HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-24, Page 7_.. _. �,,,,... - . , . -... .. , - - ._ .. .
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. � . J. , i n
A tenant cannot be expected to do, After KLONDIKE'S OUTPUT IN 1898. The germs Of COnBUIn
��0-t': HURON NEWS -RECORD w � THE FA►LIR:tV�.. all, whether it iO better to farm on g �-
shares must depend an the circum y,,,,,, Will /lave to UU41to If They Make tion are everywhere.
cry i�,,,, t,P,l oxldp 1 rin4 Ag House YA b r6 8t., FEEDING FOR EGGS. stances surroundlti each articular It
to caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges• case.ousness
There Is no way blit t0
"i; 3„�,,,xx•*p� Qom,*'. tion and permits food to ferment and putrify In Corn is a prime beating and fatten- --- The gold output of the Klondike
o the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headach°. Log food, and in cold %weather should GOOS(JBER.RIE8 AND CURRANTS. country for 1898, at the clean-up in fight them.
AnVFlt'1lo��i,.0 RAnits. ' be fed warm, nut hot enough to burn Both of these are much neglected, Jule, will be between $10,000,000 and
g g If there is a history of �,
1 Yr. 0 Me. s Mo. 1 Dios the crops of the fowls, but warm en- yet few small fruits are easier to grow $11.,000.000 according Por to the Oregestion,
o Weak lungs in the family,
l Cfllrrmtt• • • • • • • •ati0 00 $35 00 $2000 07 O0 A. D. iVcsall, of Portland, Ore on, who g J r
•••••,.. 36 00 20 00 12 00 soough to Fie comfortable. 'there le lit- and none more easily handfed. Tile go hoe just arrived Prom Dawson, He is this fi ht must be COnStantl1;�&OJUUMII11,11:••••••2q000 12 00 7 00 2 6 Hood b tie advantage in feeding frosty corn. markets never seem to be glutted with gg111um.. •.,,., 1b 00 9 ro 6 00 1 03 gooseberries and currants, but if an old-timer in the Yukon country,
Inch........ •. 0 U0 3 50 2 0 1 2 If 00tlre Itervouagess, mud, p It requires u good deal of extra fowl good and vigorous.
47'$ ccia! ositionfronr•tri ro 6t, percentextra. U not relieved, blllous fever heat to warm it, and it can be done such should be the case the can be having mined along the tribuLaries of g.
For transient advertisements 10 cents or blood polsoning. Hood's I more cheaply by the farmer than the shipped tang distances, or held several the Yukon, in British territory, since You must strike the dis-
�er line for the first insertion; 3 cents 'Pills stimulate the stomach, r
ler fine each sutlse asst insertion- rouse the livor, euro headache, dizziness, oou fowl• days 1•n a moderately cool place. Their 18S' ^.aSe, or It will Strike you.
q 1 often, etc. 25 cents. sold b all druggists. Far t4 morning [sod for la in fowls eeaeo+u Por marketing is quite extend- But this estimate may be far too Y
nonpareil measure. Professional cards, , heouly Pills to take with Hoo ''s SarsaparlU g laying At the ver • first sign Of
d ed high, for everything is overrated in y g
not exceeding one inch, $5.00 per a mash is an excellent thing. A good x, ,
anitum. Advertisements without spec- 1 - one is made of corn crushed, cobs and The chief enemies are mildew of both the Rood dike country. Lrntil recently, I falling health take Scott's
Ific directions will he published till 99ppjj n( }�1�
forbid and charged for accordingly. The e Millop Mutual lr a all, oat meal and bran and all wet up ,gooseberry and currant, and leaf spot g Product of ]637 was figured !Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil
Transient notices -"Lost," "Found," with milk, just enough to be crumbly .of the currant, both of which can be at $10,000,000. By degrees this exorbit-
"For sale,,, etc. -60 cents for first Fn- • j g combatted by selecting an open lata- ant estimate suffered reduction. First With H O hos bites.
