HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-24, Page 3NOT&$ AND C6dl3fENTS emu The root of all th'e confusion In ' France, and the chief present menace to the stability of the Republic, is the popular hpatred of the Jews. 'There is no other reason for the rage of the populace, the shrieking of the press and the disorder in the cities, than the belief that Dreyfus, a Jew, did sell military secrets, that he is being pr's tented by a Jewish syndicate, bent or ruining France through its money power, and that the Government sc Years that powper that It may try Drey fux again In open court, There can bt no other cause for alarm, for it is car tain that the power which bought tilt seorets of the moliilization scheme wit "_ not move to DreyfuW support, th( Chamber sides with the people in de pending that there shall be no re tial and the army, as represented by its generals, insists that the verdict o1 Its eot>,r't shall stand. There is no res eon anywhere for the popular turmoi •except the belief, assumed or real that the Republic is in danger from the Jews, and as the Jews everywhere .are only an insignificant minority that a whole people should rage agalasl them seems inexplicable. It is tht - more so because the Jews labor under no political or religious disabilitjet \n France, always perform their civ lc duties faithfully,have served loyalll In the army, and have been as Frencl as any other class of the population E Nevertheless, hatred of them has stead ily increased of re(:ent years, due Er 1' part to tine traditional religious pre r,: judice entertained for them by tilt �,'., peasantry, but chiefly to the grow• �' ing hatred of the money power and li th'erefore, of the Jews as its most con apic•uous representatives. Whatever the basis of this new hat red may be, whether pity for the poor or envy of thie rich, or belief that wealth is constantly used to lluy le gislation and influence policies, tb( fact • retuains that it has spread throughout Franck. 'rite conviction of Dreyfus for "hetraying France gave „ it a fresh atimulus, and -when to that was added the efforts of his co-reli• gionists to secure his release, or it t•he popular view, the efforts of a syn• dicate of Jewish capitalists to compel the Gover'n'ment to release him, the French public seethed with excitement ,., - And as the disposition of the Frencl when violently excited is to expres, their dissatisfac•tion either by c•hang• ing the form of government or by pro ;tuc%ing the kind of anarchy under which dictators appear or states dis• appear, the danger which threatens the Republic. is apparent. Should the rage •against. the Jews continue and result in violent outbreak, the Government must protect,thtpra, not alone because it. is its first duty to protect all cd• linens, but because attack on the Jews will involve attack upon all pro- perty, and to do this the army must bs ordered to fire. The crisis will. then !have arrived, for if the army shares the popular hatred of the Jews, it. will refuse to obey orders; and as it deems its honor to have been impugned, the real charge of the Dreyfus party being that its courts are mere crea- fares of the State and so Incapable of rendering a just verdict, it may refuse, In that event, the Government. will be powerless, while if the troops obey orders; control will pass into the hands of the group of generals who direct the French army for only by their support can the Government go on. The probability is that both the army which has •always regarded govern- ment by civilians with something ap- proaohing contempt, and the property- �wners whose wealth is threatened, would then demand a stronger gov- ernment, and that the Republic would give place to a dictatorship or a mon- , archy. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. The well main often forgets the sick man's promises, Satan is always at hand to help a ma,n punt up a stovepipe. Poore men earn their living by sell- ing taffy and others by giving it away. 'Che silence of the gas meter is gold- en to the stockholders in the company, A man never realizes how insignifi- cant he is until he attends his oAvn weddinlg• What the very young man don't know he thitnks he knows and it tins- w•ere the same purpose. An old bachelor says that a woman's ebange of mind is an example of an effect without a cause. JKo matter how high a man may fly hes Pot to cbme down to earth ocva- alona.11y for board and lodging, The I card of trade member doesn't mind being called a bull or a bear, hitt call him a calf or a cub and he gets mad. The man who monopolizes the atten- tions of the prettiest girl at a party is I oth envied and listed by a.11 the other men present.• RAILROAD MILEAGE OF F('ROPE. According to a recent officiµl re- port there were at the beginning of 1897, 150,025 miles of railroads in oper- ation in Europe, an increase of 3,144 miles over 1896. Of this inaplt'ease, Aus- tria-ilungary ibad BOO miles, of which Hungary had 579 miles, in Russia there was an increase of 555 miles. Ger- many increased her railroads 579 miles, the* kingdom of Prussia receiving 397 miles, Tbis countries of Furope now having' the moat railroads in operation, according to their area, tire in their prde,r: Belgium, 3.582 miles; Great Bri- tain and Ireland, 21;217 miles; Ger- many, 29,35,5 ,riles ; Switzerland, `2,`209 m.11es; Holland, 1,608 miles; France, 25,- D89 miles, '[the other countries of Eu- rope have t.ho following' railroad mile- ages: AuAtria, 18,951: Denmark, 1,605; Spain, 7,615; Greece, 590; Italy, 9,349; Luxemburg, 269; Portugal, '1,451; Romm�niat, 1,784 ; Russia, proper, 22,- a, 455; T�inhild, 1,484; Servh, 395; Sweden, 6,078: Norway, 1,201; 'rurke.,y and Bul- garh-, 1,5(,7 ; IhA island of Jersey, Matta anti Van. 6R milon. FTf:RuYAi, T�r Nenr the CIIApia'n Sea there are. sov- er'a.l —eternal fires" so called by the nalivert, where natural gas issues from the groim,f, o.nrd has been on fire for agm, a A BE1TIFIC VISIONI THE MENTAL PICTURE THAT CROWN- ED STEPHEN'S MARTYRDOM. A �A1IT S GLIMPSE Of HEIVEN. Bev. Dr. TnImaee DA.v3ays the event In Hive n agnincent word Pictures — The bight must Ue been by Everyone t'or itinpselr Before Full Realization. Washington, March 13. --Rev. Dr. Tal- mage this morning preached. from Acts vii, 56-G0. "Behold I see the heavens opened," etc, die said : Stephen had been preaching a rous- ing ser•mou, and the people could nut &fund it. 