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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-31, Page 5
\. MARCH 31, 1898. TUE C r.jI N TON N JIMSTECOM ).f w:.cr� s^. .r t�lax- s.xes � ^ .� .. , - . _ .. ___---- - t HAT i(1, TIRED FEELING o 0 rrHAT coves with spring is 0 @ .L a sure sign that your, blood fa impure -that your ,vstenl is run down. You ,p know the feeling -tired out-- 1,t Q not exactly sick but no life - A to a•ubition for, work -no V vnet•gy. 1 -till need something 0 to get fit the hale of the A 0 troublm, whatever it he. Us- P Q tutlly there is nu special dis- 1,D 0 ease. It sicllply the blood 0 m that is sluggish anti Impure. (D 0 Anything that will purify it and scud it bounding through (D your veins will restore the life m dand viol and energy you hav0 O lost, There live it nulliber of 0 remedies on thm inarkel which 0 IN would prohablyansw•et•a.11right p but here Is one, l)t•R BLOOD- BUILDING IRON PILLS, which( 0 we know will suit yowl" case, 0 We know it bmcauae they live ® a eowbinatiun of blood -purify- 0 0 ing, blood -making ingredients 0 (D that can't fide to benefit any11) A run-down systelu besides, hon- (1) deeds of consumers will) have m used thele, testify strongly in v their favor anti not one cus- 0 Q totner Ims ever asked for his 0 ;A money back though we sell thein Oil it gu1,r lultee to refund C) money oney if they don't satisfy. $1.00 hugs 5 boxes, enough to set you right. 25e btiya One lit,) x. Front its Only, at our store or by Mail and woney m back if not satisfied, 0 O 0 —"-- 0 '03s ALLEN WILSON o ' DRUG IlS,rs ANDuPTICIANS. 0 t,tt•(D z!�la'rteO-�6®-�zlO'm(9',^,E-q�>M Silver Novelties -little things- Big ones if you choose; Things for baby stings " E ARS, IV 18 f ® 00STILL I A THE E SWI R RUMDi��y ypp Good salt cheap at CREWS: , A ® Selling Gold Watches ® � (6 a ® Cheap, and will give O a 4 ft• e you better val tie tt)all ft l,a 0 you can get else - ItI A where. Remember, e A a 1N'llat we stay 1V do..,00 u ® UEPAIRING done rials t ®, r 0 ® and in It propv6i' way. ea 0 If to visit his brother, George prfu1• 10 was found that her hands were severe- p his departure for the Kluudikm ly frozen. attack ofSOME a ENGIL.4VING done right a as n DUI' own shop. � I oup �� 0 rices Right. ____...,_,�,�.-��' a weeks, been riding a Pew weeks with her (•tined t til 11'ialtiu. While tiriviug co,,,..It ltoll. 0 Silver Novelties -little things- Big ones if you choose; Things for baby stings Gorrie. I Kea earth• -- -- McLaughlin Bras. have secure(} the 1Vhile rmtut•uiug to her huuu south `�r5��r�S G T89 ' NE -Baby services of Miss Ross, of Toronto, to of the vitihuad track title evelliug R RUMDi��y ypp Good salt cheap at CREWS: , tike chargs of their Millinery deptu C- tViCk 11 Dtl,s. Pal rick kiuhhhPs ulldV""CPPQ'PCC10r81 went. Miss Huss cones highly recnlll (Bili paralysis.%v;and vvheu fu Tho undersignrri offers for In m• rrut that l brick residence on I an At. Tctit urn o ® a J. 13. I(UIIP:\LT,, Clinton, next Ill wits►gilt} in a pool pool wended. next tier' ® O s ®9®O®®A®®®®®®9®9®®®®®®O0®® IHATS"�,.. �� 5'r '- .' YOU RUN IW 1slit,• School Teacher Benson Hamilton if Witter' IW 11 13PattiV'S s[irc-hour(,. P,dinnla;:rnors,Aittintiro(na.l:ft,•hr•n. Also ® J{e�■ went to Colborne Thursday evening, Sho wits niken to her hotle where it saved my child's life in an . ® to visit his brother, George prfu1• 10 was found that her hands were severe- p his departure for the Kluudikm ly frozen. attack ofSOME � ® -s �rI-� z y Q11 ,`' '�° RIF c3 NORISK };old fields. 111 r, Will. h1comin had lather au Mrs. McBride,ridng of L who has tittle bottle' drool � I oup �� r" ____...,_,�,�.-��' a weeks, been riding a Pew weeks with her (•tined t til 11'ialtiu. While tiriviug co,,,..It ltoll. 0 tom/ A"� AN MATT" /� PE� CAti'rFr.iS 71TtoR., Clfnfon, Roil, 1'L Illintll, the genial host at tilt' oltillg the road sollle elle ran Illto hiH 1 Anglo-Amovican, has returned home. rig upsetting it and caused the hor.te to G. H. FRANKLIN,@g --__ ,r-__,—,-_____,__,__ Whateverublic School Inspector Itohb, of roll RWIIV, brelLlcitlg the harness. Mr• Clinton,(Tins ),eted our 1 ublic School 1 M11Alclitir }loflTovontt Bedford Springs, Va. On Saturday ' y the 26th of March we begin a Sweeping in buying 11 NVatell here. ,(land recl'ntly. J( �(%eKifill (lrawft)rd has one to Fort[lard J. I•. Medical AdMcLo ell, Mama,, U. S. U A ]cit 00 � 10(tl'lll"' 8,00 of all our (help -3' Felt flats including Wer g {� 1� e gutarantee, I EK1. 1.CT .lrthm 1,X, l,llis, of Hamburg, have rented lyich, to assunle his position it) I)r• ; the Commercial lintel fruit take pos- Spence', ding ; and soft shape• itlld nlost 1111 tilitt is ,low and going to ---- --- store. session oil Alay lied. Dir. Davidson (Teo, atilt Robt. Dane left Last week , Will rernliu ftl town while Messrs. A. Eyery.Da y Talk vs. be worn this spring' satisfaction With 1VllateVel' to seek their fortunes in the Canadian ;nit} J. intend going to New York, North. West. They hath Stage Diatlogue• __ To Each Person buyin'r watch you buy of us, and fire energetic' I where they will Plagitge in hotel btlsi-, young Illell fro111 the Iles( 11 )wick If we give heed to the conversation a New Felt flat Of iti shfa a or n y p been business 11(,hs stock. Ott Monday vyPek, Annie, eldest we bear about us every day, we are price we will giVe Une ofour New Spring Silk Ties, Suit - we've ill - -- ---------------- dell llt:er of aha late Ilarry Al:ason, of Tic-ersillith, and grind -(laughter of aurprised to discover how slovenly it is, the most of it -how involved, how full al)le elthel' lOr y'Otill(�' illlll1111 a(red U1' old 1l1eli. A) a ) long ellUllgll 1,U pl'OVe that 1li,� d61lIlilGla. __., 11 r. Jas. Forsythe, of h:guiondville, of repetitions, howatudded with broken T 1(� we keel) our 1)r(ImiseSs. We know all about the 1'r atelles we sell and sell thein• for just what they are. Uon't you need one, O--- P■ Be E Ie;Vcllet' and Expert Watch llepairer. LEGHORN EGGS FOR SALE roil my whining wi)lto Leghorn, that score ruin li0 to 9ll points. At $1.OU pm• 1:3, 1V11, CAR'rhlt'Coil, --_._.-.--. _- ---,-el) P.U._N NYAN00T EGGS FOR SALE- , T have nutted up a grand pen of Philo 1yt•Illid( fes that cannot fail to pro(Tt)cc vitulers ff sly records in "'how Itoon,s count for 113 ln€f, The pen fs conlpeRCd of,') [sells and 1 cockerel• of the birds sroredift point, And won first prize, t the i Huron Poultry Shower (Iodo•irb, 1 scored 1J) ,trtnls Iuul the other two art, equally it, no brut have nryer beret exhibited. My stock Iso won all the prints in their ciatwR fat the Siren Central and at Godocieh Pull I"ail•s. I NN -111 sell It linifted uualbrr of sitting8 front ti, slorl: at 81.511 per 13. After Junc IRI, (", t S60 per 13. Satisfaction and a fair hatch ufttxu11i'00. 1•]998 shipped illy dis1,MICC, No tuck for side. FIRED. GILROY, CLINTON. PROPERTY FOR SALE. To Let or For Sale. 9 -- e ) ® ® a �■ R RUMDi��y ypp ® 11 story Tho undersignrri offers for In m• rrut that l brick residence on I an At. Tctit urn o ® a J. 13. I(UIIP:\LT,, Clinton, Q ® O s ®9®O®®A®®®®®®9®9®®®®®®O0®® © bedrot P,dinnla;:rnors,Aittintiro(na.l:ft,•hr•n. Also ® J{e�■ 6di�A ® Rn(sd two able. In ranncct:ou wilh the re-idence, at-(- 0 The Leading Jeweller, Clinton. ® r of bund an.l a lar, o uunsbcr of fn11E trees. .c ict -sa,rl to -sal,ply Y — -` CAti'rFr.iS 71TtoR., Clfnfon, ®® Rock Eggs For Sale a TIAItRY CA:;I'Ig, ,N, ;.It. fore t. ® b b (a ® I hnve for sale First Prize White Pl)u)outh . r0•, A hock eirgs sf, $1.50 per I8. m e The Cock. had a scure of 04 and the Pullct Q. at the Uuauricb Poultry Show. a J. 13. I(UIIP:\LT,, Clinton, Q ® O s ®9®O®®A®®®®®®9®9®®®®®®O0®® 1 - ---- ---- ti 0 A T 1 7a Wanted in exchange, } 12 lbs. Choice 1 bus. Oats. Oatlucal for 13 lbs. Choice bus, Oats. Fancily Flour for l; These are our present rates but we don't know how long they will hast. Oats taken in exchange for Groceries. 