HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-31, Page 4_`: J-. _ _ ���� � 4 - The Huron New oord ` bt.Uk) a Year, is Advautr. TuunisUAv, MARC EL 31st, 1898. ONE 7'HINO AND A 1'O7'HEli. , It would Appear at present as if the majority in Nest Unroll is to be uu- represented +and the candidate of the minority to be oto• M. L. A. instead. This fs it stag' of affairs not devoutly wished by the. Riding and if lial•dy's uff}eial up tat GOclaru•li pevs;sLs it thrusting such all honor upon its it will be borne no lunger thou the prop- er machinuty call be put into Opera- tion to rid nti of it. .. The appeal to Osgoode Ilall resulted in it tie, which Afforded All'. (lii)S011 the second opportunity ;n one brief fort- night of electing his friend Garrow, This should square tho party's account against hint acid relieve hint of any further calls, either fur calliPaigu foods or assistance in tinny other direc- tion. Indeed the indebtedness is all Oil tele other side and if there is MIN— thing further that the Registrar dc,. sires, either for himself or fautily, there is not likely to he Ally 110;ltancy in granting it. One thing is cortaiu curd li ia- • 1's ch- v'ed lIt •. bbul that is, nti nue t n 1 t.inctiou as true Member Maker. ..• Prior to these attempts to soda's Major Beck clot of the. scut Ile s0 hon- estly won on Alar'ch 1st, it, hold heel) claimed for his opponent that he was a much loftier politican than the or- dinary and would not, stoop to the petty tricks and devices so cotnman ;u political life. There nrtty have been a time when that wits about correct, but since the Major "cut his comb" on that nicinurahle, Tuesday Mr. Garrow has shown its keen a desire to avail himself of technicalities As would the veriest pettifogger. Fur all that is known to the contrary he would have accepted the decision which disfran- chised three polling divisions, and now seems equally content with the casting vote of his own returning -officer, though from a common sense point of view he really received ,t minority of the votes cast. After whist has trans- pired since polling day Mr. Garrow will not surely have the nerve to go to the Legislature claiming to represent the yeomen of West 13111-01), .. The Conservatives tire, of course, not content to let the matter rest at that and steps will Ile at once taken to protest the election. That it will re- sult in unseating tiro minority candi- date there can be no doubt, as it is well known that money waa freely used on Garrow's behalf. Report has been busy for some time coupling the name of Alt•. AI. U...Carn- eron with the Governorship of tile, Territories. It is now understood that lie has the appointment in his pocket and will not retort. to Parliament after the Easter recess, Indeed it is said Mrs. Cameron has already been sumini � from Cali- fornia, where,.a& ie wintering, to make ready for Regina. .. •• . For the mmutle which Mr. CAmer011 is preparing to }try aside there are two aspirants, who snake no secret of their desire , t0 taste, of the (delights of Ottawa. They are both weak Inc. and the Conservatives should exi)er- ience no difficulty fu turning either of then) down. if Mr. Cameron resigns At Easter the cottbat cannot be long delayed, so there should be no undue delay ;n buckling oil the armor. History is repeating itself M•t Ottawa where the Hartle class of men who wor- ried tho life out of Hon. Alex. M ae- kenzie are now clanict ing duty in acid night Ont for snore ii and a greater amount of patronage. As Laurier is not by any meAns "Honest Sandy" the. revival of tho Spoils system, with all that that, implies, may again be ex- pected. Lass than two years fn power seems to have metamorphosed those statesmen who for eighteen years scorned the very appearance of evil in the conduct of public affairs. .�. The Prohibition question is also ti oubling Laurier and lie is disinclined to touch it,even to the extent of grant- ing a plebiscite, This is ;n marked contrast to his glibness prior to the election which carried him lilt(, power. If it were possible lie would gladly see the question side-tracked, but if the plebiscite ►nnst be given, a side issue or so will be introduced to becloud whist should lie the end aimed at. Do or do not the people want Prohibition is all that is necessary. They understand what, it means quite well. . . The Rill to prohibit the importation of nursery stock front the United States, which went through Parlia- ment with a rush, hascaught it number of firing this side the line pretty hard and has swept Away the profits of