seer' oily, beeswax and twrpen hue melt- benevolent helpful life adored by the era advises different methods of out- tion in 1881, and nobody serums to know pen>on he was not quite sure of. Gar- court. He was "up in the city," and Not all the sweets of eastern )lower e d toget,heir aind used cold. For very ore an ospeoial polish is re- little waifs upon whom she has show- ting, while some do not wt at all. The to whom it now belongs. aldina had given him the name of was making a Fame. Are half so dearly prized by urs, usual method, however, with the best The Pasha, which belongs to the it !'fitted so well that When Geraldine finished her course As is the little gentle flower, commended of lna,]f an ounce of gum ares the sunshine aP her beautiful ,growers is to owe in pieces containing Viceroy of Egypt, cost $140,000. It is "Jupiter," and rn the normal school she received the The mignonette that blooms in thee! ivrabic and two ounces each of copal presence, idolized by the younger prom two to three eyes. Y gyp ' it was at once adopted by all his . 1, .het recommendation, tinct the old glum and potwdeired sheldao gum; lis brother to whom she has been moth- potatoes may 'be phinted either in a beautiful stunk, carved with eight subjects. principal happened to find a good place BY wide estates f set no ptore, solve !in a quart of spirits of wine in a er and friend, as well as brig sister, re- hills or drills, Though the yield will facets, and weighs 49 carats, "R'hen he pounds his desk and that for her in the same city where Jupiter No store on sparkling c5ronet ; warm place seri stroke thle battle well be mor,In the same in either case, the The Grand Mogul, that the lute Shah was making his wri.y, Tire poet's heart van value more every twenity-four .hours until. thio guess spected by business men for her level latter method is preferable, for the � great shaggy head shakes so, and his When Geraldine had creme into his This fragrant plant of mignonette. are no moue distinct, strain through, judgment in affairs of moment, and planting, cultivating and harvesting of Persia, its happy owner, baptised blue eyes flash, all T can think of is office at the end of the first quarter it And. as he fondly thin}cs of her a wood.lep cloth amid rub on wi,t.h a revered by her ussoei tes in good can be much mora easily accomplished "Derlalnoor," "ocean of light," is price - office at thunderbolts to earth" was the first intimation that he had Who once the little treasure owned,. piece of soft YlanWel. since horse labor will, to a large worex-k. lis, works." -and in this remark Geraldine had received of her presence in the city. The lover may the gift prefer Equal parts of linseed ail, spirits of tont, take tbs place of Rana work. The Na."ak, which weighs 8'23.4 car - She sairT she had tomo to make a pay- To mines of gold and diamond. whine, tuirpentime and vinegar form a The creed by which she regulates her Many very successful ,growers still tits anti belarigs to the Duke of West- chrLstengd him.; Many times he bad meat, and while she spoke Poor Jupi- (d, rom Thackemy's Song of the Flower well -tried polish, but for mauhbgauny this life, is summed up in these words: "I plant in hills. The aril's may kin 30 saimb aluthorrity declares in favor of a thought he had hoard the name of Jupi- ter was turning all sorts of ruddy Pot.) expect to pass through this life but inches apart for small varieties and m,�inster, is valued at $180,000. spat ter Jenkins, but he had never been colors. -.,--- mixture of onia pd,nit of linseed oil, two $140,000 for it. "But I hadn't heard you were here, CLEANING FURNITURE. ounces of a:l.kanot root and a pinch of once; any good, therefore, that I can T n totwelve inches is a good distance The largest of all diamonds is in Ma - able to capture one of these erring Ge.raldin•�," he said. "I have been rose pitnk; lot Lt stand for twelve ,hours, do, let me do it now; let me not ne- al,art in the rows. Cover two or three mortals. Or course, ie know he was thinking of you, too, and wondering; if As ,the beat Of furmiiture wbll grow, then rub din this fwrnitture and do not glect it, nor defer it, for I shall not inches deep with the plow, or if the; tan, in the island of Borneo, where the called Ju rater -'he bad been told sob I should hear from you. Of course, I dusty! and shabby in appearance, care,- I polish it off for an hour. An excellent, pass this way again." furrows were ridged together a pdauk,.' Rajah preserves it jealously. p Y , y I furniture varnish may be made of eight 1 t knAw I should. I3ul: somehow I cannot I ful liousAkee ers are constawt] fiight- I ounces of whilte wax melted and grad- The greatest happiness of Helen scraper or coverer may be alai, whish took government n Batavia one day- admiring ay aduniririg parents, who knew be would P w•oudct cover two rows at once. A be pleasod, and he was. gat you out of my head, girl." This in tbs approach' of age and dirt from ; val.l mixed wi,i"h One pint of oil of Gould's life is to make others happy, took a fancy hi it and offeree the l �trt it was with the red-headed girl` was punctuated with one or the old- g Y common and very su,planti way v to ah two warships completely equipped, lima thunderbolts. "Fact is, Geral- - their household goods in the way, of'turpenhihie. Her charities, however, are as un- plow the land lightly, planting in every j ps Yb that this story is chiefly concerned. lane, I've only just found out why I I chairs and tables. Oak wainscoting I Leather chairs a.nd toles of. rvri,ting •ostentatious as her life, I third furrow. Those who grow• pots- and $180,000 for thu stone, but the She wan the Only human problem that treated 'you so hard when in school. I tables are renovated, by auAs a g them, Rajah refused. P Anti it was simply this -1 loved you! 1 an c} furniture, are likeliy in time to as- lightly with wreum aaa,psuda and them Miss Gauld's income is over $500,000 toes le a large scale will find it pro- '{Lng Charles of Portugal possesses Ju iter Jenkins could not solve. Geral- 8 Y titahle to use a regular planting ma- Jupiter Coffin had been an inmate of the I want you to make ;sums a greasy appearance, which rubb!m tin ttikr w1bli,te of a'n egg whip- a velar, and of this she spends twenty i a fihu diamond of 205 carats. oa o' 1 a few days when Mr. want you always; 11gg chin Thai ]immerses L diamonds used to wear schoolroom n y S mr• Happy, to be my wife I" I s;houlrl Ile removed during the annual peicl stiff. Or, if this sestina like yeasting times as much upon charity as upon if dry weather is feared ilumediate- Jenk.ins discovered that she possessed Geraldirn smiled as she raised her I bousecleanimg by waslbi,ng it in warm j the egg• rub over tlhe feather a mixture herself. ly after panting. Harrow the ground a comb set with dirimoncla that had no an unusual mind. H,, laid ]its plans to face and received the salute from his of halt a cup of s int cid to a cupful rival.. Sl,s also had a considerable make the most he coals of her. He li I beer, To gave iit a handsome gloss, ! of vinegar; •bail 'togetahier. amid polish the Especially is Helen Gould the Friend , I ` `be µ° t`to repeatela i tone or; length Of a diamond garland imitating was accustomed to use the parable or 1 r I' knew that was the matter all the brush it over hv'idh a mixture of two i leather with the useful piece of Old flan- of forlorn children. Always interest- i mina leaves and gooseberries. The effect the talents in the schoolroom, and to twice. Never plant potatoesformerly in afield* ted of these diamonds was dazzling. time,' she said. quarts of beer, bailed with a table- j ria'. When wiillow cih'tha loco their nes- ed in hospitalB and circles far babies, where the crop was formorly affected At the time of the sale of the crowns say that to wham much was given I _-----_---- sl"nful of sugar and a pilece of bees- I t/ural color it is said that a solution of she supports two beds in the Babies' with either the rot or the s.ab, for much would be required. The getting crh,lorime will restore it. diamonds, a necklace of four rivleres, of lessons was an easy matter to Ger- A FOREST OF STONE• wax as largo as a waiaut; vvhfeam dry I Fortunately for artistic furnisbingl Shelter connected with the Church of there will lie u sufficient number of each composed of hazels in brilliants, a)dine, Coffin. S'he not only learned .— polds$r, with a chamols or flannel. If (marble -tapped tables are grow.img 1660 'the Holy aCommunion. wel Her charity d pores left r the ground for several mounted on silver and forming a t i - them, but the truths and principles were The eaves► o: Antuna uxplored by \r. Woody Crest is well known. The old years to spread the disease. If either terfall, was sold for $36,600, and it is d sank into her mind, clear- r nod 'rbrrA lbs �03gbalrtit oak or walnut articles are infected w(tih I in number, but n the owner of one, you time manor house, about two miles of these disease~ is fasted the beat rem- said that it now belongs to one or the digested, an ltlartr•1. Who o a timly insect that bores d>fdles until the can ,Y,A)gremove stales and d: Boil res together by from Lyndhurst, is a paradise for the edy is to spray with borceaux mixture ly understood and stored away; until utarn•un,tte,r ro thus 'World. ; appl.Yiaig t'rie following: Boil together Y i ladies of the American colony in Paris. tine day which she would call them into wood cramWea 'into a fimle powder, atop , quarter, of a, pound each of soft soap„ tiny couples who are so fortunate as , at intervals of two weeks. in order to The Duchess d'Ossuna, nee Salm+- the Il mighrty fcvrest of scone has been pts wills career by salturatinig the wood powdered whiltLrig and soda for twenty to be sent there. This charity Miss' destroy the bettles at the same time. Salm, bad an immense collection of 111%Jupiter Jenkins was accustomed to I discovered in the depths of a cave at with creosote; de not allow it to ctry for mimutes; spread on the marble for Gould calls her recreation." Paris green may be aciclAd in the usual rubies and diamonds. Their extreme say that bardly more than one, child in Aninim in the Department of Lozere, . Itw•ebve hours and then wash off with bliss Gould says she has no time for proportions, vi-., 1 lb to 200 gallonr weight is said to have given the Duch. twenty really digested knowledge. 