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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-31, Page 6
� . .. . _ _ —_ _•_-.-_._--- ---_- ..._ HOUSEHOLD. �`�®L�e lardI one teaspoonful east of gtaage: LAW OF THE UMBRELLA. FUNNIGRAMS y P Dominion Line steamship • u 1J + r tad cinnamon. Stir In flour until the Spring is Here You are starved bolter b • eelallst thantrea of ---,.---------- onslatnnoy of rt1PP cake, then Ileal e n Important Opinion That Use lcocu a Jack of all=- 1tAnll*u) od verbto to l¢o r i �n tgoy, Another Question.-" IIB has a br ht pportlslatT to Liverpool i14 rr�Ai r, ar a4 Iia Y►sttwin aorow •tea shipf 'Labrador, ' 1¢au. THE COLD SPARE BED. smoothly. Take about a pint of sift Ascribed to lard Coleridge. �..., future ahead of him." ''But do you Louver., 'Boo}�m ' "Y rkehlryl ed flour upon the kneading board and llhs law as to umbrellas was settled real) think he'll ever catch u withMONSOONN@40mo�n alar apoomtnoc{atigq for k,.t (7�bin, 9`0.W,hetn ym ldave a friend to visit you pour one-third of the mixture upon Are You Ready for the Change to Warmer it ?,. Y p ta� Oabta and tetra o Meal rA >d tool of if ehss Ion a welarouhe cost, it, thou knead the flour into it until (,noe for all by Lord Coleridge in a IntpU.GBYLOI�I TBA. taoss,g•-First Cabin V60 [ f�ecol�d �7ab r, $84 !fi Weather ltserago $22.50 an(j upwards agoording W You wi try to make ,her ha and it can be handled ; then with lent Loadin English case. His lordship Mitss Gushiag'ton-" 1 too, Herr Shev- Is put u b specialists, z o 0 B ppy, p y g g p P P Y p 5, 3, 4, 5o and iteamar and berth, Bar all [g�ormatlon apyly you'14 give her cxf your best; of flour on kneading -board roll One- hold: '-r' ewski, should like to become a great 6o ots. All grocers, in lead acicagesonly. E� Toop1 Agents orDavlD TORRANOX&OO.. You'll tell hes all thin star of out Hood's tltarewparllla will Boon Pu! You violinist. What is the first thio - ----- _ _-_.__�- Bol Agon s,17t�b.Sacramantf3t:, Moatrra Y Y quarter inch thick ; cut, sifting sugar l]mbre•llas, properly considered, are g to __.-- _ - - _ - varied 3rousahold cares, over after beingput in tills, and bake p I y In hood Order, dot" Herr Sleve%%sisi " Learn to play," - And everlitati 1 , tart of the atmospheric or uretero- MILLI Bull t, rings,Gal zed, Rollet ! tug Y you'll grata, Il.lx)ut in a but oven. fly using one third of part p It Is difPi:•ult for the system to ad- Love One Another.-" Nannie hassock WINp and Hall Hearings, gild, Pumps, j; Q 0 F 1 N Q and Sheet Metal Worked our O vat a.ffa:utis; mixture at a time the dough can be La oal condition, and, as audit, there �prayera, and grain Grinders. Dowd 1 itUU II4U f7I,ATN. io Yrtaef1� Y g j just itself to the change from cold to a sweet new Easter L•ounet." ''Yes. Sha 'o & Muir Co.. Limited, Brantford ' !Red or Gree , SLATE nl.A01 0 DS live auppv J3ut w•hateve•r alae you do, don't for Letter h ladled and less Ii thin to be t tt be no Indio $dual property right in P y , Oanada. publlo andIgh 6cpool•,Yoro SEt ). Ro eng troll, PttoTrlr,; ht.ateVeT sake, be tell Luo stiff, h Bled a:oite in cook r( 1 harmer weather, That is why Hood's I'annty) has churming talent for mak- U ��p I y y' the$ in Stttu peon vs. 1'humpaun de- Oos1 Tar, eco. RO YrII3C Ti'4 . Dt pry Pity Nil, [ Ing things over'."' MUSIC A ants wanted to tntrod oe our use, Toronto, flonu by olsrann . ,ta �+_1 to a, Vor. To put that bebilivss wonta,rt ion the cold PieCrdst.--For three lar a pies, Iak(: baraalarilla is needed item. It is g nioo•,eto, Estlmitoarurnieltedta workoompleourl� g 1 fondant was cellar od with standing on lnnovatiun-"Ah 1 me dear, of course Cc talo[ un and revel . \ o ill tTT g a erfnle ah Dpe to env tort o tide country Phone 19 spare bedf one coffee cup of lard, cue quart of B 1-ondt rful to atie what Lhlp great me- mull prepaid. "tloC ma in Old•r0TH[Si90NS,AdelaldeleWldmerste„1'oronto. plaintiff's front steps during a storm ddtine eau accomplish at th'ta sou- You (lid not have your sewing circle Down" withmuslo,for6canie, stamps, You may tell bar of your troubles with sifted flour. Mix lard through the p _ your numerous hiac-d ,itrls, and thereby quaking up a large goon Iamu. It ex tel all [nr,uritit•,3 yes, y, wheat a was au alormyZ" "Oh, POPULAR MUBIO DEPOT, 20 Aloxte St. Montreal. 