0. ®LSO, CLIFTON VICTORIA STREET. 'Flit Bachelor (Girl. "She is wise in one respect, is this bachelor girl," Ruth Ashmore writes in the April Ladles' }forte Journal, "She hits learned tho art of gathering .. . 1,t mfu 1 ) + •') + years g,l, I y. She ,t} })r(:c li t1, s, Its she loses her youth, that she tnnst pity more tegx)iird to her appearence, and that in life's picture she must always be a figure Ihat looks well. here the bachelor gir•1 rises superior to the old maid, for- with all tho old tlmid's gen- tleness site was a bit inclined toward downdiness, The bachelor girl int - presses you, when yoti inert her, with her nattu'sllnesp. I'er11aps ps y 0n grow to know her well, yon tiny wish that her natural n1InJn0r did not tend to- wards brus(Itienoss, Mit :at tells; she N truthful. She is a. woman of business, (tad she is gradually learning to ane-' Beed, alike in business and society, she. must follow the example of her bro- ther and not carry her workaday worries or joy into 1wr social life, She nittst learn the art, or being n grub or a butterfly as tithe and place demitnd. She is fond of pleasure, and being healthy and happy she, is kill(] stud ) charitahlo." , SUBJECTS ATt� r, 1 RH I .. .gsrfvdduo2mmmnmtezw" ,, l � ,* 1 .. ] .. 1( �— ` 1W 1 .• , y, .This dread malady lurks behind the mopt in- t head colds, and when the seeds of disease so vn steals away the beauty bloom and makes �, life pleasures a drudgery. r P Est. IDU. t1GINTu'w $ CATARRHAL O•VaD Nill cure the incipient cold and the most stub- born and chronic Cntarrb cases. It puts back the beauty pink and .beds sunshine in Its trail. b with distres- ho b teen loll M wife and 1 were t h 'n ed freedom from wA have Cn y nrrh but a A Cat 1 stn a ,I .. n Dr. A - r ' r .1,a �rntl n of R R since 1,h fir g g atrQs. n Its di n1, n v 1 - - n.t9Instantaneously- lief naranta ao s It c ' Catarrhal Powder- Y 1,t alae n Nn stns and we believe r d rcllnf In r rr s rat ft Tvc a rr' n baffle It In a gg ase AO deeply ,eat 1 t y( ere Is no C t til P y Ct1C0."—Rev. D. Buchner, [3uUalo, N.Y.--g7 Sold by Watts 8a (`n. "I, A C. n a t u Y 1 The Hdnnonlon Board of Trnde has; flespatched Pxpert bLlstevs to clear the boulders front Lit(, (blind Mipids, of) Athabasca Itiver, on the Ynkon route, it is economy to profit by the exper- ience of other '1' u a, ho sands have been cured by blood's Sara%parilla, why not you 7 . --- - - _ Mr. A. G. 11rLeim. of Strothrov, fornler•ly a wmll-known Toronto b,at•iiA- ter, i.4 (lca(1_.—_-- ______ For Over Fifty Years ;!tits. 11'cxsf,ow'A Soorinsr, Myltrm 1,aS [.ern i wrrl b) tr,lllions of mother~ Por their children W11 Ieribl1,g, if rlivfnrlmd tit night. Anti broken )f )our rrvt, by n o,•k child Anfrerin and rrying Lvilll pnin of Ck1t.tin Tecth send Al. oneo nod gvt a, bmitin of "Airs, Winvlow'R Rooth- ing syrup' for Childrvii Teothhsg. It, will ro- lleve flit' poor lifflr w iffo •r hornedfatefy. 7)r• ,c•ndnpoll fititIterR,lhrreivnnntiwtnkt'abo,lf r•1, •r•t , . .1,r,. , I. nv r W lt. 11 n i1•tr•th .t ry t rt h i m I I mach we1R 411v-4 •I ('m nnri lin1� mit Ile RnP cnA r ' t nr r, f w res rt m At],, • •v , lam , In talrnnbtli nntl Itr. ,err ( {� t int R t' i .nor •• o the Lvhmlr Rt t nr. •'11'•v 1a' v r L •' r t , fnitts w g Sirup" m c• ( rr or r v . on1111n 1,r for 1 Ild n 1 thin i. , rl- a I, g r i. 1 4 r' .K e f R r f` 1,r' ) nil to fh fn t nn 1 1 1,h rr rf fi m n one ne i iris hr nil nr d first frmnlr t ulr aft t ) p )) inns noel nnr,:r..In thn T'nited:-tlaff'R, I'riev twrnty-Tiro , :entsit bot tle. sold by A.II (IruggiwfA t.hr(faght. I out the world." sae Anro and ask for "MRS. ' WIVAr.n1,V'a MnoTirl.x'fl Aynr'r'. PJaroh 14;b. ___ ---_._�._ House and Lot for Sale The undersignerl otter, for solo that Two tory Brick Itesidence occupied by the late [rs. William Itatlenbary '1'lio•e I.. In (.0tol •c• on one acre of Lon[ wfileh will also be.T)ld fn so idece -with resilience or in lots to suit trohaser. Apply to IN'. NV. i�AP,iIAN.of- lo J. II:1'1"1 KNBURY, Clinton. sl). 16th•--- ---_.'. _ . .....-- Cottage and Lot for Sale. The widersigned oftbrs for sale n frione ,ttaw,ofMtl'ruorn:•, with Icall-lit. (ventral])- hutted. (lord (sato and drainage. will b•• Ill cheap. Apply to iti-. C, SEARLE. Clinton, Nov. lath. To Improvers of Stock. The under-ignnd lin, on his premises, pith ncession, Goderic+h Totyashfp, A Thoroughbred ,nosey Bull. Toms: -$1 id $'3. A Thoronghbled Chester Whitt, Boar, regiR- red. 'Perms: -$1, tyith the privilege of return- rk A thornnghbre.d Tmnworth Boar. regi,terod. 3rntR;--$r, with pri vilcge of returning. This is it rare chauco to improve your stock T. C, EDmuvn.4, 65-tf. Owner. PRING TERM BECI NSAPRIL 4.th �?-�-eC_APE�Y�VV7)--ftp- -i I I /F= . .�� � rt� r _ ,lam✓. J TIATFORD. ONT. >RCOOS11.FT) thionghoutCss,adanc Ihr Irndirg X rnmmercinl PrL,.t.i us iatnrio, seater now. Tito for eperf %l e3reuh,rr, w..1. 1;LLIOTT. Prineipa1. It is reported thnt (he mim-wits in lanitnha have defini(ely derided tone.- epL the provisi•Ins of the school settiv- lent in t -lin meantime, hoping for omethi)g more in t.fnle to come. HOW 'MUCH DO YOV WHIGII? Thinness is waiting. Wastingis earin down, Scott's Emulsion blds g p; it never makes wastes. It will give oil rich blood and bring back your veight. I3R0WN-('AMGItON.- Fri Iflanshar on Alarch 0th, by Ilev. J. Snowden, of Kirktoll, George I3row11, of tit Alarys, to Miss Maggio Cameron, o the 3rd line. 1\10881 11 lil:A. -In 131anshurd, al March loth, by the Rev. T. l,, lfarri soil, of Orallion, 1V. 1). 1lossip, to Cassie 1.,, daitghtel. of Airs. Jas. lien, 8611 roll, PUL1.:1I11)- ('(,I,F.- At. the Rectory, St,arorlh, on 1Vednosday, Alarch 23rd, by Rev. Rural Dmnn Rodgens, Mchard T. Pollard, to Bertha, C'ule, both of I It111Pt L. 1)I'.'NNISON--III'NTI,',fi.-On March 1'11,11, by Rev. 1Vfit. Corkery, jInister of Bruce Ave. Baptist, church'Wind- sot•, Mary A.,ditllghler of 13r. George Iluutl'r, of Kincar•dinl', to Bert M. Dennison, of Grand Rapids, Mich. IWl1 N1-- McGUTLLOUGII. •- In Strat- ford, by Rev. A. K. Birks, 13, A., ort I ,(,It 14th, Mr. Charles Deem, of [lupe, North Dakota, to bliss Rebec- ca Ada McCullough, of Seafurth, Ontario. BROWN--COLLISON.-At tate resi- dence of the bride's parents, lift] - Jett, un March :.'3rd, by Rsv. T. 1.. Higley, of Blyth, Mt. 1Vnl. Blown, of Mullett, to ,bliss P,liza, eldest daughter of 1t,•. George Colllsoll. MI1'CHI,LL-(,'ASh:,NIOltl,.-On 22nd fust. ILL St, Paul's Rectory, Wing - 111111), ,flies I,lle11 Jaum :Mitchell, Of Tiumberry, to John Casenlore, of Kinloss. PO1VI,LL-MUSCIIt0VI,.-_ At Niaga- ra Falls, Out„ at the rmsidcuce of Ili'. Alusglovs', brother orthe bride,"by Iiev. J W. Shlllon, 13. A., Tutus Kellip Powell, to Miss Musgrove, all of the Townsltfp of TLII'llbst•ry, Coufity of Ifuvo11, Ont. SIiAIWIN-SHORT.-At the Metho- dist parsonage, Listowel, nn Alarch llth, by the Rev. Dr. Williams, Mr•. 101111 Sharpin, of llowick, to Hiss Ilary Short, ofTurtlberiy. JACKSON --M U•ND1N. -A t. the Manse, lirllssels, oil 1Veilnesday, Alarch 23ird, by Rev. ,John Russ, D. A., 1t,•. Arthur Jackson, to 1liss Amy Mun- (tiu, both of llorris, ItUI',II,Nl: -- AIIR1,',\S. - On llfarch lith, in till' EVILligl,licitl Lut11cv-ail (,Taco Church at ,1litchell, Mr. 1VIn, Kuellne, of Ricbulolnl, 1}ich., to \Liss !',111lllan Ahreis, second daugh- ter of .1r, August Ahrens, of Logall. R-kli13UItN-13ALD11'iN.