1; tante. by the explorer, IVI. MartAl,who several drays. i Clean water. For. the ordilwary washing matrimony, she is essentially a bush- of the mixture, `- ess -headaches. ---- .sits marvelous tales of the rte', o , If fwrwiture is very dirty it shiou'bd'of marble use ammonia and water in ness woman, and was her father's fav- rine Czarina owns some large (Ila - __ washed In water and vilnegar-equal I place of soapsuds. To polish black mar- orite. She is a Presbyterian and a GRAFTING, month, and she buys some every year. II. his exploration. "A virgin forest of strict temperance advocate. She is a In speaking of grafting at this sea -i in France just now the pearl and alalia manes," he calla it. parts-usimig a Clarinet rag, and then, ' his wash i,t in cold sOarpstrds, dry with student of history and has a knowledge ruby are prized most. As for dia- $a had come to complain to Geral- g an ald,;cloth, erwd Chen rub for at titer some III. Mantel has long been known as aftea perfect drybn,g, rubbed witth a ),oast am holaw wi,t,h flannel spread with girl; lawf Withal she w a handsome son, we p not have reference to the m,;•nCo the Duchess of Deauville and dia s'mot'her that her daug abean flannel and a liittle linseed bol white wax. To remove Lron stains from girl; of delicate frame, with tiny hands I n,wrsery operation known by that name, the Cauntesa of Pourtaws have intro - times failed in her lessons. and that it a cave hunger, and .dere is hardly a , and feet, and exquisitely clear-cut Pro- wattinpxcusab'e in one vrha hacl such a cavcr.n of an nolle in the world that before vsimig any ltigtiid or cream poi- whitta masb.e try Inman juice, file, dark hair, gray eyes with black kvtrf. rather to what as called "toil -work- cA Tlhbonnis ptassediaroundrlhetne k y If an oLl stain disfigures the surface g ovhi,.h iti done in the spring and' A hbon ed to a haw' of ribbons (! mini. "I have come to tell you this, ' isrh. I lashes and brows. and a dazzling and i ins, Mrs. Coffin when I would not take the Fhe has not entered. ;.'Many have been I If a table bears the telltale .nark left i apPLy to {k cormMon r,Ltly sattnruted with perfectly natural complexion. Her I not in the winter, as is the vase with I sprinkled with diamonds, trouble to inform another mother, for ! discovered by him, allot man.v mare that I benzine. .Another stain remover is face is dainty and flower -tike, her smile' trouble to and it alone; Geraldine has by a hit plate Tub ilt well with lamp 1 made of two parts of common soda and the grafting of seedlings in the aur -I Turquoises really Eine are becoming. huve been parr iaidy known bave, for swift and rare. Her voice is that most eery. 'I'up-vo nrking on growing trees i& rare, the Maharajah of Duleep Sing h an unusual mind. and she, can make + the first time. bee,il threaded by him (Al am'd flahWel, fimLvh:ins off witlb a i of powdered pumice stone an,cl one of pleasant thing in woman -sweet, low i has ane of the most famous turquoises anything she pleases or herself. If she Ito .,heir iunnrmexit recesses, with the clean cloth slighrtly wet with spirits ar' powdered chcvl•kt sift thsaug.h then mhos- anti musical. )'here is just the sus- not a aifficuit operation, and may IeI .tence q knows you and I are one in this mat caul. of wuuderful discoveries but I bin, anioc to a paste with water, and ; in ei six centimetres it is very flat, and five y I r .rime. Another notable 110userv�Lfe re- pinion of a lisp. As a hostess she is mase to LrinK gaud results in many i urni six rxIItimetres in height and five ter, sbe will not care to trouble us b spread Over the marble; after tau ,boars Y n.,�,v'te bousls of the most wonderful stares the ariga�nstl' polislf, when it has was it off with warm soapsuds. In cardial unaffected un,1 entertaining. case. .Many vari :tics, too tenant to lie, � width. nca;lecting to get her lessons." find in his burrowing career. She lives in a fine, old-fashioned Ge•raldims's mother was as much flat- I For ages it deep nal ua•al Piet, or "av- been removed by a warm ditsh„ vvWh lin- the fititure, if thtmking of buying a ma rasion on the corner of Forty-sev- I grown in a lora iti , can i e mane to do One of this sons of Abdel- which has tpred as any other woman would he, en,," as t'lu l tench call it, has been sects aitb, rubbed an with a piece of lin-'marble topped table. stop, hesitate and enth street and r'ifth avenue. Bliss'; vvcll when grafted on harsinr surd;, a charmed turquoise upon which l- end, of course, Jupiter Jenkins was up known to exist a•t Amens, Tart nothing don't and spare posterity inber•iting any ends said to have been dictated by Mo - held. Thus era dealt with Geraldine, I en, cahanging tlhe limen until the taible inose of such pieces of furn,Lture, Gould's health has not been the strun I find scrrru tidal for• variows ret sons are' hammed are carved• beyoud its fimcl apparent landing, at . w:libts spots are est since her father died,' and an that fownd unsatisfactory when other me- A turquoise to be really valuable conscious of his power. He endeavored I the depth of ubout, six hundred feet, I fop is peTfnc>tld dry. --- account as well as bar rTwn tastes and old rock, very thick in to make hrir fail, anti, whenever she had been known untiii M. 1}artel en reanoved by rubbimlg theme wittily a Piece MAPLE SUGAR DELICACIES. ini,linations, she has preferred to spend thods are pursued with them, do we'l l mursmt and asleitt e out as possible. Sick did, she was compelled to remain after tereel it receulEty and made bis startl- lof fI&nmiel and torpenti-ne, repeating t -he most of her time at her country home when grafted on other varieties. Th:! people turn the turquoises that they get I inlg rlis,meries. The pluin. unambil ious oppliicatiop if necessary, and in any Ma'p'le Syrup -Take one pound of y ' wild Goose plum, for e.xample, dues not wear pate and greenish. school anti t ler lessons. near carr tcnvn. But, with a wonderful mind, there i people li-, Ing about, it ball frequently maple sugar and 'rme pint of water; --- -- was a solnewhat wayward nature in. hurled slti,naes inbo its depths and list- �"ase rubbing wifth a good wild urntil pa- boil tem mimutes; shim and cool. , 'give general satisfaction, but, tf tOii Happy are the, women whose They the texture or Geraldine Coffin's per -lanes lO t.h. dyl,ng echoes us they bound- ItI nee and sdremigtth are about exhaust- THE FEtiI1Nlti1•. U}l isIt� I, [L. I worked on the Wolfe or De Soto, can Ie havquoe s are of a lxind go blue, They sanalty. Sbe was often rough and boy- I ed from side to side of the rociC wallj,' ed, Maple Sugar on Snow -Else either tie 'bave goon health tract good tempera. swgar or the syrup. If the sugar is Cultivate art, to avoid artificiality. relied un far good crolns. 1Tuny vada -1 The•BarOnaisBurdett-Couttsmustle den�ish, and she caused no end of trou- p•id nota and then situe sil,isit more Unsi,grhtly finger ,marks disalppear Mine men out of ten ivant to run; able combinations can also be matte Oountod among the ]nappy ladies. She ble. With the deep interest the young du,rim than the 'rest, accustomed to used, make it into a syrup by adding g from varnished furn,Lture when rubbed away as anon as a wornun kx>gins t.o , ,t it h the apple, anti, for the home orch- I ha; turquoises that are known to sins maw>ter took in her, a sense or power Climbing h;,d descended pari. way into a little water un mel in!gi it. tBofl un- tours, and the poorest among them is developed. i n b Mr. Jenkins auppos- I the dark, ymnvnan pit, bot never far with sweet odllw mud front, oiled 'wood if cry• ard, kinds that are valued, but lack g Iti1. w•h^m dhco led on novv, ill remains ! tardiness, can Ic• ,•:er•ured in this wa}.I vvarth from $1,000 to $1,'L000; she has ed be had her solidly in his control, I enough to le -u -n what was beyond the kerosenfa its rubbed on the Spots. A , PI Many wives are nut sus licious of I atso two sapphlires, which are wort•li tb)sre would burst forth a fit of "don't y on the surface anal bac Ines waxy. When apparent, bottom. bruise should be treated wifttb a piece l it has r•:acihed this stags. spreul it up- their hushan<ts-they are certain of I It is test to cut ilu acinus for graft $150000• care" in her which astonished and AVIrat. eto,rios'have been hold of the thein. ins in DAce•mber, bat they may be cut: The Czarina lis beautiful emeralds. alarmed him. •'aiven" are raliber of fiction than fact, of brown paper, folded several times I on the d, as e e snow or ice. 