1 1 — O. F. R. has cat Ih railroad g flour until flour is entirely absorbed, yes, .Edwin, dearest, We had it try lair+- Amd tivlltat "phre said," and what "I then add a seas x,vnful of suit and tity aP rain to which plaintiff was en- from the blood, leaving it ri pe, pure rates. Wab bpulApi, said,," till hoer uuderalandin 1 and nouris,hin it over comas the Phone."' Have You Seen It t 1 I Can You Do It I 1 1 ! of our Rind MillsMilts, Puu, , g three-quarters cup of cold water; ntiv titled. But the court held that g' "Povert languor and depression so general when � Y," said l'nede khan, " am The New O. K. Puzzle 1 rl l 1 dawi0g Mn.olilnos, (+ung. ��- %vltirle; until auun)lh, adding flour enough to rho rain was an man's rain, no mat- Tho moatfaactuat-ugpurzleoftb°day, oyoles and Hardware. Staid y %warm weather comes. It creates an like riches in one reapeck. \\'bethuh now Toltr:A(IIKd®NIDrFKE for pricoabeforopurobuainguudeave You may talk of the servant quesCon the kneading -board to toll nicely. Ler where it fell. it follows, there- appetite, tones ands strengthen+ the it's any disgrace or not depends a heap Sold everywhere. Axonts wantod. Bettd 30c. money. till the srttingmoon's hist glealu. Creuw Cake. -One well beaten egg, I forerun le. The Bails And Ir0gitl again next morning on the furs, that the wnbrulla is any urun'a stomach and digestive organs and pre- on how you happen to git der." P T. SONNE, y Donaldson CO., ea,mo old tiaesomi, theme; ons rounding tablespoonful of lard Lir umbrella, Iu all ages ruin and urn- vents fevers and other serious diseases I Time `2.30 A.M.-Admirer-"Has your tg3ComuisnloneraSt., Atontreal,Que. - T - DzoN_rltl L. But w•ihiatever wise you dip,, don't for butter, ane cup grnuulat0d sugar, one brellas have gone together•. and there i to w•hirll a weak and delCitated ays- _____j_ �9 Eytablisbed 83Steamsrrargrogatl•ng oheaven's sake. be led` cu t sweet milk, twtr and one hull cu pa is nu reason why they should be be[p tem is so liable in spring. its [ real j father any objeption to my paying you 8HIP YOUR PRODUCE, 1 [ 8HIP �y I) 1854. 135,000 Tons. To pit that helpless wuauau in the colli flout• sifle(1 with one tc;o one -h l suds ;[rated in law. An umbrella Hely, un-, cares of all blood diseases, scrofula, I visits, Miss Maud?" Miss Maud -"Oh, repave l,;.dl der pertain cir(ruwstances-thu ehief of salt rheum, boils, sores and humors oro--but-er-I think that he'd rather flutter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit. okc., to i ALLAN LINE and I,wu of crraul uY tartar. tical which is puss •as}on-Lake on the attri- I prove it to be the best blood purifier you paid thein in. instadment,s." THII DAWBON OOMMISSION 00•, Limited, You may W11 h.sr of your paitus and all until swtxtth and bake it) three lay- I,uyes of persolu(1 pru[perty, just as if: and spring mediAne. I Cor_ _.W tdarkot:,ndColbornnSte., roRONrd ars in a cluirJ� tr;en. When cool whip "' 1 don't think the members of our /, Mail �t t agh,es, aond what the dvctur said, a mail se.t a tub and catch a quantity church would be.%villin to sell al the Royal Mail 8bainship l,0• one cup of crrnw uniJl stiff onuugli Hood's Sarsaparilla g Y �0`�DRI���E��EtI ' That tlmte you carne near dying t%illb of r.:iu water, tlu(L rain water will bu neural. ih im our kuart; to spread well, then odd one-half ('ill' considered :is dpi. iersoilal belun 'in ;have and give to the poor." "Hardly. ewll giv0000hal •roan ln$, Montrew to Uverpool. g Y sug,ir, one tearilpanful vanilla artcI 1 g g lyCanada'sGreato-t. Medich.". Sold by all might be persuaded to sell till 18ti111,01led&I'a' atomwa>r Df how you poured clown bitters. and wIIle. it is in his tub. lint if the sun'druggtats, 81; pix for$5. Getonly Hood's. they have and invest the proneeds lu ranted, to any one howfusell; .....+u Spread between and over the top of drops end patent piths, f evaporate the water and it is rained ---- --- - }. hoz. lnde•tructlble Limp W1rtu toamora call ave,y Saturday gn arrlya! 01 c;ike' dawn again, of if the tub is upset and T act easily, promptly and something else." (need"eoErlmmfng)amungfrlepdsatlOcts,eac wrltd trains freta Taranto and the 1t e•t about8 Vi'hren you caught the da ea cd malaria, Lemon .]ally.-fLtlf a box of ala- l? I-lOOti $ Pliis oll'outively. 'l5o,uta. u•Andwewtttma Sectio t0trs, Tou•eliurem o'c:ook. g g tow water spilled, then the attribute of Dla[3istrgto, tyke has. lately taken to and send tintbomone andwow;llmailyoutlteRtug., RATES OF PASSAGE and (had su,clh awful chills; tinio tut to sank in ti id w ter suffi- personal omnershi p instantl • disrt r .,.,,rte...:_ v«.-..•Y-...,r•..v �. BTeii C"MICAL LP U., 1. tox578,CenalbropB4OCuno• You lura [ P M [ I y I � himself a tvlg-" 1 think I've aeeu yvu �Oabtn $52.60 and npwardal Second (SabiA Y iol[e'her. you may w•,•ary hoer, pears. Su if a wall hold his umbrella (r`A�A�A 1'E13�AP6Ei�T <��W � 3! and ani /30.25• Stoerag to Liverpool, chem to cover, until soft, add a scant I i' hors before on a similar charge." 