Insurance Compaliy. but not sloppy. Wheat is a fine food YP P }�
r ton, 25 cents for each subsequent Liam with free circulation of air and it was cut in two. Now comes an of- It gives the hod ower CO
r rtwn fur laying hens and in feat all grains I thinning by judicious runing. Applic-
P ficial statement from Ottawa which g y p
14B NEWS -RECORD will be sent come in for a share of feeding, the Idea i at ions of bordeaux mixture and potas- laces the out
4 an address, free of postage, for Farm and Isolated Town Pro Property sium aur hide do much to kee these P ]put of 1897 at 82,500,000, 1 resist the germs of consump-
{ g being to have a change, 'Hens are al- P P
year, payable in advance- Only Insured. diseases in check. Downing and Estimates of this year's yields of gold ' t -
Y most as fund at a change in diet as
may be charged if not so paid. Houghton are the beat gooseberries and run up to $25,000,000. This is the fig -
T. date to which every not soi iaid. human beings are, and the hens cer- should be planted togetherfor cross � yoc,and $i.00,all druggists.
1 OFFIOERti: ute given out by the combination bav- SCOTT & BOWNE, Chcmiats,Toronto.
I paid is denoted by t]ie uumher on tainly do enough better to make it pay. fertilization. Victoria, d Dutch, in mines to sell. Since last fall over
the address label. No paper discontin- G°arge Watt, Prosldont,Harice P,O.: Jae. \White Gra e, Fa s and Chert cur- g
I 1 Broadtoot vice• Pres., Seaforth Y.O.: W J. It costa no more to feed a variety than P Y' Y
tied until all arrears are paid, except Rhnnnon, �ec'y TroaR. Seafor h, P.O. ; 14llohnol it does to kee on one thin all the rants are the best varieties of currants, 300 men have arrived from Dawson
at the option of the proprietor. MI an to, Inspector of fossas, Seaforth. P.O. P g but the two latter are more susceptible with "claims" to sell. It is eatim-
+ W. J'. AirreHELL, llIREOTORS; time. Some one says that it a hen lays to the attack oY mikienv and leaf Spot, ated that they have over 2,000 claims I 50C. 60C,
t Editor and Proprietor. James Broadtoot, Seaforth ; Michael Mur- two eggs a week the first egg pays her than the others named. Thorough cul -
die, Seaforth; G;eorac Dale, Seaforth ; Geolgo tivation and plenty of manure to keep to poi on the market. Solna of these I Cold
Watt, Harlooit : Thomas E. Hays, Seaforth ; hoard, and the second one is profit; all plants in a vigoirously growing con- claims are mythical. All the survey-
! Alex. Gardbler, Leadbury : 'themes Garbutt, this seems u little elastic if made to fit <lflirwr are teat preventives of disease.
THE MOLSON S BANK Clinton; JohnMeLoan, 1Cippen. g P ors ori earth could not locate them.
AGENTS: eggs at twenty-five cents a dozen and It is generally the %weak, sod -bound Others are as valuable for placer min- "�`1 -[j 1 �-
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855. Thomas Neilans. Hadoik: Robert McMillan, eggs at five cents, for the sometimes plii,nts and trees which attract diseases ,__ll....�a ■ ■ t
Sdaforth and James Cummings, Egmondville, gg Y and insects. ing as is Central Pork, New York.
_....- bring no more than that here. All these men agree that the Klon- These watches are solid 13-caraLgold,
CAPITAL - �iz,000,000 Parties desirous to efrect insurance or tran- All poultry raisers agree on the point dike claims will Tell $'p5 ODU 000 in old I and our u+ual li,t price for thein here
g I I l.` 1 •> h b Ltoi t•
REST - $11500,000
Read Oii3ee, - MONTREAL.
F. WOLPERSTA,r 'iI ONIASSGen. V Tanager.
Notes discounted, Cnlloctione made, Drafts
issued, Sterling and American Exchange
bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits.
Interest allowed on sums of $1 and „p.
' ----
Maney advanced to farmers on their own
notes with one or more endorsers. No molt -
gage required as eeeurity.
H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued.
Interest Allotted on Deposits.
John Ridout•
Conveyancer, C'OnuiiNsioner, Etc.
r ----
Fire Insurance. - - Real Estate.
Money to Lend.
Office -HURON
Dr. W. Gunn,
R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh,
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night
calls at front door of residence on Ratten-
bury Street, opp, Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Turnbull,
J. L. Turnbull, M.B., Toronto Univ. ;
M,D. ; C.AI., Victoria Univ. NI.C.P. & 5,
Dnt, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of
Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng, and
Edinburgh hospitals. Office -Dr. Dows•
. wy's stand, Rattenbury St. Night calls
tnswered at Office.