'L', k will ,How very few of us m:.nage to keep during the w inter at any, time, actor ! Then the tbunderbolts flew to puno- a,nd stnac•'k metre of sugrerst•btion than and Soaked in )rat water. Over t,luis bra found, t as every swgas treatsrattker knows, I a few it of mild, oilen weather. If, Act o day trite gems. i hit b are green toato the master's fluent words of in- one of the tenet do'�iciaus treats obtain- absolutely clean hands daring the vv in- I cwt when the I., urperature is low, the to the day anti tri at night, are valued di.gnation. "When one has the mighty science. Imaginative pnrsains tell hold a anodsrailtely warm iron uwtil ttll able at $140,000. On bar crown she carries credulous ,hearers tales of steamiing ceases; if necessary, repeat Maple Caramels -Make a rich maple blr. I bark is preCl�ure a abrit b raft an aquamarin worth $110,000. fife's of brains," he thundered, and GHUfi'1'S AND GOBLINS Some hats that women consider I and cherry trs can best be ,graft - ------_---- life's road lies before do choose what) the process remembering tlhaat One tip- syrup by boilimlg maple 'sugar with a dreams are dubbed "nightmares" by ; ed late, in :4laroh, before the sap start^c, Is best and 'highest, to be lazy and lan- t.h.it Lobabited the cavern, only tocome pdiitatbow doee not always turn out a little water. To three cupfuls of this unappreciative mon. I ' and (be, wounds should Ir covered with GIRIAS IN CICILY. quid, and not to reach the arm to grasp, loun at nm,Iht to work harm to flocks success, Al�va{ys arpprly alcobiol aparting- , l In some party of Sicily tite birth the olden apple of Her+perddes, is the and crops of ibose who had displeased syrup a,Jd two cwpLw s of Eight brown A vvaman never finds the streets so'grafting wax• Apple .teem may e t g A t'lem, and articular] for the purpose ly upon furn.iltura, if at all, or it will coli-worIiio in .f it, 'pre as I t I•I ud greatest wroing." particularly p P Sugar, three tabl.espoonfula of glucose dirty as when she las un her pr°tliest ore srreltinl,, If it, is preferred o bud of tune) is took,l upoflagn as u,u g (Tut It was then that Geraldine, her color i of pu.nisthing disobedient. children. 'Then destroy the poli-stil. and half a cupful of boiling writer. Stir silk petticoat. instead or graft, Lbiy may lie dans its fortune that a Ida'k ovla i,4 hung; out slightly brighter, and her head a trifle there are weird stories of strange and Clean carved furniture every week The b with his top and the girl' late as the 'ait week in May. Cherries, a the window toe srl;por thfl sad tg all together well, aqui boil un;tul it will � e.v"rat. flavins 1n he ,4ui.ported by tl:e higher, would return to her seat enc] siiirtling noises Ghat iasrve from the by thoroughly dusting i,t with a new "thread" rvhe�n poured from a spoon, or with her jumping rope are the sure and plums are usually prupaautpd in family as, lonw a•i they are unin-arriod, write, "Jovi non placet"-" Tt is not l depths of the cave, par'ticul'arly on the this way, though rh^rry see,llings can- leasing to Jupiter.' eve of Christmas, paint brush. LE thta mahogany table will snap vvPm dTo�iped in cold water. harbingers of ople are not he budded, until August ur :sell and Ia. g saes to dower the sex - p 'Phare were certain rare facts about M. Marcel had long ago heard of the �a,t• is ttrt3 Pride of your heart shows Put in a cupful of rich cream and d pe grooru. girls aro looked upon as ex - half a cupful of butter, and let it boil, tend er. 'Phe eK rutiy; frat urn of ark en'"" Iu�uries. hays, on tit. tit tier Geraldine that Jupiter Jenkins, in his Amame put., •hu,t on Py recently determin- tita.itns, drop on therm a mifxtwre of six so rarely the most: desirable from a cessfu•l gr•aftin i,4 t):at the inner i,arlt I 1 t4,aceier's enthusiasm, hall not noticed. ed to explore its dept•bi, ()Having pro arts of spirits of saibt, and, one of salts stirring as all mis time vestal dome. when worldly standpoint $ hand, are very goon self -o r,i marry- soon as the candy will harden when shat v coincide la�c•r of the scion ~tuck; arts whorl thc+ time tomes for mnrry- Ohe of these was that sloe was a very vdded himself wit b ropes, iron hooked P A You can always pick out the rnarrled shall coincide for, n a much apace as j5os-, , retty )girl. But if Ire had been imper- and scrod staffs, lights and the other of lemon or a few drops o4 oxalic acid drolpped in cold venter, remove lit from Ing, inrrhom the family coca fh tt. p' t this fact there were others usual a iltanoe0 he began his descant and water, rubbing untid the stain die- the fire and pour out to cool. As soon couples in the theatre. The man keeps siblA„ and that. tbp air xhtll bo exvlud-1 bringing home a brise and her (lot. vious 0 pI l3 as cold oat it up and wrap im paraffin the opera glasses all the time. ed by the applivition of grafting writ, The iris live in seclusion, are mosq filar - who had not, and among those were amid ominrous narniug,4 from natives appears. and then waste witth water and er. It is t.be easiest thing in the world to ; so thilt. it will not dry not, (left; g of +home o4 the h1 hos in the school. who bad gathered to witness his Lem- . only l�A grafting consists of splitting the t�nl or tsixteenarid th y alre age «e�luOf g Y g pa6ish tie usual. if mialhogamy y Ma Ie Taffy -Place Pleas t ethor in the ' Geraldine was growing, and ahs was erity. Boon tits apparent. bottom was needs cleaning,, rub lit with aflan- A Y- together get a craved t.o collect, but It isn't so nus bolding .h4, cefi, open with: mow tall and lithe of figure, with her I reached without shy startling discov- g kettle two powttAs of maple sugar, a easy to explain what it has collected wa sar4,w inserting t.hp scion nfirr yha+r-: In marriage on a I,urely finant iirl basis. bug blue eyes clearer and more expres- I erica being made, but on ascending a hkvl dipped in sweet oil or cold drawn pound of brown sugar, half a pound of far in.g it smoothly to s wedge-,4h"',w- talt- sive, eq she looked at people. The true 1 number of feetrthe expl,orer found the ii+nsr•ed oil. In rubbing wood follow There. isn't a woman living ,who iVR1T1Nc, 'I'(i 'I'lif: Ql l;h,'Q. glucose anfil a rat of water, and stilt inN rare to bring this inner hark of soul of a rather designing maiden was'emtranre to a huge sloping hall,.which the grain, and do not rub against it until ltis'miffittrre i9 dissalrved. Boil un- wouldn't prefer a husband witha hasty the scion and the :dark wg i-ther. In The paper on whish leitor. to Queen showi:itrg forth from th4,m. She was;he entered. On approaching its fur- a.n•y nio,ra than you wowld iin people til the toff will snap when tested in temper to one who sulks over real or whip grafting, the Brion and stock are. Victoria nrro wrii.tpn mutt nnr IA fnld- sho to receive attentions, and itamotel l'rer en<L, he rvus abshl'wtely astonished if wibtrLng A,.bA4p•Py rrswbt. y imagined grievances. 1 I,oth shaved off dia.gunaily and Itrought ed. No romnntrticalion trhirh hears. Jupiter hard when he observed thatlni. the scene which under the flicker- If an in•k straingets upon a mahogany tali water, then pour it upon abutter- - together in that way. A little era.•. evidence of having hem err :u.i will glashe walked with one and then with an-' Lng light. of bis torches presented it- wriRi,nrg desk rerve witch a few drops AHi dish or slab to cool .fibs Gandy may --"--- lis on l ranelies of µrr•ru wood of ll.. ever fall into Hot 3fo,l is. to own otter fa llo still and balmy evenings. self, ale find before span acres of stal- of spiTilts of mitre in a spoonfal of wait- be checked off in squares, or. if pre- NEW Ftt3itRRfi ON (ANN)d1ALi�,4T. most any kind wilt aoolr enable the hands. The propea mefho,i {s to write Jurat wiry it smote him a9 it did -Mr. setn4ies and stalagmites, best never such er. Fest time dprap an the i•nk, and rub ferrel, it mny be pwliled umtid whits, Some cluxious figures have been com-, learner to ronke the cuts au that they on thick. glossy white pallor, an to Jenkins never knew until a few years) a gorgeous display of standing and it at aroce witth a c"ii wet with water, Maple Molasses Comantut Squares- piled b a Frenchman on the subject I 'All) come together smootbly anti bring desl>atrh the oli,►^i . e in an entrtupe later. pendent cones of alabaster like stone. or it Willi make a t M s ot• �vbu�� Place in a kettle a scanty cupful of of cannil alum, Thl•i gentleman claims Lhe inner Irnrk of both to,getlrr. A ! vallo fits i Any folded tumor the But it ofd, and CAraldine's face fhsre were i.ho evidences of the work day a dinfintg .shin a mailings, 3 n�tv maple molasses and a tahlesp'aonful common formula for grafting wast, is I cat ire never , cantles that the (lacca for the scammed to have framed Itself into the o4 centuries. where slowly flowing lrle wheal off with a clean, flannel, clip- to 7tave dlarovPreld that about ]R UAr, tlra[i parts re6tn, three parts beeswax si►nplo r'enscvn that Rh° tr°v's'` looks center of hiss thoughts. She recurred water bad been forming fairy architec- Ped in bareby wanm soapsuds. 13 a buttes, and when it is boiling add a cent of cannibals devour human flesh p g and two Parts of tiecif tallow, met ted to-; at it. All Faith letter., aro openeit y to his consciousness aonat.gntly, and turn Out of carbonate of lime, To Gho pure r+tna•p to pretiem,t stai•rnimg, and then grated cbeoannit. Cook over a slow becaluse they are so hungry that they ! gethr:r, A cheaper, harder and better the ytist.rass of the 1}alte0 and, as al when he thought of tbexe big boys be explorer it appeased as tdiovgh he wria with s tl,iak flurmmr*l watt pour melted fire, atbrriinrg until done. As soon as miust eat whatever they can get; 10 aamposition is four parts rAsin, anal rifle. their oontents never get IloyoncC was truly uncomfortable. iin it mighty foreot of snowy pine and wax umiti'l ilt forms a ,g+le-zed aurfs,ce; the hof,candy will harden when dropped per cent partake of their near rely- I part hesawax and one part linseed oil. I her, or„ if the letter is of importance, ISA bad another conference with Mrs. palm i reos. Manny of these "trees" when cold and ,hand, rub) the table, fol- imto cola' wA,ter powr lit out betwicen the fives from reli.glaula motive4 ; 6 per ' I it is returned to the writer with the Coffin in w,bich he supiigeatPd that Ger- marili to a beight of -tlwo buladred foot bgid,imtg ilio gTnin 'irwill it reflects like bars upon a wall -buttered alai), and cent. eat tbcrir Anemipv in a splril. of I directions how to forward ltd aldi•tlo haA better be kept in thAhouse and neai.rlty meat the parent stalactites a. mirror'. when hardened svffiaientlyy out intb venegance; 19 per cent. eat warriors PRUNING GitAPE VTNB;3. and marls to sive cla+e.r attention to I tillat are growling from the vauttsid runt All wpholatered furnaitttrot must be aqua"A anal wrap !in paraffin paper. to anleAt their rain or, and l per I The trouble with an unpruned vine SYMpTOA1 OF I.Tt,NACY. 