HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-24, Page 2,.�, -. �„ -• - + - ---- ------ - I d been invariably ora ppramptnno y PRACTICAL, FA MINGi the imq�mtaAce, yea, the absolutb neo- carp M c THE of very " wabor, with' ocoasionally some a.lka i., like sodia or borax, to clean Servants qu a. i T., lime. Une nigLt �klaggie Nay taken 111. I fell M� J f ecss,t ezdstoA of ill Sol.%ation' y' and of brood Stock as now. ,HOME• .,�,�,,.-_ . - .-.., _ pots and pans. She also has plenty of I pursed bar till daybreak. Then into a sound sleep at the foot of the ,•SMUT" IN SMALL GRAINS. mating Times base greatly changed, touching r HULSJJHOLD TALIiB. heavy, coarse towe.l,s for the coarse disks and soft linen ones for wiping .-*s Ilnl ladle, even a yaulair ttAIRftrp%5 juf,t .,R-.1 t•ed and was awakened only by my sister's anxious cry that it Nas long Prof. Henry L. Bolley of the Dako- Chas 1nLsiness within the last few years. At the end of the winter all house. 1 g' essware and fine china. A supply of out from homb, must hiave at ISOM s Y was called " 1L." Try as I would, 1 past rising time. I hurried away with- tai State Agricultural College, has ev. Electric•ity, atestm power and otltea keepers have considerable fruit juico left from neatly hemmed dish -cloths which are regularly t,hruugb the wash, fi' elu servants, and, las hos irrrlroriarrae soul.i find no patron mint in the ,sten- out a morsel oP breakfast and reached olved a Metthod for the prevention of modern inventions h ave been applied piokled, spiced and canned or put also a IiArt of her outfit. creases, the list must be added to. dar who answered to ,that name, and the factor ust three minutes late. Mr. a smut 3e grain and especially oP smut to many oP the u,see formerly monoli>` preserved fruit. None of this goes to '--- fat us bath tr a'haolatB there w•as :eplly no excuse for "it " but Parkinson odd at the desk, noting my in oats. His plans have had three olized exclusively by horse, and the waste' except some of the pickle vine- b'VAS'H,-DAY IN., T•HE WINDUIV t t1I- shies ap the baahelar vdhni 8tstea at the he the ategligeace t� the Johnson family time." " My siste ' was ill al l night, I stam- years of trial and brave, been very raue- demand for a certain class, of these gar ; a portion even of this may lie GARDEN• alutb, or at miss, awd WbD therefore, to christen its ebildren. They bestir- more.), blushing to the roots' of my cesbful. "rarriiera are especially in- antmala no longer prevails, says the attained and kept, in a stone Lottie for ,� IDleaaliness is as necessary to the does wnt require a bobltergee," of red themselves early only in the case hair. He must have read in my eyes terested in the eabiet method of pre- T,ndlana faraner. The time was, when, cleanimg sheet iron, frying -pans, pot. health oP Irlaatts as Lt Es to oust ow'ul calk. Enrly an trite 13st ie the bearer. oP m+y elder sister, who was named Lhe penitonee oxpressed for having him im his efforts to promote venting smut !n oats. That grain to under falx conditions, it would Pay eelatn-1[ned kettles amt some other kit- bodies, and a weekly wash day is as' H6 is the valet, or body aervarat, the Maggie. Event 1, the youngest of a crossol promptness. so generally dlsee ;ed by loose or fly- to [raise a colt frofM any sort of a mare open ware. important is the window garden as head of the establishmeat, and the batch of five, pever knew the second .,All right, little girl," he said, with in.g smut that a very large I,er cent, s•tiu•ted tc, a, chap stallion witholut I This vinegar contains salt, and the nn the laupdry. On days when the keeper ori the privy pureio. It is a posl- child, a bogy, by any other name than , a kindly glance from his handsome " this of the ,roti is act el ly lost. While the re^ard to bas lireedi br• structure, a °g combination makes