---OiI Wed- ocstlay till, 9111 ill' Alarch, ,at Lhe resi- dence of the bride's father, by the Rev. It. Strilchall, Mr. 13ivanl Ilrtr- burn, of Hibbert., to Chtra Ada, eld- est daulihter. of James Baldwill, of K ippel. HIRTHS, COOK -In Clinton, nn 'March 10, the %%-ire of lir. Thos Coil:, of a laugh. 1 el'. SWEET. -In l,xeter, on the 21st, inst" the wife of 8aatuliel Sweet, of It daughter.• IIAIIDING.-In Usborne, nn the '2000 els r t. 1.1w.wife a ,y t n n r Jt , h 1 R�i•diug, f a daughter. • AIITCI11•,IA. In Hxeter, nn the 17th inst., the wife of Ilml•h Mitchell, of a Still. . . . T1VEf,r)ix.--ln Scnforth, nn rrid,t),, March 181.11, t hl' wife of 1•'. W. 'I'tvee- dle, of a dwighter. S.NIITIi.- in 1Vnlghfun, nn Msu"c:b20tll, to 1}r. a11d AL•s. lm, stilub, a laugh- ter. VINI.AY.--In Wingham, on March 24th, to 1It•. and Dlrs. Win. I''inlay, it son. NVIIi H,11AN.---in ilowick, March 15th, the wile of RObt•1't Whiteulan, of a sun. DA3,?L'9`HS. NIC11OL.•-- At ber residence, Lot 28, Couc•es,liu 10, Ribbert, on 1Vednes- d• f 1 a A'linrh Pith, . rt s. William Y r, ! f - w r n ( 1 e' .. ti tilt, N1 .h I t (1 1 ,aro 7 months and 20 days. KENNARD. -in Brucel)old, of, the 10th inst.. Thomas Kennard. ALLi,N. -In Dlaushsurd, un Afai'rh 1501, Margaret, wife of the Into Bar - toil Allen. I(F.l3,R.-in Wingliam. oil Sunday, Ma lch'�1, Sodic 1,., youngestdiutght- er of Mr. and IIIA. Alatttl,ew Herr, aged 83 year,, 5 months. Fl:1,LAlt.--Tn 1'shorne, Con. 11, on ;U;n•ch 17th,•Lydist,Mitnroe, beloved wife of Challticey FlIlla r, agmd (id yon t .v. RODD1 In Corrie, nn Monda,7 morning, March '21st, 18118, 'Phos. 1%. Roddy, aged 00 years, 1) flnnLh� Land 4 days. SANDIP1180N, in flowirk, or. Thurs- (lay, March 17th, 1898, 11r,i. Richard SMI(ItTson, agmd 81 yeltIS and 10 in,nths. I3AI,LANTYNh). -- in Ifullmll, on Match 23ii d, Aditin Elliol t iia.lbu)- tyne, of Ili Ilk', liiver, aged 17 years ,tel 0 Illonths. W11ITTEN.--in Bayfleld, in March 10th. CI lar] wife or MI James Whitten, aged 78 ymars. CURRihl.- 1n Morris, on M Irch 16th, I;lizabet.h IL lir•yan, beloved wife of Debt. 0irrie, nged 20 years, 1) lrlinthR and 1.1 day's. FiAKUlt. -in Crit.nhrook, nn ,March 171.1), Islizaheth M., daughter of Air• (icorge Baker, agmd `2 nlonlhs sand 12 days. MASON. in I,gmondville, no Mon- rtny. March 21st, Annie Mn.stin, eld- tist daughtmr ref Llut lata[ Renry Mason, agmd 21) years 1,1141 0 eoliths. CAT3NOCITAN. In T11ckpisimith, on Snn(iny• ,11LIrch DWI, ,Inhn Addison, y'o,logi-s1, Ann of Win. Cat•nochan, -V , ',• •( 711 , d7 u y 1 S )til (' ioton oil T La. • 1,1 r rN, (r . to 1 1 hm. r (hty. ,March 2hh, rlen•jamin Tomlin - m years, Ar. , nand 11 v a t , fig ed , Y, n 1 --r l Bet (lA n 1'iidn r Nr3 v. r 1 U , Alarch 18th, 1808, Stir -ah MnnAer•, 1), i loved wit'(, of Wlllisim Denhow, aged I o2l years, l month and 8 days. 1 )Ilssctl pen cel till y atvity to her last phrases and with sentences that begin S 18 a are Nance IIUt only to get It Ne1V Spying �1, oW. 'fill- deceased was born ill anywhere and end nowhere. Very rare ' Hat bitt a new Spring Ti ' I Telt kl'rstl0th lint. for the past few years is the man whose r(+marks will parse ' l 1 a t Its well whlell will ilei COSI You f i lived ill 1,gwuut}tille• and whose conversation does not tllly'tllll}', C*. (1- 11'ilsou, of Stratford, has abound in restatenletlts. When we i)urrhaisvd the grocrry ehmlt of Jas, write out from memory the turns of a Make our calculation 1 I Croziel. I'l lil Jus. lMt:l.aren land will Y s to be on hand on conduct Ihl, husinesy in ,Nit" t'rurlol's dialogue in real life, we recall and set down only the significant remarks aria Saturday 26th Inst. old e bloc, flit south sturu iti the post those which led up to these -the in, ofllcc block. — �- significant words, the repetitions, the -- Ilegressions we supress as though we Toronto lFa rnaers' Harliet• had never heard them, Probably the In Toronto, March '25. -The receipts of stenographer in a law court is the only ILROv K13"% A N grain nil the street, uuu ll) t to -(ley were reporter of human speech who dogs largl'r and prices were lower. not out out tautology and straighten CLINTON. lVhvaat--Weaker, L000 bushels set- °tit grammar. The most prolix and tedious of novelists has never dared to - -_ - --- - mg at 77c to 8Uc for white stratight, 85c - _ __ to 80ic for red winter and 85c to85. fur encumber any chapter of his most � � ' �• — — gousu, sluggish story with the half of the trivial 3 Q Barley -Steady to easier, 30U bushels verbiage that would have accompanied . a similar discussion in real lifo. If this selling ;it 36c. MANUFACTURERS OF variation from nature -the convention Ityec Lower, 2(N) bushels selling tat of condenaion-is necessary far the �� t61v� p �g t Sac to ,)(3c. n Nil U N novelist whose pages are as many as he =s --y ■ (lints—Eitsler, 1,000 bushels selling tit shall please, It is doubly imperative , i33c to 31c, upon the playwright, whose minutes are pay the middleuuw s peel(( when you eau buy clirecL from the mama - Peas -Easier, 500 bushel: sellitlg at counted. -From "The Conventions of facturets, NVe manufacture our• own Furniture niture consequently you can 55C tU 50c. the Drama," by BRANDER MATTHEWS, in buy fr(1111 its cheaper than rl•uin lhc' nl'llfllal'y Rmtilll Dealer. !lay and Straw ---The receipts were the April Scribner's. FROM the very fact, that Our COods fare in su1'11 rl ( tt (ICInn1t1 in the Old fair, here was n good demand and the €, + nnarkot, wits sLead,v, 15 tuttds selling at Country markets, is etcou),r proof that fur duality, finish :and price they are $8 to $9.75, and four loads of straw at IN CASE WE SHOULD FALL. right. $5.50 to $7. --- I)tess(•d Iloks—Tile ITOL'ipty weve I' ll -gel', Lhefe wa" It bet.tel• demand and tilt: market vans lir•ulet', with sales ILL $0.'25. Whent, white, per bit.$ 77 to $ 80 do red....,...... .. 817) to 80j - do goose .... ... • .... , 8,i to 85} Bill -ley per hush....... . '3(i t o 00 oats per hush, .......... 33 to 34 stye per bif,))............ 51 to 00 Peas per. btlbll ... , , ... 65 to 56 Ray .................... 8 (N) to 075 Straw . ................ 5 5(1 to 7 W Dressed hogs ....... 6 25 to (h) Hggs, new laid.......... 10 to 00 Bill ter, i1).voll........... 17 to 18 do till), ditiry........ 14 to 10 Chickens per pair....... 50 to 55 Tut -keys per lb.......... 14) to 12 Ducks per Ib ............. Uj to 7 Gv"e per lb............ 0.4 to 7 Potatoes per bag....... N) to 65 ' Yearling La Illh. ..... . 8 to 9 Spring lamb.. I ........ 4.50 to 7 30 1lulton Per lh .......... 5 to 0 , . P 1 � to t.c 00 (lo hila! .......... ... Ci Coo to 800 I Peal . ............... . ... 7 50 to 850 The Litre stock 9iaricet. TORONTO. Toronto, AbLI-Ch 25.-.-Thrry was con- siderahle conipl,tftioll in catLle-buying to -day at the 1Vest.er11 cattle yards. l:1'erything was sold before 12 o'clock. 'Cho only lines which showed any rip preciahle Ildvance, however, wero butchers' cattle and lambs. The re- ceipts wore heavier than they wore last Market day, boing 55 carloads, irl- chtding; 280shcep and liu11hs, 1,700 hogs, 12 cows and ,shout 10 CidVVS. $01110 hog's arrived vesterdiay, sl) Lhat till told, there were 1,670 bond on the boards. or e._—' (,. V. , h.x , l t Cattle. ell 1 e was 1,t sterids in(I11iry Forst few good cattle to nulke up Rolle shipulents by wily (if' St. John. Pricey rile from 1$:3.00 to 1134.330 pet cwt,. 