'They resullved to do as men sometimes would like to do in this day, if they dared, with some plain preach- er of righteousuess—kill him. 'The only w•ay to silence this man was to knock tine breath out of him. So they rushed Stephen out of the gates of the city, and with cua'se and whoop and bello%v they lu•oug•ht hint to the cliff. as w•as the custom when they wanted to take away life by sitoning. Having broughit him to the edge of the cliff, they pushed him off. After he had fallen they came and looked down, and seeing that he was not yet dead, they begun to drop alanes upon him, stone after shone. ,Amid this horrible rain of missiles Stephen clambers up on his knees and folds his hands, while the blood drips from his temples to his cheeks, front his cheeks to his garm- ents. from his garments to the ground, and then, looking up, he makes two prayers—one for himself and one for his murderers. "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit I" 'That was fur himself. "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge 1" That was for his assailants. Then, from pain and loss of blood,• he swooned awway and fell asleep. 1 want to shote you to -day five pie- tures—Steplien gazing into heaven. Ste- phen looking at Christ. Stephen ston- ed„ Stephen In his dying prayer and Stephen asleep. First Look at Stephen gazing into heaven. Before you take a leap you want to knoAw where you are going to laud. Before you climb a ladder you Avant to know• to wihat point the ladder reaches. And LL was right that Steph- en„ within it Peru moments of heaven should be gazing into it. We would all do well ,to be found iu the same posture. 'There is enoiugh in heaven to keep us gazing. A man ui targe wealth may have statuary in the bull, and pa.fnlcings in . the sitting room, and works of art its all parts of• the house., bun he bas the chief pictures in the art gallery, and titers, hour after' hour you walk with catalogue and glass and ever increasing admiration. \fell, heaven is the gallery where God has gathered the chief treasures of his realm. The whole universe is itis pal- ace. In thisIow•er roan where we stop there are many adornments—tessellat- ed floor of amethyst., and on the wind- ing cloud stairs are stretched out can- vasses o.n which commingle azure and purple and saffron and gold. ,But heav- en is the gallery in which the chief glories are gathered. '['here are the brightest robes, There a.re the richest crowns. There are the highest exhil- arations. John says of Lt, "The kings of'the eairth shall bring their honor and glory into it," And '1 see the pro- cession farming, and in the line come all empires and t1he stars spring up into a•n arch for the hosts to march under. The boats keep step to the sound of earthquake and the pitch of avalanche from the mountains and the flag they bear is the flame of a con- suming. world, and all heaven turns out with harps and trumpets and myriad voiced acclamation of angelic dominion to -welcome them i,n., (And so the kings of the earth brbnrg their honour and glory into it, Do you wonder that good people often stand., like Stephen, look- ing into heaven ? \� a have many friends there. There i9 nod' a man in this house Co - day so isolated in life but bhere is some one iu heaven with whonf he once sbook hands. ,As a man gets older the num-. ber of hog celestial acquaintances very rapidly multiplies. lVe have not hast one glimpse of them since the night we kissed them good -by, and they went aw•iay, but still we stand gazing at heaven. cAs when some of our friends go across the sea we stand on the doekt or on the steam tug and watch theI14 and after awhile the hulk of the ves- sel disappears, and then there is only a patch of sail on the sky, and soon that is gotte and they are all out of eight. and yet w•e stand looking in the same direction. so when our friends go away from us irttto the future world w•e•keep looking down through the Nar- rows and gazing and gazing as though w•e expected (ha.t they would come out and stand on some cloud and give us one glimpse of their blissful a.nd trans- figured faces. 1\"'hits you long to ,juin their compan- ionship, and the years and the days pyo with such tedium th 1t they break your heart, anti the vit5er of pain rend sorrow• and bereavement keeps gna%v- ing n1. your vita.'s, ,you stand still, like. Stepben, gazing into heaven. You Avonder if they have changed since you saw them past. You wonder if they would recognize your face now, so changed has it Iwen with trouble. You -wonder if amici the myriad delights they have they care as much for you as they used to when they gave you a helping hand and put, their shoulder under your burdens, You wonder if they -look any older, anti sometimes in the evening tide, -when thp. house is quiet, you wonder if you should call them by thedT fir:9t. name if they would not answer, and l:erhaps siomptimes you do make the experiment., and when no one but. Gott and yourself are there you distinctly call t.h.eir names and Listen and Nit. gazing; into heaven. Pass on now• and ,see Stephen look- ing uTpon Christ. My text, says he saw• the Son of Man at the right hand of God. .rust. how Chri9l looked in this world, ,juwt bow' hr looks in heaven w•e cannot my. A wcriter in the time of Chrdgf Nays, descrilinp; the Ha.v- iour's