HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-24, Page 5ilealontalenzazizenumnemajosamooll 1 MARCH 24, 1898. • .riW I ♦ , V+Y. aY ^°' 1 •u.. ., ...i: AI+,S .W.whfVMMVr iiigleili-016.48^04,40401.0.1143-qlsoile0s, 04:11•48K0,; • A 9 33 SPRING MEDICINE ,.ti as necessary as a spring house- cleaning. You know this, so there is no need for us to empha- size it. It is not so easy fur you however to know just what to take. Sarsaparilla, hats always been a standby but there are many different makes, We have one ourselves --a good one too—one we can honestly re- commend. It contains the best blood purifying ingredients known to medicine and while we dou't claim that it will work any special wonders for you, yet we do claim 'that it will Puri fp the Blood, • ust what you want it to do. We charge only 75c for a bottle ars large as you usually pay $1 for and though the price is lower the quality is not. Prove us. ALLEN & WILSON DRUGGISTS AND OPTICIANS. We fit Spectacles to satisfy or refund your •coney. •�e�®�e�o®tee-o•m�.e•�tt+ 000000000 00000000000000000 0 0 0 0• to • • • • • 0 • 0 • • n • • 0 • • 0 e e • 0 • O 0 • 0 0 WE ARE STILL IN THE SWIM Selling Gold Watches Cheap, and will give you better value than you can get else- where. Remember, what we say we do. REPAIRING done right 0 • 0 0 0 • • O • 0 • t'1 0 and in a proper way. • o dr ENGRAVING done right e in our own shop. ee Prices Right. 8 (e J. B. RRurnaII The Leading Jeweller, Clinton. 0 0 Rock Eggs For Sale. ® • I have for vale first Prize White Plymouth ® Ruek eggs at 81.50 par I9, • The Con had a score of 904 and the Pullet • at the Goderich Poultry Show. O J. B. 1iUMBALL, Clinton. 0 O t9 ® 000000000000 04)0000•00•000 Morgan Baldwin, late harboring step of Toronto, died yesterday morning. The result of the re-count iii Ottawa gives Dir. Powell the :,e at by a majority of nine. OATS Wanted in exchange, 12 lbs. Choice 1 bust Oats1 Oatmeal for 13 lbs. Choice 1 Fa,mi''1 Flour us. Oats, These are our present rates but we don't know how long they will last. OatH.taken in exchange for Groceries. 0. OLSON, CLINTON VICTORIA STREET. NOTICE. Thorn being some mleunderstancling with re gard to wreckage, let it he distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me f shall of once take proceedings. Remember this is tilt last Turning I shall give., CAI'T. Wig. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, 0odcrich Oo.ierich, Supt. 7th 1891. To Improvers of Stock - Thu undersigned has en his promises, 18111 concession, (Iodorieh Township, A 'thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terms:—SI and f,„�. A Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, regis- tered. Terms :—$l,with the privilege ofreturn- ing. A 1horonglihrcd'l'nrn wort )n hoar, registered. Terms: -$l, with privilege of Petit ming, This is a rare chance to improve your stock - T. 1'. NDMI'NIS, Owner, 65-11. Cottage and Lot for Sale. Thn undersigned offers for vale n frame voltage of four rooms, with lean to. ('entraily situated. Geed water and drainage. Will be sold ebeap. Apply lo W. C. FTCAMAC. Clinton, Nov. lath. In buying seeds "economy is extravngan.re,"because the coat of cultivation wasted on Inferior seeds always largely exceeds the original cont of the hest and dearest seeds to be had. The bent is always the eboapest. Pay a trine more for FERRY'S SEES and always get your money's worth. Vivo cents per paper everywhere, Always the best, Beed Annual free. D.M.FERRYdr CO.,WIndsor,Ont. Silver Novelties—little things— Big ones if you choose; Things for baby—Baby Rings; Good and cheap at CREWS'. YOU RUN NO RISK, Whatever in buying a Watch here. We guarantee PERFECT satisfaction with whatever watch you buy of us, and i we've been in business long enough to prove that we keep our promises. We know all about the Watches we sell and sell them for just what they. are. Don't you need one. 0 P. B. CREWS Jeweller and Expert Watch Repairer. The meet ing of passenger agents held at Ni''tYork for the purpose of set- tling the railway rate War adjourned without taking action. For Over Fifty Years MRs. \\'INSLO\v'9 SOOTHING Srttt'1' has hese) used by millions of mot hoes for their children while teething. If disturbed 111 night and broken of your rout by a sink child suffering and crying \vith pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle, of "Mrs, \Viuslow's sooth- ing S,t•rup" for Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor little sutl•ercr immediately. 