an excellent clean outdoor tkmperature is above 50 de- bion ori trust alnd responsibility, And " Brother." Then came " Sis," the LLjr:1, bro,t n oyes, 1'll forgive you dtsea,se seems to du, no damage to stock There is now, and likely will be fort I Ing fluid, says an Exchange. The best grew, this easiest arnd beat wa to wash y the bearer is perfectly aware of the and "Bale," annother boy, and fin- titre." As 1 turned to go to my p lace I sae ' and as, after th.rashinp5, all grains, another hal[ century, perhaps longer, I vvaY to use it Ia to heat somta oP it 1 . tihe planta is to take them outdoors ;according Pact. All orders are, ar should be, ally 1, the last of the Johnson brood. Rosina at my elbow. She bad beard found in the tins are otherwi4e nor -I I as strong and .videspread a demand , in the dish to be cleaned, it will re- anal give them two or three thorough sprinkli,ngs.+itlhwaterbutlittlewarm-i to the Ipearer's creed, de - "It" ra tab ears long be- ng in na Y i sup- the foreman's remark. An evil expres sion spread over her darkly beautiful mal in alip,earanve, it to quite uhually j for hlor•ses that are adapted to tihe ' move all black stains. After this, pol- I . ish the dish with a soap, er than the .air. If the state of the hivered to the other "naowkars," ser - fore I knew what +vas meant. pose that being the real baby it would countenance. Alt (lay she pursued me ins oyes. At supposed by faxmere that the smut variuure ca. a !tiny for which they uric; good polishing used. in city and country, as Were ever I and wash it thoroughly in clear boil- weather does not permit this the small planets 'may be treated similarly in a vants, throulgh ,him, amt should. one them desire a personal interview have caused confusion in the house- +cit.li her setons cud I g g noon she held a confab with three of does very little damage. Now- and then, +vas and at ln•tre4 that were never . fns +cater; wipe and dry it before a hot, wash or ba$htub, and tbte larger ones I of with their "sahib" the favor of the bold, where there was already a ".Hate,•' I her stanchest admirers, and their however, it becomes very mu.ih more Whan has I e_ heard of in the experienve of earlier ; .fire. Omelet pains may be kept as should have their leaves brushed or sponged oft at least once a week. I hearer is first solicited in the meati ttnd so the substituted " It," Cor that Y tine rneering faces, bent ulo° me, boded no good, evident. the seed once come hall ' infested b file spores of breeders, hut. the call is [or guorL I bright as new by this means, and a� IJa the plcanlin lawns and leas- g P H,s ds a man who naide, tela own k�P was my title by right of succession. " You'd better go home earlier," ad- the fungus bt is a common thing to h°rses Duly ; little plu�4 and all kinds ! ]might pan is necessary to make u swc- urs grounds in general there is rarely I unci his elmployer's interests identical, I never knew my mother. She died cisco Beckq, my I,articular chum. "'Cell par I of inferior stuck are ou.t, of fashion, • cesyfui omelet. much thou ht iv p g p3 an to their spear- a1nk1 bliouulgh h holds large ideas ori soon after I opened my blue eyes to the I him that your is too sick to get final that a veru urge percentap,e of aucl it is au utter los; of time and Tile juice oP sweet pickles, thuL has anise ill winter, and et to these who Y the sub sot of has lawful perquisites, j world. Perhaps if she bad lived my supper, and hurry away from here be- all the healsial the field are complrtely Leen � money to rue se thein• l roperly spleed, makes, Nita the lave in the country the year around hb does has utmost to be a Barrie; nomenclature would not'bave been so I furs closing timo. 7'hy mean mischief, I" 1 dared not offend a second smutted sad destroyed, [n my oNp de I 'This teing so, the importance• of I use of a