personal appe.aranre, that he had blue eyes and tight romplexion a.nd a ve.rfy ,graceful structure, but i sup- pnse if. wits all guesswork. The pnint- ers of (lie different. ages have trier) to imagine the features of Christ. and put them upon raalvaw, but w -e will have to wait until with our o%w•n eyes w•e see him and with ou.r ow•n ears Ave ran hear'him. And yet there is a wvay of seeing and hearing hire\ now•. i have to tell you that unless you see and hear Christ. on earth you will never ate and hear him in heaven. LookI There he is. nellold the Lamb of God, Can you noth�i.,,,we h,im ?' ThPn pray 1 o God to take'Ths amleq off ,your eyes, Look than w•ay—try 10 look that. way, H19 voice comes down to you this day comps down to the 151indest, to the deafest soul, saying, "iBook onto me,, all ye e)ntls of the earth, anti Ile •ye slaved, for I am. (loll, and there Is none else." Proclamation of universal Pm- ancdpated slavaq Ikt Proclamation of tin.iversal amnest for all robals, liel- shazzar gathered the Babylonish nobles to hsg table, George 1. entertained the lords of P1u,gland at a banquet, Na- Now I Iay m,l down to sleep, I pray the j[.ord my soul to keep. 1 ��((AA��TT jJ(� ONTARIO S III0T SOBOOLS• poolally for the u4versity, Latterly the dep&rtmewt LONllON'S F�_, , (IATA poleon I1I. welcomed the Czar of Rtes- eta and the Sultan of Turkey to his We ryy be too feeble to employ eith- . 1 claims, that the courses of education which they provide hay _ feast, this Emperor of Germany was er oP these fanitlar forms, but this prayer of Stephen ict yyo short, is so eon- COST OF THEIR MAINTENANCE FOR been a desirable qualification for vari obs other pursults is life. PASSING 0 TEMPLE $AR WITH Alia glad to have our minister, George Bancroft, sites down with him at iris else 1s so earnest, Ia so comprehen- TH$ YEAR 1897. Ian 186 ,school pupils, when IT3 GRANDEUR. table, lint tell me, ye Who know most sive, we surely twill be able to say that, " Lord Jesnts, receiive --, Fuels about our — they 6372 thei Lhrc High school educe ate- --+ of the world's historyy, what other kitlg ever asked the al andoned and the Por- if that ra er is ans"ered,show s e t p y Ails ltouat ndunce Nuwber or Paplb lu atleadunce — 4 d the c umber mercantile life. Irl 1891; the anumher had increased to 1,315. In u., onto ilpJoTill Proe(aelr II�t happ bT roots and Thieves — J+}tk blteppard. lora and the wretched and the cult- 6t will be to die I This world is clever enough for us. Perhaps it hes treat- Tacehers and Their eularles. the latter pupils went into year 1,139 Pope, Addison and Guy fPawkes — Tbeq cast to come and sit besides hint ed us a great! dial better than we de- The .followi;ag facts and Plgurea are a rioultural g• pursuits. flame neelty, UeFeney and t►oseueratlell Oh, wonderful .invitation I You can serve to be treated, but If on the dying gleaned from the report of the Minit.ter Inall the Hdgh schools gave to mer- -- blory or a Piece of Arehlietlure. take it to -day and stand at the head of the darkest alley in any city and pillow there should- braak the light of of Educatioa for Ontario for the year 1897: cantile life and agriculture in 1896, '2,- 'Time deals alike +with the vanities of say : 'Coate ! Clothes for y oiu rags, salve for• sores, a throne for your that better world we shall have no more regret about leaving a small, There are iu the Province 5,657 Pub- 4fi4 pupils oP well-rewguized edu(u- tional standing, and to the universities men. It sends tits worm tato theipc handiwork and also into their du+at. It your eternal ref nin A Christ that talks g g dark, damp house fur one large, beauti- fol and capacious. That in minis- dJ g lie sohoole, and 339 Roman Catholic and learned professions 959. 'The whole number who left the High schools for has eradicated 'Temple liar, and from like that sad acts you that and par- dons like that—lie you wonder that ter is Philadelphia some years ago Separate isehuuls. 'There arelOYrotes- tact Separate schools and 97 Kinder mercantile life since 1872 was 21,235, its ashes given bdrth to the Griffin, Stephen stood lookin at him? I hope g beautiful) depicted it when in the y law( moment hes threw up his hands and - gartenp. apiui for agriculture 16,737. which meq guard the east approaches to spend eternity doing the same cried out ;' I move into Lhe light I" There are 202 teachers a aguged In The occupat�icrar• of parents oP High to the great metropolis with peter* thing. I must see him; i must look Pass bin now, and l will show ou y Kinds rgarten work Eu the province, and school pupils are as follows:—Agricul- er vigilance, I:ut certainly not with upon that face once -.!coded with in y sin, but now• radiant with my pardon. tote more picture, and that is Stephen 41 nd gilt school teachers. The number cal 6,168; 2,487. irrechaai- cal 6:62; ofessi '2,487. tt,e majestic bearing and romantip 1'want to touch that hand that knock- asleep, With a pathos and simplicity peculiar to the Scriptures the text of n dgsh,t sahoola in Ontario is placed 21. pru[eysianul, nal, In 1683 there were 93 bleehanios" In- memories as did old 'Temple liar. thatfvoiice swhichl pronounced Amy deli- says of Ste " felplacelthat "what; at I Duriing the year the amount expand- stitutes said free libraries in the pro- Standin b the side oP oho Griffin lookin toward the settin sun, tha g veranc�. Bill i Iit.Cl c ildren o u d h m, e h Oh," you sa ha a any, was to sleep( A hard ruck under him, ' ed for Public soh�ool-houses, sites and vL .5e. nJ in 1897 t w f here ere 3'23 li praries g SCrand an<t \i'estern London Ile before for if you live to three score years and tea you will see none so fair. Behold stones falling down upon him, the blood , buildings, was $380,409; for Public reported. In 1883, 51,920 volumes were issued. lin, 1897, $2,157,9G5 were issued, o J' u. 'This same 'Temple Bar, that for frim, ye aged orale i, ftor he only can streaming, the mob how•diug. \What a , school teachers' salaries $•2,784,087, sad place it A%pee to sleep I" And yet my for all other ur oses Ln connection a,nni the a.ssets�hall increased from' $255,- so many years half blocked up the shine through tha dimuegs of your fail- rug eyesight, 'Behold him, ealrtb. Be- P' P teat takes that symbol of slumber to ;with eleme kary schools $790,964. 190 to $844,692,37, entrance to the city and was removed hold him,• heaven. What a moment describe his departure, so swevA was ' 'The total number of persons in the The gross amouhtt expended by the a few ears a o, was erected in stone y g ( � when al.l the naliuns of the saved Shull ilt, so contented, w%as it, so peaceful was ih• 6Ui hen had lived, a ver lal:orious 1provinipe between the ages of 5 and P y i Educatiotnal Department fur all educa- tional L867 ie by Sir Christopher Wren, in plane of gather around Christ I All fares that life. His chief work had been to care 21 years, as aseertai,aed by the as• purposes since $15,114,503. a wooden structure, in 1674), during the way. All thrones that way, gazing on Jesus. I rt for the poor. How many loaves of lessors i,a 1897, was 5J1,717, 'l.'he num- , a this su'm $7,37Sepa was divided ( amun►g' the Public, Se term of office b Sir GHOr a \h'ater- Y g His worth if all the nations knew bread he distributed, bow many bare , her of regristered pupils of all ages In'I feet he bed sandaled, how many cots the Public schools during the year was p perste and other schools; to meet the a;nbual txpendi_ for man, Str Richard Ford having occu- the during the inter - Sure the whole earth would love him. too. of sickness and distress he blessed with 441,10'2, or a decrease of 3,676 as com- ministries of kindness and love 1 do pared with the year 1896. ture teachers' salaries an,cl other purposes; $2,72`2,435 was spent for the pied civic chair vening year of 1671. The Law Courts T pass on naw and look at Stephen � not know, but from the way he lived I lithe average attendance of pupils In and the way he died I know hes was a trainin and examination of teachers of Publlo schools, anal for the fnspea- were erected on the site of a whole stoned, The world has always wanted laborious Christian, But that is ' all the Public schools of the province tion oP sahoola ; $:,,49.2,504 was paid rooker of between 30 and 40 queer y to gest' rid of good men. Their very life , all I was 246,724, a decrease of 785 as com. directly for the support of High schools ramshackle, tumble-down atreete, is an ageau!t upon winkedness. Out the lastvfainting llip�rHe hashtak npthe I pared with the year preceding. (utud $`220,277 indirectly fur the bene- courts and alleys, demolished very with Stephen through the gates of the city, Dowu with him over the preci- lest insult froml his enemies. The last i The ,number of pal*its In Roman fit of High schools, i,a the way of in- apection, and training of High school greatly to the benefit of the locality( rites. Let ever bran come up and 1 y stone to whose crushing weight he is I Catholic Separate schools, 40,846; in;- teachers; $1,246,011 was paid to super - Here drop a stone upon his head. But these susceptible has been burled. Stephen crease, 1,0?3. Average attendance in dead I 'The diswivsh come, They take i Roman anlnuated teachers and $1,059,81! in 6TUOD BU.TCHEIls ROW, men did not so mudh kill Stephen as they kilted themselves. Catholic Separate schools, 24,- h up, -sash away the blood 630; increase fur the year, 540. '1'hay slid of tec'h.nical education. Shire or Shear Lane, and other places .Every stone rebounded upon them. While these murderers were transfix- fro from the wounds. straighten out oun the bruised limbs. They brush bt}ek the , The nlumber of pupils In Protestant FLASHES OF FUN. of far from respectable repute. Olt! one portion of the site was once e. I ed by the scorn of all good men, $teph- lives tangled hair from( the brow, and then they pass around to Look upon the Separate schools was. 619; increase for the year 127; average attendance was "flash leen," or tavern, called "Tho en in the admiration o£ all Chris- tendon. 6tephen atoned, but Steph- calm countenance of him who had liv- 305 • increase 58. r Young Physician (excitedly) — How Bible," P requented by highwaymen and en alive% So all good men must be ed for the poor and died for the truth, Stephen asleep I The total number of pupils attending did you learn about' me? Messenger — footpads in the early half of the sigh - pelted. All w•ho will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution. T have seen the sea driven with the i kindergarten was 10,174, an increase Ra nE' all the bells till I found ones at home, teenth century, such as Jack Sheppard It is no eulo of a man to sa that igy y hurricane until the tangled foam , for the year of 673, The average at- r caugllrt in the rigging, and wave ris-' tendanae was 4,051; increase 405. Tib1Ay-•.Jimpson says it w•as so cold and his pals, Blueskin and others. The Retreat houso the same everybody likes him. Show me any man whois doin all his dut, to state g Y . I ing above wave seenved as i£ about to I The attendance at night schools in when he was out slei ge sti the other day that the reins froze stiff. Tobbs— was, another of character, and so was Cad er's Hall, g hohutte,rl a him how you men storm the heavens, and then T have seen the tempest drop and the waves I the province is falling af£, The bum- Hard lines. whdch was connected by a bubteC- abhors Lf all men speak well of you, it is crouch and everything become smooth i ber of pupils registered fur 1897 was Papa, what Ls meant by 'taking time ranean passage, with the most disreput- ipeoause °u are either ala y ggard or and burnished as though a camping i 1,304, and the average attendance 329. These fi g'ures