1)c - pend upon it, toot hers, there is min/ 'stake about 1t. 11 cures ' urlt(tit. regulates lite Stomach and bowels, cures Wind ('clic, softens the Guars, reduces iuMamma tion, and giros tone:tad energy to the whole srstent. '•Sirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and bent female physicians and nurses in the Coiled Slates. Yrire twenty -(Ivo .tents a bottle.. Sold by all druggists thronght out the world." Be sure and ask for "Miss. \VLN:,LOW' i SOOTHING SV11t'i'. BEATING.—In Oil Springs, Ont., on March 13(1, M11(11i(' heating, sis- ter to MIs. (Rev.) Ahoy, Brussels. Rheunatisffl? SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE A UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR. Relief in six hours! Whab a glad mes- sage to the pain -racked, bed -ridden, des- pairing sufferer from rheumatism's cruel grasp—and this is a fact, borno out by volumes of evidence, for this greatest of pain conquerors. Rheumatism is curable—South Ameri- can Rheumatism Cure is an absolute specific, and radically cures the mosb stubborn cases in from one to throe days. " I suffered intensely from rheumatism and sciatica. Tried many remedies and many physicians without any lasting benefit. A few doses of South Amori- can Rheumatic Cure wonderfully helped me; two bottles cured mo."—E. Errett. • Morrickvillo, Ont. Thousands of frood slaves tell tho same story ---don't mutter an hour Longer. -23. Sold by Watts & Co. DEATHS. FARQUHAIC—In IJullett, on March 21st., Thos. Farquhar, aged 78 years and 7 days. McGUIRE.—I11 Hingham, on March 14th, Hattie Gertrude, onlydanghter of Mt'. and Mrs. James McGuire, aged 2 years and 5 days. CR WL. I Culross, on 'March 15th, Diary Crowe, 1•eliet of the late Chris- topher Crowe, aged 70 years. OA\'1rLEY -• Iu Go(lerirh, 00 Slnldny evening., March 173, Sa"ah Ann, wife of Abram Gnwley, Lightho0se-st,., aged l(1 years, 1 month and 28 clays. TAYLOR.—In Gnderich, on Thurs- day, Mauch 10. Snrah Tnylor, relict of the late ,John Harries. RADDATZ. Crtulhrwok, ou Sun- day, [starch lath, 1808, Ida C. 11., youngest daughter of herdintcl11I end 11arulah Ratldatlz, aged 17 ye'ar's, ti months and 2(1 days. WRI(1UT.-011 Mauch 2nd, on the East, -bound trate, on his way from Pllavlix, \1iznea, to his home io Michigan, W. A. Wright, eldest son of 11 1', and Jemlie Wright, of Michigan, (formerly of 'ITh lino of Morris,) Aged 25 years, 1 month tul(1 14 days. CURB ;Norris, on Mar'c'h 10th, F.ltzabet11 Ii. Bryan, helnveel wife of Rohm. Currie, need 20 years, 0 months and 14 clays. BAEE14.--in ('ranbrnnk, on March 17th, El me beth DL. daughter of George Baker, aged 2 months and 12 days. JOHNS. -- In Exeter', on Sunday, March 13111, Roth, youngest daught- er of Wellington nncl Lillian Johns, aged 10 months and 20 days. KENNARD.- In I3mice'field, on Wed- nesday, March 10111, Thos. J. Ken- nard, aged 71 years, 5 months and 18 days. KI})D.--in Athlone, on Tuesday, March 15111, \Villin.nl, youngest son of the late John Redd, of Athlone, end nephew of Me. 'Thos. Kidd, of Seaforth. "for Colds and TrolibNes our regular standard medicine is Agec's VierrgPeclorr J. HEYWOOD, A.M., Professor of Mathematics, Otterbein Uni- versity, Weeterville, 0. Medical Advice Free. Address, JJ. O. AVER cos ;Arca, Hasse u. VT-... "HYMN TIH E CLINTON NEWS-R1CORD. Almost Poisoners During the Winter Months. Confinement in Badly Ventilated Rooms Has Helped to Poisons the System and Implant Seeds of Disease, Thousands Have Lost in Strength and Weight and Are Broken in Health. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND, THE BEST OF ALL SPRING MEDICINES, PURIFIES ,THE BLOOD, RES TORES NERVE FORCE AND LOST STRENGTH, Amongst the first good results that j languor and that "tired feeling" prove are apparent from using Paine's Celery that the matter in the nerves and Compound in the early spring season is spinal cord are not getting sufficient a perfect regularity of the bowels, good nourishment, appetite, sound, healthy sleep, and good digestion. These benefits coming promptly with the use of Paige's Celery Compound naturally result in health -building and the establishment of a vigorous system that is capable of resisting eickness and eoutagtous diseases. It should be remembered that spring weakness, nervousnese, despondency, Paine's Celery Compound will quiok- ly supply a fresh and abundant supply of nutriment for every tissue of the body ; the great medicine is prepared for this purpose. Paine's Celery Compound is the only medicine in the world that has earned the complete confidence of medical men and the best people in every part of the civilized world. This world-famous medicine is the only one that can meet the needs of all who are weak and sick and who have been confined in badly ventilated apart- ments during the long winter months. It quickly expels every trace of poison and disease, and give a flow of rich, pure blood that insures perfect and true health. If you value your life, beware of sub- stitutes that are offered by some deal - ere, Paine'. Celery Compound is what you need to' cure you; take nothing else; it is a guaranteed spring life -giver and health -builder. ItlAQtIUAGES. CLINTON MARKET REPORTS. SNELGROVE— WATSON. _. At the residence of the bride's parents, Beaverton, on February 23rd, by Rev. J. R. Butler, Mr. Andrew Snel- grove, of Beaverton, to Miss Rosetta \Vatson (formerly of Blyth). ARMS'T'RONG—LEISHMAN.—At the residence of the bride's pitt'eSpts, East L \Vatwa us u n h, on March loth, by Rev. '1'. E. Higley, of Blyth, 11r. Joie- Arnisl rung, of \Vest \Vatva- nosh, to 211ss Elizabeth [sabclla, second daughter of Mr. Richard Leishman. 1I01tN1i:Y—GILDERS. —At the North. - et. Methodist church parsonage, Goderieb, on Wednesday, March Zed 1838, by Rev. Jos. Edge, Mr, Levi Homey, to hiss Maud (Udders, both of the township of Colborne. Bic -Yrs —DARLING. —At the resi- dence of tlie bride's father, on March 0th, by Rt'v. (1. J3arltazip, Frederick T. \lunte, of Rat Portage, to Ylids Julia Darling, of Brinsley. BECKETT—WILSON.—At the resi- dence of the bride's luuther, Bayfield Road, on Wednesday, March itith, 1838, by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A., Georgel3eckeLt, of Voile' telt, to (;arena, da nglster of the late Wil - thou Wilson. DARLING—GREEN,—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, Lower \Viughau), on March 16;,b, by Rev. Dr, Pascoe, Mr. Levi R. .Darling, of Norfolk County, Manitoba, to .Hiss Sarah M. Green, of Lower\Vingharu. 1HODGSON—GRAY,—At the resi- dence of 1 he bride's leu eats, iu Turn - berry, on March Oth, by Bev. H1 E. Mason, of \Viughatti, Mr. 'John Hodgson, of \Va.Ikcrtou, to Mime Maggie, ,. daughter. of Mr. \Viu. Gray. HOLGERT — 11ODGINS.— At Cent- ralia, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Thos. Hudgins, .on Wednesday, Marchl6, Mi. \Vui. Hod- gert, of Exeter, to Miss Louisa 110(1 - gins, of Centralia. K1NG—KING---At "Wheat Ridge," on 'T11ursetay, Fete 20th, by Rev, J. Smith, of titrittballan, Albert A. L. King, to 1t se, eldest daughter of Dlr. Samuel. King, and niece of Mrs. Quinton, of .IigitiLutdville. QUINSEY—CAMPBELL.