HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-24, Page 6A HOUSEHOLD. ORANGE DELICACIES. Orange Fritterit--Ma,'ke. a batter of B well beaten yolks of eggs, L tea spoon sugar, 11-2 cups flour, 1 lea• sC)ol7n baking powder, 1 cup milk an( 2 beaten whites. Pure and seed sev etra.l sweet oranges. Dip the secliunt Into the batter, frying in hot fat. Al ways drain before serving. Orange Patties. -Pare, seed and slice several oranges, sprinkle them with white sugar, a little cocoanut, it YOU, wish, sltaud In a cool pla-•e for sev- eral hours. M &,& little patty shells of pastry, Y) and jv�tbefore serving 6 tt ll the shells with the sliced oranges. Pour the orange juice on the top. Orange Toast, -Para, seed and pick apart tb,ree or four oranges, sprinkle with powdered sugar, beat for a few nlLnutes, carefully. Then pour over tllces of buttered toast and serve im- nedlately. Pudding No. 1. -IU oranges are par - ad, seeded, Pleked apart and placed 'in a bakl'ng dish. Add sugar and a top crust, bake in a quick oven. Pudding No. 2. Mix the juice of one orangat 1 cup sugar, thin yolks and whites of 2 eggs, well beaten, separ- ately, add I CUP chopped suet, 3-4 pint Rt -41114 bread, 14 tablespoons milk. Pour into Pudding cups, boil 1-r2 hour. Purddi,ng No. 3.-0ne cup mills, 1 c•u., sugar, this yolks of 3 eggs, the juice and pulp of 2 oranges, nutmeg. Bake epd add a meringue of the whites of ,.he eggs. Orange Float. -Boil together one pint water, 1-2 cue) sugar, the ,jui -P of one lemon, than as usual thi.,,ken wit h nro- Itably 2 tablespoons cornstarch. When cold it Ls i)oured over sliced oranges, Own a m,!ringue is added. Orange C'uxtard-Two eggs well heat- isn, then add the juice, of one large or- an,m a tablespoon grated rind, 1-2 Pint cream, p'& -,e in a double boiler, Ind stir constantly "until as thick as rich < sea m. i Serve , n c ust ardl c ll h9. L C a n e J �' ell - Firs g ,11011Y . -First pour 1 cup of cold water over C-2 box ge;atine, Halt(, b or 6 oranges and rembve frudt,leav_ Ing the skins intact, these drop into ice water, Stir thoroughly 1=2 i.)int Wliag water, 6 tableapoons sugar,tho Juice from 2 lemons, orange juice and pulp, nutmeg and gelatine, and straln Now the skins must tie wiped dry and lyou bave an artistic hand, scallop edges, fill •arefuily wit4 tili jolly ltnd place on IcDainty and de!icious, ',Putti Fruti 5611Y. -Dissolve 1-2 bol gelatine in I enp water. Stir togeth- er gelatine, juice of 2 wlemoll,§, 1 cu 0war, '2 cu!)s bailing• ater, atld strain ��1wen the jelly h. formed, arran�c In a di�li after thA manner, !ay'er of WIY, one of smi,ea pineapple, jelly, next sliced oranges, jelly, sliced I an a,nas, cocoanut, and finally w1gpp-.l cream. Small stale fancy cakes are delightful Jil)ped in orange juice and a custard poured over them. A pretty dish is made of alternate la yters of wined oranges and cocoanut. finishing simply with coc•oanwt on top. a meringue, whil,ped cream or halved Fagiish walluts. Icing for cake i, inane i)y stirring the grated rind and ju.f^e oP two orani*es into th.e while~ V two eggs and powdered suaar. A e�eusroon Orq,nge jelly dissolved into it Blas; of cold water is de.ligl;.tful. ('range Ice Cream. -Scald u pint of cream. Remove., stir into this 1 cu,) granulated sugar, juice of six rnedlu;n sized oranges, 2 talrlespoons graters {and, one pini of granulated sugar. coo 1, next add a 1'i,nt of tvi-ippPd crrala. Freeze. SOME GOOD RECIPES. Lemon pudding for 1 ive Peuple.- Beat the yolks of four eggs smooth •lwil:h two tablespoons of granulated sugar, Hien stir in the ,juice and grated Yellow, rind of a large lemon, add, two tables'p"oone of boiling water and cook in dol.ble boiler, stirring occasionally until like thick cream. If one is in a h,u.rry and this cream must be cook- ed in an ordinary sau,cepiin it requires trtirring constantly tlmtil done. Beat the whites of the eggs until stiff, then dealt into thele two tablespoons, of 9.rant114ted sugar; ,A hien this looks like as merintLe 1t is to be beaten into'the Yellow mixture while the latter is hot, which ccgks it suffiviently to keel)the whites ffam falling. 'The whole looks like a yelloav gruff ball, and after the first trial will he found very easy to make. If six eggs are nsedl and the _9roportions changed accordingly, this will (Fill a qcart dish. °erve with cake 4nd crackelg, as tbis pudding is rich. Lhough no delicate. A Cider 110m. -One of the most de- licious extras to 'have in the house is A (tam boiled in rider., . Wash and ecrw'b a tmedlum sized ham and soak for twenty-fou,r (lours in Plenty of cold tiater. 