'ter reasons, When be called ber in of t 119 cave to ,lon;n them. There are bealten witch a cans or regutlar rattan Maple Cariftl;s-Take two mien of maple cont, eat the dead in order to glorify! Is that it bears too much hull, and Dr. Burton Ward, after n long ex- recitationa he was also ,doing his best scores of such 'girrm4, stalagmites, and b liter, tied hhem wiped wtbhl a cheese- sugar, brip,half cup of water, and one Chem' r ' ..,_ I this 1114,1111,4 poor tlua;it.y. 'fake a thrifty ; pperience in the treatment of cases Of to make the girl fail. And when she many morq smalner ones, from infini- al"th dine ter. .A. grease silot rnr 0ilk fur- . • I I insanity says that theso is one infn•l- rlid fail he rl[�l his best to make it nn tegimal newly Formed comes, through niture in removed wild. equal parts of tablesPbo140 of vitnrJglar. ,Buil until (+Ot.OHA,I) CO'1'1'ON I ARI;ICS. i Convor+l vine to illustrate this mattor, I lnblp symptom by wbi•h the question oamfortahlA. for her, Sbe had to re- all stages of growth that form a slid- ether and dhlurof'omm,; on woolen up- lit will lie crum,py wihen dT�ped Ln At. the end of the aea•son such a vine.' whet.lrer a perrron Is or is not bkno can lniain after school a.nil get the whole Lng scale from a single drop to the lioietery use turpem'tine. Ca,no-seated rrtrld water. fTurn, litan butteredplates. v Colored cotton, fa,trrica will not. fade' in good soil, kept well tilled, should - be determined. Let a person speak ev- lA.sson. Jupiter made her recite it all, monsters whose tops pierce the stat- ohaira regwl,re a vigorous sarubhing Wihsn cbol enrntgth pull and cut into by subsi,quenit w•ashl•ng if pdar•el In I have somewhere near ,4(10 fruit budis on I ar so ralianally and sat owir iso sodate+ otivO "pmcAlrt upon iiirgeept," an to spe.alt, actite roof that cam be seen in glitter- with sompsuds, in wijrdab drop w little etieixa. boWng rvatrrr to which has )leen addecd I the new growth of the past. xettron• 11'• if ,his n bar thumbs remain thaLun,a H3 had eo'ncaiived the ambition to Lng spots under the feebbe reqs of a aanmatilw, scirlith bob sillies of Ghle seat,, Nut (3antCig--maks .lits map's sugar, hhree g:•Ils of sant to every four quoits I : ntir + fq nes doubt of insanity. Lura• Make a teachelr of the girl. Be broached to* -b. The selene presented forms magg- rinso and dry in the air. vv" sufficle-rit water to dissolve it, one o,f vvatt~,r, rio Biot roi lovo t,be eloth un- Now, a goad COncorcl vino rsl:rnttrd l,rsar ; atica seldom use tiheir thutntla in Write the .subject to Mrs. Coffin, "Geral- lexist niificent come Alallendrdr not ,kngto�Anriontg trhia nsony liquid and cret�a•m tab' otiful of vilnte r to two ounds til tho wooer ig c ld. i about twenty pounds of first class fruit I Ing, drawing or saluting. . dins," ho boW., "1a cut out to he a elsewhere in the world, polbsha+ir giv'on by. Oxclelle.6t aw hbritlea p 1 •, . , ' • . rX r =S•.. _ _ --•—�-•-.^ _-----.-.-.._ y^_'___-.,_.--'-._-�..- at sugar and a pikioe of 4,utter. the aizu to of a walnut. 1#oi,l unitil viery hard when �. -..M .e...- -..,...--.-+-. each season ; if It does t�y steadily hS� year after year, no masa of be eX- y AGRICULTURAL r.,=...�= _ e.__.__.. - _____ -_ -.— i`Lticher,"'hrs. Coffin started in aston- �,.-_- 1 #,c:: —_.•-_ - r �U�IT�N SEN INS SCNOOIM�S�E� , 1, alwat. "Yes she its." he affirmed, h ith a thunderbolt; "and .be ought to tried in water. Pour immediately in- - , _. ,,,•,,, - _ ..., �,� , Tat o pce�d• To hear that asr axe a fruit. not mute than fifty Muds are required. -- +N be sent to a unreal school. 1 never ir. Ig to have a b'urttered pan in wfi cit the nuts Deem placed. Out Late sticks be- e PRACTICAL POTATO GROWING, ia7wt as we have seen, our vino has about •'Juni Tidal ila,aet," wrote the red- F 'leaded &I In the back seat of the yr ide, went to ono, and what 1 know, about G aahiII,f has been gained by eaperlence. :: •� .'. t .. �; i.. �''' l fore It cold. Mapla fr+osti,ngr-Take 17ne finest quality of potables can be six times that number, hence many In excess of the need. Leave the Harrison Jenkins But there is no mistake. The learning X .+f 1 i twa� cups of snowy on sandy soil )nut the heaviest will er- trimuwd, and the TUU idols w111 over- ablong eche olhousa. of methods means something in these ;' {; i ma lie su ax or two and a half cups of p B p yield is alawaily obtained where there bear, and the laid wi;l be very in - the rasdd[r1 • alas of the plane, stood P S Se clays, and I'm sura that if Geraldine is f •maple sap 8yrlup, tans cup of water if is, considerable vegetable or alluvial ferlor. Prime to reduce the number wrowlfng behind his desk, struggling ,,,nt to a normal school she will make , u ? Mw saigiar is used, and the whites aR deposit. Potatoes eann be grown pro- of louLs to fifty, and a good crop of Tlat is the with, the ola.a in Latin. 'These young a first-rato teacher." 1klrs. Coffin thouirlit it over for a few ►4. 3 , + • ' + i� f 1`' ' bI n three ' • em, eggs. Pirate this sugar and wet- in a atawTan and braib until the fitabLy on almost an soil, with the v a, wit may be expected. simple proposition needed for guiding boys and girls, who looked pityingly days, and then uses to the conclusion t' ��',� ''}►;i- `Sri . t 1•� , syrup 1 WLII fall from tGhe soon in A exception of heavy vvet clay,. our pruning knife. Cut away, there - Y g up to lids dark face, were struggling that Mr. Jenk'iny was right. That was c . .� - 1.� f„m� r� ,� , � r .' ', .�' •i� threads. Beat the whites aP the eggs The yield will kis largely governed Pure, enowhdr of the young ranee to with the verb "sum." the usual conclusion about Dir. Jenkins, , r 1� �, r, ✓ r e ` M a etbPE froth. Datta the hot syrup by Y the preparation of the land. A bring the burls down to the right num- Tbe lesson had been poorly prepared to bhe little village. The idea was placed before Geraldine: and when she , f �tn'i"ti '.r. � , ;g. , , : i .i iuto ° �� the eggs sllowly, beating vigorous- When it becomes too hard for the thorough plowing in the fall as un- I g tier. A fair rule with Concords is to ramous all the canes but five, and cut and the issue of thunderbolts was soon heard of Jupiter's proposal she smiled t r.g� ' : y , ix� beater be take a spboni and beat until it daubtedly the best, for a deep soil will ed tlirase bank to nine or ten .awls reach, ozpaotod to shower from this pedagogi - a ,mile that made her mother look at ,, r' a f is thick enough to spread. iSpread ba hold moisture and thea be to a better The Delaware class should have even .sal Olymptia. At last it name. her twice. But Geraldine had the key which I I - tween each layer arid oh► the top and cond'tion to withstand drouth. Po- less. Prune and tie up so as to have • this trellis. Mr. Jenkins brought his fist down tucertain kinds of human nature was far beyond her years. She thought sides. reun ,An excallent chocolate frosting be macdb by aclrLilntg a Lies toes are also a deep Pending crop and a good distribution over 7`hs pruning should not tie deferred taprrlr the plain deal board with a.bump shewould like to go, ani it was a great '• Eul oY Lha beat ahoealate to this mix- for this reason require a deep, met- beyond thea month if it can be helped. f hat atvolte every languid mind In the joY wbenshe came to Jupiter's throne, bore IFAIW when waren. low nail in which their roots can rami- _ "Ia .cols what You come to and in ,her sweetest and calmest man- r f 1 dd �_^� ��1 ruvMness, I . x Talre tnvio taupe o map eau sugar, a f se for P" he began, as if addressing nes ill thanked puldi do for to deserve ? ? �*'3 ' eM0111 h waiter to dtissahvepand bo61 until y to all directions. {FAMOUS DIAMONDS. a Jury. "Is this the way you use onsIT In order to obtain the bast reawlts, it. That ►vas the happiest day that r'` it w► 1 wax Lt dl the in cold wat- oE tho most precious gifts that God Jupiter had aver had in the school. He I ,I& . er; then take it frrorm the stave and add plenty of barnyard manure should be The names of the celebrated dia- Lia f;lvela to youlr Here you are, a did not quits understand it, but thereat faun teaspoonfuls of butter and stir applied, as few crops will give such atonia ore known, but .holt value and was a sin�►ng in his heart as homelike 1, �ht, 1 ... :• steadily till it will spread an cake. Ulse good returns -from manure as the po- their owners are not generally 'known, whole, cissa of bright Boys and girls, . r vanilla flavor. , vvithbrain,s enough to do anything you a3 the singing of a tea kettle and as fait,; .rc tato. It appJ•ied in the fall, plow wad- The Regent alone }las been followed soft as a out's purr. � t i•� Maple Rolls -Take one quaa•t of desire in this great world, throwing Geraldine took new -interest in school. i`` r";,, ► t 4`4 - 14I - bread dougth, when it is moulded for ' If not nut on until later, it can . in its w anderfngs. The public admits away the greatest opportunity of your She tried no more of her subtle vrays to fa: -r," r :y f, � . the bast raising; mould. in, a cup of either be plowed under lightly or it at the Louvre, in which it was de- bves. If this was an fustibzition dor disturb Jupiter, and the boys found a ,k; v ,f by 11", r M maple sugar, one-quarter teaspoonful of thorougbJy mixed with the surface soil posited in 1887. It was considered the weak-minded children i would have chance in her, which at once set their �, 17 n sada, oyi,s teaSpoomtCuil of butter. Let it former interact at naught. rise and mould h to and cut out, rise by means of a cultivator. Do not plant moist beautiful, and valued at $826,000. soma compassion for you. But your �`Y »y > land until it is in just the right condi- The Saucy is worth $100,000. After "She ain't no more fun," they all �'; f r " s`: awl bake. These ase very nice. J 6 faces are all bright and your eyes are agreed, and they troubled her no more. � r `a, Maple Mince Meat an quart o! tion, as there is nothing that pays ao having belonged to the Princess Paul clear, and yet you will comQ to me with --- .,»r:, i °`f4 chopped beef one-half pound of suet, wall as ttwrough tillage.