slimv. a decrease over by the forelock?' In most cases, my able housa of them all., bearing t e a dolt. If a steamer makes rapid pro- thrautglt the waves, the water place for the glorLes of heaven. So I have seen a man whose life bus been 1896 of 781 is registered pupils rind son, it Is worrying shout things that never ha ppen. curious name of the Smashing Lum gross will boil and foam, all around it, Brave tossed and driven' coming down at last BS in avers ge attendance. As loan as a girl thinks she owns a er, situate In a low court valled Ship soldiers of Jesus Christ will hear the to an infinite calm, in which there w'as this hush of heaven's lullaby. There were 8,254 teachers employed man site begins to act hurt and dis- Yard. This house, as well'as The Bible, carbines click. When I sees a Inan with voice and month and influence all ' Y In the Public schools. Of these 2,7`26 Stephen asleep l 1 saw• such a one. I �, were menu and 5,528 women 3,409 oP leased viten he doesn't Ip put on an ov- had all manner of secret and curious trap on the right: side and some caricature He fought all his days against poverty ! ; tluem have Normal School. ercoat when he goes nut into the cold. rooms, doors, and underground dpim and some sneer at Lim and some anti o ainst abuse. They traduced his attended g' Those Loving Girls—Helen—Don't, ou 6 Y exits, and communications, from one denounce him and men who pretend to I name. 'They rattled at the doorknob L'he average annual salary of -tale think my new, bonnet is a perfect to the other. Coiners and rufflans of ba actuated by right motives conspire ' whiLa he was dying with duns for de.his ' teachers i -n Public schools for the year dream? Mattis ---it's afore than u the ver worst description made these y Lo cripple him, to' cu t him out, Lo de siW him, I say, "S efit stoned I" he could not pay, yet (he prate of (;od 1897 was $400. The averu.ge anulus! sal- brooded over his illow, and while the ar of female teachers w•as $•291.. p y dream clear; it's a enuine ni h,tmare. g g den their rendezvous and homes. It When I see a man IIr aOme great , , %%OI Id Palled heaven dawnrd, and the ' I There were registered last 1a Wallace—How would you like to join ,•as from a personal tnsp5eclron of moral or religious reform battling against grug-shops, exposing wicked- I deelienin g ttvil,ight of ea•r1.h's night Acas year only the opening twilight. of heaven's I Public schools 1,454 pupils under five one of these'Don't Worryrl,ubs?' Ferry —I'd join in a mitrute, but my wife what remained of the Smashing T.um- ber that Harrison Ainsworth way ia- nPss in hrgh places. by suttee means � r morn. Net a sigh ; not a tear; not: a years cP age; •180,1531 pupils between, would lake it as an. insult•. trying to purify tha3 church and better. struggle. Hush I Stephen asleep( I the ages of 5 ane! 21 years, and 341 Modus Operandi—I met your friend ap'ired to write some o[ the sCeRE'S in toe world's estate, and 1 find that some ! 1 have not the facility to tell the I pupils over 21 years of age. Springely this morning. How did he his of the newspapers anathematize him' Aveatber. I can neiveri tell Icy the set- There are 130 High schools in the ting sun AwhethI there will ►e a strike you? Said he. had left his change "JACK SHEPP_1RD," and men—even good men—oppose him, and denounce him because, though he j drought. or not. I cannot tell by the province. The number of. teachers rs at houto Ln his olh.-r trousers. Pa.rticu!arly those connected with Clio does ood, he dues not do it in their I gT 571 , mlamber of pu cls 24,5G7, a des- blowing of the wind wbethet• it will 1 p He—yo ou're cin lu throw me y b g arch ro rut', Jonathan \\'ill. Unr of 6 way, say, "Stephen stoned l" The be fair weather or foul on the morrow, crease of 95, as compared with the re- down after all? Slie—Yes. Father the old tumble-down houses was re- w•orld, with infinite spite, took after ! lith I can praphesy, aiid i will pr•oph� ' turnla for 1R96. said he would if I didn't, and he's so putted to be the meeting place of Guy John Frederick Oberlin and Paul and ! say, what weather it Avill be when you, I High school teachers' salaries for the terribly literal you know. Fawkes and IlL9 pluttera. A well-known, Stephen of the text, lint you notice,' I the Christian, come to -lie. You may ' year amounted to $531,765. 'There was have Lc very rough now•. It' ba Now, Bennie, here's the medicine, and tavern in Butcher row, fa•ing the my friends, that while they assaulted him they did not succeed really in i may ; expe,aded in school houses, sites and this week one annoyance, the next an- liere'a the dime papa left to pay you' Strand,AwastheShip that unve ke-longed I to air• Christopher Hutlou, til: dauc- killing him. You may assault a good ,buildings, $84,GG3, and fur all other Of.her annoyance. It may to this year 'Hugh school purpostps $13!,542. Se that for taking it. ALI riglht., mumnra. if t you fake, it and don't tell, 1`ll give you ing Chancellor of queen Ehxa}ietli, man. but you cannot kill him, On the day of his death Stephen one bereavement, the next another I the total High school expenditure was bereavement. Before this year has ' half. w•ho granted hi.m thr house in•1571. The I landlord the Shi.,p issued tokens, and spoke before u few people in the ran- $749,970. bossed you; may have to beg for bread ' Proprietor—No, I• can't give you a of 5tH of them dated 1649, is in Cha lieau- i he•drin. Now• he addresses all Chris- or ask for a scuttle of coal or a pair In 1882the.re were only 33,126 pupils in job. I find it hard work to keep what foy Collection. Fairthorne, tfie engrav- tawndom. Paul the apostle stood on of shoes, but at the last Christ wilt the Public schools of Ont.ariostudying 1 clerks I've got, busy. Boy—f w'on't both, er had his shop next door• It w•a9 still Mars hill addressin r• a handful of : philosophers who kn not. so much ' come in, and darkness Avill go out, and, I t.hough theta' may he no hanrl to close , ttRnperamrpe and Dp.ygiane. lu 1892 Aha er ou that way; I can keel) bus a I long time doing very little. y a tavern as lite as 1756. 