The Clinton News-Record, 1898-03-17, Page 5U .
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The Huron New-Recorddays, If no appeat is trade, the judge
shall certify the result to the return- Ciro lap Town Topics,
L.00AYeat,inAdvanae. fug uiilcer fortwith. In case of ap-
c:-: -==Z.=.=------ �_:L�., _.r _-„ peal the candidate so appealing must----
THURSDAY. MARCH 17th, 1898. give notice to the judge and the op- 00I)sCtlrH, MA;vu 17. - - Major
posing candidate within the two days Joseph Sleek, AL P. P,, will lit-
------- specified above. The judge trust for- tend the session of the Grand Council
BOUND TO WIN, NO MATTER HOW, ward the ballot in dispute to ilia of tl►e Canadiart Order of Uhoson
Registrar of the Court of Appeals, and
Though ever so anxious to retain an itppointment roust be made with Frieuds next week in Toronto as te-
oue of the judges of the Court of Ap- presentative of Goderich Council.
power and pap the Hardyites should peal forthwith. The time appointed A fire alarm rang oil Saturday even -
have some for h
tie regard for the sanctity of caring the appeal must not he Ing but there was uu real cause, it bon -
the ballots, more than four days front the date of tits having bean made to testa patent
b -
the ap ointment.
They should not put the election extinguisher,
Hav nq recounted the ballots, the office oce fur selling machinery in the hands of either judge of the Court of Appeal must The branchg wheat
chumps or rascals who, intentionally or forthwith certify his decision to the and stocks on margin closed this
otherwise, fall to 1111 in their returns. county judge, who shall without delay week.
certify the result of the recount to the The school board failed to hold a sea -
Neither should they appoint as. re' returning officer. The judga of the elan last Thursday for want of a
turn ing-otilcers men who will disfran- Coln.
of Appeal may direct by aud'to quorum.
chise whole communities, baud, to make whorn the costs of the appeal shall be The .Editor of the Signal was in Ot-
matter•a worse, credit the act to con- Paid and shall snake his order accord. tawa the past week attending the
acfe ingly, annual meetingg� u4 the Press AssocirL-
j ation. Mr. McQillicuddy wits re -el -
ti rt aver and above all, when once {gest Onron Returns. acted a member of the executive cow -
the boxes have gone so far on their - l mittee.
journey securely, they should be relig- The West Huron recount began Fri- The Mayor, Councillors I'ridham,
iously guarded so that no unholy hands day forenoon and lasted with varying Cantetou, Alartin flat[ Craiiie, Ex -
May be laid upon thaw to the undoing fortune until 4 pari. Saturday when Hewa Pr•otldfoot and Town Treasurer
Horb)u left lust week for Ottawa to
of the choice of the people. Judge Masson gave his decision on the 1 interview the minister of Public
This care does not seem to have been ballots in dispute. The result estab- , Works and draw his attention to the
exercised in close contests. lishes Major Beek's right to the seat t necessity of dredging the Goderich
Down in West Elgin where the ra- he so harbor,
g' gallantly woo on March Tat. There will be an early celebration of
salt hangs upon one ballot, it is tom- The batter clamant in the Riding very Iluty Uomaluuiun at St. George's next
mon talk that the boxes have been emphatically stays the case should rest Sunday, g
tampered with, while the following at that, but it does seem that the Mr. B. Me0ormack left hast week for
despatch from Ottawa to the Toronto lawyer whom the people rejected is Ottawa in connection with his office
Star (Grit) tells a similar tale :- about to open a campaign in Osgoode duties as Inspector of clothing.
"The most perplexing case that has Hall for the representation of West The dredge Arnold[ has been partly.
occurred was the unravelling of the Huron. hailed un to the harbor island for re -
11 returns from poll No. 7, in )balhousle pairs.