1Vipe &Y, put in a large agate zet tie and fill UP with cider, boil gent.- ty, allotvin'g fifteen minutes to the pu•und. A1101v it CO cool in the cider, then skin and vripe. the rat with it soft oloth,. Garnish with vegetables and meat jelly. Hom^-DLade Sauvage is snot her savory extra, and little trouble to snake if there is that. econornic•al macb- Ene. a meat grinder at hand. Chop two i)ounds of lean pork very fine, sprinkle '.hrnugh a teaspoon each of powdered sage leaves, black pepper and salt, tvlake into cakes and fry brown on hothl sid in I•oilIng but drippings. \\'it h cream sauce made dark by browning the hotter they are particularly grod. Oxford sausages are very good on cold mornings, and, are mlade with' a round earth of finely chopped vent, pont and E:eel"s suet. 'mix through this a quart, of bread cru lbq, grated Peel of half a. lemon, a grated nutmeg, it skirig eacht Of savory, thyme and sweet marjoram and a teaspnon of powdered sage les.v- es. Mnke in cakes and fry in it little and salt with the flour, then mix in the sugar and lardy now add enough A Neighbor's Advice, ould water to matte a soft doing44, just ABOUT THE GFR,MAN 1?AIflit E,iS. w'h'ite cornmeal, a lump of huttel• size stiff enough to handle and roll out of, tate egg and a pinrb of call; in the easily, cut w•ibbl 'Q.11s)ouih cubter afid RR THE MEANS OF E3TORINQ A LITTLE lake. to( a jce brut%q in a quick oven. water make fl, thick hatter. Whip the yolks of tivo eggs in this, Cottage C'heese.-caeald buttermilk GIRL HEALTH. drain over nighlt, scald even quantity ---. of sour milk, µpix t.h,e, -01l , aeasuu /ba Was Gradually Vadiag Away and Iter with cream salt and sage, and popper Parents Doubted Her Recovery to if desired, work well and park, and Health. It is ready for use. This slakes it good rich cheese which any Iguodl hou.se- From the Examiner, Charlottetown, keeper can make in a few utinuites. Perhaps the most remarkable cure Homemade Celery Sa't.--Hwy of a flor-r Lli. t has ever been recordod is that of iyt celery ,gond that is too old to ger- ll(t'o Minuie Woodside, daughter of Mr. initiate. wash it thoroughly, and dry, and Mrs. Jay. Woodside, of Baltic, P'E'1' mix with fine tahle salt three parts Mrand Mrs. Woodside are members of the Prineotown Prosby- of salt to one of celery seed, bottle. ter•ian cb,urch, and are well and favor - ansa moment bre wilLl trreateat them like Ably known in' the settlement where NN'I\TlilNv EL1\1S 1\ CLLLAR Choyreside. do. 91 does an Mr. Woodside d e 0 .Plants are placed in the collar to extensive l.u. iness in oysters. At u: w's- nesi, nut to row. Nuthin is more g g PdPer correspondent hearing of the remarkable recovery of this little girl l.armful to them when thus stored eaPed on 1vlr. Woodside and asc.er. away than water," and it sdlould never tainPed the exar•t facts of the ease. The ba germ unless to keep the soil fromfollowing is substantially the result of the interview•:-"Alwut l ring, if eosin dry. Ln early spring. a, year ago la53t ,Tune J first noticed that m little y f n to t lbs buds can the plants are see the l boa starting a little, do not. -etre water, daughter was nut as bright as usual i which would only favor their growth, and that she vomplai,nedg•it time.i of I )silts in her but keep as dry twl,rl. asci as possible f head an,[ chest. Up to I that time she had ra until time to take them out of the school and coag rentar•kuhly (,aver for an remarkably ever for (sellar. I a ehlld of her a,,-e'Sit- did nothing - --- except attend seh�ool and although I TIIE C'ZARiNA. never supposed it would do her much Thoss w,ho thielk that the life of a in!airy, f allowed her to study too sedulously. Thinking that she _%N as !adlyabout a court; is necessarily that of only a little run down Ikept her from a h,u;tterfly enay be surprised to learn, school for a few weeks and expected that clevernless wiltlh, the needle is n,n that she would Ere all right again. By the end of that. time) I was badly dis- adjunct demanded of Clio maids of hon- J I apPainted in my expectations, how•- uT a!t the court of .Russ;a, to bee of use ever,as she rapidly giew weaker and .n cases ar emergency w•Ihen in atten,l- I lost fiesh every day. I was alarmed •t.uc•P opt 'the crar'na. 