Dr. Shaw,
Office -Ontario Street, opposite English
;hutch„ formerly occupied by,Dr. Apple -
- _ ____ DENTISTRY.
Surgeon Dentist.
OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store,
ulinton, Out. Special attention to preset•
vation of natural teeth.
N. B -Will visit Blyth every Monday and
liayfleld every 'rhursday afternoon during
the summer.
Office flours, - 9 to 5.
At Zurich the second 'rhur:sdaly of tacit
J. E. P lackall,
v'i,*'1 rim4ARY SURGEON AND
Office oil Isaac Street next New Ern oficc•
Residence, Albert tit., Clinton.
B Thomlinson, 4
Veterinary Surgeon .
Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Wet-
errgtary College, Toronto.
Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals
on The most modern and scientific principles
Dav and Night calls promptly answered.
i Residence-Rattenbury Street, LVest,
(union, Ont.
____- ._. __ . -_ _.. ___ . _ . _ __ op
1. J. Scott, Barrister, &c.
�lonov to Loan,
E. Campion, Q C., --
is Marrisler, - Solicitor, Notary, ,t,•.,
V' FviCR - Over Davis' Deny; Store,
I _ honey to I,oan.
"" d' _ -
I11I. 0. Johnston,
Barrister, Solicitor, C'(,nutli%%ioner, Eic.,
4)Fric•R-_('or lfamil(on and St. Andrew's i
r--- . -_ - _ .
. Brydone,
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ,Fc.,
Ovnc•r, :
sect other business will be promptly attended
te t otherappl to any of the above ofHccre
that activity Is much to be desired. Aft-
this year. They also sa.s that the A)-
n .ng and is 1.513_5) sac , 11 n to-
' duce our enormous Uatalogue, wo will
addressed to their respeudve post oll[106.
er [be morning mash of oats and bran,
-_. "
asks Commercial Cou> pans and the
sand you this watch Ree if you take ad-
vantage of Ifyou
pet• proportions .to the fat-free milk. l
oats and corn., a feed of small rain
A NCyY Proeeba for frebervhtg IIUK mite
North Americ•aal Trading and 'Grans-
%u Ito to us witt'cr.
want one, v)1'1Le t0 us With Oltt delay.
With your letter Fend u160cents inter.
should be scattered in straw and the
rortation Cbmpany hold in their safes
ional Money Order, for which we
hens allowed to pick it out, by scratch-
Considering the wide and extended 'at Dawson over $7,000,000 of the yield
Yoitasolid silver brooch worm
81.nndonrotror. After yourecmve
• pp rya(\'hr��lj.�j Parlor
Un101Jl PQi lOI
and muting about. 7'hi.s gives them
some exercise. Ground bone is one of
use of condensed milk products, the of 1897. As a matter of fact, the tom-
net% method of manufacturing it by a
beautiful Watch, we shall expert you
show it to yourthis
N�� 1 III
osteal, sour or buttermilk. Keep the
DAnies at Dawson do not hold over $1,-
attention to this advertisement. The
at advert emeal. The
IN ith 700,000 horses. Che cost of keeping
the best things fur poultry, and assists
freezing instead of a heating process, ! 000,00.
watch is sent free by registered post on
For first-class Hair-Cuttingin
egg production very much. Bone
cutters are net very expensive, but alt
as carried out at Cattaraugus, N. Y•, is
A little figuring will show how much
your complying with our udvertdse-
nest and our offer, and lewarrantod
and Shaving.
do not feel they can afford to have
linPurtant find interesting. The first
Mork the Klondike miners will ]lava to
fortivoyeacs. Address-
Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton,
them. I have seen a woman take the
treatment consists in placing the milk
p g
do to run their yield up to $12,000,000.
Watehmakers'Alliance Bc Ernest
Cioode'sS.,Lo Lln.BnS
J. EIIERTON Proprietor.
+ 1,,��",
bones upon a stone and hreak them
with a hammer. The hens gathered
in, tr vacuum chamber to rid it of ant-
i , This winter 300 claims are being %work-
ford London, and.
around and picked up the flying scraps
mal gases and atmospheric. air dissoly- i ,
ed. To make the total reach $1LA00;
ore than s
Money retained if notmorethanBalis-
with great activity,
B y, proving that they
relished that part of the performance,
ed in the milk, which appears at the
000 the claims will haus to produce an
surface in hubbies, and thus escapes. these
Unsollcitcd Testimonial.