lirLve elatine, a delirious g bhi9 is a matbar 0d ino small considers- agailust army rapacity on the part o� slightingly treated. Maggie, the eldest, I sure time by losing a quarter of an hour investigation many fields I have cave in, selection of both, sire and, dum, sideed jelly. Soak in a cup for two ; tion. The, proper 4lkposltion of a { ; ccyllsagues -that is of cou3se noises a quiet, faithful girl, took charge of us at the busiest. season of fhe year, so I found tbat 3.t is not unrommun that cannot be too deeply improssed upon ' hours, or longer, if you visit a tal,le-1 flew halulsome evergreen trees will I they bave giveun solid proof of their at mother's death. Father Nas a team- .staid uaatil the gong ann0un'ed the I I as high ins 20 aril(' even 40 per cent. oP the attention of the breeder• fur uu,- I spoonful of gelatine. Set the cup in- often effect a complete and plea ing ohange in the character of one's11u'naly feeling toward himself. But, step an+l a.va5f all day from the little � close of day. Becky and were not more than half a block from the shop the heads of the grain artu•tlly de-! veLol(•d turn into smut before harvest I less this first step be Laken i+iLh judg- to a lean oP Ioilln.g waver, and in! I grounds and gives brigrhtnems andcheer 'bare an the whole, he is hard-working and faintly, for whom h provi(led generous- I when Rosina and her noisy escorts I 'the is meat and skill, lie cann:A' hole, i about t;o mimut-s. when inti gelatine is' to oLLerw•ise, a,n,d dreary surround- honest, iboth according to his lights, ly out of his slender earnings. He, too, came Loward us from the middle of the time. result of this a very . throu h any after Mena ement to ' a clear liquid, strain it into a pint , in,gp4. Wint:.r N the proper time to g g ' a'°d given a good master, will neves called me " lt" when be lank me up in 1 street. I "l herepgoes ' it !' Toe Parkinson's Mush desseneld yield. Furthermore . there is decrease bowl of sl.tred fruit uice. Set the bowl . mita the places where such trees would make hits business encourae"ing or !u ) foto a tan of oat snow, and stir .it . ba most effective, acrd to wank the warm to leave his cervico. Tadeed, A his lap aril rubtr d hie harsh, stubble it 1' I'll acv do fine ! 'There it goes I" I a very mu^h greater llaytn,g one. 1L costs no more to rotas very carefully until it begins. to grow I spats w3tb a stake as a guide where parr has bee,a kno+vn to renuest the pearl over my ►;abs cheeks or poncho And the rudest of the quartet picked °P the yielxl, due to the smut hidden , thick, then set it awe to harden. It, scud horses than poor onus, in tact y to plant next spring. ift of a Fvatcb and chain, so that my little fists with his big, horny fin- I up a handful of mud and plastered my totrunlaack to vxithin the straw and to t o seen only I have 1 it -event the thick i.t is cheaper anti more desirrtirle Query is :stirred in order to 1 I ----- whle:n has sahib returned from bis leave tern. Maggie gave me a mother's caro, file facto it w I tnurned! I }'y the. roost careful observer. found the field which shows 10 1'o LU ++ay. to put the investment into good (part i le tof tfraul octan Ifp they were SAVORY SALADS. of abskuire in Enge]and h might know as she did the other children, and I the arm of a man shot squarely into n stock; the more ca!«uble horsey the 1 strained out ti:pre .would not be en- Uyster Salad. -Boil 24 small oysters I at what flint to meet him am arrival bad reality no trouble about my in- ' my assailaut's face. I per vont. of smut.tod .heads that the most economical for all 1) rpuses. 'r -he , ough flavor in the juice. 