1)is- London, Glae ow, fieltaste Londonderry or bill she wishes she were dead; In:hia hand it way • be considered u per- HISTORICAL AND CLERICAL. ,.•, 50. But for heaveat's Saha, don't. put hoer in pint of boiling water, l 1-'2 cups sugar, y orderly I r iaoner-"No, yer wash up. Queenstown $ 2,511 and$23. 1 sunal. belonging, but the moment it The hearten Journal of 1?duration 'I`he last 'beak' 1 was up afore leas 't sA�lld�� �f� pA y Areduction of five percent, i allowed on the ooLd spare. bed 1 a tiny bit of salt, anti (lie grated rinds leaves his hand it returns to the great, bald -dreaded old cove." I ° round trip t,0first and second or}bin toto.For rind juice of three toils, Stand on general, indivisible, vummon stock of publishes the following schuolhoy su to an auth ezed@a'orother intor6thh�tfonapply g Subscribed Capital tAanywuthorlseda the stove until it boils, Strain in a umbrellas, whither the law will not swers, which are warranted genuine. "\$'ill 1 have Iv he identified when Paid-up Capital,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a,000,000 gent. r TO BOIL AND DIASR I'OTATOBS. Mold, and set in a cold ponce. Orange ,. I come here next time?" inquired t\1r. Assets n,g0o,000 H. Bourlier, 1 Sing St. W. Tor•ntq jelly is made the same way. attempt a pursue :w 'I'D the question, \That do you know How few housewives realize Ihn im= So far a we. know there has never of Lord \\'olseley the answer was Jagway• ' 'No, sir," replied the bunk HEAD Ot vide -TORONTO f3T„ TORONTO ___•_ or H. dt d Allan, DLontreaL Corn Bread. -Three cups corn meal, liesn a succ:eseful appall from Chia de-. portance of careful attention to the appea cashier. ''Not unless you swear off in I Branch 0111e0—t\'IYNIe1t1), hteN., AND arclinary and staple articles of the din- 3l. -'l cups buttermilk, 1-4 cup cream, l ()$sign. given, "He was a Minister of Henry the meantime. 1 should know that. I . VANC ,ov-a, B.C, ` VIII., who exeJaiuted, ' If had served ner table 1 eggs, I teaspoon sugar, 2 teaspoons - _.�--__, ,try (rod, as 1 have .served my King, C nose again among a milli. - salt, L teaspoon soda or les. according;' • should not have been beheaded I The . " Oh, oh I" moaned Mrs, Weeks, who The ample rescue ( c., ; f this Company enable Mashed potatoes are such a t ontmon 1 its Directors to make advances on Real F:state, I to the acidity of the milk, heat ntuf- A Crippled • Shadow confusion Letween Wolseley and Wol- w}as suffering from a decayed molar, without delay. ntlo+vr;ttefiofInterest, and on accumpan[menf for roast mauls, 1 hat ;till plias u❑ lop the stove, g'rrase well, Bey, is [rerlladts not. remarka,hle, but a "why aren't leo tie born without teeth, ilie most favoiable t(u•nia of rrpnyui nt, 1,01018 — lt is a source of wonder, why ea few' Lit hatter in, hake in a nick oven • 1 [ Ira ted on Improved Vnr no and on Yroductivo ' 1 q 1•ost-mortem speech of this kind de- ' I'd like to know ?" „ Why, my dear, r(ioks sond thern to the I Ible as they I on the shelf, as the pan's being heated -' serves active. A hotter stury, however, or.n and City Properties. ilrortgagca and bakes the corn bread On the I ottorn. THE REMARKABLE STATEMENT OF is of u definition of " t.ithes," which exclaimed the husband, "do you hap- idunicioal Dabenlures Piuetu,aed. ((®®�� m�yg��P aha.nld Ie—a mass of snu,wy light ness, I pen- to know any ane that wlovn't l" Applications will be received at tho offices of Ask lJ®35iV � YJ y JAS. DAVIS. OF VITTORiA. [ theGompany. At this aens"u of the year, polator•s Cheese Calces.—Two cu[.s bread will be of special interest. to thechurch i Mike-" Flow• old ares you, Pat?" Pat J. H.ERBFItT MASON, • sh.ruld be put lucook in cold wuterand crumbs moistened with milk, 1-4 lb. -� and stage guild -"things worn by lar- "—-ManagingDirector,'Toronto, grated cheese, I egg, a little flour to Ntricken 'with itheunumsin lie wattled u, dies in circuses anti partLoluintt+R." —" Thirty-sivin next wont'." Mike- giacdually brought to the boiling point.I a Pain Strlckcr_ shadow -Devout- anti ^ "Yes must be. older than Ihat. When We don't send out a tut of cut and mike smooth, a little butter, pepper �,. wore ez horn?" Pat-" In ISM." Mike dnied "testimonials." 6uo>a things are 1 I and salt. Fr in a skillet or on a Hospllul Treatment i alled to Help IStm Y )?A LD eon 1'h: -,y ahonld not be peeled, but ,should Highest Market Value Y -Lir. W111lluns' Pink rills Restore -" i have yez now. wore, vez told me not proof. But if you want to learn be_SerUhbed clean with a brush. '['his, griddle. They are delicious, Health and etrenxtlt, the same date tin years ago!" RAW FURS and SKINS what is thought of the Pare fonvin is where too m my make their mistake, p A �, FOREST CASE . \ g' r y y s in Proof upon roof accumulates tint 3larold has ti pttlr.of to,i,n a.tinties m Boos' Din.ea oto, ask aux ne }ll,ors, our friends in by peeling the potatoes and putting - -� W who leak and dress su nxuctly alike that it Consigmnente located. Ex. I'HF FASHIONABLE SFIADF., Dr, Williatuts Pink Pills is the great- �"\`p � �resspald, K,I$ante Moose eller countries, everywhere. Some of them over Lyle. fire in boiling water. est nbedicitJ discovery of the 19th (-ell- i,t is difficult to tell which is 711iss + lcocasins, Fur Coate, Robed them will. have used or soon th) Pa e The mediuni-sized potatoes will cook I A very important question in the y g star told in �"..+ t' and Snow Shoes a speciclty, $ p IuT and the folluwin r y Mr. James PaddOn, VIC10USly, AS. 'Vary and which Mivs Dlurtha, Oce t mind of the average woman just at the, grateful. patie.nt's ovrn words a;niu I da a la sail to Harold: " I don't j' .i H. JOHNSON —it, is the universal fence - in about thirty minutes after the water SaultOd by a Fierce Assailant. 3' �` w. 4" ' nn them begins to boil. Salt should present is the new spring shade. Will suln5tantiat.es 11e r:•laim that they cure see how' you. can tell your I,w'o aunties r Wholesale Furrier If you want some Ulustrat-d advert, It be hecgminx or, otherwise ; 1'o the when other rttediciues fall. apart." " Oh, that's easy- enough,' re- 404 at. Paul et, Ing matter, and a descriptive price- altiays Ips added, but never unlit they '•Knowing thnt I atn a living; moms_ 1UdnryDisca'AcCausedlitiuMuchsuferluir Y Monlreal,quo. [ have he run La boil. and are woman who is fashion's slave, the an- lite writ of tl:rs wonderful curing. proper- per -I - $tut n ftuinueh Prlend, Doda tt pd,ied Harold, "for Auntie filar looks . - -__ ! list, apply to our local dealers, or tP f partly I' t a greout deal more. alike t,ha,n Auntie �C� Y booked. Twelve potmto^s will require ewer to this question is a vital one; .t,ies of fDT. \\'illiums' Pink Pills; I I,Idney Pillx, IWVeut to Hie Aestnt- „ L as direct. to the Amman sensible enough to get deem it my duty as a grateful m!tn to once -flow lie is its well as I Martha. a about un c+veil ,iubles[xxwful of salt. „ Ewer He N'as. _1 The Life of ILLA ® Its near as possible to the fashiontlble give nip ta'stim(in�• for'the aid of such f When the potatoes are done, ([rain 1 IS Your Wife III -Tempered ? FR/tNCE8 E. I e p as are afflin.ted as i was. I um a resident oU i uG G G GG G VA color and yet have it becoming it. is Mount l ort:st.-A must. daring as- y q l �IIL P��E �I�L I L��L e'F�J� them, peed. them quickly, return them of thre village of Vittoria, Ont., and sau1L was made on one of our well- � Examine ter feet, and if she has Sec etnTroh9c.nci(rir Srendy Slr,trou t<,n ty itdy J �I 1ltl t not of so inuch importance, while to have. lived in the Lown or nei,g'hl>or- corns buy her I utnam's Painless Corn. ; 'henry a°n,pr.net. ez ready,•, not nen(•sary. to nett the hut, dry kettle they were cooked knotsn citizens here recently. The vie- ln and Ipeat. them thorou hl with a the woman who wears the color which hood all my life and am therefore well tion is ;tor. James 1'adr:on, and the at- F'xtrlactor. TIome •w'ill then L,ecome III., bnok IJKL: wiLD FIRR l,adlesaud g(•at4-moon Limited. g -T known and wL.at I say can toe easily an 1•:den. Much; of the misery of 1vRrTE QU10K. outfit only bon. easy to malco WALiiERVILLE, ONT. N'UUdf'n 11U1'tt0 beetle. Properly boiled I elllta !ter hepato lrresperlIVP Of the reign- [,rOVefl. Three years'ag;0 1 w'a� et. rick- ta'•k waS d very deter'willed arid'vicious married life is due to corns. Putnam'a 8100.00 with thinInaweol(Lirtwo. potatoes should fall into a snowy mass in mode, it is a utatt.er of in one. Fly the timely aid of a staunch J. L. NICHOLS & CO„ g on with and 1 artial ly paralyzed by Extractor is sure ptiinlesa, and prompt. •o I. file first, hLow- of the beetle. and true friend, however, he manag- . ,--- as RICH110ND W., TURONTo, P. S. Sea our "ad" in next issue, \alar all the lumps are Ipeaten out ence. Thoumatisnt. 'and after Ilieittgr under ed to elude the clutches of his assail- -"'� _ --'- -`- _.I p CH'EI U}t5'1'O I AUI=H A'1' t •lel. for every twelve potatoes, half it ! As the majority of women do adhere Cas,: of to physrcoans,l was given tie w to die. I d to ahuman skei- ant, bol not before he had sustained I'Olt OLD I3A ., • e moment, it is plea- , upful of hot, but not boiling milk; I to the fashion of thmm up svasi,e eton ; nothin; more than a crippled serious injuries, that., caused him great I When is the proper time to marry d itis will be found better than cold ant to be able to relieve their minds shadow. I loot the dtse of my limi,s Bufferin Mr. 1'addon's assailant was When you haven't enough worry, g saltnr cream. Do not be sparing sof Io! of the strain of uncertainty. Up to s•ilt bur acid a liberal supply, and also' entirely and food --vas given ate [,y a that bane of the rI ge 1{i,dney Disease, i - - and the friend that rendered such vel- ' A plaster matin with " (Zuirkcure " " ,I h'al•ing tablespoonful of good butter. I the present. moment i.t has been diffi- spoon.' Life -as nut worth livin;.r and such an existow-e was indeed rniser- uable help is, FJodd's Kidney Pills. spread over- the nose, will suppress cold Mr. Paddon ,the haed in a. surprising manner„ \\'h [p lh[rrn'into alight mass with a cult Co state with any degree of ver- able. Tows i u ,ailed the end to (eine suffered for a long time, in with ba,ekache to its reducing inflarnmul,ion of s noon, rind remember that a ,on this 1 I tainty just ,chat color would be the thorough whipping, depends the secret -a,n end of Ilinian sufferings, too awful severe and gin In his o%witng p stomach and kidneys. 'There were oth- the muc•otls memhra.ns. proper thing this spring, but it. is f wholesome, mashed potatoes, to depict. As a last re ort (way per- suaded by my friends to try medival, el' NVII'ptoms of Kidney Disease pre- i -_ ' Do not smooth the. mashed potatoes learned that first. in preference stands Do treatment in thle General flonpital in sent, and knowis�lwhat the Badmouth A DANGEROUS '1'OYCC. dmmn in the dish they are served in, 61ue. t but them lightly in " Toronto, and lafte.r s,endinR several [ he, unless the complaint were prompt - checked, he 1pegan to I 5tei)bi.ns, 1 never hear you gay a Dodd's Kid- pile a Iter if t e y '.rhe odd saying that There }-s noth• rough mass. They are better if the � • y d g Y Y the is weeks there canna home clishpart.ened use n word about the weather. nev bills 1 tng new under sun" certainly are served at once. verified as ane Iooks over and examines and even worse than before. While wvr thing in tile pangs of pain,' dis_ ff{e used two boxes im old and they No; I promised my dying mother that C never would swear. There are many attractive ways of the different shades of the new• spring 1 d l , t d' I t d f cured him completely. He is note en- ' t --- Offer t this co%%ingpn pe.gpeetahle and ,we water blue, thathranfifty-six k %as secondafav- Dr.r Williams'rPink Pill -i andtPof the j°Yang is good 8Kid as It( ever e. ' yolF QWB IT -'----._�.- . ____ _-....__._. .- -- ------_._.. Offer the follot%fn * reel for stuffed marvellous cures they effected. \\-bile it Ther to DOdd's Kidney Pills alone. WINIrMim TVMSC�R'I•_ potatoes. y i doubting that they would cure me. I There etre no "Dull 'Times" for disease To yourself and your Creator to keep orite, was ilumensel • popular about Select, smooth potatoes and have them twelve years ago under the name of wits prevailed upon to take them. The and death. They aro always busy, %veil. In this enlightened century, Floridaof the North—Rest from snow and the Cold Piort as near the same size as possible. pecheur, and ofthe fifty-six shades of- effect was marvelous. For two long They never want for victims. But ,,vith so many excellent remedies at bs ktoasl them thoroughly. Cut off an end fered to us from wliWh We take ouryearsI hacl trotenjoyed a aingle night's Providence thus given man a way of our command, no roan can be excused frown each, scoop out the potato, and choice only eight are new, and six of rest and I then slept a sweet sleep banishing the most deadly forms of dis- for neglecting to maintain his system season It with butter, salt and pepper. these are blue; so is can easily be in- which seemed like he•tven to me. I re- e:ise-kidney troubles -and of resisting in perfect condition. Your LCi centsr Add also two tablespoonfuls of inilk furred from this that, blue is going to gradua.tly grew th • attack -sof death successfully, lJodd'I refunded -if Celery King is not the Hotf,hl r Cert every six g g vi%ed, could ea.t and A !potatoes, heating well. lie the prime favorite. stronger and as i gained strength myEduev Pills positively cure all types best. regulator and tonic fur the bowels, V 7Return the poxtn�o pulp to the shells, Though decidedly a rehash of 1896 hope ofliving increased. 1 have taken Kidney Disease. This has been prov- stomach, liver and kidneys you havestand each on end and return to the and 1897 the colors shown fpr the forty -ane boxes, which •may seem a ihousitnds of times, and is now tin- ever used. Note the improvement it Atlantic �'�� �i oven for half an hour. I spring certainly are, either taken sep- ! large quantity to same, but he it re_ dwersully admitted. Bright's Disease, will create in your complexion after L t , N. J. -- � aratedy or in combination, very art.is- I membered i had taken ninny times I DL-ibetes, Dropsy Rheumatism, Lum- ten days' use. Large package •25 cents •tip• in their coueption, The shades of their volae in other medicines and had � bago, Female Leases, etc., speedily at all druggists, A sample package 2Wc*dclo3&aa aLaael oomaalota iaa. 30-mrBara• matw,iLBa CART Oh' LAMPS. vollow ronlise to be ver o ular this Y l yield to them. . Ip y I p been declared incurable b drutors. 1 sent tree, by sending address to Wood - part tai tibia household duties is year, 'o crying all the %t•ay frons the . The result Is I am now able to undergo Dod(1's 1{ixitrey Pills are sold by all , ward Medicine Co„ Toronto, Canada. `,:,,_� _,:' N . aha•le known as paille, through the coif- hard physical exercise.. All my large druggisin at. fifty cents a hex, six -- 1_ of Wrote imlportante titan the care of p rircle of frirnrls Ind acquaintances boxed 2,50, or will he sent, on receipt - '�=?�-_„ ate` fes rent tapes wftioh were resented Lv $ the Inmps, and. it its be.ttcs for the mala- i us last fall, only under different names Of privo, by The Dodds 9lydicilr,e ''r v. I ��� Y welcotmed me back in their midst. and Co.,' SAYRETA-KORA CRYSTALS. 111N, i� _ - s `�� ^'� �, tress of (+he house, to i,ve her personal the deepest being a burnt orae a tint, I r Limited, Toronto, Out. ,` _ g C 1 g g li,e seems real again. The fact is he- racer; .A1,,a, mpervisinn do tibia matter, for if. it is styled coq de roeiie. it is prohable that. v, it(] nil question that Dr. 'Williams' �EARROT APPROAON TO A DIAMOND � ,�Ity Left to the care of Hhe servants it icv dee orae e tante -will he used in plaid Pink Pills as a lnsd and only medicinei"WhInposp lble to detect from ren[ nems. .usual) (half done. and wthat iv so dis- • andpstri a effect- for the new s ,ria ueaanted to retain twilr lustre. To dit-in o Gr« ; �.��\\ 11�` y P spring proved aucaesaRi I in reaching the Topics ofthe Da trndnoo these marvelous atones, we will nand ane ret to agreeable as a badly am,ellimg lautp or a silks and ribl ons. {$arms of my disease, and saved me p' b' snbstantial gold filled mounting, either Ring, stud, y I 11 flame that cannot be controlled. The others have something of green fruma life of miser Every One is surprised ill the ra id- U1°,nrooch orAtiolit aonreee - Bond Any /� g k y and peon. Again p p r .n. Y111-16. m,satl AtactorY nrtioln erohnnged. Bond for octal nju Lalmpca sihou.ld be atte,ndMd Lo ion the ish cast, thrrotgh by w means on the I I say as a grateful conn that i cannot Ity and offivacy with which Nerviline- W. Powell Harvey?,00..01Kingw.,Toronto, Dan. • Tdayli,gh,t. amd for tl}tat re,ascxt it should turquoise order, hearing rather mare i too strongly recommend this remark- nerve -pain Aire-roliuves neuralgia �-- x� be the rule ion every lhontsehold to col- toward sea blue. These are proposed able medicine to all fellow beings who and rheumatism. Nerviline is a specific BRAD FII:R OWN OBl'1'LIaRY, �,�- i v . beet hhe bwmlps the first thi,ug in the W form a combination with l.he fash- are afflicted with this terrible malady, for all nerve pains and should be kept - - , morning and 'brimg then) W bbe plooe iomable yellwis, and as they are very J'AidFoS DAVIS, on, bands Ivy every family. Mate. Paths has had the uncanny ex- ' -.� '�� u w,ltere thhy are usually taken care of.' becoming to women they promise to The above testimony is signed in -- perienoe of retooling her own obituary �� �` -1. r II I t 't► -• u�' .Each Lyne should he t.a,ken apart, the be very popular presence of NOT D.IFFICIA,'1'• Inotices,, the Australian papers having ',��,s:_�-J�- �- ^,. {"� res�ervaix filled., the metal clximne Gera.ninm reds are the Pba•le+s in this EARNEST \\'FASTER MAYRFE, 1 [ g -w "E :•�.w „-"-°'�- r ' Y macre the mistakta of su.) rosin that s :. holder was�hkd in boiolin,g suds. and the color, starting with coral and geran- .- _ �-_ - _ _ I'm of riling an article un how to y,� = -_ _;�' I . she, and not her husband died ieceu4l orthirr parts wilpAd perfectly clean of ev- i tum ,and hest comes an exquisite (lark Live on $10 a %week. I , t 4 KING HOTEL -KEEPER. k don't see how you cart figure. It W 1 h .l pod en the evspiciKrn of oil,, for it is this ,shad() known as pourpre. Watermelon !•w+st out. Y ^"s �""'� --- """"� �' - < thnt. makes thre disagtreeable odor when pink and rose pink are also quite prom- __._______- • the. Lamp is lighted. The wick should' lnent, as well as a c•.ouple of rieb put._ Turned ala ralnceInto AHotel to Receive Oh. it's much easier to figure it out ' r_- .;z - 111 '' + � �,;. be rained amd all the charred portions; pdish reds and three or four cherry tiler the Crent. than to do it, _ _,r "'-~- i= r r wiped dff with a rag, it sohiauld never ) tints, Reins and Ja -clueminot being Arcording to Le Journal des Debats ---- Y "_, _ .. - - ' ✓ — be trimmed wibh hhe saissars, nit.hnngh j probably the two best shades for coin- , RRASSURING HFIt,. 0 -__�� ___ - ik nrny be rtreciessary sometimes t) use i Lining with gray and black. of Paris, the most purse Prnus hotel- w 1 trheml to removo a ti.her or two they Purrteeffectsare ,rorninentlysbov,n koeper ion the world is the King of 1 geN so down-haniosd sotnel pint � ! 1 doctor, that [ am almost, on the point _ Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service, has worked out of place. After that in shades of 1:anRy and, dahlin. tile foie- i \\'urt.eniberg. H(• runs tkvo' large bas- of despairing of being cured by mer[•• thea w•icsk should be turned very low.' mer Irnown as c•leniatite and iris and I t.elries in Stuttgart. ThAse hotels are icines alt all ajid going to the Ltithi F fThe TRAYMORE is one of the longest established beach front hotel$ so it will net. draw up oil and overflow the latter as urc.hidee, an out and out I visi(erl by the bpwt of the ,merchant hea,lerp. 0 in Atlantic City. Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the continued pat. an the clean metal. Tbie g,las.9 chi.mnev , mauve, and ophelia tinct dnhlirt• Humbug, my dear madam, tran.par- ehauld he polished inside and out with The grays knm%ri aq argent, nlnrn- I cln'cs in Germany, and enrich the ant humavug. Here iw something tl±rtt ronage of a quiet. and refined class of visitors. Write for all information, a dry rag ar ohamois., seldom It ever $,num, and platine are sho',,n r:till, lint I King's private purse. to the tune of will do you more good that all lite faith, neeii�i.n,g t0 be washed on the inside. act gray is art unusually trying color, 86,'2,500 a year. TTotel-keepirng has been doctors in the world can do you. And D. S. WRITE, Jr., Owner & Proprietor. Lamps att.emd,ed to i.n this manner , their popularity is not likely Lo lie followed for nearly 200 years by the be gave her a hread pill. ems— -_ _-,.- _ �� -•. should have. a clear. atAaady light, and very considerable. .- if nat turned' too lone, should never rulers of Wurtemberg. !t is recorded -- J "] � c''- c"�'r'"'' "'�'S'�� emit tine least odor. __-ft___ -T that at. the i,eginning of the eighteenth TWO POINTS OF VIEW. rZ3MZLJ9X JB I IN ---- I eerltury Peter the Great paid a visit • t O DiNING ROOM COMPORT. The essentials of a dimini-roam are not what some people consider them. Some rooms othere are diedirated to eat- ing wherel,n khle sun Is allowed to sbine full into the fao-s of those occupying oertai.n geats at the table. while at: least ono is pla:rod wi6h. the (rack of his ehai,r In direct cctritact, with a hot radiator. T,h.eremay hat fine silver and niltna. but; the table is spread with it thin oloth only, t 6piwitngi-tables ob-' etruct thin corners while all the plants under process of cullivation. and not "pretty cmdugh, for the' parlor," are lahel9ed irefkyfe the w'l It do -v". ,Nrrt,hing im 4.he frost unpleasant should ba allonved in thi- dining+ -room od all apartimerills. This table shknld have a lt)mvy silicnlro cloth. the only f1k'wers allowed ethould be rut ones, or Hulse growriing so luxuriantly that there is err tsulgigestion of "dirt and sticks" about therm,. The windio%vs should be elhaded. and a sereom moy be used to shut rvff the extreanes rxf beat from any on person. R tmove all furniture ex- eept the si rlebonTd. table surd chairs, amd dnn't ns ycou value peace of mind, ppit p'ctu.res of dwsnd piheaaaTtts on the tval la. TESTED RECIPES. Molasses Cookden.-Two eggs; well beaten ; one oup granulated sugar; one cup Newbrleians molasses; one cup cof- fee, warm, one ours rink Ildf,te'rmilk; two hooplog tessipoollfv.Is soda; one cup RAPiD WRITING, A rapid penman can write thirty words in a minute,, To do this he must. drw,v his quill through the spare of a roti-si.xteen and one-half feet. in forty minutes his open I ravels a furlong and in five hours and it third it mile. We malce on an average aixteon curves of the pen in wriling each ward; wril- iing thirty words in a rninule we nnlsl make 488 to ouch wwmod ; in ;in hour 28,800; in it day of only five bourn 144, - remarkable. Many men rnalce 4,(10,- 000, and in a ye rt r of 200 rinys 13,200,000. The inan who rnartr 1,000,000 slrolcps with a peon in a month was nal al rill OI!0. If're, we have in flip aRgr•eguln it mnric 300 miles ionic, Lo be