'Chart. they have al -out her condition when she com- Don't i t Y Nop. It was for the. rogue's gal- 1 P�lailred of a soreness in tier lungs and alsa to ir'aml to read well aloud and to stand for any iwngtlh of tune goes witb- l,egan w to cough. J as ju.sti preparing I to tak• ber to a doctor when a neigh - out sayilnig, but it woud,d baTdly be be- $-or called to see her -and advised us to I'r•,ved that in order to pass into the (try Dr. Wi,lliarns' Pink Pills. She a-csurecl me that Pink Pills had resto:'- dup,eTi,a( presetnee., Russian maids of err her own daughd-er to health after honor have to obtalin a dii,pdomma for several dovtors had fa.Lled to do her cooking. Suoh is, mtnvever, the rase. irl a-ny good. I therefore resolved to solme imperial me,nalges too, ilhe maid of give them a trial and purchased a couple of hoxes that very day. I began ao'nor hs -d , diln- h, to ccrm, oar+ the eroer a'v p v ivi n m little P g eau ht r those i Ir• K. ho 1 . y 6 P n r^Ir mlemu. And in a„l this training g hPI r,R very r arefnl to follow the d 'r r - there un•derbies the teaching that an tions. At the end ofea month J noticed compress oW grand duchess of Rrlsela is a decided improve.niellt in her healtt, tin(] thus emrouragPt 1 Tcont'nued ustn npe,rsulnauge of digiale vocation. Naving the pills three months more, Fier •.,riled throlii a,ll tYs ordeal, the health tit as quite restored by that t wowl'd-bl, ,mnid of honor, at Hie age of time and she was able, to attend school 16 cc 17. is rrc'sen{ted to titre empress, again. I regard my daugbte.r's cure and bf finding favor in title impreriad_ as all.moiiL marvellous and accord all eyes is.alppa:linted a denituisel,le d'ho•n- the. oredit to Dr. W;Illfa4iii Pink Pills n-u.r. passim�•rq sul,sequently through For. little girls and boys of delica.fe r., v' 1 P i t of arsals la.l s. 1!'rorri lbs )oda constitutions no better remedy could ir,airlone, too( 6he various grand duah- i'ossihly he T)rPBcribed, \\'hat was °SSPp Rt'Itli file rznrimas approval, also ,lone for my lit t.le irh could Cert ainl Y nnke. theitr segectilons. 1:e done for other chUdren, This mait'.s of hiontor of the czarima Dr. \Williams' Pink Pillq •rune b; Naar n c•astlucne of trulty or'ental mpg•- going to the shot of the disease. 'fhby n'fl,'s•nrc, nnequaided at anv other court tin Fura,),u. It. vansists of at sp!endid ,•Plie d Illid build up the Mood, anfd tit ,f • s It im r,,Il e W. ling from the shout- strc'agt,hen, the nerves, thus driving di-,Pftse from the system, Avoid imita- :Nrrs to the feet, fastened up im front tions by insisting that: every box !:y budtoi;t3 studded %vAlt 6;'arkliug ;',pis. Over tl:'s a. choak of red vel- you purchusP is enclosed in a wrapping v•'t 's worn lienvPy embroidered tyit.h hearin, the. full trade mark, Dr. Wil - lianis' fink Pills for Pale People. fxalrt w:t.h. ,A-!oI­ open sleeves falling to t,lir w•r'sls,, dis;ll,nying the bare arms -- _____ - 1-neath. Noother ,jewelry of any kind YIORE MEN T,KAN WOMEN. must b? worn, On Che mle+ad rests the. "ktikonluit;k," Egypt is shown by the latest cen- or national Russian cal) ,.f rr'rnsrin v"lvet 1,Yokly stnri•ded �vitli ,,its It' enjoy the singular pre eminence ;•,gels, from the vrcm•.n of wMc•.h de- of being the one country in the world, ,gessoes a ve0 of wM,ilte toile: spreading a,s far ,is be knows, v: her(+ men• are in l"llow the wn°•st aver the volum,i.r,ous tram. 'fm,is gargeous costumie is worn a majority over women. The male sex an all stake weaslons until the lady in the dominions of the Khedive ox- alfa',:'q the degree of dame d'boinne,nr 'Feeds the female by 160,000, It is a it rorrtra%. w-h^,n aha becomes entitled curious circumstance that this nurn- tol-woura portialt of the oulpress, hence erica) Predominance of the male is Hio deq'gnat'u-,n set in bri'.liant.s, on mer very evenly distributed over both U�pp- I.rnver )•�ft shoulder. ihlsteald of the iimiperial per and Egypt. 7t it only Ln Tra,ung,ram work -d in pale -blue silk. 'the sparsely peopled and newly re - w -11701 is un to th-in her "b A" of of- covered province of Dongula that the Nyr." The cri,msdn and gold 'ka.koob, women are more nurne.rotls than the ni,k" is also then exchanged for a less men. Another interesting fact is that gorgeous one of green velvet and ams the proportion of l;gyptian women broidared silver. While alt college t'h'e knowing bow to read and write is lit Us Iprobationhrs wear plain woolen frocks more than 1-2 per cent. w:lth silk aprons. ,It will, ttb2,refore, be— - --- portthat to became a maid of ho artnor a portrait of the imperil acourt DURHAM IS IN LINE r_-quimes an ordeO,, and 'training never dreamed of by atspilra. is at any otiher tt•w court in Furope. X. And Testifies to the Wonderful ATTRACTIVE \WOUrN. Efficaoy of Dodd's Kidney It is the woman who has the courage Pills• to be original who is most admired. Ev- _ er•y woman sh,mild be her natural self Hotel Clerk Bauman Tells of ills Cure - aad not copy after some other woman, The First Dose Gave Allot Relief -- w.houlTwo perha;is shy may have heard arms Boxes Cured Allot Entirely oneeLse admire. The actions which may of Ills Kidney Disease. appear in the other so attractive, if Durham. Ont., -Everyone In Durham, copied by her, may seem ridiculous. Let and hundreds of people who visit the town Periodically, know C. H. Bauman, her thi'nik for herself and have the the genial clerk at the Knapp Hbuse. courage. t,, a.A as she thinks. She should Ali will be surprised to hear that he learn to express her feelings to agreat has had a narrow escape, from a re- extent. Ke -p your troubles, if you have lentless enemy. Thanks to the, assist - ,ince rendered by a good friend, how - any, to yourself. Remember thisis a ever. he escaped safely. He tells the selfish world and that there are fewdif ~'tory in this style: any, who will really sympathize with"I suffered for u Long time with ter- ribly severe backache, caused by Kid - you, vv'horeas if you are bright and ney Disease. It was with the most ag- cheerful you will ever find friends. oniring pain, that, I could sit clown, and 'the old saying, slightly revised to fit fbe pain 1 endured in getting up again the pre.ent time, "i.au.gb and the was equally as severe. My life was be - mg made miserable, for ,these. pains world laughs with you, weep and the were present during the greater por- la.ugh;s on you," is very true. Don't tion of the time. ' believe every one in the w•brid is hap- "Otber medicines having failed to pier than you. Lr)ok around and IVPs het me I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills, and gat relief from the first. dose. 'ewer if you cannot find at least the reflect boxPA cured me completely, and 1lurv- tion of the sunbeam, I1 is the littl:! em't been troubled since. There's no acts of kindness done every day that me-dicine like Dodd's Kidney Pills for helps to make women attractive an,v and all Kidney Diseases." (food fortune knocks once at. every Just in proportion as avtOman is re,• man's door," says an old saw. fined In hor nature, is she quiet and Good He-alth knocks at your door attrautivo in her dre.,s. Some w.1mon P,very time you see the words "Dodd's have Ilia idea that to 1)e attractive Kidney Pills." You need not miss Ile - they rnu.at dress in gay colors, in odd ing healthy by neglecting to respond to styles of !millinery and in sh in adopt i be first sumUions. Take advantage of MI the lat.esl "faces," but such is not the 'next, if you have negleet.erl the the, case. Wear what you linnw to be first. treooming to you. Don't talk over your Dodd's Kidney Pills are the one and i.'elr-anal affairs in puhli.` places, stran_ only cure for Bright's Ditiense, Dia- gess ma.y enjoy your conversation, but. hP es • ti. Lumbago, t RmPUlil,l 4m Lnln Heart � � g 3 it is hardly the, thing to do. Be kind Failure, Blood , Impurities, (binary and courteous to all w•ibb whom you Troubles, Diseases of Women, and all come i•n c `hast. in this husv world ether Kinney Complaints, an►I same one will Ile sure to had you Dodo's Ridney Pills are sold by all attracti.vet. druggists, al. fifty ee.nt.s a box, six box - hot I utl ter. __ Crn•n Bread. -Put three handfuls of ABOUT THE GFR,MAN 1?AIflit E,iS. w'h'ite cornmeal, a lump of huttel• size The phyaica,l eon,fUti(m of. the German of, tate egg and a pinrb of call; in the empress is MAl,gilrllg much anxiety in I'll Ing howl; scald with enough boil- 1419 to ,Berlf•n circles, rand with her family es - water make fl, thick hatter. Whip the yolks of tivo eggs in this, pec•:olly the gravest fears exist. that, the with an atter-dinner coffee spoonful Iso-(alled aatiack or inlfluenza may not of soda. Beat well. \\'hen read,), for I be of erconie. The litre of this poor wom- t.he oven, the w hltea or hro eggs, Beal- ! an is vabuetl by all the ernq,ergr's rela- on stiff, are added gently. Do not stir after t,its. Putin a deep pan, and tiw.'s, for she mos often succeeded tin 1eke twen,t)minutes in t quirk oven. . ,,nflun nc nnS ,her husband when av cry Serve woole. This amount is for one cane failed to stn so, wlhide, her devotion loaf. Sizp of pan, til iticbe.9 long, 4 inches w1de, 4 inches high. land to bier chikiton amm,ournts to a passion, Corn Meal Pudding. -One cup earn vv:,thallt �t�r the l,i,ttle Prinsoss Vic - meal, 4 rlrackeTR, 2 eggs, 2 glut milk) 1 ' tori,,. would have a hrtrd time. The kal&)r Las cup sugar, 1-2 cup molasses, I spoon no consideration for the (•innamon, 