'Phis takes for live aninutes in water enough to at Bombay, complete name until I event to school The foreman knocked him down 1" '� I actual numi.er of pants diseased in the iPh team capable of ptmt ins acne in the a.n ol.arlux Lut excellent ellyt to serve J cover them ; acid a little salt, 1 talrle- Very Likely bis name is Babari, and [or the first time. whis ered the excited Beck I'm lad p„ Y• g � of it ! And N e took to our heels and . straw by the smut is very mu •h ;;real- Tt found that : u :h die-' tante time that another does half an � with m�.its. I acre, or, Lh .t can carry a load of •i:uss- I 'Phe juice of preserved and of rich r spoon vinegar, drain and cool. Put in- he 34 to Htruicw. His services are valu- " Your name is what s" asked the I made good time in getting hone. :, ei also I ouget leu milea whil r another is going ; canned fruits may k,a u=ori for trait to a salad bowl the center ]eaves of , ed at about 2 rupees 12 arenas a mAnt* teacher when my turn came in along As I crept into my bed that night eased straws, even thaugh they even,- ttvr., lndwpen.letil, ui all runsideratiuna, creams or for Nater ices, and with the two beads of lettuce, sold the oysters line stretching Prom the foot of her the sweet thought that hn had defend- ually tread out, and appear to ripen i of taste, aanusetuent or w'btit is gen- I addition of a tal,heapoonfu: of brandy i `£!'lase Gia risk wtth o stormcrals liarrl I n isNTuit®Lnro blesthutt felines g Baca ID q P desk to the last bench in the room, eri me kept me ay.ako many hours. ; \i`hen I slipped into dreamlan I at last normal grains, are very cort-iderably evilly known as iancy values; such a I and .half a cu;-, of sherry to a pint. of 3 j J y, boiled a d iP liked a few ancho- mg's �fi o as'emit rto ed Raliim Bux, and that he is a Mus- "'It' Johnson," 1 answered prompt- it was with his fare bending over me, ++ealrenecl in their gro+vth an 1 los9rn^' butaRlr{lalg Lht1He Isar a taiblesr°oke vies cut into fillets, woof Lily o�tner a5ltiheltuther1 y g 1 sulanare. He is your butler, and his ly• his lips whispering that he loved me, ed i,n th,a size of the �t.ruw• and the.. ,, the question. «till i,e aakod, by what fuls of gelatine,soaked in three table -I Cauliflower Salad -Break the vege- chief duty is to stand behind you at "' It' Johnson s" she repeated with me -poor, nameless, insignificant "It." Nex't morning i hurried to the fat- weight of strains procto -ed. Always been di.ffl in treat ing meawrs fs this resuit t'i to obtaitred G 1 twoonfuls of cold ,anter, and melted as , table into flowerets, season with salt bt may I;e Stated Lry reply tnat the described before, Never cook gelatine meal times, arrayed in spotless white. a eloubtin shale of the head. "Lit- ' g tory long before the opening hour to th,:re has a u'1 y oats to prevent this di suss. Thr: oat . first requisite is to he looked for ini Lhe over the fire, merely me t it by sat- I pepper, a little vinegar and oil. Pile them a pyramid on a dish and pour an+i attend a sdduausly to your wants. tie girl, you music have forgotten your ' 1 thank him for his pallant <iefense. To I smut. gets; ri, a a.nd the spores blow sire of the stock intended to be Pulsed. Ling it in a sanu.epan of boiling water his the for three th Longer Iretelre a name." my utter disarray a stranger .+as at his desk. T fraNe him my numler and ; about i.n the flrld while Lha shticks Hey eshuulcl have in veins great- . two or minutes. exit ain:uint, of puro blood, courpatible cooking is likely to develop an unpleas- g ound the base a border of b ets everythift, h wiill£ do sou but hehehas a " No,"• I gtz9ped Por a lump in my 'passed on. Soon the other girls ar- passe around the laioi+ ictus: grains of other � with, size, w eight and Isr++er, accord- ant odor. cut into dice or fancy shapes to give f col Doted ob ection to uniting on any - J throat almost choked me. To be the in coups of two and three. Their g straws are still o;1en irl the blossom. lag +tis the purpose; the blood horse if you prefer, a c•up of