\'here sod is DamidofP, it became the property of III. r a *�°'�", one cup of butter, one hint of molasses, to lie pit�,nted, it is immaterial wheth- Sir Jamgne•tjee Jeejsebhoy of Bombay. stleh a lesson. as this?" Mr. Jenkins J , qtr; '" -II` ? two quarts of cthopped apples, two cups Geraldine entered the normal school ,:- er it be plowed in the fall or nut. Many The Orloff, bought by the Prince of punctuated every sentence with that anti passed her preliminary examina- =C It , of raisins„ two pounds of maple sugar, echoing thump on the desk which car- tions with extraordinary success. She "' J ane teaspoonful elaclh of cloves, allspice of the most auRcesaful growers differ that ioaJns for Catherine PI., dost 8462,- ... echoing and mortification to the was ono of the three 'highest out of a - and cineamom. (Boll slowly in trvo upon this point. Some prefer a clover OC -0, in addition to an annuity of $`20,000, pviuds of each boy and girl before him, large class. The veteran principal of EPRi?,G COAT AND SKIRT COSTUME quarts of sweet aider two or three rod plowed in the spring and the sur- and, moreover, the seller, named Sa- It vvas thein that the red-headed irI. the school ka-ew human nature at a A coat anti skirt costume of blue- et are faced with white cloth striped hours, being careful: not to let it burn. fres, received a title, This diamond at g glance. He wrote to Jupiter a letter _face well cultivated, to any other pro - the back seat wrote "Jovi non pia- which confirmed all that worthy had bray covnrl cloth is composed oq,f a plain I with limes of soutache to match the skirt and a short coat with fifted back costume cloth, seri are studded with priration. It would ire advisable to preae•nt belongs to the crown of ltws- cet," "it is not pleasing to Jupiter." said about the wild, nomadic Geral- and Loose fly -fastened front that laps I pearl buttons. Put slit Pockets in. the VELf.N GOULD. plow an old tv1rP in the fall so as to oda• Geraldine Coffin was Mr. Jenkins' do no. Geraldine returned at the and over slightly. The revere of the jack- fro�rt, and finish them with small flap. Helen Gould, daughter of the late allow it to rot before spring. The This crown of Austria possesses the ride. Geraldine had no favorites, at least, Jay Gould, has a fortune of $15,000,000, early varieties should be planted as Florentine, whloh, is. valued at $46.1,000. A of herfirst year the townspeople Abe- ___.__�-,•-_,___--- .------ •-- soon as the land ran 'lie thoroughly An Indian Rit ah owns the Star of such 'never appealed in the little coin- gas to relent in the .bard opinion they ---- u 7r hire a.re a fow thait are simple and of- and is, accordi�g to an authority, "the j' nzonwealth which he held in the hollow had entertained of her, and raw• anoth- ABOUT THE HOUSE sorts u in the spring. For the later the South, purchased for $8(10,000, and or person in the tall and earnest young fectuaL, but remember file rubbing is must remarkable young woman in sorts oultirate the land again and 1 01 his hand. But in Geraldine he was 1 ....,,,�- ---- the main Lntgre'dient of every recipe New York society to -day." plant iis soon as through with the nth- the Rajah of Golconda has in his cas- woman who had appeared before them. - giv,em : p'-A'O parts of Limaeed oil, the i She eschews all fashionable pleasures, eir spring seeding. ket the Nizam. It is worth $1.100,000. intensely interested, and he often found Jupiter Jenkins had ended his work as T,H,F, VLOW ER PUT. in her his greatest irritation. While schoolmaster in the little seaport town. r setons of alcohol said aan part of .lateen and according to the World, "goes on If good results are to tis obtained, The Pigott, brought to England by the . 7l Cr. Jenkins held the whole of his fifty He Diad been studying law, and was My little gentle flower pot, tine; to a quart of this add ata ounce perfect seed must lin chosen. Select now employing the same forensic tal- Upon my urre.t flaunting free, of the spirits of etcher. A polishiwgi year after year in the even, IIoiseleas worth who gave at his name, L- tt�� medium-sized, well -formed. smooth I'o- worth $150,000. It was put up at quo- odd young spirits an the hollow of his now ee had used before his schoolroom Thou art mom loved by me, I rvot, cre•atn is made of equal quantbties of lin- tenor of her way, living her studious, tatoes, free from scab, practical grow- onts the red-headed girl was the one in a more lucrative if not a higher Than all. the sweets of Araby. seer' oily, beeswax and twrpen hue melt- benevolent helpful life adored by the era advises different methods of out- tion in 1881, and nobody serums to know pen>on he was not quite sure of. Gar- court. He was "up in the city," and Not all the sweets of eastern )lower e d toget,heir aind used cold. For very ore an ospeoial polish is re- little waifs upon whom she has show- ting, while some do not wt at all. The to whom it now belongs. aldina had given him the name of was making a Fame. Are half so dearly prized by urs, usual method, however, with the best The Pasha, which belongs to the it !'fitted so well that When Geraldine finished her course As is the little gentle flower, commended of lna,]f an ounce of gum ares the sunshine aP her beautiful ,growers is to owe in pieces containing Viceroy of Egypt, cost $140,000. It is "Jupiter," and rn the normal school she received the The mignonette that blooms in thee! ivrabic and two ounces each of copal presence, idolized by the younger prom two to three eyes. Y gyp ' it was at once adopted by all his . 1, .het recommendation, tinct the old glum and potwdeired sheldao gum; lis brother to whom she has been moth- potatoes may 'be phinted either in a beautiful stunk, carved with eight subjects. principal happened to find a good place BY wide estates f set no ptore, solve !in a quart of spirits of wine in a er and friend, as well as brig sister, re- hills or drills, Though the yield will facets, and weighs 49 carats, "R'hen he pounds his desk and that for her in the same city where Jupiter No store on sparkling c5ronet ; warm place seri stroke thle battle well be mor,In the same in either case, the The Grand Mogul, that the lute Shah was making his wri.y, Tire poet's heart van value more every twenity-four .hours until. thio guess spected by business men for her level latter method is preferable, for the � great shaggy head shakes so, and his When Geraldine had creme into his This fragrant plant of mignonette. are no moue distinct, strain through, judgment in affairs of moment, and planting, cultivating and harvesting of Persia, its happy owner, baptised blue eyes flash, all T can think of is office at the end of the first quarter it And. as he fondly thin}cs of her a wood.lep cloth amid rub on wi,t.h a revered by her ussoei tes in good can be much mora easily accomplished "Derlalnoor," "ocean of light," is price - office at thunderbolts to earth" was the first intimation that he had Who once the little treasure owned,. piece of soft YlanWel. since horse labor will, to a large worex-k. lis, works." -and in this remark Geraldine had received of her presence in the city. The lover may the gift prefer Equal parts of linseed ail, spirits of tont, take tbs place of Rana work. The Na."ak, which weighs 8'23.4 car - She sairT she had tomo to make a pay- To mines of gold and diamond. whine, tuirpentime and vinegar form a The creed by which she regulates her Many very successful ,growers still tits anti belarigs to the Duke of West- chrLstengd him.; Many times he bad meat, and while she spoke Poor Jupi- (d, rom Thackemy's Song of the Flower well -tried polish, but for mauhbgauny this life, is summed up in these words: "I plant in hills. The aril's may kin 30 saimb aluthorrity declares in favor of a thought he had hoard the name of Jupi- ter was turning all sorts of ruddy Pot.) expect to pass through this life but inches apart for small varieties and m,�inster, is valued at $180,000. spat ter Jenkins, but he had never been colors. -.,--- mixture of onia pd,nit of linseed oil, two $140,000 for it. "But I hadn't heard you were here, CLEANING FURNITURE. ounces of a:l.kanot root and a pinch of once; any good, therefore, that I can T n totwelve inches is a good distance The largest of all diamonds is in Ma - able to capture one of these erring