'r h(• lall tet fig:rlre was paid for tine car- load of choice. 13alrb•.rs' Caftic 'There trots active hityiug in thio lino, and prices a.(I%,;tnee(I 1.1.0111 11) to 15c• pct cwt, Homo fancy cat do for locid consumption sold at 4c to -flu per Ili, but the general 'run of pric os rot, good to choice wits front $34,10 t0 $3.00 per cwt.. Cumrtlou to ntedinnl cal tle 401(1 rue 2'; t0 33JIc per 11). All the stuff on offer fold before noon, Stockors and I voders--Theva wits ft, good deniand for stockers, simply it result of unduecompetition between two leen who Itre buying for buffalo. Tiley went out, to 11leet. lite Midland tl•ILfil this inorning, and ate of them bought all the stoc kers ahoard for $3.60 1)(11 cwt., without looking fit the cattle. This is it Slate of things Which canthi( !ix.long, fur 01cso Jaen ale e1 1 los- ing s-ing money or [making bluely enough to corer oxpermes. The ren of prices fill, stockers was fr•oin $3.:30 to $:3.00, (ted fouders brought $33.40 t0 $3.70. Bulls -Feeding bulls are in fail, re- (luevt lit about, & per lb. and sono+ fat hulls fur export sell aL 3.jC to 334c per 16. Sheep and Lalrlba-Firmer. Biit- chers' and oxport sheep fetch 3c to 3l c per Ili, alld bucks 3c. i,Iuubs Itre a .jc her tcr, stifling at 51 to 5-yc per ib. All kinds wanled. ('elves --Light offerings kept this line fit ell. Choice veals are Scarce. Prices rule from $2 to $8 each, odd fancy veils going to $0 per pend, Milch Cows and Springers -There was only a quiet dl'mand. Price9 fire lower Somewhat, the ri li"g figures from $':a to $l5 each. Dairymen are pretty well Supplied. Iloga - Everything points towrtrds lower prices, but t0 -day there wns no decline, notwlthstandirig the fact that ') IT( rfrlgs were exceplionatlly he+avy.-- l'ool) head. ('h(lic(' singerlisohl at$1.00 per ('wl, hefnvy hot(A al $4.50, light hogrs int, $1.62j, sowA ILL $3 t0 $3.25 and stags at $2. '6 We quote: - Milch rows, each. .....$25 00 to $40 00 PxIsort cattle, per c(vt.. 33 75 to 4 25 Butcit, rs choice cattle, cwt ........ 3 W to 4 00 BlItchmt•s' gond cfttf.le, cwt ..... 3 25 to 3 30 Butchers' rom. cattle, ctrl ................ 2 89 to 33 00 331111.4, per cwt.......... •2 75 to 3 05 I''uodvi", per ('wt......... 3 40 t,0 3 70 Slnckors. per (•tvt...... :3 20 Lo :3 fill h:xpor 1. shmep, per cwt 33 (N) to :3 )f) 13nlchcts' shl'l'p, per (•tvt ...... ........ 3 411) to 3 t5 Lathes, pill, cwt........ 5 511 to 5 75 l, 01,) o 8 ('elves )Or. It a.l .... 2 t ) •I Choice h,u•on hogs, per cwt ................. 4 85 to 4 00 r i hogs, i11 .ti 03 Light, h( per, 1 ) t 4 3 g d , r 'i'hic•It flit ilg• 1 st4 1) 1 4 G r.(IIo 44 CSt S co.es pire cw. ... 4 "er cwt.......... 3 W to 3 25 S Gs)er cwt, ......... 2 (til to 051 '1'llu tight -trope performer in the show is nut likely to fall, but if he (loos, were is the net to catch him, .Down he goes into it, bounces two or three times like an indlan-rubber ball, and then picks himself up again with whole bones and unaceatcfled skin. No doubt the know- ledge that he is safe makes him all the more free and easy as he cavorts about: over our heads. Let file ask you, then, "1s not the matter of living, and finding money enough to keep things going,, a good deal like a tight -rope performance for most of us? Indeed, it is -with nn important difference. When WN fall, through accident or illness, we fall to the gLound; there is never net to save us, By reading the following letter you will see more clearly the force of the comparison. "In April, 1892, my }health began to give way. I didn't understand the nature or the cause of my ailmeut. I cau only say vaguely that I feltas if some atrango thing had overtaken me. .11y ambition and power to do good work were suddenly gone. I felt heavy and weak, still was easily tired, In Illy mouth there was constantly spitting up a sour fluid that seemed almost to burn my throat. ('From having been a hearty eater my appetite fell away until I had no longer any relish for food. After taking what I could manage to eitt, I had great pain and weight.at my chest, and a sensation of gnawing fu tho atomach, as if some living thing were settin},+ to work to devour me inwardiv. I fancied also that my kidneys roust be disordered, as the secretion from them was thick and e( highly color 1. ''The effect of all this upon my nerves .was one of the most d,stressing ele- ments of the case. I got scarcely any sleep and dnik spots seemed to float before my eyes. I had dreadful pains in my head, and cold clammy sweats used to break out all over my body. Like the great mnjority of men, I earn- ed my living; by my labor, and flow dur- ing this illness, I was obliged to leave my work time after thou- occasionally for weeks together. What this means to a person In my situation, any worker will understand without any further ex- planation. The doctor whom I con- sulted did his best, but proved unable to help ane. "My cure finally came about as thou- sands of others have done in this coun- try. While I was still weak and miser- able, having, so far as I could see., no . chance of ever being ab well ail)) as ria Il pamphlet was left at our 1lousi, deacrih- ing Mother Seigel's Syrup and its pecul- iar virtues in complaints like mine. The book contained ]otters and State- ments Irom people who had been cured by this medicine after every other kind of treatment had turned out to be of no avail. In plain words it showed how moat dispases are really the conse- quence of indigestion, and that it is the stomach that nee;is to be svt right in order to have all the other organs of Lyle body to conte right. And my exper !once taught me that it is a true doc- trine. "ISri, fly, then, I got a bottle of the syrup from ;lir. Doubleday, the chemist at Bingham, and after tatting it I felt great relief. Aly appetite was better and my food agreed with ane. The pain in my back left me and i know nothing more of any trouble with my kidneys. When I had taken throe bottles of tha Syrup 1 was completely cured, and have enjoyed good health ever sines. I -. ,� n ��r� desire to express my thanks to you for - -- -- what your great remedy has d \ one for V11I',Plot' :\13.1; T111h;i) I CLINTON. me. (Signed) Charles Laughton' WOOD AND COAL YARD- ' near Bringham, Notts, Without extra exertion, languid, dull Alarch 20th, 189.1." seri listless, your bino(1 ie failing; to pup• Si0m-rpan• is prr,arrd to promptly (ill all or Across this printed page the writer ply to your muscles and other organs I (lel +for 1Vood nn(i c'o'il which typl bosold n1, holds out his hand to Jlr. Laughton and the vitilizin - ant! strength ivit: oro- 1("`-("1 raftw. lnftrc on lRanrMlt•ret,at 1,AVTs' g g 1,z g 3 congratulates him on two things-- his parties they requite. llon<i'A :�arpapn1111'LENIFNTaltoo.NI r M, w.1VIINIA'rixy __. _ __ recovery and his manliness in furnish- illa enres that tired fPP)inP g by nricIf- ; LESLIE'S CAlirRIAGE AND ing the foregoing short account of it for !ng and purifying the blood. I t %t ill I publication. it will I am sure be es- give you energy and vigor.m WAGON FACTORY, pecially welcome to the great host of -- I Corncr}bu•onnnd Orn.nge streclA,Clinton. men and women whoae income stops 13011) S I'Ir,L"( fire Posy to take, eagy when work stops; that is to say, thoso to rperak,. Cure indigestion, bilious. I hfrsl ('lass 0nggiew ml Mold find made to who have llo soft place in the shape of neAs, 25o, f order. 