—At Trini- it}church Rectory, Mitchell, on Dlarch 1O111, by Rev. J. '1'. Keret!), 191r. John uutse of Logan, to plass Q , Y Maggie CaurptclJ, of \lcliulop. GRANT—McLAUCHLIN. — AL the residence of the bride's lather, Brus- sele, 011 \\7eduesd:ty, March Kith, by Rev. John Koss, 13. A., ,lir. Alex. Gram., of "J'uckcremit(1, Le mess Mar- garet. D1cLauclltiu, daughter of Mr. '1'1109. McLattchlul. STEWAR:1'—LOW1e:,--A1, the resi- delice of :\'1r, Ritmo d Cardiff, broth- er -ill -late of the bride, Ilor'ris, on \\'eduesclaty, March 113th, by Ret, John Russ, 13. A,, i\Jr, Peter Stewart, of Langdon, North 1)akuto, to Miss Mary Lowe, daughter of the late John Lowe, of Grey. McNABI3--KN iG IIT. --At the resi- dence of the tridt+'s father, on DIi1rcb pith, by Rev. Dlr. Kiog, of Galt, Ali.. Peter McNabb to Miss Martha, daughter of ,\L'. David Knight, butt, of 2(1tn'r15. SCOTT—KNIOHT.--At the residence of the bride s faille'', 011 .\lirc11 Jlith, I(y lieu. Mr. King, of (14(91,, .11r. Robert, Scott, to Miss Mary, daught- er of D1r, David Knight, both of Morris. B1121:'rTI�l4. DAViS.--in Mitchell, on the 12th met., 'Mrs. Fred Davis, of a daughter. IJNIAC. -in Logan, on the I lth inst., Mrs. Win. Guide, Jr., (.1 a daughter. SINCLAIR.-1n I3russels, 0n March 171!, the wife of Mr. \V D1, Hinclair, J3urr ts(er, of It daughter. MOi1,ILISON,—In Newt y, nn Mai eh 5th, the wife of Mr. John Mori horn, of a daughter. McGEfel•--in Wingha10, on March 13th, the wife of Mr. Jt, H. ;McGee, a son (st111 born) TIll'ELL.- In Morris, on Ma.rell 6th, the wife of Mr. \Ven. 'L'huell, a son, TERRT F.— fn Kinloss, nn March 8(1, the wife of Mr. Peter J. Terrine a daughter. CARTER, -.In Clinton, 0n March 10th, the wife of Mr. 1). Carter, of a. son. Special despnt(•11 from Windsor re- garding seniggling operations in West- ern Ontario. America'e greatest medieine is llood'a Sarsaparilla, which cures when all other, prep'aratlons fail to do any good whalever - (Corroctod every Wednesday afternoon.) Fall Wheat, new ..,. 0 8g to 0 86 Barley .. 0 30 to 0 35 Oats. .... 0 28 to 0 29 Peas 0 50 to 0 55 Rye . 0 89 to 0 40 Potatoes, pe ,hush, new... 0 45 to 050 Butter loose in basket,... 0 15 to 0 16 13utter in tub, 0 15 to 0 16 Eggs per doz ... 0 9 to 0 9 Cabbage, per doz.. ... 0 40 to 0 50 day ..., 6 00 to 6 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 3 25 Short Wood, Dry, 1 75 to 2 00 Short Wood, Green .,.1 50 to 1 75 Live [logs 0 00 to 4 55 Pork per cwt ,. 6 00 to 6 00 Apples per bbl.... .. 1 50 to 1 75 Dried Apples per lb .. 0 O3ito 0 04 Ducks per Ib• . 0 054to 0 06 'Turkeys per lb . 0 07 to 0 08 Geese per lb. 0 05 to 0 06 Chickens per pair 0 30 to 0 35 Wool... ,. . 0 18 to 0 18 The Live Stock Market. TORONTO. Toronto, March 18.—Including yes- terday's receipts and what were left over from Tuesday, we had a total of more than fifty loads on the market to -clay. The position of business this morning can be summarized as quota- bly unchanged, but weaker all round. What was done was dome in a drag- ging kind of way, and considerable cattle remain unsold. There was little or no movement in shipping cattle, and quotations are nominally from 31 to 41 c per lb. What good butcher cattle were here sold fairly well, at from $3.40 to -$3.80 per 103 lbs.; secondary and inferior cat- tle ranged from $3.21) to $2.80 per 100lbs. Probably a few deals were effected at something below $2.80, but if so deal- er's were very quiet about it. • Bulls, feeders, and stockers are un- changed in pieces; there is a steady de-. eland for stockers. Milkers are not very active, at from 820 to $35 each. Calves are wanted, at from 34 to $7 and $8 each, but poorer grades are not much enquired for. Sheep rot shipping sell at from 3 to 34c per lb; ewes, 3.ie, and bucks, 3c. All the lambs here sold at from 5 to r: J l' pound. tUlli . j 1 } > 1 Th re were 1,050 Ohogs received and for the hest$1,6) per 10U lbs. was pard; light hogs fetch $4.60, and heavy hogs , $1,5(1, per 103 pounds.; sows (1(0 worth $3, nod stags 32, The quotations here Kit'-':[ will peo);lbly prevail on Tues- day next, but it is no Ilse disguising l he fact that prices for hugs ;are weak- ening, and that, there is a decidedly downward tendency. Stores will act sell at. any figure. Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Mauch 18.—About 2,250 bushels of grain were delivered; 600 of wheat selling at 75 to 82c for white, 80 to 87t' for red, and 85 to 854c fur goose; 150 of barley at. 3S. to 39 c; 1,000 of oats at 35 to 354c, and 500 of peas et 58 to 50e. On the hay market, 30 loads of hay solei at $8 to $0, and four of straw 01 $0 to $7. Dressed hogs sold at $0 to $6.10. Wheat, white, per hu.$ do red do goose. do spring Barley per hush.. Oats per hash Peas her Host) Rye pet hash.. Bockwhent per bush.... Turkeys per lb Ducks per pr. Chickens per pair Geese per 11) Butter, lb. rolls leggs, new laid Potatoes per hag Beans, per hush Onions, native, per hag ha.y Straw Beef, fore do hind •.... , Lamb, carcase, per 1b.. Veal, ...,, Mn1ton per lb Dressed hogs 75 to 82 • 86 to 147 85 to 85} 85 to 85 384 to 30 35 to 35,5 58 (0 59 524 to 52 00 to 34i 10 to 11 50 to 75 40 to '75 0 to 7 16 to 17 12 to 14 65 to 70 80 to 90 50 to 60 8 00 to 000 6 00 to 700 4i to 5i 6 to 8 7i to 08i 76 to 8i 5 to 6 6 00 to 6 10 I'T'CH INC!, BURNING, CREEPING., CRA WLIN(4 $kin Disenaen relieved in a few min - rites by Agnew a Ointment. Dr. Ag- new s Ointment relieves instantly end cures 'fetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Heiid, Eczema, Ulcers, 13lotohea, and all Erup- tions of the skin. It ie soothing and quieting and acts like magic in all Baby humors, Irritation of the Scalp or (lash( s daring teething time. 35 oente a box.—Sold by Watts & Co. EVERYBODY LOOKS ODU AHEAD, When the train you are journeying on suddenly comes to a dead stop between stations, what does everybody do? They all look out ahead; the guard opens his door and looks out ahead; the passengers drop the windows and look out ahead; nobody looks behind. Why not? Because the reasons for stopping, naturally enough, are apt to best known to the driver. Looking along the line in the rear of the train teles you noth- ing. When you start up again the pull is from the engine, There is no push ing against the last coach. What of it? A bit of an illustration— that's all. There are many blunders made by looking in the wrong direction. For instance, here is a lady who says that when she attended at a certain hospital in London for treatment, the doctor who examined her said, "Madam, wind and water have put your heart out of its place." Now, what he meant by that she oouldn't tell; neither can I. And as matters turned out in the end, he could not have meant anything at all by it, for her heart was not out of its place. Ice was looking backwards on the line. Her letter will show the state of thiege with her at the time. She says : "In July, 1889, I fell into a low, weak state of health. I felt tired, heavy and weary, ]laving no lite or energy. I had a bad taste in my mouth and was constantly vomiting a bitter fluid. My appetite was poor, and after everything I ate I had an awful pain at the chest, and such a tightness around my sides that I could hardly bear it. I load a GNAWING PAIN A'( THE PIT 00 T115 STOMACH which nothing relieved, "I was also much swollen and puffed out, and my heart throbbed and pained me night and day. I had great pain and noises in the head, and got no sleep on account of it. For over two months I lived solely on milk and soda water, and got so weak it seemed that I had no foundation to stand upon. In four months I lost over three stone in weight, and my clothes simply hung on me; they no Longer fitted me. "When out walking a dreadful sensa- tion used to come over me, as it all the blood in ray body were rushing the top of my head. My husbaud, who accompanied me, was obliged to rest me against something lest 1 should fall to the ground, I attended a London r hospital where the doctor said that WIND AND WATER. 