Ge.raldin•�," he said. "I have been rose pitnk; lot Lt stand for twelve ,hours, do, let me do it now; let me not ne- al,art in the rows. Cover two or three mortals. Or course, ie know he was thinking of you, too, and wondering; if As ,the beat Of furmiiture wbll grow, then rub din this fwrnitture and do not glect it, nor defer it, for I shall not inches deep with the plow, or if the; tan, in the island of Borneo, where the called Ju rater -'he bad been told sob I should hear from you. Of course, I dusty! and shabby in appearance, care,- I polish it off for an hour. An excellent, pass this way again." furrows were ridged together a pdauk,.' Rajah preserves it jealously. p Y , y I furniture varnish may be made of eight 1 t knAw I should. I3ul: somehow I cannot I ful liousAkee ers are constawt] fiight- I ounces of whilte wax melted and grad- The greatest happiness of Helen scraper or coverer may be alai, whish took government n Batavia one day- admiring ay aduniririg parents, who knew be would P w•oudct cover two rows at once. A be pleasod, and he was. gat you out of my head, girl." This in tbs approach' of age and dirt from ; val.l mixed wi,i"h One pint of oil of Gould's life is to make others happy, took a fancy hi it and offeree the l �trt it was with the red-headed girl` was punctuated with one or the old- g Y common and very su,planti way v to ah two warships completely equipped, lima thunderbolts. "Fact is, Geral- - their household goods in the way, of'turpenhihie. Her charities, however, are as un- plow the land lightly, planting in every j ps Yb that this story is chiefly concerned. lane, I've only just found out why I I chairs and tables. Oak wainscoting I Leather chairs a.nd toles of. rvri,ting •ostentatious as her life, I third furrow. Those who grow• pots- and $180,000 for thu stone, but the She wan the Only human problem that treated 'you so hard when in school. I tables are renovated, by auAs a g them, Rajah refused. P Anti it was simply this -1 loved you! 1 an c} furniture, are likeliy in time to as- lightly with wreum aaa,psuda and them Miss Gauld's income is over $500,000 toes le a large scale will find it pro- '{Lng Charles of Portugal possesses Ju iter Jenkins could not solve. Geral- 8 Y titahle to use a regular planting ma- Jupiter Coffin had been an inmate of the I want you to make ;sums a greasy appearance, which rubb!m tin ttikr w1bli,te of a'n egg whip- a velar, and of this she spends twenty i a fihu diamond of 205 carats. oa o' 1 a few days when Mr. want you always; 11gg chin Thai ]immerses L diamonds used to wear schoolroom n y S mr• Happy, to be my wife I" I s;houlrl Ile removed during the annual peicl stiff. Or, if this sestina like yeasting times as much upon charity as upon if dry weather is feared ilumediate- Jenk.ins discovered that she possessed Geraldirn smiled as she raised her I bousecleanimg by waslbi,ng it in warm j the egg• rub over tlhe feather a mixture herself. ly after panting. Harrow the ground a comb set with dirimoncla that had no an unusual mind. H,, laid ]its plans to face and received the salute from his of halt a cup of s int cid to a cupful rival.. Sl,s also had a considerable make the most he coals of her. He li I beer, To gave iit a handsome gloss, ! of vinegar; •bail 'togetahier. amid polish the Especially is Helen Gould the Friend , I ` `be µ° t`to repeatela i tone or; length Of a diamond garland imitating was accustomed to use the parable or 1 r I' knew that was the matter all the brush it over hv'idh a mixture of two i leather with the useful piece of Old flan- of forlorn children. Always interest- i mina leaves and gooseberries. The effect the talents in the schoolroom, and to twice. Never plant potatoesformerly in afield* ted of these diamonds was dazzling. time,' she said. quarts of beer, bailed with a table- j ria'. When wiillow cih'tha loco their nes- ed in hospitalB and circles far babies, where the crop was formorly affected At the time of the sale of the crowns say that to wham much was given I _-----_---- sl"nful of sugar and a pilece of bees- I t/ural color it is said that a solution of she supports two beds in the Babies' with either the rot or the s.ab, for much would be required. The getting crh,lorime will restore it. diamonds, a necklace of four rivleres, of lessons was an easy matter to Ger- A FOREST OF STONE• wax as largo as a waiaut; vvhfeam dry I Fortunately for artistic furnisbingl Shelter connected with the Church of there will lie u sufficient number of each composed of hazels in brilliants, a)dine, Coffin. S'he not only learned .— polds$r, with a chamols or flannel. If (marble -tapped tables are grow.img 1660 'the Holy aCommunion. wel Her charity d pores left r the ground for several mounted on silver and forming a t i - them, but the truths and principles were The eaves► o: Antuna uxplored by \r. Woody Crest is well known. The old years to spread the disease. If either terfall, was sold for $36,600, and it is d sank into her mind, clear- r nod 'rbrrA lbs �03gbalrtit oak or walnut articles are infected w(tih I in number, but n the owner of one, you time manor house, about two miles of these disease~ is fasted the beat rem- said that it now belongs to one or the digested, an ltlartr•1. Who o a timly insect that bores d>fdles until the can ,Y,A)gremove stales and d: Boil res together by from Lyndhurst, is a paradise for the edy is to spray with borceaux mixture ly understood and stored away; until utarn•un,tte,r ro thus 'World. ; appl.Yiaig t'rie following: Boil together Y i ladies of the American colony in Paris. tine day which she would call them into wood cramWea 'into a fimle powder, atop , quarter, of a, pound each of soft soap„ tiny couples who are so fortunate as , at intervals of two weeks. in order to The Duchess d'Ossuna, nee Salm+- the Il mighrty fcvrest of scone has been pts wills career by salturatinig the wood powdered whiltLrig and soda for twenty to be sent there. This charity Miss' destroy the bettles at the same time. Salm, bad an immense collection of 111%Jupiter Jenkins was accustomed to I discovered in the depths of a cave at with creosote; de not allow it to ctry for mimutes; spread on the marble for Gould calls her recreation." Paris green may be aciclAd in the usual rubies and diamonds. Their extreme say that bardly more than one, child in Aninim in the Department of Lozere, . Itw•ebve hours and then wash off with bliss Gould says she has no time for proportions, vi-., 1 lb to 200 gallonr weight is said to have given the Duch. twenty really digested knowledge. 1; tante. by the explorer, IVI. MartAl,who several drays. i Clean water. For. the ordilwary washing matrimony, she is essentially a bush- of the mixture, `- ess -headaches. ---- .sits marvelous tales of the rte', o , If fwrwiture is very dirty it shiou'bd'of marble use ammonia and water in ness woman, and was her father's fav- rine Czarina owns some large (Ila - __ washed In water and vilnegar-equal I place of soapsuds. To polish black mar- orite. She is a Presbyterian and a GRAFTING, month, and she buys some every year. II. his exploration. "A virgin forest of strict temperance advocate. She is a In speaking of grafting at this sea -i in France just now the pearl and alalia manes," he calla it. parts-usimig a Clarinet rag, and then, ' his wash i,t in cold sOarpstrds, dry with student of history and has a knowledge ruby are prized most. As for dia- $a had come to complain to Geral- g an ald,;cloth, erwd Chen rub for at titer some III. Mantel has long been known as aftea perfect drybn,g, rubbed witth a ),oast am holaw wi,t,h flannel spread with girl; lawf Withal she w a handsome son, we p not have reference to the m,;•nCo the Duchess of Deauville and dia s'mot'her that her daug abean flannel and a liittle linseed bol white wax. To remove Lron stains from girl; of delicate frame, with tiny hands I n,wrsery operation known by that name, the Cauntesa of Pourtaws have intro - times failed in her lessons. and that it a cave hunger, and .dere is hardly a , and feet, and exquisitely clear-cut Pro- wattinpxcusab'e in one vrha hacl such a cavcr.n of an nolle in the world that before vsimig any ltigtiid or cream poi- whitta masb.e try Inman juice, file, dark hair, gray eyes with black kvtrf. rather to what as called "toil -work- cA Tlhbonnis ptassediaroundrlhetne k y If an oLl stain disfigures the surface g ovhi,.h iti done in the spring and' A hbon ed to a haw' of ribbons (! mini. "I have come to tell you this, ' isrh. I lashes and brows. and a dazzling and i ins, Mrs. Coffin when I would not take the Fhe has not entered. ;.'Many have been I If a table bears the telltale .nark left i apPLy to {k cormMon r,Ltly sattnruted with perfectly natural complexion. Her I not in the winter, as is the vase with I sprinkled with diamonds, trouble to inform another mother, for ! discovered by him, allot man.v mare that I benzine. .Another stain remover is face is dainty and flower -tike, her smile' trouble to and it alone; Geraldine has by a hit plate Tub ilt well with lamp 1 made of two parts of common soda and the grafting of seedlings in the aur -I Turquoises really Eine are becoming. huve been parr iaidy known bave, for swift and rare. Her voice is that most eery. 