111.1(.p. to Roil the fimeq, Trrpn.lrA and of a fixed income to fall on when their - I i-t,i„ti„tirig l,ron,plly al tend to. Prices reason• hands ]!e useless on beds of pain. 1'Je(tinn proTestR havo hymn filed for nblc. people who are rich or well-to-do have 1,(!11(11111 Ill 11 est 11 iddlesex. -- — ... nothing but the Illness to bear ; hut, - PUMPS! 'U PS Is 'hey are compapatively few. With the Ask your grocer for _ .._- '-PAt of us Life lie( adrul combination is if ,enc wont n drat. rinse, well•rnnde rump, m,e it a i •%r 'en R PA. �•il, , t n1I f ellen send e,•r m, r or foe sin �) o Pl• l� a All v t e MUST I(oe in I � p Y p �rndru i •nr 31. 11n tvi] t Q:r , 1 AI And nn (sella Qr d In . _ g ( If n health if possible; av w hon a AaII �"r•:1 sine. I• It Q b .O } Il l it (A n l r ) If 1 T 1 1 pt clap �/ I 1 aid n it 3p a comfort to know Mother , riltr,lt relit p M h t PI el d Syrup IF; rO)1I Y to rebuke disease d. AMEf3 T'151 J ON an enable t e nee m - RGUf3 dt o ore to answer the nl It t tern's T7o1, tib h street Mission I t Qot `s,�IIbR1. 1 .t call of duty, 1 1 t7oPTabteand Da1ry,Purestaud T3Cftt Aat►•tt FOR the Spriug'rrade`we at -e olrc•ring at line of Bedrooul Suites tend Side- boards that for value cannot be surp,a5sv(I in 1Vestern Ontitciu. DO mit boy till von have seen Our Stock. We will have your trade if Good (hoods at the lowest prices will s4cure it. l N'D'ERT AK9N�■ IN this department our stock is complete find our prices as low ,is the lowest. y@ OUII Hearses are the best in the County. 0AT, O �■ _1i ttirllittt>t•C 1° r1.13AIlIfilictitrelvAs :LazQ1-Ju(1("1-t alset•r�. .1.W. c1li ,�lleY9 Ilif.ual?er ....Night and Sunday calls answered at, Residence of our ....Funeral DirecLolr, -I. W, Chidloy, King St- opposite Foundry, 1898 New Dried. 'r�.its 1898. Raisins —Afahiaa, Valencia and Sultanas. Currants •-11iliatras and Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elime Figs. CROSSE and IA,AGXWEI,I, PFELS, Lemou, Orange and Citron. t NUTS-FilllertA, S. S. Almonds and Wallnuts. COOKINf; It'IGS fur 5c. a Ib, NICI. OLD RAISE'S for 5c, a ib -- IIeadrluaitots for - TEAS, SUGARS, CF.GCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS. IRWIN, McKay, Block, . W, �Clinton- t'lv -J P,yL 0 11SUM Pilo 11 Consumption can be cured ; surely and permanently cured. Many cases are on record to prove this statement. Many cases tliat were given up as hopeless by eminent physicians have been cured by DR STrvr,Ts' CAN-TA13IS SATIVA REMUDv— nature's specific for all ills of the throat and lungs. So much faith do I place in the efficacy of CANNABIS SATIVA RrmgDY; so positive am I that it ill cure I tion Catarrh iV u e CotlI 1 p Asthnba, aid all diseases of the throat and pings, that I will send a package sufficient for twelve days' treatment absolutely without cost, duty prepaid, to every sufferer who will send me all accuri'te statement of his or her case.. I do not say that one package will effect a complete cure, but believe so much benefit will be derived from it that the treatment will be continued until a complete cure is brought about. F 0101" E ME 0 " r cannottell von whet n ehan10 one package of Cannabis Rativa wrought in me. 1 lied ,t terrible cough, I. ow ppirlied, and had no strength; my s cin was (fry and covered with dark brown spots. My friends had no hope that I would gel, better. The Raid it was no use. mending for the i em d • b ha R y g e t a y, tit I d been cured of 1'atarrh by It, and r4conlmended it to others; who had been bene- fited by It. I commenced Improving as Roon all i began taking the Remedy and whoIt was gone lily rough was nearly gone, and Ina few weeks i was able to work au well as over. ThespotA loft my Akin And have not returned. .t I do not fool any pain In lily lungs as I used to for years, and never since my Childhood have I been through a winter without Rheuniattivrn until of n a • I has o fi , o riot had n touch of It this winter. I wish you every suceesa, and ask Clod to bless yob In tine good work you are doing." Itirs. JOHN ELLIOTT, Rlchard's r,anding P. O., Ont. W. A. NOYES, 820 Powers Block, ROCHESTER, N. Y. . � . I .1 . . I � I - �. . � I . . . I.. . I . � .. i. I . I 1. .1 I I : ". . .1 I I -0 I . . . . 1 ), , 'r ..,� , - 1. � : . I ' . , - R . � I" I � 1,1 ,,1,, . I I � - .. �� :. I)tess(•d Iloks—Tile ITOL'ipty weve I' ll -gel', Lhefe wa" It bet.tel• demand and tilt: market vans lir•ulet', with sales ILL $0.'25. Whent, white, per bit.$ 77 to $ 80 do red....,...... .. 817) to 80j - do goose .... ... • .... , 8,i to 85} Bill -ley per hush....... . '3(i t o 00 oats per hush, .......... 33 to 34 stye per bif,))............ 51 to 00 Peas per. btlbll ... , , ... 65 to 56 Ray .................... 8 (N) to 075 Straw . ................ 5 5(1 to 7 W Dressed hogs ....... 6 25 to (h) Hggs, new laid.......... 10 to 00 Bill ter, i1).voll........... 17 to 18 do till), ditiry........ 14 to 10 Chickens per pair....... 50 to 55 Tut -keys per lb.......... 14) to 12 Ducks per Ib ............. Uj to 7 Gv"e per lb............ 0.4 to 7 Potatoes per bag....... N) to 65 ' Yearling La Illh. ..... . 8 to 9 Spring lamb.. I ........ 4.50 to 7 30 1lulton Per lh .......... 5 to 0 , . P 1 � to t.c 00 (lo hila! .......... ... Ci Coo to 800 I Peal . ............... . ... 7 50 to 850 The Litre stock 9iaricet. TORONTO. Toronto, AbLI-Ch 25.-.-Thrry was con- siderahle conipl,tftioll in catLle-buying to -day at the 1Vest.er11 cattle yards. l:1'erything was sold before 12 o'clock. 'Cho only lines which showed any rip preciahle Ildvance, however, wero butchers' cattle and lambs. The re- ceipts wore heavier than they wore last Market day, boing 55 carloads, irl- chtding; 280shcep and liu11hs, 1,700 hogs, 12 cows and ,shout 10 CidVVS. $01110 hog's arrived vesterdiay, sl) Lhat till told, there were 1,670 bond on the boards. or e._—' (,. V. , h.x , l t Cattle. ell 1 e was 1,t sterids in(I11iry Forst few good cattle to nulke up Rolle shipulents by wily (if' St. John. Pricey rile from 1$:3.00 to 1134.330 pet cwt,. 'r h(• lall tet fig:rlre was paid for tine car- load of choice. 13alrb•.rs' Caftic 'There trots active hityiug in thio lino, and prices a.(I%,;tnee(I 1.1.0111 11) to 15c• pct cwt, Homo fancy cat do for locid consumption sold at 4c to -flu per Ili, but the general 'run of pric os rot, good to choice wits front $34,10 t0 $3.00 per cwt.. Cumrtlou to ntedinnl cal tle 401(1 rue 2'; t0 33JIc per 11). All the stuff on offer fold before noon, Stockors and I voders--Theva wits ft, good deniand for stockers, simply it result of unduecompetition between two leen who Itre buying for buffalo. Tiley went out, to 11leet. lite Midland tl•ILfil this inorning, and ate of them bought all the stoc kers ahoard for $3.60 1)(11 cwt., without looking fit the cattle. This is it Slate of things Which canthi( !ix.long, fur 01cso Jaen ale e1 1 los- ing s-ing money or [making bluely enough to corer oxpermes. The ren of prices fill, stockers was fr•oin $3.:30 to $:3.00, (ted fouders brought $33.40 t0 $3.70. Bulls -Feeding bulls are in fail, re- (luevt lit about, & per lb. and sono+ fat hulls fur export sell aL 3.jC to 334c per 16. Sheep and Lalrlba-Firmer. Biit- chers' and oxport sheep fetch 3c to 3l c per Ili, alld bucks 3c. i,Iuubs Itre a .jc her tcr, stifling at 51 to 5-yc per ib. All kinds wanled. ('elves --Light offerings kept this line fit ell. Choice veals are Scarce. Prices rule from $2 to $8 each, odd fancy veils going to $0 per pend, Milch Cows and Springers -There was only a quiet dl'mand. Price9 fire lower Somewhat, the ri li"g figures from $':a to $l5 each. Dairymen are pretty well Supplied. Iloga - Everything points towrtrds lower prices, but t0 -day there wns no decline, notwlthstandirig the fact that ') IT( rfrlgs were exceplionatlly he+avy.-- l'ool) head. ('h(lic(' singerlisohl at$1.00 per ('wl, hefnvy hot(A al $4.50, light hogrs int, $1.62j, sowA ILL $3 t0 $3.25 and stags at $2. '6 We quote: - Milch rows, each. .....$25 00 to $40 00 PxIsort cattle, per c(vt.. 33 75 to 4 25 Butcit, rs choice cattle, cwt ........ 3 W to 4 00 BlItchmt•s' gond cfttf.le, cwt ..... 3 25 to 3 30 Butchers' rom. cattle, ctrl ................ 2 89 to 33 00 331111.4, per cwt.......... •2 75 to 3 05 I''uodvi", per ('wt......... 3 40 t,0 3 70 Slnckors. per (•tvt...... :3 20 Lo :3 fill h:xpor 1. shmep, per cwt 33 (N) to :3 )f) 13nlchcts' shl'l'p, per (•tvt ...... ........ 3 411) to 3 t5 Lathes, pill, cwt........ 5 511 to 5 75 l, 01,) o 8 ('elves )Or. It a.l .... 2 t ) •I Choice h,u•on hogs, per cwt ................. 4 85 to 4 00 r i hogs, i11 .ti 03 Light, h( per, 1 ) t 4 3 g d , r 'i'hic•It flit ilg• 1 st4 1) 1 4 G r.(IIo 44 CSt S co.es pire cw. ... 4 "er cwt.......... 3 W to 3 25 S Gs)er cwt, ......... 2 (til to 051 '1'llu tight -trope performer in the show is nut likely to fall, but if he (loos, were is the net to catch him, .Down he goes into it, bounces two or three times like an indlan-rubber ball, and then picks himself up again with whole bones and unaceatcfled skin. No doubt the know- ledge that he is safe makes him all the more free and easy as he cavorts about: over our heads. Let file ask you, then, "1s not the matter of living, and finding money enough to keep things going,, a good deal like a tight -rope performance for most of us? Indeed, it is -with nn important difference. When WN fall, through accident or illness, we fall to the gLound; there is never net to save us, By reading the following letter you will see more clearly the force of the comparison. "In April, 1892, my }health began to give way. I didn't understand the nature or the cause of my ailmeut. I cau only say vaguely that I feltas if some atrango thing had overtaken me. .11y ambition and power to do good work were suddenly gone. I felt heavy and weak, still was easily tired, In Illy mouth there was constantly spitting up a sour fluid that seemed almost to burn my throat. ('From having been a hearty eater my appetite fell away until I had no longer any relish for food. After taking what I could manage to eitt, I had great pain and weight.at my chest, and a sensation of gnawing fu tho atomach, as if some living thing were settin},+ to work to devour me inwardiv. I fancied also that my kidneys roust be disordered, as the secretion from them was thick and e( highly color 1. ''The effect of all this upon my nerves .was one of the most d,stressing ele- ments of the case. I got scarcely any sleep and dnik spots seemed to float before my eyes. I had dreadful pains in my head, and cold clammy sweats used to break out all over my body. Like the great mnjority of men, I earn- ed my living; by my labor, and flow dur- ing this illness, I was obliged to leave my work time after thou- occasionally for weeks together. What this means to a person In my situation, any worker will understand without any further ex- planation. The doctor whom I con- sulted did his best, but proved unable to help ane. "My cure finally came about as thou- sands of others have done in this coun- try. While I was still weak and miser- able, having, so far as I could see., no . chance of ever being ab well ail)) as ria Il pamphlet was left at our 1lousi, deacrih- ing Mother Seigel's Syrup and its pecul- iar virtues in complaints like mine. The book contained ]otters and State- ments Irom people who had been cured by this medicine after every other kind of treatment had turned out to be of no avail. In plain words it showed how moat dispases are really the conse- quence of indigestion, and that it is the stomach that nee;is to be svt right in order to have all the other organs of Lyle body to conte right. And my exper !once taught me that it is a true doc- trine. "ISri, fly, then, I got a bottle of the syrup from ;lir. Doubleday, the chemist at Bingham, and after tatting it I felt great relief. Aly appetite was better and my food agreed with ane. The pain in my back left me and i know nothing more of any trouble with my kidneys. When I had taken throe bottles of tha Syrup 1 was completely cured, and have enjoyed good health ever sines. I -. ,� n ��r� desire to express my thanks to you for - -- -- what your great remedy has d \ one for V11I',Plot' :\13.1; T111h;i) I CLINTON. me. (Signed) Charles Laughton' WOOD AND COAL YARD- ' near Bringham, Notts, Without extra exertion, languid, dull Alarch 20th, 189.1." seri listless, your bino(1 ie failing; to pup• Si0m-rpan• is prr,arrd to promptly (ill all or Across this printed page the writer ply to your muscles and other organs I (lel +for 1Vood nn(i c'o'il which typl bosold n1, holds out his hand to Jlr. Laughton and the vitilizin - ant! strength ivit: oro- 1("`-("1 raftw. lnftrc on lRanrMlt•ret,at 1,AVTs' g g 1,z g 3 congratulates him on two things-- his parties they requite. llon<i'A :�arpapn1111'LENIFNTaltoo.NI r M, w.1VIINIA'rixy __. _ __ recovery and his manliness in furnish- illa enres that tired fPP)inP g by nricIf- ; LESLIE'S CAlirRIAGE AND ing the foregoing short account of it for !ng and purifying the blood. I t %t ill I publication. it will I am sure be es- give you energy and vigor.m WAGON FACTORY, pecially welcome to the great host of -- I Corncr}bu•onnnd Orn.nge streclA,Clinton. men and women whoae income stops 13011) S I'Ir,L"( fire Posy to take, eagy when work stops; that is to say, thoso to rperak,. Cure indigestion, bilious. I hfrsl ('lass 0nggiew ml Mold find made to who have llo soft place in the shape of neAs, 25o, f order. 111.1(.p. to Roil the fimeq, Trrpn.lrA and of a fixed income to fall on when their - I i-t,i„ti„tirig l,ron,plly al tend to. Prices reason• hands ]!e useless on beds of pain. 1'Je(tinn proTestR havo hymn filed for nblc. people who are rich or well-to-do have 1,(!11(11111 Ill 11 est 11 iddlesex. -- — ... nothing but the Illness to bear ; hut, - PUMPS! 'U PS Is 'hey are compapatively few. With the Ask your grocer for _ .._- '-PAt of us Life lie( adrul combination is if ,enc wont n drat. rinse, well•rnnde rump, m,e it a i •%r 'en R PA. �•il, , t n1I f ellen send e,•r m, r or foe sin �) o Pl• l� a All v t e MUST I(oe in I � p Y p �rndru i •nr 31. 11n tvi] t Q:r , 1 AI And nn (sella Qr d In . _ g ( If n health if possible; av w hon a AaII �"r•:1 sine. I• It Q b .O } Il l it (A n l r ) If 1 T 1 1 pt clap �/ I 1 aid n it 3p a comfort to know Mother , riltr,lt relit p M h t PI el d Syrup IF; rO)1I Y to rebuke disease d. AMEf3 T'151 J ON an enable t e nee m - RGUf3 dt o ore to answer the nl It t tern's T7o1, tib h street Mission I t Qot `s,�IIbR1. 1 .t call of duty, 1 1 t7oPTabteand Da1ry,Purestaud T3Cftt Aat►•tt FOR the Spriug'rrade`we at -e olrc•ring at line of Bedrooul Suites tend Side- boards that for value cannot be surp,a5sv(I in 1Vestern Ontitciu. DO mit boy till von have seen Our Stock. We will have your trade if Good (hoods at the lowest prices will s4cure it. l N'D'ERT AK9N�■ IN this department our stock is complete find our prices as low ,is the lowest. y@ OUII Hearses are the best in the County. 0AT, O �■ _1i ttirllittt>t•C 1° r1.13AIlIfilictitrelvAs :LazQ1-Ju(1("1-t alset•r�. .1.W. c1li ,�lleY9 Ilif.ual?er ....Night and Sunday calls answered at, Residence of our ....Funeral DirecLolr, -I. W, Chidloy, King St- opposite Foundry, 1898 New Dried. 