the fruit I entirely be heated boiling hot , aamid a fro eret of pain fro er. bads else urn the club, though in your first in the whole room who had any i faces were grave, and they seemed to 1 The result iy that near,y every grain possesses these to a cleg•ree jurice can and into that, S Orange clad. -Use sour oranges, own, bungul(Av Ihte proffers hospitality, difficulty about her name was morti- discuss with suhdued voices a calam- ity. receives some smat. spores sealed up i lie in- out of proporLion• to the size or appal'- the soaked gelatins stirred r Soil strength, of his frame, in the tex- I instead of being Maltecd in a pan of � and if these cannot be obtained, strain to all your fr3enids In the shape o! Eying even to a little 6 -year-old. " " \\Chat has bappened s•' I gasped, in close contact with grain side of th,c shucks, tvhi •h close up at ttu•e, form and symmetry a[ the I ones: I hot Nater. Strain this mixtuae, with � for the fruit Add lemon juice over s+veet oranges. Cut drinks an•d r�7r,oraots. He has an easy, fat on the Have ou an brothers or sistra Y Y i,n this school s" filler] with anxious foreboding• " Mr. Parkinson has been arrested," 1 the. tihe the brain finkhe4 ri!•ening. I Such spores are out of the rea-h of an,y the elements of ca r,uoity resistance tine remainder of uiee. and endurance are conuttne.l in the I this 'wime, brandy, and a ut ,,a,� if neves- the fruit fully,h rr slices, remove the them I berth and. often .grows monthly of 10 rupees. .. Yes, MY big brother is in No. 11." said Becky. "The blow he dealt the acapeg•race who insulted me was more treatment which•is very effectual. Neo- who have been in the habit of blood horse many fold grunter thin I nary. If the fruit juice is highly,flav- those of A similar character found in 1 ored, like, the juice of preserved straw- seeds carefully, arrange m rows and turn over them a dressing made 3e, or water carrier, is Th+a. tube "Go up -stairs and bring him down Leffective than be had meant. The fel- pie t.reatin. oats with co r phate, in-; u)yield, the common, cold-blooded cart horse. herries or rax berries the brand and Strain e- 1 tablespoon lemon juice to 3 table- spoons oil, with salt and cayenne pep- e - Bnldispensa'bSe adjunct oR your house - nsaM to me." I low was lying' unconscious at bishome. variably have injured the be-, tihe i:mpressicrn prevails with a ,hiss I wine may not ire nm-es�ary. a hollcl Hg braan:gs all the water that fs 1 trundled off, perplexed, to find I It .+a9 even feared that his injuries two ,suss im order to thoroughly soak of breeders that the thuruughbrrd i LNese jellies several times to clear is upon the. turf ; that thx•.m. They a;re nice served with blanc servo -w the ame. Grapeefruit ma be B Y required from the well in a large mus- "Biother." U'p to the top floor iclimb- ' would result ih death. His com- I panions bar! Sworn out a warrant i the ,grai,n so that these incto;ed slur- ' es may ire killed, the copper solution p rincipai use its a race horse• and without value, I manges or Nath Bavarian cream, or used the sane wry, and walnut meats suk, or bag madle of goat -skin. This ed and coon espied him in a front seat 1 against the foreman, Neither they nor comes in contact with the soft grain ,hex: , for any other purpose, but a casual I alone, ;with a garnish of whih,ped used with either. he carries sluing on his back, with one of Rooan No. a, the door of which stood Rosina made their appearance at th I of diet oa,L and. the germinating low- srtudy of the origin of• the different cream. Salmon Salad.