1-4 spoon elovq, stilt to taste, youngsters, for w,hide t ing them First so•ali crackers in 1 pint of milk, ansa moment bre wilLl trreateat them like add meal, stir well, then put in the a perfect martfnst the next, and ex - rest of the ingrefliont9 wif.h either 1 pects sbsoluto (Liscilplime from, the small- culil of, suet or a large piece of butter,, cat to the 1)i,ggest prinirekin. It appears Stir oceasionally for thle first, hour. f.rliam eurretn�lpdu• it rt thatt1bb timpress Lake 4 hours. This Is m1tch easier fs a, sort ext dontestuo buffer Who often , made ilha.n thin old way and very nice, salve tihe feell,ianigs of the chi.ldwan a"d A'dd fruit if desired. the t by lior kirotdness and, disere- Delieionia Te'a Ilisoult. .o I qt flour, tion,. S ould i$1% die, the situation add 9 rounded tea;) goons linking pow- . watutli M:hnn heCoula )pili inble for all, as der, 2 tablespnonrs grnnulated sugax, the kelser's rnon.tall and physical con. dition is n. terri6la aarxie,ty to MR snb- i l+naPing ta.blesl)nan cold lane and a feats ankl his fame:uty, althm-gh precious P,itaela' of halt. Sift the baking powder idfttle is wild nlix" it, wave In whisnora, ) ':s $2.50, or will he sent, on receipt of -)rice, by The Dodds Medicine Co., Lim- te,d, Toronto. 1\'HAT 1S DEFILFME -T 1N iNDIA. in every native house in India there y a shrine in which the lic,usehold gods ).re placed, like the ikon in a Russian house. The very shadoty of a Furoii �acn or native of a different caste pass Ing over these or file culinary uiensils �.f bhe family is tit defilement; but the use aP malodorous disinfectants is, in Lha belief of the people, an outrageous :leseeration, calculated to call down on the fRmily the wrath of the gods, and anly to he atoned by rigid pryasahit, penance, and the administration of the panahl gaviya, a foulppill eoipposed of Live, five Products of file cow• F noticed that Olara had an engage- ment. Ting on her finger. That doesn't prove that there's a wedding on hand. ei BREAD DIRECT FROM WHEAT. pe "Anne Ilro" method Now Used In it" no by �T111ch the Rork of lila Sillier Ia Obviated .►nd tike jarail" Prepared for the Overt In the linkery. The demand fur bread among the Poorer classes of Italy, which in many districts '(las been quite ularming of late, has increased the interest in that country in any and every method sug- gested for rouut•iug the cost of "the staff of life" to needy consumers. Were it drat that elen the hungry to a great extent demand wdlite bread, the open- ing of shops for the sale of the new 11anti8piro" bread, as it is called, an in- veutiun of M. Auguste DesgoCte w Lich dotal away with the work of the miller, I might have been attended by a greater success. For several days !ast month, h—'ever, the establi.,hment in Rome in the Via Minghetti did a rushin; hubiness until the novelty wore off and opposition bakers redu,ed their prices on wbite bread. The "antispire" bread is made direct- ly fl'um the wheat, and a great saving in the cost of manufacture is credited to it, After the wbeut has been thor- oughly sifted and cleaned it is sub- jected toot bath in tepid water for sev- eral hours. When it has thus been soaked it is poured into a machine, whiull reduces it to a HOMOG,EtNEOUS PASTE. This machine is composed of a double line of thin spirals working in opposite directions. By these spirals the soft- ened wheat seeds are well kneaded. At the end of the spirals is a double cylin- der which receives the paste and makes it still mute compact and ready for shaping into loil•es and baking. The quality of the bre,d. manta by titre stew process is variously estimated. ,zcellent judges and unprejudiced practical bake,rs admit its excellence, and say that any taste can be suited by having due regard to the leavening. manipulit tion and treatment in the oven. Italian l t: n t, to experts ta who taVe l - vesti ttea the matter express tl em - elves ' fav 1 ora �I,v upon its digestive pro- perties and pronounce it. most nour- ishing. In color the "antispire" bread is very brown; its odor isagreeable and taste quite palatable. A cardinal virtue claimed for it is that it never 'lets mouldy and will remain "fresh" `fod• days. Tbt-t hakery at Rome charges three cents it pa}and for "antispire" bread - thirty centimes per kilogramme, two pounds -hut wlwn the establishment is openPo in the morning at eight o'clock workingmen may buy it for two cen- t.iwc!4 pvr kilagrarnme cheaper. So serious has the bread question be,- comtt in Italy that many cities have suspended the lc,( -;Ll tax on bread and