'r�.its 1898. Raisins —Afahiaa, Valencia and Sultanas. Currants •-11iliatras and Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elime Figs. CROSSE and IA,AGXWEI,I, PFELS, Lemou, Orange and Citron. t NUTS-FilllertA, S. S. Almonds and Wallnuts. COOKINf; It'IGS fur 5c. a Ib, NICI. OLD RAISE'S for 5c, a ib -- IIeadrluaitots for - TEAS, SUGARS, CF.GCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS. IRWIN, McKay, Block, . W, �Clinton- t'lv -J P,yL 0 11SUM Pilo 11 Consumption can be cured ; surely and permanently cured. Many cases are on record to prove this statement. Many cases tliat were given up as hopeless by eminent physicians have been cured by DR STrvr,Ts' CAN-TA13IS SATIVA REMUDv— nature's specific for all ills of the throat and lungs. So much faith do I place in the efficacy of CANNABIS SATIVA RrmgDY; so positive am I that it ill cure I tion Catarrh iV u e CotlI 1 p Asthnba, aid all diseases of the throat and pings, that I will send a package sufficient for twelve days' treatment absolutely without cost, duty prepaid, to every sufferer who will send me all accuri'te statement of his or her case.. I do not say that one package will effect a complete cure, but believe so much benefit will be derived from it that the treatment will be continued until a complete cure is brought about. F 0101" E ME 0 " r cannottell von whet n ehan10 one package of Cannabis Rativa wrought in me. 1 lied ,t terrible cough, I. ow ppirlied, and had no strength; my s cin was (fry and covered with dark brown spots. My friends had no hope that I would gel, better. The Raid it was no use. mending for the i em d • b ha R y g e t a y, tit I d been cured of 1'atarrh by It, and r4conlmended it to others; who had been bene- fited by It. I commenced Improving as Roon all i began taking the Remedy and whoIt was gone lily rough was nearly gone, and Ina few weeks i was able to work au well as over. ThespotA loft my Akin And have not returned. .t I do not fool any pain In lily lungs as I used to for years, and never since my Childhood have I been through a winter without Rheuniattivrn until of n a • I has o fi , o riot had n touch of It this winter. I wish you every suceesa, and ask Clod to bless yob In tine good work you are doing." Itirs. JOHN ELLIOTT, Rlchard's r,anding P. O., Ont. W. A. NOYES, 820 Powers Block, ROCHESTER, N. Y. . � . I .1 . . I � I - �. . � I . . . I.. . I . � .. i. I . I 1. .1 I I : ". . .1 I I -0 I . . . . 1 ), , 'r ..,� , - 1. � : . I ' . , - R . � I" I � 1,1 ,,1,, . I I � - .. �� :. The Litre stock 9iaricet. TORONTO. Toronto, AbLI-Ch 25.-.-Thrry was con- siderahle conipl,tftioll in catLle-buying to -day at the 1Vest.er11 cattle yards. l:1'erything was sold before 12 o'clock. 'Cho only lines which showed any rip preciahle Ildvance, however, wero butchers' cattle and lambs. The re- ceipts wore heavier than they wore last Market day, boing 55 carloads, irl- chtding; 280shcep and liu11hs, 1,700 hogs, 12 cows and ,shout 10 CidVVS. $01110 hog's arrived vesterdiay, sl) Lhat till told, there were 1,670 bond on the boards. or e._—' (,. V. , h.x , l t Cattle. ell 1 e was 1,t sterids in(I11iry Forst few good cattle to nulke up Rolle shipulents by wily (if' St. John. Pricey rile from 1$:3.00 to 1134.330 pet cwt,. 'r h(• lall tet fig:rlre was paid for tine car- load of choice. 13alrb•.rs' Caftic 'There trots active hityiug in thio lino, and prices a.(I%,;tnee(I 1.1.0111 11) to 15c• pct cwt, Homo fancy cat do for locid consumption sold at 4c to -flu per Ili, but the general 'run of pric os rot, good to choice wits front $34,10 t0 $3.00 per cwt.. Cumrtlou to ntedinnl cal tle 401(1 rue 2'; t0 33JIc per 11). All the stuff on offer fold before noon, Stockors and I voders--Theva wits ft, good deniand for stockers, simply it result of unduecompetition between two leen who Itre buying for buffalo. Tiley went out, to 11leet. lite Midland tl•ILfil this inorning, and ate of them bought all the stoc kers ahoard for $3.60 1)(11 cwt., without looking fit the cattle. This is it Slate of things Which canthi( !ix.long, fur 01cso Jaen ale e1 1 los- ing s-ing money or [making bluely enough to corer oxpermes. The ren of prices fill, stockers was fr•oin $3.:30 to $:3.00, (ted fouders brought $33.40 t0 $3.70. Bulls -Feeding bulls are in fail, re- (luevt lit about, & per lb. and sono+ fat hulls fur export sell aL 3.jC to 334c per 16. Sheep and Lalrlba-Firmer. Biit- chers' and oxport sheep fetch 3c to 3l c per Ili, alld bucks 3c. i,Iuubs Itre a .jc her tcr, stifling at 51 to 5-yc per ib. All kinds wanled. ('elves --Light offerings kept this line fit ell. Choice veals are Scarce. Prices rule from $2 to $8 each, odd fancy veils going to $0 per pend, Milch Cows and Springers -There was only a quiet dl'mand. Price9 fire lower Somewhat, the ri li"g figures from $':a to $l5 each. Dairymen are pretty well Supplied. Iloga - Everything points towrtrds lower prices, but t0 -day there wns no decline, notwlthstandirig the fact that ') IT( rfrlgs were exceplionatlly he+avy.-- l'ool) head. ('h(lic(' singerlisohl at$1.00 per ('wl, hefnvy hot(A al $4.50, light hogrs int, $1.62j, sowA ILL $3 t0 $3.25 and stags at $2. '6 We quote: - Milch rows, each. .....$25 00 to $40 00 PxIsort cattle, per c(vt.. 33 75 to 4 25 Butcit, rs choice cattle, cwt ........ 3 W to 4 00 BlItchmt•s' gond cfttf.le, cwt ..... 3 25 to 3 30 Butchers' rom. cattle, ctrl ................ 2 89 to 33 00 331111.4, per cwt.......... •2 75 to 3 05 I''uodvi", per ('wt......... 3 40 t,0 3 70 Slnckors. per (•tvt...... :3 20 Lo :3 fill h:xpor 1. shmep, per cwt 33 (N) to :3 )f) 13nlchcts' shl'l'p, per (•tvt ...... ........ 3 411) to 3 t5 Lathes, pill, cwt........ 5 511 to 5 75 l, 01,) o 8 ('elves )Or. It a.l .... 2 t ) •I Choice h,u•on hogs, per cwt ................. 4 85 to 4 00 r i hogs, i11 .ti 03 Light, h( per, 1 ) t 4 3 g d , r 'i'hic•It flit ilg• 1 st4 1) 1 4 G r.(IIo 44 CSt S co.es pire cw. ... 4 "er cwt.......... 3 W to 3 25 S Gs)er cwt, ......... 2 (til to 051 '1'llu tight -trope performer in the show is nut likely to fall, but if he (loos, were is the net to catch him, .Down he goes into it, bounces two or three times like an indlan-rubber ball, and then picks himself up again with whole bones and unaceatcfled skin. No doubt the know- ledge that he is safe makes him all the more free and easy as he cavorts about: over our heads. Let file ask you, then, "1s not the matter of living, and finding money enough to keep things going,, a good deal like a tight -rope performance for most of us? Indeed, it is -with nn important difference. When WN fall, through accident or illness, we fall to the gLound; there is never net to save us, By reading the following letter you will see more clearly the force of the comparison. "In April, 1892, my }health began to give way. I didn't understand the nature or the cause of my ailmeut. I cau only say vaguely that I feltas if some atrango thing had overtaken me. .11y ambition and power to do good work were suddenly gone. I felt heavy and weak, still was easily tired, In Illy mouth there was constantly spitting up a sour fluid that seemed almost to burn my throat. ('From having been a hearty eater my appetite fell away until I had no longer any relish for food. After taking what I could manage to eitt, I had great pain and weight.at my chest, and a sensation of gnawing fu tho atomach, as if some living thing were settin},+ to work to devour me inwardiv. I fancied