'I'up-vo nrking on growing trees i& rare, the Maharajah of Duleep Sing h an unusual mind. and she, can make + the first time. bee,il threaded by him (Al am'd flahWel, fimLvh:ins off witlb a i of powdered pumice stone an,cl one of pleasant thing in woman -sweet, low i has ane of the most famous turquoises anything she pleases or herself. If she Ito .,heir iunnrmexit recesses, with the clean cloth slighrtly wet with spirits ar' powdered chcvl•kt sift thsaug.h then mhos- anti musical. )'here is just the sus- not a aifficuit operation, and may IeI .tence q knows you and I are one in this mat caul. of wuuderful discoveries but I bin, anioc to a paste with water, and ; in ei six centimetres it is very flat, and five y I r .rime. Another notable 110userv�Lfe re- pinion of a lisp. As a hostess she is mase to LrinK gaud results in many i urni six rxIItimetres in height and five ter, sbe will not care to trouble us b spread Over the marble; after tau ,boars Y n.,�,v'te bousls of the most wonderful stares the ariga�nstl' polislf, when it has was it off with warm soapsuds. In cardial unaffected un,1 entertaining. case. .Many vari :tics, too tenant to lie, � width. nca;lecting to get her lessons." find in his burrowing career. She lives in a fine, old-fashioned Ge•raldims's mother was as much flat- I For ages it deep nal ua•al Piet, or "av- been removed by a warm ditsh„ vvWh lin- the fititure, if thtmking of buying a ma rasion on the corner of Forty-sev- I grown in a lora iti , can i e mane to do One of this sons of Abdel- which has tpred as any other woman would he, en,," as t'lu l tench call it, has been sects aitb, rubbed an with a piece of lin-'marble topped table. stop, hesitate and enth street and r'ifth avenue. Bliss'; vvcll when grafted on harsinr surd;, a charmed turquoise upon which l- end, of course, Jupiter Jenkins was up known to exist a•t Amens, Tart nothing don't and spare posterity inber•iting any ends said to have been dictated by Mo - held. Thus era dealt with Geraldine, I en, cahanging tlhe limen until the taible inose of such pieces of furn,Lture, Gould's health has not been the strun I find scrrru tidal for• variows ret sons are' hammed are carved• beyoud its fimcl apparent landing, at . w:libts spots are est since her father died,' and an that fownd unsatisfactory when other me- A turquoise to be really valuable conscious of his power. He endeavored I the depth of ubout, six hundred feet, I fop is peTfnc>tld dry. --- account as well as bar rTwn tastes and old rock, very thick in to make hrir fail, anti, whenever she had been known untiii M. 1}artel en reanoved by rubbimlg theme wittily a Piece MAPLE SUGAR DELICACIES. ini,linations, she has preferred to spend thods are pursued with them, do we'l l mursmt and asleitt e out as possible. Sick did, she was compelled to remain after tereel it receulEty and made bis startl- lof fI&nmiel and torpenti-ne, repeating t -he most of her time at her country home when grafted on other varieties. Th:! people turn the turquoises that they get I inlg rlis,meries. The pluin. unambil ious oppliicatiop if necessary, and in any Ma'p'le Syrup -Take one pound of y ' wild Goose plum, for e.xample, dues not wear pate and greenish. school anti t ler lessons. near carr tcnvn. But, with a wonderful mind, there i people li-, Ing about, it ball frequently maple sugar and 'rme pint of water; --- -- was a solnewhat wayward nature in. hurled slti,naes inbo its depths and list- �"ase rubbing wifth a good wild urntil pa- boil tem mimutes; shim and cool. , 'give general satisfaction, but, tf tOii Happy are the, women whose They the texture or Geraldine Coffin's per -lanes lO t.h. dyl,ng echoes us they bound- ItI nee and sdremigtth are about exhaust- THE FEtiI1Nlti1•. U}l isIt� I, [L. I worked on the Wolfe or De Soto, can Ie havquoe s are of a lxind go blue, They sanalty. Sbe was often rough and boy- I ed from side to side of the rociC wallj,' ed, Maple Sugar on Snow -Else either tie 'bave goon health tract good tempera. swgar or the syrup. If the sugar is Cultivate art, to avoid artificiality. relied un far good crolns. 1Tuny vada -1 The•BarOnaisBurdett-Couttsmustle den�ish, and she caused no end of trou- p•id nota and then situe sil,isit more Unsi,grhtly finger ,marks disalppear Mine men out of ten ivant to run; able combinations can also be matte Oountod among the ]nappy ladies. She ble. With the deep interest the young du,rim than the 'rest, accustomed to used, make it into a syrup by adding g from varnished furn,Lture when rubbed away as anon as a wornun kx>gins t.o , ,t it h the apple, anti, for the home orch- I ha; turquoises that are known to sins maw>ter took in her, a sense or power Climbing h;,d descended pari. way into a little water un mel in!gi it. tBofl un- tours, and the poorest among them is developed. i n b Mr. Jenkins auppos- I the dark, ymnvnan pit, bot never far with sweet odllw mud front, oiled 'wood if cry• ard, kinds that are valued, but lack g Iti1. w•h^m dhco led on novv, ill remains ! tardiness, can Ic• ,•:er•ured in this wa}.I vvarth from $1,000 to $1,'L000; she has ed be had her solidly in his control, I enough to le -u -n what was beyond the kerosenfa its rubbed on the Spots. A , PI Many wives are nut sus licious of I atso two sapphlires, which are wort•li tb)sre would burst forth a fit of "don't y on the surface anal bac Ines waxy. When apparent, bottom. bruise should be treated wifttb a piece l it has r•:acihed this stags. spreul it up- their hushan<ts-they are certain of I It is test to cut ilu acinus for graft $150000• care" in her which astonished and AVIrat. eto,rios'have been hold of the thein. ins in DAce•mber, bat they may be cut: The Czarina lis beautiful emeralds. alarmed him. •'aiven" are raliber of fiction than fact, of brown paper, folded several times I on the d, as e e snow or ice. 'L', k will ,How very few of us m:.nage to keep during the w inter at any, time, actor ! Then the tbunderbolts flew to puno- a,nd stnac•'k metre of sugrerst•btion than and Soaked in )rat water. Over t,luis bra found, t as every swgas treatsrattker knows, I a few it of mild, oilen weather. If, Act o day trite gems. i hit b are green toato the master's fluent words of in- one of the tenet do'�iciaus treats obtain- absolutely clean hands daring the vv in- I cwt when the I., urperature is low, the to the day anti tri at night, are valued di.gnation. "When one has the mighty science. Imaginative pnrsains tell hold a anodsrailtely warm iron uwtil ttll able at $140,000. On bar crown she carries credulous ,hearers tales of steamiing ceases; if necessary, repeat Maple Caramels -Make a rich maple blr. I bark is preCl�ure a abrit b raft an aquamarin worth $110,000. fife's of brains," he thundered, and GHUfi'1'S AND GOBLINS Some hats that women consider I and cherry trs can best be ,graft - ------_---- life's road lies before do choose what) the process remembering tlhaat One tip- syrup by boilimlg maple 'sugar with a dreams are dubbed "nightmares" by ; ed late, in :4laroh, before the sap start^c, Is best and 'highest, to be lazy and lan- t.h.it Lobabited the cavern, only tocome pdiitatbow doee not always turn out a little water. To three cupfuls of this unappreciative mon. I ' and (be, wounds should Ir covered with GIRIAS IN CICILY. quid, and not to reach the arm to grasp, loun at nm,Iht to work harm to flocks success, Al�va{ys arpprly alcobiol aparting- , l In some party of Sicily tite birth the olden apple of Her+perddes, is the and crops of ibose who had displeased syrup a,Jd two cwpLw s of Eight brown A vvaman never finds the streets so'grafting wax• Apple .teem may e t g A t'lem, and articular] for the purpose ly upon furn.iltura, if at all, or it will coli-worIiio in .f it, 'pre as I t I•I ud greatest wroing." particularly p P Sugar, three tabl.espoonfula of glucose dirty as when she las un her pr°tliest ore srreltinl,, If it, is preferred o bud of tune) is took,l upoflagn as u,u g (Tut It was then that Geraldine, her color i of pu.nisthing disobedient. children. 'Then destroy the poli-stil. and half a cupful of boiling writer. Stir silk petticoat. instead or graft, Lbiy may lie dans its fortune that a Ida'k ovla i,4 hung; out slightly brighter, and her head a trifle there are weird stories of strange and Clean carved furniture every week The b with his top and the girl' late as the 'ait week in May. Cherries, a the window toe srl;por thfl sad tg all together well, aqui boil un;tul it will � e.v"rat. flavins 1n he ,4ui.ported by tl:e higher, would return to her seat enc] siiirtling noises Ghat iasrve from the by thoroughly dusting i,t with a new "thread" rvhe�n poured from a spoon, or with her jumping rope are the sure and plums are usually prupaautpd in family as, lonw a•i they are unin-arriod, write, "Jovi non placet"-" Tt is not l depths of the cave, par'ticul'arly on the this way, though rh^rry see,llings can- leasing to Jupiter.' eve of Christmas, paint brush. LE thta mahogany table will snap vvPm dTo�iped in cold water. harbingers of ople are not he budded, until August ur :sell and Ia. g saes to dower the sex - p 'Phare were certain rare facts about M. Marcel had long ago heard of the �a,t• is ttrt3 Pride of your heart shows Put in a cupful of rich cream and d pe grooru. girls aro looked upon as ex - half a cupful of butter, and let it boil, tend er. 