115D PUT itlY HEART CET of ere PLACE. 1 next went to a physi- cian in the City Road, who said I was suffering from nervous debility. "None of the medicines L took gave me any relief, and I sank lower and lower, until no one thought I would recover. In December, 1889, a hook was left at our house, telling of oases like mine having been cured by Mother Seigel',. Curative Syrup. My husband then procured me a bottle of this medi- cine from Mr. J. H. Smith, Chemist, St. Leonard's Street, and after taking it a few days 1 felt a slight improvement. I continued taking it, and soon my appetite revive,, my food agreed with me, and the pain at my heart ceased. Gradually my strength returned, and IN THREE MONTHS I WAS AS WELL A9 EVER 1 WAS re MY LIFE. I can now eat any- thing and do any kind of work. All the neighbors who saw me in my seri- ous illness, wondered at my rapid re- covery, 1 tell them it was due entire- ly to my use of Mother seigel's Syrup. (Signed) Mary Ann Dorringtou, 86, Spey Street, St. Leonard's Road, Popular, London, E., January 3rd, 1895. ' This lady's rapid recovery, which astouiebed both herself and her friends, arose from the fact that Seigel's Syrup acted -upon and cured THE REAL AND ONLY DISEASE she was suffering Irom— INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA—and wasted no time in idle attempts to alleviate its mere symptoms. The throbbing of her heart, her giddiness, her loss of appeti- Lite, and all her other pains and die - treaties, were caused by the condition of her stomach, and by nothing else. We shall yet learn, possibly, that nine - tenths of our ailments are due to blood poisoning from decomposed food rn the stomach. When we do, we shall resort to Seigel's Syrup alone, and insure the "rapid recovery" Mrs. Dorrington speaks of. The act of the Manitoba Legislature compelling all companies incorporated outside the Province to register in Manitoba has been disallowed at Ot- tawa, GOOD BLOOD AND SOUND MUSCLES. Scott's Emulsion is a blood -melting and strength-produoing Mod. It re- moves that feeling of utter helplesenese whieh takes poaeession of one when suf- fering from general debility. GENTS' NEW SPRING HATS- SOM VERY STYLISH AND NATTY SHAPES. On Saturday the 26th of March we begin a Sweeping Clearing Sale of all our Gents' Felt Hats including hard and soft shapes and most all that is new and going to be wore this spring. To Each Person buying a New Felt Elat of any shape or price we will give one of our New Spring Silk Ties, suit- able either for young, middle aged, or old men. This is a Rare Chance not only to get a New Spring Hat, but a new Spring Tie as well which will not cost you anything. Make your calculations to be on hand on Saturday 26th inst. GIL oY WISEMAN CLINTON. aro- EASY... Easy to get and easy when got.,. A COUCH Is something that no home should e without and rn01e especially when they can be had at such stat tling low prices as we are offering them at. House-cleaning time will soon he here and you may be thinking of getting a new (-'ouch. Come and see what we can offer you in up -to -dine Goods for very little money. UN...C!ET/si,KINp In this department our Stock is complete and our prices as low as the lowest. Our hearses are the best in the county. BROAr FOOT, BOX & 00. 33titriiitttre Dealers and Undertakers. olf. SOT. Chidley, Manager .Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our ....Funeral Director, ,1, W, Chidley, King St., opposite Foundry. n.Wmrt 1898 New Dried Fruits 1898. Raisins—Malaga, Valencia and Sultanas. Currants -- Filiatras and Fine Vostizzas. California Prunes and Elime Figs. CROSSE and BLACKS\'ELL PEELS, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NU'T'S—Filberts, 8, S. Almonds and Wallnuts.