Blrength of the Arm tee of Different
!whether the chief actor did or not.
Clover is not as fully appreciated as a
average of $40,000 each. Now,
I This reduces the volume of the milk
300 claims are nod. of equal richness.
• about The leaves this
1511rincessSt.. Hirminuhnm, l•7n9.
'1 thank you very ivie freer theboae.
lfulwaiuh•yooeontmetreeef charge.
i one-tenth, milk c
,poultry food its it will he in time ,to � .one tsar not yield $5,000. Others may
hate tested 1t for uiuomontlrsandit
the ►a test addition to the military :•rime. The heads are preferable and -if ! chamber at the proper temperature for not fur the used burned to
neves varlesone halr-a-minmefrom one
week's end toanother."- E, Wnxs.
u•er t, fi h hot water the will be. devour- i the removal of the fatty contents by
census of the world presents some Y
- I
neer figures. At the Tesenl lime 'ed t%uh very great relish, and will fill I means of a cream separator which is I THAW THE GROUND
q i6 P "Me
..To give away a gold watch worth
$25, Is certainly a lendid advertise -
z place raft vacant b the loss of the :
Europe bits 3,500,00(1 men under arms. summer grass and other forage the sat to ran heavy Cream. During this And thus make it. ttorkahle. There are
most, but as the �Vatclnnakers' Alli•
The fol Iot%ing tire the figures of the dif- folds get when running out in the sum- 1 process any foreign matter, such; as only J00 really rich claims in the entire
i n E fflandhe largest y canrin f Watchmakers
in E ,r�rlaud,, they can afford it." -ED -
mer lime. There is n. ,great deal of nit- 'solid particles, which are always in evi-' district. 'these are on Bonanza, Eldor-
ferent armies on a peace footing:
rron X.
Men. r°gen and lime in clover that stimu- dance. are removed and the cream is I ado oral hunker creeks. All other ri.v-
Berureand address your let ter,
is t,e the laying
Denmark . . .. .. .. .. ... 10,000 ! ) g Propensities in a hen added subsequently to the finished ars, cl'eP,ka and gulches a the Klon-
tos greet degree. Alma t any kind of dike country will be tail -enders ,!;hen
20,0011 i
. vegetables if cooked twill. he eaten with I
product. the Spring clean up is made.
f:ny(land. .� � (3Ii0,n0o
Ilollanrl . .. .. .. , . .
Holland , relish. and green cabbage will be ta.lr-
Greece. . . . . . . . .... •25,000 ' ell I
From the separator the fat-free milk i Every foot of valuable round, or
Y g
Ja tan. G110,00'.)
South American repuhlic:s 600,0'10
Portugal. . 3(1.000
it The
is run over a bank of copper pipes, ground believed to he valuable, within
Grand Trunk Railway.
, main thing to keep hens laying I
Roumania. .• . 47,000 ' .. to have cod layers, to feed for a 'through
g Y eggs
seven! five miles of .Dawson, in any
which ice water circulates, re- 5-
direction, is stalled. It is staked to
f .nitA d fitates .. .. 200,00!)
Belgium. . 53,000 I I
. . . rather than for fat, to make a change, ducing the temnerature of the milk I last water, even to the tops of the
Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station ay
Sweden and Norway. . . . 57.000 to have something to take the place � from 90 degrees. After pawing over trees, as the old Kinn(ILkers express it.
Spain, Wee,) Iof
follows :
. . . . . . . , the green food the et in summer. ! these coaling cuils it is laced in refriroal -
S, itzerland.. 1°5.0(10 to hav!gelating IlTnless therhas Lay
Buffalo and Goderich District :-
warm quarters, warm enough chanters and const.nntly at G u ]son mcme.y to
Turkey. . . . . . . . . 180,000 'to roven•t'freezin the combs. 'there I stirred. In about nine hours the whole
Going West, \7ixed .........,.ro,tga.fir.
Great Britain. . . 200,000 ;should always be plenty of gravel. We I bulk of milk is converted Into a mass visiiaq.5maand wood tokenable to get
Italy. 2'10,000
i. „ Mixed. s....,..... o p m.