ni ter's canvassing for many an Agent. It was no doubt It necessary measure and though working injury to many will be it boon to our Canadian nur- serymen. x w From a number of constituencies in fihe province carrie reports of the Parti. san conduct of returning officers during the lA.te elections, Those officials seem to have had an male eye for any technicalities which, if availed of, wonld benefit the candidates of the Government. It may possibly he ail right, though it looks riltheranspiciolla that the errors detected should almost invariably (.Ph against the ConservA' tives. It in it pity an example has not beer) made of a few of those fellows. ' ... oppmp� r "k mmppppoww ffi w_111t 1. T"', 0 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. MARCH 31, 1895 ��� _ _ __ __ _ _ _-._---- ....— --_ .- --____ .____ ____ _. -- - - ------ --- - MaJor Beek Counted Out. standard bearer. Lucknow. � • Circular Town Topics. Mr. and Mrs. Jiunieb0,1 Reid, and I H I � P �� y y � a The two Appeals it, connection kheft• soon, James and Chas., were in lln•. Lester who claims to be A 1,J)'t- 9.1641. Ah(�1 with the West 11111'011 reMUI)t were argued before Mr. Justice Uslev tit Os},l)ode hall last 1Ved- uasday. Ju(]ge Masao, of GOde- rich, tins al'oi given Mr. Bark the seat by a Illailrity of two. After hearing; the appeal of Mr. (Jarrow and the cross-appeal of All. Beck, Mr. Os- ler upheld the Action of the county judge fu till except, front iustancos,upon whielt Ile reserved judgulelit. If his decision should chance to bo Against Air. B"ck on ecrry resvii ballot It would brief; ithout a lie. Of the four• ballots oil which ,judgment is rebel ved three are fur Beck raid two of hetet were tlnl•041uted, The remaining Our - VOW batlut was alit, uttcuuuLed. If till three Beck balh,Is %Vero rejected his majority would he reduced floiu two to one; And if the (.arrow ballot, were coulited it would hying the latter's showing to a tie Willi tile Conservative candidate. The appeal x'}l u I l f All'. (ntruty oil seven Ballots was Bret argot -d. Mr. (,arrow bad associated with lin, Mr. A. B. Ayiesworlb, Q. C. . Major Beck {Tits plesent, •ilii his raprl•bentntives were Messrs. WAllacet N(bbitt, NV. 1). Me- Phe, lia Pher'sut, Aral C..Mastell, 1'01.1, CIXIIK `( i.%;rl 19. The first Ballot takes, up a•As one Of nim'ty hailuLs cast fn }Willing suh- division Nil. :1, ill' 1Vawauo-h, lustend of "I). B Al the initials of the dc- putya•ottu•itiu;- officer, it was endorsed till tho back with '•('. 5., those Of i.he ll) r• l ll cls k. L tvuH ill' r1(' L for ,L l t til A '. } !t " 1 r a ( rejected Jud 1 1 Y t, l a l,l. sou, hccanse it Aliurdcd it ready 111VA118 of identifying• the voter. Justice Os- ler, after hearing discossiut, decided to reserve judgment. The n••�t Ballot wits one marked for Berk wit it an inverted N', frou, polling sub -division No: 2, Colborne town- ship, which %Vila allowed rwo ballots marked vOth straight licca for lir. 0ATTOW were rejected. A ballot ntu'k- ed for lied: with it cross and. with several faint lines over it Was count- ed, Justice Osler remarking that it looked like the Work of a palsied per: Soil. Il) all those cases the decfsiuri 0f the c0mlty jild,;e wliq uphell. ']'Olt): ot�F •Pllls' N iMICN. Another Iesel-ved decision ful- lowed nil a Ballot marked for Beck from poll;o f; gill) -division No. 51 township of Difield. The voter, evidently bc;iuring in the seerat ballot ind i ,pl ' )d 1 t, kind 6 5111 11 OSed CO htLve torn out the number on the hack of the ballot pAper. Judge Masson, Ill his recount, respected the intention of tate voter, and counted the hitllot, .Mr. Garrow contended that this Wits delfb- erate Inutilat ion, and I hilt the spirit of the Election Act had been violated, Justice Uslrr reserved his decision. The last, objection oil Mr. Garrow'8 Appeal was Against a ballot cast for All'. Beck in polling sub -division No, 3, township of CIAl)orne. AIr, (;farrow held that the initials "A. G." had been harked on it. but Justice: Osler thought this au imaginative construe - tion, holding that the marks were merely such its a nervous person alight make, He upheld .Judge Masson in counting the ballot. Mit. BECK'S C HOSS-APPRAL. The cross-appeal of .Ile. Best(, which was Argued fu the afternoon, contained 13 Objections, but of these only two were considered open to serious arg'u- ntent. These were two btdlots cast fur .Mr. Beck and rejected by Judge blAs- sut. One of these, cast Ili polling suh- division No. 2, town of Goderich, had the word "Joseph," the ChristiArt name of the