HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-24, Page 8_.. 8 1 , THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. MARCH 24, l$' -- 98 - _-__---__ _ _ _ __ /1 MI. 1{, l ttz.ituuus visited Loudon f tt•ai]taur's Itnpr(tl3t]EUns. Mr. IHugh Davidson of Dakota, is in Tlie]tiUrlu]n. - - - - �-'--_-----_-_.-.___-_-_ -.- C✓ I 1 his week. ------ j�I spendiuq it while viAdlIg Model' the _`;. ),A ��, Ali,. H. Kitt returned fruul Wood- 1a tho 1•.aitt,r ut'1'au Yawtl Reco,w• parental roof after till Absence of about Lines afl'octionately inscribed to Liao 10% r' - stoel. Saturday. Sett.- %Vill you allow tile, through seventeen years. Ile looks hale and parents oP lreuet A. Clucaa, who died un 131. ' _ our valulalde )tt let Lu ' x )r t'atrick'tl Lay, ISJ8, Loudon, Uut. 9 „fes, , Air. I1. Hutson, llud(-rlch, was ill y ► T @ss my up- heat ty. T , 1, 'i t,, , t _ ChIltuu 'f�e day. Prec• 'ttiun of the Sabbath services IRENi.. ® I Quite a number of the Uhristiau Eu- Thou chi'd of Hope- thou child of love, jjjiii Youp Hailer o t,. _'r` - that 1 enjoyed ill the Itattenhur•y stre('t deavor people attended the social at %fill Voice atutiued to hary,ti abus e•; ,.,(�. .• AL s. 1+'inch left 1'ues(Lty to visit Melhotlia Church last, Sabbath. It relatives in Staforth. Pert Albert and report having had it blarths treaksurey wal.0 Ile, I,eule for thee, µ r ,�,'( :. y bits not been Illy privilege to A Starlit Hext•cn, thuu'lt.eveu be Irene, 1 hl r. I)aciri I•aringlou, of Al,,rrls, was listen h) noire sound and utas- gaud tiros. ;. �� ill town �1'edoesday, to ,ly discourses 1'ur nutny It «'hat miprht have been 1t had sect- Th) lovely voice -1 hour it )et dent happened last weep. Wlti}o n i'I)Y )'uluu 1 Acva•rcan fere.t.; year, Ill the nutrnlug the sub'ect Thn1L' eyes that ilius with llc+wtn,'s blur AL::. ('app and ta.nlily, of (auderleh, was "Eternal Life" and It was hatil", a onng gentleman was uutitiug a driver ,pd bit 119 cheeks of relicts hull lreue. �� € ! auc,i.,,tnlg in tolyl• l with It mitster hand. Fill ryas aP ttis attention wits so touch LAkell up _ f, p 11 ( �; thunglt told beauty of diction 1 I with the ladies that he. forgot about- 'Thou flower of earth thuu'rt nut too fair -' All"'. !{t,1'.) I tl,,.c reln,'uc'd frau] lbuutcrllc.tteu's •aee,to wour ' - ''� I " I have never heiud an the driver which took Ia shunt cat. Put h y , lur.n)tu Tut.•dny night. ything like it. 1n Thu e'rutvu tbu.tn�.as tt eve for that - . ! the evening ibe subject was on "The home. This caused quite an excite• With flo wens off otn'n-I'd ity ircue. =at,.. � " ,a•'a'"v -wv�f a alent in the village but its luck happen- - 11 r. vl,e, 1l tt hr:urk l'PaLall, of 1Cip- I 'Cr(-uauru faunal ill the ❑eld and ' The F, 1 I, EIMItiI. A, 5KIINIMIN(18. , .Pen, wars ill lotto l,wt tv0ck• and file two.t):Vi es were taken _ %' ed the runaway lilac stopped belufe (lodw•icl,, Una., ,lurch 3l•t, Taus, s., I �I ( iF/' ' :• I Mrs. 1'uill and con, of Cludericlt together. If anything this was even reaching hove. IIS, I I I N*, s p ' better than the morniu - - N' :�' JJ ., - ' }`i\, 1 cut ]t,u•t lit' lint week in tutvu. g ser(]ton, - though very ditforeut in style. - - - aiA9Siti.AH>I:!i. All.. Ueul,ge I''urtunr,. of Mitchell, lit the evening I teas seated nrltr('t' Ba]it1U]], 109 PARCELS spent part of last week ill iown, Buffett, W111T1: -Alc'i i,VHIbN-.U0Ilt,LriO St. the preacher and could see that he palsunag Chilton, Alarch 23rd, 1) U�„ i Barrister Al. U. Johnston, Goderich, used extensive cotes, perhap the ell- Ali-. Geo. Addison lilts hired for the Rev. B. Ulenleill, Mr. Juhll NN'hite to �r101 PO U �0 spent Holiday afternoon ill town. tire ul+rttllsevipt, Its is often (lune by sulluuer with Ali.. Robt. Scutt, Will. A1rs, Thebe Dicllvc•cu, all of Illy) 1. 55oo��//�� ®® p Mi.s. Jits, Croziel, of Seafutth, s rent uuuty of the best preachers of the day, Addi.oIl with Mr. A. Jamison, of Lon r®� a34'"a0LL S S,etnu•day With Mr's. Thus, Smith. 