Ward, where W. A. Cole, deputy re- Judge Masson s judgment was a The Moores, who have a leading posi-
turnin officer, neglected to fill in lengthy one. He disallowed three tion fn the ElevatCo.,ballots with a single stroke, and four of Gwere Ili town
form eleven in the poll book. The potl g the past week,
book dhows that 192 per voted, and With a cross on the back, its well as ort Farmers up this way say that tna le
P the front, and allowed two ballots with p
there are 199 ballots in the box, These lines on in addition to the cross. Two sap inn freely all last :week.
ballots were cast as follows : Lums- ball, s marked with blue and one with hI1. find Aire. Adam Thompson and
den 112 O'Keefe O � e 87 Powell 1 i ,
00 and
daughters Bina and Etta,
a ted a fI a v4 t
Heil a L tckno v
Slattery65. The return made to the p re allowed, and the ballot i ,
with the number marl all torn off is were visiting the gentleman's brother,
sheriff on election night on the form y Mayor Thompson, the past week,
i supplied for that purpose ave Lums- also allowed. The result of all is to
denplll, O'Keefe p83, pPowell 105, and leave Mr. Back with two majority, At the meeting of the Hol•ticidtural
Immediately after Judge Masson Society this evening, Mn Morning-
Slattery 65." Y t3 star will lead fn it discussion oil "flow
As Powell, Gonservatfve, had a rendered his decision Mr. Gar•row gave to Make a garden pay".
notice that he would appeal against "The Man in the iron Mask" will be
majority of only 2 fn the constituency, Judge Masson's decision nil 7 ballots, 3
the manifest stuffing in this one divi. of his own disallowed and d placed on Victoria's stage next Mon
of Beck's allowed. During day evening.
sten wits quits aulficient to rob him of g the after- See "The h'i►'et Schoolmaster" this
the seat, noon Mr. Beek gave notice of a evening iu Victoria opera hn,),:P,
counter appcal,•which is understood to klisa Do ,,,
The Government which is content mean tho ever ...►'L- visiting
r'et11thed home able
y point that has been �- after visiting the. fashionable.
to win iti this fashion can scarcely be contended for by Mr. Beek's solicitor uillinery eulporiunis in Toronto and
said to represent the people. ill a sin be reviewed, etruft.
The meeting of the W.C,T.U. was
`-- held illTemperance Hall on 'Tuesday
REPRESENTATIVES St. George's conhrtnithon class met
[u the church on Sunday afternoon.
From The Mail and Empire, - Jas. Porter left on Saturdav after-
noon with it car load of horses for the
Returning Officer Gibson in Wes Motherland,
i, Huron is a fit product of the ma The Sons of England had a supper in
i chine. His counting out of Mr. Bee their lodge room oil Thursday evening
wtLa only one incident of his career a.nd it was a decided success, the at-
tendence being large, the sill) of the
k A township in Huron is split, one -hal choicest, and t ha literary and musical
. being in that constituency and th part,f the Programme excellent.
i • other half in another riding. Th Ora Sunday Morning our roads were
- township clerk has ' right to act a free froth snow, but before church there
was a slight fall of the beautiful,
' a deputy returning officer and so vo Mr. J. A. Harrison,. of West Wawa -
provided his polling place is in fh nosh, has rented the Blair dwelling on
constituency in which he is qualified on Victoria street,
The returning; obiter saw to it the Rev. Mr, Alillyard, of Nile, preached
In North street Methodist church on
) the township clerk was given a pollin Sunday morning•
place not in the part of the townshi Rev. Joseph Edge attended the Fp-
. Beck's constituency, but in t worth League ineeting in London last
*4%i'df,ngg in •which • he could not vet week, .
one Tory ballot was destroys St. George's Women's Auxiliary
C ring Officer Gibson seems to b held the usual weekly lenten meeting
up to All the little tricks of the trade, on Monday afternoon in the school
room. .
Plenty of ice has been stored away
If ReturningUfi3c •
ei Gibson in for the
Wes annual supply.
Huron had done the counting in Ea The only work at the breakwater
�^ Toronto, he could have knocked o contract is dumping it few loads of
Dr. Pynti. See what Mr. Calder b stone into the circle.
missed. There is a curious and inte The Goderich delegation seems satin-
. esting fact relating to this West H fled with the result of the Ottawa
ton fraud. The rgturning officer ha visit.
undertaken to disfranchise elector The winter shoots of the Off -Hand
',because some of his own agents, th Rifle Club seem to he over its t lie crack
k, deputies, did not add up the votes an of the. rifle was tint heard on Friday. .