• • ' COOKING FIGS Car 15e, a lb, NICE OLD RAISINS for 5c. a lb ------headquarters for - • TEAS, SUGARS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS. • J. IN McKay, Block, ,,Clinton. Are Your Lungs Weak? Have you got Consumption, Catarrh, Asthma, or Bronchitis? Cannabis Sativa, Dr. Stevens' East India Remedy, will cure you. It has cured many cases of pulmonary consumption, pronounced hopeless by physicians. Its virtue is attested by leading members of the medical profession; by business men of high standing; by hundreds who owe their lives to its marvellous power to heal the lungs, allay inflamma- tion, renew the vital elements of the blood and create strength. So couficlent am I of its virtue that I will send a package, sufficient for 12 days' treatment, absolutely without cost, duty prepaid, to every sufferer who will send me an accurate statement of his or her case. I do not say that one package will effect a complete cure, but believe so much benefit will be derived from it that the treatment will be continued until a com- plete cure is brought about. What it has done for others. PETERnoRo, ONT., Canada, Oct, 18, 1877. '"I was foreman in the lumber shanty when I was taken sick, and being anxious about the work, I exposed myself greatly, caught a severe cold, and after recovering took a heavy relapse, which terminated in inflammation of the lungs. "The doctors all gave ale up. An abscess formed at the bottom of n)y left lung and discharged outwardly. At, the time 1 got your medicine, It Was getting worse every day. Every one thought, and so did I, that death alone would end my mis- ery, 1 commenced using CANNAnfs SATIVA the first or February, 1978, and after using three or four packages of the Remedy, the discharge was checked, and I was able to get out of bed alone for the drat time in more than three years and three months. "For from the sad of January, 1873, to the 15th of May, t8y6, 1 never was able to get in or outof bed once alone, nor never lay ten minutes off my back, nor never was out of bed one-half day at a time, and spent upwards of $1,400 without much if any benefit, and I only used a few cents over $2o for your medicine till 1 was well. "It is now exactly eleven months since I left my bed, and 1 am smart and healthy, and without pain or ache, or any symptoms of the disease. For the past six months I have been able to make a good living for myself. Last fall I cradled and drew In grain." ROBERT A. HAMILTON. Sept., 1897.—Mr. Hamilton's health still remains good. W. A.. NOYES, 820 Powers Block, Rochester, N. Y. COULD DO NO WORK. "Large scree broke out on my body, head and limbs, and also on my hands, so that I could not do any work, and my hair name out. My trouble was called eczema. 1 began taking hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had taken sever- al bottles the sores and itching disap- peared and i was cured." Mee. J, (1, BaowN, ilrantfoad Ont. HOODS PILLS are the only [,ills to take with hoods' Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills, Purest and Best for Table and 1)1310y !V• Adulteration. Never cakes, CLINTON. WOOD AND COAL YARD. anhserihor is prepared to prompts fill all or dors fm• \\hod ,and (')ral which willbe soil at lnwnst rated. ()f11re on Isaac Strnot at LAMS' IMPLEMICNTSROOMS. W. WH-ih:ATLEY LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND �-- WAGON FACTORY, Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. First-class Boggles on hand and made to order. Pricer to snit the times. Repairs and repainting promptly attend to, Prices reason- able. PUMPS ! PUMPS! Tf get want 0 Aro, elna., welhmnde pump, one the osis (311e you ralls,nrtIon, sar.rl yen? order to th nr,doratune d, }le will r11 and etean wells and do It a tho closet prises, ile also hm:dles a tirst•olss lOOtI'S PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON eppnatt Qneon's notes • 179911 Street Clinton. eoe•tf