breadstuff.,;, the Milan authorities hav- ing arranged with the local bakers to reduce the price of bread to tbirty- two centimes per kilogramme. At foghorn such are the necessities of the poor that ' FRKE BRUAD is distribtr(od by the municipality to all who ask for it. The applicants must, however, present themseLves at desi•rn- ate,d bureaus at c•eitain hours and ire not allowed tp take the bread away with, them; they must eat it on the pre- mises without meat, cbeese, vegetables or condiment. About fifteen years ago Dr. Baz- zoni tried to introduce a,•new sort of bread, which he contended would be cheap yetvery nourishing, w'hic'h he made of a modicum of flour and great quantities of oxblood. The poor to whom it was offered at low rates re- jectsd it in disgust because they did nut like its flavor. So Dr. Bazzoni's enterprise was unrewarded. The Italian journals have been quite severe of late in the criticism of the bread sold to the public. Adultera- tion is a common charge. The story is told that in the (tills of Lombardy Gliere isacave owned by a bakery syn- dicate whence a fine mineral powder of tbe, purest white is ohtained and used to mix with flour for bread making. "Lot us Mope .this is not true,'•' writes one editor. "if it is we may soon ex- pect to have our bread, made from road. dust. And even then it would be road dust. And even Vhen it would not die much worse than that too often sold as the, genuine article." Remember We don't advertise for mere effect, but for business, We know that if You are suhject to cramps, that you should have a prompt, efficient rem- edy on hand. Nervilinei--nerve-pain care -has a wonderful and immedi- ate curative power. It relieves in one minute; it cures in five. Pleasant to the taste and the hest known remedy for pain. VIOL, R11 DIEEASPI. Tlhe,Fe are several diseases affecting violets, the most destructive of which are root igalds and leafy spots. So .lar no entirely satisfactory remedy has been found. Air -slaked time dusted, over the Vlants anI soil is the most of- fe-trlve. . SIMPLE AT FIRST. t Is Foolish to 1109 any hind of Plies -Cure Them t Beginning. Piles are simple in the beginning and easily cured. They can he cured even i,n the worst, stages without pain or loss of blood, quickly, surely, and com- pletely. There is only one remedy that will do it-" Trask's Magnetic Oint- ment." It allays the inflammation hilmedi- ate)v, heals the irritn.ted surface, and, with c•onlinued treatment, reducos the swelling and puts the membranes, in good, sound, healthy condhtion. The cure is thorough and OcTi lanent. Isere are sone voluntary and unso- licited testimonials rte have Irately re- c•ei,ved :- • Judge Henry D. flarron, tit. Croix Palls. aay,4:—" I have suffered severe- ly from piles, and found no romedy rntil i applied Tra•tic's Magnetic Clint.- rnent.' It relieved me at, once, and per- manently, to the, present ti.nle." Daniel .Tolls, of Liberty, say's: --"My a ifs+ was afflicted with the [)ties for t„n yenrs or more, and have tried many eminent Irllysicinns, hill recPiv- ed no benefit. Until Icons induced by your ngent here, Dr. Beaver, to "o "i'rask's M'ngnetic Ointment,” and I sy can nosay she Is entirely cured with three bottles." C. L. Root, Monroeville, says; --"f have been using your "Trask's Magnet- io Ointment for bleeding piles, and find It helps me more thnn anything olse I have tried." All druggists sell Trask's Nfagnetic Ointment. Jt. is 25 and 40 cents for full -Abd jiaekage+s, and Is put up only by Francis it. Kahlo, 127 ilay street, Toronto. No risk in using Ludella Ceylon Spring Medicine- A Good Blood Purifier a Necessity Now Hood's Sarsaparilla Unequalled for Making Rech, Red Blood. The necessity for taking a good spring medicine to purify the blood a(nd build up the system is based up- on natlaral and unavoidable causes. in cold weather there has been less per- spiration and impurities have not passed out of the system as they should. Food has consisted largely of rich, fat- ty substances, and there has been leap opportunity for o outdoor exercise. e. ThP result is, the blood is loaded with im- I.urities and these must be promptly expelled or health will he endangered. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best spring medicige because it is the best blood lurifier and tonic. It puririPs the blood and gives vigor and vita ity in place of weakness and languor. Sarsa- parilla ar I0 lila Ja Oanada's Groateat Medicine. $,'d by all ¢rugglsta. $1 ; six for $5, riot only llood •a. n are all. favorite catilar- DD y P1IIs tic. All druggiete 25c, DORS MEET THE TRAIN. lteniat,kable lalelllgc"ce oftonsinuminvie Dog -4. 