Conservative candidate, written opposite 11 r. Beck', (lame. The vote, which %vas cast• it, polling Bill) - division No. 1, township of Colborne, had the word "vote" with •a flourish beneath it written opposite Air. Beck's rlcune. Mr. Nesbitt held that the • in- tention of tile, voters was clear, and should he respected. Air, Ayleswot•th thought the ballots showed Absolutely It plan for identif,calion. Judgment was r•userved. In all, ,ill)H I)allots avert. Seriously die puted, And of these foto• rennin undo c i ctcd. •Jndr,nlvnt was given by justice Oiler on Satm•dav when he rejected the three Beck bitilots in dispute and Allowed the nae fur Clarrow with the poll clork's initials on the back. This ties! the election and gave the catiull}, vote to the retut'ning officer. Clafnour for the Spolls, Ottawa, Marchi 23. --There Are Ont siders with an idea that Grits of til Federal Parliament can chalk lip no sins against, t.hP Government they fol )mv save the almost inconsegtentia error Of slaking light of pledges. Site]) It theory is riot only Incorrect but clearly unsympathetic. True, whenever It Liberal of hitherto lire gnestiuned ohedfencc mads+ it feint i1, kicking over the traces, some iniagitla tivp genth'man would have it that the fraetuula I len her wits inspired by di , gest with pr(niise-breaking ]eiders Once that expliunation would do. Horn few months after a. certain glorioli. 21ird of Jnne it would not have beou tmtny leagnes ;tat ray. But fu can eus, away fl•0111 the gaze of the Infidel, such A mere }rifle as the fracturing of Ante -election promises was adjustec when Ctulada waH ycta. Irlrrnhle colony, I. e., before Laurier As Ill enlier hack set foot 011 Fmglish soil taut began his httildingof an nation. Then were tit soft irtnpencluuents true. Ja111es AJc Mullen o I-; s who, it t nit r 1 >n creditable anilic ii•y, woilld, if there were nc Liberal party, ho- to Patron or )til in. dependent., tole} his leAdors that til party's promises had been mostsha,m' fully t t()dden Ando foot.. "131st," spoke till a tried and trusted WArrior, on who slayy he a blfnister before the Lanrier (,over•nment Blies, "we can't b expected to keep All the promises w mnde in Opposition." "Oh no," ans- wered ne wered the gonerOua McMullan, "hut, f we could keep only n fraction of filar I would be sat.isG'd. • "S Ps, n mfgbt• I fraction," shot hncl( the Minister that is to he, And MCMt411en leceded. A Funny incident in the a�ouse of ('oDnitarlq While Mr. Taylor was spenking it the Ilouse of Cournions last 'thuradA in favor of An export duty of one ren per pound on hatter, groAt, atmlaetnen eons ennsed by Mr. Mc•Millnn, o Jiuron, leaving his Neat, crossing t( Where Mr. Taylor stood, And dispntin the !Esser Ilona Willi hini. This went. n for some minutes, Alr, Me,Njillan slink ing a long forelin}}r,er in Mr. Taylor' face. The stpoetacle was so firmly thn even .Sir Wilfrid Lanrier and Sir Lntn Davies joined in the general rnPrri Mont Finally, the Hprakm said I would he more cotldurtive to the di nit•y of the Ilrntss if Mr. McMillan All drii the IlnrisP from his sent, nn( the hon, gentleman returned there pouring (,ut• a torrent of Doric as h went.. Ooderich, March 31, --There was a large. altendanc•e lit lite Collegiate Literary ISocfoty's upon meeting on Friday evP.niug, notwithstanding it sil- ver collection was taken at the doors to defray expenses that had been In- curred by the rnany free lneetings Ihepirnt Walter. The largest number of thl)se present were of the gentle sex, the others seewiugly cera only at- tend shows that cost hitlf a dollar ur more, though tuany of these are out half its inLeresting as the bill of fare presented lit the Collegiate on Friday. Misses It. Strang, Parsons, Autiebruuk unit Lou Uibson iuui Mr. W. (Stoddard were the t ovalists and all slid well. The first two ladies who made their Ill•bt appearance 80eol likely fu the near fat tire to becone extr'entely popu- tat• soloists as they have good voices turd sevin to know how ll) control thein. Mise Ausebrook was it, excel- lent vo ice as was Miss Gibson and Mr. Stoddard surprised those who had not hoicld him before by ]iia excel- IeuL rendering of Mighty Deep. Al r. (,mutt gave it comic rec•ftit- tion comically, tire orchestra play- ed two pieces admirably, Miss Tye •cud Alis WeAthernl recited nice ly, Ali,. Jekell read the Institute Journal which wits brimful of wit, Wis- duul And uxcTHVIlt A.uglish, acid bit- titraug answered questions froln the diawer. Miss Naft(•1 plaved a piano stilt) and Alisses Buchaua11 and Smith a duet kind Altsws McCall and Cautpttigne •, at•eru the nucum ants .�1. The proceed- ings •o''r - t 1 ,c r (tut d P l ,., it,'s t.l( sed vvttlt ui .'. t l e , k Gfl Save t} u (Z t ,ct. Those wanting a truth this week should ))try a quart, of delicious bi- valves ft on, the old Clintotlian, Char- ley Blackstone. The fishing fleet stavwd Out last Week hut the cutches were the poorest over made lit this season (it the year ' Mr. A. M. Todd is naw part proprie- tor of the Star, lint] will wave to tills town in I he near future. Tile Oddfelluwe will celebrate the •anniversary Of the order by Attending Knox c'hur'ch on either April 24th or AJay 1st. Alis, Vivian, who wits sl) seriously ill, is steadily improving. Mr. Elimlertou, of Clinton, who is tit Iris father's residence fn town, is still very low. Hineeth's new planing mill will soon be in complete running order, as the I is being placed therein in rapid Order. Mr. incl Mrs. Joseph Beck were fn Toronto the past week. Ali-. Win. Lee returned from it, visit to Windsor std Detroit last week. Mrs. Chad. Lee Jilts been seriously fll bill is reported Its much better. Ales. 11. holt and ,,on Terence re- tin'Med on Saturday from a. lengthy visit to relative in Toronto. Nearly all tho ,4priug plowing Around this burg is finished. A special collection wits taken tit) fn H nix cl,nreh cn Sunday on behalf of the Klondike, mission. Rev. Iii Godwin preached last Suud:ty evening on "Spiritual Railroad- ing." The Massey -Harris Co, will have a Delivery Day, to -day, so we are Ili - formed by their agent, J. P. Brown. A i•tivaway on Saturday caused the loss of a fine young tree fn front of the Crescent. These Are pretty busy times at the clock these days, As large quantities of lumber are being stripped from Dy- , I1 V IA's fard. tilO -tly after 12 oil SaturdAy n;szlit, the file alAtm sounded for fi •e tit chi a r Morris Planing 1' ' .1.lilt and when the bri- gade got to thscene tilefirehad gut such a head oil the building that its entire destruction could not he pre- vented. No reason can be assigned for the fire by the proprietor as every- thing was safe when he left the toil} earlier in the evening. The burning of the two mills so closely situated And within a few months of each other is la great misfortune, and one our people Would like to know more about. The water works system wits thrown tint of gear the past ,week by a break in the Ili )ea between the crib And the. shore, w1iich allowed weeds of marine growth to enter and block the pumps ' and some 00 or 70 up town services. 1 As soon as the trouble wits discovered means Were tlken to remedy the defects, And in a short time, it is ox - s petted, that the service. will again be ' Il) running Order. On Friday the remains of the late Mrs. Blair, mother of G, F. Blair, bar- r•fstor• Of Brussels, were interred in the fancily plot in Alaitland cemetery. The "Illy died at Fenwick, Ont., and her decease so soon after her daughter wits no doubt hastened by the loss of e her much loved daughter. The town laborers have been em- ployed the pass: two weeks filling in the 1 •1Vnsh Oats" caused by tho flood Borne three weeks since. Theie will be lioly Communion ser- vice at St, Geotge'S next Sunday. The Church Women's Auxiliary held the ustal Lenten weekly sewing meet- in}r, oil Monday. Y'he C'hosen Friends will meet in ° re null, session this evening. tegmltr rneeting of the Public School Board next Monday evening. ° The cnretaker of the bowling green 9 has been rolling and trimming it up the past week. The dredge Ar•noldi will be repaired Ili a few days so as to he ready for an early commencement of dredging. Tbern seems to be a stoppage in con- nection with the breakwater contract. It. 13. Smith's Millinery opening, which commenced on Tuesday, was the ° centre of attraction that (hay. Flt. George's confirniation class meets in the church at 3 Fp, in, each Sunday. The rain ml Sunday morning WAS the cause of rather spaCse congregations in e the churches. A large number of dwellings will be ekoct.ed this season, as there Are several ° under way, And contracts for eight a 'otherq have Already been signed. e Bicycler( were out in full force the e past Week. fA resides; }planted garden Seeds in the open garden oil March 21st. il 11 r. itnd Mrs. McKenzie of Brandon, v M;in., were last aveek visiting at the resfdfmcn of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. 1Vn1. Lane. The lessee flonded the rink one day last week, lint the cold spelt did not last long enough to make ice. Iiev..IOSeph Edge, pastor of North St, Methodist' church, proached special I Sermons Co sailors and fishermen last Sundav evening. Y On Friday evening, April ]at,, the t McGillivnry Mission Mand will give An I, entertailvnent in Knox church, which f is expected will be an tnuslutlly ploit- ) rant event, This society haS An excel - )I lent reputation for entertaining, and n Hhondd tea will] pnt•r011ixed. The off eers (,f the I}tiron Bicr�rle R C)ull for 181)8 tire: U. McOillicru dy, t resident ; Oliver Ruh nal, vice res. • p Y p a J). JohnNt.On, secy. ; G. McUoah, inose. t. 1). lcflil}icudd,y, O. Rhynns, 1). John- ston, G. McUnsh, H, Smith, W. Me- . Crearly. G. 1+. Emerson, exortttive conitnittee ; B. I). Grant, J. Cnttio, P. tVctlton, (mance committee ; R. W. + Logan, rapt. ; 13, 1). Grant, 1Rt lien. , I t,cnant; .1. S. Platt, 2nd lieutenant; Thos, Rates, bugler; till Symonds, Detroit lust. week. attending the alt- bred Kiowa ludiau and will) is with nual commencement exercises of the the Kiuwa Mrdicino t'umpnuy that 1 faculty of Michigan College of Medi jjjj cine and Surgery. We notict'cl by the I are givjng enter taitutetts ill the: luau f pr'ograwme that Wesley J. Reid, who { hall, caubed a flutter of excitement in graduated as M. D, frons the College, (lilt village out evvimi v recently. Powde K g,� 6 t, t sly. AI Made his valedictory address on the ; young lady front Blyt,ho cause here on . Occasion. tiler success`atti ndingt hial'unley edicnt i the lulu trttiu Mid 11rxl clay shout Munn course. 1 the doctor and the yuulir, latly pro ' fir t•claSs ince 1. )lie rtrl'Yuil�' llliztrd and Old)' reclielltr; The engineers representing blesses. c•eelhHd Lu flu latus of nue ill' aur local l ) S b Moore, of Kingston, halo been tuea- I clergytuut to be untrried. The 11nti,;- suring the g,ouud around the elevattir ! ter after sctll t1nuL the w+Lrrha a 11:X'11, ;�ltcli(,s luol-0 1)iselllt-i than ill} other Baking r Ault haihor the past week, the U T. It, F, K y to join lit the survey. The committee license peesented WMs lilt 1 ight, waa to wh(,u, was entrusted the wurk of jll,L in tilt. act of pruuuuucing thrill Vowdrf all the 111f1r1(C't, It's worth is acknowledged by getting the stock hook filled ill) is yet man and wife, when I lit) father (if the, tit wurk, and several millers in the wunftl Le bcidu tu'rilod on Lhe ascot., west end of the Province have yet to the hllllllre(Is who now Abe it It is tilways fresh find be seers. i :and its lauguitge niote forcible 1.1131 i elegant; declared all pI-ovVedings all ' i fur the lucautime lit least, laid tuck I the prieu 1r, unly 255 per p; und. A sample foi4},a Fordw}ch. his dallgliter haute vvitl lout. The yutillgltuty avilsitlliss 1)nviS, ufl3lytI1. During the freshet the whole flour and her fathcL' is the Chief Constable 351:X1",. of the slide of the slain was witched of plat place' away, carrying with it all the neve Air. i'eter Su,itlt of thin villago wits �_O-- . posts suit Ates that heel leen put tip Inall1ted in Toronto oil 1Vedntc;day to F S I F Miss Bonnett, fut7telly of Kinloss in that afternoon. This will he it con- township. y. sitlerable inconvenience to our millers Tht• partnership herolofore. existieK as It will hu two ur three mantis bo_ betWUL•u 11'illalrt ('amentia and fetes U m v fare they will be ablo to use Witter. Sntitl, it,; icup4e4tiv)t agents it, flus )ower, blit the will still he able to run villilge, has l,ccu dis;oll,ml and the A 1 Y Chemist c`i11d Druggist. kite still to its fnllPst crtpac•it. as they business it, future will he c•uti-icd uu ) hALve good Steam puWer. U Ll nudii by Air, S111ILII, Pill l-sici;i n'.I v Hipp ies, stand that it new Aide will he built its Twenty yeas ago, the wenLher in .i -1a cc�savxx_a .c,.+e y___s.ueatsN1C— .. --a, soon as possible unit that. nover-flow March wit, about the. shute its at pre- (111im Will it he erected instead of the pre- sent. ili April the trves, hlootued and q sant one. vegetation WAS far advanced, Litten �'�� `"" ffi' .M��t��� l..l-.E�° Air 1 crop a••t3 Vm. Alee, o lilt.,; been work- - •ur • came t llu' fruit c r e, wh 1 1, c n r k tltu ft ,til 1, nuc I I lliALUry in}, with bit'. A. C. }lutclison it, his ttluupsL totally destroyed sl) lee have 1fu1e renindell•(i ;uul done Aver an ;;and as 1),a.cksmith Shot) for the past three heard, ilea•. Persona wi'llifig work dote in this lion ', r:• o .0 yeru•s a}Hite work un Srttutdny tool .)i,1 re t11r )•••rrl::�t-uti�facu n > lual•fu)(� intends leaving for Manitoba in tits Unr village lust au c'ld and greatly their ordla'; , !Lit ilii' uudl;i:�ttyncd. Loict'e i � J{,���el, a e • o s e• • a a respected cit hens oil Mot7day last its the unicra (.;10Y. V near future. I drat h of Mr. Jas. Fftldhtter, lifter a few 111114:; MU01M, A debate oil the subject "RVSOIVed weeks lllut-ss. Dost-i4sed was it, his 0ver13ev.,h* S• Cot latestoro. weinvite tl] ie that 1w olte was t4 Better gCOet•itl tutu r- ` i e 1fld S Ol +-, uotl yeas, and had been a rcaislcuL of „� Montealut" twas held fn tilt: ef1ingc Lucknow for moto than a quarter of A - -1 �w Clintonschool un Filday lust to the fourth colitury, rind through his huafm'ss of bring nerve food, they ,il.i.v thirst I Ciand the sur - class. Tile affirmative won. tlacbiuidt and ge.tetal blacksmith Was whilst their hinate vituftty fre.,h from At the atinuld i neeting Of the Grand widelyknown. the living vegetable Increases the enti 1 Black Chapter 0f Ireland, which met gy uud resistiug passer of Ile organ- rounding country to our in Yitlluorstutr lust weak, AIr, Jahn 11 r. Ruben\'est, frn nterly of the Donaghy of tills village was elected tLS heutinot staff, lilts left fur 1Vinnipe„ isui. T ro one ut Llre 0iiicers fat' the run,it)g year. where he hit, seclta'cd it :ilnalion, Improper, diataries wiv.,te yitol forces ,{1 ill}nery OpeniD(- On by oI sttucLiu'.; function Mud cnstii g - unnatural •}Iulmn the eltnc; rl'gilllh, '1,ls IlePCllN5 lnlk weat:StiUL Wednesday 't. 1% 'r. C. (10111mal. life. In th): way the eirivings fur in- Rey. Mr. Btill fa nn Eche sick lint this - - toxicants often itrises,cn d the apparent !'bis Column is under the (direction of tl•11)porary relief colifiril)s the delu- � week. His work oil Sabbath ii ill be the Secretary of Clinton W. C. 1'. U. sial!• April taken by tier. Mr. Mc•Uonagh. Inehriety, the ctln,e (if modern as Ileitare def;etelacy is produced Rev. Ali-, Asbury :and family took Of ancient civilization, is now gf llvI._ I)y the esu t)f :tle•uholie beverages and (]ur rjtOCk comprises all their departure.Moltdn forOnonda 1, ally recognized by ernine'Mt medical "lls is oftenctipla'd by the 11lcrther�s p r y g men to }re it disoased coudiLioll fol- blood being satulated with alcohol Brunt Co., the new parish Mr. Asbury from tle•first tnotlent of the child's the latest fashions and }rnt•iul; the) use of alcoholic liquors, has been aUpOit,t0d � I. A large note'" In u,nnv seeps inebriety i; it, taro existence until it leaves the beast. ben 0f friends };:tLheted at tire station prou7otod by injudicious caul insulif- Children sl) started it, hfe, intoe un_ not Ities in Millinery to see there off, stent diet. The 4.1-a •ing fur alrolu,lk. stahlu tic', vows cvIlIres. They aro A }special u,e(i of rnvolbel'S of st.fundants IS often the result of }tome to bartime failloes in life, and, if and We Sht111 be leased the (.ounc•tl of the township of Limit def,cielit. vitality, :Dill Ani) i11)poi-titut alcohol leverago, cotta in thea• away, c p wits held fn the Agricultural Hall, Att- Invaua of prevention is tho sprcot<I of they rvodily drift. it,to the fatal habit wood, oil March 17th. Members all tel }ill; e OLl come and present. The meeting avis culled in sound scientllc knowledge ut (I Le- of inebriety --it true disease. 3' the interest of rate a ens on the 17th ties. It is specially impindant that it taste and 18th cons., who are assessed drain- Pill fond, `pure air, cleanliness Mid shotl1 lit - c01civnied r for simple, inspect it. Age under a By -Law of the township of ohedietlee to ,Its larva Of •lif,• will pro- heatily, unci tiIMil;kLin., food. Many , Logan, and after discussing the matter duce it healthy, vigorous humanity, eltaitil'nt I c. it,A men are now agreed _X__ for it lung tithe, it wit; resolved its fol- which will have till• c;1-eate.1 re;lstin}; Hult a pure diet cf,grain, }pulse, fruits. lows: Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded power to it tendency to indulge 'in ]tills saki 11gf(.11 vei_tbles, wit]) the;LII- byMr. McMane, that the Reeve, Messrs, varcot.fc•s. These narcotfes only create clition of bei)(A uu)k, eggs, butter, oil Shearer Rothwell and the Clerk he a special craving for' theu7selves. Iluc1 cheese. will Iltlilil up healthy child -MISS HILLIER Authorized to wait on the Logan COL111- The diet tnb)e on the othi•r Side tell in pet fret. health curd vigor, who nil fn refereneu Co- file assessment of allow.; that; in Order h) sltstnin life. the will lora) it str',ult I,tila•icrl: against Lilo those lands in Elitist fur, elrstfnage under food should contain ite.5l-forming tort} adva.nciog flutttl of all•t,holist11 Stand in the Clarendon Hotel Blocb, .. l By -Law of the township 0f 1,0gau, and hone -farming as Well na f nc},y-pro- a„,,,�,,,,�,,,�.,��.- . _-�--�-- -- ------ that the Clerk be}utthorized toavr•ange ducing mater•inl. Most, people kt.oap( --` " t••-„ •- " - with the Reeve of Logan fora saftal,le that it is essential to take tissue -fora)- -` -- 4 - `` time to meet said Conncil. Carried, Ing and hent -producing ncntevialm, but. 'loved by Mr. Shearer,. seconded by they ilo not realize tint, life is not well ,-1 hlr. Rothwell, thir.G the Council oto rims Hushtiued unless lite loud al.'o c out, ,, �1.T /l adjourn to meet, again At the call of the phospbates ,11111 vcgel.nhle :u',;rls FA e I � 1• � ,, 1 e, e ur t L r � ;, 1'� titin Are c (ci.aiL n lit d t t t the Reeve, Carried,.a r"I UF 0 l rta 1F& , nerveNilndh•nin- �u 'est•hi' conte I � f 1 ce tt which h c 1- t - all lower cv'nvin}tH. }{carr• etvtlxod Brussels. nations have fallen into grieve et•rurs h, the prepiratinn of their Enna. jar A dew's Cure for the Heart Th .t.1 canvas was made of the town and 33 subscribers, of $10A) each, ohttined as a loan to tilt: proposed (.'arpet fac- tory coming here firou, Elorn. 13. Getry and W. F. Vanstone were Ap- pointed As a delegation to visit Elora till Monday and report. The gentle- men referred to inside the visit and I -(,- ported, hat no fcu•ther action was taken, tell days bilin}; granted for righting certain it that were obstacles in further progress. Last Friday morning week the sphit of Sili Alanscr, beloved wife of Vin, Uenhow, Eliz:iheth street, took ills flight. Deceased had been poorly for some time with Graves' disease, but was apparently(recovering' when nervous prostration ,-Pt in, resulting in her decease. A husband :ind one son are left to motion t': • :Iolllise of wife said mother. Alts. I)enhow was 21 years of age and was respected by till tvho lei her. She was a meruber of the Methodist church. It is reported that D. O'Leary, of Petro)ia., has sold his fast trotting horse "Reddy," well known here, t0 a gentleman ill Austria, throogh the agency of Richard Roche. The price is said to be $1,000. "Reddy" Will be forwarded at once to his new Owner. Fred. Anderson will ace,nnpany the horse across the briny, it is said. A large snapping turtle was brought t0 t:he vi tinge the other day by Henry Stevenson, 14th con. Grey. It weigh- ed about, 15 polo nds. Tuesday of ilia, week wits a record broakPr tit the G.T.R. station, when 118 pieces of baggage were handled, 40 pieces being•forwardecd and 28ro iveil, The nexthighest innnber avis 10 piec'cs, The fnnorril of Mrs. Robert, Crtrrie which took place on Friday was nue of the larggeat that over passed through this villnRe, no less than 1'25 rigs left the residence of her father, IV-. Bryiii of 4th con. Morris. luler- Inept took place at l3rucsels cemetery. Rev. J.,�h. St.ewart, of the Mt.hel oir- etti(., ppre>nc lied last Hclnday morning in MY() Mebbodist chlu•ch. Stewart & Peebles are diseolving Vat to take effect. fr•oin the Vat April. Mr. Htewnit retains the business. There tare prospects of the formation of a jnntor font -hall longue, to include I3rnRsolb, Listowel, Attwood, eCv. A brand new (rain, consiAt-ing cif two coaches and a baggage cin• passed throngli Brussels station on Tuesday evemn�. R. F. Hu-iss, John Ritchie, Franlc DOng1AR, It. ih IIKIILA Auto( Will Riefler left on Monday for Victoria, B.C. A great number of friends were at' flit• station to bid them good-bye sued wish thein God speed. Jatnes Beldon, who hots leen Willi F.. C. i tinfurd for several years, is p•0ing into business of) his own account line} on Mondny o pons lip it tailoring establishment at. b7lolc•stvot•t.h. A Brantford pr•fsoner namv(I Alex. p 'il;l in that ih11u•an escaped train the ,} city. Hii i)I,. Carnlnn, iiev, i)I,. Poflsnnd Other ministers of the Mei hodist (:hunch waited nn the Prenni0r slid Messrs. Fi4horAnd Fividlingat Othlwa to ask ilint, the (iiia tints (ill I lie proht- bition plebiscite shunld he one to which a direct yeR or no Answer could he given. The regneat will !p° rnnsid• Bred. Tile conmton white bead, eenls0nu'd instead o!' whole wheat-iueal plead, i; de elent, in the phosphates, iron and mineral elements so essential, nut. 0111) 3 for the forrtultitiu of N.nes nlid teed, but also for the noor•ishtient of tie bruin And nerves"ctnd'fci;' the tvorkhtit of tite vital provoss. Fruit is cont•iderod lip he it luxury, whoreas it is an os-cntin] article of food. Vegetables aur often hailed in large gnant,ititw of a^iter, thus wasting the blond-Ilurifying ocids and soluhl salts which are essential for health and strength. The following table from Professor Chttrclt's honk oil "Food" shows tl.t tunount. in grains of phosphates and Vc,fPtable acids cuntaited its VILHnn foods and tither n.rticlos:- Vcgct.lthl0 Mineral Acids. Salts. I lh. Apples.....,...... 70 2,i 1 Ib, (inc,aelrI,I.rles...... 105 :}5 I Ib, i1011MIls ....... .. :35(3 sift 1 lir• Oranges .......... 75 105 1 pt, (Titret ............ I9 18 1 pt. Port... . ........ 3,55 120 1 pt•.. London Stout . ,. , 22 22 1 pt. paleA10... -...... 21 ll) I Ili. 1Vheat-Alval...... -- 1111 1 Ib. While Flom ....... - - it) 1 i b, than .... ..... ... - 122 1 Ib. Oatmeal • ......... -- 117 1 Ib. iMaize.... . ...... - 110 111). Pelts or Lent.;ls . • , -- 2'10 Wirlev iuui Burrs contain vertttin soluble clenient.s of imtrition (which brewing did not desla'uy) contuminMt- od with Ideottol ; while grains, pulses, fruits, nets :Lilt] green vegetnhlos sum- mit them it, greener (luanlity Ilone- companfed by the 11ic•nf.it• mlculul, which is a hyo -product, ill no way uoct's- sary for life, nrld Acts lis )t nerve and ipl•nlll piu•alyrer, Fresh, uncooked fruits Acre cspcciMly useful in hatlishi11}; :t craving for 411co- holic stimulants, sf11ce. it, addition to FRIENDS V PREVAILED A Nervous Toronto Woman Walked the Floor During the Night for Hours at a Time -She Makes a Statement. TORONTO, ONT.-- 111 wall troubled with nervousneag. It waa impossible for Inc to keep still and if the spells came over Inc during the night I had to got up and walk the floor for hours at a time. My blood was very poor and I was subject to bilious attacks. My feet would swell and I was not able to do my own house- work. I treated with two of tho heat physicians bore but only rovelved relief for a time. I beenme disoourrigod. One day a friend called and advised mo to try Boodle Sarsaparilla, I laughed lit thend- vice but I was prevailed upon and pro- cured one bottle. Before I used It nil I begun to feel hatter. I took savornl but- t.len and nlno ReverAl boxes of Hood's Pitta. Now i can Plot find drink heartily and aloep Roundly, }food's Hnreaparilla hnR entirely oared nla and nine strengthened m own worts. m° ao that 1 now cin All y w I cheerfully recommend flood's Aarnaptt- f inn to nil sufferm•n from norvouannaa, ,i ll. ser debility." Mils, n1cnP a or ° 111 de we n y FC j F. PARttt, 1)Pgrol i StrPet.' - ____ 1 f avie,I veriillIoM1A7totnke, , Hood's s Cl�l$ opey to overitte. 25 cents, g -- e Greatest of Heart Healers --Relieves in Thirty Minutes. Testimony bears it out that in many cases of heart disease which have been treated for years by phy- sicians and pronounced hopeless this wonderful 11 remedy has proved the life -saver -not a cure-all -it's a heart specific -so potent --so. quick in re- . heving-no remedy known to medical science to- day specifically for the heart has so honestly filled the niche for which it was formulated -and the claim is borne out by the testimony of thousands of r cured ones and the endorsation of most eminent physicians on the continent -If there is uneasiness DRAGMI;W3 about the heart -shortness of breath-fluttering- CURE-fodt•TAE 11ENR4 fainting or smothering sensations - dropsical -. I tendency, any or all of these denote heart derange- ment -Ind r.^"lett of the slightest symptoms may result in sudden taking off -one dose relieves in thirty minutes in most acute cases. DR. M1rIM'S CATARRHAL POWDER—Painless and pleasant to use—attacks the disease like magic --clears the nasal passages -allays the inflam- mation and heals the affected parts -the only known remedy that gives shtick relief arid a permanent cure in cases of catarrh -hay fever -sore throat--tonsilitis and catarrhal deafness, DR, ACNEWS OINTMENT -Simple and effective remedy for itching, blind and bleeding; piles -and all burning, itching, stinging or disfiguring skin diseases -one application gives instant relief. Dr. A:7;"ow'A Laver Pills curso constipation •.- sick headaaAo — bllleusneos -- gixxireas--iose of appotito and dyspepsla—little pills -11i dosoc-200ts. irkC�CSON & JACKSON THE NOTED SHOE HOUSE. N E W 3 P R I N 10,C)", OiS. 1N e )hive now passed into Slot]< it imigllificant selec- tioll tit' --m f N i":W BOOTS) AND SHOES ii)r ",ring Wear and iv(a I- van safli say that no I fllivi, rally(` can 1)e fOtinll Vv(11•t'a%,b(,I,v. We believe in sellim, nothing but re. 1,ablo o ,ods at. the lowest possiWv 1)1-irr-4 a: 11 the. 11 `._ ° trmlr w•hic•h we Are doing is irood evidence that OAS is nppnwiated, Gi'tOd l.(rell !nivel q Should- • ln.V fleet. 5%KNa Dealers, Clinton. J AL")N J The Noted Shoe It