'file surroundings of Butcher's row . about science as a modern schoolgirl. ! youreyesand nobrPast on which to rest I number dyad grown to 171,594, and now Whene'e.r a man attem pts to drown 1 all([ its neighborhood were not all of To -day lie talks to all the millions , your dying bead and no candle to lift , the ,lumber is over •200,000. Having re- His trawl>les, then 1 note a rowdy and disre ,utable character, 1 °f Christendom about the wonders of - the night. the odors of Clod's banging gard to the great importance of the He always seems to think they are toi� one part of tine new Law Courts justification and the glories of resur-, 1 garden will regale your soul, and at• � krix,wledge of physiology and the in- Located in his throat, aur updes the site on which was the t rection. John Wesley w•as howled down your bedside will halt the chariots of i jurious effects of alcoholic stimulants the i{ing. No more rents to no un the human system, provision was Could I call you a Bible? asked the house where the Kit Cat Club assemb- by the mob to whom he preached, ,and they threw bricks at him, and the Y ' paw• more a on h 3 P g y ecause flour has one up, '-,lade b • the statute is 1886 fur lac- g I a gent. I vers not,' replied stn real g led. ost of t Polis, Sir Rfu,en nne', and most of the wits Of Qu^en Anna 9 denounced i�nd they jo3tley no more struggle with "t•hneauelrlon a the course. of study shnl reign foregal:hered there, and when Pim 4htm and the a at u on him, and I flesh and the devil," but ,g, for Publ8cl5achoo 8 iherne.xtuoffl�e� HPy haslApsort not occauied in I day, in all lands, he is admitted to be , deep. everlasting peace. Stephen The. system of kladergarten instrue- of mania for rare books. . FIGHTING THE FRENCH the great father of Methodism. Booth's, bullet vacated the to chair, p1 tion was first introduced into Ontario She—\\'IIIie is so witty. Ile—Oh, you' In Flanders, Jobn Churchill, the great f coagul but from that spot of coagulated blood Asleep In Jesusl Blessed sleep. in 1882 and subsequently made part women think any idiot tvhw c•an get off a lo( 'of at.uff he bac read in the pup-. Afar]lorou�h, looked in now• and again the on the floor in the box of Ford's thea- From which none ever wakes t° weep I of the school system of the province. era--,. But I know• he is w•itt. Even >' to oin Ills lirother members of I � club. ter there s ran u the new life of a nation. pStephen stoned, but Ste- A calm and undisturbed repose Within 10 E ars, G6 kinder arteas were established with 160 teachers, attend- (pis own .is ter latilrhs at his tunny say- U.n the oppostite. ids of the Strand, phen alive. Uninjured by the last of. foes. ed fly 6,375 Orildrea under six years utgs, I facing the principal. entrance of the Pass on now and see Stephen in his i T v! 1 r Asleep n eau a from thee of age. In 139(1 the nunlher of kinder-{ \\'flat 9, said Lhe -rues examining law le al temple, is another new' palatial of builditnga, t ke site of which, as dying prayer. His first thought Aw as not how the stone hurt his head, nor Thy kindred and Their graves may gartean diad inereased to 97, with 202 teachers, at.tenided by 10,174 pupils un- I yer, are you wd! lint* to s%w•ear t hat the prisoner was smoking a pipe at Clio, ; pi a Fell as itself, I;ai a little history of what would become of his body. His lo' Bro there is still !Blessed sleep dersis ears of ri e. y g (line? No, sir, replied t.hU Avitnes,,S; 1' I its own. On December _7, 1618, Prin- -tees% Elizabeth, the onl da hter of Y u8' first thought, Avas about his spirit. "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit I" The a From which none ever wake to Tho h,ighpst salary paid t(t any Pub- V�uerlOwP�,r.•' Elul L am w•[l:ln.g to I+el $ tc $ ttuat he %vas. Jarups L, was afflnnced at Whitehall murderer standin on the tra door, g P the block cap being drawn over ilia AtePp' You have seen ennugh for one morn- tic school teacher in Ontario in LRT1. i was $1,1100. The h�Ighest paid at pros- , Lerr 1aiPtlic-1 wonder how one nP y to tile. Falsgrace, afterward King of )3ohemia, In honor of this most aus- Nasd before the execution, may grl- ling. No one can sucees9fully examine Out is $1,500. 'rhe average salary for t}tem fellers that has asteady ,job and 11r•ious event, a tavern on the south mace about the future, but. you and more than. five piotnres in a duy. , male teacher.~ is the whole province I works every (la,y feels? Wayw•orn! side of the Sirand, near t.o 'remple I have no shUme in confessing some Therefore ice eio,) having seen this' 1,$400; formals teachersinc•ities $965;' Watson—You better not let your' Bar, and oppositt. thp.. Ship tavern in anxiety about (where we are going to c•lusler of dl%tne Rap,haels—Slap- for female teat+hers in eitiPw $420. Ithinker run on them ideas. I?irst' ilutchers row, was rerhrisl.Pned the I come out. You a.re not all I:ody, There is I It hen gazing into heaven Stephen look- The total rece.i tg of Yuhlic schools sc0: ing Christ. Ptei•hPn :step- I f thin; you know you may go wrong,•. Palskrave's Head. After many years the Palsaravo'y Heart %vas pulled down within you a soul, see gleam fromyour eyes and T sae it. irradiating in Ontario in ]Rip were 2,liv at stoned, hen in his dying prayer, Stephen $' in C.uodeum!