'flys Oriental express, the famous train from Paris to Constantinople, ar- rives at the Turkish capitaL three times a week at a certain hour in the after- roon. When the train comes in, says •tin exchange, there are aLways many dogs ready to receive it. Before the passengers have had time to get out, bhe dogs jump into the carriages and search everywhere under the scats and in corners for thea scraps of luncheon left by the passengers, alio when they have found at thePi pieces they go The remarkable thing is that they nov- er come at any time except when the Oriental. express is due; that they nev- er make a mistake in the day, and al- ways remember that between E'riday and Monday there are two days and not once. They pay no attention to local trains, because little or no food is left in them, owing to the short rides thrz, passengers take. Fct.ly this same knowledge of the time- ,able and cf the difference between local and long distance. trains has been noticed at title station of the Asiatic railways in Soutari, across Hits Bosporus, The Twentieth Century Eciters upon the heritage of a remedy that is sure, safe and painless. Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor never fails, never causes pain nor the slight- ost discomfort. A NICE QUESUON. H' ___ ______� _,r NOVEL DECORATIONS r - 1AA = Follow the directions on the insidq One of the novel ideas of decorative of each pocket of effect in Japan is to catch firefl(es, keep them Ln a cage or box of wire untilMONSOOR144114,4you have company and then release them in the garden, for the guests INDO.CUVLON TB to admire and talk about. and you will have good tea. $TATE or OHIO, CITY or TOLEDO. !as LUCAN COUNTY r MILl.e-Steel, Galvanitald, Roll♦I FRANK J. CunN)! matcasoath that he 1s rho eealor• the limn F. WIND and Ba1113garings IrOn Putn���pj Sprayers. and Grain Gr1ifipp. QsQJ,yy partner of of J. CHimicy & Co„ doing business In the City of 'Toted,). County State shap:ey & Muir Co.. Umlte srantfertl, Oana,A(8� _ - . . - - _ and worneatd, Had that i,id i fire, will pay the sum �t ONE HUNDRED DOL- I LA [t9 for oast) and every ease of CATARRR Agents wanted to lntrodu0e 0 I11iij(�i(� Agents uo and to Int Wo �lltjll�lJ►►7)iic g �t ' that eannob be cured by the use oP HALL'S stall prepstd Iiot Timy in dl CATAR$I1 CURE, wown " with music, fot 6 cents, R, anpi, FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo an l bubsorlbed in w rOPULAR MUSIC DEPOT, 20 Alexis et. Montrealt ___ ----. - __ --- . _ preeie_nee, thin lith day of L comber A. L. MG. { --- A. W. GLlt'ASO'v, BEAL1, Italian and Hybrids -beat ((��ueeIWag All Be@Sa Iles -best qualityWanted d `Notary) ublio Wned Patent Process }sl' 11 e Catarrh Cu • ix Cure Luken internally . and note directly on the olo)d and nluoous aurfacas EES Pouudatloa, .h or tads cal N a h pley d; (� titpp tlr ' lttwtted, Da'+t6Wbrd, t a of the aysteWu�. Send for tent L111011111,16 free. Ir. J. CH itNEY & CO., Toledo, O tea' .�_ -- -- $old b Druggists, 750. Hall's Family Pills are the beat. Have You seen It f I i can You Do it i I I 1 The New 0. K. Puzzle i I II I The most fasoinatinr puzzle of the day, KL • COMPARATiVE QUICKNESS. HOW TO REACH Sold everywhere. Agents wan tad. Hand'00. for Rample. fmpatieut Customer -1 thought you T. SONNi t93 Commissioners st., .r Mentreal, Que. advertised„ quick lunches. I've been - - ----- - hourwaitr.nk for mine for nearly tial[ an Highest (Market Value Waiter -It do take little time to PAID roe a git 'em up, bolls, but it'll go quicld RAW FURB and SKIN, 5, eses'Wax,Clnce-1g,ete.t enough after you gits it. Dey ain't de kfII(I eat las' IUIIg. { ��' ! ilnments named. lip iii��^ gems 1 pDrasapaid, Klondike Moo til Moocaein,, Fur Ooat., Rottli Vaporize Quickcure I and Snow 81=1, a av%ialty. `' H. JolmsON, for Cold in the Head. Wholesale 4" et. Paule `- Montreal, Que. WHY IT DIDN'T RESJ;MBLF, HIM. Dominion Line Steamships, Did you ever have our icture tak- Y Y P 2 Kontreal and Quebeo to Liverpool in summer Portland to Liverpool in winter. Large iiia en set twin screw steamships Labradot,� Van. Yep. Once. But it don't look like me. ouver,' 'Dominion,"$ootsman.' •Yorkshire. !uperror accommodation for First Cabin, S& Don't i t Y Nop. It was for the. rogue's gal- ted Cabin and Steeraso paaeengers. Rates 3of IaaNage-First Cabin $b0 ; Second Oablpp �,� ltoerage $22.60 and upwards uoeordAS ttil lery an' I didn't want it took, 1 steamer and berth. For all information aU�pj1i, io Local (,gents or DAVID TORRANCE & Odw SOS ETTII:N(i FOR NO'T'HING, Goal Agents. it 3b. Sacrament St., Montreal. Persons suffering from Rheumat- ism, Salt Rbewn, Piles, 'Getter, Chil- 1 )lat[ Eczema, Skin Diseases, e les, etc„ w -ho end two c s a o est stamp m for ost- P� P age only) with name and address, we will send a free sample of Trask's Mag- netic Ointment with a Ransom's Cools Book free. Prancis U. Kahle, 127 Bay. St., 'T'oronto. A DEFINITION. Little Elmer -Pa, w -bat is an opts, mist? • Prof. Broadhead -A person who is c•oristantly expecting the unexpected to bapl,eln. I Use Vapors of Quick. cure for Throat Troubles. I ABOVE IT. K-ey-Do you ever look through' that keyhole? . Door Knob -No, sir, I'm above that sort of thing. Is death was accidental, was it. not a asked the relative from the East. W P C eJ 11 Course, i1e didn't die a -purpose, said Elubbe,r-neck Bill, but I'll be doggoned, — - mister, if I know' whether to call it, w1.on a fellow trios to bore a holo in a dynamite cat lridge with a gimlet, a �ea1C Kidneys accident or a nalural consequence of nater. ___ --- ---- ----- - FROM FORES"1` TO FACTORY. Tlhesa are the words that grace the cover of, the Hartford Rubber Work Company's bicycle tire catalogue lot- the orthe season of '98, and wbich is the handsomest production of the kind that has reached our table in many a day. As a sample of mechanical ski1L L`. is superb, as a fountain of tire talk it will he found entertaining and idteresting, and throws the proper sort of reflection upon the enterprising people who publish it. Address a post card to the Toronto '('ire Company, Limited, 9 Adelaide Streat West, and they will mail you the catalogue free, , STRENGTH IN Vli:fi.1W.lils ■ III&EMMA Thousands testify to Its curative powers. Sold by all druggists. Large paoltage, 25 cts. woovwAnn MEDICINE Co., TORONTO, CANADA. D 'N1ti +d'O01 O J. N. ANDERSON, M. D., Na 5 College -St. TORONTO, Ont. THROAT EYE EAR, NOSE & EYE, SPECIALIST *11111 rNti111111•'VN1!•rVOI SHIP YOUR PRONOE,� Butter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit, Bc., to TNIB DAWSON COMMISSION 00. Limited, I Oar, of West Market and Colborne ere., TORONTO ASK YOUR DEALER FOR oaRY1 Sakty BURNING OIL. The Best CANADIAN OIL, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Royal Oil'o. TORONTO, ONT. iirMlfitfMtfafMt,�tlrr�tlwlf�_`IRim It i 1; 0=0=llfatEBplfI�EIBMIIRawariMlfomme IIAt• I��sllMl�lswiMi��IBIIBM�ON W )I tlocom 2�Aaft riA 1F�1��fi /�tt*m�trIltslMMM, ttitttr�al,��l�s�s,pAlslf =...l..atw iftim in Catches tits t A short time ago several farmers 011 the lane of a big railroad rebelled against barbed wire, and demanded. board fences. They compromised on the PAGE, Hirst the company had used, Cyr man atterw•e,r•dscalled on the road-, master, who wanted him to see those farmers, who would hug and kiss you, and I have ignt to have 25 miles on my diviisipn." Farm styles at from 45 tb 65 cents per rod. For illustrated ad% vertising matter apply to our lova dealers or to us direct.' THE PAGE WIRE FENCE COMPANY, Limited, WALKERVILLE, ONT. P. S. -Sete our "ad" In next issue. Canada'-Owns- � �---:­P.,.--­._- ��� �;�. -ft,�.-­�- L .. , . .. . CANADIANS ARE ALL ENTITLED TO A SHARE IN THEIR HERITAGE. Ogilvie has been all over the Klondike. He and his father are the recognized authorities on Klondike matters. He is possessed of all the information gathered in years of explora- tory work for the Government in the Klondike, Now he gives the whole benefit of his knowledge and experience to the Cold Hills Exploration and Development Company of Toronto, Limited. lt That company is organizing and fitting out an expedition for the Klondike. W,, M. Ogilvie will personally conduct that party to the rich sti earns. He knows the country as well as you know your own town. He knows where discoveries have been made, and where new loca- tions should be sought for. He knows the beet routes, the most likely creeks, and with his well equipped party should win the millions. B few more shares will be offered to the Canadian public at 20 Cents. t The Gold Hills Eand Development Company, U.n.m. i it fe-od. President --Hon. J. D Edgar, Q,C., M.P., spoakerof the House of Commons of Canada. First Vloo-President-Dr. Oronhyatekha, supreme Chief Ranger Independent Order 9f Foresb)ra. 9tloond Vloo Presldent---W. J. 00uglae, [sq., Director The Toronto Paper M'f'g. 001y. seoretary a. M. Laing, Esq, The Coneral Trusts Company Building, Toronto. Tea The quality and price is uninatchable and always the same. j Stock not sold in blocks less than 100 Shares. . \ ..it ta,, - 1111.^bi41�AMI �y,-.