1 but his use of them was ell cleverly desboro. and Joe with Mr. Whit. -- -- =--•--- -_--_-i-_ I Q doue that unless Voll Watched very Crich, of Tuckersurith. THE above figures will give you some idea of Mrs. 1'10-4, ShlPley ;tad Airs. Saville, closely it Would not have been noticed. Mr. Taylor Pipe is going to work WYA.gOOT EGGS FOO SALE @ �qt Famous '�j c� {dam ¢e the quantity of our new lyall Paper itock just �1'•, Visited 1';Xctel• fliel)ds NVednesday, In Net they seemed t0 be to him It with his uncle Ileal' Ayr, atilt Jame -4 The $ aiJL ons 1(�t � •e S opened out and passed into stock, the ask you source of power, This sea..,oa I- have mated up a 1(ranrt el of the favor of your inspection of its quality, e1e- Dr. Gitlin has visited Goderich pro- is re-engaged with Air. lice lifown to 1 R'hilu K'vitild• ate, that cannot fitil to produce fessiontt}} Had the choir hues on a pill with the work at his trtdr stone illit,-n. AIr, tvinnurs ie toy records iu Show rooms count. for ......Ws...-...... • - ganee andexcelleuce. it expressos much beauty y a -topple of limes this tteek. P ( ) I . �. . ))nese• ler them is uu church. that 1 Brown lkttowa a gaud wall. anything. _ _..__- _ ___ __.____ _ _ _ __ had ,loosing novelty. Our pre pec tar and Alrs, lteid left Monda fur London know of that eonld surpass the services The pen is colt,pnscd of 5 hcuv ami I (•ucl:crel. ' facilitiesbli for carving you in this respect lighted not- where silo intou(is to reside for it time. of last Sabb ttli, Mr. ,and Mrs. H. Jusliug g,Lve a Far(- Sof tilt, hird:+ronrcd91 lioint=,quit tion flrst l,rize; I able in several waye,our show room is well lighted 1'h(- Ratt(-nbut'y St. congregation well party to their friends last Wed• at the Huron Poultry tihowat.(/o,levi"ll, 1 snored and on the ground floor. lye trim the aper you Air, Howard Dempsey, , of Al )ens, egation Aly polot, and lite other two aro c, nail a+ ' ! Y I thein y evening. We are sorry to lose s' 8Prh7.c,y Stock Now Oomplete, buy, of ooureo we trim it froo ofDost au we trim Atich., ,pant Part ul' lust week in tutvn, sre t.o be C•O11gr•atnlntod nn having Stich theta, ► ax1 but huvu uevcr bt•rn oxhihRud, 'lly stuck as (�/ it right, besides the largeness. of our stock, the h1 r, J. Gardener, all III Red eloquent preacher. , also won all the prizes in their el+t.,,s ,tl tit(: extent of varieties, the novelty in design and the Bu r. , (h,plity-postitlaster•, As u sl.ranger I want to tender m Mess►s. Gounell, Taylor, AICGiII, Huron central,nnt ,it im(li•rlrh hall !•'airs, _ closeness of rices. Y 'cid, Was in Clluton yesterday Y Cartwright, Moon and Carter delit•ert•d I ,vitt sella lhnitati nut„her of w•ttiurs (roil, ]” _ beg P y' thanks to their past-' fur the good I this stockat$1.5(itact,13. After June la,uggs C ��f � l0 aILViS� our ('L�Stol7lerl paw. roceived Irum his scrntuuH of last SRI) a lot of title hogs to C.antelon & Wallis, at sl.ou per 13 satisfaction and at fair hatch if You are Iutet•estttI Miss Matheson and Mins Cowan bath, of Uliutou, 1,1sL Friday. t;uaraottecit. l•:t;gs ,hipped Italy distance, No Illi. }Z� �c �l�.e eounJG�T that our Another of those happy events took tl10C'k fel' Kale, • Please Investigate. sr. Sunday tit the lllttet''s home in Yours, etc., +� p ole. CILRnI� CLINTON.Blyth. til• lace at the residence of Mr. 11. Fisher, . , 1�5t0(, of English and American Stl� ®®(900®®® A STRANGER. when his eldest daughter, Fit), was 1. The {�� All'- B. Sanderson, of LoudlesbO1'O' married to Mr. Albert, McGregor. g+� pip y L�U YI t D Fair ��rt was the guest of A'liss I•,', Young oil --- -- Both the contracting parties are Lvel! ��&3 � 911 � FSS �t991 SFr,!„ and Soft Hats 1S now full and COi71- Sund2t lliiiltlevale. known and have the best wishes of a }}-�� �T CLINTON. A. O. Pattison, of the Ur. T. 11., tick- Mr, Geo. Menzies of Molesworth, is host of friends. From my wfnnin 11'hlteLcghorns that score i fete• �v e are agents for ,-- (-ted IM. Bric.kenden to Victoria, B. C., the guest of ,Mr. Geo. McDonald. Dir. B. Tyerman has bought it team front AI) to Aly poin a. At $l,bo per 13. Agents PnI'kr,F•'s Dye 1Vorlaa, this week. Air, and Aliss Evans, of Gurrie, spent of horses to replace the ones he sold, 11.11. CARTHR Airs. Wes, Honey, of Howell, Mich., Sunday in town. Ile gut one or theta Peon) Mr. James Constance P.U. Cfhris^� �0 Dlr. McEwon is at Toronto attending F.11sly incl the Other from Air. Brand- "'� *^��• ' 9 London, Eng. is a guest at the residence of her lath- €, TRUNK % et,, Mr. W. Itubf,, the Chosen Friends high court. Mr. son, of LonWednesday • PEOPLE WHO ������Jy GRAND C 6� R Ind. BFtiley IH t(?aChltlg HC'l1UUL lt] 1]1D Last en %ve din !L their, w the 1)Oyn Wilkinsonn � tl _®. �` Dir. Yellotvlees has returned to town place. were seen wending their wAy to the I �VV.7556�!// V 9 WILL ISSUE after spending it few weeks at his Air. Bell, of Morris, is visiting Mi•, bush of .Mr. T. Hazelwood Put• the pur- Woodham -�,�. " R®vniD TFtIP'TICaC�-P� home in Bownntnville• A. McGee, ost? of Cutting some wood, with But) Poo]tle who rare travelling should consult the Warden Mch wen, Hensall, and Air. John Haney is working on the K Oung as leader. They started :End undersigned ill refereuee to all rates, routcs,R.c. 9 Between all. stations in Canada for County Clerk Lane, Goc]erich, visited fourth of Morris. never stopped until about . curds of The following,' low rates aro still in force. the House of Rel'- t yesterday. Bicycles are out lignin. wood were cut land split. At the se Per _ - - - -- - - r•..•... _ g Y y' table Tom Troop p Vancouver - $ 25 00 �--m-E�•�T�r�. Zhu farn)ers Io•OFtncl here have e0m- p 1►)ov<'tl and Billy . Mrs. J. Wisentan returned Tuesday lnenced ploughing. Tlughesseconded thatwe have it dance. San Francisco - 30 00 NEIL"11-1X ��lY;� evening frotu at v:,iit of soil](- length to Makin' maple sugar is the order of -Carried. All then ,vent home, but Toronto - 2 00 e show a wonderful range of Goods at 1$U8, at her mother And ;.aster ill St. Marys. the day in the surrounding country. soon returned with their best Clothes - - t� y Mr. John Sti]ith, who was ill town Mrs' John Burgess is visiting on the and girls, So the night, wits spent in Windsor - - - 7 50 50c., ! 5c, and $1.00, SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE 1st line. tiTiling the light fantastic until 4 ,att.ending the funeral of bis nephew, 11 Low Rates to all j10111tti 11, Dakota 4luntaua, Going April 7 to 11, innimilve; reiurning, leav- the late John Thowits Smith returned 1`tte. new lan)ps are Itn Improvement o'c ock nextillol•iting• For tickc•rsand au i,ifurmatiuu consult ing destination not later than April l'L. Stu• to the Preeb t Mr. Robert Ileck left on Thulsday dents and teachers (with certifleates), single to Whitl)y Monday,, y euan church. Boys The daln still stands, although many for North Dakota. Ile itIends +;top• W. JACKSON) nos='n Agont J school Caps 25 cents. The best to April 9 faro and out, -third. 19. Mttrclt ]A I'n ,!neer .Baker, (if the G. 1, It., thou ht it tvuuld be swept away dur- ping oft at Toronto for It few' days to ■ G. P. It. to April A, reuurniaptily l April 19. gseller We ever offered. Icor full particulars apply (loos up yCstrl,daly tuuutline the switch Ing the flood, visit his brother tool sister. Tutu the ro pelt on which Mr. Alis. Putland and son Albert spent a Mr. Thoutats Fair.-wrvice gate the '- - —_---__._._-___T-_ t �' .4'' eat. GL%mT� Doherty proposes li ilding' his factor few days ill Brussels last week. Pal -LY of the season hast Friday night CHEESE FACTORY MEETING. °e 't`fr,,l;;�tA�elu>t. G.'E'.11'', Y. Y E �ur A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger i11r. Franl:'uc Frank, ha: received word when his new house was crowded front ® "Boys'and Girls' Tains at 25c• are - Agent orf the Chicitgu, A'lilwaukev and ft his sou Frank, tt ho recently left.9111""t to char. Tota had promised A meet int; of the patrons of lite sumnlert,ill , ,AN for Iowa. He is now in Chico o so he this treat to the Yount; people for sone Cheoso Fat;tol•)• wilt he held ata ricleck p. ,it, the cheapest Goods on the market. CW &NAUMx0al'u911ts. St. Patti RaitwAy, w:1s in town Tiles- i� g ' tittle, and there was nothing small oil Thorsdar, 1Au•ch 31st, in the 11,111 alt ,1111,- day conferring with G. T. R. Agents has alt Deet• Ute lice all light. mcrh111 for tho purpose of letting the routes for about it when it did come. That he Pattisuu and Hudgeus. milk drawing for lite scit�on, Your Spring Suit -T. Jackson Sr, _ _ __ _ will he long spayed to enjoy his new " Who's Your Hatter -Jackson Bros. Mr. J. T. I+.uunerLon spent Monday house was the wish of all present. G. J. S'I'F.R'A1tT, `lee. ®� ®0 Sumulerhill, lurch 15th. Ladies Whitewear-Hodgens Bros. and Tuesday in (,,(Oil -pent with ]lis A young man of this vicinity went Wytlndott Eggs fur Sale --Fled. brother Will, who is gra,dnitlly, growing to the school the other day to chastise -- . - - . -_ _ .,�.,, Gilroy, weaker and little hope is Puteetain('d Cance inure death's swift messenger some of the scholars wlit) had disagreed Leghorn IPggsfor Sale -Wm. Carter, of saving his lift. Asa last resort' the has visited the home of Mr. L. aithwaite with a younger member of the ftunil To Let or For Sale. People Who Travel -W. Jackson. Drs. may try an operation, and called away another son, It is But to his surpriRO he fotntd -uL hiss but a short tune, since the home was ,liability to take his friend's part as he P'° 05,k R 4", 8 Easter Holidays -F. R. hlodgens. Mr. A. Shrenk arid familyleft Tues- bereft b fever of out,? of its members tugs rlathsr roughly Put into t u]ud atThebr ndt dinned c.ffe,s for hale or rent that r,l Gents' New Spring Hats-Ullroy & Clay p. In. for Stratford, Orather his Alvial and noN f.hlLtdread disease nam- 1 aldtnee o„ 8nglan 5t,, ''hero aro n 0 N ® to0 e Wisemall. ]tole and held there, until he momised bodrooms,diuninsreoin,cittincroc,n,l:itrht•n. Also farm in the vicinity which he purposes tiers Lionel among its vic•tinls. De- % to mind his own business ill future, Iroodstable. In oom,ection with (lie residence aro A Spring Medicine -Allen & Wilson. tilling this season. Mi Ton Shrunk ceased teas a fine young man,' well two acres of laud and a tar 553.1 Rolls -The W. D. Fair Co. i Y __-. _ _.__._ __._ For particulars apply h, ire uuu,ber of Fruit trees. 'a c � � � � . will silty iters and carry on t e imple- known to sul'ronndiu' communit and kv [11eI]L l)LIHit1E't+H. the -afflicted pat( -ills have the sincere lilieetlnf„ O1•tl]e tUra]afl Q'rrtin CAA'l'1•.f.+)�' ttltns„ Clinton, ll:Lvid Mole is memhe► of TIIE Ntswr3- sympathy of all the coinum city in SCC I(Alt 'Y (IMN'TMON, alt. rom.t, IA � AOoV�• AAA A&oi"t��fO 6*•'-Ae1A^ p na p1r nn ' their double bereavement. n , I17arolr iarb. PuP81y Personal eLU�UIi. Ri+;coltD staff for the past four years, 1Lo(I„t. of Western ®tr4t7trio. Staving secured a filtll£1t1011 in St. John Hill is progressing favorably ___ --_... __-_��o���.•m• -. - since the operation, as is also Ida Col- -- •- /� Thomas }eft for that place Monday. burr( The meeting of the Grand Cratnge Douse and Lot, Ior Sale. Dave has been it faithful I)Ov and will Lod' a of Western Ontario in Pahller- __ The Weekly Record of the Coming and t3olag r Pleased to see C. Lowery in our � of Cllafoalaas or Persons Knowofo Them. lit at good printer. We shall be ruidst once more, Ston this week, lilts been an event The ondersianed offers far sale that Two pleased to hear of his success. Y , which willl)ot be forgotten for w2tny Story ]trick lte.ideoc•o uc•euT,icd by the late 01M/OA/1 Alan are still suffering from colds, Mr. Yungblut, Auburn, was in town Mr. E. Floody was in town Thurs_ sore t hroats, etc. •a day. Our citizens had entered ,oust Mrs. William Rattenbury. There is fn connee. heartily into the occasion and have tlon one sort, of h"'d whivil will also be sold fn LADIES' W 0'1' ITEWEAN Monday. day on his way hack to Toronto after 1t is also our sad duty to chronicle ono piece with residence or in Iota to snit attending the Orange Grand Lodge til(' death of Thos. Farquhar, rigeci ' e done their ututo:+t to -take all the de- purchaser, Mr. John Ransford was in Loudon meeting in Palmerston. ' His Stay here years, IIe resided in Clinton for legates realize that Palmerston ata- Apply to . Thursday. was of necessity short owing to a rush several years having remained with preciates the Manor of their, visit. So 1v. W. FAitRAN. or to with flags flying, h wners of butltir] J. R:17"I'b)NBCIt]', ('Iinion, There'd no eC0110m ill I -mi kitl(r lfjlt'S' (iUttn•ri tlIldel'We&r Mr. J. Peterson Kincardine, was ill of business in his lino. Ile has been his son since New Years last. g Y g, l g, j' g Il ' mottos and ml)ois ever Feb.Mill. town Friday. doing ROntc remarkably clever detect Y everywhere, the at h()ffiC. T�111Jo1' slvinti liltielllllery ilrld Llle tUl'tllll r UUt Of iI11- ive work and is becoming a holy ter- -- ----__._____1-__n town lilts been decked In Orange and u Mr. Norman Bill, of Seaforth,, was ror to Illicit dealers and manufacturers purple daring this week.' meilse C1utLritities, ,las enol rievs down t0 tl level rievE1' dream- , town over Spnday. Ut R 111 It9 at1c1. t01)aCC(). Q,Ioderi[Clt. SPRING TERM GECIEiS RP€lli q til. Z) r P ► The Musical bs)ciety Brass Band, its ed of• a few yetli•s flbo. rile lowerilln Of prjces bas not lowered Mrs. J. W. Chidle sent Toesda ineinbers all dressed ill the ani#Orta:, of ��' .` 4 t1w f. ualiti('S. Y p Y Mr. F. It. Hodgens ticketed the fol- All the poplar trees that lined the / ter-- �� �)% Leith Heaforth friends. lutviug Deur the G.T.R. to hlanito�a grounds, inside the fence, itt Ute SLA• the Wth B+tttralion of W011mgton, nisi / })'�� , r�� this week :-Fred. Davis and ]'rne'sl, tion, hotel hive been converted into all the delegates al' Lite station on .the ll��jjh�-_/"/w "JJ, � i._:-! r �'�jf/. �'11C'] C is 110 tl'iltih Ui' Dr. Hinton Treasurer of Huron' Davis to Boissevain• The former has firewood and form two huge piles all arrival of the trans, and headed the U(1ds 1riC1 ends 111 011r llIldCYt1'C'itl' StOCIC was in Clinton Muudaay' been a Westerner for scone yeliI and ready lot the stave. All our' ciLizenls procession to the Various hot(:is where STRA'rFORD, ONT• t is It ",Loci: Of eleall, f'l'CS11 roods that 11.1 5 they wero staying, and to the halls u1BCOCYVf7,L ll thron^hout l'nnnda n^ use 1zndirg fu ll , 11 e you nlUlley, all Rey. Father Nest, GOdel1('11, Wats In is (Ittite taken With the country while. Should follow suit and some winter R ,',ttnnierrinl crl,onl :n -atonia, tutor now. 1S \x'(!11 1Y1)1'th RE'e1]1o, r , . Clinton Sunday and Monday. it Evill be his Mother's first g1llnpse of when wood is dear they cau have fire where the rne(-tutgR Lucre hid. file lvrito for special ctrrub,r,, s t U1llC I11 iltlCl i(C it, j'Olt heed tcCl under the mints land. The are sons of wood of their own, delegates commenced to arrive on 1t'. J. h1LL]UTT, Principal, 110 ohli at1O11 to ])fly. Air. J. P. Doherty spent Saturday S. y' Monday and continued to arrive until _ _ and Sunday in London and there- Air.. Davis, of Davis & Rowland. The latest song is "The Sewers Are WedneRday noon, When over 250 re- � , abouts. Palmerston Spectator: -Mr. A. M. Flooding the Towr)" and its far ahead ppresentatives from the subordinate 4 ,. �F LADIES' SKITS Fine Cotton, yak(- and acetic trim - Todd, formerly of Tnn- 01 tNToty NRLys_ Of `'Did yez set; Madigan?" Icxl,es of the district had arrived. � '� � � Good ( -alit • cotlon, iriritnled with In d with embroidery and inser- h1r. Wes. Newcombe, of Kingsville, ftircortn Burin y On Mond+t 14th inst., the Base Biall G t y to n, alcewOs With eulbrouler .... $1 is visiting his father, Rev. Mr. New- , g his stA here as dole- y' The meetin of the .1 P) 3 gate R the ring l Orange Lodge, as had Club gave Mr. Rlatigan It fine send-off. g }'.tl Black Per- ( tucking suet trilling . , 50c combs. An oyster supper ill his honor was ceptory took place on Monday evenlil r " •' ta.xtr:a fine coktrn), (ice of froo tuck - Oceans of fun. He some what r( -sem- y' p 1, c Gond caftan, :i rntt•s tactics, frill lit' Y' Mr, D. E. Munro, Auburn, Event bles lir. Gea. Tucker, brother Of our given in recherche style at the Cafe to the A. U. -U. W. hall, where the t (3 inch rulhroidery........... • • • .8iic it) , front, neck and sleeves tr•im- down to Toronto Friday and returned member, and many peopleamired h!n, 131L1lnoral, MI. Ratigittl left next (hay cal L. O. L. holds its ineetings. It a ) n)e(l with ftnO elnhroidevy atilt far Buffalo, was largely attended, and those )re- < a � Better quality cotton, six lett•' feaLhei stitch braid.............$1.90 Tuesdav• that they h+ul voted for "Jinn." He 1 ( " •., <� 1) tacks. frill of 1) inch (-u oidery. $1 thanked them and went his wa Our A11. DymOck, tenor soloist, gave An sent speak of having an excellent time. Very fine Cambric, front an(] yoke Mr. Alex. Armstrong, left Tuesday y' address at the S. U. E. Basket Social The Grand Lod e a f Sfaa;,l,j l N13®UGii t� EXES. c [rine V-");;,:,. ,,,0 1 mils t Ilck- of line enlhroidery a t I ln.iol moi nil] to visit at his Old horne in only fear is that having tasted so much g opened on Tues- ( ) Ing, vight inch trill lit' line caunh. tion, Uxbridge. Of political success as to be taken for on Thursday last on the Daughters day at two o'clock in the town hal ) (9 sleeves triutllied, with tine ern - g arid Maids of England Soviet which hits been nil decorated for the Tho new year has ncty pleasures. ru elnhr oidel,y .... . . ... ..... tt11.•t,i brulde'ry, a ver haudson]e the brother of the mernhel, A. M. will g y Air• g Y Mr. and Mrs. R. McLeod returned be trying to get there himself. Da mock III sail "The Light Bri- Occasion. Banners flags, a Ion sco them butter !f yon b 1ve Rano l Fin(- Lnnsdnlr. ('nnlhric• trimmed Y gar - Mr. g portraits, 0,rut..,.. eyes. Onr pnrposo is to make your 4 with tt•ide. frillin r and fino en,_ $L.50 Monday evening from to visit to friends ),t e, Pulling 1 and Against the paintings and other appropriate fur- eyes see better, to make you get better broidvvy f' Mr. Geo. ]Conics has temporarily i,c r'aln " and Fathor Dear Father nishings having been hung upon the �'' � I SoaPorth• p St , , , sery cc from them, to mill(( them DRAWER.3 ce ted n situratiO❑ las trail( -iter for the the Brokers Are 1l].' walls. The hall tv+aH neat and inviting. ( more certain in their sesta);, mar' rt,• �� NIfANT DRESSES Miss Edith Swallow, of Woodham, Zoellner Furniture Company, Mt. I+'or- Al. T. Finn, late of Australia, who After the formal opening, Grand Mas- ]!able e their tlthoi ing, dtro e a ( , Ladies' Drawers n)ade from fine is the guest of her uncle, Mr. Geo. est, but by-and-by when W. Doherty wrote to parties here that he was on ter Lockhart delivered his annual ad' ( 'oat Y ) Good c�ot(on, full size, trinttm'd t K boncfit. from eyes fitted with ear with h•illing and insertion.......,ll,ic I"hitc Califon, 7 rows tucks, .I} Swallow. has his ;big organ works in operation route for theKlondike, is naw at the dress, reviewing the progress of the ( glnast NothinK but the beat used. In('h eolhrauiery, very special Madame Wall's solos rendered at the Aar. Rorke will be back ,again as he OCetUl Hunse. Whether to remain here society, land touching upon many of O Bctt.er quality cotton, yoke of j value ..... .... . ..................50c St. Patrick's concert, Goderich, de- was and Will he foreman of one report sa ith not. the matters which would absorb the ( W. 410040 �k+HSi, alt 100). tuckingand insertion, (root. 1.1•ou- lighted the audience. of the departments. In the. Inearitiloe Alis. Grtant left on Tuesday •to visit, attention of the delegates. This was ) Booksellers, etc„ Clluttnl, )veal with ntRertinit and frilling, Extra tiuO Cotton, ten rows t his jaunting about will be it change her daughter, Mrs. Geo, Woodward, followed by the report of Secretary neck and sleeves tt•ith frillin tucks Airs. R. Fox returned to Winnipeg and to that, extent at ,utast beneficial. of (kiuningLolt. Lee, Treasurer 1,. F. Y g• • • .laic i nnrl wide antbroidery _ , , , , , , , , , , ,70e Clarke, M. P•, �g _- _ _ - Friday after a six weeks' visit to et, MrH. I{ol,ke is just note visiting in AT t. Denth has robbed Mr. wind Mr's. and Lhe auditors, all of which were -- - -- -- - slster, Mrs. R. Fitzsimons. Forest, which was their former home Ifen•y Clucas, 140 Horton St., of their quite satisfactur•y. Hearty addresses — - - - — Mr, H. Mason left Monday for Wood. and where they have it host of friends. bright little nine -year -Old daugAter, of welcome Were presented from the __� ____ stock where he hits secured a situation The West Iluron Chosen Friends trent,•, The tittle girl contracted dip- county and local lodges and the Corn- [� UNGi0N1 10 I ,.p �� SILKS in the Karn Organ Factory. are well represented 111 the nteeting t.heria. The fune[ILl was private. Initteea appointed. T9 p E ■ ■ � (� Miss Gilchrist, Hensall, tuns in town - of the Grand Council in Toror]to this The fttnllly, will have much sympathy On Tuesday evening a public meet - Friday looking for it residence as the week, Major )lecke M, ]', -ic Ding the in their nparticularlyrPs sad bereavement. ing was held in the town Stall, which Ef � SHIRT VALUE WO opened this week a full astsort- dele alis froo] the Gcndcrich Council, `London Free Press. wags packed. The chair was filled by -lent of shaules in our ftunous 300, f,Lmily intends moving up, g Mr. Edwards' rendering of "Corue Samuel CAswell chair'rnan of the Re- A While I'll Shirt at iioc: flue of Japan Silks. Dl. Blrtckltll going frrnn Clinton and g 1 Mr. Thos. Jackson, Jr., is "doing" Reeve Connolly from Porter's Hill. Back to ].ria' tit, the ever ling enter- eeption Committee, while the pl+atforrn ®E E� i. not nncunlrllon, almost every the Windsor and Walkerville, district Tho 1 Major hes rep, (-se I (I Goderich , i.ainruent on St. Patrick's clay, delight- wits crowded with prominent Orange e ed his luau friends and won him men and out leading citizens, Splen- ROW0 sells them. One like. tills GriI Pink, I'Ale Blue, Nile and the forepart�)f this week and is ex- every ,year stare the Council was or- Y peeled tome hursday. ganized, while this is the Doe's second Innch itpplause• did addresses were delivered 1) Grand ,9 Ono of the most import111t though at. that price is Very nu- Apple Green, ]]ntierenp, Mauve and Mr. Thos. Sharp who was visit' term. We are not sure its to how Master Lcekhart, J. Tucker, W. P. 1'., I crnnulon, tye'te n(!vOr seen stn Blank, all )ora silk >n inches wide at g about, the Reeve, but if this is his - - N. Mayor l+lasery, of London John 111'a11Cht 9 Uf 011l' busluesy, Y 1 , his aunt, Sirs. Arthur Gantelon, and thing like it, for value bvfoee. 30 cents it yard. other friends in Goderich township, first tripp it wont by ,any ►nears he his Duneaun on. Hewit, C. H. Lloyd, Grand Muster of in fact thel•C is 110 featill'e oIf, left, for his home in Michigan Sitar• 1aR(. They, forul ,t jolly trio all(] ,t --__ Michigan, Rev. %V. Witlsh, H, F. ) DMA's I?nlannderec] Shirts, mat}(- from our hit+in(. s that w(t 11 ish ti r ,r,, heavy ono, too, Doe. Rlncknll alone Th(?IClOwaa Medicine Company gave Clarke, M. Y. W. J. Parkhill, L. it. 1st 1 strong ret ton, euro linen front j'�o day. tipping tho Rc,deH tit 240 pounds, less entertainments in the Agricultural Clarke• J. McMillian, D. M. Jermyn, 1111press IlpO11 y011 MCPs than ',nal hands, ronllrluons facing, rein- Et� Fordwich Record :-Pnblie School forty-eight ounces. 1{1111 for eight nights 111 all. Consider- and Marshall 'fhotnpson. 11119. forced front, lit) (I d-llhiv Intek, sea11,4 Inspector Robb, of Clinton, wits in ing ;he weather the entertainments On Wednesdwy morning the dole- donitlestitched, will went, as well Its ULet•:)00 y,u'ds of Torchnit Laces town Tuesday and visite(1 thO school. Air, and Mrs. (,. L. Hart, St. Loni8, Were goad. The programme was fair gates attended divine service in SL any duller hiundored shirt, sizes 1.1 to This is his first visit in this district Mo,, Idle til(' guests of Miss hart, the aln(1 the sale of medicine good. On Paul's church, Owing to serione l:avillo, had twellty• �'Cfll'R 17, :,') rents e;t'lt, and Insertions, front n i to 1.} this year. orlTter'4 sister. Mr. Hatirt is It native ,ylt(,nrd+ty night of lust week Miss illness, the Graod Chaplain was unable in0hes wide, 90011 patterns, your Air. and Mrs. Alex. Allen left of Clintonil,loand spent his youth here. Hill'it1I Afills received +t set of dishes to be present, and Bro. Rev. R, Gardner C\pC'I'1C11CC 111 ills choice at:) eents 1 yard. He is Iloty one of the most exp -rt for bei,, rectOr Of fat. Paul's ChurvIl t (loderich Tuesday for Alberta stenogriLPhers in the 1?. H. And )rvate g 111(- best -looking lady present the sermon. . preached LADIES' ��� E■ where the will o into mixed 1 and oto• popular tailor of the witch �qy( Y g s( -creta-• of General ManiLger Il,arn- holard in Fantloi q p i r� j'(1 Ct i;- ' farming in the district north of say of the �i`athash I{Itilwtay. He held pation of housekeeping. D. M. Jermyn, of Wiarton, was Repairing o Watches ,rally of our new lilonses are in. N6 JY SEILINGS Cal at, . Mr. Allen, who is a brother The prizes that were to he given elected Grand Master. the Ratne position with Mr, Has when This is one we are going to sell Ct,,e,t0d Dill this w0ek sumo ver of J. Allen, Uiinton, has been in t•he present managing bend of the G, r win 1et )list nigIhll attendance of awarded N. Clarke Wallace arrived on the fi We feel (111fLlifid to do lots of foil, hood, Near. Y business in Goderich far some tune g g p. m. tSain esterda and ryas t , T. R. c0ntrollerl the destinies of the looking people, yesterday present sol .,y Chenille Hpot Veilings in and his health rather failing him will WAbash. Mr. Hart lilts now been heir conspicuous by their absence, (,lrrtud I.oclve sin (-tin session, The next 011t' work well trywhat a change of clirnate and oc- g p y y T,,ulieg , w-ilr lc shirt Waists, , dark (roam, mLvy, brown ,and Slack, _ g eight year with that, Company and has The corn {� g will be held at and light. gronmis, fact, colors, newest , enpation can do for him, a wide acquaintance among rail b pony has moved On to Luck- Barrie. The delegates returned to , sleev<•, drtnc Kahle collar, Dan he worn .tllst t.ht thing for March weath- t"'�......_ Mr. W. .Jackson ticketed the fol- men till over the continent. He hats now• their homes this nlarning. Hpectiator. C Ilfii�(>r1;�, Wilt l)e fOnnd et,. Mr. ,lad Mrs. Whentmt havO ret:arn- Nith tvhiLe collie aux, cuffs. idle Ouch. I lowing to the West over the C. P. R. three brothers also In the samp latsi. e:l to their home in Sand .Beach after inOdCrfitc, find Wlhsfac- this week :-Mrs, R. Pollock and fami• nese arid each of thein well on in the an extended visit to his father'-in-]nw, , , - Ni ow gt'f)o(1s fli-v c.().nstillitly passilig i1)to stock( and ill 111 depart. 11 ly of six, and S. Pollock and family of line of promotion. Mr. Thos, Smylie, of this place. ' �t1B'!'i9�}. tion fully tlat'fLntGE,l1, f seven, of the township of Stanley, to Y g g ---- m(nts yon 1yj11 lin IT -to -date aysortMent et' bright, new, sets. La Riviere, Man; Jae. arkley, father - ing school nt Nile during H >nete FINCH. (ainton,+on March 22ndt AO11al)le I)r t'rUo(l9, of Mrs. The (,• 1 • R. Sae made a bi cut g p' g the wife Of Mr. M. finch of a son, —x— y S. Piller, . to Vancouver, B. from Winnipegeast, g absence, ' U., R. B. Millen, of Londesboro to Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Stothers and 9f NC A1R.-in Goderich township, Vaneouver; It. I3esk, LOndeRboro, to About. RM peoplo lefL'roronto Tues• fnrnfly, of Goderich, paid their friends L on March 219t, the wife of W. Sill- AA �, 0 D �e� Pilot Mound, , to Kit Butler, Mail clay night bound For the OnnaManitoba iit.n A Hyying visit last week. emir, T twins, In T>ny and girl. A. J ■ ®Sol Direct rich townshipp,, to Killarney Ma►L., Festa t�e mlajoritqq for Manitoba and M1R4Mary Pentllnd AAs weturned DUHERTY,-In Clinton, rnt �1+Lich , E I"N'S' B R jtilpOtt'tel'$ Qeo. Wetlof, Kippen, to Woolsley, Nthe North-West, the remainder fol• the horne after spending n coupleof months Wild, the wife of Mr. W, G. Doherty, Elucr.t.Rsor to ,.,. W. T 11i1'ondike, visiting friends in Toronto. of a son. J. BI DDLTC0111 L,'.]"'rJ. CLINTON. . �,,I . . , . - , I . I L 1, .1 . I . . . I I I � � I . . : ,u.al- aa•1...su.,a_.-....ell.".. .,. .•..•-,— •.:.•c .- .... ._..,.. ...,..,.•.n,.x.mv,.�..r•..--w, „n•w.rs<x•.... ...i.,..�... -. " Bim-'.• '.�II "Yn"L 1 ______ ..--....- l yllq