—\Ylty trill you carry on aql I , and a quiet. little court AAaa9 built your countenance. Sometimes I am asleep. ' 1882, $3,469,990; in 189'2, $•1,811;89!1; in you do? Why arca t you more. careful; upon that. and the adjoining ground, abashed before an audience not because 1896, $4,886,118. The greater portion of I about. the• ppre.servatiun of your repu-' consisting of "very genteel private I come under their physical eyesight., i but because I tope truth these amounts are, of course, derived from municipal school grants and as I t.ation ? Littlernind--Don't %%a11t io preserve it. If I could only get rid of; l tion%•-,." This court had a front Prl- trance from thio Strand and a track realize that I stand before so man,v immortal BEATING VFRNE'S HERO. sessments. The other sources are leg -I it 'altogether I'd le a mighty Night; %w•ay into the precincts of the temple spirits. T'he probability is that your klative grants and clergy' re.YPrve I better off than I sin. I I it is presumed that Cho olcl tavern had body will at last find a sepulcher in I Time ruble for bola!- (round ace world In fund• I \\lar Argument.,—I %%ant war. said; also a l:a:•k as w•�ell as it front Pntran- same, of the cemeteries that surround! tsnay"--slow 11 1% WorkedOlol. •Phe total expenditure of l.'ubli iBiLLls, fac„tinusly, I,P,ausN 1 sin fit ce, for an old luiA mentions the pare, butrthal5nour oyer uiPs ,ill4beprle�eot . Prince lZhllkoff, file 1%u^tgian minister scJtoola in 18T2 was $2,307,7(14; in 1RR8, hoiw-s that f t"that. Away Hume of nry' showing• Thal choating cabmen out of their fans is by no means a modern in - and resp ctful, and you will be able' of rommuaricationp, is report+•cl to have $3.036,975; in 1892_. $1,053,91.8; in 18,10, (,149,`207. These sumg.%vPrP spent fort $ 1 creditors will Ira, killed off. I H111410:re,i ventiun— to pillow your hear! under the maple, , staCed that, when lha Sil;orian rail- maps, apparatus, prizes, silos piaci rPniarked .'rigp, that you would rtU here are them killed (talc! ht Ihtn hFtveI lint nett at Picrildilly they arrive, or the• Norwa • s ruc•e, or the cypress, y p w•ay is o itined th,rou, hout its en 1 !fi sa,rool rent, arlrl fuel. I them N(arve. to deal!-, g And• taking roach, ('wards Temple nr the blossoming nr, but this at (]I-. about Achfcll Steph<5n prayed—what df-; ti.re length, the (.aur of the world mayI o.st p, l Torre Phe cast. per pupil fur erluriltion inI Miss Garlingltorn—1 know I'll look Bar they drive, the rection will that take? \\-ha.t guides l,e trade in thirty-three days, The the Public school hassteadily inc•reals-'. like a frigh.f %%•illi my hair done tit) in Rut alt St. Cletnent's got (tilt , In.,k, will escort it? Whitt gate wilt open,varioun diversions+ ,of the journey since Ccafederati,on. fn 1867 it wasllhiswaw• Phntogrta!her—Buf.Ihinlc how! And S'iiy,ing thraup;h the I'alNgrave, to receive it? What, cloud will he -are covered as tallow's: Bremen t.o St. 3.67; in 1972, $4.&i; in 1882, $6i.1_; in much worse% 'NTigs iVlardygrass would I bilk( poor hack. cleft for its pathwa;v? After it. has got beyond the tight of our sun• will : PeteTHL•urg, one and a half clays; St• 1892, $8.40; in 1896, $8.01. Li 1867 onl • 1„283 pupils, or •2.1 per, y i 1 I look with her h it in (hal si,y!e ° 'I ' That will do, thanits. i think %ve have 1luriug ThR roustrualinu of the Law there be torches lighted for it the rest' Petersburg to Vladik•08tOPk, ten days; cent W.114liPdnombe j ninnmrrd to catch our very (pest ex- y Cour1N, Mr, J)ona,ld Nicol, ex -Sheriff of of the wwny? Will the, soul have to'Vladivostock fo San E�rancisco, ten pttEii rrinlHt�,!Ipression, madam. London, unci \1,I'. fur Stroud, form - 'Cont.pa.ny, travel through long deserts heftire it days; San Franciisro to New• York, four jects, such as bookkeel)iag, in 18% thisi No(. Unique — Wlwit a %wonderful Pd at li+niled which purc•has- reaches the ood land? It Ave. ahould 1(nseour puthway, will there be a castle I and a half days; New• York to Bremen, subject was takety by 13,0011 pupils, or painter Rubens waw! remarked lir. ed , I'HI': 1,1'1"Illi? RP �l'ha'I'I':111;11 f'Ultl3C at who9e gale we may a.sk the wap to seven clays, total, t.hirt,y-three. Anoth- 'better 53 per cent. of the whole allendau,ee, In, 11167, 5.171 pop;N, or 90 per cent, of ed Arris, Jones. 11. is sum of him that : ,Jones nl flue art Yes, assent- Of g,*enteel little houses called pals- the cit •? . Oh, this mysterious shit, • y 1 wit..htn us, It bas two wings, but it: er authorit ops one than len Ih the whole of teadanre, studied bilin • gallery. r he could chanp,e a aughing face into rave f'lnrP earl the ad'ninin remises g .I g t is to a cag e, now•. it. is locked fast to t,af.. He iTopo,pestoreduce the 1 g in 1896 the n5unber or pupils in Latin � a earl oar• by a .gingle.Nf rake. t\'hy spoke fur the purpose of pulling them dow•1t keep it, but let. the door of this cage of the world's jou.rnpy to twenty- wa•+ I5,5'2fi, about (i9 per cent.. of the up little Johnny in disgust, my School- anti erecting a palatial building, eon - open the tense, and the soul is off. eight days. The figures given by the number in attendance. i master ran do that. styling uF Nuiles of chaml55rs Hurl oft Alttglo+'s wing wnuld not catch it. The' Russian minister are evidently I•ased 'rite t(tial expenditure in the provincei RcrP, pou'va I,Pen IPI!iug mP all a.l- furs nn Ih^ upper flours, and nn the flour a 'pertTP, up -to --leis res- ligh4nfngs are not swift enough to, take. up lt. When leaves on the actual running Hieed of it's va,rLuuq railway :and atettrnship liars, fur Roman ('a Cholic Se mate schools d9' p ong, N'tlrI f ipe bright -fared young wife, ground Ia %which f h^ ,a%% ion gave AAith the soup i he body, it takes 50 worlds of a hound. � an estimated average speed of about over $300,000 ,yearly. The amount ex- penderi for the mninf.enancep of Pro- I what n d nrlerful rook your e her r was. And now your aunt Jane has irUPly opposite the Law Courts (lave sly o to ho' pe would le And have 1 no anxiety about it ? Ha1aH I I an hour Prom the llun4ia t"fenf. Separate schools isishout $.50(10! just fold me that your father was a every encoura t ment g' p Tho rhamhrrr and o you no anxiety shout. it.? i do nod,' care witat u do with, my i ca friles Ilv9sran rat flet! to Vla(livustork. Balt it. is awggPHted that it the traveller per Year. fwvp of the teachers hold' twelve hold !hirci dywpeptin Well, see, the hu915and dPPt'1,n9 Ayrrr all hu1 the restaurant, Aw hide Nvereggo; a l l o ly when my soup is gone ar whether ; had the services of the fastest Px- second class and clogs certtf( • ' ' N%i young murmured with a young si h, mother learned by pra.•(iging on g l c•slled Th^ 1'nlst;rave, hurl Loi a I very brief exi,itenve under (lint nano. you believe in em nation or inhuma- 1 (fon, 1 shall SIPe a9 wwell in a i)sting ahipH on (he ovea.n and the t rains ,were run at. the hi he.4 rate Of H(IPP.rI g The rerei t5 of High schools lnsl ear y futlher, I It has Leen reo pined inore that once 1 p ,just wrappdng of sacdciTIdhlas in satin lin- I consistent \with the gradients, curves, we. re $RO 631, made lip Of fees, Col. Hawkins.—lentis Mose, 1 hear lender ofh,pr names. (Ane was I'll,, Du - lh,P well-known Clau to Pd w• t -.- h eagle's down. But. my Saul before, this day 1 will final out and condition of the permanent way of railways in the various districts pee rant 99-I $115,7R3, rt d lPprislal g $ 993, Tile total ex enditure A%a.g $749,-j You and your wi[Q had a little dispute attain last night, Which came out vel—not eels- i Duval, who may hrvc vdgsted 'rh liible, passes w1tPrH iC wiJl land. 'thank (pod for the pnssred over, five days migh,l. he saved, 970, of Which $532,765 was paid in tench• 1 a,h.ead this time? (inrle Moss (dubious-' bark and one or tw'o (tthrr9 of fhr p!n^pY mentioned in the old rookery, but aft - intimation of my text, that when w•e die Jesus takes us. That answers till Th'uq the hniger Wilhelm would lie av- allahle for the Atlantic passage, her e>:s'salaries. for Higrh fly feeling a turnip on the+ of his head) ---1's powerful glad to ray dat. T er fh•a well-known Pt+risian Pstabli4h- quest.ions for me. \\'hat! though there av+Pragc Hpeed of 22,34 knots per hour, 20-knol Hpteed is wulumed for the T4te annual cast per pupil school education is nowv $30,:58. 'There kin ctrl ahnnd, Iposs; but silt% migt icy nigh overtook me. Yes, s she did minis of AT. Duval. Thr !owv'er premis- ex are now• cievniplod ra.g one of the were massive bars between here and the city of light, Jesus could remove and a c flit iA9ga e. 'I'o maintain the hi h I A I g g hag been a stead increase in tills y {or n far', An' 1 ;s% gat de n . . , ary branches o[ llnyds Banking (lent any, r and !hiring nrblfc Are and the hung t them• What though there were great Average --R of the especial trains, it is cost per head since 1867, when it waq evidence on my pumon to prove it. ,v fain to aoek refreshmeni Plsewhern. Saharas of darkness, Jesus couldillume further assumed that speeds of from $•21.00 per head. In 1882 the cost per Tc 11r Ba>< j(self wn.g rolila •Pit in I11RO them.. What though I got weary on dive, way, Christ could lift me on his six(v to seventy miler+ an hour wnuld Ile maintnined on levet s(ret.ehes of pupil wa.s $27,56, and in 189.2, $30.- 48. by t•h,e (.rifPin, which Post £10,090, And olrtnipotent shoulder, What !.hough t,hrd country to make up for tlmp last I%n 1867 Greek was studied by 15 per MYSTERY FXPLA1YTr1T), ,6 actual Bar (%%hiv'h contained al -out 1,000 stairs) waq re-ererteri by Sir there were chasuns to cross, hie hand rout(! transport me. Then let Hte ,hen's in Pronging mountilins, rile pro! able 15Ps1, lin.^. that. rould hP made h, en a, 3R per ceBnt. of pupils studied French l''he following incident, is righted by Henry _ux at I•is place, I'henhald's prayver, be my dying litany, "Lord .)es- incl w-ecin.l trains, assuming the or n film'. of all pupils in High Rehools, Tn nn T:ng13s9p ,jou.rnal, I,ut. if. miltht have happened Almost. a.nywhcrs: Waltham (Toss, ol.ght years Ialor. us, r•ecei,ve mly spirit." it may he in pnssa"s to Iw performed at the 1890 drily six per cent. were engaged k; the study of this sub,jeet.. in IR67, A lady Avila kept, poul1 ry ha.•1, am- Y,- i...nip -- � • - that hour we, will Ile too feeble to say a 1011 prayer, Tt1'may he in Chili hour speed mentioned, would be its follows: i.ondon to Morrow, N hourrw; Moscow a,nd nine studred German; in IR96 tiles° studied by 5p5 an'(1 IA Un dapeSdie harinone killeid1ifnr dinntlr HiS LAST \1'ORD$• we will notil)o ahle to Say (lie ” Lord'a Preyyer," for it hag seven prii(ions. (o Vladdvosto,•k, 149.1 hour•(; V*a,livo.t- took to Srin Francisco. 270 hours; Han ,ubjects were per cent, respectively of the total number , ww'ihivii proverb In ire very tough, His last words were of yon. feel' Perhaps "o he ton feeble fn I"Tp. n"IRPO to New York, 73.1 hmirw or pupils. Rap,hol, she 9a"id to the servant, an The proligal son-imlAw fried to may even Ray the infant prayer our mothers Ne'ty York to Plymouth,, 138-R hours: 'I'MAi Wlioa the High school system of fhe elderly w•omnn whin hall been with her some time, wvhA.t. fowl iR this? It seems Ag solemn as lie looked. 9Tittht 1 inquire whet !they wprpf Caught uH, whi.Ph .iobn Quincy :!clams, 70 years of age, said every night w hep F'lymmilh fn T,nndon, 3.l hours. 065.•2 hours. Thiq gives n total of ::7 pmvi.nwe was first innupturaterl its r• *.vnN to in 1pe a very old li P. \Nell, it's Yat might, ,lie that. iP Ito could hewrould hes pall hiss he{lei tt(An his pillow : dnyq 17 hours Por the whole journey. tr'imary abject preplFlre pupils �or the learnrci professions, anti es- maim, rPpltpri slice, one of them there antediluvians, tick only grt one rrrhrH kic.lt ai tNu die happy, e a _: i r. ., . 'y y s ` ,p . ., N a_...�1,._ ��.__.. _... � .. ..,. ____..:..r„__.,.:..---....,,...—..-...r.-•�. .. ___... ..... ...: _. �. ..,._s... Ac�:.. :.a..,�,a,..�.nv.'6 u:,a+nn rm ,,.M....yc„n_w.�oe.. .. .. ..,; �.�. --s. :.r,.vx.�..wx�u;•m3arcr . ,. i