-Brodl two salmon hand closii�ng the mouth, and as a bhee- wide open. He wpaw•ered the summons shop that day. er of Lite grain is injured by the poly- breeds of rnagnifivent draft, coach„ steaks, when done break the fish in- sbie is ge,nerailly a w•eal't••looking india of m.yvigoroutsly beckoningfinger and Even now T cannot hear to. dwell on the miserable days that followed. Joe 1 on. ,Since I ascertained the tau.e of ; this troulale, after a nurnLer of roam and saddle horses of the country, will disclose that this strongest file- POTTING AND REPOTTING PLANTS. Co flakes, ani add a little salt, a ler, P pl vidual, it is a wander h. -v he manages [ confided to him the dilemma I was in Parkinson languished in prison, while great. I careful) conducted errninatiun tests, y g for oC ext silence and coins is 1;ruce- How often we See pants killed. or and two tablespoons lemon juice. Half fill a sala.l bowl with lettuce ; add the to walk, so easily u•nrder suttb a burden about my name. the victim of his gallantry slowly re- 1 have been attempting to find some able to the proportion of thoroughbred baying th,e i'oundation I nearly so, by p:.ttittg and re a,ttin ! 1 g I fish aril garnish with hard-boiled eggs, as a osier-ladeta - If vegetables or £lowers " Well. ' It,'" h said, "you are in a covered, I .vela to him with ahmak- int; heart. He stretched out his hands i substance which would ki:l the smut. pores and still nut ki detrimental to, binu'.l use t i.rt of their wivestry, and the more of it 1 Many people in pitting will catch a stoned olives and a fewl.. spiced oysters. Yau grow getable. i,n a portion of your compound, it is bad fix. You tnever bad any other through the bars Candi drew me toward him he kissed forehead. I j t;ie ' germinatin power of the oat 'Phis I atanre,is liquid that has Leen lntrcrduceit iu the begin- resn"ted to in later generat- lot up in their left hand while .vith I I I in they it If canned salmon is used, put into a seta bowl, three stalks celery, sliced; leis out to water them. welder the sup - y ercda3i<�n of fhe males, or gardener; he name." . "But isn't your name ' Brother' and Until m y .vas a woman at last, and my cup of grains. sin a sold' in the market under the name of form-' ning and ions the Irettel• have beets results. a knits their right will run I around the inside of the pot to loosen add half pound canned salmon, arrange neatly, add the mayronnaise, garnish from t 4s drat waters the path lthat nothing else S" love and suffering was full. " T rear it little one I" he aiin. Fornia'in is a 40 I:er rent. so-; lotion formaldehyde. By very • The horse for the farmer -breeders' should be. of mediullt heir ht, ' ,d the ball of earth, Tho couldn't Y and serve. s there gate b the bs t a.t le ,that spreat- les the khw:4khus tattles, thus oreat- " No, I've peen christened James be- ran all, so.id, manfully, " it .vas all fr you !" of a gnat. number of germinat ion Lents purpuse ; say 15 1_2 hands. short, track well rib- I do a much. mare cruel thing, to th --- bng a coaling draft through your sides," "James I" I " I thought that He , as acquitted at the trial. On the and field ma's, it i r ascertained that ! t ed up,, short in the saidlegplace, lung' i plant, for all the fine feeding roots A LIVING BASKBTc rosins; that waters tho horses ; that queried. was father's name: " day of his release we were quietly mar- and that night lie left me to go this substance when properly applied will disinfect wl:,eat, oats and },arley, I Ipelo+v. Ile should have hi h withers, I road loins, ,pros 1 ,.hest, a straight are un the outside and tho are broken, Y Did you ever make a hanging basket keeps the filter filled; and above all, that fills your ghusul, or bath, with And it's my name, too-JamesJobn- sop „ riot], to the fa'r '\Vest and commence life so as to prevent t.ite appearance of rump, a high muscular, but not. beefy I bruised and mangled by such unkind by r merviag the inside of a parrot or sparkling• Nater, and enables you to then for the first time I learned that again. smut. and even in: rfa:;e the yield of chest ; a lean, bony, well set ht: