HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-31, Page 3-- ,p I f . �. � I - � " 1. � . , "". .1. �.. 7 ­ - II 1 • J • `,�' 1.. - - . . .. ­- -- --- n A n .-._. _ --v-„- . - -. A10,TF.8 t4ND t-, 0N,11ENT.4' $��AR li�D TSH SEL - _ . ox will it be drinking at a fountain I A converted Elindoo was dying, and, iYo aetAx whether the military his heathen comrades came around 4torm center Is on the coast of China A WELL OF COMFORT IN AN UNER- tri 1 him said tried to comfort him by 5 or in Cotta, the world of science quiet- PECTED PLACE. r�� reading some of the pages of their ly p1,4nts Lis peaceful l atteries at the t ---••r I,� e'+t theology, batt he waved his hand, as h r 1r f• m(tuht as, to say, "I don't want to hear point of •' Phe Work That the Father Gdroth" y 11 1 greatest interest to its guild, t . ti-*,> r it." '!then they tailed in a heathen i and allow7s the earth, only one object 11axt bo Nocogutsod If One evonid Find test, and he said, " if you, Will only it orf atlld .vi, Y Ilia Sphere In t Ifo and Labor to Advent recite the Numtrn, it will delver you Y titin its ken, to \wag along oro 1'Ul t1►o Great D»7 - Parental (: from belt." Ila Waved his hand, as Politically it) its own fashion. Every Influence, i �,, t ` ' ; mucshl as, to say, "I don't want to hear ( men is a citizen of the universe as Washington, March 20. -The old, old ! t " thrdt." Than they Bald, "Call on Jug - ll , as of this aphere, but only the story of Hagar and her bo in the des- ', r I' I° ` "N 1 � � gernaut." He shook his head, as much Y l3 Y r 4 '11;'1 ti i` scientists practically recognizes the art furnished Rev, Dr. 'Palma a with TIM " ! ' - ,, - t+ . t ,.,, ttq to Bay, "I can't do that." Then the lr fact. In these times of ra; id sect coin- g b Ir !r'; l �' r�}.. tltNuIg ht perhaps he was too weary �o the foundation of a great sermon from s"� ,:• 1]' + k u speak, enol they said, "Nrnv, if soul fortable travel the followers of eci- the text, Genesis xxi, 19, "And God �`k�sf" ti,, �j rill, as c !' � fj,z. can't say 'Juggernaut' think of him." enre quick{ conuentrata wherever Qtr �C z�y�v ' w He shank h[a heart mgaiu, as mu, h as Y opened her eyes, and she saw a well 1 H .� •' e ' d( �. to say, "No, no, no!" Tban they i enb servation cars lest be conducted. Cn of water, and she went and filled the ' '• ,,�✓ � µ January 22 last t were u!i'ned n 9 /4. • �" `/ � ra ;111 i�f, a p `k1111 down to his pillow, and, thew. said, they f t, bottle with water and gave the 1 .. �S�• t ,Iri � _ t ;; y,; "In what will you tc•nst $" Flds lues 4long the track of the tidal aulur ' .a 1'' , �ryr l�I ' ! li hted tit) with the ver larioa o8 drink.' ti MM xti g P y g `"'!ipss, and are now making a pro!tm- Morning breaks upon Beersheba. fir, ; • :� `-:� =y, ' ` t I "��. the celestial sphere 119 he cried, out. roar „ „ �- � iJ rallying all his dyiu Qnorg III y comparison of notes. The larg- ll.erO is uu early stir in the house of '. + r f �I g h � , I � ,�� "Jesus!" Oh, came this hullo to the eat numller of thoroughly equipped old Abraham; There ha$ been trouble f h , l fr fountain I I will tell � w "# ~'� ��• you the sr hole iaarties wept to India, :Many months among the domestics. Hagar, an as- I, ' _ ` ty t i � 1� 11(y 1 ,pyo story in in two or threel senten•eto sa before the can work out sistant in the household, and her sun, �' t'ta° a Pardon for all sin, Comfort for all '�'",^'' Y r' t Yh llril:, If',�fi ` trouble. Light for all darkness. And ,the ma hematical part of their task a, brisk lad of 16 years, have become : t! , "'1� 4�1il1llp.? � r /e st, every wilderness has a well In It, or examine all that was attempted impudent and insolent, and Sarah, the ' ;' i t''I'dJ 1 .with the aid of atiparatus. But enough mistress of the household, puts her 1tA�.� alj� '. fll t is known to insure that. the recent foot down very hard and says that p` 7 ,y? " (, }. y 't' I fll"t i, ,' 'P p • , t 1 r1 ME SUNDAY SCISOOL evill'se was follower) and recorded with they will have to leave the premises. t�y r". 9 r a . • a completeness hitherto not rea,•h,•d. They are Packing up now. Abraham, �, ` ' .i , ""- 'T 4 d.'r INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APRIL S. --- knowing that the journey before his i r r VIrl"Nr �i. ,. `` ?t ' The niche a s t se- ,want and her eon will be very long • 'ic l ` °! +v. ,t�1 :.r", f'1 +;*t, * j } ` -' m tograth was llaPd Q servant s.wk,.a., 'r. - $y . > �I .. r ,f �a J, + {°Tire \Womnts of callanu." 1111th. 15. VS -31. r I 1 r a {rid- `� ..".-'."r.er'y `,r - z.«.•��., F Y....;,. lire moving pictures of the eclipse. across desolate p a es, In th k f. �.` s „ . S +'ti,- '•p'.- , . , Golden Text, 111111. 15. 95. I Sir Norman Locki•er devised a psis- ness of i•.is heart, sets stout pulling ' t, �.4 K '' > PRACTICAL NOTES. y'� ; { ma(ic careers, a telescope and rum- up some bread and a bottle with oat- } "" s t Verse `L1. Jesus went thence. From era provided willx a tr in of pris- or in it. it is avery plain lunelitha't £. FT -q "e'"�- „ a 2G+d"rn Capernaum. I]eparted. Wirthdrew. In- mtitir prisms hefo•re the object glass. Abraham provides, but Iwarrnnt you IIIy T.fiew mlY�,, s��p" to the coasts (parte) of 'Pyre and Si- . In two of these voml-ination instru- there would have been enough of it-g6;.,t fes+-rtiai. ,� ' don. Phoenicia, the nearest national monis the number of spectra photo- had they not lust their way. "God be - a neighbor to Palestine, overflowed with graphed amounted to : {sty, each plate with you+' said old Abraham as he gave Fig. 1, -Fla nel Wrapper rock for Girl From Fig. 8.-hrock for Girl Fi 4 13row¢I Cheviot. Jews, so that even within its borders tg. Si Aper for F" 2.-T , giving an image of, ilia visible solar the Iwnch to Hagar and a good ninny �' g' Jesus could carry on his mission to , atmosphere for ten seconds, and (lis- charges as to how she should conduct Child from 1 to 3 Years Old, 7 to 8 Years Old, From 5'to 6 Years Old, Suint for Boy From the lost sheep of the house of Israel. closing much al,out chemical consti- the journey. Ishmael, the boy, I sup- 4 to 6, Years Tyre and S,irlon, its two great. capitals, tuarit.s. Lockyer says those photo- pose, Lou ided away in the morning Wrapper for Child From I to g Years. Frock for Girl From 5 to 6 Years Old. Frock for Girl From y t08 Years Old. with a fame reaching fsr back through graphs increase the knowledge of the light. Boys always like a change. Poor This little yoke frock is .made of polka Dark brown velveteen is the mater- the centuries, were, at this time liopu- eorona anti demonstrate again the Islimael I Het has no idea of the dis- dotted Pink flannel, \with some feath-, This little frock of tan -colored cash- dal of this little frock, which bas a vest, lous and actively commercial. They want of physical connection between asters that are ahead of him. Hagar is stitilling in h1 ck silk. The skirt and mere is trimmed with narrow black sailor collar and sash of lighter wood- stood twenty-one miles apart. Mark the marterfa,ts of the corona and of gives one long, lingering look on the twienty inches long when hemmed. At velvet ribbon, The front and hack are brow's bengaline. Take pp the darts tells us that Jesus passed directly tits chromosphere. Liput, Blackett fib- familiar place where she had spent so the middle of each side a semi -circle alike, pleated in three box -pleats to a at the middle of the front of the waist. through Sidon. He sought seclusion, served some unknown I ody between many happy days, each scene associat- t\co inches deep and four inches across square ,yoke. The velvet ribbon is apt loin ( h sides, and provide the back with is bollow-ed out for the• armhole, and a in threbuttons and button -holes, The silk vest but, "could not be hid." VenuMars.s and ars. Another I•arty se- ed we an ith the pridd joy of her heart, sinal! pleat is taken up at the lower e ,caws albund the yoke and is fastened on this under -waist. The belt 2. Behold. ' See I The next incident cured photographs of the corona on a young Tsdlmael, edge under the arm. A false hox-pleat , ow -la the pleats, each row terminating and sash are made of silk, with the is striking and notable. A woman of large acute, Some of the photographs The scorching noon comes on. The two inches wide Is set down the front, IA a loop and end, ends of the sash edged with fringe. Canaan. ' A Greek, a Syrophoenicban of the sun's image are nearly 4 in. air is stifling and moves across the____. -. _ -_... --_ _ by nation," Mark's description, ex - 431 diameter, and are expected to re- desert with insufferable suffocation. -"•"" --� - '--"' -- -- presses in other words the same fact. ---�-- -'- " Canaan " means the same as " Low - veal something concerning character- Ishmael, the lion, begins to complain a robs, and yonder is one intended to I ments of the woe-begon pountenance, I through every street, up, every dark al- lands," applied to the south of Srot- Istie coronal fortes. Spectroscopic stud- Slid lies down, b+ttt Hagar rouses him be a queen and wear it. It seems to Not. Mary nor l;ertha nor Agnes, but , ley, into every cellar, along every high- land, and " Netherlands," applifld to up, saying nothing al out her Own me that, in the one case as in the other Hagar in the wilderness. May God w•a,v, Hagar and Ishmael 1 And while, Holland. Though down to our own time ents also are looking for developments weariness or the, sweltering beat; for God appoints the sphere. and the needle have mercy upon woman in her toils, I pronounce their names, it seems like the term has been applied to all Pill - as to the sun's gases. mothers can endure anything. Trudge, is just as respectable in his sight as her struggles, her hardshtps, her de- thO moaning of the de -sant wind, Hagar estine, it was at first confined to the trudge, trudge. Crossing the dead the scepter. I do not know but that solation, and may the great heart of and lshrntlei!" low- plain, between sea and highlands, level of the desert, how wearily and the world would lung ago have been divine sympathy inclose her forever 1 I Joann one more lesson from this known as Phoenicia. To be a Canaan - the difietferent er was the time of the erlipa'A slowly the miles slip I A tamarind that saved if some of the men out of the ;Agaln, i find in ,this oriental scene orierntai scene, and that is that every i -to or ' 'Syrophonnician " was to be thea different parties managed to so seemed hours ago to stand only just ministry were in it and some of those Ilse fart that every mother leads forth wilderness has a well in it. Hagar and hereditarity outsicde the holy brother - fix it by photography that they are a little ahead, invitingthe travelers who are in it were out of it, I really tremendous destinies. Ishmael gave up to die. Hagar's heart hoof! of Israel ; to be it " Greek " was enabled, in a certain sense, to 'bold it to come under Its shadow, now is as think that one-half the world may be You say, "'that isn't an unusual sank within berc as she heard her child to he a pagan in helief and behavior. far off as ever, or seemingly so. Night divided into two quarters -those who scene, a mother leading her child by crying:"Vater 1 Nater t Cater l" The worship of Baal and Ashtoreth, under investigation for years. Of drops upon the desert, and the travel- have not found their sphere and those the hand." iVho Ls it that sit,+ is lead- " Ali,"she satys, " my darli,n , there is with modified names and beautified course the spectacle, viewed merely as era are' 1'11lowless. Ishmael, very who, having found it, are not willing lug? Ishin;tel, yon say. �Vlhu is Ish purified. to eta • there. How inane are stru no water I This is fl desert.' And then ceremonies, but not, one whit such, had many elements Of impressive weary, Isatppose, Instantly falls asleep. i g- inset 2 A great nation is to be founded ('oil :s angel said from the cloud, "What still prevailed. Even more Ishan most an - beauty. "rn the midst of the dull blue Hagar, as the Shadows of the night ile_ gling for a position a little higher than _..i nal ion so strop = that kis to stand aileth, thee, Hagar t'• And she looked cleat rel{ ions, thin was a deification of , sky," says one spectator, "stood out gin to lap over eai•,h other -Hagar hug's that which God intended them! "'he for I housands of years against all the ujk, and saw• ' him pointing to a well moral corruption. The .Same roasts. The P her weary boy to her bosom and thinks bondswoman wants to be mistress. Ha- armies of the world. Egypt and As- of water, where she filled the bottle Revised Version givos us a literal t'heinky blackness of the moon with its of the fact that it is bar fault that bar keeps crowding Sarah, fhesmall syrira thunder against it, but in vain. for the lad. BIessed be God that there translation, "those ltordcrs," a phrtse slightly ragged edge. Encircling the they are in t'he desert. A star looks wheel of a watch which beautifully Gaulus briings up his army, and his is in every wilderness a well, if you wlitieh hhs, led some to believe that ,Tea - .moon was the corona, a mass of the out and every falling tear it kisses went treading its gulden pathway army to smitten. Alexander derides Qril,v know, how to find it -fountains us was still within the bounds of Gal - crest and most brilliant incandes- i\ill' a aparklA, r1 wing of wind camel wants to be the balance wheel, and upon a campaign, brings up his hosts for all these thirsty souls ) On that last ilea; l ut "going out. from" refers pro- p over the hot earth and lifts the locks the sparrow with charbin drops into and dies. For a long while that nation flay, on that great (lay of the feast, Jes- bably Loa house or vil la nse. ifave mer- ceoe." At the momdrit of totality from the fevered brow of the boy. Hag- th,p brook because it cannot, like the manopolazes the learning Of 'the world. us stood and cried: " It any man thirst, cy on nisi As we basic this plaintivefour extensions "Leapt Plrom the corona ar aleet+s fitfully, and in her .dreams eagle, cut a circle under the sun. It is the naitian of the Arabes, Who let him come to ine and drink." All cry we recognize that this woni,aa iden- travels over the wear da and half In the Lord's array we all want to be fownded it Z Ishmael.. the lad that these other fountains you find are mere tiiies, with lit mother's feeling, eelin her Entothe surrounding darkness, feaLb- Y Y g, awakes her son by drying out in her brigadier generals I The sloop says: ;Hagar ted into the wilderness. 611e mirages of the desert. t'araceleus, you daughter's afflictions as 'her own. cry, ethereal streams of the most ex- sleep: "Ishmael I Ishmael I" More mast, more tonnage, more can- hold no idea she was beading forth such know', spent his.time in 'trying to find The farther of the lunlatie, child (Mark guisite pearly luminosity.' !"hose who And so they go on day after day and vas. Oh, that I were a topsail schoon- destinies. Neither does any mother. out• the elixir of life -a liquid, which, 9, 22) prayed, "?lave ,compassion on us doubt the world moves onward and up- night after night, for they have lost er, ora full rigged brig, or a Cunard You pass along the street and see and iS taken, would keep one perpetual- and hPip n6," putting himself lbeside ward, find rapidly at that, have only to their way. No ?lath in the shifting steamer!" And so the world is filled pass boys and girls who will yet make lty Young in this world andwould his child, which is, perhaps, where a Som are the modern treatment of sands no sign in the burning sky. 'rhe with cries of discontent because we the earth quake \vit.11 their influence. chmige the aged, bacdt;, again to youth, father's Instincts would place him; p sack empty of the, flour; the water are not willing to stay in the place Who its that holy at Sutton pool, Illy- Of course he \Yas disappointed, He d:u(. the m,otbar feels that she and her eclipses with that of former centuries. gone from the bottle. What shall she where God part us and intended us to mom, Englend, barefooted wading found not the elixir, But here I tell cbild are onb. Her confidence in the l t is true that they are still an object do? As she puts her fainting Ishmael be. My friends, be not Loo proud to down into the slush and slime until his You Of .the eilitxix of everlasting life power of th6s He.hrew wonder--worker of dread to the superstitious in some under a stunted shrub of the arid do anything God tells you to do; for bare foot comes upon a piece of glass bursting from the "Rock of Ages," is noteworthy. 'But she may- have plain she sees the bloodshot eye and the lack of a right disposition in this and he lifts it, blee(Ung and pain and that drinking that water yousball known mfuth aabout Him,( for, accord - countries; but w'ben the Turks fire feels the hot hand an watches (be respect the world is strewn with wan- Struck? That ,Wound in the foot de- never gest olrl, and .-� you will never be ing to Luke, some that heard the ser - guns as a defense against them they blood bursting from the cracked ton- Bering Hagars and lshmaels. God has aides that he be sedentary in his life, seek, said You, will never die. " Ho, ev- mon on this plaimand who were cured merely show their unfitness to keep 9713o, and there i+; a shriek in the des- given each one of us a work to do. You decides that he be a student. That cry one that, thirtsteth, chime ye to the at its close carne from Pboenicia. 'Chou ate with, the march of enlightened ort of Beersheba: "We shall diet we carry a scuttle of coil up that darn wound by the gloss in the foot decides `c'aterst" Ah, here, is a man wbo says, Bon of Daviel. This popular title for p g shall die I" Now, no mother was ev- alley. You distribute that Christian that he shall be John Ritto, who shall ' I have been Irooliing for that fountain I the Messiall hailed hire to whom it was humanity, er made strongenou h to hear her tract. You give $10,000 to the.mission- a great whjis. but can't find it." And iven as .heir to the Hebrew throne. •' I son cry in vainor a'drink. Heretofore ary cause. You fat+ 15 years sit. with provide the hest religious enf:yclopedist Y the world lies ever had provided, and here is sosnlp,(Qne else who gates, "I ba- fly daughter Is grievou5llw vexed with she orad cheerod her boy by promising chronic rheumatism, displaying the with his other \writings as'w-ell throw- lie've all you say, but, I have been a devil. Dr. Marvin R. Vincent trans - a speedy end of the me and even beauty of Chf•istian submission. What- ling a light upon the word of God such trudging along in the wilderness and bates thls literal! "Ta biadl demon- FIRE•RILLING POWDER. F Y d° y' ever God calls you to, whether It win g g P y' Y , smiled upon grim when she foot deeper- Y as has come froth mo of -her man in this can't find the fountain," Do you know fixed. From Mark we learn that the --' ately enough. Now there is nothip hissing or huzza. ; whether to \calk un- the caisson t 1 will tell you. You never demon was unclean,+ tint whietil is no- g century, O mother, mother, that lit- [ Rumethfng ew in the way of Pulrtugout to do but place him under a shrub and der triumphal aroh or lift the sot out looked iat the right direction. "Ob," ba.biy meant that it led its vi tim into t tie hand that Wanders over your fare g G a Fire. let him die. She bad thought that of the ditch; .whether it be to preach I may yet be lifted -to hurt thunderbolts `'oll Fay, " I have, looked everywhere. I foul habits. It is easy to ask ques- A new fire -extinguishing powder is she ""fill sit there and wata,h until on a Pentecost or tell soine wanderer � of war or drop benedictions 1 That have looked north, south, east and tions about domoniac al possession the spirit of her bo would of the street of the mercy of the Christ west, and 7 haven't found the icon- which nobody dein ans\ver.. Our oat - forever, the market, of which I y go away I little voice may blaspheme God in the Y grant things forever, and then she would breathe Mary Magdalene; whether it he to,grog-shop or cry " Forward!" to the t(tln." Why, you lire not looking in the est course• is to note carefully the are promised. Ilt is said that a pinch out her own life on his silent heart, flues s r garland r as laughing ih�iSi1A I Lord's hosta as they go uu.t for their right direction at all. facts which are presented by the gos- of the powder will instantly extinguish but As the boy b Hrst to Qlaty his ton- May spring or to cob out the tang- Last victory. My mind this morning' , Look up, where Ilagar looked. She 1„els+ and not to venture farther than a large volume of flame ari�sitifrom sue in agony of ga his and struggle in 9 g 'leaps 30 years ahead,, and I see a mer- I never ,oidrl have found the fountain those facts. Those possessed with dev- g led ]Deka of a waif• Of the street find' chant. prince of New York. One stroke Y ditstortlorJ and tre4ra hie mother to slay at; 1191, butg\v'hen she heard the voice of its are carefully distitlguiahe.d in the burning naphtha. kerosene lir other cut up one of your old dresses to fit her pen brings a shit out of Canton. , g site looked up and saw the New Testament from lunatics; anti the him ah cannot endure the spectagle. out for the sanctuary -410 do it, and do it of his g I I the an Pd highly Inflammable liquid, which may She huts him under a ehruh and goes right away. Whether it b8a('rQWn or Another stroke of bie'pen brings aship I fin,ser 1-ointing• to the supply, And, O devils Which pot;aessed men are dis- bei•neither afloating or diffusedstat.e, off a how shot, and begins to weep un- yoke, do not fidget. Everlasting hon- into Madras. kle is mighty in all the ; soul, if to -day wi.th u.nP earnest, in- 'tirigulghecl from that, devil who tempted It is stated that the manufacturers of til all the desert seems sobbing, and ors upon those who do their work. and money markets of the world. Who is tense Pravar, you would only took up our lord. So prevalent was thin ,if - the powder have taken it out of the her cry strikes clear through the hes du their whole work, and are content- het He slits on Sobhaths beside you I to Chri:ft, lip veouftl p,Aill you down to fli+•tion that ac ass of profetisional men yens, and an angel of God comes out eel in the sphere in \+hie h laud haB in church. My mind leaps 80 yearn the suppuy in the wilderness. " Look had arlse.n Whu undertook to expel incipient fire -extinguishing class. This of a r lotul and looks clown upon the forward from thus time and I find nay. onto me, all, ye endt; a£ the earth, and devils by medical recipes and charms. step would appear to have am ]e usti- appalling grief and cries, "Hagar, Put. them, white them is wandering andbe -e s•o,ved ; for f am God, and there is 23. He Answered her not a wore!, T j exile find desolation and w i lderness for self in A tell+'f sees, iation. A great• mul- I 3 nes ailette thee?" She looks up and titudeof Christian women have mat to- Ilonf, else!" Look! Look, as Ilagar look- And this silence wits a refusal, Pres- ' ficatlon, for an off[rtal record of the discontented Hagar unrl IahulaPl. i sees the angel pointing to a well of gether for a generous purpose. There is ed , ently made plainer by words. As to New York City Fire Commissioners sets water, where she fills the bottle for Again, I find In this oriental scene. onewoman in that crowd whoseems to i es, Ihere is a well for every desert why Jesus refused we may only revor- forth that 70 cubic, inches of the owd- the lad. Thank God I Thank God i a lesson of sympathy with woman hove thea confiflence of all the others,and of 1•ereavement. Looking over any ;ently conjecture.. tura. While w• ; the omtan P er killed over 2,000,000 cubic inches of I learn from this oriental scene, In when she goes forth trudging in the they all look up to her for her counsel andlenvo i notice signs of mourning ! had strong belief in,aur Lord's iniracu- the first !place, what a sad thing it is desert. Whitt a great change it was and for her r and one, have you found ronsolat- tons power, as is plainly Rho\en by her flame in seventeen seconds, and that for this Ha art Chore was the teat, afdernoon you well findherthe Sob ;ion 8 Oh, man bereft, oh, woman I'er- appeal, she pnabably had not that su- w]ven people dp not know their place K without it particle of damage, outside and get too proud for their business, and all the surroundings of Abraham's list('school, while the leacher tells bpr I eft, hhve you found rnnsofation1, prAn.e faii.h that was needed to efaim of the fire Foss. The powder is per- Hagar was an assistant in that: house- house, beautiful and luxurious, no Hearse after hearse. We step from ' this supreme blessing; factly harmless to the person or fall- hold, but she wanted to r le there, doubt. Now alto is going out. info the of that Christ ng Qlo and the naked I fine rave hillock to another rave hit-' have refused to, give errn hat she risky and fol the hungry and be.ulPd the , tic, and can be swept up and used over Ishmael, ael, of and jeered anti her sone hat sands of the desert. lir What a sick, Aly mind leaps forward 30 years ; lack., We follow corpass, ourselves I off because il, was impossible for her to again o economy be sought. a hand- Ishmael, got the Bans tricks. 8h mange a wast ilei in Our e, t w" from now, and f find myself in an Af- soon' to he like them. 'rhe world is (int I receive. it.. I3Y her steadily -increasing fol thrown !n an opening beneath the dmshed out her coil bah ,these and often Bee t.h ie who of fortune turn. y moalrnin for its dead, Every heart i faith she bocame at len the, acicordin Y P g 1 Here is some one who lived in IhA ver clean jungle, and share is :t missionary g g g fire In i sta,latng flue or chimney will threw Sarah into a gretlt fret, and if bright. }torn of her father. She had ew- of the cross addressing tile natives, has liecome the sepulcher of some burl-; to Paul's logic, one Of ole "sheep of kill it. instantly, which is a munlfeat alis had stafid mw(h longer in that g _ and their duals countenances are ir- I eel ,joy, But sing ye to God; every I the house of Tareal;" and immediat.tely nAvantafre over the ordinary method household she would have ullset calm eryi�nle to administer the to her 'rballlpt rarli(ated with the glad tidings of. great , wilderness line a well In it. and,7 come, . received the blessing. Send her n\+a.yi of flgtlttng the fire from the top. It Abrahams equtilihrium, )7y friends, n s ? my n he ;Oy and salvation. Who is he t Itid you to that well (:o -day, and I begin to fur she crieth after us. To undersLand will keep Por an indefinite time in an one-half of the trouble in 'the world drawing room,. welcome at the floor. ,draw water for you from {,hat well. g1 this Appeal we must put; our in Y not hear his voice to -day in i'e open- ' PI p climate wlthont any IOriR of efficient to day come from the fa^t. that poo- Glia is ,ed forth into life by some fi I If You have lived in Ihis county, Its use does not necessitate an meet- rile do not know their place or, find- one who cannot appreciate her. A dissi_ 1feg song of your church ser ane 't Y e you , the place of an oriental, which 1 trey mind leapa forward 30 years frau have sometimes taken hold of the ro1.e is always difficult for a Can- tiny appliance, as it is in their lace, will not stay in it., Fated soul comes anti takes her out int I of the old well sweep, sell ou know ! ;talion or a European to do. "Send tin tuba popen aft one Pnd,tt22 lin hes �;Then -we come Into the world, there Is the desert. Cruelties blot out all the . the ,,andketsi Qf myself rn. Ing through face I hbw the bucket came up, driliping witb 'her nway" with us would mean "spud loin and 2 inches in diameter, wei h- always a place ready for ua, A place lighie of LhAt home circle. Harsh w•ordg P e bright:, cool water. And I hs bold of I tier awe unsat isfied and wit h a rp- ing about 8 pounds. It has been ad- for Abraham. A' place for Sarah. A wear Out her spirits. The high hope � ltisropenred \1,aam every' elbo�\vs one. ishiatnnee I,tih:e rope of God's mercy, sold I begin I proof," becatime in Anglo-Saxon coun- optod in many public buildings for the plane for Hagar. A place, for Ishmael, that shone out over the marriage altar -a I to draw on thht gospel well s\wtie While the ring was being set, and the, picture of despair. As i open the g p. I Imes it is not voulpilmeni.nri• to n extinction of incipient fires. A place for you, and apiaco. for me, , wicket, he'starts, and I hoar his chain an(' I see the buckets coming up. man to have beggars follow him; if Our first duty is to find our sphere; vo'w's given„ and the benediction pro- I plank. The jail keeper tells me that Thirsty soul I Here N one bucket' oP they have it elakii depi>,n him, it is his our second Is to keep it. We may mounted, have all faded with the orange . !le has been in there now titres times l life 1 Come and drink of it. "tV•hoso- i pitl(tl to relieve them. and if they have THE BREAKING OF OCEAN CABLES, be born do n sphere far off from the bloc earlomB, and there shA is to -day hrok- first for theft, then for arson, now for I aver will, let. him rome, and take of no claltit he should not h,lertlfe thea,. one for whtnh God finre.11 intends us, on hearted, thinking of post ,joie and i the ,cater of life freely." I pull away Bul in Lhe East the glory of a man The rtlaART(thes of Professor Millie on Sixtus V. was barn on the low round present. desolatiron and coming AAgI'llfh. l murder. He steps nt'on the trapdoor, A,gRin at the rope, a.nd another bucket i't Pnlutneed. by the n11Tnher of Ilene - the cause of a breaking h telegraph - that and Was a awing -herd. God called Hagar in the wtlflern(�ss l I comes up. It. is this promise • "Weep- firi•tries he has. unit the wealthy ere [c cables have revealed the Bart that him up to wave a scepter. Ferguson Isere is a beautiful home, You can- I air, bia soull swinghis s off eterngs ity. Ing may endure for a night, but oy evprywlie re followed by fltwkq 211111p- Ile are parts of the ocean -bed, pi"rtr- spent his early days in lookingafter' nod think of anything that: can Ile add -Who is hp, Y I cometh; in the morning," I lay hold of ! plh, ts. who fire nes-pi vent Iwai rx- ticulnrly on steep slopes along Ibhe sheep. God called him up to looafter' ed to i4. .For years there has not been I noon playing kite on thein hcit 1 oimmoes 1 the rope again, and i pull away with 'dept by the arandin(C of Iheir regltewls, i edges of ron4Lnents, where groat strars anti be a shepherd watching the the suggestion of ar trouble. Bright, Mother, you are ,now hoisting a throne, I all my strength, and the bucket. comes ;lhAt thin e:cpianition is correct aepnlA changes frequently occur. Tho import- flocks of light. on the hillsides of hes- and happy rhlldren fill the house with g 1 tip. I»Lghl. and beautiful And cool. 'evident from flip Lord's reply. ante of properly selecting the location ven. Hugnrt.h began by engraving laughfAr and song. IlaokR to read. iris- or forging a chain; you ars kindling dere is the promise: "Corne unto me, ' 21, ids AnA,w.red. Answored hie dis- rr lures to look at. Lounigen to rest. on. a star or digging a dungeon t pf a cnblre [s Shown hi• flip fact, cited pewter pots, God radtieri him to stand Cu of domestic 'o full and running good pian I all ye, who are weary And heavy Triples. I am navt sent but until ilip Inst A I"hrir,utia,II mother a o0 by Professor Mi.hne, fhat "the. rniiilar in the enchanted realm of a painter. p joy g Y I laden, and i will give you real." 'she, of till, hotimo of krael. Although Y Tho aboemaker's bench held Bloom- over. Dark night drops. Pillow hot. years ago anE teaching IP99Qr]R of re- I a and naval reserves \ware culled cru! In f li ion to her child, and he drank in 'r'hA old astrologers used torpent Lhe (',all so loved the world that he p(uvt` Australia In field for n. little while, but God raised Pulses flutter. Eyes close. Aral the tg . penpla 'with the idoa that they could !lis only begotten 4on, Ihltf tvhosoevpr oouis iQrderrupl8n8i of htwo en �l;ulPismu�toff pbiloso- [Qct. whose well known steps on t.hA, haste 'lessons. She never knew that ;toll from the position of the R him to sit, in the clinic of a P lie!teveth in him Rh,ruld lift%, rvrrlAsl- oommumAca.tion with the rest of Lhe pher And Christ tan sebolar. The snapldoorsill bnnight the whole household F,amphrer wound come for and es- \woof! occur in the future. and if a Inut At AVPnAtdA crying. Father's cion- tablish the Fultontatreet prayer inept- Ing life we idiot renieniher flint fhat world for nineteen days, And gave rise boiler of London could not: keep his in I" Will 'never Round on the doorsill Ing, and by one meeting revoluntion- cluster of stars stood In one relnl.ion, only le•gnttl,n Son ons nal in his own to the fear that war has broken out son in thni business, for God had fie R ize the devotions of the whole earth I why, t hat would he a prophecy of •,evil ; ! person f he npost ip of flip Uplll ilf's. Its I in Europe," tided that Hawley was to lie one of again. A long, deep, grief plowed I r!f a clusler of stars stood in anothetr the greatest astronomers of En throw h all that brightness of flompR- and thr'iii the eternities,with his Chris- wits (mphfltlrn.11y Ihp Rl,deonior of ba "' g g` Bart influence. Laraphier said it Wtt9 relation, that would he a Tnophecy oP ells{; and its F'nut rayiptttpoly attd hcau- land. lir; life, Paradise lost, Widonv'hood. p roof; y nr lies, loll lle " Harry, da you Jove your Litt is baby Hagar dm the wilderness I .his mother who brought him to Jesus I good. What superstition I But. here is g believing• Gen- , On the other h nd we may be born g a nAty astrology in wb.hh T.put all any tiles become children of Abrnhnm--a Wt brotherP' itifitdid the use? He -would- In a sphere a little higher than that Iif>w often is it ,e see tah� weak arm Christ. 81Atifl tigvarorthcls such ideaan that I faith. Ry looking up to then starl,of I adopted Into Imniel--not by formal pro. for which God intends us. We may of woman conscripted for this battle NNOAJacob, the morning star of the Redeem- Bel tism, but h, faith In 0hrial. Oa What lie hotel!:-" Don't you just be born in a castle finri la in a cost! with the rough world, Who is she lftlt• oh, when i ser a moths, reckless , b' y r Y J play Y E 14•rr-of her or, T can make this prophecy in regard 2;•,, �Vorahi,?ied him. Prom retied her - the country when the trees begin conservatory, and: feed high bred point- Ing down the ,street in t.be early light lest ucLion'alAn garlanded for on ria W those Who put their treat in God: self beforo him. She duitbl foss hoArd V.- leave and all nature t.akAs on the era, and angle for goldfish in artificial of the morning, paha with exhausting g + "All things work together for good a -ll that had bef+u said by the �d1Rci Ips fire with nnseemt mirth and odlesR- princes, work, not. half slept Out P ponds, and be familiar with ep t wl�th the slum- yt g' trr these avito love God.' Flo you love a tt b the Ravi<rur. fro sh.ness and full -fed flavor of the yet God may bettor have fitted us for hers of lust night, tragedies of suffer- ness' dancing on down to perdition, . him cin earth, Mr. Codman d" " We1j, T- scar titer's shop, or dentiats' forces in written all o"r her face, her lust.-! takiing her children in the same (Iii -pe- (lave ,you aeen the n,v+'tA.nthea8 Ft I, % Ti ns hit'cet. It is not filling. juicy or a weavers shuttle, or a blacksmith's! Ari 4s eyes. lookim far ahead, ns thoa h l tion, preparing thean for a life of friv- I ;[s n beautiful (lower, but it ivies veryo rho children's breAd. Tho 'children I•• -.why, yes, Miss Guahly, I think Ro.' g g colts, a death of shame, And an plPrniL a 3' were the Jews --•children of God. The And all animate things come forward forge. The great thing is to find I for the elomtng of some other t.rouble8 i' lift, fragrance untll after sunset. i"bread" was their ti,ititunt, food, of just the sphere for which God IntAnd- Her parAnts ra.IIAd her Mary or Rer- of dleawter• f cannot help but say, l so full of hey rind sprightly g, Mr.at- There they Then it. perm its richness p the a,ir, l w hirh mtrnrulouR ministrations would C'odmtwrl'f A frisking, skipping, bleat- ed us sect then to occupy that apbt+xelthe. or At►nies on the lois when they Y go, there Ihe,y qo,-ITA.ttAr And this grace of thA' os tel.' that. I and occupy it forever. Isere ie a man I held her up do the font and the C'hr(ti- a.nfl Ishmael I" I (All you them nre recommend to g I lie eateemed it' most valuable. TO past ling lamb, for (nstannp. Don't. you daf.e wilder desArta then Rpprshpba in man You now, while it may if to dogs. 'this Innp!uagp. harnh at..1 if on it?" " I do, Indeed, Mlsq (3uahl. Tf God fashioned 1.n Wako a platy, There tine minister sprinkled on the infnnl's Y he very hweot during the day of sounds to as, ♦vati Probably lnmilt- the laarib fs well done, and the yeas is a man God fashioned to make a con- fal-A the washings of a linhy hap- D the fad parent r)*%a o4 thio day. prosperity. it pours forth its r1rbeRt ' P stitution. The man who makes the tiRm. Ar name is changed new. 1 Dlss{F1°b'rl Narpatt.R, leading dissipated fir. "rolloqufal," in fibs woman. Tharp atrr fresh, and the mint sauce about ! lH arena after sundown. And it Will hA',vas no intentional Acorn in if p1.oW is Just nit honorable as the man hetir it i11 the shuffle Qf trip worn- rhll+imn. Avarir(ouR parents leading sundown with you and me after right, i know of nothing I dots 1 on who makes the constitution. There' out shoAs. 7 see [it. In the figure of the avaricious children. Prayless parents awhile. When yen come to qct out I though � as has d;een witsely said. "it mored Is a woman; who was made to fashion' faded calico. I find it. In the linea- aline prayerless children. They go . Pml&n t„c I an a,turf diyf.incfion,' to of tit#s world, will it lie a drreri mat -ell. •a.11 Ages prnfpsanrA of diseardnd relig- f ` , LL, 1 'N., h w tons have, In orientgl phraseology, beeo called "dogs;" so Luster& Christiana now call Mott umsduns; -so Moham- medane call Christians; so boot opIt Jews. But t*11,11­,A�1.,uu4d lltutiun gaiteraEl held in mind!!telt much bptwregl�i ,logs and milbe the cash if a Canadian called another a dog, as between dogseta I shekV.i For to rural parts of the Oriont sheep miQhli almost be classed as domestic antinals, while dogs roam housaless and owner- less, wild and unclaimed, typical out•• siders. This woman by wentiunllpg the children gives a new turn to the phraso "stooping to conquer." 27. Truth, Lord. She shows no re- sentment, and does not regard her dig- nity as hurt by being called a dog. "• faking her place cf.atentecily among this clogs, she still claitum Jesus as hoc Mastor and asks for the crumbs of big mercy. "-Pl unapt re. 28. Great ds thy faith. It was su great as W change the enti•ro oundi- i l -i s of the ease, and bring her in an'ong the children. Itead Motu. 4. 16. {However the words of Jesus sound to U,, froth Ole lvurnau'Lt is evi- ent that to her they sh4ved sympathy, Be it unto thee even as thou wilt. Mark gives us another precious sentenoa ut- tered by our Lord, "Go thy way; the dev- Ll isgone out of thy da-ught,e r." Her daughter was male whole from th{it very lour. Mark says, " Whenshe iva come to her house, she round the devil gone out, and her daughter laiui up. on Che bed," A beautiful lesson of God's univema. morcy is taught by this I incident. In all thin world of sorrow and si,n thelre; is trot: anyone so low, so I utterly cast out, from religious priv- ileges, so absolutely lost to goodness, but he may "eat of the children's crumbs;" and his. exeroiso of will and faith will positively be aveepted by God, and his fuillefeN blessing be given, even though unchristian Christians look on the returning penitent with scorn. 29. Jesus departed from thence, Walking straight through the streets of Sidon, Mark won I, up into R mountainous. Coun- try, probably southeast of the Sea of Gall(se. His journey, along the shore of the Mediterranean St+a, upp through the mountain pusses of Tiaras mon, and southward on the east side of the lake, involved threA or four (•on- secutive days' travel through heathen lands, 30 Great multitudes came unto htui. Thee Oustoms of the land made tit a aag for crowds to gather. Cast there down. With rapidity; there were ,1140 Wally that each had to take his turn quicki,r, 3t. Tley glorified the God of lsra(;1.. Thinking fox the moment to,;,, of the marvelous prophet titan of t.h,`. marvol- otm9 love, -of the God who had Aant hire, SULTANATE OF SOKOTO. Illeweriptfon of the t'ounti•J' )low the Pyao- sure of the t'onttnrnt. The ITausa States, ronslituting the Sultanate of Sokbto, just no's the cvnu- sure of l:urup(-an eyes, includ.. the ruovt fertile and populousregion in all Cen- tral Africa. Roughly speakins; they extend from latitude 8 degrees to 14 degretm N, anti from. 4 doRrees to 11 1. degrees E, embracing an area of about hall a million square miles. Sokoto is the ancient political capital of the country, and a town of so.uly pretrn- sloins, As African towns go. It i4 8111` rounded by a wall six u•nd it, half uliles .in circumference, penett'at.ed, by eight gates, and has a i opulalioll of tibou8 10,000 souls, exclusive{ of the nun.bers of i�tin+•rant traders who flunk Lu it's markets. Here lie the remains of the founder of the Empire, Othman den F'odiyo, or [)an Fodio, the h'ulah yfaalaru, reli- gious teacher, whose tomb, just out- side the priveillal mosque, is prese,rv- efl with great:, rare, as is also the room in which Ile flied. Tba F'ululis, now• the dominant race ill Sokoto, and the H;all- sas, whom they have sul,dued, bulk It,r- I liueve that f:ra.n l�odio I�ossessud 8111,P"-. I- I—— statural •powers, that .he ranks next` -,'=-u - "`•;:•:e._ _--. to Christ, and tbat his dower (C ldesy: ' ung or banning has dPacended on his successors.. But the IIaugas behave also in a prophecy, tile. wish prof",ably being father "to the belief, that only thirteen Sultans will reign in succes- sion to 1}on,I'odiu after which another rowerwill takethepbuieofthe Fokh. The present Sultan of Sokoto in the eloventh of his race, '1'lib: COMMERCIAL CAPITA►,. Al.uut :J50 milps, as the crow fitPs, frons Sokoto is. Kano, the couunervial capital, and IV far the muit import- ant in the Hausa Stones, The market. of Kano is, indeed life must (t•lel,r•ated in the whole of tropical Africa. Col, Monteil, who visited ill al,vui. six years ago, estintated Lhe average daily ;lt- tendance of butyers and sellers to Ire froaa 25,000 to 30,000. It is 1111e. rendpi- I vous of traders froom all parts of Af- ri.ea north of the equator and w eat of the Valley of the Nile. Isere The'1'uarek of the desert meets the natives of Adis- mawa, and the ,ouch, the Arab iner- c.hant in his picturesque garruents mingles with the l.hrung of traders frown the bainks, of the Nigger, or even tilt Atlaal.iv sealo;ird; oil the one Rids am -1 the shores of Lake Caftd on the odor. Bono is surrounded by walls in is, fair s,tato of repair, n•hich etre fifteen miles in circumference and entered by thirteen gates. Most of the, land, lying between Kuno and Sokoto is under rul,tivaliun And , touch of Life ground near Lift, town A divided into fields by means of low earthwork dykes o1• hedges of caeLus. Only areas of evonoinic vdluo are Mluw- pd to stand in the fjol-dx, of these there are matly, the' roost valuable tieing Ills sbea-butter tree, from whieb an ex- vellen't fruit is oblained, its well ns it large quantity of vegetable brit ter. t*tum trees arid tanlnrind trees grow in Inoiu.Stolt, and alvei the valuable kuka Ir•ee, i•iPldi.ng I•ol.h t•apital fruit anrf fibre, while its Zeales ere used for lnatk- in,w a nul.ritious soup. In !hP 11 -PPS rdtrve In the hainlrls Arent quantities of bees Are reared, which produce' ex- celJonl honey. NOT FOR (101,01NIZATION. 'these at,., some of the natural pro- duct•( od ilautiaiand, which, thnnkn to the action of the iloyal Niger Com- pany, hits I,epu brought within (lie sphere of British influence, Alit, however vaivable ns if field for exploitation, no part of the Ifausts °Male is fit. for British voloniza(ion. By colonization is meant the establish- ment of permanent home9 and the rear - Ing of families; in this sense of the woril Tiausaland will never be colon - (zed. But is t.hiR vast nNgJsm cannot be colonized by Rnglishmpn, it ran noon the less he R(itnimiatered and exploit- ed qx them, to the ptv.twill evivA,nttlge of the governors anrf! iU gov#rTlPd.''c.&,ti,, Storm at Sen. --Tl. ons terrible. 'rbe tempest heal, the sea, into is horrid fury; the waves were moufitain 'high incl theyy swept ower The !rail erAftl :Paseleaaly- " My fiosh creops," ho ,rigid. ''My complexion runs." shriek- ed title. For It, is the bat of nom(•n to oiffer mast.