'Phe eK rutiy; frat urn of ark en'"" Iu�uries. hays, on tit. tit tier Geraldine that Jupiter Jenkins, in his Amame put., •hu,t on Py recently determin- tita.itns, drop on therm a mifxtwre of six so rarely the most: desirable from a cessfu•l gr•aftin i,4 t):at the inner i,arlt I 1 t4,aceier's enthusiasm, hall not noticed. ed to explore its dept•bi, ()Having pro arts of spirits of saibt, and, one of salts stirring as all mis time vestal dome. when worldly standpoint $ hand, are very goon self -o r,i marry- soon as the candy will harden when shat v coincide la�c•r of the scion ~tuck; arts whorl thc+ time tomes for mnrry- Ohe of these was that sloe was a very vdded himself wit b ropes, iron hooked P A You can always pick out the rnarrled shall coincide for, n a much apace as j5os-, , retty )girl. But if Ire had been imper- and scrod staffs, lights and the other of lemon or a few drops o4 oxalic acid drolpped in cold venter, remove lit from Ing, inrrhom the family coca fh tt. p' t this fact there were others usual a iltanoe0 he began his descant and water, rubbing untid the stain die- the fire and pour out to cool. As soon couples in the theatre. The man keeps siblA„ and that. tbp air xhtll bo exvlud-1 bringing home a brise and her (lot. vious 0 pI l3 as cold oat it up and wrap im paraffin the opera glasses all the time. ed by the applivition of grafting writ, The iris live in seclusion, are mosq filar - who had not, and among those were amid ominrous narniug,4 from natives appears. and then waste witth water and er. It is t.be easiest thing in the world to ; so thilt. it will not dry not, (left; g of +home o4 the h1 hos in the school. who bad gathered to witness his Lem- . only l�A grafting consists of splitting the t�nl or tsixteenarid th y alre age «e�luOf g Y g pa6ish tie usual. if mialhogamy y Ma Ie Taffy -Place Pleas t ethor in the ' Geraldine was growing, and ahs was erity. Boon tits apparent. bottom was needs cleaning,, rub lit with aflan- A Y- together get a craved t.o collect, but It isn't so nus bolding .h4, cefi, open with: mow tall and lithe of figure, with her I reached without shy startling discov- g kettle two powttAs of maple sugar, a easy to explain what it has collected wa sar4,w inserting t.hp scion nfirr yha+r-: In marriage on a I,urely finant iirl basis. bug blue eyes clearer and more expres- I erica being made, but on ascending a hkvl dipped in sweet oil or cold drawn pound of brown sugar, half a pound of far in.g it smoothly to s wedge-,4h"',w- talt- sive, eq she looked at people. The true 1 number of feetrthe expl,orer found the ii+nsr•ed oil. In rubbing wood follow There. isn't a woman living ,who iVR1T1Nc, 'I'(i 'I'lif: Ql l;h,'Q. glucose anfil a rat of water, and stilt inN rare to bring this inner hark of soul of a rather designing maiden was'emtranre to a huge sloping hall,.which the grain, and do not rub against it until ltis'miffittrre i9 dissalrved. Boil un- wouldn't prefer a husband witha hasty the scion and the :dark wg i-ther. In The paper on whish leitor. to Queen showi:itrg forth from th4,m. She was;he entered. On approaching its fur- a.n•y nio,ra than you wowld iin people til the toff will snap when tested in temper to one who sulks over real or whip grafting, the Brion and stock are. Victoria nrro wrii.tpn mutt nnr IA fnld- sho to receive attentions, and itamotel l'rer en<L, he rvus abshl'wtely astonished if wibtrLng A,.bA4p•Py rrswbt. y imagined grievances. 1 I,oth shaved off dia.gunaily and Itrought ed. No romnntrticalion trhirh hears. Jupiter hard when he observed thatlni. the scene which under the flicker- If an in•k straingets upon a mahogany tali water, then pour it upon abutter- - together in that way. A little era.•. evidence of having hem err :u.i will glashe walked with one and then with an-' Lng light. of bis torches presented it- wriRi,nrg desk rerve witch a few drops AHi dish or slab to cool .fibs Gandy may --"--- lis on l ranelies of µrr•ru wood of ll.. ever fall into Hot 3fo,l is. to own otter fa llo still and balmy evenings. self, ale find before span acres of stal- of spiTilts of mitre in a spoonfal of wait- be checked off in squares, or. if pre- NEW Ftt3itRRfi ON (ANN)d1ALi�,4T. most any kind wilt aoolr enable the hands. The propea mefho,i {s to write Jurat wiry it smote him a9 it did -Mr. setn4ies and stalagmites, best never such er. Fest time dprap an the i•nk, and rub ferrel, it mny be pwliled umtid whits, Some cluxious figures have been com-, learner to ronke the cuts au that they on thick. glossy white pallor, an to Jenkins never knew until a few years) a gorgeous display of standing and it at aroce witth a c"ii wet with water, Maple Molasses Comantut Squares- piled b a Frenchman on the subject I 'All) come together smootbly anti bring desl>atrh the oli,►^i . e in an entrtupe later. pendent cones of alabaster like stone. or it Willi make a t M s ot• �vbu�� Place in a kettle a scanty cupful of of cannil alum, Thl•i gentleman claims Lhe inner Irnrk of both to,getlrr. A ! vallo fits i Any folded tumor the But it ofd, and CAraldine's face fhsre were i.ho evidences of the work day a dinfintg .shin a mailings, 3 n�tv maple molasses and a tahlesp'aonful common formula for grafting wast, is I cat ire never , cantles that the (lacca for the scammed to have framed Itself into the o4 centuries. where slowly flowing lrle wheal off with a clean, flannel, clip- to 7tave dlarovPreld that about ]R UAr, tlra[i parts re6tn, three parts beeswax si►nplo r'enscvn that Rh° tr°v's'` looks center of hiss thoughts. She recurred water bad been forming fairy architec- Ped in bareby wanm soapsuds. 13 a buttes, and when it is boiling add a cent of cannibals devour human flesh p g and two Parts of tiecif tallow, met ted to-; at it. All Faith letter., aro openeit y to his consciousness aonat.gntly, and turn Out of carbonate of lime, To Gho pure r+tna•p to pretiem,t stai•rnimg, and then grated cbeoannit. Cook over a slow becaluse they are so hungry that they ! gethr:r, A cheaper, harder and better the ytist.rass of the 1}alte0 and, as al when he thought of tbexe big boys be explorer it appeased as tdiovgh he wria with s tl,iak flurmmr*l watt pour melted fire, atbrriinrg until done. As soon as miust eat whatever they can get; 10 aamposition is four parts rAsin, anal rifle. their oontents never get IloyoncC was truly uncomfortable. iin it mighty foreot of snowy pine and wax umiti'l ilt forms a ,g+le-zed aurfs,ce; the hof,candy will harden when dropped per cent partake of their near rely- I part hesawax and one part linseed oil. I her, or„ if the letter is of importance, ISA bad another conference with Mrs. palm i reos. Manny of these "trees" when cold and ,hand, rub) the table, fol- imto cola' wA,ter powr lit out betwicen the fives from reli.glaula motive4 ; 6 per ' I it is returned to the writer with the Coffin in w,bich he supiigeatPd that Ger- marili to a beight of -tlwo buladred foot bgid,imtg ilio gTnin 'irwill it reflects like bars upon a wall -buttered alai), and cent. eat tbcrir Anemipv in a splril. of I directions how to forward ltd aldi•tlo haA better be kept in thAhouse and neai.rlty meat the parent stalactites a. mirror'. when hardened svffiaientlyy out intb venegance; 19 per cent. eat warriors PRUNING GitAPE VTNB;3. and marls to sive cla+e.r attention to I tillat are growling from the vauttsid runt All wpholatered furnaitttrot must be aqua"A anal wrap !in paraffin paper. to anleAt their rain or, and l per I The trouble with an unpruned vine SYMpTOA1 OF I.Tt,NACY. 'ter reasons, When be called ber in of t 119 cave to ,lon;n them. There are bealten witch a cans or regutlar rattan Maple Cariftl;s-Take two mien of maple cont, eat the dead in order to glorify! Is that it bears too much hull, and Dr. Burton Ward, after n long ex- recitationa he was also ,doing his best scores of such 'girrm4, stalagmites, and b liter, tied hhem wiped wtbhl a cheese- sugar, brip,half cup of water, and one Chem' r ' ..,_ I this 1114,1111,4 poor tlua;it.y. 'fake a thrifty ; pperience in the treatment of cases Of to make the girl fail. And when she many morq smalner ones, from infini- al"th dine ter. .A. grease silot rnr 0ilk fur- . • I I insanity says that theso is one infn•l- rlid fail he rl[�l his best to make it nn tegimal newly Formed comes, through niture in removed wild. equal parts of tablesPbo140 of vitnrJglar. ,Buil until (+Ot.OHA,I) CO'1'1'ON I ARI;ICS. i Convor+l vine to illustrate this mattor, I lnblp symptom by wbi•h the question oamfortahlA. for her, Sbe had to re- all stages of growth that form a slid- ether and dhlurof'omm,; on woolen up- lit will lie crum,py wihen dT�ped Ln At. the end of the aea•son such a vine.' whet.lrer a perrron Is or is not bkno can lniain after school a.nil get the whole Lng scale from a single drop to the lioietery use turpem'tine. Ca,no-seated rrtrld water. fTurn, litan butteredplates. v Colored cotton, fa,trrica will not. fade' in good soil, kept well tilled, should - be determined. Let a person speak ev- lA.sson. Jupiter made her recite it all, monsters whose tops pierce the stat- ohaira regwl,re a vigorous sarubhing Wihsn cbol enrntgth pull and cut into by subsi,quenit w•ashl•ng if pdar•el In I have somewhere near ,4(10 fruit budis on I ar so ralianally and sat owir iso sodate+ otivO "pmcAlrt upon iiirgeept," an to spe.alt, actite roof that cam be seen in glitter- with sompsuds, in wijrdab drop w little etieixa. boWng rvatrrr to which has )leen addecd I the new growth of the past. xettron• 11'• if ,his n bar thumbs remain thaLun,a H3 had eo'ncaiived the ambition to Lng spots under the feebbe reqs of a aanmatilw, scirlith bob sillies of Ghle seat,, Nut (3antCig--maks .lits map's sugar, hhree g:•Ils of sant to every four quoits I : ntir + fq nes doubt of insanity. Lura• Make a teachelr of the girl. Be broached to* -b. The selene presented forms magg- rinso and dry in the air. vv" sufficle-rit water to dissolve it, one o,f vvatt~,r, rio Biot roi lovo t,be eloth un- Now, a goad COncorcl vino rsl:rnttrd l,rsar ; atica seldom use tiheir thutntla in Write the .subject to Mrs. Coffin, "Geral- lexist niificent come Alallendrdr not ,kngto�Anriontg trhia nsony liquid and cret�a•m tab' otiful of vilnte r to two ounds til tho wooer ig c ld. i about twenty pounds of first class fruit I Ing, drawing or saluting. . dins," ho boW., "1a cut out to he a elsewhere in the world, polbsha+ir giv'on by. Oxclelle.6t aw hbritlea p 1 •, . , ' • . rX r =S•..