S p
toile someCimes thrown hard coat ashes o[ icy crystals and milli sufficiently a lay from a clai.m ot,ner, he must
Austria. . . . . , . . . .... , 30,000 ' in the henhouse in winter time and I thick to form into hummocks. ]'his is travel aeventy-five miles from Dat, son
.. Ex less....... • .. ro,2 m.
Goin East, Express
u a.m.
France. . .. .. . . . . 570,000
; have found them to make a substitute 1 again laced in a centrifugal, and the
g p g im order to prospect on ground which
g p .........
t. „ z,5
Gent any. . 580,000
Russia. ' •. �. 890.000
i for gravel: Banes and meat are good milk reduced in volume about one- ', has not been taken un. 13uying is an
.. •. Ili
,t 11 Mixed............ 3 5 P m.
4.35 p
. . . . .
- ,and there. that reminds me of a true ; half. An average sample o£ the ice,
ag ( expensive luxury, as claims are held
London, Ifuron and Bruce :-
The above armies employ 550,000 hors-
story, one that came under my own Iwhich
looks very all the way from $10,000 to $1,000,000.
es in times of peace.
observation. A certain man who was
MUCH LIKE SNOW, ' To get. a Jay the miner must have mon-
Going South, Express ......... 7.47 a.m,
In Asia there are about 500,000 men
w"king for another person, owned a
stunted calf. That calf was thea le
ey enough to hu ,toad at from $25
roves on analysis only shout ter. The to b H Y
The $'5 a coni and provisions at an rw-
1. 1. " ....•.••. 4.30 P,111.
Goin North " ......... io.r5 a.m.
under, arms, divided as follows: Per-
of his eye, the light of his life, the joy
ths+ of 1 per cent, of solid matter. I
now thick milk is returned+ to the stage of 75 cents a pound. The cheap-
. " • • • • • • • • • 6.55 P•m•
sic, `35,000; Jain, 10!1,000; India 2'00;-
., 1 `
000; China, 270,000, the
of his heart. but to f enc+ da the apple
y p
the light, the for
, e;,t course open to the miner is to
freezing closet, and in about seven
and remainder
in the
joy, was quenched, �
the died;
beta's more it is reduced to a dense prospect on his own account, That re-
Dis. Pass. Agent,
other Asiatic countries.
quadruped there was as ey oforonto.
but liven mass of crystals, which, after centrifu . quiet beensaid, a
North and South America etre set,
mourning, the carcass was ;
-five from Dawson,o
gal treatment. measures only one- YW.
E. DAVIS,DAG. P. & T. A„ Montreal.
down as Lhe least. protected, consider-
incl the extent. territory. They fool
to the hens, and to, they began to lay
I rllnd laid so much and so
Quarter of the original bulk. A third a hilly and mountainous country. Then
A. O. PATTISON, G.T.R, Agent at Clinton.
no on a tease footin of course cull,
many eggs
than these sold to come to more than
freezing of four and a half hours, and prospector must tape his chances.
k h t
The flows -Record
Io Not
As an
(Successors to J. W. Langford.)
Having bouRhb out the above busluesa, w
intrad to amlduct it on the cash pprinoiplq .fid
will supply our customers with the best maaLtil
at the lowest paying prices.
Ford & Murphy.
Live Hogs Wanted.
Highest Market Price Paid.
D. CAN'TELON. Clinton,
Removal of Night -Soil.
The.undersigned wit, ua4ertake there,qiov
of Night Soil and thprough cleaning of ol, :
on short notice and at reasonable latae. A
refuse removed out of town.
Horseshoer and General Blaeksmith
Albert Street, North, Clinton.
Woodworic ironed and flr;t•clas+ matt gal
and work guaranteed, Fllyp�t implements d
machines rebuilt and repaikid.
Study your own interest and go where
you can get
I manufacture none but the best of stook.
Beware of shape that sell cheap, as they
have got to live. Call and get Dricee.
Orders by mail promptly attended to
John Bell,
Harness Emporium, Blyth, Ont.
V1#*14& ' YEAR B'
I ►
q,gyone sending g eketoh acrd deooripttgq me
�in1CWY aegertain par oD1n10q y�Oe tvhetb,
ivention la pplebqIvy vp$$t�4table. Communica-
tierybstrfottrdonddentfa4 Hmdhpokop}'at to
sent free. Oldest menvy Pore u Fg pat fit
Patentb taken tmrouslb Mttir�n pt Co. I.., vs
special rtotice, without Charge, , t e
Scieah�ic Mmerica"o
A handstiroely il netra jd weekly. I.arpeet
oulation o! any bcdeg. f 9ournah Ternee, a
year; foi mogt e, L d by a ewb eat
MUNN & C0.3B1Braedway, Iles York
Branch Offloe, M5 F St.. Waehtngton, a
1 g' a a centrifugal extraction reduces the H. may MaA.0 .L Stet a anti a may no "
1fif1,U0J regular' soldiers, scattered as real market value of the calf could bulk of the milk to about 13 per cent, it is all speculation.
f 11 l% , 1I 40000 th [' 't d ever ha d Th d f 2 d
0 Oex co, , e. nt a
States, 30,000, and 90,000 in Brazil; the
ve one. a ow s nee a Just
this stimulus to start them .in the good
of its original volume.
The final step of the process is the
The matter of food supply adw•a, s is
a 1 gold re -
grave one in the Yukon
Argentine RPpuhl d Chill, Paraguay,
%way and they kept it up in a most am-
admixture of the heavy cream in pro-
gions. Never since the miners began
Peru, and Colombia.
azinh manner.
pet• proportions .to the fat-free milk. l
t,orking in the country has a year
In Africa and the archipelagoes of
While remembering to feed property
This final product, or condensed milk,
passed trheal the cry of famine was
Oceania there are about 150,000 regu-
do not forget to always keep a supply
is! a fair representation of milk minus
not raised. This winter the miners
of drink on hand; the fowls like water
the bulk of its water. Moreover, it
had the clasest call they have ever had.
The standing armies of all civilized
above freezing; and they like milk,
is free from foreign flavours, and has
The mem have not had the quality and
fiat ons amount to 4,010,000 soldiers,
osteal, sour or buttermilk. Keep the
an aroma which is true' to the milk
the quantity of food needed to sustain
IN ith 700,000 horses. Che cost of keeping
poultry house as clean as you can, the
I from which it is prepared. It mixes
life in the sub -Arctic regions, but. at
this military pUptllation amounts to
fowls free from ]lee and trust your
readily with water, forming milk from
the same time there haw not been the
about five. billion dollars a year.
hens to pay for their keeping. Wheat is
%vhirh cream -w111 separate as from un-
least danger of starvation. The great
So much far the armies in time of
the best single food„ if one can have l treated milk. To show the great con-
danger is not from starvation, but from
Peace. Now let us take a look at the
but one kind.
senlration of the milk, it may be stat-
scurvy, caused by the constant eat -
figures in tear paint. Isere they are:
that taking 100 gallons of milk as
ing of the same kind, of food. This time
a unit quantity• this would reduce to
next year there twill he danger of star-
'rurkey.. ,. .. .. ... ... 700,000
After feeding corn alone, dry wheat 1 13 gallons in the end. In other !cords, .
vafion unless some tray is found to
S r
p rn, . .. .. 210,000
Sert•ia 210,00D
'I are
tater in the milk
alone• wheat soaked alone, and equal ; the 87 gallons e, v
formed iril.o ire, leaving an unfrozen
o t aw•-
et a quantities of food o D
lar u l
g B q
sen, which is the distributing point.
Stterlen and Norway. 430,000
parts of dry corn and wheat, the Tn-
I balance of very thick milk, %which re-
Tho. Yukon is impracticable as a supply
Roumania.. .. .. . . 100,000
!liana experiment station finds that
( presents in milk sugar, casein and;in-
route, as it is not. open to free naviga-
Denipark. . . . ,. . . , . (30.000
pigs fed exclusively on shelled corn in
organic. salt's fully nine gallons of sol- '
tion long enough to enable boat's to
Belgium. . . .... . . . . . . 167,000
Austria, including all reserve
s old %v i ids. The fat equivalent added by the
et t her made a tiro of 1.10 pounds _
g P heavy cream removed in the first ape
make more than one round trip he -
t •s . A ' , ae , r can
,te.en Dawson and St itch 1 Iva
forces . 2,000,000
Per day; those fed on whole dry wheat ration is adjusted In the final treat-
the mountain passes he depended up -
Italy. . . . . . . . ..•. . 3,000,000
made a gain of 1.02, while those fed on men] to represent a dilution with wat-
on. The miners now in the Klondike
Russia.. .. .. .. . 5,000,000
soaked wheat., gained 1.05. Wben fed Or three parts and condensed milk one
country have barely sufficient food to
Fran any.
half earn and half wheat, whole, they ' tenthsaperacentionof three, and f milk rat. ,hich17is
riives. All st them it available the ar-
f:ny(land. .� � (3Ii0,n0o
made a gain
the normal proportion in the average
n t The ,telt differ-
encs, however, in these feeds is
agencies will not be able to land at
Ja tan. G110,00'.)