FFppiit the figures on a certain schedul The Massey -Harris Company will
It happens that Mr, Beck, wh have a delivery of goods in Goderich
-- • - was temporarily defrauded of bi on Thursday, AIILrt;h 31st. ,. If you
rights in this way, was the returnin want to find out about the grand
� officer in one of the Chmeron election particle, ggive r, fit Brown a call.
in Huron. The same informalit G.N. Davis, tfusrrlith, stove and coal
occurred. Had Mr. Beck been a rase oil dealer, has moved Into his new
he would have counted Mr, Camera store next the Bank of Commerce on
. "out. But he did what was right, an Colborne street, where lie will be pleas-
, Xr. Cameron was declared elected. ed to see all his old friends.
The concert portion of St. Patrick's
day eEitertain'ment wit} be given by
Madame Wall, and Mct�issrs. ,.R, Ed-
ueh Depends ell This Vote !ytirds and A. E. Forte. The Goderich
Brass Band will render some of their
3il" - best selections, i
�• Last Thursday Henry Heater and
%he 'Voter Practised Making Nelson Peterson, of Exeter, were
% Crosses Belorehe !Harked brought before Judge Massoll charged
his Ballot. with burglary and theft, having brok-
. • . an into the store of J. Spackman on
the evening of the 6th or the morning
t. Thomas, March 9. -(Special.)- of the 7th fast. They pleaded guilty,
peal was made last night against and were remanded till Tuesday for
eciston of Judge Ermatinger in sentence. The County Attorney pros -
recount in West Elgin, copse- ecited,
tfy Returning Officer Brown can* The Ladles' Aid Society of North St,
r give the deciding vote. If Me- Methodist church held a social aid en- i
It 'Di mid is counted out by the Court tart&inmpnt in the lec�nre room and
of Appeal at Toronto, the Oonserva- parlors of the church last Friday even- t
Lives will demand a scrutiny. The ing. Refreshments were served, and
� charge is freely made that the ballot an excellent programme of vocal and t•
boxes in the West `tiding have been instrumental nnusic, recitations, etc.,
lltampered with. Conservatives claim presented. i
that two ballots rejected by Judge Er- The forty hours at St. Peter's coal- t
matinger will lie allowed by the Court menced last Sund,iLy, High Mass rind it
of Appeal. Both parties are of the Procession 10.,90 a.m. ; Vespers and '
opinion that, no matter what the out serlm)n 7 p.m.; Monday Micas 7 nan, s
come is, there will be another election and 9.80 rt.m. ; Vespers and sermon s
in this riding. 7.30; Tuesday Mass at 7 a.m., 7.80 n, i
The greatest dispute between coun• m., 8 a.m. find 9.30 &.m. ; Vespers and t
eel in the West EIgIn recount wa serwon 7,30 p. ru. The forty hours P
R. over a ballot cast in No, 1 division o concluded with High Mass on WWednes. t
s Southwold, marked this way:- day, when four- priests took part in the t
6 X + services.
1 ' MaeDIARMID X Every eye is he Huron now
Whether the volar holds pen or c
plow ;
11111111 And all ratty now guess with one
r accord, i
2 MacNISH Whether pen is mightier than sword.
- Are there no cigars in the Canadian a
" - land of Israel? (Israel Tarte). Our
Before marking his ballot the voter genial Mayor and Councillors evi• ti
had evidently practised on the rt)ar dertny thought it wise to take a
gin as to the kind of cross he woul supply along,
L ' make. Mr. R. F. B. Johnston, for Mae Mr. Jarnes Aikenhend and his bride o
nish, contended that the mating ) have returned from Detroit and will
the ballot in the rnarptin above ;h reside tit, their handsome residence on b
space showed deliberate intention, and the Bayfleid Road,
was not done through ignorance, as That "Flat Earib" discussion in the
one mark was made correctly; J. W. Star is getting quite interestingg be-
... theta, for McDiarmid, claimed that. tween the `Student' and Mr. W, G. w
e ballot was marked plainly oppo- mitb, the Pioneer Flat ('firth devotes,
e Mr. McDiarmid's name, and that 'Student' will have to turn the disens- n
y other marks outside of the regular On npnn tparuttiv&tion, rind possibly
, i ce should not affect the validity a will conclude- thnt Professor
the ballot at all. alith's Flat Earth arguments are tile,
is Honour ruled in favour of the trongpst known.
uty returning officer, and rejeeiUA . Dr. and Mrs. Thompson, of London.
ballot. ( Twit Ston of Margaret's Mlsadven ant it day in town firer week in 1'
THE LAW A8 TO THE .+' ,.;,a.. tura,[, by �. S. Van Westrum (Town March.