t.raoed on 1;aper Ivy earth writpr in the year. In making each letter of the alphabet we must make frorn three to seven ntroken of the pen --on an average three anti one-half to four. (a7,b AiIE OF U'iSH. Prof. Snelso says that the age of fish IS almost unlimited. As to the length of the life of fish it Is Raid (hat the ordinary carp, If not interfered with, would live abrntt 500 years. He Bays that them are now living in the Royal Aquarium in Resist several earp that are known to he over 600 yearn old, and that lie has aneertal:ned, In a number of eases, that whales live to be over 200 years old. The orllina.ry goldfish has also been known to. live ov,* r 100 years. a, to the reigning Duke of Stull art, and, Single Man -Poor George ! He toll �( • l ;G ��411� 7r0 � �j�� ti g g in love with a beautiful girl who car- �a netle ointment. 1 '� 111!l111a iii to avoid the pomlp and ceremony of B the roust, he, sent. word to the Duke ori nothing foil hirn,a.nd he has finally The worst sores Rt'alses, Cuts Burns. + © a that. he -rough pal up al an inn. The gone crazy. Bpratne, shin Dlsorilers, more Three 0 Croup A eumolle0l. Laroosess, f Iles., rind all extcoa,s Duke, wishing to rralify the Russian's Married Mnn—'fhe fool l q� g i andinttqgrualld totons ehnrnetenrcdbyINFL �AMBEff""INE" whim, nevi at the .Ione time do hire ' -- NATI urelyevi) ecu to reparatilioneelilofbymare It 1 royal honors, promptly turner) his pal- STATic orrOrno, CrTY os Tor,EDo, ll5a !e 4 purety vegetable preparation by a regular LUCAS COUNTY I physician of eminence, and its suocess hits boon are Inca a hotel, and sent a aeciel. mos- In allousinthemoat obstinate en.es. sotdby sage to Peter's pusl.il ions to bring the FRANK .7. CHIeNt T mnlcet oath that he le the prrtagists and Dsalure at Alii Bad 40 Conte. aenlor partnor of t oto 0rm of F. 1, CHtc\sv & Emperor there widhoul helraying the Co„ doing buglne;sin the Olty of Tiled.,, -' identity of i he. hovee. To make the de- County and State aforespid, and Ihnt Paid firm $22.50 for $,50.00 Ricyck-A, 1808 Models writ, for vept;on complete, be stuck up asi.gn- wll1pay the aunt „t ONE IIUNDRICl) DOL- catulogoo. rower('yet.(in.,Indiannpoua,Iird.,U.R.A. oygp die® are Ve;�9 �� ;� MHm�1)r®�• Irnirrl over the Tnnrl entrance and LA IIS for each and every 08,88 of CATARRH g that cannob be cured by the 1150 Of HAT 'I' MUSIC %gents wanted to introduce our Oveir 1000 ill Torooto agile 1.,004100. r•ecei•ve.d Peter with many lows in the CATAHRHCURIC. 1VIU i'ntaI.,uo and term,(. Wo will rap and apron of a maitre d'hotel of FRANti J. CHiCNRY. mall ppro iatd "Dar'll bo aNigger the period. The Wurtemhergers -ere Sworn to before mo and nubsorlbod in mY Mlwtn'."willimualc,�or5cents, at an 11 Dx1movees Dandruff in One Week. ti0 plleasn(1 with the experiment. that press ence, this Othday ofD comber A, U. 1988. POPULAR MUSIO DEPOT, 20 Alexis Et, Montreal. they have continued in the business l asAeI A. W. GhICn tars Notary Public c<NOB, Fern t, Jus , n half. out ymir 1891 Scalp ever sieve, ~— r Penrunuconnt,juaEioh;tit. We claim we I - si.7C�r5 Itching Qll th�ir • " Wuic,keure " warmed and dropped from a spoon into the ear, will cure earache. It acts like a charm, DESPER,ATR REMEDiES. Jones has married his cook. Well, he is fixed for good meals the refit of Ills days. Porbaps; he married her to keep her from cookidt[r. v Nervousness f�'r OLER ■�/M'f q�IN13 THI, CARU$R9 711011 MRSA' NX11VZ 9PoN20 Pure barbs and celery -nature's oem tot nerve dis- orders. Sold by all druggists. Large packages, iso, NtOODWARD I/91HOINE 00.0TO*ONTO, OANADA Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intornally, and have oho boat rnd most practical t• neo or acts directly on the plaid and mucous surfaces earth. Four mil s of it in uro ill- the it:gper of the systom. Send for testimonials tree, montal Farm, Gueluuh, Ont, Send for pricoi F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo. O Addrestt Toronto Ptokot Wire Fenoo Oa Sold Mtn 750. All River St, Toronto, Ont, - Hall's amlly Pills are the beet. -' -- - -- - VARIARLFI. Love Hearts , Stranger, In Texas -Haw long do you Your- Buys fellows work at a stretch? . Cowboy -Well, it depends a good l �Arr�p dont on how- easy de feller (lies. Dey're self. Y p/ variable. 26-31 William St„ Toronto. Phono1129 Accept No Substitute for 6nevermiletogiveim[staotlou. CEYLON TRA. to Lend Potokrarea till, 40.40 and Opo, Prevents Breaking of Hair.. . Stops Falling Out. POSITIVELY GROWS HA11L !11)9- SWORN TUTIMONIAL8 BENT FREL "X:X-A61E ;9 Wb4C*X30U403BX: Ws I $1140 ow Vottle from D1r11Qgistas or so of ft%ceipt of price to �'4 �, Q�'k, b Job Cook Mfg Co., London, Out��10 +*"6 SURE t f'�.� 03t