South American repuhlic:s 600,0'10
, apptrr- i
e'nt when it. is shown tht it, cost 11-2 milk. It is stated that oonden�ed milk
in this manner will keep in-
flatwson this summer sufficient sup
plies for the minews already in the
. ..
C'hina.. 850,003
cents to produce live pork %,lth whole prepared
P f definitely, an the micro-organisms pro-
shelled corn, brit with whole wheat it
country. The miners now hound for i
f .nitA d fitates .. .. 200,00!)
eti4 when it is shown that. it, cost 11-2 ;luting
fermentation are destroyed. I
the he, it to are not taking, there -
average, a year's supplies. it is
cents 'with whole wheat soaked. To
fore, easy to see that :r large nurohrr
a round of
P i gain with the mix-
lurk) of wheat and corn it ro is I t
of people ate likely Lo be short of food
Most Rubbers -are Uncomfortable
It is no wonder that rubbers which are not the same
shape as the boot should be uncomfortable. It costs
money to elliploy skilled pattern makers but the result
is a satisfactory fit.
Each year the Granby Rubber Co. add new pat-
terns to fit all tlzeo. ;test shoe Shapes therefore
,"rw ubbell Z3
They are honestly made of Pure Rubber.
Thin, Light, Elastic, Durab e.
Extra thick at ball and heel.
Granby Rubbers wear like Iron.
. s . a mos THE WORLD 3 COMMERCE. ahout a year from now.
In Holland bills are often. paid 3 rents. It was found that, the in- _." ...- T---- •.���r,�-.___-_- - _
fluenoe of food on Ih� orguni and fleshy �^ _ "' ' _ _- _ -_-__ _-__- __...-...__.
through the medium o[ the post office. parts of Lhe body did not seern iu he
brant Rrtrntn tnstty ttrrpR in rho - --^
It enables a inan living, say, in Rut- materially different with the different I,rnd,
terdarn. to get a areal) hill collected in IgraNs. Where corn was fed alone, the One of the leading statisticians of
any provincial town without, the often harles were somewhat softer than when Vrance, M. Jules Roche, has recently
expensive and lediam interference of IWheal tras fed alrerte, or where wheat
a hanker or agent. For that purpose 1 and corn were fed together, compiled some interesting figures hear -
he hands his bill to the nearest post -- ing upon the growth and expansion of
office. ft is sent, to the place %%here FARMING ON SHARES, the world's commerce during the past
the money is to be collected.. After e Tenant tarots, is on thincrease. fifty years. 'rhe object of tine sta-
the collection a draft is fon%arded to tistidan in devoting himself to this
(he payee by the office where he depos- IThere are several p)ans: Perhaps the
iled the hill and wbere he gets his rash most common is far the tr:nnnt to fur- task was to expose the contrast exist -
the bill duly receipt:ed on payment nish all stock, as well as all labor, ilia- ing between France +ind Uermany in
of a small commission, which is pay- the matter of their foreign trade rela-
ahle in advance. iding equally the. crops. Sometimes the
landlord furnishes the horses and feed tions'
fn the, following table the statisti-
anct receives two-thirds of the crop. 'i'be
BR.I1TA1,iTY• cost of fertilizers, when used, is divid- coin shows to what extent the tom
- ?
i hined exports of the ten leading pow -
Ili% Nuhl ons-Nfy hnshand is a per- ed according to the share of crop re- ; ors of the globe have grown in valua- 0
feet hrute, ceived. The tenant usually has house, ' r •� s r
Friend--Yo,i amaze me, tion since 1850: Three from two you cant
Mrs. Nuhl.ons-Since the baby I•Pgan garden and firewood free. lie must• I )850 • • . 81,018,000,000 ,gays the schoolboy. Hight I Three
teething nothing would quiet. the lit- Ide,iver the htndlord's share of the crop I ISM) . . . '2,419,5100,000 ,
3,583,fx1o,Doo from two you can't, either in dol-
tl angel, but pulling haw ynLpa's ►,ear,], ht the nearest elation, 11899 tars or dividends or sarsaparilla.