,: ` ' Topics, 208 Fifth Aire., New York, is Mrs. Martin, mother of Mrs, WrLlter T
" `;r; he Orf site Election Aot provides ora that is bound to cause ver general Saints, is seriously Ill. Mrs. Martin
t after a, recount the judge shall Et was fc7rmerl c
comment. Its account of t • e social y nine hostess of the hots
"-z* tify tate result to the returning of, campaign of a cad and a b
titer, who shall declare elected the , picture of a at Saltford now kept by Mr. B. Mason
candidate having the largest nnrobar young girls first disenchantment, have late of Clinton.
of veytertr, and In the case of a tie bar the qualities of interesting and pleas- D. B. Grant, Science Master and
t xI Ing the differingg tastes, A number of Professor of Botany in tho UollegNt.e In
rotumin officer shall have the cacti sharply drawn citaracter•sketebes from Institute, is desirous of forming' to
watts. However the judge must dela society, add to the interest of the Int, Yacht -Club. Lake - Huron is All ready d
aelldin his certl6cate to .the return. The style of the story is such that no for yacht enter�pprises. y M
Ing hott=er for two days after thea cam• one can lay it down until the last page Miss Anne Driver, is visiting her
Fpplotion of tho recount, !n ardor to nal- is reached. sister at Rochester.
01W of aft appeal. At the end of two P
Miss Alba Chisholm returned last
'Thursday evening from Toronto ('utl-
servatory of music"after having pass-
ed it Very er•editabluexit ul!nit tion. She
will remain here dprfug the summer,
returning to resumn her duties to the
(leo. McKenzie and Miss McKenzie
left for ,San Fraucisro uu Wednesday.
They will spend a couple of moot hs
enjoying the. salubrious din -ate of
California and visitiltg Mr. Mcl}euzie'b
two sous, Vesideccs of the busy coast
Miss Lottie Mitchell, it popular
young lady of our, town, who has been
In the employ of Hottrtith & Bowles,
millinery departipeut for the past
three seasons, hits accept ad it situation
as milliner fu R. .1. Neal & Co's. mil
finery department, Platteville.
lbtlt troubles seldun) Collie siugty
is tile experience of Jas. MCKelvie.
Only last week Mrs. McKelvie wics
called to the funeral of a near relative
at Nomi ich. Whilt• there she twits
taken severely ill, necessitating Mr.
MaKelvie leaving; f<,t• Norwich on
\Vedliet,dav morning.
Un Monday afternooll as J. It. Mun-
Nbaw was repair Ing It pair of st) ctacles
the spirit lamp he was using exploded
Ill his face- Ful•tttnately, hitt genial
countenance received no per•tiianent
dist!g uration, but after wipitig Ilia eyes
ha discovered that, the lining of his
shop window :vas ill it blaze. Ho lost
no time, and by an energetic effort
succeeded in beating out the tire.
There wits in the window it fine (lis -
play of expensive goods, and many (if
thein were considerably damaged.
Hence, the in6ipiela blaze though
s eedfly checked, will prove costly, its
there is no insorttnee.
Mr. John Nicoll, Who lits been Sbt-
tion waster at the (). T. R. here for it
number of years, receival word last
week t i
that as to lie removed
e w to
Brantford for It couple of months.
We du not know whether it is the. in-
tention (if the cotur)any to locate Air.
Nicoll in Brantford permanently or
Mrs. Hugh MOULOsh, of Holymod,
brot)ght to The Sentinel office oil Tues-
day last Itcrab apple limit c•oveied with
beautiful blossoms tit full flower. This
is the. earliest we have mover Seer, apple
trees fu bloom, and it i,l eertainly
c;uite a rarity in 13ruoe C;uttuty kit
One of the largest funerals that hat,
ever visited tho Kinloss ceu1E•tery, ac-
companied the reu)ains of the lute
i•ailea Johubton, of Kinluugh, uuTues.
day afternoon last. Deceased wits one
Of the oldest Vesideeatd of tile township
laud teas It 111111 Llnivel•sally I•eapected
by all who knew hie). Ho ,vas burn
ill the Countyy Fel uuallagh, ltelacd,
arid cane to ISinlobs over 40 years ago,
where lie continuously resided till his
death at the l ilia uld a e of 7.1 years, 6
mouth•; and 0 days, ie had been ill
for several weeks but the itu nediate'
cause of death was dropsy of the
At the present time crud tel• many
yt++u-, W,,,kerton has had eight hotels, '
but after, the 1st of May next tile
number will he reduced to six. ']'his
change is brought about by till aruend-
rueut to the liquor License law, passed
during the sedyiot, lust year. By this
All)(•utiment; In ('aunty towns wb(uc
there is it population of 2500, there
•shall not be over three tavern licenses
issued, and but one license for each
additional (WO of population over the
first 1(W. Thongh by the last census,
Walkerton had Mil. of a population, it
('411 have co laure hotel; thiLri if it had
only 280(1. It now renritins for the
I icense commissidner•d to say whiell
t wo shall be cut oft'. Tire other towns
affected will he as follows : Coruwan,
Oru)1;,"'" le, Pembroke, Perth, Pet•er-
borough, Barrie, Siineve. The only
phlces in the county Iu•e Paisley,
l�iucariline, Wlarton, Lucknow, cud
TeE's1 `L e
V, t t. Pakley, ) '
I fLl It � 1( '
l Env v &
y, � arid
Teeswatet• will e+tetl have 3, Kincar.
dine 5, and Wiarton 4.
File J. C. Ayer Jubilee.
. _ —
flu J. C. Ayer Uo. of Lowell, Mass.
Educational Regulation.
reeetltly celebrated its semi -centennial
The average life of it patella nledicitl
Trott) it elretilar lbstied from the
Is "illd to be, two Years blit J, U. Aye
began untkfng his standard remedie
IllclucaY•iori I)r ptc'Ctnent we taker tire
following items, which will he of lose
fn tinct is one of the bed
to teachers: The high school entrance
own II0 lis
known Mian iuu es it 4t the world
The cutnpauy awes its aucet y to tht
rand public school leavhig exatntu+t-
tions tor,1898 sill begirt Tucsday� June
merits of its 1)1-(4 mations, together
with it liberal inial
?23, tit 8 l5 a. til. The ooiles ufrstudy
prescribed for- the examinations is that
persistent use o
s illi(. We don't. suppose flea
given in the revised regulations, ex-
18 it 111o
iR a more popular lira with newspaper
leen than J. C. Ayer tet Co. as the
cept that physiology tint] tonlperance
take the place of Botany at the public
Slllt of the latter's hollorable dealing,
school lea.vinfg examinations. Any
right oil Tenuysoi'a earlier poems,
which would expire at the end of the
ILlislinderstanding oil the part of calt(11-
dates regardin* the requirements is to
_ _
- �"� � � --
Huron Spring Assizes.
lie dealt with by the local board fn
settling the results. The revised
The sprint; ter III of ttlu High Court
regulations coo not., as formerly, call
of Justice fur the County of Huron
for presentation, of book work in writ-
('l1en('(1 on Afouday of last week before
ing, drfttvi►7g, etc„ art either the high
Mr. Justiete Rose.
school entrance or )ilblic school lefty-
There were only two cases on the
ing oxatninations. For the hitter ex-
cluckt't., and heti, of them being civil
amination, book ivork if presented by
ones, Sheriff Reynolds livesenteid the
candidates, is to be taken into account,
presiding judge with a pair, of white
its last year, Ili view of the special pro-
gloves. .
visions annotincetl for 1898.
. TIN LnrLIsliip inade a short address
There. tl .tl, as hitherto, be three ctrl-
to the grand jury in tile (Illties they
The Country Newspaper.
would have to perforin and then conl-
Milling serfcs, the lc, 2c and 3c, but, I
there will be only one size, that of tine
Iilenced the first case, a non jury one.
Tire question is asked, why country
COADION vi;, \],;ELY.
weeklies are not sold as cheaply as
An action for an account, The trial
those of the cities? There are rilany
lasted front the opening of the court
good reasons. Moot city weeklies cost
till 2 P. m., 'Tuesday, it largo numbet• of
little for typesetting, its they are
witnesses beIng exandned. After
largely Made nl) of ty17e Already used
counsel had addressed his Loid,hip,
tot- the daily issocs. NVhen they tun-
Lite case twits distajissed with costs,
fain original matter it is now set np
by typesetting machine8, one of which
nvttnoS -64. cr-z•:ccl.
will set as much typo ill a clay its five
An fiction for slander, the charge
men working by hand. The old-fash-
of iginatiog in it quarrel aver a bicycle
ioned press of the country newspaper
transaction, both plaintiff and defen(l-
oflice pt•ints perhaps ten thousand it
tint being vendors of hievcTes. The
day, while the city paper is Iurued out
Cris() was it Tory ell:•, and lasted All th0
on a cylinder press, cut mid folded at
afternoon, the Judge charging strongly
the rate of ten to forty thousand an
agaiusC plaintiff. After ;L short ah-
hout. The city paper is table to secure
"once, the itlr y brought in a verdict for
A circulation running into the Lens of
plttilltflf fur $'LS danr,i cls.
1 g
thousands, while that of the Country
town does well to roavii ati many hun-
To his•Lord-hip All., Justice Inose.
dreds. Lfrl;e circulation, too, brings
large returns foil advertising. In this
4hty it please Soto lordship, -The
G,.alld Jury beg to submit• their )re.
Way the cost of etic•h copy is vor.v
small, rind the city weekly call be sold
seattnent its follows:
for little more tli-I ale cost of the
We rpciprucate your Lordshi Ts con-
papal "on which it is printed.
on the starch of crituo
Tile roc -it] press of Ontario is deser•v-
I n�, of war ill slip 7(7r t. It, nl•tintains a
in this county.
We have visited tbp c•oont.y goal /llld
high standard of news gathering, and
serves as the means of exchange of
we find saltie elean, 0i'der1V and we -II
kept, and the gonler and officers tire to
thought and opinion, Its editor s
are able and well-informed, and there
be commended for their c;tri! ;tad Gl-
tention to their duties, We fooled ten
comment is probably the strongest
agenow in the political ,fail intellect nal
Prisoners in the good, all vagracts, and
they tire kept at work in repairing the
building improving
ife of the poo; !:•. Let no one under
estimate the. value of his local paper'.—
And it and the
grounds, and we ill-) )I ove of the gaoler's
Farmers' Sun, Toronto.
fiction in keeping t ieso sten at work ,
The only other prisoner is an insane
Annual Meeting of tire Dominion
woman, awaiting removal to the
We are Pleased to leartr (-]lilt tile
At the meeting of. the Dominion
county vonnc•il are titking stoles to
make some m>e�ded icnpruvernents in
Grange held in London last week the,.
the gaol bnilcling.
Uornulittee on Legislation reconimend-
that the Ontario Government be
It was the desire of the ,fury to visit.
to pass a law enabling muni•
the douse of Refuge, at t'ifuton, but
to condtict insurance within
owing to tile.. probablu 811ovtlnpsa of (lie
heir own- botutds; that the Doin[o1011
sittings of the court and the fact that
the committee of the county
appoint it fixed day for
he holding of elections for both
are carefully looking after the liousp
pxcel)t in cages where it
of Refuge, we concluded that public
hits been defatted; that
interests would not suifet' by our not
making the visit at this Little.
he Dominion Government furnish
11 magistrates and all of Gilds of
All of which is respectfully sub-
with c'1,pIc!s of the.
Othit,ea in order taunt, the public call
C. 114inf rox,
scute information regavding tiny law
vithoct consultin a. lawyer; and
March 8th, 1898.
hat the Dominion should
rolaibit (be iinportadon of all ft•uit
from stata;s or countries. when
- ---- -'
he San .Joe settle is known to exist,
The need of a good Spring Medicine
Grange decided to further insist
is almost universal and Hood's t5arsap-
n more attention being Paid to the
arilla exactly meets this need. Be
schools, and tbat those who
sure to get hood's.
higher education should be
ompelled to pay for it.
The next meeting of the National
will he held in Concord, N. if.,
Perfectly Cured
Messrs. J. Robinson
ppointed and
V F. W. Fisbar fs its represent&-
Wea°lc and Low Spirited -Nervous
The following officers were elected :-
prostration -Appetite moor and
Worthy Master -W. F. W. Fisher,
f Burlington.
Could Not Rest.
Overseer- Robert Ourrie, of Wing-
11Itake great pleasure Inreicommending
Hood's Sarsaparilla to others. It has been
Secretary -Robert Wilkie, Blenheim.
the means of restoring my wife to good
Tr'easitrer-Peter Hepinstall, Ford-
health. She was stricken down with an
attack of nervous prostration. She suf-
Lecturer-George Fisher, of Free-
fered with headaches and her nerves were
under severe strain. She became very
Chaplain -James Murdoch, of Pal•
low spirited and so weak she could only
do a little work without resting. Her
Steward -W. Pranglen, St. Thomas.
appetite was poor, and being Iso weak
Assista nt Stewart -Robert M. (,art,
she could not get the proper rest at night.
She decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, as
(:eyes-- Mrs. Jam Robinson. fit.
we had heard It highly praised, and J am
glad to state that Hood's Sarsaparilla has
Ponoma--Mrs. J. Cumming, Lon(les-
psrfeetly oared all bar ailments." G.
BIDLLAMT, 821 Hannah St., West, Hamil-
Flora-Mre. Sannrel Anatin, Whitby.
ton, Ontario. [Remember
Lady St ward -Mrs. George Leth-icll'S8'
F,xecntive (lotnmittpp--flpnr (']]lin-
Manilin; JAhel Robinson,
To the Best• -in Met the One Trite Blood Purl.
iddlemar ch,
Act, An druggitrts. $1, all for to, flet Abdd's.
Auditors --J. McDougall, Milton; E..
- --'-_'.-_ `
Bart, Nelson, I,
NOOd E10) �l$ t1re.
Ali drugsists. 260.
. , I, * .
.. ..........w .. ...mI.—,. .,.eau n. ,...4...�nu.x_.•ai_,:,R:S.S..w.::v.��. .•, �.'.... _1Z..,�,;.iizvu-..�.. M.vs....i.;..-rY. ,-..yv-..L..,.., .,,.,mow 4..:_..e. .,.•. ..... ... .......
- -
I The buttal• and l'heeso ,Issuciatiun
' of Alouti (':LI h:ts adupWd to resolution
advising farrne+'s that as there Is au
over-pruduc doII of cheese they should
devote Ill 0;A- a.ttetatluu to butter, rot,
which there is a good market ill ('all.
Ada, the t.'tliled Stales and 14;uglrtud,
and "pedally ulgiog Ileal not to
furtbcr,le;.,ress Chu cheese market this
aprfng by ►caking f0ddor or hay
But No Power to Heslt t the nenii„K
Tide -South Atalericaau Kidney Cure
Never fails.
(char fifteen years I was racked by
severe kidney troubles, For weeks at
a time I was unable to go about so 9e%
We wale tine pains ill my side. ,All
remedies failed me, and my case baled
Physicians. i was induced to try
South American Kidney Cure. It
worked like magic, and in a very short
while the pains left me, my strength re-
turned, and f am well.,, Mrs. V.
Wile New stautped l:tivelopes,
Matthews, Greywood, N. S. -Sold by
lvatts & Co.
The Postofllce Departaneat id about
Issuing th,.• first instalment of tiro
Lord Tennyson is at present occupi'A
n w sttiuii,cd envelopes. As in the
in writing addiCiutual notes on his tiath-
Case of l)otit1tge stamps, these euvcto;)es
Ors poems, which will be published
during the next two or three years.
will be sent out to the posttalastors
One of the incidental effects of this
only its the colrr•eaponding dutioruina•
Publication will be to save the copy -
tions of the old envelopes beconfe ex.
ha'AF(i, The three cent ettv(•lopes of
right oil Tenuysoi'a earlier poems,
which would expire at the end of the
the old surivs hact, now, it i; under•-
century -
stood, bew, ,111 issued by the Depart-
__ - - __--__
lueut; the flat envelopes of the ue%V
Lo be issuvcl ore Elude of that denoaii
A like
Are, Being Freed by the Thousands
Under the Benign Influence of South
arrvngeulPnt in connection
With the sale by 1)c,stnlasters of the
American Rheumatic Cure,
envelopes in cluegta)Il will be oracle ;
that is to say, no postmaster will he
tsi was a slave to Rheumatism' in a
peru,tl•ted to sell any of the new stock
Very acute form for over a year. I
of en( lopes, as long as tiny of the old
could act attend to business. The
in the sitrue dlvturnitiattion totnain
pains in my limbs were intense. I tried
unsold it, his hiinds.
South American Rheumatio Cure.
There. tl .tl, as hitherto, be three ctrl-
After using one bottle I was so greatly
nuuiivatiol.a of E'Ciweln;)pH 111 the. furtli_
benefited I continued using it, and to -
Milling serfcs, the lc, 2c and 3c, but, I
there will be only one size, that of tine
after using only three bottles, I am
perfectly w F. G. Cole, Grain
Present, No. 2, or'larger envelope,
Merchant, .Flesherton, Ont. -Sold by
Watts 3r Co.
0u1° "baking ' I
Is pure, carefully mixed and only first-class ingredients
used. ,Makes more biscuits than any other Baking
Powder on the inarket. It's. worth is acknowledged by
the hucdreds who now ,,Be it. It is always fresh and
the price is only 25e per pound. A sample for the
. I—-
1 i
Chemist and Druggist.
Phvsicialt's Supplies. .
.. - -- - --... _.-
The peer among skin healers and complexion clarifiers : - One
application of DR. AGNEIN'S OiNTMENT gives instant re-
lief in cases of distressing, itching, burning, stinging skin diseases ---
eczema, tetter,- salt rheum, scald head, ringworm, itch, ulcers,
blotches, chronic erysipelas, and all skin eruptions, and itching, bleed-
ing, ulcerating and blind piles• -has made marvellous cures in chronic
sores of long standing --others have and will fail -this ointment
never -helps and heals with magical quickness -35 CENTS.
I utsed Dr. Agnew'a Olntraac•at for Piles. I Dr, U Brkman. Bi tgh,a.mpton, N. Y.,
TWO appllca,tlons of bbL wonderful Z:t... I Wdte9: "S, end me 12 dozen more of
n•, - ^ m::ntrly tuned the troabiesome I Dr. A•gn'ew's Olnti en�t. r yrnscnlbe large
things. 1 have pleasure iu• recommendinggl7antities of it, It is it great remedy
I t
It. Adam B.ryden, Delaware Qv2ngy, ar tetter, salt r1wtim, eezenitl and t,11tlhath+tltl.-35 cents a box. I skin dlseas� And also a oure for piles."
(tit Price 35 cents a box,
DR. ACNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART --Not a cure -an, but a heart specific.
Relieves in thirty minutes. Medical profession prescribe it as safest, surest
and quickest of ,heart Immedles, For shortness of breath, palpitation, atitter•-
Ing, Pains about the heart and other organic derangements, it is a never -failing
DR. AGNEW S CATARRHAL POWDRR—Catarrh is an aimost tmnversaI malady.
Some of the symPt'orns of C3 tarrh Am Cold In the head, dizziness, piths in the
forehead, head.•tehe, offensive breath, 1089 of taste and sense of smell. This uni-
versal remedy relieves in tea minutes and cures permanently.
DR. AGNEWS LiVIER PILLS—Cure conetipatlon, sick heada9he, billousneers,
®callow complexion, torpid liver, indfarestion and chronic dyopepera—little
CCOGoo-20 cents.
__ .- ---.____.._- _
iFt.,� ♦i� SPRING .
We, have now passed into
'; i : Stock a magniflcant selec-
tion of
for .sSpring Weill' atnd we
Cliff safely say that no
finer rango call be found
evervwhere. We believe
in selling nothing but re-
liable goods at the lowest
pogyible pricey and tho big
trade which we are doing
is good evidence that this
is appreciated.
Good been bayels.should
�jj�� (p�� inspect.
The Noted Shoe Dealers, Clinton.
..ran +��.►c�u.'W`..a.n,�.�—" .uw.'�t.i-r'!
.'�sxS l";.Y
.;... ,, ..
'�::ak_4 .wyl�t: + ,.. .. ......Lc,-
' whAh.L �. �M