also that my kidneys roust be disordered, as the secretion from them was thick and e( highly color 1. ''The effect of all this upon my nerves .was one of the most d,stressing ele- ments of the case. I got scarcely any sleep and dnik spots seemed to float before my eyes. I had dreadful pains in my head, and cold clammy sweats used to break out all over my body. Like the great mnjority of men, I earn- ed my living; by my labor, and flow dur- ing this illness, I was obliged to leave my work time after thou- occasionally for weeks together. What this means to a person In my situation, any worker will understand without any further ex- planation. The doctor whom I con- sulted did his best, but proved unable to help ane. "My cure finally came about as thou- sands of others have done in this coun- try. While I was still weak and miser- able, having, so far as I could see., no . chance of ever being ab well ail)) as ria Il pamphlet was left at our 1lousi, deacrih- ing Mother Seigel's Syrup and its pecul- iar virtues in complaints like mine. The book contained ]otters and State- ments Irom people who had been cured by this medicine after every other kind of treatment had turned out to be of no avail. In plain words it showed how moat dispases are really the conse- quence of indigestion, and that it is the stomach that nee;is to be svt right in order to have all the other organs of Lyle body to conte right. And my exper !once taught me that it is a true doc- trine. "ISri, fly, then, I got a bottle of the syrup from ;lir. Doubleday, the chemist at Bingham, and after tatting it I felt great relief. Aly appetite was better and my food agreed with ane. The pain in my back left me and i know nothing more of any trouble with my kidneys. When I had taken throe bottles of tha Syrup 1 was completely cured, and have enjoyed good health ever sines. I -. ,� n ��r� desire to express my thanks to you for - -- -- what your great remedy has d \ one for V11I',Plot' :\13.1; T111h;i) I CLINTON. me. (Signed) Charles Laughton' WOOD AND COAL YARD- ' near Bringham, Notts, Without extra exertion, languid, dull Alarch 20th, 189.1." seri listless, your bino(1 ie failing; to pup• Si0m-rpan• is prr,arrd to promptly (ill all or Across this printed page the writer ply to your muscles and other organs I (lel +for 1Vood nn(i c'o'il which typl bosold n1, holds out his hand to Jlr. Laughton and the vitilizin - ant! strength ivit: oro- 1("`-("1 raftw. lnftrc on lRanrMlt•ret,at 1,AVTs' g g 1,z g 3 congratulates him on two things-- his parties they requite. llon<i'A :�arpapn1111'LENIFNTaltoo.NI r M, w.1VIINIA'rixy __. _ __ recovery and his manliness in furnish- illa enres that tired fPP)inP g by nricIf- ; LESLIE'S CAlirRIAGE AND ing the foregoing short account of it for !ng and purifying the blood. I t %t ill I publication. it will I am sure be es- give you energy and vigor.m WAGON FACTORY, pecially welcome to the great host of -- I Corncr}bu•onnnd Orn.nge streclA,Clinton. men and women whoae income stops 13011) S I'Ir,L"( fire Posy to take, eagy when work stops; that is to say, thoso to rperak,. Cure indigestion, bilious. I hfrsl ('lass 0nggiew ml Mold find made to who have llo soft place in the shape of neAs, 25o, f order. 111.1(.p. to Roil the fimeq, Trrpn.lrA and of a fixed income to fall on when their - I i-t,i„ti„tirig l,ron,plly al tend to. Prices reason• hands ]!e useless on beds of pain. 1'Je(tinn proTestR havo hymn filed for nblc. people who are rich or well-to-do have 1,(!11(11111 Ill 11 est 11 iddlesex. -- — ... nothing but the Illness to bear ; hut, - PUMPS! 'U PS Is 'hey are compapatively few. With the Ask your grocer for _ .._- '-PAt of us Life lie( adrul combination is if ,enc wont n drat. rinse, well•rnnde rump, m,e it a i •%r 'en R PA. �•il, , t n1I f ellen send e,•r m, r or foe sin �) o Pl• l� a All v t e MUST I(oe in I � p Y p �rndru i •nr 31. 11n tvi] t Q:r , 1 AI And nn (sella Qr d In . _ g ( If n health if possible; av w hon a AaII �"r•:1 sine. I• It Q b .O } Il l it (A n l r ) If 1 T 1 1 pt clap �/ I 1 aid n it 3p a comfort to know Mother , riltr,lt relit p M h t PI el d Syrup IF; rO)1I Y to rebuke disease d. AMEf3 T'151 J ON an enable t e nee m - RGUf3 dt o ore to answer the nl It t tern's T7o1, tib h street Mission I t Qot `s,�IIbR1. 1 .t call of duty, 1 1 t7oPTabteand Da1ry,Purestaud T3Cftt Aat►•tt FOR the Spriug'rrade`we at -e olrc•ring at line of Bedrooul Suites tend Side- boards that for value cannot be surp,a5sv(I in 1Vestern Ontitciu. DO mit boy till von have seen Our Stock. We will have your trade if Good (hoods at the lowest prices will s4cure it. l N'D'ERT AK9N�■ IN this department our stock is complete find our prices as low ,is the lowest. y@ OUII Hearses are the best in the County. 0AT, O �■ _1i ttirllittt>t•C 1° r1.13AIlIfilictitrelvAs :LazQ1-Ju(1("1-t alset•r�. .1.W. c1li ,�lleY9 Ilif.ual?er ....Night and Sunday calls answered at, Residence of our ....Funeral DirecLolr, -I. W, Chidloy, King St- opposite Foundry, 1898 New Dried. 'r�.its 1898. Raisins —Afahiaa, Valencia and Sultanas. Currants •-11iliatras and Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elime Figs. CROSSE and IA,AGXWEI,I, PFELS, Lemou, Orange and Citron. t NUTS-FilllertA, S. S. Almonds and Wallnuts. COOKINf; It'IGS fur 5c. a Ib, NICI. OLD RAISE'S for 5c, a ib -- IIeadrluaitots for - TEAS, SUGARS, CF.GCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS. IRWIN, McKay, Block, . W, �Clinton- t'lv -J P,yL 0 11SUM Pilo 11 Consumption can be cured ; surely and permanently cured. Many cases are on record to prove this statement. Many cases tliat were given up as hopeless by eminent physicians have been cured by DR STrvr,Ts' CAN-TA13IS SATIVA REMUDv— nature's specific for all ills of the throat and lungs. So much faith do I place in the efficacy of CANNABIS SATIVA RrmgDY; so positive am I that it ill cure I tion Catarrh iV u e CotlI 1 p Asthnba, aid all diseases of the throat and pings, that I will send a package sufficient for twelve days' treatment absolutely without cost, duty prepaid, to every sufferer who will send me all accuri'te statement of his or her case.. I do not say that one package will effect a complete cure, but believe so much benefit will be derived from it that the treatment will be continued until a complete cure is brought about. F 0101" E ME 0 " r cannottell von whet n ehan10 one package of Cannabis Rativa wrought in me. 1 lied ,t terrible cough, I. ow ppirlied, and had no strength; my s cin was (fry and covered with dark brown spots. My friends had no hope that I would gel, better. The Raid it was no use. mending for the i em d • b ha R y g e t a y, tit I d been cured of 1'atarrh by It, and r4conlmended it to others; who had been bene- fited by It. I commenced Improving as Roon all i began taking the Remedy and whoIt was gone lily rough was nearly gone, and Ina few weeks i was able to work au well as over. ThespotA loft my Akin And have not returned. .t I do not fool any pain In lily lungs as I used to for years, and never since my Childhood have I been through a winter without Rheuniattivrn until of n a • I has o fi , o riot had n touch of It this winter. I wish you every suceesa, and ask Clod to bless yob In tine good work you are doing." Itirs. JOHN ELLIOTT, Rlchard's r,anding P. O., Ont. W. A. NOYES, 820 Powers Block, ROCHESTER, N. Y. . � . I .1 . . I � I - �. . � I . . . I.. . I . � .. i. I . I 1. .1 I I : ". . .1 I I -0 I . . . . 1 ), , 'r ..,� , - 1. � : . I ' . , - R . � I" I � 1,1 ,,1,, . I I � - .. �� :.