n.ncl yvstcrday lie went and hnd his Farming on shores has advantages 1880 • • . . . 5,000,000,0()() p
beard shaved off. ns 'Ilk -ell as disadvantages. The owner 1Rs0 • • • • • n•'-on,000,000 It takes the best sarsaparilla root
___ of the faun gets more money out. of 1896 . . • 0.4(21,000,('00 to make the best sarsap ll,a,,.ex-
j From the figures set forth in the tract. The best Sarsaparilla comes
.It than he could by farming it himself, p
supposing, of course, th,it, be, is unt ' ahovc� table it. appears that the coo -
i g Powers from Honduras, C. A., and the Dr.
tined exports of the leadin ,
. hleswe l t%il h boys to do tUie work with- Co.out hiring help. That ds to say, where I hfiv. I of lime u e value during'the Ayer Lpractically controls the
period of limp under consideration. At entire product. Yet others claim
wrow the cvR•ner has to harp extra lobar for p
Lha, heginning of this period Great. Bri- "best" all the %tork incidental to raising and tain headed the list: with $440,000,000 t0 be making best sarsaparilla.
EVZI h9 a rifle
Drops, he will save dmpmoney, exports; France came next with $232; They must be making it out of the
us a rule by getting some ,.Teel mea 000,DOOAxportV; the [miter Stator next remainder left after subtracting
to farm for bits for it :+hare of the crop. r
CURED IN with 8%ith0Q000 exports; and Germany three from two. But three from
the trarhle often is to get n good man, r
1 n,xt with $129,!100,000 exports. The , „ ,
Thep aro sell plentiful, There are more two you can't." You cant make the
of the other sort. Unless care is inken Britian far 1890 are as follows: (treat
file owner will bargain with one who is Britain, $i,aUnj(pil S; German,%, $9780,00 best my get
without best root.
5 (1(0ono; t.Lr+ , n11ec1 `Stites, eRa4,Don,noo; you only get the beat when you
no good." find who will make nothing, itrnnra $f40,000,000.
but trotrhle, for himself or the ottnor _
Piles, whether itOhing blind or alt her. Gel
bleeding, etre relieved b one The ,tem is
ire difn.tttnge of She keeping
RAiiY I•;(%fs\fA ANI) SCALD HI;A I1,
�"+ %� ant system is the difficulty of trepan,
Ckloplicattenof up the fer(iitty find appearance of ihP infants and young children are peANCP S
Or.Agnpwls Ointment farm %then rented. Thp owner , nn rind embarly suliject to tills terrible disor-
rer(ninl,y should. in the contract., re- der, ,and if not promptly arrested it
.38 1^E"T$a Rerte the right of naming the rotation IN ill eventually become. ehronic. ))r, sarsaparilla
And cured in 3 to G utrthte, of rropR, require I hn 1Pment f o haul I ('hnsar made it specla! sandy of f•;rzr m;
Pr. Al. uArkmon, ntrig ,�,
t, ton, N. Y., and spread the mauurc, find do call Ott I an.l diseuso. of the skin, and rte ran ron-
writest Rend one 12 dozart +core et Ag•g
at the a.'tlaearnrlrn, of itis [firm that n an I I fnrminlx in a hughandiikc mnnner. Andfi•lently recommend Dr ChAse's Oint.•
now's Ointment. I presorlbo targe anrfn• pet there nre many t hinyts that. rould Ment. to rurc all forms of Rrzrmn. The which is made wholly from the best
titieeof it. Itlbawonder-worlterinoldn,6,e dnnn to hop the fertility. na wolf first api'livation soothes the irrit
diseases and n Arent cure for piles.-lg, 1 give,; the f it.i le au fferor i'eRt.. root imported from 110nduras.
Don't Spend a Dollar
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
011A port to put up ehoaply to gratify the universal pre arrb demand for a tow pries
If you don't find this sort of
-2- ; T albules
Send Five Cents to TtrL RiPANS Clrttttic.All. COMPANY, No, to
Spruce tit., New Vork, and they will he Rriit to y.+n by nail; or
t2 cartons will he mailed for 49 centQ. 'rhe rhanc(,s are ten to
one that Ripans Tabules are the very medicine you need.